elative VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud VEMT Manual Series Managing MAP through the CMS V 1.8 June 2020

VEMT Manual Series · 2020-06-30 · elative VEMT Experience & Loyalty loud VEMT Manual Series Managing MAP through the MS V 1.8 June 2020

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VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud

VEMT Manual Series

Managing MAP through the CMS

V 1.8 June 2020

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How to Manage the MyAccountPages


DOCUMENT UPDATES ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

PURPOSE OF MANAGING THE MY ACCOUNT PAGES (MAP) ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

HOW DOES THIS MANUAL WORK? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

DESIGN THE IMPORTANT STUFF FIRST .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Check alignment with Program Goals ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Define the Program Soul ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Choose a consistent Program Name ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Design a country / language structure ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Create a MAP Page list ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Create a Design Dictionary .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Learn about Mobile Responsiveness ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Do a Legal Check ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Create a Data Bible .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Define Benchmarks .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

ATTENTION PER PAGE TYPE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

CX-FLOWS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 CX-Flow ‘Member Recruitment’ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 CX-Flow: Registration .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 CX-Flow: On Boarding ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 CX-Flow: Persuading Members with Deals ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 CX-Flow: Generate Referral Invites (member-get-member) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 CX-Flow: Personalized Referral Landing Registration Page ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

YOUR LIST OF TRANSACTIONAL MESSAGES .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

GATHERING DATA ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22

VISUAL LANGUAGE OF THE MAP ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

DESIGN VOCABULARY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

SPECIAL VISUAL ELEMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

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Timeline ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Program benefits visualization ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Your main content organizer: Banners ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Banners with automatically generated content ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Header ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Customizable Page header block .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Footer .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Filtered Search Engine ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Location Search ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33

PAGE TEMPLATES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Starting points templates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Responsiveness of templates ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Template 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Template 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Template 3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Template 4 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Template 5 A .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Template 5 B .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Template 5 C .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 42 Template 6 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Template 7 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Template 8 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45

CMS USERS AND ROLES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46 How do I login? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Can I assign different roles and permissions for the people that work with the CMS? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 46 How do I assign different roles and permissions? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46 Can I delete an existing user? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47 Can I add a user? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48

THE DEFAULT MAP PAGES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49 URL-overview of System Pages ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49 1. Homepage logged out ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 2. Registration Page ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 3. Profile Enrichment Page ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 4. Log in Page ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54 5. Password forgotten Page ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55 6. Homepage logged in ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 7. My Profile Page .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 8. My Timeline ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 9. About Page ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 59

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10. FAQ Page ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 60 11. Deals Page ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61 12. Contact Page ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 13. Winners Page ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 14. Unlimited static pages ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64 15. Special pages ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65 16. Mobile (M)Ap(p) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66

CREATING PAGES IN THE VEMT CMS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Static Pages ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 67 System Pages ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68 How do I create a new Static Page? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68 How do I create a new System Page? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68 How do I create a Page Title? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 How can I create a pretty URL? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 71 How do I edit/create a Headline in a page?....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Can I add Google Analytics codes to the page? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 How do I create the main content of the page? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 How do I insert an image in the body? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 75 How do I insert a video in the body? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 76 How do I insert a link behind a text or an image in the body? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 How do I remove a link in the body? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77 How do I insert a table in the body? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 How do I insert special characters in the body?............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 How do I view/edit the page in HTML? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 78 How do I choose the correct template for a page? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 How do I assign Static Banners or System Widgets to my page? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 79 How do I preview my page? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81 How do I save and publish my page? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 81 How do I search for a specific page? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82 How do I edit an existing page? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 82 How do I delete a page? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83 How do I temporarily take a page offline? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83 Can I create a new content page template? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 84

USE OF IMAGES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 85

STATIC BANNERS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 86 Purpose of static banners. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86 Where can I see the available Static banners? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 86 How do I search for a Static Banner? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 86 How do I create a Static Banner? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87

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What are some good Button Tips? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 How do I attach a link to the banner? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 91 How do I delete a banner? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92 How do I duplicate an existing banner? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 92 How do I edit an existing banner?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 92 How do I temporarily take a banner offline? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93

THE COUPONS PAGE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94 What is the purpose of the Coupons Page? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94 Can I show more than Coupons on this page? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 94 How do I view the existing Coupons? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 94 How do I add new coupons? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 95

SYSTEM WIDGETS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 What is a system widget? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97 Where can I find the system widgets? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 Can I add a new system widget to the available set myself? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 Which system widgets are available? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97 How do I edit the welcome voucher? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97 How do I edit the newsletter widget? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 98 How do I edit the addresses widget? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 98 How do I edit the balance widget? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 How do I assign a system widget to a page? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99

WINNERS PAGE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 How do I add a winner? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 How do I remove a winner? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 101 How do I change the picture(s) on the left side of the winner page? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 102 How do I change the Title or text of the winners page? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 102

This manual has been created by VEMT to support our clients. Before applying this to your program, always verify if you have the latest version available. Distribution of this manual is limited and

protected by the Master Service Agreement between VEMT and the client. If you would like to create customized versions of this manual, or use the content in any other way, please connect with

contact VEMT at [email protected] or through your VEMT project leader or account manager.

© VEMT 2020

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Date Description

22-06-2020 V1.8 Updates on templates and definitions; added System pages overview; added Custom Page header block; added Custom banner with auto-content; Added

Location Search; Added Filtered Search Engine

17-06-2019 V1.7 Updates on Referral Flow and Personalized Registration Flow after referral ; several changes in manual structure towards CX-Flow concept

04-06-2019 V1.6: Update on Referral Page

15-01-2019 V1.5: Update on naming and branding

14-04-2017 V1.4: Update on MAP Structure; additions to Page descriptions

13-04-2017 V1.3: Template 5C has been added

17-02-2017 V1.1: Added the parameters of the XS, M, S and L banner dimensions in the description of each template

16-02-2017 V1: First version

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PURPOSE OF MANAGING THE MY ACCOUNT PAGES (MAP) Experience & Loyalty Managers and web designers usually love to work with highly interactive digital environments, because it requires their best efforts to create a uniquely looking, pleasantly to use, functionally effective and yet remarkable environment. Here’s another opportunity for you! The program you are designing for will have all of the above, and maybe even more. The program members want to:

- recognize the brand/chain/product the program is about

- yet…see that they are in a special VIP environment (exclusively for members/members only), which is not the same as the webshop (member environments

that look (a bit) different than the webshop have a higher appreciation; it should be ‘special’)

- return often; so it’s should feel and work differently than a ‘brochure website’ with (only) sales arguments

- recognize personalized elements, that reinforce the feeling that it’s ‘specially for you’

- be able to execute both very functional activities (update address, check their balance, update password) while it should also offer many inspirational

elements…. Preferably those that you do not just watch one time only

- be able to work just as good on a mobile or tablet screen as on the web (mobile first/mobile responsive)

The MyAccountPages (MAP) are an important part of the VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud. They are often the primary (digital) interface with the members of

your program for all things program related. To many members, they will ‘be’ the program. So before you start making pages, please take some time and design the

processes which use these pages first. This will make your MyAccountPages much easier to use and more consistent, with better program results as a nice

consequence. Also consider that VEMT will add new pages or will add features, so don’t design a static program for your members; It will limit your options in the

longer run.

One of the MAP functions is to provide your members insight in their interactions with your brand and your program. The VEMT MAP Insight elements consist out


- The MAP timeline that displays a timeline of all recorded events in a historical perspective. Members can filter and search for specific events, such as

purchases, returns or lifecycle events. The timeline if their personal customer journey about your brand and/or products.

- The balance system widget. The balance system widget can be used to show the member balance anywhere on MAP pages where you place the widget.

- The Communication Preference Center. If you offer more than one subscription type, it is handy to show the member insight in his subscription statuses

and allow him to manage them easily. The CPC provides this insight.

- The ‘Member Friends’ widget. It provides insight in the relationships the member has created.

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Using the MAP insight elements at one or more places in your MAP pages can provide the following benefits:

- A sense of control, which proves to be important to many members in how sympathetic they feel towards your program. It directly impacts the program


- Less usage of your Customer Care/Service, because they can get information themselves and at times CC/CS is closed.

- Inspiration that may lead to repeat or cross category purchases.

The MAP consists out of many pages that together help your customer to make the best possible use of your program. It’s important to realize that the MAP has

many different functions that all play a role in your program:

▪ Recruitment: Convince people to participate in your program

▪ Registration: Let people identify themselves and issue their membership to them

▪ On boarding: Getting to know what they can do with the program and how they make the best use of it in a way they prefer

▪ Insight in activities: Allowing members to see their history in terms of transactions, returns, lifecycle events, and other relevant events

in their personal history with your brand and program

▪ Insight in status: Through the profile page and balance overview, members can see where they are in your program in terms of

achievements and their profile and contact data

▪ Insights in benefits: The MyOffers or MyDeals page (whatever name you want to give it) shows the personalized deals you have ready

for them. This page is the best reason (tool) to make members come back more often and spend more.

▪ Service: The MAP answers questions through the built in FAQ, creates a connection with your CS and can provide

instruction or inspiration videos or other media to support and inspire members every step on their customer journey

▪ Gathering data: Profile enrichment, surveys, polls; there are many ways to gather more data about the members, their preferences,

profile and behavior

▪ Challenge: In the MAP you can reward, challenge and inspire members in several ways, trying to influence their behavior with

this channel as well

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So, there’s your challenge as an Experience & Loyalty Manager or as a MAP designer:

• It’s not a sales environment, but it should definitely help to sell more

• It’s not an app, but it should feel like it

• It should be functional and inspirational at the same time

• It should feel trusted, yet new/different every time you come in

Many of these challenges have already been solved from the functionality and content perspective. In the over 15 years of development of this environment,

VEMT has been able – through over 100 million visits from members from 11 countries, by working with great client teams and by working with inspirational

designers – to find out what members generally like and dislike, what they need in terms of functional elements (and what we should leave out), and how to

influence behavior for very different individuals (usually the goal of a program). Still, each program will be/has to be unique. Program Design can communicate that

uniqueness and bring out the features and content in the best way possible.

