PLEASE NOTE This image contains more than one label . approved for this product on this date.

U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

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Page 1: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing


This image contains more than one label . approved for this product on this date.

Page 2: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing



Ms. Debb~e Zie~ Prod1,lct Registration The Ap.d~r~oIls Lawn. Fert. Div., Inc PO Box 119 Maumee, OH 43537



MAY 1 4 2010

SUBJECT: Appli~ation for Pesticide Notification (PRN 98-10) "Request Alternate Brand Name "The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 18-0-'6" EPA Reg. No. 9198-120 Application Dated April 5,2010

Dear Ms. Ziehr:

The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Rygistration Notiye (PRN) 98-10 dated 04/05/10 for the above product. The Registratipn Division (RD) has yonducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds that the action(s) requested fall within the scope ofPRN 98-10. The label submitt~d with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records.

If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Owen F. Beeder of my staff at 703-308-8899.


~ Linda Arrington Notifications & Minor Formulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs

Page 3: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

Pie .. " re~";I..i".tructio". on revene before coml. . . .intl form. Form ADDrOVe~\_JMB No. 2070-008(l emiree 2-28-95

, United States Lj Registration opp Identifier Number

&EPA Environ mental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 .f ·Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification

9198-120 Miller o None D Restricted 4. Company/Product (Nama) PM' The Andersons Dithiopyr Herbicide II 23

5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(31

The Andersons Lawn Fert. Div., Inc. (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling d/b/a Free Flow Fert. to: P.O. Box 119 EPA Reg. No. Maumee. OH 43537

D ChBck if this is s nBW sddrBss Product Name

Section - II

D Amendment - Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to Agency letter dated NOTifiCATION D Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated D "Me Too· Application.

0 Notification - Explain below. D Other - Explain below. MAY 1 4 2010

Explanation: Use additional pagels) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.) Notification of Alternate Brand Name per PR Notice 98-10: The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 18-0-6

This notification is consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of EPA's regulations al40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46 and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46. this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA.

Section - III 1. Meterlel Thill Product Will Be Pllckllged In:

Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container

WYes tzj Yes ~ Yes ~M.'.

.f No .f No ,/ Plastic

No Glass

• Certification must If "Yes" No. per If "Yes" No. per ./ Paper Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container Other (Specify)

be submittBd I

3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 15. Location of Label Directions

L Label l{J Container 50 Ibs. - 2,000 Ibs. ~OnLabel

6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product tJ Uthograph l{J Other Pocket ./ Paper ~Iued

Stanei 8d

Section - IV 1 . Contact Point (Comp/ete items directly below far identification of individual to be cantactBd, if necessary, to praCBSS this appli'l.f!..ttf1!!')

Name Titla Telephone NOC:(:IJ1GI:;I~a Araa Code)

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Adm in istrator 419-891-6671 0000 0


Certification OOO(.lc"o 6_ Date,:,Application o c 0 ~acei~ed I certify that the statements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto are true, accurate and campletel>

0(,,0(\00 I acknowledge that any knowlinglly falsa or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisorvnect.;cro" 0 o (Stampedt both under applicable law. 00" 0 0" 0

c 0 0

2. Signature 3. Title CGOOO c 00

0 (.

~t7JA~ Regulatory Administrator (.(..<"vv (.

~ 0 (.00uO(,

0 c

4. Typad Name 5. Date (.; (,d,J {;

.... " ~

Debbie Ziehr O(Joo 4/5/10

. . EPA Form 8570-' (Rev. 3-941 PreVIous editions are obsolete •

.. Whit. - EPA File Copy (onglnall Yenow • AppHcent Copy

Page 4: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050

April 5, 2010

Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs - (7504P) u. S. Environment Protection Agency Room S-4900, One Potomac Yard 2777 South Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-4501



NOTIFICATION - Additional Brand Name

The Andersons Dithiopyr Herbicide II EPA Reg. No. 9198-120

Per PR Notice 98-10, enclosed is an EPA Form 8570-1, an application notifying the Agency that we wish to market additional products under the subject basic registration. The additional brand name is:

The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 18-0-6

One copy of the draft label is enclosed.

If there are any questions regarding this notification, please contact me.


The Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division, Inc.

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator Phone #419-891-6671 Fax #419-891-2745 Email: [email protected]


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Page 5: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

m~1(~~ ;;#1/iJ Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension® Turf Herbicide 18-0-6

• Contains NutriSphere-N® ~

This product is a herbicide that provides control ~ anr/itrasses and broadeaf weeds in established lawns and om~1 turfs~

g: ~

GUARANTEED riIiffo~s ;::: Total Nitrogen (N). . .. . .. ~O ..... ~

16.000k Urea Nitrogen- ~. Soluble Potash (K20). . . . . .. . ........... .



f Hrients derived from urea and potassium chloride. \......--' Chlorine (CI) Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.080/.

*9.00% nitrogen stabilized with maleic-itaconic co-polymer

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Dilhiop,tr: 3.5-pyridinedcarbolhioic acid. 2-(dlluoromelhyl)-4-

(2-melhytpropyl)·6-(!rilluOfornelhyl)·S,S-dimelhyl«>lel INERT INGREDIENTS: . ToIa!

EPA Reg. No. 919lH20 EPA Est. No. 919S-QI-I-1M. 9198-QH·2B, 9100-AL·001A (Underlined letter is lirslletler used in run code on end 01 bag.)


0.103,% ~




HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS Causes eta irritation. Harmful ~ inhaled. A-.oid contact With eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing ciJst. Wash thoroughly wilh soap and water allar handing. R6IT1OYe conlarnnaltld clolhing and wash bEtlore reuse. Prolongoo or Irequenlly repealed skin contad ~i'e hruldling this material may cause allergic reaction in some indviciJals.

FIRsT AID If In eyes: Hold eye open and rinse sklV¥fy and ganUy v.lllh waif)( lor 15·20 minutes. Rall'.OYe contacts. it present, allol the first 5 nlnutes, then continue rinsing. Call a poison mntrol center Of cicctor for trealmanJ acMce.

\ '.Ied: MoV(f person lolrash ail. n P6fSO/'l is not breathing, call ~11 or an .... ....anee, then give ar1ilicial respiration, prEtlor~y nouth-to·mouth II possible. Call Q'~ oontrol center or dx:tor for treatment advice.

It swallOwed; Call a poisoo control cenler or d:x::tor 101 treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of waler jf able to swallow. Do not induce ..omiting unl~s told 10 by a poison conlrol cenler or ci:x::tm. [b not give anything by mouth 10 an unconscious person.

If on skin or cfolhlng: Take 011 conlaminated cIolhing. Ainse skin immeciately with plenty 01 waler lor 15-20 minutes. Cau a poison control center or cDdor lor treal· ment advice.

Have the prodUCI container 01' label v.;th you whtKl calling a poison control cenler 01 cbc;tor or going lor trealment. You may also contact 1·800·757·8951 lor emargercy f1lE'Kicallrealment inlormation.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This PlcdJct is toxic kllish and highty toxic to oIha, <QJalc organisms IncItx:irg ovsters and shrill1>. Use with care ....nen applying to turf areas aqac:entlO any boctt 01 water. Drift and runoff trom treated turf may adversely alleet aquatic rnyanisms in adjacent aquatic .siIes. (b not apply drecl/y 10 \'\I3ter. or 10 aroas VIIflttre SUJ1ace water is present, 01 k> intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. 00 no! apply when weather oondlions la\O'" artl trom Ireated areas [\) not oonlaminate water ~eo dspooing of EQ.Jipment washwalers.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE n is a vlolation 01 Fo:::Ierailaw lo use tllis prodK;l in any manner inconsistent with its labelin\lj Read Iha entire label balora using Ihis produd. Use only accordIng 10 label inslrlJ('JI )ns. Not tor use on Iurl being gro!Mllor sale Of other commer('~aI usa as sod, or lor comnercial seed pn::ductJon. or lor r8Search purposes.

New YOlk Use Restrictions: In New YOlk Stattilhis j)l'oduct may only 00 usOO l1r PCI)' t~ional appli;;alors and at no more than 11.0 POllllds pw- 1.000SQU810 feel (OQUalto 0.5 pjunds aaive ingrociool per acre) per year; and is prohibdoo I rom use In Nassau and SuUolk Counlies.

GENERAL INFORMATION This producllS a horbicide Ihal proW:tes conlrol 01 craDJlass and olher annual glasses and broadoal woods in sstabhsho:::llawns and ornamental turfs, Including goll course lailWays, 10ughs, and Itl6 boxttS. Thi$ produci vvitll'lOl hal m nearby established oma· mentals v,:hoo used according 10 label areGlions.

USE PRECAUTIONS TUltgl8SS Salely: lhi$ plodud may be used on ~edoo, sodded. 01 sprkJged Ja\\'I\S and ornarMnlal lurf$lhal are well·establlshed. The grass musl have d6'1e1optxi a goo::! root system and a uniform stand. and have received alleasl 111'.0 mowings lollov";ng ils seed· ing. soctIrng. 01 sprigging before II can receive ~s fi,sl application ot Ihis product. Usa of thIS proO.rct on lawns and ornamentallulis that are not well·eslablrshed, 01 on those thai have Lean weakened by weather·. Pl)St·, diseastt:.. cherric:aI-. or mechanical·related stress, may increase Iha ChallCeS lor tull injury.

This proolJcl should only be applied 10 lawns and omamenlallurls Ihal ale oonl~ed 01 the 101lD'Ning turlgrass species Ihal have been detMTlined 10 be Ioleranilo applications ollhis product. When applied as drecled under the cooddions desCfibed. Ihe 101lO\Ying established lurlgrassos are toleranl to this prodJct:

CoDI-Se.tson GrIS$t!$ WMm-Se.uon Gtassa BEOI9rass. Cr03ePl!'lg· (Ag:oous p.81uS/i;s) Satiiagrass (pii.spalum r,ol6:.um) Bluegras.s. K91I;;Cr:y (POfI. fJfilr~ns/S} Bermudagrass (OynlXion daclylon) Fescue. ~n~" (F"$sruca fo,J:;:e.) BUllstograss·_· (i3'.)chlo~ dsct;1"~s) Fescue. Ian (Festuce. aJUf'idin8{;eb} Caroelgrass (Axmopus sHims) Ryegr3SS. pS"enn;al (Ldlum p8:(ffln9) C91N)edagrass (Eremochloe. cphlr.;:O/a~s)

KilruyugraS$ (PfH)!lis6tum dSf!dt?s{in..;m) 51. Ai.:gustmegrass (Sreootaphrum seclJncb.wm) Zoysi3grass (ZoysisJaponlCI.J)

·Use oIlhis product on ctlf1ain varieties 01 creeping benlglas~, 5Uch as ·Cohansey·. ·Carmon·. ·Seaside·. and 'Washinglon' may rtfsull in undesirable tUr1y lasS injury. No! all variel.ies at creeping benlgrass have been teslecl. DO NOT apply this prociJd 10 Colonial Bentgras5 (Agrosiis lenuis) varieties.

··Useof this prooucl OIl certain varieties 01 line lesooe may lesult in undl3Sirablo turf injury. The 101b'Mng line fescue varIeties have boon found to be sensdive to Ihis product; 'Allanla'. 'Banner'. 'Beauty', 'Bllgart', ·CF·2', 'Enjoy', 'HF·93', ·Highlight'. ·Ivale'. 'Jameslown', 'Koket', ·Majanta·. 'Mary', ·PeflOla\\1l·. 'Tamara', 'Taljana', 'Wakbrf' and 'Waldina'. Not all varieties clfine lascuo have been lesled.

