UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020 https://mailchi.mp/cc9dac925aaf/osp-newsletter-06-02?e=1b92548c60[6/2/2020 11:10:49 AM] View this email in your browser Forward this email Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest June 02, 2020 COVID-19 Information UT Knoxville Office of Research and Engagement — COVID-19 Funding Opportunities The UT Knoxville Office of Research and Engagement has set up a page of funding opportunities related to the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19). The page will be continually updated throughout the coming weeks. USDA NIFA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Partners—Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIFA Partners, Researchers, Stakeholders, Applicants, and Grantees NIFA Resources COVID-19 FAQs Webinar See new NIFA AFRI Program Area Priority Code A1711, below. Deadline extensions for USDA NIFA due to COVID-19 For additional COVID-19 information, visit the UTIA OSP Coronavirus web page . Federal Subscribe Past Issues RSS Translate

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  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest June 02, 2020

    COVID-19 Information

    UT Knoxville Office of Research and Engagement — COVID-19Funding Opportunities

    The UT Knoxville Office of Research and Engagement has set up apage of funding opportunities related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-

    19). The page will be continually updated throughout the comingweeks.

    USDA NIFA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Partners—CoronavirusDisease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIFA Partners, Researchers,

    Stakeholders, Applicants, and Grantees NIFA Resources

    COVID-19 FAQs Webinar See new NIFA AFRI Program Area Priority Code A1711, below.

    Deadline extensions for USDA NIFA due to COVID-19

    For additional COVID-19 information, visit the UTIA OSP Coronavirus webpage.


    Subscribe Past Issues RSSTranslate


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    2020 Rural Health and Safety Education (RHSE) Application Webinar!When: Wednesday, June 3, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. CT

    Join ZoomGov Meeting:zoomgov.com/j/1617314809 (link is external)

    For more information, check out the Child and Family Development (CFD)Program page and the RSHE Funding Opportunity page.

    Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program (RHSE)The RHSE program proposals are expected to be community-based outreacheducation programs, such as those conducted through human scienceextension outreach that provide individuals and families with information as tothe value of good health at any age; information to increase individual orfamily’s motivation to take more responsibility for their own health; informationregarding rural environmental health issues that directly impact human health;information about and access to health promotion and educational activities;and training for volunteers and health services providers concerning healthpromotion and health care services for individuals and families in cooperationwith state, local, and community partnersApplication Deadline: 7/1/20 | View Opportunity | View RFA

    Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)

    Foundational and Applied ScienceView Grant Opportunity | View RFA | See New DeadlinesEducation and Workforce DevelopmentView Grant Opportunity | View RFA | See New Deadlines

    Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate andPostgraduate Fellowships Application Deadline: 6/27/20 | View Opportunity | View RFA

    Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Application Deadline: 6/23/20 | View Opportunity | View RFA

    Renewable Resources Extension Act—National Focus Fund Projects(RREA_NFF)


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Application Deadline 6/28/20 | View Opportunity | View RFA

    Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program(MSP) | Aquaculture | Environmental & Resource Economics ProgramsApplication Deadline: 6/29/20 View Opportunity | View RFA

    Rural Health & Safety Education Competitive Grants Program (RHSE)Application Deadline: 7/1/20 View Opportunity | View RFA

    Plant Biotic Interactions Program (PBI)Application Deadline: 9/30/22 View Opportunity | View RFA

    Land Grant University ImpactsDemonstrating the Value of land-grant Extension program impacts.

    Webinars on USDA Opportunities for Urban Agriculture Grants andCooperative Agreements

    June 3, 2 p.m.–4 p.m. Eastern Daylight TimeRegister and view the webinar for Grants for Urban Agriculture and InnovativeProduction. $3 million is available for competitive grants to support the development ofurban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categories,Planning Projects and Implementation Projects. Applications must be receivedby 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on July 6, 2020 through Grants.gov.

