First Picture of the Gotch-Hack Match on the Times Sport Page Today TheTacomaTimese^sT edition LAST EDITION VOL. VIII. X 0.226. luf UUljr laiirytagtai N>« » pit per la 'I'lruui. TACOMA. WASHIMUTON. FKIDAY. SEPTEMBKR H. 11)11. I Kfwiliipar la 'I'arnma. 30 OENTti A MONTH. A PARALLEL TO COBLE MURDER ENDORSELaFOLLETTE (By United I'rpM I/e«s«-d Wire.) DES MOINES, la., Sept. B.—Practical endorsement of LaFol- lette for president, was given last night by Senator Cummins, the mouthpiece of the senate progressive*. While Cummins was discussing the tariff at the Tlpper«noe club, someone Interrupted him, asking "how about LafolletteT" ' "I want to say," he replied, "that I believe LaFollette is a pat- riot. I believe-he has an eye single to the good of the country. I believe God gave him * strong mind and an Inflexible purpose." SI S \T»H: CUMMIN «*t PItAISKS HIM. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 8. Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin, \u25a0tandß today the choice of Minnesota progressive republicans for next president. At a banquet here, attended by more than 300 progressives, resolutions were adopted naming LaFollette as the logical nominee of the ren/'ullean party for president and declaring that the Wiscon- sin senator's ability, patriotism and record as a lawmaker and executive make him the leader of the progressive movement. HUNT FIEND WHO KILLED Fisher Won't Talk But Favors People's Plan (By United Press leased Wire.) PORTLAND, Sept. H.—All au- topsy on the body of Mrs. Daisy AVclirman today " developed the fact that the woman had not been attacked as was believed. - PORTLT-AND, Sept. I. —With, \u2666he motive for the murder of Mrs. Daisy Wehrman and her four- year-old son Harold, near Bcap- poose found to be the same as that whiih Impelled the atrocious mur- der of little Barbara Holtzman. the Hill and Coble trascdit s, the sheriff's of four Oregon counties are bending every effort to locate the murderer. Their only clew thus far la a ttrmod of light colored hair duteh- »od in the hand of the dead wom- an. Neighbors have informed ftie officers that a stranger, with light hair, was seen Jn^ the vicinity "Monday morning. He wore a Prince Albert coat and carried a Email bundle. Tuesday the same man Inquired the way to Salem. He wore a new pair of working shoes at this time, Similar to ones stolen from the Wehrman home. Nothing of value was taken from the house except a revolver. FIND FAMOUS PAINTING (By United Press Leased Wire.) MADRID, Sept. 8. —The "Mona Lisa of Da Vinci, recently stolen "from the Paris Louvre, may have been discovened. Two foreigners carrying a basket containing the famous canvas are said to have been arrested at Leon. The pris- oners give the names of Henry Barbuese and Letellier and claim their painting is only a copy. Mayor Fined (By United Press Leased, Wire.) PORTLAND, Sept. 8. Found guilty of contempt of court for enforcing the vehicle tax ordi- nance which, had tieen declared unconstitutional Mayor Rushlight, Chief of Police Slover and City Auditor Barbour today were fined $5 each. The cases will be appealed. The officials refused to pay tlio fines. " WILL WELCOME HARMON (By Vnlted Press leased Wire.) BOSTON, Sept. B.—Massachu- setts democrats will open the state campaign with a barbeque and Gov. Harmon of Ohio, as the guest of honor. \u25a0 - Mac ' Wanted i To buy 5 acres of good land, all cleared and fenced, ehot clay soil, very productive, 70 bear- ing fruit trees, close to car line, only a short distance to city. Price $1500. Terms, $300, balance $10 per month. OLD'PUYALLUP CAR 5 acres, all fenced, 2 acres cleaved, balance partly cleared, email house,' chicken houses and outbuildings, the beat laud la that locality. , Price |for a quick Rale $1250. Terms, $400 cash;' balance $10 per month. \u25a0 » ..''\u25a0- \u25a0•.*.*- -',: ' ~ •-' -•' % Surety Bonds.; Fire Insuranca. B. F. GREGORY CO.. Inc. x S,. R. Webb E. F. Gregory 2d Floor Nati. Realty Bldg. '-\u25a0 '<\u25a0"'.\u25a0,'. 1117 Pacific aveTWvv MRS. XETTIE COBLE. STORY OF COBLE MUKDKR. Just two months ago Archie Col le and his girl wife, Net- 0 tie, were found dead in thei'' Oeds at their modest home at Rainier, Wash. A fiend had broken in in the night, struck them dead with an ax while they lay asleep and violated the woman after death. » The circumstances tallied, detail for detail, with the kill- Ing of Rosa Heutzman in Portland, and of the Hill family, near there, where father, mother and three children were slaughtered. Five men were arrested and released as suspects of the Coble murder, while George Wilson, section foreman, who first threw suspicion on one ji his men, is still in jail at Olympla. Laurier Charges Taft With Playing Politics (By United Press Leased Wire.) OTTAWA, Sept. B.