Established 1914 10th Waxing of Second Waso 1369 ME Tuesday, 24 July, 2007 Volume XV, Number 99 Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. NAY PYI TAW, 23 July — Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and De- velopment Council Deputy Commander-in- Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior Gen- eral Maung Aye received Military Attaché of the Russian Federation Colo- nel Vladimir I Konchakov, who had completed his tour of duty, and his suc- cessor Colonel Alexander V Svintsovsky at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 9 am today. Also present at the call were Member of the State Peace and De- velopment Council Gen- eral Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Soe Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Russian Military Attachés Thein, Commander-in- Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein and Military Affairs Security Chief Lt-Gen Ye Myint. MNA Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Pakistani military attachés NAY PYI TAW, 23 July —Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Develop- ment Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Com- mander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye received Mili- tary Attaché of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Col Zafar Jamil who com- pleted his tour of duty in Myanmar and his succesor Col Muzammil Hussain Shah at Bayintnaung Yeiktha here at 9:30 am today. Also present at the call were Member of the State Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann of Ministry of Defence, Commander- in-Chief (Navy) Vice- Admiral Soe Thein and Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein and Military Affairs Se- curity Chief Lt-Gen Ye Myint. — MNA Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives outgoing Military Attaché Colonel Vladimir I Konchakov and incoming Military Attaché Colonel Alexander V Svintsovsky of the Russian Federation.— MNA Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives outgoing Military Attaché Col Zafar Jamil and incom- ing Military Attaché Col Muzammil Hussain Shah of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. MNA 24-7-07 NL 7/24/07, 02:34 AM 1

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Russian Military ... · PDF fileSagaing, Myaung, Twantay Townships ... PDC and U Mya Oo of Pantanaw Township PDC accepted cash do- ... Sayadaw

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Established 1914

10th Waxing of Second Waso 1369 ME Tuesday, 24 July, 2007Volume XV, Number 99

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

NAY PYI TAW, 23July — Vice-Chairman ofthe State Peace and De-velopment CouncilDeputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence ServicesCommander-in-Chief(Army) Vice-Senior Gen-eral Maung Aye receivedMilitary Attaché of theRussian Federation Colo-nel Vladimir I Konchakov,who had completed histour of duty, and his suc-cessor Colonel AlexanderV Svintsovsky atBayintnaung Yeiktha,here, at 9 am today.

Also present atthe call were Member ofthe State Peace and De-velopment Council Gen-eral Thura Shwe Mann ofthe Ministry of Defence,Commander-in-Chief(Navy) Vice-Admiral Soe

Vice-Senior General Maung Ayereceives Russian Military Attachés

Thein, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen MyatHein and Military Affairs

Security Chief Lt-Gen YeMyint.


Vice-Senior General Maung Ayereceives Pakistani military attachés

NAY PYI TAW, 23 July—Vice-Chairman of theState Peace and Develop-ment Council Deputy

Commander-in-Chief ofDefence Services Com-mander-in-Chief (Army)Vice-Senior General

Maung Aye received Mili-tary Attaché of the IslamicRepublic of Pakistan ColZafar Jamil who com-

pleted his tour of duty inMyanmar and hissuccesor Col MuzammilHussain Shah at

Bayintnaung Yeiktha hereat 9:30 am today.

Also present at the callwere Member of the State

Peace and DevelopmentCouncil General ThuraShwe Mann of Ministryof Defence, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Soe Thein andCommander-in-Chief(Air) Lt-Gen Myat Heinand Military Affairs Se-curity Chief Lt-Gen YeMyint. — MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives outgoing Military AttachéColonel Vladimir I Konchakov and incoming Military Attaché Colonel Alexander V Svintsovsky of the Russian Federation.— MNA

Vice-Senior GeneralMaung Aye receives

outgoing MilitaryAttaché Col ZafarJamil and incom-

ing Military AttachéCol Muzammil

Hussain Shah of theIslamic Republic of


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireTuesday, 24 July, 2007

Exert continued efforts forfood sufficiency Myanmar is an agricultural country and

the government has paid serious attention to

the agriculture in the interest of the farmers

who constitute the great majority of the

nation. In the process, it is disseminating

advanced cultivation techniques and dis-

tributing the modern farming equipment

and high-yield strains.

As a result, per acre yield of crops has

increased. In Shan State (East) over 300,000

acres of monsoon paddy were grown in 2006-

2007. Per acre yield was over 70 baskets of

paddy. Over 30,000 acres of summer paddy

were also grown and per acre yield was over

80 baskets.

The government presented awards to

farmers who produced over 100 baskets of

paddy per acre.

This year farmers are making endeav-

ours for exceeding the targets of monsoon

and summer paddy in the region.

Cultivation of paddy is being extended for

food sufficiency in the respective states and

divisions. As a result, there is surplus of

paddy in the country.

Regional authorities, departmental offi-

cials and farmers are thus urged to do their

utmost in extending cultivation of paddy, oil

crops, marketable industrial crops and new

crops by seizing the opportunities provided

by the government for development of agri-


YANGON, 23 July—Six members includingU Chit Hsaing of Sagaing Township National Leaguefor Democracy, five members including Daw SanSan Win of Myaung Township NLD, Sagaing Divi-sion and three members including U Than Sein ofTwantay Township NLD, Yangon Division, resignedfrom the party of their own accord and sent theirletters of resignation to NLD (Headquarters) andauthorities concerned on 12 July.

The letter sent to Sagaing, Myaung andTwantay Township Multi-party Democracy GeneralElection Subcommission, said that they quit the NLDof their own volition as they no longer wanted tosupport the party's political activities and stand, andthey also did wish to stand as NLD members. —MNA

14 NLD members ofSagaing, Myaung,

Twantay Townships quit

YANGON, 23 July —Minister for Progress ofBorder Areas and NationalRaces and DevelopmentAffairs Col Thein Nyunttogether with officials con-cerned inspected regionaldevelopment affairs inMaubin and Pyapon Dis-tricts yesterday.

First, the minister at-tended a ceremony to handover a fire engine collec-tively donated bywellwishers in PantanawTownship and gave in-structions on three plansand development tasksbeing carried out by theState.

On behalf of thewellwishers, the ministerpresented K 6.7 million forthe fire engine to Chair-man U Myo Oo ofPantanaw Township Peaceand Development Coun-cil. Next, the ministerviewed the demonstration

Minister inspects regional developmenttasks in Ayeyawady Division

on fire fighting drills andattended the opening cer-emony of a rural healthcare centre in Chaung-galay Village. After-wards, the minister gaveinstructions on healthcare services being pro-vided for the villages ofborder areas.

Afterthat, the min-ister accepted K 13.2

million donated by thewellwishers for the build-ing of rural health carecentre. Chairmen U HtayWin of Maubin DistrictPDC and U Mya Oo ofPantanaw TownshipPDC accepted cash do-nations.

Afterwards, Head ofPantanaw TownshipHealth Department Dr

Phone Maw accepteddocuments related to therural health care centrehanded over bywellwishers, and then theminister and wife do-nated Waso robes andprovisions to members ofthe Sangha of East Mon-astery of ChaunggalayVillage.


YANGON, 23 July—Minister forSports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attendedthe ceremony to donate Taekwondo equip-ment by Korea International CooperationAgency for Institute of Sports and PhysicalEducation (ISPE), here, yesterday.

Also present on the occasion wereAmbassador of the Republic of Korea toMyanmar Mr Park Key-chong, KOICAResident Representative Mr Cho Sang-woo,the principal of ISPE, KOICA Taekwondocoaches, officials and students of ISPE.

The equipment worth over US$20,000 will help improve Myanmar'sTaekwondo training capabilities and furtherstrengthen bilateral cooperation betweenKorea and Myanmar.


KOICA provides Taekwondo equipment for ISPE


Col Thein

Nyunt and




robes to a



Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Korean Ambassa-dor Mr Park Key-chong and Taekwondo trainees pose

for documentary photo. — SPED

A delegation led by Myanmar PrawnEntrepreneurs Association poses for

documentary photo at YangonInternational Airport before depar-ture for Thailand on 23 July, 2007.The 14-member delegation led by

Chairman of MPEA U Hla MaungShwe left here for Thailand to

study sea prawn farming. UMFCCI

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007 3

Tut\kun\Ns\S tiu;®mHc\.ÂkI N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S

UAE’s Burj Dubai wins titleof world’s tallest building

ABU DHABI, 22July—Burj Dubai, askyscraper developed byEmaar Properties of theUnited Arab Emirates(UAE), wins the title ofthe world’s tallestbuilding at the height of512.1 metres, EmiratesNews Agency reported onSaturday.

With excavationwork started in January2004, Burj (meaning“tower” in Arabic) Dubaibecame the tallest

building in the world in1,276 days, the reportsaid.

The tower hascurrently reached 141stories, which makes italso the building withmost stories in the world.

Scheduled to becompleted in 2008, BurjDubai will be the talleststructure in the world inall four of the criterialisted by the Council onTall Buildings and UrbanHabitat (CTBUH) —

heights to the structuraltop, to the highest occu-pied floor, to the top ofthe roof, and to the tip ofthe spire, pinnacle,antenna, mast or flagpole.

When completed,Burj Dubai will haveconsumed 330,000 cubicmetres of concrete,39,000 tons of steel rebar,142,000 square metres ofglass and 22 million manhours. — MNA/Xinhua

CAMP PENDLETON (Cali-fornia), 22 July —A USMarine guilty of kidnappingand conspiring to murderan Iraqi grandfather lastyear was sentenced onFriday to a reduction in rankto private and a bad-con-duct discharge with noadditional time in prison,according to a US MarineCorps statement.

Reduced rank for USMarine in Hamdania case

Corporal Trent Thomas,who has been in militaryprison since May 2006,was found guilty by amilitary jury on Wednes-day of kidnapping andconspiracy to commitlarceny, housebreaking,

kidnapping, false officialstatements and murder forhis involvement in thedeath of Hashim IbrahimAwad in April 2006 nearHamdania, Iraq.

Thomas, a Purple Heartrecipient who was servinghis third tour of duty inIraq, was one of eightmembers of an infantrybattalion charged in thedeath of Awad, a disabledIraqi policeman. Theincident was one of a seriesin which US forces abusedor killed Iraqi civiliansunder questionable cir-cumstances, damagingthe image of US troopsabroad. — MNA/Reuters

11 Revolutionary Guards killedby drug traffickers in Iran

TEHERAN, 22 July—Eleven elite RevolutionaryGuards soldiers were killed Thursday in clasheswith armed drug traffickers in Iran’s southeasternprovince of Sistan-Baluchestan, official mediareported on Saturday.