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This is not a manual on how to create the best Loyalty Program ever. There’s no manual for that; it goes beyond (visual) design and the MAP. Still, part of the best

program ever will be the experience that the member experiences while using the MAP. We will explain very practically which elements the MAP contains, how the

CMS works that powers the MAP and how you can use the CMS to create great pages, a good user experience and turn this all into a compelling proposition.

As a Experience & Loyalty Manager or as a web designer, to finalize the MAP for your program visually, you minimally will have to:

1. Come up with a - or work with a predefined - design vision on what defines the ‘experience language’ of this program. Think color scheme, fonts, etc, but

also tone-of-voice, the items that you want to be communicated through every page of your program, etc. Try to get or make explicit what differentiates

the member focused MAP from the other websites/webshops of your brand/chain. VEMT provides you with a great start, but you should add your brand

DNA, your communication guidelines and your creativity.

2. Create visual elements for the MAP pages: pictures, texts, etc. Also here, these can only represent your brand DNA and thus will need to come from your

organization. Think beyond pictures and include a list of definitions you want to use and specific ways you want to address your members (and how they

are called).

This manual describes how you can deploy all this and – if you start from scratch with a new program - it indicates what VEMT needs to implement the start to

support you.

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DESIGN THE IMPORTANT STUFF FIRST Before you start designing (or updating) specific pages of the MAP, it is

advised to make an overall MAP design, apply this design to all pages and

decide about navigation, tone of voice, image types etc. We advise you to

design/discuss at least the elements described in this chapter before you

move on to the details and execution. Deliverables marked with * are

required for project progress by VEMT and will need to be delivered as early

as possible.

Check alignment with Program Goals

This topic is wider than the MAP, but you’ll need to have this clear. Ask

yourself these questions and make sure your team members know the

answers as well:

- What are the program goals (in the first phase) you have chosen?

- How can the MAP contribute to these goals (better)?

A program that is focused at strengthening the emotional bond with the

customer will show a different MAP design then a program with an emphasis

on turnover growth.

Deliverable: translation of how your goals will translate in the MAP design

and structure. Best is to define what the ‘experience’ is that you want to

provide for your program members during and after registration in terms of

how their behavior should change.

Define the Program Soul

Defining the ‘soul’ of the program is heavily related to the previous topic, but

it challenges you a bit more. If you have the program ‘just’ comply with your

goals, the inspirational value of the program might not be on ‘prize winning’

level. Of course, we aim for that level, so there is some more effort required.

Whereas the previous topic defines the instrumental behavioral change, this

topic relates to the emotional behavioral changes you want to achieve with

your members and how you might want to realize that.

Deliverable: 3 good ideas on how to bring extra soul in the program. In our

experience, these ideas are more successful when they are modest.

Unexpected little surprises deliver more customer experience than promising

free skydiving to the best spenders. When these surprises can be automated,

you just found something scalable as well. Pass it on to VEMT and discuss

the options.

Choose a consistent Program Name

The name of your program needs to be consistent with the outcome of the

previous 2 items. VEMT advises you to put some emphasis on ‘exclusivity’ in

the name of the program unless that contradicts your program goals. Typical

words to use in the program name are:

- Club


- Member

- Rewards

- Benefits

- Top

- Gold

Deliverable: a program name.

Design a country / language structure

The VEMT MAP supports a set up for multiple countries and languages so

you can easily internationalize your program. Because languages vary, the

content you are going to add to the MAP CMS will be in all languages you

want to provide.

To optimize the efforts you want to put in maintaining this content, you will

have to decide if you will offer a separate map per country (and allow only

members from that country access to it) or if you would like to combine

countries and member access.

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Deliverable*: a list of countries you want to create a MAP for, because some

countries will expect more than one language.

Create a MAP Page list

Which pages do you want to include in the MAP? Use the following chapters

to design processes and conclude which pages support them. We advise you

urgently NOT to start drawing ‘a tree’ with pages and just list all pages you

can think of (that is called the availability bias). That approach usually does

not take the member perspective into account and leads to many unused

pages. Start with thinking in flows and then translate that into pages. See the

chapters marked with ‘CX-Flows’ for examples.

Deliverable*: flowchart of member processes with the MAP pages mapped on

the process.

Create a Design Dictionary

Try to create a ‘design dictionary’ for the program in which you define your

‘tone-of-voice’ and the use of images. If you already have something similar

for your website/webshop, please revise this with a different type of

customer in mind: now you will have ‘members’, which are your best

customers that need and expect extra attention and closeness. If you can

emphasize the difference, that delivers more value to your program and

values the membership.

Although the use of this deliverable will be mainly in-house, it is convenient

to share this with VEMT to ensure compliancy of all system pages and system

widgets with your design dictionary as much as possible.

Pay extra attention to typical ‘program words’, to obtain consistent use of

words throughout the program and all materials, including the MAP. These

words should minimally include a description and chose terminology for the

following terms and phrases, in all languages you decide to run the program


- Account

- Member

- Card

- Point(s)

- Program name / member name

- Referrals to your brand / products

- Use of slogans/tag lines

- Saving/earning/etc, redeeming/spending/benefitting/etc

- Coupons/vouchers/codes/etc

- Offers/deals/etc

- MyAccountPages/member portal/Club site/etc

- Registration/joining/becoming a member/etc

- Privileges/benefits/rights/status/etc

- Log in /Enter/Gain access/etc

- 3 most important reasons to join the program

Deliverable*: design dictionary with library of phrases and terms to use, your

choice of colors and fonts, icon set (awesome font or alike), description of

usage of pictures, optimization process for pictures to be used, etc.

Learn about Mobile Responsiveness

Learn about responsiveness. Nowadays, it is mobile first, so you will have to

design your pages to be fully responsive. So, you either must hire an

experienced designer to do that for you, or dive into it yourself. The

principles are not really complicated, but it will take some effort to learn and

apply to the design of your pages. That knowledge is equally important if you

are ‘just the manager’, because you will need to learn about the extra

limitations that responsiveness brings to your ideas on what you can show

and do on pages.

You will have to deliver all designs to VEMT for any page on the MAP in 4

sizes: XS, S, M, L. It is important to realize that these 4 sizes represent the

same site and design and that they are only a re-ordering scheme of the same

content. It is our experience that most graphic designers are not skilled to

design a responsive website when they do not have specific experience in

this matter, so select carefully who you will work with.

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Deliverable*: knowledge in your team and responsive design framework of all

pages. 4 sizes of the design for all pages to VEMT.

Note: only act on this item after finishing all chapters from this manual!

Do a Legal Check

Do a legal check, or minimally list the legal risks for now, so you can act later.

Programs include the use of private data and that is something serious in

terms of care for your customers, but also considering your legal liability.

Check if the registration process you design meets all legal requirements.

Verify if your general conditions are ready to be displayed in the context of

the program as well. Discuss the newsletter set up with VEMT and check if

you are up to date with permissions and unsubscribe processes. Of course

VEMT offers a lot of support with these topics, but you will have to make

sure you meet legal requirements yourself, involve the appropriate decision

makers in your company and keep a checklist of minimal requirements you

might want to verify before the launch of the MyAccountPages in some

weeks from now. You might not want to do this late in the project, with the

risk of having to change processes and designs causing delays and extra


Deliverable: compliance approval from the assigned legal professional or

decision maker in your company.

Create a Data Bible

Contribute to the data bible. One of the main goals and tools in the program

is data. VEMT will take the lead with this topic and will create the basics of

the mapping of all data elements into the processes you deliver. Where does

each data element originate from, where is it saved, what is its identifier and

where is it used? Although VEMT will make sure this deliverable will be

produced, you will need to add your expertise with your current clients, your

sector and your brand to verify that typical data elements that are either

required in your program, or that will uniquely differentiate the program are

included in the data bible and process designs. Examples are profile elements

that are very specific and might not be included in the default set, like shoe

size, food allergies, languages spoken. Other specific data items might be

related to your products, your brand or locations.

Deliverable*: your ideas to include specific data elements in the program.

Define Benchmarks

To be able to determine the program success, it is inevitable to determine the

‘ground zero’ of all your benchmarks and/or KPI’s for success. This related to

the MAP as well. What are your preferred benchmarks and what is the

starting point for them to measure success?

Examples can be:

- Visits to the MAP (% of user base, per month, over lifetime)

- Number of pages visited

- Registrations/visits

- Finished registrations

In this perspective, it is advisable to create a (Google) Analytics account for

the program, or considering inclusion in your current Analytics account, so

you have access to many of these benchmarks in your existing company


Deliverable: list of MAP benchmarks and the related processes to measure,

report and record them.

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ATTENTION PER PAGE TYPE Not all pages need the same attention from a Loyalty Manager, web designer or visual designer. Some pages are completely ready-made and generated by the system so when the visual elements like header, footer, fonts, and buttons are designed, the page will automatically fit in and there is no work for you. Some pages can use a bit more brand touch by including pictures, text, and other elements. We provide an overview of what pages need ‘design attention’ and which ones do not, indicated by the green bar. For more details, check the individual page descriptions later in this manual.

