UTRA Repeater Radio Transmission and Reception 25116-A00

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  • 8/13/2019 UTRA Repeater Radio Transmission and Reception 25116-A00


    3GPP TS 25.116 V10.0.0 (2010-03)Technical Specification

    3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;

    UTRA repeater radio transmission and reception ( !R T""#(Release $%#

    The present document has been developed within the 3 rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM ) and may be further e laborated for the purposes of 3GPP.

    The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP only. The Or ani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this"pecification."pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.

  • 8/13/2019 UTRA Repeater Radio Transmission and Reception 25116-A00


    %eywordsUMTS, radio, repeater


    Postal address

    3GPP support office address650 Route des Lu io!es - Sop"ia #$tipo!is

    Va!%o$$e - &R#'Te!.* +33 2 2 00 &a * +33 3 65 / 16

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    Copyright Notification

    'o part may be reproduced e cept as authori!ed by written permission.The copyri ht and the fore oin restriction e tend to reproduction in all media.

    *+,+- 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners ( /&0- T&"- 11" - 2T"&- TT - TT1).ll ri hts reserved.

    MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& re istered for the benefit of its members3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& re istered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& currently bein re istered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPPOr ani!ational PartnersG"M6 and the G"M lo o are re istered and owned by the G"M ssociation

    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#&Release $%

  • 8/13/2019 UTRA Repeater Radio Transmission and Reception 25116-A00




    7oreword...................................................................................................................................................8, "cope......................................................................................................................................................9

    * /eferences..............................................................................................................................................9

    3 :efinitions- symbols and abbreviations..................................................................................................93., :efinitions..............................................................................................................................................................93.* "ymbols..................................................................................................................................................................;3.3 bbreviations.........................................................................................................................................................;

    < General...................................................................................................................................................;?.*.3.*., Minimum /e=uirement...............................................................................................................................,>?.*.< 1oAe istence with T/ A7::.........................................................................................................................,>?.*.?.*.?.*.

  • 8/13/2019 UTRA Repeater Radio Transmission and Reception 25116-A00


    ?.*.8.,., Minimum /e=uirement ..............................................................................................................................*+?.*.8.* 1oAlocated base stations............................................................................................................................... ..*+?.*.8.*., Minimum /e=uirement ..............................................................................................................................*+

    ,+ Modulation accuracy..........................................................................................................................*,,+., 2rror Bector Ma nitude.....................................................................................................................................*,,+.,., Minimum re=uirement....................................................................................................................................*,,+.* Pea# code domain error......................................................................................................................................*,,+.*., Minimum re=uirement....................................................................................................................................*,

    ,, &nput intermodulation.........................................................................................................................*,,,., General re=uirement...........................................................................................................................................*,,,.,., Minimum re=uirement....................................................................................................................................*,

    ,* Output intermodulation......................................................................................................................**,*.+ General...............................................................................................................................................................**,*., Minimum re=uirement.......................................................................................................................................**

    ,3 djacent 1hannel /ejection /atio ( 1//).......................................................................................**,3., :efinitions and applicability..............................................................................................................................**,3.* 1oAe istence with T/ ................................................................................................................................. ..**,3.*.,. Minimum /e=uirements.................................................................................................................................**

    ,< Timin ccuracy................................................................................................................................*3,

  • 8/13/2019 UTRA Repeater Radio Transmission and Reception 25116-A00


    &ore ordThis Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3 rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

    The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chan e followin formalT"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be reAreleased by the T"G with anidentifyin chan e of release date and an increase in version number as followsC

    Bersion .y.!


    the first di itC

    , presented to T"G for informationD

    * presented to T"G for approvalD

    3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chan e control.

    y the second di it is incremented for all chan es of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-updates- etc.

    ! the third di it is incremented when editorial only chan es have been incorporated in the document.


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#'Release $%

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    1 S opeThe present document establishes the minimum /7 characteristics of 51/ T:: /epeater.

    2 Re ere$ esThe followin documents contain provisions which- throu h reference in this te t- constitute provisions of the presentdocument.

    /eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) ornonAspecific.

    7or a specific reference- subse=uent revisions do not apply.

    7or a nonAspecific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includina G"M document)- a nonAspecific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same

    Release as the present document .

    E,F 3GPP T/ *,.?+8C Bocabulary for 3GPP "pecifications .

    E*F &T A/ /ecommendation "M.3*?- nwanted emissions in the spurious domain .

    E3F &T A/ /ecommendation M.,8

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    'aximum output po#er max: This is the mean power level per carrier measured at the antenna connector of the/epeater in specified reference condition.