“The clashes took place Thursday night” nearSistan-Baluchestan Province’s capital of Zahedan,and “nine other members of the guards and basij(Iran’s militia group)” were injured, according to aspokesman of the Revolutionary Guards. TheIranian security forces would make “tough revenge”over the death to the armed bandits, who ambushedthe soldiers, said the state television.

Four of the traffickers were also killed in theclashes, and two of the criminals responsible forthe attack have been arrested, local media reported.Sistan-Baluchestan Province borders Pakistan andAfghanistan. On 14 Februay, 13 RevolutionaryGuards members were killed in a car bombexplosion made by militants in the provincial capitalZahedan.


Over 80 killed in lightning,storm in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, 22 July—Over eighty people havebeen killed in lightningand storm in Pakistan'sNorth-West FrontierProvince (NWFP), state-run Radio Pakistanreported on Saturday.

The lightning hit NashNamal, Gar Kohi and Jabavillages in upper DirDistrict of NWFP on Fri-day night and nine houseswere washed away by theflood water caused byrains in the area, the radioreported. Relief and rescueteams have been sent tothe affected area and sofar 38 dead bodies havebeen recovered from thedebris, the radio reported.

But some local mediahas put death toll at 100people, including womenand children.


DAMASCUS, 23 July—Twenty people were killed and50 others injured as two buses collided in northern Syriaon Saturday, the official SANA news agency reported.

The accident occurred on a highway some 160kilometres (100 miles) north of the capital, Damascus. Abus whose tyre burst hit an oncoming bus head-on,killing 15 people on the spot and injuring some 50 others.

Five more passengers died later in hospital and someof the injure are in a critical condition, the police said.


20 killed, 50injured in

traffic accidentin Syria

A boy jumps into Dambovita River on a hot day in central Bucharest on 19July , 2007. The death toll from Romania’s heat wave rose to 15 on Sunday

after six more people died in the Black Sea country where temperatureshovered around 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), Health Minister Eugen

Nicolaescu said. — INTERNET

The world’s tallest tower Burj Dubai stands onSheikh Zayed Road in Dubai on 22 July, 2007. Burj

Dubai, a tower under construction in the UnitedArab Emirates’ trade hub, became the tallest

building in the world on 21 July, measuring 512.1metres (1,680 ft), its developer said. — INTERNET

Chinese Sichuan operaactress Chen Qiaoruperforms during a

celebration show held inSydney, Australia, on 20

July, 2007. The show,featuring with Chinese

traditional operaperformances, was held tomark the 35th anniversaryof the establishment of the

diplomatic relationsbetween China and

Australia. — XINHUA

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

YANGON, 23 July — The following is the collectionof suggestions made by NC delegates on the Chapters“Amendment of the Constitution” and “State Flag,State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital” submittedto the Plenary Session of the National Conventionheld at the Pyidaungsu Hall of Nyaunghnapin Campin Hmawby Township today.

The chairman and members of the NationalConvention Convening Commission, the chairmanand members of the National Convention ConveningWork Committee, the chairman and members of theNational Convention Convening ManagementCommittee, and NC delegates, may you be blessedwith physical and mental well-being andauspiciousness.Esteemed NC delegates,

The Work Committee chairman’s clarification tothe detailed basic principles on the chapters “Amendmentof the Constitution”, “State Flag, State Seal, NationalAnthem and the Capital”, “Transitory Provisions” and“General Provisions” to be included in the Stateconstitution were read out at the NC plenary sessionsheld on 10 and 13 November 2006.

At the plenary sessions held between 21 and 29December 2006, the delegate groups submitted 18proposal papers in total as follows:

(a) Delegate Group of Political Parties 8 papers(b) Delegate Group of

Representatives-elect 4 papers(c) Delegate Group of National Races 1 paper(d) Delegate Group of Peasants 1 paper(e) Delegate Group of Workers 1 paper(f) Delegate Group of Intellectuals and

Intelligentsia 1 paper(g) Delegate Group of State Service

Personnel 1 paper(h) Delegate Group of Other

Invited Persons 1 paperThe delegate groups and NC delegates have read out

these proposals at the NC plenary sessions. Now, I willpresent the NC panel of chairmen’s collection of theseproposals as a whole.Esteemed NC delegates,

At the NC plenary session held on 10 November2006, the Work Committee chairman regarding theChapter ‘Amendment of the Constitution’ said, “Thenation after adopting and promulgating the Constitutionwill have to make amendments as necessary dependingon time and situation. When the amendments of theConstitutions of some nations are studied, there are twoways to amend a Constitution. The first method is to holda referendum to make an amendment of some provisionsof the Constitution after 75 per cent of all the MPs or two-thirds of the MPs have made a prior approval to amendthem. The second method is to amend some provisionsof the Constitution with the approval of 75 per cent of allMPs or two-thirds of the MPs. The Amendment of theConstitution has been prescribed in the Constitution as aseparate Chapter. In the Union of Myanmar also, thetopic has been provided as a separate Chapter in both the1947 Constitution and the 1974 Constitution.

Then, the Work Committee chairman said, “Basedon the study and appraisals, a collection of detailed basicprinciples that should be laid down for the ChapterAmendment of the Constitution is presented as follows:1. If there is wish to amend anyone of the provisions ofthis Constitution, the following methods shall be applied:

(a) The proposal to amend the Constitutionshall be submitted in the form of a Bill.

(b) A Bill to amend the Constitution shall containno other proposals.

2. Such Bill to amend the Constitution shall be initiatedin the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.3. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall accept the Bill toamend the Constitution for consideration, if 20 percent of all the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw members submitit.4. (a) The adopted provisions of the State

Fundamental Principles, the State Structure,the Formation of Legislature, the Formationof Executive, the Formation of Judiciary,and the State of Emergency shall be amendedwith the prior approval of more than 75 percent of all the members of the PyidaungsuHluttaw, in a nation-wide referendum onlywith a majority vote of more than half ofthose who have the right to vote.

(b) Provisions other than those mentioned in theparagraph (a) shall be amended only with amajority vote of more than 75 per cent of allthe members of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

(c) Articles that are concerned with or inclusivein Chapters stated in the paragraph (a) shallbe prescribed when the Constitution isdrafted.

Esteemed National Convention delegates,Regarding the Work Committee chairman’s

clarification, the National Unity Party said, “The WorkCommittee chairman after studying in detail theconstitutions of some would nations, the 1947 constitution,and the 1974 constitution of Myanmar explained thedetailed basic principles concerning the chapters“Amendment of the Constitution”, “State Flag, StateSeal, National Anthem, and the Capital”, “TransitoryProvisions”, and “General Provisions” within theframework of the objectives of the National Conventionand the fundamental principles adopted by the constitution.

“Hence, the detailed basic principles are suitable tobe adopted.”, we would like to suggest to adopt the saiddetailed basic principle.

The Pa-O National Organization said, “The WorkCommittee chairman made a complete clarification to theways of making amendments to the State constitutionreferring the 1947 constitution and the 1974 constitution.So, I suggest that the four points proposed for the detailedbasic principles for the Chapter “Amendment of theConstitution” be adopted.”

The Shan Kokang Democratic Party said, “Regardingthe Chapter “Amendment of the Constitution”, we foundall the points the Work Committee chairman has explainedexcept sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Para (4)appropriate, so these points should be adopted.

It also made a separate suggestion, “After theestablishment of an independent state, a constitution ispromulgated. But constitutional amendments inconnection with some of the adopted provisions will haveto be made due to certain reasons or if and when necessary.

The amendment of any provision of the constitution is asimportant as the lifeblood of the nation. Instead ofamending the constitution with the referendum or over 75per cent of the members of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw inaccordance with the stipulations of the constitution, adetailed basic principle should be adopted to amend theconstitution if over 50 percent of the members ofrepresentative Hluttaws proposed to do so.

Hence, we would like to suggest to adopt the saiddetailed basic principle as follows:

“(a) The adopted provisions of the StateFundamental Principles, the State Structure,the Formation of Legislative, the Formation ofExecutive, the Formation of Judiciary, and theState of Emergency shall be amended with theprior approval of more than 50 per cent of allthe members of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, in anationwide referendum only with a majorityvote of more than half of those who have theright to vote.

“(b) Provisions other than those mentioned in theparagraph (a) shall be amended only with amajority vote of more than 50 per cent of all themembers of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

“(c) Articles that are concerned with or inclusive inChapters stated in the paragraph (a) shall beprescribed when drafting the Constitution.”

The Mro or Khami National Solidarity Organizationsaid, “Regarding the principles proposed for the Chapter“Amendment of the Constitution” to be included in theState constitution, the four points the Work Committeechairman has explained are appropriate, so that should beadopted as detailed basic principles.”

The Lahu National Development Party said, “Thefour points the Work Committee chairman has explainedregarding the Chapter “Amendment of the Constitution”should be adopted as detailed basic principles.”

The Union Kayin League said, “The four points theWork Committee chairman has explained are complete,so they should be adopted as detailed basic principles.”

The Kokang Democracy and Unity Party said, “Wehave studied the Work committee chairman’s explanationsconcerning the Chapter “Amendment of the Constitution”.The explanations include all the fundamental requirementsto amend the Constitution such as the means andprocedures to amend the Constitution. Hence, all thepoints explained by the Work Committee chairman shouldbe adopted as detailed basic principles.”

The Wa National Development Party said, “The fourpoints the Work Committee chairman clarified for the

(See page 5)

The detailed basic principles are suitable to be adopted

The explanations include allthe fundamental requirementsto amend the Constitution suchas the means and procedures toamend the Constitution. Hence,all the points explained by theWork Committee chairmanshould be adopted as detailedbasic principles.

U Tin Kha of Delegate Group of State ServicePersonnel.— MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007 5

(from page 4)Chapter “Amendment of the Constitution” are appropriate,and they should be adopted as detailed basic principles.Esteemed National Convention delegates,

The Delegate Group of Representatives-Elect said,“Of the four presented proposals, the political partiesfrom the Delegate Group of Political Parties have assessedthe presentations of the representatives of the NationalUnity Party and Mro or Khami National SolidarityOrganization. And the discussions of respectiverepresentatives are the same as they have done.

Independent Representatives-Elect Dr Hmu Htan ofThantlang Township Constituency in Chin State, U AungThein of Ywangan Township Constituency in Shan Stateand U Tun Kyaw of Namhsan Township Constituency inShan State (North) said, “Regarding the detailed basicprinciples for the Chapter “Amendment of theConstitution” to be included in the State constitution, thefour points the Work Committee chairman has explainedare suitable and they should be adopted as detailed basicprinciples.”

