Vampire the Masquerade A

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  • 8/6/2019 Vampire the Masquerade A


    ******************************************************************************** Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption FAQ Walkthrough ********************************************************************************* Author: Ikon ** E-mail: [email protected] ** Version: Final ** Last Updated: September 10, 2009 ********************************************************************************


    I. Walkthrough1. Prague

    1. The Beginning2. Bonn Silver Mines

    1. Silver Mines 12. Silver Mines 23. Silver Mines 3

    3. Prague by Night4. Petrin Hill Monastery1. Monastery 12. Monastery 2

    5. The Golem of Prague6. Josef's Tunnels

    1. Josef's Tunnels 12. Josef's Tunnels 23. Josef's Tunnels 3

    7. Ardan's Chantry1. Ardan's Chantry 12. Ardan's Chantry 23. Ardan's Chantry 34. Ardan's Chantry 4

    2. Vienna8. Luther Black

    1. Stephansdom 12. Stephansdom 23. Stephansdom 3

    9. Teutonic Knight Base1. Teutonic Knight Base 42. Teutonic Knight Base 33. Teutonic Knight Base 24. Teutonic Knight Base 1

    10. Haus De Hexe

    1. Tremere Gargoyle Lair2. Tremere Laboratory3. Tremere Library

    11. Vysehrad Castle1. Vysehrad Castle 12. Vysehrad Castle 23. Vysehrad Castle 34. Vysehrad Castle 4

    3. London12. Society of Leopold

    1. Society of Leopold 32. Society of Leopold 23. Society of Leopold 1

    13. Temple of Set1. Setite Temple 12. Setite Temple 2

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    3. Setite Temple 34. Setite Temple 4

    14. Tower of London1. Tower of London 12. Tower of London 23. Tower of London 34. Tower of London 4

    4. New York15. New York Sewers

    1. Sewers Level 12. Sewers Level 23. Sewers Level 34. Sewers Level 4

    16. Giovanni Warehouse1. Giovanni Warehouse 12. Giovanni Warehouse 23. Giovanni Warehouse 3

    17. Orsi International1. Orsi International 1

    2. Orsi International 23. Orsi International 318. The Cathedral of Flesh

    1. The Cathedral of Flesh 12. The Cathedral of Flesh 23. The Cathedral of Flesh 34. The Cathedral of Flesh 1

    19. The Three EndingsII. In-Depth Game Information

    1. Character List2. Item List3. Armor List

    A. AccessoriesB. Gauntlets / GlovesC. HelmetsD. ShieldsE. Armor

    4. Weapon List5. Tome / Discipline List6. Enemy List

    III. Credits And ThanksIV. Disclaimer / Contact Information

    ******************************************************************************* I. Walkthrough


    *******************************************************************************1. Prague


    ===============================================================================1. The Beginning


    The game starts out by showing Christof in the battle of Moravia, once hegets struck down by an arrow the cut scene ends and he awakens in a convent tosister Anezka. After some conversation the scene will end out with two hideousshadows approaching the convent. Christof will awaken to screams heard by

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    Anezka, he gets up with a pain in his stomach and grabs his broadsword, thisis when you take control of him. Head into the next room where two Szlachta'sare attacking the nun's, run over to the Szlachta's and strike them down withyour sword. Soon after your win Christof will collapse from his wounds, heawakens once more to Anezka and soon after you will have a conversationaldecision to make... you will need to click on one of them to continue. (NOTE:Most of these conversation decisions will affect your humanity and can affectthe outcome of the end of the game, if you select the line that sounds the"meanest" you will probably lose humanity, if you select the more noble kindhearted line then you can gain or not change your humanity at all.) Once donewith your selection a new day will break and Christof will be ready to setoff, head into the next room where you can chat with Anezka. When outside theconvent explore the city to find out where everything is, also bust openthe barrels around town to possibly find some treasures. Visit the inn andspeak with the man behind the counter to get a full healing slave, when readyto go to the mines head to the east gate which is beside the university, nowoutside the city two guards will give you a rough time about if the monstersin the mines could be defeated then the knights themselves would have done it.Head straight out and turn the corner to the left to be in front of the mines,

    here you will see a torch stick in front of the mines you can use to helplight up the darkness in the mines.

    ===============================================================================2. Bonn Silver Mines


    Quest: Reclaim the Bonn Silver Mines.Main Treasures: Amulet of St. JudeEnemies: Rats, Szlachta, War GhoulsBoss: Ahzra

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Mines 1


    - Follow along the path until you reach a man slumped over, Christof willwonder what happened to him, as he does a Szlachta will come at you from theright. Kill it and grab the two healing slaves here, head around to the leftdown the slopes until you come across two more Szlachta's, so do to them whatyou just did to the other Szlachta. Continue up and around for a couple moreSzlachta's and then continue along until you see a healing slave and a coupleof bags of gold, behind you is a tunnel going down so head down and into theopen room where Christof will discover the rats that attack you. Kill them offand kill the Szlachta up the ramp to your right, when you do continue up theramp to find some holy water, a healing slave and a barrel to bust open.(NOTE: It's best to just hold onto the holy water and not use it because youfetch a good price for them, this also applies to disease/poison antidotes,and if you can save the full healing slaves and use the less full ones.) Headback down the ramp and go to the right where you will see some Szlachta's toyour right, kill them for the experience and then head back out into the openroom. If you look at where you came in to the open room you will see a path tothe left of where you came in, this is where you need to head now so getmoving.

    Just around the corner will be a rat nest where about four of them will popout and attack you, make quick work of them and round the corner. Kill off therats on the wooden bridge and bust the barrel here, head forward to the otherside of the bridge and to the next bridge where a healing slave will be toyour left. Snag it up and proceed forward until you reach another open room

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    with some Szlachta's and some more rats, when you kill them all off grab thechest up on the ramp and then come back down and go down the ramp at the backof the room and follow it around. Here will you find some more rats on awooden bridge, finish them off and cross the bridge and round the corner tocome across some more rats. When you kill these rats off you will see a largeopening which will lead to the second part of the Silver Mines.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Mines 2


    - Follow the path along until you reach the large room, kill off the rat andgrab the shield laying on the ground, equip it and get ready for the SzlachtaBoss coming from your left. When dealt with go up the ramp behind the SzlachtaBoss and grab the treasure up there, now go back down and head up the ramp onthe other side of the room. Follow along the path killing the rats in your wayuntil you reach a room with a wooden bridge going across to the other side,kill all the Szlachta's here and watch for the rats in the nest beside thebridge. Grab the little chest here and then cross the bridge, when you cross

    there will be a path to your right which leads back to Silver Mines 1 whichyou shouldn't need to go back yet.

    Continue forth through the large rat until you reach another room with twoSzlachta's in it, finish them off and grab the healing slave and bash thebarrel open to take what's inside. Now follow along to the next room wherethere will be a large amount of water in the middle of the room, to the rightis a Szlachta and a Szlachta Boss so get ready for a bit of a fight. Aftertaken care of head off to the right, you should see a lever on the rightcorner of the wooden contraption, flick it and then proceed to the room to theright of it to grab the healing slaves, holy water and barrels here. Now goback out into the open room and wait for the water to drain out, make sure youhave some good health because across the way you should be able to see a WarGhoul... these monsters can be a bit of a challenge so it's best to beprepared. After the War Ghoul to the right and up the ramp will be twoSzlachta's, get what's inside the barrel behind them and then go back down theramp and take the path left of where you walked across the water.

