rL- r V r r V f i r T I r k i y r k THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCAT I It Bntvrett HH tfoconflGlnaa Mntuir PiMay Kchtuarv llith IliOl at tho 1ostotHco ut Harbourvlllts Knox County Ky Under Ant of Congress of Mnrch 3rd 1879 t I I MOITO LIVE FOil OIJH riiiKND Do TUB OKEATKST AMOUNT or HOOD WE CANTO TUB IMIUIHST NIJMUBII OK PEOPLE r Terns 100 Per Year in Advance BAKBOURVILLE KENTUCKY FRIDAY JULY 15 1910 Seventh Year Vol 7No 22 c J KNOX COUNTY X F R 1 TEACHERS In Annual Session at I t Union College for Insti lfute Instruction Prot T J Coates of Rich s 1 mond Instructor Togeth ¬ er With Supt Evans Have Mode Week- Interestlnu The annual Teacliers Institute con- versed ¬ last Monday morning in the chapel of Union College for a weeks work The devotional exercises were led by Rev Charles P Estes of tho > Baptist Church after which the or r ganization of the Institute was per ¬ bb fectcd and Miss Amanda Lambdiri Lc1ected Secretary rfter which the regular work of the session was upf pm the teachers were it given a reception at Brown Hall y where refreshments were served and all were given a royal reception Tuesday morning the devotional exercises were led by Dr Hitchcock after which the regular work was again taken up In the evening at 800 oclock Prof Coates delivered a lecture at the Chapel of Union College to the teach ¬ ers and citizens of the town who were present upon the Ideals of I Education which was a gem and should have been heard by every i citizen of our entire city and those who missed it- 1Vernesday missed a rare treat moniihg the devotion al services were led by Dr T B Stratton and again the Institute a ork was taken up for the day and at night an illustrated lecture on q Sanitation and health was delivered by Prof James P Faulkner to the teachers and citizens who were press ent Oa Wednesday afternoon the In ¬ stitute work was arranged aspee ia feature for school trustees Thursday morning devotional ex ¬ ercises led by Rev R L Brown and the regular work attain taken upand at 800 oclock pm an address by Dr Porter of Lexington Subject Mothers Wives and Sweethearts Friday morning devotional exer ¬ cises will be led by Rev I E Reid und the last day of the Institute a work will be begun This week has indeed been a very profltihle one to the teachers of Knox county and those who have received the greatest benefit from the weeks tt ork are the ones who have given the closest attention to the work List of Teachers of Knox County in Their Order bv Districts BARHOIKVIMK GKUnjI SCHOOL I Prof M II Judd Supt W C Faulkner rIt JAlex TJnsley Judtr J WILTON GKADHD SCHOOL it I C B Humfleet Prin if1 Malissa Dugger Asst t r r n ji CUR mils GKADKU SCHOOL r > 1y v- Y tI A Gray Prm > Mrs Gray Asst Emma Barton v k Educational Division No I k Sub Divsiou No1 J G Tyc ii No2 Jessie Mayhew I 3 Alex Smith II 4 J L Hopper V1 5 J B Hutchins ft 6 Mary Gibson FortneS Y II 8 W R McWilliami f 9 G W Messer xvI 10 Mrs LaurriMiracle < f rw J1 ti r lu I No 11 Jay l a nts 12 Amanda Lambdin It 13 Henderson Mills It 14 AxicCarnes 15 Olga Fortney 16 Rosa Lawson educational Division No 2 Sub Division No1 Rosa Pa ker No2 AJ Meioy1 II 313 It Evans 4 LaMatildii Campbell 51 A Gibson n 0 John Foley 7 Mrs Wm Main 8 W S Mays n Wm Hopper 1 10 W W McKeehan 111 W Cr Elliott w 12 Cora Evans I 13 Pearl Parker 14 Ed Mackey 15 Bertha Benny Educational Division No a- Il fParker Sub Division No1 and Mitchell No 2 Carlo Horn Vr3 Allien Matthews Mary Lester II 4 Wealthy Gibson 5 Amanda Mills G Abe Hammonds 7 Kittie Canes ItS W S Woolum u S A Mills 10 Mollie Smith 11 Gusta Hnmmons 12 Nicy Smith 13 J1 Warren 14 Roe Carnes 15 Dicy Mills It 16 hester arnes 17 D M Walker Educational Division No A Sub Division No1 Charita Hen drickson No2 Allice Sasser J 3Cleo Jones It 4JH Baker 5 C C Taylor 6 Sam Jones 7 G C Hopper 8C W Jones 9 A M Vanghn 110 C C Crook 11 C T Crook 12 T E Sasser 13 J H Jarvis 14 Mary Dickey 15 Hilda Fisher- Educational Division No 5 Sub Division No1 J C Mays No 2B H Higgins 3 Mahala Hale 4 A J Walker 5J W Hughes 6 Elva Jackson AI fyj C Sears i15 Clara Dugger 9 Mike Engle 10 J U Bryant It 11 G C Humfleet Educational Division No G Sub Division No 1 Clara Campbell II 3 Arlie Williams AI 4 Willie Mitchell 5 Elkannan Knuckles 6 Dora Mitchell 7 8 Elida Engle 9 Bertha Lane 10 W W Lawson 11 O N Prichard Resolution of Respect Whereas it has pleased our Heaven ¬ ly Father to remove from our mem bership here below to the Heavenly Lodge above our belovedsister Louisa Dlantotii be it Resolved that in her death our Lodge has lost a faithful member her family a kind and loving mother and