—The reci- procity campaign in Canada today is most strenuous. Many conser- vative farmers will support reci- procity. Premier Laurler is aroused and in a speech at Sudbury paid his respects to President Taft for try- ing to make politics out of reci- procity. "We will take our trade from Mr. Taft," said tl'e premier, "but will not take pur politics from him. If it is true that Mr. Taft had the idea attributed fo him, which I doubt, then I say: 'Sir, you <lo not know what you are talking about. We are prepare* to talk trade, but in matters of .politics keep to your side of the line.' " "President Taft has stated that he did not think of annexation and I bolieve him to be absolutely honest." Society May Take Up Chauffeur and Bride (Hy United Press Lensrd Wire.) NEWPORT, R. 1., Sept. 8. -Social recognition may be extend- ed to Jack Geraghty, former chauffeur and son of a Newport liveryman, whose elopement and marriage with Miss Julia French, daughter of Millionaire Amos T. French, caused a sensation. While driving past the Casino In an automobile G«raghty and his bride were greeted pleasantly by Count Matrue of the Egyptian embassy. Members of the diplo- matic corps are held In high favor, and recognition by a real count pany because he had accepted al kiss from her In Heu of fare, brought pretty Miss Violet Tem- pleton of San Francisco back to Los Angeles In a hurry. will help some. Here's Another With her pretty face showing more Chan sympathy . for the young cabby, Miss Templeton dis- patched a messenger to find him. Blushing furiously, Bell announc- ed today that he would marry her. "I shall prepare a state- ment and read it tonight at ( the Commercial club, and < will say whatever I may be- t lieve about the Alaska coal « lands."—Secretary Fisher. I (Ily l*nlt«*«l I'ress l,<iw.l Wire.) SEATTLE. Sept. 8.—"I have nothing to say nctw concerning matters of future policy. I went to obtain information." Secretary Kisher refused to talk when he arrived yesterday from Cordova. "It was an instructive trip," lie said. "We did not always face kindly audiences, hut friendliness marked the discussions." From his private and public talks In Alaska, however, four Ideas were inferred: gomp:rs fires HOI SHOT (Ily United Press leased Wire.) OAKLAND, Cal., Sept. 8. Justification of organized labor's criticisms of the courts for their anti-labor application of the Sher- man law, denunciation of the methods of tho detectives In the McNamara case and a warning to big business that it was making a fatal mistake In opposing labor organizations, -were features of an address made at Rice Institute here by Samuel Gonipers president of the American Federation of Labor. "How long?" he asked, "if we had the recall, would such judges as Wright and Hanford retain iln ir places? "It is a well known fact that any lawyer will accept any side of any case If the fee is large enough. Our judges came from the ranks of our lawyers. How <lo ilh-j become sanctified when they n«ccnd the bench 7 "We hear of the independence of judges, but judges are not In-, dependent. They are dependent upon the corporations for their appointments, and there is not one of them but has served corporate wealth after corporate wealth has given him his job." FIND GOLD Recall Dead (IJy Vnitod Press I>af>ed Wire.) SEATTLE, Sept. 8. —The recall against Mayor Hilling has failed. Corporation Counsel Scott Cal- houn this morning rendered a de- cision allowing withdrawals of names from petitions. Three hun- dred more withdrawals were filed late this morning. The recall against three councilman is also dead. Here's Fisher's Idofl. If there are any legal coal claims they will be allowed/ f ln applying the law, the secre- tary will have- much tenderness for those who have actually par- ticipated In the work of discovery and development, but does not feel "particularly enthusiastic about claimants who tell of the hardships of a country they never saw." The notion that the coal lands should be turned over to enter- prising capitalists 'doesn't go." The choice lies between h leas- Ing s>sU'in itml direct government operation. He Denies Humor. Reports that he had declared himself dissatisfied with Control- ler .bay as a harbor, and that on his.trip to Alaska he had found the coal there of poor quality were denied by Secretary Fisher. Crawford Sentenced SEATTLE, Sept. 8.--William R. Crawford, president of the Se- attle, Henton & Southern railroad, was sentenced to 89 dayg Tn Jail yesterday by Justice Brown for violating the public utilities law requiring street oar companies to carry passengers for a nickel fare within tho city limits. Judge Brown declared that to merely impose a flno, would be to make a farce of tho law. "A fine would mean nothing to a wealthy rorp(>ration," Ha rd Judpe Brown. "The punishment should prevent a recurrence of the offense." Crushed Under Lumber Pile While piling lumtier on the dock of the Dempsey mill, east of the Puyallup river, Albert Hansen, a laborer, was fatally Injured this morning. v Hansen was working at the side bf a l>ig stack of lumber when a huge timber suspended from one of the big steam cranes struck the pile and knocked it over, pinion- ing lliiiiKon underneath. Internal injuries will result fa- tally, the doctors at St. Joseph's hospital say. 25 Missing, 16 Dead in Nice (By Tnlfed Press Liensed Wire.) NICE, France, Sept. B.—j-Slx- teen workmen are known to tie dead and more than 25 are miss- ing through the collapse of the Casino el Dorado here while it wag being repaired. Thirteen of the men buried scrambled out of the SEATTLE, Sept. B.