    Here there will be three Szlachta's so make them pay and get the bag of goldbehind the bucket, head down the ramp into the next room where a couple ofrats will be and a Szlachta coming down the large ramp. When done head up theramp where another rat will be, kill it and get the treasure and then go backdown the ramp and continue forth to the next room. Here will be three morerats, after them you will notice the torches of fire which lead to SilverMines 3, but before going in head over to the other side of the room and getwhat's inside the barrels here. (NOTE: If your inventory is full of stuff headall the way back to town and sell your weapons/armor you have to the Smithyand for all of your potions you will have to go Unorna's Shoppe to sell themoff, her shop is through the gate to Judith Bridge which is behind theSmithy's shop, follow the bridge along and go through the large gate to GoldenLane and her shop will be just up ahead to the right. Also upgrade yourweapons and armor for the upcoming fight and finally head to the convent toget a free heal from Anezka.) When you are ready head back to Silver Mines 3where you will be very close to fighting the boss for this level, Ahzra.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Mines 3


    - Grab the treasure in this room and proceed along the path until you reach alarge room with stairs going down to circular pad, here you will meet and

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    fight Ahzra so get ready.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Ahzra Health: 150 Blood: 100 Difficulty: Medium

    O=============================================================================O Ahzra can be a tough match, she will blood heal when she gets low on health and can have some hard hits. What you need to do soon as your done talking with Ahzra is retreat back to the stairs which lead to the circular pad your on now, you will be safe here... it seems Ahzra is bound to the circled area. When ready head up to her and begin your assault, it's best to just use your sword to strike her down because holy water is best used to sell for better weapons. If you start getting your butt kicked just take a few steps back to heal up and then dive in again, when Ahzra gets low on health, you need to pour it on before she blood heals and you will come out with a win.


    After you have slain the beast you will get a change to raise your stats, it'sbest to focus on strength right now so you can use better weapons. After youdecided grab the bags of gold on Ahzra's throne and then head back up thestairs where there is a shortcut to Silver Mines 1. On the way up Christofwill stop and pick up a locket of st. jude, head back to town now and if youhaven't already did so sell off your stuff in your inventory, also visit theinn again for another healing slave. When your finished go and visit thearchbishop at the st. thomas cathedral located beside the convent, oncefinished leave where you will be praised by the people of Prague. Visit sisterAnezka now, after a brief conversation head to the next room where thearchbishop will lecture you... now choose your conversational choice.

    ===============================================================================3. Prague by Night


    Quest: Protect Prague By NightMain Treasures: NothingEnemies: Ghouls, Szlachta, War GhoulsBoss: None

    - When the scene of darkness finishes head around the corner towards the innuntil you find a Szlachta feeding, kill it and the one just behind it. Now goaround the Smithy's shop, you should notice that all the barrels are back sobash them and grab what's inside, also there are rats in some of the cornersaround town, it's best to grab all these up since you will be needing themshortly. When finished with this head back towards the convent where you willbe encountered by three ghouls who will not be happy about you killing Ahzra,these guys aren't really a challenge so finish them up quickly. Right aftertheir deaths you will hear screams coming from the convent, run to the conventquickly and enter it. In here will be a couple more ghouls and a Szlachta,clean them up to engage in a lengthy conversation with Anezka.

    After the conversation a scene will trigger showing a couple of people talkingabout the recruitment Christof after that another scene will trigger whereChristof is all weary walking through Prague, as he enters a alley way hehears a faint laugh, he draws his sword only to be tossed like a rag dollagainst the hard wall. Ecaterina emerges and will eventually embrace Christofmaking him a vampire.

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    Christof Awakens to a thirst and will drink blood for the first time, afterbeing told what is to become of him you come to some conversational decisions.Make your choices and soon after you will meet a new ally, Wilhem. Afteranother conversation you will be given a new task to perform.

    ===============================================================================4. Petrin Hill Monastery


    Quest: Recover The Nod FragmentMain Treasures: Femur Of An Elder Tzimisce, Nod FragmentEnemies: Cappadocian Vampires, Rats, Skeletons, ZombuBoss: Mercurio

    Leave the university and head toward the Smithy's shop, once there go throughthe gate to Judith Bridge behind the Smithy's. Cross the bridge and about halfway Wilhem will explain a bit about drinking blood from humans, when finishedcontinue across the bridge and once across follow around to the left to find

    Petrin Hill.Continue forward and when you reach the Monastery Wilhem and Christof willengage in a short conversation, when finished head around to the right to findthe door to enter.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monastery 1


    - Now inside another conversation will take place, when done head into theroom just ahead to get some treasures, if you are in need of blood feel freeto drain the monks down to about 25% of their blood(This will make sure you donot kill them and lose humanity). Come back out and take the path left of theroom and follow it along until you reach a door with two Cappadocians guardingit, take them out and grab the treasures around the area, don't forget theleather armor just beside the doorway you just passed by.

    Now go through the door here and round the corner after the conversation,there will be quite a few enemies in the room ahead so get ready. Oncefinished get the chest in here and anything that fell off the dead enemies andcontinue up the stairs to another hefty battle, bust the three barrels up andgrab what's inside and then continue left around the corner to where thepainting will be, go into the room just right of it and wipe the enemies outin here. Next pull the lever to the right and then grab any treasures, headback out of the room and go left and into the next room that looks just likethe last. Do the same in this room as the last room, flip the switch and headback out, you will see the wooden gate has been removed from the stairs goingdown... so go down them for another quick conversation. Proceed down the stepsand around the corner to meet a few more enemies, get the chest in the middleof the room and take a right into another room. Here just slash and kill andpick up any treasures, go back out when done and continue down the stairs pastthe chest, a couple of skeletons will try to stop you but finish them up andgo through the door to Monastery 2.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monastery 2


    - When you enter the second part of the Monastery a couple of rats will rushyou so kill them off, grab the blood behind you and continue forward until you

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    Monastery 3, remember the room that was locked at the end of the tunnel?That's Mercurio's room where we need to go, before entering it if you havethe patch for this game save here because Mercurio can be a bit of a handfull. Now ready, enter the room and speak with Mercurio, answer theconversational decisions how you want and prepare for battle with Mercurio!.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Mercurio Health: 300 Blood: 200 Difficulty: Hard

    O=============================================================================O Mercurio is a pretty tough opponent, simply for one reason, his plague breath. When he uses it, it will likely hurt both Christof and Wilhem because it has a wide dispersal area. Plague breath will hurt you while driving up your frenzy and occasionally you will wince in pain, in which case you should blood heal to heal up and lower your frenzy. There is no real special way to fight him other then straight attacking him, you can cast potence and celerity on yourself to enhance yourself for a very brief amount of time which does help a bit but runs out quick. Also the fight can go either way depending how often you land a hit and for how much damage so

    really it is a bit random who wins here, any who good luck. O-----------------------------------------------------------------------------O

    After defeating Mercurio he will drop the Nod Fragment so pick it up, nextgrab the contains of the chest and then get yourself out of the Monasterycompletely. Just before you leave outside fill up on the monks if you need to.

    When outside Wilhem will talk with you and then a scene plays out of you canAnezka having a lengthy talk, afterwards you will emerge out behind theconvent. Right now would be a good time to sell off all the stuff you haveacquired in the Monastery, so go to the Smithy's and Unorna's Shoppe and selloff your equipment. Don't buy any new equipment yet though, at least not justyet. Head back to the university and speak with Ecaterina and Cosmos, theywill congratulate... Wilhem but Wilhem will say you were a big help. Afterthe talking you will get a new quest and will be able to raise your stats.

    ===============================================================================5. The Golem of Prague


    Quest: Kill The GolemMain Treasures: NothingEnemies: NoneBoss: Maqqabah The Golum

    - Before going to kill the golem let's go buy some better weapons and armor,so head over to the Smithy. Personally I like to get a couple of exquisitebastard swords, studded leather armors, full helms and a couple pair ofgauntlets for this part of the game but get what you like. When done we needto go through the gate to the northern quarter, start by going right of theSmithy and keep going until you see a Knight of St. John near the gate, nowpop through the gate to go where we need to go.

    You will see bloody dead bodies upon entering the gate, follow around to theright and continue along until you reach a part where a woman will cry out forhelp. You will then engage in a conversation with Mendel, after a quick peptalk get ready for a fight with the golem gone wild. Go through the tunnel andup the steps to watch the golem smash down a wall and come right for you.

