Us Claims Filing DRAFT

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  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT




      Plaintiffs, ) ______________



    Ves!s )



      Defen"ant. )



    This action seeks just compensation from the United States for an absolute and

    whole violation of the Plaintiffs exactly named rights and birthright and for

    property taken from Plaintiffs, a declatory judgment, that the Defendant is in

    active default and that actions taken by the US and its officers were arbitrary

    and without any factual or lawful basis and an appropriate junction


    This court has jurisdiction because the US is a Defendant and this case meets

    every single basis for jurisdiction named by this court itself and by the US !"

    US# $%&$ 'lso it has been previously found twice over that the US is in

    default so that this is a first time ever circumstance making this court the court

    in which Plaintiffs would seek damages as this court exists to balance and then

    counterbalance the US( ability and capacity to cause harm without justly

    compensating The People) the original intent of this court(s very existence is in



  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    $. PARTIES

    Plaintiffs are natural born citi*ens of the United States of 'merica not of the

    incorporated US +ne Plaintiff is being charged with a capital offense and has a

    fatal disease

    Plaintiffs sue in their own right, as they are sovereign entities and as the

    successors to the 'merican ounders and their original form, The #onstitution for

    the United States of 'merica circa $-"&

    The Defendants are the US and its officers who are successors to the incorporation

    of the US known as The #onstitution of the United States circa $"-$ They are also

    the successors of an action named .ush / 0ore that has a basis in fact but not in

    law as the Petition1'rgument is not the same thing as the +pinion) the Plaintiffsdo not regard the Supreme #ourt 2ustices as Defendants


    $ +n 3arch $!th, !44" the Plaintiffs directly filed a constitutional authority case

    of original jurisdiction within the Supreme #ourt of the US

    ! ' direct challenge to .ush / 0ore henceforth known as ./0 the suit was won

    upon filing or else it wouldn(t exist) filing and adjudication in this type ofcase is simultaneous or concurrent

    5 Plaintiff1#ounselor Susan 6erbert understood that the argument or theory

    authored by lawyers known as ./0 is bad and that according to the exactly

    worded #onstitution 7either version8 that ./0 the opinion as it involves the

    election of a President created what is a tie as the correct, actual math is9

    ./0:$ whole court as ; as $ vs % as $ hence $ vs $ or ./0 :$ absolute #hief

    2ustice as P?DP for

    women and children accounting for biological distinction and making the case

    for the existence of the exactly named #reator and that this then creates the

    venue to test the natural birth clause


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    % The federal =uestion becomes9 @f the venue to hear the case for e=uality and

    to test the natural birth clause does not exist then does 'merica existA Bou

    must create the venue via acting to enter a case of original jurisdiction

    ; 'ny way you count ./0 it is always and forever a tie as the nation as a whole

    $ voted for 0ore and we have no popular vote according to US Caw) a lone

    citi*en acting on behalf of The People must then call it via a direct suit as

    ./0 seems to be an original case but it is not as it began life as 0ore / C

    thus none of those present possessed constitutional authority and ./0 is not

    an actual original case 7actual original jurisdiction does not apply8) also the

    winner never appeals so .ush would not bring it to S#+TUS and in the case of

    a Presidential election S#+TUS has no power to install a President plus the

    #onstitution reads @ willE not my lawyer willE so both .ush and 0ore had to

    act pro se or else all they have proven is that they have no ability thus they

    can(t fulfill the oath of office

    F urthermore ./0 was filed as an emergency when no actual emergency exists

    as we have orderly transfers of power) the point of law to be had is moral

    authority aka constitutional authority not legal power and not control) it is

    about commanding not presiding) it is about the existence of a commission G

    the divine endowment H that all actual 'mericans are born into not

    permission as nobody needs another man(s permission to press suit, to ascend

    to the seat in actuality or to do anything as in the US law tells you what you

    can do and names a single act as criminal9 treason, as you can but may not


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    birth clause meaning9 what is now an oligarchy as 2efferson predicted will

    become a dictatorship) it(s alienation thus foreigni*ation must transpire

    & Bou can logically reason this out plus the pattern is to break the color line

    first by allowing a black man to succeed and then to break the gender line

    not sex line by allowing a woman to follow Iote9 0ender and sex are two

    different things) gender discrimination and prejudice yet exists while

    discrimination and prejudice based upon the act of sex is being addressed

    thus heterosexual women are not actually gaining ground but losing ground

    $4 The reasoning this is being done is to keep all =ualified women out of the

    offices of #hief 2ustice and #ommander in #hief in order to usurp their moral

    authority) the corrupted thinking of a majority of men is that women are

    inferior to men) that is their true belief) if it were not so then none of them

    would be reacting out of fear) even if it is on the tiniest subconscious level'CC men with the possible exception of those who are exactly named