Six Independent Representatives-Elect from theDelegate Group of Representatives-Elect—U Tin Win ofKyaiklat Township Constituency (2), U Thein Kyi ofTaungdwingyi Township Constituency (1), U Hla Soe ofMinbu Township Constituency (2), U Mya Hlaing ofTwantay Township Constituency (2), U Kyi Win ofMingaladon Township Constituency (1), and U Tin TunMaung of Mingaladon Township Constituency (2) intheir discussions supported the Work Committeechairman’s explanation about the four points on theChapter “Amendment of the Constitution” to be includedin the State constitution.

As a separate suggestion, they said, “A constitutionwill become practical only after ten years of existence. Asthe term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is five years, twoterms will be ten years.

“We would like to suggest that the following detailedbasic principle should be adopted.

“Other than the provisions stipulated in the Chapter“the State”, the provisions of other chapters shall not beamended until the end of the second term of the PyidaungsuHluttaw.

“When the third Pyithu Hluttaw election is held afterthe end of the second term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, thepeople will have experiences concerning the election forthree times. We assume that at that time the people may

have understood the democracy norms and ideas to acertain degree. The people who are farmers, workers,servicemen etc. may become persons possessing enoughpolitical knowledge as they have studied politics or thenational affairs with keen interest. The PyidaungsuHluttaw members elected by such people will be the rightpersons at the rightful position who have pragmatic ideasand required qualifications.

“Instead of holding a nationwide referendum, thatwill be a financial and an administrative burden on thenation, the following detailed basic principle should beadopted in making constitutional provisions.

“If there arises the wish to amend the constitutionalprovisions beginning from the end of the third term of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw, the provisions of the chapters, otherthan the provisions of the Chapter on the State, shall beamended with the votes of two-thirds of the members ofthe Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.”

The Delegate Group of National Races said, “WeDelegate Group of National Races agree that because ofthe inclusion of the following points, the detailed basicprinciples explained by the Work Committee chairmanfor the chapter should be adopted.

(a) A Bill to amend the Constitution shall containno other proposals.

(b) Such Bill to amend the Constitution shall beinitiated in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw whichcomprises the Pyithu Hluttaw and the AmyothaHluttaw.

(c) The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall accept the Bill toamend the Constitution for consideration, if 20per cent of all the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw memberssubmit.

(d) The adopted provisions of the State FundamentalPrinciples, the State Structure, the Formation ofLegislature, the Formation of Executive, theFormation of Judiciary and the State ofEmergency shall be amended with the priorapproval of more than 75 per cent of all themembers of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, in anationwide referendum only with a majorityvote of more than half of those who have theright to vote. Provisions other than thosementioned in the paragraph (a) shall be amendedonly with a majority vote of more than 75 percent of all the members of the PyidaungsuHluttaw.

As a separate suggestion, it said, “We would like tomake a separate suggestion concerning the para 3explained by the Work Committee chairman as follows:

The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will have to make

constitutional amendments as and when necessary becauseof the globalization process or advancing time and situation.We are glad to know the inclusion of the expression “if 20per cent of all the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw members submitit” in the para 3 as it ensures democracy rights for theminority. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw after accepting anddiscussing the Bill will make a decision with majority votesto amend or annul the respective articles in accord with theprescriptions. It will not be proper if 20 per cent of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw members submit the same amendedor rejected Bill to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw again. Webelieve that submitting a proposal to amend anyone of theprovisions of an enduring State constitution is notappropriate. In our assumption there should be a prescribedtime limit to re-submit the Bill whether it is approved orrejected. As the Bill to make constitutional amendmentsshould not be re-submitted during the appropriatetime of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw term although there are20 per cent of all the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw members tosubmit it, the matter should be take into consideration inenacting parliamentary laws and rules.”

The Delegate Group of Peasants said, “We the delegategroup of peasants agree that the four detailed basicprinciples concerning the Chapter “Amendment of theConstitution”, the five detailed basic principles inconnection with the Chapter “State Flag, State Seal,National Anthem and the Capital”, the eight detailedbasic principles regarding the Chapter “TransitoryProvisions” and the 26 detailed basic principles inconnection with the Chapter “General Provisions” shouldbe adopted.”

The Delegate Group of Workers said, “The fourpoints the Work Committee chairman has explained forthe Chapter “Amendment of the Constitution” should beadopted as detailed basic principles.”

The Delegate Group of Intellectuals and Intelligentsiasaid, “The paras from No 1 to No 4 the Work Committeechairman has proposed for the Chapter “Amendment ofthe Constitution” should be adopted as detailed basicprinciples.”

The Delegate Group of State Service Personnel said,“The collection of paras from No 1 to No 4 for the Chapter“Amendment of the Constitution” to be included in theState constitution should be adopted as detailed basicprinciples.”Esteemed National Convention delegates,

The Delegate Group of Other Invited Personsexpressed its support for the four points the WorkCommittee chairman has presented regarding the Chapter“Amendment of the Constitution” to be included in theState constitution. — MNA

The detailed basic principlesare suitable…

State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and the CapitalAt the plenary session of the National Convention

held on 10 November 2006, the Chairman of the NationalConvention Convening Work Committee made aclarification of the chapter — State Flag, State Seal,National Anthem and the Capital as follows:

“Every independent and sovereign nation has itsown specific State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem andthe Capital. Some nations stated them in the Constitutionand in some nations, the legislative assembly promulgatesseparate laws concerning them.

“Mostly, provisions concerning the State Flagfocus on the means to stipulate and design it. Proceduresand rules in connection with the State Flag andpunishments for offences are prescribed in the separatelaw enacted by the legislative assembly.

“The stipulations of the State Flag mostly dependon history of a nation. Colours including white, red, blue,green, yellow, orange etc are used in the State Flags in

accord with the history of a nation.“As all the national races are living through

thick or thin and in unity, a big white star in an upwardposition representing the Union should be portrayed inthe State Flag.

“The Union of Myanmar has been striving todevelop her economy, with agriculture as the base. AsMyanmar is an agro-based nation, the colour green thatstands for peace and tranquillity and lush and verdantenvironment should be used. In addition, yellow thatdepicts solidarity, harmony, re-consolidation and loveand unity of all the national races should be used in theFlag. In some countries, yellow is a royal colourrepresenting the glory. Moreover, red, which meansvalour and decisiveness, should also be portrayed.

“Hence, discussions are to be held andsuggestions to be made whether the following detailedbasic principles should be laid down or not:

(See page 6)

Every independent and sovereign nation has its own specificState Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital

Dr Manan Tu Ja of Delegate Group of OtherInvited Persons.— MNA

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

(from page 5) “(1) The State Flag shall be prescribed as

follows:The Flag is marked with green, yellow andred stripes in a proportionate ratio. On theleft end of the green stripe at the top of theFlag is a large white star directing upwards.

“(2) Law shall be promulgated concerning theState Flag.”“Explanation will be made on the detailedbasic principle to be adopted in connectionwith the State Seal. In the 1947 Constitutionthere is no provision concerning the StateSeal. The 1974 Constitution showed thepicture of the State seal and stated, “TheState Seal shall be as shown below.”“Stipulation of the State Seal is prescribed in

the constitutions of some nations. In the constitutionsof some nations, the stipulation of the State Seal isnot included in the provisions, instead, theirconstitutions prescribe that the State Seal should beprescribed with a law enacted by the legislativeassembly. But their constitutions have provisionsstating that the State Seal should reflect the history,culture and customs of the race. In some countries, itis stated that after the State Seal has been adopted bythe legislative assembly, it has to be ratified at areferendum.

“Hence discussions are to be held andsuggestions to be made whether the following detailedbasic principle should be adopted with the picture ofthe State Seal under it.

“The State Seal shall be as shown below.”“Presentation will be made on the detailed

basic principle that should be adopted to prescribe theNational Anthem.

“The 1947 Constitution had no provisionconcerning the National Anthem. The 1974Constitution prescribed, “The Pyithu Hluttaw shallprescribe the National Anthem. Until a new NationalAnthem is prescribed, the present National Anthemshall be used.”

“When we studied the constitutions of somenations in connection with the National Anthem, itis found that many countries mention the song thatshould be prescribed as the National Anthem. Somecountries mention the year and suggestion is madeto prescribe the National Anthem before the said year,some prescribe the National Anthem stating thespecified order or the specified decree, and someprescribe the Anthem stating the first phrase of asong. Constitutions of some nations state that thelegislative assembly should enact a law to prescribethe National Anthem

“The verses of the song we have used formany years are in conformity with the fundamentalprinciples the National Convention has adopted.

“The present National Anthem shall beprescribed as the National Anthem.”

“The 1947 Constitution had no provisionconcerning the designation of the capital. But the 1974Constitution prescribed, “The capital of the Republic

is Rangoon.”“Constitutions of some nations state the name

of the capital, but some do not mention it.“The capitals of most of the nations are

located at the centre of the country. Every countrydesignates the city that is the seat of the governmentas the capital. Mostly, a city located in a place that islying in the nation’s hub and that is easy to access isprescribed as the capital.“Hence, discussions are to be held and suggestions tobe made whether the following detailed basic principleshould be laid down or not.

“The capital of the State is Nay Pyi Taw.”“Based on my study and assessment, I will

now present the detailed basic principles concerningthe chapter — State Flag, State Seal, National Anthemand the Capital as follows:

“(1) The State Flag shall be prescribed asfollows:The Flag is marked with green, yellow andred stripes in a proportionate ratio. Onthe left end of the green stripe at the topof the Flag is a large white star directingupwards.

(2) Law shall be promulgated concerning theState Flag.”

(3) “The State Seal shall be as shown below.”(4) “The present National Anthem shall be

prescribed as the National Anthem.”(5) “The capital of the State is Nay Pyi Taw.”

National Convention delegates,The National Unity Party of the eight political

parties of the Delegate Group of Political Parties said,“Every independent and sovereign nation has its ownState Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and Capital.Hence the detailed basic principles of the chapterexplained by the Work Committee Chairman shouldbe adopted.

The Union Pa-O National Organization agreedto adopt all the points of the chapter — State Flag,State Seal, National Anthem and Capital as detailedbasic principles.

Shan State Kokang Democratic Party said,“We have no further discussions or suggestionsconcerning the chapter — State Flag, State Seal,National Anthem and Capital as the clarificationsmade by the Work Committee Chairman are realisticand comprehensive in wordings and from the historicalpoint of view. The points — “The State Seal shall beas shown below”, “The present National Anthem shallbe prescribed as the National Anthem” and “Thecapital of the State is Nay Pyi Taw” should beadopted.

