VBloodBowl USER GUIDE Selection When you click on a player it will gain a selection circle in yellow and the control panel (see below will appear with all the fami liar BloodBowl acti ons. You can click between players and it wil l automatically de-select the previous selection and the Control panel will also move to the new player. De-selecting a player before any Ac tion is selected will not mark it a s moved. Control Panel - As you can see the Orc Lineman is selected and the Control panel displayed The control panel allows you to select any action available to a player that has so far not moved this turn. Simply click on the required butt on and it will then log the action, hide the Co ntrol Panel and highlight it on the screen via different col oured selection circles. Some of the icons are perhaps obvious but here is a list of the CP's contents: MOVE, highlights in green like the button. BLITZ, red... BLOCK, lighter red... PASS, blue... HANF-OFF, lighter blue... FOUL, black. Next page for details

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When you click on a player it will gain a selection circle in yellow and the control panel (see below

will appear with all the familiar BloodBowl actions. You can click between players and it willautomatically de-select the previous selection and the Control panel will also move to the newplayer. De-selecting a player before any Action is selected will not mark it as moved.

Control Panel

- As you can see the Orc Lineman is selected and the Control panel displayed

The control panel allows you to select any action available to a player that has so far not movedthis turn. Simply click on the required button and it will then log the action, hide the Control Paneland highlight it on the screen via different coloured selection circles. Some of the icons areperhaps obvious but here is a list of the CP's contents:

MOVE, highlights in green like the button.

BLITZ, red...

BLOCK, lighter red...

PASS, blue...

HANF-OFF, lighter blue...

FOUL, black.

Next page for details

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Having clicked the MOVE icon, your player will be highlighted in green; simple click the space youwish to move to and the player will move there, nothing too fancy. Once you have moved your entire normal movement either select another player or click on the current player again and it willgive the option of ending the move; Going for it; or canceling to allow further movement of theplayer if they have normal moves remaining.


TIP: While moving you can click the next square before the player appears to havemoved. Experiment with it and get the optimum pace.

Using the NUMBER_PAD_1 to 9 (excludes 5) you may change your players facing.

Block Moves:

Selecting BLOCK you may not move; but if you click on an opposition player, he will behighlighted in red. After resolving the BLOCK you will be able to move the TARGET one squareas a push back and after that may click the vacated square as a follow-up.

TIP: When a situation arises where there is need for a 'chain push' because of a blockedPush-back. Simply select an opposition player further back, move him one square andthen select the TARGET and move him, then follow-up/end the action.

 – a fairly typical blocking situation.

Assists: to declare assists, simply click on another player from your team and it will be displayedwith a '+1', or use th Right-click menu. For the opponent, they MUST use the Right-click menu asclicking on the opposition will only highlight them for TARGETS and push-backs. Assists may becanceled from the menu and all highlights will be removed automatically when the active player ends their action.

To End the action, click on the active player to get the

Blitz Moves

As per movement, but with a red highlight; you may move as above and then Click on a TARGETopposition player as with the BLOCK action. The Use of this is almost exactly as with BLOCKexcept that if you wish to carry on moving after the Blitz-Block when the TARGET has NOT beenpushed-back, you MUST click on the target to cancel the push-back to then resume moving.

TIP: This will arise when a 'Block skill' result is rolled. Simply make th appropriate rolls,

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and then either end the BLITZ move, or click on the target once more to cancel the puch-back before continuing to move/dodge away.

PASS Action:

The PASS action again allows you to move as with the MOVE action. When the pass is to bemade RIGHT_CLICK the player and select RANGE RULER. This will call the ruler to the player and make it visible.

Using the Range Ruler is quite easy. RIGHT_CLICK on it and select ROTATE. The mousepointer turns into a cross and you can hold down the Left mouse button to rotate the ruler aboutthe player. Once released it will take up its new rotation and is always under the players so as toallow for easy selection of TARGET and INTERCEPTORS.

TIP: The further down (away from the player) the mouse pointer is while rotating, thebetter accuracy you will receive. The process can be repeated until satisfied.

TARGET SELECTION: As will the BLOCK action you may click on another player to highlight asa target. Obviously this time the target will be on the same team. Your opponent can also clickon an eligible player to attempt an Interception, highlighted in purple.

