Life, from our perspective, is the result of all the decisions we have made up to that point. Mostly. Sometimes, it is an agreement made between you and another party, perhaps before the world started. We have been making decisions for millions of year; eons. It is not necessarily rewards that we get for making good decisions, but it is most definitely punitive if we choose to make bad or evil decisions. 98% of people alive in the free world today will avoid conflict. We won’t argue openly with our boss. We will take a punch or a slap and refuse to hit back. We will live in a relationship we know we should be free to walk away from, but we stay. Sometimes events happen that break us apart like the other party no longer sees a challenge or received gratification in owning you emotionally, so they kick you out. You cry, but inside you rejoice and remember what it feels like to fly instead of peck for crumbs along the ground, because you feel that is all you deserve. Or perhaps you find solace in the solitude of emotional estrangement and security in the economics of the relationship and the knowledge that somehow you have pleased God or the universe by faithfully submitting your time here on Earth to another. 2% of the people will not avoid conflict. They run headlong into it for various reasons. Mostly, they see that the other 98% of the people will just kneel, put their hands behind their back, bow their heads and wait for the blade of judgment to slice it from their shoulders or to slam a piece of lead or steel into the biological transducer and end your horror on this planet. Some seek it for other reasons. Some seek conflict out of an inner drive to rescue others from the victimhood to which they are being subjected. We might say that there is hero violence, and there is villain violence. The villain gets satisfaction out of watching others suffer and die at their hand, and the hero gets satisfaction out of dealing justice to the villain. In my book, Remembering the Future, I discuss the peace, mercy justice, war cycle mankind seems endlessly to repeat. This does

Web viewLife, from our perspective, is the result of all the decisions we have made up to that point. Mostly. Sometimes, it is an agreement made between you and

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Page 1: Web viewLife, from our perspective, is the result of all the decisions we have made up to that point. Mostly. Sometimes, it is an agreement made between you and

Life, from our perspective, is the result of all the decisions we have made up to that point. Mostly. Sometimes, it is an agreement made between you and another party, perhaps before the world started. We have been making decisions for millions of year; eons. It is not necessarily rewards that we get for making good decisions, but it is most definitely punitive if we choose to make bad or evil decisions.

98% of people alive in the free world today will avoid conflict. We won’t argue openly with our boss. We will take a punch or a slap and refuse to hit back. We will live in a relationship we know we should be free to walk away from, but we stay. Sometimes events happen that break us apart like the other party no longer sees a challenge or received gratification in owning you emotionally, so they kick you out. You cry, but inside you rejoice and remember what it feels like to fly instead of peck for crumbs along the ground, because you feel that is all you deserve. Or perhaps you find solace in the solitude of emotional estrangement and security in the economics of the relationship and the knowledge that somehow you have pleased God or the universe by faithfully submitting your time here on Earth to another.

2% of the people will not avoid conflict. They run headlong into it for various reasons. Mostly, they see that the other 98% of the people will just kneel, put their hands behind their back, bow their heads and wait for the blade of judgment to slice it from their shoulders or to slam a piece of lead or steel into the biological transducer and end your horror on this planet.

Some seek it for other reasons. Some seek conflict out of an inner drive to rescue others from the victimhood to which they are being subjected. We might say that there is hero violence, and there is villain violence. The villain gets satisfaction out of watching others suffer and die at their hand, and the hero gets satisfaction out of dealing justice to the villain.

In my book, Remembering the Future, I discuss the peace, mercy justice, war cycle mankind seems endlessly to repeat. This does not hold true for the individual. Individuals have deep planted memories and scripts from thousands of existences, mortal or immortal, that make us who we are. While we are mortal, and only while we are mortal, we can erase script and write new script for who we are and what we are capable of doing. The trick is to become aware that your are following a script in the first place, and not just aimlessly wandering over a blank sheet of paper each day. Once you figure that out, then a little training on how to develop and write new script can be taught to you. There are countless shamans and teachers out there trying to do this for you, but few there be that actually know what is on the other sides of mortality. If I ever developed a workshop for mortals who want to remember eternity, I think people might benefit from it. Right now, I choose to build electric cars.

We all think we seek peace, so let’s start there in the cycle. Conflict is over. Rebuilding of society begins, and there is usually what seems like an endless amount of work to do for roads, bridges, schools, water, and health care. Oh, that this was actually the case, but actually this work is accomplished in about 50 to 75 years, usually in most societies.

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Unfortunately, the infrastructure and value we placed upon these things in the beginning create entrenched bureaucracies that internally wish to keep on existing. From top to bottom the internal members of that bureaucracy feel no remorse in burdening the rest of society with the support and continual expansion of a workforce 400% or 4000% larger than is needed. They will, in effect, dig or design their own potholes, just so that the crews have something to do at all times.

We are merciful and give them larger and larger budgets to keep their road and bridge machine going. We tax our people higher and higher so that the bureaucrats’ lobbying for building, or fixing, or tearing down, or redesigning to overcome some traffic prediction that was wrong when it was originally built will be satisfied and they will allow our municipal leaders to keep their jobs. Voters are easily swayed by the negative press about someone who is killed by driving too fast around a curve, or losing control after hitting a pothole.

Then the people discover, one way or the other, that the bureaucrats have been stealing from them for decades. They charged too much for work that wasn’t done, or they built a road to nowhere just to make a politician’s worthless land worth millions. Then the people demand justice. Or perhaps it is a gang, or an activist group, or a foreign power that is envious or wants to control the world, or simply wants their gods worshipped no matter what. Maybe the enemy feels that sitting around the supper table at night with more to eat that some villages have to eat is wrong, or that lying by the pool with your top unstrapped to make sure there is no tan line is evil and punishable by death because it tempts them. Or maybe your belief in Jesus drives them crazy with rage.

At first, it is police that we hire to keep the laws upheld and peace in the society maintained by removing the bad people from our streets. Then we need smarter, better trained police to catch smarter evil that steals on a larger and more nefarious scale. Then we need organized forces to repel invasions or to deter that idea that society is easily invaded and scooped of everything that is good and precious that society has built. And then the day comes that these forces must fight in war to reach victory and to make the enemy disappear or surrender. And the war is fought against every instinct we have inside of us. We kill, when we do not want to. We bomb simply to demoralize. We turn the enemy into animals or numbers in our mind so that we do not have to think about the pain and the death or real humans at our hands. Our bodies are wounded, and our souls are scarred forever.