Homepage MAP (Public)

‘Brochure’ contentCTA: Register



Page that shows content that is organized by expiry

date (like coupons and deals, but could be


Static Content Page

Unlimited static contentUnlimited amount of pages

Home Page

Often filled with member dashboard, but it could be


Registration (public)

Form + submit buttonLast bit of convincing


Static Content Page (public)

Unlimited static contentUnlimited amount of pages

Login Page (Public)

Can be pop-up, page or otherwise


Page that shows content that is organized by

question and answer (like a FAQ, but could be


Registration 2 (closed)

Form(no menu present)

Password forgotten (public)

Form + submit button

Password update (closed)

Fill in your new password(no menu present)

MyProfile/My Account

System generated overview with edit buttons

Log in

MyProfile Details

Per edit button a page where the information can

be updated


Many types of Content and features are displayed here in a timeline format

Timeline upload

Page or pop up to upload a wish/memory/portfolio


Communication Preference Center

Update subscriptions (newsletter, SMS,

Messenger) Purpose, Topic and Method


Page that shows content that is organized by

question and answer (like a FAQ, but could be


Profile enrichment

Form to fill in more data about yourself

Auto-Log in



Referral Page

Page that offers a referral code to be shared with


Referral Landing Page

Custom Registration Page which has some additional

personalisation (rest of process, see Profile


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Some pages in the overview are optional. The flow connecting pages can vary as well, dependent on how the navigation is planned to work. Some pages are public, some are only accessible through a personalized link in an email and all pages on the third row and lower are only accessible when the member is logged in. Static Content Pages (like most pages in a website need most of your design attention because they are completely free format and not impacted by the system at all. In the program, we discuss which pages are created with which type of content. Functionally, they are not very integrated with the rest of the program. The homepage MAP Public is the entry for potential members, so it should look great and invite members to register. The only ‘required’ items are the link to the registration and the links to login (and from that page, the password forgotten link). Many other pages contain forms or are presenting system generated information, so they are more defined by the design elements/components, than by the design specifically for that page.

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CX-FLOWS The next chapters will describe the most common processes that make use of the MAP. We call these processes Customer Experience Flows, or in short, CX-

Flows. CX-Flows can overlap or join; it’s not about the exact boundaries between then; it’s about how consumers experience them.

Your program consists of several flows of which most of them are either fully, or partially supported by the VEMT Platform. In many of those, the MAP plays a role.

There are more than 70 CX-Flows available, of which some of them can be combined into more complex processes. All these flows and processes together form

what we call ‘The Program’. Before 2019, programs used to be clearly defined, like a loyalty program or a VIP program, but they grow more and more into Customer

Experience Programs which can have elements of loyalty, advocacy, engagement and referral, all aimed at raising Customer Lifetime Value and turnover growth

This manual assumes you operate a Customer Experience Program with all elements discussed above in it, so there can be many CX-Flows present.

CX-Flow ‘Member Recruitment’

The CX-Flow ‘Member Recruitment’ often starts at the home page of the

MAP. Because the MAP largely is behind a log-in ‘wall’, potential members will

only see your ‘home page logged-out’ and some static pages you can launch

to support the ‘conversion into membership’. This homepage is the main tool

to show the content you want to present to convince people to register. You

are completely free in how you want to design and fill this page; it has 2

obligatory elements:

1. Register now button/link (usually somewhere centered at the page;

can be in multiple places on the page)

2. the login fields for existing members (usually somewhere at the right


Traffic doesn’t end up on this page automatically. You will have to make a

committed effort to deliver traffic to this page; it’s the ‘source of life’ for the

program. So, work with your team to deliver actions towards the following


How are you going to generate traffic to this page?

Can you find more sources outside your own site/shop?

Do you communicate the existence in your physical shops effectively?

Is your staff motivated to recruit people for the program?

Can you generate PR around the program by emphasizing its unique

features? Maybe you want to add some unique features just for this


Do you consider advertising for the program?

Do you have a member-get-member campaign planned to make use

of the members to deliver other members?

Do all your other company mails have (at least temporary) a CTA in

their footer?

Did you already recruit all your own staff into the program (so they at

least can explain customers from their own experiences)?

Do you include a message in your ‘successful purchase/thank you’

mail from the webshop that ‘if they were a member….’ they would

have been able to profit from the following benefits (this is the most

relevant place for membership recruitment)? And did you arrange with

VEMT that if they will sign up now, they will save on the transactions

they did in the previous 3 days anyway?

Other elements of the Recruitment Flow can be email campaigns, coupons,

store personnel, etc. Adding static pages with information about the

membership is optional but advised.

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Here is an example of a well-designed ‘home page logged out’ with these

elements present. Note the navigation elements; you can decide which ones

will be visible before and after logging in. Pages that are visible before logging

in should contribute to the process of recruiting or registering members or

should be left out.

CX-Flow: Registration

After you have convinced members to become part of the program, they

should be able to register as easy and fast as possible. Usually potential

members start with clicking the ‘let’s register’ (any text possible) button.

Is it clearly visible?

Does it have an appealing Call-to-action (CTA)?

Does it contain an ‘icon’ like a little arrow?

These details do make a difference in the conversion towards membership, so

pay attention to them.

The registration page itself contains a dilemma. How many fields do you

require for a member to register? Of course, if you ask for only 1 item (email

address or mobile phone number), registration is simpler and faster, and your

conversion will grow. But you hardly have any data which you can use later to

target them better, so ideally you would like to have much more information

about the member.

VEMT has designed a very effective flow that solves this dilemma: with the 1

(or maximum 2) identifiers and the acceptance of the General Conditions, we

can pick up the pace again after it would get interrupted.

The second step (we call it the enrichment step) asks for more details. If the

member provides them right away, that is best, but they can be added later as

well. VEMT advises you to ask for the minimal set:

- First Name (required)

- Family name (required)

- Address + House nr (required)

- Postal code (required)

- City (required)

- Date of Birth

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Examples you can add to the profile enrichment page are:

- Various (communication) preferences, for example for a newsletter or

other subscriptions

- Default settings for a delivery address, invoice address

- (Mobile) phone (if not asked in STEP 1)

- Etc.

The Registration Flow contains transactional messages (usually emails) to

support the process. Minimally, we include the following messages:

- Confirmation message, to verify ownership of the email address or

mobile phone number of the member. This is legally required in most

countries (double opt-in) if you intend to also use it for campaigns,

but it has more goals. Features like the forgot password, unsubscribe

newsletter, member-get-member and others depend on the

assumption that the email address/mobile phone number is truly

owned by the member and cannot function properly without this


- Registration success message to confirm that the process has

completed, and the member is fully recognized as such.

Other messages that you can consider sending usually are part of the on

boarding process, which is described in the next chapter.

CX-Flow: On Boarding

After the member has registered, you will have to ‘activate’ and ‘educate’ the

member. This does not cost a lot of effort with fanatic members, but

unfortunately, these always only represent a minority of your member

audience. The rest needs a few nudges to get going. We call this process ‘On

Boarding’. A well designed on boarding process delvers a significant

difference in the member activity in the first months of the membership and

has even more impact on longer term goals as duration of the relationship.

Delivering a good on boarding process is well worth the effort. Usually, it is ill

advised to mix messages in this process with commercial offers, unless they

are highly personalized and relevant. The main goal is to gain trust and show

value, so the customer makes an emotional commitment to the program.

In the On Boarding Flow, you can use the ‘consistency principle’. The fact that

the member has signed up puts him/her in the position that follow up actions

should be consistent with this action (otherwise he/she would have done

something useless). This is the ideal period in the membership to turn the

‘action of registration’ into a ‘feeling of membership’.

VEMT advises to include the following elements in your ‘On Boarding’ Flow:

- Welcome message (by email) after the formalities of the registration

are handled. This message could contain your promises and

commitment to the member and a quick overview of what they can

expect from your program. You might want to include a follow up

page in the MAP to which you link from the message (but that might

not be included in the navigation of the MAP, so it’s only available for

receivers of this message).

- Week 1 message. The moment to send this message can vary

dependent on your customer interaction. Its goal is to stay top of

mind with new members in the crucial phase in which they are ‘open

to experience’ the value your program brings to them. This phase is

quite short usually, so do not postpone this message for too long.

Ideally, this message should prove this value as specific as possible

and should deliver more than a promise or commercial offer.

- Find your way around message. This message should focus on

providing useful pointers to the member on how he can use your

program in the best way possible. This message can be either

separate or combined with the next message.

- Educational message. Although it makes sense that the member

realized what the program is about after he/she signed up, this rarely

proves to be the case. It’s well worth sending a summary about what

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benefits and services the program brings to the member in the form

of a friendly reminder.

- Member-get-member message. The first period of membership is also

the ideal period to ask the member to recruit other members (based

on that same consistency principle). Members which have recruited

other members stay more active themselves as well, because they

feel more commitment towards the program and other members.

- Inactivity message. Discuss with VEMT what a good period would be

and (lack of) behavior to determine that obviously the member has

not picked up membership actively. To these members, a friendly

nudge could still activate them. This can be a commercial offer or a

differently written ‘find your way around’ message. This message

would be different from the inactivity message at the end of the

expiry period of membership.

VEMT advises you to include the MAP insight elements into processes

outside the program as well. The timeline can provide members insight in

much more than the interactions related to the program, and can show for

example the status of an order, the delivery tracking code of any planned

delivery, the status of a booking, etc.

CX-Flow: Persuading Members with Deals

As you would expect in a persuasion program, the MAP can be used to

persuade members to engage in specific offers. The best deals are relevant

deals and we made it easy for you to offer those to your members. For this,

VEMT has created the My Deals/My Offers page (or whatever you would like

to name it in your MAP implementation).

