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VI Referências

VI - Referências


Page 2: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasAs referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas.

A Wikipedia, foi utilizada extensivamente, de onde extraí conteúdo, e muitas vezes cortei e colei trechos, ou figuras, e de vídeos sobre muitos temas que acessei na Internet.

No início da Amazon eu costumava comprar livros técnicos na loja americana, que eram despachados fisicamente para o Brasil. Fiz isso durante alguns anos. Desde o ano passado, entretanto, tenho comprados os livros em formato e-book, que custam menos e posso acessá-los imediatamente. Confesso que fiquei surpreso com a variedade de títulos disponíveis hoje, o que me permitiu ter acesso a trabalhos que jamais pensei em conseguir como o de Erwin Schrödinger - capa abaixo, editado inicialmente na década de 40 do século passado.

Ou este livro de Jacob Böhme, um místico alemão do século XV.

No caso dos vídeos, também fiquei impressionado, ví uma entrevista de Karl Pribram em que resumia a sua teoria holomônica do cérebro humano. Achei até vídeos e gravações de C. G. Jung, ou painéis do World Science Festival onde haviam 2 Prêmios Nobel entre os convidados de um painel.

Realmente a informação disponível hoje é impressionante, e tenho certeza que quem quiser poderá se aprofundar muito mais nos diversos temas aqui superficialmente abordados.

Não existem todas as referências dos trabalhos e pesquisas que realizei ou das figuras que coletei na Internet. Procurei colocar as citações onde pertinente e onde não o fiz, agradeço antecipadamente a indulgência dos seus autores.

A versão inicial deste livro foi composta por mim mesmo no formato PDF, que eventualmente será passado para e-book. No futuro se for produzida uma versão impressa, então os editores resolverão como tratar as figuras e as citações de um modo mais profissional.


Page 3: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI Referências


Morphic Resonance – The Nature of Formative Causation, Rupert Sheldrake

The Rainbow and the Worm – The Physics of Organisms, Mae-Wan HoThe Field - the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, Lynne McTaggart Quantum Enigma, Brice Rosenblum e Fred Kuttner

The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot

The Conscious Universe, Dean Radin

The Order of Time, Carlo Rovelli

Fundamentos de Neuropsicologia, Luria, Aleksandr Romanovich,Christopher

Science Set Free - 10 Paths to New Discovery, Rupert Sheldrake

Lost in Math - How Beaty Leads Physics Astray. Sabine Hossenfelder

The Future of the Mind - The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance and Empower the Mind, Michio Kaku

Irreducible Mind - Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century, Edward F. Kelly, Emily Williams Kelly, Adam Crabtree, Alan Gauld, Michale Grosso & Bruce Greyson

The Presence of the Past - Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature, Rupert Sheldrake

Microtubules as Quantum Systems - Notes and Studies on Dynamics and Control of DNA Sequence Amplification in TQC Programs, Giulio D Agostino

Consciousness Became theUniverse - Quantum Physics, Cosmology, Relativity, Evolution, Neuroscience, Parallel Universes - Deepak Chopra, Roger Penrose, Henry P. Stapp, Stuart Hameroff, Menas Kafatos, Rudolph E. Tanzi, Subhash Kak, Chris King, Walter J. Christensen Jr., Chris J. S. Clarke, Roger Nelson, Hans Liljenström, John Smythies, Andrea Nani, Andrea E. Cavanna, John T. Furey, Vincent J. Fortunato, Steven Bodovitz, Franz Klaus Jansen, Francois Martin, Federico Carminati, Giuliana Galli Carminati, Horace W. Crater, Stan V. McDaniel, Brandon Carter, Michael B. Mensky, Gordon Globus, York H. Dobyns, Shan Gao, Fred Kuttner, Bruce Rosenblum, Michael Nauenberg, Antonella Vannini, Ulisse Di Corpo

The Quantum Computer - the Revolution of the Quantum Mechanics, José Blazewicz

Quantum Computers, Jon Schiller PhD

Quantum Consciousness and Ayahuasca - Connecting with our Microtubule Communication System, Christopher Vetrano

