It I I- v > i + r fAh l lq ryel i ri1 f yy K U lj ljP 8 I I I I i i J THE A it EI REEN f LER r J o = = Establish f dMarch41885 Made Famous Inthe Story of Jonathan and His Continently + Max ORell 0 ftn COOlKK < l Editor u t The Oldest most Popular Most Widely Circulated and Most Quoted Paper in the Kentucky Moun nsiSIOO a YIII in 1 1PwC AdfiftClI I llIllH YEAR HAZEL GREEN WOLFE COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1900 Lexington and Eastern Railway Time Table in Effect June 21 1908 WEST BOUND n = No l i iNu3 II I STATIONS JDailyex Daily uud Sunday I Sunday Sundayonly lAMLveilMIve AMIve JacksonI I 6 10 am 2 20 1uj 7W am 0KJuuct tI 15 iiii a ir inn 701aw BlattYt Jcl 7 S 2U pwl 754 uw a TorreuL Nat Bridget 7 7 1Il1wI I 3 I 41 M PWItl t lUll an Cauiptou Ju 7 3 57 am Stanton S 15 IUU 4 2U pm SM aw j amClay LEJuucn 9 Wam 5 11m Wiucbester 9 128m 50 lIwIW1 aw- Lextouar 9 55 aw U U5 pml1U 2 uw EAST BOUND Nu2H NoI RSTATIONS Daily and S Sunday SundayI I PMLveIAMLye 2 25 pal0Lexiugtou 0 7 35 aw + 38 limilOI Winchester l0l 8 13 w- 2S PW IJsKJuiictioiii 8 2ti pw- s 51 50 IIw40Cluy IIIUiHStulltOU19 Cityiu 11 RI am 4 30 pWI Cawptuu Juulu I I 91 pw 4 3i pwa7 Nat Bridge57I 9 43 am 4 47 9 50 am 5 10 70 10 17 am 6 05 lWI1Torreut 0ll 15 am e 10 li > 4ll M am Nos 1 and CONNECTIONSt C Jc O lly CAMITON JVSLTIOSTnLius Nos 1 2 3 and 4 connect with the Mountain Central Ky lor Tine Ridge and Campion- BBATTYYUK JUSITION Trains No 2 4will wake connection at Beattyville June with the L and A Railway for passengers to and from Beattyville O Jc K JUNCTION Trains Nos 3 and 4 couuect with the OIt K Railway lor local itatioun on the O It K Railway W A MCDOWELL General Manager C1L SCOTTUenPassAlentI i Olio 0 Kfiutiicy t g Bailwag I lime Table I I- t May 21 I9O5 a WEST BOUND No 33 S No 21 Daily ex = STATIONS = Daily ex Sundaya Sunday PM ABB 0 7 PMAKB 5 20 cCannel CitY2 12 35 4 55 11 Helechawa 20 12 HI s A 45 13 Lee City 13 12 13 4 05 20 Hampton 11 11 51 3 52 22 Wilhurst 6 11 44 3 10 27 OJtK Junction 0 11 15 3 00 Jackson 11 05 a EAST BOUND No 34 H No22 Daily ex = STATIONS = Daily ex Sundaym f Sunday 3 AM LwR PM LVK 7 10 27 Cannel City 0 1 00 7 33 21 Helechawa 6 1 17 7 45 19 Lee City 11 1 23 8 24 13 Hampton 13 1H 8 37 10 Wilhurst 20 1 51 9 25 1 OK Junction 22 2 25 9 30 0 Jackson 27 2 30 Nos21 and 22 will make close connectioi at 0 do K Junction with NOB 3 and 4 for points on the Lexington aud Eastern Rail way M L CONLEY Superintendent mountain ContraI Rallroaff No 1 No 2 DEPART ARRIVE 600a m Camptoull30 am 200p mCampton G00pm No2 No 1- DEPART ARRIVE 7 30 amCampn uncl0 05 am 3 30 pmCampn June 4 40 pm The Mountain Central makes connection with all L E pas ¬ senger trains BaF BOLIN- CUNDERTAKER CAMPTON KY NFOfrMS the citizens of Wolfe and L the adjoining counties that he carries a line ot Coffins Caskets Burial Clothes and everything necessary to put away S styleliiirSpecial supplied on 24 hours noticefinest made if ordered Teams and backs furnished funerals Also can fill orders for tombstones c EWELL C HO- SENotary Public- s STILLWATER KY I Oilers his professional services to citizens of Wolfe county and solicit the patronage of a ill who may lave legal papers to execute J Offetat Ui residence on dishwater Y II COUNTY NEWS n t Local Items ofgenerdl interest to a iiwjorilfy of our readers espeek lUll distant frlen list BLACK WATER Dr Wm Swaugo whose illu j BS frylow lowFloyd i I Rose and wife of Bifck creek attended the funeral melt ¬ ing at the Stillwater bridge 1 i Quito a crowd from this sectSon took in the Sunday school convn tion at Bethel SUl1 ayAll report a tike time I The funerals of Elms Will on and a son of Rey J K Wihou will be preached at Sandfteld he first Sunday in October Rev jn M Center and others will do lI e talking Porter Dennis froy Wilson and Roy and Arthur Kasb and Mteies I lielightfully I of Miss Suda Wilson Wednesday night All report a pica time j Sept 13 Doui4 t Go With a Rush i The demand for thatwonderjFul 1 stomach l liver and kidney cure Dr Kings New Life Pillsis As ¬ tounding All dealers say they njjv er saw the like its because tfley never fail to cure sour stomulbh constipation indigestion