    Plaintiffs do truly believe that men are better than women and most women

    believe this too or else they would not agree to participate Iote9 Jomen yet

    earn about "4 cents for every K$ a man earns, the highest paying jobs for

    women are all in the sex industry, sex trafficking has exploded in the US,

    women comprise only %FL of the #>+S who head ortune ;44 companies,

    only %% have served as Senators since $-"& and about &-L of all media

    decisions are made by men

    $$ 'lthough women legally secured the vote with the passage of the $&th

    'mendment in $&!4 their vote is a powerless, meaningless action as it cannot

    be enforced until or unless a woman sits as #hief 2ustice or President and

    that is because no man will have the experience of life known as pregnancy

    and giving birth and men perceive the world differently than women so that

    they will never own the knowledge of womanE as wisdom) men are relying

    and depending upon what is hearsay and suggestive only in the cases of

    women and each time a woman wins suit in S#+TUS it is somehow, someway

    overturned or ignored by a male majority as if no action ever transpired and

    as if their personal judgment values are the law and the reality of women

    $! #onfusion exists in this uni=ue case as people assume that the 2ustices

    answer a suit brought against the US) incorrect as the 2ustices are impartial

    and the responsible clerks answer first by calling the point of law regarding

    filing as a right by acting to file the case or not thus to file is to win and then


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    the US in the form of the Solicitor 0eneral or any other person in the chain of

    command down to the lone citi*en acts to answer on behalf of the US and in

    defense of the $"-$ version of The #onstitution aka the incorporation

    $5 @t(s the Supreme #ourt of the United States of 'merica as it was formed in

    $"45, before the US( incorporation

    $% S#+TUS clerks and 2ustices never act to answer on behalf of the US therefore

    the docket entries in the case of @n

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    $" Plaintiffs then returned to S#+TUS in order to secure what had to follow9

    +fficial, legal default, as now the Plaintiffs were directly appealing the

    original governing contracts as authored by our ounders and any other

    answer would constitute an admission of guilt upon the US( part Plaintiffs are

    asking =uestions regarding the exactly worded original contracts, as they are

    elegant or perfect) they are universally true

    $& Plaintiffs are also doing something else9 @n 'merica we previously accepted

    only three pieces of paper as proof in our courts9 The Declaration, The

    ederalist Papers and The #onstitution for the United States of 'merica dated

    $-"& not The US #onstitution or The #onstitution of the United States dated

    $"-$ as that is an incorporated business entity or a dead institution that is

    real on paper but not in actuality) no other paper is accepted as proof but

    only as evidence) to file @n

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    it one cannot prove the existence of the exactly named #reator @t(s not the

    god particle as men popularly refer to it but the #reator particle that

    separates man from all other animals so 6erbert jokingly calls it The Thomas

    2efferson Particle and seriously calls it the nanino) she named the force at

    work the @ntrinsic orce after 2ohn 3arshall as he said within 3arbury that

     politics is intrinsic

    !5 Jithout reali*ing it 7he was knowing but not wholly aware8 Thomas 2efferson

    was able to define the universal mean that eluded @saac Iewton) the

    experiment he conducted yields the great enough differenceE that Iewton

    writes about in Principia) it is the weight of your mind or of motive and intent

    as only men possess motive and intent) using this 2efferson also arrived at the

    correct weight of >arth but Cord #alvert of .altimore was erroneously given

    credit for what is a bad theory by the arth(s electromagnetic field within the electromagnetic

    field the universe is


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    !- 2efferson enshrined the truth of this universal mean, the mean that unites it

    all, in a clock that he built that yet exists at 3onticello for the weight would

    hit the floor and so the clock would stop ticking) while it seems to be a

    mistake it is not) as 2efferson can(t fix what isn(t broken he merely cut a

    whole in his floor to accommodate the weight) this difference is the universal

    mean in the form of a clock) think of this in terms that you are familiar with

    such as greatest weightE, balanceE and counterbalanceE for you

    counterbalance the interest and the right both public and private) US Caw

    works much like a finely tuned watch) it has a heart beat and it respires

    exactly as human beings do and exactly as this universe does but the paper

    isn(t alive as The People who are the government do live) paper is conscious

    as all things are conscious but it is not consciously aware like humans are as

    human beings are a special arrangement of atoms) humans have a mind of

    their own while paper is inanimate

    !" 2efferson did know what he had done concerning the universal mean but he

    did know what he had done concerning a system of currency G this unit is also

    a mean unit of currency H as he understood that money is what enslaves

    people and our modern linear calendar, as time is whole not absolute, is

    meant to value people as an amount of money when this monetary value is an

    everHchanging condition that allows those who control this Ovalue( to then

    control us as abusers 7authoritarian rulers8 change the condition over and

    over and when they run out of gas as there are no more conditions left tochange they then become violent which has happened across this nation and

    the world) the monetary system has already collapsed as evidenced by the

    US( inability to pay its debts and its bond rating falling

    !& 2efferson(s genius idea was to discern a universal amount that is then a term

    of this universe so that no man could enslave another by artificially

    manipulating this value) as it(s a term then it(s a law) its value is constant


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    5& Plaintiffs then pursued remedy and relief in the other federal court as nearly

    every but not every person alive ignored and denied reality going so far as to

    make up factsE that weren(t facts and that never transpired in history) they

    inserted what is their own personal belief and their own fantasy within their

    rulings assigning it to us as if the Plaintiffs said it or did it when they did not

    %4 >verybody knows basic contract law but yet denies the reality of it) ideally

    this very filing should be one sentence long9 *T(e US "efa!lte" in a $ase +f 

    $+nstit!ti+nal a!t(+it an" +i-inal !is"i$ti+n s+ /e ae (ee t+ $+lle$t

    !0+n t(is !"-1ent +f "efa!lt2 see t(e atta$(e" "+$3et4. 