the common ita ti good neighbor Be it Resolved that we the mem ¬ bersof Esterella Rebeknli Lodge No 83 I 00 F do hgrin Y tend to the family of deceasedsjterolir siR cere and heartfelt sympathy in their sad misfortune Done by order of the Lodge J W Giloert PF < Sasser Lizzie Gilbet Committee x11 pn 2 UNION COLLEGE Barbourville Kentucky The above picture fen miniature representation of song of the buildings and grounds of Union College rhe College is eoeducntioiml f HIM prepared to afford mid will afford equal advantages to young non and youn women Ft has ShPARATE college homes for them Mein liars of tho Faculty will live in tlies Homes in close touch with the student and thus he Present and always ready and willing to glvf to thl student any needed aid and attention The Young Ladies College Home will be occupied by the female members of the Faculty with tho young lady students while some of thin male members of the Faculty will live in the Young Mens College Home with tho young men students The sanitary condition of tIlt college Is first class To secure that condition a well arranged private sewerage system leading to till river has been constructed and is In operation The College lifts likewise its private water system with deep water wells liS water supply college water plant central heating and eclectrlc light plants with scientific advantages in toilets mid baths A Faculty not outclassedany where innrii est constant conscientious devotion to duty nnd time welfare of the student hits been selected for the coining school year And no effort will be omitted to make the year a highly profitable one to the student The effort of the institution will be directed towards establishing in the life of the student the Christian tone and habits of industry curd economy fa the matter of expense to the student embra itu tuition board fcc i Union College offers advantages which cannot suffer in any comparison with any other institudton in the tumid The coming school year will y begin September nth 1110 For further particulars address Ip James D Black President Barbourville Kentucky 1 POWERS AT PHiliPPI Makes Powertul Speech and Given Great Ovation Sulplmrlick KyHon Caleb Powers filled his appointmet at I Philippi Saturday morning ut 10 a m He was met by a large und enthusiastic crowd und given u great ovation He spoke in the Philippi church and the lurge building was packed with people us never before He made u pow ¬ erful speech in vindication of himself und when he spoke of the great wrong done him while at ¬ tempting to vindicate himself and the Republican party teurs ran down the cheeks of many of his audience If there wus an Ed- wards ¬ mural present he was ImownlIhere because Mr Edwards had tailed in his scheme to let them into the primary After Mr Powers 11 dress a Powers Olub was organ- ized ¬ with more than 100 members This section of the county will give him almost a unanimous vote Tompkinsville News Powers in Adair Columbia Ky July 10 1010 The Mountain Advocate Barbourville Ky Hon Caleb Powers finished his list appointments for Adair coun- ty ¬ last night at Knifery No such crowds have ever greeted a candi ¬ late for office in this county and the county is almost unanimously for him At McGaha where he spoke to a crowd of over 400 people a test vote was taken which showed them to be unanimously for Powers It was learned that there were two Edwards men in the audience but on a vote they failed to show up Powers friends expect him to get from 1400 to 1600 majority in Adair L B Hunt WANTED Address and informa tion of George Calvin Oaks age 36 years white was employed as a coal miner near Artemus Ky Send information to A R Wallace Secty Barbourville Ky J Jt il1iJcI t I1 c t The Diary Industry ofII the United oflthe are 21720000 milch cows in tin United States and these are worth 702945000 00 The magnitude ol the industry can perhaps he hest un ¬ derstood when it is considered that these cows produce yenly about 1 000000000 00 worth of products There is no other branch of divei sificd agriculture so important to the progress of a community The fertilityof the soil can best he main tanned bv the liberal1use of barnyard manure and the 4airy heard not only makes this possible but dairying is also more remunerative than other branches of farming when properly carried on- Dairying has made wonderful pro- gress ¬ since the advent of the modern cremery and consumer of butter has I not only peen benetitted by being furnished a more wholesale and pal stable article of food but time wife in the farm home has been relievedof the drudgery indent to making but ¬ ter on the farm