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    O=============================================================================O Boss: Maqqabah The Golum Health: 300 Blood: 0 Difficulty: Easy

    O=============================================================================O Maqqabah The Golum isn't to hard to beat, it uses no disciplines so it uses only brute force. The golum doesn't seem to hit much harder than Mercurio, maybe because of your new armor upgrade but still. The only thing the golem can get you with is it's "uppercut", it will lift you up off the ground and delay your attack for a while. Other than this just slice it up with your weapons and heal if you need to heal.


    After you kill the golem pick up the Maqqabah's Shem and go and speak withMendel, when done you will need to bring the shem to Garinol. Garinol is backin front of the Monastery on Petrin Hill so head all the way there, when youreach Garinol you will notice a woman with him, she will be your next ally.When done speaking with Garinol, Serena will join you. If you have any moneyleft you should upgrade Serena's weapons and armor if you can, when ready go

    and rest at the haven under the university.Christof will have a dream of biting Anezka and drinking from her, as heawakens he will go and check in on Anezka who will be gone. After that youwill be in front of Ecaterina and have a chat with her about Anezka, you willget a letter from her to read now.

    Soon after that you will be in front of Prince Rudolf Brandl, you will befaced with a conversation decision and soon after be given a new quest tocomplete.

    ===============================================================================6. Josef's Tunnels


    Quest: Retrieve The ReliquaryMain Treasures: Reliquary, Gangrel Eye, Tome of AnimalismEnemies: Ghouls, Nosferatu, RatsBoss: Vaclav

    Before getting right to this quest there is something we have to do before wewill be able to get into Josef's Tunnels, we start by going to see Josefhimself. Josef is located behind the graveyard, the graveyard is behind thelarge doors right beside where you fought the golem so head there now andfollow to the back of the graveyard near the statue of the woman holding ababy and down the ramp to find Josef.

    Before Josef let's you into his tunnels you must pay his price, his price isa goblet of elder vitae. To get this head back to the university and speakwith Ecaterina, she will give you a goblet of her vitae for Josef. Head backto Josef and talk to him to give him the goblet, he will now let you enter histunnels but he does not promise a safe journey.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Josef's Tunnels 1


    - Start by going around the corner to the left to meet your first two victims,next click on the coffin here as it acts like a treasure chest, however, notall of the coffins in here are treasure chests, only about 60% of them are.

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    You will now be at a path where it separates into two parts, one left and theother right, take the left one and follow it down opening the coffins on theway. When you come to the end of the tunnel you will most likely be attackedbe a couple of Nosferatu from both sides to kill them off, now loot thetreasures in the room to your left and go back out and continue along the pathuntil it bends to the right. Behind you will be another Nosferatu who probablywon't of seen you yet but kill him for the experience points, go left andfollow until you come across some more Nosferatu near a couple of coffins.Finish them up and grab what's inside the coffins and continue forward whereyou will see a wall that has been busted out to allow access. Go through thereand kill the rat to your left, bust the barrels here and get the rats, alsoget the coins on the wall to the left. Now keep going along and when you reacha dark room with a rat kill it and flip the level and look behind you to seea secret door opening, go into the room but watch out for the flames that comeshooting out from the wall. In here is a rat and two Nosferatu so kill themand get what's in the chest, come back out and take a left of where you justflipped the switch to come to a room with a lot of Nosferatu in it.

    Wipe them all out in here and get any treasure and barrels you find here, take

    the sets of steps down near the back of this room and take a hard right andkill the rat uner the steps. Now kill the three Nosferatu at the back and flipthe lever here to open up the gates on the door we need to go through, goright of the steps to go through a doorway where there will be about sevenNosferatu in total in this room. When done with them get all the treasures inthis room and then we can take the steps up at the back of the room. This willlead to another room with more Nosferatu in it, kill them and get what's inhere and take the little steps up to where a couple more Nosferatu will be,after them you will see a busted out wall just in front of you, don't rush inhere to quickly because there are a lot of the harder Nosferatu in here soit's best to lure them in and kill them one by one because if you run in thereyou could easily die if things go bad. Once you clean them all up proceedthrough and through the next busted out wall to a room with a rat and two moreNosferatu, when your finished with them claim anything in here and go throughthe busted wall at the back to get to Josef's Tunnels 2.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Josef's Tunnels 2


    - Josef's Tunnels 2 is pretty straight forward, follow along the path killingthe Nosferatu in your way and picking up any treasures you find. A few roundsof the corner will bring you to a spot where there is a brick wall on theright side of the room, you should notice that a part of the wall isdis-colored, a darky looking color. If you have a heightened senses scroll useit and click on that part of the wall to find a secret area! Get the treasuresin here and go back out and continue to follow along until you come to a spotwhere the paths breaks off into a left and right way, take either way sincethey lead to the same spot. When you reach the stairs circling up save thegame before you go through the busted out wall because Othelios and someNosferatu are behind there waiting for you. Othelios will use drawing out thebeast on you so be careful of frenzied allies, also his axe will frenzy you ina shot or two. This plus the other Nosferatu is a challenge, best way to dothis is to barley step into the busted path and lure some of the Nosferatu outand kill them before facing Othelios. Once you kill them rush in and focusyour attack on Othelios, when you defeat him grab the treasures behind you andany dropped. Round the corner and to your left will be a path that will leadup to golden lane, this is helpful to help unload your inventory because thereis still quite a bit more to go before beating this quest.

    Once you come are done unloading your inventory go back in the way you came,

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    now go across the way and down the steps, here you will see a Nosferatu but heis not a enemy, he is Illig. Talk to him if you want to hear babbling, butanyways go through the door beside him to enter Josef's Tunnels 3.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Josef's Tunnels 3


    - This is sorta a maze/puzzle of the game, to figure out what doorway to gointo your suppost to click on the tablets on the pillars which gives you aclue on which door to take but it's a bit fuzzy on where to go so i'll justtell you. See the colored emblems above the doors there? I'll tell you whatcolor to go into to advance to the next area, start by taking the door withthe red emblem above it, next go through the door with the yellow emblem aboveit, now go through the door with the green emblem on it, here go through thedoor with the blue emblem on it, and finally go through the door with theorange emblem on it. Finally, you will be in the crypts of the cathedral. Killthe two ghouls that challenge you and grab the treasures on the wall behindthem, now go left and another left at the gate, kill the two Nosferatu in here

    and get the treasures on the tiles on the ground. Be careful not to step onthe tiles because a ball of flames will shoot out at you, when your done flipthe lever to your right which will in turn open one of the gates blocking yourway. Walk around and go through the now opened gate and flip the other lever,now here is a secret, there is a tile on the staircase right beside the leveryou can push, this will open a small gate up the stairs which allows you tograb some treasures. Head up the steps and kill the two Nosferatu blockingyour way, now grab the bastard sword and coins in the little area to your leftthat is now no longer blocked by the gate. Continue up the stairs and kill therats, check behind the tombs up here to find some vitae and other treasures.Just around the corner is the tomb of Vaclav which you will have to face soprepare yourself.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Vaclav Health: 250 Blood: 0 Difficulty: Easy

    O=============================================================================O Vaclav isn't to difficult, he only attacks with physical attacks but in two hits he can frenzy a ally which makes things difficult. Stick to regular attacks on him and cast potence and celerity to make the fight easier and quicker, also don't forget to heal if you get low on damage.


    After Vaclav falls grab the stacks of coins beside his tomb and open up thelarge door and up the steps, open the wall door and grab everything in thisroom especially the Reliquary. When you have everything leave this place, takethe path out in Josef's Tunnels 2 up to golden lane to get out faster. Selloff anything in your inventory and then go see Prince Rudolf Brandl throughthe Prague castle ground gate which is located beside the golden lane gate.

    After a brief conversation and a conversational decision you will be given anew quest to invade the Tremere Chantry.

