V£-*yi, MT T YP( £ QOTf&OTStr t>;iSt? £TH5E5 r-»- »*«MKM«IMW^p as .ut. i m YOU Wit fiOIftt ** j*» Appropriate gifts truly reflect the good Judgement jrf the girer. Our inimeiise assortment will permit ya# to select i discrimiaately. BI^AXKMr BA$H KiQBBS, to toany attractive de- sigfust <jomT>iiiing elegance with good taste and . ' comfort with style. Beautifully boxed " S T t J>3BKUli»fE" svay #4,00 TO S10.00 C<an&iiiat|toii tTMBREI&A CA2fB .., S5.00 PO!J&i2?<S CA3JES- t o p u t to a b a g $3.50 Otfaer Gft&BS to a l l t h e popular woods $1, $1.50, $2;00 r Handgton > Spanisla ait leader CKAVAT and &LO VET Hoti^aaa ........ ., ,... m,m i^\NP?fclk.CH3fEF Ht>M>&&. ... $1.50 S1E20S {leather collapsible COldJAK BA<3S . m.oo *o $2.00 CJtAVAT$-*-tb.e- ktod be VviH not want to change ,' " ; v 250,. TO $3.5$ TASTl^l'l. SlSTS-^Mato Flat Siiit SIUK SLOSE and <ttlAVAT ...... $1.«0 TMBSEJE IHHSCTE S I * , all s a t ........... t.50 • Colors, a m a n * f defined taste would appFeelato - ";| and Wear 3B5SAt*''3nK , bli ; ' SJStS fo? evening dress wear white, uiaek and pea*t gray, eroobeted thread silk MT1W&EB, JStfcK HOSF* 3MC3SfNSat BAT TIE. I/A1V1SF tSR3ESS< B 6 W $S.50 AT>TD « 5 00 3&RESS' .a$3?FLE3SS 5 0 c T O $5.00 ant 1B*eneb Cufl^ BeaatJtfiil Stripes; srsi'SMPteSRS-^tfee wea*able kinds J JPBOT -to "box. sBk ...... ».,-.. i ftefiH in bos, Hsle i ... J I in i i; nil i—»*• ii i i inn HI $,1.00' .50 SCSIMK^U«fik thread. .50e.—•$1.00 and $1.50 pair 6 pa3# fine IMe, boxed .... '. .$1.50 'Bte wea feiewa "S'fe&SOi^rS'' Qualities WAI&T?€Q£3S—FPr fnlj dress IVear. &Emey, vt?ool T E S T S .iov d a y a n d business Wear, BoneeJ Angora for extra •warmth and smartness. blxuition Mils and, & in a box . 4 6 to a box- .... ; S to a box fancy e. in a tax tottfal .<! to a box 3r»n*e ! GliOfTEJg^-ltopoftea ^ points » . <5*atanteed cape -R-bite ydth |leversible OaBari, boxed* 3&.50. VQ BSa/TS—Bridle leatbet» hasisegs strap, rixboei' Iraoldlel i ; $I.OOM Calf belts, Beliose qnijility, gold plaped InJtfal bneltie boxed .... ,,.. .j $1.50 l»lato saddjers,'stiteb,4p black, Inltdjal Imeke 50c. •HA^TI>KK3RC®0aFS^ifi- Parisia»' ijiOT.e'lties. to «oni- Mn<»n, ' §0c, lKt>KER<SB|il5F$ • .-. Initial .,. Hisb linen-. v . •-;:/'. ^thu Q'ttatipr $QiinQit,> :•'.;. '•Wim IiftVe off<?»?£ vp tlielr .1If««- l-he tJjonsaiHjs^tijwn t'ftp.Uad of MtM* ^Witt tbestrugtief f<« giis^ni* n^gwir Is *outu4«3l5: ifftviitiftup fiev Wte M' than,tf4lkvreU-<8-'miH$im\ejt mw$. i* sfliferiBS w distress-. t» ,«ui-'flf*TK *< «^i J);»^'.toaiiA istrthva^s.-fceaa:*. : .' ii \iivf0J ;t'&i 5 KS : atotl liiisery liipfd: a, : to^if'iPtfi r sfw ifcs pvi'spnt- i'l» fa !»it«'st "wi»is*j.^i:: m bilttjfs 'tiep.flsTa (rffjnvtn' • t<> it* <i 'Ml &t&fr. £>fiCE-M%Ktt~ I ,*^v , . -'JBW|.C0 ?«ae«t<^ sfctaa, npnd bound vrt'ists, f«H| p;' K t eonie <i5k TXtmX . $*.00 pair . #4.50 pair S W l M ^ E K S - ^ » i e t i e ^ t toafees aact cbaiiaeteir saianerits hard to ffewV , $130 5pO «12,«0- Botieel Aagoya C^ftfoit Ctoa*« weigbt .... ' **••* / /] - / / CAPS-;#oMegaI v Fweed aidimported Stearins? Tb'is Siabel finlslied i$*45 !«l.feO Myteet, eolor and' i 'mtxum ixWimn md.oo A3*|> ^i&oo f "!' Ill'llll" IIHI»<»f»«— ©raaqwe I*5RSS Ht^rtSXTB»--.Alwa;ys tor stoeki 1 1 l&BJBSM^ burns rnt~n,hitrriiTrnii"iii lE?t^icgiw S?fl&s onl-y t o b e r o u n d l i e t e , X>y $?«*n w l b o Jfcc: > Jvispw m m$t mlm JjtH&wh, a m ! i'r* ttte <.^4#n»i' :0fH? fl ti /; Wb^ 1 'ta%«Si fiec plaee, .as^uaidng -tin Jioii&iejjft stiffen: uiwi tlie t««mi"t/«tof f^assb'anii'e tJ)at tiiyi^?!!? a jioiae J^eyoiK tb^ bhtv<> free fvom. ibe ajrdi^ oi'.j^ S&eifeuflters'iK-TSi'Jf w i t n o ^ a nwirni^t otf.wiaj)feiiiit,a^}t'.t : ll?,.niflrt that vtnuiti la fcii? Wttglrtesr (tpjiive fU-Uito it and Bi; JEtfeaJ-re ti»e-«Uftaij5li ihnt it aHtn^lot to beat* is UenwKH ike ie^eJ «f tlit* b d i t e !l£ ^hQ .slatithl irftppejj- h/'.jiosyHVss i1^- feefife and. f a a t e , trirtcB;' ere%-- liumiwi [b&ftg bak in a gceat'er or te«s tiefyve ;let ijfm cotapare t'hoio witfi ftw- tilths. ansJ espeMally witii ttjs'v* 5 '' 1 *^- aHti *>*: erjr 'fmiiulsp o f J»!s bt?tWr bt4it^ «il^ grtofit iiriti to\ov«r!0'*'k' ttv.'in-aiui iua^e dae. atlowuHf^ thwrefor.-'tKtdur liay- ttei*. ; ' ' - ' ' j - Belgium's Postsrjeh; A %$&}$tau wiio has IKKJIH-J c«-teg hiitat often Itatads tue a«*«ii«t to M Xlmoisipjaa, Wfao f»usf!vs irWiwtjsti tile of 1 fa-fr,-to .be pterfenti'd to tiw Seti'tor. m i|tv*bafevel' IbwiMty tW HUtei* i m i / *«• Klfle.; and, if payment 4be tuati? t*R» ere<iitoi» i ^ w i w s it fr-o'm- Ri« ^o-tin-th otijttje following day. «-|t!i init a ifi' flltig'dciiiit'tww fei* cofiiiuis«iUnu _" Ass to ue«'kph|iew?, aira««r all t^gnlm ; suMerll)prs to a joumai p a y i » w ' ^' motr^y t o a pasjftaitm^ s t n d ' t v ^ ot tur«' days before 'tliie stibscHptfftts esjiiivn that «%*ia| pivsetits tlte m$t»e for tiiK ^ fec^tval of 'tjip subsetijitioh- tluHtiij a | M t l i | s nEjai;e» d f . t h e ' S e i g i a n t»st- laatt a"" kind of' ambnlattoi? ^e»t»ra' agency ancT bnak of rfepiwiis \jaa tap tftOIVin* o i > ? i ^ d t0 Mve a £ « * sia©^ to Irtwit of feiia and to tarty n<ltx>&wi and-etetne<i iJaMfolio m<]&t iM smh Wot* sattsfactorjQ", be<«aWe UlNs r«aSias tm strotf»- l v eafson"'s tEeeiriy. ©Willi S 2S '••"•• •'•• i&zi'tiv&sixG: •. !j| tevep^Sjtftttt *t» effort «';;_.. :>. iffeifee' •Ht'o. w-er^, fB?t»i¥a® «n<nigrii' to iMfisf&oimU Bhuiu •.,-. •• to ::a^ir. CafeHfii G>: 3 f a5?tel|s,' n'^si- :ci'ry' .&&%, M. maj>- - «u. tt- . Vil»i**#»t*^ -Wtaa-e AH' «^TiM Aaimafes 3E3f«i<*S|F|' ©OAST tS- IM-J^!;.'. ; an"d|' -\j Rj«[ , ^ k & " ,M -SraSb^t .'Sail &§t.; tftQft l n t e r e s i i a c : a « i , -0n6 tfcfc.tfi^. m'oK_* !iu$»'»:).lS' .mustratV4'ie.etor«!S.asat*d la. iod.a^^W , a » MJaek, h/.- W •>t Wtaty miiat ST u TlID liAliE P3 Why ,i3o* Seals $wa!|ow Stonfes? Tf Ko aatiw!sti'"#oi-fti»t s »»sy^t to t t W f, ^ts^overed i?p^ wtia * t«ws&n seats's«r*i- ? Mf tstwes, tfltagti tte tort fs. a <rt*if j,«sbiWtisbed pnft. C#i*falaij* fft<* «tooeS ^atfe not lakjen in for balls**,'few tae * 10iii|3^r seals !^e?pMowii Mi*, 'iislty m tfti 1 * otbeiis. Tii?$'utSf not «\?»ll«\veij for tfee porpose of;.f?r1adinj? up fos>4. t<is -Iftey ape fitoun^ in t&e stowa^bs of uuMag p«i*s^ Tfteyrti*emot tulreo With tbe 1 food because tbey ate fouriii lii tfrjfr stoinnflis. «i botit yhtjjij* *;«tfe a»ti tathosfe tbatr'iir-ift In tbeope*i w«a atwi leM ©n sqttid; S^t' ft is et*|dent pint-fteese Mitels? a*e not swjwio«*t? ba^izawi, .but are seietttedj^Jth -c«ei- sideraoie care from Wie artlel^s sti^\cst aiOngttesbore, aa<J.tteita pteferety*e Is esMbSteilifor rbtturtH -objects. - 'thU Js sbbwn by tbe fiiet pat, as <t r^ie. cnly;firtl<*ii^Vitf one Kind ire foao# In. »*»*«*»*• *^ w ; '^i^atian«. ^ K S '''I" gf^.^oacltt^ed Ma lecture ,K. i f%m^%^piM tkat 'every*™ < •J i a ii-j Lflv j|Ve" Are % \ / .... < >r Ti) .C^k^iyA«<Ti*rini P J * ^jjat I.say cjn be. t»kea K 7 j latlt sett aad will sell t ^fe #iai»l'a'»% iewstry, §iiv«»rwafe, ^Uftt P a » s »- b & m pa,:o;ie<J chvn I**- etote *o 'Hortne v rn Ne-w Yorl ^"^ae' 6efdye"imyins that Xmas ^Il'^oods giietranteed to t "»e^ .tnis ^Ity iti mam- ye,-a*%- :\ tisnall.note,and a ppolif*».^jriter upon tfee. §ife|fect "fie ,fs sa. t?elt. Terssd iji and a|^^,.a#alfll3if , -#ota-6 ; .oif tti-e itlgh;-- er, |id fttstsr. f a S : ^ u p . -tfee j-vafeeal -wror-k . . . . . of 4lfiti^.-te::t&t #rojfed;i<>ft- of. tire aero^-. ffif ^Tortn _Sea .1 I t |ft© : '|fa^t, lbs Nort ; hn7rn inn. •fcre# tftfjj^gfr'tfte- Humb-r '.• vanned;'%iji?ard f o r k , 'v.-'v-r. < feo^.'bTstWfe;:-6f %amf%d isii:.. 't&m^Li'-J^U iiis&otiar B&til'h a:... |-0nfo'' ^^t? 4 *^^ b-ave :;!. •> 1 i -! j Trinity ' vafaai^e Mid'Mrd® A'fW«'co5i«try, 4 a e i o f tlie-'feortM ccast t :f K- JunA-at'tn* eroner reKulafen of the alt&dt^-li ISFa^oleoK's pro^ctrv! ^aj-cl Ifs. tb^ p r o p e r ,'f egrulaimm- of tfc,e r.t.i-vti/t ; s|.Qa-r'fe#-. ;.