Principia, Isaac Newton

From Bacteria to Bach and Back - The Evolution of Mind, Daniel C. Dennett

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself, Sean Carroll


Page 4: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasMindtoMa)er:TheAstonishingScienceofHowYourBrainCreatesMaterialReality,DawsonChurch

Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, Robert Lanza, MD, with Bob Berman

The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinal

A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking

The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds and The Laws of Physics, Roger Penrose

What is Life?, Erwin Schrödinger

Fashion, Faith and Fantasy - in the New Physics of the Universe, Roger Penrose

String Theory - for the Rest of Us, Beki Becker

Einstein's Intuition: Visualizing Nature in Eleven Dimensions, Thad Roberts

Black Holes - The BBC Reith Lectures, Stephen Hawking

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality, Brian Greene

Warped Passages, Lisa Randal

Entangled Minds - Extrasensory Experiences in Quantum reality, Dean Radin

The Trouble in Physics, Lee Smmolin

Fundamentos de Neuropsicologia, A. R. Luria

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory, Brian Greene

A Visual Guide to: Extra Dimensions - The Physics of the Fourth and Higher Dimensions, Compactification, and Current and Upcoming Experiments to Detect Extra Dimensions p Volumes I and II, Chris McMullen

String Theory Simplified - What is Theoretical Physics?, Eliot Hawkins

String Theory: For newbies and others - Physics series by A.G.

The Intentions Experiment, Lynne McTaggart

O Príncipe dos Filósofos Divinos, Jacob Böhme

The Book of Beliefs & Opinions, Saadia Gaon

After Buddhism - RETHINKING THE DHARMA FOR A SECULAR AGE, Stephen Batchelor

The Man-God - Classical Spiritual Works, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz

The Religion of Tomorrow, Ken Wilber


Page 5: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasAngelic Wisdom about DIVINE PROVIDENCE, Emanuel Swedenborg

Heaven and Hell Divine Love and Wisdom Divine Providence, Emanuel Swedenborg

Arcana Coelestia, Emanuel Swedenborg

Terras no Universo, Emanuel Swedenborg

Magic of the Celtics Otherworld, Steve Blamires

The Hidden Levels of the Mind - Swedenborg’s Theory of Consciousness, Douglas Taylor

Numbers Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues, William Wynn Westcott

The Book of Ceremonial Magic, Arthur Edward Waite

The Secret Doctrine (Complete), Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

The Three Principles of the Divine Essence, Jacob Böhme

The Doctrine and Rituals of High Magic, Eliphas Lévi

The Signal of All Things, Jacob Böhme

The Kyballion - A Study Of The Hermetic Philosophy Of Ancient Egypt And Greece, Three Initiates

The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch, J.J. Hurtak

The Sangreal Sacrament, William G. Grey

Liturgie Eucharistique - Selon le Pontifical de Église Gnostique Apostolique

La Revelazione dei Templari, Lynn Picknett E Clive Prince

O Simbolismo Astrológico, Oswald Wirth

O Tarô do Antigo Egito, Doris Chase Doane

Angels in my Hair, Lorna Byrne

Science and Spiritual Practices, Rupert Sheldrake

Robert Monroe’s Altered States - Go To Focus 15 And Turn Left, George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings - Working with the Intelligence in Nature, Marko.Pogacnik

The Theosophical Glossary, H. P. Blavatsky

Wicca - The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide, Sarah Thompson

Spiritual Partnership - The Journey to Authentic Power, Gary Zukav

The Physics of Angels, Mathew Fox e Rupert Sheldrake


Page 6: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasBereshit - A Cena da Origem, Haroldo de Campos

The Lnaguage of Demons and Angels - Cornelius Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy, I. Lehrich

The Nag Hammadi Library - The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures, James M. Robinson

Destiny of Souls - New Case Studies of Life between Lives, Michael Newton, PhD

Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, Dr Eben Alexander

Introduction to MAGIC Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus, Julius Evola and the UR Group