    ===============================================================================7. Ardan's Chantry


    Quest: Invade Tremere ChantryMain Treasures: Ivory Bow, Sire's Finger

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    Enemies: Elementals, Gargoyles, Hoppers, TremereBoss: Ardan

    Before going to where we need to go make sure you upgrade your weapons andarmor, just a hint the Tremere shoot a lot of fire balls at you so studdedleather armor is good and if you can find a fire insulated piece of equipmentthen it's a bonus.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ardan's Chantry 1


    - Alright let's go to Ardan's Chantry, where is it you ask? well go to GoldenLane and it's the building at the back to the right which was lockedpreviously. When you go in Christof will let you know that the magic shop isa fraud, head to the back and open up the half door and then the curtain toreveal some stairs going down. Take the stairs down to the next room, here youwill see little purple flames around a circle on the ground near the walls,if you see little flakes of magic coming out of them it means they are

    activate and you can step on the flame which will cause one of four things,one that a blood stone will appear, two a hopper will appear, three aelemental will appear and four which is rare a blood pearl will appear. Theseflames will be all over Ardan's Chantry so step on them and get or fight whatappears.

    Back to the walkthrough, when you walk a bit into the room some hoppers willcome at you so finished them off, hoppers usually drop a decent amount of goldso be sure to pick it up. When you claim all the treasures in this room moveto the next room where you will meet some Tremere, the best tactic is to lureone or two of them out at a time and kill them then, because a group ofTremere can be a handful, simply because alot of fire balls will frenzy you.Alright when the Tremere are dead and you looted the room head around thecorner, there will be a room to the right as you round the corner but leave itfor right now and continue forward. Same thing as before kill and looteverything in this room and the one just to the right of it, just make surewhen your looting don't forget treasure chests on the tables. Ok go back tothe room I told you to ignore for now and go in and hack and slash and grabwhats there, now to the right is two doorways. Take the one to the right firstand kill the Tremere and hoppers in there, to the very right is the ivory bowso make sure to grab that up. Now go back out and take the left doorway, getwhatevers in the purple flame at the end of the room. As you can see there isa dark doorway which leads to Ardan's Chantry 2 underneath a room at the topof the stairs but go there after you kill the Tremere and loot the upstairsroom.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ardan's Chantry 2


    - Now in Ardan's Chantry 2 take the stairs down into the next room, kill theTremere around the corner along with the hoppers and grab everything in here,even the barrels near the doorway. Continue along through the doorway andaround the corner to find another Tremere to take care of, down the stairssome hoppers will come up and challenge you. Before going down the steps gointo the room across the way first and kill the Tremere and hoppers in thereand snag up the loot in here. Now go back out and down the stairs, get what'sin the purple flame and the barrels. Now go through the doorway and round thecorner to find a couple Tremere in the middle of the room in front of a coupleprisoners, kill the Tremere and their hoppers and set the prisoners free. Theydecide to stick around I guess cause they do not move, grab the treasures

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    around the room and proceed through the next doorway which goes down somesteps to more Tremere. Finish them and grab what's in the purple flame at thebottom of the steps, go back up and into the room that was across the way anddo what you do best for this quest, kill and loot. The Sire's Finger is inhere and if you have a spirits touch scroll use it on the finger. Go into thenext room which is Tremere and hopper free so take what's here and then go upthe steps into Ardan's Chantry 3.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ardan's Chantry 3


    - As soon as you get into Ardan's Chantry 3 a Tremere will spot you and comeup the stairs to the right so wait for him and kill him, now go down thestairs to the right and you will see somebody chained up ahead of you. Killthe hoppers to your right and then a walk over to the chained up man and agargoyle will come at you, kill it and approach the man to watch him freehimself. He will now join you, his name is Erik. Equip him with the someweapons and armor you found and then go to the left of the room where there

    is a Tremere and some hoppers, kill them and get the two chests. Now go backover to where Erik was chained up and continue past it to the hoppers, killthem and continue through the doorway to Ardan's Chantry 4.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ardan's Chantry 4


    - Ardan's Chantry 4 is just a boss battle, head down the stairs to meet Ardanhimself for a lengthy conversation and a battle to the death.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Ardan Health: 300 Blood: 200 Difficulty: Medium

    O=============================================================================O Ardan can be a challenge if your dexterity is low and cannot land many hits upon him, his biggest threat is when he uses immolate on you. Not only does it do a significant amount of damage on you, it will drive you to frenzy very quickly. Ardan has decent defense to physical attack so it will take a little bit to beat him, just try to heal to get your frenzy down before the beast gets the best of an ally. Potence and celerity are a welcomed advantage once again so use it at your own discretion.


    After you have defeated Ardan you will automatically appear in front ofEcaterina, you will have a bunch of conversation decisions if you choose totry and argue to save Anezka. Just so you know if at any time turn your backon her in this conversation you will lose humanity. After the discussion youwill leave for Vienna through the east gate which is right beside theuniversity. Don't worry about selling the stuff in your inventory, just do itin Vienna since there is a new and better Smithy and Unorna's Shoppe there.So leave now by the east gate to Vienna.

    *******************************************************************************2. Vienna


    When you first enter Vienna your haven will be the church door to the right,there is a secret level you have to pull to open a passage down the steps to

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    your coffin and save point. Back to our quest, we need to attend countOrsi's party but before we do that we have to get an invite and also upgradeour equipment. Start by dumping off our weapons at the local weapon smith whois located on the outer stradt, just keep doing a circle around until youlocate his door with a sign above it. Once you unload your equipment it's timeto unload our scrolls and other mystical things we don't need, so it's off toOrder of Hermes which is located in the eastern ringtrasse, also this is wherewe need to go to get our invite to count Orsi's so head there now. To the leftis the Order of Hermes, go there now and engage in a conversation with him,after dump your mystical equipment off to him. Head back out into the easternringstrasse, see the beggar laying down by the fire just ahead to the left?You can drain him dry of blood and kill him without losing humanity, when hedies save your game and reload it and he will revive with full blood and youcan keep doing this until your characters are all full. After filling up onblood the Green Frog Inn is just to your right, head inside and speak withone of the three ladies and once your done an invite will be laying on thebench for you to take.

    Head back out into the outer stradt and then to the inner stradt right in

    front of you, go straight across to the other side and out into the outerstradt again. You will now be in front of the gate which leads to countOrsi's, go through the gate and look upon his mansion and then up the stepsinto the mansion. Go and speak with one of the three ladies again and thenOrsi himself will greet you, after a talk and a conversation decision Orsiwill have a quest for you to do if you want to find out where Anezka is.

    ===============================================================================8. Luther Black


    Quest: Find Secret Entrance To Clock, Find Luther BlackMain Treasures: Heart ShieldEnemies: Dark Hunters, Lasombra Ghouls, RatsBoss: Luther Black (No Fight)

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stephansdom 1


    - After you leave Orsi's upgrade your weapons and armor if you haven'talready, after that head into the inner stradt in front of Orsi's, take a leftand walk forward for a bit and then take a left around the building to findthe inner house. Once in climb the steps to the top and leave out the bigwindow at the top, now your on the roof, climb the steps to your left and justfollow along the roof until you reach a the secret entrance to the clocktower. When you get inside daylight will break, inside take the steps downuntil you find a couple Lasombra ghouls. After you kill them you will run intoa part which requires a bit of carefulness, around the corner is a hallwaywith sunlight coming in from the windows, so what you need to do is check offthe green beside all off your character which is located beside your healthand blood meter. This will make your character hold their positions and notrun into the sunlight when you run by this hall, only use Christof or yourcharacter of choice to run down the hall and open the door at the end. Tworats will come at you just outside the door so clean them up, head around tocorner to the left and you will see some Lasombra ghouls ahead. Again it'sbest to just use one character to take these guys out and the rats around thecorner, when you are done with them there will be a ramp ahead going downwhich is all sunlight so your gonna get burned no matter what going down sojust haul down it and take your burning.

