Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

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Page 1: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Using adjectives in Spanish

It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match.

Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Page 2: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

What do adjectives do?O Adjectives describe nouns.

O The black catO The big red dog

O In Spanish, the adjectives usually FOLLOW the noun!O El gato negro O El perro grande rojo

O In other words, in Spanish, we tell you what we are describing and THEN describe it!

Page 3: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Adjectives and GenderO In Spanish, every noun has a gender

(masculine or feminine). O The gender of a noun must be

learned.O Nouns ending with –o are usually

masculine.O Nouns ending with –a are usually


To help you learn the gender of a noun, each noun is given with its definite article.

Page 4: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Adjectives and Gender

Adjectives must match the nouns they describe in


O In other words, a masculine noun must be paired with a masculine adjective and a feminine noun requires a feminine adjective.

Page 5: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Adjectives and GenderO Masculine adjectives often end in –o

O El vestido rojo

O To make a masculine adjective feminine, you may change the –o ending to an –a ending.O La chaqueta roja

O Most adjectives that end with –e match both genders.O El vestido verdeO La chaqueta verde

O Many adjectives that end with a consonant match both genders.O La camisa azulO El zapato azul

Page 6: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

Adjectives and NumberIn Spanish, every noun has a number (singular or plural).

To make an adjective plural:• add –s to adjectives ending in a vowel.

El vestido rojo - Los vestidos rojos• add –es to adjectives ending in a consonant.

El vestido azul – Los vestidos azules

When an adjective describes a group with both genders, the masculine form of the adjective is used.

La camisa y el sombrero son amarillos.

Page 7: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

O When adjusting an adjective to match a noun, ALWAYS adjust the adjective to match the GENDER first, then make any necessary changes for number.

Page 8: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

A practicar…O Now let’s see how you do! Using the

worksheet provided, let’s write sentences describing what the following celebrities are wearing.

O Make sure your Spanish sentences are as fashion-conscious as the celebs are! Match your nouns and adjectives appropriately!

No plaid with polka dots!

Page 9: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Minnie Mouse?

Minnie Mouse lleva una

falda rosada y blanca.

Page 10: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Will Ferrell?

Will Ferrell lleva un

sombrero verde.

Page 11: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Beethoven?

Beethoven lleva una camisa blanca.

Page 12: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Lionel Messi?

Lionel lleva una chaqueta


Page 13: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Mickey Mouse?

Mickey Mouse lleva unos zapatos


Page 14: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Oprah Winfrey?

Oprah Winfrey lleva

un vestido rojo.

Page 15: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Jaques


Jaques Cousteau lleva

unos pantalones azules.

Page 16: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Gerad Way?

Gerad Way lleva una

camiseta roja y negra.

Page 17: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Lebron James?

Lebron James lleva unos calcetines blancos.

Page 18: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Jennifer


Jennifer Lawrence lleva unos

jeans azules.

Page 19: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Harry Potter?

Harry Potter lleva un suéter gris.

Page 20: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Barbie?

Barbie lleva una bolsa


Page 21: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift lleva unos pantalones

cortos azules

(o unos jeans cortos).

Page 22: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Justin Timberlake?

Justin Timberlake lleva

una chaqueta negra.

Page 23: Using adjectives in Spanish It’s a “fashion-conscious” language and everything has to match. Don’t pair plaid with polka dots!

¿Qué lleva Kim Kardashian?

Kim Kardashian

lleva una blusa negra y blanca.