Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections

Table of Contents (Click any chapter title to be taken directly to that chapter.)

Is Colloidal Silver Really the “Silver Bullet” Against Potentially Deadly Viral Infections? ........................................................................................................................ 1

The Famous HIV Study ................................................................................................. 2

Colloidal Silver Beats the Smallpox Virus .................................................................. 4

Silver Inactivates Herpes Simplex Type I and II Viruses ........................................... 4

EPA Approves Use of Colloidal Silver Spray Disinfectant that Kills Viruses on Surfaces ........................................................................................................................ 4

Silver Compound in Countertops Eliminates SARS Virus ........................................ 5

Monkeypox Virus Inhibited by Silver Nanoparticles .................................................. 6

Silver Prevents Replication of Hepatitis B Virus........................................................ 7

Experts Now Recommending Colloidal Silver for Flu and Other Viral Pathogens ... 10

The Nano-Particle Difference: Good News and Bad News ......................................... 14

Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day (Colloidal Silver to the Rescue!) .. 15

Colloidal Silver and Winter Vomiting Virus .................................................................. 19

Using Colloidal Silver for Mononucleosis (Kissing Disease) and Other Epstein Barr Virus Infections .............................................................................................................. 25

Get Ready for Flu Season with Colloidal Silver!.......................................................... 33

Avoid the Flu with Colloidal Silver (And Beat It If You’re Already Sick) .................... 39

How Much Colloidal Silver to Take Prophylactically for the Flu ............................... 44

Using Colloidal Silver When You Already Have the Flu .............................................. 45

A Powerful Solution Worth Taking Advantage Of ....................................................... 56

Be Ready to Take Care of Yourself and Your Family .................................................. 58

In Conclusion… .............................................................................................................. 59

The Best Colloidal Silver Information Resources Available ....................................... 62

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Is Colloidal Silver Really the “Silver

Bullet” Against

Potentially Deadly

Viral Infections? While there’s no argument that colloidal silver is the world’s most powerful natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, the ability of colloidal silver to protect against viral pathogens has, until recently, not been fully embraced by the medical community.

Fortunately, startling new medical research reveals that silver may well be your #1 defense against viruses as well. Here’s what the medical evidence demonstrates…

Safe, Natural, Highly Anti-Viral

In spite of the fact that it has not yet been fully embraced by the medical community as an anti-viral agent, nevertheless, safe, natural mineral silver, in a variety of forms, including colloidal silver, has nearly three decades worth of solid medical research behind it, demonstrating its powerful anti-viral qualities.

Indeed, newer clinical laboratory research demonstrates that silver is so powerfully effective against viruses, it even stops the deadly HIV (i.e., the AIDs virus) from infecting human cells. And older research dating back to the 1980’s demonstrates that silver can stop numerous types of viruses from replicating, simply by bonding to them.

In fact, silver altogether decimates many viruses, simply by being in close contact with them.

Tiny Nano-Particles are the Key

The key, as you’ll discover throughout this report, is in the size of the silver particles.

They must be very small silver micro-particles – i.e., what is more commonly known as “nanosilver” – in order to exhibit such powerful anti-viral qualities.

Medical science has now demonstrated that tiny silver nano-particles are absolutely deadly against many forms of viral pathogens.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


In this special report, you’ll discover some of the most convincing medical evidence demonstrating that nano-scale sized silver particles – which is to say, very small particles of silver measured in nanometers (nm) – are the single-most effective all-natural anti-viral substances on the face of the earth.

Colloidal Silver to the Rescue

What’s more, you’ll come to understand why colloidal silver – the popular nutritional supplement known as the world’s most powerful natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent – is very likely your #1 best bet for all-natural, non-drug protection against potentially deadly viral agents, too, as long as it contains tiny, nano-scale sized silver particles.

Finally, you’ll also learn the 6 critical steps you must take now in order to keep yourself and your family protected against viral infections of all kinds. And you’ll learn how to be fully prepared in case the global flu pandemic – or some other nasty mutant hybrid viral pathogen – rear its ugly head in your area.

But first, let’s start with the clear, factual growing body of medical evidence on behalf of the powerful antiviral qualities of safe, natural silver.

The Famous HIV Study

In June 2005, the prestigious journal Nanobiotechnology published a ten page study that rocked medical science.

The study was the result of seven scientists’ exploration into the virus inhibiting qualities of nanosilver – very tiny, invisible particles of silver measured in nanometers. (A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or one-ten thousandth of a hair’s breadth.)

What the study demonstrated is that these tiny nano-scale particles of silver were able to inhibit HIV-1 (i.e., the AIDS virus) from binding to host cells, in vitro.

What this means is that in the test tube, when the researchers placed the AIDS virus alongside human cells in a medium that would normally allow the virus to bind with the cell (and thus cause viral infection), the introduction of tiny nano-particles of silver into the medium prevented the binding from taking place.

In other words, the silver particles stopped the infection from taking place.

The study abstract reads as follows:

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


While silver’s well-known toxicity to a wide range of bacterial and fungal pathogens has been thoroughly documented in previous research by many leading research facilities, this study takes the previous research to a whole new level.

For the first time, the long-proven antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles were applied to a highly infectious form of virus with no known cure. And the interaction between the metallic particles, the virus and the cells were studied.

The scientists tested a variety of particle sizes. And they also tested the idea of coating the tiny silver particles with several different surface chemistries including a “foamy carbon matrix,” a polymer and a protein molecule. The goal was to determine if any of these substances would help stabilize the silver particles and aid the silver’s anticipated reaction with the virus.

What they discovered, however, is that only the “free surface” silver nanoparticles in the range of 1 to 10 nanometers interacted with the HIV-1 cells.

Silver Nanoparticles Rule!

This basically means the silver needed no help from the other substances. In fact, anything added to the basic silver nanoparticle served only to prevent the metal’s interaction with the viral microorganism!


“The interaction of nanoparticles with biomolecules and microorganisms is an expanding field of research. Within this field, an area that has been largely unexplored is the interaction of metal nanoparticles with viruses.

In this work, we demonstrate that silver nanoparticles undergo a size-dependent interaction with HIV-1, with nanoparticles exclusively in the range of 1-10nm attached to the virus.

The regular spatial arrangement of the attached nanoparticles, the center-to-center distance between nanoparticles, and the fact that the exposed sulfur-bearing residues of the glycoprotein knobs would be attractive sites for nanoparticle interaction suggest that silver nanoparticles interact with the HIV-1 virus via preferential binding to the gp120 glycoprotein knobs.

Due to this interaction, silver nanoparticles inhibit the virus from binding to host cells, as demonstrated in vitro.”

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


What’s more, according to the study, only the very smallest silver particles inactivated the virus’ ability to bond with the host cells. Larger particles did not.

Ultimately the study found that the tiny silver nanoparticles no larger than 10nm were able to bond to the deadly viral microorganisms and prevented the virus from bonding with the host cell. No bonding to host cell, no viral infection!

Colloidal Silver Beats the Smallpox Virus But HIV is not the only virus silver has been demonstrated to be effective against.

In a study published in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal back in September 1992, it was found that that several different preparations of colloidal silver showed amazing efficacy against the smallpox virus.

Two medical colloidal silver preparations were used, one called Collargol, and one called Protargol. The latter was apparently a diluted preparation.

The study showed a 700 times reduction in the concentration of viral particles when Protargol was applied, and a whopping 11,000 times reduction in viral particles when the more highly concentrated Collargol was applied.

Silver Inactivates Herpes Simplex Type I and II Viruses

Going back even further, a study conducted in 1972 at Department of Microbiology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan demonstrated that the Herpes Simplex Virus types I and II were totally inactivated by low concentrations of silver nitrate, which is a more caustic, chemical form of silver.

According to the study, silver nitrate caused so much damage to the viruses, they simply could no longer cause infection.

EPA Approves Use of Colloidal Silver Spray Disinfectant that Kills Viruses on Surfaces

Moving forward to recent years, even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has now approved silver for certain antiviral purposes.

As reported by the Silver Institute (a group which keeps silver investors appraised of all of the new uses for silver in business and industry), the EPA has recently approved the use of a product called Axen30, a liquid spray disinfectant similar to colloidal silver, for use in child day-care centers, preschools, schools, gymnasiums and children’s activity centers.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Axen30 is a dilute formula consisting of 30ppm silver used as a spray disinfectant. But here’s the interesting part:

The EPA-approved advertising claims for Axen30 include a 30-second kill time and a 24-hour residual kill time on standard indicator bacteria, a two-minute kill time on the resistant bacteria MRSE and VRE, a 10-minute kill time on fungi, a 30-second kill time on HIV Type I, and a 10-minute kill time on other viruses.

Now that’s amazing – a proven 30-second kill time against HIV (i.e., Human Immunodeficiency Virus, aka the AIDS virus), and a ten-minute kill time against other viruses!

Silver Compound in Countertops Eliminates SARS Virus

One of the most feared viruses now being studied by scientists is the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus – an upper respiratory virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, leading to death in a large preponderance of cases.

It has been found that while SARS spreads through the usual routes, such as the airborne route caused by coughing and sneezing. But a large percentage of infections by this virus are caused when the virus simply lands on a countertop and sits there, awaiting someone to come by and touch that countertop, then touch the virus to their eyes, ears, nose or mouth.

Perstorp, a Swedish manufacturing company based in Italy, manufactures a special polymer from which countertops are made. What makes the Perstorp countertop unique is that extremely tiny nanosilver particles are impregnated into the polymer.

Upon human contact, the nanosilver-impregnated polymer begins emitting silver ions. This unique silver ion-emitting polymer was developed for use with products such as toilet seats, door knobs, and other common contact surfaces.

According to news reports, the compound was successfully tested by the Chinese Centre for Disease Control against SARS, which has a particular interest in public safety due to the numerous SARS virus outbreaks of the past few years in China.

Zhang Panhe, professor at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in China, recently stated,

“We tested the compound against a four-hour, eight-hour, and 24-hour exposure period and found no surviving SARS virus upon 24 hours of exposure to the polymer...”

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In other words, when the polymer was purposely contaminated by the SARS virus, it began killing the virus within four hours, and had killed all SARS viruses on the surface within 24 hours.

This special silver-impregnated polymer is now in use in many hospitals, laboratories and medical research facilities throughout China.

What’s more, many variants of silver-impregnated polymers are being used in similar medical-related facilities around the world, in order to help stop the spread of potentially deadly bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens.

Monkeypox Virus Inhibited by Silver Nanoparticles

Even some of the most exotic viruses have been demonstrated to be sensitive to silver.

According to a study published in volume 3, number 4, April 2008 edition of Nanoscale Research Letters, very small silver particles (10nm in size) significantly inhibited the infectivity of the Monkeypox virus.

The study was conducted in conjunction with the Applied Biotechnology Branch, Human Effectiveness Directorate of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

The study’s authors concluded,

“These results demonstrate that silver-based nanoparticles of approximately 10nm inhibit Monkeypox Virus infection in vitro, supporting their potential use as an anti-viral therapeutic.”

According to Wikipedia.com, monkeypox virus is usually transmitted to humans from rodents, pets, and primates through contact with the animal’s blood or through a bite. Its symptoms can be difficult to distinguish clinically from smallpox (to which it is closely related) and chickenpox (to which it is not related).

You may remember news headlines back in 2003 regarding an outbreak of monkeypox virus in the U.S. Midwest, among owners of pet prairie dogs.

What this demonstrates is that very tiny micro-particles of silver, known as nanosilver, are even effective against exotic viruses such as those coming from animals! If that doesn’t put you in mind of the recent “Swine Flu” scare, in which the infectious agent was shown to be a hybrid of swine, bird and human viral parts, I don’t know what will.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Silver Prevents Replication of Hepatitis B Virus

In a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Hong Kong, it was demonstrated in vitro (i.e., in the test tube) that very tiny silver particles have the ability to interact with viral DNA in such a way as to prevent replication, whether the virus was inside the host cells (i.e., inside human cells, where viruses would normally replicate) or outside the host cells.

This is especially important, because it implies that silver can not only prevent viruses from infecting cells, but can also stop cells that are already virally infected from spreading the infection.

According to a research abstract from the University of Hong Kong, the scientists examining the action of silver particles on the Hepatitis B virus “hypothesize that the direct interaction between these nanoparticles and HBV double-stranded DNA or viral particles is responsible for their antiviral mechanism.”