|o...3ia*Bi' ^eetl frmn log|tfe.(-a^«i ; "^ai^tB against KO:K- ansi'- p^ferts aferg. the south' i-i /'•:Col|>k-ei: SBiefdi.*is espeijially -tiie. 'feie'id of ihe ; vaiuaMe'MrS# of. Attseri- .•0a ^ M e i i are so.faBt.-be-cokaWfe «X--. : & J # f t «ti^l luojreiments i:r: >b .-, ? ttoe^-or in maay- eases• 3f?asv» b e c o m e poweV;b,^:;&een «oantetl «-n .... - v.h. *»«& ly- -so. -'./"..'. ' .. i | . <\.' '&ie%;:&efym&.. , • 5a^i speaker-^as.'-^e'4:i^' j *Ei*iJ. a '..T' ^^.-aPio^ose- &? SejnbanlroenJ . fait-vfed audiettce wbiefi- w^as.nea^ : .>. I».;.tliB.' |>eM posted nava! t-ir.-. f t f l y ^ ' j p r e e i ^ a : Bfe !( *?as lntroda-eed •Mr#:*©l^->,%0-»?bariitBeTi-t is rp r -ai>;^ to'tCi'f bearers! by bto-* 0eoirge , K.. ed .as;*--#^*«» i '? : 'niaawuver. •vp&Q;).<3spire : s t&e'rfi?»^tuslty aaJ^. lionoir of Iteten-';o^-fef/^is-fi^sniost n a v a l ;st'ra(,-?.•: Im'tv. tWs aatli^nty on wpdianimal',fc? ';|o - . ^ t e . a - ' ^ c a r e " wbi~h v.-:i •aBd'jiird'llfe, ..; . •'"- •,' '( •.'|-|ead W.'.,l%s?rfe|4. copcentratien ar.d - '^i«i s p e a k e r ' s ' W t a ^ r k s T?ter<j« fo,«^ta^ J «ixa.b,#e; 'of'W^ife^jent of tb,e m-.u-n AifMllr, ii.frigt3ps.tei. b-y aibo**t WS lm^ |'Bi-itjg|i„ .ll§e|.-aad expose -eh-ips to a;- teto j slides.'••many:.of tfeem aaa^e fi*o*! « im^im^'^m^^sd quarter?. /,;i pnot«;^aftliS taKea a nilHVbe.r of ye^.rs.! eMib,xSif0&ii jof;'t&e latest na-va! da-- . Ja*?o- ijiind ; sHo«4-a« Sp,e..eies, i0f birte in |Blj0^i&i^#^Mr't says, that the lv;n- ibi^ .iouat-ry teft.i4&. hme-smm ceased . barfed'.p«Hf.^r^.-ibe.rEfore of no. t,t:i- tx> e»l6L . Colonejl ShjeTdk m^f- pretf. |it§i:y v ^lae/Wr. purposes of oa.;.-„.- «mp1 iasls.*6 tlie kmt tna^tE-e-protec-j^r~0^^3.10^,''.Foe iaat reason .;.--, '4$^ ;tneibiotifs- ;Of ! niaxl. atai»$t' irisect' j'boids .tfeaf ;iS© ebfef. purpo-sie of V.: pests,: tjt-e lidl-S cent, of''tn^'.«o«m«r .speicies^in. tn« aaa.-pfai^e.-.anioagr tas^ ^itfa'^atf^.^o^sttry^ H*'^afe»d- : •*»*!." -#e#p»d, -• td sery* as «t,'bait' by tfeat dnce'.tblfe ru^less destrucHon,' of .^wliieii .tbe^. #dtt?,' <lermaji cru^c;., i-.iliHMe "bfMf Sse |osse-s to* v asris.Hl- {asa^'..ttee.attaik wfll at Qfiee i5r:..w cSops,- fcyfiiSt, t r e e s ' ' a m i sM^eja tese .fo*gb- : of .Brttlsh 'srt:.ps a- sy liad'beeQjfie^enoiijnouB eacK ye^r J from thfir /•ffis^lisBed lines -* -'• - Esgrayfng^ free. Tiie stor? *t tke^Hniain* . < .HGLM0EE %mms Sittln fI i ErasE #11 .oW'TL&&£mi$mGi% . Jfdft» IT* !0*Brt<BB 1 « i j .Wa| trees ai^o'inSiJ.«'''fo'Wilte<*as^of doli'rrs, ^nd "f fesa^s, i%f^AvTofy*?'tit Mr$'is deereasp.' "..-H* ^•7-Geo^j W r '-jkijpum ojf ^ 'ounty, f 'K. Y.,, is vi^ltiai : Mif-ss C h r i s t i n e Wilfelns who gra uate<B« a* Betrolt, Mich.. Cons^rvati a- of 1 music last June has a 'fine eles-' Wash- ng his SSe7\lirsrWm..'Haniniond"abd c|ther : ix» n i o ^ c t h i s f a l l and trfll. watto«' afte-i -1 the hoUdays She a!so sings i* rfeJativR* liere. nd Mrs. F. P. C?aiia; wilt go the :SS j.-fo ^ : G i aiSi , orma"in •J^u^y'- With; ! .fattier ' and" 'Leetnard of ;', t e n d "the Panairta Eiopbsiti'On., : '3& motherL Mr. and Malone. . They will ber Mrs. at- Aana Ne-wraan, 'forxn.erN' of l^Jiiila'de'i pfaia, bt|t .f|Oi'' nearly forty ,'5-ea*s a resident of'••:his tOTdti ^Js p«*- ri&uiCy' i:i. " I>r.| Chas, 3P. 'Cfiofcd; -of ;.Barpnae I^ike was called to see Iter ''.last'! week, ' Mvs. .Ge*.. T-'ieinon and ; t dattg-hte]-- of Saranad I^ake a*«* , xtr- insifor her, also . MTSL Sihe4jse. ! and ij-llxirs: Mrs. Ntr-jwman has been most ehajiKible-to th* poor and-nee-fly and •the White ; "Cha,rch htip 4>ee _ sappsrt- ." r e-d .mainly iby her prejrerouf* erf-orte'for iL-Kia-riy y<*ars. She wasi worta £~vei ' : $l ) (HJfl,<>0p' w h e n she if ft' "her , uity and Jiewrpar t% home .^vasinarr: •ffe 4J gjdfil ; Ben-hett- Silas i fe Iri-mp; of j. tip peri. Jlay stet* cb-oirl Epasc^pal ^Jholr, Tto^-6. Br;«tv- i s iCfitoir leader, antf )a vrscry -will soon assist in the nrmsical resid.e - h-erij ::ef |B bei* ht»nor. 2^in4 l Sheldoii-tif waicthiRgto-j stj. of -.h-fer' sl?tejr, Mfej., Oras'. been v3,sitjini? bife st>i fin i -Hon.. 1 iS. iM-nje, 2n&.i and roy, ;at E^i-1 JJope'-cfeEtaffe. tias- G fi\ H[teJHJcEl- re-ne B. «*Ii fford, i ;-wbo teaching -jexti wes- - afe; 'j busied; ; \ * w £ • -1 n ilhtiktmm^ camber will -be. .pablisj in New j-rpst'i", will'bt; lae 'A fnv tbe»i»Q^ldpys(. n Wlwtert jeflitur'-¥>f',tpe; l^alte PI i s iassjtslijins Tihfc n e w s ofE ce>; -and :&' grs b i s ]We [iint'br in 'tace.-l 1 -a-icfer-A.tt! Kee^lerilli; jDufthmai.!-" if ; -- I the. Myron ^JP. Bracer e WiUtins m Us. BttS t-YW-S W;.I'F. •if. meat XTrSv: Kutk M'AVAxiTi. 'i'± Mi«:a-*/|lta M-erc%r» _ fiffto spij'oi. 1 at T f li'--P%i^3 !&»4 "-fe-c [': Jnf«. Hf'Uk-i-iiK*. s c h o o l hf- j t ' \ - ' -1 * » - t *;. iier-jhojeie, tin K^v'Hxx .and wiii'-ioiin/tW J", H< >.,a miner fnor.t;hs. £f iet<ve> fo; 'fee. 'li»th jlc'aiM sch«'' r >l iii' New ly.^rk ;eilty. ,a jso stfth .tfiem'to Florhl^for t$,e-'w: if-r. is me iet, ci-" .nd ied sp<-n45ag -:hi l and -R >?taji|t -ai Dif-.- £ his 3JWotb i "tb< M. •" ' 'Ijjiit- St|aj5..dai"d lit'aj'fc : J7..';.tWtj.". |iTt4a£ik, mci v-hursfh- Ip^r^ Saturday tliciri! regular.' ^xne-etingr. f ^rasj! waa given '"by tte| ^ o u n ^ jladii 5Ir^;S. .prenink ;i. ,fi.ple pj[o-. '•%, « progfaap. _ - x Th? ice boat which P, I*aal Stev- ens >%-as ' salJjng last Tae?d"ay went thi'otig'h the ice in'Mirror Jjalte, an<l the nrasts are plainly visible from thr P. ci. bajiflstos. The cccwpant»- nar- rowly escaped. ' ". ; • ^Itfe. P . C. D a y w a s i n Saranae thit we<.k v < ' • . Mrs. "tenia Blll-ings .and duuffbtrr Bfttb haw rooms for the winter 'l?> the Ckve*- Bloek.. •The recent rhetorieala given a t t h e hijrh iSchiool 'by the &th grade were most \ interlng. Mr*> JVJattie J. Hadley and daught- er, SitiESl E t h e l Hadley. v.ill $a to. be 'city for'the holiday season. '•' •-' •rises undst tJ^e leaOcr^ilp of M » swte,, riader «f -the; Philippines and Mr& < tinned t|wr rtufus "Walters promise -ttratcd.v.e tbaw «wr THcre triu he "a Cnristmajs to be morr [eia^s me otitis' arjd fa Cl'aujr -chimtey and a itlhis acasojs. tree, a S-m- acoo's well Mrt. 3S., •he. Day will, j Mrs Vork her '& B. Day and .dawffhter Anna payj will go to Morr/iHonville fcr olidfey/' 'Her.son Clifford .I* of J}fidd-Iebury * College, ISIS, yiu itheni th^re. ,• fpJ Mora 'arriWd .frji-m-New city 1 for.a few we.eks* visit with in, ft^ter. ftora,- ' Esa.^ who i? spending 4he -winter here." She er-. oecta ;di return tu Ha.rana, Cut»a with hpsltapd and family for Chriat* Her d-ji'igfhter. Mrs. M- Mara «.*he p a p i l s are; rehearsaiis;? ditily. Carter-T, Tierce aadj bride haw returned from their wedding iou.ffi<?y and are , hV»uftak«epirtg ak d .recelriins, *o»srratulatlon^jf numejr>u« frJeads > The--tea' > .apd fair held iat T h e «*i*v- .f-fis H o u s e - Annex Friday Dec lltb was a -suceess soclalty a«,fi; fluancia'ly 1 o^ram by ster Jof t h e 4 wry fine musical, 51 l^oyd Er.ewster,: choir wc |%»}*7opa,i ch-uwh assldSba- by- Ml*v ami- th^ .Jnee-tiijips vices have beet witness played. her ma-s. and. f irriily who h { more it- |<-r. 1 he [all :-. 11 K - 'Mi£i= 'cttt 01 wire f rathtT .ijJttS. huirt y.-fjfclis Falls aye fpent tbe : summer at "Lji.'a- ci.»tt^j?p a<?cf>mpanj' the party ill ri'.maiii "for the wijij.tr. v*(«tHe' M a e M i l l . i o n who was .of White Plaint-, i.he- 'IlKnb badlj- by BtSf- \vlUe, foapttog is s;iow wm %y an ago ;»n Saturday. barb- 4 jKj.Anin£ :vr. E.- for iy. - . aims, who was se^ou-,!;/ auto accident • se'perul arrived burnt.' from Glft-.