This page is a fully personalized page that contains 2 sections you can use:

- Automatically generated personal offers for which you manage the

rules in the Persuasion Planner

- Generic offers to all members which you can display in the form of

banners on this page and which can use the time publishing feature

for to make them only available at relevant moments.

Important: this is a very powerful feature in your program, and it might be the

single reason why some members would bother coming to your MAP. Yet, it

comes with more preparation than other MAP pages though.

To be able to offer personalized deals in the MyDeals page, you should have

staff available to create, manage and maintain them. Therefore, before

including this page into your MAP, design a process to set up deals. It is

advised to include the desired selections (the segmentation or target groups

you want to focus the offer on) in your data bible.

CX-Flow: Generate Referral Invites (member-get-member)

The MAP has the option to let members invite their Family, Friends and

Followers to your program. That is a great feature, because it means that your

member base can grow without any efforts from your side.

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Next to this, members that invite other people are more active themselves,

purchase more and stay longer. Not only because they are your best

advocates (and thus invite people as well), but also because of the behavioral

effect of ‘consistency’. If you advise others to do something, you will not

easily stop doing it yourself.

The flow is simple. If you ask VEMT to include the Referral Page in the

navigation, it’ll show on your site (if you have created it and published it, of

course). You can create a referral flow by creating a static page (or edit an

existing one) and add the ‘share widget’ to the page.

The share widget creates a bar that (only if you are logged in!) shows a link

that a member (the referrer) can provide to his referees (the invited people).

The link is personalized, so if a referee receives it and uses it, then the referee

is not only registered as member, but both members have a ‘friend’

relationship (which is shown in the CP for both members).

CX-Flow: Personalized Referral Landing Registration Page

To enhance the experience of the referee, it is possible to create a

personalized registration page, specially focused at referees. If you create a

system page with type: “Registration apply referral page” then you can use

placeholders in the header and body that display the name of the referrer

whenever the referee clicks the link the referrer provided to him/her. When

the referee experiences this personalized welcome message, the conversion

towards membership is higher.

Using this CX-Flow, you can make this page:

Look like this page (and do more personalization for invited people if you

want to):

Testing the page setup in the CMS requires that you are logged in first, so

you can see the link and personalizations.

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YOUR LIST OF TRANSACTIONAL MESSAGES In all of the above flows, you will send out transactional messages, many of them by email. Transactional messages are sent out one-by-one, to an individual

member, as a responsive on something that member does (or doesn’t do). They are not at all related to Campaigns, which are sent out one-to-many and triggered

by an email marketer. Examples are the registration confirmation, a purchase confirmation, a reminder to redeem a voucher that expires, etc.

List all of the messages you think need to be included in the program. If there are more mails than on the VEMT default list, this might deliver extra costs, but if

that specific message adds to the goals or soul of the program, these costs might be well worth it.

You will have to deliver a complete and consistent set of transactional messages to VEMT. This set will have to contain at least the following elements:

- List of mails with message ID’s and titles of the messages

- The method(s) to deliver that messages. If it is more than one method, indicate the primary method. Methods you can use are email, SMS,

messenger/chatbot, web notification, app notification, WhatsApp or through any application with an API ready to receive messages from the VEMT


- The list should include a column that describes the event that triggers the message send out action.

- Mail format in HTML for each mail. This includes text, included variables, design, pictures, font, graphical elements.

Note: future changes in this set always need to be delivered by delivering the complete new set of messages.

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GATHERING DATA Gathering (extra) data about the profile and behavior of your members is an

important goal of any program, and thus of the MAP as well. You can use the

MAP for that goal in the following ways:

Profile enrichment page. All information about the profile and

preferences of the member that you did not ask in the registration

process could be asked on this page. Of course, you can decide to

reward the member for providing that information with extra points or

other reward mechanisms, so the chance of the member providing

that extra information increases.

Monitoring extra MAP events. Each member interaction in the MAP is

measured by VEMT. Members that are logging in, clicking, submitting,

or having other interactions with content or features in the MAP can

be monitored and these moments can be added as an event in the

personal customer history. Any event can be part of the rules in the

VEMT Platform, which means it can be rewarded for, followed by a

planned action or used in further analysis. When you want to use

member interaction anywhere in the MAP and turn this interaction

into events, please contact VEMT to implement this, allowing you to

have much more behavioral information than the default version

already provides you with.

Surveys. You can include surveys in the MAP asking members for

specific items, and it’s possible to present these surveys either as an

act of reciprocity (ask them to do something back) or reward

participation through sweepstakes or prizes for the first/best

participants of the survey. Contact VEMT for surveys you would like

to create. Because of the variety of possible surveys, VEMT will have

to support you in creating these. The MAP contains default features

to show winners on a MAP winners page which you can use to

communicate the results of sweepstakes and/or prize contests.

Example of a winner’s page in the MAP.

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VISUAL LANGUAGE OF THE MAP What VEMT minimally needs to help you create a great MAP is details on a list of visual design elements:

- Header design (the top part of the page that will show on every page, including the navigational elements) - Footer design (same as header, but on the bottom of the page) - Fonts and font sizes (for obvious reasons, we prefer web fonts) Indicate what fonts and sizes to use for headers, sub headers, body text, etc. - Font colors - Color scheme overall - Button design (check out the Bootstrap defaults first; indicate sizes, colors, etc) - Icons - Menu’s/Dropdowns/tabs, etc - Labels, badges - Pagination - Error messages and alerts - Program logo (and program name) - Module icons: icons for all modules that are in the MAP, if you want to communicate them visually

Important to know is that the MAP by default works with the Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing

responsive, mobile first projects on the web. If you – when selecting these elements - stay within the Bootstrap framework, then implementation will be cheaper

and faster. Choosing an existing Bootstrap theme might make your MAP a little less unique, but it is a quick way to start and develop more unique features in later


If you’re not familiar with Bootstrap, we advise to start at http://getbootstrap.com/

For icons, we advise to choose an icon font (like Glyphicon) for the smaller icons at the page. Using a font is preferable above pictures for reasons of performance.

If the icons are meant to be larger and have a more prominent visual role, you might consider designing custom pictures for each icon.

If you want to go beyond the basic level and want to design form fields, button elements, breadcrumbs, (fixed) nav bars, progress bars, panels, tables, iframes, etc.,

please connect with VEMT to discuss options. It’s all possible, so let’s coordinate what we already have available.

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DESIGN VOCABULARY We advise you to create a ‘design vocabulary’ for the program in which you define your ‘tone-of-voice’. If you already have/there is something similar for the

website/webshop, please revise this with a different type of customer in mind: now you will have ‘members’, which are your best customers that need and expect

extra attention and closeness. If you can emphasize the difference, that delivers more value to your program and values the membership.

Although the use of this deliverable will be mainly in-house, it’s convenient to share this with VEMT to ensure compliancy of all system pages and system widgets

with your design dictionary as much as possible.

Pay extra attention to typical ‘program words’, so as to obtain consistent use of words throughout the program and all materials, including the MAP. These words

should minimally include a description and chose terminology for the following terms and phrases, in all languages you decide to run the program in:

- Account

- Member

- Card

- Point(s)

- Program name / member name

- Referrals to your brand / products

- Use of slogans/tag lines

- Saving/earning/etc, redeeming/spending/benefitting/etc

- Coupons/vouchers/codes/etc

- Offers/deals/etc

- MyAccountPages/member portal/Club site/etc

- Registration/joining/becoming a member/etc

- Privileges/benefits/rights/status/etc

- Log in /Enter/Gain access/etc

- 3 most important reasons to join the program

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SPECIAL VISUAL ELEMENTS Most of the visual elements described before can be used in just any website. The MAP has some specific elements that offer lots of extra options.


The timeline is a unique feature that can show various types of content and features into one harmonized view. It can be your private Facebook, but then much

more functional. This content can be organized by:

• Timeline blocks (one for each event type; event types = photo, text note, purchase, reward, location, etc) • Timeline icons (if any; let's discuss) • Timeline template (how the blocks/events relate to each other)

There are many ways you can design the timeline, using many different structures. Above you see some examples. Our default set up is the middle one: cards

ordered by time.

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Program benefits visualization

The Program benefits visualization (on the public pages of the MAP; selling the benefits and converting visitors to applicants/members) and the rest of the public

pages) are not required, but common. The Public homepage of the MAP needs to ‘sell’ the program. Usually our client requires a visual

representation of the program benefits, as in “the 3 benefits of becoming am member… etc”.

Your main content organizer: Banners

Banners are a very versatile feature of the VEMT CMS, and you will probably use them widely on your pages. The purpose of banners is to offer you blocks of

content that you can easily position everywhere on the page without having to know any HTML or CSS. They are ideal for marketing managers quickly changing

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content on the MAP, without having to include work by an agency, visual designer, etc. The content in a banner is automatically reformatted to the banner format

and that one is automatically positioned on the page, using the page template (see next chapter).

Banners are called ‘static’ because their content is determined once, by the creator. The dynamic content blocks of the CMS are called Widgets. Banners and

Widgets can be positioned in the same way; the way their content is generated is completely different.

What you should ‘design’ is the icons in the banner title bar and the available colors.

Or you can use banners with buttons:

Banners can contain pictures as well, so please consider those as well.

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Banners with automatically generated content

It is also possible to automatically fill banners from content from a database. This is practical for when you want to create many different pages that use content

from the same source, or when the source is regularly updated and you want to avoid manually updating the pages that show that content. The use cases vary


- Inspiration pages with examples from your product range, services or partners

- Overview pages with tips & tricks that update regularly and are obtained from an automated source/database/API

- Increasing SEO value by adding multiple pages with content for various target groups, segments or keyword optimizations

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In the above example, the content manager only adds the banners to the template and submits a campsiteID. After it’s saved, pictures, names, locations, map and

text and link to the campsite are added automatically from the database. More importantly, the page is updated automatically when the database is updated.

