Station One: Types of Carbohydrates: 1. In your composition book classify the following as a monosaccharide, disaccharide. or polysaccharide. glucose glycogen lactose fructose maltose cellulose starch galactose sucrose 2. Now match the function/ description below to with the correct sugar. Record answers in composition book. a. monosaccharide: major energy source for fueling cellular respiration b. disaccharide: energy source found in mammalian milk c. polysaccharide: energy storage in liver d. monosaccharide: energy component in flower nectar e. disaccharide: energy molecule transported via phloem, plant carb f. polysaccharide: major structural component of plant cell walls g. polysaccharide: energy source in plants 3.. What are amylose and amylopectin both examples of? 4. Fill in the graphic organizer about the macromolecules. Polymers Glycogen -- Starch -- Cellulos e-- Monomers that make up polymer (be sure to state whether it is the alpha () or the beta () isomer) Type of Macromolecule (Protein, Carbohydrate, Lipid) What type of cells will you find this polymer inside

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Station One: Types of Carbohydrates: 1. In your composition book classify the following as a monosaccharide,

disaccharide. or polysaccharide.

glucose glycogen lactose

fructose maltose cellulose

starch galactose sucrose

2. Now match the function/ description below to with the correct sugar. Record answers in composition book.

a. monosaccharide: major energy source for fueling cellular

respirationb. disaccharide: energy source found in mammalian milkc. polysaccharide: energy storage in liver d. monosaccharide: energy component in flower nectare. disaccharide: energy molecule transported via phloem, plant carbf. polysaccharide: major structural component of plant cell wallsg. polysaccharide: energy source in plants

3. . What are amylose and amylopectin both examples of?

4. Fill in the graphic organizer about the macromolecules.Polymers

Glycogen --

Starch --


Monomers that make up polymer (be sure to state whether it is the alpha () or the beta () isomer) Type of Macromolecule (Protein, Carbohydrate, Lipid)What type of cells will you find this polymer inside (plant or animal)?Function of Polymer in living organisms

Make a drawing of your Molecule

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Station Two: Building of Carbohydrates

1. Make 2 columns in your composition book labeled condensation and hydrolysis. Write the description under the correct column. polymers broken down into monomers (as in digestion) monomers linked together to form polymers H2O used as a source of -H and a -OH group release of H2O anabolic catabolic

2. In your notebook copy the below diagram. a. Label glucose, fructose, and sucrose. b. Identify the reaction as condensation or hydrolysis. c. What are the products of this reaction. d. On your glucose and fructose drawings above circle the Hydrogen

and OH you removed.e. What type of bond was formed in the disaccharide?f. Lastly annotate the diagram.

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Station Three Lipids

1. Using your notes and internet draw and label a glycerol molecule. 2. Next draw and label a triglyceride lipid. In this molecule label your three

fatty acids and one glycerol molecule. You may use the short –hand drawing for each fatty acids. The below drawing represents one fatty acid.

3. Hydrolysis of a triglyceride lipid: Using your drawing of your triglyceride molecule explain why three water molecules are need to break apart the triglyceride lipid into glycerol and three fatty acids. You may use a diagram to help explain this hydrolysis reaction. Lastly tell what type of bond if formed?

4. Outline the variation in the molecular structure of fatty acids, including: Copy this table in your composition book and fill it out.



Trans- unsaturated


Poly- unsaturated

FattyDraw Cis-unsaturated Fatty

Trans unsaturated fatty:


What Food are they found in?

What Food are they found in?

What Food are they found in?

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Station 4 Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used as a screening tool to identify possible weight problems, however, BMI is no a diagnostic tool.

Table B: Body Mass Index Categories.

BMI is calculated the same way for both adult and children. The calculation is based on the following formula. BMI = mass in kilograms/ (height in metres)2

1. A man has a mass of 75 kg and a height of 1.45 metres. Calculate his body mass. Deduce the body mass status of this man using the table. Outline the relationship between height and BMI for a fixed body mass.

2. Calculating other BMI’s. Calculate the BMI’s of the following celebrities. Which category would they each fall into?

a. Lady Gaga Mass=45kgHeight =1.55m

b. David Beckham Mass=75kgHeight=1.80m

c. Chris Ashton Mass =95kgHeight=1.83m

BMI StatusBelow 18.5 Underweight18.5 – 24.9 Normal25.0 – 29.9 Overweight

30.0 and Above Obese

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When assessing a patient’s health, doctors very often calculate their body mass index. This can be done using a nomogram as shown below.

