annual report 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 VHBG VIRGINIA HOME FOR BOYS AND GIRLS


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annual report20142013201220112010

VHBGV i rgi n i a HOM E FOr B OY S a n D g i r L S

family our beliefEvery child deserves to grow up surrounded by a loving, nurturing family in a safe, supportive community.

teachingour modelIn the home, the classroom, and the community, we reinforce positive family dynamics and teach essential behavioral and life skills.

healingour impactWe help children and families heal. Through healing we break the cycle of family dysfunction for generations to come. Stories &


6A Sharing Community











Donor Lists


VHBG | a n n ua L r E pO r t 2 014 | page 3

Dear Friends,

Since our founding in 1846, Virginia Home for Boys and Girls has been driven by a belief that all children deserve to grow up surrounded by a loving, nurturing family in a safe, supportive community. Today, everything we do – whether in our group homes, alternative education school, or through our outpatient clinic – is focused on family, teaching and healing.

In 2014, the new programs we introduced in the previous year showed solid growth and outcomes:

We ended the first year of our elementary school program at full capacity.

Our Family Assessment and Stabilization Track (FAST) program has proven that therapeutic intervention before a child is permanently removed from his or her home can successfully reunite families and keep them whole and healthy.

Our new outpatient clinic greatly expanded our footprint in the community by providing more children and families with access to psychiatric and therapeutic services.

In our campus-based Teaching-Family Homes, children continue to experience what living in a healthy family could look like. Through our commitment to the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model, we teach these youth the essential skills they need to manage their behavioral issues and return to a “forever family” in the community. One highlight this year was our ability to keep three sibling pairs from being separated during their out-of-home placement – something that our safe and serene “therapeutic neighborhood” is uniquely capable of providing.

At our John G. Wood School (JGW), a significant gift last year allowed us to upgrade our technology infrastructure and put additional resources in each classroom. This has vastly expanded our teachers’ ability to deliver differentiated instruction for students at varying learning levels. Teachers and behavior specialists successfully taught, modeled behavior and paved a path of success for our JGW students.

Beyond our campus, in the community we continue to greaten the impact we’re having on at-risk youth and families. We played a leadership role in expanding care coordination services to families in our region through our Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) services. And our home-based mentoring and outpatient counseling services have grown tremendously to almost double our impact.

We are humbled on a daily basis by the immense generosity of our donors and community partners. With your help, in 2014 we touched the lives of more than 250 children and their families, teaching them the skills they need to find hope, healing and a path to life success.

On behalf of VHBG and the VHBG Board of Governors, we thank you for your belief in our mission.


Sakina PaigeChair, Board of Governors

Claiborne MasonPresident

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our therapeutic neighborhoodVirginia HOME FOr BOYS anD girLS

“VHBG has made my family whole again.”

83%of Group Care Services clients

who were discharged from services

were successfully discharged.

86%of students at our John G. Wood

School are showing emerging

and significant progress on their

behavioral and academic IEP goals.

93%of our Therapeutic Resources

clients achieved their treatment

goals within original target date.

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FamilyAssessment &Stabilization






John G. WoodMiddle + High

School John G. WoodElementary


Accredited in theTeaching-Family Model

Coordinated System of Care

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teaching children to succeed

The high school diploma marks a pivotal milestone that not

only celebrates the successful cumination of years of hard work,

it also opens doors to many of life’s future opportunities.

Last year, ‘Maggie,” a senior at John G. Wood School (JGW),

learned that upon turning 18 (three months before graduation)

she would no longer receive funding support from the foster

care system because she had “aged out.” She was soon to be

homeless, and would lose the opportunity to earn her degree.

She quickly deteriorated from a driven and motivated student

to a withdrawn, depressed and scared young woman. VHBG

stepped in to provide her a place to live in one of our Teaching-

Family Homes and private funding to keep her enrolled at JGW

School. Thanks to you, we were able to keep this young woman

from becoming a victim of the system, and put her on a path to

a brighter future.


Three laptop workstations with state-of-the art blended learning in every classroom.

JGW’s basketball team, the Eagles, won the RASSL division title.

Significantly improved learning skills of children 2-3 years behind in math and reading.

The new JGW Elementary School approved for full capacity of 15.





students attended John G. Wood School

of seniors graduated and went to college or gained full-time employement

of students successfully transitioned back to public school

joHN G. wooD SCHooL

your support

joHN G. wooD SCHooL




helping children heal Steven, seventeen years old, learned in counseling that his

feelings of loss and fear of further abandonment after

his mother’s death kept him from moving forward with

friendships and enjoying relationships with others. He is working

hard each week in his sessions to honor his feelings, yet allow

himself to explore new experiences with friends, setting him on a

path to a successful future.


Continued to outperform the Richmond community on recidivism rate in our Post-Dispositional Services program to mentor youth just out of detention.

Became certified in trauma-informed care.

Substantially increased our footprint in the Richmond community by almost doubling the clients served.

children served

of children acheived their treatment goals by target date

enablesTHErApEuTIC rESourCES

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embracing children in a positive, healing home





Welcomed two new Teaching-Parent couples.

Established awake overnight personnel in each home, increasing security and safety of the homes.

FAST approved for full capacity of 10.


children served

were successfully discharged

were discharged to a parent or other relative


teaching-family homes“As Teaching Parents for VHBG, we have a great sense of joy

and responsibility to enter into the journey that our boys are

on. Alongside our boys, we get to experience the day-to-

day successes of completing homework, making the football

team, and laughing hysterically at movies. We also stand in

solidarity when someone receives heartbreaking news, when

our pasts come back to frighten us, and when we have to face

the consequences of our decisions. Using the Teaching-Family

Model, everyday situations such as cooking, overcoming conflict

with peers or preparing for outings become teachable moments

that continue to shape how our children function in the world.”