When you have a use case for this feature, ask VEMT to connect your database to the CMS.

This feature can very well be combined with personalized publishing in the timeline.


One of the special elements of the MAP is the page header. Although this is fully customizable in any way by VEMT, we provide you with a very flexible template

that allows you to add and maintain your header without need to interact with VEMT.

A typical MAP header will contain some or all of the following elements:

- Your brand and/or program logo / name

- A login area for existing members, usually on the right top

- The navigation menu. This usually is a horizontal menu because of responsiveness. In the smallest screen sizes this will be replaced by a hamburger menu

containing the same elements (or if you would require, leaving some elements out in those sizes).

- Optional: links to your webshop, to registration, customer service or pages of interest outside the MAP. These links can (also) be in the footer as well.

Customizable Page header block

It is possible to provide a custom header per page in the CMS, so you can align the visual design to the content or functionality on that specific page.

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This way, you can create more variation between various pages or between page types.

The method to achieve this is through the creation of Static Blocks in which you upload the image you would want to use as the visual banner.

You can create as many as you’d like, but make sure you create at least one before you go to the next step.

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Then, you navigate (in the CMS) to the page you want to add a custom Page header block to. If this is a static page, you will see the Page header block appear

under the title of the page.

Here, you can select one of your created static blocks as a Page header block. Check the result before you save it.

For system pages, this can be a bit more work. Not all system pages might already exist in your CMS, while they do exist on your MAP. This is because system

pages are automatically generated by the VEMT platform and mainly contain functional content and less ‘manageable content’.

You can easily create these system pages in the CMS using the table of system pages in paragraph ‘URL-overview of System Pages’. Just add a new system page in

the CMS, find the correct system type and slug (URL) in the table and set them, add a title and save the page.

After you have saved it, you can also set the Page header block just as with static pages. That setting appears under the system slug.

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The footer technically functions the same as the header and will be shown on every MAP page in the way you have configured it. VEMT advises the footer to

include at least the following elements:

- Links to the most important MAP pages, among which the FAQ

- A subscribe link (when logged out)

- (A link to) legal information about your company and the program

- Copyright claims and other claims and disclaimers

Filtered Search Engine

Often, you would want to offer you members or guests a way to quickly find something in a large collection of options. An internal search engine could be a very

effective way to lead customers to products, options, services, partners, etc. VEMT offers a full-fledged search engine which can be easily filled with your database

after which several types of filters can lead customers to your ‘items’.

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Filter types that can be used are:

- Boolean values (true/False) allowing for quick selections for item attributes. VEMT can also ‘rebuild’ your data into Boolean values by parsing it into new

lists with simpler attributes to search on

- Drop down lists to make selections from a list of attributes. VEMT can save and accumulate keywords to allow users to search in stacked lists like

‘multiple countries’ or ‘multiple categories’

- Keyword search to select only those items that have specific tags or descriptions that contain the keyword

- Sliders to choose visually between high and low (price, quality, features) and close and far (distance, delivery, time) simplifying complex decision making

by users.

- Dialogue (Conversational UI) to quickly lead users through complex decision-making processes with simple questions, buttons and responses

To deploy the Search engine and filters, your database structure and specific logic need to be imported by VEMT.

Location Search

For store locators, product locators, campsite overviews, partner proximity and other use cases, VEMT also offers location search through a map view. VEMT Map

Search can be combined with the filtered search engine and can be deployed stand alone. Using Google Maps with customizable markers, pop ups, links, coupons

you can turn your location search into a converting tool and link usage data to the VEMT CDP.

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To use the Location Search, VEMT has standard solutions for store locators and can deploy custom data processing for other types of locations and tools.

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MAP pages can be designed completely free from any restriction. To enable marketers and other non-design professionals to have direct access to the content of

the MAP pages through a non-code approach, all pages use a template that can be used to position all elements and easily add new ones. This way the MAP can

be dynamic and easily updated without coding and its associated costs, planning and complex processes. The page templates allow you to fill a page with content

(including pictures, videos and text) in combination with banners and widgets without using HTML, but still offering you the flexibility to do so. In the next

paragraphs, you see the various available templates. The detailed use of the templates and the optimal picture sizes for banners are described per chapter.

The default VEMT templates are responsive and offer almost endless possibilities to set up pages (you don’t have to use each position, so you can also part of the template). If you would like to add a custom template to your list of available templates, contact VEMT.

Starting points templates

For the creation of MAP pages, different templates can be used. In the overview in this chapter we show the currently available templates. If you would

require another template, you can request this from VEMT and we will be happy to accommodate your request. Templates can be used in any way, order

or preference. Template positions do not have to be filled. You can skip one or more positions or rows and not use them. This means that almost all

responsive designs are already possible with the existing set of templates.

Responsiveness of templates

Responsiveness if the ability of screens to look good in different widths of browsers. Usually, that is used to create sites that look good on desktops, as

well as on tablets and mobile phones or other devices with a different screen size and screen ratio. A responsive site saves money on creating mobile

app’s, plus it enables the site owner (=you) a lot of (repetitive) work if the app doesn’t work with the same CMS as the website/webshop.

Of course, the VEMT CMS is fully responsive, saving you lots of work and possible errors. All available templates are fully responsive in 4 responsive

sizes: L, M, S, XS).

Note however, that this doesn’t mean your content automatically is responsive as well. It does take some serious design work to use the templates in

such a way, the pages are fully responsive as well. Especially pictures can scale in a way you don’t foresee, creating the following types of typical issues:

• The ‘Art Direction problem’: details in pictures get lost in S and XS size. Solution: use less details in pictures

• The ‘Vertical Nightmare problem’: the page becomes too long in XS size. Solution: use less elements on a page

• Messy pages: You have combined picture banners with different ratios, or you combined picture banners with widgets that require a certain minimum width. Solution: check ratios of used images again and verify if you have used the right template

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Template 1

Template Description:

Textual page with 6 banner positions at the right.

Typical use:

Text page with FAQ boxes or inspirational pictures at

the right-hand side.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-6: minimal width 740px

For the best results, keep all banners the same ratio. If

combined with widgets, always verify the results in all

browser display widths.

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 2

Template Description:

Textual page with 6 banner positions at the bottom

with various sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational, educational, or

commercial banners at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-6: Min width 740px

Notice: banners 5 and 6 resize between screen sizes.

For the best results, keep banners 1-4 and 5-6 the

same ratio. If combined with widgets, always verify the

results in all browser display widths.

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 3

Template Description:

Textual page with 6 banner positions at the bottom

with similar sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational, educational or commercial

banners at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-6: minimal 740px width

For the best results, keep these groups the same ratio:




For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 4

Template Description:

Textual page with 6 banner positions at the bottom

with various sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational, educational or commercial

banners at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-4: minimal width 740px, keep the same ratio in


5-6: minimal with 1140px, not needed to keep same


For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 5 A

Template Description:

Textual page with 8 banner positions at the bottom

with various sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational, educational or commercial

pictures at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-3: minimal width 740px, keep the same ration in


4: minimal width 1140px

5-8: minimal width 740px, keep the same ration in


Notice: banners 5-8 resize between screen sizes. For

the best results, keep banners 5-8 the same ratio. If

combined with widgets, always verify the results in all

browser display widths.

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 5 B

Template Description:

Textual page with 8 banner positions at the bottom

with various sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational, educational or commercial

pictures at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-3: minimal width 740px, keep the same ration in


4: minimal width 1140px

5-8: minimal width 740px, keep the same ration in


Notice: banners 5-8 resize between screen sizes. For

the best results, keep banners 5-8 the same ratio. If

combined with widgets, always verify the results in all

browser display widths.

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 5 C

Template Description:

Textual page with 8 banner positions at the bottom

with various sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational, educational or commercial

pictures at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-3: minimal width 740px, keep the same ration in


4: minimal width 1140px

5-8: minimal width 740px, keep the same ration in


Notice: banners 5-8 resize between screen sizes. For

the best results, keep banners 5-8 the same ratio. If

combined with widgets, always verify the results in all

browser display widths.

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 6

Template Description:

Special Page with 2 banner positions alongside a form

(2), mostly used for a login page.

Typical use:

Login page with 2 educational banners at the sides of

the login form.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1 & 3: minimal 740px, keep the same ratio in the

group. Please pay attention to the height of the form

in position 2; ideally you would like the banners 1 and

3 to have the same height.

Position 2 is usually a system generated form (like log-

in), do not use for banners.

Note: Template 6 has a different order than as

described in the chapter Page Elements. The form is

shown at banner position 2 (so between 2 other

banners). This is specially arranged to create log-in


For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 7

Template Description:

Textual page with 6 banner positions at the bottom

with various sizes.

Typical use:

Text page with inspirational pictures at the bottom.

Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

All banners: minimal width 740px

1-2: keep the same ratio

3-4: keep the same ratio

5-6: keep the same ratio

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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Template 8

Template Description:

Textual page with 6 banner positions at the right-hand


Typical use:

Text page with inspirational pictures at the left-hand


Ideal banner size (if filled with picture):

1-6: minimal width 740px

For the best results, keep all banners the same ratio. If

combined with widgets, always verify the results in all

browser display widths.

For best resolution, the banners need to be in the

following dimensions:

• XS: 0 - 767 px • S: 768 - 991 px • M: 992 - 1199 px • L: 1200px and above

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How do I login?

Go to the backend of the MyAccountPages. The URL will be allocated to you once the project has been delivered and gone live.

Can I assign different roles and permissions for the people that work with the CMS?

