Vibration Analysis and Reliability Training & Certification Omega Consulng Engineers Pty Limited is recognized by Mobius Instute as an authorized training & examinaon centre to deliver training & cerficaon examinaons in accordance with ISO 18436 & ISO/IEC 17024 — Vibraon Analysis Categories 1-3 & Reliability. Category 3 This training is suitable for the senior vibraon analyst and program manager who must be able to diagnose the widest range of vibraon related fault condions, perform balancing and alignment, and understand, diagnose and correct resonance faults. Review of condion monitoring technologies and the ISO standards Signal processing and data acquision Time waveform analysis Phase analysis Dynamics (natural frequencies and resonance) Tesng for natural frequencies Operang Deflecon Shape (ODS) analysis Modal analysis and intro to FEA Correcng resonances Rolling element bearing fault detecon Journal bearing fault detecon Electric motor tesng Pumps, fans and compressors Gearbox fault detecon Correcve acon Running a successful condion monitor- ing program Acceptance tesng Review of ISO standards Date: Duraon: 5 days Training & 4 hours Exam Day Time Descripon 1 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training 2 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training 3 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training 4 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training 5 Exam Email: [email protected] Website: www.ocengineering.com.au Tel: +61 8 8447 7737 Category 3 Topics Covered: Send in your expression of interest to [email protected] - For more informaon visit: www.ocengineering.com.au www.mobiusinstute.com

Vibration Analysis and Reliability Training & Certification · 2018-12-11 · Rolling element bearing fault detection • Journal bearing fault detection • Electric motor testing

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Page 1: Vibration Analysis and Reliability Training & Certification · 2018-12-11 · Rolling element bearing fault detection • Journal bearing fault detection • Electric motor testing

Vibration Analysis and Reliability

Training & Certification

Omega Consulting Engineers Pty Limited is recognized by Mobius Institute as an authorized

training & examination centre to deliver training & certification examinations in accordance with ISO

18436 & ISO/IEC 17024 — Vibration Analysis Categories 1-3 & Reliability.

Category 3

This training is suitable for the senior vibration analyst and program

manager who must be able to diagnose the widest range of vibration

related fault conditions, perform balancing and alignment, and

understand, diagnose and correct resonance faults.

• Review of condition monitoring technologies and the ISO standards

• Signal processing and data acquisition

• Time waveform analysis

• Phase analysis

• Dynamics (natural frequencies and resonance)

• Testing for natural frequencies

• Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis

• Modal analysis and intro to FEA

• Correcting resonances

• Rolling element bearing fault detection

• Journal bearing fault detection

• Electric motor testing

• Pumps, fans and compressors

• Gearbox fault detection

• Corrective action

• Running a successful condition monitor-ing program

• Acceptance testing • Review of ISO standards


Duration: 5 days Training & 4 hours Exam

Day Time Description

1 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training

2 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training

3 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training

4 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training

8.00 am — 5.00 pm Training 5


Email: [email protected]

Website: www.ocengineering.com.au

Tel: +61 8 8447 7737

Category 3 Topics Covered:

Send in your expression of interest to [email protected]


For more information visit:

