Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju Kosovo Accreditation Agency AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org 1 UNIVERSITY “UKSHIN HOTI” PRIZREN FACULTY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT MSc ACCREDITATION REPORT OF THE EXPERT TEAM April 16, 2021, Vienna (Austria)


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Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org







April 16, 2021, Vienna (Austria)


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org





TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ 2

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Context .................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2. Site visit schedule ................................................................................................................... 4

1.3. A brief overview of the institution and program under evaluation ......................................... 7

2. PROGRAM EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 8

2.1. Mission, objectives and administration ................................................................................... 8

2.2. Quality management ............................................................................................................... 9

2.3. Academic staff ...................................................................................................................... 11

2.4. Educational process content .................................................................................................. 14

2.5. Students ................................................................................................................................. 18

2.6. Research ................................................................................................................................ 20

2.7. Infrastructure and resources .................................................................................................. 23

3. OVERALL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ET ................................... 26

4. APPENDICES (if available) ......................................................................................................... 26


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org




1.1. Context

Date of site visit: March 25, 2021

Expert Team (ET) members:

Hans-Peter Kaul, Univ.Prof. Dr.

Coordinators from Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA):

Shkelzen Gerxhaliu, Senior Officer for Monitoring and Evaluation

Arianit Krasniqi, Senior Officer for Evaluation and Accreditation

Sources of information for the Report:

KAA Accreditation manual (dated July 2018)

The manual for external evaluation of higher education institutions (dated February


Self-evaluation report (SER) for accreditation of Agribusiness Management, MSc

(dated January 2021)

Course syllabi

Staff CVs

Evidences as listed in the SER on p. 123-125, except for the subsequent missing files: o 2.1.1. Feasibility plan of the study program “Agribusiness management”

o 2.1.2. Regulation on determining the criteria for master studies

o 2.1.3. Decision on establishment of the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)

o 2.2.4. Guidelines for the evaluation of academic staff, course evaluation, and the use of evaluation results

o 2.2.8. Report of the Commission for Quality Assurance at the Faculty Level

o 2.3.2. Evaluation report of the applicants on the call for job vacancy

o 2.3.4. Regulation on evaluation procedures for the engagement of foreign associates

o 2.3.5. Memorandum of cooperation with the Agricultural University of Tirana


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



o 2.3.6. Memorandum of Cooperation with the University of Prishtina

o 2.3.8. Guidelines for evaluation of academic staff, course evaluation, and the use of evaluation results

o 2.3.12. Manual of the package of legal acts for the academic and administrative staff

o 2.4.2. Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area

o 2.4.5. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)

o 2.4.7. Regulation on the definition of the master study criteria

o 2.4.9. List of cooperation agreements for practical work/internship

o 2.5.3. Regulation on the definition of the master study criteria

o 2.5.4. Public call for registration at the level of master studies

o 2.5.6. Regulation on personal income of academic staff, allowances for functions, honoraria and

permanent commissions

o 2.6.2. University strategy for scientific research activities 2020-2024

o 2.6.4. Guidelines for the evaluation of academic staff, course evaluation, and the use of evaluation result

o 2.6.5. Evaluation report for scientific publications and conference attendance

o 2.6.6. Administrative instruction MEST 01/2018 on recognition principles and international

o magazines with reviews

o 2.7.1. Administrative Instruction MEST No.17/2014 on application of students’ payment in public


o 2.7.4. Questionnaire for student evaluation of study programs, administration services, faculty, library

and infrastructure

Link to Campus Video (via YouTube)

Criteria used for program evaluation:

Standards & performance indicators for external evaluation according to the KAA

Accreditation Manual (dated July 2018); the judgement on fulfilment of standards is

indicated by letters A – D indicating full, substantial, partial on missing compliance

Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact, Sustainability according OECD

1.2. Site visit schedule

09.00 – 09.40 Meeting with the management of the institution

1. Isuf Lushi, Dean

2. Albana Plakiqi-Milaimi, Vice-dean

3. Nol Krasniqi, translation

09.45 – 10:45 Meeting with the heads of the study program: Agribusiness / BSc

1. Isuf Lushi, head of the study programme


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



2. Sadik Maloku, head of the study programme

3. Shukri Maxhuni, head of the study programme

4. Nol Krasniqi, translation

10:50 – 11:50 Meeting with the heads of the study programme: Agribusiness Management / MSc

1. Ekrem Gjokaj, head of the study programme

2. Kushtrim Braha, head of the study programme

11:50 – 12:30 Lunch break

12:30 – 13:10 Meeting with quality assurance representatives and administrative staff

