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  • Self-Help for Your Indigo Child By Mary L English DSH


    Chapter One. Practical Steps to Make Living with an Indigo Easier. Chapter Two. Finding Your Higher Purpose Chapter Three. The Birth Charts of Indigo Children Chapter Four. Indigo Adults

    Chapter One Practical Steps to Make Living with an Indigo Easier

    Jo is 10. His mother has just had to take him to see a child psychologist as his behaviour at school was just about to get him excluded. Jenny is 16 and has already been excluded. She is rude to teachers, wont obey any orders and doesnt seem to care that she has no qualifications. She spends her days at home, on the computer talking to friends on MSM. Her life has become small and meaningless. Sky is 4 and wont go to sleep at night. She hears voices, sees things, has regular bad dreams and even though she is well-behaved at the child minders and at school, she is a nightmare to her parents when she comes home. She wont eat anything other than biscuits, and has weeks of eating only one type of food. If her mother tries to give her something healthy, she gets upset and has tantrums. T he names have been changed, but all these children have been brought to see me in my clinic. They are unhappy, their parents are unhappy and they all have one thing in common, they are all Indigo Children. So, what to do? Some experts recommend Ritalin and others rely on punishments and/or threats. In my experience, these options dont work and only family counselling and/or careful professional help can make a difference. When I am asked to help with a childs behaviour, I first look at the situation that preceded the behaviour. A high percentage of these children come from broken homes. Dads left and Mum is bringing-up the kids single-handed. This increases

  • the stresses these children have to cope with making the chaos worse. My first prescription is centred on reducing the chaos and supporting the carer. I use Ignatia the Homeopathic remedy for grief and upsetment for Mum, because by the time I meet her, shes burned-out and fretting. But these are cases I see in my clinic, what about how to help your Indigo Child and what to do if they dont behave in YOUR home? First of all, I would like to make one thing perfectly clear. Children are children. And they dont stay children forever. Helping them in their process as young beings making the transition to adults takes quite a bit of thought and planning. I suspect we spend more time planning our annual holidays than we give thought to how we are bringing-up our children. So here is an easy way to make things smoother in the house-hold because Indigos want to be in control and bringing the power back where it belongs: with the parent is the solution. Answer these questions to see if your problem can be dealt with on your own, or if you need professional help. Answer yes or no 1. Does your child do what you ask them to? 2. Does your child sleep at night? 3. Does your child have nightmares or bad dreams more than once a week? 4. Does your child have food fads, cravings or allergies? 5. Does your child cry a lot, weep uncontrollably, or have tantrums? 6. Does your child hear voices, see things or become afraid for no reason? 7. Does your child have toileting issues i.e. wetting the bed, holding-in poo, weeing behind the furniture etc? 8. Does your child worry that you are going to die, leave home, or abandon them? If you have answered Yes to more than 2 of these questions, it would be best for you to seek professional help as these are issues that cant be dealt with on your own, or at home. A list of resources is at the end of this article. Having worked with Indigo Children, their parents and their families for over 16 years , I have noticed a thread that runs through these cases. A lot of the parents are like Indigos themselves, they dont like taking orders, they are impatient in traffic jams and shopping check-out queues, their attention span is limited to reading magazine articles (they rarely read books giving lack of time the excuse!), they shout at their children when they dont obey orders immediately, they share too much information with them too, like how they felt when Daddy left, (Children arent equipped to cope with this sort of emotional involvement.) Whenever you feel that there is an imbalance between you and your child just STOP. Sit down, make a drink (non-alcoholic) and write a list of things that are worrying you. Here are the most common traits of Indigos and a few suggestions to help and guide you.

  • They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).

    So what do you do if youve got royalty in the house? Do you lay down the red carpet and concede to every request? That wouldnt really be an ideal solution. However, everyone likes to be treated as a nice person and we like to be forgiven for our mistakes. We also like to be HEARD, so listen to what your Indigo has to say and respond in a firm but balanced manner to their requests. We have a saying in our house-hold that works very well. Kids are allowed to ask, and Mums are allowed to say No.

    They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

    Indigos Do deserve to be here. Why not? Just because we were brought up to not speak until we were spoken to, isnt a friendly way to behave. Allow your Indigo some time and space that is theirs. Maybe a shelf that has only their things on, maybe a special book with nice photos of the family, maybe an instrument that only they play. Something that they like, that they can identify with that makes them feel special.

    Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."

    Just take this one with a pinch of salt. I think its rather nice that children nowadays know who they are. I like to see self-confidence and I dont think it should be squashed out of young people. We dont have to bow down to Indigos BUT they do have more to say, more to report and they want to be included, not excluded, so welcome them into your space by accepting their differences.

    They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

    This is the one I get the most emails about. Do YOU like being TOLD what to do? Dont you prefer to be ASKED? Would you please lay the table, wipe your feet, brush your teeth, works much better than Brush your teeth! I often want to ask parents; would YOU like to be spoken to like youve just spoken to your child? By all means tell your child that they are not allowed to run around the house in muddy boots, but explain why: Darren. Ive just finished cleaning the house, and having to clean it again when it was clean earlier makes me feel, tired/frustrated/irritated. Tell the child about your feelings. You dont have to go into great detail. Just tell them how their actions make you feel. No child WANTS to upset a parent, so lay down rules and regulations and have limits but explain the whys.

    They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.

  • This I see as something that parents should be aware of in their own lives. If were driving the car and shouting at other drivers to get out of our way, because were late, because we didnt leave early enough, what sort of message are we sending our children about patience and taking time? Taking a deep, deep breath always helps in situations like these and focusing on other things that are going on. Maybe asking the child What is it about queuing that you dont like? Youll be surprised at the answers. Then you could ask What can we do to make you feel better about this? Again, be prepared for your child to already have an answer, so act on it.

    They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

    For insight into this, we need to look at how we are schooling our children. The Montessori and Steiner view of education and learning is far more creative and helps produce a child that is more rounded and centred. Have you ever worked in a factory, or done something boring and repetitive? How did it make you feel? Why cant a child say that they dont like standing in line, or walking in a crocodile, or having to take turns? As long as we listen attentively to what they say because they truly dont expect us to have all the answers, will help immensely. Theyll still have to stay in the queue, but theyve had the chance to express how they feel about it, and then solutions can he sought.

    They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).

    This is what the Steiner system recommends. That we look at the whole picture, not the parts. If an Indigo sees a better way of doing something, at home, give it a try. Does it really matter that you like to have things done in a certain way? Indigos are quite wise at seeing through certain rituals and suggesting a better alternative.

    They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward; feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

    Make sure your Indigo child has a good social life. They are friendly and gregarious and like to be doing things with other people. They can join classes, or local groups, or just hang around with friends. Trust your child to make the right choices and decisions. If they can meet like-minded individuals out-side of school, then school becomes less of an issue. If they join a group, and have a sense of belonging then this helps improve their ability to socialise. Joining classes does take time and energy but you can organise that their friends come to your house every now and then, and do things together.

    They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home ").

  • Its best to deal with problems as and when they come up. Instead of using guilt, try and express your true feelings about a situation, ask them about theirs and come to a compromise. Does it really matter that the car got scratched, or paint ended-up on the table? Look at the whole picture. If your child was taken away from you tomorrow, would you bother about those sorts of things today?

    They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

    Please listen carefully here. If your child is unhappy or scared, they will appreciate a validation of those feelings. Our parents came from backgrounds that encouraged the stiff upper lip, but all that does is cause cancer and heart attacks. Why not use the road of accepting that something needs changing, negotiating with and work as a team to resolve it? Im talking here of feelings, not about toys or spending money on making things better.

    Homeopath and Astrologer www.maryenglish.co.uk Cry-sis website and help-line For parents of Babies who cry excessively http://www.cry-sis.org.uk/ Hyperactive Childrens Support Group http://www.hacsg.org.uk/ National Council for One Parent Families http://www.oneparentfamilies.org.uk/ Relate Family Help http://www.relate.org.uk/familylife/parenting/ Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship http://www.steinerwaldorf.org.uk/ Website of the Indigo Children Book http://www.indigochild.com/ Indigo Society. New on-line discussion forum for Indigos set-up by 17 year old Daniel Fischer http://indigosociety.com The Woodcraft Folk. Founded in 1925, an educational resource and youth organisation.Groups all over the UK. http://www.woodcraft.org.uk

  • Chapter Two.