Once range is established and any interceptions rolled, select 'hide' on the Range-Ruler's menuto get rid of it. It can be called by any player at any a time later on.

RESULTS:1) If the pass is FUMBLED, simply 'drop' the ball from the right click menu of the THROWERand scatter, end move by licking on the player; use re-rolls or whatever...2) If the pass is Intercepted, simply 'pick-up' the ball from the intercepting player's menu and

then end the action of the Thrower.3) If the pass is accurate OR inaccurate, click on the TARGET to send the ball from the Thrower to Receiver. Then either scatter or attempt a catch.4) End the Thrower's action if not done so already.

HAND-OFF Action:

Very similar to the PASS action, you may MOVE and then select a TARGET, highlights are inpurple. As the pass is always accurate, click the TARGET again to send the ball to their feet or 'pick-up' and than 'drop' if required. End the action in the usual way.

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FOUL Action: MOVE and select an opponent TARGET prone player, highlights in black. Alsodeclare assists as with BLOCK and after conclusion end the action as normal.

This is the Pitch Window

Right heres the bits and bobs you need:

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The Top Bar (left to right):3) Image capture to take jpegs of the pitch.Zoom in, out or select a zoom level with the next three.Overview, its a little Radar type thing incase you can't see the whole pitch.

 –Ready1 and Ready2 are a short-cut to face all players either right or leftdepending on whether they are on Team1 or Team2. Useful for Kick-offs.

KO1 and KO2, click it roll your KOs and recover them. If they are OK they loosethe stars round their head ;)Mark unmoved. Gets rid of all 'M' signs and movement trails, ideally pressed atthe start of each turn.Coin toss:In the centre of the pitch you will find a little referee. Click him and you will get acoin tossed for who goes first. Its up to you, call a face or just go ith Orc meansred team choose; Blue, blue team chooses. However you use the coin result youmust click either the red Orc or Blue eagle that appear below the coin. This

selects which team will receive the kick (or more correctly sets them as thecontroling team).

The coin will reappear at the end of the game and also for an Over Time toss if required.

The Dugout:Simply drag reserves and Koed/ injured to the right boxes.Turn counter is clicked to move along the turn track and then again at the end of 

your turn to swap control to your opponent. Only works when the Scoreboard

shows '1st Half' or '2nd Half' a the top (see Scoreboard, below)

Re-rolls are set in the 'Pre-Game' bit. It will be displayed on the scoreboardwhen the new game is first loaded. Click on it and it will prompt you to set thenumber of Re-rolls for your team. Once a game has started you click on the re-rolls to use them and it will let your opponent know.

Not: these are re-set at the end of the first Half and also at the end of the game if you do not agree to overtime.

The Dice Rack:You have two sets of D6s a scatter dice for the ball (left side of Blockers) and aBomb, scatterer (right side) with the blocking dice in the middle. Click the firstdice for 1 dice rolls and blocks, the second for 2D6 or 2 Die blocks and the thirdBlocking die for those precious 3 Dice blocks.

Use these as you would your real dice. Its that simple. Only the Scatter buttonsactually apply their results to the relevant pieces. Only those bits that don't

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involve players on the pitch are automated, so all dodges, armour rolls, fouls etcare all taken care of here unless specifically mentioned on another button.

Buttons either side of the Scoreboard:

At the top, left and right respectively, are the Throw-in and Kick-off buttons. If theball goes out place the ball at the edge and press the TI button, it rolls a d6 for direction and 2d6 for distance, it conveniently brings up a throw-in template, and

you can then click on the square where it will land and then press the scatter button as above. If it goes t a player. Make them 'Pick up' the ball from the right-lick menu and then roll as usual and later drop if necessary.The Kick off button is very similar, it makes the appropriate rolls after you havedrag and dropped the ball onto the pitch (see game sequence) and brings up thescatter template and awaits you to click its destination and press the scatter button to bounce. Again, if it goes to a player use the right-click menu to 'Pick-up' and then drop if necessary. (clicking the player will not move the ball)

MVP buttons: Easy. Press it and you get a random player from the red/blueteam. It is like picking a chit in the board game so if no player is highlighted, or 

they are not eligible click again until satisfied. Can be used repeatedly if morethan one random player is required, highlights in yellow.

