URBACT II: Actualities in 2012 Iván Tosics Thematic Pole Manager [email protected]

URBACT II : Actualities in 2012 Iván Tosics Thematic Pole Manager [email protected]

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URBACT II : Actualities in 2012 Iván Tosics Thematic Pole Manager [email protected]. URBACT II. European Programme of Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013 ( jointly financed by ERDF and Member States – budget 69 M€ ) Main objective To promote Integrated & Sustainable Urban Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: URBACT II : Actualities in  2012 Iván Tosics Thematic Pole Manager tosics@mri.hu

URBACT II: Actualities in 2012Iván Tosics

Thematic Pole [email protected]

Page 2: URBACT II : Actualities in  2012 Iván Tosics Thematic Pole Manager tosics@mri.hu


European Programme of Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013 (jointly financed by ERDF and Member States – budget 69 M€ )

Main objective To promote Integrated & Sustainable Urban Development

Operational objectives

To facilitate exchange and learning among EU cities

To draw lessons, build knowledge based on cities' experience

(capitalization) & disseminate good practices and lessons learnt

To support policy-makers and practitioners to improve

policies for sustainable urban development (capacity building)

Main tool: Networks (8-12 partners – 33 months – 800.000 €)

URBACT = the only ETC programme dedicated to

transnational cooperation & capitalisation on urban issues

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Fostering the impact of the programme on urban policies: the « URBACT method »


Sharing experience, learning, drawing lessons for « the outside world »

A strict balance between Comp and Conv partners

Action-oriented: Local Action Plans

Involving local stakeholders: URBACT Local Support Groups

Involving Managing Authorities

Permanent support to networks & community of work (experts, Secretariat)

A staged approach: networks created in 2 stages (6-month Development phase)


Project level (expert support, baseline study)

Programme level: clustering of networks, experts animating thematic clusters


Project level: projects responsible for Comm° & Dissemination

Programme level: a flagship website hosting all projects’ websites, annual events, publications, National Dissemination Points

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Implementation to date

3 calls for proposals

2008: 19 thematic networks & 7 working groups (completed)

2010: 9 thematic networks (ongoing, end of implement° phase)

2012: 19 thematic networks (dvpt phase)

540 partners involved in approved projects

90% cities

Predominance of small & medium size cities

28 Member/ Partner states covered

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Geographical coverage








3rd call

2nd call

1rst call

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Thematic coveragePercentage of created projects per theme

Environmental issues12%


Social inclusion


Innovation and Knowledge Economy


Urban Planning21%

Integrated development of deprived areas


Employment and Human Capital


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Achievements to date

1. Project level Thematic outputs delivered by 26 completed projects

3800 persons involved in Local support groups (call 1 and Call 2 only)

250 Local Action Plans delivered (call 1 only)

2. Programme level Thematic outputs (Cities responses to the crisis 2010, URBACT

results 2011)

4 Annual conferences

First Summer University for URBACT Local Support Groups (2011)

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Important specialities of URBACT projects

› All URBACT II project partners must establish and lead a Local Support Group (ULSG). The ULSG assembles the main interested parties and local actors concerned by the specific topic which is the focus for the project.

› Project partners are also responsible to develop their Local Action Plan (LAP). Each partner develops a LAP in order to respond to local urban issues with the hope of increasing the impact of URBACT exchanges on local policies and practises.

› The method to create LAP with ULSG is a different knowledge creation than just to collect existing knowledge

› The involvement of both the ULSG and the remaining project partners creates a ‘peer review’ approach which helps to ensure quality and richness of the LAPs.

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URBACT innovation: ULSGs

The total number of persons involved in the 201 ULSGs (Call 1 and Call 2) amounts to 3.800 members.

The size of ULSGs ranges from small groups with 6-8 members to large groups involving 20-25 members. On average, ULSGs gather between 10 and 15 persons

ULSGs involve a great variety of stakeholders:

›over 1/3 of ULSG members (35%) are representatives of the local administration, while 11% of national and regional level

›civil society gives almost 1/4 of ULSG members (22%)

›the private sector gives more than 11% of ULSG members

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ULSG composition: the weak points

Weak point of ULSG composition: the low participation of elected representatives (5% only of the ULSG members).

