Vector - My Research

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? = (shift) / (phenomenon)

(shift) (properties) () (magnitude), () (direction).


() , ()

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-- o------------------>o----------> 5 3 o------------------------------> 8

, , ,

, , , - , , , , , , , , Draw an arrow on a piece of paper, pointing in any direction, and you have a vector: a length with a direction. Draw another arrow starting at the tip of the first one, and you have added two vectors:Draw an arrow on a piece of paper, pointing in any direction, and you have a vector: a length with a direction. Draw another arrow starting at the tip of the first one, and you have added two vectors:

--+ /|\ u+v/ \v / \ / \ o--------->o u

If you draw vectors on a coordinate grid, you can give them names:

V(-2,3) ^ W(3,3) + | + \ | / \ v\ |u+v/ \v \ | / \ \| / \ o---------->o------> u U(5,0)

Place each vector so that it starts at the origin (0,0), and name it for the point where it ends, just as we did on the number line. Our vectors are u = (5,0) and v = (-2,3), since they end at points U and V as shown. Their sum w = u+v is (3,3). Do you see how to add two vectors? You just add their x coordinates and their y coordinates; u goes 5 to the right and v goes 2 to the left, so w goes 5-2 = 3 to the right. (Actually, we use the word "coordinate" only for points; for vectors, we use the word "component.")

You can do the same for vectors in three-dimensional space, but I won't bother drawing that. The important thing is that vectors give us a way to talk about anything that has both size and direction, but not position - things like velocities, wind speeds, forces, and so on. If I row my boat in the direction of vector u, but the water itself is moving along vector v, then I will actually be moving along vector u+v, so the sum of the two vector velocities tells me how fast, and in what direction, I am really going.

For an introduction to vectors with nicer pictures, try this:

Vectors - Gene Klotz, The Math Forum

Here's another; look under "Basic Stuff":

Maths Help - Working with vectors - Jenny Olive

If you have any further questions, feel free to write back.

- Doctor Peterson, The Math Forum Associated Topics:High School Linear Algebra

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