-Josh Kuipers, Teaching Parent, Boys Home

Josh and Julia were honored by CBS 6 as part of their Heroes

Among Us series.

family assessment + stabilization track (FAST) ‘Robert’ was referred to FAST by a probation officer after

repeated incidents of delinquent behaviors, running away and

physical and verbal aggression towards family members. Robert

was having a hard time adjusting to living with his mother

and stepfather. In VHBG’s FAST Program, Robert was able

to work with our therapist to process his anger. His parents

participated in both individual and family counseling to gain

a better understanding of how to work with their son and

worked with our Intensive Care Coordinator to develop the

natural community supports necessary for Robert to safely and

permanently transition home by Christmas. Robert’s mother

said that her son was displaying a level of maturity that was not

seen before he was admitted to FAST and that “FAST became

available when I needed it most; my family is whole again.”


advocating for children & families in the community




families served (59 children)

of children released to permanency

In 2014, a young woman and her mother

came to our Intensive Care Coordinator

(ICC), frustrated and in desperate need of

help. The mother knew that her daughter

needed special counseling, but after two

years of persistence, was unsuccessful

in determining how to navigate the

complexities of Virginia’s “system of

care.” Our ICC intervened, advocated for

the parent and child, and got them the

counseling the daughter needed.


Partnered on the Central Virginia System of Care grant to expand ICC in the region.

Four staff members became certified in the new evidence-informed model.

a sharing communityover the past year, community volunteers generously gave of their

time and talent to enhance the lives of the children and families we

serve. To our board members, VHBG service councils, corporate

groups and countless others: we thank you for gifts of compassion

and caring. Because of you, our campus is more beautiful and our

“therapeutic neighborhood” provides our youth with a safe place to

live, learn and heal. our heartfelt thanks go out to the hundreds of

individuals who are making a difference in the lives of the children

and families we serve.

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Six groups of CarMax volunteers came to campus in 2014. They removed carpet, tackled the sorting of thousands of books in both the JGW Library and at the Elementary School, and helped at Field Day. You blow us away, CarMax!

Employees from Richmond-area Banana Republic and GAP stores keep our Campus Store organized and clean, ready for our children to visit to pick out items as rewards for good behavior. The store is also used by employees to make welcome bags for children as they arrive, as well as departing gifts as they transition back into the community. The store is stocked with new and gently used donations.

Wonderful women fromSt. Mary’s Woods Retirement Community visit JGW regularly to show students how to knit and sew.

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Henrico County School Psychologists and folks at Vulcan Materials beautified the Serenity Bridge area, named in honor of one of our past residents, Joe B., who often sat on the bridge with his therapist.

Altria volunteers spruced up furniture at our FAST location with fresh paint.

The Young Professionals got very involved on campus in 2014, helping with the children as well as at fundraising events. We are so honored to have you, YPs.

The soft side of tough: Fort Lee army mechanics took the day off to play volleyball, basketball, and tetherball with our kids. Then they served a picnic lunch and cooled off in the pool.

Mr. Christmas, aka Frank Hudak, has adorned his home for Richmond’s Tacky Lights Tour to raise funds for VHBG for over 20 years. This year, his total donations nearly crossed the $100,000 mark! You are awesome, Mr. Christmas!

More than nice neighbors! Thanks to the generosity of the Costco Wholesale Store in Glen Allen, kids at VHBG are receiving donations of household goods and groceries every week. We’re thankful for this new partnership from our Broad Street neighbor!

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Auxiliary Card Party: Card-carrying supporters of VHBG gather twice a year to play bridge, mahjong and more. Always a sold-out party, this wonderful event raises over $6,000 a year to support the VHBG mission.

Many wonderful community members supported VHBG’s mission by organizing and

coordinating a variety of special events. Together, these events raised more than $250,000

for our programs serving at-risk kids in our community.


Youth Triathlon: 145 children – including our residents – swam four laps, biked six miles, and ran two miles to raise $7,600 in support of VHBG. This event is sponsored by Endorphin Fitness.

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Band Together welcomed 500 guests and raised almost $160,000 for VHBG. This committee of wonderful volunteers planned and managed the fundraising event.

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Bizarre: More than 170 shoppers enjoyed breakfast and early admittance in support of VHBG at the Spring Spree Shopping event at the Bizarre Bazaar, raising $15,000. Special thank you to event hosts Annie Kasper, Meredith Schwartz, and Susan Grymes for their expert help in organizing this event.

VHBG’s 20th Annual Skeet Shoot Competition featured botha morning and an afternoon flight with 26 teams, and raisedover $17,000!

Golf: VHBG celebrated the Golf Classic’s 25th milestone year with a 1:00pm shotgun start at The Federal Club in Glen Allen. With 23 teams and 100 golfers present – and some Lucky Charms for good luck – over $34,000 was raised!

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leadershipBoArD oF GoVErNorS Gary S. Powers, ChairSakina K. Paige, Vice ChairP. Mahood Fonville, SecretaryWilliam Hardy, TreasurerKarin AddisonKelly BoykinKelly ArmstrongAustin Brockenbrough IIIThomas J. Dillon IIIDonna DouglasRobert GreenlandStokes GrymesAlan C. HessKathleen LukeJ. Lawrence Mansfield, Jr.Mark MortonShaila MeneesThomas L. MountcastleMary Virginia ScottHenry L. WiltonEdward H. WinksRussell G. Wyatt

FouNDATIoN BoArD oF DIrECTorSThomas G. Snead, Jr., ChairmanKirsti A. Goodwin, TreasurerNorman A. Scher, SecretaryKelly B. ArmstrongThomas J. Dillon, IIILawrence L. GraySakina PaigeGary S. Powers


AuxILIAryPat Dickinson, PresidentDoris O’Brien, First Vice PresidentBarbara Banyasz, Secretary & TreasurerBarbara Richards, ChaplainPam BarrettBarbara CrowderMary Jane DaltonDoyne HerndonDiana MashburnMargaret PotterGinger RushSusan ScottSophie WilsonLorna Van Gorp

youNG proFESSIoNALSCarter Crenshaw, ChairNick AllenCarolyn CrabtreeDaniel EisenbergHunter GallaleeMartha GibbsDaniel GottwaldCatherine HamnerLeigh HapalaMeredith HelselOlivia JonesOlivia Bethany JonesChris KochardSwetha KumarCameron McManusKacie PowersMike PowersClay RemmeAaron RubyMeredith SchwartzBrian TaceyAshley Windle