Mro or Khami National SolidarityOrganization said, “The Work Committee Chairman’sclarifications concerning the future State Flag are inaccord with the future Constitution and the nation’snatural conditions. As we have no further discussionsas regards the chapter, we agree to adopt all the points.

Lahu National Development Party expressedsupport to adopt the points concerning the chapter— State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem andCapital.

Union Kayin League agreed that the StateFlag explained by the Work Committee Chairman issuitable to the task of developing and modernizingthe Union of Myanmar.

“The State Seal explained by the WorkCommittee Chairman is appropriate to be adopted.

“The verses used for a long time are in accordwith the fundamental principles adopted by theNational Convention. Hence the point — The presentNational Anthem shall be prescribed as the NationalAnthem — should be adopted.

The point — The capital of the State is NayPyi Taw — explained by the Work CommitteeChairman should also be adopted.

Kokang Unity and Democracy Party said that

as the clarifications made by the Work CommitteeChairman are appropriate, the points in connectionwith the chapter — State Flag, State Seal, NationalAnthem and the Capital — should be adopted.

Wa National Development Party said. “Thetwo compilations concerning the State Flag shouldbe adopted as detailed basic principles. The State Sealreflects the nation’s history and culture and customsof her people.

“Our nation has used the present NationalAnthem for more than half a century. One of theobjectives of the National Convention of the Statesays “Further burgeoning of the noblest and worthiestof worldly values of such as justice, liberty andequality”. The State’s objectives cover non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration nationalsolidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.

“Regarding the laying down the detailedbasic principle for the designation of the capital ofthe Union of Myanmar, the point “The capital of theState is Nay Pyi Taw” the Work CommitteeChairman has explained should be adopted as adetailed basic principle as Nay Pyi Taw is locatedin the hub of the nation and the seat of governmentand where transport is smooth. We have no furthersuggestions on the point concerning the matter, itshould be adopted.National Convention delegates,

Of the four papers presented byrepresentatives-elect group, the papers presented bythe representative of NUP and the representative ofMro or Khami National Solidarity Organization arethe same as the papers presented by the respectiveparties.

Independent representatives-elect Dr HmuHtan of Thantlang Township Constituency in ChinState, U Aung Thein of Ywangan TownshipConstituency in Shan State (South) and U Tun Kyawof Namhsan Township Constituency in Shan State(North) said, “The points explained by the WorkCommittee Chairman in connection with the chapter“State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and Capital”are suitable to be adopted.”

They also gave the following separatesuggestions:

“The State Law and Order Restoration Councilon 18 June 1989 issued the Order No 2/89 which saidthat the word “Bamar” included in the National Anthemof the Union of Myanmar was like representing onlythe Bamar people; that actually the National Anthemstood for all the national races of the Union; and thatthe word “Bamar” should be substituted with the word“Myanmar” representing all the national races. But someare still singing the song casually with the word “Bamar”.Notifications and orders should be issued in the futureto remind the people to use the word “Myanmar” inaccord with its essence instead of the word “Bamar”.

(See page 7)

Every independent andsovereign nation…

U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) of NationalConvention Convening Work Committee.— MNA

Every independent andsovereign nation has its own StateFlag, State Seal, National Anthemand Capital. Hence the detailedbasic principles of the chapterexplained by the Work CommitteeChairman should be adopted.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007 7

(from page 6)“As Yangon was designated as the Capital in

accord with the said fundamental principles and de-tailed basic principles, there may be two Capitals inthe nation, if Nay Pyi Taw is designated as the newCapital without abolishing the status of Yangon. Atpresent, Nay Pyi Taw is included in Mandalay Divi-sion, and no detailed basic principle concerning NayPyi Taw has been laid down or adopted yet.

“We are confused as to when and how a Unionterritory under the direct administration of the Presi-dent concerning Nay Pyi Taw, its boundary and itsadministration will be designated. We are unable toknow whether they will be designated at the on-goingNational Convention or when the bodies emerge un-der new constitution.

“We are not clear yet which city will be thecapital of Yangon Region, if Yangon remains as aUnion territory.

“The laying down of the fundamental prin-ciple to designate Yangon as the Capital and Unionterritory was based on the executive of the thenperiod.

“Concerning the designation of Union territo-ries, the subpara (c) of the para 11 says, “If the needarises to designate areas that have special situation inconnection with national security, administration andeconomic etc. as Union territories they may be sodesignated as Union territories after enacting laws”. Itis not proper to designate Yangon that is no longerthe nation’s Capital, as a significant area withoutholding formal discussions on the matter at the Na-tional Convention. We assume that Yangon should bedesignated as a Union territory after enacting laws.We would like to suggest that the matter concerningthe designation of Nay Pyi Taw as the Capital shouldbe explained at the National Convention for all thedelegates to know about it clearly.”

Independent representatives-elect U Tin Winof Kyaiklat Township Constituency-2, U Thein Kyi ofTaungdwingyi Township Constituency-1, U Hla Soeof Minbu Township Constituency-2, U Mya Hlaing ofTwantay Township Constituency-2, U Kyi Win ofMingaladon Township Constituency-1 and U Tin TunMaung of Mingaladon Township Constituency-2 dis-cussed in support of the clarifications made by the WorkCommittee Chairman in connection with the chapter“State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and Capital”.

They also gave the following separate sug-gestions:

“The following facts should be put into con-sideration in choosing the shape and design of theState Flag.

“(a) to express the significant characters of thenation

“(b) not to be mistaken by or be similar to StateFlags of other nations

“(c) to be clear and simple enough for even theprimarily students to easily understand its es-sence and draw a picture of it. (this will helpvitalize the patriotism of students since child-hood days).

“(d) to be easy to make duplicates or drawings ofvarious sizes of the State Flag.

The three colours — green, yellow and red — wereincluded in the three-colours Daung Flag used duringthe national liberation struggle. And they have repre-sented the nation’s significant conditions. Hence, theyare suitable for the State Flag. The White Star repre-senting the whole Union should be placed in the cen-tre of the Flag or in other words at the center ofyellow stripe instead of at the top to stand for theunity of the entire Union. The top point of the starshould touch the base of green stripe and the twobottom points should touch the vertex of the red stripe.Only then the Flag will represent the unity and ensureuniformity in drawing or duplicating it.

“In pondering whether to adopt the detailedbasic principle “The Capital of the State is Nay PyiTaw.” or not, we would like to suggest to lay downthe following detailed basic principle concerning thematter.

“The Capital of the State is Nay Pyi Taw asit

— is located in a place where transport with vari-ous parts of the nation is excellent

— has adequate number of buildings, soundtransport and information network and easyintraconnections between government institu-tions, that are the characteristics of a Capital

— ensures facilitation in the connections betweenthe institutions that will exercise the three or-gans of power of the State

— is free from inadequate electricity and pota-ble water supply, traffic congestion and otherkinds of confusion that are common in alleconomic hubs because of the high popula-tion density.“Now, I will present a weighty fact. The de-

tailed basic principle “Yangon City, that is the Capi-tal of the Union, is designated as the Union territoryplaced under direct administration of the President” isincluded in the chapter “the State Structure” to for-mulate the Constitution. Here, we should considerwhether the said detailed basic principle should beannulled or amended or not. In addition, Nay Pyi Tawshould be designated as a Union territory.National Convention delegates,

The Delegate Group of National Races said,“We are in support of adopting the para 1 and 2 asexplained by the Work Committee Chairman and thepoints concerning the chapters — State Seal, NationalAnthem and the Capital.

Now, we will present a separate suggestionNo 1 concerning the para 2. We have studied that pro-cedures and rules in connection with the State Flag andpunishments for offences are prescribed in the separatelaw enacted by the legislative assembly. We would

like to suggest that if such law is enacted it shouldinclude the shape and measurement of the State Flag.”

Explanation ó to know and observe the shapeand measurements of the State Flag, the measurementsof the green, yellow and red stripes marked in a pro-portionate ratio, the location of the white star, and themeasurement of the top point of the white star direct-ing upwards.

Suggestion No 2:We would like to suggest that the para 1

which prescribes “The Flag is marked with green,yellow and red stripes in a proportionate ratio. Onthe left end of the green stripe at the top of theFlag is a large white star directing upwards” shouldbe stated as follows.

“The Flag is marked with green, yellow andred stripes in a proportionate ratio. On the left endof the Flag is a large white star directing upwardsand touching all the green, yellow and red stripes.”

We present the suggestion with the followingaims.

(a) to impressively and vividly portray the whitestar representing the Union

(b) to magnify the power of the white star thatwas the symbol of the successive revolutions

(c) to highlight mutual relations between the col-ours green, yellow and red that have theirown meanings

(d) for the white star to be ever obvious in what-ever position the Flag is hoisted— Two sprigs of Eugenia each flanking the

map of Myanmar, located in the centre ofthe State Seal, on both sides in an up-ward position should be included in theSeal.

— The suggestion is meant to fill the spaceson the left and right sides of the map ofMyanmar and to depict the auspicious-ness, peace and success.

National Convention delegates,The Delegate Group of Peasants agreed to

adopt the four points of the chapter — Amendment,the five points of the chapter — State Flag, StateSeal, National Anthem and the Capital; eight pointsof the chapter — Transitory Provisions and the 26points of the chapter — Emergency Provision.National Convention delegates,

The Delegate Group of Workers expressedunanimous support for the points explained by theWork Committee Chairman concerning the chapter“State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and theCapital”. The group agreed to adopt the said points.

The Delegate Group of Intellectuals and In-telligentsia said that its members compared the de-signs of the proposed State Flag with others of theworld nations and some members drew a new design.They discussed the green, yellow and red stripes andthe place of the white Star of the new flag. They drewa conclusion that the Flag with three equal stripeshaving the colours green, yellow and red has pro-found essence.

Concerning the State Seal, artists, historiansand craftsmen discussed from the modern view pointthe clarifications made by the Work Committee Chair-man. The group discussed in support of the clarifica-tions in connection with the chapter — State Flag,State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital.National Convention delegates,

The Delegate Group of State Service Person-nel said that the detailed basic principles as regards thechapter “State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem andthe Capital” should be laid down in accord with theclarifications made by the Work Committee Chairman.

The Delegate Group of Other Invited Personssaid that the points explained by the Work CommitteeChairman should be adopted as detailed basic princi-ples for the chapter — State Flag, State Seal, NationalAnthem and he Capital. — MNA

Every independent andsovereign nation…

“The Capital of the State is Nay Pyi Taw as it—is located in a place where transport with various parts of the

nation is excellent—has adequate number of buildings, sound transport and informa-

tion network and easy intraconnections between government insti-tutions, that are the characteristics of a Capital

—ensures facilitation in the connections between the institutions thatwill exercise the three organs of power of the State

—is free from inadequate electricity and potable water supply, trafficcongestion and other kinds of confusion that are common in alleconomic hubs because of the high population density.