·'·00 NOT uselhis prOOuct on seeding bullalograss in Ihe Sj:Xlng 01 the lirst year 01 e~ablishmenl unlIt the lurtgrass is tully grean and has established new rools

Note: I! is reoommended that use 01 this pro::luct be made on a Irial basis inrtially to determine its safely undel local use condItions and turl managemsnt praclices bolore making wid~read U$!;l.

Reseeding. OI/elS68ding. or Sprigging: Reseo:::ling. overseedng, or sprigging 01 troaled areas within 4 months alter appbcation oIlhis product may inhititlhe estabhsh· menl of desirable turfgras~es. When lesaeang or overseeding, plOper cu1tural praclicoo such as soil cultivalioo, irrigation and le4'"tilizalion should bo followed. For best results, use mechanical or pclW'8f seedng equipment (slit seeders) designed 10 give good seed to soilcontacl.

Ot/wr USIJ Pf9(;;1.ut/ons: The early poslemergooC8 aabgrass contlol descnbed bOOw is lirriled. Postemergenc:o apphcalions are only ellective on crabgrass il applied bolore aabgrass has displayod its liUh leaf or lirslliller.

For best resuHs. aJ!1ural praclices that disturb tho soil. such as COfe-, spike-. 01 hydro­aerilicalion, and ver1iaJlting. should be cbne before applicalion 01 thIS prodJd. DO NOT apply thIS prodJd untillhe grass. has recovered from th6S6 aJltural praclices.

Apply this predld directly 10 established lawns or ornamental lurfs only. 00 NOT apply to lloweis, vegetables. shrubs, or !lees.

DO NOT use clippings Irom trealed turilor mulching a!WOO veyt4:ables or Iruil lrees Keep people and pets ofllrea!ed areas unlll dlst has setlloo.

APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Cootlol of Crabglass PresmerglllJC8 and Eariy Postemtl7g9nes Control: TIus product provides -preemer' gance- control 01 crabgrass (including the large, smooth. and southern specres) Vitlen a.pp1ied prior to the emolgence 01 crabgras6 trom Ihe ground in es!abtished lawns and ornamental turls.

h can also provKta -early poslemergence- conlrol 01 crabJrass during Iha early stages of crabgrass growth aller tho crabgrass has emerged from the glound. However. ~ is ollen dllicu1t 10 see the very small, early $Iages of crabgrass in weU·estabiishoo lawns and omafTl6nlaiturts. Postemergence crabgrass conlrol will be obtained onIv when lius prodlJCl is appllad prior 10 lhe Wlering 01 crabgrass, which generally corresponds \0 the lime when you can lirst El3$l1y see Ihe Clabgrass planls in the lawn or lurf. So Ihe practical benellt oIlhis prod.Jct's addtional, early postemergence adiVlty is thai (compared to $Irictly preemergence crabgrass prodJcls) it can give the user a 2-4 week longer period 01 lime to make applications and stitl control crabgrass.

AppJiClltion Frequency and nm/ng: This p--odJd may be applio:::l as a ~ingle application. as a spI~ applIcation, or as a seqJenlial applk:alion lor crab;pass control in Ihespring. summer, or fail. DO NOT arply more Ihan 11 Ibs. pee 1.000 SQ. II. per application. and no more than 33lbs. ptlf 1,000 sq. It. per year.

Spring ApplIcations: FOI single applications made in Ihe spring or early summer, Ihis prOOucl should be applied at the appropriate rate correspondng to one ollha three controf programs lisled in Table 1 below, depending on the user's Iocalion, the lurfW8SS mo\,ving height, and \..nel.her the use is consonoo 10 be preemergenoe or early pos.Iemergence al Ihe lime 01 the application. The dJralion 01 residual weed control

pJo'J'l(ittd b'llhis prodUct is droc:Uy IOlalud 10 Ihe Iolallal€! appbl:td. but v.~11 valY $(l1ll0' v.fla! depending on wealhm, we6d pcuS$uro. tur1grass competitivanilSS, ru'ld the u:mr's Ioc.ahon withIn a reo;:cion.

Uso Ptogram 1 101 pltI>ml(l1g.:lOce COflll0! at siles whffle Ill;) lurlgrass is cut hKJh (e.'J., hOO1OOl,olner lawns). Thi~ pro.Jram ~If(~ 3-5 months 01 pHltlInt;ll\t6nce aat.grass conllol. nus program should noIl-e used lor early rostomergellC6 crabgrass cooliol

Use PrOJram 2101' preemelIJeFlce cmllol al site:;, ~-AlClO (a) lurtyr~ss ~ cui low (a.g .• gol! lairways), and (b) turlgrass maint~nanc;) or weed oonhol has boon condoctoo during Ihe pra"Jious yeal. This program provides 4·6 months 01 preemergencoCfqlass conlrol. This prO"Jram may also be used lor cally poslemergence oonlrol at sites where tUlfgrass is cut high (~HJ .. horneowMr lawns).

Use Program 3 lor proemorgence conlrol at sites 'hhere (a) lurlgrass'lScut low (e.g., gol! lailways). and (b) lurf mainlenance Of weed oonlrol has nOl boon conducted during Iho previous year. This proglam plovides 4·6 months of prOOlnelgence crat>]ras:; conllol. This program may also be used. lor early poslemergeoce conlrol at siles -Mlcre turlgrass is cui low (e.g., goH lairNays).

SubseQ.Hlnt, seQ.Jenliai pre' and!or ro:;.tameJgence applications should be made vt\(~e Ion\!e, periods of conlrol are desired

Where SP~I ier1iliZEIr applications are 1 OC;Olllmtll'ldOO. tM lales in Table 1 may be SP~I acro:..s two appllCatioos made fi.l0 weeks apart and prior tocrab.Jrass emergence.


<S, (tur1g~ssCU!)






TABLE 1: Aecomrrended Applicallon use Rates· (lbs. oIlhls productlt,OOO sq. II.)

P.-nOlgMOli PCiOJOlITIOl9fI1C' (high) (low)

POS1ert1Of9O~ (high)

2' " 40 " 55 ,.4 84 110"

PrwmirgtrlCoi (low) -..... -(k>w)





·00 NOT apply !TOre than 111bs. pef aprfualion. ruld no more than 33 Ibs. per year. PoSl6mergence control is lim~ed; see "Crabgrass Conlrol- and -Precautions· seclions above. Regions include areas listed below.

Nol1h: All OIher rueas TranSItion: DE. KS. KY. MO, MO, NJ. VA, southeaslern PA. southern 8reasof fL.

IN. OH. & coastal areas 01 CT. NY. & AI. Soulh: AL. AR. AZ, CA, GA, lAo MS, NC. NM. NV. OK, SC, TN, & TX.

Coastal South: HI, FL, & SOUlhem coastal areas 01 AL. GA, LA. MS. NC, SC, & TX.

··May reQuIre spirt or sequential apphcalions lor lull control.

Fall ApplIcations: This prodJd can also be applied in Ihe lat~ sumner or aarty lall (Iale Augustlhrough Noverroer) allha -Program 3- use rates listoo in Table 1 to proYKie control 01 crabgrass through the earty pan allha nex! spring. Tho laU application 6hould be loIlo~ved bf an appropriate sprinu appicalion 10 prQ'Jide season·long oontrol.

TIps tor Improved CcmtrOl: For besl results. apply Ihis prodld WIthin a low days alter n"JJoMng and delay mowing again lor a lew days after Ihe application. When II eattd lawn Of Ofnamentalluli areas are waleroo or receive signilicant raintall within a law days alter apphCaiion 01 this prodJd. ifTllroved weed control may fSSUIt. Use 01 spirt (half·rala) applications spaced 6-8 weeks apart may provide Improved wood contcol.

CONTROL OF OTHER GRASS AND BROADlEAF WEEDS Spring ApplicatIOns: Used as directed lor crabgrass oonlrol in Ihe spring, this product Will also coolrol (altha -Program 3- rates) or suppress (althe -Program 2- rates) Ihe lolb.-mg woods ~en applied prior to their effiOlgttnee: barnyardgrass, bluegrass (annual, roughstalk). crO\'vlootg~, foxtail (yello\. .... & gleen)", gc:lOWQrass, kikuyugrass, ryegrass (annual & perennial). srrutgrass, lespedeza (cofT1TOn). oxalis (butIOfcuP. creeping & yellow woodsorrel). purslane (corrrnon), speedvvell (corn). SPlJIge (prostrate & spoiled). ·A1sooontroUed al the -ProJram 'Z' rale&.

Fall Applications: Used as drooled lor lalo summer or early laD use, 101 crabgrass ooolroliruough Ihe earty parf of the next spring, lhis proclJct will also control (althe -Program 3- ral8$) Of suppress (althe -Program 2- rales) the lollowing \\leeds when app~ed prior to their emergence: bluegrass. (annual) - P08l!MW. biitercrttSs. chickweed, henbrl, geranium (Carolina). parsley·piert, pinoappleweed. sheptlardspursa.

APPliCATION EOUIPMENT AND INSTRUCTIONS Apply lhis pror:iJct wilh <top or rOlary·type spreaders designed 10 apply granular herbicides. Avoid tho use 01 spreaders Ihal would apply this procird in narrow rows or concenlralo:::l bands. BefOfe each application. calibra!e Ihe spreader aooordng 10 the eqJipm6nt manuladurer's dredions lex a~US1ing Ihe spreader settings such Ihal the spreader delivers the appropriate a~fl"icalion rale recommendo:::l above. Apply Ihi~ txodud unitormly over Ihe la....,.. or omamenlallurf area. A moro uniform application can be made I::rt spreadng haU of Ihe rtQ.lired amount over lhe area and then applying Iho remaining haH aI. a righl angla to Ihe plevious drrecllOO. A\()id stleaking. Skips. or over­laps wring application. Chock tIQ..Iipmenllroquootly to ensure equipment i~ lunctioning properly and applying unilorm drslribution 01 granules.

SUGGESTED SPREADER SEntNGS n:l'J~() $L~"'.:I6$It;4 ~lfI""*,, $()flin.;!i :;i;tI r.P: i,'!l~)''ki.J ", frpt.IC-I" ;., •• l!.f .• r.J!i:).,

Pia",">>: caiib:ale yfNl $i'rf:13dc: b{>f,){e 8p;li.1 <Il~1 p!ooucf 50 tis. covalS 17.800 sq. It. (0.41 8C1i) at the '22Ibs. product!atl9 -LIGHT RATE (2.B Ibstl,OOO sq. H.) 501bs. covers 12,500 sq. fl. (0.3) acre)althe 174Ibs. prodUct/acre· lOW RATE (4.0Ibsll,OOO sq. fl.)

50 Ibs. covers 9,000 sq. fl (0.21 acre) at the 240 Ibs. produCllaae·MEDllId RATE (5.5lbs1l,OOO sq. I!.) 501bs. f1vers 5,~ sq. tt (0.14 acre) a.!!'9 3661!S. p!oducl!acre. HIGH BATE (8.41~.OOOsq.It.)

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:1: .; UGHT (·Ow t.;EDlU,", HIGH 'I .) RA.TE HATE ""RATE'" RA.TE

GRO'JN.o·, "'DTH,JF. 0." ,!~l~LbS. ·,125}'.! 0 . .,,,, ., v " ..; SPREADER ..... SPEE J ~.,r.mR_G...J j ajJA:S'I~:~'I"" i_A ai/A

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r:o notcorrlanvnalo wale.. lrod. or food by stOlage and disposal.







