Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira L.E. McNeil a) Department of Physics and Astronomy Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3255 S. Mitran Department of Mathematics Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3250 Date submitted: Running title: Vibrational frequencies of the mbira a) Electronic mail: [email protected]

Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

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Page 1: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

L.E. McNeila)

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3255

S. Mitran

Department of Mathematics

Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3250

Date submitted:

Running title: Vibrational frequencies of the mbira

a) Electronic mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


The acoustic spectrum of the mbira, a musical instrument from Africa that produces

sound by the vibration of cantilevered metal rods, has been measured. It is found that the

most prominent overtones present in the spectrum have frequencies that are

approximately 5 and 14 times the lowest frequency. A finite-element model of the

vibration of the key that takes into account the acoustic radiation efficiency of the various

normal modes reveals that the far-field power spectrum is dominated by higher-frequency

modes involving predominately transverse motion of the key. Lower-frequency modes

involving longitudinal motion do not radiate efficiently, and therefore contribute little to

the sound produced. The high frequencies of the dominant overtones relative to the

fundamental make it unlikely that the tunings of the mbira that are used by expert

musicians are determined by matching the fundamental frequencies of the upper keys

with the overtones of the lower keys.

PACS number: 43.75+a


Page 3: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


The mbira is a musical instrument found in multiple forms in many countries across

the continent of Africa, especially in Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,

Mozambique, and Angola.1 One form, known as the mbira dzavadzimu (“mbira of the

ancestors”) is particularly characteristic of the melodic music of the Shona people of

Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia. The keys are put into vibration by stroking the

free end with the thumb or forefinger, and each one produces a distinct musical pitch.

The sound is sometimes amplified by placing the mbira inside a hollow shell such as a

gourd that serves as a resonating chamber. The music played on the mbira is typically

polyphonic, so that multiple keys are sounded simultaneously or alternately in sequence.

Like all melodic instruments with multiple vibrating parts, the pitches produced by

the individual keys are related to one another in an organized way that is referred to as

the tuning of the instrument. Throughout Africa many mbira tunings are used, which are

related to melody and chord patterns prevalent within the local culture and also reflect the

artistry of individual master players. It is reasonable to ask, however, whether those

tunings are related to the musical acoustics of the instrument itself.

Because more than one mode of vibration is excited when the key is stroked, the

sound produced by the vibration of the key will contain multiple frequencies. The lowest

of these frequencies, which determines the pitch experienced by the listener, is called the

fundamental. The higher frequencies, which together determine the overall

characteristics of the musical sound, are referred to as overtones. We set out to examine

the frequencies of vibration of the keys of the mbira and to explore their possible

relationship to the tuning of the instrument.


Page 4: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


A. The mbira

The instrument used for these measurements is shown in Fig. 1. It was made by

Josephat Mandaza in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe in 2002 and was provided to us by Dr.

Louise Meintjes of the Duke University Department of Music. The body of the

instrument is made of a single piece of solid wood approximately 18.5 x 21.7 cm and 2.5

cm thick. A 2.5-cm diameter hole in the body near one end provides a convenient finger-

hold. The 22 vibrating rods or keys range in length from 9.5 to 17.5 cm. They are

clamped at one end and cantilevered from a bridge made of a metal strip embedded in the

wood body, such that the freely-vibrating length ranges from 3.5 to 10.5 cm. They are

arranged in three groups: nine on the right-hand side of the instrument (designated R1-

R9), six upper keys on the left-hand side (designated L1-L6) and seven lower keys on the

left-hand side (designated B1-B7). The flattened tongue-like shapes of the freely-

vibrating portion of the keys are approximately 0.5 to 0.8 cm wide at the bridge and 0.5

to 1.5 cm wide at the widest point (near the free end). The cross-section of each key is

pentagonal, being approximately 0.09 cm thick at the edges and 0.15 cm thick in the

center. The keys curve upward from the bridge (presumably to make them easier to play)

such that the free end is raised above the bridge by about 10% of the key’s length. The

material of which the keys are made is unknown, but from their appearance and stiffness

and the presence of a small amount of rust on them they can be presumed to be some sort

of mild steel.

At the opposite end of the instrument body from the bridge, a metal strip is nailed

across the width of the wood. Four metal beer-bottle caps are attached to the strip with


Page 5: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

wire such that they are free to rattle against the metal when the instrument is played.