1. Albana Plakiqi-Milaimi, coordinator of the quality assurance commission

2. Faruk Bojaxhi, member

3. Nol Krasniqi, member

4. Nexhmedin Krasniqi, member

5. Lirije Koqinaj, member

6. Nora Rada, administrative student service staff

13:15 – 13:55 Meeting with the teaching staff

1. Mirvjena Kellezi, full-time teaching staff

2. Nol Krasniqi, full-time teaching staff

3. Liridon Buçaj, full-time teaching staff

4. Anera Alishani, full-time teaching staff

5. Festim Tafolli, full-time teaching staff

6. Kadri Krasniqi, part-time teaching staff

14:00 – 14:40 Meeting with students


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



1. Bleona Buduri, student 1st year

2. Endrita Bytyqi, student 1st year

3. Andi Ademaj, student 2nd year

4. Lirije Koqinaj, student 3rd year

5. Flora Krasniqi, student 3rd year

6. Gresa Llapatinca, student FLES parliament representative

14:45 – 15:25 Meeting with graduates

1. Fatjona Parallangaj, graduate

2. Arta Krasniqi, graduate

3. Erblin Mahmuti, graduate

4. Leotrim Dakaj, graduate

5. Mirsad Bobaj, graduate

6. Erjon Kryeziu, graduate

15:30 – 16:10 Meeting with employers of graduates and external stakeholders

1. Besim Loshaj, representative of the company “Agroproduct”

2. Labinot Shulina, representative of the company “Labiwine”

3. Nebi Duraj, representative of the company “Stone Castle”

4. Hasan Malokaj, representative of the company “Ekofarm”

5. Skender Bajrami, representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, DEASB

6. Agron Limani, representative of the Prizren Municipality

16:10 – 16:20 Internal meeting – Expert Team and KAA

16:20 – 16:30 Closing meeting with the management of the institution


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



1.3. A brief overview of the institution and program under evaluation

The University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren was founded as a state university and first accredited

in 2010. The headquarter is in the city of Prizren. Currently there are about 4,800 active

students. It sees its mission as “an academic and competitive institution oriented towards the

provision of quality education by conducting scientific research and contributing to innovation,

in accordance with the labour market demand and the contribution to community where it

operates locally, nationally and beyond”. Academic fields are IT, agribusiness and

environment, business management and administration, justice, linguistics and education.

Within the University, the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences (FLES) was founded in

2016. Its mission is “to provide quality education and scientific research in the field of

Agribusiness and Forest and Environmental Sciences, as well as to contribute to the local

community, country and beyond.” The initial objective was to satisfy a market demand for

specialists in the field of agribusiness management. Based on that, today’s strength of FLES

lies in the close connection with manufacturing, agro-processing, management and trade,

forestry and environmental protection industries. Thus consultancy services play an important

role for FLES. In 2016 FLES started a full time BSc study program “Agribusiness” as one out

of two initial programs. Currently, 149 mostly young students are enrolled in FLES, among

them 75 students in the BSc program of Agribusiness. The granted maximum number of yearly

new enrolled students is 80.

Now the faculty applies for accreditation of a 2-year/4 semester full time MSc study program

“Agribusiness Management” in Albanian language, which shall become later a double degree

program with Agricultural University of Tirana. The yearly admission shall be limited to a

number of 50 students. Admission shall require a BSc degree or similar university qualification

with an average grade of at least 8. An entry exam is scheduled for students with a lower

average grade. It is expected that most of the students originate from the region, some also

from northern Albania. Obviously the total agribusiness sector in Kosovo is of pivotal

importance for the national economy and grows rapidly. The teaching staff strives for its own

advanced training, quality teaching and professional education, which makes students highly

competitive on the labour market. Besides, scientific research is conducted in different fields

of individual specialization.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org




2.1. Mission, objectives and administration

I would like to state in advance that the evaluation is to some degree hampered due to several

missing annexes, among them the Feasibility Plan (2.1.1). (In the framework of comments on

the draft report a feasibility plan was handed in, but was due Albanian language not accessible

for me.) Furthermore I want to question two strengths that are mentioned in that section 2.1,

i.e. “objectives are realistic as achievable” and “sufficient academic … and financial

resources”. More will be said in other sections.

Standard 1.1. The study program mission is in compliance with the overall mission statement

of the institution.

There is evidence presented that the study program is aligned with the mission and strategic

planning of the university. I was astonished to read that the graduates should be potential

leaders only on the national level (p. 17). An MSc degree should prepare graduates also for

job opportunities beyond the national border. (B)

Standard 1.2. Relevant academic and professional advice is considered when defining the

intended learning outcomes which are consistent with the National Qualifications Framework

and the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area.

For all courses, learning outcomes are defined that fit to a large degree with the defined

objectives. Also the course organization and evaluation methods are clearly defined. The

requirements of national and European qualification frameworks are considered. I got a bit

puzzled by finding two lists of learning outcomes (p. 19: 12 items and p. 37: 11 items), which

are somehow related but definitely not the same. (B)

Standard 1.3. The study program has a well-defined overarching didactic and research concept.