^ L ' - ..Dr. Cltaa. Ji, J;<.cksatti_aud| 1-\S. Leonard went iherf- u> 'a<*cunnp:tn.y him back home. Klg tirtltfii Ic-^-l-t dt-'iTij? well.' Ralph Ku'«-' ^.."H- JK aasfcjtia:? in caring for Ixiiti siti-rt- }5ia r^tjurn, - • , ^Irs. A.' H . Sticku-ey of *h>, Pin-n ,c4jiised her b,puse Sn October ?j.ad hus. j-pomr. In thef Clejvc-s. -rJlock with .Mrs, S. ^.J. .gbauldl ng-.! It in rum&red ' s h e wia -reopen the' •bouse' to city guessts after .JMJ, 1st. . . ' . * * "Pie. k s. i d i u r e l i - ^ S s s a t e a ^ •^es-s.t- cher^tn the jyablei The of Jfa\*ana,-, se%*enteen return to n.nd evening Wat e projKram s .iy#a Parmak*e, mo.5ic telfi 'ilsh '-iihiiol was :T tnost eny heautU«I -emibroidered -.epjitre - piece ""I'f; hv .\ft-«' l-jenryC. $ Stevens was secured b'y-Mrs.'J\ Moir^^ Ci'atL One hundred' an'fi dollars were realized fwari.tntS fair .af'ven by the ?4mtntainee r circle of Ttins's-.pauitljteifa.' ^. • - ' Miss "!Ea,te" Citaely . wi|l. *>Tew f o r k - c i t y . t l h f e w e e k t ^ " The O. . K "S',! sar*/ a;inpi5"er entctrtaiTJTOsrat' (Saturday' the Parish: Houpe. % tit Was precepted, '! ! " The- Mclflrcsy- ,and Prtnjtt KaVage an Main sireet teproiriiessiilr- very tfii'll despite tiif edd' weather ' • •About fight ir|ehr4 of the be.aytiful snow cvrrii. -tt» Kiaddfa the' hearts-- of t h e . m a t i y tv>;«*t:er.s. - a n d : £h?isthl»?r' is vpry' Kn'nd, A liui'- Fay %oy tookjin. -involun- tary bath ailrr^r 'Lalcp last week, 'but'w^ty promptly and jqjutjkly res- caea it"-*-. W m . ?«i. Mnrrnv," askl wife are •v-pitin.v veLitlyeH. in JDanhfxnom cuid PlnttB-burKh liiip! week. Thi*'vuriij't:^ storefi In 1.5lain F t r c r t Ji -t or -seme ^.<»fk .In present a <-harmin. t h e pa^r!t-rh;. The Tv". C.t'T.-r. meeljl h / * m e M'S Jdt-fc,. fay "Wiucjh: tgss a t t h e rect-rtt ivyitul Imett 51. li K.-hitrcU hitve-been pjrtlductivp of t<i 'the. ?CHK1 and ,Wu-vjour. pepumed' of.'Ti-eimderog'a ea-Vy-r;ey. W . ]| 3S."-cdraroh £thd -I;- .Morro'tv. E'ev. O, ?i. many haw EVangelfet to tho being- bdid at xt . . t% Nisbt Wrtt«r*. ., - '" Writers wi*ofialntwally.'lyotkatfiislrt, fljwl ,}niWiii^,.ti^»e't)t^.'jwt.«ti%i&ji:a nerV<Hts ftttteies, fltpiey mitii "Wbeft 1 aia worki'sjr ait niit'bf f not o«iy beav burgers mnvfa^t about, b u t 1 actually see th»»m ioo|ctoK through the crackto» ttae door, at »ef["- . . , , ItttUie rofiife was A bnkttwl nig»t «rorUit»r a.utSJ be wag ffla-b-tened out of it by Mie appeamuee of another,WiMe- % lMtin% •ft'tjo- tsnt'tl'tfvvn at 'the table wltft Mm and ,trlal t^ moaoiK}li?e tfee desk. Tilery WJIS a. stnt^le. and tjie- ttK fc si'att4 wan jipsef When flip- mil SVil- |j kle rot1,!«*s i-aino to jbrti^elf. sura p!'*MU$lt. jtb**lRk was. frtnatuj; oVer tbef throni^d anb. bear ! ^rttifig table, proofTOOOJ^Iof a stnig-1. .tense,'interfpt dl*-!^*"- -..-\ftjer that X|r.;ColUns / gavtt «,p p | iray.M"Vmee:iiiigs arelJ-" 1 ^, W ^* J: * tx.ts. botec*. ' '' '"" four V,' German cftup^ra tne'se' IO.SSPJS. s P*#«ld. ' i n e r e ^ e -as j eoula-.' » # • jin^tlteltisel-p-es. this exp-.-rt I holds, be- a. serloas menace' to •$8SQ ft-'ateA' Ptat unlests congress | ^fti'sli.bo^st," "* B«Hfelf»« jBte^ha^afc CI €^o«M v 4W»M ^ior# ©i&nritf mem H ir bal*,tKV-. I n &pffit Which 'aM*r teteHVs. buiinas? id- the; meetiijtpsf we t b r e a w-eelcs.!.'. ?Tho GREES' Defi. le.—-Th*jf to ebarsoxif Dit <5*ai!So ^ a l i . 'as :vllenSm^ ath, wais-vwell attended. «son of the fanr sold wiiat is ent and srwe &# powtiery s-ca-ti as -the-^Iteb- ftiJiri tc* -Ci-wrTes Fprfri?.' ^Josephj O^br-an •a ptcasujre and \-alley idst JSa'itn •Charle^' S<evei|?s has pnrcihased IrJ Maniey farm at id t-d ntw bo.nke.'t.biS'ivinter; •ivtV^ajf* glad to welcome Mr, t h i s neiihboi-'h-d.<)i BehnSe Mu»K> n at ..Farest '.last 1 |"r •Mr. aild. MJTS, lenbtirg- C^m-csr, insr with: Mr. a / Dari'rf'{Hennl?ti Dep>t ii) tlw;" ; sj; E. A.';- Adaraa, •Men's 'Ccmjnittti-,: municatlotts frt>3 t-hv ^iftlk : of >V sayiw?;' thrft- I he school will or.e-E I Ell-'n-burir Dep*-^; . Pr.-tf. Hi*b- r *er a< d-'ty. a?aili"5fjcC£.y r spent 'Siilturda-S' Mrs. A.& Fitch. will nyjve- fr >m th? rrjiri'to his,, fajrm. ; ^balfmajlr Ktructw S-.di^u'ry'in farvn m im;,itK!l h«5l4a|s v array to 1 iff w i l l be ru, a t t h e AH are been led D r . ^Mulf»--y v -of td0in8 r !:on;;M)Ui^a;- home ' i»cffnpmicv° : rolled V'i tn&>r* eisfht men «?•.(! tfrt ftuyjupy* wp'liinsr .1 of tllift efc-hwpi; cit t-.t tbe efafsirrpan' 'fo-r the h.^m^ ecob. ably fsftat- of ,the M*' pike, of th«'- Ba.p#st, elto -eb, wer4 r . a aost eh- "t£us1«fe<£''w6^scr5'-'l3! tllp"' sniafeter'? r l.U'Sbe Tlie- toil M e n ; . 15 Sunday .psbt eire eon-' chureii, ol ssi*- VAX^IKV. Fa-Tfm{»m -Ii|L«titi/it* Snitee held in: the-.} 1 pepk Dt^.% 'Tii>: PTC3- <bn|rcafi,.. was csplarivt^on of <he ; i~ ttonu:*-, of the i?p»i»d«, barfnes^ call-' Of CjtiHtOU' m ^ jr «My . will mote. &ind Mrfs,- ^teyens f,o' i! ,! Charry Wood.' •• ' , transacted b|orfnes>| J Ch#ry' Is tbe WWKI most' used, a s ;a i. b a e k i h g JEor, the tneta I pistes trim of El- j which- i/ittStwtlotis are printed to inag- th«; ha.a jrws^tyeif!- com- y, 6i [fhacu.,' flail at rt D, i "3, I Crosl -ts:?:.^,t'ltd.r'e-| of iai-m -deponfi in- Mfa'nse fan. 23 to 2!', wlfa •i-'j-ntfaesdr •an Ji 'oocrs- JfOT. •!' i*.tru. ;W-c. tove nc» et,-;, ty" yat^-;. : wtde I Hf.'o hr.'iln-'hf^;: •r.ty*tiye ladi t-i;ro}l ..im ;i i ; .fcxittl t h - w r lith i'j-H dvlla inio', i;Jddrej enb'rtXft.! Di-pt w ii r«i«e tbejbleBsJnfisi -- I ' ii mill.»»ill . h-urbprdT erops f ••Wr-. ; farm Ipouit Also ••a'eebf 0'f to- slope tftaehej? |pf life.' ^(|oe:be. K"^T J |ffearB ^wi^ Ctdd!^^S»^l mi Weight abUet 'ft W -1 Cos vkivks ^IMSMBIt c«4S, ^-? ~* -5i >^ -4tf- 1«i* S wiad'> iMillSj to bis- ' , . .-(&A Business Bent, : Cnu'-votj Wuilit* tn<? a sheet iron tnaft- Nto*'**-' ' l ' • ' "' '' •'-•. J - ' -i itnigUt. lj»ti't it wwsldnft ^ave-dSH.^r bnini , What'-*i«ryo« want o^ u she^t- |bW naaiuloiin, nutbow ***. _ ' v ! Ttu ..jsyfos to serenade a girl, iliey! vkavt* a imllflog, fve tested st?v» •i?rai!'JHstmmiinis on hitn,. Nest timet sniakh liiai-1 want to smash him gyridi" - Kmsstis Cits JmrimL I' r ' Qh^fhnfa Biffirontl/ . "I thoajihji; you tokl tae that; you ft'CKijd not ;<.*o.ntrjwt an^f new debts without ray 'knowledge.*' bovyled Mr. i 3abb as be tore up a btm'eU t»f>dunuiHj lett-ew. .' .• ' "I bave»*& my dear." replied Mrs. labb. "i tderely expanded soiue.of ; be old "debt^'—Cihclnoatl Encjuirer..; If ycBij sIiosM take s fec-p into our* •• even- j azlnes and jieriodtcjiis. 1$ is. eaosen. above, hll 1 others because )t holds its gbaise, does not warp or twist, %r©rks ttnoottsfy and does_not i-plit(. /' handicapped. JDr. Cnrem—You. will ifintl your «tya-' pep^Jili greatly alleviated, Air. Peek, by ehferfui and'agreeafil'e conversation at ydnr menls ,?lr. Peek-That's sqod ; advlep, doe, jbfit my int-ome wi}l not!' permit me to eat away from.hbine. Terrai Qtnite Express,- •• ''" •in. M'I. nllsiat Y'-an-t 21 -|.«,i •Ri'gs In Scotfahd^ In Seotlii'bd the corn and-grass ^elds tre divided Into 'spa'dta" t |vreiity to forty- 3s'>i'iiil lutlea. •V. F l a w . . 'JL-fti.*?' ;M'e f e n u e 4 rigs.' tr Tmplcat Ma'dleines. la the tT'3W*-' Uimieiji Tjuininp', eak •i'astor oii. tincrn re tijl iron; opium ; Rrandy'are 0e oitwiiies, nio^.tuitt tee tcoiiks, '-! v -"ff • US t0 : -;V" : ^Iw-ul now jcai'd ilifei,th2twe were-going to Xmas slip- I ML 7 T s -^-r-t~7*' ^^.^e£tak\ -i,'. : . ; . -- ; ' "."• •• .-. '•' -..1 SfeiiirBlfeei: vnvQ \ Out • liBptm V. '• .tics ; AJ laa«- t', th» f , I best v a forrow -made by -3?oitou^ lit the b'le *?*e» w> K.T,V' fate ^ r ,vt sta 9 -firief tte\. at 4 tSW*r»rf i V f a £, «J.^fe%h be i,„, t V, Mit^ ert4n->„l \ ^oat anetTtoaa.'iVl ^Ja « Bt m»iis. wmil . WMder 1 ^ad •epeetivefy, i& <wwsttlass4>n.- fi Wrliciae fur f ^ t f a iK*r -, *«tt wa ^. evif . M> , ^et a\bntt:e ..j.- - »«1 ^rnaW i v (. . *5* oa the s k, lt , 2%, | AllanJ t.i a is-j-riart t - ,„ ^ Spik *»»S In sueil a^hur_». ;To the t»odt ol-fi.. f^at the Wric'h.- Sena we '»ft-dava ?' 4 $, r' \ i" i