bilio is chillsand i dealers I BURKHART Here we come from Burkhart t Preston Crase attended the asso ¬ ciao n in Potl all county I J W Bailey was iji Mago Im county last week on business lonllayfor the academy Tuesday j f Rev Andrew Crase las just re wllerehe tiou Misses Mahala Arriett Rqusa and Rhinda Allen and Della pd wards of Belkuap attended meet- ing here Sunday t Il Rev W H Elam returned un courtywhere i i association Mr Elam is a gteat Christian worker and is at prejent conducting the erection of a church house at this place i iI 1 Revs Leborn and Henry Ly ins i of Malone i F1Wilson and wm i Davis of Neola Jack Burton of Dale and Wm Lindon of this place preached some very inter- esting i sermons here Saturday sand Sunday A good sized crowds at ¬ tended all servicest Sept 13 NAJT i tourtemper 1 lets you call improve both bold by all dealers j I CANNEL CITY j HazeGreen j 1 School is progressingnicely4it- an k enrollment of over 200 Malone Lykins went to + est Liberty Saturday on business Dr Chapman of Paris wai in our town Saturday en route tj his homeC v EC Clark and J T Seba is too4 m the institute at West Jib er y last week I j One day last week Esther land Midtywhere i r t j ji i i I- i t I trl t no TO CORRESPONDENTS Iail your items early so they will reach our office not later thanTiiesday inoriiinp Monday if possible j New received after that will not he published unless of unusual im ortanpe AtlprtiIIn ones business and write on one side 01 the paper only Bro Crisp of Elliott county filled the pulpit Sunday evening preaching an interesting sermon Prof Roberts of II G A and Hflrvie Stambaugh were seen in- cur town Saturday making for Hazel Green J S ORoark left Sunday for St Louis From there ho intends to visit his son Dwight now in New Mexico Sept 13 ETHEl Night On Bald Mountain Bentone Bald Mountain to the home ofu i neighbor tortured by asthma bent on curing him with Dr Kings New Discovery that had cured himself of asthma This wonder ful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor La ter it cured his sons wife of a se ¬ vere lung trouble Millions be lieye its the greatest throat and lung cure on earth Coughs colds croups hemorrhages and sore lungs 1are surely by it Best for hay fever grip and whooping cough f 0c and 100 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all deniers- LANDSAW n Miss Caroline Taylor is very ill with fever Wra Faulkner and wife spent a pleasant day at Hen Daltons last Sunday Bertha lane and Susie Combs 1 visited Gracie Lucile and Mallie Kash Sunday John Tackett came in from his saw mill on Holly last week very sickwith something like lagrippe There was preaching at Stillwa ¬ ter Murphy school house and here Sunday andall were well attend- ed Prof W H Dean is doing his best to keep house this week his wife haying gone to Jackson on a visitD B Tyra of Stillwater is bal ¬ ing hay in Breathitt county He passed hero Monday on his way to work Hiram Whieman bought a nice organ and placed it in his homo last week greatly to the delight of his little girls Frank Dunn bought a calf from Robert Rose for a private price and E T Kash bought one from Samp Taylor for 10 C H Loveland and two other timber men passed through here today on their way to the band mill on the head of Stillwater Prof K M Halsey was seen at Mrs Lizzie Millers Sunday Mort says the attraction is such that he can not well keep away Grant Rose Rollin Combs Otis Kash and James Tester went to Hampton Breathitt county Sun ¬ day to attend the Baptist associ- ation ¬ Butler Cox and Jesse Horton of Campton passed through here en route to Helechawa Hazel Green and other points in the interest of the Democratic party ThH corps of engineers for the Mountain Central railroad have crossed onto the Wilson fork of Lacy creek and will soon be to enn ¬ gineer seems to be well pleased with the line so far and he has passed over all the rough ground Sept 13 ANON I 1 Send in free > sews 1 <I a u At J i LEXIE Miss Clemma Lacy will attend school at II G A this all A P Lacy will have his new dwelling done by the last of the week i i Walter Maloney and family vis ited his parents Newton Malonoy I and wife Sunday