Ustvarjalni natečaj za najboljšo ilustracijo na temo »My favourite Sport« KDO lahko sodeluje? Natečaj je namenjen vsem učencem osnovnih šol v Sloveniji. KAKO sodelovati? Sodelovati je mogoče v dveh kategorijah: UČBENIK: Ilustraciji v 5. poglavju, kjer Lucas in Mia opišeta svoj najljubši šport, ki ga trenirata. Mia I do karate at a sport club after school. This is a picture of me at a karate competition. I’m standing next to my friend Lisa. We’re both wearing white kimonos and orange belts. We’re waiting to fight in the next match. I like doing karate very much. I go to karate training twice a week in the afternoon. Lucas This is a picture of me at a junior ice hockey match. I’m wearing a yellow jersey, black pants, a black helmet and yellow gloves. I’m wearing ice-skates. I’m hitting the puck with a hockey stick towards the goal. My parents and my brother are watching the match. Ice hockey is my favourite sport. It’s very quick. It can be quite dangerous, too. This is why I wear a helmet. DELOVNI ZVEZEK: Ilustraciji 5. poglavju, kjer Emma in Alexander opišeta svoj najljubši šport, ki ga trenirata Emma After school I go swimming three times a week. I love it! This is a picture of me at a swimming competition. I´m standing next to the swimming pool. I´m wearing a pink swimsuit and a white cap. I´m waiting to swim in the next race. My parents are watching me swim. Alexander This is a picture of me at a school basketball match. I´m throwing the ball to another boy in my team. He´s running very fast. I´m wearing a yellow T-shirt and green shorts. My mum and my sister are in the crowd. They are watching the match. Basketball is my favourite sport. Ustvarjalni natečaj »My favourite Sport«

Ustvarjalni natečaj za najboljšo ilustracijo na temo »My ...vedez.dzs.si/datoteke/RFS_natecaj.pdf · temo »My favourite Sport ... 20 Unit 1 MY HOME ... place. Put the other basket

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Page 1: Ustvarjalni natečaj za najboljšo ilustracijo na temo »My ...vedez.dzs.si/datoteke/RFS_natecaj.pdf · temo »My favourite Sport ... 20 Unit 1 MY HOME ... place. Put the other basket

Ustvarjalni natečaj za najboljšo ilustracijo na temo »My favourite Sport«KDO lahko sodeluje?Natečaj je namenjen vsem učencem osnovnih šol v Sloveniji. KAKO sodelovati?Sodelovati je mogoče v dveh kategorijah:

UČBENIK: Ilustraciji v 5. poglavju, kjer Lucas in Mia opišeta svoj najljubši šport, ki ga trenirata.

20 Unit 1 MY HOME


S How to tidy up your room in ten minutes

1.a Do you like tidying up your room? Do you always do it the same way? Tell your classmate.Ali rad pospravljaš svojo sobo? Ali jo vedno pospraviš na isti način? Povej sošolcu.

Read the steps below. Then listen and copy the steps in the right order.Preberi spodnje korake. Nato poslušaj in prepiši korake v pravilnem vrstnem redu.



A. Get rid of the rubbish B. Put all clothes on the bed C. Separate the clothing

D. Clear the bed and make it E. Gather things that belong in the room

Step 1 – 2 minutes

No matter how bad the bed and floor look, the first step is to throw everything off the bed to the floor. When the bed is clear, it is easy to make.

Step 2 – 2 minutes

Walk around the room and collect one thing only: clothes. At this point, do not sort the laundry, just gather it up and drop it onto the desk.

Step 3 – 2 minutes

Have two baskets or boxes to help with sorting: things that stay in the room and things that do not (plates, glasses etc.). Move through the room quickly and pick up everything that belongs in the room. Then walk around and put the things to its place. Put the other basket outside the door. You can deal with it later.

Step 5 – 2 minutes

Separate the clot hes on the desk into two piles: “clean clothes” and “dirty clothes”. Put the clothing from the clean pile away. Take the dirty pile to the laundry room.

Step 4 – 2 minutes

At this point, the only thing left on the floor is rubbish. Set the rubbish bin in the middle of the room and quickly toss everything into it.

Congratulations! You are done!