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

(from page 16)Sagaing, Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangonand Ayeyawady Divisions, delegates of workers fromKachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan (South),Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, Sagaing, Taninthayi,Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyawady Di-visions, delegates of intellectuals and intelligentsia, del-egates of State Service Personnel from the State Peaceand Development Council Office, the President Office,the Pyithu Hluttaw Office, the Government Office, theSupreme Court, the Attorney-General’s Office, theAuditor-General’s Office, the Multi-party DemocracyGeneral Election Commission Office, the Civil ServiceSelection and Training Board, the Yangon City Develop-ment Committee, the Mandalay City Development Com-mittee and the State service personnel of the respectiveministries, other invited delegates, delegates from ShanState (North) Special Region-1, Shan State (North) Spe-cial Region-2, Shan State (North) Special Region-3, ShanState (East) Special Region-4, Shan State (North) SpecialRegion-5, Shan State (South) Special Region-6, KachinState Special Region-1, Kachin State Special Region-2,Kayah State Special Region-1, Kayah State Special Re-gion-2, Kayah State Special Region-3, Kayinni NationalDemocratic Party (KNDP) (Dragon) Group, KayinniNational Progressive Party (KNPP) Breakaway (Hoya),Kayinni National Unity and Solidarity Organization (KaMa Sa Nya), Democratic Kayin Buddhist Organization(DKBA) and Haungthayaw Special Region Group whohave returned to the legal fold, Nyeinchanyay MyothitGroup from Hpa-an Township of Kayin State, BurmaCommunist Party (Rakhine Group), Arakan Army (AA),Homein Region Development and Welfare Group,Shwepyiaye (MTA), Manpan People’s Militia Group,Mon Peace Group (Chaungchi Region) and Mon (Breaka-way) Nai Seik Chan Group that had exchanged arms forpeace.

At 7.30 am, before the plenary session of the National

Panel of Alternate Chairmen presents …Convention, Chairman of National Convention Conven-ing Commission Secretary-1 of the State Peace andDevelopment Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein and members,Chairman of National Convention Convening WorkCommittee Chief Justice U Aung Toe and members,Chairman of National Convention Convening Manage-ment Committee Auditor General Maj-Gen Lun Maungand members, chairmen of the respective subcommitteesand members, delegates of political parties, representa-tives-elect, delegates of national races, delegates of peas-ants, delegates of intellectuals and intelligentsia, del-egates of workers, delegates of service personnel andother invited delegates signed in the attendance books atPyidaungsu Hall and the recreation hall for NationalConvention delegates.

At the plenary session, U Tin Kha of DelegateGroup of State Service Personnel presided over themeeting as an alternate chairman together with U MyoThant (Maung Su Shin) of NCC Work Committee, USaw Philip (a) U Philip Sam of Delegate Group ofPolitical Parties, U Maung Gyi of Delegate Group ofRepresentatives-Elect, U Maung Hla (a) U Hla Myint ofDelegate Group of National Races, U Kan Nyunt ofDelegate Group of Peasants, U Kyaw Win Tun ofDelegate Group of Workers, Dr Maung Maung Wint ofDelegate Group of Intellectuals and Intelligentsia andDr Ma Nan Tu Ja of Delegate Group of Other InvitedPersons as members of panel of chairmen.

Director U Than Aung of the NCC Work CommitteeOffice acted as MC and Deputy Director U Aung Kyi asco-MC. The MC declared the start of the meeting with thepermission of the alternate chairman as 1057 out of 1071delegates were in attendance, accounting for 98.69 percent.

The panel of alternate chairmen presented collec-tions of suggestions made by the respective delegategroups on laying down detailed basic principles for thechapters “Amendment of the Constitution”, “State Flag,

State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital”, “Transi-tory Provisions” and “General Provisions” to be includedin the State Constitution. First, U Tin Kha of DelegateGroup of State Service Personnel read out the collectionof proposals for the chapter “Amendment of the Consti-tution”.

(The collections of suggestions on the Chapter“Amendment of the Constitution” are reported sepa-rately.)

Next, Dr Manan Tu Ja of Delegate Group of OtherInvited Persons presented the collection of proposals forthe chapter “State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem andthe Capital”.

The plenary session took a break at 9.50 am.When the plenary session resumed at 10.05 am, U

Myo Thant (Maung Su Shin) of NCC Work Committeecontinued to present the collection of proposals for thechapter “State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and theCapital”.

(The collections of suggestions on the Chapter “StateFlag, State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital” arereported separately.)

Afterwards, U Saw Philip (a) U Philip Sam of Del-egate Group of Political Parties and U Maung Gyi ofDelegate Group of Representatives-Elect presented thecollection of proposals for the chapter “Transitory Provi-sions”.

(The collection of proposals for the chapter “Tran-sitory Provisions” will be reported.)

The plenary session took a break at 11.05 am.When the Plenary Session resumed at 11.20 am, U

Maung Hla (a) U Hla Myint of Delegate Group ofNational Races and U Kan Nyunt of Delegate Group ofPeasants presented the collection of proposals for thechapter “General Provisions”.

(The collection of proposals for the chapter “Gen-eral Provisions” will be reported.)

The Plenary Session of the National Convention wasadjourned at 12 noon. —MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye greets Incoming Military AttachéColonel Alexander V Svintsovsky of Russia Federation in Nay Pyi Taw.

( News on Page 1 ) — MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye greets Outgoing Military AttachéColonel Vladimir I Konchakov of Russia Federation in Nay Pyi Taw.

(News on Page 1) — MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein and committee members attend Plenary session of National Convention.— MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007 9

NAY PYI TAW, 23July — Ministry of Sportstrounced a 6-0 win overMinistry of Culture in thesecond round of the FirstNay Pyi Taw FootballTournament 2007 atPaunglaung Sports Groundin Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmanathis afternoon.

Referee U TunTun steered the matchtogether with assistantreferees U Win Naing and

NAY PYI TAW, 23 July— Member of the StatePeace and DevelopmentCouncil Lt-Gen Maung Boof the Ministry of Defence,accompanied by Chairmanof Mon State PDCCommander of South-EastCommand Maj-Gen ThetNaing Win, viewed fiveacres of physic nutplantation in MudonTownship on 19 Julymorning.

Next, they went toRubber Factory(Thanbyuzayat) ofMyanma Tyre and RubberIndustries of the Ministryof Industry-2 inThanbyuzayat.

After hearing thereport of the officials, Lt-Gen Maung Bo inspectedproduction process of thefactory.

In Wegali Village, Lt-Gen Maung Bo metmilitary officers ofThanbyuzayat and YeStations and presented cashassistance and clothes toservicemen and families ofYe Station andThanbyuzayat Station

Lt-Gen Maung Bo attends concluding ceremony of monsoon paddy cultivation in Mudon Township

through Brig-Gen Cho TunAung and officials.

Next, Lt-Gen MaungBo and party viewed rubberplantation of farmer U TunKhin in Lettet Village ofMudon Township. Whilein Mudon Township, theyattended the concludingceremony of monsoonpaddy cultivation in TawkuVillage. Lt-Gen MaungBo presented prizes towinners in the monsoonpaddy cultivation of thetownship.

Speaking on the

occasion, Lt-Gen MaungBo said that Mon State isto put 1.08 million acres ofland under monsoon paddyin 2007-08. Local farmersare to strive for cultivationof crops to meet the targetproduction. In addition topaddy and physic nut, localpeople are to make effortsfor growing of rubber inthe region. Thanks tocompletion of irrigationfacilities such as Azin andWinphanon dams built bythe government, localfarmers can extend

Sports eases through Culture with 6-0U Myo Myint Than.

Khin Maung Htweand Win Myo Thant scoredtwo goals each for theMinistry of Sports andThaung Htay and ThanNyunt snatched one goaleach. Departmental heads,responsible persons ofMyanmar OlympicCommittee and MyanmarFootball Federation,service personnel andfamily members enjoyed

the match.Ministry of

Education will play againstMinistry of Social Welfare,Relief and Resettlementtomorrow at the samevenue; Ministry of Labourwill meet with Ministry ofDefence on 25 July andMinistry of Industry-1 willcompete against Ministryof Communications,Posts and Telegraphs on26 July. — MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye greets outgoing Military AttachéColonel Zafar Jamil of Pakistan in Nay Pyi Taw.

(News on Page 1) — MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye greets incoming Military AttachéColonel Muzammil Hussain Shah of Pakistan in Nay Pyi Taw.

(News on Page 1) — MNA

Lt-Gen Maung Bo of Ministry of Defence views monsoon paddytransplanting ceremony in Mudon.— MNA

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Maung Myint being welcomedby Ambassador of Arab Republic of Egypt to Myanmar Mr YossefKamal Botros Hanna at the reception to mark the National Day of

Egypt which falls on 23 July.— MNA Ministry of Sports team playing against Ministry of Culture team.— MNA

cultivation of monsoon andsummer paddy on thefarms in Mudon Township.

After the ceremony,Lt-Gen Maung Bo andparty cordially greeted the

farmers. Next, theyproceeded to Mawlamyineby car. — MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

NAY PYI TAW, 23 July— As a gesture of hailingthe National Convention,a ceremony to inaugurateMarle Nattaung Dam washeld in Singu Township

Marle Nattaung Dam inaugurated to irrigate10,000 acres of farmland in Singu Township

of PyinOoLwin Districtyesterday morning.

Chairman of Man-dalay Division Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of CentralCommand Maj-Gen KhinZaw delivered an opening

address. He said thatMarle Nattaung Dam isthe 201st facility of itskind in the entire nationand the 49th dam inMandalay Division. The

dam was built for supplyof water to 10,000 acresof farmlands. MandalayDivision put 1,002,196acres of monsoon paddyin 2006-07. Of them,550,560 acres of land weresupplied with water from

dams and lakes. A total of214,910 acres of summerpaddy of 240,100 acreswere also supplied withirrigation facilities.Accordingly, dams and

lakes play an importantrole in the cultivation ofmonsoon and summerpaddy in Mandalay, hesaid. He continued to saythat the division willirrigate 550,861 acres ofmonsoon paddy out of

1,002,196 acres in 2007-08. Thanks to completionof Marle Nattaung Dam,local farmers will enjoyfruits of boosting paddyproduction and uplift ofagricultural standards.

Minister for Agri-culture and IrrigationMaj-Gen Htay Oodelivered an address. Hesaid that boostingagricultural productionwill contribute much to theinterest the people anddevelopment of rural areas.Therefore, the governmenthas spent K 5,724 millionon construction of MarleNattaung Dam for thedeve-lopment of theregion.