And then, there is peace again. The smoke clears. The enemies go home and are forgiven. The creeds are reformed so that this never happens again. The bodies are buried and roads and schools are named after the heroes or the victims. The cemeteries are crafted to illicit remorse by all who visit with the inner message that this must never happen again, and how did we ever let it come to this. The planes are parked and the bombs are restacked somewhere deep underground, just in case. The men in uniform go home, mostly. Some stay and show the world that we are strong and that no one better dare to try this again, and to ask society for more money so that

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better weapons can be designed to make man more lethal and soldiers are renamed warfighters so that the world knows we have the terrible ability and constrained willingness to fight. After all, there is so very much money that can be made during war. Even from a desk in Washington, far from the danger, and the noisy chaos, and the smell. Smell is such a powerful memory, we can dream ourselves into a drenching cold sweat sometimes.

The Great Climate Change Caper

Chairman of the House Committee on Space, Science and Technology, has written to Professor Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University, in Virginia, requesting that he release all relevant documents pertaining to his activities as head of a non-profit organization called the Institute of Global Environment And Society.

Congressman Lamar Smith has two main areas of concern.

First, the apparent engagement by the institute in “partisan political activity” – which, as a non-profit, it is forbidden by law from doing.

Second, what precisely has the IGES institute done with the $63 million in taxpayer grants which it has received since 2001 and which appears to have resulted in remarkably little published research?

For example, as Watts Up With That? notes, a $4.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to one of the institute’s offshoots appears to have resulted in just one published paper.

But the amount which has gone into the pockets of Shukla and his cronies runs into the many hundreds of thousands of dollars. In 2013 and 2014, for example, Shukla and his wife enjoyed a combined income in excess of $800,000 a year.

Steve McIntyre, the investigator who shattered Michael Mann’s global-warming ‘Hockey Stick’ claim, has done a detailed breakdown of the sums involved. He calls it Shukla’s Gold.

In 2001, the earliest year thus far publicly available, in 2001, in addition to his university salary (not yet available, but presumably about $125,000), Shukla and his wife received a further $214,496  in compensation from IGES (Shukla -$128,796; Anne Shukla – $85,700).  Their combined compensation from IGES doubled over the next two years to approximately $400,000 (additional to Shukla’s university salary of say $130,000), for combined compensation of about $530,000 by 2004.

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Shukla’s university salary increased dramatically over the decade reaching $250,866 by 2013 and $314,000 by 2014.  (In this latter year, Shukla was paid much more than Ed Wegman, a George Mason professor of similar seniority). Meanwhile, despite the apparent transition of IGES to George Mason, the income of the Shuklas from IGES continued to increase, reaching $547,000 by 2013.  Combined with Shukla’s university salary,  the total compensation of Shukla and his wife exceeded $800,000 in both 2013 and 2014.  In addition, as noted above, Shukla’s daughter continued to be employed by IGES in 2014; IGES also distributed $100,000 from its climate grant revenue to support an educational charity in India which Shukla had founded.

The story began last month when, as we reported at Breitbart, twenty alarmist scientists – led by Shukla – wrote a letter to President Obama urging him to use RICO laws to crush climate skeptics.

Shukla’s second big mistake was to send the letter not from his university address but from his non-profit, the IGES.

But his first, far bigger mistake, was his hubris in organizing the letter in the first place. It drew the attention of Shukla’s critics to something which, presumably, he would have preferred to keep secret: that for nearly 14 years, he, his family and his friends have been gorging themselves on taxpayers’ money at IGES; and that this money comes on top of the very generous salary he receives for doing much the same work at George Mason University (GMU).

It’s the latter detail which has led former Virginia State Climatologist Pat Michaels – one of the skeptics who might have been affected by Shukla’s proposed RICO prosecutions – to describe this as “the largest science scandal in US history.”

Under federal law, state employees may not be remunerated for doing work which falls under their state employee remit. As a Professor at GMU, Shukla is definitely an employee of the state. And the work for which he has most lavishly been rewarding himself at IGES appears to be remarkably similar to the work he does at GMU as professor of climate dynamics.

If GMU was aware of these extra-curricular payments, then it was in breach of its own policy on “financial conflicts of interest in federally funded research.”

If it wasn’t aware of them, then, Shukla legally may be required to send half of that $63 million in federal grants to his employer, GMU.

For many readers, though, perhaps the biggest take-home message of this extraordinary story is: Who do these climate alarmists think they are?

Perhaps $63 million in federal grants is just peanuts if you’re gorging on the climate-change smorgasbord, but for most of the rest of us, that constitutes a serious sum of money. Especially when we know it is being taken from us in the form of taxes.

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Do they really feel under no obligation to spend it well?

Do they actually feel so sanctified by the rightness of their cause that they deserve to be immune from scrutiny or criticism?

And so what happens when the hammer is fashioned from false data and canonized saints of weather sweep their mighty hand over the map in the name of falling rain? Saturday in the GOP weekly address, Senate Republican Policy Committee chairman 

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY)59%

told the story of Wyoming residents Andy and Katie Johnson who built a state-government approved pond in their front yard that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) then ordered removed.

Barrasso said,  “The Johnsons now face fines for more than $37,000 every day until they remove the pond. This is what’s happened to government in America. It’s gotten so aggressive, so inflexible and so unyielding — and seemingly for so little purpose.”

Barrasso estimated that the Obama administration 2,500 new regulations over the last six years will cost the U.S. economy “a staggering $680 billion dollars.”

Barrasso said the Obama administration overreach, “includes things like irrigation ditches, isolated ponds — even low points in the landscape where water might collect after a heavy rain. The consequences of this new federal authority will be severe. Local land-use decisions will now be driven by Washington bureaucrats. And this new water rule is only one of thousands of regulations that Washington is churning out.”

He added, “What the administration won’t tell you is that both Republicans and Democrats in Congress oppose many of these regulations including the new rules on waters in the Untied States. Senators Joe Donnally (D-IN), Heide Heitkamp (D-ND), and Joe Manchin (D-WV) all Democrats joined us to change these water regulations. Yet common sense changes to all this rule making are being been blocked by the President and the liberal Democrat leadership in the Congress. Even the courts have dealt the Obama administration serious setbacks to its regulatory rampage. But by the time the courts finally act the damage is already done Those jobs are going and communities suffer.”

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would

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be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.

The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam (which it is). Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists. So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces?