SErVICE CIrCLEJulee (Chair) & Drew SpitzerKelly & Tiff ArmstrongMeg & John BristowAsa & Chris BurnhamAly & Marshall CroftElizabeth & Jed DonaldsonAmanda & Chip DugginsBeth & John FallonShannon & Buddy GarbettNada & Jay GoldenBecca & Carl HardieCourtney & Eric HarperLiz & Maunsel HickeyJill & Steve HunterJeremy KirklandChandler & Leighton KlevanaSarah Ann & Whit KnierLauren & Ben LangleyCarter & Steve MillerCharlotte & Ryan NelsonMolly & James ParkerFrannie & Houghton PhillipsKenna & Matt RashGaylen & Robert ReynoldsCatherine & Chip RoweBarbara & Bill TavennerTaryn & Matt WhiteRebecca & Ben Winters

LEADErSHIp STAFFClaiborne Mason PresidentJohn DoughertySenior Vice President & Chief Administrative OfficerBrent WinnSenior Vice President & Chief Financial OfficerColleen Dugan Messick Vice President of PhilanthropyChristopher Campbell Director of Group Care ServicesNicole Pries Director of Clinical & Community-Based ServicesDonnovan Miller John G. Wood School Principal

together, we make

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Foundations 40%

Individuals 35%

Event revenue 21%

Corporations 3%

Civic/Faith groups 1%

annual fund donations

Each year, we rely on the generosity of our community to

deliver a level of care to our youth and families that far

exceeds that which we would be able to do with public

dollars alone. While public revenues made up 52% of our 2014 resources, we

supplement that through annual giving, allowing us to provide the above and beyond

level of quality and care that meets VHBG’s standards. Youth who have experienced

serious trauma in their lives need – and deserve – what we are uniquely capable of


Investment in the Teaching-Family model of care, requiring seven full-time,

highly trained “teaching parents” for each home

Investment in technology resources to enhance the learning experience for

our students

Ongoing training and support for our direct care staff

A beautiful, serene “therapeutic neighborhood” that provides a setting

where hope and healing can flourish

And then there are the countless little things. Like being able to send a young lady to

her first prom in style. Keeping family members engaged in the learning and healing

by hosting dinners and educational sessions. Providing recreational activities and

cultural outings – both on campus and off – so that our youth can participate in life-

enriching experiences.

That is our commitment to these children. And we thank

you most sincerely for making this possible.


a difference.

Public funding from program revenues 52%

Philanthropic support from annual fund & endowment48%

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annual fund gifts

wILToN SoCIETy $10,000+AnonymousMr. & Mrs. Tiffany B. ArmstrongJudith Haskell Brewer Fund of

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph H. Bunzl of the R.E.B. Foundation

The Constance C. and Linwood A. Lacy Jr. Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. GottwaldLowe’sMassey FoundationMr. & Mrs. Stephen P. NashMrs. Martha S. PelllingtonMr. William W. Ritter Jr.Virginia H. Spratley Charitable Fund of

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

West Charitable TrustHRH Charitable Fund of

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Mr. & Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton, Sr.Wise Foundation

wEBB SoCIETy $5,000-9,999Mr. & Mrs. Austin Brockenbrough, IIIDurham FoundationMr. Frank Hudak (aka “Mr. Christmas”)Mr. & Mrs. Manuel LoupassiMr. & Mrs. John LukeElizabeth Schneider TrustMr. & Mrs. Wallace StettiniusVirginia Sargeant Reynolds FoundationMr. & Mrs. Matthew WhiteMr. & Mrs. Watson H. Wright

AMELIA & MEADow SoCIETy $2,500-4,999Mr. & Mrs. Michael ArmstrongFrederic Scott Bocock and

Roberta Bryan Bocock TrustBurford Leimenstoll FoundationCapital One ServicesMr. John Dougherty & Mr. Mark FallsMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. FarrellFranklin Federal FoundationMr. & Mrs. Matthew GoodwinMr. & Mrs. Charles A. Goodykoontz IIIMrs. H. Hiter Harris, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. HessMr. & Mrs. Frank J. Hudak Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Miles C. Johnston Jr.Morton Consulting LLCMr. & Mrs. Allen PickelsMr. & Mrs. Gary S. PowersPaul H. Pusey FoundationMr. & Mrs. Myron H. ReinhartMr. & Mrs. Randolph N. Reynolds Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. ReynoldsMrs. Janet L. SauerSledd Family FoundationMr. & Mrs. Mell Vaughan IIIVirginia Home for Boys & Girls Auxiliary

CArNEAL SoCIETy $1000-2,499Mr. Charles R. AdcockAll Saints Episcopal ChurchMr. & Mrs. John Barnes IIIMs. Alexandra BaylerThe Thomas & Cheryl Boswell

Charitable Fund of Coastal

Community Foundation of SC Mr. & Mrs. Julian T. Bowen-ReesMr. Jeffery P. ChapmanMr. & Mrs. Langdon T. Christian, IVMr. & Mrs. Steve ClarkeMr. & Mrs. Jay E. CoffmanColonialWebb ContractorsDennis FoundationMr. & Mrs. Duane A. DeskevichMr. & Mrs. Howard W. DobbinsDominion Employee Giving ProgramMr. & Mrs. Lemuel L. Doss IIIMs. Donna T. DouglasE. Carlton Wilton FoundationEssentra Porous TechnologiesMr. & Mrs. Morris E. EvansFirst Baptist Church Endowment FundMr. & Mrs. Mahood FonvilleGAI ConsultantsMr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. GrayDr. & Mrs. James S. Gregory Fund of