STORAGE: Koop oontainer closed and away from load, loodslufis, and domoslic 'N3ldr suppli&l.

PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Posticide wastes are toxic. In-.>roper disposal 01 excess pesticido is a violation 01 Federal Law. \I these wasles cannot be disposed 01 by use accordrng 10 label in$lruclloos. conlacl your Slale Pesticidtt or EnvilOnmenlai C.ontrol Agency, ()( Ihe Hazarcbus Waste representative at Iho nearest EP/\ Regional OUire lor guidance.

CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Completely efTliY bag into appIicalion (quipmenl. Nomeldlable containtlf. Do nol leuse or rolillthis conlainol. 01161'" lor recycting. if avail· able. \I no!' a\'adablo, then dspose of empty bag in a sanitary landllll or by incinelation. or. d aliowod by Siale or local authorilios, by burning. II burned, slay oul 01 smoke.

IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE USE: Read tha oolire DiredlOlls lor Use and Iho WBJranly Disclaimer and Limitation 01 Liabilily before using this predict. IIlorms are nol ao::;ej:Xab!e, return the unopened producl container at once. By using lhis prodlct. user or Buyer accepts the 100Iowing Warranty Oisclaimal and limItation of Liability:

WARRANTY DISCLAIMER and LIMITATION of LIABILITY: Manuladurer warrants that Ihis prodJd conlorms 10 the chomical description on the label and is reasonably lIt lor the pUIPOSes stated on the label when used in strict aa::ord8nce with the dilooions. Ma.nuiaclulof makes NO OlliER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. To the extent consistent \wh applicablo law. ~ is Manufacturer's inlentlo LIMIT AfoN LIAB!LlTY FOR SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL ECONOMIC DAMAGES to rolund 01 purchas~ price or r;)placement 01 prodJd, al BuyOf·schoioo. To tho extenl oonsistent WIth applicable law. Manufaduror DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR COfvtPENSA,TORY OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE CONTRARY TO lABEL DIRECTIONS. Use c:ontr3lY to label drections is not pormilled.


Product of USA.

MAAulactured by: The Andersons la'M1 FerhlizOf Division. Inc

P.O. Box 119 MaunlOe, OH 43537

W'WW.andeJson.sturf .com

The Andcrsons logo is a registered tradEmark 01 ThO;) AndecSO.llS, Inc.; Dimension is a rI)Jisiered Irademark of Dow AgroSciences U.C, NulriSphere IS a registcroo trademark 01 Specially FertiliZer ProducI.s.LLC.

SGN 215 Net Wt. 50 Lbs. (22.68 kg)



Page 6: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing



Page 7: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

(J Ple.~e re.d i".tructio". on l'flvene before com';'. jlfl form. EormAoDrovQd} .. -_ MB No. 1070-008Cl Inm/ree 2-28-95

United States ~ Registration opp Identifier Number

&EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 . .f Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 9198-120 Miller

DNone D Restricted 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' The Andersons Dithiopyr Herbicide II 23

5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3) The Andersons LaIM1 Fer!. Div., Inc. (bl(il, my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling d/b/a Free Flow Fer!. to: I

P.O. Box '19 EPA Reg. No. Maumee. OH 43537

D Check if this is a new address Product Name

Section - II

D Amendment - Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to Agency letter dated NOTifiCATION 0 Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated D "Me Too" Application.

0 Notification· Explain below. D Other - Explain below. MAY 1 4 2010

Explanation: Use additional pagels) if necessary. (For section I and Section 11.) Notification of Alternate Brand Name per PR Notice 98·10: The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 14-2·8

This notification is consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of EPA's regulations at 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46 and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46. this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA.

Section - III 1. Material Thl. Product Will Be Packaged In:

Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container

t2j Ves t2j Yes ~ Ves ~M". .f No .f No

.,/ Plastic No Glass

• Certification must If "VesW No, per If "Yes" No. per ./ Paper Unit Packaging wgt, container Package wgt container Other (Specify)

btl submitttld j

3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 15. Location of Label Directions

L Label l.{J Container 50 Ibs. - 2,000 Ibs. ~OnLabel

6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product f ~ 1 Lithograph [{] Other Pocket Paper ~Iued Stenci 8d

Section -IV \

1. Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identificBtion of individual to be contacted, if necessary, to process this application.) .... ...t:'....f"--:'

Name Title Telephone No~ (!ltollf.de Area Code)

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator 419·891-6671 QO q (,.l

" "-;"--V-.. #

Certification (~ocOC·(.· 6. Date "A.pplication l> "" ~8CeiV,~ I certify that the statements I have made on this form and all ettachments thereto are true, accurate and cor."plete.c

oc,.Soc I acknowledge that any knowlinglly falsa or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonmen~ 0""" u " ( tamped) both under applicable law. " <. ( 0

u " Q

0 '" 0

2. Signature 3. Title .... , ....... u"- c '"'' I. e

<p~ '2 j ~ Regulatory Administrator O(JU<.;c. "

'.' {

7\. vl..'lvC{

U <.

4. Typed Nama 5. Data L (. au

(, f'

Debbie Ziehr 4/5/10

Ct (.tu (I

. . EPA Form 8570-1 (Rev. 3-941 PreVIous editions are obsolete . '. White - EPA F'de Copy (onglne" Y .lIow • AppIicent Copy

Page 8: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing


The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050

April 5, 2010

Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs - (7504P) u. S. Environment Protection Agency Room S-4900, One Potomac Yard 2777 South Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-4501



NOTIFICATION - Additional Brand Name

The Andersons Dithiopyr Herbicide II EPA Reg. No. 9198-120

Per PR Notice 98-10, enclosed is an EPA Form 8570-1, an application notifying the Agency that we wish to market additional products under the subject basic registration. The additional brand name is:

The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 14-2-8

One copy of the draft label is enclosed.

If there are any questions regarding this notification, please contact me.


The Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division, Inc.

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator Phone #419-891-6671 Fax #419-891-2745 Email: [email protected]



" "


" 0 00060

«nCG c



c. (,. (,: t.: 0 (l 1... t.

II (.. U tr (J L (... L (


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Page 9: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

6 Andersons GOLF PRODUCTS.

Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension® Turf

Herbicide 14·2·8 <

• Contains NutriSphere·N@ 0 ~ This p-OOur.ti" a herbicide that flCWl1sscon:ro! illlsted~ss;,sanSdeal wms~ e~!abIi~:tid la l lollsMd"OI'lWr.entalll1rls ~ ~

GUAAANT~rSIS ..:::t"'

T,--,:J~t,iilCa! Ni(09~n 132«roi.heaNf((~·

AV<laatje Phosph.ne (P2~) Solut/I'! PctashiKlO) Su!!ur (S1 .. " ... .. ..,

2.72'J.COOlbned $t.d!II

iC· j;: .~ ....

-. :.­.~

::£: Ptarn IllJIrienl$~flwd !fOOl amrronium ~~h8Ie. urea and p:lla;$ium suUale '~flltrog9n$latcrlZed"ifhrnalllic~lataicc:o-~

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: IJII.,"~: ~.5·widmedicarlxl:hioic acid, 2·(~rUC(cmalhy~·4· (2-methy1p-cp}i)·6-(utlt.lll'orrelhyQ·$,S·dlrMrhyleSlef


EPA Rug. r-lo. Sl'98-~20 EPAEsi No 91SIWH·j/d.,9'1'}8·Ct!·l.B,9198·Al-001A (Underlinedlqtl(lfi~lwst/(!!leru$ediolUnco:!lIme!1d~bag.j




2.00'li. f!,Ot'F% 2.7l.'%


O.IO:fl'; ruw;



Causes eye ruralron. Ham1ui ~ ilhaled Avoid contact "1111 eyes cr clahing. Avoid D9a1hiog dust Wash 1horoughly >M!h soap ami Well3f all,,1 handkng R8JTl)1,<8 COltamin3lad cklttslg and wash b9!ae: :Q1JW. Pfdong9(l tM' flllqurmt~/lepe:aled '$kil CIXIact _hili hardlfl9lhlS malllrlal may calISe a118!SlC laacljQ,1 in rom: U'\drvid1J~

FIRSTAto Itineyes: Hold lIy8 cpe;tandrinsEI sfowlyandgerJltf wfh watlU lor fHt)mflf,t'(tS. Rammrot1aas.t !le~~,aftellhElfir::l5mifluhfs.lhEtncootlnu8!insing C&!lapoit(oCOnlrolC8ni9lordoc1alccl18atrnerrt

'.... ...cI: Move p9!SOOlohElsh au. ~ persoo iSfIQ! ll&alhing.calI911 IX an arnt\Jl<rlcto,thiif] giVi i!H"la81 resprauon, pelerab~ rrolJlh-lo-mOUlh II P"SSltle. Cal:! a porsoo oon:rol center or doctor la \~E!a\· iTlJn1advic9.

II SWlUOWed: Cal a p.)ison conlrol cen1er or doctor lor- trQal~ll1 advi(;a, Hav" pe;$(.(\ sip a glas$ 01 waler ~ abt& 10 sw.!k-w. Dono! induc~ I'OIriling ur;Jess loId!a t.y a pOur, conllo/ ~m81 a Mot DoncA giveanyth!ng~rOOJlhloanunconscioo$iX'rsa'!.

If Dn ski,n or clothing: Tailil at oon1amnailld cIo1hing RinSQ skin inmlldi3lo/y wtth 1l9my a water fa 15'20 rmntes. Call a rown cool101 Cel181 Or dooQf la lreallr~m ad'JIQO

Have Ihe ~odua coccairw Of label";lh you whee; cafting a p.:>ison oor11C>1 CQllter or docu:r or gOIn9 IOf ileatrrenl. Yoo may also conIall H!,(lO·151·8gst lor 9marg9ncy ITKldicaJ IleBlmenl flllormatlOO

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This 1l"00Jd is IOXiCl0lish and ti1l!y loxi(;IO Oth41 aquatic organisms inckJdng OYWJiS alld stump U$Q ";Ih care- when appylig to/wI il!"!<JS adjacem10 Hr(bod)-' cl walit. Oil. and ru'Kii Ift.:ml1&tf&d /Uri may Bd}'sls&J), a1!ga aquallc Clganisms il ad18c9llI aQUa\lc. s.~ Do 1lC~ ap:iy direaly to W3tSI. Of to aI"a$ whete sUilaUl WilH" is p'e$~m.ol 10 InI(!uid::.l areas oolow the l"/lI?an 1111 walellTlalk. 00 n~ m when wflalhQI oondl\lOns fa~'OI' ~lI1lrcxn 116'aIQd algas Do n01 COOlalTllnJ,19 w;JlliIf wtum drspoc.ing o19QUit(llti/'lt w~hwalsls

DIRECTIONS FOR USE ~ IS a vidation d Fed9fallawlOuwthis prodlJd in 8I1~' marnr iO():)nstSient w~h itSIabl3ling R93,j Uw entire 1a00/ 1xi00e usmg Ihis podVd. U$:.9 on/t' acc<xding 10 label it'lSlrU<.IIOfI$ NOIla 1I~ 1J,11U11 bmng gr.1wn ler $3/QOtllhlilfl.;OrlTMu::ialuse3$$od,ctfctCCl'l1l1efcialse9dprcdt.rIlIOO.O!h)l'f"$OIafd"l~rl=OSes.

