National Maritime Center Serving Our Nation’s Mariners U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Q396 Deck General – Safety (Sample Examination) Page 1 of 19 Q396 Deck General – Safety 7/28/2021

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National Maritime Center Serving Our Nation’s Mariners

U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam

Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers

Q396 Deck General – Safety

(Sample Examination)

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

Choose the best answer to the following Multiple Choice Questions.

1. On a small boat, which knot is best suited for attaching a line to the ring of an anchor?

o (A) Figure-eight knot o (B) Overhand knot o (C) Clove hitch • (D) Fisherman's bend

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

2. What is the name of the metal, teardrop-shaped object sometimes used within an eyesplice?

o (A) Grommet • (B) Thimble o (C) Reinforcement o (D) Splice form

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

3. Which knot in illustration D030DG below represents a bowline?

o (A) G o (B) H o (C) L • (D) Q

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

4. What type of knot in illustration D030DG below is indicated by the Letter "J"?

o (A) Bowline o (B) Marline hitch • (C) Plain whipping o (D) Becket bend

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

5. What does the process of faking down a line mean?

o (A) To coil it down on deck • (B) To arrange the line on deck in long bights o (C) To put a whipping on the line o (D) To stow the line below

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3 6. Which rope has the greatest breaking strength?

o (A) Manila • (B) Nylon o (C) Polyethylene o (D) Polypropylene

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

7. In illustration D044DG below, what is the mooring line labeled "A" called?

o (A) After spring line • (B) Offshore stern line o (C) Onshore stern line o (D) After breast line

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

8. In illustration D044DG below, what is the mooring line labeled "H" called?

o (A) Offshore spring line o (B) Forward breast line o (C) Onshore bow line • (D) Offshore bow line

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

9. When should you use distress flares and rockets?

• (A) Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vessels o (B) At one-hour intervals o (C) Immediately upon abandoning the vessel o (D) At half-hour intervals

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

10. What is required in addition to the heat, fuel, and oxygen of the fire triangle to have a fire?

o (A) Electricity • (B) Chain reaction o (C) Smoke o (D) Pressure

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

11. All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT __________.

o (A) heat o (B) fuel o (C) oxygen • (D) electricity

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

12. Spontaneous ignition can result from __________.

o (A) an unprotected drop-light bulb o (B) smoking in bed o (C) worn electrical wires on power tools • (D) careless disposal or storage of material

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

13. Your vessel is to dock bow in at a pier without the assistance of tugboats. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?

o (A) Inshore head line o (B) Bow breast line • (C) Bow spring line o (D) Stern breast line

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

14. What is the purpose of Sluicing or slushing wire rope?

o (A) To reduce chafing and increases its useful service life o (B) To reduce internal friction within the wire o (C) To prevent internal and external rust and corrosion • (D) All of the above

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

15. Which term describes the distance a vessel moves parallel to the original course from the point where the rudder is put over to any point on the turning circle?

• (A) Advance o (B) Drift angle o (C) Pivoting point o (D) Transfer

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3 16. When is the effect of wind on exposed areas of the vessel most noticeable?

• (A) When backing o (B) When going full ahead o (C) When turning o (D) When going slow ahead

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

17. What effect does bank cushion have on the hull of a vessel in shallow water?

o (A) The hull has a lesser pressure on the land side of the bow o (B) The hull has a lesser pressure on the land side of the stern o (C) The hull has a greater pressure on the land side of the stern • (D) The hull has a greater pressure on the land side of the bow

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

18. Which is described as a wedge of water building up between the bow and the nearer bank which forces the bow out and away?

o (A) Bend effect • (B) Bank cushion o (C) Combined effect o (D) Bank suction

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

19. What can cargo hold bilge soundings indicate?

o (A) If the cargo is leaking into the cargo hold o (B) The amount of condensation in the hold o (C) If the vessel is taking on water • (D) All of the above

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

20. Which is the root cause of wake damage to a vessel or structure in a narrow channel?

o (A) Slack mooring lines • (B) Excessive speed o (C) Trim of the vessel o (D) Improper steering of the vessel