Seeing Myself - The New Science of Out-of-body Experiences, Susan J. Blackmore

The Point of Power, Peter Baksa

Filosofia Cósmica do Evangelho, Huberto Rohden

Em Comunhão com Deus, Huberto Rohden

O Triunfo da Vida sobre a Morte, Huberto Rohden

O Sermão da Montanha, Huberto Rohden

Alquimia e Tarô - Uma Investigação de suas Conexões Históricas, Robert M. Place

Sepher Yetzirah - Versões de Aryeh Kaplan, Isidor Kalish - AMORC, Wayne Winn Wescot. Elias Lipner

The Language of Demons and Angels - Cornellius Agrippa - Ocult Philosophy, Christopher I. Lehrich

O Cristo Cósmico e os Essênios, Huberto Rohden

O Caminho dos Essênios - A Vida Oculta de Jesus Revelada, Anne e Daniel Meurois - Givaudan

The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Bardo Thödol, Padmasambhava Lotus-Born

Bhagavad Gita: A sublime canção da Grande Índia, Anônimo.

Living Deeply: The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life, Marilyn Schlitz

Filosofia Tibetana: O Livro dos Mortos, Osvaldo Ribas, Gilson.

Tao Te Ching, Lao Tse

The Nine Steps, Daneil Meurois e Anne Givaudan

Be Careful What You Pray For - You Just Might Get It, Larry Dossey – MD


Page 7: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI Referências

the Akashic Records - The Book of Life, Todeschi, Kevin J.

Forward the Foundation, Isaac Asimov

Foundation, Isaac Asimov

Foundation and Empire, Isaac Asimov

Second Foundation, Isaac Asimov

Foundation and Earth, Isaac Asimov

Os Paradoxos da Sabedoria Oculta, Éliphas Lévi

Nuctereron, Apolonio de Tiana

La Biblioteca de Babel - colección de lecturas fantásticas dirigida por Jorge Luis Borges

El Libro de las Bestias, Ramon Lull

La Serpiente del Génesis - El Problema del Mal, Stanilas de Guaita, Oswald Wirth

Fama Fraternitatis - Confessio - Biblioteca Esotérica

MUTUS LIBER - O livro mudo da Alquimia - José Jorge de Carvalho

Islamismo, John Alden Williams

The Mysticism of Sound, Music, The Power of the Word, Hazrat Inayat Khan

The School for Gods, Stefano D'anna


Page 8: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI Referências


Missale Romanum Sacrossanti Concilii Tridentino

THE HUMAN SPIRIT AND THE ANIMAL SPIRIT, Lecture by Dr. Rudolf Steiner - Berlin, 17th November 1910

THE OCCULT SIGNIFICANCE OF BLOOD - “Blood is a Very Special Fluid” - Faust, Act I, Scene 4.

Navigate the Astral Plane - Experience Breathe Taking, Lie Changing Experiences Through Astral Projections

Maçonnerie Pratique - Enseignement Supérieur de la Franc-Maçonnerie - Rite Écossais Ancient et Accepté, Le Très-Puissant Souverain Grand Commandeur

BREVIARY OF THE ORDER OF ELUS COHEN - (source: Bml ms. 5526, Fonds Willermoz, ‘Prières au Elus Cohens”)

Initiation Into Hermetics - A Course of Instruction of Magic Theory & Practice by Franz Bardon

Le Secret des Secrets autrement La Clavicule de Salomon ou LeVéritable Grimoire, Paris - 1825 Les Rituels Magiques de l'Ordre Hermétique de la Golden Dawn, Jean-Pascal Ruggiu

The Light of Martinism - Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Inc. Published by the Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc.

The Martinist Tradition, Rene Cossey

Theurgy - Essential Requirements for Ritual Operations - Louis-Claude de Sait-Martin His historical philosophy of Regeneration Numbers.