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    To your right you will see a large mechanism go back and forth, do not try toget past it right now as it will kill you in one shot, it's very rare to getby without using a scroll we will soon get. Go down the stairs and get thechests, gold and scroll we need, now go back up and up the steps to your rightto get some more treasures. Go back down in front of the large mechanism anduse your scroll of the mist form which will turn you into a ball of mist,float by and then right click on buff logo to turn it off, push the button onthe wall to turn of the large mechanism so you can safely get by with yourother characters. Continue ahead and ignore the path to the left as we can getover there without burning ourselves, once you get past the two spots ofsunlight to your right stop before going down the ramp and then switch to yourother character's and manually guide them to Christof. Once you get all ofyour character's together hit the large button in the bottom left of your menuor click all the character's green light back on. Now all together go down theramp and take a left into a busted out wall, in here a quite a few Lasombraghouls around the corner along with a rat or two. Wipe this room out and grabanything worth while and then take the steps up to kill a couple more Lasombraghouls, grab the claymore and head back to where just came down the ramp to go

    through the busted wall. You see those three switches on the wall? Flick thetwo in light which is the very left and very right one to open the passage toStephansdom 2.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stephansdom 2


    - Go around the corner to fight some Lasombra ghouls and pick up the treasuresbehind them, continue along for another fight with some more Lasombra ghoulsand rats, again loot anything you find. Continue ahead to the next room andwipe out the enemies in here, here is a ramp going up and a opening outsidewith sunlight, go outside and kill the Lasombra ghouls and get the treasurehere. Now go back inside and up the ramp killing the Lasombra ghoul in yourway, here is another situation where you have to go up a ramp full of sunlightinto a building. So again check off the green light to make your characterssay put and manually guide them up one by one to get into the building, oncethey are all in check the green lights on again and kill the Lasombra ghoulsin here and take the treasure chests in here. Advance to the next room andkill the enemies here, get the chest and go to the next room. When you killthe Lasombra ghouls in here you will see the path to the next room is blockedoff by some stone pillars going across, what you need to do here is look inmirror across the room, this will reveal which tiles you need to push on thefire place to open up the stone pillars. If your lazy and don't want to lookit's the second to the left tile and the very right tile, when the pillarsmove continue through and take out the Lasombra ghoul here and go through thedoor into Stephansdom 3.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stephansdom 3


    - Wait for the Lasombra ghoul to come down the steps and then kill him, nextbust up the barrels and take what's inside and then up the stairs with you.Here you will meet your first dark hunter, like Vaclav dark hunters havegood physical defense so it might take a bit to kill them. After you kill itand the Lasombra ghoul grab any treasures and continue up the next set ofstairs, here is a couple more Lasombra ghouls so kill them and get thetreasures in the corner to the right. Now enter the room with lots ofpaintings on the wall, if you look around you can see all off the Black's thathave ruled this place. Continue across to the other side where you will

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    encounter a couple dark hunters and a Lasombra ghouls, still in the room withthe painting on the wall check to the left of the doorway leading out, thereis a heart shield sitting on the ledge in front of the mirror just past thelast painting, it is easily missable if you are not looking for it. Round thecorner to the left and kill some more Lasombra ghouls and dark hunters. Getthe chests at the back of the room and then climb up the stairs, kill theenemies all in front of you here. Now there is a big locked wooden gate in themiddle of the room and a doorway to the left, head in doorway to confrontLuther Black. After you have a long talk with Luther you will come to aconversation decision, this decision will effect if Luther Black kills himselfand possible kills you or if you decide to kill him. What I mean by possiblekilling you is if you deny to kill him he will open up the roof himself andflood the room with sunlight killing him and hurting your entire party, if youcan not get out in time then you will die. It's best to just kill him yourselfas there is no downfall here, once you agree to kill him go back out and enterthe now unlocked large wooden gate. Head up the stairs and get what's in thebarrels up top, now flip both switches up here on either side of the room tokill Luther Black. When you finished your quest head back down the stairs anddown the other stairs around the corner, when you reach the bottom of the

    stairs Orsi will be waiting for you with two Teutonic knights. He betrays youand locks you up in the Teutonic Knight Base.

    ===============================================================================9. Teutonic Knight Base


    Quest: Escape The Teutonic Knight BaseMain Treasures: Ainkurn Sword, Tremere AmuletEnemies: Hoppers, Teutonic Knights, Rats, Ghouls Spiders, TremereBoss: Dark Knight

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teutonic Knight Base 4


    - After a scene of Serena using a corpse to free your party you will be freeto leave the prison cell and take some revenge. When your outside your cellkill the three Teutonic knights up ahead, next open up the gate to your rightdown the steps. If you rush inside the gate will close behind you and you willbe stuck fighting all the enemies in here by yourself so lure your enemies outto you, when you kill everything in here open up each prison cell and grabwhat ever is in them. Head back out and open up the prison cell to yourright to kill a couple ghoul spiders, continue forward and kill the Teutonicknights as they come at you. When finished here the room to the right willhave a Teutonic knight at the back and also a battle axe up against the wall,snag it up and come back out into the main hallway. Ignore the stairs to yourleft for right now and open the two gates up to your right, the second gateor the further one has a small chest in it but it's hidden in the shadows soscan over it to find it. Behind the second prison cell will be some Teutonicknights as well as the room beside the prison cell, when you finished cleaningthem up go back into the main hall and at the end of it is a flanged mace anda shield, also there is another prison cell with a rat in it.

    Head back to the stairs I told you to ignore and take them up killing theTeutonic knight in your way, when you reach the top kill all the Teutonicknights up up here but don't open the gate on the other side of the room justyet. Open all four of the prison cells and take what's in any of them, next gointo the room where the steps go down, there will be a Teutonic knight oneither side of the room so kill them now. Again take what's in the four prison

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    cells here and go back out, now open up the door to the left and continueforward killing the Teutonic knights in the rooms to your left and the one infront of you. When done with them proceed up the steps and and through thedoor to Teutonic Base 3.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teutonic Knight Base 3


    - To start out go through the gate just in front of you, again it's one ofthose lobster trap doors which closes behind you. When you kill everything inthe room get the bag of gold behind the crates, go back out now and go left,kill the Teutonic knight coming up and then grab what's in the barrel justbehind him. Head up the ramp and kill the Teutonic knights to the right, theroom just to the right is four rooms connected, kill everything in these roomsand grab all the precious loot. When your done in these rooms go out throughthe back and up the stairs to encounter some more Teutonic knights, get thetreasures near them and continue right through the Teutonic knight. If you nowlook to the left up the stairs you will see a Tremere, go and slice him up and

    then continue past his remains to fight some hoppers and another Teutonicknight. To your right will be a gate that leads to Teutonic Knight Base 2 butit's locked so you have to go left into what looks like a Tremere Chantry,kill the Tremere in here and the hoppers and then step on the purple flame towhich I think will always turn into a blood pearl. Now go through the "lobstertrap" door to the left of the Tremere chantry entrance, when you kill theTremere he will drop the Tremere amulet, you can't pick it up but itdisappears and you have it but it's not in your inventory, just so you know.Now you can go back out and open up the gate to Teutonic Base 2.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teutonic Knight Base 2


    - Teutonic Knight Base 2 has a lot of loot in the rooms to the back, ignorethe stairs going up to your right and visit all the rooms going back. Most ofthem will have three Teutonic knights in them along with up to eight smallchests in them, after you clean them all out including the Tremere room at theback you can now go up the stairs.