The program was developed based on best-practice examples from established universities,

which is a solid basis for a well planned and combined course framework. From the interviews

with teaching staff and students, however, it became obvious that teaching is still much focused

on the individual own course, while team teaching and interdisciplinary course design is an

issue for some younger staff members, but so far not a widespread approach. (B)


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



Standard 1.4. There are formal policies, guidelines and regulations dealing with recurring

procedural or academic issues. These are made publicly available to all staff and students.

The policies and regulations of the university and of FLES with regard to teaching, research

and administration issues are transparently communicated. (A)

Standard 1.5. All staff and students comply with the internal regulations relating to ethical

conduct in research, teaching, assessment in all academic and administrative activities.

Although it is impossible to judge on the complete compliance of all staff and students with

proper ethical behavior in all teaching, learning and research situations, there was no evidence

of any misconduct. (A)

Standard 1.6. All policies, regulations, terms of reference and statements of responsibility

relating to the management and delivery of the program are reviewed at least once every two

years and amended as required in the light of changing circumstances.

There are obviously regular reviewing and revising procedures in place for policies and

regulations that are relevant for the proper management and delivery of the program. (A)

Compliance level: Substantially compliant

ET recommendations:

1. The faculty should define the learning outcomes once and use them consistently.

2. The management should encourage teachers to have the common objectives and

learning outcomes of the whole program more in view, and to use increasingly team

teaching and interdisciplinary teaching approaches.

2.2. Quality management

I would like to state in advance, that the quality management efforts and the staff responsible

for execution gave me an impression of high commitment and engagement. At some instances

I felt that the quality management procedures might even be too many or performed more often

than necessary.

Standard 2.1. All staff participate in self-evaluations and cooperate with reporting and

improvement processes in their sphere of activity.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



There was no evidence found for missing cooperation of staff with evaluation and reporting

processes. (A)

Standard 2.2. Evaluation processes and planning for improvement are integrated into normal

planning processes.

Evaluation processes and reports are regularly scheduled, executed and used as basis for

further improvement. (A)

Standard 2.3. Quality assurance processes deal with all aspects of program planning and

delivery, including services and resources provided by other parts of the institution.

Quality evaluation and assurance are focused on (i) individual courses and (ii) individual staff.

The overarching evaluation of the program with special regard to the interactions between

individual courses (e.g. learning outcomes of one course as precondition for a later course) or

teachers could be strengthened. (B)

Standard 2.4. Quality evaluations provide an overview of quality issues for the overall program

as well as of different components within it; the evaluations consider inputs, processes and

outputs, with particular attention given to learning outcomes for students.

As mentioned above (2.3) the evaluation scope could be widened from individual

teachers/courses to an overall view on the program. (B)

Standard 2.5. Quality assurance processes ensure both that required standards are met and that

there is continuing improvement in performance.

The quality management checks on several levels (teacher, course, peers, graduates etc.) the

level of compliance with defined standards. This information is made available to the

management bodies of university and faculty for continuing improvement as well as to the

public. E.g. a recent evaluation by students resulted in two distinct subjects for improvement,

i.e. training of academic staff and more attention in courses on research methodology. (A)

Standard 2.6. Survey data is being collected from students, graduates and employers; the

results of these evaluations are made publicly available.

Cf. standard 2.5 (A)


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



Standard 2.7. Results of the internal quality assurance system are taken into account for further

development of the study program. This includes evaluation results, investigation of the student

workload, academic success and employment of graduates.

Cf. standard 2.5: results of quality evaluations are available and used for improvement as well

as for the drafting of the proposed new MSc program. The theoretical student workload (25 h

per ECTS) is defined. The representatives of alumni in the interview emphasized their strong

interest in the proposed MSc study on Agribusiness Management. (A)

Standard 2.8. The institution ensures that reports on the overall quality of the program are

prepared periodically (e.g. every three years) for consideration within the institution indicating

its strengths and weaknesses.

Quality reports are prepared on a regular basis and analyzed for further improvement of

processes. Frequencies, however, are not always clear. (B)

Standard 2.9. The quality assurance arrangements for the program are themselves regularly

evaluated and improved.

The quality management procedures are updated if any adaptations seem necessary. (A)

Compliance level: Substantially to fully compliant

ET recommendations:

1. I suggest to think about the necessity and/or frequency of the individual quality

assurance processes. E.g. staff evaluation could be done only every second year with

50% of staff each year in alternate, or course evaluation could be sent initially only to

the pertained teacher, and only in case of results below standard the Dean/quality

management might be informed.

2. The quality management team might develop procedures to evaluate existing and future

programs with regard to the interactions of individual courses and teachers in order to

attain the learning outcomes on program level.

