Venezuela Neg

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  • 8/13/2019 Venezuela Neg


    Useless to engage trade with Venezuela

    brown, kristina. "Venezuela joins mercosur: the impact felt around the

    americas." law and business review of the americas, 2007. web. 5 apr.


    While speaking to the United Nations Assembly in 2006, he[Chavez] said that the greatest threat

    looming over our Planet [is] the hegemonic pretention of the U.S. imperialismthat puts at risk the very

    survival of humankind itself. In light of his previous opposition to agreements with the United States

    and his outspoken distaste for the nation, it was quite safe to assume that Chavez was not pleased with

    the new relationships that Peru and Colombia were creating with the United States. Mercosur is viewed

    as a threat to U.S. interests in South America, especially because it does not allow its members to sign

    FTAs with the United States, and because it is actively recruiting a South American trade bloc that

    would unify all the regions nations.79

    Not wise to trade with Venezuela

    Sullivan, Mark P. "Hugo Chvezs Death: Implications for Venezuela and U.S. Relations."

    Congressional Research Service, 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 5 Apr. 2013.

    While some observers contend that Chvezs passing and the beginning of anew political era in

    Venezuela could ultimately lessen tensions in U.S.-Venezuelan relations, there is no expectation that

    this will happen quickly.In fact, State Department officials have cautioned that the upcoming electoral

    campaign could delay any forward movement in improving bilateral relations.12 Just hours before

    Chvezs death on March 5, Vice President Maduro announced that two U.S. military attachs were

    being expelled from Venezuela for reportedly attempting to provoke dissent in the Venezuelan military

    and even appeared to blame Chvezs sickness on the United States. State Department officials strongly

    denied the Venezuelan charges regarding the attachs, and maintained that they were reviewing

    whether to take reciprocal action.13 the forthcoming presidential campaign. Some observers contend

    that such anti-Americanism could also be a means for PSUV leaders to mask internal problems within

    Chavismo, and even could be utilized going forward as a potential new PSUV government led by Maduro

    deals with a deteriorating economy. In terms of Venezuelas foreign policy, observers who believe that

    Maduro will win the election maintain that there would be continuity with the policy under President

    Chvez,especially since Maduro served as his Foreign Minister for more than six years.

    US-Venezuela Relations not going to improve

    Labott, Elise. "U.S.-Venezuela Relations Likely to Remain Tense after

    Chavez."Http:// CNN, 6 Mar. 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2013.

    Maduro's first news conference, a good portion of which was devoted to railing against the United

    States, was not very encouraging. As he prepares to stand in upcoming elections to replace Chavez,

    Maduro's anti-American rhetoric is dismissed in the United States as political jockeying to shore up his

    political base. This tried-and-true method of using America as straw man worked for Chavez, which is

  • 8/13/2019 Venezuela Neg


    why U.S. officials acknowledge that the campaign season not be the best time to break new ground or

    expect tangible progress.Officials say they will continue to speak out in favor of a more productive

    relationship between the two countries, but the ball, officials say, is firmly in Venezuela's court. "The

    opportunities are not there yet for the U.S. to engage" says Carl Meacham of the Center for Strategic

    and International Studies. "For the next month or so, Maduro has to show he is even more Chavez than

    Chavez was. That means he is going to be more anti-American, more anti-capitalist, more anti-

    systemic. As far as a rapprochement, I don't see it coming anytime soon."