VI Sem, Jan, Feb 2005

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  • 7/29/2019 VI Sem, Jan, Feb 2005


    age N o ... 1 E c r r E 6 D 1USN ~~~~~ __~~~~~~

    S i x t h S e m e s t e r B .E . D eg r e e E x a m i n a t i o n , J an u ar y /F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 5E l e c t r o n i c s & C o m m u n i c a t i o n I T el e c o m m u n i c at i o n E n g in ee r in g

    VHDLe: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

    Note: Answ er a ny F IVE fu ll que stio ns.1. (a) Explain the following with a suitable example for each :

    i) E vent schedulingii) Concurrent signal assignment! statement concurrencyiii) Guarded block statement. (4 x 3=12 M arks)

    (b) E xplain the concept o f behaviora l description and structural description using half-adderas an example. (8 M arks)

    2. (a) Describe the concept of inertia l delay and transport delay. Develop a VHDL code for abuffer using inertial delay model and transport delay model. (10 Marks)

    (b) Write VHDL coding for a T flip-flop using P ROCESS with a sensitivity list. Include anassertion statement in your model, which expresses the requirement that 'a flip-flop's twooutputs Q and Qb of the type S td-Iogic are complementary.

    (10 Marks)

    3. (a) Write a VHDL behavioral model of a 4-bit counter with asynchronous reset and presetfac ilities . (10 Marks )

    (b) E xplain the following sequential s tatements a long with BNF and give an example for each:i) CASE ii) WAIT (6 M arks)

    (C ) Bring out the differences between signa l ass ignment and variable ass ignment. (4 M arks)4. (a) E xplain the following data types with suitable example:

    i) Enumerated type ii) P hysical type (6 Marks)(b) Indicate the significance of A RRA Y type declaration. W rite V HDL code for modelling a

    ROM of capacity 8 x 4 bits. (10 Marks )(C ) Wrrte a R E CORD type of declaration for a test stimulus record containing a stimulus bit

    vector of 3-bits, a delay value and an expected response brt vector of 8-bits. . (4 Marks)5. (a) Bring out the differences between functions and procedures . G ive the genera l format for

    subprogram dec laration and the corresponding calling statement. (8 Marks )COntd .... 2

  • 7/29/2019 VI Sem, Jan, Feb 2005


    Page No... 2 E C f T E 6 D 1(b) Write a complete VHDL code to perform the following operation: use a function to convert

    the input array to integer, determining the maximum of three numbers in integer andoutputting the value in array using functions and packages. (12 Marks)

    6 . (a) Define the resolution function. Discuss' in deta il the reso lution function for a four va luesystem. (10 Marks)(b) Explain the different types of configuration statements with suitable examples . (10 Marks)

    7 . (a) E xplain the following with respect to synthesis i) R TL iQ Constraints (10 Marks)(b) E xplain the various steps involved in the convers ion of RTL description to gate level net

    list. (10 Marks )8 . (a) Write a VHDL program for a 4-bit shifter using sequential statements. The shifter is to beprovided with a facility of loading arid shifting to right or left by one bit at a time. (10 Marks)

    (b) Discuss in brief:i) P ackage declaration and package bodyii) Generics .

    (6 Marks)(4 Marks)

    ** * **

  • 7/29/2019 VI Sem, Jan, Feb 2005


    Page No ... 1 E C 6 T 3USN ~~~- - ~~~- - ~~~- - ~

    S i x th S e m e s t e r B .E . D eg r e e E x am i n a t i o n , J an u ar y /F e b ru ar y 2 0 0 5. . . .E l ec t r o n i c s an d C o m m un ic -at io n E ng in eer in gAdvanced Microprocessor- and Mlcrocontrollers_

    Time: 3hrs.]N o t e : A n sw er an y F IVE f u ll q ues ti o n s .

    1. (a) Explain the internal architecture of 8086 with the 'help ot a neat block diagram and givethe functions of all the blocks . (10 Marks)

    [Max.Marks : 100

    (b) G ive three reasons for the 8086 processor being faster as compared to its predecessors.(6 Marks)(c) Categorize the following instructions in appropriate addressing rrodes:

    i) MOV A X , 1234h ii) MOV CX, [2000h] iii) IN A X , [OX] iv) A A A (4 Marks)2. (a) What are string instructions ? How do they help in reducing the number of instructionsused in a program ? (10 Marks)

    (b) Write an Assembly Language P rogram to generate the first N primary numbers and displaythe same on the Display. Explanatory comments must be present in your program.(10 Marks)3 . (a) What is the operation being performed when the following instructions are executed.

    i) XLAT ii) LDSBX,[DI] iii) AAD iv) DAS (12 Marks)(b) Differentiate between the following instructions and IC pins which have the same name.

    i) LOCK ii) TEST (8 Marks)4. (a) Write explanatory notes on the Interrupt P rocess in 8086/88. (12 M arks)

    (b) What are the interrupt vector addresses of the following interrupts in the 8086 InterruptVector Table ?i) INTO ii) NMI iii) INT 20H iv) INT 30 H (8 Marks)

    5 . (a) G ive the interconnections between the processors 8086 & 8087 numeric co-processorand explain the sequence of operations while control is passed on from one processor toanother. (10 Marks)(b) Write an assembly language program with numeric co-processor instructions along withregular instructions, to find the third s ide of a right - angled triangle, given the two othersides. (6 Marks)(C ) Convert (2408.1951 ho into i) 64 bit Long real format and iO 80 bit temporary real format.Write in HEX format. (4 Marks)

    6 . (a) Explain the following architectures and bring out their salient features.i) Harvard Vs Princetonii) C IS C Vs R IS C (10 Marks)

  • 7/29/2019 VI Sem, Jan, Feb 2005


    Page No... 2(c) How does a Microprocessor differ from a micro - controller?

    7. (a) What are the addressing modes used in,8051 ? G ive one example each.(b) E xplain with J neat block diagram the working of 8051 micro-controller.(c) What are special function registers?

    ..8. (a) E xplain the following instructions with respect to 8051 instruction set.i) J .I0VC A, @A +DPTRii) XCIID A, @RIiii) . DIVAniv) AJ kIP saddv) CJNEA, add, radd

    E C 6 T 3(5 Marks)(8 M arks)

    (10 Marks)(2 Marks)

    (10 Marks;(b) W rite a program to divide tho data in nAM locations 3Eh by the number 12h. P uttho quotient in R1 a n d remainder in R5 in the current register bank. G ive explanatorycomments. (10 Marks)

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