    *utput po#er out: This is the mean power of one carrier at ma imum repeater ain delivered to a load withresistance e=ual to the nominal load impedance of the transmitter.

    ass !an": The repeater can have one or several pass bands. The pass band is the fre=uency ran e that the repeateroperates in with operational confi uration. This fre=uency ran e can correspond to one or several consecutive nominalchannels. &f they are not consecutive each subset of channels shall be considered as an individual pass band.

    Rate" output po#er: /ated output power of the repeater is the mean power level per carrier that the manufacturer hasdeclared to be available at the antenna connector.

    Repeater: device that receives- amplifies and transmits the radiated or conducted /7 carrier both in the downAlin#direction (from the base station to the mobile area) and in the upAlin# direction (from the mobile to the base station)

    +ransmission !an"#i"th: 0andwidth of an instantaneous transmission from a 2 or 0"- measured in /esource 0loc#units.

    +ransmission !an"#i"th %onfiguration: The hi hest transmission bandwidth allowed for uplin# or downlin# in a

    iven channel bandwidth- measured in /esource 0loc# units.,plin&: "i nal path where mobile transmits and base station receives.

    3.2 S %o!s7or the purposes of the present document- the followin symbols applyC

    0K 1hannel 1hannel bandwidth0K 1onfi Transmission bandwidth confi uration- e pressed in MJ!.0K Meas Measurement bandwidth0K "i nal 0andwidth of the repeater input si nal fillin the repeater pass band7 :5Llow The lowest fre=uency of the downlin# operatin band7 :5Lhi h The hi hest fre=uency of the downlin# operatin band7 5Llow The lowest fre=uency of the uplin# operatin band7 5Lhi h The hi hest fre=uency of the uplin# operatin bandfLoffsetLP0 :istance from the channel ed e fre=uency of the first or last channel in the pass band

    ' :5 :ownlin# 5 /71' ' OffsA:5 Offset used for calculatin downlin# 5 /71' ' OffsA 5 Offset used for calculatin uplin# 5 /71' ' /0 Transmission bandwidth confi uration- e pressed in units of resource bloc#s ' 5 plin# 5 /71'Pma Ma imum output power Pout Output power

    3.3 #%%re7iatio$s7or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations iven in T/ *,.?+8 E,F and the followin apply. nabbreviation defined in the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation- if any- inT/ *,.?+8 E,F.

    1// djacent 1hannel /ejection /atio0" 0ase "tation5 /71' 51/ T:: bsolute /adio 7re=uency 1hannel 'umber P0 Pass 0and

    Ge$era!This specification applies only to 51/ T:: repeaters.


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#-Release $%

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    nless otherwise stated- all re=uirements in this specification apply to both the upAlin# and downAlin# directions.

    .1 Re!atio$s"ip %et ee$ Mi$i u Re8uire e$ts a$d TestRe8uire e$ts

    The Minimum /e=uirements iven in this specification ma#e no allowance for measurement uncertainty. The testspecification T" *8.,83 section < defines Test Tolerances. These Test Tolerances are individually calculated for eachtest. The Test Tolerances are used to rela the Minimum /e=uirements in this specification to create Test /e=uirements.

    The measurement results returned by the Test "ystem are compared A without any modification A a ainst the Test/e=uirements as defined by the shared ris# principle.

    The "hared /is# principle is defined in &T A/ M.,8

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    .2 Re io$a! re8uire e$ts"ome re=uirements in the present document may only apply in certain re ions. Table

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    Re2uirement !omments

    5.2 "a$$e! %a$d idt" So e "a$$e! %a$d idt"s a %e app!iedre io$a!! .

    5.3 &re8ue$ %a$ds So e %a$ds a %e app!ied re io$a!! .5. "a$$e! arra$ e e$t T"e re8uire e$t is app!ied a ordi$ to "at

    re8ue$ %a$ds i$ !ause 5.3 t"at are supported %t"e Repeater.

    6.1 Ma i u output po er 9$ ertai$ re io$s, t"e i$i u re8uire e$t or$or a! o$ditio$s a app! a!so or so e

    o$ditio$s outside t"e ra$ e o o$ditio$s de i$edas $or a!.

    .1.1.1 :perati$ %a$d u$ a$tede issio$s ( ate or #)

    T"is re8uire e$t is a$dator or re io$s "ereate or # !i its or spurious e issio$s, as de i$ed

    i$ 9TU-R Re o e$datio$ SM.32 ;2< app! ..1.1.2 :perati$ %a$d u$ a$ted

    e issio$s ( ate or =)T"is re8uire e$t is a$dator or re io$s "ere

    ate or = !i its or spurious e issio$s, as de i$edi$ 9TU-R Re o e$datio$ SM.32 ;200 -o-!o ated %ase statio$s

    T"is re8uire e$t a %e app!ied or t"e prote tio$o 4 S 1>00 =TS re ei7ers "e$ 4 S 1>00 =TSa$d L R T44 repeater are o-!o ated.