    June 4, 2 p.m.–4 p.m. Eastern Daylight TimeRegister and view the webinar for Cooperative Agreements for CommunityCompost and Food Waste Reduction. $900,000 is available for local governments to host a Community Compost andFood Waste Reduction (CCFWR) pilot project for fiscal year 2020. The

    View Additional NIFA Funding Opportunities


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    cooperative agreements will support projects that develop and test strategiesfor planning and implementing municipal compost plans and food wastereduction plans. Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time onJune 26, 2020 through Grants.gov.

    Recordings of the webinars will be posted at farmers.gov/urban.

    Virtual Professional Development and Rural Entrepreneur SupportThe Small Business Innovation Research ProgramStarting 6/16/20 | Register Here

    2020 Soil Science Collaborative Research ProposalsApplication Deadline: 6/11/20 | View Opportunity

    SNAP-2020Application Deadline: 6/15/20 | View RFA

    Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives (HFMI)Application Deadline: 6/17/20 | View Opportunity

    Dairy Business Innovation InitiativesApplication Deadline: 6/23/20 | View Opportunity | View RFA | 2019 UTIA

    Quality Samples ProgramApplication Deadline: 6/26/20 | View Opportunity

    Technical Assistance for Specialty CropsApplication Deadline: 6/26/20 | View Opportunity

    Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction ProjectApplication deadline: 6/26/20 | View Opportunity

    NRCS’s Conservation Innovation Grants FY 2020Application Deadline: 6/29/2020 | View Opportunity

    McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child NutritionProgramApplication Deadline: 7/14/20 | View Opportunity

    2020 Cochran Fellowship ProgramApplication Deadline: 9/30/20 | View Opportunity


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Golden Field Office

    Bioenergy and Advanced Manufacturing FOA BottleApplication Deadline: 6/18/20 | View Opportunity

    Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAO’s Big Data Tool on food chains under theCOVID-19 pandemic.

    Covid-19 Guidance for Implementing Partners

    Grand Challenges for Development: Powering Agriculture | Securing Water for Food | Water & Energy for Food


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Tick-Borne Disease, Idea Development AwardApplication Deadline: 8/27/20 | View Opportunity

    Declamation & Water Purification Research Program Pitch to Pilot for FY2020Application deadline: 6/17/20 | Bureau of Reclamation | View Opportunity

    Multistate Conservation Grant Program The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program’s (WSFR) mission is to workthrough partnerships to conserve and manage fish and wildlife and theirhabitats for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations. WSFR’svision is of healthy, diverse, and accessible fish and wildlife populations thatoffer recreation, economic activity, and other societal benefits, in addition tosustainable ecological functions. WSFR’s guiding principle is that societybenefits from conservation‐based management of fish and wildlife and theirhabitats and opportunities to use and enjoy them.Application Deadline:8/7/20 | View Opportunity

    FY 2020 Candidate Conservation Action FundsApplication Deadline: 9/4/20 (see opportunity for more details) | ViewOpportunity

    Estimating Children’s Soil and Dust Ingestion Rates for Exposure ScienceApplication Deadline: 8/5/20 | View Opportunity


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Capacity Building Developmental and Capacity Building PilotApplication Deadline: 7/20/20 | View Opportunity

    Vet-LIRN Network Capacity-Building ProjectsApplication Deadline: 9/20/23 | PAR-18-604

    NSF Coronavirus InformationNSF is accepting proposals to conduct non-medical, non-clinical-care researchthat can be used immediately to explore how to model and understand thespread of COVID-19, to inform and educate about the science of virustransmission and prevention, and to encourage the development of processesand actions to address this global challenge.

    Beginning June 1, NSF will implement the Proposal and Award Policies andProcedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) for proposals submitted or due on orafter this date. As you may also be aware, NSF has delayed the requirement touse NSF-approved formats for the biographical sketch and current and pendingsupport sections of NSF proposals until October 5, 2020. Proposers mustcontinue to format these documents in accordance with PAPPG requirements(see PAPPG sections II.C.2.f and II.C.2.h). NSF encourages the community touse these formats and continue to provide valuable feedback as we enhancethem for future implementation.

