GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH IRRIGATION & C.A.D. DEPARTMENT PULA SUBBAIAH VELIGONDA PROJECT NAME OF WORK: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts. TENDER NOTICE NO 12/ 2008-09. DATED: 4.11.2008 VOLUME – I TENDER SCHEDULE FOR-EPC TURN KEY SYSTEM (OPEN CATEGORY CONTRACT) OFFICE OF THE CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER 1 CONSTRUCTION CIRCLE, ONGOLE

tender.eprocurement.gov.in · Web viewSettlement of disputes Time for completion 24. Programme Construction programme Speed of work Suspension of works by the Contractor Extension

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NAME OF WORK: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

TENDER NOTICE NO 12/ 2008-09. DATED: 4.11.2008










Notice to BiddersNotice Inviting Tender

2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERSA – GeneralB – Bid Document C – Preparation of bidsD – Submission of bidsE – Bid opening and evaluationF – Award of contract


Bidder/Contractor CertificateDeclaration of BidderArticle of AgreementAdjudication of disputes

General conditions of ContractA. General

1. Interpretation2. Engineer-in-charge’s decisions3. Delegation4. Communication5. Sub-contracting6. Other contractors7. Personnel8. Contractor’s risk9. Insurance10. Site inspection11. Contractor to construct the works12. Diversion of streams/vagus/drains13. Power supply14. Temporary diversion15. Ramps16. Monsoon damages17. Completion date18. Safety19. Discoveries20. Possession of site21. Access to the site22. Instructions 23. Settlement of disputes



24. Programme 25. Construction programme26. Speed of work

27. Suspension of works by the Contractor28. Extension of intended completion date29. Delays ordered by the Engineer-in-charge30. Early warning31. Management meetings

C. Quality Control

32. Identifying defects33. Tests34. Correction of defects35. Uncorrected defects36. Quality control

D. Cost Control

37. Contract price – schedule of payment – Bill of quantities38. Change in quantities39. Extra items40. Cash flow forecast41. Contract price, schedule of payments, payment certificates42. Payments43. Interest on money due to contractor44. Certificate of completion of works45. Taxes included in the Bid46. Price Adjustment47. Retention48. Liquidated damages and incentives49. Mobilization of advance50. Securities51. Cost of repairs

E. Finishing the contract52. Completion53. Take over54. Final account55. Termination56. Payment upon termination57. Property58. Release from performance

F. Other General Conditions59. Water supply60. Electrical power61. Land62. Approach roads and roads in work area


63. Payment for camp construction64. Explosives and fuel storage tanks65. Labour66. Safety measures67. Fair wage clause68. Indemnity bond69. Compliance with Labour regulations 70. Salient features – Labour laws applicable

71. Liabilities of the contractor72. Contractor’s staff, representatives and labour73. Accommodation and food74. Relationship 75. Protection of adjoining premises76. Work during night or on Sundays and holidays77. Layout of materials stacks78. Use of blasting materials79. Plant and equipment80. Steel forms81. Inconvenience to the Public82. Conflict of interest83. Contract documents and materials to be treated as confidential84. General obligations of contractor85. Security measures86. Fire fighting measures87. Sanitation88. Training of personnel89. Ecological balance90. Preservation of existing vegetation91. Possession prior to completion92. Deleted.93. Access to contractor’s books94. Drawings to be kept at site95. BIS (ISI) Books and APSS to be kept at site96. Site order book97. Variations by way of modification, omissions or additions98. care and diversion of river/stream99. Clearing of the site and re-handing over100. Health and sanitary101. Labour camp and contractor’s staff colony102. Use of site 103. Income Tax 104. Seigniorage charges105. Value Added Tax (VAT)106. Labour Welfare cess107. Supply of Construction Materials108. Setting out109. Site data110. Sufficiency of the contract price111. Unforeseeable difficulties


112. Rights of way and facilities113. Avoidance of interference114. Access route115. Transport of goods116. Contractor’s equipment117. Progress reports118. Designs119. Programme

Special Conditions of Contract1. General2. Sufficiency of funds3. Project components and basic parameters4. Scope of work5. Tests and Quality Control6. Measurements and payments7. Contractor’s work programme8. Programme – Scheduling/Re-scheduling9. Monthly progress report10. Additional Special Conditions of contract11. Haul Roads12. Regulations and bye laws13. Passing of foundation etc.14. Signing of field books, longitudinal sections, cross sections and

measurement books15. Test Results16. Cleaning up17. Communications and notices by Contractors18. Claim – Supply of designs and drawings19. Execution of works20. Alterations in specifications and designs21. Time limit for unforeseen disputes22. Action and compensation payable in case of bad work23. Works to be opened for inspection24. Notice to be given before work is covered up25. Supply of Plant, Ladders, scaffolding etc.26. Audit and technical examinations27. Permission for crossing NH/SH/Roads/Railway lines28. Land acquisition29. Use of site

