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Uri Geller is one of the world's most investigated and celebrated mystifiers. Famous around the globe for his mind-bending abilities, he has led a unique life shrouded in debate, controversy and mystery. He is also related to Sigmund Freud.Uri Geller was born in Israel on December 20, 1946. His parents were of Hungarian and Austrian descent, and he is distantly related on his mother's side to Sigmund Freud. At the age of four he had a mysterious encounter with a sphere of light while in a garden near his house. A retired Israeli air force officer, who was an eyewitness to this encounter, validated this mystifying event decades later.He first became aware of his unusual powers when he was five. One day, during a meal, his spoon curled up in his hand and broke, although he had applied no physical pressure to it. His parents were somewhat shocked and Uri did not mention the incident to anyone else at that time. He developed these powers in school by demonstrating them to pupils. His mother thought he inherited them from Sigmund Freud.When he was eleven, he went to live in Cyprus, where he remained until he was seventeen. He then returned to Israel, served as a paratrooper in the Israeli

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army and fought in the Six-Day War of 1967 during which he was wounded in action.From 1968 to 1969 Uri worked as a model, being photographed for many different ad campaigns.

In 1969 he began to demonstrate his powers of telepathy and psychokinesis to small audiences. By the end of 1971, he was a household name throughout Israel, thanks to his numerous stage appearances. He was given a huge boost by the then Prime Minister, Golda Meir when asked on a national radio programme what she predicted for the future of Israel, she replied, "Don't ask me - ask Uri Geller!"Uri has been studied by the world's leading scientists, including a few who worked with Albert Einstein. More about Uri Geller read here, just click on the link http://site.uri-geller.com/en/uri_geller_s_short_biography

Meanwhile we will proceed by examining Uri Geller by astrological scope. In this chart we will explain his powers and abilities astrologically, we will focus on his career rise and by shadowing his brilliant personality. An important and charismatic personality that went down to history for what we call today”

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spiritual awakening” .A man that made the beginning, discovering his own powers, and show to everyone how to be positive, awake our powers and how to work with them. As Einstein said “We use only the 10% of our mind”. Uri Geller proved the reverse, humans can upgrade their spirituality and their brains. I had the luck to analyze this brilliant man, in-depth and here some of these important traits in his horoscope. We take his permission, and he was very glad to share this experience with us. A fraud or a mystic? Ladies and Gentleman put your mind work a little bit. How it is possible someone to visit psychics…astrologers…. or fascinated by mentalists or even speaking about unnatural experiences and we do not accept the knowledge?

Uri Geller was born in Israel, at 12:00 midnight with the ascendant in charismatic zodiac sign of Libra, at the 2nd degree, which is connected to good luck, optimism, charisma and power but geniousness, scientific research and spirituality even though it is a zodiac sign connected to beauty, harmony and balance. Libra 2nd degree is giving the charisma to connect easily with others, a satisfied social life and high aesthetics, good taste but sometimes indecisive in critical times. The second degree reveals "A priest burns incense on the ancestors' altar."

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Generous, gentle, and melancholic character endowed with sharp intelligence and high moral and humanistic values. Beneath contemplative appearances, one is very efficient in scientific research. Solitary work based on past experiences yields valuable discoveries for the future. The ascendant squares Mars and that is showing also undiminished strength.

Libra Rising -Libra Ascendant endows with a courteous, kind, honest and sensitive disposition and a strong sense of justice. It is possible to strive for the beautiful and more refined things of life and will evade unpleasantness at all costs. Feelings and affections are strongly developed and are likely to play an important part in his life. He is able to make many friends and associate easily with other people. He has a refined mind with a fondness of beauty and orderliness. A cultivated taste for music, painting and other artistic pursuits are also optional. Surroundings influence you very much and you are not happy unless they are elegant and harmonious. Companionship, friendship, partnership, association, and marriage are the keynotes of his nature, and will not attain his full potential without them. Apathy, lack of perseverance and emotional fragility are the dangers. Occasionally, good music, rest and seclusion are needed to restore his inner

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equilibrium. Qualities lacking to some degree, which may be found in a partner are will-power, daring, assertiveness and courage.People with Libra Rising are gracious, attractive and fair-minded. You are a seeker of harmony and beauty. Your ruling planet is Venus, and you are known for your good taste, elegance and charm. Libra is the sign of balance and relationship. The sun in Libra is at the equinox, when day equals night, and similarly Libra strives for harmony between polarizations. Your natural mode of living is in partnership with others. Intimate relationships are quite important to you, as are issues of social justice. You forever hope that all parties to a conflict will be satisfied, and you have a tendency to understand and support both sides of a dispute, which is likely to drive your friends crazy. You will also go out of your way to avoid a quarrel, and you may have a hard time making a decision. An excellent outlet for your love of beauty is in artistic pursuits of all kinds. You benefit from strengthening your will to act in favor of your higher purpose, which lies ultimately in dedicating yourself to humanity.

Uri Geller is Sagittarius, as you now everyone Sagittarius, “give inspiration to your vision’, The Sun at the 27th degree, at the 3rd house of his horoscope. Very communicative, not a little curious, and like to talk, speak, write, and so on.