Traditionally, shells were used for this function2, but in more recent times bottle caps

have become a convenient substitute. The resulting buzzing sound is considered to be an

important characteristic of the instrument in its indigenous use in music-making, but it

does not affect the pitches produced by the keys and for the purpose of the experiments

described here it was undesirable. For that reason, before making the measurements we

damped the vibration of the bottle caps by stuffing them with wool fleece. The vibrations

of keys other than the one being measured were similarly damped.

B. Acoustic measurements

We made the acoustic measurements in a sound isolation chamber in the UNC-CH

Department of Linguistics. We made sound recordings with a Shure KSM44 microphone

using the omnidirectional pickup pattern and 80 Hz high-pass filter. The microphone

preamplifier was a Mackie 1202-VLZ PRO mixer. We used the channel's insert-send as

the signal output to minimize contributed noise and distortion. We used an Echo Digital

Audio Indigo IO for the analog-to-digital signal conversion. The conversion parameters

were 24-bit quantization and 22050-Hz sample rate, and we stored the samples on a hard

drive using Adobe Audition 1.5 software. We used the same software to perform the

Fourier analysis of the audio samples. An initial baseline measurement to evaluate the

environmental noise recorded that all frequencies from 100 Hz to the Nyquist frequency

were at least 102 dB below full scale. We held the mbira close to the microphone with

one hand and one key was set into vibration by pressing it with a finger on the other hand

and allowing the finger to slide off the end of the key. Recording continued until no


Page 6: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

further vibration of the body of the mbira could be perceived with the hand holding the

instrument, approximately 10 seconds. (This was a longer time than the sound was


An example of the power spectrum resulting from the Fourier transform of the audio

signal is shown in Fig. 2. The spectrum contains a strong, relatively sharp peak 50 – 80

dB above background at the fundamental frequency of the key’s vibration. This mode of

vibration is responsible for the pitch the key sounds, and ranges from 117 to 948 Hz

(approximately B 2 to B 5 in the American system of pitch notation). A second peak,

typically 30-50 dB above background, appears at the frequency of the next higher mode

of vibration. In most of the spectra a third (and sometimes a fourth) peak is also

distinguishable from the background level. The frequencies recorded for each key are

given in Table I. Also shown in the figure (dotted line) is the spectrum recorded from

that key with all of the keys undamped, as they would be when the instrument is played.

As can be seen, the damping has little if any effect on the spectrum except at the higher

frequencies, where the sound is less intense.

C. Frequency calculations

We have computed the vibration frequencies of some of the mbira keys using two

finite element methods. In the first method, a mbira key is treated as a one-dimensional

body and discretized using curved beam (more concisely, arch) elements as described

below. Arch elements were introduced after an initial study showed poor behavior of a

model constructed using standard, straight beam elements. In the second method, a key is

modeled as a three-dimensional body using standard brick elements (the C3D6 element


Page 7: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

of the Calculix finite element program was used). Two methods were used to provide a

check against one another and to resolve a number of interesting questions that arise in

comparisons of experimental and computational results.

The behavior of straight elastic beams is well understood and accurately described by

the classical Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories. Curved beams exhibit more

complicated behavior because of the nonlinear coupling between bending, twist, shear

and extension. Due to their importance in structural engineering, there have been many

studies on the behavior of curved beams (e.g. Ref. 3). An important question is whether

the scale disparity between beam length and thickness can be used to separate the three-

dimensional elasticity problem into a one-dimensional problem along the beam length

and a two-dimensional problem in the beam cross section. The two dimensional problem

can typically be easily approximated, and the overall complexity is reduced to solving a

one-dimensional problem instead of the full three-dimensional elasticity problem. That

such a splitting is possible has been established by Berdichevsky4. The problem of

determining a specific splitting procedure is still a research subject. Specific

characteristics of the problem, including amount of deformation, curvature, nature of

applied forces, come into play, and some splittings are able to capture the above effects

while others fail (see Ref. 5). Even though one-dimensional curved beam theories exhibit

these deficiencies, the overall economy in computational effort makes them attractive.

There are a number of formulations for curved finite elements The basic steps in the

construction of the finite element model are: (1) define an approximation function for the

displacements as a function of longitudinal position; (2) construct the elemental stiffness

and mass matrices using a variational formulation; (3) assemble the elemental matrices to


Page 8: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

form a global eigenproblem; (4) solve the eigenproblem for a specific set of boundary

conditions. Steps (2)-(4) are standard procedures which can be found in a number of

finite element texts, e.g. Bathe6. The main feature which distinguishes one arch finite

element formulation from another is how displacements are approximated along the beam

length. A specific formulation has been introduced to study this problem.

