THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. all trade. Also a big line of candy of kinds. Give him a calK Smith, Murray & Co., Bridgerwrt, Conn In Your Brdmann & Co. make a specialty of Christ Useful Gifts. mas candy, made fresh every day at tbelr Bad Breath. A well-know- n physician, who undoubtedly knows, declares that bad breath has broken off more matches than bad temper. candy kitchen. Special prices to Sunday schools In large quantities. Let them - quote you prices before you buy. Christmas Giving Siore Open Evenings Until Christmas. The dry goods store of .J. B. French Is very prettily decorated for the Christmas season and It is stocked fall of goods for the Christ the mas traders. Be sure and give him a call be- fore making your selection for Christmas. Combine Utility and Spirit of the Day. run E. Wetmore has been snendlnir several davs. mere are araent lovers who must sometimes wish their sweethearts presented ' 'sweeter mouths to be kissed. Good teeth cannot prevent bad "breath when the stomach is disordered. The best cure for bad breath is a cleansing out of the body by use of this wank, In New York on business. While there he purchased some horses for his wood Christmas shopping is made pleasant at our store Thedeal present for each one in the family is here. Here are a few suggestions: ! v Gifts For Women. Carpet Sweepers, Sewing Tables, Pictures,- - Comfort Chairs, Music Cabinets, Writing Desks, Lace Curtains, Center Ta- bles, China Closets, Window Seats, Mirrors. Gifts for Men ' Morris Chairs, Smoking Tables, Shaving Stands, Card Ta- bles, Smoking Chairs, Shaving Mirrors, Bookcases. ; m Dusiness. J S. Hayhew has been confined to his home In Plumtrees for a week with rheumatism and a severe cold. Frank Nordman. the blacksmith. Is drlvlne a new horse, purchased of J. J. Mc Uanus. unaries noramnn, jr., 01 south JNOrwalK will spend the winter here with his brother, Crank Nordman."assistinK him at his black smith shon. A bout 12 of Miss Lillian Olmstead's vo unit A gift that when used (as it may be all' win- ter) recalls the giver, answers a double purpose. Comfort is what we all look for, and the weather protectors we offer insure jt to out-f- o- door workers i Arctics, Felt Boots and Shoes, Heavy Legglns. etc 'All are serviceable and acceptable gifts. . The prices are within the reach of all. girl friends gathered nt her home in Elm wooa aiscrict, last Saturday. December 15, to assist ner in cieorating ner iztn Dirtnaay an' nlversarv. from 10 to 4 the little folks were Only THREE Buying Days to Christmas- - No delightfully entertained. At norn a fine din Gifts for the Baby. Go-Cart- s, Carriages, Rocking Chairs, Brass Cribs, Lane's Family Medicine the tonic laxative. This is a herb medicine, sold in 25c. and 50c packages by drug- gists and it is saving more doctor's bills than any other medicine has ever saved. It cures headache, backache, indigestion, constipation and skin diseases. ner was servea to wnicn an am ample justice. The occasion was one ions to be remembered High time for hesitation now ! If possible do your shop- ping in the morning and avoid the great crush of afternoon and evening., ov an. miss uimsteaa received a number or pretty and useful remembrances. B. W Gilbert, the hardware man. has a good line of sleds for tbe boys and girls which make a nice Ubrlstmas present. J Chairs, carriage K ibes. Other Useful Gifts. Foot Rests, Clothes Boxes, Medicine Cabinets, and a host of others from our large stock of. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Stoves and Ranges and at the most reasonable , prices. mmi TRtJttBTJXLi. WHAT'S GOING V)N. Harry Maurer is pushing the work Holiday Stationery. Special values in fancy. Holiday Stationery from 15o to IL75 a box. We have secured a manufacturer's samples of Stationery at awa below The Benham Shoe Co., Derby, Conn: RESOLUTIONS. the cost make. . on his large new te stock barn' FORESTERS OF AMERICA; LIBERTY, Now is tbe time to select while tbe choice boxes are Here. on tne a. u. iowara place, lie nas raised the frame, this week, and will UNITY, BENEVOLENCE AND t. COURT SANDY BOOK, NO. 54. The Lee Bros. Furniture Co., nave it enclosed in a few days. Books. i Arinur li. Liindiev nas Durcnased oi 'were Sunday suests of Mr and Mrs V OUR NEIQHBORS. At a reeular meeting of Court Sandy S. J. Parks, tbe merchant at tbe Cen Hook. No. 54. F. of A., held at tbeir George S. Goley. - Do not forget our assortment of cloth covered Books, at 25c 35c, 39c and ter, a Famous Inter rooms, maay evening, .uecemoer 1, 45c each. national gasoline engine for power at 1179 Main St., Cor. Golden Hill St.,, BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT. Telephone 2455. H. Hohne, who purchased tbe Fara 1906. John F. Blake, chief ranger, pre At 25c we have a splendid line for Boys and Girls and older folks. At 45c we have books for bovs and also a large assortment of popular J nis oarn and nas built a new engine house near his barn for the engine. siding, the following resolutions were bam place, about a year ago, has just opened at his place a harness shop and adopted: copyrlgbt books. . w. m. went worm ano ramny closed BROOKFIELD. COW-- MS ATIONAI, CHURCH rTBMS. The annual meeting of, the Congre- gational ebnrata will occur, Friday, Whereas. It has pleased Almighty (Left Aisle.) Is prepared to make and repair all their home at White Plains, last week, and have gone to New York for tbe God in His Infinite wisdom to remove kinds of harnesses for all who wish. from our midst our late brotner, balance of the winter. TTolidav Novelties. Mr Hohne la a harness maker by trade Edward Lyons, on December 7, 1906. A new town post has been placed LONG HELL. Tbereiore be it and thoroughly undestands tbe bus! December 28, from 10.30 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. Tbe business meeting will be - held In the cbrrrch, followed by dinner across tne road in front or S. J . Paras store at tbe Center. jaoimoso GRANGE NOTES. See our assortment of Holiday Perfumes, Atomizers, Puff Jars, Manicure Resolved. That in the death of and guarantees satisfaction for Miss Clara Cords, teaoher of tbe our brotber tbe court laments toe all work Intrusted to him. Give htm serTedln the Town hall. All members PERSONAL CHAT. Sets, Toilet Sets, Shaving sets, Ladies' Back and Side Combs, stone trimmed and fancy tops, bracelets, Neck Chains, Rings, Opera Glasses, Silver Novelties of , all kinds. ) , White Plains school, spent Sunday at Harmony Grange elected the follow loss of a worthy and faithful brother a call. - ;. v.';''!.-.- V , and attendants are moat cordially in her home 10 Bethel. ing officers for the ensuing year, Fri Mloa TT.t.hol IS. Tin. via' t.pnp.har nf the Resolved, That we extend to the familv of our deceased brotber our Crochet Slippers and fancy Satin Cushions trimmed with Lace ana mo- - Remember you can save money by vlted and arced to be present. This Tbe K. R. Co. are pusblng work on day evening last. Chestnut Hill school, will have a bon from 50c to 95 00 each. ' v . buying your rubber and felt boots, rub heartfelt svmoathv in this tbeir hour meeting has proven to be one of the the new depot and now nave it all en bers and arctics at o. J. Parks' store of bereavement and commend them to .' moat enjoyable gatherings of tbe year, Christmas entertainment at the schoolbouse, Friday afternoon of this dosed. at the Center. Him who doeth all things well. Come. . . :;- ': G. F. B. Leffert has moved to Resolved. That our charter be B. Curtis & Son keep things hum M., Homer E. Clarke. Ov Edward E. Curtiss. L., Ethel J. Wales. S-- , Lewis Twist. A. S., Howard H. Wheeler. C, Dr F. J. Wales. Bridgeport and P. O'Neil has moved draped in mourning for a period of ' as to thb nurflOHi stoyicb. ming at their mill. Last week Friday week, December 21. There will be music and, speaking by tbe children and a Christmas tree loaded with gifts into Mr Leffert 'a house. Axeil Swan- - Fortv Davs. tbat a copy 01 tnese reso son has rented Mr Leffert 's farm for Just at present there Is quite a little from 8 a. m to 4 p. m., they ground 122 bushels of buckwheat, besides doing lutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother, spread in full upon the coming year. talk and some action in regard to hav s. J. Parks, tbe merchant at. the Treasurer, Theodore H. Lockwood, other work. v for tbe scholars. Tbe parents and friends of the school are invited to at- tend and enjoy the afternoon with tbe ing the telephone eerTioe either lnde Center, gives Buffalo trading stamps the minutes, and in The bee. , John F. Blake. Chief Ranger. - pendent or oonneoted with some other at his store and, last Monday, received Men's and boys' , felt Combination, James E. Blake, Recording Secre a large shipment of those handsome scholars. ' r eenter Than Danbury, hoping to geM worn Boxes, vy niSK Broom uoiaerB, nctures,. nuow oupn iuu iuui ui other novelties. Leath er Goods Dept. - , Special values in Suit Cases from 98c to tl5. Bags of all styles. Traveling Cases for ladies and gentlemen, Medicitie cases, Drinking Cups, Ladies' silk and Satin Belts, all colors, put as In fancy holiday ntaea. ; (Bight Aisle.) " Gifts of Fine Linens. A dozen Napkins, a Table Cloth or a Set of Table Linen, as costly as you care to pay or as safely low priced as our reputation for selling dependable Linens allows. . - . In any case the price will be 20 per cent lower than to-day-'s Linen mar- ket prices warrant. v - The Table Cloths and Napkins are splendid wearing, splendid launder- ing Linens, made in Scotland expressly for us many of the designs are ' . ' alzea to fit all. Just the thing for this " tary. . presents you get with the stamps, which include furniture, crockery' Secretary, Edwin C. Sheltoh. G. K., Earl Wales. C, Mrs George Hawley. P.Mrs Edward E. Curtiss. F., Mrs Carlton Joyce. L. A. S., Miss Pearl Wales. D. JTKeane, J. Cavanaugb, William Mr and Mrs Arthur C Wood of batter service. Some prefer and lnde pendent service, that la a central In cold weather. Also ladles' and gents' rubbers and arctics, the Goodyear ware, Watches, fountain pens, sliver- - South Norwalk were guests, last week, of Mr and Mrs H. S. Wedge. ware, jewelry and a large list of other Egan, Committee. , HOW'S THIS? Glove make, no better on the market. presents. Cail at his store and look " town. Brookfleld baa now 60 ,'phones . within Its borders. It Is reported that the officers of the company -- say that For sale at popular prices at Stephen over tne list and be sure and save Miss Alice Gabler left, last Friday, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for Miss Nellie Wilson closed her school, French at the Depot. ( your stamps, c for New York, where she will speed any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ' with sufficient evidence to show It was unester jr. urinsmaae, tbe feed man Monday afternoon, on account of the Henry Seeley is very sick ami under several weeks with friends. desired by those who bare 'phones, Is presenting to his customers a band' Hall's Oataub Cure. fJ. CHENEY & Op., Toledo, O. Wn .Via nnrinralirna1- - hftVA Irnnwn P. . death of her brother-in-la- Seymour tbe care of Dr HilL Mrs Graft, who some calendar for 1907. Mrs H. E. Levitt left, last week Beardsley, which occurred Sunday nhnnai for the last 15 vears. and believe him Is an experienced nurse, Is caring for they would be disposed to give It a favorable consideration, but there la a ' great diversion of opinion In regard to Thursday, for Boston, where she will perfectly honorable in all business transact--; night. , blm. TOWN TOPICS ions, ana financially aoie to carry out. any ob spend the balance of tbe winter with Mrs George Bennett has gone to I the matter.