—Carrying $750,000 In gold, the heaviest car- The Happiest Woman In Chicago When Gotch Threw Hack NEW YORK IS IKINDTO BEIILMi Three Verdicts Possible. Three outcomes are possl- 0 hie In the Seattle case: The jury can find him guilty of m first degree murder, not gull- ty, or can disagree. The law prescribes the death penalty for first degree murder, but the jury can save him by recommending clemency. •>:#* (By 1 i.H, .1 Pi-fin Leaned Wire.)' CHESTEUFIBLO COURT. HOUSK, Vu.. Sept B.—Hoping to place Hi.- fate of Henry Clay Beat* tie, jr., In the hands of tho Jury tonight, Judge Watson convened court earlier than usual today. Attorney Harry Smith, Jr., chief counsel for the accused wife elay- er, begun his argument with the, opening of the morning solution. He was followed by Prosecuting Attorney Wendenburg. These law- yers are regarded ai the best pleaders In the state. The court room was packed to hear them. Deattlo showed no emotion as the arguments progressed. "Wo are making arood pro.fr- !\u25a0<•*«," ho gald today. "I have not tho slightest fear that the Jury will bring in a verdict of guilty. It inny disagree, and If it does, I will 'be acquitted on the second trial." MRS. FRANK A. GOTCH. "Ooody, gOOdrt" cried llttlo Mrs. Goteh, as her stalwart hus- band flopped the alleged "Lion" on tli e mat us he might spill a hag of oats. Mrs. GoU'h Is a mite of a woman, but she has nn unbreak- able hatnmerlock on her big hus- Find Minister to Marry Astor (By United Press leased Wire.) I SEW YORK, Sept. B.—-Colonel Jolin Jacob Astor, Madeline Force and her mother, started on Astor's yiiilit this afternoon for a week- end cruise. *"*' » ; fIEW YORK, Sept. B.— Join Jacob Astor's yacht Is ready to i;.il and Astor is scurrying about. It Is rumored that a min- ister has been found who Is will- ing to marry Astor and Miss Madeline Force. , SAX FRANCISCO—"My wife's gone to the country, hooray, hoo- raf," hummed a passenger on the ferry today, as William R. Brooks, a mining engineer, kissed his wife farewell. She left for her folks' homo at Marshwood, Mo. Brooks then retired to his lodgings and swallowed morphine. He may recover. _ I SAN FRANCISCO—John Mooney, a New York fireman" who hiked across the continent for a \u2666 10,000 prize, tried to tell a vau- deville, theater audience of his travels. *'\u25a0 vHe took the stage? un- invited and-got v the hook. •*.•, : SAN- —Eva. Belle Becar wants' more than ' a divorce. from Noel ' Joseph Becar, a . business man. Bhe asks \ the \u25a0 court ' to, stop him ' from the I alleged squandering of:. $100,000 on' an 1' affinity. '- band's heart that Is beautiful to behold. When he entered tho ring to meet Haekenschmldt, (Jotch waved to his wife. After both falls he turned and greeted her with smiles, while she exult- antly wuvod hor hand and shout- ed, "Goody, goody." •••••••©••?• •• •••••©• liKlTiail AltASlllvl) HKFOUIii SEW YORK'S I'KOTKST. (Ily United I'rojis Leased Wire.) •... NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Her promised theatrical ! career uncertain 'because of the protests of prominent women that it might ruin hundreds of innocent girls, Deulah Binford in New York today is awed and abashed. \u25a0 « "New York is too big. I'm afraid," she said. "I wish they would leave, me alone. I don't want notoriety I want sympathy." Freeman Bernstein today cancelled the girl's engagements because of the protest. ' Despite this motion picture men rushed the girl to a se- eluded spot to obtain a series of films. They answer objec- tlons by -stating that she will portray characters designed to have a highly moral effect and that her pitiful story will be a # strong influence against vice, rather than the reverse, (By United Press Leased Wire.) LOS ANGELES, Sept. 8. News that Charles Bell, a chauf- feur, had lost his Job with the Van Nuys Hotel Auto Livery com- go of the year, the Senator arriv- ed here from Nome. O. P. Goss brought $50,0 00 In gold dust, the result of two years' work in the Idltarod. JEFFRIES' MOTHER STAYS ALIVE TO SEE SOX. (By United Press Leased Wire.) * I/OS ANGELES, Sept. B.—The flefclro ,to Jee her son, James J. Jeffries, before she dies, Is aiding the wonderful fight Mrs. Rebecca Jeffries is making for life. Search for the form- or lighter In the wilds of Alaska continues, but nothing has be*u fcea- . from him. ruins. It is feared-All the miss- ing are dead. foroca?) Occasional rain tonight and Sat- urday. Light westerly winds. Late Bulletins < liy I n iii«! I'vcss liiiiMii Wire.) \V \SIII \(.l (>\, I>. C, Sept B.—Tin- state, department today tel- egraphed Admiral Munlock lo use the United Ntates cruisers to pro- fi-i'i Aniiiii mi cii i/.i'iis in S/.c i liii:i ii. < 'luiiii where missionaries have been threatened. The situation is critical. Shops, factores and | schools have been closed and tax o trices have ben destroyed. NEW YORK, Sept. B.