We use a local Frenet triad to describe the local deformations in the finite

element cross section, with the coordinates denoting the tangential, normal and binormal

direction, respectively. (See Fig. 3 for the definition of the coordinates.) We assume that

the finite element is small enough to consider the radius of curvature

),,( bnt

R constant over the

element’s length; hence the longitudinal position can also be specified by the angle

. We assume that plane cross sections remain plane during deformation. We

consider the beam element to undergo three types of deformation: (a) a tangential

deformation ; (b) a normal deformation ; (c) a cross-section rotation . All these

deformations are defined at the element mean fiber, i.e. the line along the thickness of the

element that does not change in length during deformation. In general, there exists some

series expansion of the displacement in terms of the

Rt /

u nu u

u angle, )(uu . We desire for

this expansion to have as few terms as possible while still providing sufficient accuracy.

The distinguishing feature of the finite element approximation used here is the use of a

mixed, Taylor-trigonometric expansion to approximate the displacements. The tangential

deformation is approximated as:

sincossincos 54321 aaaaau . (1)


Page 9: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

If we neglect shear deformations (relative slipping of adjacent finite element cross

sections) the expansions for ( , ) can be written using the coefficients from the

expansion for ,

nu u


654321 )sin(cos)cos(sincossin aaaaaCaun ,








Cu , (2)

where ,2/1 ARIC b A is the cross-sectional area, and is the moment of inertia

around the binormal axis. Note that twisting of the cross-section is not taken into account

in this model. Normal stresses are assumed to vary linearly across the cross-section. The

resultant forces from a cross-section can be related to the displacements through



2 2



b tb t


ddu MEA

F uR d R

EI d uM u

R d

. (4)

Once the longitudinal displacement functions and the forces in the cross section have

been established, standard finite element procedures lead to the formation of an


(8).2 KuMu

In the above is the pulsation, M the mass matrix, K the stiffness matrix and u the

vector of displacements. In order to completely define the problem boundary conditions

must be imposed. Given the construction of the mbira, the vertical displacements at the

point where the keys are clamped are set as null. The displacements in the other two

directions are impeded by frictional contact between the key and the sound board or


Page 10: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

upper clamping bar. In the computations carried out here, these displacements were also

set as null. The behavior at the fret is more difficult to capture simply. Displacements

along the vertical orientation (perpendicular to the soundboard) are impeded only in one

direction (downwards). Lateral and longitudinal displacements are impeded due to

friction between the key and the fret but not necessarily nullified. We consider the effect

of a number of boundary conditions at the fret below. Solving the eigenproblem gives the

vibration frequencies and associated vibration modes .2/i ir

D. Acoustic radiation from a vibrating mbira key

The sound produced by a struck mbira key is a superposition of the vibration modes

from the finite element computation above. Not all modes are excited by the initial

striking of the key and some modes are more efficient sources of acoustic radiation than

others. Furthermore the soundboard is also excited by a vibrating key and radiates

acoustic waves. All these effects have to be taken into account in order to compare a

measured acoustic power spectrum with the results from a computational simulation.

1. Key playing

We adopt a simple model of how a key is played. We assume that a key is deformed

from its equilibrium position by a force acting normal to the key mean fiber and then

instantaneously released. The initial shape is determined by solving the problem0u

fKu0 (9)

where is a vector of forces applied at each node within the finite element model. For

the model of key playing considered here all components are null except those

corresponding to the end node of a key.



Page 11: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

2. Vibration mode amplitudes

The initial shape is decomposed on the vibration modes0u NrrrR ...21 by

solving the linear system

(10) N

jijji Nia

10 .,...,2,1,urrr

The amplitudes specify the degree of initial excitation of each vibration mode. ja

3. Acoustic efficiency

Mbira keys are curved arches with significant coupling between extensional, twisting,

and bending vibration modes. Only weak acoustic radiation is expected from an

extensional or twisting mode, due to the small key surface area that sets the surrounding

air into motion. The keys radiate directly and also set the sound board into motion. The

surface area of the sound board is much larger than that of the keys and, conceivably,

extensional modes could radiate efficiently by exciting the soundboard. However, the

coupling of a key to the soundboard is accomplished by ensuring vertical contact at 3

points: the edge of the soundboard, the clamp pressing on the top of a key and the fret

pressing against the bottom of a key. The contact in the other directions is through

friction forces that result from the vertical clamping forces. Longitudinal vibrations of a

key produce forces which act against the frictional contact and are not expected to

produce significant excitation of the sound board. We therefore concentrate on the

relative acoustic efficiency of sound radiation from the key motion itself, understanding

that the intensity of acoustic waves emitted by bending modes of a key are amplified by

the sound board while those associated with extensional or twisting modes are not.