The scientists point out that this only demonstrates the effectiveness of very tiny silver particles against the HBV (i.e., hepatitis B virus), and not necessarily other viruses. Nevertheless, once again we have a study demonstrating conclusively that very tiny particles of silver have the ability to interfere with viruses, preventing them from interacting with human cells and causing infections.

According to a news article about this study, the researchers discovered that:

“…ultra-tiny silver particles could reduce the extracellular DNA formation of HBVs by over 50 percent, and could check their intracellular RNA formation, too. ‘Silver nano-particles have special properties such as larger active surface and porosity so that they can easily bind with small molecules,’ China’s XINHUA news agency quoted Lu as saying, referring to a hypothetical explanation they had put forward on the new antiviral mechanism. ‘The finding provides a new direction for developing new anti-HBV drugs, with nano-particles used as drug carrier to enhance the antiviral efficacy while minimizing the undesirable side effects,’ Lu told a press conference Monday. The young researcher said there are currently only two kinds of drugs approved for treating chronic HBV infection, namely immunomodulators and nucleoside analogues. But their uses are affected by side effects and drug-resistant mutations.

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Hepatitis B is one of the worst killers as it chronically infects over 400 million people worldwide, with certain developing countries and regions hit hardest.

Lu said silver nano-particles have an additional distinct advantage. It is unlikely that HBV can become resistant to silver nano-particles because the interaction is determined by the physiochemical properties of the tiny particles.”

Is Colloidal Silver the “Final Solution” to the Coming Viral Plagues? Finally, two highly respected researchers, Dr. Eric Gordon, M.D. and Dr. Kent Holtorf, M.D., writing in the prestigious Townsend Letter for Doctors, believe colloidal silver is the answer to many forms of viral infections, including serious upper respiratory viral infections such as flu pandemics.

They point out in their article titled A Promising Cure for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Pandemics, Including the Avian Flu: Has the Final Solution to the

Coming Plagues Been Discovered? that, “the collective authoritative medical literature has documented efficacy of silver’s virotoxicity against over 24 viruses.”

What’s more, the authors state that the 200-plus viral strains known to cause upper respiratory tract infections, including most flu viruses, will also most likely succumb to the powerful antiviral qualities of very small particles of “oligodynamic silver” (i.e., a medical reference to silver being extremely powerful even in small quantities).

In fact, the authors point out that silver is likely going to be the answer to any future global viral pandemic, stating,

“A broad-spectrum anti-viral agent that really works is needed to combat over 200 viruses that cause Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Undoubtedly oligodynamic silver fits this bill...Emerging medical studies confirm the stellar, broad-spectrum virotoxic efficacy of oligodynamic silver both in vitro and in vivo.”

Indeed, the authors state, not only has silver been demonstrated to decimate many of the viruses associated with deadly viral flu infections, but it has also been proven to decimate most of the well-known bacterial pathogens that cause serious secondary infections during a viral infection, including the following:

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• Streptococcus pneumonia

• Corynebacterium diphtheriae

• Neisseria gonorrhoeae

• Klebsiella pneumoniae

• Haemophilus influenzae

• Bordetella pertussis

• Mycobacterium (Tuberculosis)

• Inflammatory conditions of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat

• Spring Catarrh

• Pneumococci

• Pneumonia

It is these secondary bacterial infections that often kill the infected individual, once the flu virus has sufficiently weakened the body.

But colloidal silver’s powerful, broad-spectrum anti-pathogen qualities covers such a wide range of pathogens you can easily see why the report’s authors – both respected medical doctors – refer to it as “the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues.”

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Experts Now Recommending Colloidal Silver for Flu and Other

Viral Pathogens In spite of an FDA crackdown on companies touting colloidal silver as a Swine Flu preventive and remedy, a number of high-profile medical researchers and related experts have been recommending colloidal silver as a first-line of defense against the Swine Flu and other viral pandemics.

These include Dr. Eric Gordon, M.D., Dr. Kent Holtorf, M.D., Dr. Sherry Tenpenny,D.O., Major General Albert “Bert” N. Stubblebine III (former commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command), Dr. Rima E.

Laibow, M.D., Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Dr. Rebecca Carley (the vaccine expert) and many others.

Even Pravda, the top newspaper in Russia, recently recommended colloidal silver for the Swine Flu, stating:

“The best defense against swine flu, or any flu, is the age old remedy of colloidal silver. The metal silver in its colloidal state can be safely consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver. Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria and pathogens so that they cannot survive. It is good to take a few teaspoons of colloidal silver daily to maintain health. More colloidal silver should be taken if experiencing illness.”

Dr. Gordon Pedersen Recommends Colloidal Silver

Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D., an expert in toxicology and virology who writes for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is Director of the Institute of Alternative Medicine, has recently joined the ranks of those advocating for colloidal silver usage in the face of coming viral pandemics.

In his new article, “Swine Flu Influenza Type A/H1N1 Protection for Health Care Practitioners and Their Patients,” published in the Anti-Aging News Journal, he

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repeatedly recommends silver to stop not only the hybrid virus itself, but also the secondary bacterial infections that cause diseases such as pneumonia, which set in after the body has been weakened by the virus.

(As noted earlier, it is often the secondary bacterial infections that seriously disable or even kill the patient, rather than the virus itself which often only weakens the patient allowing other more opportunistic pathogens to move in and take hold.)

Here is a brief example of what Dr. Pedersen has to say about using Silver Sol (a colloidal silver solution) against the Swine Flu and other Influenza type A viruses, as well as the secondary infections that accompany them:

“Influenza viruses are the respiratory viruses of greatest public health importance, particularly Influenza A. Every year 36,000 people die from Influenza making it the 6th leading cause of death in America…

…Silver Sol provides proven prevention and treatment against viral and bacterial infections, while there is nothing else with such broad spectrum benefits. In addition, Silver Sol can be safely taken every day for prevention where it has been shown to provide protection against the very dangerous Bird flu H5N1…”

New Study Reviews the Antiviral Qualities of Colloidal Silver A recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, titled “Viral Pathogens and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Oligodynamic Ag1 for Direct Immune Intervention,” further underscores the medical evidence for the powerful antiviral qualities of colloidal silver. As the study points out:

Medical literature shows that a variety of viruses have been successfully treated with silver-based drugs. However, ‘silver salts’ and/or inferior silver preparations lack the bio-availability, active silver content and safety needed to be effective.

State-of-the-art, electrolytically produced ‘oligodynamic’ Ag1, however, offers distinct advantages and versatility of use over older and cruder formulations. Possessing much smaller, subnanometer-sized particles, greater electrical potential and lower concentrations, it is more bio-available than other formulations.

Efficacy against the SARS virus, for example, may be enhanced when nebulized Ag1 is inhaled. This should achieve swift reduction of viral loads, especially in the early stages. Moreover, there is no known toxicity for Oligodynamic Ag1 in humans. The only known mechanism of resistance also appears to play no role notwithstanding the mutability of

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the SARS virus. Therefore no functional barrier to the virotoxic effects of oligodynamic Ag1 may be expected regardless of the rapidity or variety of mutations.

What the study explains, in a nutshell, is that while silver-based preparations have long been known to have antiviral qualities, the most effective of them all are preparations that feature very small, subnanomenter-sized silver particles that are highly electrically charged. The study concludes that when you have silver particles that are both super-small and highly electrically charged, even rapidly mutating viral pathogens are susceptible to them!

And Even Another New Study Reveals The Antiviral Qualities of Small Particles of Silver In another recent study, this one published in the prestigious Journal of Nanobiotechnology, and titled, “Silver nanoparticles are broad-spectrum bactericidal and virucidal compounds,” researchers from Winston-Salem State University, in Winston Salem, NC, reiterate the fact that very tiny particles of silver have been demonstrated to be highly antiviral. The researchers wrote:

“The efficacy of AgNPs (i.e, silver nanoparticles) against HIV-1 [i.e., the AIDS virus – ED] has been reported by many laboratories including ours.

It has been shown that AgNPs have got anti-HIV-1 activity and can help the host immune system against HIV-1.

This has laid ground for the development of new, potent antiviral drugs capable of preventing HIV infection and controlling virus replication. Recently, it has been demonstrated that AgNPs function as broad-spectrum virucidal and bactericidal agents, and in addition, increase wound healing.

...Interactions between viral biomolecules and silver nanoparticles suggest that the use of nanosystems may contribute importantly for the enhancement of current prevention of infection and antiviral therapies.

Recently, it has been suggested that silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) bind with external membrane of lipid enveloped virus to prevent the infection. Nevertheless, the interaction of AgNPs with viruses is a largely unexplored field. AgNPs has been studied particularly on HIV where it was demonstrated the mechanism of antiviral action of the nanoparticles as well as the inhibition the transmission of HIV-1 infection in human cervix organ culture.

This review discusses recent advances in the understanding of the biocidal mechanisms of action of silver Nanoparticles.”

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In short, clinical research studies such as this demonstrate that even the dreaded AIDS virus appears to be no match for tiny particles of silver. Researchers continue looking to find the best ways possible to deliver the tiny particles of silver to the body, for maximum effectiveness!

British Research Demonstrates Tiny Silver Particles Kill Stomach Viruses!

In one of the oddest stories of the last few years, it turns out that British researchers are also looking into the antiviral qualities of very small particles of silver. According to the British newspaper, The Telegraph, British scientists working in tandem with international drug-makers Janssen and Johnson & Johnson have discovered a way to incorporate tiny silver nanoparticles into intestinal bacteria, creating a new silver-based drug that can wipe out food poisoning viruses such as the dreaded rotavirus, and perhaps even flu and cold viruses as well.

The popular British newspaper states: “Scientists have discovered that they can attach tiny studs of silver onto the surface of otherwise harmless bacteria, giving them the ability to destroy viruses.

They have tested the silver-impregnated bacteria against norovirus, which causes winter vomiting outbreaks, and found that they leave the virus unable to cause infections. The researchers now believe the same technique could help to combat other viruses, including influenza and those responsible for causing the common cold.”

The news article goes on to state that in addition to fighting food-poisoning viruses such as the norovirus (now responsible for record numbers of potentially life-threatening food-poisoning cases worldwide) this strange new silver-based product could also be “incorporated into a nasal spray, water filters and hand washes to prevent viruses from being spread.”

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The Nano-Particle Difference: Good

News and Bad News As you’ve seen throughout this report, silver is without a doubt one of the single-greatest natural antiviral agents on the face of the earth. And its broad-spectrum antibacterial qualities are indisputable.

However, the size of the silver particles is one of the most important factors in the ability of silver to disable, or even decimate, such a broad spectrum of viruses.

Indeed, most of these studies have demonstrated one simple fact: the smaller the silver particles are, the better they work, with silver particles of 10 nanometers (nm) or less in size being the most effective against viruses.

The truly good news is that colloidal silver products containing silver particles of that size – known as micro-particle silver, or nanosilver, for short – are readily available in health food stores and through online vendors.

However, the bad news is that these products are frequently very costly, due to the uniquely small characteristics of the silver particles they contain when compared to conventional brands of colloidal.

In fact, a tiny four-ounce bottle of true nanosilver can cost as much as $25 to $35 depending upon the brand, and the size and quality of the silver particles it contains.

The problem is this: four ounces is only about enough colloidal silver for three or four day’s worth of treatment for a single person with a severe viral infection – not nearly enough should a serious viral assault strike home. After three or four days, you’d have to get another costly bottle, and perhaps another, and another, depending upon the size of your family and the number of people infected.

Meanwhile, during a pandemic situation, everybody else will be making a mad dash to their nearest health food store for nanosilver, also. And within days, shelves will easily be stripped bare. So even if you can afford it, you might not be able to get enough nano-scale colloidal silver to do yourself and your family any good.

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Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day (Colloidal Silver to the

Rescue!) Another great reason to keep colloidal silver handy at all times: Scientists have discovered that trillions of viruses are airborne, and fall from the sky to the earth each day.

So many, in fact, that 800 million viruses cascade onto every square meter of the planet, every single day, making viruses the most abundant entities on the planet.

So is colloidal silver effective against viruses? Yet it is. And 60 years worth of clinical research demonstrates it.

It’s bad enough during cold and flu season to have to worry about people coughing around you and spreading the virus.

But according to a recent New York Times news article, literally trillions and trillions of viruses “fall from the sky each day.” That’s every single day, winter, summer, spring and fall, folks.

Indeed, when an international team of researchers placed four specially prepared buckets in the mountains of Spain in order to gather falling viruses, they afterwards found nearly one trillion viruses per square meter.

According to the article:

“Scientists have surmised there is a stream of viruses circling the planet, above the planet’s weather systems but below the level of airline travel.