- - ligations maae Dy nis nrm. Walding. Kinnar & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, her daughter, Mrs Fred Kenard. Edaon Hayes, the veteran mail car- rier, Is critically sick with pneumonia, Shelton for tbe winter. A CHRISTMAS MEDITATION. . W. B. Blaokman la completing an The two rooms at the Upper school Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, directly upon the blood and mucous Bur- - Miss. Fannie M. Burr is visiting Dr Hill Is attending blm. t Murray , Co; will Join and have a Christmas tree laces OI toe system, leaoiiuun lain wuu irw addition to his barn to house his in , oreased young stock. friends in Zoar. Lynson Beardaley, one of our aged and Santa ClauB for tbe scholars on BY OTIS W. BARKER. Price, 75c per bottle. Solo- by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. , V men, Is also very sick. " On Tuesday morning next, being Friday afternoon, when the school There was a lay service at St Paul's, CONTINUED FBOM PAGE FOUR. BERKSHIRE. Christmas day, there will be services doses for the holiday vacation. last Sunday, aa Mr Mllllkln watvunable Mr Slwood of Brookfleld Is visiting at St Peter's at the usual hour. ' to be present. - . bis sister, Mrs Levi Blaokman. Just received a car containing fancy was bung witb y banners or ethereal light. For them the Mas! wandered for two vears LOCAL NOTES OF INTBBSSST. F. W. Wheeler has been confined to corn, middlings, provender, - cotton The Curtis school closed on the 19th Schools will close on Friday of this week for the winter vacation. The' over mo'ir and wasted plain. For them were the 1 wing of tne cattle in the shed and the coming of the simple-hearte-d Mary to the seed meal and other feed. Fresh lot the house for a few days with va bad Mr and Mrs Harry B. Curtis of Bridgeport passed Sunday with Mr and Mrs H. G. Curtis. Little Miss Esther Ooger. who 'has been so seriously ill with ln fever under the care cold, but is now getting over it. " of International stock and poultry next term will oommence Wednesday, place where the DrooK ana river meet. Oh I you cannot appropriate Christmas to your for the holiday vacation. ' Mr and Mrs HerbertXake are spend Ing a few days in Detroit. food just received. John S. Hurd, Mr ano Mrs w. u. uazzard and son. ' January 2. : self and take away the portion of its Joy that of lit Scbuvler and a trained nurse, is recov- ering at the home of her grandfather, Charles tbe feed man. w my neignoor s. iou cannot put any lnai-vldu- al label on It that shall make It belong to Wilbur Benedict, spent Thanksgiving in Hartford with their daughter, Mrs E. Minor. - Mi. .nil Mrs Jnllna-Hartwl- and children GREENFIELD HILL. Edward Nichols of Bridgeport has been the guest of his father, Henry Arthur Willis has resigned bis po have returned to their home in New York for th tlntitl'. " any man and not equally to all the rest. . How universal Is tbe celebration of the Mighty Saviour's birth I Tbe Jews do not keep the p rang wens. Mr and Mrs Fred Rau spent the hol sition with Edward Lyon and is now Nichols. iday with her parents in Huntington. assisting at tbe Cheap Cash Grocery ouummuiiut. Charles P. Bradley, om or th oldest men la F. G. Bennett & Son, New Milford, Conn., Are new ready far tbe H ol ida vs which will toon be here, with an unusually large ; assortment of . s Pictures, Frames, Cards, birthday or Jesus, the anointed King; but they hajre a corresponding festival of Joy. All the world traval s for redemption, all the world loobs for deliverance from its bonds. Mrs James Lord has gone to Bridge store. port to the home of her daughter, Mrs Mf and Mrs Garfield Flatber are en Jesus, the great Emancipator, Is acknowl- edged as Lord, directly or Indirectly by more Deonles than anv potentate ever has been or Eddy, where she will spend tbe win' QUAKER S FARMS-- AT CHRIST CHURCH. 4 tertaining friends from Bridgeport, ter. ' li V ever will be. But do yon ' fear 1 bat In the TO'." ... thiB week. . Mrs Ives and Mrs Combes of Danbu Services at Christ church, December 23, at 2 p. nl. Sunday school after wldeness of tbe blessing you may falllof your part? "Behold 1 bring iyou good U 'lngs of great joy." Oh I despairing one, on this iclad Yule morning, lift up tby bead ; every prt of the Christmas blessing Is for you. In tbe wealth of sorinir blossoms, showerinir the We are scill selling as we have been OJohn Partridge has secured a position In Danbury and Martin Kelly has taken his place at the factory. Mrs Charles E. Minor passed Wednesday In Danbury. Mrs Charles E, Minor passed Wednesday in Danbury. ' Mrs Charles Curtis who has been under the care of Dr Schuyler, is now Improving. . If you have any doubt of what your friends would like for Christmas, in- veigle them into a trip through tbe store of the D. M. Bead Co. or make a trip by yourself. If you do not re- ceive more suggestions than can be availed of, then It is because of an unusually well filled purse or a very exacting disposition. The stock is tbere and it would be almost impos ry have been the guests of Mrs Ernest all the fall and winter, three pounds Northrop. , service. of large prunes, 25c; 3 pounds Favor earth with a snow storm in May do not over Burr Hawley has bought a piece of ite milk crackers, 25c; box of 700 mat H. B. Brower was In New York look tne beauty or a single stray blossom that falls: amid the blazing splendors of autumn's ches, 4c; box of 1000 matches, 5c; 6 pa' Calendars, Work Baskets, City, a part of last week, on business, timber of the Julius Hawley estate and will soon have a steam mill to changing hues push thy way Into tbe thicket until thou contest to the maple bathed In fire pers tobacco, 25c, all kinds; 3 cans Lone Missuiaraj. tiawkins visited cou work. " - that grows In tbe center of tbe boggy swamp Every part of the uhrist life, dear friend, from lnwlv manarer to bed amonor the lilies In Star condensed milk, 26c, full weight, sins in Seymour and Derby, the first Joseph's mck-hew- n tomb Is for you. Let no For Christmas we have best ribbon Samuel Snow Is sick in care of Dr of the week. v sible to enumerate it within a short Wales. candy, 10c per pound; good mixed can Scrap Baskets, Japanese ' Baskets..- -; The Largest Assortment of Furniture We HavT rQyer Had. ' one rob thee of thy heritage on this Christ- mas day. Twenty centuries have rolled over th world since that chili December night. Infidels .have cursed, scoffers have jeered, racks have tortured, armies have razed ' The Choral club has a social Christ i3 dy, 106 per pound; pop corn balls, can We don't worry about the distance mas gathering at the hall, Christmas dy canes, Christmas candles, mixed to the North Pole or what Is doing up night, for its members. nuts, English walnuts, Florida oran there, but we are glad the sun has got ges, celery, cranberries and all the fix Tbe Bower Hill and Quaker Farms ready to come back our way. shrines to the etrth, creeds have been piled in libraries to be moth-eate- n and toverlarded witb dust. The humble shepherds still have their dowry, the blessing of tbe Christmas-tid- e has not been taken from the least In the kingdom of God. How heavy at times the cross press- es! Jesus panted beneath the weight of the - The satvation army invites 70a to participate in bring- ing Christinas cheer and Joy to FOUR THOUSAND poor cbH- - a cnmppin 'I'urVK this plaea, and who bad been tn poor health for iobm time, pn-M- d away at hie home here on Monday. December 17, aged 82eais. The fnaeral wee held from hie Into home on Thurs- day, Deoember SO, at ISO p. m.. Her Dr Oene MBetoMne. The bnrlal wee In th family lot at Oahlawn cemetery. Mr Bradley la surrlr-edb- y htagmaddanghter Mlta Beeale Archi- bald, who Ured with blm. Tbe lady mem ben of tbe Sreenfield Coun- try club are rtqneeted to meet at the club room Thanday afternoon, December tl. to gat tbe aew floor covert ng ready for the re- ception oa Hew Yearw night. Oome with talmble and needle reedy to work. In the evening all the member will meet and decor- ate the dab room for tbe reception. "' " STsnrxT. : - lurrBODnrr cucbob hotbs. Next Sunday morning, tbe pastor, Bev Mr McDermott, will preach at the Methodist church a sermon appro- priate for Christmas. In the evening, at 7 o'clock they wlU hold tbe Sunday school Christmas concert. There will be music and recitations by tbe schol- ars and other special Christmas music. A very nice program has been prepar- ed. On Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 26, in tbe basement of the church, they will give'a Christmas supper. lor . aU tbe Sunday school. A good time Is anticipated. DSOMHATB8. Xdson Hayes, the veteran mall car- rier, who has been ill with pneumonia, nassfil away at their home on Wednes school will close, this week Friday, for lngs for the Christmas dinner. W, N. Hurd, the grocer. Mr and Mrs M. B. Hawley enjoyed tbe holiday vacation with- - Christmas trip to New York, last week. Mr exercises. Mr and Mrs Eslle Dunning of SANDY HOOK METHODIST CHURCH. SUNDAY SERVICES. Services next Sunday at the usual Hawley purchased a big stock of goods tree on nis way out or tne uamascus gate. Aione at times you seem to struggle that the bitterness of tbe cup may .not be yours. In the hidden recesses of the "place of the oil Bridgeport have been spending a few Elbert Brower left, Monday, for for B. Hawley & Co. store, wbiob A 1X1 1 1 ftovMfrMf Wig II 11WI LVMKfl. days here tbe guests of Mr and Mrs ess" Jesus trod th wine Dress alone. Wearv hours conducted by Rev W. J. Guggen they are now pleased to show to the West Virginia, wbere he is employed as surveyor for a railroad. He was in witb the burden of the day vou ions for some space. Toyland is replete In its way and there are gifts from the humblest dolls to the most elaborate mechanical toys. Toys for the motherly little matron of tender years up to tbe con- trivances which will delight boys of a mechanical turn of mind. Everything io the shape of amusement devices to while away the time of the children and possibly be of educational value is there. For older persons tbere is also a wide assortment, Including jewel boxes, band bags, jewelry, cut glass, china, silver, dress goods, etc. Tbe shirt waist section at this time is showing a new line of white lawn waists in embroidered and n lace trimmed models suitable for Christ- mas gifts. Furniture for those "keep- ing bouse" is always appropriate and acceptable, and tbere is a very wide assortment "at Bead's." Men's sus- penders and haberdashery occupy one section of tbe store, right handy to tbe Main street entrance. Granville G. Dunning. public. sweet reflection. The Master sits on the curb of Jacob's well and begs from a woman that Donations thankruuY recerred by ' Colonel WfluEraas, i EfMt Brookflne Steect, Boatm, Maa. New York state, several weeks, this The Kennedy place near the depot MrsC. W. Edwards returned, last was a sinner a cooling araugnt. as yoi med- itate amid the droDDlnn shadows of the nieht fall. - heim, ah are cordially invitea to at- tend. . AT BETTS'. An attractive line of Holiday no- tions, dolls, games and toys, at Setts'. Tuesday, after a few days' stay In has been sold to New York parties, who will occupy it for a summer resi at tbe end of this Christmas Day, like a star burstlag out tbe blackness of night over the brow of tbe hill lust before vou. let this sooth Milford with her daughter. John Wooster, long a resident of this place, is sick at the home of bis dence. - ing thong bvcome into tbe blackness of vonr E. F. Lyons isaklng charge of the stony grief, "Jesus Is mine, yes, forever m.ne. THE ORIGINAL , I A YAT1VC Pniinil QYMD daughter, Mrs Howard Leavenworth, On Saturday, December 22, 1 shall mail route for Edson Hayes since his ana never did 1 quite so mucn nave mm as on this Christmas Day." Otis W. Babkrb. A great line of Klbbe's best candies, in fancy boxes.for tbe Christmas trade. In Seymour. Illness. hold a special sale at my store. Three pounds best milk crackers, 25c; 3 utnn 11 1 l. uuuuii w 1 iiui Oranges, grape fruit, mixed nuts and Newtown, Conn.. December 18th, 1906. A REAL CHRISTTIAS STORE cranoerries ror tne unristmas taoie. William Ruben, one day last week, For all Coughs and assist in Cranberries,. 