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Study, research, and investigations of all kinds appeal to him, always searching out some answer or another. The Sun's energy in the Third House his personality drive is directed mainly into intellectual pursuits and communication of all kinds will appeal. Friends, neighbors, co-workers, brothers and sisters will play an important role in your life. The 27th degree reveals Valiant, determined, and hard-working character. Not afraid of responsibilities, no matter how grueling the task might seem, fulfils duties calmly, slowly, and steadily, and progresses smoothly under the protection of a powerful friend or boss. Recognition and decent fortune but also the conjunction with Mars makes an extra passionate personality, with strong will and powerful. Strong desire to create but should not go to extremes - excessive energy may be just the problem. Physical exercise is important because it can give vent to the surplus of energy. The Sun-Uranus opposition is telling us that he is here to change people’s consciousness, even though that aspect is responsible for radical changes in his early life. According to Max Heindel the Sun in the 3rd house, is a good position for writes, public recognition too. So, as a Sagittarius this person naturally has a frank, friendly, optimistic, philanthropic nature.

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The Moon is in Scorpio, and that perhaps is not an accident. The Moon represents your emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods, and the ability to react and adapt to those around you. It is also associated with nurturing instincts, your home, your need for security, and the past; and especially relates to your relationship with your mother, your early life experiences and your childhood.MOON DAY26th Moon Day-Waning Last Quarter MoonBorn during the Last Quarter Moon phase, such people have strong beliefs that are inclined to put into action. Although they can be inflexible at times, usually have enough insight to know when to act and when not to act. In general, the Last Quarter Moon represents a period of reflection and re-evaluation. It is a time when the focus is taken from what has already transpired, and is placed on new ventures and new ideas. There is an inclination to question one's beliefs, values and endeavors and to discard anything that impedes any new, emerging directions in life. The attention is now on achieving an awareness of life's underlying purpose.

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If these people are doing farming or gardening work, this is the time to plant biennials, perennials, and bulb and roots plants. This is also the time to plant beets, berries, carrots, grapes, onions, parsnips, peanuts, potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, rutabagas, strawberries, turnips, winter wheat, etc. And the time for planting shrubs and trees.Moon between 322° to 334° from the Sun. Indicates a sharp, perceptive mind that is able to synthesize ideas; a gift of clairvoyance and premonition, great awareness of the present and vision of the future. It is known that Scorpios give emotional power and create deep relationships with others. The Moon in the 2nd house as also Jupiter and Venus are indicators of emotional and economical security in life. After all, what else someone could desire in his natal horoscope, three vital planets feeding your second house by forming a conjunction. So Jupiter the planet of opulence, Venus of attraction and the Moon give the stability and domestic security too. Moon at the 18th degree of Scorpio give him a courageous independent and energetic disposition. A strong and stubborn will and determination to carry out whatever he undertakes. This position also gives a considerable attraction toward occult sciences. You are a future-oriented person. You feel destiny plays a large part in your life, and may have some gifts in prophecy and leadership.

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MOON - Ruler of the Tenth House is in the Second HouseThe location of the Ruler of the Tenth House in the Second House indicates achievement in finance or politics through personal merit. Conjunction Moon - Venus (1.4°) - a great lover of tradition. Love of history, different cultures, and his own past is exceptional. You value and are a connoisseur of all things bright and kind. Talented in art, music.* Conjunction Moon - Jupiter (0.1°).This aspect make him successful, give him a good life, makes him. Reliable, generous and compassionate. Have mental quality and ideal for social improvement. He enjoys helping others and solve their problems. The conjunction is giving the ability to counsel others, everyone sees him as a genuine and giving and tends to trust him on sight. Of course, Scorpio here gives a mysterious and darker side to his Moon. Scorpio here is expressing intense psychic abilities. A character that at least if you do not know them well, can be misunderstood or not easily understood, the emergence of the unconscious.

* Moon to midpoint Moon/Jupiter

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Feeling happy, being successful, contentment. Religiousness and the judiciary becoming important.Moon in square (within 5.1 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.This aspect gives a moody and introspective personality with a strong desire for emotional security. You are likely to be very sensitive and emotionally intense, with a tendency to become completely absorbed in interpersonal relationships. You are also an extremely forceful individual, with the urge to transform yourself and your surroundings. When you have a goal in mind, nothing will stand in your way. Your need for security may manifest as an almost compulsive desire for a safe and secure home life, or a home environment which can be completely controlled, possibly even through dictatorial behavior. You have an unusually clear insight into the emotional depths of other people, which may border on an actual psychic attunement with their states of being. You also have the urge to break through the limitations of the parental influence you experienced as a child. You may have experienced controlling behavior on the part of one or both parents, especially your mother, and you may find yourself still involved in the battle for your own

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autonomy many years later. These struggles can be worked through in your life, beginning with a deeper understanding of what it is you truly need on an emotional level. Your challenge is to transform your sense of insecurity, by coming to terms with your survival issues based on a better insight into your own hidden motivations.