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YOU W i t

fiOIftt * *


Appropriate gifts truly reflect the good Judgement jrf the girer. Our inimeiise assortment will permit ya# to select i discrimiaately.

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C<an&iiiat|toii t T M B R E I & A CA2fB . . , S5.00 PO!J&i2?<S CA3JES- t o p u t to a b a g $3.50 Otfaer Gft&BS to a l l t h e p o p u l a r w o o d s $ 1 , $1.50, $2;00


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,' " • ; v 250 , . T O $ 3 . 5 $

T A S T l ^ l ' l . S lSTS-^Mato F l a t S i i i t S IUK SLOSE a n d <t t lAVAT . . . . . . $1.«0

T M B S E J E IHHSCTE S I * , a l l s a t . . . . . . . . . . . t . 50 • Colors, a m a n * f def ined t a s t e w o u l d appFee la to -

";| a n d W e a r

3B5SAt*''3nK,bli;' S J S t S fo? e v e n i n g d r e s s w e a r w h i t e , u i a e k a n d p e a * t g r a y , e r o o b e t e d t h r e a d s i l k M T 1 W & E B , JStfcK HOSF* 3MC3SfNSat B A T T I E . I/A1V1SF tSR3ESS< B 6 W $S.50 AT>TD «5 0 0

3&RESS' . a $ 3 ? F L E 3 S S 5 0 c T O $5.00

ant 1B*eneb Cufl^ BeaatJtfiil Str ipes;

srsi'SMPteSRS-^tfee wea*able kinds • J JPBOT - to "box. sBk . . . . . . » . , - . . i ftefiH i n b o s , Hsle i . . .