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

21. The possibility of wake damage can be reduced by following which action?

o (A) Passing close aboard to the moored vessel o (B) Alternate engine speeds • (C) Slow down when passing moored vessels o (D) Apply rudder in both port and starboard directions

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

22. How can the spread of fire be prevented?

o (A) Removing combustibles from the endangered area o (B) Cooling surfaces adjacent to the fire o (C) Shutting off the oxygen supply • (D) All of the above

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

23. Oily rags stored in a pile that is open to the atmosphere are a hazard because they may __________.

o (A) deteriorate and give off noxious gasses • (B) spontaneously heat and catch fire o (C) attract lice and other vermin and serve as a breeding ground o (D) None of the above

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

24. The primary reason for placing covers over storage batteries is to __________.

o (A) prevent the accumulation of explosive gases o (B) protect the hull from leaking electrolyte o (C) prevent movement of the battery in rough waters • (D) protect against accidental shorting across terminals

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

25. A fire in a pile of canvas is classified as class __________.

• (A) A o (B) B o (C) C o (D) D

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

26. Which class of fire is an oil fire classified?

o (A) A • (B) B o (C) C o (D) D

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

27. What is the primary hazard, other than fire damage, associated with a class C fire?

o (A) Possibility of reflash o (B) Explosion o (C) Flashover • (D) Electrocution or shock

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

28. Any extinguishing agent used on a Class "C" fire must have which important property?

o (A) Penetrating power o (B) Cooling ability o (C) Leaves no residue • (D) Nonconductivity

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

29. If you must jump from a vessel, what does the correct posture include?

o (A) Knees bent and held close to the body with both arms around legs o (B) Both hands holding the life preserver below the chin with knees bent and legs crossed o (C) Body straight and arms held tightly at the sides for feet first entry into the water • (D) Holding down the life preserver against the chest with one arm crossing the other, covering

the mouth and nose with a hand, and feet together

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

30. If you must enter water on which there is an oil fire, you should __________.

o (A) wear very light clothing o (B) keep both hands in front of your face to break the water surface when diving head first • (C) enter the water on the windward side of the vessel o (D) protect your life preserver by holding it above your head

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3 31. You are fighting a fire in the electrical switchboard in the engine room. You should secure the power,

then take which action?

• (A) Use a portable CO2 extinguisher o (B) Use a portable foam extinguisher o (C) Use a low-velocity fog adapter with the fire hose o (D) Determine the cause of the fire

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

32. If heavy smoke is coming from the paint locker, what should be the FIRST firefighting response?

• (A) Secure the ventilation o (B) Enter and use a portable extinguisher o (C) Open the door to evaluate the extent of the fire o (D) Release the CO2 flooding system

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

33. If you have a fire in the engine room, your FIRST act should be to __________.

o (A) maneuver your vessel into the wind o (B) discharge the fixed CO2 system into the engine room • (C) secure the fuel supply and ventilation to the engine room o (D) have all of your crew get into the liferaft

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

34. You are picking up an unconscious person that has fallen overboard in a fresh breeze. For safety reasons how should a small craft approach?

o (A) With the wind on your starboard side o (B) With the wind on your port side • (C) With the victim to windward o (D) With the victim to leeward

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

35. You are on a 165 foot (50.3 meters) long vessel with a draft of 9 feet (2.7 meters) and twin screws. Which statement about rescuing a survivor in the water with ship pickup is TRUE?

o (A) Ship pick up should never be used with a shallow draft vessel. o (B) You should stop with the man on your weather beam and twist the ship up to him. • (C) A pickup off the weather bow gives maximum maneuverability with the least possibility of

injury to the man. o (D) You should stop to windward of the man and drift down on him.