Mercury in Sagittarius in the 3rd house, at the 9th degree, the planet of reason represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality and reasoning; and adaptability and variability. Mercury also relates to your short journeys; and to your communicating and information gathering skills, and your physical dexterity but also clear consciousness too. Mercury in Sagittarius is about “Inspire others” but also collect and give the knowledge. An original thinker with much mental agility you excel in speaking, writing and communicating generally. This is a strong placing for Mercury and if mental power is directed to defined objectives then much success can be attained in any chosen direction. Mercury trines Saturn, sextiles Neptune and trines Pluto. Fair-minded and above-board, always direct and honest in thought. Always manage to get the picture right away. MERCURY - Ruler of the Ninth House is in the Third House

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This position of the Ruler of the Ninth House in the Third House promises fame and gain through your profession.

MERCURY - Ruler of the Twelfth House is in the Third HouseThis position of the Ruler of the Twelfth House in the Third House indicates suffer dispute around his personality or unhappiness from people around him. The trine with Saturn shows a heavy-duty thinker and serious mental effort and discipline, and work long and hard. The Neptune sextile shows Great psychological talent-Psychic abilities. Able to sense and feel in the more abstract mental areas and to bring far-out ideas down to earth. Unusual imagination and visions. Looking for metaphysical issues and can have healing power in his hands. The mind is inspired and has a knack for writing, theater or music. Generally, the person is more capable in the art than in science. There is openness, understanding and adaptability. Pluto trine, shows a perfect gift for research and investigation. You enjoy examining and analyzing, but maybe others find him too intense. It also shows that he knows to use his mental powers and charisma in the right way, effectively while fame and success come though this.

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* Mercury to midpoint Mars/JupiterPlanning capability, organizational talent; publishing; showing the fruits of one's labour and creativity.

ESOTERIC DISPOSITOR: MARSDISPOSITOR'S HOUSE: 3RD HOUSEThe Third House is about communication. It also refers to early learning, siblings, immediate environment and short journeys. Other exoteric and esoteric keywords include: mental processes and communication, active search for knowledge, early learning, siblings, short journeys, telepathy and mental energy.The degree of Sagittarius reveals “The full moon shines over coins of gold and silver scattered on the ground."Pleasant, clever, and flexible character endowed with excellent talents for mimicry. Driven by an acute intellectual curiosity, is always willing to reckon with other people's experiences and reconsider one's standpoint. These are valuable assets which open the road to success, fame, and wealth. However, it is necessary to ensure that skills are not misused and do not translate into forgery or the manufacture of fake products, including counterfeit money.

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Otherwise, one would incur serious legal problems and would need to escape, as suggested by the scattered coins in the image. Talents and abilities. The degree of repetition, understanding and philosophy. People have the 9th degree in their chart have additional gifts from others. Although repeated each time on them seems to be a new practice. People with the 9th are healers.

Venus may be the planet of Love but also it is the planet of money too. The 19th of Scorpio degree reveals "On the seashore, a man riding a camel gazes in amazement at the sun rising over the horizon." Proud, independent, and fair character attracted to oriental matters. Success and fame can be achieved in politics and/or reforms and discoveries (with a strong Sun in his natal chart). This degree heralds that the greatest honors are granted, and that all ambitions are fulfilled, even the wildest ones. VENUS IN THE SECOND HOUSE is an indication of financial success in life. People with Venus in this position are usually very popular and are thus helped by their friends to lucrative positions. This position also shows gain by dealing in things ruled by Venus, such as dress goods, jewelry, music, etc.

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Venus in Scorpio shows a passionate one, in love with mystery, secrets, and intrigue, anything but that which is open or superficial. Great personal magnetism and a loyalty verging on possessiveness. Influence, money and politics.VENUS - Ruler of the First House is in the Second House, this points to the gain of personal merit, progress due to your own efforts, and the achievement of wealth.* Venus to midpoint Moon/VenusGrace, good social reception, co-operation.* Venus to midpoint Venus/JupiterHappiness in love, success, humanism.

I proceed with Mars, which is the planet of action. Mars in Capricorn, 1st degree, 3rd house. A relentless drive to pursue knowledge, to search, research, and follow out leads and pointers. Very motivated when it comes to communications of all forms -- phone, voice, letters, computers, and the like. Competitive mental pastimes that present an intellectual challenge. A very hard worker and driven to accomplish, manage, and be in control. Likes to

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manipulate a situation for its own benefit and would make a natural supervisor. An inner urge for order and organization and a great sense of responsibility. Competent, ambitious, and cool. Usually, these people learn to control their fame and everything includes their reputation.Opposition Mars – 8th House (179.5°)Home and family are your main focus, even at the expense of career. It would be good if you could work out of your home. Your emotions conflict with the public. You prefer one-on-one. These people should be cautious of lawsuits, accidents when they travel. Emotions tend to conflict with the social and public scene. Mars-MC opposition is showing pressure, difficulties and disputes but the person learns to fight. A warrior. Mars in the 3rd house is showing spiritual activity and Mars in Capricorn is challenge.1 degree of Capricorn "Two men get out of a house carrying a reed on their shoulder as if it were a heavy burden. On the roof, the weathercock points to no particular direction." Futile, restless, and indecisive character. Huge efforts are made even though the task requires none. Owing to procrastination, nice opportunities are missed. Furthermore, many good initiatives are doomed to failure for lack of perseverance. Life is most likely to unfold in precariousness and to end up in

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sadness, unless one decides to become serious and display tenacity, straight away.

