Vegan Bros Top 6 Mistakes

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Top nutrition and fitness mistakes by the vegan bros.

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1 Vegan Bros’ Top 6 Mistakes Preventing You from Losing That Belly

DISCLAIMER: The information presented herein is in no way intended as

medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The

information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of

your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as

you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to

obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician

throughout the course of these workouts, you are agreeing to accept full

responsibility for your actions. By beginning the following workouts, you

recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Vegan Bros LLC, Phil

Letten, and Matt Letten, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur

because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly

assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you

may have against Vegan Bros LLC, Matt Letten, Phil Letten and their

respective affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness

incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of your


All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced (by any

means) without the expressed written permission of Matt Letten and Phil


This manual is being offered for education and information purposes only.

There is inherent risk with any physical activity.

Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise program.

Vegan Bros LLC, or Matt Letten or Phil Letten cannot be held responsible

for any injury that may occur while participating in this program.

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Since you’re reading this we know how you got here. You either downloaded this free report from our website, or perhaps i was forwarded to you by a friend.

Either way, allow us to briefly introduce ourselves. We’re Matt and Phil (we’re brothers.)…And, if you’re asking, The Vegan Bros. See, here’s the proof > > > > > >

This all got started because we were once searching. For who we were. For who we could become. And, for who could help us find all that out and get us there.

Little did we know that we were the ones to inspire each other. Matt inspired Phil’s passion for fitness and transforming lives. And Phil inspired Matt’s introduction into animal advocacy and working to make the world a better place.

Matt’s personal journey and transformation; from losing almost 100

pounds, and discovering his passion and purpose, has morphed into spending his life helping guide the personal journeys and transformations of so many others. All in all, he’s had a hand in helping over 3,000 people get closer to their health and fitness goals.

Matt lost almost

100 pounds!

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Phil’s personal journey and transformation; gaining over 25 pounds

of lean muscle, and spending years travelling the country advocating on behalf of animals, has now brought him to enhance the lives of others by helping them reach their fitness goals.

But we say all that to say this:

We’re here to pay it forward.

As brothers who have helped each other we have united forces to help those who are searching, whether it’s for fat loss, muscle tone, or inner peace.

We know that each and every one of you, over time, have developed your own idea of what “right” is: Eating right. Exercising right. In fact, many of you have probably made a similar statement to this one:

“Man, I’m doing everything right. I’m eating and exercising right, but I just can’t seem to make any progress.”

Phil gained over 25 pounds

of lean muscle!

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We would ask that for the duration of this book you suspend your idea of what “right” is, and keep an open mind about what you’re reading.

From here on out, let’s base what’s

good and right on WHAT WORKS

So, for those diets and fads you’ve tried that haven’t helped you make progress, let’s agree that they aren’t good. They didn’t work. Let’s start over.

We believe in taking change, and breaking it down to its simplest, easiest, bite sized form.

Why start off feeling defeated before you even begin; attempting to climb to the top of what appears to be an impossible mountain?

Let’s face it, the fitness industry at large, has failed you.

It tends to be filled with all-or-nothing tests to see how many changes you can make at once, before you have a break-down, and end up worse than when you started.

We’ve been there. Before we learned the error in our way, we were the fitness coaches who would meet with a client on day-1, assess them, and then show up at the next workout with everything they needed to change that day. Everything from:

stop going out to eat

never drink alcohol again

buy and start using 50 different supplements today

if you make 1-mistake you’re a failure

run XX miles a day

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count calories

weigh food

workout twice a day for X hours both times

and 200 other crazy ass habits

We had completely unrealistic expectations.

The point isn’t that the instruction itself is wrong, but more-so, the process and way the instruction is delivered is, quite literally, the deciding factor in whether or not that client will fail or succeed.

Achieving your goals doesn’t need to be complicated. There are certain fundamental principles that when taught and implemented properly will allow you to reach your goals, not only quickly, but for the long-term. And the best part is it’s so easy you won’t even realize you’re doing it.