Where formel the cream was ripened and claimed into butter under conditions not conduc ¬ tive to fine quality in the finished product and in the majorityof cases by unkilleb hands now the most of the milk or cream is delivered to a modern cremery where conditions are suited to the purpose of making butter and the result has been a wonderful improvement in the qual ity of our dairy products As the quality has improved consumption has increased and the progress of dairying has been remarkable during the past decade The perpetuity of the countrys greatness depends upon increasing the production of farm products from year to year a result which not only furnishes our people with food but maintains the prosperity of our farming comunities Increase in production can only come through improved methods of agriculture and soil improvement When it is considered that the dairy cow is the foundation for soil improvement and farming prosperity her impor- tance ¬ is best understood and inter- est in her should not be confined to her owner She is an important factor in the developement and pros ¬ perity four country t d < i i i 11 < I IState News Pickupsj IMOONSHINER Arrested in Owsley County by Deputy Marshal Nays and Capt short Richmond Kv July 11 Deputy U S Marshal Wm Mays and Capt W T Short returned here today from a moonshine raid in Owsley county where they destroyed several hundred gallons of beer and arrested George Pearson an opperator Slmpsonvillc Youth Believed to Have Expired Prom Heat Stroke Shelbyville The 12 yearold son of prof J H Moore was found dead near the railroad track at Simpson yule He had been sent to the drug store for some medicine and it is thought he must have been over ¬ come with heat as there is no marks on him to indicate that he had been struck by a train or met with anyaccident ELECTRIC LINE Engineers at Work on Road Prom Newport to Lexington CynthianaA corps of fourteen engineers and assistants have begun the work of surveying the route for the Newport and Lexington traction line fora this city towards Newport in Campbell county The route hits already been surveyed from here to Paris and is announced authoritati ¬ vely that work will begin on the road in a very stort time Disastrous Lire Mt VernonFire which caused a loss of 35000 occurred here yes terday morning in the buisness sec ¬ tion of town The store burned were those of U G Baker F Kreuger Son and S W Davis Some of the goods from Bakers and Bavis store were saved but Kreugers was a total loss The fire is supposed to have been started by burglcrs who first robbed the Kreuger establishment Kruegers loss was estimated at 17000 with 12500 insurance Bakers loss 15000 with 10500 insurance and Davis loss is estimat ¬ ed at 3000 with 1500 insurance It d 1 t- l l iAsks Aid for flood Sufferers a IFrankfcrtGo Willson has issu ¬ to tbe people ofa Kentucky calling upon them to con ¬ tribute liberally to the people of Ma goffin county who live in the flood ¬ ed district and who lost all their belongings during the recent flood in the Licking river valley The proclamation says that 4SO families are homeless and penniless E L Stephens a banker of Salyersville is designated by Gov Willson as the collector of the relief fund Killed Wife While Cleaning His Pistol s Pineville Yesteaday afternoon Dove McGeorge who lived several miles up the Cumberland river in this county shot and instantly killed his wife There were no witnesses to the tragedy but McGeorge told some neighbors that he was cleaning a his revolver when it accidentally discharged r Electrocuted Matt White was electrocuted at North Jellico Mines at Bertha Ky last Saturday nigut about 915 oclock in a very peculiar manner The accident as we gather it was in the following mannerS Mr White and his family lived at Wilton and had gone to Bertha on one of the mine trolly cars with his family intending to attend the Odd Fellows Memorial Service there on SundayArriving at the openining of the tp mines at Bertha he stopped the motor and left his family to wait until he placeed the motor in the I place provided for it incide the minesI When he arrived at the motor house switch where he was to leave the motor he started to change his V trolly pole but in doing so it is sup ¬ posed that his f pot slipped his body came in contact with the powerful wire which struck him on the neck killiug him instantly When fonnd v his head was hanging over tie main trolly wire and a large place burned iu his neck with blisters allover his bodyHe leaves a wife nnd four children p to mourn the loss The remains were intered in Mt Olive Cemetery on Sunday afternoon r