Jupiter would be more interesting of course, the planet of expansion, justice, wisdom, prudence, gratefulness, virtue, good fortune, luck, higher education, abundance, long journeys, prophecy, gambling, success, professionals. The planet of benevolence.

For one more time we meet Jupiter, through the sign of Scorpio, at the 2nd house, as I mentioned before at the 18th degree. Under the influence of the 18th degree of Scorpio he may seem to others be paradox but Uri Geller could be a transformative teacher for all of us. Jupiter in Scorpio signifies an intense search for the truth. Except the fact that with Jupiter someone may have the ability to react and build on opportunities and the fortunate position in the 2nd house, and the great conjunction in this house means that the universe will supply him with all the good things in life till the end, Jupiter is the Ruler of the Sixth House is in the Second House. The location indicates that ill-health once undermined his chances in life or that illness caused through financial problems. ****Additionally, the square between Jupiter and Pluto is pointing

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financial destruction or failure or because of that will experience a great change in his life. Spiritual change, change of direction, hopes and ambitions and environment.

Jupiter (Sagittarius ruler) to midpoint Sun/NeptuneSuccess through inspiration or imagination. Possible overindulgence.

Jupiter to midpoint Moon/JupiterOpportunity, reward, publicity, success.Saturn in Leo Retrogression, at the 8th degree, 11th house. This position is about someone who works very hard in life to make dreams and ideals a reality. Work in communities and groups or social groups, lots of efforts spare here, humanitarian goals. Intellectual power is important - original thinking, intuition and an investigative nature need to be developed and given practical application. Well-established, older, profound, scientific, serious or influential acquaintances may assist you in your endeavors.

Saturn trines Mercury, sextiles Neptune, conjunct Pluto. Saturn retrograde represents the reworking and perfecting of past life energies. In the birth chart

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Saturn's retrograde motion indicates the personality that tends to internalize the discipline and ambition normally associated with worldly achievement. Even though worldly recognition and achievement is wished for, there is a reluctance to pursue this; or alternatively feelings of inferiority and insecurity simply make it difficult to achieve the needed impetus. This brings with it a great deal of self-criticism and a focus on past unfinished business, resulting in a striving for perfection in any area in which there is dissatisfaction with prior efforts. Areas that come to the fore under Saturn's influence are one's relationship with one's father, that with authority figures and those in power, and as well as issues relating to personal responsibility.

SATURN - Ruler of the Fourth House is in the Eleventh House-The presence of the Ruler of the Fourth House in the Eleventh House indicates that lasting and reliable friendships will play and important role in life. SATURN - Ruler of the Fifth House is in the Eleventh House-The location of the Ruler of the Fifth House in the Eleventh House promises happiness in life through friendship or through friends.Saturn-Pluto conjunction however in the natal chart works like an invisible hand, which creates limitations, hidden enemies and other tests until someone

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show a more responsible attitude toward the world. The person is capable of discipline and self-denial. It certainly has strong ambitions but selfish motives should be limited. Concentrate on deep, inner changes in you and in others -- depth psychology. Karmic enemies perhaps.

Uranus is the most interesting part of his personality. Uranus is at the zodiac sign of Gemini. Uranus retrogression, collective inventiveness, Uranus located at the 9th house, 19th degree of Gemini, is forming an opposition with the Sun. This degree heralds that years of prosperity are followed by ruin and destitution. Intelligent abilities, dreams and visions. Strong insight.URANUS IN THE NINTH HOUSEWith a Ninth House Uranus you are likely to seek individual freedom of expression by revolutionizing the mind through travels abroad or through intellectual paths of original physical, religious, philosophic, metaphysical, scientific or spiritual discovery. An inherent intuitive facility and your original progressive ideas may give a potential for genius. Expect many changes, unusual experiences and constructive crises in your life related to the above issues.

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URANUS IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE is a good omen, for it indicates that when life has been lived to its fullness the end will come suddenly and thus the person will be spared the long and pitiful suffering so often incident to the transition from the physical to the spiritual worlds. Uranus in the Eighth House often show great interest in occult subjects and become well versed in mystic lore. It also gives a predisposition to dreams and psychic experience. Brilliant insights into communications of all kinds -- computers, radio, T.V., the press, writing, and speaking. You are inventive and also have deep insights into research and investigations. URANUS IN GEMINI gives a highly original, intuitive and versatile nature, fond of scientific pursuits in general, but particularly those studies which have to do with electricity, aviation, or other similar out-of-the-way subjects. These people are broad-minded and thoroughly progressive, pioneers in all things new and modern. Among other things they generally have an inclination for the study of occultism and astrology.Uranus is Retrograde in Gemini. Uranus Retrograde indicates that the person in question is independent, but this may be frustrated. Uranus retrograde represents the underlying inconsistencies and restrictions that impede one's progress. In the birth chart Uranus' retrograde motion provides a need for

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freedom and independent action. This results in a striving to free oneself from past preconditioned ideas and an ongoing search for the truth in all concepts and all aspects of life. This placement is therefore often productive of inventiveness and of unique ideas that are ahead of their time.

URANUS - Ruler of the Fourth House is in the Ninth House- Uranus in Gemini (19° Gem 27'R) The location of the Ruler of the Fourth House in the Ninth House indicates that there is another location in the world one identifies with apart from the place of one's birth. The Ruler of the Fifth House is located in the Ninth House. This indicates that intellectual pursuits can provide much satisfaction. It also points to exemplary children.