2.3. Academic staff

Standard 3.1. Candidates for employment are provided with full position descriptions and

conditions of employment. To be presented in tabular form data about full time (FT) and part

time (PT) academic/ artistic staff, such as: name, qualification, academic title, duration of


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



official (valid) contract, workload for teaching, exams, consulting, administrative activities,

research, etc. for the study program under evaluation.

Job vacancies are obviously announced and offered in a proper way. The required table is

presented, but relevant details (workload for teaching in total, consulting, administrative

activities, research) are not included. There is no full professor appointed at the faculty, but

four Prof.Dr. shall be engaged part-time from Agricultural University of Tirana. There are six

staff members who are already teaching in the BSc program Agribusiness, and it is not clear

how they can add the additional obligations (lecturing, exams, consultation…) to their present

work load. The program seems to rely much on the “imported” capacities of foreign associates,

while such a program should be mainly grounded in own abilities. (C)

Standard 3.2. The teaching staff must comply with the legal requirements concerning the

occupation of teaching positions included in the Administrative instruction on Accreditation.

There was no evidence found that teaching staff does not fulfil the legal requirements for their

positions. (A)

Standard 3.3. Academic staff do not cover, within an academic year, more than two teaching

positions (one full-time, one part-time), regardless of the educational institution where they

carry out their activity.

The SER shows the complete full-time and part-time academic staff, but it does not provide

evidence of possible occupation of teachers at any other institutions. (C)

Standard 3.4. At least 50% of the academic staff in the study program are full time employees,

and account for at least 50% of the classes of the study program.

These quota are obviously fulfilled. (A)

Standard 3.5. For each student group (defined by the statute of the institution) and for every

60 ECTS credits in the study program, the institution has employed at least one full time staff

with PhD title or equivalent title in the case of artistic/applied science institutions.

This requirement is obviously fulfilled. (A)

Standard 3.6. Opportunities are provided for additional professional development of teaching

staff, with special assistance given to any who are facing difficulties.

In the interviews there were possibilities for training and further professional development

mentioned, but the funds for that are limited (mentioned as weakness and threat in the SER).(C)


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



Standard 3.7. The responsibilities of all teaching staff, especially full-time, include the

engagement in the academic community, availability for consultations with students and

community service.

There was no evidence that these responsibilities are disregarded by staff. For the significant

inputs in teaching activities by foreign associates, however, their availability for students and

engagement in local community services will be limited due to their main occupation at their

home university. (C)

Standard 3.8. Academic staff evaluation is conducted regularly at least through self-evaluation,

students, peer and superiors’ evaluations, and occur on a formal basis at least once each year.

The results of the evaluation are made publicly available.

These evaluations take place regularly once per year. I question whether it is necessary to do

the complete evaluation each year and suggest (already above) to think of a reduction e.g. to

every second year. (A)

Standard 3.9. Strategies for quality enhancement include improving the teaching strategies and

quality of learning materials.

The quality management is working also on a strategic level on improvement of teaching

methods, however the resources are limited. The supply with up-to-date textbooks and

contemporary literature or outdated video projectors are explicitly mentioned as a weaknesses.


Standard 3.10. Teachers retired at age limit or for other reasons lose the status of full-time

teachers and are considered part-time teachers.

There was no evidence for a violation of that rule. (A)

Compliance level: Partially compliant

ET recommendations:

1. The program needs to be grounded in own capacities, which is not evident despite the

formal fulfilment of the numerical thresholds for accreditation. As soon as a double-

degree program with universities in Tirana, Foggia and/or Sofia is more than an issue

of “preliminary discussions”, an application for accreditation is encouraged.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



2. With view to international practice it seems necessary to appoint a few full professors

for pivotal subjects and affiliate young staff members to them as assistants, thus

creating “chairs”.

3. The teachers work so far much on an individual basis, although the interview with

teaching staff revealed that a younger generation of teachers is coming up, who are

open for team teaching and interdisciplinary teaching approaches. I strongly

encourage the academic staff to think about their attitude towards the teaching process

as a team effort instead of the prevalent approach to take care only of the contents of

the own course.

4. In future hiring of new academic staff and promoting teachers, the share of females

should be increased.

2.4. Educational process content

I want to declare in advance that my own specialization is not in the area of agricultural

economics and social sciences. Thus I can evaluate the individual course contents only

superficially. But knowing that the whole study program was designed based on examples of

recognized universities makes me confident that the overall composition of the program is


Standard 4.1. The study program is modelled on qualification objectives. These include

subject-related and interdisciplinary aspects as well as the acquisition of disciplinary,

methodological and generic skills and competencies. The aspects refer especially to academic

or artistic competencies, to the capability of taking up adequate employment, contributing to

the civil society and of developing the students’ personality.