Very little is known about this realm, and that’s why the number of deposited viruses stunned the team in Spain.

Each day, they calculated, some 800 million viruses cascade onto every square meter of the planet.

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… Generally it’s assumed these viruses originate on the planet and are swept upward, but some researchers theorize that viruses actually may originate in the atmosphere.

… Whatever the case, viruses are the most abundant entities on the planet by far.”

Is Colloidal Silver Effective Against Viruses?

So, is colloidal silver effective against viruses?

Of course it is. And that’s precisely why I always carry a small pump spray bottle of colloidal silver with me when I go out. Or at the very least, I apply a good colloidal silver gel to my hands and face each day.

Indeed, according to another study published in the Journal of Virology, in each cubic meter of air we pass through, there are between 1.6 million to 40 million viruses, depending upon the time of year, weather conditions and other factors.

So at any point in time, we’re quite literally wading through a soup of viruses, and breathing them in.

Thankfully, most of them are plant and animal viruses. But since we breathe in approximately 0.01 cubic meters of air each minute, this means we likely inhale at least several hundred thousand viruses every minute, according to science journalist Malcolm Tang.

While there’s no argument that colloidal silver is the world’s most powerful natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, its ability to protect against viruses is little understood.

However, as more research is conducted, the anti-viral qualities of silver are becoming better known.

According to the authors of a clinical study titled Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Antiviral Agents:

“Metal nanoparticles, especially the ones produced with silver or gold, have proven to exhibit virucidal activity against a broad-spectrum of viruses, and surely to reduce viral infectivity of cultured cells.

In most cases, a direct interaction between the nanoparticle and the virus surface proteins could be demonstrated or hypothesized.

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…Besides the direct interaction with viral surface glycoproteins, metal nanoparticles may gain access into the cell and exert their antiviral activity through interactions with the viral genome (DNA or RNA).

Furthermore, the intracellular compartment of an infected cell is overcrowded by virally encoded and host cellular factors that are needed to allow viral replication and a proper production of progeny virions.

The interaction of metal nanoparticles with these factors, which are the key to an efficient viral replication, may also represent a further mechanism of action.”

In other words, silver’s anti-viral activity begins at the virus surface, and appears to continue as the silver particles penetrate the virus and begin to interact with viral DNA and RNA, thus preventing viral replication.

And as the old saying goes, “No replication. No infection.”

More Clinical Studies Demonstrating Silver to Be Effective Against Viruses

Here are just a few of the studies you’ll find on the Clinical Studies page of The Silver Edge website, demonstrating close to 60 years’ worth of research into the effectiveness of antimicrobial silver against a wide variety of viruses:

• Silver Stops Smallpox Virus

• Antiviral Action of Silver Nanoparticles Against HIV 1 (AIDS virus)

• Silver Effective Against Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, Herpes Simplex Virus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Monkey Pox Virus

• Silver Reduces Infectivity of Tacaribe Virus

• Silver Inhibits H1N1 Influenza A Virus

• Silver Inhibits Hepatitis B Virus

• Silver-coated Condoms Stop Infectivity of HIV and Herpes Simplex Virus

• A Clinical Review of Colloidal Silver’s Effectiveness Against Respiratory Viruses

• Patent for Antiviral Colloidal Silver Composition

• Using Silver Hydrosol Against Respiratory Viruses – a Clinical Overview

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Colloidal Silver and Winter Vomiting

Virus The news media is rife with reports of a “winter vomiting virus,” also being referred to as the “winter vomiting disease.”

Apparently, the victims of this virus end up sick with projectile vomiting and sometimes explosive diarrhea as well.

The disease is apparently being spread to humans by a stomach virus called the norovirus, or “stomach flu virus,” which is described by health authorities as “a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, an illness that usually involves vomiting and diarrhea.”

Yecchh, right?

But the real question is this: Will colloidal silver help kill this nasty virus? Here’s what we know so far…

Probably my least favorite thing in the whole world – besides eating cooked liver, drinking a big swig of spoiled milk or getting bitten by an angry dog – is vomiting.

The idea of sitting there clutching the porcelain throne, writhing from uncontrollable nausea, while retching for hours on end is enough to scare me away from visiting anybody who says they’ve been sick and throwing up all day.

Okay, except for my wife, or my mom. Them I’d visit. And console. But I’d immediately give them colloidal silver if they could keep enough of it down to make a difference.

And for darned sure I’d drink four or five ounces of the stuff, just in case the nasty virus decided to wander over my way during the visit.

The Bad News

Unfortunately, this year the news is reporting dozens of outbreaks of norovirus – the so-called “winter vomiting virus” – particularly in California.

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And to make the matter even more ominous, I’ve been getting reports from readers across the U.S. of entire families suffering from projectile vomiting and diarrhea.

So it’s quite possible this is going to be one of those winters in which strange viruses like the norovirus come out to play.

According to an Associated Press news article:

“Norovirus is highly contagious and usually triggers vomiting and diarrhea. It spreads through contact with an infected person, eating food or drinking liquids that contain the virus or touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then touching your mouth.”

Oh, joy. Now I get to be paranoid everywhere I go this winter. (Did I mention I really hate vomiting?)

And there’s more. According to an article on Breitbart.com:

“Spread of the virus occurs rapidly with crowded environments most vulnerable. Examples to watch out for included, “hospitals, nursing homes, daycare centers, schools, cruise ships and food service settings like restaurants.”

Uh, huh. Great. So much for that post-Christmas trip to the mall I wanted to take. And I think I’ll wait until this coming spring before taking my wife out for dinner to a crowded restaurant. That won’t make her very happy. But, then, neither would projectile vomiting.

As the SurvivalLife.com website states:

“The Norovirus commonly known as the ‘stomach flu’ is one of the most infectious viruses around.

It takes fewer than 20 virus particles to infect someone, so each droplet of vomit has enough virus to infect over 100,000 people.

In the United States, norovirus causes 21 million illnesses annually, requiring 70,000 hospitalizations, of which 800 result in death.”

That about clinches it for me. I’m never going out in public again.

One thing for sure: If I do venture out into public I’ll either first be coating my hands with a good colloidal silver gel (see my previous article Germ-Busting Colloidal Silver Gels and Creams), or…

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…I’ll be taking my small spray bottle of liquid colloidal silver with me everywhere I go, and spraying just about everything before laying my hands on it, including silverware at restaurants, shopping cart handles in stores, door handles and other touch surfaces.

Finally, the Breitbart article explains, “Those that have been sick can still spread the virus two weeks after recovering.”

Good Lord. It looks like it’s going to be a long winter.

But Here’s the Good News

I’ve actually written about norovirus and colloidal silver once before.

It turns out that about five years ago, British scientists working in tandem with two international drug-makers, Janssen and Johnson & Johnson, have already tested the idea of using tiny silver particles against the norovirus.

Now, to be fair, what the researchers did was attach silver particles to a harmless digestive bacteria. Then they introduced the silver-impregnated bacteria into a population of norovirus. And the silver quite handily destroyed the ability of the norovirus to cause infection.

At the time, The Telegraph, one of Britain’s most renowned news sources, wrote:

“Scientists have discovered that they can attach tiny studs of silver onto the surface of otherwise harmless bacteria, giving them the ability to destroy viruses.

They have tested the silver-impregnated bacteria against norovirus, which causes winter vomiting outbreaks, and found that they leave the virus unable to cause infections.

The researchers now believe the same technique could help to combat other viruses, including influenza and those responsible for causing the common cold.”


What’s more, according to Professor Willy Verstraete, a microbiologist from the University of Ghent, Belgium, who also worked on the project for the British drug makers:

“We are using silver nanoparticles, which are extremely small but give a large amount of surface area as they can clump around the virus, increasing the inhibiting effect.”

So it’s a proven fact that silver particles stop norovirus cold.

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But why impregnate the tiny silver particles onto harmless bacteria, first? Why not just use a simple, all-natural colloidal silver product containing tiny silver particles?

According to Professor Verstraete,

“There are concerns about using such small particles of silver in the human body and what harm it might cause to human health, so we have attached the silver nanoparticles to the surface of a bacterium. It means the silver particles remain small, but they are not free to roam around the body.”

The Real Reason

If you think that sounds suspiciously like a phony excuse, you’re probably right.

As one of my old mentors used to emphasize, there’s the stated reason, and then there’s the real reason. And you always need to look for the real reason.

In case you haven’t guessed it, the real reason the researchers went through so much trouble to concoct a silver-studded bacteria in their fight against the norovirus was because they wanted to create a “novel drug” that could be sold by the drug companies sponsoring their research.

You see, silver is a natural element. It can’t be patented and monopolized by the drug companies, unless they come up with a new process, or a new form. And that’s exactly what they were working on.

As the article in The Telegraph stated, the researchers were “…now working with drug giants Janssen, and Johnson & Johnson, to further develop the technology…”

As I mentioned in my previous article on this topic:

“Look…millions of people worldwide have been ingesting tiny silver nanoparticles in moderation for decades now, without undue harm or risk.

So the whole idea that silver nanoparticles need to be attached to something like dead intestinal bacterium so they can’t ‘roam aimlessly through your body’…is nothing less than a spurious bugaboo…

As usual when dealing with the big drug companies and their researchers, rank deception and hypocrisy are the order of the day.”

Yes, you could just as easily – and effectively – drink some safe, natural colloidal silver and wipe out an intestinal infection caused by the norovirus. But researchers for the big drug companies simply aren’t going to tell you that.

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And why? Because there’s no money in it for them. That’s why.

Interestingly, in another study titled “Biogenic Silver for Disinfection of Water Contaminated with Viruses” – this one using tiny silver particles to disinfect drinking water that’s been contaminated with viruses – it was once again demonstrated that silver kills the dreaded norovirus. The researchers wrote:

“…the transmission of waterborne human noroviruses is considered to be the major cause of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis.

Numerous outbreaks of norovirus-associated gastroenteritis have been linked with ingestion of contaminated drinking water, in developed countries also.

Therefore, the development of innovative drinking water quality control strategies is of the utmost importance in this decade. The objective of the present study was to examine the inactivation of a bacteriophage and a norovirus isolated from hospital sewage, by biogenic silver…

…After 30 min of contact time, the murine norovirus could not be detected anymore (< LOD), entailing a decrease of at least 4.7 log (>99.99%).”

So 99.99% of the norovirus used in the experiment were destroyed by the tiny silver particles.

A Korean study found similar results:

“We evaluated the antiviral efficacy of silver nanoparticles using a bacteriophage and a murine norovirus (MNV) under different environmental conditions.

This study demonstrated that silver nanoparticles are effective for inactivating bacteriophages and murine norovirus, a surrogate for human norovirus, in water.”

Learn More…

The bottom line is that colloidal silver can be astonishingly effective against norovirus.

As one norovirus victim wrote on the Mercola.com website: “I drank a half cup of colloidal silver and was better within hours. Nipped in the bud it was.”

And according to the TotalWellnessCenter.com website, in an article about killing off the norovirus naturally:

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“Colloidal silver 10ppm is a natural antiviral that looks & tastes like water. It will immediately begin killing off the virus in the stomach and digestive tract upon ingestion.

Adults take 1 teaspoon directly or added to a beverage every 2-3 hours until symptoms are completely gone. Small children ½ dose.”

If you’d like to learn how other experienced colloidal silver users have used colloidal silver against norovirus and other pathogens that cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and related disease symptoms, you might want to check out the two articles below, which are chock full of helpful testimonials:

• Colloidal Silver and Food Poisoning, Stomach Infections or “Stomach Flu”

• Colloidal Silver Heals Stomach Ailments FAST

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Using Colloidal Silver for Mononucleosis (Kissing Disease) and

Other Epstein Barr Virus Infections While there’s no clinical evidence that colloidal silver is effective for mononucleosis (aka mono) or other related Epstein-Barr viral infections, the anecdotal evidence continues to grow.

Many colloidal silver users say they were able to beat their mononucleosis, glandular fever or even chronic fatigue syndrome infections (all caused by Epstein-Barr virus) once they added

colloidal silver to their nutritional supplement regimen.

This should be no big surprise, of course, since many studies have demonstrated silver to be effective against a plethora of other viruses.

Here are just a few of the anecdotal reports I’ve seen in which Epstein-Barr virus-related infections such as mononucleosis, glandular fever and even chronic fatigue syndrome were beaten once colloidal silver usage was started…

I recently stumbled across a testimonial online, from a mother who gave colloidal silver to her 16-year-old daughter who had an extremely severe case of mono – the so-called “kissing disease” that so often afflicts young teens.