Yes, that is possible with an administration account. There are three roles that are relevant for managing content of the MyAccountPages; editor, chief

editor and an administration account which allows the user more permissions than the Editor or Chief editor role. As an administrator you can add, delete,

and edit members accounts and campaign/program content.

Editor: An editor can edit existing pages, banners, coupons, and winners, but cannot change the status of these. If a new item is created, the status will

automatically be set to draft. If it is an existing page, then the editor can edit the content, but the item will always keep the same status.

Chief Editor: The Chief Editor can edit, add, and delete coupons, winners, pages and banners.

How do I assign different roles and permissions?

To assign a role you:

Go to ’Configuration’ on the left side of the page

Click on Users and Rights

Go to the user and click on edit

Check the box of the role that you want to assign for this user and then click on save

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Can I delete an existing user?

This is only possible if you have an administration account.

Go to Configuration on the left-hand side of the page

Click on Users and Rights

Go to the user and Click on the information symbol next to the user you want to delete

Click on delete and confirm by clicking on OK

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Can I add a user?

This is only possible if you have an administration account.

To add a new user you:

Go to Configuration on the left-hand side of the page

Click on Users and Rights

Click on Add User at the right-hand side of the page

Fill in the form by choosing a password, username and assigning roles and permissions to relevant users and then click on save

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THE DEFAULT MAP PAGES The MAP consists out of a default list of pages (most of them system pages). This list can be extended with special pages (pages with features customized

for you) and with unlimited static content pages.

The default list of pages (that support all default MAP processes) is:

1. Home Page logged out 2. Registration Page 3. Profile Enrichment Page 4. Login Page 5. Password forgotten Page 6. Home Page logged in (shows personal information and more extended navigation) 7. My Profile Page 8. My Timeline 9. About Page (available outside log in as well) 10. FAQ Page (available outside log in as well) 11. Deals Page 12. Contact Page 13. Winners Page 14. Unlimited static pages 15. Special Pages 16. Mobile (M)ap(p) 17. Referral Page (share widget) 18. Personalized Referee registration Page

These pages are described in detail on the following pages, showing example MAP pages from various VEMT clients.

URL-overview of System Pages

Sometimes, you will need the exact URL-locations of these pages, or you would like to add text to them, in which case the following table is practical to

use and find these pages easily:

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System Page Type URL Remarks

Homepage /platform/homepage

Contacts page /identity/contacts

Register new email contact page /contacts/email/address/register

Edit email contact page /identity/contact/email/change

Register new phone contact page /identity/contact/phone/register

Edit phone contact page /identity/contact/phone/change

Login page /access/login

Loyalty cards page /loyalty/cards

Loyalty card register page /loyalty/card/register

Newsletter preferences change page /mailing/subscription/change

Password forgot page /user/forgot/password/page/

Password recover page /access/password/reset

Password change page /access/password/change

Postal addresses page /identity/addresses

Postal address register page /identity/address/register

Postal address edit page /identity/address/change

Registration apply page /membership/application/apply

Registration enrich page /membership/application/enrich

Registration apply referral page (use placeholders) /membership/application/apply/referral This page has placeholders that can be used for page personalization

Registration enrich referral page (use placeholders) /membership/application/enrich/referral This page has placeholders that can be used for page personalization

User account page /loyalty/overview

User settings page /loyalty/settings

User deals page /report/coupons

User timeline page /report/timeline

User profile page /identity/overview

User profile edit page /identity/details/change

Registration (--DEPRECATED--) /loyalty/membership/apply This page is no longer supported and should be replaced if still used

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1. Homepage logged out

The Homepage logged out is the primary page people land at. It should show a

recruiting message for membership registration, plus it can refer to some

support pages (FAQ Page and/or About Page) that can help inform and

convince people to register as a member.

The content is fully customizable; just choose a template and fill it in. If you

want to add extra buttons or other custom elements leading to the registration

page, ask VEMT to work with you.

Of course, the page contains a ‘login’ link for members that have registered

already, usually at the right top corner.

In the example to the right, the Home Page includes commercial messages and

benefits, plus 2 buttons towards the Registration Page (in the slider on top and

in the footer).

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2. Registration Page

The Registration Page is essential in achieving a high conversion rate of traffic

into active membership. Usually, this is done by avoiding all barriers for

registration and by keeping things simple without any distractions.

In the example to the right this is achieved by offering registration and only

displaying the appropriate FAQ questions. The Haan & Frye example under

here is maximum minimalism: just the email address is requested to register.

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3. Profile Enrichment Page

The Enrichment Page is usually shown after the registration and asks for

additional information about the member profile and preferences. This page

can be the same as the Profile Page, showing that as a confirmation page in

the registration process, or it could be a uniquely different page making use of

the one-time moment of registration confirmation.

Often, members receive a reward for completion of their profile to encourage

them to do so.

In the example to the right, the Profile Page includes the preferences for a

nearby physical store, a sports association they belong to and their favorite

sports. These preferences play an important role in page personalization and

campaign segmentation.

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4. Log in Page

The Log in Page is a page with the clear goal to let members log in to their My

Account Pages. Often, an option to register as well is offered to make sure

somebody doesn’t end up at this page with no results; if there is no account,

it’s always possible to register one.

The password forgotten feature is usually also displayed at this page.

In the example under here, the Log in Page uses template 6.

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5. Password forgotten Page

The Password forgotten Page is a purely system page with the clear goal to

have members send themselves a password reset link by mail. This can only be

done to a registered email address to prevent fraud.

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6. Homepage logged in

The Homepage logged in is similar to the Homepage logged out, but it usually

offers the member more options to navigate further towards all other pages

that are only accessible to members.

The recruitment messages are replaced by activating messages and messages

of confirmation.

In the example to the right, the HomePage logged in shows a widget with the

member balance in the center.

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7. My Profile Page

The My Profile Page is a set of forms that show the profile information the CRM database contains about a member. It allows members to edit that information (for each field you allow the member to edit that). By default, it has a harmonica template, which means that each container stays closed when another one is opened. This can be customized, just like the fields themselves, the names of the fields and the order. In the example to the right, the Profile Page includes the preferences for newsletters. These can also be presented on a separate page or in a widget.

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8. My Timeline

The Timeline page is a system page (generated by the VEMT Cloud) that organizes behavioral content about the member in a timeline format. The shown behavior are purchases, returns, lifecycle events, member events, etc. You cannot change the timeline design, other than choosing colors and an icon font. The member can filter events in the timeline, search for events and can customize the page for him/herself.

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9. About Page

The About Page organizes content about the program (and your brand) in a full text format. It is available outside the log-in as well, to offer non-members arguments to register. In the example to the right, the About Page has been created in banner form using template 5. One (purple) banner leads to the FAQ page with answers and one general (orange) banner contains motivational texts.

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10. FAQ Page

The FAQ Page organizes content in question/ answer format. In the example to the right, a dynamic (pre) FAQ Page has been created in banner form using template 3 and making use of a search widget above it, where each question links to the FAQ Page with all the in the CMS maintained questions and answers. The FAQ banners are preformatted and have a top banner with an icon (in this case a question mark).

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11. Deals Page

The Deals Page (or Offers Page) organizes commercial content as a set of deals personalized for the specific member. The format of this system page cannot be changed, but each banner showing a deal can be completely customized. It is possible to mix ‘general banners’ which can contain either non-personal offers (for which all members are eligible) and banners which are generated for that member uniquely, based on a Persuader. The latter are automatically added and removed as long as the member matches the conditions in the Persuader. The Deals Page can also be used as Coupon Page, when all deals are to be used as coupons. These can be downloaded, printed as PDF and can either be generic or personalized. In the example to the right, many different types of deals are combined in one page.

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12. Contact Page

The Contact Page (or Customer Service Page) connects the member with your service channel. This page can consist out of a form-based contact, can contain chat features and connects with the FAQ pages as well to promote self-service and savings costs in your service channel. The form can even submit to specific stores, countries and channels based on member profiles or preferences. In the example to the right, the Contact Page consists out of prefilled form with localized options.

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13. Winners Page

The Winners Page organizes content in a ‘Top x list’ format. The content is presented in a table, which contains content that has been added to the CMS manually. For feeds and automated winners, sweepstakes, etc, we refer to the Special Pages. In the example to the right, a Winners Page consists out of a straightforward list with monthly winners of a member participation contest.

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14. Unlimited static pages

The static pages can use any template to present content to members. Layout usually contains text and pictures, and sometime video or custom made functionality. You can regard them as any other web page and have all possible functionality in the CMS to create them according to your needs. These pages can be inside or outside the log in (ask VEMT to classify them as such).

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15. Special pages

Special pages can contain any custom-made functionality that adds something special to your program. VEMT will create this specially for you and will discuss pricing and exclusivity. Examples include code trackers (to show interesting background about the product), member-get-member forms, surveys, campaign landing pages, coupon redemption pages, teaming up with family, friends or sports mates (used for collective accrual of points and gamification), sweepstakes, Kiosk screens, instore surveys, etc. These pages can be inside or outside the log in (ask VEMT to classify them as such).

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16. Mobile (M)Ap(p)

The VEMT MAP app connects perfectly with your MAP. Although the MAP has been set up to be completely responsive (and therefore very effective on mobile browsers, there can be reasons to offer your members a native app as well. The VEMT app offers all features of the MAP plus a few extra’s which are only possible in native apps, like geo-location features, pop-up coupons, connection with beacons and in-store kiosks, collecting more member information, etc. Ask VEMT for pricing and options, as they develop continuously.