—Police were stirred today by the explo- sion of a bomb in front of the offices of Prominent Italian bankers in the Italian quarter, CHICAGO, —Members of tho executive committee of the Illinois Central shopmen's system federation declaretl today that all prc- purut lons have been completed for calling' a strike Monday. IiOS AJfGELBft. —Hiram W. Blalsdell, retired army engineer, pleaded guilty to having perjured himself in the laud rases of January, 1008, when Frank \. and David Chaplin were sentenced to nine months In the penitentiary and fined 91.000. MOW YORK—Fire was discovered in the hold of the transport Hancock. Two hundred sailors put out the blaze. The Hancock carries a large amount of ammunition. CHICAGO, Sept. B.—Secretnr y Kramer of tho International Blacksmiths' union declared' today that rumors aln nit the railroad strike having already been called on the Illinois Central are false and absurd. l ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. B.—Machine, guns operated by Ma- jor llaa/. German military instructor, were responsible for the | crushing defeat of ex-Shah Molianimed All Mirza in tho battle at I lni!ni/:uli n-.laiiar. according to reports here today. BANK CIiBAIUNGS. Clearings 1777,116.3* Balances ,T7.«09.9« Fear Hang Jury.', V That the defense Is afraid of « hung Jury wai frankly admitted by Attorney Smith in the course of his argument, when he said: "We are not afraid that you will bring In a verdict of fullty,:but we do fear that you may not bring In a verdict of not guilty. Judge Watson instructed you that unless) you were satisfied beyond reason* able doubt that this defendant committed the crime with [ which he Is charged, you! must acquit him." ...r .; .-v- \u25a0*.'.;' •,-'\u25a0;\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0.•• \u25a0\u25a0,:;:.; Smith paid a tribute to Beat- tie's character, to which he added! 1 "The commonwealth'! theory would make this Intelligent, kind- hearted and affectionate youth m dunce, a fool and a fiend In hu- man form. How can you men be- lieve such rot?" Crime Is InrnncMvaMo. Smith made one statement which caused quite a little atlr In the courtroom. "A man constituted as Beatti* Is might have committed this hor- rible crime in a flt of rage," he said. "Good men have -(one mat} with anger before, but the com- monwealth wnuM have you be- lieve that he calmly planned «nd pondered this crime for days. They would have you believe that with the horrible plan In bis bratn |he went aliout in daily life for three days. It la inconceivable. The man who committed that crime wan an Idiot. He chose a spot on the most traveled road about Richmond." "Can yon believe," Smith shouted, "that Beattle left tlia sweet and lovable woman he mar- ried, and murdered her in order that he might Join this unspeak- able woman, Beulah Blnford?" S After I Smith - had sobbed § emo- tionally and oratorlcally for throe hours the jurors displayed sign* of weariness. '. One slept through, much of the argument.'?...."• ' y Prosecutor ' Wendenburg 9 con- cluded the argument for the pros- ecution this afternoon. During m recess he Bald. to the reporters: . "I expect. to finish by 5 o'clock and ' the i Jury. will !. get fi the caß9 then. Within an hour lam con- fident of a verdict of guilty." : f .; ..... v,. \u0084: \u0084 :^^ Played Man to Be Near Lover Washington Most Healthful State (By United Press l>nsed Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 8. —Washington leads the nation in healthfulness. It has a death rate for 1910 of only 10 per thousand of the population. The rate for the whole United States is 15. Montana is second with 10.6, New England is the least health- fill. New Hampshire having the highest rate, 17.3. The statement indicates that the death rate has decreased in every state. Tuberculosis claimed the most victims, getting 86,309 in 1910, and typhoid was next with 12,673. The national death rate in 1890 was 17.6. (By United Prows Leaned Wire.) , LOS lANQEIiES. % Sept. t 8.--B«- | cause she ; masqueraded in': mala I attire to be near, the man she lov- ed , Clara Crlppen, \ 20, pretty an* refined, was arrested at a grading, camp where \u25a0 she 'had applied for a Job as ; dishwasher. " .•.".:.;'.'/ « -} <a '\u25a0:- Elmer Anderson the man,. wed \ tlmekeepor there. Suspicion was attracted •\u25a0 by ' the girl's i: whit* hands. ;•*•.; \u25a0'/•.- .'/.. < ; , \u25a0\u25a0 ''.. .;,% \u25a0 , - -. ~\,,i&\ Suicide >' ''\u25a0 •' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''" '^' '*?''<*"'^'^i*''^^^^^M%i .\ A body !of |»i man believed to be a suicide was found In: a clump of 'bushes ;\u25a0 near Holts station oa the, Tacoma Eaa tern yesterday .aft- 1* ernoon. A pistol lay at ! the "\u25a0 sidf i "nt t the body. Aa ! Investigation \u25a0» . being made. HI'OKANK UKTM HANK. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 8. Postmaster Hitchcock today an- nounced fifty additional postal savings banks. Spokane gets one. OAKLAND—CharIes Wirkman was a hero in rescuing passengers from the Santa Rosa wreck, but failed in rescuing his family from poverty. He faces sentence for non-support. KXnm&WUD, Cal.—lUrnuse » man disguised as a woman In- vaded the Women's Gymnasium club while 14 members were hold- Ing high Jinks in scanty costumes war. Is raging. SAM FRANCISCO —Caught un-, der the flywheel of an engine, A. GheEze, 34, oiler, was hurledi many feet across the englnerotm and killed.