    Go around to the right killing the Teutonic knights in your way, when you cometo a doorway to your right go in. At the back will be a Teutonic captain alongwith four Teutonic knights, when you kill them pick up the ainkurn swordbehind their corpses. This sword should be your main weapon through out theentire game, it does aggravated damage which is rare, drains blood often andadds it to your own blood pool and adds a +10 dexterity to your stats, it'squite possible the best weapon in the game. Alright go back out and continuearound the room until you come to a room to your left with some Teutonicknights and a Tremere in it, get the chest behind them after they are dead andthen go across the room through the doorway and up the stairs to TeutonicKnight Base 1.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teutonic Knight Base 1


    - Kill the Teutonic knights that charge you and take what's in the barrels,continue to climb the stairs killing the knights in your way and go out thedoor into a courtyard. More Teutonic knights will be waiting here, after themgo through the door to the left and kill off the knights here. Grab the chestsand proceed through the doorway into the next room, kill the Teutonic knights

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    and grab the barrels. This part is weird, in the next room there is sometimesa Tremere lord and sometimes there isn't. I have beat this game at least tentimes over and there has been a Tremere lord in the next room twice that Irecall, anyways if there is one kill him and continue down the room to killthree more Teutonic knights. Keep going forward and kill the knights on eitherside of the doorway, snag up what's inside the chest and prepare for anotherTeutonic captain and some knights in the next room. After you kill them theTeutonic captain will drop a exquisite battle axe, by now your inventory forall your characters is probably pretty close to being full. Head up thestairs, in the room around the corner is a Tremere lord, a Tremere and ahopper. When you kill them get the two chests and pull the lever on the wallto open the gate which will finally let you out of the Teutonic Knight Base.Go back down the steps and leave through the door in this room to get outside.

    ===============================================================================10. Haus De Hexe


    Quest: Retrieve The Journal Of EtriusMain Treasures: Berserker Fang, Tome of Ritual ThaumaturgyEnemies: Gargoyles, Hopper, TremereBosses: Virstania, Etrius

    Go and speak with Orvus at the Order of Hermes, he will infuse your Tremereamulet with the magic you need to enter the Haus De Hexe. Now sell off thethings in your inventory and upgrade your equipment, when ready go through thesouthern ringstrasse to reach the Haus De Hexe. Follow along through the gateand into the castle, when you get in the castle a couple of Tremere willwonder how you got in and then attack you. Kill them and then you have achoice of where to go. In front of you stands three doors, I list from left toright.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tremere Gargoyle Lair


    - Upon entering a Tremere will see you and come at you, do away with him andhead into the room to the left. Kill the two Tremere here and get the loot inhere, now take the right path and follow it until you reach a door. Open itand kill the two Tremere on the other side, get the small chest and continueforward where you will come to your first gargoyle. Now your at a three wayintersection, take the ramp up to score some more loot, head back down andtake the only other path which goes forward. Three gargoyles will await you inhere, finish them and get the emeralds at the back. Go to the next room wherethree more gargoyles will be along with a Tremere, when done bust open the twobarrels in the back room and claim what's inside. Proceed along where yetagain three gargoyles will be to test you, do to them as before and move tothe next room where a couple more gargoyles will be along with two Tremere.When you are done killing them get the treasures behind them and head off tothe next room with a couple more gargoyles. Finally when your done with themVirstania will be in the next room with you guessed it another gargoyle.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Virstania Health: 300 Blood: 140 Difficulty: Easy

    O=============================================================================O Virstania is easy enough, she will cast prison of ice on you and can and probably will use immolate as well. With four characters you should be able to kill her fairly quickly and continue on.

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    When you kill Virstania and the gargoyle grab the arcanulum piece and stepinto the circling white dots to teleport back into the main room of thecastle, click on the triangle on the floor to place the acranulum piece ontoit. When all three pieces are places down the magical seal to the room up thesteps will disappear and allow you to enter the room, but until then theTremere Laboratory is next.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tremere Laboratory


    - start by taking the path to the right and killing the Tremere in the room,go down the steps to the right which will lead to another room. Just as awarning the statues that look like howling dogs on either side of a hallwaywill shoot flames at you as you walk past them. Anyways again kill the Tremerein this room and grab anything on the floor you see, go into the room to the

    right of the steps going down. Kill the hoppers in here and grab the treasureson the table, take the steps up to the room which will lead to a room withsome more Tremere inside. After your done with them pick up any loot layingaround and head to the back of the room where there is a dark little closetwith some treasure chests in it. Go back up the steps and into next room withmore Tremere, as usual kill and loot and head up the steps, take a left whichwill lead to a room with a Tremere lord inside along with a couple regularTremere. Kill them all and grab the tome and chest, proceed to the next roomwith caution as there is two Tremere lords and a regular Tremere in here. Asyou should know by now Tremere lords are pretty deadly and even deadlier ina group, when you do manage to kill them the next arcanulum piece will be upthe steps. Although you have the arcanulum piece there is still more Tremereand loot in other rooms to explore, they are not hard to find as all the roomsare connected so I will leave it to you to just browse around looking, it's agood idea to do this just for the experience you get for killing Tremere. Whenyou are done step into the circling white dots and teleport to the main roomto place the second arcanulum piece in the floor, finally step into thehardest section of the castle which is the library.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tremere Library


    - Start by heading to the left and cleaning out the room of the Tremere here,grab the loot and then go back out and head down the steps to the right. Nowthere is four different rooms that all break off from this long set of stairs,just go down the steps and clean out all for rooms of the Tremere within themand snag up the treasures in the rooms. Just as a warning through most of therooms have at least one Tremere lord in them and one has two of them in it.Also as the very bottom of the steps is a couple Tremere, sometimes they cansee you coming down the stairs so they will come up after you instead ofwaiting for you to come to them. Now when you reach the bottom of the stairskill the Tremere to your left if they didn't already come up after you. Toyour right is another room with 3 Tremere in it and a Tremere lord, there isno loot in here only the experience for killing the Tremere. When you finishedup head back out into the room at the bottom of the stairs and just before thedoorway to the next room is a little closet room with a chest in it, grab itand proceed through the doorway. To the right is a room with a Tremere and twoTremere lords so rush in and kill them quickly, grab any loot and come backout. Up ahead just around the wall is a room with three Tremere lords in it,yes three!. This can be a doosy, your best bet is to just barley step into

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    their vision so only one maybe two see you and they will come to you aroundthe corner. When you kill them or one of them rush in and kill the rest, afterthat grab the last acranulum piece and enter the circling white dots. Placethe last piece of arcanulum in the floor and watch as the magical sealdisappears at the top of the stairs.

    Before going up the stairs strip Erik of all his weapons and armor and give itto your other characters to hold onto, trust me Erik will not be needing itand if you leave it on him you will lose it. Now go up the steps and throughthe door, pick up the journal Of Etrius. Just as you do Etrius will appear andcatch you in the act, after a conversation Erik will get frustrated andcharge at Etrius who will in turn change Erik into a gargoyle who you will nowhave to kill. After you kill Erik the gargoyle Etrius will begin to attackyou.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Etrius Health: 350 Blood: 160 Difficulty: Medium


    Etrius can easliy kill your party quickly if you get caught in his flame storm discipline, it does massive damage and inflicts damage into a concentrated area. Not only does Etrius use that discipline but he will summon a elemental to aid him and can use prison of ice on your party, this fight is probably harder because you don't have the extra character helping you out. Just make sure to avoid his flame storm and you should be fairly ok, using potence and celerity would be a bonus here as well.


    After you defeat Etrius he will get frustrated and give you the informationyou wish to know so you leave the Haus De Hexe, leave the castle and empty outyour inventory at the weapon smiths. Pay Orvus a visit at the Order of Hermes,he will thank you for the journal and give you an apparent enchantment to helpprotect against fire, although I never have noticed a difference. Oncefinished here you must now return to Prague through the northern ringstrasse.