13c a quart, two quarts pounds large prunes, 25c; 3 cans Al- pine or Karo syrup, 25c; 3 packages spelling CoMs from um sys BETHEL. ' , A CLOSE SHAVE. tem Dy gently snoring um was felling a tree and it fell across his Ice pond. He went out on the pond to out It up when to bis surprise Grandma's pancake flour, 25c; 3 pack- - nresent to tbe trade WHERE THE BEST GIFTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND Smith, Murray & Oo. this season as flue a stock as it has been their Dowels, a certain relief for croup and whooping-coug- h. Nearly all other"' CHILDREN ARE. lor Zoc, prime and nice. . Long Island Malt. , Russell's Emulsion, 81. Simons' rheumatic-cure- . ' Beef, iron and wine. es None Such mince meat, 25c; 3 Kood ifortune to ever present before. The Henry Langencack of Plumtrees bad tbe Ice gave away and be took an un inanaeement believes that it has outstripped bottles None Such catsup, 25c; 7 bars a narrow escape Trom a serious acci couffn cures are day. Deoember 19, aged 78 years. Tbe all previous efforts, and tbat "the customer News comes from the sbops that the coming hr 1st mas Is to be marked by the uractical welcome Ice water bath and had dent, last Monday mording, aa he was eonsti patii especially th ozone soap, 25c; 6 bars naphtha soap, 25c; large box matches, 4c, or 40c per character of tbe gifts. Men wul give wotten jew -- iWTvl?. r narrow escape from being quite seri driving to Bethel in his covered milk containing Opiates? funeral will take place, this afternoon, Friday, Deoember 21, at 2 o'clock, and women will give men. Meies & Co. report The Historv club or literary circle ously hurt. the greatest business tn their history in house wagon. As he was crossing tbe rail- road near tbe Plumtrees schoolbouse, Kennedy's Laxative Honey & Tar mores the bowels, contain! no Opiates. package. For tbe Christmas trade I have ribbon and broken candy, peanut from the Methodist church, Rev Mr coats, oatn robes, mumers. necKwear, gloves, held a very enjoyable session, Wednes- day nicht. at the residence of L. C. be did not hear the approacbing train Morris. Readings were given by Miss and failed to get Quite off the track crisp and lots of other candy, pop corn Mrs M. E. Turney leaves on Friday for New Haven, where she will tpend the holidays with her son, Frank suspenaers. nanaKercnter3 ana warm caps, and of suitcases, hand bags, umbrellas.canes. suits overcoats, sweaters and tbe like, bought mostly by women for gifts for men. In the women's section, hundreds of men have found irrimrmfiA Julia Oikeman. Mrs C. H. Northrop, MoDermott officiating. The burtal will be In tbe village cemetery. , BARWT OHUBCB ITEMS. before tbe engine struck one of his back wheels, completely demolishing wno enters tne store mi . nuiiuny wwuu .um-n- ot fail to find many attractive and satisfac- tory things for presents or general use. A fine line of holiday stationery gives the pur- chaser an opportunity to select some dainty and Inexpensive gift stationery of some kind is always appropriate and useful. A fine offer- ing of silks, satins, and all selections along the dry goods line are tbe very best that can be had. Now, about Christmat candy. What would Christmas be wiihouttbat? The best possible and purest line is offered at low pri- ces. FANCY COLLARS AT FRENCH'S.BaTHEL, 150 fancv collars, no two alike, 25 and fttliNtUI 0 LAXATIVE Hodge. it and badly sprung the axle. Mr gifts which will makeoM mens hearts glad day, beautiful coats and suits "A Great Gift" will be the subject Charles H. Hawley has been unload Langencack was not thrown out nor was bis horse hurt, but two cans of furs and fur coats, silk petticoats and silk waists, knitted jackets- and golf vests, while very many little girls and misses will be made baDuv bv sifts of dainty fur sets, which Meiirs of the sermon at the Baptist church, Ing a car of coal at tbe Depot, this milk were thrown out of his wauon and Sunday morning. spilt on the ground. It was a miracle .that Mr Langencack and his team es & Oo. provide In such generous variety and at such attract' ve prices. The shoe section of Meigs & O 's big store Is alive with sugges- tions for sifts men's sIlDoers. women's and Tbe annual Christmas exercises will 50c. at our Bethel store. Trade at caped without more serious injuries. week. REDDING. AT CBRIiT CHURCH. children's felt slippers, and Zenith shoes for . nnuasumuMaisarei OaWITT CO., OHIOAOO, U. so by All Druggist. men ana women, aouaay stocks nave neia be held In the church, Thursday even- ing, December 27. A full and Inter- esting program .of songs and recita French '8, this week. , Fur trimmed Slippers at French's, Betbel, 75c and $1 a pair. out splendidly, say Meigs & Co.. and visitors George Meeker, the taxidermist, has win still nna oroaaest cnnice in an lines, ana an exhibition of bis stuffed animals in There will be a celebration of iheHolrMom balls, mixed nuts, English walnuts, Florida oranges and cranberries. The Cheap Cash Grocery, Mrs Robert Staines, Proprietress. Mr and Mrs Charles Abbott of Dan-bur- y were guests over Sunday of Mrs C. B. Weed. Mrs C. B. Weed entertained a very enjoyable whist party at her home, last Monday evening. There were about 40 present. Miss Carrie Walker took the ladies' first prize, Burr Beach of Trumbull tbe gentlemen's first prize and Mr-an- d Mrs Emil Berger tbe consolation. , Refreshments were served. C. B. Weed purchased, last week, of Howard Andrews of Brookfleld a fine pair of team horses. elUc'en t. courteous service. Visit the Erompt, Saturday and it will solve your gift tions will be presented. Tbe young iiunlnn In Ohrlat church on Christmas day; at 11.30 a. m the window of the Progressive Tailor problems. On Holy Innocent'e day, Friday, December The F. E. Beach Co.. 962 Main at 175 Main street, Danbury. folks should all be on hand for old Santa Clans has promised to visit us with his customary sack of good at. tbe children's Christmas tree will be held GIFTS FOR ALL. The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs street, Bridgeport, have the largest assortment of a great many articles tbat you cannot get elsewhere for holi at tbe rectory, at 7.90 p. m. FANCY COLLARS AT FRENCH'S. George J. Williams, died, last Sunday. things. AT TBE STORE OF THE LEE BROS FURNITURE CO Tbe funeral took place on Monday What will I get is the question that a good' day gilts, we want to can your at- tention to the fact tbat we have the Tbe singing class will meet In tbe basement. Friday evening, the 28th from tbe home of her parents on Mil Mrs Hewit, Mrs L. C. Morris, Miss Mabel Morris and Miss S. J. Scudder. Misses Mabel Taylor and Mabel Mor- ris played piano duets, and violin so- los by Mrs J. W. Gordon. Tbe vocal trio by Mrs Hewit, Miss Fenders and William Tomlln were enjoyed. The complete tcck of street and stable blankets, robes, etc., at Taylor, Curtis & Co.'s will interest you at this time. The store of R. H. Beers & Co. is bright with goods for the Christmas time. Tbe selection of articles for the Christmas trade has been made with excellent taste, as the visitors will find when they inspect this stock. He bas a nice stock of toys, games for the children, Kibbe's confections in hand- some packages, perfumery, fancy handkerchiefs and mufflers.umbrellas, slippers, and a bundred other articles. Don't let tbe next three days slip by without looking oyer this stock. Ladies' and men's slippers and shoes for Christmas, a nice assortment. Some fine dress shoes in different leath- ers. Prices reasonable. Sandy Hook Shoe Store. Some good bargains now in men's and boys' rubber boots, felts and arc- tics. A complete line of rubber goods. Nothing more useful and appropriate for a Christmas girt.-San- dy Hook Shoe Store. 50 fancy collars, no two alike25 and It is well worth one's time to visit Tbe Wentwortb Furniture Co., 115 John street, and 1013 Broad street, if yon are looking for something suitable fcr Christmas gifts. Tbeir stock Is large and comprises almost everything necessary to fit out or make the borne attractive. A visit will surprise any- one wbo has never been in their Store. Visitors are always welcome. ' USEFUL OIFT3 largest assortment of Japanese lamp many are asking. We know that a good way out of it and tbat is to ask us or come and see tne suggestions that we have to offer. Give Something that you will be remembered by waukee avenue. The burial was in 50o, at our Bethel store. Trade at sbadesjtrabe city and at tbe present the Elm wood cemetery. tinaerfhev are very popular. In our French's, Bethel, this week. Inst., at 7.30. 0. L. Smaller shod at his black anq snmetntng tnac is useiui ana you ar sure to De nappy ana mane nappy. Here ittfts that are aDDreciated by women Joseph Hunt of the .bethel Manu are a tej-tfi- y department you will find a SZtfzt Plete line of toys, at prices tbat can- - t 1 L, ..... , 1. wn T rt nr ! T smith shop, last week, 150 horses and children's rubber boots. racturing uo., who nas been laid up sweepers, lace curtains, sewing tables; Writing desks, china closets, center tables. And now for the men: Morris chairs, smoking tables, shaving stands, bookcase; and some for the for a week with a severe cold, is able We have them. Your children want be still baa a big stock, of shoes already to put on and can fit your bone with TASHTJA. to be out again. them. Try French's, Bethel; his prl Neversltp at short notice. Mr and Mrs E D. Treadwell spent The ladies of Christ church parish, last Sunday in Lyon's Plains -- with old ces are the lowest. ladies' wrappers. Tasbua, are invited to meet with Mrs Mr and Mrs James Marshall of Fall River, Mass., Mr and Mrs William G. oDy: uo-cart- s, carriages, carriage roDes. choirs. Other useful gifts are foot rests, medicine cabinets, clothes boxes, hall clocks, hall rug, coat and bat racks. oil stoves, etc. Don't end your shopping without a visit to our furniture, carpet, curtain, stove and range departments where awaits you a com- plete line of Christmas gifts at the most rea- sonable prices. It's at the Lee Bros. Furni- ture Co., 1179 Main street, corner Golden Hill street, Bridgeport. friends. IJUU uc Uctticu CJDcnucic J.U VlJt? " "J of lamps, either for gas or oil, we have a beautiful line to cboose from. We are also headquarters for the Edison and Victor talking machines, with a full list of records for each make. We are Laving quite a run on bureau sets and we now nave a nice lot to cboose from. If you want anything in cut-glas- s and silverplated ware, this is tbe place to try first. Our prices you can compare elsewhere arid you will find we are tbe lowest. Give us a call. Look over our line whether you buy or not. C. H. Hurlburt has bad tbe engine Goley and daughter ef Bridgeport Lorenzo N. Mallette, Thursday after- noon,. December 27, to make articles to be sold after Easter. Tea will be served for the sum of 10 cents. Are always tbe best, and you can And a great many things tbat will please tbe men and boys at Davis & Savard's, corner Main and Fairfield avenues, Bridgeport. Tbey have bats, caps, tnufllers, gloves, scarfs, mittens, bosiery, jewelry, umbrellas, Regal shoes and Glove Co. arctics and rub- bers. Also tbe best makes of clothing for men, boys, youths and children. Honest goods at fair prices. Davis & Savard, Bridgeport. t at bis saw and cider mill replaced Tbe best values in the two towns witb a larger one purchased or Danou are at French's, Bethel. Look them ry parties. KINO OP ALL COUQH MEDICINES over. e I, NEW MILFORD, Mc Doweil & Taylor will hayefiome fine native and western turkeys for X. G. Case, a mall carrier of Canton Motar. Conn., who baa been In the U. LADIES' WRAFFERS. The best values in tbe town are at French's, Betbel. Look them over. Fur trimmed Slippers at French's, Bethel, 75c and SI a pair. The Bee was in error, we are Informed in statins that there was an atteniDt at an as 8. Service for about 16 years, says: "We have tried many congh medicines for Charles R. Nordman, the black' sault on aa young girl at Still River, last week. The party suspected, it is said, has proved his innocence to the satisfaction ef Oroop, but Chamberlain's Cough Bemedv la kins' of all and one to be re in One Day t smith on the Ridge, had tbe mlsfor To Cure a Cold the Interested parties. tbe Christmas trade; also nice sweet Florida oranges, crisp Malaga grapes, mixed nuts and lots of other things. None better than tbe Magee ranges and Winchester beaters. Fred A. Hickok of 149 Center street sells them. Charles J. English, the druggist, is showing a fine line of fancy toilet ar- ticles and perfumes for the Christmas tune, last Sunday morning, to be thrown from his wagon while driving Just below bis house and break his CHILDREN'S RCBBER BOOTS. We have them. Your children want them. Try Frencb, Bethel; bis prices are the lowest. A fine line of Holiday goods is now on exhibition at the Brick store,Sandy Hook. All tbe delicacies for the Christmas table. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine LTON'S PLAINS. lied upon every time. We also And it the beat remedy for oougba and colds, giving certain results and leaving no bad after effects.'' For sale by B. H. Beers Co., Newtown; Taylor, Curtis Co., Sandy Hook; W. N. Hard, Long Hlllt A. B. Blakeman, Botaford; S. J. . m jm m srr Mariamaiarj - at x 3 collar bone. Dr Smith set tbe broken This On Christmas morning there will be a cele- - signature, ----- --- Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. bone and Mr Nordman is now doing as 1 Dration or tne uoiy uommumo j at a w. un Christmas Eve tbe tree for the children will be held at T OO o'cloek. well aa could be expected. Parka, Trumbull.