Temes Theurgiques de une Loge d'Órdre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christe

OPERATION OF THE NOEMIES OF THE ELUS COHENS (OPERATION OF THE NEW MOON) - Order of the Knights Masons Elus-Cohens of the Universe - Center for the Study and Research of the Human Spiritual Potential

Ordination de Grand Elu de Zorobabel - Ordre des Chevaliers Elus-Cohanim de l’Universe

Ritual and Monitor of the Martinist Order by Edouard Blitz, K.T. La Voie Initiatique, Serge Marcotoune Rituals of the Societas Rosicrucianis in Anglia The State of Adam and The Shem-Hammephorash, Societas Rosicruciana p Boston Ma, 1887


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VI ReferênciasReview Consciousness in the universe A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory - Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose

Cool horizons for entangled black holes, Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind

Quantum field theory solves the problem of the collapse of the wave function, Alexey V. Melkikh

Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness, David J. Chalmers Mind Over Matter: How To Turn Thoughts Into Reality, Joe Dispenza

Morphic Resonance & Morphic Fields: Collective Memory & the Habits of Nature - By DR. RUPERT SHELDRAKE

On Reversibility, Irreversiblity, Quantum Mechanics, Time, and Information Where ARE Physicists? Al Albano

Sancta Missa - Rituale Romanum (Roman Ritual) - Blessings for special days and feasts

Book of magic, with instructions for invoking spirits, etc. (ca. 1577-1583) - Folger SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY manuscript V.b.26

BITCOIN End to end Bitcoin Blockchain explanation with examples Don’t believe the dictionary: entropy is information, not energy



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VI Referências


Fontes de referência principais em vídeos foram:

TED Ideas Worth Spreading,

PBS Digital Studios RI Channel - The Royal Institution

World Science Festival



iai - The Institute of Arts and Ideas

Resonance Science Foundation

Talks at Google

Títulos dos Vídeos / Apresentações

The Secrets of Counsciousness - Can we explain consciousness by examining the brain? - iai

The Bog Picture - Sean Caroll

Marilyn Schlitz - Exploring the Science of Healing

Marilyn Schlitz, PhD: Studying Healing in the Laboratory

New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter ~ Dean Radin Ph.D

Marilyn Schlitz, PhD: Noetic Knowing

David Bohm The Nature of things

"Science and the taboo of psi" with Dean Radin

Dean Radin - The Future of Consciousness Research

Physics of The Soul Official Release

The Shade, the Event and the Gateway to Agartha

Michael Talbot on Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe

Your Amazing Molecular Machines

Quantum Field Theory - Fermilab


Page 11: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasDid Quantum Physics Just Prove After Life ?: Quantum Physics is now in the After Life Realm

the afterlife disfunction

What is Consciousness? What is Its Purpose?

The Holographic Universe Parts 1 - 5

The Afterlife Exists, What Really Happens When We Die (shit)

Why Don’t Those Who’ve Died Communicate With Us More? -- Swedenborg and Life

Nurse Shares 30 Years Of Spiritual Experiences With Death & Dying

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS Law of attraction vibes

Consciousness Explained, It Goes Much Deeper Than You Think 

How Mastering Awareness Can Reinvent Your Reality (law of attraction)

Graham Hancock - TEDx Talk - DMT, Life after Death & Consciousness

I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr 

Spiritual Intelligence

Mind Over Matter Is Real: Experiments Reveal!

Terence Mckenna - Our True Reality Is In Our Minds (halucinogenous in consciousness)

Ray Kurzweil - Human-Level AI is Just 12 Years Away

200,000 Year Old Ancient Levitation Technology That Defies the Laws of Physics

Mongolian Chant Music for Meditation @ 528Hz

TIBETAN FLUTE MUSIC + OM CHANTING @432Hz › Mantra Meditation Music

Tibetan Healing Sounds - Singing Bowls - Natural sounds Gold for Meditation & Relaxation

10000 Hz Full Restore⎪2675 Hz Pineal Gland Resonator⎪528 Hz Miracle Tone⎪Advanced Slow Shamanic Drum

Increase Human Energy by Nikola Tesla

The Afterlife Exists, What Really Happens When We Die

Psychic Abilities and the Illusion of Separation ~ Dean Radin PhD


Daniel Meurois nous raconte la petite histoire d'un grand saut dans le vide...


