Urban School Needs Map Project Dust Density Design, Marco Fattore, Iridescent, Factual

Urban School Needs Map Project

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To improve our infrastructure and resource allocation abilities, we have developed an information visualization tool that helps you helps users compare LAUSD schools and see which ones are performing well, which ones are struggling, which would make strong long-term partners and which ones need extra resources.We currently have data only for LA, but plan to include data for all large metros wherever Iridescent plans to expand to.You can access a video and some slides showcasing how to use the interactive tool to identify high and low performing schools from our website (www.IridescentLearning.org), under "Impact" and "USN Map Project".The slides have screenshots of different combinations of variables and I have marked a bunch of high and low performing schools (including charter schools).The direct link is: http://iridescentlearning.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8&Itemid=2#USN

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Urban School Needs Map ProjectDust

Density Design, Marco Fattore, Iridescent, Factual

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The Dust prototype helps you…

• Identify low and high performing schools• Understand the relationship between variables

such as: – Type of school (elementary, middle, high, charter)– Academic Performance Index (API)– Racial ethnicities of students and gender– No. of students/computer – Teacher student ratios and teacher’s experience

(measured by no. of teaching years)– School crime, dropouts, suspensions and expulsions

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How can Dust help youIf you are a….. then you can…..

Charter School • Showcase your high performing schools to funders

• If you have more than one school, you can hold quickly and visually compare school performance and address concerns quickly

Other school (private and public) • Visually show parents and other stakeholders how well your school is performing. This can help in fundraising.

Philanthropist, Private Foundation, Donor • Use this as an accountability/transparency tool to monitor schools you have funded

• Identify low performing schools (that have potential i.e committed administration, parents etc) to fund

Education non-profit, researcher • Identify low performing, high-potential schools to partner with

Parent • Easily find the best school for your child

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Comparing schools by type – elementary, charter, continuation, high and middle

Identifying high and low performing schools after separating by type

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1. Schools with higher number of students tend to have lower Academic Performance Indices (API). Few exceptions are Granada Hills Charter High, Palisades Charter High, Palms MS.

2. Examples of high performing schools: Wonderland Ave. Elementary , Woodland, Fairburn Ave. Elementary and low performing schools – Southeast High, Manual Arts, Huntington Park Senior High, San Fernando Senior High, Los Angeles Academy Middle School, Vista Middle School

3. Charter schools tend to have teachers with 3-7 years of experience. Most schools tend to have teachers with 9-14 years of teaching experience.

Relationship between Teacher experience (no. of years teaching), API and No. of students

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• Schools that have a high number of African-American students do not tend to have many computers. One exception is the Crescendo Charter School.

Relationship between African-American students, No. of students/computer and API

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Relationship between students, No. of students/computer and API

1. Elementary schools tend to have more computers than middle and high schools.2. Overall, very few schools report having computers.

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1. Charter schools tend to have teachers with fewer years of experience, but their APIs are comparative to schools with more experienced teachers. However, they do have a higher dropout rate. Some exceptions are the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES)and Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies with high APIs, high dropout rates and experienced teachers.

2. An example of a high performing school with low dropout rates is Bravo Medical Magnet High.

Relationship between Dropout rates, Teachers experience and API

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Relationship between Suspensions, API and Teacher experience (years)

1. Low performing schools: Audubon, Mark Twain, New Designs Charter, Marina Del Rey middle schools, Belmont Senior High, Crenshaw Senior High and Manual Arts.

2. High performing schools (low suspensions and high API): Wonderland , Woodland Hills, Fairburn Ave. Elementary

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Relationship between African-American students, API and crime

1. High schools tend to have lower APIs and more crime as compared to elementary schools2. Low performing schools (i.e high crime, low APIs):Belmont Senior High, Los Angeles Senior

High, Carson Senior High, Fairfax Senior High, Southgate Middle school, El Sereno Middle school

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Relationship between Hispanic students, API and crime

1. High schools tend to have more crime as compared to elementary schools2. Elementary schools have more Hispanic students compared to middle and high schools.3. Low performing schools (i.e. high crime): Belmont Senior High, South Gate Senior High,

Los Angeles Senior High, El Camino Real Senior High, Palms Middle School, Audubon Middle School

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Relationship between Teacher experience, No. of students and API

1. Most schools have teachers with 9-15 years of experience2. There doesn’t seem to be a distinct correlation between teacher experience (as measured

by years) and school API3. Charter schools tend to have teachers with fewer years of experience.

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Relationship between Teacher experience, No. of students and crime

• High schools tend to have more students as well as higher crime as compared to elementary schools

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• High-performing schools with high numbers of Hispanic students and teachers with many years of experience are Fishburn Ave Elementary and Ramona Elementary.

• Charter schools tend to have teachers with fewer years of experience. High performing charter schools are Synergy Charter, Stella Middle Charter and Milagro Charter.

Relationship between No. of Hispanic students, Teacher experience and API

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Relationship between No. of African-American students, Teacher experience and API

• High-performing schools with high numbers of African-American students are Leapwood Ave, Broadacres Ave ,Purche Ave, Annalee Ave and 54th St Elementary.

• Charter schools tend to have teachers with fewer years of experience. High performing charter schools are Watts Learning Center, Celerity Nascent Charter, KIPP, New Heights Charter and Crescendo Charter.

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Relationship between Hispanic, African-American students and API

• Schools with greater numbers of Hispanic students tend to have fewer African-American students

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Using Dust to identify which schools are low/high performing in

a particular geographical area

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Schools with Hispanic studentsSchools with African-American students

Geographic location of schools with majority of African-American students and Hispanic students

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Comparing schools in a certain geographic location – around downtown and South Los Angeles