I do karate at a sport club after school. This is a picture of me at a karate competition. I’m standing next to my friend Lisa. We’re both wearing white kimonos and orange belts. We’re waiting to fight in the next match. I like doing karate very much. I go to karate training twice a week in the afternoon.


This is a picture of me at a junior ice hockey match. I’m wearing a yellow jersey, black pants, a black helmet and yellow gloves. I’m wearing ice-skates. I’m hitting the puck with a hockey stick towards the goal. My parents and my brother are watching the match. Ice hockey is my favourite sport. It’s very quick. It can be quite dangerous, too. This is why I wear a helmet.

DELOVNI ZVEZEK: Ilustraciji 5. poglavju, kjer Emma in Alexander opišeta svoj najljubši šport, ki ga trenirata


After school I go swimming three times a week. I love it! This is a picture of me at a swimming competition. I´m standing next to the swimming pool. I´m wearing a pink swimsuit and a white cap. I´m waiting to swim in the next race. My parents are watching me swim. Alexander

This is a picture of me at a school basketball match. I´m throwing the ball to another boy in my team. He´s running very fast. I´m wearing a yellow T-shirt and green shorts. My mum and my sister are in the crowd. They are watching the match. Basketball is my favourite sport.

Ustvarjalni natečaj »My favourite Sport«

Page 2: Ustvarjalni natečaj za najboljšo ilustracijo na temo »My ...vedez.dzs.si/datoteke/RFS_natecaj.pdf · temo »My favourite Sport ... 20 Unit 1 MY HOME ... place. Put the other basket

20 Unit 1 MY HOME


S How to tidy up your room in ten minutes

1.a Do you like tidying up your room? Do you always do it the same way? Tell your classmate.Ali rad pospravljaš svojo sobo? Ali jo vedno pospraviš na isti način? Povej sošolcu.

Read the steps below. Then listen and copy the steps in the right order.Preberi spodnje korake. Nato poslušaj in prepiši korake v pravilnem vrstnem redu.



A. Get rid of the rubbish B. Put all clothes on the bed C. Separate the clothing

D. Clear the bed and make it E. Gather things that belong in the room

Step 1 – 2 minutes

No matter how bad the bed and floor look, the first step is to throw everything off the bed to the floor. When the bed is clear, it is easy to make.

Step 2 – 2 minutes

Walk around the room and collect one thing only: clothes. At this point, do not sort the laundry, just gather it up and drop it onto the desk.

Step 3 – 2 minutes

Have two baskets or boxes to help with sorting: things that stay in the room and things that do not (plates, glasses etc.). Move through the room quickly and pick up everything that belongs in the room. Then walk around and put the things to its place. Put the other basket outside the door. You can deal with it later.

Step 5 – 2 minutes

Separate the clot hes on the desk into two piles: “clean clothes” and “dirty clothes”. Put the clothing from the clean pile away. Take the dirty pile to the laundry room.

Step 4 – 2 minutes

At this point, the only thing left on the floor is rubbish. Set the rubbish bin in the middle of the room and quickly toss everything into it.

Congratulations! You are done!

Ilustracije so lahko narejene v kakršnikoli tehniki in formatu. Fotografijo ali sken ilustracije pošljite po elektronski pošti na naslov [email protected], izdelki bodo sproti objavljeni na spletni strani www.vedez.si/AlwaysRFS ter družbenih omrežjih Facebook, Twitter in Instagram.

Ilustraciji priložite:- ime, priimek, naslov in starost avtorja - osnovna šola, ki jo obiskuje - izpolnjeni obrazec z dovoljenjem staršev oziroma skrbnikov za sodelovanje (v primeru, da ga ne boste priložili, vaše ilustracije ne bomo mogli objaviti in se ne bo potegovala za nagrado).

Vsak sodelujoči lahko na natečaj pošlje tudi več ilustracij.

Nagrada: Najboljše ilustracije v posamezni kategoriji in za posamezno nalogo (skupaj torej 4 ilustracije) bodo objavljene v prenovljeni izdaji učbenika oziroma delovnega zvezka Reach for the Stars 5, z navedbo imena avtorja ilustracije in šole,

OCENJEVANJE ilustracij: Imenovali bomo 3-člansko strokovno komisijo, ki bo oddane ilustracije ocenjevala na podlagi naslednjih meril:

• primernost vsebine,• kakovost izdelka,• izvirnost,• umetniški vtis,• število všečkov na spletni strani (10% ocene).