    %$ 3ore than three times a federal judge ruled upon a case that the Plaintiffs

    had not filed and1or that did not exist for it never happened G they actually

    made up Ofacts( that are fantasy only such as 6erbert was convicted offelonies and is in state prison so she needs to petition the warden regarding

    conditions when this is completely false H so it was impossible to reason with

    these unreasonable people

    %! our events transpired in short order in !4$4 and !4$$9 5). The Sioux #ity

    @owa federal court told Plaintiffs that what it did not understand was that

    universal law exists and that our law mimics it thus is also universally true

    and that it had no idea that 2efferson not #alvert correctly weighed the >arth

    striking upon the smallest particle man can measure) that is it knew of2efferson(s work but it was not aware of the whole truth of it 6). Plaintiffs

    filed their case to the UI suing the Un itself, then every member nation and

    its own @6

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    later exactly as .arack +bama threatened) the suit was placed in the mail on

    +ctober !Fth and 6erbert was wrongly arrested on the !& th

    %5 6erbert spent " moths in jail learning what is unjust about the current

    criminal system 7what is broken8 including what is locali*ed only and harms

    women in Duval #ounty and in C exclusively) 6erbert volunteered to play out

    what became a battle of the will in order to secure a ruling for the Plaintiffs

    in person before a judge as it is not possible to deny and dismiss this case

    lawfully based upon reading the filing alone as you 3UST hear #ounsel who

    are also Plaintiffs in person or else you can(t know something) you cannot

    know it or be aware of it by merely reading the filing) this is a form denial


    %% Iot hearing the case is the same as not looking at something with your eyes

    in order to deny its existence) it(s the same as claiming @ did not see it withmy own eyes so @ do not knowE when you had every opportunity to look but

    did not) you(re avoiding reality to then deny reality

    %; +n 'pril ;th, !4$!, almost exactly five years to the day that the Plaintiffs first

    filed in a court on 'pril %th, !44-, a C State judge acting in an entirely

    original venue in an entirely original jurisdiction G western C as it has never

    been mapped correctly and may have been forcibly taken from the Spanish 7a

    case concerning this area has already been heard in S#+TUS8 H found for the

    Plaintiffs as C entered the S#+TUS docket thereby literally placing thefederal =uestion upon the table) the judge acting as #hief 2ustice told C that

    6erbert was correct and that no matter what else the docket said that legal

    default is once the US failed to respond

    %F 'rmed with this ruling and the UI(s answer the Plaintiffs then filed in this

    very court as this court is where one eventually lands and as the C ruling is

    ineffectual as it was created within the transcript of a sealed hearing and

    ruling captioned @n

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    %- Jhen filing in this court Plaintiffs acted to negate yet another possible

    threat9 '

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    targeting 'nthony Mennedy in order to commit this wrongful act .oies then

    acted to execute his threat

    ;! Due to the nature of the suits heard in US claims and because they are about

    dollar amounts and as no pro se person1s who do not hold law licenses have

    ever brought a successful suit against the US before now nor has the US ever

    been in default before now then every single sitting judge except for the

    #hief 2udge has a preHexisting conflict that is insurmountable

    ;5 The #hief 2udge only has such a conflict if he or she creates it by ignoring and

    denying actual reality known as contract law, default, +bama(s own claims

    made by he himself and the existent prejudice against women

    ;% @n his ruling and order Jheeler says it seems as ifE the Plaintiffs are against

    all forms of government or government itself when the Plaintiffs are clearlyfor our original form as instituted by The #reator and as originally defined by

    the ounders meaning that he is not aware G he doesn’t own what he is not

    aware of and he may not make a decision against the Plaintiffs based upon

    the appearance of the paper document alone G and that some people are

    prominentE ie important implying that we are less important or not

    important at all and that said prominent people should be immune from

    criticism and from the named conse=uences or from law itself, as if we are

    less than and they are better than

    ;; Jheeler claims that Susan 6erbert exactly demeaned people when this is

    false as 6erbert and the other Plaintiffs  not Herbert alone said that those

    named act as if they are more animal than human as their actions are

    unconscionable 7fact9 animals do not possess a conscience and so are not

    consciously aware hence by their very nature animals are unconscionable8

    and cryptoH2ewE is an accepted scholarly term) it is a term that theologians

    and genealogists use as does 2ustice Sonia Sotomayor 

    ;F #ryptoH2ewE is a term that refers to any person whose family was 2ewish

    originally but who converted under force during times of persecution so that

    while raised #atholic or Protestant or 3uslim the original tradition of their

    ancestors is 2udaism) they aren(t 2ewish now but the reason their families

    might yet practice what are traditional 2ewish customs is that 2udaism is

    encodedE within their families to this day) nothing stated is demeaning and

    is fact and1or factual plus9


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    ;- 'll of those named such as +bama had to act to truly demean the Plaintiffs

    and all women first or else we would not be able to name them and cite their

    own words as well as their own behavior) Plaintiffs can(t and didn(t demean

    anybody) all the Plaintiffs did is act in selfHdefense

    ;" Jheeler also objects to our named amount, K! billion, when that is a

    pittance and it comes out of no persons pocket as it is the amount held in

    trust as interest on a legal fund, a prior award, therefore it is currency not

    money) Plaintiffs legally claimed it via their case and a point of law regarding

    this Treaty and federal lands This Treaty is named in Petition 4-H&"4%

    ;& Jheeler made no such objection when Starr @ntl1'@0 who perpetrated wrong

    doing that they acknowledged and for which they were later bailed out by the

    tax payers against our will asked for K!; billion) recently Jheeler allowed.oies and Starr @nternational to up their claim to over K;4 billion) he(s