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Pages in the CMS belong to two different categories:

Static Pages

When you have more CMS experience, then these are the pages as you expect them. Static pages are pages that contain ‘plain’ content like text, images

and videos. Content pages can be created, adjusted and deleted by

CMS users with the appropriate permissions.

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System Pages

System Pages contain system generated functionalities built for you. These features show information from the CRM database or provide input options

(forms) to it, like in a registration. These pages are actually applications. Examples are the Timeline, Registration Page, the Contact form etc. These pages

do not only display information but have a specific function and communicate with the VEMT engine.

The unique feature about the VEMT CMS is that it allows you to edit these system and static pages as well and add content to it, edit and delete content

‘around’ the functional elements. Because there are functional elements on that page that you obviously cannot edit, extra attention is required in making

changes on these pages.

How do I create a new Static Page?

Click on the Static Pages on the left hand side of the page.

Click on New Static Page and you can create a new page

How do I create a new System Page?

There are two different ways in which you can create your own system pages.

First method:

VEMT provides you with a list of slugs (the last part of a URL, after the host

name) that the available system pages are on. If you add/copy the slug into the

permalink you will create a permanent system page as shown in the image


Go to the menu on the left hand side of the page

Click on ‘system pages’ or hover your mouse over system pages until the

pop up menu appears

Click on ‘New System Page’

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Add your ‘Slug’ into the permalink as shown below

Second method:

Open the pop down menu located next to the ‘Type ‘’Info’’ block

Choose the permalink option that you require.

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Configure the system page to your requirements by completing the required fields:

• Headline • Image (optional) • Body, in which you can put text, images, video and other HTML based content • Template choice • Banner per position • Widget per position

Set time and date for publication

Then save and either publish the system page, Set a publication date or save as a draft for use at a later date

How do I create a Page Title?

Click on the title slot

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Type your title of choice.

This title will not be displayed on the MyAccountPages. The headline will be displayed. The title you choose will automatically be used as the link to that

page. You can see the direct link to the page under “Permalink”.

How can I create a pretty URL? If you want the link users see in their address bar to have a different title to that of the page itself, then you can edit the permalink by clicking on the pencil. An overlay

appears where you can create the link (called ‘slug’). After you press OK, don’t forget to lock the link by clicking on the lock (next to the pencil symbol) button. The lock

prevents the link from choosing the name of the title again. You can unlock and edit the link at any time.

! Never change the slugs of system pages. They will no longer work!

Permalink automatic the same as title Permalink after editing it

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How do I edit/create a Headline in a page?

Click on the headline slot

Type the headline of your choice

Unlike the title, your headline will show on the MyAccountPages as can be seen in the images below. The headline ‘Register’ has been inserted into the

CMS and after having saved the page the headline is also displayed on the MyAccountPages.

In the CMS How it shows in the MyAccountPages

Can I add Google Analytics codes to the page?

Yes you can add Google Analytics code to pages. This can be done by adding the GA-codes to the URL of the page.

How do I create the main content of the page?

Add the desired text and images in the ‘Body’.

You can switch to HTML view by clicking ‘source’.

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You can choose different styles, varying in size and colour. The headings in the text you create can be chosen from the dropdown box titled ‘normal’. The

available headings are displayed under here. VEMT can customize those headers in your chosen web style, so CMS users automatically create the right

style when using headers (see left picture).

Available headings Dropdown menu headings

The text in the backend will always be shown in black, even when you choose another color. On the front end (the way the member sees it) it will display

in the chosen color. To verify, you can always click preview on the top right hand corner of the page (see image below). The preview provides you with the

option to check what the page looks like before actually publishing it.

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As in regular text editors, you can make text adjustments (like making text bold, italic, underlined and strike through or inserting a numbered or bulleted

list) by using one or more of these buttons:

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How do I insert an image in the body?

Click the Image button in the editor toolbar (see image)

Insert image:

• URL: Type the URL in the text field OR

• Browse server to upload image OR

• Browse server to select image from stack server

Fill in the image properties (see image on the right) like:

• Title: give the image a title under ‘alternative text’

• Link: insert a link by using the tab ‘link’

• Position: to place the image on the right or the left side of the text, click on alignment

Click ‘insert image’. The image will now be shown in the HTML text field.

Change image size if desired: After placing an image into the HTML text field you will be able to change the size by selecting and holding the image with

the Mouse, then click and drag the cursor from the left top corner to the right top corner (bigger) and back (smaller).

Double click on image to edit image properties.

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How do I insert a video in the body?

Click the video button in the Editor toolbar

Paste the embedded code of the video into the slot

Example embedcode: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/t037bii--Ng"

frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Click on insert

How do I insert a link behind a text or an image in the body?

Select the text or image in the place that you want to add the link

Click the link button in the Editor toolbar

Choose the destination of the link:

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If you want to add a URL: select URL in the link type dropdown adding the URL in the slot

If you want to add an Email address: click on email in the link type dropdown add the email address in the designated slot.

If you want to link to a page within the MyAccountPages: select URL in the link type dropdown, select the protocol <other> and insert the last part of the

URL you want the link to refer to (everything after .com, .fr etc.).

If you want to link to an Image click on browse server and select the record you want to link to.

Banner: click on browse server and select the record you want to link to.

In the tab ‘Advanced’ you can set where the link should open (new window/same window etc.)

How do I remove a link in the body?

Select the text with the link you want to remove

Click on the ‘unlink’ symbol in the editor toolbar

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How do I insert a table in the body?

Click on the ‘Table symbol’ in the editor toolbar

Choose how many rows and columns the table should contain

How do I insert special characters in the body?

Click on the ohm symbol in the Editor Toolbar and choose the desired character from the list of options

How do I view/edit the page in HTML?

Click on the Source link

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How do I choose the correct template for a page?

There are several templates you can choose from (see the chapter on templates for more detail). The template can be easily selected by clicking on one

of the templates dropdown menu.

How do I assign Static Banners or System Widgets to my page?

Choose a template

Choose the location(s) of the Static Banner(s)

Static Banners can be inserted in several locations which are shown in the template designs. You can choose up to 8 different Static Banners, dependent

on the template. The numbers in the boxes represent the location of the banners belonging to the template you selected.

Select the banner(s)/widgets

The MyAccountPages automatically takes into account empty boxes and adjusts for boxes which are not in use. For example: if you select a banner in

box 1 and a banner in box 2 in template 1 the remaining boxes will not be included in the MyAccountPages and the page will stay short, without large

empty whitespaces. You can always preview your page to make sure that it is up to the standard that you desire. You can choose between all your created

banner and 8 different system widgets. You can mix them without any problems, but when mixing widgets and banners, you should check page layouts in

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all responsive sizes and see if they match and create a nice layout. Static Banners you create might scale differently from System Widgets and using them

on the same row could create undesirable effects.

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How do I preview my page?

On the top right-hand corner of the page or at the bottom of the page you can preview the

page that you created or edited without having to save it.

For system pages it’s recommended to check the MyAccountPages themselves (so not only

look at the preview) after you have saved your changes to make sure that everything has

been processed accordingly and that you achieve the layout you desire.

How do I save and publish my page?

On the top right-hand corner of the page or at the bottom of the page you can save the page. It is recommended to save the page regularly during

updates to avoid any mishaps and losing any work. In the case of duration of long inactivity, the system will automatically log the person out and your

changes will be lost.

When you are finished updating or creating your page, you can save or publish the page (Once the page has been published it will be visible to all end users). Editors are

only authorized to save the page, but not to publish it. The page will be saved as ‘draft’. As you see in the image below, you can also choose to schedule the publication

moment for a set time. For temporary campaigns you can even schedule a depublication moment.

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How do I search for a specific page?

Click on Pages –View pages at the left side of the page

Type in (a part of) the title of the page in the filtering box at the right top of page

Click on Filter;

You now see the page(s) that contain the keywords you filled in.

How do I edit an existing page?

Search for the page that you want to edit

Click on the Edit button

Edit, (Preview) and Save

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How do I delete a page?

Search for the page that you want to delete

Click on the arrow next to the information icon (see arrow)

Click on Remove Page

How do I temporarily take a page offline?

Search for the page that you want to take offline

Click on the edit icon in the search results

Change the status at the bottom of the page from ‘Published’ to ‘Draft’

Click on ‘Save Page’

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Can I create a new content page template?

No. If you want to have the availability over more templates to the ones available in your CMS, please contact the VEMT Account Manager.

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USE OF IMAGES All images that are uploaded into the CMS are treated as responsive elements. This means that they will automatically resize into the designated areas.

However, you cannot use all types of images in a fully responsive solution. If you use details (like text) in an image which looks great on L or M size, it

might be unreadable and even ugly in the smaller responsive sizes.

Therefore, you will always have to test your images in all 4 browser sizes before you publish a page or element with a picture in it. See for more details

about responsiveness the template chapter.

The header is an exception. There are recommended image sizes for this one.

Header image

Header logged in: 679px width X 153px height

Header logged out : 772px width X 153px height

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Purpose of static banners.

Static Banners are a very versatile feature of the VEMT CMS and you will probably use them widely on your pages. The purpose of banners is to offer you

blocks of content that you can easily position everywhere on the page without having to know any HTML or CSS.

The Static Banners are called ‘static’ because their content is determined once, by you. The dynamic content blocks of the CMS are called System

Widgets. Static Banners and System Widgets can be positioned in the same way; the way their content is generated is completely different.

Where can I see the available Static banners?

Go to the menu at the left side of the page

Click on Static Banners

Click on See Static Banners

You now see an overview of the created Static banners

How do I search for a Static Banner?

Go to the static banner overview. Here you can see all of the static banners.

If you know the title, you can search for the banner in the keyword field at the right side of the page.

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The results will now show.

How do I create a Static Banner?