The program defines distinct qualification objectives and learning outcomes, although the

learning outcomes are stated twice in different formulations. These include also

interdisciplinary, methodological and personal/soft skill aspects. (A-B)

Standard 4.2. The study program complies with the National Qualifications Framework and

the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. The individual

components of the program are combined in a way to best achieve the specified qualification

objectives and provide for adequate forms of teaching and learning.

The program was developed based on best-practice examples from established universities,

which is a solid basis for a well planned and combined course framework. However, I want to


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



state that the adaptation of a recognized curriculum does not implicitly guarantee the same

content quality. (A-B)

Standard 4.3. The disciplines within the curriculum are provided in a logical flow and meet the

definition and precise determination of the general and specific competencies, as well as the

compatibility with the study programs and curricula delivered in the EHEA. To be listed at

least 7 learning outcomes for the study program under evaluation.

Cf. standard 4.2. For the program in total 11 learning outcomes are defined on p. 37. Yet, on

p. 19 other 12 items are listed, which follow also the scheme of learning outcomes and are not

closely related to those on p. 37. (B)

Standard 4.4. The disciplines within the curriculum have analytical syllabuses which comprise

at least the following: the discipline’s objectives, the basic thematic content, learning outcomes,

the distribution of classes, seminars and applicative activities, students’ assessment system, the

minimal bibliography, etc. The full course description/ syllabuses of each subject/ module

should be attached only in electronic form to the self-assessment report for the study program

under evaluation.

For all courses syllabi are presented, which include the above mentioned items and are in

general well elaborated. (A)

Standard 4.5. If the language of instruction is other than Albanian, actions are taken to ensure

that language skills of both students and academic staff are adequate for instruction in that

language when students begin their studies. This may be done through language training prior

to the commencement of the program.

Any language training in advance was not mentioned, but English is obviously not a familiar

language for many students in the region (which is declared as a weakness) as well as for

several of the teachers. There are three courses scheduled that shall be taught in English, i.e.

18 ECTS, which seems to me at the lower limit. I like to add that translation of English

textbooks to Albanian is a quite inefficient approach. (B)

Standard 4.6. The student-teacher relationship is a partnership in which each assumes the

responsibility of reaching the learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are explained and

discussed with students from the perspective of their relevance to the students’ development.

There was no evidence from interviews with either students or staff that would discount the

assumption of that partnership relation. However, students talked about many very much


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



engaged teachers but some few with less devotion to their teaching obligations – as could be

assumed everywhere. (A-B)

Standard 4.7. Teaching strategies are fit for the different types of learning outcomes programs

are intended to develop. Strategies of teaching and assessment set out in program and course

specifications are followed with flexibility to meet the needs of different groups of students.

The learning outcomes are all addressed by different courses of the program. There is a

suitable mix of lectures and exercises. The superficial impression from a virtual site visit,

however, does not allow for a judgement on how flexible this is implemented in daily teaching.


Standard 4.8. Student assessment mechanisms are conducted fairly and objectively, are

appropriate for the different forms of learning sought and are clearly communicated to students

at the beginning of courses.

The students are initially informed about assessment procedures. The typical mix of written

and oral examinations, home assignments and seminar work seems quite appropriate. There

were no complains raised about unfair treatment of students. (A)

Standard 4.9. Appropriate, valid and reliable mechanisms are used for verifying standards of

student achievement. The standard of work required for different grades is consistent over time,

comparable in courses offered within a program, and in comparison with other study programs

at highly regarded institutions.

What can be assessed from the interviews and SER, there are proper methods scheduled to

evaluate students’ performance, which are in line with other well established universities.

Again, it is rather impossible from a virtual site visit to judge how this is implemented in

comparison among courses or teachers. No procedures are described to evaluate students’

workload. (B)

Standard 4.10. Policies and procedures include actions to be taken in to dealing with situations

where standards of student achievement are inadequate or inconsistently assessed.

There are procedures in place how students can appeal against unfair assessment treatments

and results. (A)

Standard 4.11. If the study program includes practice stages, the intended student learning

outcomes are clearly specified and effective processes are followed to ensure that those


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



learning outcomes and the strategies to develop that learning are understood by students. The

practice stages are allocated ETCS credits and the work of the students at the practical training

organisations is monitored through activity reports; students during practice stages have

assigned tutors among the academic staff in the study program.

There is an internship scheduled in the 4th semester and 5 ECTS are assigned. I found no further

information or an explicit syllabus, but one teacher is designated as course lecturer, who will

presumably act as a supervisor. (B)

Standard 4.12. In order to facilitate the practice stages, the higher education institution signs

cooperation agreements, contracts or other documents with institutions/organisations/practical

training units.