A local people spokewords of thanks.

The commanderunveiled the stone plaqueof the dam and sprinkledscented water on it.

The commander andthe minister inspected thewater control tower, theconduit, water channel and

the earth embankment.Marle Nattaung Dam

is located on MarleNattaung Creek, eightmiles from Singu ofPyinOoLwin District. Theearth embankment is 72feet high and 11,850 feetlong. The dam can store57,470 acres feet of waterat the highest level. Thespillway is 100 feet wideand 1,450 feet long.

The main canal isconnected with the 10-mile left canal and the five-mile right canal. The damcan irrigate 10,000 acresof land. The left canalsupplies water to 400 acresof land and the right one to1,400 acres. Arrange-ments have been made forgenerating 3 kv hydro-power each at two placesalong the canal. — MNA

Commander Maj-Gen Khin Zaw delivers a speech at opening ceremony of Marle Nattaung Dam in Singu.— MNA

Commander Maj-Gen Khin Zaw and Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo openMarle Nattaung Dam.— MNA

Newly opened Marle Nattaung Dam in Singu.— MNA

Minister for Agriculture and IrrigationMaj-Gen Htay Oo.— MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007 11

Mars mosquito coils introducedYANGON, 23 July —

The new brand of Marsmosquito coils was

UMFCCI opens coursesYANGON, 23 July —

The opening ceremony ofSME Criteria andProductivity Awarenessin Myanmar coursejointly conducted by theUnion of MyanmarFederation of Chambersof Commerce andIndustry and JPC-SEC ofJapan was held at theUMFCCI TrainingCentre, here, today.

UMFCCI GeneralSecretary U Sein WinHlaing and Mr KoichiHiratsuka of JapanProductivity Centre madeaddresses at the ceremony.

Altogether 47trainees are now attendingthe course which lasts 26July. Development forproduction of small andmedium-scaled industriesand experiences on work

efficiency will belectured at the course.

Similarly, theopening ceremony ofApplied Accounting andManagement Level-1,Batch (27) organized bythe academic committeeof the UMFCCI tookplace at the same venueon 21 July. A total of 58trainees are attending thecourse. — MNA

Basic Journalism Course No 10 of USDA opened

YANGON, 23 JULY —The Basic JournalismCourse No 10 conductedby The Union Solidarityand DevelopmentAssociation was opened atthe Headquarters of USDAin Bahan Township, here,this morning.

USDA SecretariatMember U Thaung madean opening speech, sayingthat the course isconducted to widely carryout information andorganizational tasksthrough cooperationbetween the print mediaand electronic media.Subjects such asReporting of news,publishing of newspapers,writing of articles andinterviewing skills will begiven to the trainees at thecourse.

Some big nations,using their developmentof informationtechnology, areinterfering in the internalaffairs of some sovereign

nations through variousmedia outlets toundermine stability of thatnations. Therefore, thetrainees are to effectivelyrebut rumours being airedby the media stations ofsome big nations.

At present, all arewitnessing the form of afuture new nation. Hecontinued to say that,quoting the guidancegiven by Patron of USDA

Senior General ThanShwe at ManagementCourse No 6 for USDAExecutives, the State, onits part, was convening theNational Conventionbeing attended bydelegates from all walksof life to write a newconstitution. It would bedangerous to the nation ifthere was someweaknesses in aconstitution. Therefore,

emergence of a newenduring StateConstitution and buildingof a new modern anddeveloped nation in accordwith the new StateConstitution were laiddown in the four politicalobjectives.

In conclusion, alltrainees holding “OurThree Main NationalCauses” are to actively

participate in the successfulimplementation of theseven-step Road Map, todevote all energies to themedia work in cooperationwith the association and toredouble efforts to carryout the tasks fordevelopment and stabilityof the State through futureprogrammes laid down bythe USDA, he added.

Later, USDA

Secretariat Member UThaung greeted thetrainees.

A total of 50 traineesfrom states and divisionsare attending the nine-week course.

Also present on theoccasion were CECmembers of USDA,officials of USDAHeadquarters and courseinstructors.—MNA

Members urged to are to actively participate in successful implementation of seven-step Road Map

Secretariat member of USDA U Thaung delivers an address at opening Basic Journalism Course No 10.— MNA

Director U Soe Myint introduces new brand of Mars mosquitocoils.— MNA

A ceremony to open SME Criteria and Productivity Awareness Coursein Myanmar in progress. — UMFCCI

Entries invited to openarticle contest to mark

International Literacy DayYANGON, 23 July — Hailing the International

Literacy Day which falls on 8 September 2007, thedepartment concerned today announced that theopen artical contest will be held.

The entry must be between 3,000 and4,000 words on A-4 size papers. The entries mustbe own creation. The contestants are to send twocopies of manuscripts together with brief biographyand three licence-sized colour photos in an envelopeto Director U Khin Maung Lu of MyanmarEducation Research Bureau at 426, Pyay Road,University Post Office, Kamayut Township, notlater than 14 August. For further information, dial503987 and 502077. — MNA

introduced at TradersHotel yesterday.

Director U Soe

Myint of Asia Light CoLtd spoke at the occasion.Next, Manager Mr

Wilfian Lee of SumitomoChemical Co Ltdexplained insecticide usedin the mosquito coils.

Asia Light Co Ltdhas distributed Marsmosquito coils inMyanmar since May,2006. Five kinds of themosquito coils areavailable on market atreasonable price. The newbrand is produced withJapanese technology andthe insecticide used in themosquito coils importedfrom Japan. One coil ofMars lasts 8 hours.—MNA

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Clash kills 25militants, four guards

in W Afghanistan KABUL, 22 July— A

conflict killed 25 Talebanfighters and four guardsof a company in FarahProvince of westernAfghanistan, the policesaid Saturday.

Taleban militantsattacked a convoy ofprivate Angar company inBakwa District on Fridayafternoon, a local policeofficer told Xinhua anony-mously. The guards of theconvoy fought back, andas a result 25 militants aswell as four guards werekilled, he said.

The police officer didnot say the company was alocal or international one,but said it was supplyinglogistics for internationaltroops deployed inAfghanistan.


Taleban claims killing twoGermans in Afghanistan

Seven killedin coal minegas blast inN -E ChinaSHENYANG, 23 July—

Seven workers were killedin a coal mine gas explo-sion that occurred Satur-day afternoon in northeastChina’s Liaoning Pro-vince, local authoritiessaid on Sunday.

The blast happened atthe Xinfa coal mine inFuxin City at 6:08 pmSaturday, when 34 minerswere working under-ground, said an officialwith the Liaoning coalindustry administration.

Twenty-seven managedto escape safely, but sevenothers died in the accident,said the official, addingrescuers have retrieved theseven bodies.

Authorities are stillinvestigating the cause ofthe blast at the licensedcoal mine, which has anapproved annual capacityof 60,000 tons.


Chinese models present outfits during a demonstration at the 13th ChinaInternational Beauty Festival in Beijing on 20 July, 2007. —INTERNET

S Korea to withdraw troops fromAfghanistan as scheduled

SEOUL, 22 July—South Korea will withdraw itstroops from Afghanistan by the end of this year asscheduled, South Korean Foreign Minister Song Min-soon said Saturday.

“The withdrawal will be conducted as scheduled,”said Song at a Press briefing held in the ForeignMinistry. The government has informed the NationalAssembly last year that the South Korean troops inAfghanistan will complete their missions and withdrawfrom Afghanistan by the end of this year, he said,adding that the preparation for the withdrawal isunderway. According to Song, a total of 23 SouthKoreans were abducted by Afghan militants Thursdayafternoon 150 kilometres southwest of the capital cityof Kabul. A spokesman of the Taleban said earlier thatthey kidnapped 18 South Koreans.

The South Korean Government is seekingcooperation with the Afghan Government and willsend a delegation to Afghanistan on Saturday, Songsaid.The South Korean Government has not formallyreceived Afghan militants demand and is working toexactly make clear the situation there, Song toldreporters. The South Korean Government has tried toget information about the whereabouts of the kidnappedSouth Korean citizens and believed that the kidnapeesare safe, he said.—MNA/Xinhua

KABUL, 22 July—Afghanistan’s Talebanmovement on Saturdaykilled two German hos-tages after the group’demands were ignored, aspokesman for the militantgroup said.

“The Mujahedin alsoshot dead the secondhostage,” Qari Moham-mad Yousuf told Reutersby telephone from anunknown location afterthe first hostage waskilled.

The Taleban had yet todecide what to do with thebodies of the two Germanswho were killed after theexpiry of two separatedeadlines, he said.

They were shot dead inGhazni Province whichlies to the southwest of thecapital, Kabul, he added.

The German ForeignMinistry said it hadreceived no independentconfirmation that thehostages in Afghanistan,kidnapped on Wednesday,had been killed by theTaleban. “We are takingthese statements very se-riously,” German ForeignMinistry spokesmanMartin Jaeger said in astatement.

“So far we have no

independent confir-mation that a hostagewas murdered in Afghani-stan.” A day after kidnap-ping the Germans, theTaleban seized a groupof South KoreanChristians travelling in abus in Ghazni Provincewhich has in recentmonths seen unprece-dented violence.

The Taleban said theywould decide later onSaturday about the fate ofthe South Koreans whothe Afghan Governmentsays number 23, with 18of them women.






Is it a dream?Deeply sad in my heartWarm and wet tears in my eyesEleventh July the day I want to forget.

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pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k; tv\eSak\AM.

LOS ANGELES, 21 July— Sleep woes might beblamed for poor memory,anxieties or earlydementia in aging women,a new study shows.

Older women whohave trouble fallingasleep are more likely tosuffer memory problemsthan those who have nosleep woes, according tothe study by researchersof the University ofCalifornia in San Fran-cisco.

The researchersexamined almost 2,500women, average age 69,with no signs of memoryproblems at the start ofthe study. They underwentcognitive tests over aperiod of 15 years and, atthe end of the study, wereassessed for sleepproblems.

Women who showed

BEIJING, 21 July —China will confirm andpublish the altitude of 59famous mountains in thecoming two years, as astep to clean up thecountry’s still messygeographical data.

The 59 mountains, allrenowned tourist desti-nations and nationalreserves, include theWorld Heritage Site WuyiMountain in FujianProvince and snow-capped Yulong Mountainin Yunnan Province.

The State Bureau ofSurveying and Mapping(SBSM) said Saturdaythat experts are measuringmountains with GlobalPosition System (GPS)and other high-techdevices.