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Mr. & Mrs. Stokes GrymesMr. & Mrs. William E. HardyMr. Brett HayesMs. Geraldine JenkinsMr. H. Stuart JohnsonMs. Kristina KavalieratosMr. & Mrs. Whitney KnierMr. & Mrs. Michael M. LewisLocal Governments and Schools

United Way CampaignMr. & Mrs. E. Sidney Martin, IIIMs. Claiborne MasonMr. & Mrs. John C. Maxwell, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. William B. May, Jr.Mr. C. Jeffrey MooreMr. Thomas L. MountcastleMutual Assurance Society of VirginiaNewcomers Club of RichmondMrs. Charles E. Noell, Jr.Old Dominion BrushMs. Sakina K. Paige & Mr. Jamal ThomasMs. Christine PittsPruitt Properties, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Hartwell H. RoperThe Rotary Club of BrandermillRotary Club of InnsbrookMrs. Charlotte H. SayreMr. & Mrs. Norman A. ScherMr. & Mrs. William SiberryMr. David R. Simonsen &

Mrs. Vickey A. VerweyMr. & Mrs. Geoffrey P. SiskMrs. Marian H. SleddMr. Claude C. SloanMr. James D. Snowa, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. SteinbruggeTarget CorporationMr. & Mrs. C. Stephen ThomasMrs. Margaret R. ThomasMr. & Mrs. Mark ValvoWest Broad HondaMr. & Mrs. Mark WhiteWhitley/Service Roofing & Sheet MetalMr. & Mrs. Henry L. WiltonMrs. Somers M. WiltonMr. & Mrs. Edward H. Winks Jr.Winn TransportationMr. & Mrs. John W. Woods Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John A. WyattMr. & Mrs. Russell G. Wyatt

wooD SoCIETy $500-999Ms. Carole P. AckellMr. & Mrs. Matthew AddisonAhold Financial ServicesMr. & Mrs. Richard D. AllredMr. Robert Barringer

Teaching-Parent Josh walks a child to the bus.

The campus store, stocked with in-kind donations, provides necessary supplies for residents and VHBG students. When they arrive, they receive a welcome package from this store. When they leave, they receive a departure package. In between, they visit the store to “purchase” items with reward points they’ve received for lessons learned and improved behavior.

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Mr. & Mrs. Corey A. BenjaminMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BennettMr. & Mrs. William BolandMr. & Mrs. William S. BolandMr. & Mrs. William W. BorosBrandt EngineeringMr. & Mrs. John D. BristowMr. & Mrs. Stewart Bryan IIIMr. & Mrs. Gerry R. BurgessMr. & Mrs. Jeff BurkettMr. & Mrs. Christopher BurnhamMr. & Mrs. Mason T. ChapmanCombined Federal CampaignMrs. Joelle CosbyMrs. Margaret M. CouchMr. & Mrs. Marshall S. CroftMr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dillon IIIMr. & Mrs. Jed DonaldsonDown Under, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Chip DugginsThe Edmund A. Saunders,

Janie Q. Saunders & Jane Quinn Saunders Endowment of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Dr. Tommye FinleyMrs. Margaret M. FranklinMrs. Cameron Q. FurberMr. Bill GaballahGap FoundationThe George C. Stuckey Fund of

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Mr. William M. GilliamMr. & Mrs. Gregory J. GlessnerDr. & Mrs. Keith GlowackiMr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Goode

Mr. & Mrs. Horace A. Gray IIIMr. Robert T. GreenlandMr. & Mrs. Matt GuiseH. W. Owens, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. HabgoodMs. N. Montine HallMr. & Mrs. Eric R. HarperHarris, Hardy & Johnstone, P.C.Mr. Stephen HastingsHenrico County Public Libraries

- Twin Hickory LibraryHenrico Federal Credit UnionThe Herbert Fried FoundationMr. Michael HuennekenMr. Spooner H. Hull IIIThe John & Diana O’Connor

Family Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginiaa

Kanawha Land Company, LLCMr. & Mrs. David KennedyMr. Jeremy B. KirklandMr. & Mrs. Leighton C. KlevanaKnights of Columbus,

Joseph P. Solari Council 11172Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. LambertDr. John LeeLee Hy Paving CorporationMr. Eric LogueMr. & Mrs. Robert C. Long, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. David LoveMr. & Mrs. Brian LucasMr. & Mrs. Chris G. MackayManaged Benefits, Inc.Mr. J. Lawrence Mansfield, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. MarshallMr. & Mrs. Everett A. Martin, Jr.

MartinsMr. & Mrs. James MeneesMr. & Mrs. Eric MessickMr. & Mrs. John MilneMr. & Mrs. Christopher J. MooreMr. & Mrs. David MooreMt. Olive Baptist ChurchMr. & Mrs. Michael D. NeeseMr. & Mrs. Ryan NelsonMr. & Mrs. John P. Neuner IVMr. & Mrs. Robert NicosiaMr. David NormanMr. & Mrs. Eric O’BrienMr. & Mrs. Darwin W. OlympiaMr. & Mrs. Carl H. OttoMr. Kenneth OwensMr. & Mrs. Randall ParksPatient FirstMr. & Mrs. Mark R. PelaisPeninsula Combined Federal CampaignMr. & Ms. Joseph PeriniMr. & Mrs. Matthew S. PerryMr. & Mrs. Houghton PhillipsMr. & Mrs. Matthew P. RashMr. Kirk ReadMr. & Mrs. John M. ReedMr. Randolph N. Reynolds, Jr.Robert Blair FoundationMr. David RobertsonRutherfoordDr. & Mrs. Robert B. Scott, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Luke R. SempleMr. & Mrs. Roy E. ShoreMr. & Mrs. Brent G. SpillerMr. & Mrs. Andrew SpitzerMr. & Mrs. Brude D. StoeverSunTrust United Way Campaign

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Tate, Jr.Therapeutic Fundamentals, LLCMr. & Mrs. Carter P. ThompsonMr. E. Hunter Thompson, Jr.Mr. Bruce TibbettsTownes Site Engineering P.C.Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Tribble, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Taylor F. Turner IIIUnited Way of Greater