After all, with Obama knowingly aiding al-Qaeda forces in Syria, how likely is it that he will use his “global police force” against actual Islamic jihadists? I suspect that instead, this global police force will be used to impose the blasphemy laws under the sharia (Islamic law), and to silence all criticism of Islam for the President who proclaimed that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

What is a global police force doing in our cities? This is exactly the abdication of American sovereignty that I warned about in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America. The Obama Department of Justice made it clear that it was exactly that when it distributed a press release last week announcing the “Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism.” In that press release, the DoJ complained that “while many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.”

So if the local and municipal effort to counter the euphemistic and disingenuous “violent extremism” is inadequate and hasn’t developed “systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale,” the feds – and the UN – have to step in. Thus the groundwork is being laid for federal and international interference down to the local level. “The Strong Cities Network,” Lynch declared, “will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration” – i.e., local dependence on federal and international authorities.

Lynch made the global (that is, United Nations) involvement clear when she added: “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

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This internationalist character was brought to the fore by the fact that the Strong Cities Network was launched on September 29 not at the White House or the Department of Homeland Security, or at the FBI headquarters or anywhere else that might be fitting for a national project, but at the United Nations.

Even more ominously, the DoJ press release says that the Strong Cities Network “will strengthen strategic planning and practices to address violent extremism in all its forms by fostering collaboration among cities, municipalities and other sub-national authorities.” Sub-national and international: the press release then quotes Governing Mayor Stian Berger Røsland of Oslo, Norway, a participant in the Strong Cities Network, saying: “To counter violent extremism we need determined action at all levels of governance. To succeed, we must coordinate our efforts and cooperate across borders. The Strong Cities Network will enable cities across the globe pool our resources, knowledge and best practices together and thus leave us standing stronger in the fight against one of the greatest threats to modern society.”

But what is that greatest threat, exactly? Remember, the DoJ presser says that the SCN will “address violent extremism in all its forms.” It also says that it will aid initiatives that are working toward “building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.” “Building social cohesion” is a euphemism for keeping peace between non-Muslim and Muslim communities – mostly by making sure that non-Muslims don’t complain too loudly about, much less work against, rapidly expanding Muslim populations and the Islamization of their communities.

The DoJ presser noted that at the launch of the Strong Cities Network, “welcoming remarks” would be offered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City. The involvement of New York City’s Marxist internationalist mayor is yet another warning sign.

Assert American sovereignty and individual rights. Contact your representatives now. Exhort them to oppose SCN now. Exhort them to keep America free – while it still is.

Firearms Update

A University of Missouri business and corporate law educator who’s taught at the facility since 2002 has launched a lawsuit against the Columbia-based campus over its firearms’ ban, saying it’s unconstitutional and compromises the safety of innocents.

Royce de Barondes, who also teaches a class on firearms law, said he possesses “extensive knowledge and training on the lawful use and safe handling of a firearm,” and has a concealed carry permit, Fox News reported.

But the school still won’t let him carry on campus. So he filed a motion to change that policy.

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“[The gun ban makes] law-abiders more vulnerable to attack by law-breakers, [and] unlawfully and unconstitutionally violates plaintiffs’ individual rights to keep and carry a firearm for self-defense,” the suit, filed in late September, states.

Campus officials, contacted for comment Thursday – around the same time Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, was shooting and killing scores at a community college in Oregon, as WND reported – declined to comment on the suit.

“We do have a policy that allows students or guests to store firearms at a secure police facility on campus,” spokesman Christian Basi said to Fox News.

Barondes said that’s not good enough. He’s named university president Tim Wolfe as a defendant, and accused the school was violating both federal and state constitutional laws. Fox News found Missouri is one of 20 states with laws banning guns on campus.

When President Obama spoke in reaction to the heinous October 1 attack on Umpqua Community College, he went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested instead that America consider following the path blazed by Australia and Great Britain.

In the mid-1990s Australia and Great Britain both instituted what were virtually complete bans on firearm possession.

Obama referenced the bans thus:

We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings.  Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours.  So we know there are ways to prevent it.

And Obama is not the only one who suggested taking a gun-free approach to American life. The anti-Second Amendment message was also pushed by Slate, Vox, and Dan Savage.

For example, on October 1 Slate ran a story reminding readers that Australia enacted their gun ban in response to an attack on April 28, 1996, wherein a gunman “opened fire on tourists in a seaside resort in Port Arthur, Tasmania.” Thirty-five were killed and 23 others wounded in the attack. Twelve days later Australia’s government banned guns, period.

On October 2 Vox explained that Australia “confiscated 650,000 guns” via a “mandatory gun buyback” program which forced gun owners to hand their firearms over for destruction. Vox claims the result was that “murders and suicides plummeted’ and

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suggested such a path might be an option for America following “the murder of at least 10 people at Umpqua Community College.”

Vox did not mention that “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” began plummeting in America in the mid-1990s as well. But in America, the decrease in violent crime did not correlate with a gun ban but with a rapid expansion in the number of guns privately owned. The Congressional Research Service reported that the number of privately owned firearms in America went from 192 million in 1994 to 310 million privately owned firearms in 2009. Subsequently, the “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” rate fell from 6.6 per 100,000 in 1993 to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2000 and finally to 3.2 per 100,000 in 2011.

Fact: Forty states, comprising the majority of the American population, are "right-to-carry" states. Statistics show that in these states the crime rate fell (or did not rise) after the right-to-carry law became active (as of July, 2006). Nine states deny or restrict the right to carry.

Fact: Crime rates involving gun owners with carry permits have consistently been about 0.02% of all carry permit holders since Florida’s right-to-carry law started in 1988.

Fact: After passing their concealed carry law, Florida's homicide rate fell from 36% above the national average to 4% below, and remains below the national average (as of the last reporting period, 2005).

Fact: In Texas, murder rates fell 50% faster than the national average in the year after their concealed carry law passed. Rape rates fell 93% faster in the first year after enactment, and 500% faster in the second. Assaults fell 250% faster in the second year.

Fact: More to the point, crime is significantly higher in states without right-to-carry laws.

Fact: States that disallow concealed carry have violent crime rates 11%higher than national averages.

Fact: Deaths and injuries from mass public shootings fall dramatically after right-to-carry concealed handgun laws are enacted. Between 1977 and 1995, the average death rate from mass shootings plummeted by up to 91% after such laws went into effect, and injuries dropped by over 80%.

Fact: 100% of all mass shootings in the past 10 years have taken place in gun free zones. 100% of the time, the shooter’s activity only stopped after being confronted with armed resistance. 88% of the time, the shooter’s death was self inflicted. 5% of the time, the shooter is taken into custody alive, tried, and convicted. 7% of the time the shooter is killed by the armed resistance. In over 50% of the cases in the past 10 years,

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there has been a CCW permitted person in the victim zone, but was obeying the posted notice not to carry a weapon.