Useful Gifts. Bad Breath. Smith, Murray Co.,THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. trade. Also a big line of candy of all kinds. Give him a calK Smith, Murray & Co., Bridgerwrt,

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Page 1: Useful Gifts. Bad Breath. Smith, Murray Co.,THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. trade. Also a big line of candy of all kinds. Give him a calK Smith, Murray & Co., Bridgerwrt,


alltrade. Also a big line of candy ofkinds. Give him a calK Smith, Murray & Co.,

Bridgerwrt, ConnIn Your Brdmann & Co. make a specialty of ChristUseful Gifts. mas candy, made fresh every day at tbelr

Bad Breath.A well-know- n physician, who

undoubtedly knows, declares thatbad breath has broken off morematches than bad temper.

candy kitchen. Special prices to Sundayschools In large quantities. Let them - quoteyou prices before you buy.Christmas Giving Siore Open Evenings Until Christmas.The dry goods store of .J. B. French Is veryprettily decorated for the Christmas seasonand It is stocked fall of goods for the Christ

the mas traders. Be sure and give him a call be-fore making your selection for Christmas.Combine Utility and

Spirit of the Day. runE. Wetmore has been snendlnir several davs.

mere are araentlovers who mustsometimes wishtheir sweetheartspresented ' 'sweetermouths to be kissed.