    .2. .1 o-e iste$ e it" UTR# &44 -:peratio$ i$ t"e sa e eo rap"iarea

    T"is re8uire e$t a %e app!ied to eo rap"iareas i$ "i " %ot" L R T44 repeater a$d UTR#-&44 are dep!o ed.

    .2. .2 o-e iste$ e it" UTR# &44 -o-!o ated %ase statio$s

    T"is re8uire e$t a %e app!ied or t"e prote tio$o UTR#-&44 =S re ei7ers "e$ L R T44repeater a$d UTR# &44 =S are o-!o ated.

    .2.5.1 o-e iste$ e it" u$s $ "ro$i?edT44 - :peratio$ i$ t"e sa e

    eo rap"i area

    T"is re8uire e$t a %e app!ied or t"e prote tio$o UTR#-T44 =S re ei7ers i$ sa e eo rap"i

    areas i$ "i " u$s $ "ro$i?ed T44 is dep!o ed..2.5.2 o-e iste$ e it" u$s $ "ro$i?edT44 - o-!o ated %ase statio$s

    T"is re8uire e$t a %e app!ied or t"e prote tio$o UTR#-T44 =S re ei7ers "e$ UTR#-T44 =Sare u$s $ "ro$i?ed o-!o ated.

    11.2 9$put 9$ter odu!atio$* o-!o atio$it" ot"er s ste s

    T"ese re8uire e$ts a %e app!ied or t"eprote tio$ o &44 Repeater i$put "e$ GSM 00,4 S1>00, P S1 00, GSM>50, UTR# &44, UTR#T44 a$d or -UTR# =S are o-!o ated it" a$ L RT44 Repeater.


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#$%Release $%

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    11.3 9$put 9$ter odu!atio$* o-e iste$ e it" ot"er s ste s

    T"ese re8uire e$ts a %e app!ied "e$ GSM 00,4 S1>00, P S1 00, GSM>50, UTR# &44, UTR#T44 a$d or -UTR# =S operati$ i$ a$ot"er

    re8ue$ %a$d o-e ist it" a$ L R T44Repeater.

    5 &re8ue$ %a$ds a$d "a$$e! arra$ e e$t

    5.1 Ge$era!The information presented in this section is based on the chip rates of ,.*> Mcps T::.

    'OT2C Other chip rates may be considered in future releases.

    5.2 &re8ue$ %a$dsT/ T:: is desi ned to operate in the followin bandsD

    a) ,?++ A ,?*+ MJ!C plin# and downlin# transmission

    *+,+ A *+*8 MJ! plin# and downlin# transmission

    b) ,>8+ A ,?,+ MJ! plin# and downlin# transmission

    ,?3+ A ,??+ MJ! plin# and downlin# transmission

    c) ,?,+ A ,?3+ MJ! plin# and downlin# transmission

    d) *8;+ A *9*+ MJ! plin# and downlin# transmission

    e) *3++ A *>+ A ,?*+ MJ!C plin# and downlin# transmission

    'oteC :eployment in e istin and other fre=uency bands is not precluded.

    The coAe istence of T:: and 7:: in the same bands is still under study in KG

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    5. "a$$e! arra$ e e$t

    5. .1 "a$$e! spa i$

    The channel spacin is ,.9MJ!- but this can be adjusted to optimise performance in a particular deployment scenario.

    5. .2 "a$$e! raster

    The channel raster is *++ #J! for all bands- which means that the carrier fre=uency must be a multiple of *++ #J!.

    5. .3 "a$$e! $u %er

    The carrier fre=uency is desi nated by the T/ absolute radio fre=uency channel number ( /71'). The value ofthe /71' in the &MT*+++ band is defined in the eneral case as followsC

    ' t N 8 7 +.+ 7 3*;9.9 MJ!

    where 7 is the carrier fre=uency in MJ!.

    6 :utput po er Output power- Pout- of the repeater is the mean power of one carrier at ma imum repeater ain delivered to a load withresistance e=ual to the nominal load impedance of the transmitter.

    /ated output power- P/ T- of the repeater is the mean power level per carrier at ma imum repeater ain that themanufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector.