The child’s mono was so severe, in fact, the mother states that “She had turned yellow and every gland in her body was so swollen she could only drink from a straw and could not lift her head off the pillow.”

Since that testimonial has a positive outcome, I’m going to reprint it here, in just a moment. But first, some important background information on mononucleosis:

What Causes Mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis (normally shortened to “mono”) is generally thought to be caused by the Epstein-Barr virus – the same virus that’s been implicated as a cause of glandular fever

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as well as Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It’s actually a herpes family virus, also known as human herpesvirus 4, or HHV-4.

According to natural health journalist Maryam Henein, “Out of the roughly 320 million people in the U.S., over 225 million Americans have some form of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). You can get it by simply sharing a glass or a kiss… Infection with EBV is virtually inescapable; in the U.S., 95 percent of all adults will be infected by age 40, and 50 percent of all children by age five.”

Once the virus has been passed from one person to another, there is usually a period of between 4-7 weeks from the time of infection till symptoms begin to appear. Generally speaking, mono causes flu-like symptoms including fever, sore throat, headache, aching muscles, poor appetite and extreme fatigue. Victims might also experience swollen lymph nodes.

According to NaturalRemedies.org, “In severe cases, mononucleosis can cause inflammation of the liver, which can cause jaundice and hepatitis. Also, the spleen may become inflamed. Less common symptoms include low platelet count, low blood count, pericarditis, inflammation of the lungs, and rash on the skin… Although the symptoms are not typically life threatening, they can affect a person’s quality of life for several months.”

NaturalRemedies.org goes on to state, “The immune system never completely removes the virus, which goes into a dormant phase when the symptoms of mononucleosis have subsided. A dormant phase is a period of inactivity where the virus goes into a kind of sleep mode and does not reproduce. Because the virus is a permanent part of the person’s body after infection, it can change from being dormant to being active again without warning. It is therefore possible that individuals infected with mononucleosis can have repeat occurrences of the disease.”

Dr. Izabella Wentz, a pharmacist, agrees, stating, “The Epstein-Barr virus creates a latent infection in the body, where it lies dormant until the right time when it can reactivate and awaken.”

To sum up, just about every human being has been exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus. In some cases the immune system suppresses it, indefinitely. In other cases the virus might cause a case of mono, and then go dormant in the body after running its course. In other cases it can progress to glandular fever, which is similar to a severe case of tonsillitis, but tends to last for weeks rather than days. A latent Epstein-Barr infection can also come back later in life as another case of mono, or as a case of glandular fever.

In worst-case scenarios, particularly in cases in which there’s excess long-term stress in a person’s life, or a weakened immune system, or both, the Epstein-Barr virus can cause a

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more chronic form of disease normally referred to as Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. For a more detailed discussion on specific supplements demonstrated to help the body effectively deal with Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome, see An Open Letter to Victims of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)

Interesting Anecdotal Accounts

While there are no clinical studies documenting whether or not colloidal silver is effective against mono or the Epstein-Barr virus that causes it, there are nevertheless some quite interesting anecdotal accounts (i.e., testimonials).

Considering how prevalent mononucleosis can be, especially among teens, I thought I’d share a few of the ones I’ve seen. Here’s what one woman posted:

“I came upon colloidal silver 6 years ago when my 16-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a severe form of mono. She had turned yellow and every gland in her body was so swollen she could only drink from a straw and could not lift her head off the pillow.

The medical community put her on an antibiotic to clear up the strep throat and severe sinusitis that occurred due to the mono. They told me she would be out of school for about 8 weeks as her spleen had tripled in size.

I did some research and found colloidal silver online and mono (a virus) was listed as responsive to colloidal silver. I took the silver first and had no side effects. I gave it to my daughter and the swelling and yellowing of her eyes and skin disappeared in 3 days and she was able to swallow food again. She responded so quickly she was back in school 1 week after diagnosis cutting recovery time by 7 weeks.

Her spleen was back to normal in 5 weeks as we continued treatment. My pediatrician said that it was the worst case of mono he had seen in his practice of 30 years.

Ever since I have been using colloidal silver for my 4 teenagers and my husband for ear infections, stomach virus, strep throat, and bronchitis, burns, cuts, or any other ailments. The key to using silver is to use at the earliest sign of symptoms. This decreases the number of doses. Once symptoms disappear discontinue use.

I do however think it is important to make sure there are no allergies to silver and you have to be careful if you are an epileptic or have other conditions that may react negatively to silver use. I think you also have to be cautious using it on kids

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under 15 or 16 depending on their body weight which would determine the strength needed.”

Unfortunately, the woman gave no dosage information. I’m assuming she followed the dosage recommendations on the bottle of colloidal silver she purchased, which usually state to take a teaspoon to an ounce a day. It would be nice to know precisely how much colloidal silver she gave her mono-stricken daughter each day during that five week period of recovery, considering the severity of the condition and the positive outcome.

Here’s another testimonial on mononucleosis. This one is from the colloidal silver Testimonials page on TheSilverEdge.com website. And thankfully, the woman does mention the dosage she used when her son came down with mono:

“Colloidal Silver has been a Godsend to my family. Aside from taking care of flu and colds it cured my son of mononucleosis, which the doctor had told us there was no cure for.

I researched it on the internet and what I discovered was that Colloidal Silver would cure mono. This was before I had purchased my Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator. I had been at a health food store and seen a bottle of Colloidal Silver on the shelf. I asked what this was good for, and the store clerk told me if you feel a cold or flu coming on then drink half the bottle and it would knock it out.

I purchased it and put it in my medicine cabinet and forgot about it. When my son came down with mono and I researched it I started giving him 1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 at night. Within 3 days he was fine. This sold me on the product.

I was starting to feel bad around the same time and none of my old remedies were working. So I tried Colloidal Silver also. I took the same amounts day and night and it worked like magic.

After that I purchased my Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator and the rest is history. My family has not been sick since.”

— P.A., Dodge, TX

In the above testimonial we see that a dosage of one teaspoon of colloidal silver given twice per day worked, and it worked within three days, which is quite astonishing.

This was obviously a milder case of mono, compared to the case described in the earlier testimonial. Sometimes one’s colloidal silver dosage has to be adjusted in accord with

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severity, which is to say, mild cases might need less colloidal silver, whereas difficult or chronic cases might need significantly more for a short period of time.

An article posted on the Green Mom website states:

“When I had mono seventeen years ago, my mom brought over a bottle of colloidal silver for me. I didn’t know the first thing about the stuff, but my mom is a lifelong health nut and I trusted her. I don’t know if it helped speed my recovery, but I did start improving directly after I started taking it.”

Naturopath Elizabeth Noble, author of Nature’s Amazing Mononucleosis Cures, states that “Colloidal silver (at 5 parts per million) is recommended at 1-4 teaspoons a day as a preventative. It is safe for extended periods of time. In times of acute illness this can be increased to 3-12 teaspoons per day for up to 30 days before dropping to a maintenance dose…I personally take colloidal silver twice a day at a maintenance dose. I will increase it to four times a day, at the first sign of an infection appearing. I also find it great for kids as you can pop it into their water or juice, and it does not really have a taste…for children aged 4-12, one third to one half the recommended adult dose is suggested. Please check with your health practitioner for further guidance.”

Natural health practitioners often recommend colloidal silver for Epstein-Barr virus-related illnesses, as well, including for glandular fever which is more severe form of mono, and is similar to tonsillitis. According to Ayurvedic practitioner Nish Joshi of the Joshi Clinic in London, “I give colloidal silver as a treatment for coughs, colds, sore throats and stomach upsets, and use it in conjunction with other treatments for glandular fever.”

Another woman wrote that colloidal silver healed her husband of a nasty case of chronic fatigue syndrome, which, as I mentioned earlier, is widely considered to be caused by the same Epstein-Barr virus that causes mono and glandular fever. She stated:

“My husband had chronic fatigue and could never stay awake and was achy all the time. I started giving him colloidal silver and now I have to tell him to go to bed. He has more energy and is not tired all the time. Started out with 2 ounces twice a day, now down to 1 ounce twice a day. Also the family takes it.”

— K.M., Oregon

Another woman wrote in to tell us about her experience with Epstein-Barr virus and Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS):

“I have my own Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator I purchased from you and have been taking colloidal silver on an ongoing basis for about the last year.

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I’ve taken anywhere from a teaspoon to tablespoon a day as I have had Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and then it went into chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS) back in 1990 and then relapsed in 2000.

In 1990 I was so sick at that time that I was bedridden for three months or more. It took me over five years to start to feel like myself and then I still didn’t have a lot of energy as this virus is always in your system and I would fall back into it off and on throughout that time frame.

Every winter I always got bronchitis and my doctor would find mycoplasma in my blood every year which causes pneumonia. I would have to be very careful so I would not fall back into Epstein-Barr virus even though it was many years later. The relapse that I experienced in 2000 was caused from getting bronchitis to begin with in that year. I have fought with the fear ever since of possibly relapsing again, since it happened to me back then.

I purchased my generator and made my first batch of colloidal silver on 4/3/2010. Prior to that, I purchased colloidal silver from an online site. This winter 2010-2011 is the first winter I’ve gone through in 35 years that I didn’t get bronchitis, which in itself is a miracle. I’m no longer afraid that I may fall back into getting Epstein-Barr virus or CFIDS again. It’s nice to have the energy levels that I once had prior to EBV/CFIDS some 20 years ago.

I also use this to brush my teeth and it keeps the plaque down big time, used it on cuts and they heal like in four days. I use it instead of sinus spray to clear my sinuses and keep from getting sinus headaches/migraines. I just emptied out a saline solution bottle and spray it in my nose in the morning and it works great. This is a wonderful product and I’m so glad to be able to have my own generator and make my own.”

— MJS, Lansing, MI

As you can see, many people have found profound relief from Epstein-Barr virus symptoms by using colloidal silver. Silver seems to drive the Epstein-Barr virus into its dormant state, so healing is faster and the symptoms of the disease disappear more rapidly than they otherwise might.

Smaller Silver Particles Work Better

According to the WikiHow web page that covers natural treatment options for Epstein-Barr virus:

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“Consider colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is a liquid preparation containing small atomic clusters of electrically charged silver. The medical literature shows numerous viruses successfully treated with silver solutions.

But efficacy depends on size (particles should be less than 10nm in diameter) and purity (no salts or protein in the solution). Subnanometer-sized silver particles become highly electrically charged and can destroy the most rapidly mutating viral pathogens.”

That’s quite interesting. The author doesn’t talk about the dosage to be used. But he does mention that for silver particles to be effective against viral infections like Epstein Barr virus, they have to be very small “subnanometer-sized.”

And indeed, numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that the smaller the silver particles are, the more effective they are against both viruses and bacteria.

That’s because, while conventional colloidal silver products can contain silver particles and clusters as large as 200nm to 1,000nm or larger, a typical virus can range in size from only 20nm to 500nm. And when the silver particles are larger than the virus itself, the viruses can’t absorb them. This means the silver particles can’t get inside the virus to disrupt its DNA, which is what stops the virus from being able to replicate and cause infection.

Of course, the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge allows you to produce your own high-quality colloidal silver with tiny, subnanometer-sized silver particles as low as .8nm, which is a fraction of a single nanometer. (See photos showing the difference between tiny, subnanometer-sized silver particles, and standard silver particles, here.)

So being able to use extremely small silver particles when a viral infection is in play appears to be an essential element in terms of whether or not the colloidal silver treatment will be successful.

Other Natural Substances that Help Again Mono/Epstein-Barr virus

There are other natural substances widely considered to be helpful for mononucleosis infections. Extra virgin coconut oil, for example, contains the antiviral substance known as monolaurin. Many parents of mononucleosis victims swear by giving their child three tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil per day. They claim it relieves the sore throat which often accompanies mono, and dramatically reduces the symptoms resulting in faster healing time.

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Pharmacist Dr. Izabella Wentz, agrees, stating that “Monolaurin/lauric acid is one of the components of coconut oil, and has been found to be active against the Epstein-Barr virus.” She also recommends colloidal silver for immune support.

Another helpful supplement, according to website accounts, is high-dose vitamin C, given to bowel tolerance. In other words, according to online accounts from parents who use vitamin C on their children with mono, one might start out taking 500 mg. of vitamin C three times a day, and then gradually increase that to 1,000 mg. of vitamin C three times a day, or maybe even 2,000 mg. given three times a day until bowel tolerance is reached.