Mrs Mary Brooks moved from Hazel Green to the Ellis Johnson j farm on this creek Too Lee Wilson and wife were guests of the latters parents Geo Byrd and wife Sunday i Miss Mallie Byrd was visiting her sister Mrs James Cox of Tol ivor Saturday and SundayC Frank Johnson and wife were guests Forest Cecil and wife of near Hazel Green Suudayi i J G Trimble attended the asso ciatiun in Breathitt county Satur- day ¬ j and reports a large crowdI I Mrs Crocket Rose of this place- is very sick at this writing Lr Taylor j Center is attending her Mrs W S Trimble is attending the bedside of her father Uncle Jordan Wills at Hazel Green thisI weekI I J B McNabb of Toliyer case up Friday to take home his daugh- ter ¬ Miss Maud who is teaching at i this place j jj j Mrs George Beasley passed thru here Sunday en route to visit liar mother Mrs Ira Wells of near Daysboro Hoy L Childers wife and daugh ¬ ter Della were visiting R II Childers and family of Stillwater Saturday and Sunday I There will be an ice cream st p per at the Johnson school house next Saturday night September IS Everybody invited I i Mrs Taylor Caskey and MhI Belle Godsey of your town spit a pleasant day with Aunt Eliza Nickell of this place Saturday Lloyd Lacy and sisters Misses Mollio and Grace attended church at the Stillwater bridge Sunday and report a large congregation Our well known farmer Jeff Rote met with the misfortune iof falling from his barn loft Thus day last and is suffering severely Misses Lula and Zerilda Perkins accompanied by Alex James and Wiley Perkins attended the Sun ¬ day school convention at Bethel I Sunday Dr A C Nickell wife acid daughters Misses Golden and s- tella of your town were iisityig Mr and Mrs J H Trimble frm Friday till Sunday i Mrs Mattie Perkins dwelling caught fire Sunday about noon but three or four persons be ng present it was soon extinguished and not much damage was done Charley Sample and wife of Maytown passed through here en route home from Gillmore whbre Mrs Sample had been to see her sister Mrs Casar Linden who is very sick Sept 13 BERTIE Not a minute should be l lest when a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlains Cough Rem edy given as soon as the child be- comes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack Sold by all dealers STILLWATERt There are a few cases of measles in this section I A few people on the creek are saving fodder this week It is reported that a large crowd attended the Sunday school cbn vention at Bethel Sunday Postmaster Sam Kash of your town left Campton today to att- end ¬ the State Fair at LouUrUle i E I i Ii I i 1 t A 11III1IIIIIt Valentine Brewer and family are moving thiwerk from Pine 1 Ridge to begin a I lagging job In Men i fee county j Robert Hobbs and wife of Lex- ington ¬ visited the j formers pa- rents ¬ Rev Powell I Rose and wife of this creuk Sunday and Monday i J D Edwards and Johnny Bar ¬ ker attended the Baptist associa ¬ tion on Jetts Oakdale creeklear Breathitt They returned Sunday ij ji Tuesday of last ¬ I carI respondent traded ja gray mare and horse to John Ratliffe of Cannel City for two horses re- ceiving ¬ 5 in money The funerals of Finny Tutt and an infant child of 11 i S Tutt were prpnchod at the bridge Sunday by Revs Willis Lykinsi and John M Tolson There beiAg dinner on the ground a large crowd was pres ¬ ent j Rev Jeff Brewer md daughter Miss Ninnie Ipft Thursday to at ¬ tend the Greenville Association of Missionary Baptists at Hampton station on Frozen creek Breathitt I county They returned home Sun- day ¬ evening Joel Gevedon who returned from Texas a few months ago aud- is now living on the Trace fork of Stillwater has beenvery low with typhoid fever for the past two weeks and 1t is feared by his many I friends that he will rot recover George Egglestoii and wife of Menifee county stopped over with your correspondent Thursday night I of last week Theyjwerj en route to attend the Greenville Associa ¬ tion near Hampton station Mr Eggleston is 7Hi and his wife 72 years of age- Darley i the yourlgest child of James Rose Jr and wife of the Trace fork of this creek died Fri ¬ day of last week au4 was bur fd in the family