    allowing them discovery and allowing them to name any amount at all even if

    it defies reality while he(s denying us e=ual treatment

    F4 Jheeler is consciously and subconsciously admittingE to being possessed of

    what are mistaken beliefs as his subconscious truth is all over his paperwork

    which he himself authored) Jheeler does on some level believe that women

    are less than men and the pro se are less than lawyers and less than judges

    @n his subconscious mind he does not believe in e=uality Jheeler, in order torationali*e his action, is ignoring and denying that the US defaulted 7he

    completely denies this fact8 and facts that +bama has not yet disputed some

    of which he himself stated and which caused +bama to threaten 6erbert thus

    the class with death) these are9

    F$ +bama has used several different names in his life or he has signed as

    anonymousE) this has caused mass confusion) his actual given name is .lake

    as that is the name his mother gave him as she named him after the >nglish


    F! +bama was born in Menya as his grandmother reported during a live broadcast

    7some parts of the world received this broadcast live not delayed so that they

    watched it before it was edited8) his parents did not fly from one part of

    6awaii to another part of 6awaii to marry but instead they flew to Menya

    where +bama was born) at that time Menya was a protectorate or colony of


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    .ritain) +bama was then flown back to Iorth 'merica via #anada as #anada

    too is a protectorate of .ritain thus #anada holds the vault copies of +bama(s

    records as #anadians claim 7#anadian officials labeled +bama(s biography a

    Ostate secret(8) from #anada +bama the infant entered the US in or around

    /ancouver, Jashington making him a citi*en of .ritain and1or of #anada but

    not a dual citi*en of .ritain and 'merica as he himself previously claimed as

    'merica does not legally recogni*e dual citi*enship) upon independence

    Menya re=uired their citi*ens to choose Menya or .ritain and +bama(s mother

    chose Menya and then #anada for +bama and then +bama his own self chose

    .ritain) also according to the Iationality 'ct +bama was born  four months

    too soon to be a legal voter as he has one citi*en parent

    F5 +bama has more than one social security number in more than one state 7he

    has a #T Q when he should have only a 6' Q8 and his selective service

    documents contradict his story as they too contain social security numbersother than the 6' Q and may not have been procured by he himself as mere

    @D was accepted as proof plus they were not date and time stamped the same

    day as they were signed

    F% +bama also takes great pains to ensure that his representatives not he

    himself make certain claims) +bama is very, very careful when he speaks so

    he does not use certain words) he(s Otoo careful() for instance, he alludes to

    the idea of slavery by using an 'frican sounding name and by claiming that his

    wife(s relatives were former slaves but he himself never claims to have beena slave, been a relative of slaves or to have been victimi*ed as such

    F; +ne of +bama(s first actions as President was to issue an >xecutive +rder

    making it more difficult for the citi*ens to secure copies of his records and

    that pits the 2udiciary in a battle against the >xecutive thus The People if

    these records are re=uested

    FF .ill 'yers has publicly claimed to have authored Dreams +f 3y atherE for

    +bama thus it is a work of fiction not autobiography or even biography and

    today this, 'yers unattributed, sole, ghost authorship, is considered to be

    common knowledge) this then means that +bama(s entire life story and the

    person he claimed to be which he presented as true, fact and correct is not


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    F- Iatural born or not none of this not even Jheeler(s actions change the fact

    that the US defaulted on Iovember ;th, !44", before +bama was sworn in but

    after  the Plaintiffs initially objected to ./0 and after the US waived all of its

    right under the $"-$ incorporation 7this fact will never change until it is

    addressed in court in person8 Jho represents the dead institution known as

    the USA +bama, therefore even if he were natural born he would still be

    unlawfully seated due to active default on the part of the US

    F" .ecause of the preHexisting conflict and as this case should have been directly

    filed to the #hief 2udge then you wouldn(t object to Jheeler(s ruling and

    order but you would refile, directly to the #hief 2udge

    F& Three Plaintiffs died and 6erbert became seriously ill due to one of her

    injuries so she spent weeks in the hospital) then she was reHarrested

    -4 +n December 54th, !4$5, Susan 6erbert again appeared before a C court

    acting as a federal court as she was wrongly arrested on the exact same day

    two years later, +ctober !&th, !4$5, and this is not a mistake, accident or

    coincidence) 6erbert spent a few hours in jail this time) wishing to remain

    before a relatively sane judge 6erbert plead Io #ontest knowing that she

    could overturn her own jury verdict if the terms of probation were made

    impossible as she had been warned they are and they were

    -$ The action dropped dead once an employee of a county, state and federallyfunded program demanded K5; or else she would call the police as  she was

    furious that the Plaintiffs had filed in S#+TUS and had won) she knew

    immediately upon seeing the docket that she had lost and was in default as

    she supported the US and so +bama) she insisted that she, a person with

    black skin, couldn(t be sued by a person with white skin) she reiterated this

    over and over) she, when 6erbert ignored her nonsense, actually told 6erbert

    to give her K5; or else she would call the police and falsely claim that

    6erbert was trespassing for the purpose of having 6erbert wrongly arrested

    once more when 6erbert was acting upon a valid court order 76erbert(s fully

    informed consent and 2udge >mmett erguson(s relative sanity made it valid8

    -! 6erbert had filed a motion to show cause preHemptively, on her way to this

    court ordered program, as 6erbert could and did know what would transpire

    as corruption is now endemic and these programs fail to address the cause of

    violence as the cause is always people and the first cause is always The


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    #reator who we exactly named The #reator is not responsible for injustice as

