Victorian Student Register System – User Guide for Providers Manual data entry Last updated 2 April 2020

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Victorian Student Register System – User Guide for Providers

Victorian Student Register System – User Guide for Providers

Victorian Student Register System – User Guide for Providers Version 1.6.0 Updated 2 April 2020

Manual data entry

Last updated 2 April 2020

Victorian Student Register System – User Guide for Providers

Authorised and published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment AuthorityLevel 7, 2 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne VIC 3000

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2020

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Related information1


Part 14

Introduction to the Victorian Student Register4

Information Collected by the VSR System4

Part 25

Preparation for becoming a VSR user5

Obtaining a User ID and Password5

Getting started5

Logging on to the VSR5


Part 37

Student Management for Provider Web Users7

Overview of Student Management Transactions7

Enrolling a Student8

What you must do before you start8

How to Enrol a Student8

For a student’s first enrolment at a Victorian school9

Outcomes of successfully enrolling a student at a Victorian school for the first time10

For a student with a previous enrolment at a Victorian school10

Outcomes of Successfully Enrolling a Student with a previous enrolment11

VSR Central Exceptions12

Changing a Student’s Details12

What you must do before you start12

How to Change a Student’s Details13

Outcomes of Successfully Changing a Student’s Details16

VSR Central Exceptions17

Exiting a Student from a Provider18

What you must do before you start18

How to Exit a Student from a Provider18

Outcomes of Successfully Exiting a Student from a Provider19

VSR Central Exceptions20

Cancelling a Student’s Enrolment20

What you must do before you start20

How to Cancel a Student’s Enrolment21

Outcomes of Successfully Cancelling a Student’s Enrolment22

VSR Central Exceptions23


Page i


This User Guide provides instructions to online users on how to maintain student movement and Victorian Student Number (VSN) information on the Victorian Student Register (VSR) System.

Related information

The screen displays in this document are based on version 1.6.0 release of the VSR application.


The following table contains definitions of terms used throughout this document.



Access Restriction

Provider designated indicator for signifying that a court order is in effect restricting access to the student by one or more persons.

Active VSN

An Active VSN is a VSN that has been nominated as the delegated VSN in a relationship of 2 or more VSNs. The other VSNs in the relationship are Suspended. See also Linked VSN.

Cancel Enrolment

Indicates that a student previously enrolled at a provider has not physically presented at the school for classes. Cancelling a student enrolment removes the record and the VSN from the VSR if there is only one participation record for the student.

Current Name

If a name change occurs a student’s participation record will show the Registered Name and the Current Name.

Enrolled Name

The name contained within a student’s participation record, usually the same as the Registered Name unless there has been a name change.

Enrolment Date

The date the provider deems the student has commenced with the provider.

Enrolment Record

Record that indicates a student’s participation at a provider and includes the enrolment date, exit date, enrolled Full Time Effective (FTE), enrolled first name, enrolled surname, access restriction, and provider student identifier. See also Participation Record.

Exit Enrolment

Indicates that a student previously enrolled has exited the school by transferring to another Victorian school or by leaving the Victorian education system.

Linked VSN

A Linked VSN is an Active VSN that has a relationship with one or more Suspended VSNs.

Participation record

This is created for a student when a provider sends an enrolment transaction to the VSR. See also Enrolment Record.


An educational service provider including:

schools (government, Catholic and independent),

non-school sectors

TAFE colleges

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)

Adult & Community Education (ACE) providers

home schooling (registered by VRQA).

The VSN/VSR project does not include universities or their students.

Provider Web User (On-line User)

A Provider Web user is authorised to access the Victorian Student Register via an online web page and to enter student data manually.

Removed VSN

A Removed VSN belongs to a student record which has been deleted from the VSR due to the cancellation of the only participation record for that VSN.

Registered Name

The name by which a student is initially registered on the VSR.

Student Details

Details about the student consisting of mandatory (M) and non- mandatory (NM) fields such as last name (M), first name (M), date of birth (M), and gender (M), middle name (NM).

Student Management Transaction

One of the following actions that can be performed by a Provider for a particular student, using the VSR System:

Enrol Student

Change Student Details

Exit Student

Cancel Enrolment.

Student Record

A Student Registration Record containing VSN, registered name, current name, date of birth and gender.