APPENDICESAppendix - SI .. Survey & InvestigationAppendix – PI .. Design & Engineering Appendix – CW .. Civil WorksAppendix – HW .. Hydro mechanical WorksAppendix – OM .. Operation & maintenance Appendix – OS .. Other Special Conditions



1 - 30 Preamble - Entrustment of additional itemsAnnexure – I .. Statement showing milestonesAnnexure – II .. Statement showing payment schedules






Tender schedules can be down loaded from the web site www.eprocurement.gov.in. The bidders should quote their Tender contract price at the prescribed field /place provided in the e-market place.

The bidders should upload scanned copies all the documents such as B.G/D.D towards EMD and transaction fee, formats, data sheets, declarations etc as stipulated in the tender document.

The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft towards EMD as below:-

An amount of Rs 7,50,00,000/- (Rupees Seven crores and Fifty lakhs only) to be paid in shape of un-conditional and Irrevocable Bank Guarantee in the standard format in favour of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole or in the shape of Demand draft in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, N.S.P. Ongole to be valid for a period of Six months from the date of submission of bids to be obtained from any Government owned public sector bank or any scheduled commercial bank.

Transaction fees : The transaction fee of Rs.25000/- + 12.36% + Education cess 1.85% service tax has to be paid by the participating bidders through the Electronic Payment Gateway in favour of M/s. C1 India Pvt. Ltd., by each participating bidder at the time of Bid submission. The amount is not reimbursable.

The originals of the scanned copies must be submitted on or before 3. Hard copies:


i) Vide ref.G.O.Ms.No.174, I & CAD Dept., Dated: 1-9-2008, submission of original hard copies of the uploaded scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD by participating bidders to the tender inviting authority before the opening of the price bid is dispensed forthwith.

ii) All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD/BG in eProcurement system and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid responsive.

iii) The department shall carry out the technical evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates/documents, DD/BG towards EMD in the eProcurement system and open the price bids of the responsive bidders.

iv) The department will notify the successful bidder for submission of original hardcopies of all the uploaded document DD/BG towards EMD prior to entering into agreement.

v) The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents of the uploaded scan copies to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into agreement, either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt / non-receipt of original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the department shall ensure the genuinity of the DD/BG towards EMD and all other certificates/documents uploaded by the bidder in eProcurement system. In support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement.

4. The GO.Ms.NO.174, I & CAD Dated: 1.9.2008 Deactivation of Bidders If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates / documents, DD/BG towards EMD within stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hardcopies submitted by the bidder, as the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on eProcurement platform for a period of 3 years. The eProcurment system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting bidder based on the trigger/recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the department shall invoke all processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the government. Other conditions as per tender document are applicable.

The bidder is requested to get a confirmed acknowledgement from the Tender Inviting Authority a proof of Hardcopies submission to avoid any discrepancy.

Special Conditions


Tenders with an excess of more than 5% over the internal benchmark value / Estimated Contract Value arrived by the Department shall be summarily rejected.

In respect of tenders beyond 25% less than internal benchmark/ Estimated Contract Value arrived by the Department, a Bank Guarantee (or) Demand Draft for the difference between the tendered amount and 75% of internal benchmark value/ Estimated Contract Value should be furnished at the time of Agreement as additional security deposit.

The e-procurement application is PKI enabled and supports the digital certificates issued by APTS, for signing the bids at the time of submission by contractor. The contractor has to procure digital certificates issued by APTS Ltd., Hyderabad as per the procedure. Digitally signed bids are to be submitted electronically through

e-procurement, without which the tender will not be considered for opening the price bid.

The bidders intended to know the procedure of bid submission on e-procurement platform; suitable training will be given by M/s. C1 India Ltd., Khairatabad, Hyderabad. Government reserves the right to alter any conditions.

In the process, if the works are stalled due to legal intervention or due to natural calamities, Government reserves the right not to pay any compensation.

The bidder should invariably get registered before submission of the bid and the bid will not be opened and rejected out right if the proof of registration is not submitted before opening of the price bid.



1 Department Name : Irrigation & CAD Department.2 Circle / Division Name : Construction Circle, Prakasam, Ongole3 Tender Number : ‘e’procurement Notice No: 12/2008-09,

dt.04.11.2008 4 Tender Subject : Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project:

Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

5 Period of Contract : 48 (Forty eight) Months.6 Form of Contract : EPC (TURNKEY SYSTEM)7 Tender Type : Open8. Tender category Works9 EMD / Bid Security : Rs. 7,50,00,000 ( INR).