Richmond & PetersburgMr. & Mrs. Edward W. ValentineMr. Robert WalshThe Waltie FundMr. & Mrs. Tim WebbMr. & Mrs. Douglas D. WestmorelandMr. & Mrs. Charles H. Wheeler IVMr. & Mrs. B. Briscoe White IIIMr. & Mrs. Scott G. WhiteMr. & Mrs. James W. Whitten

GILL SoCIETy $250-499Mr. John P. Ackerly IVActive Network, LLCMr. & Mrs. Ryan M. AndrewsMr. & Mrs. Robert A. AngleMr. William ArmesMr. Troy G. Arnold IIIMr. Todd B. BairdMr. & Mrs. Troy C. BaldridgeBanana Republic

- Short Pump & Stony PointDr. & Mrs. C. Ryan BarnesMr. Michael T. BedzikMr. C. William BeebeMr. & Mrs. W. Chason Beggerow

A common place to gather or sit and chat, the Nunnally Bell Tower resides in the center of campus.

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Mr. & Mrs. Willliam BellamyMs. Shakeyra BirtMr. Richard BlandMr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. BlileyBlue Goose International - Virginia PondMr. James C. Bonbright IIIMr. & Mrs. Lewis T. BookerMr. & Mrs. Michael W. BorMr. Matthew BosherMrs. Jennifer BoydMr. & Mrs. James R. BoykinMr. & Mrs. Robert S. BozarthMr. & Mrs. Alex BrackettMr. & Mrs. Ken BrammerMr. & Mrs. Turner A. BredrupMr. & Mrs. Christopher A. BrennanMr. & Mrs. Timothy B. BrizzolaraDr. & Mrs. Jeff A. BrownMr. & Mrs. Orran Brown, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. BufordMrs. Suzanne BurgerMr. James BurkholderMr. & Mrs. F. Paul Calamita IIIMr. & Mrs. J. Sean CampbellMr. James N. Carr Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Catlett, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Hunter G. CockrellMr. Jeffrey A. ColeMr. Mark CookeMr. John E. CoreyMr. & Mrs. Marc CramCrenshaw Realty Co., Inc.Mrs. Tara DalyMs. Vanessa D’AmbrosiaMr. & Mrs. Byron DaubMr. & Mrs. Scott DavilaMr. & Mrs. Guy DavisMr. Bill DelkMr. Peter DiGiovanniMr. & Mrs. Parker O. DillardDirect Solutions, Inc.Ms. Molly DodgeMr. & Mrs. Stephen B. DolinMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. DowdMrs. Patricia H. DresserMr. & Mrs. Bryan DurandThe Eda H. Cabaniss Charitable UnitrustMs. Nancy ElliottMr. Roy T. EnglertDr. & Mrs. Michael ErwinMs. Elizabeth C. FallonFederal Home Loan Bank of AtlantaMrs. Virginia S. FergusonMr. Rick FerreiraMr. & Mrs. Will FerrellMs. Laura FordMr. & Mrs. Charles S. FosterMr. & Mrs. F. David FosterMr. & Mrs. Buddy GarbettMr. & Mrs. Travis GardnerMr. & Mrs. James B. GarnettMs. Althea GenadopoulasMr. & Mrs. John C. GentryMr. & Mrs. Matt GilmanMs. Nada GoldenMr. Julius Gonzales, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey GraeberMr. & Mrs. Douglas S. GrangerMs. Mindy GreeneMr. & Mrs. Gary GroveDr. & Mrs. Scott GullquistMr. & Mrs. Dan GushmanMr. John HagerMrs. Donna HallMr. & Mrs. Brenton S. HalseyMr. & Mrs. Harold W. Hamlett, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey HammMr. & Mrs. Theodore S. HansonMr. & Mrs. Elliott M. HarriganMr. & Mrs. Livy HaskellMr. & Mrs. Bo HawthorneDr. & Mrs. Walter Hendrix IV

Henrico Lodge Charitable FoundationMs. Morgan HerrMs. Elizabeth HickeyMs. Emily HillMrs. Sara HilleryMs. Candy HippleMr. Eric HodgesMr. & Mrs. John M. HopperMs. Rebecca HornerMr. & Mrs. J. Garrett HorsleyMr. & Mrs. Stephen T. HunterMr. & Mrs. Beau P. HurstMrs. Shannon HutchensMr. & Mrs. David A. IngramMr. J. W. James Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Jay JamisonMr. & Mrs. William JennetteMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Jennings IIIMr. George K. JennisonMr. & Mrs. Christopher JobeMr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Jones, Jr.Mr. Robert W. JorgensonMr. & Mrs. Roger H. W. KirbyMr. & Mrs. Tim KnightonMr. & Mrs. Doug KuelpmanMr. & Mrs. James S. KulpMr. & Mrs. Douglas E. LambMr. & Mrs. Thomas LancasterMs. Tiffany LangeMr. & Mrs. Carter LeakeMr. Richard C. LeeMr. & Mrs. Shepherd LewisMr. & Dr. Spencer T. LiebmanMs. Lisa B. LohrMrs. Debbie LovetteMr. David LyonsMs. Sheila MacFarlaneMr. & Mrs. Justin MarriottMr. & Mrs. Michael MartinMr. & Mrs. Patrick MartinMr. & Mrs. Sean McCluskyMr. & Mrs. Chris McCrackenMr. & Mrs. Charles W. McIntyre, Jr.Mrs. Aileen C. McKenneyMrs. Blanche McQuadeMs. Katherine MeansMr. Carl MenzelMs. Nena MeurlinMrs. Liz MeyerMr. & Mrs. James T. Micklem, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. John S. Miller, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. MillerMr. & Mrs. Seth MonetteMr. Frank MooreMr. Todd MorchowerMrs. Mary MorganMr. & Mrs. James W. Morris IIIMr. & Mrs. Robbie MorrisMrs. Carter MorrisonMr. & Mrs. Richard Mulligan, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. NanavatiMr. & Mrs. John A. Nolde IIIMr. & Mrs. Kevin O’HaganMr. & Mrs. M. Todd OneyMr. & Mrs. Kieran J. O’SheaMr. & Mrs. Richard C. OwensMr. & Mrs. James ParkerMr. James A. PaulMr. & Mrs. Charles PollardMs. Jennifer ProctorMr. & Mrs. Edward A. RamsaurMrs. Frances V. RawlingsMr. & Mrs. Charles L. Reed, Jr.Mr. Stanley P. Reed, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Reynolds IIIDr. & Mrs. Bobbie L. RobertsMr. & Mrs. Tom RobertsMrs. Carrie RobesonMr. & Mrs. Domenick RongaMr. & Mrs. Sean A. RuffnerMr. & Mrs. Colin RuhMr. Chris Rusbuldt