    Finding Your Higher Purpose. Something I get asked a lot is How Do I Find My Lifes Purpose and its a tricky question to answer quickly or without offending people. I used to ask myself this a lot when I was younger: Why and I here? Whats it all about?. Where is the meaning in my life? Its very easy to get lulled into the idea that meditation, diet or prayer will suddenly produce the answer to the question. But what if the question has been worded wrongly? What if it should be: How Do I Live a Life With Meaning? So how do we bring meaning into our lives? People. There is no other way of living a meaningful life if there are no people in your life. Imagine your whole life spent with machines. With computers. A computer makes your breakfast, runs your bath, boils the kettle for tea, switches on the telly.Imagine no-one asked you how you are, or listened to your reply, or blessed you when you sneezed, or hugged you when you felt sad. Imagine there where no people left around you. Its not a nice feeling is it? In my personal opinion, there is no way to add meaning to your life. You have to discover the meaning that is already there. Everyone has parents of some sort. Someone who provided care and support for them. Everyone originally had a Mum and Dad. They might not be around anymore, they might have died or been lost in some other way through divorce or change of life-circumstance but they will have been alive at some point. Getting a grip of our relationship with them is paramount. We have to respect the fact that they brought us into the world. We dont have to like them anymore, but we do have to heal any hurts that existand that alone will add an enormous amount of meaning to our lives. I know people who have issues with their parents, but they work as carers or nurses or healers as if theyre trying to heal for themselves the problems they have had. Meaning comes into our lives when we help others in some way. And it doesnt have to be anything difficult. Opening a door for someone, helping in a charity shop, noticing when someone is struggling and offering to help. Saying thank

  • you and please and being grateful and appreciative of the people around us adds meaning. So when people ask me How Do I Find My Lifes Purpose I change it round to How Can You Add Meaning Into Your Life? Let me know your thoughts. [email protected]

    Chapter Three The Birth charts of Indigo Children

    As a Homeopath and Astrologer I see a lot of Indigo Children as they are brought to me, not because they are Indigo, but because of physical or behavioural problems. Most parents haven't heard of Indigo Children, they are a rather specialist subject, so I will stick with the easy-way to learn about and identify Indigo's and how to identify them from their Birth charts. The first Indigo that I met in my practice, was nine years old and visited me in May 2002. His Mum brought him along, partly because she was having difficulty with the various labels her child had been given but also because he was suffering from sleeplessness, was argumentative, aggressive and 'angry with the world'. On further questioning (something that sets Homeopaths apart from other practitioners, we take a very detailed case) it transpired that a younger brother had been born blind with part of his brain missing, terrible acid reflux, and was awake for 20 hours in every 24. This little boy didn't live long and eventually died. My patient though, had shown a natural affinity for his suffering and used to touch his head before communicating with him, even though no-one had told him to do this. His mother said he had an 'understanding' of his needs. Without going into any further details of his case, I prescribed a remedy and arranged to see him again in a months time. I met his Mum a while later at the school and she told me how he'd been at his Nan's and had fallen asleep on the sofa a few days after taking the remedy. Because he was so quiet and dead to the world, Nan got worried that he'd actually died.............he'd never done this before, but I knew this meant the remedy was starting to heal him. As this boy had been brought to me for Homeopathic treatment, I didn't automatically draw up his Birth chart but after his second follow-up, something about him made me ask his birth-time and I looked at his chart. During this particular month, I visited a Healing Fair in Bath where I live and was drawn to buy a book called The Indigo Children. The book came home with me, and stayed there. I now don't lend it, I advise people to buy their own copy! The book described so accurately this particular boy and his problems, that I then bought 'The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children' by Doreen Virtue, so I could offer his Mum some hope and explain that this boy isn't a challenge, the system looking after him is..........Then I compared his chart to others in my

  • collection and noticed a striking similarity with certain children's charts I had treated recently and some I had treated quite a few years before. Then another boy from the first boy's class was brought to me and HIS chart had the same configuration and so did my son's, who is also in the class, in fact over 10 children in this year all had similar charts. This set me on a mission that still intrigues me to this day. Now things were beginning to make some sense, and not being an Indigo myself, I found it exciting to be able to offer some hope to ADD and ADHD children and those with the characteristics that Doreen had identified : Strong-willed Born in 1978 or later Headstrong Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewellery making, poetry etc. Prone to addictions An 'old soul', as if they're 13 going on 43 Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out, or through fragile introversion Independent and proud, even if they're constantly asking for money Possesses a deep desire to help the world in a big way Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity Bores easily Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts Looks for real, deep and lasting friendships Easily bonds with plants or animals I then contacted Sarah Wood, the President of The Indigo Network to see if this was just a local phenomena or was it world-wide? The Indigo Network www.indigonetwork.org . She advised me to post my questions on her website and people could reply to me. They have been sending me their Birth-data for over a year now and I was not surprised to see, that every person who KNEW they were an Indigo, had this same planetary shape to their chart. So what planetary patterns were happening while these Indigo's were being born? I took my computer on a lengthy journey from 1977-1998 and discovered the following. In September 1977 the major planets had moved into the following signs:

  • These are the 'glyphs' or symbols that represent each sign, so when you're looking at the charts, you'll know which is which. The blob in the centre of the chart are where the planets were on the date Im referring to. The ones on the outside of the circle are where the planets were on the day I made the charts (so ignore them!)

    The Sun

    The Moon

  • Mercury







  • Pluto Nep-13 degrees Sag, Uranus-9 degrees Scorpio Pluto-14 degrees Libra Sun-21 degrees Virgo Saturn-24 degrees Leo Jupiter-3 degrees Cancer As you will notice, all the signs follow on to each other. This was when the first Indigo's began to be born. These are the early Indigos and the heavy planets are close, but in separate signs. By 1981 the first conjunction occurs, with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter being in Libra. By 1983 Jupiter has caught up with Uranus in Sagittarius. In 1989 Uranus, Saturn and Neptune are all in the signs of Capricorn. I have discussed the implications of these conjunctions with Donna Cunningham and she is working on a piece explaining this in much more detail. www.donnacunninghammsw.com Now what if you were born at this time and all your personal planets were in these same signs? What would make you different (or the same) as others? First of all you will be focused in certain areas, very focused. Youd know how to operate the Play station, but you might have problems tying your shoelaces or remembering to wipe your feet...... Your chart shape would be called a 'Bundle' or a 'Bowl' and you would have interests that need to be expressed otherwise problems happen. In my practice I have noticed that 'Indigo Children' have birth charts that are rather unique. All their planets are located on one side of the chart i.e. 6 houses or less (of 12) are occupied and 6 (or more) are empty, meaning their energies are strong in certain areas, and non-existent in others. In 'The Bowl' shape, all the planets are concentrated within one half of the chart. Reflecting the shape of this pattern, 'Bowl' types are said to be immensely self-contained and resourceful but they also tend to be 'one-sided', so their life's challenge is to integrate the empty half of the chart. The 'Bundle' is rare, and reflects a narrowness of vision and experience. 'Bundle'

  • types tend to channel their energies into issues related to the occupied section at the expense of the rest of the chart. This shape describes the specialist in his or her field or, negatively, the obsessive personality. And because a 'Bundle' chart has no oppositions, the person who's chart it is, will have more difficulty seeing things from others perspectives, unless the 'other's' are fellow Indigos. A 'Bundle' or 'Cluster' or a 'Stellenium' is not an especially rare shape, 30% of my clients have this configuration. What is rare is having Neptune and Uranus conjunct (in the same sign). This only ever happens in the sign of Capricorn and last happened in 1827 before that in 1657 and will next occur in 2157. From 1978-1989 the bundle of planets stayed together, various outer planets moved a little and at certain times of each year, personal planets clustered with the biggies. So, what does a cluster feel like? What does a cluster look like from the outside? What do cluster charts have that Splays of Grand Trines don't? Well, they have an intensity and from my observations they also have a complete and natural understanding of their peer group and their generation. We all know what it feels like to be out on a limb and not recognised by others. The child born at the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong era really. Well, Indigos don't suffer that. They were born in exactly the right year/month/day location. We all choose our parents in the planning stage before we were born (see Judy Hall's Hands Across Time) and maybe Indigos are a little more astute at doing this. Indigos understand fashion, latest gadgets, popular music, popular TV soaps/programmes. They know what is 'cool' and what is not. Why? Because their outer planets are all together with their personal planets. Theyre not usually interested in history or old out-dated ideas. (God forbid that they should like folk music!...) I'm heavily into folk music and my Indigo son barely tolerates this. In fact he was more interested in the Punk Era, circa 1977-1979 when the outer planets were first lined up from Leo to Sag.............but I digress. So, let me show you some examples of Indigos that I have treated. To accurately display the full implications of an Indigo Chart, you need to use Equal-House System.