Success Summary

A Success Summary displays information regarding a successful transaction outcome. This summary will be displayed in green type.

Suspended VSN

A Suspended VSN is a VSN that has a relationship with an Active VSN, where the Active VSN is known as the Linked VSN.

Validation Error

This error occurs when data supplied to the VSR system does not meet mandatory or field length or data format requirements.

Validation Summary

A Validation Summary displays validation messages associated with Student Management Web Browser Processing faults on a web browser.


Victorian Student Number – A unique nine digit number assigned to a student from the Victorian Student Register system.


Victorian Student Register – The system required to support the assignment of VSNs.

VSR Central Exception

VSR Central Exceptions occur when specific processing rules for submitted data are not met. When a VSR Central Exception is raised it is brought to the attention of a VSR Operations Team Member for resolution.

Part 1

Introduction to the Victorian Student Register

This section introduces the Victorian Student Register (VSR) System.

Information Collected by the VSR System

The VSR System collects the following information about students:

Victorian Student Number (VSN)

First Name, Surname (mandatory) and Middle Name (non-mandatory) – known as the Registered names

Date of Birth

Gender (M, F or X)

Access Restriction

Deceased Status.

The VSR System collects the following information about enrolments:


Provider Student ID

Enrolled First Name, Last Name and Middle Name

Enrolment Date

Time Fraction at Enrolment

Exit Date.

For additional information refer to


Part 2

Preparation for becoming a VSR user

This section provides information to assist users in getting started with the application.

Obtaining a User ID and Password

In order to access the VSR, schools are required to complete a VSR Authorised User Form, which can be downloaded from the VSR website https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Documents/vsn/VSRAuthUser.pdf.

Alternatively, schools can email the VSR mailbox at [email protected] to request a copy of the authorisation form.

Once the form has been completed and endorsed by the Principal it should be scanned and emailed to the VSN Operations Team mailbox at [email protected].

A VSN Operations team member will create the Eduweb user account and an email containing your login credentials will be forwarded to the email address indicated on the request form.

Getting started

The VSR System web site can be accessed at the following location:


Logging on to the VSR

All Catholic school provider ID’s will commence with the same first 4 digits of 0201 followed by a four digit school code. All Independent school providers ID’s will commence with the same first 4 digits of 0202 followed by a four digit school code. The provider IDs for non-school VCAL providers start with 0205 followed by their school code. The provider IDs for RTOs (with students under the age 25) is 0304.

When you select the url for the VSR you will be asked for a user id and password. The Eduweb user ID consists of the prefix ‘VSR’ plus the 8 digit provider ID. You enter the Eduweb user id (eduweb\VSRXXXXXXXX ) and the password from the Eduweb:

Where XXXXXXXX is your provider id and ●●●●●●● is the password you have been issued.

Click [OK]

You should see the screen below:


When you need to move away from your computer, close the VSR web browser by clicking on the log out button on the top right hand corner of the VSR homepage.

Part 3

Student Management for Provider Web Users

This section provides details on how Provider Web Users can use the VSR System for the entry of student enrolment data via the web browser interface. Student Management Transactions are submitted to the VSR System by Providers on a one by one basis by manual entry of the student data.

Overview of Student Management Transactions

A Provider Web User can use the VSR System to perform the standard Student Management transactions expected of a provider:

Enrol student – enrol a student with the provider.

Change student’s details – change the details of a student’s enrolment with the provider, updating any of their

Student participation record – Enrolment date, Provider student ID,

Student registration record – Current First Name, Current Last Name, Current Middle Name, Date of Birth, Gender, and Access Restriction.

Exit student – record the exit date of an enrolment of a student with the provider.

Cancel enrolment – delete the participation record of a student with the provider.

A report is available listing all of the students currently registered on the VSR for a provider. The menu path for this report is: Reports → Student VSN. When this menu item is selected the following screen will be displayed:

To obtain a list of the students currently registered in the VSR for your school, click on the [Process Report] button. A list of students will be displayed. This list can be printed or extracted as a ‘csv’ file which can then be imported into MS Excel. To include any exited students place a tick in the box next to: ‘Display Exited Students’.

Enrolling a Student

This transaction indicates that the student has enrolled at your school on a particular date.

It may be the student’s first enrolment in the Victorian education system or may be transferring from another Victorian school.

