Utah State Board of Education May 2019 Utah State Board of Education Funding Study Scope of Work General Purpose The Board is hiring a researcher to study and evaluate Utah’s school funding system to determine the extent to which current funding formulas meet their intended purposes and provide equitable access to educa�on in the state, and to gather recommenda�ons regarding how exis�ng resources could be be�er targeted to meet these goals and raise student achievement. Specific Research Objectives As part of the study, provide without limita�on the following: 1. Sound Basic Educa�on Iden�fica�on and Alignment with Intended Purposes a. Iden�fy the core components of a sound, basic educa�on and determine the extent to which all students have equitable access to those services b. Evaluate the extent to which the distribu�on formulas of the Minimum School Program, as outlined in U.C.A. Title 53F, Chapter 2, State Funding – Minimum School Program, are: i. fulfilling their statutory purpose (if provided); ii. providing each student in the state equitable access to a sound, basic educa�on; iii. aligned with state goals as outlined in the Utah State Board of Educa�on’s strategic plan; and iv. aligned with evidence-based best prac�ces c. Analyze the role and balance of the state and local contribu�on over �me in Utah and compared to other states i. Provide proposed defini�ons of statutory language requiring school districts to par�cipate on a partnership basis in the payment of a reasonable por�on of the cost of a minimum program d. Analyze the rela�onship between monetary (e.g., per-student expenditures, student-teacher ra�o) and non-monetary (e.g., volunteerism, single parent household) resources and student outcomes in the state 2. Equity Analysis a. Examine differences in the cost of educa�on across educa�onal contexts in the state and determine the extent to which the distribu�on formulas of the Minimum School Program adjust for these cost differences i. Analyze cost differences for suppor�ng students with addi�onal needs, including students who are at-risk of academic failure and students who are accelerated ii. Analyze cost differences for schools whose size or rural geographic loca�on limits opera�onal efficiency b. Examine differences in the ability to raise local revenue in different parts of the state, and determine the extent to which state equaliza�on programs adjusts for these revenue differences i. Analyze the Voted and Board Local Levy Program (53F-2-601) and the Capital Outlay Founda�on Program (Title 53F, Chapter 3, State Funding – Capital Outlay Programs) c. Examine the way varying cost factors and ability to raise local revenue affect the extent to which each student has equitable access to the core components of a sound basic educa�on iden�fied in Sec�on 1.a d. Examine the impact of requiring a local funding match to obtain access to state resources on equitability of educa�on resources across the state

Utah State Board of Education Funding Study Scope of Work · Utah State Board of Education May 2019 Funding Study Scope of Work 3. System Modifica ons to Improve Equity and Meet

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Utah State Board of Education May 2019

Utah State Board of EducationFunding Study Scope of Work

General Purpose

The Board is hiring a researcher to study and evaluate Utah’s school funding system to determine the extent to which current funding formulas meet their intended purposes and provide equitable access to educa�on in the state, and to gather recommenda�ons regarding how exis�ng resources could be be�er targeted to meet these goals and raise student achievement.

Specific Research Objectives

As part of the study, provide without limita�on the following:1. Sound Basic Educa�on Iden�fica�on and Alignment with Intended Purposes a. Iden�fy the core components of a sound, basic educa�on and determine the extent to which all students have equitable access to those services b. Evaluate the extent to which the distribu�on formulas of the Minimum School Program, as outlined in U.C.A. Title 53F, Chapter 2, State Funding – Minimum School Program, are: i. fulfilling their statutory purpose (if provided); ii. providing each student in the state equitable access to a sound, basic educa�on; iii. aligned with state goals as outlined in the Utah State Board of Educa�on’s strategic plan; and iv. aligned with evidence-based best prac�ces c. Analyze the role and balance of the state and local contribu�on over �me in Utah and compared to other states i. Provide proposed defini�ons of statutory language requiring school districts to par�cipate on a partnership basis in the payment of a reasonable por�on of the cost of a minimum program d. Analyze the rela�onship between monetary (e.g., per-student expenditures, student-teacher ra�o) and non-monetary (e.g., volunteerism, single parent household) resources and student outcomes in the state2. Equity Analysis a. Examine differences in the cost of educa�on across educa�onal contexts in the state and determine the extent to which the distribu�on formulas of the Minimum School Program adjust for these cost differences i. Analyze cost differences for suppor�ng students with addi�onal needs, including students who are at-risk of academic failure and students who are accelerated ii. Analyze cost differences for schools whose size or rural geographic loca�on limits opera�onal efficiency b. Examine differences in the ability to raise local revenue in different parts of the state, and determine the extent to which state equaliza�on programs adjusts for these revenue differences i. Analyze the Voted and Board Local Levy Program (53F-2-601) and the Capital Outlay Founda�on Program (Title 53F, Chapter 3, State Funding – Capital Outlay Programs) c. Examine the way varying cost factors and ability to raise local revenue affect the extent to which each student has equitable access to the core components of a sound basic educa�on iden�fied in Sec�on 1.a d. Examine the impact of requiring a local funding match to obtain access to state resources on equitability of educa�on resources across the state

Page 2: Utah State Board of Education Funding Study Scope of Work · Utah State Board of Education May 2019 Funding Study Scope of Work 3. System Modifica ons to Improve Equity and Meet

Utah State Board of Education May 2019

Funding Study Scope of Work

3. System Modifica�ons to Improve Equity and Meet Future Student Needs a. Given current funding levels, provide op�ons, modeling of fiscal impact, and recommenda�ons to address discrepancies between funding and intended purposes iden�fied in Sec�on 1 and 2 b. Examine the behaviors the current enrollment-based funding model incen�vizes (coun�ng students using average daily membership) c. Examine alterna�ve proxies for coun�ng students, including those used in other states, and propose alterna�ve methods with accompanying analysis of fiscal impacts d. Analyze the impact of year-round schooling models in Utah in reducing costs and improving student outcomes


The an�cipated �meline for comple�on of work is as follows:

JULY - SEPT 2019• Study commences•Weekly check-ins between researchers and USBE point of contact• Monthly check-ins between researchers and state advisory group

OCT 2019• Phase 1 report presented to state advisory group for review and feedback

NOV 2019• Phase 1 report presented to USBE and Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee and Education Interim Committee (Legislative committees)

DEC 2019 - SEPT 2020• Study continues• Bi-weekly check-ins between researchers and USBE point of contact• Bi-monthly check-ins between researchers and state advisory group

OCT 2020• Phase 2 report presented to state advisory group

NOV 2020• Phase 2 report presented to USBE and Legislative committees


The format for the phase 1 and phase 2 reports is as follows:1. Execu�ve summary (with policymakers as primary audience)2. Digital slide set highligh�ng key findings and recommenda�ons (with policymakers as primary audience)3. Infographic (with general public as primary audience)4. Full report of ac�vi�es, findings, and recommenda�ons encompassing the requirements listed above


In gathering and analyzing demographic and other data, the consultant will be expected to rely on and take advantage of already available resources, including, for example, data produced by the Utah State Board of Educa�on, Kem C. Gardner Policy Ins�tute at the University of Utah, the Office of the Legisla�ve Fiscal Analyst, and the offices of ins�tu�ons within the higher educa�on system, in order to gather the best and most reliable informa�on while minimizing costs and avoiding duplica�on of effort and cost.