USA Recipes Today...1.First Add Agent Orange.. By now, most of us are aware of the GMO ((Genetically modified organism)) problem and the political corruption akin to it. Monsanto claims that GMOs are safe. This was the same comment made by the tobacco companies back in the 40s and early 50s regarding cigarette smoking. Now we know without a doubt that smoking and lung and throat cancer are kissing cousins. Because GMOs have been around for 15 years or so, with no long- term studies other than Monsanto’s being done, we only have Monsanto’s word that GMOs are safe. Fortunately, there have been studies done by Michael Antoniou of Earth Open Source and Dr. Giles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caan in France that say otherwise….Source (NaturalNews)

USA Recipes Today...1.First Add Agent Orange

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How Much Shit are You and Your Family Prepared To Eat? In Hawaii, Monsanto has six registered pocket politicians - John Radcliffe, George "Red" Morris, Dawn Bicoy, Paul Koehler, Alan Takemoto, Fred Perlak, and Alicia Maluafiti in it’s pocket. Weak self serving men and women. But these men and women don’t just live here, their friends live in a big house near you! Radcliffe and Morris have an iron grip on our politicians and Maluafiti is the Executive Director of the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association and along with Radcliffe and Morris, they have bought off with thousands of dollars our, if you will pardon the expression, lawmakers. The other biotech monsters are Syngenta, Pioneer (DuPont), Bayer (aspirin anyone?), and BASF, each having their own lobbyists as well.

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Page 1: USA Recipes Today...1.First Add Agent Orange

USA Recipes Today...1.First Add Agent Orange..

By now, most of us are aware of the GMO ((Genetically modified organism)) problem and the political corruption akin to it.

Monsanto claims that GMOs are safe. This was the same comment made by the tobacco companies back in the 40s and early 50s regarding cigarette smoking.

Now we know without a doubt that smoking and lung and throat cancer are kissing cousins. Because GMOs have been around for 15 years or so, with no long-term studies other than Monsanto’s being done, we only have Monsanto’s word that GMOs are safe.

Fortunately, there have been studies done by Michael Antoniou of Earth Open Source and Dr. Giles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caan in France that say otherwise….Source (NaturalNews)

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What Did You Have For Breakfast?What Antoniou and Seralini have found is that GMOs, which are inundated with pesticides like RoundUp Ready containing glyphosate and 2-4-D, the active ingredient in Agent Orange, create numerous health problems, including birth defects, cancer, neurological imbalances, embryonic deaths, DNA damage, and fetal death. It's not rocket science to understand that when you eat a steady diet of these horrible chemicals, you will suffer disastrous health ramifications despite the fact that the GMO crops are designed to resist the heavy poisoning of the pesticides and herbicides.

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Corruption and Your RepresentativeSo, where does the corruption tie in? Obviously with the politicians.

We know that when Obama campaigned in 2008, he promised he would label GMOs. When elected, not only did he renege on that promise but immediately appointed former Monsanto VP and attorney Michael Taylor, aka "Monsanto Mike", as the Head of Food Safety at the Fraud and Drug Administration and Tom Vilsack, another biotech hooker, as the Secretary of Agriculture.

I don't know about other States, but in Hawaii, from the Governor on down, almost all the Legislators have been bought, with none wanting to bite the hand that feeds them. food news,food news articles,food news 2013,food news and chews,food news today,food

news articles 2013,food news media,food newspaper articles

Page 4: USA Recipes Today...1.First Add Agent Orange

How Much Shit are You and Your Family Prepared To Eat?

In Hawaii, Monsanto has six registered pocket politicians - John Radcliffe, George "Red" Morris, Dawn Bicoy, Paul Koehler, Alan Takemoto, Fred Perlak, and Alicia Maluafiti in it’s pocket. Weak self serving men and women. But these men and women don’t just live here, their friends live in a big house near you!

Radcliffe and Morris have an iron grip on our politicians and Maluafiti is the Executive Director of the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association and along with Radcliffe and Morris, they have bought off with thousands of dollars our, if you will pardon the expression, lawmakers. The other biotech monsters are Syngenta, Pioneer (DuPont), Bayer (aspirin anyone?), and BASF, each having their own lobbyists as well.

Recently at our City Council we had endless hearings on GMO labeling. Of the seven Council members, five were bought off and recommended that labeling should be done at the Federal level and put in the hands of the President, the FDA, and the Agriculture Department. Talk about frustration.

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Hawaii Board of Water, Mendocino, Trinity and Marin we Applaud You!

Yet, despite this endless array of governmental corruption, there is a bright note.

Recently the Hawaii Board of Water Supply denied Monsanto's request to use 2.6 million gallons of water a day to water their highly pesticide laden poisonous so-called food. Maybe there's hope for use yet.

When studying the world we find that the countries of Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Madeira, New Zealand, Peru, South Australia, and Switzerland have rejected GMO and kicked out Monsanto.

In California, believe it or not, the counties of Mendocino, Trinity and Marin have banned GMOs.

The countries caring little for their people are Canada, China, England, the European Union, Philippines, South Africa, and the good ol' U S of A.

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Don’t Eat Anything Grandmother Wouldn't

When I go into any of the mainstream supermarkets in Hawaii and watch the shoppers it blows me away. They go to a shelf, pick a product, and put it in their cart. Never once does anyone ever read the label. And, I see basically the same thing in the natural food stores.What that tells me is that for the most part the people are clueless with any part of any issue with GMOs. In fact, if you ask most people what they know about GMOs, their response is usually, Whaaaaaaat?

And Monsanto loves that. So if labeling happens or doesn't happen it's a win-win situation for them. The few people that know about GMOs and read labels will not buy them but the clueless ones that never read labels anyway will continue to buy them. And Monsanto will continue laughing all the way to the bank.