    NSF Electronic Research Administration Forum Webinar


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    6/14/20 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. eastern time | Register Now

    Hydrolics SciencesProposals Accepted Anytime | NSF 20-560

    Plant Biotic InteractionsProposals Accepted Anytime | NSF 20-576

    Plant Synthetic Biology Full Proposals Accepted Anytime | NSF 20-045

    Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Core ProgramsApplication Deadline: Accepted Anytime | View Grant Opportunity | NSF 20-536

    Small Research Grant ProgramApplication Deadline:6/16/20 | PA-20-200

    Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC)The IUCRC program provides a structure for academic researchers to conductfundamental, pre-competitive research of shared interest to industry andgovernment organizations. Pre-proposals Due: 7/7/20 | NSF 20-570

    Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)Proposal Deadline: 7/27/20 | View Grant Opportunity | NSF 50-525

    ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM AcademicProfessionsLOI Deadline: 8/3/20 | Application Deadline: 8/7/20 | NSF 20-554

    Lead Agency Activity in Electrosynthesis & ElectrocatalysisInterested in novel and fundamental electrochemical reactions and studiesaddressing transformations in organic and polymer synthesis, water splitting(hydrogen/oxygen evolution), and nitrogen reduction (ammonia production).The goal of this Lead Agency activity is to reduce current barriers to workinginternationally by allowing US and German researchers to submit a singlecollaborative proposal that will undergo a single review process while fundingorganizations maintain budgetary 1 control over their awards.Application Deadline: 9/30/20 | View Opportunity | NSF 20-578

    Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Application Deadline: 10/9/20 | View Grant Opportunity | NSF 15-576

    Research Initiation in Engineering FormationApplication Deadline: 11/10/20 | NSF 20-558

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants andRecipients

    Research Projects to Improve the Predictive Value of Animal Models inRecapitulating Human Immunity to Influenza Infection and VaccinationApplication Deadline: 6/18/2021 | PAR-19-247

    Competing Revisions to Existing NIH Grants and CooperativeAgreementsApplication Deadline: 3/16/2023 | PA-20-163

    Opportunity for IndividualsSupplementary Grants for Researchers with Family CommitmentsExpiration Date: 3/6/23 | View Opportunity

    NIH announces $1 million prize competition to target global diseasediagnosticView Opportunity


    Agriculture Enterprise FundApplication Deadline: 6/19/20 | View Grant Opportunity


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    Foundations and Nonprofit

    Do Dog Breeds Differ in Pain Sensitivity?Application Deadline: 02/28/22 | View Opportunity 02797

    The Conservation, Food and Health FoundationConcept notes due: 07/01/20 | Proposal Deadline: 9/3/20 | View Opportunity

    Want to take a deeper dive into the role veterinary science plays in combatingcoronavirus pandemics? FFAR's Advanced Animal Systems’ Tim Kurt pennedan article featured in Agri-Pulse explaining how these outbreaks occur and howto mitigate future pandemics.

    FFAR’s Open Opportunities in light of COVID-19.

    Seeding SolutionsApplication Deadline: 6/24/20 | View RFA

    Crops of the FutureView Collaborative

    ICASA—The International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    AgricultureLOI due: 6/17/20 | Application Deadline: 9/16/20 | View Opportunity

    2020 Projects Application Deadline: 10/1/20 | How to Apply

    Opportunity for Individuals2020 Research Career Development Awards—Storm Cat Award andElaine and Bertram Klein Development Award Application Deadline: 11/2/20 | View Opportunity

    Call for Large Animal Proposals: Now Open Application Deadline: 7/8/20 | View Opportunity | Apply Here

    Call for Feline Behavior Research Proposals for Mark L. Morris Jr.Investigator AwardApplication Deadline: 8/5/20 | View Opportunity