The bureau willannounce the altitude of30 mountains in 2008 andthat of the rest will beannounced in 2009.

“Elevation data formany mountains in Chinaare currently inconsistent

Study finds poor memory linkedwith sleep woes

Sleep woes might be blamed for poor memory,anxieties or early dementia in aging women, a new

study shows. — XINHUA

signs of mental declineon the tests “were nearlytwice as likely to havedifficulty staying asleepand one-and-a-half timesas likely to have problemsfalling asleep and beingawake for more than 90minutes during their sleepcycle,” study author DrKristine Yaffe said.

“Women who declinedon one of the tests werealso nearly twice as likelyto nap more than two hoursa day,” Yaffe said.

There was no associa-tion between cognitivedecline and total sleeptime, said the study, whichis published in the Julyissue of the journal

China to announce precisealtitude of 59 famous mountains

Wuyi Mountain locates in south-east China’sFujian province, on the border with Jiangxi. It

is one of China’s best known beauty spots.XINHUA

and inaccurate, sometimesthe difference can be asmuch as 100 metres,” saidLi Weisen, SBSM’sdeputy director.

Li attributed theinaccuracy mainly totechnological and equip-ment limits, saying thedemand for accurate,standardized geographicaldata has increased inrecent years. A total of 78mountains located in keynational scenic spots havebeen put on the SBSM’ssignificant geographicinformation and data list,

taking into account theirfame and influence, publicfunction and their bearingon national security.

In April 2007, theSBSM announced thealtitude of 19 mountainsafter nine months ofsurveying.

According to theChinese laws, no organi-zations or individuals areallowed to issue import-ant geographic datawithout verification andauthorization of theSBSM.


LOS ANGELES, 23 July— West Nile virus hassurged in parts ofCalifornia, killing onewoman and infecting 27other people, healthofficials said on Sunday.

One elderly woman hasdied from complicationsof the disease, making herthe first death in the statefrom the virus this year,according to healthofficials.

Officials attributed thesurge to unusually hightemperatures throughoutthe state in March.

West Nile virus kills one woman,infects 27 in California

High temperaturestriggered an earlier start tothe West Nile virus seasonthan in other years,officials said. Of the 27cases, 18 incidents wererecorded just last week. Bythis time last year, onlyfive had been reported.

Dead birds or otheranimals in 36 of Califor-nia’s 58 counties, in-cluding Los Angeles,Orange, Riverside and SanBernardino counties, havetested positive for WestNile virus, according to thestate website tracking the

NEW YORK, 23 July— The final book about boywizard Harry Potter broke a single-day record at BordersGroup Inc selling about 1.2 million copies worldwide.

“This is the highest single-day sales of any titleever in Borders history,” the book store company saidon Sunday in a release. Borders is the second-largestchain of book sellers in the United States.

Fans have lined up outside book stores around theglobe for a copy of Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows — the seventh and final volume of the serieswritten by JK Rowling.

The sixth book in the series — Harry Potter and theHalf-Blood Prince — sold 850,000 copies worldwideby Borders in 2005 during its first day of sales, Borderssaid. —MNA/Reuters

Neurology.“Perhaps the most

likely reason whymemory loss mayincrease the risk of sleepdisturbances is that theyshare a common under-lying cause, such asbrain changes seen inAlzheimer’s disease orother dementias thatcould increase risk of bothmemory loss and sleepproblems,” Yaffe said.


“Harry Potter” bookbreaks global record

at “Borders”

disease, westnile.-ca.gov.The California Depart-

ment of Public Healthwarned earlier this monththat the rising numbers“could indicate that themosquito and vectorcontrol agencies may haveanother busy year battlingWest Nile viruscarryingmosquitoes”.

Dr Mark Horton,director of the state’spublic health department,recommended that peopletake steps to avoidmosquito bites.


CANBERRA, 22 July — Some 5,000delegates from 133 countries attendingthe 4th IAS Conference on HIVPathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention(IAS 2007) in Australia will discusscutting edge developments in HIV/AIDSresearch.

The four-day conference opened onSunday in Sydney, Australia’s largestcity.

With important scientific advancessetting the stage, the IAS 2007organizers called for even greatervigilance to ensure universal access toHIV prevention and treatment, andexpanded research to inform andstrengthen the global response to HIV.

Over 3,100 original abstracts weresubmitted for consideration and 978 wereaccepted for oral or poster presentation,according to a media release from theconference on Sunday.

4th international AIDSconference opens in Australia

A staff member at St Vincent’sHospital Centre for Immunology in

Sydney removes archived plasmasamples used for HIV research from

a minus 80 degree Celsius(-112 Fahrenheit) freezer

on 20 July, 2007.— INTERNET

This represents more than a 50 percentincrease in the number of abstractssubmitted to the 3rd IAS held in Rio deJaneiro in 2005.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 24 July, 2007


Czar Amonsot of the Philippines, left,takes punch from Michael Katsidis ofAustralia during their WBO interimlightweight title boxing match atMandalay Bay Resort & Casino in LasVegas on 21 July, 2007. — INTERNET

Cyclists compete during the last, 110km stageof Tour de Qinghai Lake in Xining, capital of

northwest China’s Qinghai Province,on 22 July, 2007. XINHUA

South Korea grind down Iran to seal penalty win

South Korea’s fans celebrate as South Korea beatIran 4-2 in a penalty shootout in their 2007 AFCAsian Cup quarter-final soccer match in Kuala

Lumpur on 22 July, 2007. — INTERNET

Cuba’s Mariela Gonzalez, left, Yailen Garcia,center, and Mexico’s Jessica Rodriguez compete

during the Pan American Games women’smarathon at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro,

on 22 July, 2007. — INTERNET

Saudis hold off Uzbekistanto reach semis

JAKARTA, 23 July — Saudi Arabia survived a furiousUzbekistan onslaught to win their Asian Cup quarter-final 2-1 on Sunday to set up a semifinal clash withJapan. Yasser Al-Qahtani gave the Saudis the bestpossible start, putting them ahead in only the thirdminute. After soaking up heavy pressure, the Gulf sidewent 2-0 up in the 75th minute when Ahmed Al Mousastrode onto a return pass in the box and confidentlyclipped the ball home.

Uzbekistan, who hit the woodwork five times andhad a goal disallowed, grabbed a lifeline when substi-tute Pavel Solomin pulled one back with eight minutesleft, but they were unable to covert pressure into moregoals and paid the price.

Uzbek coach Rauf Inileyev bemoaned his team'slack of fortune in front of goal but refused to be drawnon Maksim Shatskikh's disallowed strike.


Beckham makes Galaxydebut in 1-0 defeat

Hopkins wins Vegas pointsdecision over Wright

LAS VEGAS, 23 July — Bernard Hopkins defeatedWinky Wright by a unanimous points decision onSaturday to remain the universally recognized light-heavyweight world champion.

One judge scored the bout 116-112, while the othertwo had it 117-111 in favour of Hopkins.

"It was a tough fight, a very close fight," Hopkinstold reporters after improving his record to 48-4-1 with32 knockouts.

"Winky's tough and he kept on coming so I had touse the bait-and-fish."

"You put the bait out there, the fish gets a littlecloser, you pull it back, and then you finally catch thefish."

Although the fight was contested at a catch-weightof 170 pounds, five pounds below the light-heavy-weight limit, the bout was for the linear light-heavy-weight title, which Hopkins won by defeating AntonioTarver in June last year.

Wright was frequently the aggressor during thecontest, but Hopkins was able to slip many of the blowsand smother his offence by tying him up when the twowere close, scoring with short, sharp counter righthands on the counter attack.

However, Wright (51-4-1, 25 KOs) still felt heshould have been awarded the victory.


Belgian qualifier Darciswins Amersfoort title

AMERSFOORT (Netherlands), 23 July —Belgian qualifier Steve Darcis clinchedhis first significant title when he beatAustrian Werner Eschauer 6-1, 7-6 inthe final of the Amersfoort Open onSunday. Darcis, world-ranked 297 andplaying only his second tournament onthe ATP Tour, made a flashing start bywinning the first five games.

The 33-year-old Eschauer, also in hisfirst ATP final, fought back in the secondset but failed to convert one of the sixbreak chances he created and lacked theanswer to Darcis' aggressive baseline per-formance in the tie-break.


Ukraine leads Nigeria 2-0in Davis Cup playoff

LAGOS, 23 July — Ukraine led Nigeria 2-0 in theopening matches on Friday at the Euro-Africa GroupZone 11 Davis Cup play-off.

Nigeria's number two, Abdulmumini Babalola, be-gan the losing streak when he was beaten in threestraight sets of 6-1, 6-4, 6-2 by Ukraine's Sergei Bubka.

As if that loss was not bad enough, Nigeria's numberone, US-based Jonathan Igbinovia, could not find enoughfire power while faced with the challenge of SergeiStakhovsky in the second match of the day. The hardhitting Ukrainian did not waste much time in beatingIgbinovia in three sets of 6-2, 6-0, 6-3.—MNA/Reuters

Controversial winner handsRoyal Armed Forces victory

RABAT, 23 July — Morocco's Royal Armed Forcesscored a dramatic injury time winner to secure theirfirst points of their African Champions League groupcampaign on Saturday.

But the controversial nature of the goal against AlIttihad of Libya set off a 10-minute fracas near the endof the match.

Striker Jawad Ouaddouch got a glancing header toa long range effort but looked to be in an offsideposition, setting off an invasion of officials and a fightbetween players.


KUALA LUMPUR, 23 July— South Korea beat Iran4-2 on penalties after agruelling 0-0 draw in hu-mid conditions to reach theAsian Cup semifinals onSunday.

Kim Jung-woo con-verted the winning spot-kick to send the inexperi-enced Koreans through toa last-four clash with Iraqon Wednesday at the sameBukit Jalil Stadium.

Victory avenged Ko-rea's 4-3 quarterfinal lossto Iran at the 2004 AsianCup in China and levelledtheir Asian Cup quarterfi-nal meetings over four con-secutive tournaments at2-2. Korea coach PimVerbeek was pleased thathis young players stood up

to a virtual Iranian WorldCup line-up.

Iran, who practisedpenalties specially in train-ing, used substitute goal-keeper Vahid Taliblou forthe shootout, replacingHassan Roudbarian in the119th-minute.

But Verbeek's playershad the cooler heads, send-ing their more than 4,000vocal Korean supportersinto ecstasy.

Iran coach AmirGhalenoei felt his teamdominated the matchagainst the 2002 World

Cup semifinalists. Showing good indi-

vidual skills and supportplay, the Koreans had adominant spell midwaythrough the first half, withOh Beom-seok stumblingafter a mazy run and LeeChun-soo's deflected shotwell saved by Roudbarian.