Good teeth cannotprevent bad "breathwhen the stomach isdisordered.

The best cure forbad breath is acleansing out of thebody by use of

this wank, In New York on business. Whilethere he purchased some horses for his wood

Christmas shopping is made pleasant atour store Thedeal present for each one in the family is here.Here are a few suggestions:

! v

Gifts For Women.Carpet Sweepers, Sewing Tables, Pictures,- - Comfort Chairs,Music Cabinets, Writing Desks, Lace Curtains, Center Ta-bles, China Closets, Window Seats, Mirrors.

Gifts for Men 'Morris Chairs, Smoking Tables, Shaving Stands, Card Ta-bles, Smoking Chairs, Shaving Mirrors, Bookcases. ; m

Dusiness.J S. Hayhew has been confined to his home

In Plumtrees for a week with rheumatism anda severe cold.

Frank Nordman. the blacksmith. Is drlvlnea new horse, purchased of J. J. Mc Uanus.

unaries noramnn, jr., 01 south JNOrwalKwill spend the winter here with his brother,Crank Nordman."assistinK him at his blacksmith shon.

A bout 12 of Miss Lillian Olmstead's vo unit

A gift that when used (as it may be all' win-

ter) recalls the giver, answers a double purpose.Comfort is what we all look for, and the

weather protectors we offer insure jt to out-f- o-

door workersi

Arctics, Felt Boots and Shoes,Heavy Legglns. etc

'All are serviceable and acceptable gifts.. The prices are within the reach of all.

girl friends gathered nt her home in Elmwooa aiscrict, last Saturday. December 15, toassist ner in cieorating ner iztn Dirtnaay an'nlversarv. from 10 to 4 the little folks were Only THREE Buying Days to Christmas- - Nodelightfully entertained. At norn a fine din

Gifts for the Baby.Go-Cart- s, Carriages, Rocking Chairs, Brass Cribs,

Lane's FamilyMedicine

the tonic laxative.This is a herb medicine, sold in

25c. and 50c packages by drug-gists and it is saving more doctor'sbills than any other medicine hasever saved.

It cures headache, backache,indigestion, constipation and skindiseases.

ner was servea to wnicn an am ample justice.The occasion was one ions to be rememberedHigh time for hesitation now ! If possible do your shop-ping in the morning and avoid the great crush ofafternoon and evening.,

ov an. miss uimsteaa received a number orpretty and useful remembrances.

B. W Gilbert, the hardware man. has a goodline of sleds for tbe boys and girls whichmake a nice Ubrlstmas present. J

Chairs, carriage K ibes.

Other Useful Gifts.Foot Rests, Clothes Boxes, Medicine Cabinets, and a host ofothers from our large stock of. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs,Curtains, Stoves and Ranges and at the most reasonable

, prices.




Harry Maurer is pushing the work

Holiday Stationery.Special values in fancy. Holiday Stationery from 15o to IL75 a box.We have secured a manufacturer's samples of Stationery at awa below

The Benham Shoe Co.,Derby, Conn: RESOLUTIONS.

the cost make. .on his large new te stock barn'FORESTERS OF AMERICA; LIBERTY, Now is tbe time to select while tbe choice boxes are Here.on tne a. u. iowara place, lie nas

raised the frame, this week, and will UNITY, BENEVOLENCE AND t.

COURT SANDY BOOK, NO. 54.The Lee Bros. Furniture Co., nave it enclosed in a few days. Books.iArinur li. Liindiev nas Durcnased oi'were Sunday suests of Mr and Mrs VOUR NEIQHBORS. At a reeular meeting of Court SandyS. J. Parks, tbe merchant at tbe Cen Hook. No. 54. F. of A., held at tbeirGeorge S. Goley. -

Do not forget our assortment of cloth covered Books, at 25c 35c, 39c andter, a Famous Inter rooms, maay evening, .uecemoer 1, 45c each.national gasoline engine for power at

1179 Main St., Cor. Golden Hill St.,,BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT.

Telephone 2455.

H. Hohne, who purchased tbe Fara 1906. John F. Blake, chief ranger, pre At 25c we have a splendid line for Boys and Girls and older folks.At 45c we have books for bovs and also a large assortment of popular J

nis oarn and nas built a new enginehouse near his barn for the engine. siding, the following resolutions werebam place, about a year ago, has just

opened at his place a harness shop and adopted: copyrlgbt books. .w. m. went worm ano ramny closed



The annual meeting of, the Congre-

gational ebnrata will occur, Friday,

Whereas. It has pleased Almighty (Left Aisle.)Is prepared to make and repair all their home at White Plains, last week,and have gone to New York for tbe God in His Infinite wisdom to removekinds of harnesses for all who wish. from our midst our late brotner,balance of the winter. TTolidav Novelties.Mr Hohne la a harness maker by trade Edward Lyons, on December 7, 1906.A new town post has been placedLONG HELL. Tbereiore be itand thoroughly undestands tbe bus!

December 28, from 10.30 a. m. to 3.30

p. m. Tbe business meeting will be- held In the cbrrrch, followed by dinner

across tne road in front or S. J . Parasstore at tbe Center.


GRANGE NOTES.See our assortment of Holiday Perfumes, Atomizers, Puff Jars, ManicureResolved. That in the death ofand guarantees satisfaction for

Miss Clara Cords, teaoher of tbe our brotber tbe court laments toeall work Intrusted to him. Give htmserTedln the Town hall. All members PERSONAL CHAT. Sets, Toilet Sets, Shaving sets, Ladies' Back and Side Combs, stone trimmedand fancy tops, bracelets, Neck Chains, Rings, Opera Glasses, Silver Noveltiesof ,all kinds. ) ,

White Plains school, spent Sunday atHarmony Grange elected the follow loss of a worthy and faithful brothera call. - ;. v.';''!.-.- V ,and attendants are moat cordially in her home 10 Bethel.ing officers for the ensuing year, FriMloa TT.t.hol IS. Tin.via' t.pnp.har nf the Resolved, That we extend to thefamilv of our deceased brotber our Crochet Slippers and fancy Satin Cushions trimmed with Lace ana mo--Remember you can save money byvlted and arced to be present. This Tbe K. R. Co. are pusblng work on day evening last.Chestnut Hill school, will have a bon from 50c to 95 00 each. ' v .buying your rubber and felt boots, rub heartfelt svmoathv in this tbeir hourmeeting has proven to be one of the the new depot and now nave it all en bers and arctics at o. J. Parks' store of bereavement and commend them to.' moat enjoyable gatherings of tbe year, Christmas entertainment at the

schoolbouse, Friday afternoon of thisdosed. at the Center. Him who doeth all things well.Come. . .

:;- ': G. F. B. Leffert has moved to Resolved. That our charter beB. Curtis & Son keep things hum

M., Homer E. Clarke.Ov Edward E. Curtiss.L., Ethel J. Wales.S-- , Lewis Twist.A. S., Howard H. Wheeler.C, Dr F. J. Wales.

Bridgeport and P. O'Neil has moveddraped in mourning for a period of' as to thb nurflOHi stoyicb. ming at their mill. Last week Friday

week, December 21. There will bemusic and, speaking by tbe childrenand a Christmas tree loaded with gifts

into Mr Leffert 'a house. Axeil Swan- -Fortv Davs. tbat a copy 01 tnese resoson has rented Mr Leffert 's farm forJust at present there Is quite a little from 8 a. m to 4 p. m., they ground 122

bushels of buckwheat, besides doinglutions be sent to the family of ourdeceased brother, spread in full uponthe coming year.talk and some action in regard to hav s. J. Parks, tbe merchant at. theTreasurer, Theodore H. Lockwood,other work. v

for tbe scholars. Tbe parents andfriends of the school are invited to at-

tend and enjoy the afternoon with tbeing the telephone eerTioe either lnde Center, gives Buffalo trading stamps the minutes, and in The bee. ,

John F. Blake. Chief Ranger.- pendent or oonneoted with some other at his store and, last Monday, receivedMen's and boys' , felt Combination, James E. Blake, Recording Secrea large shipment of those handsomescholars. 'r eenter Than Danbury, hoping to geM

worn Boxes, vy niSK Broom uoiaerB, nctures,. nuow oupn iuu iuui uiother novelties.

Leath er Goods Dept. -, Special values in Suit Cases from 98c to tl5. Bags of all styles.

Traveling Cases for ladies and gentlemen, Medicitie cases, DrinkingCups, Ladies' silk and Satin Belts, all colors, put as In fancy holiday ntaea.

; (Bight Aisle.)

" Gifts of Fine Linens.A dozen Napkins, a Table Cloth or a Set of Table Linen, as costly as

you care to pay or as safely low priced as our reputation for selling dependableLinens allows. . - .