UUljr laiirytagtai per la 'I'lruui. FKIDAY. pit IKfwiliipar PARALLEL TO … · 2017. 12. 20. · First Picture of the Gotch-Hack Match on the Times Sport Page Today LAST EDITION TheTacomaTimese^sT

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Page 1: UUljr laiirytagtai per la 'I'lruui. FKIDAY. pit IKfwiliipar PARALLEL TO … · 2017. 12. 20. · First Picture of the Gotch-Hack Match on the Times Sport Page Today LAST EDITION TheTacomaTimese^sT

First Picture of the Gotch-Hack Match on the Times Sport Page Today

TheTacomaTimese^sT editionLAST EDITIONVOL. VIII. X0.226. luf UUljr laiirytagtai

N>« »pitper la 'I'lruui. TACOMA. WASHIMUTON. FKIDAY. SEPTEMBKR H. 11)11.IKfwiliiparla 'I'arnma. 30 OENTti A MONTH.



ENDORSELaFOLLETTE(By United I'rpM I/e«s«-d Wire.)

DES MOINES, la., Sept. B.—Practical endorsement of LaFol-lette for president, was given last night by Senator Cummins, themouthpiece of the senate progressive*.

While Cummins was discussing the tariff at the Tlpper«noeclub, someone Interrupted him, asking "how about LafolletteT"

' "Iwant to say," he replied, "that I believe LaFollette is a pat-riot. I believe-he has an eye single to the good of the country. Ibelieve God gave him * strong mind and an Inflexible purpose."

SI S \T»H: CUMMIN«*t PItAISKS HIM.MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 8.—Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin,

\u25a0tandß today the choice of Minnesota progressive republicans fornext president.

• At a banquet here, attended by more than 300 progressives,resolutions were adopted naming LaFollette as the logical nomineeof the ren/'ullean party for president and declaring that the Wiscon-sin senator's ability, patriotism and record as a lawmaker andexecutive make him the leader of the progressive movement.HUNT FIEND

WHO KILLED Fisher Won't Talk ButFavors People's Plan

(By United Press leased Wire.)PORTLAND, Sept. H.—All au-

topsy on the body of Mrs. DaisyAVclirman today " developed thefact that the woman had not beenattacked as was believed. -

PORTLT-AND, Sept. I.—With,\u2666he motive for the murder of Mrs.Daisy Wehrman and her four-year-old son Harold, near Bcap-poose found to be the same as thatwhiih Impelled the atrocious mur-der of little Barbara Holtzman.the Hill and Coble trascdit s, thesheriff's of four Oregon countiesare bending every effort to locatethe murderer.

Their only clew thus far la attrmod of light colored hair duteh-

»od in the hand of the dead wom-an.

Neighbors have informed ftieofficers that a stranger, with lighthair, was seen Jn^ the vicinity

"Monday morning. He wore aPrince Albert coat and carried aEmail bundle.

Tuesday the same man Inquiredthe way to Salem. He wore anew pair of working shoes at thistime, Similar to ones stolen fromthe Wehrman home.

Nothing of value was takenfrom the house except a revolver.


(By United Press Leased Wire.)MADRID, Sept. 8. —The "Mona

Lisa of Da Vinci, recently stolen"from the Paris Louvre, may havebeen discovened. Two foreignerscarrying a basket containing thefamous canvas are said to havebeen arrested at Leon. The pris-oners give the names of HenryBarbuese and Letellier and claimtheir painting is only a copy.

Mayor Fined(By United Press Leased, Wire.)

PORTLAND, Sept. 8. — Foundguilty of contempt of court forenforcing the vehicle tax ordi-nance which, had tieen declaredunconstitutional Mayor Rushlight,Chief of Police Slover and CityAuditor Barbour today were fined$5 each.

The cases will be appealed. Theofficials refused to pay tlio fines.


(By Vnlted Press leased Wire.)BOSTON, Sept. B.—Massachu-

setts democrats will open the statecampaign with a barbeque andGov. Harmon of Ohio, as the guestof honor. \u25a0

- Mac'

Wanted iTo buy 5 acres of good land, allcleared and fenced, ehot clay

soil, very productive, 70 bear-ing fruit trees, close to carline, only a short distance tocity. Price $1500. Terms,$300, balance $10 per month.

OLD'PUYALLUP CAR5 acres, all fenced, 2 acres

cleaved, balance partly cleared,email house,' chicken housesand outbuildings, the beat laudla that locality. , Price |for aquick Rale $1250. Terms, $400cash;' balance $10 per month.\u25a0 » ..''\u25a0- \u25a0•.*.*- -',: ' • ~

•-' -•' %Surety Bonds.; Fire Insuranca.

B. F. GREGORY CO.. Inc. xS,. R. Webb E. F. Gregory

2d Floor Nati. Realty Bldg. '-\u25a0'<\u25a0"'.\u25a0,'. 1117 Pacific aveTWvv


• • •• STORY OF COBLE MUKDKR. •• Just two months ago Archie Col le and his girl wife, Net- •0 tie, were found dead in thei'' Oeds at their modest home at •• Rainier, Wash. A fiend had broken in in the night, struck •• them dead with an ax while they lay asleep and violated the •• woman after death. » •• The circumstances tallied, detail for detail, with the kill- •• Ing of Rosa Heutzman in Portland, and of the Hill family, •• near there, where father, mother and three children were •• slaughtered. •• Five men were arrested and released as suspects of the •• Coble murder, while George Wilson, section foreman, who first •threw suspicion on one ji his men, is still in jail at Olympla. •• •

Laurier Charges TaftWith Playing Politics

(By United Press Leased Wire.)OTTAWA, Sept. B.—The reci-

procity campaign in Canada todayis most strenuous. Many conser-vative farmers will support reci-procity.

Premier Laurler is aroused andin a speech at Sudbury paid hisrespects to President Taft for try-ing to make politics out of reci-procity.

"We will take our trade fromMr. Taft," said tl'e premier, "but

will not take pur politics fromhim. If it is true that Mr. Tafthad the idea attributed fo him,which I doubt, then I say: 'Sir,you <lo not know what you aretalking about. We are prepare*to talk trade, but in matters of.politics keep to your side of theline.' ""President Taft has stated thathe did not think of annexationand I bolieve him to be absolutelyhonest."

Society May Take UpChauffeur and Bride

(Hy United Press Lensrd Wire.)NEWPORT, R. 1., Sept. 8.—-Social recognition may be extend-

ed to Jack Geraghty, formerchauffeur and son of a Newportliveryman, whose elopement andmarriage with Miss Julia French,daughter of Millionaire Amos T.French, caused a sensation.

While driving past the CasinoIn an automobile G«raghty andhis bride were greeted pleasantlyby Count Matrue of the Egyptianembassy. Members of the diplo-matic corps are held In high favor,and recognition by a real count

pany because he had accepted alkiss from her In Heu of fare,brought pretty Miss Violet Tem-pleton of San Francisco back toLos Angeles In a hurry.

will help some.

Here's Another

With her pretty face showingmore Chan sympathy . for theyoung cabby, Miss Templeton dis-patched a messenger to find him.Blushing furiously, Bell announc-ed today that he would marryher.

"I shall prepare a state- •ment and read it tonight at (the Commercial club, and <will say whatever I may be- tlieve about the Alaska coal «lands."—Secretary Fisher. I

(Ily l*nlt«*«l I'ress l,<iw.l Wire.)SEATTLE. Sept. 8.—"I have

nothing to say nctw concerningmatters of future policy. I wentto obtain information."

Secretary Kisher refused to talkwhen he arrived yesterday fromCordova.

"It was an instructive trip," liesaid. "We did not always facekindly audiences, hut friendlinessmarked the discussions."

From his private and publictalks In Alaska, however, fourIdeas were inferred:

gomp:rs firesHOI SHOT

(Ily United Press leased Wire.)OAKLAND, Cal., Sept. 8. —Justification of organized labor's

criticisms of the courts for theiranti-labor application of the Sher-man law, denunciation of themethods of tho detectives In theMcNamara case and a warning to

big business that it was making afatal mistake In opposing labororganizations, -were features ofan address made at Rice Institutehere by Samuel Gonipers presidentof the American Federation ofLabor.

"How long?" he asked, "if wehad the recall, would such judgesas Wright and Hanford retainiln ir places?

"It is a well known fact thatany lawyer will accept any sideof any case If the fee is largeenough. Our judges came fromthe ranks of our lawyers. How<lo ilh-j become sanctified whenthey n«ccnd the bench 7

"We hear of the independenceof judges, but judges are not In-,

dependent. They are dependentupon the corporations for theirappointments, and there is not oneof them but has served corporatewealth after corporate wealth hasgiven him his job."


Recall Dead(IJy Vnitod Press I>af>ed Wire.)

SEATTLE, Sept. 8.—The recallagainst Mayor Hilling has failed.Corporation Counsel Scott Cal-houn this morning rendered a de-cision allowing withdrawals ofnames from petitions. Three hun-dred more withdrawals were filedlate this morning. The recallagainst three councilman is alsodead.

• Here's Fisher's Idofl.If there are any legal coal

claims they will be allowed/fln applying the law, the secre-

tary will have- much tendernessfor those who have actually par-ticipated In the work of discoveryand development, but does notfeel "particularly enthusiasticabout claimants who tell of thehardships of a country they neversaw."

The notion that the coal landsshould be turned over to enter-prising capitalists 'doesn't go."

The choice lies between h leas-Ing s>sU'in itml direct governmentoperation.

He Denies Humor.Reports that he had declared

himself dissatisfied with Control-ler .bay as a harbor, and that onhis.trip to Alaska he had foundthe coal there of poor quality weredenied by Secretary Fisher.


SEATTLE, Sept. 8.--WilliamR. Crawford, president of the Se-attle, Henton & Southern railroad,was sentenced to 89 dayg Tn Jailyesterday by Justice Brown forviolating the public utilities lawrequiring street oar companies tocarry passengers for a nickel farewithin tho city limits.

Judge Brown declared that tomerely impose a flno, would beto make a farce of tho law.

"A fine would mean nothing toa wealthy rorp(>ration," Ha rdJudpe Brown. "The punishmentshould prevent a recurrence of theoffense."

Crushed UnderLumber Pile

While piling lumtier on the dockof the Dempsey mill, east of thePuyallup river, Albert Hansen, alaborer, was fatally Injured thismorning.v Hansen was working at the sidebf a l>ig stack of lumber when ahuge timber suspended from oneof the big steam cranes struck thepile and knocked it over, pinion-ing lliiiiKon underneath.

Internal injuries will result fa-tally, the doctors at St. Joseph'shospital say.

25 Missing, 16Dead in Nice

(By Tnlfed Press Liensed Wire.)NICE, France, Sept. B.—j-Slx-

teen workmen are known to tiedead and more than 25 are miss-ing through the collapse of theCasino el Dorado here while it wagbeing repaired. Thirteen of themen buried scrambled out of the

SEATTLE, Sept. B.—Carrying$750,000 In gold, the heaviest car-

The Happiest Woman In ChicagoWhen Gotch Threw Hack NEW YORK IS


• Three Verdicts Possible. •• Three outcomes are possl- 0• hie In the Seattle case: The •• jury can find him guilty of •m first degree murder, not gull- •• ty, or can disagree. The law •• prescribes the death penalty •• for first degree murder, but •• the jury can save him by •• recommending clemency. •>:#*

(By 1 i.H, .1 Pi-fin Leaned Wire.)'CHESTEUFIBLO COURT.