    6.1 Ma i u output po er Ma imum output power- Pma - of the repeater is the mean power level per carrier measured at the antenna connector inspecified reference condition.

    6.1.1 Mi$i u Re8uire e$ts

    The re=uirements shall apply at ma imum ain- with 51/ T:: si nals in the pass band of the repeater- at levels that produce the ma imum rated output power per channel.

    Khen the power of all si nals is increased by ,+ d0- compared to the power level that produce the ma imum ratedoutput power- the re=uirements shall still be met.

    &n normal conditions- the /epeater ma imum output power shall remain within limits specified in Table 9., relative tothe manufacturer$s rated output power.

    Ta/le ) $0 Repeater output power; normal conditions

    Rated output power imitP 31 d= +2 d= a$d -2 d=P A 31 d= +3 d= a$d -3 d=

    &n e treme conditions- the /epeater ma imum output power shall remain within the limits specified in Table 9.*relative to the manufacturer$s rated output power.

    Ta/le ) &0 Repeater output power; e4treme conditions

    Rated output power imitP 31 d= +2,5 d= a$d -2,5 d=P A 31 d= + d= a$d - d=


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#$&Release $%

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    &n certain re ions- the minimum re=uirement for normal conditions may apply also for some conditions outside theran es of conditions defined as normal.

    / &re8ue$ sta%i!it7re=uency stability is the ability to maintain the same fre=uency on the output si nal with respect to the input si nal.

    /.1 Mi$i u re8uire e$t

    The fre=uency deviation of the output si nal with respect to the input si nal shall be no more than +-+, ppm.

    > :ut o %a$d ai$

    Out of band ain refers to the ain of the repeater outside the pass band.

    >.1 Mi$i u re8uire e$tThe intended use of a repeater in a system is to amplify the in band si nals and not to amplify the out of band emissionof the donor base station.&n the intended application of the repeater- the out of band ain is less than the donor couplin loss.The repeater minimum donor couplin loss shall be declared by the manufacturer. This is this the minimum re=uiredattenuation between the donor 0" and the repeater for proper repeater operation.

    The ain outside the pass band shall not e ceed the ma imum level specified in table >.,- whereC

    A fLoffset is the distance from the centre fre=uency of the first or last channel within the pass band.

    Ta/le . $0 5ut of /and 1ain limits $

    6re2uenc7 offset from the carrierfre2uenc78 f9offset


    1,0 Bo set A 1,> MC? 60 d=1,> Bo set A 5,> MC? 5 d=

    5,> Bo set A 10,> MC? 5 d=10,> MC? Bo set 35 d=

    7or ,+-> MJ! fLoffset the out of band ain shall not e ceed the ma imum ain of table >.* or the ma imum ainstated in table >., whichever is lower.

    Ta/le . &0 5ut of /and 1ain limits &

    Repeater ma4imum outputpower as in $ $ $

    :a4imum 1ain

    P A 31 d= :ut o %a$d ai$ i$i u do$or oup!i$ !oss31 d= P A 3 d= :ut o %a$d ai$ i$i u do$or oup!i$ !oss

    P 3 d= :ut o %a$d ai$ i$i u do$or oup!i$ !oss - (P- 3d= )':T 1* T"e out o %a$d ai$ is o$sidered it" 10,> MC? Bo set


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#$3Release $%

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    U$ a$ted e issio$

    .1 Spe tru e issio$ asD

    The mas# defined in Table ?., to ?.3 may be mandatory in certain re ions. &n other re ions this mas# may not beapplied.

    7or re ions where this clause applies- the re=uirement shall be met by a 51/ T:: repeater transmittin on a sin le /7carrier confi ured in accordance with the manufacturer s specification. 2missions shall not e ceed the ma imum levelspecified in table ?., to ?.3 for the appropriate 51/ T:: repeater ma imum output power- in the fre=uency ran e from f N +.> MJ! to f ma from the carrier fre=uency- whereC

    A f is the separation between the carrier fre=uency and the nominal A3d0 point of the measurin filter closest tothe carrier fre=uency.

    A fLoffset is the separation between the carrier fre=uency and the center fre=uency of the measurin filter.

    A fLoffsetma is either < MJ! or the offset to the MT" T band ed e as defined in section 8.*- whichever is thereater.

    A f ma is e=ual to fLoffset ma minus half of the bandwidth of the measurement filter.

    +.> ,.+ ,.>

    A*+ A8

    7re=uency separation f from the carrier EMJ!F

    P o w e r

    d e n s

    i t y

    i n 3 + # J !

    E d 0 m


    f ma(





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    Ta/le $0 Spectrum emission mask alues8 15MC? Bo set A1.015MC?