The acoustic field produced by a key is the solution of the equation


Page 12: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

2 2 0tt c , (11)

along with boundary conditions given by the key motion. In (11) is the acoustic

velocity potential and c is the sound speed. Rather than solve this complicated problem

in a domain with a moving boundary, we carry out a simple estimate. We assume that

only the normal displacement associated with a vibration mode makes a significant

contribution to the overall acoustic field. Assuming the vibration amplitudes to be small,

the above problem is replaced by with the source term defined

only on the mbira key, and

2 2tt tc A y y ty y

A a scaling factor which plays no role here and shall be taken

as unity. Here y is the displacement of the key normal to the mean fiber, and the source

term arises from integrating the kinematic condition y tyv which states that the

acoustic velocity equals the key velocity for positions on the key (for an extended

discussion of how this equation is obtained see7,8). We further assume the key to be

infinitely thin. The solution to the above equation can be expressed as the convolution

0 0( , ) ( , ) ( ) ( )


tx t G x e t y y d d (12)

with being the unit vector tangent to the key mean fiber and e

)4/()(),( xctxtxG the fundamental solution for the wave equation. The

acoustic intensity is given by with the acoustic overpressure and the

acoustic velocity. In terms of the velocity potential we have:

puI p u

yI t /~ . Use of the

Dirac-delta allows the time integral to be evaluated and we are led to the far-field


2 2

0( ) ~ ( , ) ~ ( ) ( ) ( )

L n nI y d a r r , (13)


Page 13: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

stating that the far acoustic field is proportional to the eigenmode frequency and the

squared normal-to-mean-fiber amplitude.

The estimate (13) allows us to predict the acoustic power spectrum obtained by

playing a key. When a key is played a beam eigenmode is excited with amplitude ( )a

obtained by solving (10). For each eigenmode we compute the integral (13) and thereby

obtain a prediction of the acoustic wave intensity produced by that eigenmode. Note that

modes for which the transverse motion 2 ( , )y is small will contribute less to the

overall acoustic spectrum even if their initial excitation by stroking the key ( )a is

comparable to that of other modes.

As mentioned, for a curved beam bending and extensional modes are coupled. In

order to classify which modes behave more like bending modes (i.e. transverse motion is

predominant) and which behave more like extensional modes (i.e. longitudinal motion is

predominant) we introduce a criterion. Let z denote the deformation in the local

direction of the mean fiber, and introduce the quantity


0( ) ~ ( , )

LJ z d . (14)

We define modes for which ( ) ( ) / ( ) 1I J as ‘transverse’ while those for which

( ) 1 shall be referred to as ‘longitudinal’.


A. Measured frequencies

Fig. 4 shows the ratio of the frequencies of the second and third peaks in the spectrum

(hereafter referred to as the first and second overtone) recorded for each key to the


Page 14: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

fundamental frequency produced by the key, plotted vs. the fundamental frequency.

With the exception of the shortest key, the ratio of the frequency of the first overtone to

that of the fundamental is approximately 5, ranging from 4.2 to 5.8. The second overtone

is more variable, but for the longest keys (those with the lowest fundamental

frequencies), its frequency is approximately 13.6 times the fundamental frequency. This

suggests that the modes of vibration of the keys are all very similar.

B. Calculated frequencies

The exact material properties of the key were not known and could not be measured

without damage to the instrument; hence we used the fundamental frequency to calibrate

the Young’s modulus (E) and density ( ) of the material of which the key was made. Use

of standard values for soft steel (E = 200 GPa, = 7800 kg/m3) led to a relative error of

~10% in prediction of the fundamental frequency among the keys for which the

computation was carried out (B1, B7, R9). Given this calibration against the fundamental

frequency, the main prediction of the model is the frequency of the overtones as well as

the overall shape of the far-field acoustic spectrum. We used a smoothing spline

procedure to adjust the geometric data for the keys to avoid propagating small

measurement errors into the numerical procedure for computing the eigenmodes and


The eigenmodes for key B7 computed using the three-dimensional model are shown

in Fig. 5. The three-dimensional computations served as a check on the one-dimensional

model and also to investigate fret boundary conditions. The computations are however

quite expensive. In order to obtain convergence in the first 6 eigenmodes to within 1 Hz

approximately 240,000 brick elements were required. Carrying out the decomposition of


Page 15: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

the initial deflection onto an eigenmode basis was not feasible. The effect of fret

boundary conditions is shown in Table II. When vertical displacements are set to null the

key oscillates as a shorter length beam with a consequent increase in frequency (compare

Mode 1, free displacement and 0yu case). Blocking further degrees of freedom

changes the overtone frequencies.