HOUSK, Vu.. Sept B.—Hoping toplace Hi.- fate of Henry Clay Beat*tie, jr., In the hands of tho Jurytonight, Judge Watson convenedcourt earlier than usual today.

Attorney Harry Smith, Jr., chiefcounsel for the accused wife elay-er, begun his argument with the,opening of the morning solution.He was followed by ProsecutingAttorney Wendenburg. These law-yers are regarded ai the bestpleaders In the state. The courtroom was packed to hear them.

Deattlo showed no emotion asthe arguments progressed.

"Wo are making arood pro.fr-!\u25a0<•*«," ho gald today. "Ihave nottho slightest fear that the Jurywill bring in a verdict of guilty.It inny disagree, and If it does, Iwill 'be acquitted on the secondtrial."


"Ooody, gOOdrt" cried llttloMrs. Goteh, as her stalwart hus-band flopped the alleged "Lion"on tlie mat us he might spill a hagof oats. Mrs. GoU'h Is a mite ofa woman, but she has nn unbreak-able hatnmerlock on her big hus-

Find Minister toMarry Astor

(By United Press leased Wire.)I SEW YORK, Sept. B.—-ColonelJolin Jacob Astor, Madeline Forceand her mother, started on Astor'syiiilit this afternoon for a week-end cruise. *"*' »

; fIEW YORK, Sept. B.—Join Jacob Astor's yacht Is readyto i;.il and Astor is scurryingabout. It Is rumored that a min-ister has been found who Is will-ing to marry Astor and MissMadeline Force.

, SAX FRANCISCO—"My wife'sgone to the country, hooray, hoo-raf," hummed a passenger on theferry today, as William R. Brooks,a mining engineer, kissed his wifefarewell. She left for her folks'homo at Marshwood, Mo. Brooksthen retired to his lodgings andswallowed morphine. He mayrecover. _I SAN FRANCISCO—JohnMooney, a New York fireman" whohiked across the continent for a\u2666 10,000 prize, tried to tell a vau-deville, theater audience of histravels. *'\u25a0vHe took the stage? un-invited and-got v the hook. •*.•, :

SAN- —Eva. Belle Becarwants' more than 'a divorce. fromNoel ' Joseph Becar, a .businessman. Bhe asks \ the \u25a0 court 'to, stophim 'from the I alleged squanderingof:. $100,000 on' an 1' affinity. '-

band's heart that Is beautiful tobehold. When he entered thoring to meet Haekenschmldt,(Jotch waved to his wife. Afterboth falls he turned and greetedher with smiles, while she exult-antly wuvod hor hand and shout-ed, "Goody, goody."

• •••••••©••?• • •• • •••••©•• • • • •• liKlTiail AltASlllvl)HKFOUIii SEW YORK'S I'KOTKST. •• (Ily United I'rojis Leased Wire.) •... •• NEW YORK, Sept. 8.—Her promised theatrical ! career •• uncertain 'because of the protests of prominent women that it •• might ruin hundreds of innocent girls, Deulah Binford in New •• York today is awed and abashed. \u25a0 « •• "New York is too big. I'm afraid," she said. "I wish •• they would leave, me alone. I don't want notoriety — I want •• sympathy." •• Freeman Bernstein today cancelled the girl's engagements •• because of the protest. ' •• Despite this motion picture men rushed the girl to a se- •• eluded spot to obtain a series of films. They answer objec- •• tlons by -stating that she will portray characters designed to •• have a highly moral effect and that her pitiful story willbe a #• strong influence against vice, rather than the reverse, •

(By United Press Leased Wire.)LOS ANGELES, Sept. 8. —News that Charles Bell, a chauf-

feur, had lost his Job with theVan Nuys Hotel Auto Livery com-

go of the year, the Senator arriv-ed here from Nome. O. P. Gossbrought $50,0 00 In gold dust, theresult of two years' work in theIdltarod.

•JEFFRIES' MOTHER STAYS ALIVE TO SEE SOX. ••(By United Press Leased Wire.) *I/OS ANGELES, Sept. B.—The flefclro ,to Jee her son, •James J. Jeffries, before she dies, Is aiding the wonderful fight •Mrs. Rebecca Jeffries is making for life. Search for the form- •or lighter In the wilds of Alaska continues, but nothing has •be*u fcea- . from him. ••

ruins. It is feared-All the miss-ing are dead.

foroca?)Occasional rain tonight and Sat-

urday. Light westerly winds.

Late Bulletins< liy I n iii«! I'vcss liiiiMiiWire.)

\V \SIII\(.l(>\, I>. C, Sept B.—Tin- state, department today tel-egraphed Admiral Munlock lo use the United Ntates cruisers to pro-fi-i'i Aniiiiimi cii i/.i'iis in S/.c i liii:iii. < 'luiiii where missionaries havebeen threatened. The situation is critical. Shops, factores and |schools have been closed and tax o trices have ben destroyed.

NEW YORK, Sept. B.—Police were stirred today by the explo-sion of a bomb in front of the offices of Prominent Italian bankersin the Italian quarter,

CHICAGO, —Members of tho executive committee of the IllinoisCentral shopmen's system federation declaretl today that all prc-purut lons have been completed for calling' a strike Monday.