Fact:66% of police chiefs believe that citizens carrying concealed firearms reduce rates of violent crime.

Fact: The knowledge that the premise may have a trained, permitted, and armed person will deter a mass shooting. The presence of such a permitted person has been shown hundreds of times each year to have stopped illegal shootings before they become mass shootings, but these are not publicized by the main stream media. In an overwhelming number of cases, the only deaths in such shooting are the illegal shooters themselves.

New York Daily News: State Dept Must Designate the NRA a Terrorist Organization

On October 3–two days after a gunman killed 10 at the gun free facilities on the Umpqua Community College campus–the New York Daily News called for the U.S. State Department to designate the National Rifle Association (NRA) a “terrorist organization.”They based this request on their belief that national security faces a greater threat from armed citizens than from “foreign terrorists,” and they singled out the NRA as the bulwark preserving citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. They suggested, “The NRA should take its rightful place on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, because its influence is more of an immediate threat to the lives of our citizens than foreign terrorists.”

To be on the State Department’s list of designated terror organizations a group has to be state-sponsored for terrorism–which the NRA is not. Moreover, they do not exist for terrorist reasons. Rather, they exist to defend the civil liberties protected by the Second Amendment. Undaunted by these things, the NYDN simply declares the NRA a “terrorist group” and suggests it falls under the State Department’s purview by being “nearly-state sponsored.”

The NYDN added, “Although the NRA is not an officially state-sponsored organization it is the supporter of the state with its massive member and lobbyist donations to our elected officials.”

They remind readers that “murdered Americans killed by…lunatic gun slingers include terrified children calling for their mothers, teachers begging for the lives of their students, students

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begging for not just their own lives but the lives of their classmates, moviegoers looking for escape, bystanders cheering for athletes, athletes trying to be the best they can be as the worst we ever could have imagined struck them down in cold blood.”

No mention is made that the children, teachers, and students shot in schools were shot in gun free zones by gunmen who knew their victims could not return fire. Moreover, no utterance given to the fact that the NRA was a leading voice in calling for a change in the gun free policies following the heinous attack on Sandy Hook–they wanted laws changed so teachers could quit begging for their lives and start keeping a gun close at hand with which to defend their lives and the lives of their students.

On December 21, 2012–one week after the attack on Sandy Hook–the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre said;

…Politicians pass laws for Gun-Free School Zones. They issue press releases bragging about them. They post signs advertising them. And in so doing, they tell every insane killer in America that schools are their safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk.

How have our nation’s priorities gotten so far out of order? Think about it. We care more about our money, so we protect our banks with armed guards. American airports, office buildings, power plants, courthouses — even sports stadiums — are all protected by armed security.

We care about the President, so we protect him with armed Secret Service agents.

…Yet when it comes to the most beloved, innocent and vulnerable members of the American family — our children — we as a society leave them utterly helpless, and the monsters and predators of this world know it and exploit it. That must change now!

The NRA’s position is that faculty and students with concealed carry permits should have the option of being armed on campus so they can fight back. It is that simple.

WA State Gun Owners Out in Force

At the end of the rally, gun owners burned their concealed weapons permits and signed a petition vowing to refuse to follow the new gun control law. The petition ended with the text, “We pledge our blood. We will not comply.”

This certainly isn’t the first large scale act of civil disobedience by gun owners in defiance of gun laws. Earlier this year in Connecticut hundreds of thousands of gun owners refused to send in their gun registration forms, also becoming felons. Similar numbers of gun owners in New York have also refused to send in their registration paperwork and some even video taped themselves burning the forms.

Fed up with the passage of an 18½-page incoherent, rambling, unconstitutional gun control initiative that was bankrolled by billionaires, gun owners across Washington state held the largest felony civil disobedience rally in the nation’s history, brazenly titled “I Will Not

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Comply.” No one was hurt and no stores were looted. Between 1,000 and 3,000 lawful gun owners showed up openly armed at the state capitol in Olympia, Wash., on Saturday to defy the newly passed gun control law, I-594.

Organizer Gavin Seim made the extraordinary nature of the rally very clear, “This isn’t just a protest. We are here to openly violate the law.” Attendees publicly transferred their guns to each other in violation of I-591’s background check provisions, and some even bought and sold guns just a few feet away from law enforcement. A fire pit blazed throughout the rally, and at the conclusion, gun owners lined up to burn their concealed weapons permits. A petition nwas circulated affirming gun owners’ refusal to follow I-594, which ended with, “We pledge our blood. We will not comply.”

As the RSVPs in advance of the rally grew to over 6,000, the police – most who probably detest I-594 – decided not to enforce the law. The Washington State Patrol announced there would be no arrests for exchanging guns – not even for selling guns. Seim refused to obtain a permit to hold the rally, citing the right of people to peaceably assemble.

The rally could not be dismissed as fringe elements. Several lawmakers and lawmen spoke, including former Graham County Sheriff Richard Mack of Arizona, Washington State Rep. Elizabeth Scott (R-Monroe) and Rep. Graham Hunt (R-Orting), who sported an AR-15 during his speech. Mack advised gun owners engaging in civil disobedience to “put your sheriff next to you to keep it peaceful.” Scott defiantly explained in her speech, “I will not comply with I-594 because it is unconstitutional, unenforceable and unjust. It is impossible to enforce this law unless there is a police officer on every back porch and in every living room. So it will be enforced selectively.” She noted that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton said any law that violates the Constitution is not valid, and there is a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws.

Seim, a political activist and congressional candidate, wrote on his website, “Today I become an OUTLAW! Arrest me! I will NOT comply.” He led the rally peacefully, and at one point asked everyone attending to kneel with him in prayer. As he led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance, he stressed, “I am not pledging obedience to the government, it is to the Republic. We don’t ask for our rights, and we don’t negotiate for our rights. We will take America back.”

Another speaker explained what was happening this way, “We no longer consent nor comply.” Mike Vanderboegh, whose Three Percenter movement is modeled after the three percent of the colonists who fought in the American War of Independence, said that those at the rally are the resistance behind enemy lines. The resistance is also taking place in a handful of other states with strict gun control laws, where patriots are now smuggling in weapons illegally. Vanderboegh told attendees, “This is the tyranny the Founding Fathers warned us about. Tyranny can be voted into existence by a majority. We will not fire the first shot, but if need be, we will fire the last.”