In any case the price will be 20 per cent lower than to-day-'s Linen mar-ket prices warrant. v


The Table Cloths and Napkins are splendid wearing, splendid launder-ing Linens, made in Scotland expressly for us many of the designs are

' . '

alzea to fit all. Just the thing for this "tary. .presents you get with the stamps,which include furniture, crockery'

Secretary, Edwin C. Sheltoh.G. K., Earl Wales.C, Mrs George Hawley.P.Mrs Edward E. Curtiss.F., Mrs Carlton Joyce.L. A. S., Miss Pearl Wales.

D. JTKeane, J. Cavanaugb, WilliamMr and Mrs Arthur C Wood ofbatter service. Some prefer and lndependent service, that la a central In cold weather. Also ladles' and gents'

rubbers and arctics, the Goodyear ware, Watches, fountain pens, sliver--South Norwalk were guests, last week,of Mr and Mrs H. S. Wedge. ware, jewelry and a large list of other

Egan, Committee. ,

HOW'S THIS?Glove make, no better on the market.

presents. Cail at his store and look


town. Brookfleld baa now 60 ,'phones. within Its borders. It Is reported thatthe officers of the company -- say that

For sale at popular prices at Stephen over tne list and be sure and saveMiss Alice Gabler left, last Friday, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward forMiss Nellie Wilson closed her school,French at the Depot. ( your stamps, cfor New York, where she will speed any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by' with sufficient evidence to show It was unester jr. urinsmaae, tbe feed manMonday afternoon, on account of theHenry Seeley is very sick ami under several weeks with friends.desired by those who bare 'phones, Is presenting to his customers a band' Hall's Oataub Cure.fJ. CHENEY & Op., Toledo, O.Wn .Via nnrinralirna1- - hftVA Irnnwn P. .

death of her brother-in-la- Seymourtbe care of Dr HilL Mrs Graft, who some calendar for 1907.Mrs H. E. Levitt left, last week Beardsley, which occurred Sunday nhnnai for the last 15 vears. and believe himIs an experienced nurse, Is caring forthey would be disposed to give It afavorable consideration, but there la a

'great diversion of opinion In regard to Thursday, for Boston, where she will perfectly honorable in all business transact--;night. ,blm. TOWN TOPICS ions, ana financially aoie to carry out. any obspend the balance of tbe winter with Mrs George Bennett has gone to Ithe matter.- - ligations maae Dy nis nrm.

Walding. Kinnar & Marvin,Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,her daughter, Mrs Fred Kenard.Edaon Hayes, the veteran mail car-

rier, Is critically sick with pneumonia,Shelton for tbe winter.

A CHRISTMAS MEDITATION.. W. B. Blaokman la completing an The two rooms at the Upper school Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,directly upon the blood and mucous Bur- -Miss. Fannie M. Burr is visitingDr Hill Is attending blm.

t Murray , Co;will Join and have a Christmas tree laces OI toe system, leaoiiuun lain wuu irwaddition to his barn to house his in, oreased young stock. friends in Zoar.

Lynson Beardaley, one of our aged and Santa ClauB for tbe scholars on BY OTIS W. BARKER. Price, 75c per bottle. Solo- by all Druggists.Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation.

, Vmen, Is also very sick. " On Tuesday morning next, beingFriday afternoon, when the schoolThere was a lay service at St Paul's,CONTINUED FBOM PAGE FOUR. BERKSHIRE.Christmas day, there will be servicesdoses for the holiday vacation.last Sunday, aa Mr Mllllkln watvunable Mr Slwood of Brookfleld Is visiting at St Peter's at the usual hour.' to be present. -

. bis sister, Mrs Levi Blaokman. Just received a car containing fancy was bung witb y banners or ethereal light.For them the Mas! wandered for two vears LOCAL NOTES OF INTBBSSST.F. W. Wheeler has been confined tocorn, middlings, provender,- cottonThe Curtis school closed on the 19th Schools will close on Friday of this

week for the winter vacation. The'over mo'ir and wasted plain. For them werethe 1 wing of tne cattle in the shed and thecoming of the simple-hearte-d Mary to theseed meal and other feed. Fresh lot the house for a few days with va bad Mr and Mrs Harry B. Curtis of Bridgeport

passed Sunday with Mr and Mrs H. G. Curtis.Little Miss Esther Ooger. who 'has been so

seriously ill with ln fever under the carecold, but is now getting over it. "of International stock and poultrynext term will oommence Wednesday, place where the DrooK ana river meet. Oh I

you cannot appropriate Christmas to your

for the holiday vacation.

' Mr and Mrs HerbertXake are spendIng a few days in Detroit.

food just received. John S. Hurd, Mr ano Mrs w. u. uazzard and son.'

January 2. : self and take away the portion of its Joy that of lit Scbuvler and a trained nurse, is recov-ering at the home of her grandfather, Charlestbe feed man. w my neignoor s. iou cannot put any lnai-vldu- al

label on It that shall make It belong toWilbur Benedict, spent Thanksgivingin Hartford with their daughter, Mrs E. Minor. -

Mi. .nil Mrs Jnllna-Hartwl- and childrenGREENFIELD HILL. Edward Nichols of Bridgeport hasbeen the guest of his father, Henry Arthur Willis has resigned bis po have returned to their home in New York for

th tlntitl'. "any man and not equally to all the rest. . Howuniversal Is tbe celebration of the MightySaviour's birth I Tbe Jews do not keep the

p rang wens.Mr and Mrs Fred Rau spent the holsition with Edward Lyon and is nowNichols. iday with her parents in Huntington.assisting at tbe Cheap Cash Groceryouummuiiut.

Charles P. Bradley, om or th oldest men la

F. G. Bennett& Son,

New Milford, Conn.,Are new ready far tbe

H ol ida vswhich will toon be here,with an unusually large ;

assortment of .s

Pictures, Frames, Cards,

birthday or Jesus, the anointed King; butthey hajre a corresponding festival of Joy.All the world traval s for redemption, all theworld loobs for deliverance from its bonds.

Mrs James Lord has gone to Bridge store.port to the home of her daughter, Mrs

Mf and Mrs Garfield Flatber are en Jesus, the great Emancipator, Is acknowl-edged as Lord, directly or Indirectly by moreDeonles than anv potentate ever has been orEddy, where she will spend tbe win' QUAKER S FARMS--

AT CHRIST CHURCH. 4tertaining friends from Bridgeport,ter. ' li V ever will be. But do yon ' fear 1 bat In theTO'."... thiB week. .

Mrs Ives and Mrs Combes of Danbu Services at Christ church, December23, at 2 p. nl. Sunday school after

wldeness of tbe blessing you may falllof yourpart? "Behold 1 bring iyou good U 'lngs ofgreat joy." Oh I despairing one, on this icladYule morning, lift up tby bead ; every prt ofthe Christmas blessing Is for you. In tbewealth of sorinir blossoms, showerinir the

We are scill selling as we have been

OJohn Partridge has secured a position InDanbury and Martin Kelly has taken hisplace at the factory.

Mrs Charles E. Minor passed Wednesday InDanbury.

Mrs Charles E, Minor passed Wednesday inDanbury. '

Mrs Charles Curtis who has been under thecare of Dr Schuyler, is now Improving. .

If you have any doubt of what yourfriends would like for Christmas, in-

veigle them into a trip through tbestore of the D. M. Bead Co. or make atrip by yourself. If you do not re-

ceive more suggestions than can beavailed of, then It is because of anunusually well filled purse or a veryexacting disposition. The stock istbere and it would be almost impos

ry have been the guests of Mrs Ernestall the fall and winter, three poundsNorthrop. , service.of large prunes, 25c; 3 pounds Favor earth with a snow storm in May do not over

Burr Hawley has bought a piece of ite milk crackers, 25c; box of 700 mat H. B. Brower was In New York look tne beauty or a single stray blossom thatfalls: amid the blazing splendors of autumn'sches, 4c; box of 1000 matches, 5c; 6 pa' Calendars, Work Baskets,City, a part of last week, on business,timber of the Julius Hawley estate

and will soon have a steam mill tochanging hues push thy way Into tbe thicketuntil thou contest to the maple bathed In fire

pers tobacco, 25c, all kinds; 3 cans LoneMissuiaraj. tiawkins visited couwork. " - that grows In tbe center of tbe boggy swamp

Every part of the uhrist life, dear friend,from lnwlv manarer to bed amonor the lilies InStar condensed milk, 26c, full weight, sins in Seymour and Derby, the firstJoseph's mck-hew- n tomb Is for you. Let noFor Christmas we have best ribbonSamuel Snow Is sick in care of Dr of the week. v sible to enumerate it within a shortWales. candy, 10c per pound; good mixed can

Scrap Baskets, Japanese' Baskets..- -;

The Largest Assortmentof Furniture We HavT

rQyer Had. '

one rob thee of thy heritage on this Christ-mas day. Twenty centuries have rolled overth world since that chili December night.Infidels .have cursed, scoffers have jeered,racks have tortured, armies have razed

' The Choral club has a social Christ i3dy, 106 per pound; pop corn balls, canWe don't worry about the distance mas gathering at the hall, Christmasdy canes, Christmas candles, mixedto the North Pole or what Is doing up night, for its members.nuts, English walnuts, Florida oranthere, but we are glad the sun has got ges, celery, cranberries and all the fix Tbe Bower Hill and Quaker Farmsready to come back our way.

shrines to the etrth, creeds have been piledin libraries to be moth-eate- nand toverlarded witbdust. The humble shepherds still have theirdowry, the blessing of tbe Christmas-tid- e hasnot been taken from the least In the kingdomof God. How heavy at times the cross press-es! Jesus panted beneath the weight of the

- The satvation armyinvites 70a to participate in bring-

ing Christinas cheer and Joy toFOUR THOUSAND poor cbH--a cnmppin 'I'urVK

this plaea, and who bad been tn poor healthfor iobm time, pn-M- d away at hie home hereon Monday. December 17, aged 82eais. Thefnaeral wee held from hie Into home on Thurs-day, Deoember SO, at ISO p. m.. Her Dr OeneMBetoMne. The bnrlal wee In th family lotat Oahlawn cemetery. Mr Bradley la surrlr-edb- y

htagmaddanghter Mlta Beeale Archi-

bald, who Ured with blm.