V r THE MOUNTAIN It - University of Kentucky

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It Bntvrett HH tfoconflGlnaa Mntuir PiMay Kchtuarv llith IliOl at tho 1ostotHco ut Harbourvlllts Knox County Ky Under Ant of Congress of Mnrch 3rd 1879



r Terns 100 Per Year in Advance BAKBOURVILLE KENTUCKY FRIDAY JULY 15 1910 Seventh Year Vol 7No 22c



R 1


In Annual Session atI tUnion College for Insti

lfute Instruction

Prot T J Coates of Richs 1 mond Instructor Togeth ¬

er With Supt EvansHave Mode Week-


The annual Teacliers Institute con-



last Monday morning in thechapel of Union College for a weeks

work The devotional exercises were

led by Rev Charles P Estes of tho

> Baptist Church after which the orr ganization of the Institute was per¬

bb fectcd and Miss Amanda Lambdiri

Lc1ected Secretary rfter which theregular work of the session was

upf pm the teachers were

it given a reception at Brown Hally

where refreshments were served andall were given a royal reception

Tuesday morning the devotionalexercises were led by Dr Hitchcock

after which the regular work wasagain taken up

In the evening at 800 oclock ProfCoates delivered a lecture at theChapel of Union College to the teach ¬

ers and citizens of the town who

were present upon the Ideals ofI Education which was a gem and

should have been heard by everyi citizen of our entire city and those

who missed it-

1Vernesdaymissed a rare treatmoniihg the devotion

al services were led by Dr T B

Stratton and again the Institutea ork was taken up for the day and

at night an illustrated lecture onq Sanitation and health was delivered

by Prof James P Faulkner to theteachers and citizens who were press

entOa Wednesday afternoon the In ¬

stitute work was arranged aspeeia feature for school trustees

Thursday morning devotional ex ¬

ercises led by Rev R L Brown andthe regular work attain taken upandat 800 oclock pm an address by

Dr Porter of Lexington Subject

Mothers Wives and SweetheartsFriday morning devotional exer ¬

cises will be led by Rev I E Reidund the last day of the Institute

a work will be begunThis week has indeed been a very

profltihle one to the teachers of Knoxcounty and those who have received

the greatest benefit from the weeks

tt ork are the ones who have giventhe closest attention to the work

List of Teachers of KnoxCounty in Their Order bvDistricts


I Prof M II Judd SuptW C Faulkner


it I C B Humfleet Prin

if1 Malissa Dugger Asst

t r r n ji CURmils GKADKU SCHOOL

r > 1y v-

Y tI A Gray Prm

> Mrs Gray Asst

Emma Bartonvk Educational Division No I

k Sub Divsiou No1 J G Tyc

ii No2 Jessie MayhewI 3 Alex Smith


4 J L HopperV1 5 J B Hutchins ft

6 Mary GibsonFortneSY

II 8 W R McWilliamif 9 G W Messer

xvI 10 Mrs LaurriMiracle

< frw J1 ti r

lu I

No 11 Jay l a nts12 Amanda Lambdin

It 13 Henderson MillsIt 14 AxicCarnes

15 Olga Fortney16 Rosa Lawson

educational Division No 2

Sub Division No1 Rosa Pa kerNo2 AJ Meioy1II 313 It Evans

4 LaMatildii Campbell

51 A Gibsonn 0 John Foley

7 Mrs Wm Main8 W S Maysn Wm Hopper 110 W W McKeehan

111 W Cr Elliottw

12 Cora EvansI 13 Pearl Parker

14 Ed Mackey15 Bertha Benny

Educational Division No a-

Il fParkerSub Division No1 and

MitchellNo 2 Carlo Horn

Vr3 Allien MatthewsMary Lester

II 4 Wealthy Gibson5 Amanda MillsG Abe Hammonds7 Kittie Canes

ItS W S Woolumu S A Mills10 Mollie Smith11 Gusta Hnmmons12 Nicy Smith13 J1 Warren14 Roe Carnes15 Dicy Mills