New YOlk Us_ n.suicfions: In N~'f!, yoc~ SU!\? ttl~ pOOil'.l 11'l..ly ~;~i tl) u~~ctby ilorlolsSl~"'~ ;j;x1~cn and aI !,\M'l{X~i!lllfllt.tl p.:J.md;"r~f \.000 ~L"oaIejw,{\'c.ljaiIlO~. pOlJr>il.~.activain£ledle!l1 ~(a~IC!}j:-"iffi'e8i, aii(f ~ p"ohh!~dllornl.'~e 11 N<!:5t>allill\,j St~fik CClJrnies

GCNERAlINFOOMAliON Tnl$poCuct!sal'..,!bc:...'\<JN!I{".fO'l'lC&!«Nfol Ci Clal.y.a5S.aooaht'l .;;mLICJglass(ls2r0hn .. .:!Io;.ol I"ii<ilSIl (lsJat,~shlld lawns i3r)jj [.(r];;3I00r4ai tUltS. including 9,)/f COiI!:>'(t lailfrays. r0\.lgh~, aM 111(+ roxes TillS ~'~l!Cl w:~ no: h~m nea;by ~~,s.'led crna,T:efll,~!sllh&r. usvd acr:atj;og :ol~1 dacwoos.

USE PRECAUTIONS Turlgrns Saie!y: rr.JS p-odu.;! mayt'iI used 011 s\'eo'ea, sCdd~-d. t( spngg~ (Il:wn~ and C(na,'·nerr.alll.ltis !ha! ar~ WII!·l3stab!lst'.oo. Th& grass ~s! t:a\'Q developed 3 good 1001 S'J~,jm and a uflllOlm Sland. al'ld ttav& t2C&1"?IJ al t~SI JI¥O~~ 1clo""J,1S ~",d;ng. tfAijil'!>2.OI $fJiqgi,1g t\t1!Jpj! canl%eNi' IISWSl apriCJ rioo d rl1s p'OOuct. US\! of lhis Plod-J~ 00 lawns and arrameiU.!I;1,.1is that .!illl"l()t w&U'Iis!atll!"0h9d, ct (1!'Ilttos& lr.ilthal'l]b/)I]nW8'ak6llildbj'lt'ealr.&·,PlfSi·.di~a$I)·,ct1erriCJl·.t;j,71eCt>.Jtli£aJ·/illd!ilds:reS!i.mJyincrease JhscharnslaIUltinj!Jry.

This POdU('1 s.'lould on~ b~ a;:~~l3.;1I("·laWfls and ornarl1l1rl:aI \Url~ Ih~ are coo~9d ellhe 1~IOwirlg lu!lgrass s~i .. s 1M! ha'l,e ooen delelmtted 10 ~ 10~l!r~ 10 ewbcatialS ct :hl~ prooua. V;'h¥n awisd as d:,03dW I,(Itkrf 1M crotf~l(lls desaW. Ihe Idl~'ittg sstatiis.'lild tu~~r8':.~S &9 10ltfaf& 10 rf'isffOOud.

Cooi-SeasM Grasses Warm-Sf,uOll Gruses B .. ntgrass, creepng" ~Iis {JiJ!usti..~) Ba.'liagra~s (pa<opaium nClatw"1!) BkJeQlass.K~udl'(Poa{Xa1.e:rsis) Bwnudaglass.(e;.~ndactybn) riWJa. f~~- (F"CS!'JCa!1ha) BuffalogJS$~r- (aJdrbi dadyloidesJ FQsO,le. 13.~ (rMIu:::8 atmdinBl:ea) Carpg;~la$S ~t'il\1puS atfjflis) ~9'ass. pelwmiaJ (1.dvmt»MMfJi ('~pedeg!3SS i£r~cphiw:okJ;J:;l

KikU'flJgras.$ (Femise/w.1 dames~ Sl AuguS!lr.e918SS(STl;f(Jlaphrurrrsii'C:J:ldatum) Zoysiagrass (Zcysiajapcrica)

"U. d!lns p-orua al C>?fja;11 vari\i{iiS 01 Cf~ ~l!lgfa;1. ~d1 a-s 'Cdt4ml?"r. ·C';ilT'EIT·. 'Sl?3sid4'. ¥Id WasOO[IIOI1'may hl$lJli m i,KlCIl>S~ahl9 !Udgt8St ~ur~' NCf aI VarI9!~S d CHiap!l~ ~rl1gra.ss havll OOerr I~st~d DO NOT atPy Irjs p'ooua 10 Coloo;al B~JgraS5 (Agr~m lem.ns) Yil/h.!lioS