Frequencies obtained from the one-dimensional arch element computation of the B7

key are shown in Fig. 6. Given the much simpler computational effort many more

eigenmodes were computed, sufficient to accurately represent the power spectrum

associated with the initial deformation imposed by stroking a key. Some of the modes are

spurious however and result from the simplifying assumptions of the one-dimensional

model. In particular modes 1, 2 from the one-dimensional computation arise due to the

rapid tapering of a key towards the end. This leads to large cross-section rotations in the

finite element model. The deformation for these spurious modes corresponds to bending

of the tapered key tip attached to the much stiffer main part of the key. The possibility

that spurious modes appear in regions where the simplifying assumptions of one-

dimensional beam theory break down is unavoidable. In particular, results should be

scrutinized in region of rapid variations in geometry. Spurious modes can also arise from

shear locking behavior (details on origin and elimination of spurious modes can be found

in Ref. 9). Fortunately, the spurious modes have relatively small transverse

displacements and contribute little to the acoustic power spectrum evaluated by (13) even

though their vibration power spectrum is significant (pressing on the end of a key

imposes a large initial amplitude on these modes). Hence in this work no additional

modification of the finite element method was made to eliminate spurious modes.


Page 16: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


A. Overtone frequencies

The vibrational frequencies of a simple cantilever can be calculated by standard

techniques10. The well-known result for a straight beam of uniform cross-section that is

clamped at one end is that the frequencies of the first and second overtones are 6.4 and

17.5 times the fundamental frequency. However, the mbira keys are neither uniform in

cross-section nor straight. There is significant coupling between bending, twisting and

compressional deformation.

A typical result from the computation of the B7 key is presented in Fig. 6. The

vibration power spectrum shows the initial amplitude of each eigenmode imposed by

stroking the key as obtained from solving system (10). The far-field acoustic power

spectrum shows the results of evaluating integral ( )I from (13) to obtain the radiated

sound intensity. Bars show the predictions of the one-dimensional model, arrows show

the frequencies obtained from the three-dimensional model. The strongly-excited, one-

dimensional, modes 1 and 2 are spurious modes, arising from breakdown of one-

dimensional simplifying hypotheses as mentioned above. The most efficient acoustic

radiator (highest ( )I ) among the low frequency modes is mode 4 which corresponds to

bending of the entire key. We calibrated the observed fundamental frequency to mode 4

to account for the unknown material properties, thus obtaining a value of GPa

for the elasticity modulus. We then observed that the next most efficient acoustic

radiator is mode 21 at a frequency of 4.9 times that of the fundamental; the associated

computed frequency f=1313 Hz is within 2% of the measured first overtone of 1341 Hz



Page 17: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

(Table I). Other vibration modes which are significant sound radiators are modes 11, 31

and 40. All of these show up as peaks within the measured acoustical spectrum (Fig.

6(c)), thereby confirming the overall accuracy of the numerical procedure.

From a modeling point of view it is interesting to compare the three-dimensional and

one-dimensional approaches. The three-dimensional approach allows for accurate

predictions of the low order modes, but at such a computational cost that obtaining a

complete eigenbasis to compute the vibration power spectrum and the far-field acoustic

power spectrum becomes prohibitive. Furthermore contact boundary conditions at the fret

introduce an additional unknown which must be explored through (expensive) numerical

experimentation. The one-dimensional model sometimes predicts spurious modes, but

furnishes a sufficiently accurate description of key vibrations for a correct evaluation of

the far-field acoustic spectrum.

A simulation of the effect of the soundboard was also carried out. Forces from

transverse modes and from longitudinal modes were applied on a rectangular slab of

anisotropic, three-dimensional brick elements in the Calculix program. The transverse

forces were applied through a dashpot element to model the frictional contact. As

expected the soundboard received negligible energy from longitudinal modes by

comparison to transverse modes. This is a direct consequence of the coupling between the

vibrating elements and the soundboard. Hence in practice the relative attenuation of the

longitudinal modes with respect to the transverse modes is even more pronounced than

that computed here.