    ===============================================================================11. Vysehrad Castle


    Quest: Infiltrate Vysehrad CastleMain Treasures: NothingEnemies: Rats, Szlachta, Tzimisce, War Ghouls, WolvesBoss: Vozhd

    When you get back to Prague you will see that it is all smashed up and thereare a lot of citizens walking around town. Head to the university and speakwith Ecaterina, she talk to you for a while and then you will get the quest togo to Vysehrad castle. Enter the gate which leads to Vysehrad Castle which isjust behind the convent, when you reach the castle a guy will make a speechand then you can enter the castle, just to point out you can only enter thecastle through the smashed out wall to the left of the front door.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vysehrad Castle 1


    - I'll point this out first of all, don't bother picking up any weapons, armoror any items like gold rings and necklaces because your not gonna get the

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    chance to sell them as this will be the end of the Medieval part of the game,the only things worth picking up is maybe blood and scrolls to use during thislevel.

    Alright now in Vysehrad Castle kill the Tzimisce just ahead, the opening tothe left will have a Szlachta and a rat in there so kill them for theexperience. Now go back out and up the stairs to kill three Szlachta's, goback down and go through the opening to the right to meet a couple Tzimisceand ghouls. When your done with them continue along until you reach a partwhere four ghouls stop you and give you a lecture, slice their heads off forboring you and continue on. You will run into a war ghoul and a coupleslzachta's just ahead, kill them and go down the steps to run into somewolves. After them there will be a couple Tzimisce and a Szlachta just aroundthe corner to the right, once finished with all of them go around the cornerand find four more ghouls along with a war ghoul. Continue ahead where anotherwar ghoul will be just down some steps with two Szlachta's. Go through thedoor here to go to Vysehrad Castle 2.


    Vysehrad Castle 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    - Start by rounding the corner to the left, you will spot a couple of warghouls down the hall. Also there is a room to the right with a war ghoul andSzlachta's inside, wipe them all out and proceed to the end of the hall anddown the steps. Kill the enemies in the rooms to the left and then come backout, keep going down the steps until you see two Tzimisce and a ghouls, alsoa war ghoul will spot you and come in for a fight too. Kill them and continuealong around the corner killing the rat and the Szlachta in the way, enter theroom to the left and defeat the enemies in here and go up the steps. Proceedforward ignoring the steps going down to the right and kill the war ghoulwalking around along with the wolfs, now go up the stairs in front of you andkeep following along until you reach some stairs going all the way down to adoor going to Vysehrad Castle 3, if you want kill the two Szlachta just behindthe stairs and get the bottles of vitae and then go through the door.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vysehrad Castle 3


    - Go straight and kill the two Tzimisce on either side of you, now go left andkill the two wolves in front of you. Go to the end of the hall and go down thebroken pillar to kill three more Tzimisce, go down the steps here and killboth wolves that will attack out of the rooms off to either side. Before goingthrough the big door here prepare yourself because a Vozhd is behind thisdoor, if you have not seen one yet then your in for a surprise. When readyopen the door and fight.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Vozhd Health: 500 Blood: 80 Difficulty: Medium

    O=============================================================================O Vozhd's are big, ugly and strong, they can pick one of your characters up and bit down on them killing them instantly, they have a pretty strong regular attack to. They will blood heal if low on health but that's about it for their disciplines, use potence, fortitude, and celerity to help you out here.


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    After you defeat the Vozhd go through the door behind it to enter VysehradCastle 4.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vysehrad Castle 4


    - Go straight ahead until you engage in a long conversation with Vukodlak andAnezka who you now see has been turned into a ghoul by Vukodlak. After a longconversation Christof attempts to save Anezka and the castle begins tocollapse and a pillar falls on top of you and Anezka.



    As the next scene takes over the date it shows is 1999, far into the futurefrom once you just were. It shows men moving coffins around and then shows

    Christof being awakened by a familiar voice. He will then rise up and begin toquestion a man who has no idea what he is talking about and will eventuallykill the man for shooting at him. Christof is alone, all of his friends andallies are gone, possibly dead. He is alone in the world once more butcontinues to search for his beloved Anezka.

    ===============================================================================12. Society of Leopold


    Quest: Escape From The Society Of LeopoldMain Treasures: Argent BatonEnemies: Lab Soldiers, Lab WorkersBoss: Father Leo

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Society of Leopold 3


    - Go through the door to encounter your first enemies of the stage, kill themand go out the door to the left. Go straight across the hall to the otherdoor and kill the lab worker in there, now go into the door to the left andkill the humans in there. Grab the plasma bags hanging on the I.V. stand andgo back out into the hall, continue along and round the corner to the rightwhere there will be three lab soldiers to fight with. After them go throughboth of the doors here and clean out the rooms of enemies and loot, come backout and proceed forward around the corner to the left because the doors justahead are locked right now. Two more lab soldiers will be waiting here sotake them out and go through the door to the right, kill the humans here andpush the switch on the wall to open up the locked doors. Go into the room tothe left and down the steps to go into the next room where there will be fouror five humans in here, kill them all and take anything you can find.

    Go back out now and go through the doors that were once locked, go through thedoor straight ahead and clean it out of humans. If you walk to the back of theroom Christof will mention how old all the relics are and how he has aged aswell, go back out and continue forward and around to the right to kill acouple more lab workers. Go into the door to the left, kill the lab soldiersin here, to open the jail cells flip the two levers behind the door, grab thescroll and plasma bag from the cells now. Leave the room and go around the

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    wall just outside the room and defeat the lab worker and lab soldier, open thedoor to the right and kill the lab worker in here. Do not attack the redbarrel in here as it obviously explodes hurting Christof, go back out of theroom and go up the steps and through the door to enter Society Of Leopold 2.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Society of Leopold 2


    - Kill the lab worker to your right and go straight through the door, keepgoing straight and kill the two lab soldiers to your left and ahead. Now goin the door to the right and clean it out for humans and loot, come back outand go right around the corner and then a left. There is three rooms herewhich you can kill all the humans inside and loot whatever you find, when yourdone come back out and go straight across to kill another lab soldier. Go inthe room he was in front of and as you should know kill everything in here andloot the treasures, come back out and round the corner to the right and killthe two soldiers guarding the door. Go inside and do your thing and come backout, now round the corner going back and go right. Kill the soldier in front

    of the door and the ones that are probably shooting at you to your right,enter the room and pillage. Get back out and go into the next room down thehall which looks like a library, kill the humans here and grab the tome. Getout of the room via the other door, kill the lab soldiers outside the doorsrunning along the wall. You will see a lot of lab workers and soldiers at theback of the open area, they can be a bit of a problem if you run into all ofthem. Cast celerity, potence and fortitude just for some precautions and thenrun in and kill them all. Get anything they might have dropped and then goback and go into all the rooms along the side wall and do what you do bestwhich is kill and loot. When you finished up with that go through the door atthe end of the open area to go to Society Of Leopold 1.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Society of Leopold 1


    - Open up the door in front of you and kill the soldiers behind it, go up thestairs and kill the soldier in your way here. Open the door to some more labsoldiers around to the right, go through the door to the left and pillageinside. Get back out and continue along killing anything in your way, when youreach the next door to your left go in and kill what's in here. You see thetwo cases off to the left? one you can open yourself easily and the other tothe far left won't open by itself, there is a bookshelf just to the left of itwith a silvery book on it you can push to open it up. What's inside is theagent baton, it does extra damage to lupines or in another word werewolf's,unfortunately you cannot sell this weapon... for some reason no weapon sellerwill buy it. Anyway go back out and kill what's ahead of you, when you reacha point where you can go left ignore it for now because father Leopold is overthere, instead go straight into another room where you will kill and lootagain. For some reason in this room there is a gold watch on the fireplacethat is impossible to get, i've tryed for like 30 minutes one time and couldnot find a place where Christof could pick it up. Now go out and head over tofather Leopold to engage in a fight with him.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Father Leopold Health: 300 Blood: 80 Difficulty: Easy

    O=============================================================================O This guy is really easy to beat, you can just slug away at him and kill him in six or seven shots or you can just smash his big machine of vitae to your right and he will wimper like a child and get down licking it. Either

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    way is good enough, I prefer to slash him to death for being cocky.