Page 12: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasAnne Givaudan : Expansion de conscience

What is Syncronicity – Closer to Truth

Can we create new senses for humans? | David Eagleman

The incredible inventions of intuitive AI | Maurice Conti

Quantum Computer in a Nutshell (Documentary)

One computer with 500 Qubits

Quantum Computing 2017 Update

Quantum Computing - Top 3 Microsoft Breakthroughs with Krysta Svore

NVIDIA's Artificial Intelligence GPU Revolution - TITAN V - GTCJapan keynote

Volta 125 TFlops – Tensor – Deep Learning chip – 2 B $ R&D

10 More Cool Deep Learning Applications | Two Minute Papers #52

10 Machine Learning based Products You MUST See

A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning

What Computers Can't Do - with Kevin Buzzard

If Brains are Computers, Who Designs the Software? With Daniel Dennett

The Map of Computer Science

TEDxCaltech - Charlie Marcus - Nanoelectronics and Quantum Computation

Can we make quantum technology work? | Leo Kouwenhoven |

Linguistics, Style and Writing in the 21st Century - with Steven Pinker

Nanoscale Machines: Building the Future with Molecules

Richard Feynman "Tiny Machines" Nanotechnology Lecture

What is Quantum Computing? - BBC Click

Quantum Computer in a Nutshell (Documentary)

Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I.

But what *is* a Neural Network?

3 reasons to go Deep - Ep. 3 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED)

Are We Approaching Robotic Consciousnesses?

Slaughterbots, Robot Sophia and Google's Deepmind Exposed12

Page 13: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI Referências


Killer robots, an increasingly real fiction.

Can we make quantum technology work? | Leo Kouwenhoven

The next Internet Revolution | Juan Benet 

Why we'll never run out of jobs | Tim O'Reilly | 

Intel's New 49-qubit Quantum Chip & Neuromorphic Chip

The Future of Quantum Computing - Prof. Seth Lloyd

A Beginner’s Guide To Quantum Computing

The Mathematics of Quantum Computers | Infinite Series

The Future Of AI Conference 2017

Mind Over Matter Is Real: Experiments Reveal!

What is QFT?

General relativity to Quantum Gravity

Hawking Radiation | Space Time

The Higgs Mechanism Explained | Space Time | PBS Digital StudiosBeyond the Higgs: What's Next for the LHC? - with Harry Cliff

Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong

Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem - Numberphile

Crisis in the Foundation of Mathematics | Infinite Series

Can We Combine pi & e to Make a Rational Number? | Infinite Series

A Hierarchy of Infinities | Infinite Series | PBS Digital Studios

AI Channel

Quantum Computing: Untangling the Hype

The Overview Effect: Freethink@Harvard

What is epigenetics? - Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna

The Map of Chemistry

Map of Biology


Page 14: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasStrange Materials with Mark Miodownik

Your Amazing Molecular Machines

Drew Berry: Animations of unseeable biology

Ron Vale (UCSF, HHMI) 1: Molecular Motor Proteins

The Inner Life of the Cell - Protein Packing [Narrated] [HD]

Inside the Living Cell: How Cells Obtain Energy

Futuristic Material Series | Ep04 Smart Materials Design Technology | 

Extreme Technology | World's Strongest Materials | PBS 

Discovery Channel - The Unbelievable Powers of Electricity - Science Documentary 2017

7 Strangest & Coolest Materials Which Actually Exist !Nanoscale Machines: Building the Future with Molecules

David Chalmers – How do you explain counsciousness Karl Pribram: The Holographic Brain (excerpt) - A Thinking Allowed DVD with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove

Neil Turok Public Lecture: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything

Simulation Theory 2018 What is the truth?The Simulation Theory: What Is The Reality Code? With Klee Irwin

Dr Masaru Emoto Hado Water Crystals Full Documentary

Nature of the Graviton | Claudia de Rham

Breaking barriers with quantum physics | Dr. Shohini Ghose 

Dark Matter's Not Enough - with Andrew Pontzen

What is Energy? | Space Time

Quantum Reality: Space, Time, and Entanglement

Will the Universe Expand Forever? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Why the Universe Needs Dark Energy | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

What Does Dark Energy Really Do? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

The Cosmic Conspiracy of Dark Energy Challenge Question | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Anti-gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Sean Carroll - Layers Of Reality - The Complexity of The Universe


Page 15: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI ReferênciasSean Carroll: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, or Worse?