Gun control zealots have finally gone too far. Gun owners are now discovering that the police in New York are using gun control laws to confiscate guns from family members within days after their owners pass away. Hundreds of thousands of gun owners in Connecticut and New York who failed to register their AR-15s earlier this year are now felons. Requiring the registration of

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guns or requiring background checks, as I-594 does, allows the government to compile a list of gun owners, which can be used later for confiscation.

If guns cause crime, then why wasn’t there a single mishap, considering there were 1,000 or so guns present and hundreds of violations of felony law taking place? Tellingly, Washington State Trooper Guy Gill beforehand, “”Most of these folks are responsible gun owners. We probably will not have an issue.” The truth is, the state capitol was probably the safest place in the state last Saturday.

Patriots have had enough. The Second Amendment is gradually being eroded, state by state, and gun owners are not going to lie down and give up their arms. A handful of billionaires and elitists in blue cities like Seattle do not respect the Constitution nor represent the vast majority of Americans. Another rally in Olympia is planned for January 15, and another one in Spokane on December 20. The Second Amendment Foundation, headquartered in Bellevue, intends to sue the state over I-594, and will be lobbying the legislature to get the law changed or repealed. Washington state is now ground zero for patriotic gun owners resisting tyranny, which is at a tipping point since law enforcement does not intend to enforce I-594. What happens next?

The Search for E.T.

Are humans alone in the universe? A majority of people, particularly guys, in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany say they believe that intelligent life is out there.

Fifty-six percent of Germans, 54 percent of Americans and 52 percent of people from the United Kingdom believe that alien life capable of communication lives somewhere among the stars, according to a new survey by the marketing research firm YouGov.

However, in the United Kingdom at least, people are slightly cautious about whether humans should reach out to E.T. Among U.K. respondents, 46 percent said a digital message should be sent into space in the hopes that it reaches intelligent aliens. Another 33 percent said no message should be sent, and 21 percent said they weren't sure. [7 Things Most Often Mistaken for UFOs]

Humanity has long wondered whether it is alone in the universe, and the search is on to find the answer. The SETI Institute in California, for example, uses radio telescopes to hunt for signals from alien civilizations.

In July, physicist Stephen Hawking backed two new projects for the search. The Breakthrough Listen project aims to use the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Parkes Observatory in Australia to listen for alien radio signals. The Lick Telescope in California will be on the lookout for light signals from lasers as part of that project. (Lasers are directed light beams that can travel relatively far, so there's a chance aliens might use them to get in touch.)

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The second project is called Breakthrough Message and is an international competition to draft a digital message to send to the stars. (The message won't necessarily be sent, but researchers say they hope the entries will spur thought and debate about how to communicate with aliens.)

Reaching out

Most people believe intelligent alien life lurks in the cosmos. [See full infographic]Credit: by Karl Tate, Infographics ArtistView full size image

Between those who say they believe in alien intelligence and those who say they aren't sure whether it exists, the alien nonbelievers are in the minority, according to the new YouGov survey. Only 12 percent of Germans, 22 percent of Americans and 20 percent of people from the United Kingdom said they do not believe intelligent aliens exist.

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The survey also asked E.T. believers why they thought aliens had not yet made contact. More than half (58 percent) said intelligent aliens are too far away to contact Earth. Fifty-seven percent agreed with the notion that human technology isn't advanced enough for people to reach out to E.T.  

Of the E.T. believers, 24 percent said that extraterrestrial life knows about Earthlings but chooses not to reach out. Seventeen percent said alien intelligence has already reached out, but governments have covered it up.

Men are more likely to believe in intelligent aliens than are women, and also more likely to say humanity should reach out. A majority of men (54 percent) said humans should try to contact aliens, while only 40 percent of women agreed.

Inside 'The Martian': Movie's Sleek Spacesuits Explained

The upcoming sci-fi film "The Martian" features many real-life technologies being developed to help put boots on the Red Planet, but the sleek spacesuits showcased in the movie were pretty much invented out of whole cloth.

Janty Yates, the costume designer for "The Martian," originally looked for inspiration to NASA's prototype Z1 and Z2 spacesuits. She worked with NASA officials and engineers, whom she described as "bend-over-backwards helpful." But in the end, she and her team came up with something new for the main spacesuit in "The Martian," which hits theaters Friday (Oct. 2) across the United States.

"We basically had to start from scratch," Yates told Space.com. "We would've loved to use NASA's designs, but in the end, we just couldn't do it."

A new Mars spacesuitSave 10% on these Mars Essentials. Use code: MARS10.Credit: Space.com Store

"The Martian" stars Matt Damon as NASA astronaut Mark Watney, who is stranded alone on Mars and presumed dead. Watney must use his ingenuity and engineering smarts to survive and let NASA know he's alive, so the agency can mount a rescue mission.

"The Martian" director Ridley Scott needed great visuals of Watney's face (as well as the faces of his crewmates) from a variety of angles, and the Z1 and Z2 — which both feature helmets that meld into the shoulder region of the suit — could not meet that requirement, Yates said.

"Ridley needed to see his actors in profile; he needed to see them moving their heads; he needed close-ups on the eyes," said Yates, who has worked with Scott repeatedly over the years. (She won an Oscar for her work on Scott's 2000 film "Gladiator.")

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Aesthetics were also an issue; Scott didn't find the Z-2 spacesuit visually striking enough, Yates said.

Yates worked with concept artists to draw up a variety of basic designs for the suit worn by Watney and his crewmates on the Martian surface, then presented them to Scott for approval. The body-hugging, black-white-and-orange suit showcased in the film emerged by process of elimination. (Interestingly, the movie's suit superficially resembles the Biosuit, a real space garment being developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.)

The costume-design team built the surface suit out of neoprene, the same material wetsuits are made of. The suits weigh a maximum of 15 to 20 lbs. (6.8 to 9.1 kilograms), though the actors wore heavy belts as well, Yates said.

Damon and the other actors wore "cooling suits" beneath their spacesuits — basically, shirts and pants outfitted with tubes through which cold water can be pumped. Such cooling measures were doubtless appreciated, because the cast often wore their spacesuits for 10 to 12 hours per day during shooting, Yates said.

The helmet was the most technically advanced part of the suit; it contained systems that pumped air in for the actors to breathe and also featured lighting and communications gear. But the movie suit's helmets were nowhere near as sophisticated as the equipment that real astronauts use, Yates said. 

"The helmet was only technical to the point that we needed it to function," she said. "Keeping people alive is the most technical aspect of our work."

