ECOTOURISM IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Tourism is an activity where people travel away from their usual home in purpose of either recreational, leisure or business. Tourism evolves after six decades and eventually helped economic sector growth globally (UNWTO, 2012).

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Tourism is an activity where people travel away from their usual home in purpose of either recreational, leisure or business. Tourism

evolves after six decades and eventually helped economic sector growth globally (UNWTO,


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• Most of the tourist that travel are those who with purposes of leisure, recreation and holidays with statistics shown 51% in 2011 (UNWTO, 2012). In Brunei Darussalam, statistics show that there were 157 tourists in 2009, 214 tourists in 2010 and increased to 242 tourists in 2011 (UNWTO, 2012). There is slight increase in the number of tourist arrival.

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• Today, Brunei does not only focus on its oil and gas industry, but it also diversifies its economy from certain income such as tourism. Ecotourism is tourism in purpose of going to natural environments, usually in a small quantity number of tourist

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• . The focus of ecotourism has made a lot of changes in the tourism industry and the nature itself. This essay will discuss about the importance of ecotourism and the solutions to improve ecotourism. It is also to discuss the consequences of sustaining ecotourism.

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• Ecotourism is very important because it plays a role in both the socio-economy and the environment of a country for instance in Brunei. Economically, even though tourism is not the main source of income for Brunei, it acts as a catalyst to increase it.

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• . With that income, Brunei can spend the profit to improve infrastructures and transportations. Other than to gain income, it also helps to strengthen the bond of economic relation of Brunei with other countries as well as provide jobs to local people by applying their skills and at the same time, gain knowledge.

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• recognition for their environmental work at a local level” as what been said by Wayne Talbot (2012). Eventually, they are promoting their cultures and traditions. Another importance is towards the environment. Ecotourism is not only in purpose to visit the nature, it also gives the opportunity to see and experience what nature holds

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• . Not only that, slowly it educates people and gives knowledge of how important it is to sustain the environment with the fast growing global development.

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• Not only ecotourism benefits the local people by welcoming tourists, it also helps to promote ecotourism in Brunei to their country and eventually increase the number of incoming tourists to Brunei and promote ecotourism in their own country.

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• . It is important because the future generation will not have the same experience due to the loss of natural habitats of animal, flora and fauna.

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• There are several ways to improve ecotourism in Brunei. Firstly is through advertisement. It is the most effective way for promoting something such as ecotourism where the general public are aware and are well-informed.

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•With the help of technology such as internet can be access almost everywhere by everyone, it is easier to advertise through social networks such as Facebook

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• . These can attract tourists from different parts of the world even from within the country. Secondly is by improving public transportation. This can reduce the land space taken away for purpose of making parking lots. Not only that, the usage of private transport also can be reduced.

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• Thus, less carbon emitted, reduce traffic congestion and road renovations. Thirdly is by making more conservation.

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• By the term conservation, it means that not only conserving the rainforest, but also conserving the culture and tradition of certain ethnics groups from different area in Brunei. • By conserving, local people get the

benefits of having the opportunity of applying skills and knowledge.

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• Sustaining ecotourism has many consequences. There are both positive and negative impacts of sustaining ecotourism towards the natural environment.

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• The positive impacts towards the natural environment are that it may provide new foundation of animals, plants and insects that attracts scientists and students to conduct study and research.

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• . Another good impact is that people are aware of the importance of saving the natural environment. An effort has been done where in Tasek Merimbun, Butterfly Garden was officially opened on the 3rd July, 2012 where these can attract more people to visit. This can help the endangered species of insects such as butterflies to undergo rehabilitation process.

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• In theory, ecotourism seems like one of the best ways to promote tourism into the country thus helping to improve the economy and not depending too much on our main resources that is oil and gas.

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•However, having beauty does not come with without a price. As more tourist come, there might be out of control where it can exceed the limit of carrying capacity

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• . Carrying capacity is the optimum number of people over an area and technology can support thus can prove as negative effect.

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• . Other negative impacts of ecotourism towards the natural environment are that it can destroy the sensitive biodiversity of flora and fauna by altering and changing the environment to suit tourists.

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• It also can disturb the habitat of wildlife as they feel threatened by the tourists. This eventually makes them migrate to a new place where the animals are exposed to danger.

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• . Feeding wild animals in the reserves or conservation parks can be dangerous the animals due to unhealthy food and are not suitable for animals

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• Even if the tourists are not feeding them directly, wastes from tourists such littering and wastes are unavoidable and wild animals are prone to getting them first before the authorities get to clean the mess up.

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• Ecotourism is one way of improving the country's economy, social life and environment for it present and future .Ecotourism is a niche industry in Brunei Darussalam. The government and its locals must work together to improve and promote the industry as to outweigh its positive effects against the negative and to ensure that ecotourism is sustainable.