Iran's best chance of thehalf came in the 42ndminute when Ali Karimifound himself one-on-onewith Korean goalkeeperLee Woon-jai, who savedat his feet.

Iran pressed forwardafter halftime but a raredefensive mistake in the60th minute allowed YeomKi-hun a good chance toshoot from outside thebox.— MNA/Reuters

CARSON (California), 23July — Chelsea endedtheir pre-season tour of theUS with a 1-0 win againstLos Angeles Galaxy onSaturday in a matchhighlighted by DavidBeckham's long-awaiteddebut for the hosts.

Chelsea captain John

Terry scored the only goalin the 49th minute afterbeing lined up by Joe Cole,driving a powerful shotinto the post before theball ricocheted into the net.

US international strikerLandon Donovan cameclose to equalizing for theGalaxy in the 70th minuteafter latching onto a crossfrom Quavas Kirk but heheaded over the bar.

Beckham, signed bythe Galaxy from RealMadrid on a 32.5-million-dollar five-year deal,came on as a substitutein the 78th minute andhelped steady themidfield with a polishedcameo performance.

His mere appearanceon the bench seemed tolift his new teammates,who delivered one oftheir best performancesin an otherwise dismalcampaign.


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Monday, 23 July, 2007Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hour

MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been partlycloudy in Kayah State, lower Sagaing and Taninthayi Divi-sions, rain has been isolated in Chin, Kayin and Mon States,scattered in Shan State and Magway Division, fairly wide-spread in Rakhine State, upper Sagaing, Bago and YangonDivisions and widespread in the remaining areas with locallyheavyfalls in Rakhine State. The noteworthy amounts ofrainfall recorded were Maungdaw (3.11) inches, Hkamti (2.16)inches, Myitkyina (1.53) inches, Homalin (1.49) inches, Sittway(1.22) inches, Meiktila (0.83) inch, Yamethin (0.71) inch,Kalay and Pyinmana (0.67) inch each.

Maximum temperature on 22-7-2007 was 83°F. Mini-mum temperature on 23-7-2007 was 74°F. Relative humidityat 09:30 hours MST on 23-7-2007 was 92%. Total sunshinehours on 22-7-2007 was (Nil).

Rainfall on 23-7-2007 was (0.83) inch at Mingaladon,(0.04) inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.04) inch at Central Yangon.Total rainfall since 1-1-2007 was (75.85) inches atMingaladon, (80.95) inches at Kaba-Aye and (82.13) inchesat Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from Southwest at (20:30) hours MST on22-7-2007.

Bay inference: Monsoon is weak in the Andaman Seaand South Bay and moderate elsewhere in Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 24-7-2007: Rain will beisolated in Kayah State and lower Sagaing Division, scatteredin Chin, Shan, Mon and Kayin States, Mandalay, Magway andTaninthayi Divisions, fairly widespread in upper Sagaing,Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions and widespread inthe remaining areas. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Moderate monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areas

for 24-7-2007: Isolated rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areas for

24-7-2007: One or two rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areas for

24-7-2007: Isolated rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).


*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music:

-Tell me her tomake you smile(Aaron Carter)

8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music:

-If you had mylove (JenniferLopez)

8:50 am National news /Slogan

9:00 am Music:-Yellow river(Asimou)

9:05 am Internationalnews

9:10 am Music:-Somewhere Ibelong (LinkingPark)

1:30 pm News / Slogan1:40 pm Lunch time

music:-Open your heart(Europe)-Where does myheart beat now(Celine Dion)

9:00 pm EnglishSpeaking Course

9:10 pm Article9:20 pm Weekly sports

reel9:30 pm Listening

pleasure-Just betweenyou and me(Apirl Wine)-Come backwhen it ain’training (TrishaYear Wood)

9:45 pm News /Slogan10:00 pm PEL

Tuesday, 24 JulyTune in today

Tuesday, 24 JulyView on today

7:00 am1. Recitation of

Parittas byMissionarySayadaw UOttamathara

7:25 am2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am3. Morning news

7:40 am4. Nice and sweet song

7:55 am5. kb¥apn\;√y¥a√\kb¥apn\;√y¥a√\kb¥apn\;√y¥a√\kb¥apn\;√y¥a√\kb¥apn\;√y¥a√\

8:05 am6. Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´

8:10 am 7. Song of yesteryears

8:20 am8. At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´

8:30 am 9. International news8:45 am10. Let’s Go4:00 pm

1. Martial song4:15 pm2. Song to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm3. AeAeAeAeAewwwww;qc\tkquil\;qc\tkquil\;qc\tkquil\;qc\tkquil\;qc\tkquil\

pvaer;pvaer;pvaer;pvaer;pvaer; Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;sa


4:45 pm4. Dance of national

races5:00 pm5. Sing and Enjoy

5:45 pm6. AaSyMNiuc\cMm¥a;AK¥c\;K¥c\;AaSyMNiuc\cMm¥a;AK¥c\;K¥c\;AaSyMNiuc\cMm¥a;AK¥c\;K¥c\;AaSyMNiuc\cMm¥a;AK¥c\;K¥c\;AaSyMNiuc\cMm¥a;AK¥c\;K¥c\;


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6:35 pm9. Âky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qM

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8:00 pm13. News14. International news15. Weather report16. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´

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17. The next day’sprogramme

Flood Bulletin(Issued at 12:30 hr MST on 23-7-2007)

According to the (06:30) hr MST observation to-day, the water level of Chindwin River at Hkamti is (1441)cm. It may remain above its danger level (1360) cm duringthe next (48) hrs commencing noon today.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeiermakes a statement to the media in Berlin on 21 July ,2007. Afghan Taliban rebels said they had killed two

German hostages on Saturday, but an AfghanForeign Ministry official said one of the Germans

was still alive and the other had died of a heartattack. — XINHUA

Bush orders CIA to comply with Geneva ConventionsWASHINGTON, 23 July — US President George W Bush, under fire over the treatment of terrorism suspects, has

issued new rules to ensure that detention and interrogation by the CIA comply with the Geneva Conventions’ ban ontorture.

An executive order fromBush set out how to deal withdetainees and gives interro-gators from the US spy agencynew legal protections againstallegations of cruel andinhumane treatment, for-bidden by Common Article 3of the conventions, CIADirector Michael Hayden saidon Friday.

The Bush Admin-istration has faced pressure athome and abroad overinterrogation techniques usedon suspected militants at CIAprisons and other locations,including the US militaryprison at Guantanamo Bay,Cuba.

“The order providesspecific requirements thatensure a CIA-run terrorist

detention and interrogationprogramme would be in fullcompliance with USobligations under CommonArticle 3,” Hayden said in astatement.

“The President’s action... gives us the legal claritywe have sought.”

The new order comes10 months after the BushAdministration was forcedto suspend its secret prisonsystem because of a SupremeCourt ruling that cast doubton its legality.

Fewer than 100detainees, including sus-pected senior al Qaedamembers, were held in CIAsecret prisons over a periodof five years.

A smaller number were

subjected to what CIA officialsdescribe as “enhanced interro-gation measures.”

Critics said CIA methodsincluded techniques such assimulated drowning that

amounted to torture. Theagency also had been buffetedby media reports that CIAofficials refused to carry outinterrogations for fear of legalliability.— MNA/Reuters

Floods kill 15 in Bangladesh,thousands stranded

DHAKA, 23 July —At least 15 people havebeen killed in floods inBangladesh triggered byheavy monsoon rains overthe past three days andnearly half a millionstranded in their homes,officials said on Sunday.

Meteorologists saidover 100 mm (4 ins) of rainfell in northern areas overthe past 24 hours and severalrivers had burst their banks.

More than 770 peoplehave died as a result of thisyear’s monsoon seasonacross India, Pakistan,Bangladesh and Afghanis-tan.

Officials in Ban-gladesh said floods in riversin the south and easternparts of the country had leftnearly half a million peoplestranded in their homes.

More rains have beenforecast for the next few

days, the Dhaka weatheroffice said. Streets in thecapital were under knee-deep rain water.

The deaths weremostly from housecollapses and mudslides,officials said.


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Page 16: Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Russian Military ... · PDF fileSagaing, Myaung, Twantay Townships ... PDC and U Mya Oo of Pantanaw Township PDC accepted cash do- ... Sayadaw

10th Waxing of Second Waso 1369 ME Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

YANGON, 23 July— Concerning the sugges-tions of NC delegates on laying down of detailedbasic principles for the chapters “Amendment of theConstitution”, “State Flag, State Seal, National An-them and the Capital”, “Transitory Provisions” and“General Provisions” to be included in the StateConstitution, the collections of the Panel of Alter-nate Chairmen on the Chapters “Transitory Provi-sions” and “General Provisions” presented at thePlenary Session of the National Convention whichwas held at Pyidaungsu Hall of NyaunghnapinCamp in Hmawby Township, Yangon Division to-day will be published in the dailies.—MNA

Plenary Session of National Convention in progress at Pyidaungsu Hall in Nyaunghnapin Camp. — MNA

Collections of suggestionsto be published

YANGON, 23 July — The plenary session of theNational Convention continued at Pyidaungsu Hall inNyaunghnapin Camp, Hmawby Township, here, at 9 am.

The Panel of Alternate Chairmen presented col-lections of suggestions made by NC delegates onlaying down detailed basic principles for the chapters“Amendment of the Constitution”, “State Flag, StateSeal, National Anthem and the Capital”, “TransitoryProvisions” and General Provisions” to be included inthe State Constitution to the plenary session of theNational Convention.

Present on the occasion were National ConventionConvening Commission Chairman State Peace and De-velopment Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein andmembers, members of National Convention ConveningWork Committee, National Convention Convening Man-agement Committee Chairman Maj-Gen Lun Maung

Panel of Alternate Chairmen presentscollections of suggestions made by NC delegates

on laying down detailed basic principles forChapters “Amendment of the Constitution”,

“State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and theCapital”, “Transitory Provisions” and “GeneralProvisions” to be included in State Constitution

and members, chairmen and officials of sub-committees,delegates of political parties such as National UnityParty, Union Pa-O National Organization, Shan StateKokang Democratic Party, Mro (or) Khami NationalSolidarity Organization, Lahu National DevelopmentParty, Union Kayin League, Kokang Democracy andUnity Party and Wa National Development Party, repre-sentatives-elect of National Unity Party and Mro (or)Khami National Solidarity Organization, independentrepresentatives, delegates of national races from Kachin,Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan (South),Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, Sagaing,Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon andAyeyawady Divisions, delegates of peasants fromKachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan(South), Shan (North) and Shan (East) States, (See page 8)

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