Page 18: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

B. Tuning

The mbira is in essence a keyboard instrument (and it is sometimes called a “thumb

piano” by Westerners), and therefore must have a well-defined relationship among the

pitches (i.e. fundamental frequencies) of the different keys. The pitch of an individual

key can be adjusted by shifting it relative to the bridge so that the vibrating length of the

key is increased (to lower the pitch) or decreased (to raise the pitch). Since in its

indigenous use the tuning of each key is done “by ear” (or by comparison to another such

instrument) rather than by reference to an absolute standard of pitch, it is reasonable to

expect that the fundamental frequencies to which the higher-pitched keys are tuned will

bear some relationship to the overtone frequencies of the lower-pitched keys, so that

when played together the overtones of the different keys will coincide to produce a

harmonious sound.

Simple stretched strings have overtone frequencies that are in pure whole-number

ratios to the fundamental frequency, and so tuning successive strings such that their

fundamental frequencies are 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. times the fundamental frequency of the lowest

string allows the frequencies of the overtones of the strings to overlap to produce a

harmonious sound. This tuning produces musical intervals between the pitches produced

by successive strings of an octave, a perfect fifth, a perfect fourth, and a pure major third.

This type of tuning is known as just intonation, and was widely practiced in Western

Europe in the 16th and early 17th century. It has been largely replaced by the modern

system of equal temperament in which the frequency ratios for successive pitches

(semitones) are fixed at 12 2 , which allows a keyboard instrument to play in different

musical key signatures without retuning.


Page 19: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

Instruments such as the mbira that produce their sound by the vibration not of simple

strings but of cantilevered rods have ratios of their overtone frequencies that are different

from those of strings. It is therefore reasonable to expect that the tuning of such

instruments would differ from just intonation, and this is indeed what has been observed

by ethnomusicologists. In a 1932 study Hugh Tracey observed11 that in some cases

mbira players tuned some keys using an overtone in preference to the fundamental to

produce the desired effect. Tracey also noted12 that the accepted tuning of the instrument

varied by region, with each local group of musicians agreeing upon a “correct” local

manner of tuning. In 1978 Paul Berliner made a detailed study of the tunings used by

Shona mbira players in Zimbabwe1. The intervals between the pitches of the mbira keys

in five tunings that he observed are displayed in columns 3-7 in Table III (labeled by the

names of the musicians from whom he recorded them), and the intervals expected for just

intonation are included in column 2 for comparison. As expected, these tunings all differ

from the just intonation that would be produced in tuning simple stretched strings “by


A sixth tuning included in the table is that specified by Kevin Volans, a South African

composer of classical music in the Western European tradition. In his composition White

Man Sleeps for two harpsichords, viola da gamba and percussion he specifies13 that the

instruments are to be tuned as listed in column 8 of the table, which he labels “a tuning

system derived from Shona Mbira music.”14 As can be seen from the table, it deviates

from the tunings recorded by Berliner from Shona musicians no more than they deviate

from one another.


Page 20: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

The tuning of the mbira studied in this work is also presented in Table III. While the

measurement procedure described above allows confidence in the accuracy of the

frequencies listed there, their relationship to a “proper” tuning is less certain. It is

possible that the tuning of this instrument may have changed since it left the hands of its

musician-maker, and thus that the tuning recorded here may not accurately represent the

tuning it was intended to have. However, the fact that the keys are quite firmly fixed in

place so that increasing or reducing the vibrating length requires considerable force

(applied with a hammer to one end of the key) suggests that the tuning has probably not

changed significantly since it was last adjusted. Inspection of Table III reveals that the

intervals between almost all the keys of the mbira studied here are very similar to those

used by Volans and by the musicians recorded by Berliner.

The question that originally stimulated this study was this: Is the tuning of the mbira

determined by the overtones of the vibrations of its keys? From the evidence here

presented, it would appear that the answer is “no.” Because the first overtone is

approximately five times the frequency of the fundamental (corresponding to a musical

interval of approximately two octaves plus a major third), the overtones of only the

lowest few keys overlap with the fundamental frequencies of any of the upper keys, and

the matching of overtone frequencies with fundamentals is not particularly good. The

large frequency differences involved presumably make the matching of the frequencies

sufficiently difficult to hear that they do not strongly influence the tuning. The lower

intensity of the overtones compared to the fundamental may also make their use in tuning

impractical. For the mbira the first overtone is typically 20-30 dB lower in intensity than

the fundamental. In stringed instruments or Western European keyboard instruments the