The Real Meaning of E=mc² | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

The Higgs Mechanism Explained | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Why the Big Bang Definitely Happened | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

What’s Wrong With the Big Bang Theory? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

What Happens At The Edge Of The Universe? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Anti-gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy | Space Time | PBS Digital StudiosIs Quantum Tunneling Faster than Light? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Planck's Constant and The Origin of Quantum Mechanics | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Heisemberg UncertaintyUnderstanding the Uncertainty Principle with Quantum Fourier Series | Space Time

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Explained

The Mind After Midnight: Where Do You Go When You Go to Sleep?

The Neuroscience of Memory - Eleanor Maguire

Atomic Bonds - Chemistry Basics Part I Making Sense of Chemical Structures

Organic Chemistry Explained- Part 1

Organic Chemistry Explained- Part 2

Organic Chemistry 1 - Introduction / Basic Overview


Universal Law of Numbers Tesla Code 369

Jeff Tollaksen: "A New Approach to Quantum Mechanics"

Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in Physics - with Roger Penrose

Sir Roger Penrose - How can Consciousness Arise Within the Laws of Physics?

Why Did Our Universe Begin? - Dr. Roger Penrose - (Closer to Truth Interview)

Flat organization in 3D world

Anti-Matter and Quantum Relativity | Space Time

Quantum Field Theory QFT

Quantum electrodynamics QED15

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VI Referências

Building blocks of the universe - with David Tong

Feynman's Infinite Quantum Paths | PBS Space Time

Solving the Impossible in Quantum Field Theory | Space Time

The Fate of the First Stars | Space Time

Pilot Wave Theory and Quantum Realism | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

The Secrets of Feynman Diagrams | Space Time

Supervoids vs Colliding Universes! | Space Time

Dark Flow | Space Time

The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

How Time Becomes Space Inside a Black Hole | Space Time

The Speed of Light is NOT About Light | Space Time

The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality | Space Time

Quantum Entanglement and the Great Bohr-Einstein Debate | Space Time

Anti-gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy | Space Time

Are We Living in an Ancestor Simulation? ft. Neil deGrasse Tyson | Space Time

The EM Drive: Fact or Fantasy? | Space Time

White Holes | Space Time

Are You a Boltzmann Brain? | Space Time

Are Space and Time An Illusion? | Space Time

Feynman’s Infinite QuantumPaths – Space Time

The Neuroscience of Consciousness

The Mysterious Architecture of the Universe - with J Richard Gott

Physics Singularity: The Most Important Video of 2017!!!

New Brain Computer interface technology | Steve Hoffman | 

Quantum Gravity: A New Theory Of Everything

Leonard Susskind on The World As Hologram


Page 17: VI - ReferênciasVI Referências As referências aqui citadas e algumas outras, são principalmente e em sua grande maioria relativas ao Capítulo III - Notas. A Wikipedia, foi utilizada

VI Referências

Seth Lloyd - Physics of Information

Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace

map of mathematics

The Map of Physics

Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong

Particles, Fields and The Future of Physics - A Lecture by Sean CarrollDid the Big Bang Break the Laws of Thermodynamics? With Sean Carroll

Richard Feynman explains what fire, magnets, rubber bands (and more) are like at the scale of the jiggling atoms they're made of

Sean Carroll: "The Big Picture" | Talks at Google

 Thad Roberts - Visualising Eleven Dimensions

"Spooky" physics | Leo Kouwenhoven