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'Bte wea feiewa "S'fe&SOi^rS'' Qualities WAI&T?€Q£3S—FPr fnlj d r e s s IVear.

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blxuition Mils a n d ,

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Calf belts, Beliose qnijility, gold plaped InJtfal bneltie b o x e d . . . . , , . . .j $1.50

l»la to sadd je r s , ' s t i t eb ,4p b l a c k , Inltdjal I m e k e 50c .

•HA^TI>KK3RC®0aFS^ifi- P a r i s i a » ' ijiOT.e'lties. to « o n i -Mn<»n, ' § 0 c , lKt>KER<SB| i l5F$ • .-.

In i t i a l . , .

Hisb l i n e n - .

v. •-;:/'. ^thu Q'ttatipr $QiinQit,> :•'.;. '•Wim IiftVe off<?»?£ vp tlielr .1If««-l-he tJjonsaiHjs tijwn t'ftp.Uad of MtM* ^Witt tbestrugtief f<« giis^ni* n^gwir Is *outu4«3l5: ifftviitiftup fiev Wte M' than, tf4lkvreU-<8-'miH$im\ ejt mw$. i*

sfliferiBS w distress-. t» ,«ui-' flf *TK *< « i J);» '.toaiiA ist rthva^s. -fceaa:*.:.' ii \iivf0J

;t'&i5KS :atotl liiisery liipfd: a,: to^if'iPtfi r sfw ifcs pvi'spnt- i'l» fa !»it«'st "wi»is*j. i:: m

bilttjfs 'tiep. flsT a (rffjnvtn' • t<> it*


'Ml &t&fr. £>fiCE-M%Ktt~ I

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?«ae«t<^ sfctaa, n p n d b o u n d vrt'ists, f«H| p ; ' K t

eonie <i5k TXtmX . $*.00 p a i r . #4 .50 p a i r

S W l M ^ E K S - ^ » i e tie^t toafees aact cbaiiaeteir s a i ane r i t s h a r d t o ffewV ,

$ 1 3 0 5pO «12,«0-Botieel Aagoya C^ftfoit Ctoa*«

w e i g b t . . . . ' **••*



- / /

CAPS-;#oMegaIvFweed aidimported Stearins? Tb'is Siabel

f in ls l ied i$*45 !«l.feO

Myteet, eolor and' i

'mtxum ix Wimn md.oo A3*|> i&oo

f "! ' Ill'llll" I IHI»<»f»«—

© r a a q w e I * 5 R S S H t ^ r t S X T B » - - . A l w a ; y s tor s t o e k i

1 1 •

l&BJBSM burns


lE?t^icgiw S?fl&s onl-y t o b e r o u n d l i e t e , X>y $?«*n w l b o Jfcc: > Jvispw

m m$t mlm

JjtH&wh, a m ! i'r* t t te <.^4#n»i ' :0 fH? f l t i / ; Wb^1'ta%«Si fiec p laee , .as^uaidng -tin

Jioii&iejjft s t i f f e n : u i w i t l i e t««mi"t/«tof f^assb'anii 'e tJ)at tiiyi^?!!? a j ioiae J^eyoiK

t b ^ bhtv<> free fvom. i b e a j r d i ^ o i ' . j ^ S&eifeuflters'iK-TSi'Jf w i t n o ^ a nwirni^t otf.wiaj)feiiiit,a^}t'.t:ll?,.niflrt t h a t vtnuiti l a fcii? Wttglrtesr (tpjiive fU-Uito it a n d Bi; JEtfeaJ-re ti»e-«Uftaij5li ihnt i t a H t n ^ l o t to beat* i s UenwKH ike ie^eJ «f tlit* b d i t e !l£ ^hQ .slatithl irftppejj- h/'.jiosyHVss i1^-feefife and . f a a t e , trirtcB;' ere%-- liumiwi [b&ftg bak in a gceat'er o r te«s t iefyve ;let ijfm c o t a p a r e t'hoio witfi ftw- t i l t h s . ansJ espeMally witii ttjs'v*5''1*^- a H t i *>*: erjr 'fmiiulsp o f J»!s bt?tWr bt4it^ «i l^ g r t o f i t iiriti to\ov«r!0'*'k' ttv.'in-aiui i ua^e d a e . atlowuHf^ thwrefor.- ' tKtdur liay-ttei*.; ' ' - ' ' j -

Belgium's Postsrjeh; A %$&}$tau wiio h a s IKKJIH-J c«- teg t »

hiitat of ten Itatads t u e a«*«ii«t to M Xlmois ip jaa , Wfao f»usf!vs i rWiwtjs t i t i le of

1 fa-fr,-to .be pterfenti'd t o t i w Seti'tor. m i|tv*bafevel' IbwiMty t W HUtei* i m i / *«•

Klfle.; and, if payment 4be tuat i? t*R» ere<iitoi» i ^ w i w s i t fr-o'm- Ri« ^o-t in- th ot i j t t je fo l lowing d a y . «-|t!i in i t a i f i ' flltig'dciiiit'tww fei* cofiiiuis«iUnu _"

Ass t o ue«'kph|iew?, aira««r all t^gnlm ; suMerl l )prs t o a j o u m a i p a y i » w '

^' motr^y t o a pasjftaitm^ s t n d ' t v ^ o t t u r « ' d a y s before 'tliie stibscHptfftts esj i i ivn that «%*ia | p i v s e t i t s tlte m$t»e for t i iK

^ fec^tval of 'tjip subsetijitioh- tluHtiij a

| M t l i | s nEjai;e» d f . t h e ' S e i g i a n t » s t -laa t t a"" k i n d o f ' ambnla t to i? ^e»t»ra ' a g e n c y ancT b n a k of rfepiwiis \ jaa t a p tftOIVin* oi>?i^d t0 Mve a £ « * s ia©^ to Irtwit of feiia a n d t o tarty n<ltx>&wi a n d - e t e t n e < i iJaMfolio m<]&t iM smh

Wot* sattsfactorjQ", be<«aWe UlNs r«aSias tm s t rotf»- lveafson"'s tEeeiriy.


S 2S

'••"•• •'•• i&zi'tiv&sixG: •. !j| tevep^Sjtftttt *t» effort «';;_.. :>.

iffeifee' •Ht'o. w-er , fB?t»i¥a® «n<nigrii' to iMfisf&oimU Bhuiu •.,-. •• to ::a^ir. CafeHfii G>: 3f a5?tel|s,' n'^si- :ci'ry' .&&%, M. maj>- - «u. tt- .

Vil»i**#»t*^ - W t a a - e AH' «^TiM Aaimafes 3E3f«i<*S|F|' ©OAST tS- IM-J^!;.'. ; an"d|' -\j Rj«[ , ^ k & " ,M -SraSb^t . 'Sai l &§t . ;

tftQft l n t e r e s i i a c : a « i , -0n6 tfcfc.tfi^. m'oK_* !iu$»'»:).lS' .mustratV4'ie.etor«!S.asat*d l a . i o d . a ^ ^ W , a » MJaek , h/.-

W •>t

Wtaty miiat



TlID l i A l i E P3

W h y ,i3o* S e a l s $ w a ! | o w Stonfes? • Tf Ko aatiw!sti'"#oi- fti»ts»»s y^t to t t W f, ^ts^overed i?p w t i a* t«ws&n seats's«r*i-? Mf tstwes, tfltagti t te tort fs. a <rt*if j,«sbiWtisbed pnft. C#i*falaij* fft<* «tooeS ^atfe not lakjen in for balls**,'few tae * 10iii|3 r seals ! e?pMowii Mi*, 'iislty m tfti1

* otbeiis. Tii?$'utSf not «\?»ll«\veij for tfee porpose of;.f?r1adinj? up fos>4. t<is -Iftey ape fitoun in t&e stowa^bs of uuMag p«i*s Tftey rti*e mot tulreo i» With tbe1 food because tbey ate fouriii lii tfrjfr stoinnflis. «i botit yhtjjij* *;«tfe a»ti tathosfe tbatr'iir-ift In tbeope*i w«a atwi leM ©n sqttid; • S^t' ft is et*|dent pint-fteese Mitels? a*e not swjwio«*t? ba^izawi, .but are seietttedj^Jth -c«ei-sideraoie care from Wie artlel^s sti^\cst aiOngttesbore, aa<J.tteita pteferety*e Is esMbSteilifor rbtturtH -objects. - 'thU Js sbbwn by tbe fiiet pa t , as <t r^ie. cnly;firtl<*ii Vitf one Kind i re foao# In.

»*»*«*»*• * ^ w ; ' ^ i ^ a t i a n « . ^ K S ' ' ' I " g f ^ . ^ o a c l t t ^ e d M a l ec tu re ,K.

i f%m^%^piM t k a t 'every*™ <

•J i a


Lflv j|Ve" Are % \ / . . . .