~llSll d Ihis 1l"00JcI Q"I eMail vali<?tlgs d In;:! 1~sc:Je may r(lSIJ~ r. un~i1:.sbl..lllll j~ry. The lo.'!0WI01g lilI:

~~~;. .W~~~;~ ~~d~9~'~~ ~~~~.I~::::~,a,~~~;;. ~~~~a·:~~~r~=~~:~~~;~~~~j~~~.F.2', waidor"l' and 'Waidm'. Nfl dvaoooo$ j lit1~fe~l.'i have baen I&st~d.

'''00 NOT 1.Isttlhisptoout.l (tl ssedbig bJ.ta:oo;;~sin Itl ... s.,t;l"ing d /hI< Jn$! 'lea; d es/a..l-,jjshmMlI.lflJJI Jhp rurlgrassisltdY9f99nandtJasQSlablrsh4dnowrClas.

Nata: ~ iSI9COO"fT"end4rl m ~ d hs pOo'OO 00 mad4 on a lfl;jj basis inl:altt 10 OOIeminol!.$ saeti lI't(!er i::x:a! lJ$(I

wndrti.xls arnillJ'l managermnt tya'lia/s bglor~ making 'llidl35p'9ad I.!se

Res..wng, Overseeding, Of Sprigging: R9seadll19. O\'er~echng, (X spriggk'lg 01 ;,~alll,j rueas 'IIl\uun 4 moohs a'1~1 iI~ltatlOn d lhisp-OdIJl"Amay 1n.'l1"Jl the ilSlatlistllOOm of d~sll'able IUffgras5qs Wtwn r"StMiillg a (l\j9fS$eding,P1~""1 culturdi praolO3$ $lJch as s«1 ruhivaliOl1, irng.l!ICt"I and l~;I!!QaUoo $ha.rld tg !:lHoWQi.! FOf OO~ fesUlts. use rmmarncal q ~Wet $eedrt~ 9QUi~n1 (sid seed<;r$) ClIS1sr.&d \0 gt\'~ good swd 10 ~ taUt.!

Other Us, Pteca~.: The ual~ pC!l4n:'l19(!ljC« crabgr~s COOlrd .dl3scnb4rl.t~ow IS ~rrillid Posterne;gence awkatloos ar' aty .:.IredM on clabJr~s j aw§ed baiera c.:~Dg!a$"S has d!~a-!",d ''S 14th le31a IIS!ida.

tCf lEst (4sttrS. ruturJJ p-<ldrCfS lhat disturblhe sol. such as Cl)"1i·. ag·. (J( fr,w\1;o-ae;~iC<!1'io1.a,1d VeI'.icwilg. shoold t.3 datE! boIor8 afPicatiw a Il1s p-odua. DO NOT ~ lhis j)iOOl:tI until J.'109f3SS has rec",eredliornltllY.!cwural,aaaiChs,

AwI'f!his ~00utl direaly to esubls.iod lawns 01 anarTler(allur1s onl'f. DO NOT aWylollowers. v .. golati~. shrub$.or IHlttS •

DO NOT US9 dwil'lgs ITem (re3!ed cor/fa rn..dc,~g around \'Qg91ab'es Cf IIUlI I!!I(lS Keep ~pe and p,jrs at u9atedar82$u~ldUSlhassenled.

APPLICATION DIRECTIONS ConfrD'DfCloIbgl.aSS Jlr"ee.mergenoe and Eady PosfMnetgence Confro/: Tl'lis ~oo.ro ~foo..ld~~ "p;1Xf'Il~rgencQ' curn.:01 d aab' 9fass iindudmg th4 lar9G , Sfl"lOOh. and sou:hern ~p.:cies) whgn ap,tiled Ilier lolhe e!]1.9Igenclf of asbgr3ss homlhfl91001'J(!ln9S!atlis/lQdlaWIlS3ndOinaroomailuris

~ cail al$o PO'ffde ·l'arlyJX>s(~lTIIrg:mce·comroi Ii aabgrass dUling the "a,ly sragE's ci aa!.'<Jrass groll]1h art~ the clab9fass has ell"llligild Ircrnth" grOlXld. Hc·l!'(I\'$I. it is ~tBn ,J!!t!Cl!ill0 $qB rhe vory sma~. earty S1399S ~ CI~lass In II'f'lI·es;o~rSIea bll'fls a!lol)fllYMnla} lUlls Post@'71tI~erv;e Clat9Ia5S cwlld wJJ b& W&nM oo!y ~n this prooua is ~d pil« to m9111!Q-illg 01 c: .. bJIass. whim g(!fl(llally ro-:espmds 10 tho ume whenyoocan first easily sse lne 1l1ltg!ilSS p.am$ irtl/;I$lawn (X turf. $011'.9 practic.at bJjr'.eiiJ o'.th;!-,DlOOUct's add~iIl1J), eJr~t r(lS\9:T11Ifge!1CQ actr~!!y is thai (rompared 10 s!':~!y p"{>ern:!g(}(lC9 crabgrass F'odl.'cts) l!. can give Ihe ~r a 2·4 W9Gk. lctl9'lf petIOli a Ume Ie 100.1(9 ap"CJrlOOs~slifCQ1l,dt:6bJfass

Application Frequency Bnd rrmi1lg: ThI1 ~oo...i:1 may 1:0:: apPled ~S a singl~ appu:alkn. a~ a sphl a+'~lca' rlOO.(.I" asase:quU1'lliala~it:ationla a~rassCOOlrolinlhQ ~in.g. SI..!~.a lall. C()NOT eWiiTore Chan II /0$ Pi! i.OOOsq II. pele~lCaoon,arn:/norrae!ha,133IDS P>r !.OO[Jtq.Ir.pt!{ rur.

Spring AppflCllfioM: Fcc single .!;:pIicallOOo;, made in Ih\! s,ainj « 9ato/ Slll'M".at.lhis ~o::!UCl shoold tIE! appr96 at IDG IWrcpiate fall) ta'le$pJOdlng 10 on", cllth) three ccn!lof PCSla:m lIs1ed in Table 1 t.efcw. O!;pr;lrtdingtTIlheusel'o;location,lhetur.913:ssmowinghsighi.sndltt1e;fllll Ih9USl31SCIl'lS;aeIOOICbsprQ. er.1e!gencQ fJ ~8'IY po5temerg91Y'A ill (ilv IIIlll tj lh& aw~~aion Th," i!L'lalian of fllsidU~1 weed coouol f",f()­

vided by Ihis.:;Ioduc1l$ dll@dly l&ialed 101~ lila! rate a~lI'd. but will va .... ' s~l'I'haI dll'penrlng ct! we.:!~. "<Me ptlisSUfe.I(.'[fgl$SS Callp9IiN(l(!/JU. 3M l/'te IlSil'slacatio'! wth:n a {qgico

u~ Pr.>gtam11o rr~ilma:r~"nce .;(I!"I<!« 31 s:tl?s ft'!~" !ho) tI~!grJH!~ c;;: :::::h (f<!1.I;·)!l'l'(·WI'~: j,,~osl Tht~ ~og'.am il~"!,,.$ 3·::; ,I'1(,11111s or ;xeer.'lil!~~fl.C': (i.;b;;l<!'S'S IXtltrc1 Tr~5 ~~3.m S!!l'lI1',ti r;r, IJt"" ..:: .. 11<) ~~i', p'S<.)lTrO'rgijnce clab9ra~s (.c<tii0l

U$I) P{')gIartl2:(I fI~I~9I'nco? oomrd.!! $:IQS wt:G!t> (3) !\lI!:}!dSS IS C(f. ~)If is {l. p<E lJ'!'ttc'f~). aI':e !b) lUJ:9!a$$ JTla'flJPfJanc. .. DI frel't: con:;o! OJ$!)PM r.wdL.,;:l!\J d:mr!fj :11" I'"I''';~~ 'jf!FJ TtnS pl'::fjIal!l ~cr .. r.1l?:;:'

~·6 moolns 01 plflHll'llgenC(! O<,.bgl..lSS oortlOL Thl~ [logram rr<ay <il$-) b{> USOIG II)( "any p:l'll(.n">l"jg~n"" cCtllrOj at sr", Wt>(>le iUlIg:a~~I$ cut high f~ 9 .hO'T\:CI'<TItlr lawns)

Lise rrog;am 3101 peilT1ilg.mc. .. conti a at srt"s wh"l~ (a)lungl8S'S IS tollcl'l' (" g. gu!lla;!W".1F). and (b) tUff fI\..1nhinanCe cr .,..oed CCtlIfoi nd1 nol ~ .. n ro-rQ;a"d dt.1!1'.g 1M p'trl'ioos y~::.r, Th1$ iXo.;:rarTI CfO~fdri </·6 ;nooths ci p"eer.'\lf~o('nce '~~:ilSS cootrd, ThIs croglarn may also btl use~l~ 9.!rly p(~err",(>lg!;nC"\! COOII~ at $.1ioS~;iH!l!Jrlg.aSS£SU.1JoI'I'(J?g.gdll",'J;Wa1S)

SUDlIelJt,'fi:lt, uquem!Ji pe· Jnd!OI pG'4!~lqmCIJ &..,,"¢c:l:I«1S shruld bt; mac"] wM;e lC1Jgf/ Pf;ivd~.11 cllTllo!(I!{;de$ired

'!'\'hllr~ spllr fell~ll\1' a~icallOl"iS 8/e recommenl1ad.l!1i1 rdl~S in 1atje 1 may be $pl~ 3C1(I$S IWO dPI='~CJiiIli1S mlCIf &-10 fl'1:'''!<s apan ar'Kl pH:t 10 aal>;'I3ss i!l;);\lgerlCh.

TABLE 1: Reconmended Application Ute Rates' (Lbs. of litiS prOductt1,OOJ sq.f!.,


USE Pr~'9I'la '- ~-(Wl1gl2ssclll) (liglI) IIow) (low)

~_l9tru --REGION (lrigllJ (/aoj

North 2.e " ,.5

Iransilkx/ 4D 5.5 84

Sooth :;5 " 11.0"

Ccaslal$wlh " 110" ill)"

'00 NOTapP'1 mCWlfitlart lIlts. pt!r a~~.;;.a!ion. arnnoml'E! than S3 Ibs. per year, Post~roor9"i'lCt' CONrol 1$ !mmed. ~ 'Clabgl8SS C()(Illol' 300 'PrQolutlOOS' sel)ioos a~q. ~gIOf:S indud6 ::::eas li~lId below

Ncr.~:AIi~rat"ias T!ansitioo DE. KS. KY, MD. 11.0, N.J. VA. SC\11tteasl9rn PA. S(li,Jh(ll'n 31'eas ct !l,

IN, OH,'& CQasl.al areas d CT, NY, & RI. SoU!h: N..ARI.l... CA, GA.lA.MS.UC.NM. NV: OK. $(;, TN. I TX

Coast::!Solrth' HI, R. & $Ou:netnwastaJ iJIQasd Al., GA.LA.MS,NC.SC. & TX

"~\ay rllquire spirt or sl;'Qtjenlla1 <!ppltalO1$ far tull COIlI!Ij.

Fill Applications: Ttl'S p-OOOCI can also D9 ~d in rile lal9 surrrnel O! eaJ1y 1..11 (late N;glJSl through NOVpmD,lJ) aJ ih\l"Pw9lam3' u~e ("leS bS!\ld m Tabig ) lop"~1de ',('fwd oj crat918SS lhmugh 1h~ ~aI'~ ~r! ct"the /"1$).1 $!)"ing. The tal! ~Ion $/",o,rId bi jdAlla by an 3{:('fq)ilaie ~fll1g ap[licalion 10 pI"~ide Si!iIW1·loogcoonct.

TipS forlmpt"Olled Control: Fa be'$l rew~s, 3f:Ply Ins Il"odut;t wiihil1 a law days atter mowing and 0018)' ~ agarn fa a felf ~$ar~ I"" apPrC3t100 \'rnr.I,ealOO 131m Of aMmrma/luri aJ~8S arll lI]'l:9i~ Col !~""'Je Stg!1d!Call1anai wlhil a I",,, days aller <\."Pl'Lalioo ci IhlSp-o.i.Icl. im~O'JOO wC!ed conlrol mol result, US9(.1!s;l~ (ha1'INc-iagJicf1it:mspated6-S weeksapall 1TI3)'{lovideifl'¥lC4'OO wg$dtawd.

CONTROl OF OTHER GRASS 00 BROADLEAF WEEDS Spring Applications: Used as directod ill' Clabgfe:s$ COOlfl~ illhl!' ~tng. this. ~odiF-1 w:1 also cCll\rd (ill th. 'Program 3' rates) 01 $u~"e$s (a! IhQ 'ProgH!rn 2" ralos) Ihe loIoMng w8ilds when 4'Pled priO! 10 Ute~ IIfTlQfgenc9: oomyardgrll:Ss. U~:ass (allllUaf.loogho;tak), crow1Oolgrass. foXlaJ!' (ye&:.w $. gf~liIrl)', {IC'OS~aSf.. !t~UYll9'a~. !'fl?gass (amus &. per4.'mra,ry. srrugum.lesped<!za (COrmton). axall1 {,".JJIlt:lcup. clesping 3. Yllffow wooosorlllfj. j:\Irs/3!;o (cc.miRJfl). s~IiIdW911 (oom). spJI9s (posual" 8. s~(lItQdj ·A!sooorn:rjlsdatlhe'Progr~2'ra! .. s.

F.BApplicaUons: Used as dHlX:led !0I13!\1 SUflTl'lEr/ O! ea:Jy Iail l.'$(!.la aatg.!ss oomroi ltl:Ct!gh the (lariy p:!1! of the~)J ~~in9.lhls p-odUd ¥P~I also OO'1tlol (allhe -Proglam 3' rales) 01 s.uwress (at thC! 'P;~am 2' lillllS) the fdlowrng weec5 wh9n ~d p'!ol 10 the!1 effielgene .. : ~uegrass (artlJa!)· Poa aJM, bmelaeu. c,'t-ekwee~. t:-Gnlit. gma,.'lIum (CarooM}. pa.lsloy-pien.~aro/EllI'eed, shsph9id~r$(l.

APPLICATION EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUCTIONS ~thisrroiJ~ WlIh dtopa frta'Y"!)'lXl W~e:d~f$ d;)sigr.old!o ~ 913NJi.!r ht>ltit~ A\udlho IlSe cj

~~advls !!lal wQJld ~y this pcdua Ii'! narrcw fCWs a QTlcsnllal'Od tends. Bl)ICl9 each CPPlcatOO. calbale­ths t;:f8ade! aGCUdll'lg 101hs4Qu:rrnera mar.utatlurer'SG~ic!ions lor adtuSllng the sp-'iadp: S(!l!ings SUCflitl.ill the !;l"4adei dehets the apjloprialea~!Ca!\0fI18l« r,;,:anmenOOd abovi!. AwIy thrs p-od"c! unrlcrrniy ~ef Ihe !ali'll 01 anar':'J.?l'I:al tL'Il sr .. a A mai UfltCtIil ~icatrofl can be I1lIde I::rf speaoo!;l hail o11he lequied a:TlI.XJI'I! OVer lhe area and thlif\ appi'ing the NmaSl1flg nail ar a 1:i;l1! algle fO th& PhIVI:xrS Jiellial Mad Stfiakin{l. skips. a Q'~erjap$ during a,1·~lcali..Y!. Check. eauip;.'?n1 hequl;'nltf to ('!~..uro <!QU!pll .. nt i$lunoloning p'(lpe:fya1da~[19l!O~ormdis!,ibu1ionagrsnties

stJGGESTEDSPREADER Sf 1TINriS lbl;&J $<.igglJ$l~ ~"i"'i,idt .'$;;;!l)~ <iT .. fIJI ;t;:~r;oorj!{J r~h(',l ~·.j;/'(3(lm.

F'4J!J!JQ .;'t';:"',;I, )~!f Sj.w.ld~ I .... f,-v ... .iiIlfY;'l1Ig pt<\:i!,:c('

so It.: CtIwrsC,800 SQ.ft.(O~l atll': .. l U21bs, pc;.:lu::t!a:I.·UGHT r..,\TE (2 t1bs'.:.;OOO sq. It.) .... 50 Ib_cow:" 12,5iXI sq. ft.(O.29':':U':"''l! 174lbr .... 'lfOdl:'.'~le·lOW .... :~~ (4.0 bs::.OOO .,).11.) v"IJ Itn 't1Wnotl.(OOt'lIl.(I~1 acre)8' 24Qlas. pii:dld·~re· t.~DlI.I.tR~TE <S.5Ib~·1,OOO 'iq. II.J ,50Ib~cowr:r~~~~sq.II.{ti.14~)~~bs.~t.8::rfl-·HIGHAAn-)(Mlbs;l'i)OOSn;Il)

HOH RATE "' .. *"

~ I.. I . ;', .. '--r===~PRUDS-:;n;~~---...; ,.J ... • 1... ~ ..... _

,~". I' 'iow Mt.OtuM RATE

025 •. "'A SPRfAl)£R



RATE RATE 0.t311. 0.1811.

.. fA 1I1A.

~~=(~02000. ... 3_;:p~ I w ~)~ ... J3N

Sro~.sflil. A·1lA. (ccne 7) ~;:;- ~~~:;-~tI:'4

~""P''']!' 3Sloo! 4114

~s(l'l,SS.2D1erp ~~

Ut!yllll:!e:IS ..,; .... oJ

Vim. WFR. HFI. 1250 ~ 5 ml.lJ (pro III45D Ipm) P8:1.ern IU$

\'Iro'",{i)3&lri~) 4Sm;:il: nf\l\lt " STORACE AND DISPOSAL

Oone( tofI1.arrin.a:;e w,MI, lood, or i .. ed try fJu~atr- and dt5p)sa!


". SI/4






STORAGE: Keep ':'oolainel CI'osed and a,;ay!rem lood.leedstil~I$. anr:i dOOleSlic watN SUP,."li?S

I Nlk'


PESTICfDE DISPOSAL: Pes',Jcide ~a:i1\'s are Im.ic ~-np~ dr~!a t!xcess pestICIde IS" Vlcia1lal d Fedilral Law Ilh{>SI) waSieS cannol txI disposed d I:rj use JCWdU19 10 13bqi inSlructiCf1$. «<:lao yOU! SlalE:' P'I!sti.-;:rd<; 0[ trrli,artmtlal COO!/o/ AgElflC"{. a (h<! HauOOis WJ,;t1' 1'I!\l(l'iel'lallW aI!h1! Maes( EPA ~looaJOllO:!for91J1dsl«>

CONTAINER DISPOSAL: CcmPClt9iy (lm~y bag lila 8f:'PlIc31ioo ';QlJ!prnent. N(JlI",ld/able CO!11alller. Do !lQ: I{>U~ 01 r .. h!lrhI$CUda:nel. Ol~l(( recydllg.:! evarlatie.11 nol avadaaQ,lhQlldlsOO$(tc4 Q~y bag IfI a san!\aryial'leJIII or ut l~inl'laIlOn. a. d aHowd ~ S.ale or local aL!lhor~t"$. tfj btnning. b D.HnW. slay ('IJl ci sn'»~e

fMPomANT: READ BEFOF£ USE: Read /he I}rnn l4eaions.ta US9.and me Wan.amy I)scl.am;, SId ll1l1J411Cf'1 of L~y bele,," USIm} lhis /XCdJu D leU"ffi 3/{l ne( acce~ab'e. 1&lurn Ihg lrnoon('d POOUCI 00I'l1a~19r al once 9j u~ing Ilti~ p!cdLld. U$(Il 01 Bt.~1 aCC{oj:t$Iheld!oYri1gW<.ulantyOlscJaifl"»randllfTltaiioodliah/iy.

WARRANTY DISCLAfMERand llMIlATlON of LIABILITY: MiIlWladurer wJr~anrs Ihdllhis rrodue: eonrQ"m1 10 \?ttl al .. mical ~scr~oo 00 Ihll rabel and IS rl;'a~atiy 1I1101tn\lp;rposesslillei.!OOltlillabel..menu,edb1SrJlClaundanc9'4-nh!hodu9CI1OflS M8Ilul.acIWi)1 ma;,es NOOTHER EXPRESS OR ~PlIEDWARRANTY OF ME~CHANTA.8IUTY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTlClilAR PURPOSE. To 1M exlern. ccm.ISlent Wih 2\R)1rc~9 law. ~ is Manula!jurer'slment 10 LIMIT ANY lIASf .. ITV FO~ SPECiAl. t:ONSEOJENTIAl OR INCIDENTAl ECCX'~OMIC DAMAGES 10 Ie!vr.d a IXIlchase p!lOi! or r~;:taClmlenl ol })fod!Jd. at Buyer's d"lccC". To 100 ellen! coosis!t!I1t Min atplrcabil' 1a1l'.ManuiacturP' DISCLAIMS ANYUABIlITY FOR CC»,iPENSATORYOR OTHER DAMAGES A~ISING OUTOl=" t.NYUSf CONTRARY TO LABEl DIRECTIONS U5q corr.rar'f /0 la::.;.1 dlr~Cllcl1S is nIX !-'lrmned


Produaol USA

Mam.!l8(1uredby. The ArldersonsLaWll F .. nlhi:er C\\'ision.lnc

.PO.!1oxl)9 MIIIJm(o(!. OH 43537


ArtOOISOOS Go' PJOO:.ios is 3. !Q91S1l3IM uadc;>r;lalk d Ttw Md~I$«lS. Inc . ('I;rmnslfXlI$ a legiSlflrM tf.idemark 01 Dow Ag'o$olll"\CQsLLC. NlJlflSI1t(lr& is a,rQ91sr.el94lfadefTlark d SpeCl3lty F91lliizef Plodll(fS.LlC.

SGN 150 Net WI. 50 lbs. (22.68 kg)

1,1'3"', AGC14NDM5


Vl \v)

Page 10: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing



Page 11: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing



Ms. Debbie Ziehr Product Registration The And~rsons Lawn Fert. Div., mc PO Box 119 Maumee, OH 43537



MAY 1 4 2010

SUBJECT: Application for Pesticide Notification (PRN 98-10) Req1,lest Alternate Brand Name "D & K Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimen~ion Turf Herbicide 20-0-4" EPA Reg. No. 9198-120 Application Dated March 29,2010

Dear Ms. Ziehr:

The Agen<;;y is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 dated 03/29110 for the above product. The Registration Division (RD) has con.ducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and fmds that the actiop.(s) requested fall within the scope ofPRN 98-10. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records.

If you hav~ any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Owen F. Beeder of my staff at 703-308-8899.


Linda Arrington Notifications & Minor Formulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs

Page 12: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

2 -Ple •• e re.d i".tructioM on rev.,.. before comDretina form. Form ADDrove~. OMS No. 2070-0060 Inmir ... 2.28-95

United States Q Registration opp Identifier Number

&EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 .f Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification

9198·120 Miller o None D Restricted 4. Compeny/Product (Name) PM' The Andersons Dimension Herbicide II 23

5. Name and Address of Applicent (Include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3) The Andersons Lawn Fert. Div., Inc. (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling d/b/a Free Flow Fert. to: P.O. Box 119 EPA Reg. No. Maumee. OH 43537 o Check if this is a new address Product Name

Section - II

D Amendment - Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to Agency letter dated

0 Resubmission in rasponse to Agency letter dated D "Me Too" Application. NOTifiCATION

0 Notifitation - Explein below. D Other· Explain below. MAY 1 4 2010 Explanation: Use additional pagels) if necessary. (For section I end Section II.) Notification of Alternate Brand Name per PR Notice 98-10: D & K Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 20-0-4

This notification is consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of EPA's regulations at 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46 and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula ofthis product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98·10 and the requirements of 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46. this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA.

Section - III 1. Material Thl. Product Will Be Packaged In:

Child·Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container .

t2J Yes t2J Yes ~ Yes ~M". .f No .f No

,/ Plastic No . Glass

• C8rtification must If "Yesw No. per If "Yesw No. per ./ Paper Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container Other (Specify)

b8 submitt8d I

3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Reteil Container \5. Location of Label Directions

L Label l.{j Container 50 Ibs. - 2,000 Ibs. ~OnLabel

6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product ~UthOgraPh [{] Other Pocket ./ Paper .Pe'ued

Stenci ed

Section - IV 0000

" " 1 . Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identification of individual to be contacted, if necessary, to process this appli'c'dfiEJn.)


Name Title Telephone N?"o(f,n.,clude Area Code)

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator , o1.\,9Q~il1-6671 0

c-... -t':

" " " " Certification 6. D.]:'E,.~pplication OOQQOI,) 'Recaived I certify that the stetements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto are true, accurate end comfi:~t~!' v'" " I acknowledge that any knowlinglly false or misleeding statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment or " "St.amped)

both under applicable law. "" ~"" ~ 0

,-.,-c·c-c- c

2. Signature 3. Title '- u

~~ ~. " <.J t. (... LtlJ

Regulatory Administrator " r...vtv

v c.

4. Typed Name V

5. Date (.(.'1.1I

Debbie Ziehr 3/29/10

. . EPA Form 8570·1 (Rev. 3·941 PreVIous editions are obsolete • '. White - EPA File Copy (onglne" Yenow • Appfic:ant Copy

Page 13: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

c The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050

March 29, 2010

Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs - (7504P) u. S. Environment Protection Agency Room 8-4900, One Potomac Yard 2777 South Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-4501



NOTIFICATION - Additional Brand Name

The Andersons Dimension Herbicide II EPA Reg. No. 9198-120

Per PR Notice 98-10, enclosed is an EPA Form 8570-1, an application notifying the Agency that we wish to market additional products under the subject basic registration. The additional brand name is:

D & K Products Fertilizer with 0.103% Dimension Turf Herbicide 20-0-4

One copy of the draft label is enclosed.

If there are any questions regarding this notification, please contact me.


The Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division, Inc.

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator Phone #419-891-6671 Fax #419-891-2745 Email: [email protected]


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Page 14: U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSONS DITHIOPYR ...May 14, 2010  · The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050 April 5, 2010 Document Processing

1.& '''w'l $. lJ~ .\~ I.~ .1. ;~~~i ~!~l~l!@jt~~)ti." . Fertilizer with 0.103%

Dimension® Turf Herbicide 20-0-~

This proUl.lci is a horbir...ida thaI provida.' control 01 ~SleQual iJl~nd broadleal weOOs in established lawns and ornamontaJ IUr1S.;:: Q


T~<"' ···.r1~!~)Nii~e~.··· ........... cr·· ~... 20.00%