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3 36. The maneuver which will return your vessel to a person who has fallen overboard in the shortest

time is __________.

o (A) a Williamson Turn o (B) engine(s) crash astern, no turn • (C) a single turn with hard rudder o (D) two 180° turns

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

37. On a small boat, if someone fell overboard and you did not know over which side the person fell, which action should you take?

o (A) Increase speed to full to get the vessel away from the person o (B) Immediately reverse the engines • (C) Stop the propellers from turning and throw a ring buoy over the side o (D) First put the rudder hard over in either direction

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

38. The vessel shown in illustration D025DG has broken down and you are going to take her in tow. The wind is coming from her starboard beam. You are making more leeway than she. Where should you position your vessel when you start running lines?

• (A) A o (B) B o (C) C o (D) D

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

39. The vessel shown in illustration D025DG has broken down and you are going to take her in tow. The wind is on her starboard beam. She is making more leeway than you. Where should you position your vessel when you start running lines?

o (A) A o (B) B o (C) C • (D) D

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

40. When cleaning up an oil spill in U.S. waters you must obtain the approval of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator before using which of the following?

o (A) Sawdust o (B) Skimmers • (C) Chemical agents o (D) Straw

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

41. Failure to notify the Coast Guard of an oil spill can carry a prison sentence of what duration?

o (A) Not more than 1 year o (B) Not more than 2 years o (C) Not more than 3 years • (D) Not more than 5 years

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

42. You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to retain on board?

o (A) 25% o (B) 50% o (C) 75% • (D) 100%

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

43. What can be done to prevent small oil spills on deck from going overboard?

o (A) Closing the lids on the vents o (B) Driving wooden plugs into the vents o (C) Plugging the sounding pipes • (D) Plugging the drains and scuppers

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

44. How many months after its expiration date may a Coast Guard credential be renewed without retaking the complete exam?

o (A) 1 month o (B) 6 months • (C) 12 months o (D) 24 months

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3 45. When are Operators of Uninspected Passenger Vessels required to keep their Coast

Guard credential aboard their vessel?

• (A) only when carrying passengers for hire o (B) only when operating more than one mile from shore o (C) At all times o (D) only when operating at night

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

46. Which U.S. agency assigns an official number to a vessel?

o (A) Collector of Customs o (B) American Bureau of Shipping • (C) Coast Guard o (D) Treasury Department

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

47. Which is the requirement for the name and hailing port of a documented commercial vessel?

o (A) It is required to be marked on both bows and on the keel • (B) It is required to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bows o (C) It is required to be marked on the keel, stern, and both bows o (D) It is not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

48. Following a Serious Marine Incident, a mariner involved in the incident is prohibited from consuming alcohol until after being tested or which time frame?

o (A) 2 hours following the incident o (B) 4 hours following the incident • (C) 8 hours following the incident o (D) 12 hours following the incident

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

49. What is considered a Serious Marine Incident?

o (A) An allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dock • (B) An injury to a crewmember, passenger, or other person which requires professional medical

treatment beyond first aid o (C) A vessel experiencing bottom suction over a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or

any damage to the vessel o (D) None of the above

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3 50. What represents poor sanitary procedures?

o (A) Keep and use a separate filling hose for potable (drinking) water. • (B) Locate potable (drinking) water tanks as low as possible in the bilge. o (C) Eliminate enclosed spaces in which trash, food particles, dirt may gather. o (D) After washing dishes with soap and warm water, sterilize them in water of at least 170°F


If choice B is selected set score to 1.

51. How does good housekeeping prevent fires on a vessel?

o (A) Allowing better access in an emergency • (B) Eliminating potential fuel sources o (C) Improving personnel qualifications o (D) Eliminating trip hazards

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

52. Which is the principal danger from ice collecting on a vessel?

• (A) The loss of stability o (B) The adverse effect on trim o (C) The decrease in displacement o (D) The decrease in capabilities of radar

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

53. The water in which a vessel floats provides vertical upward support. Which term is regarded as the point through which this support is assumed to act?

o (A) The center of flotation o (B) The center of effort o (C) The center of gravity • (D) The center of buoyancy

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

54. A quick and rapid motion of a vessel in a seaway is an indication of a(n) __________.

o (A) small GZ • (B) large GM o (C) high center of gravity o (D) excessive free surface