< >r

T i )

.C^k^iyA«<Ti*rini P J *

^ j j a t I . s a y c j n be . t » k e a

K 7 j latlt s e t t a a d will s e l l t ^ f e #iai»l 'a '»% i e w s t r y , §iiv«»rwafe, ^ U f t t P a » s »- b & m pa,:o;ie<J chvn

I**- e t o t e *o 'Hor tne v rn Ne-w • Y o r l ^ " ^ a e ' 6 e f d y e " i m y i n s t h a t X m a s

^ I l ' ^ o o d s g i i e t ran teed t o t

" » e ^

.tnis ^Ity iti mam- ye,-a*%- :\

tisnall.note,and a ppolif*».^jriter upon tfee. §ife|fect "fie ,fs sa. t?elt. Terssd iji and a| ,.a#alfll3if,-#ota-6;.oif tti-e itlgh;--

e r , | id fttstsr. f a S : ^ up. -tfee j-vafeeal -wror-k . . . . . o f 4 l f i t i ^ . - t e : : t&t #rojfed;i<>ft- o f . t i re a e r o ^ - . ffif ^Tortn _Sea .1

I t |ft© : '|fa^t, l b s Nort ;hn7rn inn. •fcre# tftfjj^gfr'tfte- H u m b - r '.• vanned; '%iji?ard f o r k , 'v.-'v-r. < feo^.'bTstWfe;:-6f % a m f % d isii:.. 't&m^Li'-J^U iiis&otiar B&til 'h a:... |-0nfo'' ^ ^ t ? 4 * ^ ^ b-ave :;!. •>

1 i -!j

T r i n i t y '

v a f a a i ^ e M i d ' M r d ® A ' f W « ' c o 5 i « t r y , 4 a e i o f tlie-'feortM ccas t t:f K-J u n A - a t ' t n * e r o n e r r e K u l a f e n o f t h e alt&dt^-li ISFa^oleoK's p r o ^ c t r v ! ^aj-cl Ifs. t b ^ p r o p e r ,'f egrulaimm- o f tfc,e

r.t.i-vti/t ;s|.Qa-r'fe#-. ;.|o...3ia*Bi' ^eet l frmn log|tfe.(-a^«i; "^a i^ tB a g a i n s t KO:K-ansi'- p^ferts aferg. the south' i-i

/'•:Col|>k-ei: SBiefdi.*is espei j ial ly - t i i e . 'feie'id of i h e ; v a i u a M e ' M r S # of. At tser i -.•0a ^ M e i i a r e so.faBt.-be-cokaWfe «X--. : & J # f t « t i ^ l luojreiments i:r: >b .-, ? t t o e ^ - o r i n maay- eases• 3f?asv» b e c o m e p o w e V ; b , ^ : ; & e e n « o a n t e t l «-n ....- v.h. * » « & ly- -so. - ' . / " . . ' . ' .. i | . <\.' '&ie%;:&efym&.. , • • 5a^ i s p e a k e r - ^ a s . ' - ^ e ' 4 : i ^ ' j * E i * i J . a '..T' ^ ^ . - a P i o ^ o s e - &? S e j n b a n l r o e n J . f a i t - v f e d aud i e t t c e wbiefi- w ^ a s . n e a ^ :.>. I».;.tliB.' |>eM p o s t e d n a v a ! t-ir.-. f t f ly ^ ' j p r e e i ^ a :Bfe!(*?as ln t roda-eed •Mr#:*©l^->,%0-»?bariitBeTi-t is rpr-ai>;^ to ' tCi ' f bea re r s ! b y b t o - * 0eo i rge , K.. ed . a s ; * - - # ^ * « » i ' ? : 'niaawuver.

•vp&Q;).<3spire:s t & e ' r f i ? » ^ t u s l t y aaJ^. lionoir of I t e t e n - ' ; o ^ - f e f / ^ i s - f i ^ s n i o s t n a v a l ;st'ra(,-?.•: Im'tv. t W s a a t l i ^ n t y o n w p d i a n i m a l ' , f c ? ';|o - . ^ t e . a - ' ^ c a r e " wbi~h v.-:i •aBd ' j i i rd ' l l fe , ..; . •'"- •,' '( • . ' | - | e a d W.'.,l%s?rfe|4. c o p c e n t r a t i e n ar.d - '^ i«i s p e a k e r ' s ' W t a ^ r k s T?ter<j« fo,«^ta^ J «ixa.b,#e; ' o f ' W ^ i f e ^ j e n t of tb,e m-.u-n

AifMllr, ii.frigt3ps.tei. b-y aibo**t WS lm^ |'Bi-itjg|i„ . l l§e | . -aad e x p o s e -eh-ips to a;-t e t o j slides.'••many:.of tfeem a a a ^ e fi*o*! « i m ^ i m ^ ' ^ m ^ ^ s d • q u a r t e r ? . /,;i pnot« ;^af t l iS t a K e a a nilHVbe.r of ye^.rs.! eMib,xSif0&ii jof;'t&e l a t e s t na-va! da-- . Ja*?o- ijiind ;sHo«4-a« Sp,e..eies, i0f b i r t e in | B l j 0 ^ i & i ^ # ^ M r ' t s a y s , t h a t t h e l v ; n -i b i ^ . iouat-ry teft.i4&. hme-smm c eased . ba r fed ' .p«Hf .^ r^ . - ibe . rEfore of no. t,t:i-tx> e»l6L . Colonejl ShjeTdk m^f- pretf. | i t § i : y v ^ l a e / W r . p u r p o s e s of oa.;.-„.- • «mp1 iasls.*6 t l ie kmt t n a ^ t E - e - p r o t e c - j ^ r ~ 0 ^ ^ 3 . 1 0 ^ , ' ' . F o e i a a t reason .;.--,

' 4 $ ^ ;tneibiotifs- ;Of! niaxl. a t a i » $ t ' irisect' j ' b o i d s .tfeaf ;iS© ebfef. purpo-sie of V.: • pests,: tjt-e lidl-S c e n t , o f ' ' t n ^ ' . « o « m « r .speicies^in. t n « aaa.-pfai^e.-.anioagr t a s ^ ^ i t f a ' ^ a t f ^ . ^ o ^ s t t r y ^ H*'^afe»d- : •*»*!." -#e#p»d, -• t d s e r y * a s « t , 'ba i t ' by tfeat dnce'.tblfe r u ^ l e s s destrucHon, ' of .^wliieii .tbe^. #dtt?, ' <lermaji c r u ^ c ; . , i-.iliHMe "bfMf Sse |osse-s to*vasris.Hl- { a s a ^ ' . . t t e e . a t t a i k wfll a t Qfiee i5r:..w

cSops,- fcyfiiSt, t r e e s ' ' a m i s M ^ e j a tese .fo*gb-: of . B r t t l s h 'srt:.ps a- sy liad'beeQjfie^enoiijnouB eacK y e ^ r J f r o m t h f i r /•ffis^lisBed l ines -* -'• -

Esgrayfng^ free. Tiie stor? *t tke^Hniain* .


%mms Sittln

f Ii ErasE #11

.oW'TL&&£mi$mGi% .

Jfdft» IT* !0*Brt<BB 1 « i j

.Wa| t r e e s ai^o'inSiJ.«'''fo'Wilte<*as^of doli ' r rs , ^ n d "f fesa^s,

i%f^AvTofy*?'tit Mr$'is deereasp . ' "..-H*

^•7-Geo^j W r '-jkijpum ojf ^ 'ounty , f 'K. Y. , , is vi^ltiai

: • Mif-ss Chr i s t i ne Wilfelns w h o gra uate<B« a* B e t r o l t , Mich. . Cons^rva t i

a-of 1 m u s i c las t J u n e h a s a 'fine eles-'

W a s h -ng h i s

S S e 7 \ l i r s r W m . . ' H a n i n i o n d " a b d c|ther : ix» n i o ^ c t h i s f a l l a n d trf l l . w a t t o « ' afte-i-1 t h e hoUdays S h e a!so s ings i* rfeJativR* liere.

nd Mrs . F . P . C?aiia; wi l t go t h e


j.-fo ^ :G iaiSi ,orma"in • J ^ u ^ y ' - With; ! . fa t t ier ' and" 'Leetnard of

;', t e n d "the P a n a i r t a Eiopbsiti'On., : ' 3 &

motherL Mr . a n d M a l o n e . . T h e y wil l

b e r M r s .

a t -

A a n a Ne-wraan, 'forxn.erN' of l^Jiiila'de'i pfaia, b t | t .f|Oi'' n e a r l y for ty

,'5-ea*s a r e s i d e n t of'••:his tOTdti ^Js p«*-ri&uiCy' i :i . " I>r.| Chas , 3P. 'Cfiofcd; -of ; .Barpnae I^ ike w a s cal led t o see I ter

' ' .last'! week , ' Mvs. .Ge*.. T - ' i e i n o n a n d ; tdattg-hte]-- of S a r a n a d I^ake a*«* , x t r -

i n s i f o r h e r , a l s o . MTSL Sihe4jse.! and ij-llxirs: Mrs. Ntr-jwman h a s been mos t e h a j i K i b l e - t o t h * poor and-nee-fly and

• the White ; "Cha,rch htip 4>ee _ s a p p s r t -."re-d .mainly iby h e r prejrerouf* erf-orte'for

iL-Kia-riy y<*ars. She wasi w o r t a £~vei ':$l)(HJfl,<>0p' w h e n s h e if ft' "her , uity

a n d J i ewrpar t% h o m e .^vasinarr:

•ffe 4J gjdfil • ;Ben-hett-

S i l a s i fe I r i -mp; o f j. t i p peri. Jlay

stet* cb-oirl

Epasc^pal ^Jholr, Tto^-6. Br;«tv-i s iCfitoir l eade r , an t f )a v r s c r y -will soon as s i s t i n t h e nrmsical

resid.e - h-erij ::ef | B bei* ht»nor. 2^in4l Sheldoi i - t i f waicthiRgto-j stj. of -.h-fer' sl?tejr, Mfej., Oras' .

b e e n v3,sitjini? bife st>i

fin i -Hon.. 1 iS.

iM-nje, 2n&.i a n d r o y , ;at E^i-1 JJope'-cfeEtaffe.


fi\ H[ teJ HJcEl-

re-ne B . «*Ii fford, i ;-wbo t e a c h i n g -jexti wes-- afe; 'j b u s i e d ; ; \*w£ • -1 n ilhtiktmm^ camber will -be. .pabl is j

in N e w j-rpst'i", w i l l ' b t ; lae 'A fnv tbe»i»Q^ldpys(. n W l w t e r t jeflitur'-¥>f',tpe; l^alte P I

is iassjtslijins

Tihfc n e w s ofE ce>; -and :&' g rs

b i s ]We

[i int 'br in 'tace.-l

• 1

-a-icfer-A.tt! Kee^lerilli;

jDufthmai.!-" if;--I t h e . Myron JP. B r a c e r e

WiUtins m Us. BttS t-YW-S

W;.I'F. • i f . m e a t XTrSv: Kutk M'AVAxiTi.