~~~ .. \->iJl~' ~K~lJ} . i= ~ . i'::: Planl nutnAlus derived !rom ~"OIasslum chloflde me.-~U!!ur ooalOO urea

1 ~% FuJt) SulllJr {S} ~ 5C

C.hlonna (Gl) Max. •• 3 40% "21J 0 ... '\% SJO'l.t.,. <r.;aJ'ab!a nitrogen hom polymci COal ::.uHur casl00 urea


ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Dithiopyr: 3.5-pyrid!noolcarOOihioic acid, 2-{drttuoromethylJ·4· (2-melhylprOJlVI}·&(tritluoron~hyl)·S.S--djmelh'll (!Sl(!r .


0.103% 99.697<',4


EPA Reg. No. 9198-120 EPA EsI. No. 9198-0I-I-1M. 9196·01-1.2:8. 919S-Al-Q01A (Und9l1inoo leiter is I~ louer uSEd in fun codo on end d bag.)




Causes f1'/O .rmatico. Harmlul d inhalod. Avoid contact \ .. 1Ih cyesor dothing. Avoid l.Jrf3athing dust. Wash thoroughly with soap and wa.ter allor handling. Rorrovj~conlami· oaled clothing and wash before reuse. Prolonged or fr£Xluoolly rqx>aloo skin cootarJ wh~e handtmg this matQfiaJ may caUS9 allergic loaccion in some individuals.

FIRST AID c" "'Iyes: Hold eyo open and Ilose slowly and geml, with waler for 15·20 nlnlJ1es.

'Q contacts, If prescot, afler thaills! 5 minutes. than conlinlJO rlnsmg. can a i, OOfltrol Cf:IIller or doctor to.- treatment am'IO}, ",---'

It inhaled: MaIO person 10 IrQsh mi. II polson is 1)1.'1 boealhing. call 911 or an arrbuiance, then give andicial respiration. pmlarabty rmuth·lo-rroulh ~ possli)je. Gall a poison cautlOl CQll\or Of doctor for treatment advi~.

II swallowed: Call a poisoncoolrol cenloforOOclOIIOf !rBalmsn! advic». Have J)«SOIl sip a glass 01 water il alJto to swallow. 00 nat in(jUC(! vomnmg unluss lold \0 by a poISOn COrIlroI cool91 or dc:dor. Do not give anything by m:>U1h 10 an UrKXlnSClOU5 ,,",ron.