Click on the Static Banners on the left side of the page

Click on New Static Banner

Choose a Banner Template

This template will determine if and how the title of the banner will show. There are 3 options:

1. No title 2. Show title 3. Show Title Outside

They look slightly different. Please verify that the title and picture size together form the same ratio as other Static Banners in a row in most templates to get a nice lay out result. If your text is too long for a title box, it will not show the words that do not fit. Solution: use less words in the title.

Show title

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Show title outside (the banner box, that is)

Choose an image (optional)

If you want to show an image in the Static banner, upload the image here by choosing the ‘Upload Image’ button and adding a new picture or select an

uploaded image from the ‘Choose From Server’ button, where you will find previously uploaded images. A fast option is to choose a picture from the

Stack at the right bottom of the CMS page. You can put pictures here that you use often for fast availability.

Fill in the text in the Text ‘Teaser Box’

The functions of the editor’s toolbar are the same as for editing or creating content pages. The functions are described in the chapter about how to

Edit/Create a page.

Add the URL if you want to link the banner to an external page (outside the MAP/MyAccountPages)

Please note that when you also choose a relationship with an internal page, that that option will have priority. This results in this URL not being followed.

Solution: remove either one of the URL or the Relationship to get a predictable result.

Choose a Banner Color

The Banner Color is only visible if you do not use a picture, or if the picture does not fit correctly in the banner. If you want VEMT to add more colors

that fit your style, please ask the VEMT Account Manager.

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Choose icon

The banner can show an icon in the title row of the banner (right hand side). The icons that match your house style can be added to the dropdown menu

by VEMT on request.

Choose Button

If you want to show a (responsive) button in the Static Banner, choose ‘yes’ and fill in the following items

Button label: Enter the title of the button

Button color: Select the color of the button

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The button text will always automatically be shown with a conversion increasing ‘>’ sign. Choose your Call-to-action wisely to generate the most impact


Choose the ’Relation’ (optional)

If you want to link the banner to an internal page (within the

MAP/MyAccountPages), choose that page here. Please note that this option has

preference above a URL filled in to any external link.

Add tags (optional)

You can search on these tags when using the search field in the dashboard, making your Static Banners (and other elements) easier to find.

Choose the status for the banner

You can choose the following three statuses:

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Published: Publish immediately Draft: Leave the banner unpublished Timed publish: Schedule the publication of the banner by using the timed published status and filling in the publication dates:

Save or Publish Banner

What are some good Button Tips?

If the button options are left open, no button will be generated.

You can also include a button in the banner picture (if you use one), but that button will not be responsive. This means that is scales in size, together with

the picture, so the button label could become unreadable (and unusable) when the picture becomes too small in XS size.

How do I attach a link to the banner?

Banners can link to internal pages (pages within the MAP) and external pages (anywhere on the internet). When you add a link to a banner, the complete

banner becomes clickable, so you won’t miss any clicks. This also adds to maximum click options for the mobile environment, in which buttons could

become too small to click on with fingers or stylos. If you add a button, the button will be a visual cue to click, but it’s not the only place a member can

click on.

Find an existing banner and click on edit OR create a new banner

If you want to link to a page within the MAP:

Go to the Button URL and enter the URL of your desired link that you wish to add

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How do I delete a banner?

Search for the banner you want to delete.

Search for the banner you want to delete in the filtering box at the top right hand corner of the page

Click on the arrow next to the information icon (see arrow)

Click on delete banner

How do I duplicate an existing banner?

Search for the ‘Duplicate Banner’ in the banner overview

Click on the arrow next to the information icon (see arrow)

Click on Duplicate banner

How do I edit an existing banner?

Search for the banner that you are looking to edit

Click on the edit symbol (see arrow)

Edit Banner. The functions in the toolbar are the same as when you create or edit a page. These are described in the FAQ’s about creating a page

Click Save banner

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How do I temporarily take a banner offline?

Search for the banner that you want to take offline

Click on the edit icon in the search results

Change the status at the bottom of the page from Published to Draft

Click on Save Banner

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What is the purpose of the Coupons Page?

Coupons are great ways to show a list of benefits, deals, coupons, vouchers – or whatever you want to call them – to your members. This page displays

all coupons that you (and the system) create for a member. The interesting thing about this page is that it is completely personalized: each member can

see other deals, which are exactly relevant to the specific member. You can mix these personalized coupons with generic coupons that are valid for all


To be able to do that, the Coupon Page mixes all available deals/coupons into one overview that can cover the complete page. It is automatically sorted

at expiry date: the first expiring deals are presented on top, further increasing the relevancy for the member.

Can I show more than Coupons on this page?

Yes, you can. You can combine the coupons on the Coupons Page (My Deals Page, My Offers Page, any way you want to name it) with banners that you

create as well. Just choose a template for this Systems Page that contains banners, and you can add these at the available banner positions. This allows

you to create Static Banners that offer a different type of offers. Static Banners are of course generic for all members and they are shown at the banner

positions, not in the automatically sorted coupon overview.

How do I view the existing Coupons?

Go to the page section on the left side of the page

Place your mouse over the ‘Coupons’ banner

Either click on ‘Coupons@ or choose and click ‘New Coupon’ on the right pop up banner

You can now view all existing coupons and change, or delete accordingly

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How do I add new coupons?

Go to the page section on the left side of the page

Either click on coupons or place your mouse over the ‘Coupons’ banner and let the right pop up

menu appear

Choose and click ‘New Coupon’

You are then directed to the New Coupon Page where you can begin adding new coupons.

Add the validation dates that you will want to activate and cancel the coupon

Add the appropriate title for your coupon

Choose the text you want within the body of your coupon

Choose an image for your coupon

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You can do this by uploading a new image or by choosing an existing image from the server, similarly to the descriptions you have seen in the banner chapter.

Choose the color of the body of the coupon

Choose your publication and depublication dates and times that you want the coupon to go active and ended

Choose the coupon status eg: Published, Not Published, Draft or Timed Publish (Will publish and depublish coupon according to the times you specified)

Click save

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What is a system widget?

A system widget is a banner which displays personalized information about the logged in member. This information is automatically generated by the VEMT engine. The great thing of System Widgets is that you can use them as banners, anywhere on any page you would like to. The most interesting feature is that through System Widgets, you can add personalized content to pages, making the MAP more relevant to the specific member using it. Use of the System Widgets is optional, of course.

Where can I find the system widgets?

The system widgets can be found in the System Widget section.

Can I add a new system widget to the available set myself?

No, system widgets are generated in VEMT system and cannot be created manually. The look and feel can be edited by the editor(s) or administrator(s)

that have been allocated for these tasks.

Which system widgets are available?

At the moment there are 5 system widgets:

1. Welcome Voucher 2. Newsletter 3. Address 4. Account Balance 5. Share Widget (to generate referral links)

How do I edit the welcome voucher?

Search for the Welcome Voucher banner that you want to edit

Teaser: You can add text and/or an image which will show up in the right side of the voucher

Image: You can upload an image. This image will show on the left side of the voucher

Color: Here you can choose the color of the voucher.

Widget: Select Vouchers

Do not change status!

Click on save

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How do I edit the newsletter widget?

You can edit the color and icon for the newsletter widget. You can also set the location of this widget per page.

Search for the banner Newsletter

Color: Here you can choose the color of the voucher.

Icon: Choose an icon if you want. This will show in the title bar, at the top right hand corner of the banner

Widget: Select Newsletter

Do not change the widget status!

Click on save

How do I edit the addresses widget?

You can edit the color and icon for the addresses widget. You can also set the location of this widget per page.

Search for the banner Addresses

Color: Here you can choose the color of the voucher.

Icon: Choose an icon if you want. This will show in the title bar, at the top right hand corner of the banner

Widget: Select Addresses

Do not change status!

Click on save

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How do I edit the balance widget?

You can edit the color and icon for the balance widget. You can also set the location of this widget per page.

Search for the banner Balance

Color: Here you can choose the color of the voucher.

Icon: Choose an icon if you want. This will show in the title bar, at the top right hand corner of the banner

Widget: Select Balance

Do not change status!

Click on save

How do I assign a system widget to a page?

You can select the location of the system widget the same way as you

select the location of the banners:

Go to the page that you want to show the widget on

Select the template you want

The system widgets can be found in the banner list, so you can select


Choose the location of the banner or select a system widget.

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WINNERS PAGE The Winners Page can be used for the display of lists you create. This does not have to be a list of winners, but it can be anything that you regularly want

to display in the form of a list for members, like events. In that case, VEMT can change the column headers for you.

If the list items are generated automatically by another system, you can ask VEMT to connect with that system and generate a special page that

automatically displays this list.

How do I add a winner?

Click on the banners on the left side of the page

Click on New winner

Complete the details of the winner:

1. Name of the winner

2. Name of the Action the winner won a prize with

3. The Prize the winner has won

4. Month of the action

5. Year of the action

Set status to Published or schedule a publish date

Click on save

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How do I remove a winner?

Click on the banners on the left side of the page

Click on view winners

Click on edit winners

Click on remove winner

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How do I change the picture(s) on the left side of the winner page?

The image(s) on the left can be changed in the banner section.

Go to the banner section

Search for the banner ‘Winnaars’ or ‘Winners’

Select the desired image

Do not change the status!

Click on save

How do I change the Title or text of the winners page?

The title and description of the winner can be edited in the winners page.

Go to the page section

Search for the winners page

Edit the Headline or Body text.

Page 103: VEMT Manual Series · 2020-06-30 · elative VEMT Experience & Loyalty loud VEMT Manual Series Managing MAP through the MS V 1.8 June 2020

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Do not change the status!

Click on save

Image: Winners page and explanation on where to edit what part