It 16 hester arnes17 D M Walker

Educational Division No A

Sub Division No1 Charita Hendrickson

No2 Allice SasserJ 3Cleo Jones

It 4JH Baker5 C C Taylor6 Sam Jones7 G C Hopper8C W Jones9 A M Vanghn

110 C C Crook11 C T Crook12 T E Sasser13 J H Jarvis14 Mary Dickey

15 Hilda Fisher-

Educational Division No 5Sub Division No1 J C Mays

No 2B H Higgins3 Mahala Hale4 A J Walker5 J W Hughes6 Elva Jackson

AI fyj C Searsi15 Clara Dugger

9 Mike Engle10 J U Bryant

It 11 G C Humfleet

Educational Division No G

Sub Division No 1 Clara CampbellII 3 Arlie WilliamsAI 4 Willie Mitchell

5 Elkannan Knuckles6 Dora Mitchell7

8 Elida Engle9 Bertha Lane10 W W Lawson11 O N Prichard

Resolution of Respect

Whereas it has pleased our Heaven ¬

ly Father to remove from our membership here below to the HeavenlyLodge above our belovedsisterLouisa Dlantotii be it Resolved thatin her death our Lodge has lost afaithful member her family a kindand loving mother and the commonita ti good neighbor

Be it Resolved that we the mem ¬

bersof Esterella Rebeknli Lodge No

83 I 0 0 F do hgrin Y tend tothe family of deceasedsjterolir siR

cere and heartfelt sympathy in theirsad misfortune

Done by order of the LodgeJ W Giloert

PF< SasserLizzie Gilbet


x11 pn 2

UNION COLLEGE Barbourville KentuckyThe above picture fen miniature representation of song of the buildings and grounds of Union College rhe College is eoeducntioiml f

HIM prepared to afford mid will afford equal advantages to young non and youn women Ft has ShPARATE college homes for them Meinliars of tho Faculty will live in tlies Homes in close touch with the student and thus he Present and always ready and willing to glvf to thlstudent any needed aid and attention The Young Ladies College Home will be occupied by the female members of the Faculty with thoyoung lady students while some of thin male members of the Faculty will live in the Young Mens College Home with tho young men studentsThe sanitary condition of tIlt college Is first class To secure that condition a well arranged private sewerage system leading to till river hasbeen constructed and is In operation The College lifts likewise its private water system with deep water wells liS water supply college waterplant central heating and eclectrlc light plants with scientific advantages in toilets mid baths A Faculty not outclassedany where innrii estconstant conscientious devotion to duty nnd time welfare of the student hits been selected for the coining school year And no effort will beomitted to make the year a highly profitable one to the student The effort of the institution will be directed towards establishing in the life ofthe student the Christian tone and habits of industry curd economy fa the matter of expense to the student embra itu tuition board fcc iUnion College offers advantages which cannot suffer in any comparison with any other institudton in the tumid The coming school year will y

begin September nth 1110 For further particulars address IpJames D Black President Barbourville Kentucky



PHiliPPIMakes Powertul Speech and

Given Great Ovation

Sulplmrlick KyHon CalebPowers filled his appointmet at I

Philippi Saturday morning ut 10

a m He was met by a large undenthusiastic crowd und given u

great ovation He spoke in thePhilippi church and the lurgebuilding was packed with peopleus never before He made u pow ¬

erful speech in vindication ofhimself und when he spoke of thegreat wrong done him while at ¬

tempting to vindicate himself andthe Republican party teurs randown the cheeks of many of hisaudience If there wus an Ed-


mural present he was

ImownlIherebecause Mr Edwards had tailedin his scheme to let them into theprimary After Mr Powers 11dress a Powers Olub was organ-


with more than 100 membersThis section of the county willgive him almost a unanimousvote Tompkinsville News

Powers in AdairColumbia Ky July 10 1010

The Mountain AdvocateBarbourville Ky

Hon Caleb Powers finished his

list appointments for Adair coun-


last night at Knifery No suchcrowds have ever greeted a candi ¬

late for office in this county and thecounty is almost unanimously forhim At McGaha where he spoke

to a crowd of over 400 people atest vote was taken which showedthem to be unanimously for PowersIt was learned that there were twoEdwards men in the audience buton a vote they failed to show upPowers friends expect him to getfrom 1400 to 1600 majority in

AdairL B Hunt

WANTED Address and information of George Calvin Oaks age 36years white was employed as acoal miner near Artemus Ky Sendinformation to A R Wallace SectyBarbourville Ky