Uranus to midpoint Mercury/MarsTremendous excitability, acting before thinking, the loss of self-control, frenzy. An exciting surprise, a decision made in haste. The danger of catastrophes.

Uranus in the Ninth House (or sign) gives an individual with an original and inventive mind, strong intuitive powers, and a love of philosophy and higher

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learning. With this placement you have definite religious, or quasi-religious beliefs, and these are usually expressed in an unconventional manner. You have a visionary sense of optimism and possess high ideals, and you are also apt to be nervous, or highstrung, and perhaps inclined to reckless behavior. You like to explore new perspectives, either mentally or through travel. You bring your own unique viewpoint to educational or pedagogical concerns, and may be an inspiring teacher. You can also be the rebellious type, as you have the capacity to visualize new possibilities rather than accept an outmoded status quo. For you, the horizon line does not remain fixed, but is always moving forward into new territory. At your best, you have the faith to bring forth a new vision for yourself and society at large. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:Uranus in Gemini (or the third house) gives an individual who is restless and mentally acute, with an ability to grasp new concepts quickly. You are likely to change your focus quite a bit. Education is important to you, and you actively explore new subjects and disciplines, becoming adept at all of them, but perhaps without fulfilling long-term commitments. You are one who is able to spark new ideas in the minds of others. Your relations with friends and

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associates are also likely to vary sporadically. You may have had upsetting circumstances in the area of early home life or in relations with your brothers and sisters, so that the underpinning of sibling relations represents for you an instability. You have the ability to think freely, unhampered by conventional attitudes or public opinion, and you can also benefit from developing self-discipline in your mental function. You have a need for unique expression in your life that corresponds to a higher vision to create new kinds of mental systems and new forms of communication.

Neptune in Libra, at the 1st house, Libra at 10th degree.Neptune in Libra is about cosmic balance. It symbolizes persons of mysterious origin; prophets, spiritual counselors or those concerned with the investigation of metaphysical secrets. Vision, creativity, telepathy, intuition, gentleness, dreaminess, spirituality, other-worldliness. dissolution, confusion, absentmindedness, lack of clarity, fog, undoing, drugs and alcohol and their effects, deception, illusion, unreality, poetry, spirituality, mysticism, seclusion.A real charmer, Neptune in the 12th house -- able to enchant others and bring them under his spell. He manages to communicate an almost mystical sense to a

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group. His ideals and ability to see the whole picture are obvious to all who come to know you. But also and may need to clarify for himself who he really is. Neptune in the First House may indicate imaginative and spiritual potential manifests through innate psychic gifts and a sensitive, gentle and intuitive personality. His visionary and idealistic trend of mind draws inspiration from dreams, contemplation, meditation and powerful emotions. At times he may have experience weird feelings, thoughts and emotions - a mediumistic ability allows you to either consciously or unconsciously take on the conditions of your immediate surroundings and tune in to those with whom you come in contact. He is likely to be attracted to peculiar people, psychic centers and mysterious, strange places. Artistic, very romantic and have a love for beauty in form, color and sound. an attractive personality with a strong psychic sensitivity and an inclination to mysticism and the arts

NEPTUNE - Ruler of the Sixth House is in the First HouseWhen the Ruler of the Sixth House is on the Ascendant, it warns of delicate health, and of illness caused through excesses. Sextile Neptune - Pluto (61.0°)

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A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision of the endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith in the natural process and next generation. Love of children and animals.

Pluto at the 11th house, 13th degree of Leo. Pluto Retrogrades in Leo. With Pluto in the Eleventh House opportunities for transforming or regenerating yourself may come through powerful friends or group associates. You possess natural leadership qualities and a magnetic personality that should be developed to lead others in social welfare, educational, humanitarian, or charitable causes. You are fiercely loyal to the cause and people of the moment but you can also be ruthless in pursuing your goals and objectives. Your expectations can be high, demanding a lot from yourself and others. However, you can inspire great admiration from those around you - or hatred, if you adopt a dictatorial attitude. There is a strong possibility of association with occult or metaphysical groups.

Pluto in Leo

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You are very sensitive (even vulnerable) when it comes to expressing yourself, getting it out. Periods of intense creativity enable you to go through changes and inner growth.PLUTO - Ruler of the Seventh House is in the Eleventh HouseThe location of the Ruler of the Seventh House in the Eleventh House indicates fortunate friendships in life; or if the Ruler is Mars, an argument with a business partner or partners that lead to a lawsuit.

PLUTO - Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Eleventh HouseThe location of the Ruler of the Eighth House in the Eleventh House warns of the loss or death of a partner that serves to change your position in life, for better or worse.

NORTH NODE IN THE NINTH HOUSEThere is a need for higher knowledge and a more expansive way of life. A light-hearted, mainly superficial attitude to events will eventually change into a genuine interest for investigating more profound issues - such as philosophy, religion, and science and fringe metaphysical subjects. Travel may also be a feature.

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Lilith-24th degree of Gemini- Faith: a military degree; also affecting the spineII House - LibraThese natives tend to become involved in ventures with a partner, often the wife or husband. They have the ability to attract the money necessary to provide the beautiful and good things of life. The pattern of acquiring these things is irregular, however, since they alternate between frugality and extravagance.