    -20 d= 30 DC?

    1.0 MC? A 1.>MC?

    1.015MC? Bo set A1.>15MC? d

    MHz offset f


    +,8-, L ,+*+

    30 DC?

    See $ote 1.>15MC? Bo set A2.3MC?

    -2> d= 30 DC?

    1.> MC? a 2.3MC? Bo set ABo seta

    -13 d= 1 MC?

    Ta/le &0 Spectrum emission mask alues8 15MC? Bo set A1.015MC?

    P-5 d= 30 DC?

    1.0 MC? A 1.>MC?

    1.015MC? Bo set A1.>15MC? d

    MHz offset f

    dB P

    +,8-, L ,+815 MC? Bo set A 2.3MC?

    P-62 d= 30 DC?

    1.> MC? a 2.3 MC? Bo set ABo seta

    P - / d= 1 MC?

    Ta/le 30 Spectrum emission mask alues8 15MC? Bo set A1.015MC?

    -2> d= 30 DC?

    1.0 MC? A 1.>MC?

    1.015MC? Bo set A1.>15MC? d

    MHz offset f


    +,8-, L ,+*>

    30 DC?

    See $ote 1.>15MC? Bo set A2.3MC?

    -36 d= 30 DC?

    1.> MC? a 2.3MC? Bo set ABo seta

    -21 d= 1 MC?

    'OT2C This fre=uency ran e ensures that the ran e of values of fLoffset is continuous.

    .2 Spurious e issio$s"purious emissions are emissions which are caused by unwanted transmitter effects such as harmonics emission-

    parasitic emission- intermodulation products and fre=uency conversion products- but e clude out of band emissions.This is measured at the base station /7 output port.

    The re=uirements shall apply whatever the type of transmitter considered (sin le carrier or multi carrier). &t applies forall transmission modes foreseen by the manufacturer s.

    7or ,.*> Mcps T:: option- either re=uirement applies at fre=uencies within the specified fre=uency ran es which aremore than < MJ! under the first carrier fre=uency used or more than < MJ! above the last carrier fre=uency used.

    nless otherwise stated- all re=uirements are measured as mean power.


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#$'Release $%

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    .2.1 Ma$dator Re8uire e$ts

    The re=uirements of either subclause ?.*.,., or subclause ?.*.,.* shall apply.

    .2.1.1 Spurious e issio$s ( ate or #)

    The followin re=uirements shall be met in cases where 1ate ory limits for spurious emissions- as defined in &T A//ecommendation "M.3*?A? E,F- are applied.

    . Mi$i u Re8uire e$t

    The power of any spurious emission shall not e ceedC

    Ta/le ,0 !R T"" repeater :andator7 spurious emissions limits8 !ate1or7 A

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    .2.2 o-e iste$ e it" GSM 00

    .2.2.1 :peratio$ i$ t"e sa e eo rap"i area

    This re=uirement may be applied for the protection of G"M ?++ M" and G"M ?++ 0T" receivers in eo raphic areasin which both G"M ?++ and T/ are deployed.

    . Mi$i u Re8uire e$t

    The power of any spurious emission shall not e ceedC

    Ta/le )0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for !R T"" repeater in 1eo1raphic co era1earea of GS: %% :S and GS: %% 00

    .2.3.1 :peratio$ i$ t"e sa e eo rap"i area

    This re=uirement may be applied for the protection of :1" ,>++ M" and :1" ,>++ 0T" receivers in eo raphic areasin which both :1" ,>++ and T/ are deployed.

    . Mi$i u Re8uire e$t

    The power of any spurious emission shall not e ceedC

    Ta/le .0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for !R T"" repeater in the /and a#8 d# and e#when operatin1 in 1eo1raphic co era1e area of "!S $.%% :S and "!S $.%% >0MC? - / d= 100 DC?


    3GPP TS &' $$) *$% % % (&%$%+%3#$-Release $%

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    Ta/le .a0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for !R T"" repeater in the /and f# whenoperatin1 in 1eo1raphic co era1e area of "!S $.%% :S and "!S $.%% ?@$.%'+$.'% :>?

    50MC? - / d= 100 DC?

    .2.3.2 o-!o ated %ase statio$s

    This re=uirement may be applied for the protection of :1" ,>++ 0T" receivers when :1" ,>++ 0T" and T/ 0"are coAlocated.