Page 21: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

first and second overtones can often be comparable in intensity to (or even louder than)

the fundamental.15 However, Berliner2 describes how master mbira maker John Kunaka

deliberately constructed the lowest key (B1) on his mbira to have “two voices,” i.e. the

fundamental and the first overtone, with the overtone sounding two octaves plus either a

fifth or a third above the fundamental. Kunaka stated that this overtone “helped the

music,” but that the overtones of the other keys did not and were ignored. Andrew

Tracey16 noted that in some mbiras the fundamentals of the lower-pitched keys are almost

inaudible, and the maker has tuned them so that the prominent overtone, rather than the

fundamental, gives the desired note. In other cases the fundamental is used, but the

overtone is wildly discordant, giving the instrument a “tinkling, metallic effect.” He

experimented with methods of tuning the overtone to a pitch two octaves above the

fundamental by removing material from the key at appropriate locations. He was

successful in doing so, but remarked that he had encountered only one instrument by an

African maker in which this had been done.


We have measured the acoustic spectrum of the keys of an African mbira. We find

that the most prominent overtones present in the spectrum have frequencies that are

approximately 5 and 14 times the lowest frequency. A finite-element model of the

vibration of the key that takes into account the acoustic radiation efficiency of the various

normal modes reveals that the far-field power spectrum is dominated by modes involving

predominately transverse motion of the key. A procedure to quantify the acoustic

radiation produced by each normal mode has compared favorably to experimental results.


Page 22: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

The finding that the most prominent overtones in the sound spectrum have very high

frequencies relative to the fundamental makes it unlikely that the tunings of the mbira

that are used by expert musicians are determined by matching the fundamental

frequencies of the upper keys with the overtones of the lower keys.


Page 23: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


One of the authors (LEM) would like to thank Brent Wissick of the UNC-CH Dept. of

Music for introducing her to White Man Sleeps, and for sparking the original question

that this work attempts to answer. We would also like to thank Louise Meintjes of the

Duke Univ. Dept. of Music for lending us the mbira upon which the experiments were

performed, and Paul Berliner of the same department as well as mbira master Cosmas

Magaya for providing helpful information about the musical context of the mbira. Fred

Brown of the UNC-CH Dept. of Physics and Astronomy provided valuable assistance

and equipment for the recording and data processing, Phillip Thompson of the same

department provided the dimensional data, and Elliott Moreton of the UNC-CH Dept. of

Linguistics graciously allowed us to use the sound chamber. We are grateful to all three.


Page 24: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


1Paul F. Berliner, The Soul of Mbira (Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, CA 1978)

2Paul Berliner, “John Kunaka, Mbira Maker,” African Arts 14(1), 61 (1980).

3D. H. Hodges, “A Mixed Variational Formulation Based on Exact Intrinsic Equations

for Dynamics of Moving Beams”, International J. of Solids and Structures, 26(11);1253-

1273, 1990.

4V. L. Berdichevsky. “On the Energy of an Elastic Rod”, J. Applied Math. And Mech.

(PMM), 45:518-529, 1982.

5V. L. Berdichevsky, S. S. Kvashnina, “On the Theory of Curvilinear Timoshenko-type

rods”, Prikl. Mathem. Mekhan. 47(6):809-817, 9183.

6K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, MIT, 2006.

7J. E. Ffowcs Williams and D. L. Hawkings, Sound Generation by Turbulence and

Surfaces in Arbitrary Motion, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A264:321-342, 1969.

8S. Arendt, D. C. Fritts, “Acoustic Radiation by Ocean Surface Waves”, J. Fluid Mech.

415:1-21. 2000.

9R. H. MacNeal, Finite Elements: Their Design and Performance, Marcel Dekker, 1993

10See for example N.H. Fletcher and T.D. Rossing, The Physics of Musical Instruments

(Springer-Verlag, New York 1991), section 2.15.

11Hugh Tracey, “The Mbira Class of African Instruments in Rhodesia (1932),” African

Music: Journal of the African Music Society 4(3), 78 (1969).

12Hugh Tracey, “Measuring African Scales,” African Music: Journal of the African

Music Society 4(3), 73 (1969).

13Kevin Volans, White Man Sleeps (Chester Music Ltd., London, 1990)


Page 25: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

14Composer’s statement, <http://kevinvolans.com/kv_arti_whit.shtml> (last viewed 1

June 2007)

15Examples of such spectra can be found in Ref. 10.