III House - SagittariusThese natives are philosophic and visionary in the expression of their thoughts and ideas. They are concerned with religion and social values and esteem ideas in terms of their usefulness in the larger social order. They are generous toward brothers, sisters, and neighbors, even though they may be separated from them. Many times their short trips, whether mental or physical, take them to places they have not previously visited. They frequently receive messages from and communicate with people in faraway places.

IV House - Capricorn

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Since they want everything in its proper place, these natives are great disciplinarians and household organizers. Yet nothing is ever systematized to their satisfaction. Much work and responsibility are concentrated in the home. Although their families tend to be conservative and austere, it is important to them that their homes be recognized as contributing to the life of the community.

V House - AquariusThese natives like exciting and singular loves. A great source of pleasure comes from the study of unique things, friends, and group activities. Their children are a peculiar mixture of originality and mental discipline, but their children's bodies are not always as strong as the will that is expressed through them. In art and the theater, structure is especially important to them, and they enjoy pieces that are both unusual and dramatic.

VI House - PiscesIn matters of work and service, circumstances require unselfish devotion from these natives. They are sympathetic to co-workers and employees. Sometimes, however, they assume more work than they can effectively handle, thereby

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creating confusion and problems. They may become hypochondriacs if they are looking for an escape from their professional responsibilities. Their health is contingent upon their emotional state of being.VII House - AriesThese natives can be aggressive in order to gain the cooperation and attention of others. They also have the power to motivate other people into action without their being aware of it. Their partners must understand that if they want peace they must maintain a high activity level and work hard.

VIII House - AriesThese natives are subject to accidents and fevers which can change their whole lives if they are not careful. Legacies often are involved in extended litigation. Disagreements arise in matters relating to joint finances. Since their opportunity for regeneration is through decisive action, their pattern is to initiate projects, as well as to complete those other people have begun.

IX House - GeminiThese natives demand that religion and philosophy be practical in application and logically comprehensible. Many of them like to write about and discuss

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these matters. There are numerous comings and goings in relation to religious activities.

X House - CancerThese people are acutely sensitive to their reputations and standing in the world. It is important to them to be considered responsible and respectable. In many ways there is a close tie between professional activity and the home life. They often have partners in their profession or business.

X House - CancerThese people are acutely sensitive to their reputations and standing in the world. It is important to them to be considered responsible and respectable. In many ways there is a close tie between professional activity and the home life. They often have partners in their profession or business.

CANCER MIDHEAVENThis placing indicates that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates more to home and family concerns. Much work is required to overcome emotional inhibitions, early conditioning and irrational fears. Emotional

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security and self-acceptance will eventually come from a true knowledge of self and an ability to focus inwardly, away from the emotional and financial dependency of others. You enjoy cooking, restaurants and all places where food is prepared or served. Your profession may involve real estate, catering, building projects, the manufacture of domestic products, and any work that deals with fluids, or a business working from the home.Cancer Midheaven.As a person with Cancer on the Midheaven, you need continuity in your career, as you dislike chopping and changing. You either already have a shrewd business sense, or are working hard on developing this. Money is not everything for you however, achieving secure circumstances for your family, whether this is your traditional family or a close knit group you are part of, is much more important for you. Typical career paths include nursing, social work, child care and other 'caring' professions; employment in the restaurant trade, and work as a historian or in architecture.

XI House - LeoAn external source of strength and security must he established. Therefore, these natives cultivate friendships with influential people of genius and

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creativity, since their own creative self-expression is often linked with these friends.

XII House - VirgoThese natives tend to bring about their own downfall by excessive worry and nagging about trivial points. Their hidden support, however, is their ability to devote meticulous attention to secondary details that others may well overlook. The substratum of their endeavors is well planned and organized. Cannot enjoy love and affection of mother. One of the primary reasons for such lack of care may either due to mother's death or unavoidable circumstances and atmosphere which warrant his mother to be away from the native. There may be several beneficial points of his father with which he can always be proud of. Even then, not much help will be derived from his father also. In other words, we have to come to a conclusion that the native leads more or less a life of an orphan. There may be a lot of difference of opinion between his father and him on several points where an amicable settlement on any matter may not be possible. It is due to these reasons he is right from the childhood a hardworking and self made person.

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He loves his wife and children very much. Even so, he has two bad qualities. One is that he is addicted to alcohol and another is that he indulges in too much sex with other ladies. In spite of these weaknesses he will not make this weaknesses as hindrance either in the family or social life.Since has inherent vigor and vitality given by the god, his health will normally be very good. However, he is prone to paralytic attack.

***Poseidon-8th degree of Libra, the person. This degree also indicates psychic powers as well as talent for astrology and the interpretation of cards or tarots. Reserved, sensual, and melancholic character. This degree often portends a separation caused by a bereavement which occurs during childhood or adolescence. In adulthood, one would be well-advised not to listen to one's heart impulses unless the partner is really trustworthy. There is a strong probability of widowhood, or divorce, followed by a second marriage.

****AntiVertex -9th degree of Libra, energy will be spent in an important mission or work


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You suffer pain through financial loss or fear financial insecurity. Your early emotional wounds have lead to poor self esteem. Your search for self worth may mean that you are able later in life to help others find their own worth.

***CHIRON IN SCORPIOYou will feel deep pain which surfaces in intimate relationships. You may have suffered a pre-birth trauma. Your own deep pain will prompt you to delve into the mysteries of life, including birth, death and sexuality. You may counsel or teach others. You may also probe into metaphysics, and become a spiritual healer.PART OF FORUNE-11th degree of Scorpio. Old mistakes, secret tragedy. Regeneration equals joy. Inspiring courage and transformation in others is a key to your fulfillment.

THE SOUTH NODE IN THE 3RD HOUSEThis represents a quest to develop your higher mind. You need to let go of past life tendencies to be narrow minded and learn to broaden your perspectives.

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IC-2nd degree of Capricorn-a few enemies. Indicates a brilliant life blessed with good luck and happiness.

PALLAS-25th of Capricorn-travel abroad, long journeys. You possess wisdom and the ability to structure your thoughts. Your mind copes well with plans and you like to put things in their proper place.

CERES-5th degree of Aquarius- warm and caring with children. Others are attracted to your playfulness. Suspicion and slanders. Serious accident or a painful disappointment, one decides to live in seclusion. If one makes the effort to open up to the world and learns the joys of sharing, life will immediately change for the better.

VESTA-26th degree of Pisces- VESTA IN THE 6TH HOUSEYou are committed to serving others. You may also be dedicated to service through healing. You work best when you are striving for service to humanity. You are committed to making the world a better place for everyone. You feel overwhelmed by work unless you focus on service to others. In the aftermath of a disaster caused by a twist of fate or by excesses of all kinds, one must rebuild

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one's life with courage and learn from past mistakes. Ordeals increase self-confidence and faith in divine providence and turn out to be a powerful spur to accomplish remarkable feats.

POLAR ASCENDANT IN ARIES-7TH HOUSE- occupations related to security such as the police, the military, or the law are highly favored. Original and independent person who prefers to remain out of the mainstream.

ERIS-5th degree of Aries- the challenging path. Danger, dominant over others.VERTEX IN ARIES-7TH HOUSE-9TH DEGREE- You can be persuasive, dynamic and an excellent motivator for others who are interested in the same area. You will develop an intensity of focused skill in your vocation. You can be extremely inventive and are often drawn to start something new, pioneer new ideas and develop new concepts - you just know that they will work and nothing can dissuade you. Sometimes your ideas seem to come out of nowhere and yet are just right for the situation. A remarkable person. Success.

ADMETOS-18TH DEGREE OF ARIES-lose riches or home through a natural disaster, war or revolution.

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HYGEIA IN ARIES-You are keen to live a healthy lifestyle, and initiate fitness programs. You are impatient to overcome your illnesses. Ill health may be a sign that you need to slow down.SEDNA IN ARIES-7TH HOUSE-21ST OF ARIES- You need to feel a deep connection, one that crosses all boundaries. You may also travel across the water to meet your loved one, or they might travel to you. It is possible that your marriage involves some type of sacrifice, such as you living across the waters away from your own family so that you can marry your spouse. However, it can also mean that you feel deeply satisfied with your choice.

KRONOS-8TH HOUSE-20TH DEGREE- indicates gifts for occultism or, at least, above-average perceptiveness. DEGREE OF PREDICTION.

NORTH NODE-9TH HOUSE-11TH DEGREE OF GEMINI- This degree indicates romance followed by abandonment, premature widowhood, or the loss of a child.

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VULCANUS IN THE 9TH HOUSE-IN GEMINI 21ST DEGREE. - A strong fondness for nature and aesthetics. Success can be achieved in the arts, and particularly in poetry, singing and music, or painting. Marriage and family life are blessed with good luck. However, the body is sensitive to humidity, and one must try to live in dry locations.

THE MIDHEAVEN IN CANCERYou need a safe and secure profession, and caring for others is often a key. You will experience strong emotions about your public status. Sad experiences and memories.

ZEUS IN 11TH HOUSE-IN LEO, 22ND DEGREE- education and mentoring are favored, Prophecy- your name is most likely to go down in history.APOLLON-18TH DEGREE OF VIRGO-12TH HOUSE-Respect, honesty, common sense, Straightforward, independent, and clever character.

CO-ASCENDANT-1ST DEGREE OF LIBRA-Generous, gentle, and melancholic character endowed with sharp intelligence and high moral and humanistic values. Beneath contemplative appearances, one is very efficient in scientific

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research. Solitary work based on past successful experiences yields valuable discoveries for the future.