The term “bowel tolerance” means that at some point the vitamin C will cause loose stools or even outright diarrhea. That’s when you gradually begin to taper back down from the high dose you’ve reached, until the bowels normalize. According to proponents of this technique, you then stay at that dose until all viral symptoms are gone. Once symptoms are gone, some people recommend returning to the original starting dosage for a few weeks, as a “just in case” measure to help prevent a recurrence of the infection.

Based on online accounts I’ve read, the antiviral amino acid lysine is also considered by many parents to be helpful with mono and other manifestations of the Epstein-Barr virus. It’s generally used according to the instructions on the bottle. But some parents say up to 1500 mg. per day – taken in divided doses, i.e., 500 mg. three times a day – is what helped their children with mono.

For particularly stubborn cases of mono or glandular fever, many people actually recommend taking all three of the above-mentioned supplements. And I see no reason why small doses of colloidal silver can’t be taken also, throughout the course of the day, until the viral infection is conquered.

However, please remember that I’m not a doctor, so nothing I say should ever be taken as “prescriptive” in nature. I’m just a natural health journalist, sharing my own experiences with colloidal silver, as well as the experiences of others.

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Get Ready for Flu Season with

Colloidal Silver! Flu season is rapidly approaching, and one of the best ways to keep you, your family, and your home healthy is by including colloidal silver in your flu-fighting arsenal.

Here’s how my family prepares, and how you can too…

According to the CDC, “The timing of flu is unpredictable and can vary in different parts of the country and from

season to season.” The CDC also notes that flu season can begin as early as October and can last all the way through May, peaking between December-February.

Personally – with how nasty flu season can be – I think it’s never too early to start preparing…especially with how unpredictable flu season is.

So if you’re a fan of using natural means to keep your family healthy and infection-free, the best way to prepare is to act now, before your household is affected.

Here are 6 vital steps you should consider taking right now – before colds, flu and upper respiratory infections strike in your household.

By following these simple steps, you can indeed help protect yourself and your family against cold and flu viruses (and any bacterial pathogens, as well) during the winter cold and flu season:

Step #1: Stock Up on Colloidal Silver

During severe flu seasons such as the one now rapidly moving in upon us, health food stores are often quickly stripped bare of commercial brands of colloidal silver. That’s because colloidal silver is one of the world’s best, all-natural flu-fighting remedies. And it tends to fly off the shelves once the flu begins to strike in earnest.

Owning a high-quality Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to produce quart after quart of colloidal silver for the rest of your life, anytime you need it, for less than 36 cents per quart.

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Making Monster-Sized Batches of Colloidal Silver During Cold and Flu Season

If you have a colloidal silver generator and you let your friends, neighbors and co-workers know about it, you’re definitely going to be the “go-to” person in your area when cold and flu season strikes.

My wife and I give away gallons of colloidal silver every flu season, and since our own colloidal silver usage is substantial, that means we have to make multiple gallons at a time in order to assure we don’t run out.

We start every flu season by brewing up 4.5 gallons worth of colloidal silver over a weekend. It’s always a certainty that we’ll be giving a lot of it away over the next few weeks and months as flu season gets worse so we make sure to have plenty on hand.

Normally, we “brew” batches of colloidal silver for three hours per each quart, in order to get a 10ppm solution, but when fighting the flu we pull out the proverbial “big guns” (and in this case, they’re big jars).

We use two massive 2.25-gallon glass cookie jars for production containers (see photo above), which hold 9 quarts each. A “normal” 10ppm batch in our big jars would brew for 27 hours.

But to make our big flu season batches, we use our Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator to brew these batches for 48 hours per container to ensure double-strength colloidal silver.

After these massive 2.25-gallon double-strength batches are done, we carefully decant them into our usual 1 quart, wide-mouth amber mason jars with plastic lids and label them with their batch strength. Always make sure you label your double-strength flu season colloidal silver jars so that you know what strength you’re using.

Some of these containers will end up under the cabinets in our bathrooms and kitchen, so we can more easily refill the various spray bottles we use (more on that below).

We keep the rest of our jars aside in a cabinet ready for family, friends, and neighbors to come knocking when they inevitably come calling with the sniffles.

Some years we only do this at the start of the season, but there have been many previous flu seasons where we’ve had to make several monster-sized batches due to the severity of the spread.

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Remember, micro-particle colloidal silver can be stored for months or even years…so even if you end up with leftovers at the end of the season, you can still use it up without worry.

To see a great video on how easy it is to brew these monster-batches, click here.

Step #2: Stock Up on Steam-distilled Water

If you want the very best colloidal silver, you need pure steam-distilled water.

Make sure you get at least four or five gallons to keep aside, so you can make plenty of colloidal silver for family members, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc. should the flu season become especially bad.

Distilled water keeps for months or even years at a time. You don’t have to worry about it going bad. Just store it in a closet, pantry, or cabinet so it’s readily available to use as you need it to make colloidal silver over the course of the flu season.

Steam-distilled water is available from just about any major chain supermarket for well under $2 a gallon. We generally have good luck with the pure steam-distilled water from Walmart, which is even cheaper, averaging about a buck a gallon in most parts of the country.

For more details about how to ensure you’re buying the correct water for making colloidal silver, read my recent article, “Which Water Should Be Used to Make Colloidal Silver?“.

Step #3: Get Several Small, Fine-mist Pump Spray Bottles

Pump spray bottles are important because they’re so versatile. First of all, they allow you to spray a fine colloidal silver “mist” over areas such as countertops, door knobs, toilet handles, knobs and faucets or any other high contact surface areas where bacteria, viruses and other pathogens can concentrate and ultimately infect others.

The tiny silver particles air dry to the surface, and provide many hours of protection. During a health crisis, do this every time a visitor comes and goes from your house.

Secondly, you can use a pump spray bottle to lightly “mist” the air in your home with colloidal silver, walking from room to room and spraying toward the ceilings in order to let the ambient air carry the light silver mist throughout the room.

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(For more about using colloidal silver to keep a healthy home, see my recent article, “Disinfect Your Household Naturally with Colloidal Silver.”)

Third, you can use a pump spray bottle to “huff” colloidal silver. In other words, if you’ve been around a person you think may have been infected, you can go home, open your mouth and spray a light mist of colloidal silver directly into your mouth while simultaneously breathing in deeply in order to get the tiny silver particles deep down into your lungs where viruses may have lodged.

Fourth, knowing that viruses and other pathogens often enter through the eyes and ears, you can use your pump spray bottle to lightly spray the outside of your ear, behind your ear, and even directly into your eyes.

(Learn more about using colloidal silver in the eyes, in this short video. Learn more about using colloidal silver in the ears, in this short video.)

Additionally, pump spray bottles are great for spraying colloidal silver onto open sores, cuts, burns or other wounds, in order to keep them infection-free. Simply spray lightly over the affected area, and then let it air dry. Do this three or four times a day. The tiny particles of colloidal silver will adhere to the affected area, and protect it, also decreasing healing time, which is vital when infections of any kind are rampant.

You can use plastic or glass pump spray bottles. Glass is always preferable if you plan on storing colloidal silver in the pump spray bottle for months at a time. But plastic will work just fine for shorter periods of time between refills, such as a few weeks to a month at a time.

Pump spray bottles can easily be found on Amazon. You can also usually find them at your local Wal-Mart. Check the travel section for empty, travel-sized spray bottles, or in the gardening department for larger misting bottles.

If they’re sold out, go to the over-the-counter medicines department in your local pharmacy, and buy a pump spray bottle full of Chloraseptic, or Triaminic, or any other “sore throat spray.”

You can take the bottle home, dump the contents, clean the bottle out thoroughly with soap and warm water, and then rinse again thoroughly with warm water. Then fill it with colloidal silver.

And if you have any trouble finding a good source, check out some of the additional online sources in the following article, “Online Sources for Glass Containers for Making, Storing and Using Colloidal Silver.”

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Step #4: Get a Small Nasal “Pump Spray” Bottle

These nasal pump spray bottles can be filled with colloidal silver so you can spray colloidal silver up your nose and get it deeply into your sinuses, should you feel an infection coming on, or should you be exposed to a person who may be infected.

Carry this in your pocket or purse, or in your car, with you at all times, especially during cold and flu season. These little nasal “squeeze spray” bottles are generally available online, at Amazon, or at any local Walmart or pharmacy.

Or, for about a dollar, you can go to any local pharmacy and purchase a tiny, two-ounce plastic nasal spray bottle full of saline solution, which is used by allergy sufferers to clean their nasal passages and sinuses.

Simply open the lid, pull the little plastic spray tip off the top of the bottle, dump the saline solution out, rinse the inside of the bottle thoroughly with warm water, and then re-fill it with colloidal silver.

Filling the bottle only half-way actually makes it “mist” better when you spray it up your nose; you want that fine mist because it carries the tiny silver particles deep into the sinuses and even into the lungs, where any hidden viruses can be dealt with).

Step #5: Get a Couple of Eye-Dropper Bottles

Believe it or not, eye-dropper bottles can be incredibly helpful during flu season. Why? Cutting edge researchers say viruses and other pathogens often enter the body at the eyes and ears.

For example, when you shake hands with an infected person, or touch a countertop, door handle, or other surface which have viruses on them, and then inadvertently touch your finger to your eye or ear, you can easily become infected.

But you can often stop the infection dead in its tracks, before it gets started, simply by applying a few drops of colloidal silver to the eyes or ears.

During cold and flu season, I apply a drop or two of colloidal silver to my eyes up to several times a day, anytime I’ve been out in public where people have been coughing around me.

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And under those same circumstances, I’ll put a drop or two into my ear canal at night, when I lay down to sleep.

For more information, see my short video on how to use colloidal silver in the ears.

Step #6: Get a Few Pump Bottles of Liquid Hand Soap

Add some colloidal silver to liquid hand soap in order to make your own antimicrobial hand soap.

As you know, health authorities always emphasize that washing your hands repeatedly during the day is of utmost importance during a serious flu outbreak. And they’re right.

Using a good, high-quality antimicrobial soap is vital for keeping the flu bug from spreading from person to person, and from contact surface to contact surface.

This is why doctors in hospital environments use antimicrobial soap every single day. So making your own antimicrobial soap with colloidal silver, for use during cold and flu season, is just plain smart.

See this short “how to” video, demonstrating how to make your own colloidal silver gel and colloidal silver soap.

Short of that, simply use your pump spray bottle (see Step #3 above) to lightly spray your hands with colloidal silver after washing and drying them.

Then let them air dry by waving your hands in the air for a moment. The tiny silver particles will adhere to your skin and provide an added layer of protection against pathogens of all sorts.

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Avoid the Flu with Colloidal Silver

(And Beat It If You’re Already Sick) The single-best way to beat the flu is to never get it. And colloidal silver can help with that.

What often does the trick is simply taking a small amount of colloidal silver daily at the very start of cold and flu season, before any virus strikes.

As Lorraine S. wrote to tell me:

“I’ve not had a cold or flu since I started using colloidal silver, and I’ve been around so many people who were sick…Thank you for continuing to provide information on colloidal silver. I believe it has kept me healthy.”

And as Jacque C. recently wrote to say:

“I went for a checkup at the VA this week and the Doc wanted me to get a flu shot. I told him I take a flu shot every morning; a one oz. jigger of colloidal silver in my coffee, and I very seldom catch a cold or flu. But back when I took the vaccine I’d be sick as a dog for a couple of weeks afterwards about every time, so I don’t do those anymore.”

Marvin K., from Oregon, wrote to say:

“Our family has been using colloidal silver for awhile…about 3 years for myself. I no longer have continual cold/flu symptoms, but instead am healthier than most of the others at work, even those who I used to notice never get sick! …I very carefully started with low doses and increased to where I now use one gulp once or twice a day.”

Karen M. wrote to say:

“We just bought our second colloidal silver machine. We gave the first one to our daughter. We still can’t believe our daughter has not gotten sick once this year after 8 years of being sick every winter, all winter.

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She can now play outside in cold weather. She comes and asks for the colloidal silver if she starts feeling sick. We use the nasal sprayer for her sinuses and daily give her colloidal silver by mouth. It is amazing. The entire family has been flu free.

We own a small diner and have people coming and going all day every day. We keep sharing the colloidal silver with all who will take it. We feel blessed to have found your machine.”

And as Nancy S., from Topeka, KS, recently wrote:

“My husband and I drink a shot glass (about 1 oz) of colloidal silver every night before bed. We’ve been doing this for about 4 years now. Neither one of us has been sick since. And I should mention, we’ve been around people who were sick and didn’t catch anything.”