If we shrink the change, we can make it easy. So easy, in fact, that it would be impossible not to


And since we are your coaches, your failure is our failure, and your success is our success.

In these coming pages, we would ask you to take stock in what’s being said. Be as self-reflective as possible. There’s a reason you’re here reading this. Stay focused on your goals and what YOU NEED first.

Let’s do this!

Matt & Phil Letten AKA: The Vegan Bros

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The Transformation of Cory S.

Until my adult years I had always been of a small to medium

size, always thin with very little noticeable muscle.

Through the most recent years I increased in overall

“fluffiness” and belly and face fat to the point where I

was very dissatisfied and even self-conscious about my

appearance. I found myself buying extra-large shirts,

sweaters and coats and baggy pants even though I could have

worn size large. Extra-large was the way I felt!

I was fed up with the present and it was

time for a change!

One of my friends posted on Facebook about joining a local

24/7 gym and training with his friend Matt Letten, who

happened to be owner of this gym. I watched as my friend’s

diet, physical appearance and disposition all changed.

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I don’t know exactly what made me actually email Matt, it

was one of those situations where you write the email and

stare at it on your computer screen for quite some time.

Reluctantly I pressed “send” on the email and there it

went…did I just make a mistake?!

Meeting Matt and Phil was the point at which my life

changed forever. I can honestly and sincerely say that

Matt and Phil’s enthusiasm for life, health, fitness and

helping people made me want to go to the gym and change my


Through the next few weeks and months Matt, Phil and I

talked a lot about the impact of proper nutrition and how

the exercises I was learning would yield results toward my

goal. Boy they were right! I was seeing it, and for the

first time in my life my body was changing into what I

always wanted it to be.

I was feeling better.

I was getting stronger.

I was gaining in confidence.

I was happy!

I will never quit, there will be no “before and after”

photo of me but forever a “before and current” and I have

Matt and Phil to thank for that.

Trust them, they will change your life if you let them.

Cory S.

A changed life

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First Things First

Let’s clear some things up for you. Starting from the beginning, just to make sure we’re all on the same page- What the hell is a Vegan? Vegan- A person who doesn’t like animal cruelty. And to break it down further, it’s a person who chooses not to consume animal products (ie. meat, dairy, or eggs). On factory farms animals are confined in cages so small they can barely move, are subjected to painful mutilations (tails chopped off, teeth ripped out, testicles ripped out, etc) without painkillers, and forced to endure a brutal slaughter at the slaughterhouse. And a well-planned vegan diet just so happens to be really, really healthy.

“As a medical doctor, I consider

adopting a plant-based diet to

be one of the most important

things someone can do to

prevent the leading causes of


- Dr. Michael Greger, NutritionFacts.org

But wait, where do you get your protein?

The simple answer- FROM PLANTS. The slightly longer answer-

beans, nuts, legumes, seeds, green veggies, and plant-based meats.

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When we found out we could be fit, and jacked, without eating

animals, we were like- SIGN ME UP! The stereotype about vegans

being weak and scrawny is dead. And we’re happy to bury it once

and for all.

But don’t take our word for it. Look at some of these athletes who

thrive off a plant based diet- They also happened to be jacked as


David Carter, NFL

Defensive Lineman

"I'm here to tell you that

you can be compassionate

and bad-ass. … You don't

have to take a life to gain


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Mac Danzig, UFC Fighter

“You don’t need any kind of

animal products to be an

athlete in this day and age.”

Samantha Shorkey, WNBF Bikini Pro

“I think a lot more people

would consider a vegan diet

if they actually saw first-

hand how their meat gets

from the farm to their


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Foundation of Fat Loss

Before we get into the (faux) meat and potatoes of this book, we must address the fundamental truth of fat loss. A truth which has been twisted, mutilated, and hidden from view:

Basically what we’re trying to say is You lift heavy → You get stronger → You build muscle tone → Your metabolism explodes → And finally, this is the point where you start shedding fat like gangbusters.