Working with NASANASA officials and researchers served as advisers on "The Martian," which is based on the novel of the same name by Andy Weir. And the space agency has been helping to promote the film, as a way to get the word out about its own plans to send astronauts to Mars in the 2030s.

So, while NASA didn't come up with the surface suit featured in "The Martian," agency officials did approve the astronaut apparel.

"As we went along, we had to submit the designs for their approval," Yates said. "And they approved along the way, as did the [film's] art department."

"The Martian" features one other spacesuit in addition to the surface suit — a bulky white extravehicular activity (EVA) suit the astronauts wear in space. The film's EVA suit is modeled closely on the one NASA astronauts wear on spacewalks outside the International Space Station, Yates said.

"We kept that very much to NASA style, but we made it a lot more streamlined," she said.

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Yates said she's very grateful for the help and support NASA has provided, both during the making of the film and its promotion. The collaboration has been exciting for her personally as well.

"I was very lucky — I was able to go to JPL," Yates said, referring to the space agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "That was probably the best day of my life."

The ISIS TV Show and the Mysterious Western Producers

In case anyone is not paying full attention to the events in Syria you may want to pay close attention now, our future may depend on it. Those of you who made it to the theater and saw the movie 2016: Barack Obama’s America, will recall at the very end of the movie a large world map with red lines being animated, drawn around certain countries to form what Author, Director, and Producer Dinesh D’Souza called the Islamic State, complete with its caliphate. Not too deep in the organization, because she dines at the president’s table almost nightly, is Valerie Jarrett. She is Iranian born and has been working directly with Iran for many years to develop this global presence. She also worked at the head of the negotiations while Hillary was buffooning her way around the world raising money for her billion-dollar foundation, to lift the sanctions and free up hundreds of billions in frozen Iranian oil money. Don’t be surprised if some of that money ends up in the new billion-dollar Obama trust account set aside to own the largest presidential palace and library.

Many truth seekers are aware that Russia recently grabbed the bull by the horn and took firm, real action against ISIS by the starting definitive bombing campaigns and coalescing the aid of other nations that want to see the end of the ISIS psyop.  We’re not talking about the play acting dozen or so daily airstrikes the US makes against empty buildings or broken down trucks along the side of the road. We’re talking about loaded air-to-ground jets dropping cluster bombs that level city blocks. And not just a few dozen a day. Hundreds of strikes a day and all night, using ground intel to find and paint the target.

ISIS of course is the globalists proxy army/terror group which the U.S. and Israel need to have succeed in order for their Middle East and ultimately their new world order plans to continue marching forward. The West does not want Russia to complete its alliance with Assad and begin laying the world’s richest gas pipeline that will give Russia control of the throttle for most of Europe’s heat and factory production. Behave yourself, and you get plenty of natural gas at a competitive price. Start attacking Russia like you have for the past two years, freezing bank accounts, crashing currencies, and glutting oil production to drop the price to less than $50 a barrel, and Russia will be in position to make a few turns on the gas supply valve, or raise the price.

This clear cut aggressive action against the ISIS globalist terror group is dealing a direct blow to the Neocon’s and Zionist’s ‘Project for a new American Century’ (PNAC) pre-9/11 strategy for takeover of the Middle East and the world. Let’s be clear, ISIS or the Islamic State has been exposed over and over again as a creation of the West since CIA’s mainstream media started pushing this particularly annoying ongoing super psyop on the world in 2014. Just go see Dinesh D’Souza’s movie if you doubt the plan at all. Why do you think Obama refuses to call them

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ISIS, and uses the ISIL term, meaning the area containing the sovereign state of Israel, which is slated for extermination in Obama’s new Islamic State. Over the past year, over and over again we’ve seen the reports, admissions, videos and documents proving that ISIS is a tool for the new world order. This one is owned by the Suny Muslims. Is scares the hell out of the Shia Muslims like Saudi Arabia.

Don’t look now, but it was just last year right around this time of year (September-October 2014) that the western mainstream media had politicians, terrorism “experts” and advisors on TV 24/7 talking about how dangerous ISIS was and how certain they were that ISIS was coming to attack a U.S. city 9/11 style. Everyone that understands what happened on 9/11 was cringing at the prospect of another Neocon/Zionist orchestrated monster false flag attack on innocent Americans using their ISIS proxy army just so they can extinguish any hint of any possible remaining freedoms from us and get their new world order. For this reason many of the alternative media, like Webcast talk radio, has been monitoring this propaganda scaremongering psyop and hoping something changes to turn the tides of events. Well the tides have turned and that change is apparently here even if we don’t know what the end result will be. Know this. Russia has a plan, and there is a good chance that if they get anywhere close to following through, it mean the end of ISIS; the end of the Obama plan to form the new Islamic State he wants.

Apparently thanks to the globalist sloppiness with the ISIS psyop from green-screen fake beheading videos (ironically fully exposed to the world by Russian hackers), to staged Iraqi city takeovers like occurred in Mosul where 30.000 fully trained and armed Iraqi soldiers were told to not fight back against a measly few hundred ISIS fighters. Why do they only kill Muslims and journalists? Why do they not kill jews, which apparently is their stated purpose in life?

The end result? ISIS takes over Mosul and takes over whole parking lots of perfectly operational U.S. military weapons, tanks, jeeps, and trucks. They take over oil fields and find ready markets for their oil. No one stops their money from clearing the bank. How convenient, huh? We saw the same ironies and suspicious behavior in the 2015 later so called fall of Ramadi. The importance of the proxy army takeover of both of these cities was remarkably nearly prophesied in U.S. government documents back in 2012. All of this just adds to a long list of ISIS exposed items over the last 9-12 months. ISIS shows up with pitchforks and clubs and AK-47’s, and trained armies take off their new uniforms and run under the burkas of their women and are never heard from again.

Throughout the world many people have been taking in this abundance of ISIS information freely available to anyone not stuck on western mainstream media. People worldwide are watching and reading alternative new media and cross-referencing ISIS news with Western mainstream media’s version of it and seeing the wide discrepancy of information being put out. They have no navy, no air force, and no heavy armor, and yet they have the intel to avoid air strikes and walk boldly across the open countryside, where the only cover is an occasional dead Toyota truck, and no one even attempts to ambush bomb them, except a few rag tag Peshmerga fighters backed up by a few dozen American and European volunteers trying their best to defend Christians from total genocide.