1949-1950-Progressed Neptune Conjunction Radix Neptune-Transiting Sun Square Progressed Neptune-metaphysical realizations may emerge during this phase.Transiting Neptune Trine Progressed Uranus (12th, 8th house) - spiritual strength -metaphysical activity -unique talents.Transiting Moon Sextile Progressed Uranus-(9th-8th house) expression of individuality. Open, experimental attitude.Transiting Moon Conjunction Progressed Midheaven (9-10th house)Being noticed. Uranus conjunction with MC-important and dramatic changes in his life-project unusual abilities.Uranus opposition with the Sun-the unpredictablePluto-Sun half square-discovering his own powers

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Transiting Uranus Opposition Progressed/ Moon Transiting Uranus Opposition Progressed Mars (9-3rd house)

***1951-1952-Uranus continue to be at the MC-Mercury-Neptune half square/Neptune trine UranusThe combination of Uranus and Mars can be explosive when placed in tension and these are the energies coming into your life under this transit. Events and other people are likely to act in an extreme and unpredictable fashion threatening your sense of security.Life takes on an unpredictable quality, brought about either by your own actions or by changes thrust on you. Your home life and relationships with loved ones, are prey to the disruptions of this transit. The changes may be emotionally distressing or exciting, depending on your ability to adapt to new circumstances. The more that you can remain flexible and accepting, the more you will experience a sense of freedom and excitement rather than distress. You are being challenged to leave behind old habits which may be comfortable but which are holding you back from achieving your full potential. The results at the end of this transit are liberating; it is simply the path which can be a little rocky.

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1958-moved to Cyprus-Jupiter in the 1st house-Jupiter square Uranus/Uranus squared the Moon

1965-Jupiter conjunct the MC-Saturn in the 6th house-military- was a soldier in the Israeli Army.1967-Uranus conjunction with Ascendant-Saturn in IC-Saturn and Uranus squared the Sun1969-Jupiter and Uranus conjunct his ascendant-Jupiter in the 1st house1970- Work: New Job 1970 (Working as "magician" demonstrating abilities) Financial: Gain significant money 1970 (Making $2,000/week as "magician")-Pluto and Uranus conjunction with Ascendant-New direction, new path.-Jupiter through the 1st and 2nd house-Saturn in the 8th.1971-Mercury sextile Uranus-Jupiter conjunction with mercury-new communicative borders-expansion-spiritual discipline (3-9th house), Saturn –Mercury opposition-challenge-stability phase has begunJupiter-Uranus opposition-technology –inventiveness-alien contactsBegin Travel 1972 (Israel to New York to test psi abilities)-Jupiter in the 3rd house-4th house/Saturn 8-9th house, Pluto conjunction to Ascendant-

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Metamorphosis-Jupiter in IC,Saturn trine Neptune-attaining goals and dreams, Uranus conjunction with Neptune, Saturn half square with Neptune (inner dimensions, awakening of latent powers and talents, expectations and dreams are on the way to be completed)Uranus sextile Pluto-constructive period-serious developments and changesUranus-Moon half sextile-change of environmentJupiter conjunct the Sun-creating the futurePluto-Sun conjunction personal changeUranus-Venus half square new social environmentUranus-Jupiter-travel

Great Publicity 1973 (Appeared on British T.V., overnight sensation)-Pluto continue to conjunct his Ascendant-Saturn at the MC-completion, success. Deepen the perception. Self-reliance.Jupiter through the 5-4th house-expansion-feel good. Recognition, self-confidence. Audience, creative, at the top.

Chart Patterns T-Square, focal planet Moon, Venus, Jupiter

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You have a T-Square in your chart. With this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here. The Moon in Scorpio gives a moody and serious cast to the personality. You may need to lighten up! With the Moon in Scorpio, you are very sensual, and your feelings are strong and run deep. You are passionate in your response to life. Your early home life may have been difficult, and you may react especially strongly to emotionally charged situations in your adult life because of it. You are extremely loyal. You may have a tendency toward control, or even

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domination of your partner. You can be stubborn, and are possessed of a powerful will. You should beware of being overly critical of others. The Moon in the Second House represents being emotionally connected with one's values, with one's possessions, or the material things in this world. You may feel that your self-worth is connected with the physical manifestation of material wealth or material comfort. Your values are very important to you. You may feel compelled toward gaining material wealth or possessions when your emotional life is unfulfilling. You can also be quite generous. Your finances may fluctuate throughout your lifetime as you move through various emotional growth phases. When you follow your gut feelings you are likely to be successful financially. You excel in occupations which deal with meeting the wants and needs of other people. You feel most comfortable and secure when your values and emotions are clearly defined and you can act upon them. Venus in Scorpio gives a fervent and intense love nature that has the possibly of being obsessive or self-involved at times. This placement may prove difficult for you, because the intense passions of Scorpio can be more than the milder love energy of Venus is ready for. You are sensual and passionate in relationship, and tend to relate to even casual contacts on a deeper and more personal level. For you, there is no such thing as a superficial contact with others. You also may

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feel a basic relationship insecurity that drives you to be possessive or even jealous at times. You may appear friendly on the surface while acting selfishly at another more hidden level of your personality. You benefit from curbing the obsessive expression of your will. Your challenge is the transformation of your deep and all consuming passion into a more open and caring relationship energy. Venus in the Second House represents a deeply felt connection within you between artistic conception and material form. You have a talent for artistic expression that manifests in a practical way, for example with an interest in interior design or gardening, or perhaps in its full-on manifestation in the field of the visual or plastic arts. You may also display a fondness for the material things of life, or for their medium of exchange, money and finance. Material things ultimately mean more to you than what they are worth, and are valued for their intrinsic beauty. You likely have a well-developed sense of what you value and an unerring moral compass. It may be right for someone else, but if it's not right for you, you won't have any part of it. You possess an earthy and practical love nature, very ardent and nurturing.

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