Tbe lady memben of tbe Sreenfield Coun-

try club are rtqneeted to meet at the clubroom Thanday afternoon, December tl. togat tbe aew floor covert ng ready for the re-

ception oa Hew Yearw night. Oome withtalmble and needle reedy to work. In theevening all the member will meet and decor-ate the dab room for tbe reception.

"' "STsnrxT.: - lurrBODnrr cucbob hotbs.Next Sunday morning, tbe pastor,

Bev Mr McDermott, will preach atthe Methodist church a sermon appro-priate for Christmas. In the evening,at 7 o'clock they wlU hold tbe Sundayschool Christmas concert. There willbe music and recitations by tbe schol-ars and other special Christmas music.A very nice program has been prepar-ed. On Wednesday evening, Decem-

ber 26, in tbe basement of the church,they will give'a Christmas supper. lor

. aU tbe Sunday school. A good time Isanticipated.


Xdson Hayes, the veteran mall car-

rier, who has been ill with pneumonia,nassfil away at their home on Wednes

school will close, this week Friday, forlngs for the Christmas dinner. W,N. Hurd, the grocer.Mr and Mrs M. B. Hawley enjoyed tbe holiday vacation with- - Christmas

trip to New York, last week. Mr exercises.Mr and Mrs Eslle Dunning of



Services next Sunday at the usualHawley purchased a big stock of goods

tree on nis way out or tne uamascus gate.Aione at times you seem to struggle that thebitterness of tbe cup may .not be yours. Inthe hidden recesses of the "place of the oil

Bridgeport have been spending a few Elbert Brower left, Monday, forfor B. Hawley & Co. store, wbiob A 1X1 1 1 ftovMfrMf Wig II 11WI LVMKfl.days here tbe guests of Mr and Mrs ess" Jesus trod th wine Dress alone. Wearv hours conducted by Rev W. J. Guggenthey are now pleased to show to the West Virginia, wbere he is employedas surveyor for a railroad. He was in witb the burden of the day vou ions for some

space. Toyland is replete In its wayand there are gifts from the humblestdolls to the most elaborate mechanicaltoys. Toys for the motherly littlematron of tender years up to tbe con-trivances which will delight boys of amechanical turn of mind. Everythingio the shape of amusement devices towhile away the time of the childrenand possibly be of educational value isthere. For older persons tbere is alsoa wide assortment, Including jewelboxes, band bags, jewelry, cut glass,china, silver, dress goods, etc. Tbeshirt waist section at this time isshowing a new line of white lawnwaists in embroidered and n lacetrimmed models suitable for Christ-mas gifts. Furniture for those "keep-ing bouse" is always appropriate andacceptable, and tbere is a very wideassortment "at Bead's." Men's sus-

penders and haberdashery occupy onesection of tbe store, right handy to tbeMain street entrance.

Granville G. Dunning.public. sweet reflection. The Master sits on the curbof Jacob's well and begs from a woman that

Donations thankruuY recerred by' Colonel WfluEraas,

i EfMt Brookflne Steect, Boatm, Maa.New York state, several weeks, thisThe Kennedy place near the depotMrsC. W. Edwards returned, last was a sinner a cooling araugnt. as yoi med-

itate amid the droDDlnn shadows of the niehtfall. -

heim, ah are cordially invitea to at-tend. .


An attractive line of Holiday no-

tions, dolls, games and toys, at Setts'.

Tuesday, after a few days' stay In has been sold to New York parties,who will occupy it for a summer resi at tbe end of this Christmas Day, like a star

burstlag out tbe blackness of night over thebrow of tbe hill lust before vou. let this soothMilford with her daughter. John Wooster, long a resident of

this place, is sick at the home of bisdence. -ing thong bvcome into tbe blackness of vonrE. F. Lyons isaklng charge of the stony grief, "Jesus Is mine, yes, forever m.ne. THE ORIGINAL ,

I A YAT1VC Pniinil QYMDdaughter, Mrs Howard Leavenworth,On Saturday, December 22, 1 shallmail route for Edson Hayes since his ana never did 1 quite so mucn nave mm as on

this Christmas Day." Otis W. Babkrb. A great line of Klbbe's best candies,in fancy boxes.for tbe Christmas trade.In Seymour.Illness. hold a special sale at my store. Three

pounds best milk crackers, 25c; 3 utnn 1 1 1 l. uuuuii w 1 iiuiOranges, grape fruit, mixed nuts andNewtown, Conn.. December 18th, 1906.

A REAL CHRISTTIAS STOREcranoerries ror tne unristmas taoie.William Ruben, one day last week, For all Coughs and assist in

Cranberries,. 13c a quart, two quartspounds large prunes, 25c; 3 cans Al-

pine or Karo syrup, 25c; 3 packages spelling CoMs from um sysBETHEL. '

, A CLOSE SHAVE.tem Dy gently snoring umwas felling a tree and it fell across

his Ice pond. He went out on thepond to out It up when to bis surprise

Grandma's pancake flour, 25c; 3 pack- - nresent to tbe tradeWHERE THE BEST GIFTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND Smith, Murray & Oo.this season as flue a stock as it has been their

Dowels, a certainrelief for croup andwhooping-coug- h.

Nearly all other"'CHILDREN ARE.

lor Zoc, prime and nice.. Long Island Malt. ,Russell's Emulsion, 81.Simons' rheumatic-cure- .

'Beef, iron and wine.

es None Such mince meat, 25c; 3 Kood ifortune to ever present before. TheHenry Langencack of Plumtrees badtbe Ice gave away and be took an un inanaeement believes that it has outstrippedbottles None Such catsup, 25c; 7 bars a narrow escape Trom a serious acci couffn cures areday. Deoember 19, aged 78 years. Tbe all previous efforts, and tbat "the customerNews comes from the sbops that the cominghr1st mas Is to be marked by the uracticalwelcome Ice water bath and had dent, last Monday mording, aa he was eonsti patiiespecially thozone soap, 25c; 6 bars naphtha soap,

25c; large box matches, 4c, or 40c per character of tbe gifts. Men wul give wotten jew --iWTvl?. rnarrow escape from being quite seri driving to Bethel in his covered milk containing Opiates?funeral will take place, this afternoon,Friday, Deoember 21, at 2 o'clock, and women will give men. Meies & Co. report The Historv club or literary circleously hurt. the greatest business tn their history in housewagon. As he was crossing tbe rail-

road near tbe Plumtrees schoolbouse,Kennedy's LaxativeHoney & Tar moresthe bowels, contain!no Opiates.

package. For tbe Christmas trade Ihave ribbon and broken candy, peanutfrom the Methodist church, Rev Mr coats, oatn robes, mumers. necKwear, gloves, held a very enjoyable session, Wednes-

day nicht. at the residence of L. C.be did not hear the approacbing trainMorris. Readings were given by Missand failed to get Quite off the trackcrisp and lots of other candy, pop corn

Mrs M. E. Turney leaves on Fridayfor New Haven, where she will tpendthe holidays with her son, Frank

suspenaers. nanaKercnter3 ana warm caps,and of suitcases, hand bags, umbrellas.canes.suits overcoats, sweaters and tbe like, boughtmostly by women for gifts for men. In thewomen's section, hundreds of men have found

irrimrmfiAJulia Oikeman. Mrs C. H. Northrop,MoDermott officiating. The burtalwill be In tbe village cemetery.


before tbe engine struck one of hisback wheels, completely demolishing

wno enters tne store mi . nuiiuny wwuu .um-n- ot

fail to find many attractive and satisfac-tory things for presents or general use. Afine line of holiday stationery gives the pur-chaser an opportunity to select some daintyand Inexpensive gift stationery of some kindis always appropriate and useful. A fine offer-ing of silks, satins, and all selections alongthe dry goods line are tbe very best that canbe had. Now, about Christmat candy. Whatwould Christmas be wiihouttbat? The bestpossible and purest line is offered at low pri-ces.