If on skin or clothing: Take 011 c:onlaminalElCi cIoIhlng. RiMa skin immodiale/y wilh plenty 01 Waler lor 15-£.0 minutos. Gall a poison control COOler 01 doctOl IOf lrealmonl -co. Have tho Ploduc!. containor or label with you '.I':hOfl calling a poison conlrol coni (If or docI.ct Of going lor IrB8lt~t You may alsocontacl 1·600·757·B9S1Ior emergency medlcallrQalmenl inlcxmalFOfl.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Thi:s ptOju."'A is 10:U::: to fish and hll]hly toxic 10 othf:!l' IIQuatic ()(g!tni~llS inCluding oySlors and shnrrp. U$ with cafe when applying 10 lurf 8faa.~ aqacrol 10 any t.oJy of watQ'. Dnlt and ruodllrom treatoo lurt may adv€C'se/y aflQd aquaUc organisms il aqacanl aQUalic SIlOS Uo noI ~ drect~ 10 walor, or 10 aroas whers surface watcr is p-esen!, Of 10 intOflldai ",oas beIcPJ: Ihe mean high water mark. 00 001. al>\'~y whm woo.lhQ( condiiolls favu dn" Irorn Irretoo aross. Do no! conlamnata water whm disposing 01 oquipmeol washwalers

DIRECTIONS FOR USE 11 IS a vio!allOll 01 Foc.ll;lIallaw to use Ihis product In any ni.'1nner incollsistrJnt ~ .. ith ItS labeling. fW.)(llh ... enll'o labol holOle using Ihis p!oduct. USt.!OI1IJ· oo:adillQ to IaI)1'Ji ins<ru.-;tions. No! lor use on tU11 being grown lor sa!o Of othBl runmlelCiai use as soJ, 01101" corrmorcial se(.a pf(XllJction.orlor 1QS.llarch pur~'O$EIS.

New York USB Restrictions: In New YOlk Slate this proj~ m.I'; on!y bo usoo by proiossiooal applicalors and al no more Ihan 11.0 pounds ~ 1.0UO stlu~rElleot (lXIualto 0.5 ~nds OCIiva ingredienT per acre) I){II yABI; and ispr1)tubMd flOfUllS') in Nassau and Sullolk CounliQ$.

GENERAL INFORMATION TIlis product is 0. hel\)j{',ida tlutl pfovid~~ control 01 a abIJlsss and OIher annual QIa5S('!S and bloadlcal woOOs in QSlablishoo ia'.vns and omamelliallurf,;;.. mcluding goIl course lairways, rO!J(Jhs. and toe tol(BS. nlis plojucl will nol halfll nearby eslabiiShod OInamenlals whoo used acoordlng 10 labal diloclions.

USE PRECAUTIONS Turtgrass Safety: This prodlJ(.1 may bo lJ$eoj on seOOoo. $()tjd~d. ()( spriggAd lawns and ornarTlElfltaiturfsthat a.rewell-eslabitshOO. Tho grass rrust have dovoiopGd a good root ~slom and a uptlonn stand •. and have r(l"'..civad at IA~ , .... '0 rrD\'Iings !oDowing its SBEJ.:ling. soddilllJ,OI spriggIng b(ll()(o rt can rQ('.oWe its tir.$l appllC<'ltioo 01 this p(lxlUCf. Us« of Ihis pHxhJGlon lawns and ornamental tuds Ihal are nOi well· established. OJ on those that have beAn weaXOO(td by w(!ather·. pi)St-. di$(l8S&. chomio;aJ-. or roochanica!-rdaIOO Slress. nut', inCIease Ihe dlartCOS for lurf injury

This ploduct should only ba applied 10 lawns and omam..'>f'Ital tUlIs thai aro COITf'OS~ of the following tullgrsss sP«:If)oSthal have boon dalorminoo 10 bE! 100Qli\f\t 10 appltcatlOllS ci lhis prodUCI. Whorl appJiocl as directed undO! Iho condItions describod. the loIIowlng eslablishsd twlgrsSSC$ art} tolerant to this product:

Cool-Season Grasses BOlllgrass. crellpinJ' (Agmsr;s pafiJs(risj Blu(lIJrass. K,,*,lucky (Pc-a pmlt1n5!s.' Fescue.lino·· (Fesf.x:a rubia) Foscoo. lall (FQs/Uca an;r4im:Jc!1a) I1yOJrass. pcronnial (Lolium pBf9rme)

Warm-Season Grasses BahiR!Jrass (P,~$Mfum no~a!umJ BefT1'lJdfllJras..-; (Cynooon daCf'y,cnj Bullaioy!ass'" (Buc.iloe ciacrtloides} Gatpatgrass (AxOfl~~PUS aftillfS) CooliVOOagul.'>S (Emmochioa ophil.t(oides} Kllwyugrass (PenmscrunJ cJandestir.um) SI. Augustinegrass ($tenctaphlum s9cund3fUm) Zoysiagrass (Zo},sia japonica)

'Use 01 Ihis produce 00 canain varieties 01 creeping bentgrass. such as 'Cohansao,'. 'CauTion', 'Seaside'. and ",.Vashington' may rosull in undasirablo turtgrass injury. No! aU varieties of creeping bonlgrass have been testoo. DO NOT appty thLS product 10 Colonial 8eolgrass {Agtostls tcnulS)variotias.

"Uso 01 this producl on certain varieties 01 line fascue may result in undasirable lun injury. '1 he following line lescue vanOlies have been lound 10 00 seosilive 10 thls JX'oduct: 'Atlanta'. 'Banner'. 'Beauty'. ·Bitgart'. 'CF·2'. 'Enjoy'. ·HF-93'. ·Hghh'Jhl'. 'ivaia', ·Jarnestov:n'. 'Koko!'. 'Majell1a', 'Mary', ·Pennfawn'. 'Tamara'. 'Taljana'. 'Waldor1' and 'WRklina·. Not all variolies oIlina lescue have been tesled.

'''00 NOT usc IhlS prruucl on seedling bullalograss in the sprlllg 01 [he firs! ysal 01 aslablishment until the IUl1grass is lully OIIX!ll and has RSIsblished IlQW rOOls

Note: • is rec:nrrmro;:loo Ihal USE< 01 !lis p'ocIu::t 00 made 011 a trial basts il'i~1y 10 daMnino its saI~ under Ixal usa (x)flCiltons and tUl1 n'l8n8Jem«l1 p-acuces bROIe nl<l!Q1l\J \lMespmad use.

Reseed;ng, Ovorsaeding, or Sprigging: Resoodmg, ovElrsea.lirg. or sprigging oItrealed areas within 4 rnoolhs alter app1ica!ion oIlhis prodUCI may inhiLillhe establishmant of dosilable lurtgrassss 'v\/hen raseeding ()( OYeTsoooing. pre~alr cultural practices such as soil cuIIivation. irrirjalion and lenilizalion shook:! be lollowoo. For best results, use rnechanica! 01 power soo.:IIOI] "'tlJipnlQlll (slit .soeders) dQSignl-Ki to give goo.:! seed to soil contac!.

Other U~B Precautions: The aarly rastemergooce craU-Jrass control desa ibsd bEllow IS Ilmrtod. POSlelllBigooco applICations are only eUoolve on crabJlass il appliod before aab­grass has displayed its fifth loal or lirsttdl~r.

For !xIS! r(!Sults. cultural praClicos thai dlSlurb tho soli. such as OOIe-. splku·. or hydlo, aorilir--8lion. and veniculling. should 00 done before arplic.atioo oj Ihis pro..1uct. DO NOT apply Ihis prooUCI un1~ lhe grass has r;;.:.ovaroo from thOS(t CI.otlJlaI prHChCOS.

Apply Ihis prodllCl directly 10 eSlaUlSha:l lawns or omanlOt"a1 lul1s only. DO NOT app/'{ to lianBfs. vI)'JOIabies. shrubs. or 'roos.

DO NOT use clippings Irorn IrealOO lurtlor mulchmg around vegetables or hurt noo:; Keep people and pais oIllra.aled aJeas unlll dust has settled.

APPliCATION DIRECTIONS Control 01 Crabgrass Pr-eemergenctl and Early PostelT7lNgance Control: This product jXo .... idas "preernorgoooo­control 01 cral.llJrass {trYJudiog Ihe Ial')e. sl'flXllh, and SOlJlhHfIl spoo~} whan applil,d prior 10 Ihe enlfJlgence 01 aabgrass Iromlhe ground in astablished lawns and omamenlaJ f!Jr1s.

11 can also jJfa.ido "early r.osternergenco- control 01 aabgrASS during ths aally sagos 01 C1f10Jta..<;S\IIQWlh altE'! lilQcrab;8SS has elTlef9ed !rom Ihoground HowRl!tlf.lllsolten ddl~::ub to SAe Iho vGIY SInai. eady stages 01 crabJrass in wl;!l·€Si<l.bllSh;;..:! la.-ms aod omamolllal1Ulis. P~enlet{l~lCa Cfab;Jrass control Wli be obtaino.:! on~1 when this proclUCI is applit:tll pfior 10 tho Irlll!ling 01 aa!)Jrass. which g(!neraUy c(lrrosp:xds 10 th~ lime when you can lils! ElHSiIy we Ihe crabgrass planls in Ihe lawn 01 lul1. So Ihe practicalloenel~ ol tres prodUCIS addilional. Garly 1XlS1A1ll(l1g9OCO activity is Ihal (OOfT'IP3JOO 10 slricl~{ pl'€Ierllergence crabgl ass ffio..1OG1S) II can gi'/e Ihe IJ,.<;Qf a 2·4 wt3ek longer penoo 01 limp 10 make applicall::xlS and sun control cratxJra:,;s

Application F{equencyand Timing: This I'rodur..t may 00 applied as a singlO:l apphcatlOll. as a Sj:'~11 appli,~ruion. 01 HS 1\ OO:i!J(.~IUaJ Uj.)plica!ion 101 clabgrasscolllmi HI Iho stJI=ng. summof. or IciL DO NOT Apply ITOfO than 11 tbs. pt1f 1.{I0(l sq. It. per dWilcation. and no ll'OfOlhan 33 lbs. 1)I}r 1.0uO sq. ".l~ yem.

Spring ApplicationB: For singl/} applications made in Iho 5pling or ~11y SUlln\l')l. Ehis ptodUCI should be appliliod al 1110 Rppropiiate rala ootlASponding 10 OM oIlhe ltuflHconlloi prOYlams Irstoo In Table 1 b.:IIm .... depooomg 00 tho user's 1000tion. tho lur!gtUSS lllowil'lJ hRighL and .... 110I\lar Ihe usn is oonsidorod 10 be preOlllSl\jerlCe or earty p;>$I.efll(llgOOCO at Iho limeollh~ application llmdlJralion 01 roskiual wOQ..1 OOOlrol Plovided by thi:; prodUCI is diloctly r0l8too 10 Iho tolallala 8pphoo. btJI WtfI Wlly sornewhat dopollding on wualhOl, weed prOSSUlo.turfgla~ COIT1~I!ivanoss. and the user's Iocalion within a r(JJion.

Usa Pmgram 1 lor pn:..-emoI~Jenco rorllrol at sites wharelhe IlJrtgrass is CUI high ((J.g .. homeownor lawllS) This /.-1Iogulm p!ovidE's 3·5 rrortlhs 01 proolllorgonce craiJ,jrus..-; control. This program s."K:Iu1d nOi be use::! lor early postemeryonce crat'qrass ronttol.

Uso PrO;Jlan12 lor p1et..>f11('lgor~con!roI at sites wh(!f(l (a) turtgrass is cut low {(!g .. golf lairways}. and (b) turlgrass mainlenance or weed control has been conductoo duting the provioos year. This Pfogram Plovidoo 4·6 rmulhs 01 proomorgence aal);Jlass conlrol. This program may also be uSlXf tor ea!~ ... postBlTlt:lrgence control al SlIes 'l/hare lunglass IS cui high (o g., homeownar lawns).