And as registered nurse, Sherri, recently wrote me:

“I take 30cc of Colloidal Silver daily. I do not get the flu, or colds. If I do feel that I’m getting congested, I’ll take 60cc Colloidal Silver daily, and the signs and symptoms of the cold or flu goes away in a couple days.”

And as D.V., from Pleasant Grove, Utah, wrote to say:

“I started using colloidal silver about 15 years ago. I take some almost every day. And when I feel any cold of flu symptoms coming on I increase the dosage each day to several teaspoons and have not developed any colds or flu in all these years.”

Colloidal Silver and Immunity

Along with the usual winter cold and flu season, we’ll all experience to one degree or another the challenges of the change-of-season, including lowered immunity, fatigue, congestion, runny nose, earache, colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia and more.

And while colloidal silver is not a “cure-all” for these conditions, much of the misery brought about by these conditions can nevertheless be alleviated through nutritional intervention with colloidal silver.

Take lowered immunity, for example. Everyone’s immunity seems to drop a bit in the winter. Some people more so than others.

But back in the 1970’s, when Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., conducted his groundbreaking research at Syracuse Medical University into electrically generated silver ions, he

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discovered that people who are prone to frequent and severe colds, flu and infections tend to have the lowest levels of silver in their bodies.

What’s more, he found that people who have fewer and less severe colds, flu and infections tend to have the highest levels of silver in their bodies.

He also found that people with lower levels of silver in their bodies tended stay sick longer during an infection episode than people with higher levels of silver in their bodies.

In other words, even if you do get sick, having higher levels of silver in your body appears to help slash the duration and severity of the illness, in comparison to people with lower levels of silver in their bodies.

How does this work?

In one clinical study, titled Treatment of Orthopedic Infections with Electrically Generated Silver Ions, Dr. Becker demonstrated that silver ions give a healthy boost to human blood cell production, including white blood cells, which are an integral part of the human immune system.

And in the 1980’s researchers Berger, Marino and Spadaro also confirmed that electrically generated silver ions boost human blood cell production.

This idea is based on the ground-breaking research of Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of the best-selling book, The Body Electric, who discovered during the course of his research into electrically-generated silver at Syracuse Medical University that the lower one’s bodily silver levels are, the more sickness and disease one is likely to have.

As I stated in my book, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, these findings lead to the obvious conclusion that while a low white blood cell count can open the door to serious immune system risks, and a low red blood cell count can lead to oxygen starvation of the body’s tissues and organs, electrically generated silver ions may help successfully counter these risks by stimulating both white and red blood cell production.

Dr. Becker concluded that silver was a vital component of the immune system, and that whether or not you suffer from serious colds, flu or other infections frequently depends in large part upon how much silver you have in your body.

As he later stated:

“While analyzing hair samples and questioning the parties involved, I noticed the correlation between low silver levels and sickness.

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People who showed low silver levels in their hair analysis were frequently sick. They seemed to have innumerable colds, flu, fevers, and various other sicknesses.

I believe that a silver deficiency may be the key to the improper function of the immune system.”

Other doctors and famous researchers who agree with the assertion that low silver levels in the body can result in lowered immunity against infection include Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. of the famous Tahoma Clinic in Washington State, and Dr. Joel D. Wallach, M.D., N.D., author of Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures, among many others.

Dr. Kent Holtorf, of the Holtorf Medical Group, also agrees, saying:

“There is evidence that silver is a natural critical component of our immune system.

Low tissue levels of silver associated with a dietary deficiency may result in a relatively weakened immune system, making one more prone to infection.

Thankfully, the modern versions of colloidal silver (oligodynamic silver) are shown to have little or no toxicity, so silver supplementation seems to be a relatively safe and effective means of improving immunity.”

Again, colloidal silver is not a panacea for every infection that comes down the road. After all, even the healthiest and fittest people tend to get sick from time to time. That’s just a given in this life. The flesh is weak.

And there’s simply no replacement for healthy living. People who overeat, drink to excess, smoke, use drugs, are addicted to sugar (which destroys immunity), fail to exercise regularly, engage in risky activities or fail to reduce stress in their lives can’t expect to take a little bit of colloidal silver each day and remain well.

That’s just not how life works. There’s no substance or pill on the face of the earth that can keep you well if you otherwise abuse your body.

But generally speaking, colloidal silver, when used wisely and with proper discretion, appears to directly help prevent immunity from crashing through the floor. And that’s all the more important in the cold winter months when colds and flu are so prevalent.

So to the extent heightened immunity helps ward off infection and disease, colloidal silver can be a Godsend.

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If you haven’t done so already, you can learn more about using colloidal silver daily for nutritional intervention by going to the following link and obtaining your FREE copy of The Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report.

But nutritional intervention with colloidal silver isn’t just for boosting immunity.

Because of its profound infection-fighting qualities, colloidal silver can also be used to directly intervene against many of the infectious conditions one normally experiences during the course of the winter cold and flu season.

An Ounce of Prevention…

The bottom line is that the old saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is true.

Sometimes, it’s simply best not to wait until the flu strikes to start taking colloidal silver. It’s much harder to help the body heal a raging infection than it is to stop the infection from taking place altogether.

So during cold and flu season, consider taking small amounts of colloidal silver every day so there’s always a bit of silver circulating in your body to help fight off viruses, bacteria and fungal pathogens before they can colonize and spread.

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How Much Colloidal Silver to Take

Prophylactically for the Flu Finding your baseline dosage is your first step to flu prevention.

“Baseline dosage” means the dosage you can safely take every single day for the rest of your life with no chance of ending up with argyria (i.e., silver deposits in the body).

Here’s how it works:

According to the Silver Safety Council, the formula for determining your maximum safe daily nutritional supplement baseline dosage is as follows:

First, multiply your body weight by 12. And then divide that total by theppm of the colloidal silver solution you’re using.

This will tell you how many DROPS (i.e., from an eye dropper) of colloidal silver you can take each day, safely, for a lifetime, without fear of ending up with argyria (i.e., skin-staining).

For example, if you’re 125 pounds, and you’re using a 10ppm colloidal silver solution, you’d multiply 12 x 125 = 1,500. Then divide 1,500 by 10 (ppm), which is 150.

So at a body weight of 125 pounds, you can safely take 150 drops of colloidal silver per day, for your entire life, according to the Silver Safety Council.

That’s about a teaspoon and a half per day for a 125 pound person. You can perform the above calculation using your own body weight, and theppm of whatever colloidal silver product you’re using. It’s very simple.

Once you’ve found out how many drops of colloidal silver you can take each day, for a lifetime, on a nutritional supplement basis, here’s a link to a web page where you can easily convert drops to teaspoons.

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Using Colloidal Silver When You

Already Have the Flu

During times of infection, such as a cold or flu, many experienced colloidal silver users will increase their dosage to as much as four or five times their daily nutritional supplement baseline dosage. Sometimes more, depending upon need and severity of symptoms.

So, for example, if you’re a 125 pound person who would normally take a teaspoon and a half full of colloidal silver per day for nutritional supplement purposes, you might increase that to a teaspoon and a half four or even five times a day, for up to a week or ten days, if necessary, when battling an active case of flu.

That’s just a general rule-of-thumb. I’m not “prescribing” it for anyone. I’m just reporting on what thousands of other colloidal silver users have told me they do as I’ve conducted research for my book, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, which is the world’s best-selling book on colloidal silver and its usage.

While modern medical science hasn’t been able to come up with anything to get rid of a cold or flu once it’s gotten started, oftentimes nutritional intervention with colloidal silver usage can bring tremendous relief, and even help dramatically shorten the duration of a cold or flu bug.

First, if you have a nasty cold or flu that’s really got you down, you can consider putting some colloidal silver into a cool mist vaporizer and let it run steadily in the room where you’re resting.

By breathing in the silver-laden mist, you’ll often find dramatic relief for your chest, lungs, and nasal passages.

As colloidal silver user Diane L., from Erie, MI wrote some time back:

“I have put a few ounces in my humidifier/vaporizer at night to sanitize the air and breathe colloidal silver into my lungs to help break up chest congestion.

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If I feel Bronchitis coming on, I will also use the humidifier/vaporizer during the day and increase my internal dose up to 2 ounces, 3 times a day.”

Not only that, but by using colloidal silver in a vaporizer or humidifier, the colloidal silver-laden mist will spread throughout the room on the ambient air and help kill germs and viruses on contact surfaces, thus helping prevent other family members from picking up the infection.

So this technique gives you a two-fold protection: It helps relieve cold and flu symptoms, and helps keep the bug from spreading throughout your household.

Now some people just add a few ounces of colloidal silver to the water in the holding tank of their humidifier or vaporizer. But others choose to fill the entire tank with colloidal silver, particularly if they’re battling a particularly nasty cold, flu or bronchitis infection.

Of course, the holding tank of a cool mist vaporizer can hold several quarts to a gallon of water. So if you’re using colloidal silver in the tank, instead of water, you’ll need an inexpensive way of generating that much colloidal silver.

So here’s a short video showing you how to use a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilverEdge.com to make extra-large batches of high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver, for those times when you need to have plenty on hand.

Finally, many people find dramatic relief from colds, flu or bronchitis simply by taking a few teaspoons full of colloidal silver each day. As colloidal silver user W.E. Quirein recently wrote:

“My own experience has been phenomenal.

I had bronchitis for about 3 weeks when my Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator arrived. I made a batch and started taking it.

Within two days I didn’t have any bronchitis symptoms.

I was only taking a teaspoon per day. I was amazed.”

Of course, other people may need more colloidal silver than that to help stop a persistent or very nasty cold, flu or bronchitis. But the point is, it really works!

As Harold H. from Barstow, CA attests:

“When my new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator arrived I was down for the count, having caught some kind of virus.

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While my head was plugged up and body aching, I hurriedly created my first batch of Colloidal Silver.

I took 4 ounces the first day and felt 50% better in less than 8 hours!

The second day, I again took 4 ounces; incredibly I felt the same overwhelming results.

By the third day, I had risen from my bed and returned to work!

The massive amount of energy I now receive from taking an ounce a day has brought new life to this old 53 year old man!

If I had never purchased your video I would never have known about this wonderful elixir.

Thank you so much for your research, newsletters and providing me with the best Colloidal Silver Generator on the planet!

I am driving my friends crazy telling them about it!”

As you can see, people have experienced dramatic healing from colloidal silver even when they’ve waited until they were already sick to take it.

Stubborn Cases of Cold, Flu or Bronchitis

If things are really bad, and you feel the cold or flu is getting the best of you, or even turning into bronchitis, you might want to try inhaling colloidal silver directly into the lungs using a simple device originally designed for asthmatics, called a nebulizer.

A nebulizer differs significantly from a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier in that when it runs, it micro-atomizes any liquid (such as colloidal silver) placed into its small holding tank, turning it into a micro-fine mist that’s far easier for the lungs to absorb.

This allows you to inhale a more concentrated dose of the liquid directly into the lungs.

Here’s an eye-opening video and related article titled “Using Colloidal Silver With a Nebulizer,” that explains exactly how to deal with stubborn upper respiratory infections by inhaling colloidal silver directly into the lungs using a nebulizer:

• Using Colloidal Silver With a Nebulizer

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While I never recommend nebulizing colloidal silver directly into the lungs on a daily basis for long periods of time, most experts say it’s perfectly safe to use several times daily for a short period of time (i.e., for several days in a row) – particularly for helping obtain dramatic relief from upper respiratory infections.

But be sure to read the article at the link above for several important warnings and contraindications.

Finally, if all else fails when trying to stop a cold or flu from becoming a full-fledged nuisance, here’s an interesting idea from Anders Sultan, a well-known colloidal silver expert, and manufacturer of the famous Ionosil brand colloidal silver, from Sweden.

Anders says when ingesting colloidal silver orally for colds or flu, sometimes you have to add a little bit of whiskey, vodka or red wine to your colloidal silver in order to help it break through the fatty cell wall that surrounds many cold or flu viruses. He explains:

“There are hundreds of viruses that can give you a cold. And there are certain viruses that surround themselves with fatty cells. These are known as lipid viruses. The influenza virus, for example, is a lipid virus.

And unfortunately, these viruses can tolerate colloidal silver fairly well. This is because the water-based silver does not easily penetrate the lipid barrier of the virus, known as a lipid bi-layer envelope.

However, if you mix equal parts colloidal silver with whisky, vodka or even red wine – and squeeze some fresh lime or lemon juice in, too – you have a recipe that will take care of lipid virus infections very efficiently.

Both the alcohol and the acid from the citrus will do its part of dissolving the lipid-based defense system of the virus.