We know some of the women may be thinking “but I don’t want to get bulky.” Stop! You’re not going to. Literally the only way you will get bulky is if you take steroids. So, if you’re ready to look lean, toned, and fit you have our permission to read on!

Strength training leads to increased muscle tone >

Increased muscle tone leads to increased BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) >

Increased BMR leads to increased fat burning

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Marianne is Feeling Better than Ever

Matt is definitely one of the most encouraging,

understanding, and supportive coaches. The best part

about him - he is not judgmental... Why? Because he has

been in our shoes.

He knows exactly what it is like to be overweight, not

in shape, and insecure of how you look. He also knows

how much work it takes to get to where you want to be

but his passion for fitness and nutrition makes him

easy to work with.

He developed a plan specific for me that gave me

exactly which days to do which muscle groups, the exact

exercises, and how many reps. He knew I wouldn't give

up the cardio, so he gave me his HIIT program which is

one of my favorites even a couple years later. With

just 20 minutes of interval training on the treadmill I

sweat more in than I do in 2 hours of constant slower


Matt is someone that will help keep you accountable and

help you to reach your personal goals and get you

feeling better than you've ever felt!

- Marianne

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When we talk about fat loss there are two very different ideas. The wrong idea is that of looking at pounds of WEIGHT lost. The right idea is that of looking at pounds of FAT lost.

Weight loss and fat loss are not necessarily the same thing.

For example, let’s look at a client. “Jennifer” has been following a workout and nutrition program for the past 2 weeks. She weighed in at 162lb. and 30% body fat when she began. People are already beginning to compliment her on how good she looks. She’s even beginning to notice positive changes in the mirror. Firming and toning places she’s always wanted.

But now, 4 weeks later, she’s still weighed in at 162lb. She’s a bit puzzled. That’s when we test her body fat. She’s now coming in at 26% body fat.

So while the number on the scale has stayed the same, she has still lost fat. In fact, she’s lost over 6 pounds of fat. However, she has also added muscle tone. Which is why the number on the scale has stayed the same.

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And what’s so great about the added muscle tone is that for each pound of tone added, Jennifer will burn an average of 50 extra calories per day just by it being there. So at this point, Jennifer is now burning an extra 300 calories per day.

Add one pound of muscle tone


burn an extra 50 calories per day!

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Rule #1

That Bench in the Gym Isn’t for a Fucking Nap

Listen, we’re all for a nap. But if you’re going to do it get in your comfy ass bed and close the goddamn blinds. When you’re in the gym, act like it.

In order to get the most out of your valuable gym time, keep rest periods short. Scientific research has shown that rest periods of 45-

60 seconds work best when your goals are fat loss and muscle tone.

In a study using 5 sets of 10 reps as a baseline, researchers found the best results in the group with 60 second rest periods when compared with another group resting 3-5 minutes between sets.

Short rest allows for a cardio-like effect by keeping the heart rate elevated for the entirety of the lifting session.

In addition, research has shown that levels of testosterone and growth hormone are increased with shorter rest periods.

(Proper levels of testosterone and growth hormone are essential in both men and women in order to achieve fat loss and muscle tone goals.)

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Three of the most common approaches to lifting for maximum fat burn are:

1. Supersets

In a superset you pair two exercises together, almost always targeting opposing muscle groups. You perform both exercises back-to-back with little-to-no rest between them, waiting to rest until both of them are completed.

2. Circuits

In a circuit you aim to hit the entire body. Usually each exercise strategically targeting a different muscle group. It involves multiple exercises (Commonly 4-6) and as little rest as possible.

3. Complexes

A complex usually involves a set weight and rep scheme used for each exercise. When one exercise is completed move immediately to the next one without setting the bar or dumbbells down. Once you’ve gotten through the set, rest and then start again.