    people are) these programs often hire victims who have become victimi*ers

    as the cause of their victimi*ation is never addressed

    -5 Upon 6erbert(s thus the Plaintiffs 3otion To Show #ause the judge once again

    recogni*ed that D>'UCT @S and this time he went so far as to agree that the

    State and ed cannot show cause in this case, that they lack the human

    ability to show cause here and now and that even if they wanted to make up

    a cause they couldn(t based upon reality) the State of C did not object as it

    can(t 7that constitutes the absolute proof8) the judge and C agreed with the

    Plaintiffs on all points of law) then this judge, 2udge >mmett erguson, fully

    knowing and wholly aware that the Plaintiffs would be returning to US #laims

    then e9+3e" everything including court costs ie money) this is a first in

    Duval #ounty as far as the Plaintiffs can tell and it may be a first in C but it

    is not a first in this nation See attached Credit Rier Ruling and see attached !ual County docket, Exhibits C and D.

    -% 6erbert also addressed erguson(s mistaken belief concerning women as being

    less than as he was reali*ing it or making it real by instructing the court to

    note the dress of men for the record if they appeared wearing a tie as if this

    meant they are to be respected more and1or for what might not be the

    reality of their person but he never once noted the appearance of women for

    the record and when a woman would never wear a tie) 6erbert pointed this

    out to him and to the fact that by claiming to fear 0od and by asking to becalled sirE he was acting upon what is manmade, what is .ritish, what is

    discriminatory and what is not the reality of women, this nation or this

    universe) erguson stood aside by admitting to his mistake

    -; @n light of the actual facts and in light of US Caw no matter which version you

    use then the US had no other viable choice but to default) the US knew

    exactly what it was doing and what this then would mean so then)

    V. S!11a

    Jomen have never been accorded actual protection of the law) not once have

    they been e=ually treated under the law in reality They are e=ual on paper only

    but not treated so in actual reality because men delusionally believe that women

    are created defective or as less than men and that no woman can be born a

    genius) they falsely claim that a manmade 0od ordains the inferiority of women,


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    that women cannot produce genius, that women lack the ability and capacity to

    command and that a woman can only achieve with their approval and their help,

    as if women are not persons in their own right so that women need their

    permission in order to succeed @f any citi*en challenges their irrational thinking

    they are punished) they the US will teach them a lesson by making that citi*en

    afraid and breaking their will This is why  this case is being denied a hearing in

    person as that then protects the deluded, overly privileged and overly empowered

    majority and forces women to exist as if they are objects that are to be accorded

    less protection than animals inally a woman has triumphed over them and they

    do not personally like it or the truth) the law is the truth they act to avoid

    The US defaulted in a case of constitutional authority and original jurisdiction and

    .arack +bama is not =ualified to run for or hold the +ffice of President and

    #ommander but yet was installed as a direct result of the existent prejudice

    against women so we are here to collect upon the judgment of default


    5. Vi+lati+n Of All Ri-(ts In$l!"in- T(e Bit(i-(t

    .y violating every single one of Susan 6erbert(s and every women(s named

    rights the Defendant created a situation whereby the birthright known as the

    natural birth clause was violated thus all children both male and female are

    harmed) by denying the Plaintiffs substantive due process in the courts the US

    has knowingly, willingly and deliberately suppressed the whole and absolutetruth in order to unlawfully enforce the existence of a ruling dead institution

    over or against The People and this ultimate violation serves to Okill( both

    'merica and the US as now, as a direct result of prejudice against women and

    the institution of money the US can not met its debt @t is bankrupt

    @n classifying the original Petition both @ ? @@ as one of appellate jurisdiction

    when it is original jurisdiction the Defendants acted arbitrarily and without any

    factual basis

    6. Re-!lat+ Ta3in-s

    .y first finding that all moral authority belongs to The People and that People

    or Persons under the law do possess rights and are sovereign by law but then by

    ruling that they are not Persons or sovereign w1o entering any evidence or

    proof at all and by denying them entry to S#+TUS or any other federal court in

    person G by Oforcing( the State courts to act as ederal #ourts of law H the


  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    incorporated US and its officers are then using private citi*ens ie private

    property for public use without just compensation

    7. P(si$al Ta3in-s

    .y confiscating and refusing to file the 3otion To #ompel The US To

  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    biological distinction and that The People are sovereign as Thomas 2efferson

    previously reasoned in ' Summary /iew +n The

  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT




    No. 07-9804  

    Title: In Re Susan Herbert, Petitioner 



    !o"#ete$: %ar"& 12, 2008 

    '''!ate''' '''''''Pro"ee$in(s an$ )r$ers'''''''''''''''''''''

    %ar 11 2008 Petition *or a +rit o* an$aus an$-or .ro&ibition an$ otion *or leave to .ro"ee$

    in *ora .au.eris *ile$ /Res.onse $ue .ril 11, 2008.r 1 2008 aiver o* ri(&t o* res.on$ent e$eral Res.on$ent to res.on$ *ile$

    .r 3 2008 !ISTRIT! *or on*eren"e o* .ril 18, 2008

    Apr 21 2008 Petition DENIED.