    Well-being Support Fund Application


  • UTIA Funding Opportunities Weekly Digest | June 2, 2020

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    The SAVMA Well-being Committee is offering funding to veterinary studentsand veterinary school organizations that wish to promote physical, mental, andemotional health at their college of veterinary medicine.Application Deadline: 7/1/20 | View Opportunity

    Internal Funding

    Cavender Award 2020 To nominate an eligible publication, email April Massengill [email protected] no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 12, 2020. View Opportunity

    Center for Global Engagement Grants & Scholarships

    Office of Research & Engagement Internal Funding

    Additional Opportunities:Pivot Funding Opportunities (Create your account)

    Office of Sponsored Programs (Funding Opportunities to Consider)

    Hanover Higher Education Research Grant Alerts (Research Funding Opportunities)This resource center link provides weekly updates. They have also set up a COVID-

    19 support email ([email protected]).

    Hanover Grants Calendar: COVID-19 FundingAs part of our efforts to help institutions navigate the pandemic response,Hanover has produced a calendar on COVID-19-related funding opportunities.While many of the grants reviewed in this calendar are focused on medicalresearch, we have included a broad range of opportunities from federalagencies, private foundations, and industry. We will continue to monitorCOVID-19 funding through our weekly grant alerts, which are open to the publicto sign up.

    We hope this calendar is a useful planning tool for your institution. Pleaseaccess the document using the link below.