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It is painfully obvious to anyone paying attention that every day, western mainstream media’s only goal is to build up ISIS. They’ve been building up their brand, image, perception of strength and their overall magnificence. Zuckerberg’s empire has the ability to stop their online marketing of death to America and their Jewish benefactors, but thousands upon thousands of Facebook pages dazzle the disenfranchised that ISIS is going to do great things for the world. You never get the feeling that mainstream media, or the online media moguls, want to see powerful almighty ISIS go away.

It turns out people all around the world have also noticed and have had enough. Like Putin we fear him, no one is ready to stop him from smashing the CIA’s greatest creation to bits. Even Donald Trump has a wait and see attitude about it. Whether it’s Iraqi officials exposing the U.S. Israeli connection to ISIS, Russia exposing the fake beheading videos, or Iran top commanders blowing the lid on ISIS-U.S.-Israeli connection. Slowly but surely everyone is getting in on this ugly situation and time is clearly running out for the Neocons, the Zionists, the globalists and the war hawks that have been using ISIS to psychologically if not physically torment the world. It is thus no wonder that even the “ISIS Czar” General John Allen decided to step down as soon as the ISIS plans started falling apart, and how can anyone blame the man?

Awakened humanity has now fully exposed that Israel, the U.S. and their allies especially Turkey and Saudi Arabia have all participated in sustaining the ISIS saga. Their main goal? Prolonging, not terminating, the existence and the success of ISIS.

With all that said, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that all of a sudden the U.S. mainstream media is ramping up propaganda world-war-2 style. Let’s not forget how these same globalists sold world war 2 to Americans after they had their stomach turned by the atrocities of the first World War. The war to end all wars was nowhere near to being done. Even Disney and the ‘Donald Duck’ character was used to sell Americans on the need to “pay   your taxes ” to “remove the axis” (of Nazi Germany) convincing Americans to paying their taxes they would be siding with good versus evil. The previews of every movie in every theater has motivational productions telling the already impoverished American to buy bonds. By the way, the bonds never paid off. All the money was squandered, and millions of American investors were cheated out as the bonds matured with a value of zero. This same level of propaganda is being pumped into every American household with a TV. There are hundreds of charities that funnel money to ISIS with names like the World Wildlife Fund or the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Sharia law is promoted as superior to the US Constitution. The Islamic State that was destroyed, finally in 1924—remember it started in the 7th century after Muhammad’s bloodbath of conversion—and then reformed as the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. In a 85-year plan to invade with immigrants, seal off no-go-zones inside major cities, and Islamicize those nations by force, they are merely a few years away from conquering all of Europe and most of Asia.

So in a desperate attempt to preserve their ISIS proxy army the U.S., Israel and their propaganda media is setting up their counter strategy-watch last week’s meeting between Putin and Netanyahu if you doubt any of this—which is sure to succeed with brainwashed Americans falling for these pro-ISIS pro-PNAC plan disguised as anti-Russia, good versus evil propaganda. Here are some deceptive strategies we are already seeing put out by mainstream media:

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1- Prolong ISIS existence, begin shifting to more abstract enemy

In this recent story Obama, speaking at a UN leaders summit, is careful to suggest even today (over a year since the launching of the ISIS psyop) that fighting ISIS will “take time”. “You cannot defeat ISIS with bullets. This is a war of ideas.” By the end of 2014 the ISIS psyop intro and initial shock was done. The goal thus from January of 2015 on was all along to make ISIS seem invincible and ghost-like as well as to find clever ways to prolong their existence. We are now seeing the return of this strategy. Listening to Obama you would never guess that the U.S., the world’s most powerful military, has been supposedly fighting ISIS for nearly a year now with absolutely no results to show for it. But a closer examination of his words lends some insight to where the globalists are going with their strategy. Obama had this to say:

“This is not a conventional battle. This is a long-term campaign — not only against this particular network, but against its ideology,”

Notice now he’s saying it’s not about ISIS, it’s against the “ideology” and this is a text book Neocon-Zionist strategy in hopes to recreate the enemy (ISIS) and morph them into an abstract concept. Can you imagine starting an offensive against Hitler with this kind of conversation with the American people? Obama is implying that even if ISIS is defeated their “ideology” will still be a permanent enemy that we’ll have to fight. Also, how can anyone ever measure a victory against or “win” a war against an ideology? Can anyone, anywhere define and state this clear ideology? No. This is a psyop and no one should fall for this trick. But everyone seems to be doing just that.

2- Start creating new enemies not named ISIS then spread that propaganda

This strategy is clearly seen in the recent talk about Israel concerned about buildup “Iranian forces” (not ISIS) in Syria. The nature of the strategy? Why not replace the enemy (ISIS) with a fresh new enemy (Iran) then push the propaganda until someone buys it?

With Iran joining forces to help defeat ISIS you would think that Israel should be pleased that Iran is joining their side fighting for a common enemy right? The common enemy effect has been shown to be a real phenomenon throughout the history of humanity and the history of politics apparently unless it’s Israel’s feeling toward Iran. You would think that Iran has a long history of attacking other nations right? This is an old and worn out excuse used by Israeli propaganda machine to keep their Middle East war plans rolling forward. Israel is forever an enemy of Iran since it (Iran) apparently stands in the way of its (Israel’s) long term plans for domination of the Middle East, plain and simple. As one of the key nations behind ISIS, Israeli and it’s propaganda machine is now being ramped up and all they can come up with is the illusion of a threat posed by Iran, one of the most peaceful nations in the Middle East and particularly one of the nations NOT supporting ISIS.

3- Spawn new ideas and suggestions for possibility of WW3 trigger event.

In another stunt being pulled by the globalist to defend ISIS, John (Syria chemical weapons) Kerry is saying that the “U.S. warns Russia about striking non-IS groups in Syria“. How obvious

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is it that he is throwing out the suggestion that perhaps Russia cannot be trusted, perhaps Russia can and will be blamed for a future false flag. Looking at it at first I’m thinking this has got to be the super WW2 style propaganda headline of the week. I’m thinking this cannot be right? But once you understand that the U.S. is desperately looking for any angle to stop Russia and its allies from destroying their paid for and well trained proxy army, then this headline makes more sense. It’s clearly a desperate attempt from a dying empire thirsty for a pretext that could be used for world war 3. Russia and its anti-ISIS coalition has been clear about what the goals are. It was the U.S., Israel and its allies who created this ISIS psyop to begin with and you can be sure they will look for a reason to trigger war. Seeing this aggressive John Kerry talk should concern all Americans.