SaturdayI morning The little boy was only three years old He was under the treatment of Dra Steve Swan I go of near Maytown and Ira Proffit of Devils creek who claim he had brain fever f Sept 13 t DOMINGO Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is today the best known medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaint It cures griping diarrhcea dysen- tery ¬ and should be taKen at the first unnatural looseness of the bowels It is equally valuabl for children and adults It always cures Sold by all dealers TRENT James Brown weijt to Holly Sat ¬ urday on legal business James Brown made his usual trip to Bethel Saturday night David Coldironof this place made a business trip to your town Saturday i Mrs Minta Bedsley and son Charlie visited he mother Mrs Ira Wells on Gillmjore Sunday t John Campbell i ib 1 having some painting done on his house Tay ¬ lor Vancleave is doing the work Kellie Sally and fatherinlaw David Penningtou went to Win ¬ chester last week returning Sun ¬ dayi i j Levi Robinson 4 ° d family of Lacy creek were guests of Tom Hall and family last Saturday aud Sunday j Walter Maloney bud family of this place visited liis father New ton Maloney and amity of Lacy creek SundayI j I I John Barker aucj Jeff Edwards went to Breathitt connty Thurs ¬ day to attend the association re- turning Sunday j j- MrauJofin Barkerand two little dftoghferp Miwe Jjomae i and Len I I i 1i Ir 1 f nie visited her sister Mrs G P Dyer and family at Hazel Green SaturdayMiss Barker who has been staying with her brother Courtney at Consolation came up and spent Saturday and Sun ¬ day with home folks Sept 13 PANSY TOLIVER Miss Nannie Stamper was a guest of Misses Aquilla and RindaHad SundayMiss Laudrum was a guest of Miss Emma Landrum Sat ¬ urday night Misses Emma Landrum and Frances James attended the meet- ing on Stillwater Sunday A B McNabb wife and sisters Misses Mattie and Loma attended the Sunday school couventioL at Bethel Sunday 0 W McNabb is building a fine large smoke house It will be a twostory structure John Spen ¬ cer of Jackson is the architect aud builder Uncle Sam Wilson the painter poet was a guest of OW McNabb Monday and Tuesday I tell you Sam is a table ornament and he loves to linger near a large dishof stewed tomatoes Sept 13 SUNSHINE MURPHYiFOftK Henry Murphy and wits and J S Pieratt and wife spent Sunday eating watermelons at the home of Bill Murphy The new schoolhouse is going up at a rapid rate at this place John Goad the lightning carpen- ter ¬ is on the job Uncle Sam Wilson visited rela ¬ tives and friends last week at Mire Whether he went after watermel- ons ¬ or not he got plenty of them Mrs Lizzie Cecil was called to the bedside of Mrs Cresar Linden on Gillmore Saturday She emu accompanied by Miss Jane Taul bee and the great Lorey Dovey i A good crowd packed Public Square schoolhouse Satirdaynight to see Ellis Oldfieida refiired moving picture show Screams of laughter filled the house from start to finish Dick Tester showed up on the creekafter an absence tifabtitit fix months He hadbeen blUe grass on the farm of RobtJndaa Dick will come back nowaddthen- to see how the belles are shining j Sept 13 TULIP Breathitt County Hjuu News Joseph Lovely of RbiffBHay who was stricken with a severe caa3Jof 1 LexingtonMonday M S Campbell of Hazel Owen > is assisting Contractor MoCarty tpnfor is a firstclass stone masbn and an all round gocd fellow Mrs Lucinda Miller widow of Judge G S Miller died Mohflay after a long illueas of a complica ¬ tion of diseases She waa70ylEra of age Her remains weije butied grllveyard creek kgledWednesday way from school by FloydShep herd He was shot in the back and died instantly Shephetdlaf- terwards ¬ shot himself and died in ¬ stantly There had been no pre ¬ vious difficulty but the supposed cause was jealously on the part of Shepherd Mr Stacy was brother of Adam and Wm Stacy of our city and a son of S L Stacy of I Knott county He was a school- teacher and well thought of by all who knew him For SaleTwo of the Pier tt cottages for less than the lumber and lot can be bough Ge acre in each lot five r itf 1 di 1 home Apply at this 1lci15i tit I r If