    . Mi$i u Re8uire e$t

    The power of any spurious emission shall not e ceedC

    Ta/le 0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for !R T"" repeater in the /and a#8 d# and e#when co+located with "!S $.%%

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    Ta/le $$0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for !R T"" repeater in 1eo1raphicco era1e area of UTRA+6""

    MC?2110 - 21/0 MC? -52 d= 1 MC?2500 - 25/0 MC? - 3 d= (EE) 3.> MC?2620 - 26 0 MC? -52 d= 1 MC?

    ':T E &or L R T44 repeater "i " use arrier re8ue$ ies it"i$ t"e %a$d 1 00 - 1 20 MC? or 1>>0-1 20MC?,t"e re8uire e$t s"a!! %e easured RR i!tered ea$ po er it" t"e !o est e$tre re8ue$ o

    easure e$t at 1 22.6 MC? or 6.6 MC? a%o7e t"e "i "est T44 arrier used, "i "e7er is "i "er.':T EE &or L R T44 repeater "i " use arrier re8ue$ ies it"i$ t"e %a$d 25/0 - 2620 MC?, t"e re8uire e$t

    s"a!! %e easured RR i!tered ea$ po er it" t"e "i "est e$tre re8ue$ o easure e$t at 256/.5MC? or 6.6 MC? %e!o t"e !o est T44 arrier used, "i "e7er is !o er.

    'OT2C The re=uirements in Table ?.,, are based on a couplin loss of ;+ d0 between 51/ T:: repeater and7:: Kide rea base stations.

    .2. .2 o-!o ated %ase statio$s

    This re=uirement may be applied for the protection of T/ A7:: 0" receivers when T/ AT:: 0" and T/7:: 0" are coAlocated.

    .2. .2.1 Mi$i u Re8uire e$t

    7or 51/ T:: repeater which use carrier fre=uencies within the band *+,+ A *+*8 MJ! the re=uirements applies at allfre=uencies within the specified fre=uency bands in table ?.,*. 7or 51/ T:: repeater which use carrier fre=uencieswithin the band ,?++A,?*+ MJ!- the re=uirement applies at fre=uencies within the specified fre=uency ran e which aremore than < MJ! above the last carrier used in the fre=uency band ,?++A,?*+ MJ!.

    The power of any spurious emission shall not e ceedC

    Ta/le $&0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for MC?2110 - 21/0 MC? -52 d= 1 MC?2500 - 25/0 MC? - >0 d= (EE) 3.> MC?2620 - 26 0 MC? -52 d= 1 MC?

    ':T E &or L R T44 repeater "i " use arrier re8ue$ ies it"i$ t"e %a$d1 00 - 1 20 MC? or 1>>0-1 20MC?, t"e re8uire e$t s"a!! %e easuredRR i!tered ea$ po er it" t"e !o est e$tre re8ue$ o

    easure e$t at 1 22.6 MC? or 6.6 MC? a%o7e t"e "i "est T44 arrierused, "i "e7er is "i "er.

    ':T EE &or L R T44 repeater "i " use arrier re8ue$ ies it"i$ t"e %a$d25/0 - 2620 MC?, t"e re8uire e$t s"a!! %e easured RR i!tered ea$po er it" t"e "i "est e$tre re8ue$ o easure e$t at 256/.5 MC?or 6.6MC? %e!o t"e !o est T44 arrier used, "i "e7er is !o er.

    'OT2C The re=uirements in Table ?.,* are based on a minimum couplin loss of 3+ d0 between 51/ T::repeater and T/ A7:: base stations.

    .2.5 o-e iste$ e it" u$s $ "ro$ised T44

    .2.5.1 :peratio$ i$ t"e sa e eo rap"i area

    This re=uirement shall apply in case the e=uipment is operated in the same eo raphic area with unsynchronised T::0".


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    . Mi$i u Re8uire e$t

    &n eo raphic areas where only ,-*> Mcps T:: is deployed- the //1 filtered mean power of any spurious emissionshall not e ceed the limits specified in table ?.,3- otherwise the limits in table ?.,< shall apply.

    Ta/le $30 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for operation in same 1eo1raphic area with

    uns7nchronised $8&. :cps T"" MC?2300 - 2 00 MC? -3 d= 1,2> MC?25/0 - 2620 MC? -3 d= 1,2> MC?1>>0 F 1 20 MC? -3 d= 1,2> MC?

    Ta/le $,0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for operation in same 1eo1raphic area withuns7nchronised T""

    MC?25/0 - 2620 MC? -3 d= 3,> MC?

    'OT2C The re=uirements in Table ?.,3 and ?.,< for the 51/ T:: repeater are based on a minimum couplinloss of 9; d0 between 51/ T:: repeater and unsynchronised T:: base stations.