4- Make Russia (not ISIS) sound like the aggressors using pure propaganda

To understand the spectrum of the mainstream media propaganda being whipped up consider this shocking MSN/NYT propaganda as they spin a weird anti-Russia report by presenting a third party’s point of view:

“They are the most violent strikes,” says a man filming the grim aftermath of what he asserts was a Russian air attack on the town of Talbiseh, in the Homs Province of Syria. “This is the Russian criminal regime.” The voice then trials off into laments and prayers: “Oh God, oh God, oh God. God is all we need.”He concludes: “This is what the criminal Russian planes did.”

As shocking as this sounds, this is how propaganda works. The writer of this story ‘Anne Barnard’ will never spend a day in jail for this propaganda crime neither will anyone at the New York Times or MSN and that’s because we need to be reminded that propaganda is legal in the United States.

Ask yourself, who would read this and not think that somehow Russia is the bad guy here? The bottom line is that to the globalists Russia is the bad guy, but Medieval Putin is messing up the plans of the globalists. They are destroying the ISIS psyop and as I’ve been saying all along, the globalist need ISIS to get their new world order.

Unfortunately this is the reality we (humanity) are stuck in. Remember that the politicians in Israel care about the people as much as the politicians in the U.S. care about its people. In the end this is about a small group of oligarchs wanting to dominate the world at the expense of the rest of humanity regardless of what country they live in. Don’t be fooled into thinking this battle is about nation states. This is about money and power. Trillions in gas, and the power to control an entire continent hang in the balance.

This is a story of an aggressive new world order whose plans really took off after 9/11. Not sure? Read the PNAC agenda for yourself.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative [1] [2] [3] think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy. It was established as a non-profit educational organization in 1997, and founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.

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[4][5] The PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership". [6] The organization stated that "American leadership is good both for America and for the world," and sought to build support for "a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity."

By the end of 2006, PNAC was "reduced to a voice-mail box and a ghostly website [with a] single employee … left to wrap things up", according to a correspondent at the BBC News.[59] In 2006 former executive director of the PNAC Gary Schmitt said PNAC had never been intended to "go on forever," and had "already done its job," suggesting that "our view has been adopted."[59] In 2009 Robert Kagan and William Kristol created a new think tank, the Foreign Policy Initiative, which scholars Stephen M. Walt and Don Abelson have characterized as a successor to PNAC. In a word, they went underground. Deep underground.

The same funding and arming of terror groups to destabilize nation states with proxy wars, and to be used as the perfect terrorism patsies domestically to strip away our rights. It’s a win-win for the globalist with ISIS. This was the plan all along and still is.

Will enough of us wake up and spread the word to keep derailing the globalist plans? For now this is another failure or slowdown in the new world order plans  but it doesn’t mean they will quit any time soon. Now is the time to learn all about propaganda, how it works and how governments use it. If you are not aware by now that you’re being lied to every single day by mainstream media junk news then you are a victim of this information war not a student of it as (us) truth seekers are. Let’s keep doing what we are doing and hopefully the tides will continue to turn in a direction of hope and sanity.

France: Viet Nam, Lybia, and now Syria

France is part of the problem, not the solution, in Syria. It supported Obama’s war from inception. It partners in all US imperial wars, a key member of NATO’s killing machine, smashing one nation after another.

On Saturday, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius lied, blaming Assad for four-and-a-half years of war, ignoring Obama’s full responsibility and French complicity, backing his aggression on another independent country, using ISIS and other takfiri terrorists to do his dirty work.

“There has been a lot of comment in the last few days on the role of Assad and whether he can or should be a stabilizing element in Syria,” said Fabius. He lied calling him “the main person guilty of the current chaos. If we were to say to the Syrians that the future of Syria lies in Assad, then we’ll expose ourselves to failure.”

“We have to redouble our efforts” to oust him – ignoring his overwhelming popularity along with core international law, prohibiting interfering in the internal affairs of other nations for any reason, except in self-defense if attacked.

Syria doesn’t threaten its neighbors. Assad wants peace, not war. He responsibly defends his country and people against foreign invaders – disgracefully bashed for doing his job.

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On Sunday, France partnered with America, Britain, Canada, and Australia in bombing Syria. The objective: support ISIS terrorists. Ravage the country into submission.

Continued war assures more harm to long-suffering civilians than already, exacerbating, not diminishing human floods fleeing for safe havens.

A Hollande government statement lied, saying: “Our country thus confirms its resolute commitment to fight against the terrorist threat represented by Daesh (the Islamic State). We will strike each time that our national security is at stake.”

France is using the refugee crisis as an excuse to continue terrorizing Syrians, forcing more to flee for their lives, using the tired old national security canard, a phony reason to pursue its regional imperial interests along with America.

The way to insure regional and European security is by ending wars, not continuing them endlessly, creating an endless cycle of violence, chaos and instability, the opposite of good policy – except for hegemons wanting things their own way unchallenged, no matter the cost in human lives and suffering.

Putin’s agenda is polar opposite, criticizing Western “double standards and selfishness,” urging world leaders to unite against ISIS, go all-out to eliminate its scourge.

Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria established Baghdad-based a joint information center. According to an unnamed military-diplomatic source, the initiative’s “main goal…will be gathering, processing and analyzing current information about the situation in the Middle East – primarily for fighting IS.”

An official from each country will head the center on a three-month rotating basis. Its objective is coordinating plans to defeat IS, waging legitimate war on terrorism, polar opposite US policy.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said “Moscow is acting within the framework of international law, respecting the sovereignty of our county…”

“We do not hide anything under the table. We regard Russia as our friend and strategic ally which is honest in its actions.”

Its commitment to defeating IS and restoring regional peace and stability runs counter to Washington’s imperial agenda.

Expect no change in its permanent war policy. Ignore meaningless rhetoric claiming a commitment for regional peace.

China: Hingepin and Financial Powerhouse of BRICS

The likelihood of a Syria WW3 scenario just increased with the latest news that China is about to send military troops to team up with the Russians (who are getting help from Iran, Iraq and Syria

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itself with a joint information center) in defending the Syrian Army of President Bashar Al-Assad and targeting ISIS. The Iranians have been assisting Assad for a long time as part of their regional alliance through channels such as Hezbollah; then on September 21, 2015, there were reports of Russia sending troops, jets and other military equipment to Syria. With the US, UK, Israel, France, Turkey and others already operating in Syria as a loose alliance on one side, and Russia, China, Iran, Iraq and the official Syrian Army involved on the other, the probability is getting higher all the time that the situation could erupt into a world conflict, and that we could potentially witness a Syria WW3 scenario.