There was an organisation established, the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), that works as

liaison with the industry and supports the university in finding places for internships.

Additionally agreements with companies/institutions have been signed, but annex 2.4.9 is

missing. (A)

Compliance level: Substantially compliant

ET recommendations:

1. The teaching staff should be encouraged to introduce team teaching and

interdisciplinary teaching approaches.

2. The offer of courses in English should be increased, which needs a sufficient knowledge

of English by both students and teachers.

3. For students it might be good to have a minimum requirement of English proficiency

proven by common tests like TOEFL, IELTS or an internal test (as sometimes the tests

are costly).

4. The number of elective courses (3 out of 6 can be chosen) is small and does not allow

much for an individual profiling of students’ education. I recommend to make the

program more variable for students.

5. A certain number of ECTS (I think of about 6-8) should be included into the curriculum

as “free electives” that can be obtained from any university or study program

nationally or abroad. Thus students would be encouraged to widen their scope. This

would also require a larger offer of electives in order to supply students who want to

stay within their program at home.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



2.5. Students

Standard 5.1. There is a clear and formally adopted admission procedure at institutional level

that the study program respects when organising students’ recruitment. Admission

requirements are consistently and fairly applied for all students.

The possible enrolment to the program shall be announced by a public call for applications.

Admission requires a BSc degree or similar university qualification with an average grade of

at least 8. An entry exam is scheduled for students with a lower average grade. Thus it is

transparently and fairly decided on admission. (A)

Standard 5.2. All students enrolled in the study program possess a high school graduation

diploma or other equivalent document of study, according to MEST requirements.

There was no evidence for a violation of that rule. (A)

Standard 5.3. The study groups are dimensioned so as to ensure an effective and interactive

teaching and learning process.

The number of students at 50 per year allows for an acceptable group size in lectures and a

division to suitably smaller groups for exercises or seminars. There are rules set for the

maximum number of students in different forms of instruction. (A)

Standard 5.4. Feedback to students on their performance and results of assessments is given

promptly and accompanied by mechanisms for assistance if needed.

There is a very strict rule that examination results have to be announced to the students after

max. 3 days. In case of students’ complains about the result, they may contact the teacher

during consultation hours or even appeal against the decision. (A)

Standard 5.5. The results obtained by the students throughout the study cycles are certified by

the academic record.

The faculty/university holds a database documenting students’ academic record. (A)

Standard 5.6. Flexible treatment of students in special situations is ensured with respect to

deadlines and formal requirements in the program and to all examinations.

The superficial impression from a virtual site visit does not allow for a judgement on how

flexible students with special needs are treated in daily operation. I did not find explicit rules

how to implement such a flexibility. (A-B)


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



Standard 5.7. Records of student completion rates are kept for all courses and for the program

as a whole and included among quality indicators.

Student completion rates – including drop outs - are transparently documented in the quality

report. (A)

Standard 5.8. Effective procedures are being used to ensure that work submitted by students is


Written work of students, especially thesis work, is obviously checked against plagiarism by a

software. (A)

Standard 5.9. Students’ rights and obligations are made publicly available, promoted to all

those concerned and enforced equitably; these will include the right to academic appeals.

As all regulations, also those pertaining students’ rights and obligations are publicly available.

There are procedures in place how students can appeal against unfair treatments. (A)

Standard 5.10. The students’ transfer between higher education institutions, faculties and study

programs is clearly regulated in formal internal documents.

I found no information about the conditions and rules that apply for students who change

between universities or study programs. During the interviews that situation was no issue. (B)

Standard 5.11. Academic staff is available at sufficient scheduled times for consultation and

advice to students. Adequate tutorial assistance is provided to ensure understanding and ability

to apply learning.

The SER emphasizes the availability of academic staff to students for consultation and

individual support whenever necessary. (A)

Compliance level: Fully compliant

ET recommendations:

1. The strict class attendance requirement sound more like a school than a university. For

course parts that are costly, e.g. laboratory exercises or excursions, the compulsory

attendance is reasonable. But for lectures I would not strictly request attendance,

because other ways of learning should also be possible.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



2. I appreciate the increasing number of female students at the faculty during the last

years and encourage the faculty to accept about equal percentages of male/female


2.6. Research

Standard 6.1. The study program has defined scientific/applied research objectives (on its own

or as part of a research centre or interdisciplinary program), which are also reflected in the

research development plan of the institution; sufficient financial, logistic and human resources

are allocated for achieving the proposed research objectives.

The study program itself has no research objectives defined – but I would also not expect that

from a study program. The “Strategic Plan” of FLES is an impressive document with ambitious

aims. However, the therein (p. 6) documented research plan is a collection of individual

research subjects of (presumably) individual staff members. And I miss a focus on a few

strategic highlights. The resource situation also forces to pool resources for only few

integrating research fields, which would also help to bring the staff closer together in

cooperative, interdisciplinary projects. (C)

Standard 6.2. Expectations for teaching staff involvement in research and scholarly activities

are clearly specified, and performance in relation to these expectations is considered in staff

evaluation and promotion criteria.