    %a 7 2008 Petition *or Re&earin( *ile$

    %a 13 2008 !ISTRIT! *or on*eren"e o* %a 29, 2008

    Jun 2 2008 Rehearing DENIED.

    No. 08-6622  

    Title: In Re Susan Herbert, Petitioner 



    !o"#ete$: )"tober 6, 2008


    '''!ate''' '''''''Pro"ee$in(s an$ )r$ers'''''''''''''''''''''

    )"t 3 2008 Petition *or a +rit o* an$aus an$-or .ro&ibition an$ otion *or leave to .ro"ee$ in

    *ora .au.eris *ile$ (Repone !ue No"e#$er %& 2008' No" 20 2008 !ISTRIT! *or on*eren"e o* !e"eber 5, 2008 )n*a+,u* an! not *ega** poi$*e

    a no repone e"er a#e/ in uh an e"ent the ae i et ,or hearing auto#atia**/

    3) +ou*! ne"er repon! on $eha*, o, the ) 5otion to o#pe* i not *ite!.

    !e" 8 2008 Petition !I!


  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    B. REASONIN& RE&ARDIN& UN;S UNLAntered to S#+TUS ? the UI previously9

    3elvindaleonline says9 Make sure you’re sitting down for this one. Je turn now to United States

    #ode 7US#8 Title !! !"F and read the following9 !"F 'cceptance of membership by the United

    States in @nternational 3onetary und The President is hereby authori*ed to accept membershipfor the United States in the @nternational 3onetary und 7hereinafter referred to as the und8,

    and in the @nternational .ank for 8?, fi9e 1+nt(s late, s+ t(e U.N. COULD NOT e'e$ise its teat /it( C+0. U.S. an" MA=


    VSusan9 Io @3A Io UI) no UIA Io @3 +ne cannot exist unless the other does first so it(s legally

    impossible Set aside all of the legal ramifications of the constitutional violations involved   Bou

    cannot remedy them all If t(e 1at( "i" n+t a"" !0 t(en it ne9e /ill2 t(is is an e'a10le +f t(e

    $+0+ati+n *"e$i"in-4 t(e UN /+!l" e'ist as a le-al entit s+ PREDETERMININ& /e /+!l"ente a teat BEFORE t(at le-al entit e9e e'iste".

  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    to enter this treaty thus they knew to author an act that presupposes it(s existence and that then is

    a denial of informed consent among other things @t is forced on The People as J> had no

    opportunity to volunteer with full consent.  Je can never know if The People would have

    volunteered to conduct this experiment had Je been informed but the Ceague(s failure suggests

    noE Bou can never go back in time and make up that five month disparity as it is now history thus

    all you can and may doA #hange it in the now by addressing +bama(s unconstitutional election and

    .ush(s unconstitutional installation See %allstreet Collapse and failure of the S&C to protect the

    People with no trustees remoed and wholly inalid and unconstitutional employee bonus

    contracts enforced and paid out, which is 'he People being forced to pay tribute and to actual

    crooks as that money is funneled right back into the ()*+ it’s money laundering and it’s an actual

     pyramid scheme.


    ' J+ 3' + 3@II>S+T' '.+UT T6> #'S>9

    The #redit

  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT







    First National Bank of Montgomr!" #laintiff $s Jrom %al!" %fn&ant


    T' a(o$ ntitl& a)tion )am on (for t' Co*rt an& a J*r! of +, on %)m(r -" +/0 at +1211

    am. #laintiff a33ar& (! its #rsi&nt 4a5rn) V. Morgan an& 5as r3rsnt& (! its Co*nsl" R.

    Mll(!. %fn&ant a33ar& on 'is o5n ('alf.

     A J*r! of Talsmn 5r )all&" im3anl& an& s5orn to tr! t' iss*s in t' Cas. 4a5rn) V.

    Morgan 5as t' onl! 5itnss )all& for #laintiff an& %fn&ant tstifi& as t' onl! 5itnss in 'is o5n


    #laintiff (ro*g't t'is as a Common 4a5 a)tion for t' r)o$r! of t' 3ossssion of 4ot + Fair$i5Ba)'" S)ott Co*nt!" Minn. #laintiff )laim& titl to t' Ral #ro3rt! in 6*stion (! for)los*r of a

    Not an& Mortgag %& &at& Ma! 0" +/7 5'i)' #laintiff )laim& 5as in &fa*lt at t' tim

    for)los*r 3ro)&ings 5r start&.

    %fn&ant a33ar& an& ans5r& t'at t' #laintiff )rat& t' mon! an& )r&it *3on its o5n (ooks

    (! (ookk3ing ntr! as t' )onsi&ration for t' Not an& Mortgag of Ma! 0" +/7 an& allg&

    fail*r of t' )onsi&ration for t' Mortgag %& an& allg& t'at t' S'riff8s sal 3ass& no titl to


    T' iss*s tri& to t' J*r! 5r 5't'r t'r 5as a la5f*l )onsi&ration an& 5't'r %fn&ant

    'a& 5ai$& 'is rig'ts to )om3lain a(o*t t' )onsi&ration 'a$ing 3ai& on t' Not for almost 9 !ars.