If this is the student’s first enrolment in the Victorian education system then this transaction will assign the student a Victorian Student Number.

If the student is transferring from another Victorian school then, in all but extraordinary circumstances, this transaction will confirm their previously assigned Victorian Student Number.

What you must do before you start

You will need one of the following:

an enrolment form for the student – checked and verified using the school’s own processes against the student’s birth certificate or passport

a transfer note from the student’s previous school.

How to Enrol a Student

Choose Student Management -> Enrol Student from the left hand side menu.

The question ‘‘Has the student been enrolled in a Victorian educational institution before’?’ is used to identify if the student is already in the VSR System. If the system verifies that this is the student’s first enrolment at a Victorian school, then a new VSN will be assigned to them as a consequence of this enrolment.

There are three variations in the data combinations for this question:

If you answer YES and provide a VSN, then you know that the student has been previously been enrolled in a Victorian school and you have evidence of their VSN.

If you answer YES and do not provide a VSN, then you know that the student has been previously been enrolled in a Victorian school but you have no evidence of their VSN.

If you answer NO, you should not provide a VSN.

For a student’s first enrolment at a Victorian school

When you are confident that the student has not previously attended a Victorian school because you are aware that they have transferred from interstate or overseas or they are a prep student.

Enter the student’s enrolment details provided by the student on the enrolment form.

Select No for the question ‘’Has the student been enrolled in a Victorian educational institution before?’’

Leave the VSN field blank.

Leave the Previous Provider ID field blank.

The Provider Student Id is specific to the record keeping system used by the school. The example in the following success summary example is abc12345. You can leave this field blank.

You must enter the First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Gender, and the Enrolment date.

You can leave the Middle name field blank if the student does not have a middle name.

You can leave the Time fraction at Enrolment field blank.

You do not need to select for Access Restriction. The system will assume that there is no access restriction for this student record. If you select Yes, the VSR Central Administrative team will be alerted to there being a court order, or similar, on this student’s relationships. This will place additional safeguards around access to this student’s data on the VSR.

All fields marked by a * are mandatory. If any mandatory fields are left empty, or if information entered does not conform to the format requirements of each field, the user will be informed via validation messages.

Where • appears there will be one of the following messages:

Enrolled before is required.

Gender is required.

VSN is required, and must be a valid 9 character numeric value.

First Name is required and must have a length that does not exceed 30 characters.

Last name is required and must have a length that does not exceed 30 characters.

Date of Birth is required, and must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

Enrolment date is required, and must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

Enrolment Date is required, and must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy and must occur after the Date of Birth.

Outcomes of successfully enrolling a student at a Victorian school for the first time

The VSR System

A new VSN is generated for the student by the VSR System.

The First Name, Last Name, Middle Name (if provided), Date of Birth, Gender and Access Restriction are recorded against the student’s registration record.

The Provider Student ID, Enrolment Date and Time Fraction at Enrolment are recorded against the student’s participation record for the provider entering the data.

The provider

A message similar to the following will be displayed to the provider user:

What you must do to complete this enrolment

Note the VSN for the enrolled student in your school records. You are advised to print the screen.

Check the details entered for this student.

If not correct, you must change the incorrect information using the Change Student Details menu option.

If correct, move on to the next transaction.

For a student with a previous enrolment at a Victorian school

When you are confident that the student has previously attended a Victorian school:

Select Yes for the question ‘Has the student been enrolled in a Victorian educational institution before?’

If you know the VSN

Enter the VSN

Leave the Previous Provider ID field blank.

If you do not know the VSN

Leave the VSN field blank

Enter the Previous Provider ID – this can be done by searching for the school.

You must enter the First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Gender; and the enrolment date.If the Enrolment date precedes the Date of Birth you will be given a warning.

You can leave the Middle name field blank.

You can leave the Time fraction at Enrolment field blank.

You do not need to select for Access Restriction. The system will assume that there is no access restriction for this student record. If you select Yes, the VSR Operations Team will be alerted to there being a court order, or similar, on this student’s relationships. This will place additional safeguards around access to this student’s data on the VSR.

Outcomes of Successfully Enrolling a Student with a previous enrolment

The VSR System

If the VSN is supplied, and the VSN, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Gender match a single student registration record, then the First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Provider Student ID, Provider, Enrolment Date and Time Fraction at Enrolment will be recorded as the student’s new participation record.

