Video Games The Pros/Cons By: Justin Cheng

Video Games The Pros/Cons

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Video Games The Pros/Cons. By: Justin Cheng. Positives of Video Games. Teamwork Education on Technology Many small lessons in different games Quick Reflexes and Simple Strategy Determination A way to escape reality. Negatives of Video Games. Isolates people from the social world - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Video Games The Pros/Cons

Video GamesThe Pros/ConsBy: Justin Cheng

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Positives of Video Games


Education on Technology

Many small lessons in different games

Quick Reflexes and Simple Strategy


A way to escape reality

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Negatives of Video Games

Isolates people from the social world

Takes people away from reality

Wastes countless hours of precious time in the Real world

Can affect work and school progress

Can take over your life in a bad way

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The Question

Should video games be considered detrimental to society’s social growth in young kids to adults?

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Video games should be considered as a beneficial tool to help troubled people get through life’s struggles.

(Regardless of the negatives that video games can cause, people need to realize that video games is very beneficial tool to helping people live happy lives.)

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The Arguments

Video on video game rehab in Korea, (shows how video game addiction is considered a major problem, a “Psych Disorder”)

Video games take people away from the reality of the real world. (getting hooked on games to a point where your life’s duty becomes playing video games)

How video games can affect one’s school and work to a point where they affect their future.

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Video Game Addiction Rehab video

Talks about the negatives of video games and how it can cause a psychological disorder of video game addiction.

My Refute- Video game addiction can be a serious problem when it goes to far, I’m not disagreeing with that, but I don’t think it’s possible for everyone to have such a strong case of video game addiction. It depends on that person, and how they can overcome it, and I’m pretty sure that only a small percentage of people can or have been through a video game addiction that strong.

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Video Game Addiction

Sure, addiction is bad, but is it a psychological disorder like it’s defined? Only a few percentage of people suffer from severe video game addiction, and the rest are doing it for fun.

My opinion here is that video game addiction isn’t really an addiction, it’s simply something we like to do a lot. It shouldn’t be treated as an illness like in Korea, because I think they’ve over thinking it.

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Video Games and its Affect on Work and School

As a lot of parents and teachers would say, to lay off the video games and concentrate more on work, I beg to differ. Video games were simply something kids and myself did to find something to do instead of homework because it was the most fun thing available.

Even if we couldn’t play games, we would probably find something else to do besides homework.

However, it could turn serious to a point where people skip work and school for games which I have seen before.

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Video Game Addiction cont.

Until recently, Gamer Syndrome was considered by many to be of little impact in a sociological context, recent evidence however contradicts this.  A study done by the Medical Research Center for Game Addiction found that more than 40% of youth were experiencing video games, furthermore, of these 40%, roughly 9% were beginning to show negative effects outside of their homes. These 9% were losing jobs, receiving less than satisfactory grades in school, and some even resorted to crime to support their gaming habits. –Gamersyndrome.com

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Video on Video Game Addiction