J Jt il1iJcIt

I1 c t

The Diary Industry ofIIthe United

ofltheare 21720000 milch cows in tinUnited States and these are worth702945000 00 The magnitude ol

the industry can perhaps he hest un ¬

derstood when it is considered thatthese cows produce yenly about 1

000000000 00 worth of productsThere is no other branch of divei

sificd agriculture so important tothe progress of a community The

fertilityof the soil can best he main

tanned bv the liberal1use of barnyardmanure and the 4airy heard not only

makes this possible but dairying is

also more remunerative than otherbranches of farming when properlycarried on-

Dairying has made wonderful pro-



since the advent of the modern

cremery and consumer of butter has I

not only peen benetitted by being

furnished a more wholesale and pal

stable article of food but time wife in

the farm home has been relievedofthe drudgery indent to making but ¬

ter on the farm Where formel the

cream was ripened and claimed intobutter under conditions not conduc ¬

tive to fine quality in the finished

product and in the majorityof cases

by unkilleb hands now the most of

the milk or cream is delivered to amodern cremery where conditionsare suited to the purpose of makingbutter and the result has been awonderful improvement in the quality of our dairy products As the

quality has improved consumptionhas increased and the progress of

dairying has been remarkable duringthe past decade

The perpetuity of the countrysgreatness depends upon increasing

the production of farm productsfrom year to year a result which

not only furnishes our people with

food but maintains the prosperityof our farming comunities Increase

in production can only come throughimproved methods of agricultureand soil improvement When it isconsidered that the dairy cow is the

foundation for soil improvementand farming prosperity her impor-



is best understood and inter-

est in her should not be confined toher owner She is an importantfactor in the developement and pros ¬

perity four country

td <

i ii 11

< I

IState News Pickupsj

IMOONSHINERArrested in Owsley County by Deputy

Marshal Nays and Capt short

Richmond Kv July 11 DeputyU S Marshal Wm Mays and CaptW T Short returned here todayfrom a moonshine raid in Owsleycounty where they destroyed severalhundred gallons of beer and arrestedGeorge Pearson an opperator

Slmpsonvillc Youth Believed to HaveExpired Prom Heat Stroke

Shelbyville The 12 yearold sonof prof J H Moore was found deadnear the railroad track at Simpsonyule He had been sent to the drugstore for some medicine and it isthought he must have been over¬

come with heat as there is nomarks on him to indicate that hehad been struck by a train or metwith anyaccident


Engineers at Work on Road PromNewport to Lexington

CynthianaA corps of fourteenengineers and assistants have begunthe work of surveying the route forthe Newport and Lexington tractionline fora this city towards Newportin Campbell county The route hitsalready been surveyed from here toParis and is announced authoritati ¬

vely that work will begin on theroad in a very stort time

Disastrous Lire

Mt VernonFire which causeda loss of 35000 occurred here yesterday morning in the buisness sec ¬

tion of townThe store burned were those of U

G Baker F Kreuger Son and S

W Davis Some of the goods fromBakers and Bavis store were savedbut Kreugers was a total loss Thefire is supposed to have been startedby burglcrs who first robbed theKreuger establishment

Kruegers loss was estimated at17000 with 12500 insurance

Bakers loss 15000 with 10500insurance and Davis loss is estimat ¬

ed at 3000 with 1500 insurance

It d1 t-



iAsks Aid for flood Sufferers a

IFrankfcrtGo Willson has issu ¬

to tbe people ofaKentucky calling upon them to con ¬

tribute liberally to the people of Magoffin county who live in the flood ¬

ed district and who lost all theirbelongings during the recent floodin the Licking river valley Theproclamation says that 4SO familiesare homeless and penniless E L

Stephens a banker of Salyersville isdesignated by Gov Willson as thecollector of the relief fund

Killed Wife WhileCleaning His Pistol s

Pineville Yesteaday afternoonDove McGeorge who lived severalmiles up the Cumberland river inthis county shot and instantly killedhis wife There were no witnessesto the tragedy but McGeorge toldsome neighbors that he was cleaning a

his revolver when it accidentallydischarged



Matt White was electrocuted atNorth Jellico Mines at Bertha Kylast Saturday nigut about 915oclock in a very peculiar manner

The accident as we gather it wasin the following mannerSMr White and his family lived atWilton and had gone to Bertha onone of the mine trolly cars with hisfamily intending to attend the OddFellows Memorial Service there on

SundayArrivingat the openining of the

tpmines at Bertha he stopped themotor and left his family to waituntil he placeed the motor in the I

place provided for it incide the minesIWhen he arrived at the motor

house switch where he was to leavethe motor he started to change his Vtrolly pole but in doing so it is sup ¬

posed that his f pot slipped his bodycame in contact with the powerfulwire which struck him on the neckkilliug him instantly When fonnd v

his head was hanging over tie maintrolly wire and a large place burnediu his neck with blisters allover his

bodyHeleaves a wife nnd four children p

to mourn the lossThe remains were intered in Mt

Olive Cemetery on Sunday afternoon