If the VSN is not supplied, and the First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Previous provider ID match a single student registration record then the First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Provider Student ID, Provider, Enrolment Date and Time Fraction at Enrolment will be recorded as a new participation record for the matching record VSN.

No changes will be made to the student’s registration record.

The provider

A message similar to the following will be displayed to the provider user:

What you must do to complete this enrolment

Confirm that the VSN matches the VSN in your records. In the case where the VSN was not known take note of the VSN for the enrolled student. You are advised to print the screen.

Check the details entered for this student.

If not correct, you must change the incorrect information using Change student details.

If correct, move on to the next transaction.

VSR Central Exceptions

There will be cases where this message is displayed:

A VSR Central Exception occurs when the requested enrolment transaction cannot be completed by the VSR System, due to one of the following reasons:

If a VSN has been entered, and one or more of the First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth or Gender do not match with the VSN record stored in the Victorian Student Register.

If previous enrolment has been entered as ‘Y’ and a VSN has not been entered, and the First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Gender match multiple student registration records in the VSR System.

If the matching student registration record indicates the provided VSN is suspended.

If the matching student registration record indicates the student is recorded as deceased.

If the matching student registration record has an existing participation record for the provider without an exit date.

In these cases you will be contacted by telephone or email, by a VSR Operations Team member to resolve the problem. It would be helpful if you have the student’s enrolment form or transfer note and any other supporting documents readily available. If a change to a student’s date of birth is necessary you will be asked if you have sighted a copy of the student’s birth certificate form to verify the correct details.

Changing a Student’s Details

This transaction indicates that the student details or student enrolment details previously entered by you are not correct. Usually, this transaction will be used to correct the spelling of a name or, less frequently, to communicate that the student has changed their name. In some cases, this transaction indicates that the Date of Birth or gender has been found to be incorrect.

In extraordinary cases this transaction indicates that the gender of the student has changed.

What you must do before you start

You will need

Evidence of the new (correct) details

If a date of birth, you will be asked to confirm to the to the VSR Operations team member that you have sighted evidence of the correct date of birth (such as birth certificate).

If a change to the gender, you will be asked to provide evidence (such as birth certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages registry). Without a new birth certificate a student may have their record updated in the VSR to reflect a changed name and their gender recorded as ‘X’. This indicates that the student does not identify by their birth gender and has indicated a desire to change their gender. The VSR can only record gender descriptors as M, F, of X. If a student has legally changed their gender to another descriptor it will still be recorded as an X on the VSR.

All changes to a student’s date of birth or gender will result in an exception being generated.

How to Change a Student’s Details

Choose Student Management -> Change Student Details from the left hand menu:

Enter the student VSN into the field marked VSN and click on the ‘Retrieve Student Details’ button:

All the current student details will automatically populate the corresponding fields. The student’s current details should be used to verify that the correct student has been chosen according to the VSN specified.

New student details are to be entered into the section headed ‘Student New Details’ by typing over the information already pre-populated. When all the required changes have been made click on the submit button to save changes:

For example, only the First name might need to be changed but all mandatory fields are automatically pre-populated with the original student details.

Mandatory fieldsCurrent valueNew value


First NameMarjMark

Last NameSmithSmith

Date of Birth17/08/199917/08/1999


Only the first name will be updated.

The fields New Provider Student ID, New Enrolment Date and New Access Restriction fields, may be left blank if no change is required; the VSR System will update their values only if an entry is made.

The New Middle Name field, though optional, requires an entry if you wish to keep the existing middle name for the student.

Example 1

Mandatory fieldsCurrent valueNew value


First NameMarjMark

Last NameSmithSmith

Date of Birth17/08/199917/08/1999


Optional fields

Middle NameDavidDavid

Provider Student IDSMI06

Enrolment Date12/01/200501/12/2005

Access Restriction

The first name and enrolment date will be updated.

Example 2

Mandatory fieldsCurrent valueNew value


First NameMarjMark

Last NameSmithSmith

Date of Birth17/08/199917/08/1999


Optional fields

Middle NameDavid

Provider Student IDSMI06

Enrolment Date12/01/200501/12/2005

Access Restriction

The first name, enrolment date and Middle Name will be updated.

NOTE: The New Middle name will be blank.