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

55. Which VHF channel should you avoid using as a working channel?

o (A) 7A o (B) 8 o (C) 9 • (D) 16

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

56. How should gasoline tanks be filled?

o (A) To the top to expel all vapors from the tanks o (B) To the top so the operator is certain how much fuel he has aboard o (C) Fill with only sufficient fuel for the planned trip so excess gasoline is not carried • (D) Fill to near the top with some space allowed for gasoline expansion

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

57. What factor is essential to the proper operation of a radiator cooled engine?

• (A) Air flow through the radiator o (B) Low heat of combustion o (C) Jacket water treatment o (D) Cooling water pressure

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

58. Which is an indication that progressive flooding is occurring?

o (A) Excessive list or trim o (B) Excessive draft • (C) Continual worsening of list or trim o (D) Ballast control alarms sounding

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

59. What does a pyrometer measure on a diesel engine?

o (A) Water pressure • (B) Exhaust temperature o (C) Air box pressure o (D) Water temperature

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

60. Who certifies the safe working load of cargo booms on a vessel?

o (A) Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers o (B) The Ship's Master • (C) American Bureau of Shipping o (D) U.S. Coast Guard

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

61. It is the responsibility of the crane operator to, at all times, be aware of the location of the __________.

o (A) load o (B) boom o (C) hook • (D) All of the above

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

62. Which of the signals listed is required to be displayed during the day while bunkering?

o (A) A red and yellow flag o (B) A yellow flag • (C) A red flag o (D) A red light

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

63. Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must __________.

o (A) evacuate all engine room personnel o (B) secure the engine room ventilation o (C) secure the machinery in the engine room • (D) All of the above

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

64. When must a dry chemical fire extinguisher be recharged?

• (A) After each use o (B) When the air temperature exceeds 90°F o (C) Every 6 months o (D) Every 12 months

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

65. Dry chemical fire extinguishers are effective on which type(s) of fire?

o (A) Paint o (B) Electrical o (C) Burning oil • (D) All of the above

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

66. Which action must be taken annually concerning inflatable liferafts carried on passenger vessels?

o (A) They shall be sent to the Coast Guard for servicing o (B) Shall be sent to the steamship company shore repair facility o (C) They are required to be overhauled by the ship's crew • (D) Shall be sent to a Coast Guard approved service facility

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

67. What is the most important thing to remember when launching an inflatable liferaft by hand?

o (A) Inflate the raft on the vessel, then throw it over the side • (B) Ensure that the operating cord is secured to the vessel o (C) Open the raft container o (D) Open the CO2 inflation valve

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

68. What is the purpose of the limit switch on gravity davits?

• (A) To cut off the power when the davits are about 12 inches or more from the track safety stops o (B) To cut off the power when the davits hit the track safety stops o (C) To stop the davits from going too fast o (D) None of the above

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

69. In launching a lifeboat, when should the tricing pendants be released?

o (A) After the limit switch is activated • (B) After all people have been embarked o (C) As soon as the boat-fall blocks clear the davit head o (D) Before the boat is lowered from the stowage position

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q396 Deck General - Safety U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross Registered Tons Rivers Illustrations: 3

70. Which statement is TRUE concerning life jackets which are severely damaged?

o (A) They must be tested for buoyancy before being continued in use. • (B) They should be replaced. o (C) They can be used for children. o (D) They can be repaired by a reliable seamstress.

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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National Maritime Center

Serving Our Nation’s Mariners



Adapted for testing purposes only

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National Maritime Center

Serving Our Nation’s Mariners


Adapted for testing purposes only from NOEL, Knight’s Modern Seamanship, 17th edition

Copyright © 1984 by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc.

Further reproduction prohibited without permission


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Page 19: U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam Master Less than 200 Gross

National Maritime Center

Serving Our Nation’s Mariners



Adapted for testing purposes only from HAYLER, American Merchant Seaman’s Manual, 7th edition

Copyright © 2003 by Cornell Maritime Press, Inc.

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