Mi«:a-*/|lta M-erc%r» _ fiffto spij'oi. 1 a t T fli '--P%i^3 !&»4 "-fe-c [': Jnf«. Hf'Uk-i-iiK*. school hf-

j t • ' \ - ' -1 * » - t

*;. iier-jhojeie, tin K^v'Hxx . a n d wi i i ' - i o i i n / tW J", H<

>.,a m ine r fnor.t;hs. £f iet<ve> fo; ' f ee . 'li»th jlc'aiM sch«''r>l i i i ' N e w ly.^rk ;eilty. ,a jso stfth . t f i em ' t o F l o r h l ^ f o r t$,e-'w: if-r.

is m e

iet, ci-" .nd ied

sp<-n45ag -:hi l a n d -R

>?taji|t -ai Dif-.-

£ h i s 3JWotb


"tb< M. •" ' 'Ijjiit- St|aj5..dai"d lit'aj'fc

:J7..';.tWtj.". | i T t 4 a £ i k , mci v-hursfh- Ip^r^ S a t u r d a y tliciri! regular . ' ^xne-etingr.

f ^ r a s j ! waa g iven '"by t t e | • ^ o u n ^ jladii

5 I r ^ ; S .

.p ren ink ; i . ,fi.ple pj[o-.

'•%, « •

progfaap. _ -x

T h ? ice b o a t w h i c h P , I*aal Stev­e n s >%-as ' salJjng last Tae?d"ay w e n t thi'otig'h t h e ice i n ' M i r r o r Jjalte, an<l t h e n ras t s a r e p l a i n l y visible f r o m t h r P. ci. • bajiflstos. T h e cccwpant»- na r ­r o w l y e s c a p e d . ' ". ; •

^Itfe. P . C. D a y w a s in S a r a n a e th i t we<.kv < ' • .

M r s . "tenia Blll-ings .and duuffbt r r Bfttb h a w r o o m s for t h e w i n t e r 'l?> t h e Ckve*- Bloek. .

•The r e c e n t r h e t o r i e a l a g iven a t t h e hijrh iSchiool 'by the &th g r a d e w e r e mos t \ i n t e r l n g .

Mr*> JVJattie J . H a d l e y a n d daught­er, SitiESl E t h e l Had ley . v.ill $a t o . b e 'city f o r ' t h e ho l i day season . '•' •- '

•rises u n d s t tJ^e l eaOcr^ i l p of M » s w t e , , r i a d e r «f - t h e ; P h i l i p p i n e s a n d Mr& < t i nned t|wr r tufus "Walters p r o m i s e -ttratcd.v.e tbaw «wr THcre triu he "a Cnristmajs

to be morr [eia^s me otitis' arjd

fa Cl'aujr -chimtey and a

itlhis acasojs. tree, a S-m-a c o o ' s wel l

Mrt. 3S.,

•he . Day will, j

Mrs Vork her '&

B . D a y a n d .dawffhter A n n a p a y j wil l g o t o Morr/iHonville fc r olidfey/ ' ' H e r . s o n Clifford .I*

of J}fidd-Iebury * College, I S I S , yiu i theni t h ^ r e . ,• fpJ Mora ' a r r i W d .frj i-m-New city 1 f o r . a few we.eks* vis i t w i th in, ft^ter. ftora,- ' Esa.^ w h o i?

s p e n d i n g 4he -winter here ." S h e er - . oecta ;di r e t u r n tu Ha . rana , Cut»a w i t h

hps l t apd a n d fami ly for Chriat* H e r d-ji'igfhter. Mrs . M- M a r a

«.*he p a p i l s are; rehearsaiis;? ditily.

C a r t e r - T , T i e r c e aadj b r i d e h a w r e t u r n e d f r o m t h e i r w e d d i n g iou.ffi<?y a n d a r e , hV»uftak«epirtg ak d .recelr i ins, * o » s r r a t u l a t l o n ^ j f numejr>u« f r Jeads >

The--tea'>.apd fa i r h e l d iat T h e «*i*v-.f-fis H o u s e - A n n e x • F r i d a y D e c l l t b was a -suceess socla l ty a«,fi; f l u a n c i a ' l y

1 o ^ r a m b y s t e r Jof t h e

4 w r y f ine m u s i c a l , 51 l ^ o y d Er.ewster,: cho i r w c

|%»}*7opa,i ch-uwh assldSba- b y - Ml*v

ami- t h ^ .Jnee-tiijips

vices have beet • w i t n e s s p l ayed .

he r ma-s. and. f irriily w h o h

{ m o r e

i t -

|<-r. 1

he [all

:-. 11


- 'Mi£i= ' c t t t 01 wire f r a t h t T


huirt y.-fjfclis F a l l s

aye fpen t t b e : s u m m e r a t "Lji.'a-ci.»tt^j?p • a<?cf>mpanj' t h e p a r t y ill ri'.maiii "for t h e wijij.tr.

v*(«tHe' MaeMill.ion w h o w a s

.of W h i t e Plaint-,

i.he- 'IlKnb badl j - by BtSf- \ v l U e , f o a p t t o g is s;iow wm

%y an a g o ;»n S a t u r d a y .

barb- 4 jKj.Anin£

:vr. E.-


iy . - . aims, w h o w a s se^ou- , ! ; /

a u t o a c c i d e n t • • se'perul a r r i ved burnt.' f rom Glft-.^ L ' - . .Dr. Cltaa. Ji ,

J;<.cksatti_aud| 1-\S. L e o n a r d w e n t iherf-u> 'a<*cunnp:tn.y h i m b a c k h o m e . Klg t i r t l t f i i Ic-^-l-t dt-'iTij? well.' R a l p h Ku'«-' .."H- JK aasfcjtia:? in c a r i n g for Ixiiti

siti-rt- }5ia r^tjurn, - • , ^ I r s . A.' H . Sticku-ey of * h > , P i n - n

,c4jiised he r b,puse Sn Oc tober ?j.ad hus. j-pomr. In thef Clejvc-s. -rJlock w i t h .Mrs, S. ^.J. .gbauldl ng-.! I t in rum&red ' s h e w i a -reopen t he ' •bouse' t o ci ty guessts a f t e r . J M J , 1s t . . . ' . * * • "Pie. k s . i d i u r e l i - ^ S s s a t e a ^ •^es-s.t-

cher^ tn t h e jyablei T h e

of Jfa\*ana,-, se%*enteen

r e t u r n t o

n.nd evening Wat e projKram

s.iy#a Pa rmak*e , mo.5ic telfi ' i l sh '-iihiiol was : T tnost eny heau tU«I -emibroidered -.epjitre - p iece ""I ' f ; hv .\ft-«' l - j e n r y C . $ Stevens w a s s e c u r e d b ' y - M r s . ' J \ Moir^^ Ci'atL One h u n d r e d ' an'fi do l l a r s w e r e r ea l i z ed fwar i . t n tS f a i r .af'ven by t h e ?4mtnta inee r c i rc le of Ttins's-.pauitl j teifa. ' • ^ . • -

' Miss "!Ea,te" Citaely . wi| l . *>Tew f o r k - c i t y . t lhfeweekt ^ "

T h e O. . K "S',! s a r* / a;inpi5"er entctrtaiTJTOsrat' (Saturday ' t h e P a r i s h : Houpe . % tit Was p r e c e p t e d , '! ! " • The- Mclflrcsy- ,and Prtnjtt KaVage an Main • s i r e e t teproiriiessiilr- v e r y tfii'll desp i te tiif e d d ' w e a t h e r ' •

•About f igh t i r |ehr4 of t h e be.aytiful snow cvrrii. -tt» Kiaddfa t h e ' hearts-- of t h e .mat iy tv>;«*t:er.s. -and :£h?isthl»?r' i s vpry ' Kn'nd,

A liui'- F a y %oy t o o k j i n . - involun­t a r y b a t h i» a i l r r ^ r 'Lalcp las t week ,

' b u t ' w ^ t y p r o m p t l y • a n d jqjutjkly res-c a e a

it"-*-. W m . ?«i. Mnrrnv," askl wife a r e •v-pitin.v veLitlyeH. in JDanhfxnom cuid PlnttB-burKh liiip! w e e k .

Thi*'vuriij't:^ storefi In 1.5lain F t rc r t Ji -tor -seme ^.<»fk .In p r e s e n t a <-harmin. t h e pa^r!t-rh;.