And of course, as the study above indicates, if you’re working with straight sets try and keep your rest periods no longer than 60

seconds. Basically, what we’re saying is stop fucking around.

Rest Less. Work More.

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Superset Workout

Pairing two exercises

Complete the prescribed reps of exercise “A”, then take a brief pause. Then perform exercise “B” and take a larger rest period at the end. Pay special attention to the REST intervals. Once you’ve gone through each exercise once, begin again.

1A. Bench Press

10 reps

Rest 10 seconds

1B. Bent Over Row

10 reps

Rest 60 seconds

Complete 3 sets

Questions about supersets?

Give us a shout on Facebook facebook.com/VeganBrosOfficial

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Circuit Workout

Full Body Slam Complete the prescribed reps of each exercise back-to-back with as little rest as possible. Once you’ve gone through each exercise once, begin again. Complete 3-5 sets.

A. Barbell Front Squat

12 reps

B. Dumbbell Upright Row

12 reps

C. Barbell Overhead Press

12 reps

D. Ab Rollout

10 reps

E. Jump Rope

100 reps

Questions about circuits?

Give us a shout on Facebook facebook.com/VeganBrosOfficial

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Complex Workout

Ain’t No Stoppin

Complete 8 reps of each exercise back-to-back using the same weight without setting the barbell down. Once you’ve gone through the entire set, rest for 60 seconds and then start again.

A. Barbell Power Cleans

B. Barbell Front Squats

C. Barbell Overhead Press

D. Barbell Bent Over Row

E. Barbell Romanian Deadlift

Questions about complex workouts?

Give us a shout on Facebook facebook.com/VeganBrosOfficial

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Robert Lost 48 Pounds!

Matt has always been a realistic mentor.

As someone who struggled with his weight, he was

easy to relate to and wasn’t intimidating at all.

I have been working with Matt for over 2 years now

and every step of the way he has been nothing but


There have been plenty of moments where I have

wanted to give up, but Matt has always proven to

be one of my biggest supporters. Whether it was a

helpful hint, fitness training plans or nutrition

advise, he has always been an easy and accessible


I am happy to say that I am now 48 lbs lighter

than I was at my heaviest, and I couldn’t have

done it without Matt Letten.


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Rule #2

None of this one Muscle at a Time Bullshit

Maybe that headline goes a little overboard. There is a time and place for isolation movements. But assuming you don’t have 5-hours to train in the gym every day, the bulk of your training should focus on exercises that give the biggest bang for your buck.

Isolated movements such as bicep curls and calf raises do engage certain specific muscle groups. However, the amount of muscle groups and hence, muscle fibers stimulated are exponentially greater with compound movements like bench press and deadlift.

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Compound movements engage more of the body at once, bringing about a greater release of hormones. And as we stated above, when our hormones are optimized muscle is born and fat dies.

Don’t misunderstand- We are not telling you to give up isolation movements altogether. Just make sure compound movements are top priority.

Basically, what we’re saying is do

less baby exercises. Focus on the big


Top 5 Compound Movements



Overhead Press

Bench Press

Bent Over Row

At a minimum, include 2 compound

movements in each strength training session.

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Rule #3

Distance Running Only Makes You Better At Distance Running. Sprinting Gets You Jacked

Listen, if you run for the joy of it or to compete, by all means keep running! But, for those of you looking for the quickest, easiest path to your physique and health goals, running may be holding you back.

Long, moderate cardio, such as running, can cause an increase in Cortisol, the dreaded stress hormone, which can result in slowed fat loss, or even worse…fat gain.

Along with increased stress, your body may actually down-regulate.

This means your metabolism will slow down to save and hold on to calories, which happens because of the lengthy wear and tear the body goes through during a jog.

Then of course we have to worry about muscle breakdown, which also offers slower fat loss as an unwanted side-effect.

Quick fix: Sprint.

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Short burst cardio is much more efficient and effective for meeting the average person’s fitness goals. And it actually promotes muscle growth. And as muscle grows, fat loss is accelerated.