  • Born Oct 26, 1993, 3.15am, Bath, UK. Here we have the typical one-sided chart. All the planets are below the horizon indicating someone who understands themselves well, but isn't so good at socialising and mixing with others. Take Chiron out of the picture for the minute, because for this analysis, I won't be using him to determine if the child is Indigo. (however it's useful to keep in mind as the point of healing) All the planets are in 5 houses. Neptune and Uranus are conjunct in Capricorn. There are no oppositions. When reading an Indigo Chart, because all the planets are so near together, you have to look to see which planet is nearest the Sun. That'll be the one that has the most influence. Jupiter is one side of the Sun and Mars is the other making a child who is expansive on one hand and a little fearless/aggressive on the other..........but he has Moon in Pisces making him emotional, empathetic and sensitive. Plus he's a Scorpio, so don't try telling him what to do. What a combination! This child has 2 planets in the 4th making him unsettled at home and dreamy. Because Mars is so near the Sun this child would do best at physical, active, sporty pursuits rather than totally desk bound activities..........and with Venus on the Ascendant, he has charm!

  • 10th December 1985, 5.30pm, Dublin, Ireland. Next we have the chart of a young lady who contacted me from the Indigo website. As you can see she is very clustered with all her planets squashed into 3 houses with only Jupiter on his own.

  • This child, 5th Feb 1997, 8.02 pm, London, She was brought to me with eczema and her mother had a whole host of problems when we started treatment. As you can see she has 7 planets in the 5th house, Mars on the Asc, Saturn in the 7th and Pluto in the 3rd. This young lady needed to be guided..........not instructed. In fact, even in Nursery, she was telling the other kids what to do!

  • This young lad was born 23.3.98 in Maidstone Kent at 7:39am. His mother told me: "Recently I went to see a spiritualist as I was fed up with school accusing him of having ADHD and suggesting Ritalin use. The lady said G was an Indigo child, looked after by my father his own angel who died 2 years ago." He has all his planets above the horizon, Uranus conjunct Neptune and again Mars and Jupiter either side of his Sun. So, if you have the 12 characteristics that Doreen lists AND a Bundle or Cluster chart, in my humble opinion, you ARE an Indigo. Now, what makes living with/teaching /parenting an Indigo difficult, is their concentration of energies in one place. Provide them with an outlet for them. Look at Flower Essences or Homeopathy. Let them take exercise, eat well, play, mix with friends, write poetry, play music, create. To get the best from your child who has a cluster chart shape, allow them autonomy. Theyre wiser than you anyway, so you might as well let them make some decisions themselves. Allow them to choose certain

  • actions in their lives and to be guided by their feelings. After all, none of these children has ever been brought to me for their lack of self-esteem, it's generally round the other way, too confident, too self-assured...... Two good books to read in tandem with this article are The Indigo Children by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, Feb 1998,Hay House, ISBN 1561706086 The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children by Doreen Virtue, Aug 2001,Hay House, ISBN 1-56170-846- www.indigochild.com website of the book www.angeltherapy.com Doreen's website www.childrenofthenewearth.com Very large American website with plenty of articles about food, schooling, parenting, vitamins, Astrology, flower essences etc www.healthychild.com website by Jane Sheppard Harris (Feb 1998) www.atlc.org website of 'Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children' (Aug 2000) www.indigosociety.com Nice Friendly on-line forum for all sorts of Indigos, started by an Indigo himself called Daniel

    Chapter Four

    Indigo Adults I have just finished writing an article on Indigo Children which will be in the next issue of www.thegreenparent.co.uk (Oct/Nov issue). Indigos got a small mention this week. My son was watching Channel 4 (I dont watch telly) when he started shouting for me.. Quick Mum, Indigos on the telly

  • so I ran into the living room and watched a rather quaint programme on two psychic children. The presenters mentioned Indigos, so did one of the Mums who knew about them and they showed the Children of the New World Conference that I was invited to speak at last year. Heres the link. http://www.childrenofthenewworld.org.uk/subpagecornwall4.html My Indigo mail-bag has contained quite a lot of emails from Indigo adults wanting to know

    a) If there is such a thing as an Indigo Adult. b) What their Birth-chart would/should look like. c) How to Identify an Indigo Adult.