T h e Tv". C . t ' T . - r . meeljl

h/*me M'S Jdt-fc,. f a y "Wiucjh:

tgss a t t h e rect-rtt i v y i t u l Imet t 51. l i K.-hitrcU hi tve-been pjrtlductivp of

t<i ' the. ?CHK1 a n d

,Wu-vjour. p e p u m e d ' of.'Ti-eimderog'a • e a - V y - r ; e y . W . ]| 3S."-cdraroh £thd

-I;- .Morro'tv. E'ev. O, ?i.

m a n y h a w EVangelfet

to t h o

being- bdid at xt

. . t % N i s b t Wr t t« r* . ., - ' " Writers wi*o fialntwally .'lyotkatfiislrt,

fljwl ,}niWiii^,.ti^»e't)t^.'jwt.«ti%i&ji:a nerV<Hts ftttteies, fltpiey mitii "Wbeft 1 aia worki'sjr ait niit'bf f not o«iy beav b u r g e r s mnvfa^t a b o u t , b u t 1 a c t u a l l y see th»»m ioo|ctoK through the crack to » ttae door, at »ef["- . . , ,

ItttUie rofiife was A bnkttwl nig»t «rorUit»r a.utSJ be wag ffla-b-tened out of it by Mie appeamuee of another,WiMe-%

lMtin% •ft'tjo - tsnt'tl'tfvvn at 'the table wltft Mm and ,trlal t^ moaoiK}li?e tfee desk. Tilery WJIS a. stnt^le. and tjie- ttKfc

si'att4 wan jipsef When flip- mil SVil- |j kle rot1,!«*s i-aino to jbrti^elf. sura p!'*MU$lt. jtb**lRk was. frtnatuj; oVer tbef

throni^d anb. bear ! ^rttifig table, proof TOOOJ^I of a stnig-1. .tense,'interfpt dl*-!^*"- -..-\ftjer that X|r.;ColUns/gavtt «,pp|

iray.M"Vmee:iiiigs arelJ-"1^, W^*J:* tx.ts. botec*. ' '' '""

four V,'

G e r m a n cftup^ra tne 'se ' IO.SSPJS. •sP*#«ld. ' i n e r e ^ e -as j eoula-.' » # • jin^tlteltisel-p-es. t h i s exp-.-rt

I h o l d s , be- a. s e r l o a s m e n a c e ' to •$8SQ ft-'ateA' P t a t unlests c o n g r e s s | ^ f t i ' s l i . bo^s t , " "*

B«Hfelf»« jBte^ha^afc


€^o«M v 4W»M

^ior# ©i&nritf mem H ir b a l * , t K V - .

I n & p f f i t

Which 'aM*r teteHVs. b u i i n a s ?

id- the; meetiijtpsf we t b r e a w-eelcs.!.'. ?Tho

G R E E S ' Defi. le.—-Th*jf

to e b a r s o x i f Dit <5*ai!So ^ a l i . 'as :vllenSm^ a t h , wais-vwell a t t ended . «son of t h e fanr

sold w i i a t i s

ent and srwe &# powt i e ry s-ca-ti

a s - t he -^ I t eb - ftiJiri tc* -Ci-wrTes

Fprfri?.' ^Josephj O^br-an

•a ptcasujre a n d \ -a l ley idst JSa'itn

•Charle^' S<evei|?s h a s pnrcihased IrJ M a n i e y f a r m at id


n t w bo.nke.'t.biS'ivinter; •ivtV^ajf* g l ad to welcome Mr, t h i s neiihboi-'h-d.<)i

BehnSe Mu»K>


a t . .Farest '.last1 |"r •Mr. aild. MJTS,

lenbtirg- C^m-csr, insr with: Mr. a / Dari'rf'{Hennl?ti

Dep>t ii) tlw;";sj; E . A.';- Adaraa,

•Men's 'Ccmjnit t t i- , : munica t lo t t s • frt>3 t-hv ^iftlk :q« of >V sayiw?;' thrft- I h e school wil l or.e-E

I Ell-'n-burir Dep*-^; . Pr.-tf. Hi*b-r*er a<

d-'ty. a?aili"5fjcC£.yr

spent 'Siilturda-S' Mrs . A . & F i t c h .

wi l l nyjve- fr >m th? rrj ir i ' to his,, fajrm. ;


K t r u c t w S- .d i^u ' ry ' i n farvn

m im;,itK!l

h«5l4a|sv a r r a y t o 1

iff wi l l b e ru, a t t h e

AH a r e

been led

Dr . ^Mulf»--yv -of td0in8r!:on;;M)Ui^a;-h o m e ' i»cffnpmicv°:

ro l l ed V'i tn&>r* eisfht m e n «?•.(! tfrt ftuyjupy* wp'liinsr .1 of tllift efc-hwpi; c i t t-.t t b e efafsirrpan'

'fo-r t h e h.^m^ e c o b .

a b l y f s f t a t -of , t h e M*'

p i k e , of th«'- Ba .p#s t , e l t o -eb, • wer4 r . a aos t e h -"t£us1«fe<£''w6^scr5'-'l3! tllp"' sniafeter'?


l . U ' S b e

Tlie- toil

M e n ; . 15

S u n d a y .psbt

eire e o n - ' churei i , ol ssi*-

VAX^IKV. Fa-Tfm{»m -Ii|L«titi/it* S n i t e e he ld i n : the-.}

1 p e p k Dt .% ' T i i > : PTC3- • <bn|rcafi,.. was

csplarivt^on of <he ;

• i~


of t h e i?p»i»d«, barfnes^ call-'

Of CjtiHtOU'

m ^ jr «My . will mote.

&ind Mrfs,- ^teyens f,o' i ! ,! • Char ry Wood. ' •• ' ,

t r a n s a c t e d b|orfnes>| J C h # r y ' Is t b e WWKI most ' used, a s ;a i. b a e k i h g JEor, t h e tne ta I p i s t e s trim

of E l - j which- i/i t tStwtlotis a r e p r i n t e d to inag-

th«; ha.a jrws^tyeif!- c o m -

y, 6i [fhacu.,'

f l a i l at

rt D, i "3, I Crosl -ts:?:.^,t'ltd.r'e-| of iai-m -deponfi

in- Mfa'nse fan. 23 t o 2! ' , wlfa

•i-'j-ntfaesdr •an

Ji 'oocrs- JfOT. •!' i*.tru.

;W-c. tove n c » et,-;, ty" yat^-;.: wtde I Hf.'o hr.'iln-'hf^;:

•r.ty*tiye lad i t-i;ro}l ..im ;i i ; .fcxittl th -wr lith i'j-H dvlla i n i o ' , i;Jddrej enb'rtXft.! Di-pt


i i

r«i«e tbejbleBsJnfisi -- I '

ii mill.»»ill .

h-urbprdT e r o p s f ••Wr-.; farm Ipouit

Also ••a'eebf

0'f to- slope tftaehej? |pf life.' ^( |oe :be .

K" TJ |f fear B wi^ Ctdd!^^S»^l

mi Weight abUet 'ft W -1

Cos vkivks

^IMSMBIt c«4S, ^ - ? ~* -5i > ^ -4tf- 1«i* S



t o bis-

' , . .-(&A Business Bent, :Cnu'-votj Wuilit* tn<? a sheet iron tnaft-

Nto*'**-' ' l ' • • ' "' '' •'-•. J - ' - i itnigUt. lj»ti't it wwsldnft ^ave-dSH. r

bnini , What'-*i«ryo« want o^ u she^t-|bW naaiuloiin, nutbow ***. _' v !

Ttu ..jsyfos to serenade a girl, iliey! vkavt* a imllflog, fve tested st?v» •i?rai!'JHstmmiinis on hitn,. Nest t imet sniakh liiai-1 want to smash him gyridi" - Kmsstis Cits JmrimL I'

r ' Qh^fhnfa Biffirontl/ . "I thoajihji; you tokl tae that; you

ft'CKijd not ;<.*o.ntrjwt an f new debts without ray 'knowledge.*' bovyled Mr.

i 3abb as be tore up a btm'eU t»f>dunuiHj lett-ew. .' .• '

"I bave»*& my dear." replied Mrs. labb. "i tderely expanded soiue.of ; be old "debt^'—Cihclnoatl Encjuirer..;

If • ycBij sIiosM take s fec-p into our*

•• even- j azlnes and jieriodtcjiis. 1$ is. eaosen. above, hll1 others because )t holds its gbaise, does not warp or twist, %r©rks ttnoottsfy and does_not i-plit(. / '

handicapped. JDr. Cnrem—You. will ifintl your «tya-'

pep Jili greatly alleviated, Air. Peek, by ehferfui and'agreeafil'e conversation at ydnr menls ,?lr. Peek-That's sqod ; advlep, doe, jbfit my int-ome wi}l not!' permit me to eat away from.hbine. Terrai Qtnite Express,- •• ''"

• in. M ' I .

n l l s i a t Y'-an-t

21 -|.«,i

•Ri'gs In Scotfahd^ In Seotlii'bd the corn and-grass ^elds

tre divided Into 'spa'dta"t|vreiity to

forty-3s'>i'iiil lu t lea .

•V. F law. . 'JL-fti.*?' ;M'e f e n u e 4 rigs.'

tr Tmplcat Ma'dleines. l a t h e tT'3W*-' Uimieiji Tjuininp', e a k

•i 'astor oii . t incrn r e tijl i ron ; opium ; Rrandy'are 0 e oitwiiies, nio^.tuitt tee tcoiiks, '-! v -"ff •

US t0 :


: ^Iw-ul now jcai'd ilifei,th2twe were-going to Xmas slip- I M L 7 T s -^ - r - t~7* '

^ ^ . ^ e £ t a k \ -i,'.:.; . --;' "."• •• .-. '•' -..1 • SfeiiirBlfeei:

vnvQ \ Out • liBptm

• V . '•

.tics ; AJ

laa«- t',

th» f , I best

v a fo r row -made by

-3?oitou^ lit the b'le *?*e» w > K.T,V' fate ^ r,vtsta„ 9 -firief t t e \ . at 4 tSW*r»rf i V f a £ , « J . ^ f e % h b e i,„,tV, M i t ^ ert4n->„l \ ^ o a t anetTtoaa. ' iVl ^ J a « B t m»i i s . w m i l . WMder1 ^ad •epeetivefy, i& <wwsttlass4>n.-fiWrliciae fur f ^ t f a iK*r -,

*«tt wa^. evif . M> ,

^ e t a \bn t t :e . . j .- -

»«1 ^rnaW i v (. .

* 5 * oa the s k , l t ,

2 % , | Allan J t.i

*£ a is-j-riart t - , „

^ Spik

*»»S In sue i l a^hur_». ;To t h e t»odt ol-fi..

f ^ a t t h e W r i c ' h . -

S e n a w e '»ft-dava


r '

\ i" i