Have you ever seen a picture of a sprinter, and runner side by side?

Long Distance Runner vs Sprinter

Both are healthy in their own way. But more times than not, people prefer the lean, toned body of the sprinter, to the often scrawny look of the long distance runner.

Let’s try to simplify this.

Over time, the metabolism of a long distance runner slows down, which means in order to merely maintain their current weight, they MUST complete those long cardio sessions. If they do not, weight will be gained.

Simply put, because sprinting actually builds muscle, over time a sprinter can actually get away with less working out, because their body actually becomes better and better at burning fat.

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We don’t have all day to run, nor do we have any desire to… and we’re taking a wild guess that you don’t either.

If you simply love jogging, please by all means, keep at it! We applaud you.

However if, like most, jogging isn’t your thing, then this is great news! Relax, your days of dreading that long monotonous run are over!

Basically, what we’re saying is

Sprinting > Jogging.

Vegan Bros. No-Nonsense Sprint Workout:

1. Find a hill.

2. Run up as fast as you can.

3. Then walk back down to recover.

4. Repeat 5-10 times and you’re done.

Add that in at least once a week, and you’re golden.

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Rule #4

Nutrition – It’s Easy as FUCK

We know, this was surprising to us as well.

At Vegan Bros we advocate an approach to nutrition based on scientific research. Though not many know about it, this approach has helped thousands of people all over the world get lean and stay lean.

You see, most trainers tell you to radically transform your diet on day-1. Like we said above, they will want you to count calories, know your macros, stop going out to eat, never drink alcohol ever again, etc. But research has shown that people don’t like change.

Grilled Tempeh Salad

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So while this approach may have the appearance of getting fast results. Results actually come very slow, if at all, with this approach because nearly everyone has a hard time adhering to it.

Our habit-based approach involves adopting very specific habits one-at-a-time. As each habit becomes second nature, you move on to the next one.

While it might sound “too simple” or “too good to be true.” This approach ensures not only quick success, but long-term success as well.

Also, proper nutrition isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition.

Say you go out to eat and there isn’t one thing on the menu that totally fits your nutrition protocols. Do your best. Just because there’s no grilled tempeh salad with quinoa, doesn’t mean you admit defeat and go straight to the fucking pizza and mashed potatoes. There’s tons of room in the middle.

Basically, what we’re saying is keep it fucking simple.

One habit at a time is the difference

between your failure and success.

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Rule #5

This Shit’s Serious. Don’t Get Hurt!

The foam roller is your new best friend, though it might not feel that way. “What is a foam roller?” Right- That would be a good place for us to start.

A foam roller is a cylindrical device that is used to help prevent injury and enhance performance.

Mike Boyle, renowned strength coach says it best. “Foam rollers are the poor man’s massage therapist.”

Simply put, use a fucking foam roller! It’s an essential tool for any and all fitness levels. Before your workout, put it on the floor and roll on it. Seriously. focus your efforts on any areas with sore or tight muscles.

The goal is to make this a habit so start out with merely 1 minute of rolling pre-workout. Over the course of time work up to 5 minutes.

Basically, what we’re saying is if you don’t already have a foam roller, buy one here.

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Rule #6

Stop Being Such a Selfish Asshole!

This last point is a tad less conventional but will, if applied, be the one that pays off the most.

Our society is so focused on self-gratification, which makes for a world full of stressed out narcissists, trying to get ahead of everyone else.

Take a breather for a second. Life is short.

One of the biggest things you can do to improve your own life is to focus on helping others.

The one thing that has helped make us better people is by helping others and devoting time and money to our favorite charitable causes like the Humane League, Mercy For Animals, and Vegan Outreach.

With that said we want you to pick one of those - time or money.

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Pick your favorite cause. Then pick one of the two options below:

1. Volunteer for 1-2 hours per month.

2. Donate money.

Maybe it’s donating time or money at a local soup kitchen, or helping at your local animal shelter. Or maybe even volunteering to pass out literature for an organization at a local college or concert.