v THE A EI REEN - Library of Congress · It II- v > i +r fAh llq ryel i ri1 f yy K U ljljP 8 I I I I THE A i iJ it EI REEN f LER r J o = = Establish f dMarch41885 Made Famous Inthe

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Page 1: v THE A EI REEN - Library of Congress · It II- v > i +r fAh llq ryel i ri1 f yy K U ljljP 8 I I I I THE A i iJ it EI REEN f LER r J o = = Establish f dMarch41885 Made Famous Inthe

It II-




+r fAh llq ryel i ri1 f yy K U ljljP8 I


i iJ




o = = EstablishfdMarch41885 Made Famous Inthe Story of Jonathan and His Continently


Max ORell 0


< l Editor

ut The Oldest most Popular Most Widely Circulated and Most Quoted Paper in the Kentucky Moun nsiSIOO a YIII in11PwC AdfiftClIIllIllH YEAR HAZEL GREEN WOLFE COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1900

Lexington and Eastern Railway

Time Table in Effect June 21 1908

WEST BOUNDn= No l iiNu3 II


STATIONS JDailyex Daily uud SundayI Sunday Sundayonly

lAMLveilMIve AMIveJacksonII 6 10 am 2 20 1uj 7W am

0KJuuct tI 15 iiii a ir inn 701awBlattYt Jcl 7 S 2U pwl 754 uw

a TorreuLNat Bridget

77 1Il1wI I


41M PWItl t


Cauiptou Ju 7 3 57 am

Stanton S 15 IUU 4 2U pm SM awjamClayLEJuucn 9 Wam 5 11m

Wiucbester 9 128m 50 lIwIW1 aw-

Lextouar 9 55 aw U U5 pml1U 2 uw



S SundaySundayI I

PMLveIAMLye2 25 pal0Lexiugtou 0 7 35 aw

+ 38 limilOI Winchester l0l 8 13 w-

2S PW IJsKJuiictioiii 8 2ti pw-

s 5150 IIw40Cluy

IIIUiHStulltOU19Cityiu 11

RI am

4 30 pWI Cawptuu Juulu II91 pw

4 3i pwa7 Nat Bridge57I 9 43 am4 47 9 50 am5 10 70 10 17 am6 05 lWI1Torreut 0ll 15 ame 10 li>4ll M am

Nos 1 andCONNECTIONSt C Jc O lly

CAMITON JVSLTIOSTnLius Nos 1 23 and 4 connect with the Mountain CentralKy lor Tine Ridge and Campion-


4will wake connection at Beattyville Junewith the L and A Railway for passengersto and from Beattyville

O Jc K JUNCTION Trains Nos 3 and 4

couuect with the OIt K Railway lor localitatioun on the O It K Railway

W A MCDOWELL General ManagerC1L SCOTTUenPassAlentI

i Olio0 Kfiutiicyt g BailwagI

lime TableII-



No 33 S No 21Daily ex = STATIONS = Daily exSundaya Sunday

PM ABB 0 7 PMAKB5 20 cCannel CitY2 12 354 55 1 1 Helechawa 20 12 HIs A 45 13 Lee City 13 12 134 05 20 Hampton 11 11 513 52 22 Wilhurst 6 11 443 10 27 OJtK Junction 0 11 153 00 Jackson 11 05


No 34 H No22Daily ex = STATIONS = Daily exSundaym f Sunday

3 AM LwR PM LVK7 10 27 Cannel City 0 1 007 33 21 Helechawa 6 1 177 45 19 Lee City 11 1 238 24 13 Hampton 13 1H8 37 10 Wilhurst 20 1 519 25 1 OK Junction 22 2 259 30 0 Jackson 27 2 30

Nos21 and 22 will make close connectioiat 0 do K Junction with NOB 3 and 4 forpoints on the Lexington aud Eastern Railway M L CONLEY


mountain ContraI Rallroaff


600a m Camptoull30 a m200p mCampton G00pm

No2 No 1-

DEPARTARRIVE7 30 amCampn uncl0 05 am3 30 pmCampn June 4 40 pmThe Mountain Central makes

connection with all L E pas ¬

senger trains


CAMPTON KYNFOfrMS the citizens of Wolfe and

L the adjoining counties that he carriesa line ot Coffins Caskets Burial Clothesand everything necessary to put away

S styleliiirSpecial supplied on 24hours noticefinest made if ordered

Teams and backs furnished funeralsAlso can fill orders for tombstones c

EWELL C HO-SENotary Public-


I Oilers his professional services to citizens ofWolfe county and solicit the patronage of

a ill who may lave legal papers to execute JOffetat Ui residence on dishwater




Local Items ofgenerdlinterest to a iiwjorilfyof our readers espeeklUll distant frlen list