    .2.5.2 o-!o ated %ase statio$s

    This re=uirement shall apply in case of coAlocation with unsynchronised T:: 0".

    . Mi$i u Re8uire e$t&n eo raphic areas where only ,-*> Mcps T:: is deployed- the //1 filtered mean power of any spurious emission incase of coAlocation shall not e ceed the limits specified in table ?.,8- otherwise the limits in table ?.,9 shall apply.

    Ta/le $'0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for co+location with uns7nchronised $8&.:cps T""

    MC?2300 - 2 00 MC? -/6 d= 1,2> MC?25/0 - 2620 MC? -/6 d= 1,2> MC?1>>0 - 1 20 MC? -/6 d= 1,2> MC?

    ':T * T"e re8uire e$t app!ies or re8ue$ ies ore t"a$ 10 MC? %e!o or a%o7e t"e supportedre8ue$ ra$ e de !ared % t"e 7e$dor.

    Ta/le $)0 !R T"" repeater Spurious emissions limits for co+location with uns7nchronised T""

    MC?25/0 - 2620MC? -/6 d= 3,> MC?

    'OT2C The re=uirements in Table ?.,8 and ?.,9 for the 51/ T:: repeater are based on a minimum couplin

    loss of 3+ d0 between unsynchronised T:: base stations.


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    10 Modu!atio$ a ura

    10.1 rror Ve tor Ma $itude

    The modulation accuracy is defined by the 2rror Bector Ma nitude (2BM)- which is a measure of the difference between the theoretical waveform and a modified version of the measured waveform. This difference is called the errorvector. The measured waveform is modified by first passin it throu h a matched root raised cosine filter with

    bandwidth ,.*>MJ! and rollAoff N+.**. The waveform is then further modified by selectin the fre=uency- absolute phase- absolute amplitude and chip cloc# timin so as to minimise the error vector. The 2BM result is defined as root ofthe ratio of the mean error vector power to the mean reference si nal power e pressed as a Q.

    The measurement interval is one power control roup (timeslot). The repeater shall operate with an ideal 51/ T::si nal in the pass band of the repeater at a level- which produce the ma imum rated output power per channel- asspecified by the manufacturer.

    10.1.1 Mi$i u re8uire e$t

    The 2rror Bector Ma nitude shall not be worse than > Q.

    10.2 PeaD ode do ai$ error The code domain error is computed by projectin the error vector power onto the code domain at a specific spreadinfactor. The error power for each code is defined as the ratio to the mean power of the reference waveform e pressed ind0. nd the Pea# 1ode :omain 2rror is defined as the ma imum value for 1ode :omain 2rror. The measurementinterval is one timeslot.

    10.2.1 Mi$i u re8uire e$t

    The pea# code domain error shall not e ceed A3+ d0 at spreadin factor ,9.

    11 9$put i$ter odu!atio$The input intermodulation is a measure of the capability of the repeater to inhibit the eneration of interference in the

    pass band- in the presence of interferin si nals on fre=uencies other than the pass band.

    11.1 Ge$era! re8uire e$tThe followin re=uirement applies for interferin si nals in the fre=uency bands defined in subAclause 8.*- dependin

    on the repeaters pass band.This re=uirement applies to the uplin# and downlin# of the repeater- at ma imum ain.

    11.1.1 Mi$i u re8uire e$t

    7or the parameters specified in table ,,.,.,A,- the power in the pass band shall not increase with more than ,+ d0 at theoutput of the repeater as measured in the centre of the pass band- compared to the level obtained without interferinsi nals applied.

    The fre=uency separation between the two interferin si nals shall be adjusted so that the 3 rd order intermodulation product is positioned in the centre of the pass band.

    Table ,,.,.,A, specifies the parameters for two interferin si nals- whereC

    A f , offset is the offset from the channel ed e fre=uency of the first or last channel in the pass band of the closercarrier.


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    Ta/le $$ $ $+$0 nput intermodulation re2uirement

    f $ offset nterferin1 Si1nale els

    T7pe of si1nals :easurement/andwidth

    1,0 MC? - 0 d= 2 arriers 1 MC?

    12 :utput i$ter odu!atio$

    12.0 Ge$era!The transmit intermodulation performance is a measure of the capability of the transmitter to inhibit the eneration ofsi nals in its non linear elements caused by presence of the wanted si nal and an interferin si nal reachin thetransmitter via the antenna.

    The transmit intermodulation level is the power of the intermodulation products when a 51/ T:: modulatedinterference si nal is injected into the antenna connector at a mean power level of 3+ d0 lower than that of the mean

    power of the subject si nal.