16Andrew Tracey, “The Tuning of Mbira Reeds,” African Music: Journal of the African

Music Society 4(3), 96 (1969).


Page 26: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


TABLE I: Frequencies recorded for the keys of the mbira.

Key Fundamental (Hz) Overtone 1 (Hz) Overtone 2 (Hz) B1 117 646 1705B2 141 722 1883B3 152 784 2033B4 171 890 2290B5 191 965 2530B6 212 1080 2882B7 260 1341 3220L1 234 1176 3005L2 353 1613 3990L3 310 1502 2874L4 392 2310L5 420 2000 5060L6 475 2167 5597R1 288 1515 3940R2 474 2365 6116R3 525 2480 6137R4 587 2764R5 631 3022R6 704 2944 5200R7 788 1576 3941R8 852R9 948


Page 27: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

TABLE II: Effect of boundary conditions at fret upon frequencies calculated using the

three-dimensional finite element model. Displacements , ,x y zu u u correspond to

directions along key length, perpendicular to key and vertical, perpendicular to key and


Fret Boundary Condition Mode A Mode B Mode C Mode D Mode E

Free displacements 171 728 830 2256 2348

0yu 256 749 1441 2771 3970

0 0,x yu u 261 1465 1607 2797 4010

0 0, ,x y zu u u 0 261 1465 1848 2848 4010


Page 28: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

TABLE III: Mbira tuning intervals in cents (an interval of one cent corresponds to 1/100

of an equal-tempered semitone, or a frequency ratio whose logarithm equals

2.5086 x 10-4). Column 1 labels the mbira keys, in order of increasing fundamental

frequency. Column 2 (“Just”) represents the intervals between the pitches sounded by

adjacent keys for tuning in just intonation (see text). Columns 3-7 are tunings used by

Zimbabwean musicians recorded by Paul Berliner1, and column 8 is a tuning used by

composer Kevin Volans10. Column 9 contains the intervals between the pitches of

adjacent keys of the mbira measured in this work.


Page 29: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

Key Just Gondo Mude Mujuru Kunaka Bandambira Volans mbiraB1

386 323 174 126 455 355 360 323B2

112 157 115 117 92 199 154 130B3

204 164 286 156 210 96 171 204B4

182 186 37 314 178 179 175 192B5

112 151 158 105 154 153 100 181B6

204 198 206 171 140 171L1

204 151 170 241 171 182B7

182 187 180 136 189 177R1

112 180 180 126 154 127L3

204 191 211 263 209 118 171 225L2

182 137 170 181 175 181L4

112 164 139 97 164 169 100 119L5

204 182 128 264 161 193 140 213L6

0 15 0 4R2

204 179 231 190 196 185 171 177R3

182 218 180 156 181 204 189 193R4

112 136 118 143 129 204 154 125R5

204 182 214 219 170 163 171 190R6

182 151 172 151 201 158 175 195R7

112 161 173 128 173 137 100 135R8

204 192 260 240 98 251 140 185R9


Page 30: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


Fig. 1: Photo of the mbira used in the measurements.

Fig. 2: Power spectrum of audio signal from key B7 (fundamental frequency 260 Hz),

background subtracted (solid line); and the same spectrum recorded with all of the keys

free to vibrate (dotted line).

Fig. 3: Diagram showing finite element coordinate system and deformations.

Fig. 4: Ratio of overtone frequencies to fundamental frequency. Solid symbols: first

overtone. Open symbols: second overtone.

Fig. 5: (A) Three-dimensional finite element discretization. (B-E) Eigenmodes

corresponding to 7 lowest frequencies. At the fret the vertical displacements were set to

null, the other were left free. Modes B,C,F,H are predominantly bending modes. Modes

E,G are predominantly twisting modes. Mode D is similar to mode B but with

pronounced extensional component.

Fig. 6: Results of one-dimensional finite element analysis for the B7 key. Initial

deformation produced by a force acting normal to the mean fiber at the end of the key.

(a) Vibration power spectrum showing the principal transverse modes (solid bars) 4, 11,

22, 32 as well as a wide variety of longitudinal modes (open bars). (c) Far-field acoustic

power spectrum predicted by the finite element analysis (bars) compared with the

experimentally measured spectrum (line). Arrows A,B,C indicate frequencies obtained

from the three-dimensional model.


Page 31: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira


Page 32: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

Frequency (Hz)

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000












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Page 34: Vibrational frequencies and tuning of the African mbira

Fundamental frequency (Hz)

50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850



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