BLACK WATERDr Wm Swaugo whose illuj BSfrylowlowFloyd iI

Rose and wife of Bifckcreek attended the funeral melt ¬

ing at the Stillwater bridge1


Quito a crowd from this sectSontook in the Sunday school convntion at Bethel SUl1 ayAll reporta tike time I

The funerals ofElms Will onand a son of Rey J K Wihouwill be preached at Sandfteld hefirst Sunday in October Rev jnM Center and others will do lI e


Porter Dennis froy Wilson andRoy and Arthur Kasb and MteiesI


of Miss Suda Wilson Wednesdaynight All report a pica time j

Sept 13 Doui4t

Go With a Rush i

The demand for thatwonderjFul 1

stomach lliver and kidney cureDr Kings New Life Pillsis As ¬

tounding All dealers say they njjver saw the like its because tfleynever fail to cure sour stomulbhconstipation indigestion bilio ischillsand i

dealers I

BURKHARTHere we come from Burkhart

tPreston Crase attended the asso¬

ciao n in Potl all county I

J W Bailey was iji Mago Imcounty last week on business

lonllayforthe academy Tuesday jf

Rev Andrew Crase las just re


Misses Mahala Arriett Rqusaand Rhinda Allen and Della pdwards of Belkuap attended meet-

ing here Sunday tIl

Rev W H Elam returned un

courtywhere ii

association Mr Elam is a gteatChristian worker and is at prejentconducting the erection of a churchhouse at this place iiI1

Revs Leborn and Henry Ly insi

of Malone i F1Wilson and wmi

Davis of Neola Jack Burton ofDale and Wm Lindon of thisplace preached some very inter-esting


sermons here Saturday sand

Sunday A good sized crowds at¬

tended all servicestSept 13 NAJT



lets you call improve both boldby all dealers jI




School is progressingnicely4it-


enrollment of over 200

Malone Lykins went to +estLiberty Saturday on business

Dr Chapman of Paris wai inour town Saturday en route tj hishomeC v

EC Clark and J T Seba istoo4 m the institute at West Jiber y last week Ij

One day last week Esther land

Midtywherei r








TO CORRESPONDENTS Iail youritems early so they will reach our officenot later thanTiiesday inoriiinp Mondayif possiblej New received after that willnot he published unless of unusual im

ortanpe AtlprtiIIn ones businessand write on one side 01 the paper only

Bro Crisp of Elliott countyfilled the pulpit Sunday eveningpreaching an interesting sermon

Prof Roberts of II G A andHflrvie Stambaugh were seen in-

cur town Saturday making forHazel Green

J S ORoark left Sunday forSt Louis From there ho intendsto visit his son Dwight now inNew Mexico

Sept 13 ETHEl

Night On Bald Mountain

BentoneBald Mountain to the home ofu i

neighbor tortured by asthma benton curing him with Dr KingsNew Discovery that had curedhimself of asthma This wonderful medicine soon relieved andquickly cured his neighbor Later it cured his sons wife of a se¬

vere lung trouble Millions belieye its the greatest throat andlung cure on earth Coughs coldscroups hemorrhages and sore lungs

1are surely by it Best for hayfever grip and whooping coughf0c and 100 Trial bottle freeGuaranteed by all deniers-


Miss Caroline Taylor is very illwith fever

Wra Faulkner and wife spent apleasant day at Hen Daltons lastSunday

Bertha lane and Susie Combs 1

visited Gracie Lucile and MallieKash Sunday

John Tackett came in from hissaw mill on Holly last week verysickwith something like lagrippe

There was preaching at Stillwa ¬

ter Murphy school house and hereSunday andall were well attend-ed

Prof W H Dean is doing hisbest to keep house this week hiswife haying gone to Jackson on a

visitDB Tyra of Stillwater is bal ¬

ing hay in Breathitt county Hepassed hero Monday on his way towork

Hiram Whieman bought a niceorgan and placed it in his homo lastweek greatly to the delight of hislittle girls

Frank Dunn bought a calf fromRobert Rose for a private priceand E T Kash bought one fromSamp Taylor for 10

C H Loveland and two othertimber men passed through heretoday on their way to the bandmill on the head of Stillwater

Prof K M Halsey was seen atMrs Lizzie Millers Sunday Mortsays the attraction is such that hecan not well keep away

Grant Rose Rollin Combs OtisKash and James Tester went toHampton Breathitt county Sun ¬

day to attend the Baptist associ-



Butler Cox and Jesse Horton ofCampton passed through here en

route to Helechawa Hazel Greenand other points in the interest ofthe Democratic party