US(! Program 3 (or proomcrgonco conllol al Silas whoro (a) wrtiJrass L'i CUllo'N (G Q .. gall Ialrways). and (b) lunmaintooance or '1.'000 cootrol has not boon oondUded during Ihe provious y~ar. Ttri.'i prO']ram provides 4·G llullhs 01 proornaQQflCQ CfIli;<Jrass conlroL This program may also be used lor oart'l pos\OOler'Jooce oontrot at. sites whero tmlgrass IS cuI law (e.g .. golf fairways}

SubsequenE. sa::jut30tial PI!}' awor ~"O$lenlel'g(:IIlce applications should bB made whero 10llger poriojs 01 ootlliollug dos:p~.

~'hofO sphllenitizt;l1 flpplir-.8llOns ar(t r9COflTlInndw. tho falQ.S in Table 1 may bo spIll across IWO applications mado G'lD weoks ~>a.rl and prior 10 cral:.oJrass ernergt.-'IlCll.


US, (turfgQSSCt.lt)

TABLE 1: Recommended Application Use Rales" (lb!. ollhis Plodudll,OCIJ SQ. fl.)

' ............ .... -(Illgh) (low) '''''''''''' (klw) - -(big'1 (Ow) RE",,"

Norm -28 4.0 55

Transition 4.0 55 " Sru' 55 " 11.0-

Cl)asl-l!So.H!l " 110" 1TO··

'DO NOT apply mora Ihan 11 100. por appIicalion. and no rroTe than 33 100. per year. Poslernarg9OCXl control is limil£ld: seo "OabJtass Conlrol~ and ~Pr(("~U1ioos· sOCI.ions above. Regions Include areas lislQj below.

NO{lh. All othor areas Transition: DE. KS. KY. MD. MO, NJ. VA_ southeastern PA. soulhern areas 01 IL.

IN. DH. &coasl.al araas 01 Cl. NY. & RI. Soulh: Al.AR.AZ. CA, GA. LA. MS. NC. NM, NV. OK, SC, TN. & TX.

CoasI:aI Sou1h: HI. FL. & southam coast.al aroas 01 AL, GA. LA, MS. NC. SC. &. lX.

"May mquirt) sr~lt or SEqUilfiliai appli<'.allons lor lull oooiral

Fall AppIi(;Jftions: This product can also bo appliOO in rhe lale sul'l'lllOr or eaf~,la!1 {late AugUSllhlOugh No'{OfTbcr} rulhe -Program3- use tales listed in Table 110 provide 000110/ of crabgrass th/Ough Ihe Gally pM 011110 nax! sprmg. 1ho Iall application should bEo followed by an appmpfiale spring application 10 providI) ~ason·1oc\} {XJflIrol.

Tips for Improved Control: For oo~t results. flll!lt Ihis pl'00ucI w~hin a I(;!W days altef nDwing and delay rro\l.'lng again IOf a law days aller Iho applicalk>n. When trealod lawn or omamOOlailwi aJeas are walered 01' rocerJe signriicant rainlall v:ithin a lew days all(l( application 01 this product. ifTl'l'O'/oo weed conlrol may resu~. Usa 01 splrl (half'rale) apphcations ~pacOO &8 wooks apat1 may plovide implovoo wead Gonllol.

CONTROl OF OTHER GRASS AND BROADlEAF WEEDS Spring Applicatiom;: USfld as dilOClod IOf crabgrass (X)ntrol in IhG spring.lhis prcxluct wtll also control (althe "Pr09r3J11 3" rales) or sUPPfoss (allhe ·Program Z' ralas) Ihe loIlct.ving WQQ1s when applied pl"iOi 10 thair {!11lOfgE'ncs;): bamyardglass. bluegrass (rumual. rough­stalk). auwfooEgrass, 10Xlaii (yellm'l & green)". gooseglass. ktkuyugrass. ry9'J1aSS (annual &. pAl BrUl:aI) . .$(nutgra::;s. 1a::;~)I,!(jazd (cornn-on). oxalis (1:...tIlBrcuP. crQepjng &. yellow 'J.,-oo..I­:sorrel). purslane (corfJIDf'l), speooweU (com). spurge {prostrate & sp::l(tedj. • Also conllollo:td at Ihe ~PIO"Jram 2· ratO$.

Fall Applications: UsnJ at; U!!l.Ooj 101 lala $IJI1'I'OOf or oarly lall us(!, 101 cm.b]f;'\SS ():)(\hol Ihrough Iho oarly part oIlho MXl5pfing.lhis ptoduct \vill alsoconuol {at lhl:' -PrOJraIl13~ falt~s) or SUppUISS {at Iha ·PTogram 2" rat~) Iha following wE'Qds wh\:lnllpph~i plior 10 Iheir emergence' blul;l(Jrass (annual] - P~ annua. b~tercross, chickv.oood, hnllbl1. geramum (Carolina). parsi9'n .. oie:t. pinQappl"""/iXd. sh~phordspurso.

APPLICATION EaUIPMENT AND INSTRUCTIONS Apply lhis ~nxlucl w~h drop or rOl8rj'lypa sl)li38dors designed 10 apply granular herbir,idil::\. Avoid tM use of splaadors Ih81 would aj:ply Ihis produd in natTow rows Of OOncen{lat(\

tlllnds. I.h4Qr<) Qm:h applk-.atrol1. C<lliurmo !hu SprC!ild('r &xoldill\j Itl IhQ IK1UlINHIll11 IlmllulRCIUr(:f'S lill oc!ion .. 'i 101 adluSlin,] tho spleadnr st.>llirYJs sudl that the ~lfoa.J~r d{Jlr~'Q1s

::; ~~':l~i:~a~:~~~II;~.I:;.~;:lj~~::~~~~;h~t~~~l ~~~,lt~:t~~~I~01;~~,,~~ ....tllll1G,.--4 tlll;'IOC!UIIOCI WlOlJ'.l.t,.;OI tlw·.:wa •. ill.ltIlOIl a/JI)I~IIl<J tho ',illll<tltlil'lg hall ut a right \"JulIg::: to I:"? pl ... liou~dilodK..;. Avoid SI[I:!, . .;.ung;"~~ps. c.,:ov?Elaps dU:li);g nppIic81~. ""Ch.l.::k oc..:.:W":l-:";lt httllJOlllly,.) onsure '-'llJlpn1(~ll IS lurn,,!Ql'lu);J t:40IX1t-/ "exi ap~dY!ll!J ...;.uIll10'111 dISlllbt;:''on ol granul,:s. u .... '.J .,.

I '"" .... v SUGGEm~oiPREAOER sfTnNGs-- ------~ rf$$(l ;'UjfiQ1f9.i ~."fI,il,·r s~''m1;; ,Nl f1('! .<Ilr"·.:JiJ:J ,"'J loi:?ix" tit:'.'.o:,,'II.

~j~ (.J1;iJt.;:e }'(:.;t .9p'~J"~:'"IJ:!k1''' :!Cf::}If.t;j YvCu:t 50 Ibs.cov.lrs t7pxJ sq.1t.{O.41 iCle) at 121 Ibs. produ::t'acle • LIGHT RATE (l.a IbSll.ooo sq.fl)

SObs.covers 1%,5(0 sq. ft(o.na::rejat 1741b$. product.acre. LOW RATE(4.0 Il.>sl1fXJO s.q. ft.) 50 Ibs.co\'8fS9r.'}J:'1.v(O.2!~:c'..JiIl240 tbS.I.;xtLct'CIcre.MEDlJM RATEtS.Slbs.'lpoiJ sq. I!.)

50 IbS.OOWlIS~JXl sq. ft.(O.:.!acte:...,'tJti6.:.'S. Pff.;.\rt:.acre. HIGH RATE (8.4 Ibs,'.OOOsq. Il)

~~I " ..; SPREADER SEITINGS ;,),..1.,,;

W '-' UGHT lOW MEDIUM HIGH .. RATE RATE RATE RATE oJ.." " GROUND WIDTH Of' 0.13 lb. 0.18 lb. 0.25 lb. 038R:!.


Aro;l.·nm::.<\::.:c.pu)ZQOO 3mph III .. ", K :r:! l1l2 rl rl2 -;R:·',;',;'J!'X>f,.,.(j

$~1; fHI. H·8<\ (,~a () :1 mph 1l1>N\ J:$4 1':1,2 M II~

L~!v Mod-:I~ WTR. V,T-A. hB. I~~O ~ 5 mr!l ~ll!",~ 41/2 i!:';; !PfOa t50lI:mj P~Ii:fr.l!·A

\'1<0I'l (ll,l S .. n<'s) ~ 5 "'r.n V;ro}« l:' W 3; " STORAGE AND DISPOSAL

Do Ilot oontaminatawahu. 1000. or/l.!I)(1 Ly ::;\()(fltjO at'ld disposal

STORAGE: Keep conlainor cIosOO and away 110m lood. lilOOslutis. and domestic waler supplios.

PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Pesticida wasles are 10>.ic. ImprDpCf disposal 01 excess Pe:Sticida is a violation at Fooefal Law IIlhl)501 wastl'lS callnot bGdisposaci 01 by use aocordilllJ 10 label inSlrUClions. (Xmlad your State Pesticide or Erwilonrnenlal Conlrol Agoncy. or IhQ Hazardous Wa.$lo leprasoolaliv~l altha nearest EPA Regional OIlir...o lorguidal'lCQ.

CONTAINER DISPOSAl; COI11)lelely emply MJ into applicalion C(}UipnKmL Nonrehllable conainer. Do 001 rouse or relill thls conlainef. Oller lor recycling. if avail, able II not available. Ihen disp::>SG of OOlJ:ty bag in a sa.nitHIY landlill or by incineration, or. if eHowoo Of Slate or local authorillos, by oorning. II burned. Slay out olslT'Oko.

IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE USE: Read tho OOlire Diroclions lor Usc and Ihe '!-Varla-nty DlSCiaink.'1 and I.lInlauon 01 Liabdily batore using this product II tocms are no!. 8CnI(Jtsblo. relUHl Ihe uroponoo pro.:fuct contain(lf at once. I3y usng Ihis j')Ioduct. USCI' or Buyt3r ao:;epIs tho Iallowing Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation 01 Llabdrty:

WARRANTY DISClAIMER and LIMITATION of LIABILITY: Manufacturer W8Hanis that this plodud oonloflns to Ihe dlOmical description on tho laOO/ and is reasonably Iii IOf tho j.'lUpOS~ slatoo OOlho label whrm usa! in slrict accoldance v.'ith tho dirQCIions. Manufacturar II~ NO OTHEH EXPRESS on IMPLIED WARAANlY OF MERCHANTABIUlY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTlaJLAR PURPOSE. To Ihe extent consistent wilh applicable law. rt is Manufacturar's inlent 10 LIMIT ANY LlABIUlY FOR SPECIAL. CONSEOUEN1IAL OR INCIDENTAL ECONOtIAIC DAMAGES to rfllundol purchaso price or raplaoomenl 01 ploducl. at BUYElf's choico. To tho oxtenl consisI.ent With applicable law, ManulaclulOf DISCLAIMS ANY lIABl\.ITY rOR COMPENSATORY OR 01 HER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE CONTRARY TO LAOa DIRECllONS. lIso contrary 10 labo! diroctions is flOC p8lUllHC>d.


Prooua 01 LISA

Manulac..1uloo by: Froo Flow Ft.>rtilil.OI'

p.O. [\)x 119 Maurt'lElQ. OJ.! 4..1537

oimonsion is a registoroo trademark 01 00'.1,' AgroScioncas LLC.

SGN 215 Net Wt. 50 Lbs. (22.68 kg)


.-C \.J=