    Mr. Morgan a&mitt& t'at all of t' mon! or )r&it 5'i)' 5as *s& as a )onsi&ration 5as )rat&

    *3on t'ir (ooks" t'at t'is 5as stan&ar& (anking 3ra)ti) :r)is& (! t'ir (ank in )om(ination 5it'

    t' F&ral Rsr$ Bank of Minna3olis" anot'r 3ri$at Bank" f*rt'r t'at ' kn5 of no Unit&

    Stats Stat*t or 4a5 t'at ga$ t' #laintiff t' a*t'orit! to &o t'is. #laintiff f*rt'r )laim& t'at

    %fn&ant (! *sing t' l&gr (ook )rat& )r&it an& (! 3a!ing on t' Not an& Mortgag 5ai$&

    an! rig't to )om3lain a(o*t t' Consi&ration an& t'at t' %fn&ant 5as sto33& from &oing so.

     At +,2+; on %)m(r -" +/0 t' J*r! rt*rn& a *nanimo*s $r&i)t for t' %fn&ant.

    No5 t'rfor" (! $irt* of t' a*t'orit! $st& in m 3*rs*ant to t' %)laration of In&3n&n)"

    t' Nort'5st Or&inan) of +-0-" t' Constit*tion of Unit& Stats an& t' Constit*tion an& t' la5sof t' Stat of Minnsota not in)onsistnt t'r5it'<


    +. T'at t' #laintiff is not ntitl& to r)o$r t' 3ossssion of 4ot +" Fair$i5 Ba)'" S)ott Co*nt!"

    Minnsota a))or&ing to t' #lat t'rof on fil in t' Rgistr of %&s offi).

    ,. T'at ()a*s of fail*r of a la5f*l )onsi&ration t' Not an& Mortgag &at& Ma! 0" +/7 ar n*ll

    an& $oi&.


  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    9. T'at t' S'riff8s sal of t' a(o$ &s)ri(& 3rmiss 'l& on J*n ,/" +/- is n*ll an& $oi&" of 

    no ff)t.

    7. T'at t' #laintiff 'as no rig't titl or intrst in sai& 3rmiss or lin t'ron as is a(o$ &s)ri(&.

    ;. T'at an! 3ro$ision in t' Minnsota Constit*tion an& an! Minnsota Stat*t (in&ing t' =*ris&i)tion

    of t'is Co*rt is r3*gnant to t' Constit*tion of t' Unit& Stats an& to t' Bill of Rig'ts of t'

    Minnsota Constit*tion an& is n*ll an& $oi& an& t'at t'is Co*rt 'as =*ris&i)tion to rn&r )om3lt

    J*sti) in t'is Ca*s.

    T' follo5ing mmoran&*m an& an! s*33lmntar! mmoran&*m ma& an& fil& (! t'is Co*rt in

    s*33ort of t'is J*&gmnt is 'r(! ma& a 3art 'rof (! rfrn).


    %at& %)m(r " +/0


    Cr&it Ri$r To5ns'i3

    S)ott Co*nt!" Minnsota


    T' iss*s in t'is )as 5r sim3l. T'r 5as no matrial &is3*t of t' fa)ts for t' J*r! to rsol$.

    #laintiff a&mitt& t'at it" in )om(ination 5it' t' f&ral Rsr$ Bank of Minna3olis" 5'i)' ar for all

    3ra)ti)al 3*r3oss" ()a*s of t'ir intrlo)king a)ti$it! an& 3ra)ti)s" an& (ot' (ing Banking

    Instit*tions In)or3orat& *n&r t' 4a5s of t' Unit& Stats" ar in t' 4a5 to ( trat& as on an&

    t' sam Bank" &i& )rat t' ntir >+7"111.11 in mon! or )r&it *3on its o5n (ooks (!

    (ookk3ing ntr!. T'at t'is 5as t' Consi&ration *s& to s*33ort t' Not &at& Ma! 0" +/7 an&

    t' Mortgag of t' sam &at. T' mon! an& )r&it first )am into :istn) 5'n t'! )rat& it.

    Mr. Morgan a&mitt& t'at no Unit& Stats 4a5 Stat*t :ist& 5'i)' ga$ 'im t' rig't to &o t'is. A

    la5f*l )onsi&ration m*st :ist an& ( tn&r& to s*33ort t' Not. S Ans'*sr?B*s)' Br5ing

    Com3an! $. Emma Mason" 77 Minn. 9+0" 7/ N.@. ;;0. T' J*r! fo*n& t'at t'r 5as no

    )onsi&ration an& I agr. Onl! o& )an )rat somt'ing of $al* o*t of not'ing.

    E$n if %fn&ant )o*l& ( )'arg& 5it' 5ai$r or sto33l as a mattr of 4a5 t'is is no &fns to

    t' #laintiff. T' 4a5 la$s 5rong&ors 5'r it fin&s t'm. S s)tions ;1" ;+ an& ;, of Am J*r 

    ,n& A)tions on 3ag ;07 no a)tion 5ill li to r)o$r on a )laim (as& *3on" or in an! mannr 

    &3n&ing *3on" a fra*&*lnt" illgal" or immoral transa)tion or )ontra)t to 5'i)' #laintiff 5as a 3art!.

    #laintiff8s a)t of )rating )r&it is not a*t'oriD& (! t' Constit*tion an& 4a5s of t' Unit& Stats" is

    *n)onstit*tional an& $oi&" an& is not a la5f*l )onsi&ration in t' !s of t' 4a5 to s*33ort an! t'ing

    or *3on 5'i)' an! la5f*l rig't )an ( (*ilt.