ThH corps of engineers for theMountain Central railroad havecrossed onto the Wilson fork ofLacy creek and will soon be toenn ¬

gineer seems to be well pleasedwith the line so far and he haspassed over all the rough ground

Sept 13 ANON

I1 Send in free >sews 1

< I a u At



LEXIEMiss Clemma Lacy will attend

school at II G A this all

A P Lacy will have his newdwelling done by the last of theweek ii

Walter Maloney and family visited his parents Newton Malonoy I

and wife Sunday

Mrs Mary Brooks moved fromHazel Green to the Ellis Johnson j

farm on this creek

Too Lee Wilson and wife wereguests of the latters parents GeoByrd and wife Sunday i

Miss Mallie Byrd was visitingher sister Mrs James Cox of Tolivor Saturday and SundayC

Frank Johnson and wife wereguests Forest Cecil and wife ofnear Hazel Green Suudayi i

J G Trimble attended the associatiun in Breathitt county Satur-day


j and reports a large crowdII

Mrs Crocket Rose of this place-is very sick at this writing LrTaylorj Center is attending her

Mrs W S Trimble is attendingthe bedside of her father UncleJordan Wills at Hazel Green thisIweekI I

J B McNabb of Toliyer caseup Friday to take home his daugh-ter


Miss Maud who is teaching at i

this place jjj

jMrs George Beasley passed thru

here Sunday en route to visit liarmother Mrs Ira Wells of nearDaysboro

Hoy L Childers wife and daugh ¬

ter Della were visiting R IIChilders and family of StillwaterSaturday and Sunday I

There will be an ice cream st pper at the Johnson school housenext Saturday night SeptemberIS Everybody invited I


Mrs Taylor Caskey and MhIBelle Godsey of your town spita pleasant day with Aunt ElizaNickell of this place Saturday

Lloyd Lacy and sisters Misses

Mollio and Grace attended churchat the Stillwater bridge Sundayand report a large congregation

Our well known farmer JeffRote met with the misfortune ioffalling from his barn loft Thusday last and is suffering severely

Misses Lula and Zerilda Perkinsaccompanied by Alex James andWiley Perkins attended the Sun ¬

day school convention at BethelI


Dr A C Nickell wife aciddaughters Misses Golden and s-

tella of your town were iisityigMr and Mrs J H Trimble frmFriday till Sunday i

Mrs Mattie Perkins dwellingcaught fire Sunday about noonbut three or four persons be ngpresent it was soon extinguishedand not much damage was done

Charley Sample and wife ofMaytown passed through here enroute home from Gillmore whbreMrs Sample had been to see hersister Mrs Casar Linden who isvery sick

Sept 13 BERTIE

Not a minute should be llestwhen a child shows symptoms ofcroup Chamberlains Cough Remedy given as soon as the child be-

comes hoarse or even after thecroupy cough appears will preventthe attack Sold by all dealers

STILLWATERtThere are a few cases of measles

in this sectionI

A few people on the creek aresaving fodder this week

It is reported that a large crowdattended the Sunday school cbnvention at Bethel Sunday

Postmaster Sam Kash of yourtown left Campton today to att-


the State Fair at LouUrUleiEI







Valentine Brewer and familyare moving thiwerk from Pine1Ridge to begin a Ilagging job InMen i fee county j

Robert Hobbs and wife of Lex-ington


visited the j formers pa-


Rev Powell IRose and wifeof this creuk Sunday and Monday


J D Edwards and Johnny Bar ¬

ker attended the Baptist associa ¬

tion on Jetts OakdalecreeklearBreathitt Theyreturned Sunday ijji

Tuesday of last ¬IcarIrespondent traded ja gray mare

and horse to John Ratliffe ofCannel City for two horses re-


5 in money

The funerals of Finny Tutt andan infant child of 11i S Tutt wereprpnchod at the bridge Sunday byRevs Willis Lykinsi and John M