IiOS AJfGELBft. —Hiram W. Blalsdell, retired army engineer,pleaded guilty to having perjured himself in the laud rases ofJanuary, 1008, when Frank \. and David Chaplin were sentenced tonine months In the penitentiary and fined 91.000.

MOW YORK—Fire was discovered in the hold of the transportHancock. Two hundred sailors put out the blaze. The Hancockcarries a large amount of ammunition.

CHICAGO, Sept. B.—Secretnr y Kramer of tho InternationalBlacksmiths' union declared' today that rumors aln nit the railroadstrike having already been called on the Illinois Central are falseand absurd. l

ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. B.—Machine, guns operated by Ma-jor llaa/. German military instructor, were responsible for the

| crushing defeat of ex-Shah Molianimed All Mirza in tho battle atI lni!ni/:uli n-.laiiar. according to reports here today.

BANK CIiBAIUNGS.Clearings 1777,116.3*Balances ,T7.«09.9«

Fear Hang Jury.', VThat the defense Is afraid of «

hung Jury wai frankly admittedby Attorney Smith in the courseof his argument, when he said:"We are not afraid that you willbring In a verdict of fullty,:butwe do fear that you may not bringIn a verdict of not guilty. JudgeWatson instructed you that unless)you were satisfied beyond reason*able doubt that this defendantcommitted the crime with [ whichhe Is charged, you! must acquithim." ...r .; .-v- \u25a0*.'.;' •,-'\u25a0;\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0.•• \u25a0\u25a0,:;:.;

Smith paid a tribute to Beat-tie's character, to which he added! 1

"The commonwealth'! theorywould make this Intelligent, kind-hearted and affectionate youth mdunce, a fool and a fiend In hu-man form. How can you men be-lieve such rot?"

Crime Is InrnncMvaMo.Smith made one statement

which caused quite a little atlr Inthe courtroom.

"A man constituted as Beatti*Is might have committed this hor-rible crime in a flt of rage," hesaid. "Good men have -(one mat}with anger before, but the com-monwealth wnuM have you be-lieve that he calmly planned «ndpondered this crime for days.They would have you believe thatwith the horrible plan In bis bratn

|he went aliout in daily life forthree days. It la inconceivable.The man who committed thatcrime wan an Idiot. He chose aspot on the most traveled roadabout Richmond."

"Can yon believe," Smithshouted, "that Beattle left tliasweet and lovable woman he mar-ried, and murdered her in orderthat he might Join this unspeak-able woman, Beulah Blnford?" S

After I Smith - had sobbed § emo-tionally and oratorlcally for throehours the jurors displayed sign*of weariness. '. One slept through,much of the argument.'?...."• ' y

Prosecutor ' Wendenburg 9 con-cluded the argument for the pros-ecution this afternoon. During mrecess he Bald. to the reporters: .

"I expect. to finish by 5 o'clockand ' the i Jury. will!. get fi the caß9then. Within an hour lam con-fident of a verdict of guilty." : f.; ..... v,. \u0084: \u0084 :^^Played Man to

Be Near LoverWashington MostHealthful State

(By United Press l>nsed Wire.)WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 8.

—Washington leads the nation inhealthfulness. It has a death ratefor 1910 of only 10 per thousandof the population. The rate forthe whole United States is 15.

Montana is second with 10.6,New England is the least health-

fill. New Hampshire having thehighest rate, 17.3. The statementindicates that the death rate hasdecreased in every state.

Tuberculosis claimed the mostvictims, getting 86,309 in 1910,and typhoid was next with 12,673.

The national death rate in 1890was 17.6.

(By United Prows Leaned Wire.), LOS lANQEIiES.% Sept. t 8.--B«- |cause she ; masqueraded in': mala Iattire to be near, the man she lov-ed , Clara Crlppen, \ 20, pretty an*refined, was arrested at a grading,camp where \u25a0 she 'had applied fora Job as ; dishwasher. " .•.".:.;'.'/ «-}<a

'\u25a0:- Elmer Anderson the man,. wed \tlmekeepor there. Suspicion wasattracted •\u25a0 by ' the girl's i: whit*hands. ;•*•.; \u25a0'/•.- .'/.. < ;, \u25a0\u25a0 ''.. .;,% \u25a0

, - -. ~\,,i&\


''\u25a0•' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''" '^' '*?''<*"'^'^i*''^^^^^M%i

.\ A body !of|»i man believed tobe a suicide was found In: a clumpof 'bushes ;\u25a0 near Holts station oathe, Tacoma Eaa tern yesterday .aft- 1*ernoon. A pistol lay at !the "\u25a0 sidf i"nt t the body. Aa ! Investigation \u25a0» .being made.


Postmaster Hitchcock today an-nounced fifty additional postalsavings banks. Spokane gets one.

OAKLAND—CharIes Wirkmanwas a hero in rescuing passengersfrom the Santa Rosa wreck, butfailed in rescuing his family frompoverty. He faces sentence fornon-support.

KXnm&WUD, Cal.—lUrnuse »man disguised as a woman In-vaded the Women's Gymnasiumclub while 14 members were hold-Ing high Jinks in scanty costumeswar. Is raging.

SAM FRANCISCO —Caught un-,der the flywheel of an engine, A.GheEze, 34, oiler, was hurledimany feet across the englnerotmand killed.