Take a teaspoon every five to ten minutes for a couple of hours – as soon as you feel you have caught something – and the cold or influenza will usually be gone in a matter of hours.

Keep it under your tongue for a minute and the sublingual part of your mouth will absorb the silver directly into your bloodstream.

Small doses at this frequency helps assure that your body will have a good supply of active silver to fight viruses, as the silver ions are removed by the kidneys in a matter of minutes.”

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So there you have a number of interesting and effective ways to use colloidal silver to help stave off, mitigate or completely defeat a cold or flu.

Taking a “Vacation” Away from Colloidal Silver Usage, Afterwards

As I’ve mentioned in several previous articles, whenever I’ve been sick with an unexpected or stubborn infection such as a nasty cold or flu, and I’ve chosen to taken larger-than-normal amounts of colloidal silver, afterwards I always try to take a short “vacation” away from colloidal silver consumption for a few days to a week or more before returning to my normal daily baseline dosage of colloidal silver.

And during the course of that “vacation” away from colloidal silver usage, I always start drinking lots of fresh, pure water in order to help flush any excess or accumulated silver particles out of my body through the liver, kidneys and sweat glands.

I also start taking specific supplements known to help the liver and kidneys clear any excess silver particles and prevent oxidative stress inside the body (such as Vitamin E at 400 IU, N-acetyl-cysteine at 500 mg. and maybe some selenium at 200 mcg., as suggested by Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D. in his articles on colloidal silver usage).

Finally, in case the high doses of colloidal silver I’ve been taking have killed off any of the beneficial digestive microbes in my intestinal tract, I also start taking a good probiotic supplement with a full “grid” of active cultures of beneficial digestive microbes (such as Dr. Langer’s Ultimate 16 Strain Probiotic supplement, or NOW brands GR8dophilus with eight probiotic strains), in order to help my body re-establish it’s internal micro-flora.

Or, sometimes I’ll just start eating a good, high-quality yogurt or kefir product that contains large numbers of active beneficial bacterial cultures. And I might do this daily for several weeks.

Only after doing those three things, usually for a good week to 10 days or more after ceasing to take the larger colloidal silver dosages, do I return to my normal daily adult baseline nutritional supplement dosage of colloidal silver.

Colloidal Silver and Earache

The onset of winter can bring about a host of other miserable conditions, as well. For example, let’s talk about using colloidal silver for earaches.

Here in the Nevada desert where I currently live, the change-of-season is barely underway in November, and already both my wife and I have felt earaches brewing.

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But we nipped them in the bud quickly and easily by applying colloidal silver directly into our ears.

If you’re not familiar with the simple method for knocking out earaches in a single day with colloidal silver, you might want to read natural health author Angela Kaelin’s informative article, Colloidal Silver: Healing Ear Infections the Safe, Easy Way.

I strongly recommend reading it before this winter season really gets started in earnest. As one reader recently wrote about the ease in which earaches can be healed with colloidal silver:

“On two different occasions my 8-year-old granddaughter complained that her ears were hurting her.

Both times her mother just put 3 drops of colloidal silver in each ear, (made with the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator).

She had Breanna lay on her side for at least 10 minutes with each ear facing up so that the silver had time to work and not just run right back out.

This was done twice a day for 2 days and the problem was gone.”

— S. Glentz, MI

Colloidal silver user D.T. Ricard, or Texas agrees, saying:

“We use it in our ears (and in the grandchildren’s) to keep infections away. Anyone that has an earache gets drops in their ear. The grandkids never had to go to the doctor for ear infections.”

And as colloidal silver user J.F. attests:

“My 10-year-old has had earaches 3 different times that were completely gone in the morning (and didn’t return) when we used the colloidal silver the night before as drops in her ear.”

Adding a few drops (i.e., two or three at most) of colloidal silver into the affected ear, and allowing it to soak in for six or eight minutes really works, folks.

So be sure to read the article linked to above, for a more comprehensive overview of this very helpful and effective use of colloidal silver.

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Colloidal Silver and Sore Throat

When Dr. James Balsch, M.D. and his wife Phyllis Balsch, C.N.C., wrote their bestselling book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, they stated that colloidal silver could be gargled to stop a sore throat.

Other experienced colloidal silver users prefer to carry a small pump spray bottle full of colloidal silver and spray the inside of the throat repeatedly throughout the day to relieve the burning pain of sore throat, and to bring the infection under control.

Even the famous Dr. Oz, formerly of Oprah Show fame, has finally came around earlier this year and acknowledged the fact that colloidal silver works wonderfully for stopping sore throats.

In fact, earlier this year he explained to a female guest on his The Dr. Oz Show, who was complaining of repeated sore throats, that all you have to do is spray colloidal silver into your mouth or use it as a gargle two or three times a day in order to stop the bacteria or virus causing the infection.

Here’s a recent testimonial on stopping a sore throat with colloidal silver, from an Oregon resident who’s an avid colloidal silver user:

“Our teenager got a sore throat. I had her take 1 teaspoon of colloidal silver and hold it under her tongue for 30 seconds and then gargle it. The sore throat was gone in 2 days.”

— K.M., Oregon

Frankly, I’ve personally used colloidal silver to knock out stubborn sore throats on a number of occasions over the past 17 years.

But generally I have to gargle with a full ounce of 10ppm strength colloidal silver at a time, three or four times a day, to get maximum relief from the throat infection.

Kansas resident B. Bloom tells us exactly how she uses colloidal silver to beat a sore throat:

“If one of us begins to get a sore throat, we use a small spray bottle and spray it in the mouth, throat and nose.

We try to keep it in contact with the affected area for six to ten minutes. It’s hard to keep it in the throat without swallowing.

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Each time you swallow, spray more in the throat. Keep in there for six to ten minutes. We do it two or three times a day.

By the second day the sore throat and oncoming cold is gone. Sure beats the agony of sore throats and taking meds.”

Another reader says he uses colloidal silver and tequila to stop sore throats. Now that sounds interesting. I wonder if he learned this from Anders Sultan? He wrote:

“When I get a sore throat, I use a 12 oz. old-fashioned glass and mix about ¾ of an inch of tequila and ¾ of an inch of colloidal silver and fill the rest of it with Margarita mix.

Stir (no ice) and sip very slowly to keep maximum contact time on the sore throat.

Doing this two times usually cures a sore throat, and continuing with the use of colloidal silver will shorten a cold or flu!”

— F. Chilcote, Pinetop, AZ

So you see, folks, apparently getting sick can be fun, too – especially if you like Margaritas!

The obvious caveat goes here: Don’t drive or operate heavy equipment or machinery if using this unusual technique to overcome a nasty sore throat or cold!

Colloidal Silver and Sinus Congestion

Sinus problems tend to get worse during the winter season for many people, particularly for those who suffer from sinus congestion.

But if you’ve got plenty of colloidal silver on hand, there are four easy ways to use it to beat a pesky sinus problem.

To learn how, check out my article 4 Effective Ways to Use Colloidal Silver to Deal with Pesky Sinus Problems (Including Sinus Cough), which reveals the four simple, inexpensive tools you’ll need in order to be able to successfully use colloidal silver against sinus problems.

And be sure to read Angela Kaelin’s eye-opening article Breathe Clearly Again, Using Colloidal Silver and a Neti Pot, which explains how to keep the sinuses healthy and infection-free by rinsing them out regularly with colloidal silver, using a neti pot.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Here’s what one brand new colloidal silver user wrote about using colloidal silver for a nasty sinus problem:

“I decided to try colloidal silver nasal spray after suffering from a sinus infection/cold for over two weeks.

I happened to be watching the Dr. Oz show and he was discussing his remedies for the common cold…

…When he got to colloidal silver I was convinced to try it.

…I bought the colloidal silver nasal spray this weekend and have used it conservatively for the past two days.

I noticed a difference almost immediately and slept throughout the night without congestion; something I had not been able to do for weeks.

I will continue to use the spray for the next day or two making sure to use the lowest dose. I think colloidal silver nasal spray has received a thumbs-up from me.”

What’s more, colloidal silver user Jake, from Richland Center, WI recently wrote:

“…during my last cold I had started showing green nasal discharge.

So I cleaned out an empty plastic squeeze spray bottle and filled it with colloidal silver using it about 2 squirts four times daily.

Within a few days the green discharge cleared up and I discontinued it after five days.”

Yes, simply spraying colloidal silver into the nasal passages several times a day, using a small plastic squeeze spray bottle, can knock out a nasty sinus infection in record time.

So don’t let sinus congestion or sinus infection get you down this winter. Use colloidal silver to eradicate it quickly, safely and easily!

In Conclusion…

Whether you use small amounts of colloidal silver orally to boost immunity and spur the body’s natural defenses, or use any of the tips above to help knock out winter sinus infections, sore throats, cold, flu or bronchitis…

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


… you’ll find this amazingly effective natural substance to be an indispensible part of your winter-time nutritional supplement arsenal.

As reader Nancy S. from Topeka, Kansas recently wrote:

“My husband and I each drink a shot glass full of colloidal silver (about 1 oz) every night before bed.

We’ve been doing this for about 4 years now. Neither one of us has been sick since.

And I should mention, we’ve been around people who were sick and didn’t catch anything.

My father bought me the colloidal silver generator and extra silver wires. The best gift he could’ve ever given me…improved health!”

And as M.K. from Oregon recently wrote:

“Our family has been using colloidal silver for awhile…about 3 years for myself.

I very carefully started with low doses and increased to where I now use one gulp once or twice a day.

I no longer have continual cold/flu symptoms, but instead am healthier than most of the others at work, even those who I used to notice never get sick!

My wife had pneumonia once, and colloidal silver alone made her well. Another time she had strep throat, and colloidal silver was what took it away. We no longer use other antibiotics…no need.

I have been able to help others as well.

Since we make our own colloidal silver with the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, the cost is minimal.

I use empty sparkling cider bottles (which come with a plastic lid) to store the colloidal silver.”

— M.K., OR

And as a very good friend of mine has recently written:

“My husband wanted me to share this with you:

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Shortly after we got married he had a dual organ transplant. So he has to take anti-rejection drugs that keep his immune system function artificially low in order to stop his body from rejecting the transplanted organs.

This means he has a severely compromised immune system due to the anti-rejection drugs he must take for the rest of his life.

So he has to be very careful during the winter cold and flu season, and avoid getting sick at all costs.

…To compensate for the lowered immunity, he drinks a small amount of colloidal silver every day, made with his Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, and has done so since 1998.

He has had no ill effect from it at all (i.e. he is not blue). Most importantly, he has never been burdened with colds or infections like other organ transplant recipients we know.

The colloidal silver keeps him from getting every bug that comes along. He’s never even had a flu shot.

We just can’t say enough good things about colloidal silver. We make a batch with our Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator every couple of days.

It has definitely been a very worthwhile investment in maintaining our own good health.”

— Marie B., CA

So as you can see, colloidal silver really works. Its anti-infection benefits can border on the seemingly miraculous.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


A Powerful Solution Worth Taking

Advantage Of You see, there is now a way to make your own high-quality nano-scale colloidal silver – also known as micro-particle colloidal silver – for only a few pennies per quart, using a brand new breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology called the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilverEdge.com.

Yes, you read that right. You can actually make your own high quality nanosilver colloidal silver, one-quart batch at a time, for only about 36 cents per quart batch.

Indeed, independent laboratory testing demonstrates that with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator you can make silver particles as low as .0008 microns, which is just .8 nanometers (nm). That’s a fraction of a single nanometer in size!

Saving Lives

Thanks to the advent of the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilverEdge.com, there’s no longer any need to worry about running out of nano-particle colloidal silver and not having enough to go around during a deadly viral crisis. And there’s no reason to worry about store shelves being stripped bare of nanosilver during a true pandemic. Finally, there’s no longer any need to worry about the EPA banning the sale of colloidal silver products containing nano-scale silver.

That’s because, with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilverEdge.com in your corner, you’ll literally own the means of nano-scale colloidal silver production.

Therefore, you can make all of the safe, completely natural, high-quality nano-scale colloidal silver you’ll ever need, any time you need it, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, a full one-quart batch at a time.

Indeed, you can make each one-quart batch of safe, absolutely pure, high-quality nanosilver for about the cost of the loose change you’d normally find under a couch cushion. And, as the video at this link demonstrates, it’s as easy to do as brewing a pot of coffee.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Having the means of nano-scale colloidal silver production at your fingertips puts you firmly in the driver’s seat, and gives your family a solid added layer of protection against infectious disease in this age of mutating pathogens and hybrid viral outbreaks in which we now live.