Tolson There beiAg dinner onthe ground a large crowd was pres ¬

ent j

Rev Jeff Brewer md daughterMiss Ninnie Ipft Thursday to at ¬

tend the Greenville Association ofMissionary Baptists at Hamptonstation on Frozen creek Breathitt


county They returned home Sun-day



Joel Gevedon who returnedfrom Texas a few months ago aud-is now living on the Trace fork ofStillwater has beenvery low withtyphoid fever for the past twoweeks and 1t is feared by his many


friends that he will rot recover

George Egglestoii and wife ofMenifee county stopped over withyour correspondent Thursday night


of last week Theyjwerj en routeto attend the Greenville Associa ¬

tion near Hampton station MrEggleston is 7Hi and his wife 72years of age-


the yourlgest child ofJames Rose Jr and wife of theTrace fork of this creek died Fri ¬

day of last week au4 was burfd inthe family SaturdayImorning The little boy was onlythree years old He was underthe treatment of Dra Steve Swan


go of near Maytown and IraProffit of Devils creek who claimhe had brain fever f

Sept 13t


Chamberlains Colic Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy is today thebest known medicine in use for therelief and cure of bowel complaintIt cures griping diarrhcea dysen-tery


and should be taKen at thefirst unnatural looseness of thebowels It is equally valuabl forchildren and adults It alwayscures Sold by all dealers

TRENTJames Brown weijt to Holly Sat ¬

urday on legal business

James Brown made his usualtrip to Bethel Saturday night

David Coldironof this placemade a business trip to your townSaturday


Mrs Minta Bedsley and sonCharlie visited he mother MrsIra Wells on Gillmjore Sunday


John Campbell iib1

having somepainting done on his house Tay ¬

lor Vancleave is doing the work

Kellie Sally and fatherinlawDavid Penningtou went to Win ¬

chester last week returning Sun ¬dayiij

Levi Robinson 4°d family ofLacy creek were guests of TomHall and family last Saturday audSunday j

Walter Maloney bud family ofthis place visited liis father Newton Maloney and amity of Lacycreek SundayIj



John Barker aucj Jeff Edwardswent to Breathitt connty Thurs ¬

day to attend the association re-

turning Sunday jj-

MrauJofin Barkerand two littledftoghferp Miwe Jjomaei and Len



i 1i

Ir 1


nie visited her sister Mrs G PDyer and family at Hazel Green


Barker who hasbeen staying with her brotherCourtney at Consolation cameup and spent Saturday and Sun ¬

day with home folksSept 13 PANSY

TOLIVERMiss Nannie Stamper was a guest

of Misses Aquilla and RindaHad


Laudrum was aguest of Miss Emma Landrum Sat¬

urday night

Misses Emma Landrum andFrances James attended the meet-ing on Stillwater Sunday

A B McNabb wife and sistersMisses Mattie and Loma attendedthe Sunday school couventioL atBethel Sunday

0 W McNabb is building afine large smoke house It will bea twostory structure John Spen ¬

cer of Jackson is the architectaud builder

Uncle Sam Wilson the painterpoet was a guest of OW McNabbMonday and Tuesday I tell youSam is a table ornament and heloves to linger near a large dishofstewed tomatoes


MURPHYiFOftKHenry Murphy and wits and J

S Pieratt and wife spent Sundayeating watermelons at the home ofBill Murphy

The new schoolhouse is goingup at a rapid rate at this placeJohn Goad the lightning carpen-ter


is on the jobUncle Sam Wilson visited rela¬

tives and friends last week at MireWhether he went after watermel-ons


or not he got plenty of them

Mrs Lizzie Cecil was called tothe bedside of Mrs Cresar Lindenon Gillmore Saturday She emuaccompanied by Miss Jane Taulbee and the great Lorey Dovey i

A good crowd packed PublicSquare schoolhouse Satirdaynightto see Ellis Oldfieida refiiredmoving picture show Screams oflaughter filled the house fromstart to finish

Dick Tester showed up on thecreekafter an absence tifabtitit fixmonths He hadbeen blUegrass on the farm of RobtJndaaDick will come back nowaddthen-to see how the belles are shining j

Sept 13 TULIP

Breathitt County HjuuNews

Joseph Lovely of RbiffBHay whowas stricken with a severe caa3Jof 1

LexingtonMondayM S Campbell of Hazel Owen>

is assisting Contractor MoCartytpnforis a firstclass stone masbn and anall round gocd fellow

Mrs Lucinda Miller widow ofJudge G S Miller died Mohflayafter a long illueas of a complica ¬

tion of diseases She waa70ylEraof age Her remains weije butiedgrllveyardcreek

kgledWednesdayway from school by FloydShepherd He was shot in the backand died instantly Shephetdlaf-terwards


shot himself and died in ¬

stantly There had been no pre ¬

vious difficulty but the supposedcause was jealously on the part ofShepherd Mr Stacy was brotherof Adam and Wm Stacy of ourcity and a son of S L Stacy of I

Knott county He was a school-teacher and well thought of by allwho knew him

For SaleTwo of the Pier ttcottages for less than the lumberand lot can be bough Ge acrein each lot five r itf1di 1

home Apply at this 1lci15i

tit I rIf