1 Upskilling the team of the future May 2018 Michael Foster GM – Enterprise Technology

Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED

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Page 1: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED


U p s k i l l i n g t h e t e a m o f t h e f u t u r e

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M i c h a e l F o s t e r G M – E n t e r p r i s e T e c h n o l o g y

Page 2: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED
Page 3: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED
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Page 10: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED
Page 11: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED
Page 12: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED

A n g r y D i s a p p o i n t e d

M i s t a k e N o t P o s s i b l e

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H a p p y E x c i t e d

G o o d L e a d e r s h i p A b o u t T i m e

L e t s G e t G o i n g

Page 13: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED

“ W i t h g r e a t p o w e r c o m e s g r e a t r e s p o n s i b i l i t y ” - U n c l e B e n

Page 14: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED
Page 15: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED
Page 16: Upskilling the team of the future · Cloud Brown Bag Sessims with internal and AWS technical leads Workplace AWS and Self-paced Onlõe Exciting Careers bet sports .com.au . aws CERTIFIED

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