3. Answer the following questions in you composition book:a. State the equation used to calculate the BMI including it

units. b. Identify the mass above which a man whose height is

185CM would be classified as obese. c. A woman whose height is 167 cm has a mass of 78kg.

Calculate the minimum mass she should lose in order to have a normal BMI.

d. A woman and a man both have a height of 170cm. The woman has a mass of 30kg and the man has a mass of 104 kg. Identify, using the nomogram, the BMI of both people. Identify a possible cause of the BMI being to high or too low in the woman and in the man.

Station Five: Molecular visualization

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Use of molecular visualization software to compare cellulose, starch and glycogen. It is not required you watch the following tutorial but it is here to help if needed. The tutorial below will help you understand the differences between Glycogen, Starch & Cellulose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFgQ1byNn1c

The easiest way to use jmol is to use the ready-made models on the Biotopics website (http://www.biotopics.co.uk/jsmol/glucose.html#). Play with the models, move them and zoom in and out.

a. Select the glucose molecule and identify the colours used to represent carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms

i. Carbon – ii. Hydrogen – iii. Oxygen –

b. Using the models identify and describe the differences between glucose, sucrose and fructose (hint: descriptions will be clearest if you refer to the numbered carbon atoms)

c. Look at the amylose model and zoom out from it. Describe the overall shape of the molecule.

d. Zoom in on the amylose molecule. Each glucose sub-unit is bonded to how many other sub-units? Which carbons atoms used to form the glycosidic bonds? Are there any exceptions to these rules?

e. Select the amylopectin model and zoom in on the branch point. This glucose sub-unit is bonded how many others and which carbon atoms are used for bonded compared with the un-branched amylose molecule?

f. Using a similar approach to that above investigate the structure of glycogen and find the similarities and differences between it and both amylose and amylopectin.

Station Six: Energy Storage in Animals:

Lipids vs. Glycogen

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Instruction: Read the orange box on page 78 in your biology textbook. Then use this information to fill in the graphic organizer below:

Glycogen LipidIdentify its Monomer(s)What are their function(s) in animal cells?Where in an organism (i.e. humans) is most of it stored?Which molecule provides the most total energy?Which molecule stores energy for long term energy needs?Which molecule stores energy for short-term energy needs?

Comparing the energy in Glycogen & Lipids.Chemical energy/ food energy is measured in Kcal (calories) & kJ (kilojoules)Glycogen – a type of carbohydrate/ polysaccharide (polysaccharides are made of many monosaccharides)

Lipid – fat.

Using your two graphic organizers above and the reading from page 78, explain why lipids are more suitable for long term energy storage in humans than carbohydrates/ glycogen.

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Station 3: Saturated fats

Is there a Relationship Between Saturated Fats & Coronary Heart Disease (heart disease)?

oo On MS. Excel, use the data below (Table A ) to make a X&Y scatter plot to help you evaluate

the relationship between Heart Disease and the consumption of saturated fat.o On MS Excel run a correlation statistics test to calculate an r-value.

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o Then below write a short conclusion about your results.o Lastly, using the data below and r-value from your correlation test, Evaluate the claim that

states “High Consumption of saturated fats causes coronary heart disease”

Table A: The table below shows the dietary intake of saturated fats (% of calories as saturated fat) for different countries and the incidence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Country % of Calories/ food as saturated fat

CHD Death rate/ 100,000 people

Finland 22 94.00China 6 99.40Russia 16 320.40 USA 13 77.97Korea 9 26.39India 8 138.36Philippines 16 161.43Turkey 9 140.00Bolivia 4 110.20Nepal 4 97.01Thailand 16 87.08

Saturated Fat Data comes from :http://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.g2272

CHD Data comes from; http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/coronary-heart-disease/by-country/

a) UPLOAD YOUR GRAPH TO MOODLE. b) Write your conclusion to the investigative question below (Is there a relationship

between CHD & % of calories consumed as saturated fat?). Be sure to include data (i.e. r-values, high and low data values) to support your answer, and provide a scientific justification for your results.

c) Using the data above and r-value from your correlation test, Evaluate the claim that states “High Consumption of saturated fats causes coronary heart disease” (2)