    12.1 Mi$i u re8uire e$t

    The fre=uency of the interference si nal shall be ,.9 MJ!- 3.* MJ! and MJ! offset from the subject si nal.The Transmit intermodulation level shall not e ceed the out of band or the spurious emission re=uirements of section?., and ?.*.

    13 #dHa e$t "a$$e! ReHe tio$ Ratio (# RR)

    13.1 4e i$itio$s a$d app!i a%i!itdjacent 1hannel /ejection /atio ( 1//) is the ratio of the //1 wei hted ain per carrier of the repeater in the pass

    band to the //1 wei hted ain of the repeater on an adjacent channel. The carrier in the pass band and in the adjacentchannel shall be of the same type (reference carrier).

    The re=uirement shall apply to the uplin# and downlin# of /epeater- at ma imum ain- where the donor lin# ismaintained via antennas (over the air /epeater).

    13.2 o-e iste$ e it" UTR#This re=uirement shall be applied for the protection of T/ si nals in eo raphic areas in which 51/ T:: /epeaterand T/ 0" are deployed so that they serve adjacent channels. The reference carrier is a T/ A7:: carrier.

    13.2.1. Mi$i u Re8uire e$ts&n normal conditions the 1// shall be hi her than the value specified in the Table ,3.*.,A,.


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    Ta/le $3 & $+$0 Repeater A!RR

    !o+e4istence withother s7stems

    Repeater ma4imumoutput Pma4

    !hannel offset from the channel ed1efrom the first or last ':>? channel

    within the pass /and

    A!RR limit


    P 31 d= 2,5 MC? 33d=P 31 d= 5,0 MC? 33d=P A 31 d= 2,5 MC? 20d=P A 31 d= 5,0 MC? 20d=

    'oteC 7or coAe istence with T::- a narrow band re=uirement is for further study.

    1 Ti i$ # uraTimin ccuracy is the repeater synchroni!ation accuracy with 'ode0- it includes the downlin# ramp on off time anduplin# ramp on off time.

    1 .1 Mi$i u re8uire e$tThe downlin# ain versus time should meet the mas# specified in fi ure , chips > chips

    /ated Gain

    Rero Gain

    :ownlin# burst without GP

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    6i1ure $, &0 Uplink 1ain 5N@566 template


    > chips > chips

    /ated Gain

    Rero Gain

    plin# burst without GP

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    #$$e # ($or ati7e)*$7iro$ e$ta! re8uire e$ts or t"e Repeater e8uip e$t

    The /epeater e=uipment shall fulfil all the re=uirements in the full ran e of environmental conditions for the relevantenvironmental class from the relevant &21 specifications listed below

    9+ ;*,A3A3 "tationary use at weather protected locations E9FD

    9+ ;*,A3A< "tationary use at non weather protected locations E;F

    'ormally it should be sufficient for all tests to be conducted usin normal test conditions e cept where otherwise stated.7or uidance on the use of test conditions to be used in order to show compliance refer to T" *8.,83.


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    #$$e = (i$ or ati7e)*"a$ e "istor

    !han1e histor7"ate TSG B TSG "oc !R Re Su/ject@!omment 5ld New200 -0> R#' I52 R -0 332 TS sDe!eto$ reated ro 3GPP TS te p!ate. 0.0.1200 -11 R#' I53 R -0 >/6 TS it" t"e TP appro7ed at R#' I52 a$d R#' I52%is

    R -0 2 1/ Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*:utput Po er

    R -0 2 1> Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*&re8ue$ rror

    R -0 2 1 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*VM

    R -0 2 20 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*P 4

    R -0 2 22 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*:utput 9$ter odu!atio$

    R -0 3323 Te t Proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*&re8ue$ %a$ds a$d "a$$e! arra$ e e$ts

    R -0 3350 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*9$put 9$ter odu!atio$R -0 3351 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*

    :ut o =a$d Gai$R -0 3353 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*

    # RRR -0 3363 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*

    Ti i$ # uraR -0 33/2 Te t proposa! or L R T44 Repeater Spe i i atio$*

    U$ a$ted issio$sR -0 3/ 6 Te t proposa! or 25.116* !ause 1 to !ause 3R -0 015 Te t proposa! or 25.116* !ause Ge$era!

    0.0.1 1.0.0

    200 -11 R#'I 6 RP-0 1136 Prese$tatio$ to TSG or i$ or atio$2010-03 R#'I / RP-100112 Versio$ update, prese$tatio$ to TSG or appro7a!, 1.0.0 2.0.02010-03 R#'I / RP-100112 #ppro7ed % TSG R#' 2.0.0 10.0.0

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