Views of Japan Through Western Films - The Japan Times

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  • 7/30/2019 Views of Japan Through Western Films - The Japan Times


    4/28/13 10:04 PMViews of Japan through Western films - The Japan Times

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    Views of Japan through Western films

    UNDER FOREIGN EYES: Western Cinematic Adaptations of Postwar Japan,

    by James King. Zero Books, 2012, 350 pp., $26.95 (paperback)

    Most readers encountering a book called Under Foreign Eyes: Western Cin-

    ematic Adaptations of Postwar Japan will expect it to contain an interesting

    claim or claims about these Western representations of Japan, and that the

    claim or claims will be buttressed by sophisticated analysis of the films.

    What we get instead in James Kings book is one plot summary after another

    for each of the 60-plus films he writes about.King warns us in his first chapter (though his logic is hard to follow) that

    because so many films are treated I have felt it crucial to provide the reader

    with a synopsis of the plot trajectory of each because, to do otherwise, might

    make it difficult for the reader to follow my arguments.

    One has to take King at his word that the arguments are there: They are ob-

    scured rather than illuminated by the summary after summary aftersummary.

    This wouldnt matter if Under Foreign Eyes were presented as an encyclo-

    pedia of film, with discrete entries for summaries of each of the movies

    covered, but because the book is not called An Encyclopedia of Western

    Cinematic Adaptations of Japan, unwary readers, expecting something oth-

    er than a reference book, are likely to be disappointed. If they can get pastthat disappointment, though, they will find that, as with most compendiums

    of books or films, many of which will be unfamiliar, theres much in Under

    Foreign Eyes that is of interest.

    King discusses films ranging from Tokyo Joe (1949), starring Humphrey

    Bogart, to The Cove (2009), starring the dolphins of Taiji, with stops along

    the way at several obscure, forgotten and little-seen movies.

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    Good encyclopedist that he is, King imposes order on his catalog by dividing

    the films into categories: films dealing with the war, films dealing with the

    atomic bombing of Japan, films about the Occupation, films about geisha,

    films about yakuza and so on. He includes Japanese films, too, so readers

    can compare the approaches of Japanese filmmakers with those of their non-Japanese counterparts, and tells us enough about the films he considers that

    readers will have a good idea whether they are worth seeking out or best


    Most readers will have already seen, and formed their own opinions about,

    Clint Eastwoods Letters from Iwo Jima, for example, and Alejandro Gon-

    zalez Inarritus Babel. Thus it is when writing about films like Josef vonSternbergs Anatahan or Samuel Fullers House of Bamboo, neglected

    films by major directors, that King is most interesting.

    Even if, for example, in Kings estimation, von Sternbergs film about

    Japanese castaways on a remote island, an investigation of what happens to

    mankind when it returns to the level of the cave man, offers only trite

    observations, still, it is helpful to be reminded of this piece of the puzzlethat is von Sternbergs career. Fullers House of Bamboo, of course, is not

    just interesting, but good. King quotes film critic Keith Uhlich who writes:

    Quite simply, House of Bamboo has some of the most stunning examples

    of widescreen photography in the history of cinema.

    As useful as it is to be reminded of these sorts of films, so poorly is this book

    edited that one is often tempted to throw it against a wall. On Page 189alone, for example, we find the name Muraoka rendered correctly three

    times, and as Muraoko five times. Elsewhere, Kaori Shoji, a contributor to

    The Japan Times, is identified as Kaori Shoki, and the paper for which she

    writes as the Tokyo Times.

    Kings subject, foreign films about Japan, is fascinating; his book will have to

    do until a better one comes along.

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    David Cozy is a writer and critic, and an assistant professor at Showa Womens

    University in Tokyo.

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