Ms. Rita RyanMr. & Mrs. James E. Ryan, Jr.Mrs. Stella B. SargentMs. Nancy L. SchneiderMr. & Mrs. Patrick SchubmehlMr. & Mrs. E. Christopher SchuttMr. & Mrs. Brandon ScottMrs. Mary Virginia ScottMr. & Mrs. James S. SeeversMs. Alisha ShieldsThe Sledd Family Charitable Fund of

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew SmithBerkeley SmithMr. Charles W. Smith, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Chris SmithMr. John SmithMr. & Mrs. Julious P. SmithMr. & Mrs. Michael S. StewartMr. & Mrs. Dale V. SvorMr. Frank Talbott VMr. & Mrs. William TavennerMr. & Mrs. Ian ThomasMr. & Mrs. Gary ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Birck P. TurnbullMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey TysonDr. Ann VaughtersMr. & Mrs. Derek VenableVerus Financial PartnersMr. & Mrs. Bill ViveretteMr. & Mrs. Robert W. WaddellMr. & Mrs. R. Randolph WeisMr. James C. Wheat IIIMr. Charles WhiteDr. & Mrs. Earl D. White IIMs. Virginia L. WhiteMr. & Mrs. Robert D. WhitehurstMr. & Mrs. John H. Wick IVMr. & Mrs. Colin WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Ben WintersMr. & Mrs. David WiseMs. Annie WitthoefftMr. & Mrs. William Wright

HoDGE SoCIETy$100-249Mr. Ricky B. AmbrousMr. & Mrs. Hugh AntrimMr. & Mrs. Alassane BaMr. & Mrs. Paul C. BabbMr. James Baber IVDr. & Mrs. John J. Bagley, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Asa BanksMrs. Susannah BeardMr. & Mrs. Hilaire E. Beck IIIMs. Martha G. BeddingfieldBerkley Mid-Atlantic GroupMr. Jeremy D. BlankMr. & Mrs. John W. BottgerMr. & Mrs. Peter H. BowlesMrs. Wilma BowmanMr. & Mrs. McGuire BoydMs. Jocelyn BradshawMr. & Mrs. Clifton L. Bridges, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Brinkley IIIMr. & Mrs. George W. Bryant, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. W. Joseph BuhrmanMr. & Mrs. Ralph ButlerC. F. Sauer CompanyMrs. Anne L. CampanaCapital Interior Contractors, Inc.Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Caravati, Jr.Ms. Sheila CardenThe Herbert & Annie Carlton FoundationMr. & Mrs. James P. Carreras, Jr.Ms. Katherine CarsonMs. Emily E. CarterMr. & Mrs. W. B. ChappellMr. & Mrs. Robert J. Charnoff

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. ChewningMr. Tom ChiffrillerMr. & Mrs. Chad ChristiansonMs. Jane ClementsMs. Leslie ColemanMr. & Mrs. Vincent M. ConklinMs. Celena CraseMr. Donald V. CreechMrs. Carleta CrewsMr. Randolph Currin, Jr.Ms. Vicki DavisMr. & Mrs. Darryl DemarayMr. Julius A. Denton IIIMs. Colleen DeweyMr. Thomas E. Dickerson &

Mrs. Susan D. Roseff-DickersonMr. & Mrs. Chip DicksMr. Kenneth R. DingeeMs. Sandra DitmanMr. & Mrs. Matthew L. DixMs. Terri DorseyMr. John DossMr. D. Thomas DoubMs. Julia DrakeMr. L. E. DrakeMrs. Anne W. DudleyMr. & Mrs. Ellis M. DunkumMs. Barbara J. DuszakMs. Laura EmersonDr. & Mrs. Arthur C. ErnstMr. & Mrs. Dewitt W. Eutsler, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. FallsMr. Morris U. Ferguson, Jr.Mrs. Barbara H. FlemingMr. & Mrs. William H. FoxMrs. Ann Bemiss FryMr. & Mrs. Dennis B. GallagherMr. & Mrs. Drew GallaleeMrs. Beverley J. GardnerMr. & Mrs. Richard D. GarlockMr. & Mrs. Marvin M. Giles IIIMr. & Mrs. John D. GilmanMs. Ann F. GlennMs. Jay M. GoodMs. Tracy GranGreek Orthodox CathedralPhiloptochos SocietyMs. Denise L. GreenMr. Scott D. GreenMr. & Mrs. Gregory T. GriffingMs. Jerilyn GrigsbyMr. & Mrs. David GrindonMs. Dolores GroatGRW, LLCHaberdasher Corporate ApparelMr. & Mrs. Richmond H. HamiltonHamilton Family FoundationMr. & Mrs. John HardyMr. & Mrs. Alan HarrellMs. Ellen HarrisMr. & Mrs. Frank W. HastingsMr. & Mrs. Paul K. HepperMr. William M. HillMr. & Mrs. David O. HolmanDr. J. Shelton Horsley IIIMs. Nancy D. HorstMr. & Mrs. Christian L. HymanMrs. Lynne IngeMr. & Mrs. Charles E. IsbellDr. & Mrs. Robert W. JaceyMs. Kristin JacobsDr. Thomas Janus & Ms. Anne M. PotterMr. & Mrs. Mark F. JarosMr. & Mrs. Peyton G. Jefferson, Jr.Mrs. Anne H. JenningsDr. & Mrs. E. Forrest Jessee, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. JohnstonMs. Jo Anne Paty JonesDr. John J. Kelly IIIMr. & Mrs. George KennyMr. Malcolm KerleyMr. Robert K. Kikkert &