FANCY COLLARS AT FRENCH'S.BaTHEL,150 fancv collars, no two alike, 25 and

fttliNtUI 0 LAXATIVEHodge. it and badly sprung the axle. Mr gifts which will makeoM mens hearts glad

day, beautiful coats and suits"A Great Gift" will be the subject Charles H. Hawley has been unload Langencack was not thrown out nor

was bis horse hurt, but two cans offurs and fur coats, silk petticoats and silkwaists, knitted jackets- and golf vests, whilevery many little girls and misses will be madebaDuv bv sifts of dainty fur sets, which Meiirs

of the sermon at the Baptist church, Ing a car of coal at tbe Depot, this milk were thrown out of his wauon andSunday morning. spilt on the ground. It was a miracle

.that Mr Langencack and his team es& Oo. provide In such generous variety and atsuch attract' ve prices. The shoe section ofMeigs & O 's big store Is alive with sugges-tions for sifts men's sIlDoers. women's and

Tbe annual Christmas exercises will 50c. at our Bethel store. Trade atcaped without more serious injuries.




children's felt slippers, and Zenith shoes for

. nnuasumuMaisareiOaWITT CO., OHIOAOO, U.

so byAll Druggist.men ana women, aouaay stocks nave neia

be held In the church, Thursday even-

ing, December 27. A full and Inter-

esting program .of songs and recita

French '8, this week. ,

Fur trimmed Slippers at French's,Betbel, 75c and $1 a pair.

out splendidly, say Meigs & Co.. and visitorsGeorge Meeker, the taxidermist, haswin still nna oroaaest cnnice in an lines, anaan exhibition of bis stuffed animals inThere will be a celebration of iheHolrMom

balls, mixed nuts, English walnuts,Florida oranges and cranberries. TheCheap Cash Grocery, Mrs RobertStaines, Proprietress.

Mr and Mrs Charles Abbott of Dan-bur- y

were guests over Sunday of MrsC. B. Weed.

Mrs C. B. Weed entertained a veryenjoyable whist party at her home,last Monday evening. There wereabout 40 present. Miss Carrie Walkertook the ladies' first prize, Burr Beachof Trumbull tbe gentlemen's firstprize and Mr-an- d Mrs Emil Berger tbeconsolation. , Refreshments wereserved.

C. B. Weed purchased, last week, ofHoward Andrews of Brookfleld a finepair of team horses.

elUc'en t. courteous service. Visit theErompt, Saturday and it will solve your gifttions will be presented. Tbe young iiunlnn In Ohrlat church on Christmas day;at 11.30 a. m the window of the Progressive Tailor problems.On Holy Innocent'e day, Friday, December The F. E. Beach Co.. 962 Mainat 175 Main street, Danbury.folks should all be on hand for oldSanta Clans has promised to visit uswith his customary sack of good

at. tbe children's Christmas tree will be heldGIFTS FOR ALL.The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs street, Bridgeport, have the largest

assortment of a great many articlestbat you cannot get elsewhere for holi

at tbe rectory, at 7.90 p. m.


Tbe funeral took place on Monday What will I get is the question that a good' day gilts, we want to can your at-tention to the fact tbat we have theTbe singing class will meet In tbe

basement. Friday evening, the 28th from tbe home of her parents on Mil

Mrs Hewit, Mrs L. C. Morris, MissMabel Morris and Miss S. J. Scudder.Misses Mabel Taylor and Mabel Mor-ris played piano duets, and violin so-

los by Mrs J. W. Gordon. Tbe vocaltrio by Mrs Hewit, Miss Fenders andWilliam Tomlln were enjoyed.

The complete tcck of street andstable blankets, robes, etc., at Taylor,Curtis & Co.'s will interest you at thistime.

The store of R. H. Beers & Co. isbright with goods for the Christmastime. Tbe selection of articles for theChristmas trade has been made withexcellent taste, as the visitors willfind when they inspect this stock. Hebas a nice stock of toys, games for thechildren, Kibbe's confections in hand-some packages, perfumery, fancyhandkerchiefs and mufflers.umbrellas,slippers, and a bundred other articles.Don't let tbe next three days slip bywithout looking oyer this stock.

Ladies' and men's slippers and shoesfor Christmas, a nice assortment.Some fine dress shoes in different leath-ers. Prices reasonable. Sandy HookShoe Store.

Some good bargains now in men'sand boys' rubber boots, felts and arc-tics. A complete line of rubber goods.Nothing more useful and appropriatefor a Christmas girt.-San- dy HookShoe Store.

50 fancy collars, no two alike25 and

It is well worth one's time to visitTbe Wentwortb Furniture Co., 115John street, and 1013 Broad street, ifyon are looking for something suitablefcr Christmas gifts. Tbeir stock Islarge and comprises almost everythingnecessary to fit out or make the borneattractive. A visit will surprise any-one wbo has never been in their Store.Visitors are always welcome.


largest assortment of Japanese lampmany are asking. We know that a good wayout of it and tbat is to ask us or come and seetne suggestions that we have to offer. GiveSomething that you will be remembered by

waukee avenue. The burial was in50o, at our Bethel store. Trade at sbadesjtrabe city and at tbe presentthe Elm wood cemetery. tinaerfhev are very popular. In ourFrench's, Bethel, this week.Inst., at 7.30.

0. L. Smaller shod at his blackanq snmetntng tnac is useiui ana you ar sureto De nappy ana mane nappy. Hereittfts that are aDDreciated by womenJoseph Hunt of the .bethel Manu are a tej-tfi- y department you will find a

SZtfzt Plete line of toys, at prices tbat can- -

t 1 L, ..... , 1. wn T rt nr ! Tsmith shop, last week, 150 horses and children's rubber boots. racturing uo., who nas been laid up sweepers, lace curtains, sewing tables; Writingdesks, china closets, center tables. And nowfor the men: Morris chairs, smoking tables,shaving stands, bookcase; and some for the

for a week with a severe cold, is ableWe have them. Your children wantbe still baa a big stock, of shoes alreadyto put on and can fit your bone with TASHTJA. to be out again.them. Try French's, Bethel; his prlNeversltp at short notice.

Mr and Mrs E D. Treadwell spentThe ladies of Christ church parish, last Sunday in Lyon's Plains --with oldces are the lowest.

ladies' wrappers.Tasbua, are invited to meet with MrsMr and Mrs James Marshall of Fall

River, Mass., Mr and Mrs William G.

oDy: uo-cart- s, carriages, carriage roDes.choirs. Other useful gifts are foot

rests, medicine cabinets, clothes boxes, hallclocks, hall rug, coat and bat racks. oil stoves,etc. Don't end your shopping without a visitto our furniture, carpet, curtain, stove andrange departments where awaits you a com-plete line of Christmas gifts at the most rea-sonable prices. It's at the Lee Bros. Furni-ture Co., 1179 Main street, corner Golden Hillstreet, Bridgeport.


IJUU uc Uctticu CJDcnucic J.U VlJt? " "Jof lamps, either for gas or oil, we havea beautiful line to cboose from. Weare also headquarters for the Edisonand Victor talking machines, with afull list of records for each make. Weare Laving quite a run on bureau setsand we now nave a nice lot to cboosefrom. If you want anything in cut-glas- s

and silverplated ware, this is tbeplace to try first. Our prices you cancompare elsewhere arid you will findwe are tbe lowest. Give us a call.Look over our line whether you buy ornot.

C. H. Hurlburt has bad tbe engineGoley and daughter ef BridgeportLorenzo N. Mallette, Thursday after-noon,. December 27, to make articlesto be sold after Easter. Tea will beserved for the sum of 10 cents.

Are always tbe best, and you canAnd a great many things tbat willplease tbe men and boys at Davis &Savard's, corner Main and Fairfieldavenues, Bridgeport. Tbey have bats,caps, tnufllers, gloves, scarfs, mittens,bosiery, jewelry, umbrellas, Regalshoes and Glove Co. arctics and rub-bers. Also tbe best makes of clothingfor men, boys, youths and children.Honest goods at fair prices. Davis &Savard, Bridgeport. t

at bis saw and cider mill replacedTbe best values in the two towns witb a larger one purchased or Danouare at French's, Bethel. Look them ry parties.KINO OP ALL COUQH MEDICINES over.eI, NEW MILFORD, Mc Doweil & Taylor will hayefiome

fine native and western turkeys forX. G. Case, a mall carrier of CantonMotar. Conn., who baa been In the U.


The best values in tbe town are atFrench's, Betbel. Look them over.

Fur trimmed Slippers at French's,Bethel, 75c and SI a pair. The Bee was in error, we are Informed in

statins that there was an atteniDt at an as8. Service for about 16 years, says: "Wehave tried many congh medicines for

Charles R. Nordman, the black' sault on a a young girl at Still River, lastweek. The party suspected, it is said, hasproved his innocence to the satisfaction ef

Oroop, but Chamberlain's CoughBemedv la kins' of all and one to be re in One Day tsmith on the Ridge, had tbe mlsfor To Cure a Coldthe Interested parties.

tbe Christmas trade; also nice sweetFlorida oranges, crisp Malaga grapes,mixed nuts and lots of other things.

None better than tbe Magee rangesand Winchester beaters. Fred A.Hickok of 149 Center street sells them.

Charles J. English, the druggist, isshowing a fine line of fancy toilet ar-

ticles and perfumes for the Christmas

tune, last Sunday morning, to bethrown from his wagon while drivingJust below bis house and break his


We have them. Your children wantthem. Try Frencb, Bethel; bis pricesare the lowest.

A fine line of Holiday goods is nowon exhibition at the Brick store,SandyHook. All tbe delicacies for theChristmas table.

Take Laxative Bromo QuinineLTON'S PLAINS.

lied upon every time. We also And itthe beat remedy for oougba and colds,giving certain results and leaving nobad after effects.'' For sale by B. H.Beers Co., Newtown; Taylor, Curtis

Co., Sandy Hook; W. N. Hard, LongHlllt A. B. Blakeman, Botaford; S. J.

. m jm m srr Mariamaiarj - at x 3collar bone. Dr Smith set tbe broken ThisOn Christmas morning there will be a cele- - signature,----- ---

Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months.bone and Mr Nordman is now doing as 1Dration or tne uoiy uommumo j at a w. un

Christmas Eve tbe tree for the children willbe held at T OO o'cloek.well aa could be expected.Parka, Trumbull.