Many volunteers report an increase in overall well-being, and an increased feeling that their life has more meaning and purpose.

Basically, what we’re saying is we’re all stuck here on this planet together. It’s time we all act like we give a fuck :-)

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Bonus Quick Tips:

For maximum results adopt a well-structured

strength training regimen of at least 3-days per week.

There is a ton of nutrition bullshit out there. Be sure to adopt a well-structured, habit-based nutrition program grounded in scientific research.

Track your progress every 2-weeks and make small

tweaks as necessary. Small changes make a huge difference over time.

Surround yourself with people who support, motivate, and hold you accountable as you work toward achieving your goals.

Action Points For those of you who read, but forgot already, here is a summary of points we are charging you to take action on today.

Reduce rest periods between exercises

Focus on lifts that engage more of the body

Stop running. Start Sprinting.

Keep nutrition simple. Focus on one habit at a time.

Buy a foam roller.

Donate your time or money to make the world better.

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Congratulations on making the decision to move forward with your fitness goals! Reading through this book is proof that you are an action taker, and you are ready for real success this time.

We are so excited to welcome you to the VeganBros.com community. You’re now a part of one of the best gathering places of motivated, compassionate, strong people working to improve themselves and the world in which we live.

So, with that consider yourself ‘knighted’. You are officially a VEGAN BRO. Yes ladies, that means you too.

What to do next…

At this point you are probably thinking this is mind blowingly awesome info…. but, “where do I start?” We’re glad you asked.

First, we already just gave you 4 workouts (including the sprint workout) for FREE. So PRINT THEM OUT! It’s definitely enough to get you sweating and moving towards your ultimate goal this week!

1. Superset Workout 2. Circuit Workout 3. Complex Workout 4. No-Nonsense Sprint Workout

In fact, that is how Jesse started out…one week at a time, one change at a time.

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Jesse Got Jacked!

The biggest challenge with any fitness program is

sticking with it. This is easily the biggest reason

why people find it difficult to get in and stay in

shape. The workouts were designed to combat that

boredom. They were designed to keep your mind engaged

as well as your body so that waking up and hitting

the gym the next day. It was also plotted in a way

that prevented overtraining any particular muscle

areas. So the day after legs day you weren't exerting

those (probably sore) legs.

No matter what your goals are or what your skill

level is they'll know how to devise a plan that helps

you achieve those goals.


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The logical response to the results like Jesse’s is obviously something like, “Holy fucking shit! Yes, I want that!” Good news- you can have that.

We want to help you get started.

Looking good and feeling good go hand-in-hand. So if you’re frustrated by how you look and feel now and are looking for a TRUE TRANSFORMATION, join the Vegan Bros Community!!!

You can find us on Facebook where we set the record straight on fitness, nutrition, and all things vegan to jump start your transformation and enhance your life. Plus, you’ll get the occasional photo of our dog, Peyton, living it up.

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About the Vegan Bros

Matt Letten is a renowned fitness coach and serial entrepreneur. He’s helped over 3,000 people get closer to reaching their fitness and lifestyle goals. Matt is the Founder of 3 fitness facilities in Michigan. Since launching VeganBros.com, an online community for those interested in getting sexy and living more fulfilling lives, he now resides in Seattle, Washington. Matt spends his days coaching, speaking, traveling, and planning world domination with VeganBros.com Co-founder and brother, Phil. Also his best friend is a pup named Peyton.

Phil Letten is an experienced animal advocate and leading fitness coach. He has completed 9-nationwide tours on behalf of the nation’s foremost animal protection organizations including Mercy For Animals, Vegan Outreach, and the Humane League. And has been featured on hundreds of mainstream media outlets all across the U.S. Having been immersed in the fitness industry for over 8-years he has had the opportunity to help countless people reach their fitness goals.

[email protected]