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Dr. Lynda J. HyattMr. & Mrs. Ken KingDr. & Mrs. Stanley KirchmierMs. Denise M. KnightMs. Lisa KopeckoMs. Patty KruszewskiMs. Joanna LaramoreMrs. Ann LargenDr. & Mrs. Walter Lawrence, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. O. Scott LeathMr. Chaffraix A. Lelong, Jr.Mr. John T. LenziMr. & Mrs. Derek LewisMs. Michele LifseyMrs. Agnes M. LillyMs. Judith LongMr. & Mrs. William E. LongMs. Delia LovingMr. & Mrs. James H. LoweMr. Stephen LyonsMs. Kelly M. MaplesMarks & Harrison Attorneys at LawMr. & Mrs. Burton MarshallDr. James D. Mason, Jr.MassMutual Financial GroupMs. Jennie MaysMr. & Mrs. Jim McCafertyMr. Billy McCann Jr.Ms. Nicole A. McCurrachMr. Donald L. McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. Thornton C. Melton IIIMs. Angela S. MillerMr. Gary R. J. MillerMr. H. W. MillsMr. Alvin S. Mistr, Jr.

Ms. Monika MitchellDr. Shepard MoranoMr. & Mrs. Harvey H. Morris, Jr.Mr. B. B. Munford IIIMr. & Mrs. Dan MurrayMr. & Mrs. Clifton T. NashMr. & Mrs. C. Douglas NealCindy & Tim NolanNorman Company, Inc.Mrs. Laura NunziataMr. & Mrs. William L. Owen, Jr.Ms. Alix Paget-BrownMr. & Mrs. Tom PalmerMr. Leonard A. ParisMr. Andrew ParkerPartnership for Nonprofit ExcellenceMrs. Robert H. Patterson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. PavleckaMs. Patricia PetrasMs. Nancy PlacideDr. John S. Poindexter IIIMr. & Dr. R. J. PolingMrs. Anne PollardMr. & Mrs. James M. Pollard, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael PowersMr. & Mrs. Thomas C. PowersMs. Susan PrestipinoR.A. Siewers, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. RamageMr. R. Robert Rasmussen IIMrs. Monica F. RawlesMs. Dana RedfernMr. & Mrs. Aaron P. RevereMr. & Mrs. Herbert M. ReynoldsMrs. Karen Rice

Mr. Hugh F. RichardsonCol. & Mrs. W. Gary Richardson, USAF(Ret.)Richmond Area Municipal ContractorsMr. & Mrs. Sean A. RisingMrs. H. F. RobertsonMr. & Mrs. Christopher RogersMs. Leonie RohlfsMr. A. D. RussellMr. & Mrs. Charles RussellMr. Robert SanfordMr. & Mrs. Barry E. SaundersMr. Gilbert E. Schill, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. SchleedeMr. & Mrs. Jeff SchmidtMr. & Mrs. Philip J. SchwarzMr. & Mrs. Reed SchweickertMs. Latoya ScottMs. Regina ScottMr. William F. Seymour, IVMs. Neha ShahMr. Charles P. SheehyShort Pump Civic Association, IncMr. & Mrs. John C. Siewers, IIMr. Todd SimkinMr. & Mrs. Mark C. SleeviMr. & Mrs. Franklin H. SmithMr. Brendan SodenMr. David K. SpiroMs. Lissie StaggMr. & Mrs. Bryan StarkMr. Paul G. StathisMr. Aidan StevensonMrs. Lief Stiles-CatlettMs. Susan StoneMr. Alfred L. Stratford III

Mr. John StratiouMr. John A. Deeter &

Ms. Darlene K. StrauseMr. & Mrs. Alfred B. Strickler IIIMs. Christen StricklerMs. Jodie StrumMs. Karen SwanseyMr. & Mrs. William TalleyMrs. Mildred E. TaylorMr. & Mrs. Larry W. Teal, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. TepperMr. & Mrs. Yewell R. ThompsonThompson, Siegel & Walmsley, Inc.Mr. William Travis Jr.Trinity United Methodist ChurchMr. & Mrs. William H. TuckerMr. Melvin TullMs. Elizabeth H. TurnburkeMr. & Mrs. Edward M. TwohyMr. & Mrs. E. Massie ValentineMr. & Mrs. E. Massie Valentine, Jr.Mr. Eric VollesW. R. Berkley Corporation

Charitable FoundationMr. Patrick N. WalkerMr. & Mrs. James H. WalshMr. & Mrs. Jerry L. WaufordMr. & Mrs. Tim WeberMr. & Mrs. William H. WeirichMs. Nicole WeissMs. Ashley D. WellsWells Fargo AdvisorsWells Fargo Community Support

CampaignMr. & Mrs. Bill White

Our John G. Wood School provides a very unique, full-scale education with a very high level of care. As part of their summer school curriculum, students enjoyed a tethered balloon ride while learnng about the mechanics of flight.