Example 3

Mandatory fieldsCurrent valueNew value


First NameMarjMark

Last NameSmithSmith

Date of Birth17/08/199917/08/1999


Optional fields

Middle NameDavidDaniel

Provider Student IDSMI06

Enrolment Date12/01/200501/12/2005

Access RestrictionY

The first name, enrolment date, Middle name and access restriction will be updated.

Example 4

Mandatory fieldsCurrent valueNew value


First NameMarkAmanda

Last NameSmithSmith

Date of Birth17/08/199917/08/1999


Optional fields

Middle NameDavidDeborah

Provider Student IDSMI06

Enrolment Date12/01/200512/01/2005

Access Restriction

The first name, middle name and gender will be updated.

If any mandatory fields are not entered, or if information entered does not conform to the format requirements of each field, the user will be informed via validation messages.

Where • appears there will be one of the following messages:

New Name is required

New Gender is required

New Date of Birth is required, and must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

NOTE that you may also receive the following messages but only if you have entered data for these fields, i.e. the data is NOT required but if entered must be the correct format and length

New Enrolment Date must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

Outcomes of Successfully Changing a Student’s Details

The VSR System

Depending on the changes requested

1. The Date of Birth and Gender are updated in the student’s registration record after confirmation with the VSR Operations team.

2. The Access restriction is updated in the student’s registration record.

3. The Enrolled First Name, Enrolled Last Name, Enrolled Middle Name and Gender will be updated against the student’s participation record. If you chose not to enter a New Middle Name then this will be blank for the student’s participation record for your school.

4. The Provider Student ID and Enrolment Date will be recorded against the student’s participation record for your school.

The provider

A message similar to the following will be displayed:

What you must do to complete this change details transaction

You are advised to print the screen as a record of this student’s current VSR status.

Check the details changed for this student.

If not correct, you must change the incorrect information using Change student details.

If correct, move on to the next transaction.

VSR Central Exceptions

There will be cases where this message is displayed after you have changed the details for a student:

A VSR Central Exception occurs when the requested change transaction cannot be completed by the VSR System, due to one of the following reasons:

If the student registration record identified by the VSN does not exist on the VSR System.

If the student registration record identified by the VSN is suspended and any linked VSN does not have a participation record with the provider.

If the student registration record identified by the VSN indicates that the student is deceased.

If a new Date of Birth or a new Gender is requested. Direct updates to the Date of Birth and/or Gender by a Provider user are not permitted. Where a change has been requested for a Date of Birth or Gender you may be asked to provide proof to the VSR Operations Team of the correct Date of Birth or Gender for the student. The Date of Birth and Gender form an integral part of the Registration record and cannot be changed readily.

If the student does not have an active participation record at your school.

In these cases you will be contacted by telephone or email, by a VSR Operations team member to resolve the problem. It would be helpful if you have supporting documents (such as birth certificates or enrolment forms) readily available.

Exiting a Student from a Provider

This transaction indicates that the student that you have previously enrolled has exited the school by transferring to another Victorian school or by leaving the Victorian education system.

In the extraordinary case where a student dies during their period of enrolment at your school then this should be placed on the student registration record using the exit student transaction.

What you must do before you start

You will need evidence that the student has exited the school.

How to Exit a Student from a Provider

Choose Student Management -> Exit Student from the left hand side menu:

Enter the student VSN into the field marked VSN and click on the ‘Retrieve Student Details’ button:

All the current student details will automatically populate the corresponding fields. The student’s current details should be used to verify that the correct student has been chosen according to the VSN specified.

Enter the exit date in to the field headed ‘Exit Date’ and click on submit. This will be the last day of the student’s attendance at the school. The exit date cannot be more than 30 days in the future, but can be the date of the day of data entry.

If the student has died, then select the box to the right of the question ‘Is this student deceased?’ otherwise leave the box blank.

If any mandatory fields are not entered, or if information entered does not conform to the format requirements of each field, the user will be informed via validation messages:

Where • appears there will be one of the following messages:

VSN is required, and must be a valid 9 character numeric value.

Exit date is required, and must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

Outcomes of Successfully Exiting a Student from a Provider

The VSR system

1. An exit date will be recorded against the participation record identified by the VSN and provider.

2. If the ‘Is this student deceased?’ box is selected, then the student registration record identified by the VSN will be updated to indicate that the student has died.