There are standards set and checked for teaching staff at yearly evaluations

(SCI/SSCI/SCOPUS papers, conference attendance) as well as for promotion along the tenure

track. (A)

Standard 6.3. Clear policies are established for defining what is recognized as research,

consistent with international standards and established norms in the field of study of the


Especially for publications, which are the main output of research, the rules for acceptance

are clearly defined (SCI/SSCI or SCOPUS listed journals). However, the submitted list of

publications does not reflect awareness of these standards. (C)

Standard 6.4. The academic staff has a proven track record of research results on the same

topics as their teaching activity.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



The papers listed in the SER prove that the research subjects of the publications are widely in

line with the contents of the study program. The number of papers does not completely confirm

the minimum requirement of one paper per staff member per year, but would be on an

acceptable level. However, (i) the publication output is strongly influenced by the foreign

associates and (ii) some few staff members appear quite often (e.g. D. Imami, E. Gjokaj), while

others do not show up at all. Also the list of papers in the SER does not show whether papers

are included in SCI/SSCI/SCOPUS. From a rough screening I assume that not more than 70%

of them comply with that quality standard. (C)

Standard 6.5. The academic and research staff publish their work in speciality magazines or

publishing houses, scientific/applied/artistic products are presented at conferences, sessions,

symposiums, seminars etc. and contracts, expertise, consultancy, conventions, etc. are provided

to partners inside the country and/or abroad.

Cf. standard 6.4. There are activities of publication and conference presentation nationally

and abroad, but the activities among the FLES full time staff should be increased. (C)

Standard 6.6. Research is validated through: scientific and applied research publications,

artistic products, technological transfer through consultancy centres, scientific parks and other

structures for validation.

Cf. standard 6.4. (C)

Standard 6.7. Each academic staff member and researcher has produced at least an average of

one scientific/applied research publication or artistic outcome/product per year for the past

three years.

This standard is definitely not met and the number of scientific publications is not a strength

of the academic staff (as indicated on p. 115). (C-D)

Standard 6.8. Academic and research staff publish under the name of the institution in Kosovo

they are affiliated to as full time staff.

There is no evidence that full-time staff publishes without mentioning the affiliation to the

university. (A)

Standard 6.8. Academic staff are encouraged to include in their teaching information about

their research and scholarly activities that are relevant to courses they teach, together with other

significant research developments in the field.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



During the interviews with staff there was some evidence of such research driven academic

teaching, including also their own study results and publications. However, the basis in terms

of publications and projects is small. (B)

Standard 6.9. Policies are established for ownership of intellectual property and clear

procedures set out for commercialization of ideas developed by staff and students.

In the SER and during the interviews intellectual ownership and patent filing or

commercialization were not mentioned. They seem not to be an issue in the present research

situation of the faculty. (B)

Standard 6.10. Students are engaged in research projects and other activities.

Students are involved in mainly applied research in cooperation with industry partners. I found

no evidence of students participating in more fundamental research projects, which would be

a necessary condition for MSc studies. The list of projects (p. 95) – which lacks any information

about timescale, funding budget, sometimes funding agency – shows only one (H2020) typical

research project, while the others are devoted to organizational matters of universities. (C)

Compliance level: Partially compliant

ET recommendations:

1. The faculty should define only few integrating research fields and encourage academic

staff to initiate cooperative, interdisciplinary projects in these fields.

2. Research needs a structural foundation in competitively gained research projects.

3. I urgently recommend to focus on papers published according to the own quality

standards, i.e. in SCI/SSCI/SCOPUS journals. A simple supporting act is to list these

papers always separated from other publications with lower standards, which makes

them easily visible.

4. Although I understand the importance of close contact and good connections with the

local/national industry, I recommend not to overstress advisory services for these

companies as research outputs at the cost of scientific papers.

5. The payments of incentives for scientific publications, which are now paid “ad

personam” to the author, might be substituted/amended by payments for research

purposes (e.g. equipment, student workers) given to academic units (I mentioned

“chairs” or working groups already above).


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



2.7. Infrastructure and resources

Standard 7.1. The adequate long-term implementation of the study program is ensured in

quantitative terms as regards premises, human resources and equipment. At the same time, it

is guaranteed that qualitative aspects are also taken into account.

The necessary rooms, staff and equipment for a successful implementation of the study program

seem to be available also on the long run, but they have to be shared with the ongoing BSc

program. It is not clear to me, how six of the teachers can add the additional obligations

(lecturing, exams, consultation…) to their present work load in the BSc program. As far as

possible despite budget restrictions, qualitative improvements are intended. (B)

Standard 7.2. There is a financial plan at the level of the study program that would demonstrate

the sustainability of the study program for the next minimum three years.

