Vietnam War Review

Vietnam War Review

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Vietnam War Review. The charismatic leader of North Vietnam was named…. Ho Chi Minh. The South Vietnamese that sided with the communists were called __________. Vietcong. American troops entered Vietnam in what year?. 1965. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Vietnam War Review

Vietnam War Review

Page 2: Vietnam War Review

The charismatic leader of North Vietnam was named…

Ho Chi Minh

Page 3: Vietnam War Review

The South Vietnamese that sided with the communists were

called __________.


Page 4: Vietnam War Review

American troops entered Vietnam in what year?


Page 5: Vietnam War Review

What two foreign nations controlled Vietnam before the

Vietnam war began?

France, Japan

Page 6: Vietnam War Review

Under the French, Vietnam was called …

French Indochina

Page 7: Vietnam War Review

The fall of this city signified the end of French occupation.

Dien Bien Phu

Page 8: Vietnam War Review

Supplies for the Vietcong traveled from N. Vietnam along

the _________.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

Page 9: Vietnam War Review

What is the belief that if one country fell to communism

others would soon fall as well called?

The Domino Theory

Page 10: Vietnam War Review

This document gave LBJ full authority to do what he wished

in Vietnam.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Page 11: Vietnam War Review

Why were the elections of 1956 cancelled in Vietnam?

Because the Americans and South Vietnamese thought Ho Chi Minh would


Page 12: Vietnam War Review

What religion was Diem? He persecuted people of what


Catholicism; Buddhism

Page 13: Vietnam War Review

This major North Vietnamese offensive is often considered the

turning point of the war.

The Tet Offensive

Page 14: Vietnam War Review

These two cities experienced the most fighting during the Tet


Saigon, Hue

Page 15: Vietnam War Review

Peace agreements that settled both the Korean and French-

Indochina wars occurred in this city.


Page 16: Vietnam War Review

North Vietnamese and the Vietcong applied battle tactics categorized as __________



Page 17: Vietnam War Review

This document lessened the power of the President during


War Powers Act

Page 18: Vietnam War Review

Name the winners of the US elections of ‘64, ’68, and ’72.

Johnson, Nixon, Nixon

Page 19: Vietnam War Review

These two men were both assassinated in 1968.

Robert Kennedy, MLK Jr.

Page 20: Vietnam War Review

This third party candidate in the election of 1968 won 48

electoral votes.

George Wallace

Page 21: Vietnam War Review

What was the name of Johnson’s Vice President?

Hubert Humphrey

Page 22: Vietnam War Review

The Democratic National Convention of 1968 occurred in

what city?


Page 23: Vietnam War Review

Someone who supported immediate withdrawal from

Vietnam was called a _______.


Page 24: Vietnam War Review

The 1970 shooting of 4 college students occurred at this university in this state.

Kent State University, Ohio

Page 25: Vietnam War Review

National guards were posted on the Kent State campus after college students burned down the ROTC building as a response to what

action by President Nixon?

Invasion of Cambodia

Page 26: Vietnam War Review

A massacre occurred in this Vietnamese town.

My Lai

Page 27: Vietnam War Review

The Lieutenant that ordered this shooting was named…


Page 28: Vietnam War Review

These papers leaked to the NY Times in 1971 revealed that LBJ had twisted the truth regarding

the war.

Pentagon Papers

Page 29: Vietnam War Review

In Nixon’s 1969 speech urging America to unify in their ideas about the war, he appealed to

what section of the US population?

“The silent majority”

Page 30: Vietnam War Review

What is the name for the first sustained bombing attack on

North Vietnam that occurred in early 1965?

Operation Rolling Thunder

Page 31: Vietnam War Review

A supposed attack on this US ship, led to the Tonkin Gulf


U.S.S. Maddox

Page 32: Vietnam War Review

Why did LBJ decide not to run for president in 1968?

Did not want to deal with the war anymore or the party divisions it caused

Page 33: Vietnam War Review

Place the following events in chronological order: Tet Offensive,

Tonkin Gulf Resolution, My Lai Massacre, Battle in Ia Drang Valley

TG, Ia Drang, Tet, My Lai

Page 34: Vietnam War Review

The growing youth movement in the late 1960s was known as


New Left

Page 35: Vietnam War Review

Approximately how many men (to the nearest thousand) did

the US lose during the Vietnam War?


Page 36: Vietnam War Review

Who led American troops during the Vietnam War?

General William Westmoreland

Page 37: Vietnam War Review

Two American weapons dropped from planes that tried

to destroy the jungle cover, making Vietcong more visible.

Napalm, Agent Orange

Page 38: Vietnam War Review

Names of the two secretaries of defense under Johnson.

McNamara, Clifford

Page 39: Vietnam War Review

This individual did most of America’s negotiating with

Hanoi in hopes of ending the war.


Page 40: Vietnam War Review

This important new mode of transportation assisted the United States during the

Vietnam War.


Page 41: Vietnam War Review

The existence of _________ allowed the Vietcong to inflict many surprise attacks on the

Americans and ARVN.


Page 42: Vietnam War Review

What happened to the Great Society program in the US as the Vietnam War continued?

Lost money and funding, taxes had to rise to compensate but still couldn’t develop fully