    When you kill father Leopold get the case behind him and go back down thestairs you came up to get on this level and go out the now opened door, killthe lab soldier to your right and the two around the corner to the left. Nowthe door to outside is just ahead so get out of this place.


    When you get outside walk down the road until you are met by a mugger whoChristof does not understand but knows his profession, so as good ol' Christofis a noble man he pulls out his sword and has at the mugger. But before hedoes anything the mugger gives up and gives him a duffle bag of clothes forChristof to have, when Christof next emerges he is all suave and cleaned upfor the modern age. Alright so now let's dump off the stuff in our inventory,there is a Curio shop just to the right where you encountered the mugger. Whenyour finished with that come out of the Curio shop and go straight ahead

    rounding the corner down, keep going straight until you get in front of anight club which is the Tenebrae club. Go inside and speak with the punklooking guy leaning against the blood bar, this is Pink, Pink will be ourfirst ally of the new age. When you have Pink leave the club and go left, takethe stairs down to the right and down the other stairs to go to west London.Go left again down the steps and go straight, down these steps here to andwalk over to the van beside the building. This is Otto's van, Otto is the"weapon smith" of the new age, dump any weapons you have from Society ofLeopold. Also pick up some weapons and armor for three characters, yes threebecause your second ally is not to far away.

    When you finished with Otto just for a note, your haven is just to your rightin the building next to you. Alright let's head to where we need to go, headback up both sets of steps you just came down and go right of the entrance towest London. There is a door around the corner at the back of a building whichyou need to go in to get where our next quest is.


    ===============================================================================13. Temple of Set


    Quest: Infiltrate Setite LairMain Treasures: Black GlovesEnemies: Setites, ViperBoss: Lucretia

    When you get inside head up the ramp and talk to the girl in the red dress,this is Lily and she is your second ally that will join you. When you haveLily take a left and go to the end of the hall, take a left again and down theramp, one more left into a room with just paintings all around, or is that allthere is? Check the wall behind you to the right, there is a lever near thebottom of the wall you need to switch over. Switching this lever will lift upa big painting and expose a door leading to the Setite Temple.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Setite Temple 1


    - Go through the door just ahead and go left, there will be a a couple Setites

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    here so kill them off and go into the room ahead. Kill the rest of the Setitesin here and pull the lever to the right, pick up the case in the corner and goback out into the large lobby area. The big door down the steps is open but goto the right first and do the same as you just did to the left, except thereis no lever in here just kill and loot. When your done come back out and godown the stairs for a couple more Setites, one of them has a grenade launcherso be careful and try to avoid the shot. When you defeat these to obviouslytake the path to the left as the right door is locked, kill the two Setites inthis little area here. Continue along to a room with three more Setitesinside, hit the lever to open the previously locked door to the right, go backnow and go through that door. Proceed forward and finish off the Setites inthis room, you may be done with the Setites but not with this room. See howtheres three little alcoves on each side of the room? The third one on theleft has a switch on the bottom of the wall there, push it and the wall infront of you will open up and stairs will be leading up. Go up the steps andkill off the two snakes up here, grab all the treasures including the blackgloves.

    These gloves are unique, when you put them on a character they will have

    permanent feral claws, any weapons equipped on them are useless but it's worthit to have permanent feral claws. Alright go back down and take the path tothe right, here is a room full of Setites, as you probably have seen beforeSetites like to charm you so you cannot attack for awhile, this is most likleygonna happen here. A couple of the Setites have stake guns so watch out forgetting stakes for awhile, when you kill off this room grab the lott in thecorners and then go through the door here to Setite Temple 2.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Setite Temple 2


    - Start by going straight ahead and a left at the split, watch out for flamesthat shoot out from the pillars to your left and right. Go into the room tothe left and kill the Setites in here, hit the lever and go back to the rightand enter the room there. Kill the two Setites here as well and flick thelever, go inside the door here and down the steps. Here is another Setite witha grenade launcher so be warned, kill him and the viper around, search behindthe flaming pots at the back for jewels. Head up the stairs on the other sideof the room and kill the Setites blocking your way, round the corner for moreof them. After you finish them all go to the left of the wooden gate in frontof you and enter a room with a lever in it, wipe this room out and loot it forit's treasure and then hit the lever. Come back out, now the wooden gate haslifted so go push the triangle button on the ground in the middle, whilewatching out for the flames that shoot out from the pillars. Pushing thisbutton will open a door to your right, rushing out will be a couple Setitesand probably a viper. Kill them off and grab the goods inside while pullingthe lever inside, this opens up a huge door in the large room we were inpreviously. Go back out into that room and kill the two Setites in here nowfrom the door opening.

    Head down the hall and round the corner to the right, kill the Setite and twoviper here, continue going ahead and kill the two Setites you come upon. Gothrough the door to the left into a room filled with Setites, crash theirparty by beheading them all and snagging up their loot. When done go into thenext room and spoil their party as well, after they are dead pick up anythingin the area and go to the back to go in a room with another Setite hidingaway. Kill him and go in the next room where there is a door which leads toSetite Temple 3.


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    Setite Temple 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    - Kill the Setites in this room and proceed up the stairs ahead, there is twoSetites on either side up here so you know what to do. Walk around either sidekilling the viper in front and flick the switch on the side of the wall toopen up the door back in the large room, come back down and go through the nowopen door and kill the Setite in your way. Down the hall are a couple moreSetites with a viper, when done round the corner and go forward to run into acrap load of Setites. After the long battle you will be in a large room wherevipers lay underneath the pits of fire, go around smashing them and grab theloot that is in this room. Continue along into the next area, kill off theSetites in the hallway and get the crate behind you, continue forth until youreach a large room with a pyramid in the center of it. Go around killing allthe Setites in this room along with the vipers, when you kill them all pick upany dropped loot and also the chainsaw at the back near a burning pit. Beforegoing to the back go up the stairs on either side of the room and kill bothSetites and the viper up there and snag up any treasures, now you can go tothe back and go through the door to Setite Temple 4.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Setite Temple 4


    - Head around the pyramid in the center of the room and kill the two Setitesalong with any vipers, get the case to the right of the left of the door youcame through and then go back and down the stairs. Kill off the two Setiteshere and then continue to the right, as you go there are little rooms to eachside of the hall with Setites and vipers in them, kill them and grab thetreasures in them and then walk into the big room where you will confront andfight Lucretia.

    O=============================================================================O Boss: Lucretia Health: 250 Blood: 130 Difficulty: Easy

    O=============================================================================O This is a easy fight, Lucretia will only charm you and summon vipers to her aid, other than that she is useless. Swing for the fences at her until she goes down which is fairly quickly.


    After you defeat Lucretia she turns into a bunch of vipers and runs away, Pinkpoints out that she is not dead because Setites ripe their hearts out so theycan't be killed one you beat them. You have to go and find her heart beforeyou can completely kill her. Now is the fun part, you have to get out of theSetite temple the same way you got in, run all the way back and go through thebrothel. When you reach the brothel feel free to fill up on blood by feedingon all off the people here.

    ===============================================================================14. Tower of London


    Quest: Find Lucretia's HeartMain Treasures: Monocle of ClarityEnemies: Ghouls Spiders, WraithsBoss: None

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    Dump off your weapons and mystical stuff at Otto's and the curio shop andupgrade your weapons and armor, when you finished the tower of London is tothe right of your haven and Otto's just round the corner and continue along tofind it.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tower of London 1


    - This place is pretty creepy, start by going through the door to the right,kill the large ghoul spider that comes down to attack you. You will see roundwhite sacks in some of the corners of this place, these sacks are small ghoulspiders that pop out when you get close to them. Anyways grab the chest at theback and go into the next room where a couple more ghoul spiders come at you,kill them off and claim what's in the barrels. Go back out and head left ofthe entrance now, kill the ghoul spiders that drop down and the sack of smallghoul spiders in the corner. Continue forward through the next doorway anda couple more ghoul spiders will drop down to your right, head