The feasibility plan is missing, but a financial plan is included in the SER. This plan shows that

the program can be self-supporting, but it is based on the extremely optimistic assumption that

always 50 students per year are enrolled and also graduated. With view to the actual student

number in the BSc program, that seems not realistic. And insufficient funds and budget

limitations are indicated as weakness and threat. This raises some concern about the

sustainability of the program, although I would like to state that education at a state university

can hardly be a profitable business but will inevitably need substantial financing by the state.


Standard 7.3. The higher education institution must demonstrate with adequate documents

(property deeds, lease contracts, inventories, invoices etc.) that, for the study program

submitted for evaluation it possesses the following, for the next at least three years:

a) owned or rented spaces adequate for the educational process;

b) owned or rented laboratories, with the adequate equipment for all the compulsory

disciplines within the curriculum, wherever the analytical syllabus includes such activities;

c) adequate software for the disciplines of study included in the curriculum, with

utilisation licence;

d) library equipped with reading rooms, group work rooms and its own book stock

according to the disciplines included in the curricula.

All indicated room, laboratory, software and library equipment is mentioned as available in

the SER. However, legally binding documents were not submitted. The library obviously suffers


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



from restricted budget funds, thus being not always able to keep the literature stock completely

up to date. (B)

Standard 7.4. The number of seats in the lecture rooms, seminar rooms and laboratories must

be related to the study groups’ size (series, groups, subgroups); the applicative activities for the

specialty disciplines included in the curricula are carried out in laboratories equipped with IT


The available space/seat numbers in lecture rooms and labs is obviously suitable for the

student group size. An IT computer lab is also available. (A)

Standard 7.5. The education institution’s libraries must ensure, for each of the study programs:

a) a number of seats in the reading rooms corresponding to at least 10% of the total

number of students in the study program;

b) a number of seats in the group work rooms corresponding to at least 10% of the total

number of students in the study program;

c) their own book stock from Albanian and foreign speciality literature, enough to cover

the disciplines within the curricula, out of which at least 50% should represent book titles or

speciality courses of recognised publishers, from the last 10 years;

d) a book stock within its own library with a sufficient number of books so as to cover

the needs of all students in the cycle and year of study the respective discipline is provided for;

e) a sufficient number of subscriptions to Albanian and foreign publications and

periodicals, according to the stated mission.

The library has 100 m². Assuming that much of the space is occupied with literature, the space

for reading for 10% of students (today 8, but up to finally 24 BSc plus 10 MSc) seems limited.

(Additionally I assume that the same resources are also provided for the students of the second

study branch at the faculty.) A dedicated group work room is not mentioned in the SER.

About the limited supply with recent literature, cf. standard 7.3. On the other hand I would see

that as a minor drawback, as today libraries in the traditional sense are losing importance

because most and recent information is more and more obtained from the internet. (B-C)

Standard 7.6. The infrastructure and facilities dedicated to the implementation of the program

is adapted to students with special needs.

Obviously there are proper facilities supporting the access for disabled persons, like elevators

or toilets. (A)


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org



Compliance level: Substantially compliant

ET recommendations:

1. Instead of striving too much for having a lot of new books in the library, I suggest to

invest the money in computers and internet availability. Also journal subscriptions

should be made preferably for online versions.

2. The faculty management should seriously check the own financial and facility situation

and secure the long term financial survival of such a new study program additional to

the ongoing BSc studies, which must also be supported by the university management

and in the end by the state.


Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Agjencia e Kosovës për Akreditim

Agencija Kosova za Akreditaciju

Kosovo Accreditation Agency

AKA | Qendra e Studentëve, kati 2-të, 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Tel. +381 38 213722 | Fax +381 38 213087 | www.akreditimi-ks.org




I unfortunately found that the conditions of the study program are not satisfying. Research is

the weakest point, as for a MSc study program a certain level of research activities is necessary

that allows the students to come in touch with up-to-date research projects and methodologies

on an international level. In addition I urgently recommend to stabilize the situation of the

ongoing BSc program Agribusiness and fill that program with the envisaged number of

students, also in order to have a sufficient number of own graduates, among whom the best

performing students may then continue with such a MSc program. I encourage the faculty to

resubmit the accreditation request after suitable adaptations in a few years.

In conclusion, the Expert Team considers that the study program AGRIBUSINESS



COMPLIANT with the standards included in the KAA Accreditation manual and, therefore,

recommends NOT TO ACCREDIT the study program.

4. APPENDICES (if available)


Expert Team


HANS-PETER KAUL April 16, 2021

(Signature) (Print Name) (Date)