Best yet, the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is the only colloidal silver generator on the market today that produces such uncommonly small silver particles, giving you the nanosilver advantage literally for the rest of your life.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Be Ready to Take Care of Yourself

and Your Family In the event of yet another serious global viral outbreak – or something even worse – you really have only two choices: Depend upon the government, or be prepared ahead of time to take care of yourself and your family.

For example, in Mexico City, where the early 2009 Swine Flu pandemic started, the government health care system basically collapsed overnight. In part this was because

they simply weren’t prepared for such a rapid viral onslaught with so many casualties in such a short period of time, and in part this was because a lot of doctors simply packed their bags and left town after so many people started dying.

That’s why you saw numerous photos of Mexican policemen handing out surgical face masks to passing motorists. It was pretty much the only recourse the Mexican government had left, next to closing down the city’s businesses and public buildings.

My advice is this: Don’t wait for the government, be prepared to take care of yourself and your family.

Being able to make all of the high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver you could ever need for about 36 cents a quart will give you a powerful sense of self-reliance and peace of mind knowing that you’ll be ready and able to take care of your family.

To get a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator today, simply click the link and order online.

Or you can call our good friends at The Silver Edge toll-free, 1-888-528-0559 and order anytime, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm Arizona time.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


In Conclusion… I began this special report by stating, “While there is no argument that colloidal silver is the world’s most powerful natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, the ability of colloidal silver to protect against viral pathogens has, until recently, not been fully established by the medical community.”

Hopefully, this report has demonstrated for you the simple fact that the clinical evidence for colloidal silver’s powerful antiviral qualities has been there all along. It’s simply been overlooked and neglected by medical science until only recently. And now, the evidence is so strong for silver’s powerful antiviral qualities, researchers are chomping at the bits to find new ways to utilize it.

It’s also important to reiterate that owning the means of nano-scale colloidal silver production is probably the #1 smartest thing you can do right now, in light of the high probability of future viral pandemics. And being able to produce true nano-scale colloidal silver – quickly and easily, any time you need it, in the comfort and privacy of your own home – is without a doubt the single-most important ability you can have for the protection of yourself and your family, as well as your friends and loved ones.

To see for yourself how easy it is to make your own high-quality micro-particle nanosilver, watch the FREE 3-minute demonstration video right here.

The Bottom Line…

The bottom line is that medical research clearly demonstrates the fact that very small nano-scale particles of silver are the single-most effective all-natural anti-viral substance on the face of the earth.

And considering the alternatives (i.e., ineffective pharmaceuticals and potentially dangerous and untested vaccines), it may well be your only hope for achieving maximum personal and family protection in this age of strange and potentially deadly diseases in which we now live.

So if you haven’t done so already, make sure you act quickly and decisively and order a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator today.

Waiting until the last minute is never a good choice, as you well know. The EPA has even been making noises about banning colloidal silver generators, too (see The Coming Ban on Colloidal Silver Generators). So there is simply no telling how long these phenomenal little devices will still be legally available.

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


The big drug companies simply want no competition whatsoever for their dangerous vaccines and worthless anti-viral drugs. And without a doubt in my mind, colloidal silver represents the single-greatest threat to their multi-billion dollar annual monopoly on these drugs and vaccines. That’s why the powers that be are pulling out all stops in order to have access to nanosilver removed from the market.

In short, the sooner you own the means of colloidal silver production, the sooner you’ll be in the driver’s seat, and won’t have to worry about finding an effective natural means to help your family and friends during a major health crisis.

You’ll never again have to pay

greedy health food store or

internet vendors up to $30 for a

tiny four-ounce bottle of

colloidal silver!

Now, you can make your own

absolutely awesome,

therapeutic-quality colloidal

silver…for about 36 cents a

quart (no kidding!)

...with a brand new high-quality

Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver

Generator from The Silver Edge!

You probably didn’t realize it, but for years, commercial colloidal silver vendors have been ripping you off! The colloidal silver in the tiny four-ounce bottles they sell you for $30 or more costs them only about twelve cents to make!

But now, with a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, you can make your own safe, pure, high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver for about 36 cents a quart!

Compared to typical health food store prices of $30 for a tiny 4-oz. bottle, the very first one-quart batch you make literally pays for the entire cost of your new generator! Do you know of any other health product that literally pays for itself the very first time you use it?

Learn more at www.TheSilverEdge.com. Or call 1-888-528-0559 for more information.

Discover how easily you can produce your own high-quality colloidal silver – for less than 36 cents a quart – in the comfort and privacy of your own home, using a safe, simple-to-operate, Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilverEdge.com!

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


The Silver Edge PO Box 84910, Phoenix AZ 85071

Phone: 1-888-528-0559 (Sales and Customer Service) Tech Support: 1-760-253-1916 Web Site: www.TheSilverEdge.com Email: [email protected]

Your Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Our good friends at The Silver Edge stand firmly behind their products. You must be absolutely convinced that your new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge is everything promised – and much more – or you get your money back, no “ifs,” “ands” or “buts”!

It’s that simple. They take all of the risk for 30 days, while you put their unit to the test. And then you decide. If you’re dissatisfied for any reason, just let them know and they’ll cheerfully refund your money.

Your One-Year Limited Warranty!

What’s more, you can rest easy because each generator is fully warranted against defects in parts and workmanship for one full year. If it fails to work for any reason (i.e., short of abuse – they are extremely rugged, but not indestructible) The Silver Edge will either fix it or replace it. These sturdy generators are made of the highest quality materials and electronics, and have literally been built to last for a lifetime.

Unlike the cheap little “throwaway” generators and “mudmakers” offered by other companies, the electronic components in these generators are rated for at least 10,000 hours at peak load. And since the units utilize far less than 1/10th of peak load to make colloidal silver, they should last for well over 100,000 hours! In other words you’ll probably end up willing your new generator to your children or grandchildren someday.

To order online right now from our good friends at The Silver Edge, simply click here. Or call them toll-free: 1-888-528-0559 (Mon-Fri, 8 am to 4 pm, Arizona time).

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


The Best Colloidal Silver Information

Resources Available The hard-to-find books, DVDs, Special Reports and CDs listed directly below are sold by Life & Health Research Group, LLC. They’re widely considered to be the world’s most reliable informational resources on colloidal silver and its many healing uses.

And now you can have access to them, at specially reduced prices, for the next 14 days only!

The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual – Newly revised and updated to a whopping 547-pages, giving you encyclopedic knowledge of colloidal silver and the many ways to use it successfully. Over 40 chapters covering the infectious diseases colloidal silver has widely been used to treat…overviews of the most important clinical studies from the late 1800’s to the present day, which prove its astonishing effectiveness…two complete dosage chapters documenting how much to take and when for various infectious diseases…in-depth interviews with top

colloidal silver experts…and much, much more. This is the book all top natural health practitioners buy when they want to learn how colloidal silver is used. The most in-depth guide to colloidal silver and its usage ever published. Written in plain, easy-to-understand language. Reg. $178.00…On Sale Now: Only $78.00 (You save $100)

The Colloidal Silver Secrets Video (DVD) – Your one-hour “crash course” in making and using colloidal silver. In this full-color “how to” video presentation, TV personality Kirsten Burtt interviews Steve Barwick, author of The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, and asks the questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to about the powerful infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver, and how to use it for maximum healing results. Learn how to use colloidal silver to heal a myriad of infections and diseases. Barwick even demonstrates how to make your own colloidal silver generator, and explains the differences

between the three major types of colloidal silver generators. Reg. $59.95…On Sale Now: Only $19.95 (You save $40)

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


The Colloidal Silver Secrets Video Part II (DVD) – Your brand new, full-color, 60-minute follow-up DVD to the Colloidal Silver Secrets Video above. It consists of Steve Barwick personally demonstrating twelve separate “how to” lessons on making and using colloidal silver, including: How to use colloidal silver in a nasal spray bottle to banish sinus infections and allergy problems for good…How to use colloidal silver in a Neti Pot to relieve sinus problems that are more stubborn than usual…How to make your own colloidal silver gel and colloidal silver soap in just minutes, using your homemade colloidal silver…How to prove – right in your kitchen – that the colloidal silver actually kills bacteria…How to heal infected

boils with colloidal silver and a simple clay poultice…How to heal eye infections with colloidal silver, the quick, easy way…How to cure an earache with colloidal silver…How to make colloidal silver toothpaste in just minutes…and much, much more! Reg. $59.95…On Sale Now: Only $19.95 (You save $40)

Colloidal Silver: What the Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know (CD) – This is the original 60-minute audio-taped interview on CD, featuring Dr. Gary North interviewing yours truly, Steve Barwick, author of The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual! Just plop it into your CD player and listen. In this eye-opening interview Dr. North peppers me with questions designed to help beginning colloidal silver users understand how powerful and effective colloidal silver really is. I explain colloidal silver usage from A to Z as Dr. North pins me down with the hard questions you’ve probably always wanted to know the

answers to, but didn’t know who to ask, including what the best kind of colloidal silver is…how to use colloidal silver topically, for external infections…and much, much more! Reg. $19.95…On Sale Now: Only $9.95 (You save $10)

Colloidal Silver and Cancer: A Surprising Look! – This brand new 196-page soft cover book brings you completely up-to-date on the use of colloidal silver as a powerfully effective nutritional adjunct to cancer. You’ll read overviews of 50 of the latest clinical studies demonstrating silver to be effective against over a dozen forms of cancer. Plus, you’ll read 20 real-life reports from people who claim to have successfully cured their cancers using colloidal silver, or who have used colloidal silver to dramatically improve their conditions. And you’ll read about an unusual medical investigational protocol for using colloidal silver against cancer, and

the astonishing stories of healing involved. Reg. $49.95…On Sale Now: Only $24.95 (You save $25)

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Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


Colloidal Silver Cures MRSA (booklet) – In this eye-opening new 36-page booklet, you’ll learn why medical authorities are still so suspiciously silent about colloidal silver’s proven ability to heal MRSA infections, in spite of the fact that 94,000 Americans develop life-threatening MRSA infections each and every year, and a whopping 18,650 Americans die from those infections. And you’ll discover through a half dozen case histories exactly how people are curing their own MRSA infections with colloidal silver, including the specific methods of administration they’re using and

the dosages, as well. Reg. $29.95…On Sale Now: $19.95 (You save $10)

Real-Life Colloidal Silver Success Stories (book) – This eye-opening 95-page soft cover book features over 100 experienced colloidal silver users explaining their favorite ways to use colloidal silver and revealing their most profound colloidal silver success stories. You’ll get specific colloidal silver dosage information and usage instructions for specific diseases such as MRSA infections, herpes infections, sore throats, eye infections, prostate infections, skin cancer, Candida yeast infections, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, infected cuts and burns, Poison Ivy, Swine Flu, sinus infections, infected boils, earaches, pet

infections, viral infections, upper respiratory infections, low energy levels, diarrhea, and yes, way more than I could list on this page! And you’ll not only learn what conditions to use it on, but exactly how to use it, the specific amounts to use, how long to use it, and much, much more! Reg. $29.95…On Sale Now: $19.95 (You save $10)

101 Powerful Household Uses for Colloidal Silver (booklet) – This in-depth 25-page guidebook detailing dozens upon dozens of little-known ways to use colloidal silver, both in the body as well as around the house in order to keep your household and your family infection-free 365 days a year. You’ll learn the top 12 ways to use colloidal silver to heal infectious illness and disease almost overnight…dozens of exciting new ways to stop bacteria, viruses and fungi from taking hold and spreading in your household… the 4 key areas of your home to focus on first and foremost (two of

these may completely surprise you!) Reg. $19.95…On Sale Now: $9.95 (You save $10)

How to Order Any of the Above Resources

To order any of the above informational resources at the special sales prices (available for the next 14 days only), simply click the link for the product you’re interested in.

Or, go to the Life and Health Research Group website.

Page 67: Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections

Using Colloidal Silver Against Deadly Viral Infections


You can also order by toll-free telephone. Just call Life and Health Research Group during regular business hours (8 am to 4 pm, Arizona time), at:


Investing in knowledge for your family’s long-term health and well-being is without a doubt the best investment you can ever make.

And these highly specialized resources offer a wealth of healing and potentially life-saving information that should be in everyone’s natural health care arsenal.

Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this report have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this report should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this report meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 27 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments, and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this report.

Copyright 2020 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved. No distribution of this report, through any means, electronic or otherwise, is allowed without the expressed written permission of Life & Health Research Group, LLC.