The Provider

A message similar to the following will be displayed:

What you must do to complete this transaction

You are advised to print the screen for a record of the student’s current VSR status.

Check that this is the correct student to have their enrolment at your school terminated.

If this is not the correct student then re-enrol the student using the Enrol student function.

If this is the correct student then proceed with the next check.

Check that the exit date is correct.

If this is not the correct exit date then contact the VSR Central team through the DEECD Service Desk.

Check that the Student is deceased information is correct – this will usually be ‘False’.

If this deceased information is not the correct then contact the VSR Operations Team.

If the exit date and deceased information is correct then proceed with the next transaction.

VSR Central Exceptions

There will be cases where this message is displayed:

A VSR Central Exception occurs when the requested exit student transaction cannot be completed by the VSR System, due to one of the following reasons:

If the Date of Birth or Gender do not match the VSN on the student registration record.

If the student registration record does not exist on the VSR System.

If the student registration record identified by the VSN is suspended and any linked VSN does not have a participation record with the provider.

If the student does not have an active participation record at your school.

If the exit date is prior to the enrolment date for the provider.

Cancelling a Student’s Enrolment

This transaction is not to be confused with exiting a student.

Cancelling a student enrolment removes the record and the VSN from the VSR if the student has only one participation record.

This transaction indicates that the student that you have previously enrolled has not physically presented at the school for classes. The transaction indicates that your school has had no teaching contact with the student. If a student actually attended classes, even for a short time, the student must be exited and not cancelled.

What you must do before you start

You will need evidence that the student has never presented at the school. This could be:

A written instruction from the Principal or their delegate

Record from parent indicating that the student will not attend.

How to Cancel a Student’s Enrolment

Choose Student Management -> Cancel Enrolment from the left hand menu.

Enter the student VSN into the field marked VSN and click on the ‘Retrieve Student Details’ button. All attempts to Cancel a student’s participation record by a school will cause an exception to be created which must be resolved by one of the VSN team members:

All the necessary student details will automatically populate the corresponding fields. The student’s current details should be used to verify that the correct student has been chosen according to the VSN specified.

Once you are certain the correct students details match the VSN click on the submit button and the student participation record at your school will be cancelled:

All fields marked by a * are mandatory. If any mandatory fields are not entered, or if information entered does not conform to the format requirements of each field, the user will be informed via validation messages:

Where * appears

VSN is required, and must be a valid nine-character numeric value.

Before the transaction completes, a confirmation message will be displayed:

Check that the identified student is the one that has not presented for classes.

If this is the student and you wish to proceed with the transaction then select ‘Confirm’ to continue with the transaction – this will cancel the enrolment at your school for the selected student.

If this is not the student and you wish to select another student then select ‘Modify’ – this will return you to the cancel enrolment screen where you may select another student.

If you do not wish to proceed with the transaction then select ‘Cancel’. This will return you to the home page of the VSR, and you may proceed with any other transaction or you may end your session by clicking on the log out button.

The student details and the specified VSN will be used to verify that a student with these details and VSN exists and that the student has a participation record at your school.

Outcomes of Successfully Cancelling a Student’s Enrolment


1. The participation record identified by the VSN and the provider requesting the cancel enrolment will be removed from the VSR System.

2. If there are no other participation records against the student registration record and VSN or a suspended VSN linked to the registration record, then the registration record will also be removed from the VSR System. A Removed VSN is not reusable by other enrolments.

(Refer to the Glossary for definitions of Linked VSN, Suspended VSN, Active VSN and Removed VSN).

The Provider

A message similar to the following will be displayed:

What you must do to complete the transaction:

You are advised to print the screen as a record of the student’s current VSR status.

Check again that this is the correct student to have their enrolment at your school cancelled.

If this is not the correct student then re-enrol the student using the Enrol student function.

NOTE; If the VSN was removed from the VSR system (see above) then the re-enrolled student will be given a new VSN as Removed VSNs are not reusable and cannot be retrieved.

If this is the correct student then proceed with the next transaction.

VSR Central Exceptions

There will be cases where this message is displayed:

A VSR Central Exception occurs for all requested cancel enrolment transactions alerting the VSN Operations Team who will contact you to check this is a genuine cancellation of enrolment. Cancellation of enrolment removes the student participation record for your school. If a student only has one participation record the VSN will also become void and unable to be resurrected at a new school.


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