ROK za oddajo prispevkov

Svoje ilustracije nam lahko pošljete najkasneje do 30. 4. 2017 na elektronski naslov: [email protected].

Rezultati bodo po zaključku ocenjevanja, najpozneje do 15. 5. 2017, objavljeni na spletni strani www.eVedez.si. Z udeležbo na javnem natečaju avtorji soglašate z javno objavo svojega imena in izdelka.

Vabljeni k sodelovanju!

Ustvarjalni natečaj »My favourite Sport«

© 2017 Izobraževalno založništvo DZS, d. d., Dalmatinova 2, 1538 Ljubljana

Page 3: Ustvarjalni natečaj za najboljšo ilustracijo na temo »My ...vedez.dzs.si/datoteke/RFS_natecaj.pdf · temo »My favourite Sport ... 20 Unit 1 MY HOME ... place. Put the other basket

And remember, always Reach for the stars!

SOGLASJE starša / skrbnika k sodelovanju otroka na natečaju na temo »My favourite Sport«

Podpisani izjavljam, da soglašam s tem, da moj otrok/varovanec s svojim izdelkom (ilustracijo) sodeluje v natečaju na temo »My favourite Sport«, katerega namen je izbrati 4 risbe, ki bodo vključene v prenovljeno izdajo učbenika in delovnega zvezka Reach for the Stars 5 za angleščino v osnovni šoli. Hkrati dovoljujem, da se na spletni strani Izobraževalnega založništva DZS d.d. objavijo otrokovi izdelki ter njegovo ime, starost in kraj bivanja.

Ime in priimek otroka : ________________________________

Ime in priimek starša /skrbnika: ___________________________

Podpis starša/skrbnika: ________________________________

S podpisom dovoljujete, da Izobraževalno založništvo DZS d. d. za izvedbo nagradnega natečaja in objavo podatkov o nagrajencih hrani, obdeluje in uporablja osebne podatke sodelujočih. Sodelujočim zagotavljamo varstvo osebnih podatkov po Zakonu o varstvu osebnih podatkov. Organizator ne nosi nobenih stroškov , ki sodelujočim nastanejo zaradi sodelovanja pri natečaju. Rezultati so dokončni, pritožba ni možna. Organizator si pridržuje pravico, da kadarkoli in brez predhodnega obvestila natečaj začasno prekine ali konča.

Kraj : _______________________

Datum : _____________________

20 Unit 1 MY HOME


S How to tidy up your room in ten minutes

1.a Do you like tidying up your room? Do you always do it the same way? Tell your classmate.Ali rad pospravljaš svojo sobo? Ali jo vedno pospraviš na isti način? Povej sošolcu.

Read the steps below. Then listen and copy the steps in the right order.Preberi spodnje korake. Nato poslušaj in prepiši korake v pravilnem vrstnem redu.



A. Get rid of the rubbish B. Put all clothes on the bed C. Separate the clothing

D. Clear the bed and make it E. Gather things that belong in the room

Step 1 – 2 minutes

No matter how bad the bed and floor look, the first step is to throw everything off the bed to the floor. When the bed is clear, it is easy to make.

Step 2 – 2 minutes

Walk around the room and collect one thing only: clothes. At this point, do not sort the laundry, just gather it up and drop it onto the desk.

Step 3 – 2 minutes

Have two baskets or boxes to help with sorting: things that stay in the room and things that do not (plates, glasses etc.). Move through the room quickly and pick up everything that belongs in the room. Then walk around and put the things to its place. Put the other basket outside the door. You can deal with it later.

Step 5 – 2 minutes

Separate the clot hes on the desk into two piles: “clean clothes” and “dirty clothes”. Put the clothing from the clean pile away. Take the dirty pile to the laundry room.

Step 4 – 2 minutes

At this point, the only thing left on the floor is rubbish. Set the rubbish bin in the middle of the room and quickly toss everything into it.

Congratulations! You are done!

Ustvarjalni natečaj »My favourite Sport«

© 2017 Izobraževalno založništvo DZS, d. d., Dalmatinova 2, 1538 Ljubljana