Weather Button: press it once to roll the weather and apply to the pitch, use aswhen required.

Swap Button: Opposite the weather button is the double headed arrow. It isused in those odd circumstances where you need to take control in theopponents square. It is infact two buttons in one. Left side to grant team1control, right side to give team2 control. Useful for Blitz results on the kick-off table and some skills and actions, for example, the Pass-block skill. You can of course use other methods like drag and drop in those sort of situations. It maynever be used in a game, it is simply added for convenience.

Roster1 and Roster2: Click to display the relevant inventory of players for eachteam.

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Continues, next page.


The Scoreboard is the mainstay of the game, it keeps track of the current Down,Scores and the game sequence. At the top it displays the game state. ie. Pre-

Game, 1st Half, Half Time etc... to move to the next step, click the label itself.Though note that the Turn counters are used to end a half. At full time, clicking

here will give you the option of extra time or to return to the Pre-Game sequence.

Team1 and Team2 are displayed and can be changed by clicking on theappropriate label. If you have assigned your players to a different team name inthe team building steps, simply type the team name in. This is important andtake care to spell it right (case sensitive) or else your players will not be able totake part effectively.

Note: whether they were setup in the 'team1' slot will not effect them beingassigned at the start of the game to Team2 on the scoreboard.

Scores:In some circumstances it may be necessary to manually add a Touchdown to theappropriate team. For example on those rare occasions that a TD is conceded inthe active teams turn. Simply click where it says 'Score' on the appropriate sideof the scoreboard. In most cases where scoring in your turn it will be updated byeither ending your players move in the Endzone while carrying the ball, or bycatching/ picking-up the ball while there.

The scoreboard also does other things behind the scenes; but these are out of 

your direct control and merely facilitate other things.

Making your team.Its an idea to make a proper BloodBowl team sheet and then save the

details as a note (shared). Open a new game and open the Pitch window (press 'Pitch' button onthe main Vassal Window).

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-main Vassal window

-Pitch Window (set up to begin play and team builds)

Step1.Name Your team. To do this, click on the score board where it says 'team1'. It will prompt you toname the team. If two players are synced together or you want to make two teams at once, alsoname 'team2' by clicking on... can you guess... 'team2'.

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Click 'pieces' on the main window.

You only need to mess with the teams bit. The rest is all set up unless you want to play somecrazy variant or add some extra templates.Its easy. Click on a team tab and then select from the two teams in the right hand panel. Youcan obviously name them whatever you like. They have red and Blue uniforms, so that sameRace match-ups are not too confusing.

Step3.Click on the 'Setup1' (do note however, Team2 sets up in... 'Setup2')

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Step4.Now heres the difficult bit. Drag players from the left had panel of the pieces menu and Dropthem onto the Setup board.

It will number them in sequence and also set them to the team name you entered earlier. All thatis left to do is give the player a name when prompted. This is optional but its more fun than 16players all called 'player'.

Step5. (Check)So you have all the players from your roster. Click on the Roster1 button on either the MainWindow, or the game Window (bottom near the scoreboard).You should have a list of players, their stats and skills etc.

If not press 'refresh' on the inventory (Roster) window.

If you still have no players listed retrace your steps; but there really is not much you can dowrong.

-Look how bad my player naming abilities are (I did kinda rush these...)

Step6.Go to 'File' on the Main Window. Then to 'Begin Log-file'. Name the file and give it a little note if you like when prompted... 'first team' perhaps...

Go back to the 'Setup1' window and press the 'Clone' button at the top. May take a moment.

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Now, Go back to File and end the log file. This saves the team as a one step 'continuation'.Forget the name, doesn't mater.

Test this by deleting all the players from the Setup window and then loading the 'continuation' filefrom the main window (its under the 'file' menu...). It will look like nothing has happened. But its

OK because infact this button:

Is now active on the Main Window. Press it and your new team should re-appear.

Note: New additional and replacement players should be dragged to the Setup board but thenafter naming them, and assuming the correct team-name is displayed in the appropriatescoreboard window, manually number the player through the 'Info' sub-menu on the right-clickmenu.

Use mouse-over and Roster to check they are added correctly.

Lastly: I apologise for the rushed guide but time is really against me here...