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScksSKOZOxWQTc2nzPLWefr1jRIM8A4QUIz8JT0kqcP1iZyYQ/viewformmailto:[email protected]://taes.utk.edu/upload/AgRsch/SponsoredPrograms/CavenderAwardGuidelines.pdfhttps://cge.utk.edu/programs/https://research.utk.edu/funding/internal/https://research.utk.edu/proposal-support/toolkit/research-tools/pivot/http://agriculture.tennessee.edu/sponsoredprograms/funding_opportunities.asphttps://insights.hanoverresearch.com/grant-alerts-higher-education-research-week-of-3/9-to-3/13?ecid=ACsprvvErMlx5AbmeXZ_QC4WTpWIPWk3bQlerx4ZbwrP1RtnCjEvxqH5UFTIcleTU9WnFHL0jKzO&utm_campaign=GA%20GDC%20Research&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=84403441&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-__4VubIcsaYNdpceWnAjxp1BGiHIh8XD0PIlgcJzvLiT0lnVV44Ea23QERCLkS91iV9paoqGh-jE9gniugSesF3uU_sg&_hsmi=84403441https://insights.hanoverresearch.com/e2t/c/*W1YVjQM365yWlW8Hnw4M8FHtPf0/*W3wgGK29csDJhW90Jg-B3-Dd-D0/5/f18dQhb0Smj29dZy7bN6kc2zsHyjJqVRJ6rR1p8bbFW3hHh8w5Cgxh0VnQ9Qq8-y9tWW5866J-5p5NyMW2NTXSj2NTL-sN6BXl7tJwMCQV6kg-s9dtlFsW5LKNxq8hyZfjW4zMHNk9dC5gdW2sP1l79kwr5pW2sNZQf4QKwBdW9dSlS633_z13N1ZXS-1kkLjXW7q8Tb21BpBhJW1L4LKy2WtZKJW2GFmQX6z4J52W7p_GYs2t58hnVQJBLP4KHX36W6sSysY2XsCWxW7sx5sD64QZb6W8rvsf65mZ6c4W8sYB0g5zPylQW7DM5hk2_1rp5W3ZQ23F8vr5SsW61NrFd16ZkQXN5B6NHtDkNV3W3G8yYN16plN9W5P-FHp8dF8c2N5KFzhrYw9y8N8d7Kc1QgHR6N5sNHPXZygZ-N3jLdHgW9CVBW5qTvlr12r7xyVYyVKY3dqKc4W3knQHF30_P48W8BrVrb8gLzdJW3RkyWT3CyVfHW3B6PP53DwDryW5sMbG82m713hW3B2X0w1zW062VzD-dg1t5w8JW8m6pV43CpZNvW6WVVZg5XWYsBN8-y10rb2_nMW6PxM8K4jjBc7W3XQSmd59hjFGW6Qqjn495bD_NW8947jG9805k-W5T_dK-73yKD2W70RWHs5L2jxf111mailto:[email protected]://insights.hanoverresearch.com/e2t/c/*VVfkc758DkWFW3pz4XL1Rxr7R0/*W77S3vQ7HzC2zVnvBNR173KC50/5/f18dQhb0Sq5z8Y9ZwPN6kc2zsHyjJqVS9Trx8pTgPYW3hHhbQ5zh-NRVnQ9Qq8ZQtY2W1WfNks549s8bW8XkR2g55kwKZW31Xv301WwGnLW4dQ0xF4s9PHSW6RPKkQ4r1QSLW6cc-4t69LPZ7W2z2l_B6PVKcrN6N3nz4cgTQqN7YXvdw7K5q4W7NMk0W5YpnNFW4yx_8p2-J-SLW2z_tPY41Q2SWW3c-v1L1nnQd3VQLQZ21y_yZtW5mg0gg1Bh9xBW5jPVDH47P0wCW403tVS3vbpkwW6nlCqH6MxcrRW3zjntk6g26fmW3jXSxp45XLxFW2pgGc26WnJPDW3D_Cl55tqJ8wW4d3vSJ2xHcjLW2-C6Rk4GwXlCW4D7NsS6ZFjTdW5Wz45S3jMBtVW5bVB1H38kjClW3xKvxq2-TjZZW5-f3Jr1bJ0nRN2PGKtHzR55bMwKJnC3qXVMW3mPtL75CYK6tVx6lY161LlByW65lm9n5q55vCW7mt3V-9dFHrVW8kTwNy90gNnzW3-Xd3X8tCnQ1W58H23N42TJ_fW6gJfg073yKD2W70RWGz2vjWTt111https://insights.hanoverresearch.com/e2t/c/*VVfkc758DkWFW3pz4XL1Rxr7R0/*W77S3vQ7HzC2zVnvBNR173KC50/5/f18dQhb0Sq5z8Y9ZwPN6kc2zsHyjJqVS9Trx8pTgPYW3hHhbQ5zh-NRVnQ9Qq8ZQtY2W1WfNks549s8bW8XkR2g55kwKZW31Xv301WwGnLW4dQ0xF4s9PHSW6RPKkQ4r1QSLW6cc-4t69LPZ7W2z2l_B6PVKcrN6N3nz4cgTQqN7YXvdw7K5q4W7NMk0W5YpnNFW4yx_8p2-J-SLW2z_tPY41Q2SWW3c-v1L1nnQd3VQLQZ21y_yZtW5mg0gg1Bh9xBW5jPVDH47P0wCW403tVS3vbpkwW6nlCqH6MxcrRW3zjntk6g26fmW3jXSxp45XLxFW2pgGc26WnJPDW3D_Cl55tqJ8wW4d3vSJ2xHcjLW2-C6Rk4GwXlCW4D7NsS6ZFjTdW5Wz45S3jMBtVW5bVB1H38kjClW3xKvxq2-TjZZW5-f3Jr1bJ0nRN2PGKtHzR55bMwKJnC3qXVMW3mPtL75CYK6tVx6lY161LlByW65lm9n5q55vCW7mt3V-9dFHrVW8kTwNy90gNnzW3-Xd3X8tCnQ1W58H23N42TJ_fW6gJfg073yKD2W70RWGz2vjWTt111

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    If you have any questions or you would like to learn more about our work withthese programs, please contact Senior Grants Advisor, Clinton Doggett, for abrief conversation.

    Please send suggestions and additional funding opportunities [email protected].

    Contact UsUT Institute of AgricultureOffice of Sponsored [email protected]

    Copyright © 2020 University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture, All rights reserved.

    Want to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

    COVID-19 Funding Calendar

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