    Not'ing in t' Constit*tion of t' Unit& Stats limits t' =*ris&i)tion of t'is Co*rt" 5'i)' is on of 

    original J*ris&i)tion 5it' rig't of trial (! J*r! g*arant&. T'is is a Common 4a5 a)tion. Minnsota

    )annot limit or im3air t' 3o5r of t'is Co*rt to rn&r Com3lt J*sti) (t5n t' 3artis. An!

    3ro$isions in t' Constit*tion an& la5s of Minnsota 5'i)' attm3t to &o so is r3*gnant to t'

    Constit*tion of t' Unit& Stats an& $oi&. No 6*stion as to t' J*ris&i)tion of t'is Co*rt 5as rais&

    (! it'r 3art! at t' trial. Bot' 3artis 5r gi$n )om3lt li(rt! to s*(mit an! an& all fa)ts to t'

    J*r!" at last in so far as t'! sa5 fit.


  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    No )om3laint 5as ma& (! #laintiff t'at #laintiff &i& not r)i$ a fair trial. From t' a&missions ma&

    (! Mr. Morgan t' 3at' of &*t! 5as &ir)t an& )lar for t' J*r!. T'ir Vr&i)t )o*l& not rasona(l!

    (n ot'r5is. J*sti) 5as rn&r& )om3ltl! an& 5it'o*t &nial" 3rom3tl! an& 5it'o*t &la!"

    frl! an& 5it'o*t 3*r)'as" )onforma(l to t' la5s in t'is Co*rt of %)m(r -" +/0.



    FOR@AR%2 T' a(o$ J*&gmnt 5as ntr& (! t' Co*rt on %)m(r " +/0. T' iss* t'r

    5as sim3l ? Not'ing in t' la5 ga$ t' Banks t' rig't to )rat mon! on t'ir (ooks. T' Bank

    fil& a Noti) of A33al 5it'in +1 &a!s. T' A33als stat*ts m*st ( stri)tl! follo5&" ot'r5is t'

    %istri)t Co*rt &os not a)6*ir J*ris&i)tion *3on A33al. To ff)t t' A33al t' Bank 'a& to &3osit

    >,.11 5it' t' Clrk 5it'in +1 &a!s for 3a!mnt to t' J*sti) 5'n ' ma& 'is rt*rn to t' %istri)t

    Co*rt. T' Bank &3osit& t5o >+.11 F&ral Rsr$ Nots. T' J*sti) rf*s& t' Nots an&

    rf*s& to allo5 t' A33al *3on t' gro*n&s t'at t' Nots 5r *nla5f*l an& $oi& for an! 3*r3os.

    T' %)ision is a&&rss& to t' lgalit! of t's Nots an& t' F&ral Rsr$ S!stm.

    T' Cass of E&5ar&s $. arnD! an& Craig $. Misso*ri st o*t in t' &)ision s'o*l& ( st*&i&

    $r! )arf*ll! as t'! (ar on t' in$iola(ilit! of Contra)ts. T'is is t' )r*: of t' 5'ol iss*. Jrom



    %)m(r " +/0

    J*sti) Martin V. Ma'on!

    Cr&it Ri$r To5ns'i3

    S)ott Co*nt!" Minnsota

    Not2 It 'as n$r (n &o*(t& t'at a Not gi$n on a Consi&ration 5'i)' is 3ro'i(it& (! la5 is

    $oi&. It 'as (n &trmin&< (! in&3n&nt of A)ts of Congrss" t'at sailing *n&r t' li)ns of an

    nm! is illgal. T' mission of Bills of Cr&it *3on t' (ooks of t's 3ri$at Cor3orations for t'

    3*r3os of 3ri$at gain is not 5arrant& (! t' Constit*tion of t' Unit& Stats an& is *nla5f*l. SCraig $. Mo. 7 #trs R3orts +,. T'is Co*rt )an tra& onl! t'at 3at' 5'i)' is mark& o*t (! &*t!.

    M.V.M. Com3lt rasoning of mon! as no goo& is 5it'in SCOTUS as is rasoning o.=. no5 is.G


    @I #+U 2UD0> S'@D T>

    +D, @I  JD @T T+ ' #@/@C 2UD03>IT) @I DU/'C #+UITB 'CC #+US ' #+I/>D T+ #@/@C2UD03>ITS 'S T6>B US>D T+ .>#+3> ' S>#+ID'#T  J6'T  T6>  D+#M>T  'DS  'ID  J6'T  '#TU'CCB

    T S'@D  @I #+U 0'

    @IT@'C  >D>'D  T+  '.@D>  .B  T6>  C'J  .B

    #6'B  @I T6> >/>IT + 'I >3>I#B 'ID 'S T6>  2UD0>S  @I/+C/>D #'CC>D  @I

    S@#M T6US  @T(S  ST@CC 'I  +P>I, I>/>D '#T@+I) 'T T6>  T@3> + @C@I0 T6> #C>

  • 8/9/2019 Us Claims Filing DRAFT


    #C'@3>D T6'T T6>@3>I#B .UTT+I G T6>B D@D I+T MI+J 6+J

    T+ @C> 'I >3>I#B H S+ T6'T T6>B 6'D T+ #6' USN J> P'@D T6> >>