    So here are my thoughts. Indigo is a life colour. Its not the colour of your Aura; its a system that Nancy Anne Tappe discovered. The term Indigo was coined by a woman in the US called Nancy Ann Tappe in her book called Understanding Your Life Through Color. She is an intuitive with a brain disorder called synesthesia, which enables her to look at people and determine their life colour and help them learn what their mission is here on Earth. Indigo was a NEW colour, that hadnt happened before. So unless you were born when that colour came in, you cant be an Indigo. Also the planetary positions are specific for the Indigo generation and go from 1978-1999. So again, if youre not born in that time-scale, then youre not Indigo. (As far as I have discovered with the research that I conducted and the people who have contacted me.) HOWEVER. Plenty of Adults resonate with the Indigo ideals. They are system busters too, they are misfits, outcasts whatever you want to call them, and they FEEL different. Here are some examples from my mail-bag. 1) Some of the visitors recommended me to search for indigo related sources, as my "problem" (my premonitions, my sixth sense, my "too sensitivity" and all those things "normal" people consider as madness) may have something to do with indigo children / adults. Actually some of them think I am an indigo adult. In a very deep and hidden corner of my heart I know that I am not like other people around me and I am open to any explanations or advice. There is an urgent, burning need inside of me to do what I've come here to do. I read about the twelve characteristics that Doreen Virtue listed and all of them were true in my case with one exception. I have never experienced the signs of ADHD on myself. Sometimes I was bored in school and I knew that the teacher wasn't right, but I wanted to be a good girl so that my mother could be proud of me (she is a very down-to-earth person). 2) Im also questioning the possibility of myself being an Indigo child, re: certain characteristics. 3) Dear Mary

  • Hallo, I've just had my chart read and my astrologer indicated that I could be an Indigo child, well I'm 61, but she said that my chart indicates this, I was born on XXXXXXXXX I would like to know what you think of this, as you mention that Indigo children were born after 1978 or thereabouts. I would like some recommended reading, and perhaps some more information as I've not come across this before. Many thanks 4) I was reading your website today about Indigo children. I came across this about 3 months ago and have been looking more deeply into the connections between what is the symptoms of Indigo children and myself. When I took the online Adult quizzes; I've scored between 83-99 percent on these quizzes and can relate to almost all the "Adult Indigo's" symptoms. However, I was born in 1967 and some sites indicate that there was a surge of Indigo's appearing during this time period. I was wondering if you could look at my chart and help me with any revelations as to why I feel so connected to this situation? 5) Hi Mary, I was interested in your birth charts for Indigo children. I was born in 1973 and am 99.9% sure I am an Indigo. I also have a 4 year-old daughter who is either Indigo or Crystal. I believe she is Crystal, but have just heard this term in the past couple of days. I don't want to skew your data, but I believe that it is possible that Indigo children were born in the early 70's. I do believe, however, that there were not very many of us back then. I was born XXXXXXXXXXXX Your work is interesting and I hope I dont muddy the waters for you, I just felt you should know. Thank you, So for those that are questioning this concept, let me explain the Astrological reasoning behind it. Indigos were born when two distant planets were together in the same sign. This only happens once every 170 years or so, which is what makes many of the children born then unique. http://www.maryenglish.com/indigo1.htm

    Uranus is the planet that governs inspiration (and was discovered here in Bath!!) and Neptune governs psychic senses, sensitivity etc. My research revealed that a great percentage (over 97%) of Indigo children who were born between 1978-1999 have these 2 planets together AND have all their planets on one side of the circle thus :

  • In this example theyre all below the horizon. The Adults that have been writing to me also have planets clustered together but instead of having Uranus and Neptune together, they have Pluto and Uranus together, and that gives a different FEEL to their charts. Pluto is the planet most distant from the earth. http://wow.world-of-wisdom.com/04_articles/2005/06_pluto.htm and also governs passion, obsession, power-plays and deep feelings. If you have Pluto and Uranus together, youll have similar feelings to Indigos but they will be stronger, deeper and more intense.

  • In this example Uranus and Pluto are in the 'house' number 10. So, youre not Indigo, youre what Doreen Virtue calls an Indigo Lightworker, born to light-the-way for the Indigo generation and guide them on their paths. Dont forget the services I offer: Homeopathy when youre not well, Astrological Counselling when you want to know where youre going and Indigo Child Guidance when your kids are driving you to distraction! In Peace Mary www.maryenglish.co.uk Mary English