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Ms. Roxie H. WhiteMr. & Mrs. Donald P. WhitleyMr. G. Harrison Whitten, Jr.Mr. Kennon C. Whittle, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Horace P. WhitworthMr. William B. WilkinsMr. & Mrs. C. Lee Wilkinson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. WillardMr. & Mrs. Christopher WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Williams, Jr.Mr. Harold WilliamsMrs. Mildred R. WinstonMr. & Mrs. John F. Winter IIMrs. Helen WoodDr. & Mrs. R. W. Woodhouse IIIMr. & Mrs. John M. Wyatt IV

EVENT SpoNSorSHIpS, GrANTS AND GIFTS For SpECIAL purpoSESAdvanced OrthopaedicsAnonymousAltria Companies Employee Community FundArmstrong, Bristow, Farley &

SchwarzschildBelle Isle Craft SpiritsBon Secours Health System, Inc.Boss ChiBuz & Ned’s Real BarbecueCanal Capital Management, LLCThe CarMax FoundationMr. & Mrs. Chad ChristiansonChubb Insurance CompanyClassic Travel and ToursClif BarCommonwealth Commercial PartnersThe Community Foundation

Serving Richmond & Central VirginiaCostco WholesaleCSC Leasing CompanyCWDKidsEndorphin FitnessFerguson EnterprisesChris Fessler PhotographyMahood Fonville / Long & FosterFrontier Investment Group of BB&T / Scott & StringfellowGolden CorralHeartwood Wealth AdvisorsHarris Williams & CompanyHirschler Fleischer

Emily S. & Coleman A. Hunter Charitable Trust

JoycePayne PartnersKinder Morgan FoundationLoveland Distributing Co., Inc.Lowe, Brockenbrough & CompanyMr. & Mrs. John LukeMartin’sMorton Consulting LLCMosiacMosman SiskMr. & Mrs. Stephen P. NashMoses D. Nunnally, Jr. Charitable TrustNewMarket CorporationPerformance Food GroupPFGCPNC FoundationProfessional Governmental Underwriters, Inc.RBC Wealth ManagementReliable RentalsReynolds DevelopmentThe Randolph & Susan Reynolds

FoundationRedmond Asset ManagementRichmond BMWRichmond Corrugated Box Co.The Richmond Group USARiggs, Counselman, Michaels &

Downes, Inc.Rotary Club of InnsbrookSkylineMr. & Mrs. Tom Snead, Jr.SpottsFainSyCom TechnologiesTarget CorporationTweedUniversal Leaf FoundationVolunteer FamiliesWeinstein PropertiesMr. & Mrs. Howard Willard IIIMr. & Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton Sr.Windsordale Garden ClubWinks - Snowa Architects, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. C. Brent Winn, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Joel Woodward

MATCHING GIFT CoMpANIESAltriaAon FoundationAtlantic Election ServicesCapital OneChubb & Son

DominionGeneral ElectricGlaxoSmithKlineGoldman, Sachs & CompanyMarkel CorporationNoland Memorial FoundationPNC FoundationThe Prudential FoundationUniversal Leaf Foundation

TrIBuTES IN HoNorMr. & Mrs. Tiffany B. ArmstrongMiss Ann BarkleyMr. & Mrs. Mike Barkley & FamilyRev. Michael B. CampbellMrs. Frederick A. Carleton, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. CrossMs. Susan DeweyMr. John DoughertyMs. Judy FontenotMrs. Kathy FontenotMr. Vernell FontenotMr. & Mrs. George P. HesterMs. Ruth HillelsonThe Lohrbach FamilyMr. & Mrs. Vernon C. PotterMrs. Nita TewDr. & Mrs. Terry L. WhippleMr. Jim WhisnantMr. & Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton, Sr.Mr. David M. Wood

TrIBuTES IN MEMoryMr. David AndersonMrs. Barbara BlankMr. Nicholas M. BlileyMr. Roger BrooksMrs. Alice W. BryanMrs. Kathryn J. BurdenMr. Lowndes BurkeMr. Randolph B. CardozoMr. Ed CarlMr. Frederick A. Carleton, Sr.Mrs. Martha Dunn CarrMrs. Sandra C. CarrMr. Edwin G. Cobb Jr.Mr. Alvin W. ColeMr. Howson W. Cole IIIMr. John CreelettMrs. Elisabeth C. DawesMr. Samuel Calvert DudleyMrs. Bette DunfordMr. Jack L. EureMr. Rives Fleming

Mrs. Mary GillMrs. Betty Lee GillelanMr. Carter H. Glenn, Sr.Mr. William L. GoldmanMr. Alf GoodykoontzMrs. Jean GoodykoontzMrs. Shirley S. GotschalkMrs. Frances GregoryMr. Jim GuyMrs. Helen Ann Staples HorneMr. Jasper P. Horne, Jr.Mr. Burke H. HowellMr. J. R. Hutson, Jr.Mrs. Catherine F. JarrettMrs. Jane C. JonesMs. Nancy K. KalousdianMr. Daniel R. KitchenDr. James LazenbyMr. George LedfordMrs. Ruby LeveyMr. Benjamin D. MartinMr. William B. Massey, Sr.Ms. Geraldine E. MoserMr. B. Vaughan NobleMr. Hunter R. Pettus, Sr.Mrs. Helen M. PooleMrs. Emily F. ReamesMrs. Grace W. RowandMr. Richard L. SharpMrs. Jean R. SnowaMs. Katherine G. StillmanMr. James SuttenfieldMs. Arlene B. ToneyMr. William B. WilkinsMs. Mary B. Yeuell

We also gratefully thank those donors who have made contributions of $100 and below and those who provided goods and services in kind to the Virginia Home for Boys and Girls.

Donations listed here have been provided during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014. Care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, should there be an omission or error, we express our sincere regret and ask that you bring it to our attending by contacting Adrienne Whitaker at 270-6566 x115.

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Please join Claiborne Mason, President, for a VHBG Campus Tour to see how our passion for serving kids and families comes to life. Tours are every 4th Wednesday from 7:30-8:30am, breakfast to follow, and 12:00-1:00pm, lunch to follow. Private tours can also be scheduled at your convenience. To join or arrange a tour, please call Diane Carpenter at 270-6566 x125.

you are


8716 West Broad St.Henrico, VA 23294




The mission of Virginia Home for Boys and Girls is to serve the community by providing an

environment of strength and hope where children and families are empowered to greater

success. VHBG has a legacy of providing quality services to at-risk children and families

since 1846. we have touched the lives of more than 20,000 children. our focus is to parent,

educate, nurture and equip children and families for happy, healthy and productive lives.

we are a private, non-sectarian and nonprofit corporation.

our mission

Virginia Home for Boys and Girls | www.vhbg.org | 804.270.6566