Even so 60% of partners report the participation of elected officials to some of the ULSG meetings.

This figure is slightly below 50 % for Managing Authorities.

Almost 50% of the ULSG members do speak English.

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ULSGs: activities

Main activities of the ULSGs:

›coproduction of the Local Action Plan: 94%

›validation of the Local Action Plan: 86%

›preparation of input for transnational exchanges: 78%

ULSG linkages to transnational activities:

›preparation of input for network seminars (LAPs and case studies): 78%

›travel and visit partner cities: 76%

›participation to network seminars: 71%

›participation to URBACT programme events (Annual conference, City Labs, etc.): 61%

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ULSGs: perceptions

Intangible: new partnerships/ ways of working (ULSG survey 2011)

›« 90% declare ULSG has fostered the integrated approach »

›« 86% declare ULSG played a useful role in developing LAP »

›« 85% foresee ULSG will continue to operate after end of network »

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URBACT innovations: LAP

250 Local Action Plans delivered (call 1 only)

LAP implementation is a major issue (Mid Term Evaluation 2010)

›« 20% declare having received funds from OP for LAP implement° »

›« 60% declare having no secure funding for LAP implementation »

Difficult for partners to link Local Action Plans to funds available in the OP (structure, calendar issues, etc.)

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From LAPs to EU funded projects

There is a need to reinforce cooperation with MAs

Local capacities to develop participative action planning and integrated urban policies have to be strengthened

›Besides continuing URBACT Summer University new ideas: National capacity-building scheme for ULSG members to start in 2013 with 3rd call partners; Pilot Training Scheme for elected representatives in 2013

Analyses of ERDF projects (50 case study analysis, ERDF housing) show that many of the most successful, integrated projects come from URBACT (or Interreg) projects

›even so, the share of ERDF financed URBACT projects remains low…

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URBACT II Capitalisation on urban experience and knowledge

URBACT Project Results published 2011 (Projects call 1)

URBACT final conferences and events (Projects call 2)

URBACT Workstreams launched 2012•URBACT’s answers for integrated & sustainable urban development to urban threats (report “Cities of Tomorrow”)•To identify, harness and transfer good practices from other ETC programmes (INTERREG IVC, ESPON, INTERACT) and relevant organisations• To issue practical recommendations to support European cities

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Threats (CoT)

Demographic declineEconomic dvpt & competitiveness under pressure

Growing social polarisation

Depletion of natural ressources


6 URBACTWorkstreams

Workstream 1

Demographic challenge

in urban dvpt

Workstream 2

Cities for more & better jobs

Workstream 3

Inclusion through

social innovation

Workstream 4

Addressing socio-spacial polarisation

Workstream 5

Sustainable mobility & accessibility

Workstream 6

Energy efficiency in housing

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Resources for capitalisation with workstreams

Knowledge Resources

• URBACT projects (Call 1, Call 2, Call 3)

• Projects of other ETC programmes

• Inputs from other relevant organisations (OECD, CIVITAS, CECODHAS, Eurocities, etc)

Human Resources

• 1 coordinator per workstream (URBACT Pole Manager or expert)

• A core group of up to 7 people: URBACT community (experts and city partners), ETC projects, EU/other organisations

• Expert witnesses (for hearings)

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Activities and outputsRoadmap for each work stream will include

• 3 core group meetings (April-May, June, September)

• 2 hearings with expert witnesses

• Possible participation in important EU events (Open days, UN

Habitat conference, others)

• URBACT annual conference (3-4 Dec 2012)

Outputs will include

• 1 article per workstream for the URBACT Tribune 2012

• Workshops in the URBACT annual conference

• Enriched thematic papers in January 2013

• Policy papers (early 2013)

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URBACT Annual Conference 2012

Copenhagen, 3-4 December 2012

Monday, 3 December, from 12.00

›Opening (Mayor, Minister, DG Regio, Commissioner)

›Six paralel interactive workshops (1st round)

›The European urban model in comparison: US, South American, African, Asian comparative examples

Tuesday, 4 December, until 16.15

›EU responses to urban challenges (European Parliament, URBACT MC chair, DG Regio, Mayor)


›Six paralel interactive workshops (2nd round)

›Solving the urban policy puzzle (workshop reporting back)