10 EMD/Bid Security Payable to : D.D. in favor of – PAO., N.S.P.Ongole drawn on any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank payable at ONGOLE (or) Bank Guarantee in favour of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Prakasam Ongole. from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank valid for a minimum period of 180 days from the last day of submission of bids.

11 Tender Fee : Not Applicable 12 Tender Fee Payable to : Not Applicable13 Transaction Fee : Rs.28,700/- including all Taxes as applicable

towards transaction fee by the participating bidders through Electronic Payment Gateway vide G.O. Ms. No. 4, Dated: 17-02-2005 and G.O. Ms. No. 13, Dated: 05-07-2006 in favour of M/s. C1 India Pvt. Ltd., by each participating bidder.

14 Schedule Sale Opening Date : 10-11-2008 @ 11.00 AM 15 Schedule Sale closing Date : 10-12-2008 @ 3.00 PM16 Bid Submission closing Date

(online): 11-12-2008 @ 5.00 PM

17 Pre-Bid Meeting : 25-11-2008 and 06.12.2008 @ 11.00 AM in the office of the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle,Prakasam, Ongole


18 Technical BID Qualification /Bid opening date (Qualification and

Eligibility Stage) & Place.

15-12-2008 at 11.30 AM onwardsO/o. Superintending Engineer

Construction Circle, Ongole19 Price Bid Opening Date

(Financial Stage): 22-12-2008 @ 11.00 AM onwards

20 Place of Tender Opening : O/o. The Engineer-in-Chief, Irrigation, Jalasoudha Building complex, Hyderabad.

21 Officer Inviting Bids : Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle,Ongole

22 Address : O/o Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle,Prakasam, Ongole

23 Contact Details : Sri B.Suryanarayana Babu, B.E; M.I.ESuperintending Engineer, Construction Circle,Prakasam, Ongole-523001 Phone No. :08592-234253, Cell : 9490165320 FAX No.08592-280738

24 Eligibility Criteriai) General Requirements

: A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1. The bids are limited to reputed firms / Joint venture

companies/ consortiums having experience in execution of pumping stations/ /irrigation canals/reservoirs/ tunnels/ irrigation structures and bridges.Contractor / Contracting firm registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh with valid Registration in terms of

G.O.Ms.No: 130,I&CAD Department dt.22-05-2007G.O.Ms.No.521, I & CAD (PW), dt.10-12-1984G.O.Ms.No.178, I & CAD (PW-COD) Dept., dt.27-9-1997G.O.Ms.No.22, TR&B (B.III) Dept., dt.6-2-98G.O.Ms.No.23, I & CAD (PW) Dept., dt.5-3-1999G.O.Ms.No.132, TR&B (R.1) Dept., dt.11-8-1998G.O.Ms.No.8, TR&B (R1) Dept., dt.8-1-2003G.O.Ms.No.94, I & CAD (PW-COD) Dept., dt.1-7-2003 are only eligible.

2) In case of joint venture a) at least one of the partners should have a valid registration with the Govt of A.P. as above and the other partners should have applied for registration and shall upload the same as proof.b) The total members in the joint venture should not be more than Four. c) The JV partners should be responsible for liability individually proportionate to the extent of their share in the JV and jointly for 100% share.d) Shall submit JV deed duly registered with condition that lead partner share shall not be less


than 50% in Joint Venture.e) The JV partner of one bidder/firm shall not enter into JV partnership with another bidder/firm for the bid.f) The bidder/firm/company should have ISO certification or produce evidence of making application for ISO certification.

3) The bids are limited to those individual firms, Company and joint ventures that meet the eligibility criteria ( both Technical & Financial). 4) In case of joint venture the eligibility criteria will be considered on the basis of combined resources. 5] The bidder in his name should satisfy as per formula (2 AN-B ) which should be greater than IBM. Where A= Max. value of civil Engineering works executed in any one year during preceding five financial years. i.e. the financial year in which Bids are invited taking in to account the completed as well as works in progress.N= No. of years prescribed for completion of works for which tenders are invited.B= Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of completion of works for which tenders are invited.

(ii) Technical Requirement : Bidder should have executed (One similar components of works as per item No.4 OF Tender notice.) 1. Bidder should have executed at least (1)

Similar project.

2. Bidder should have executed a Earthen dam/ reservoir with a storage capacity of not less than 1.40 TMC. The bidder has to submit the performance certificate in proof of the above

3. Bidder should have manufactured, supplied, erected tested and commissioned large equivalent pumps with performance indicaters and specific to lift a total discharge of 15 Cumecs with individual pump discharge of 3.0 Cumecs or more which is working satisfactory for one year as on date of submission of bid. The bidder has to submit the performance certificate in proof of there of.

4. Bidder should have supplied, erected, tested and successfully commissioned electric motors for pumping application of 3.00 M.W. capacity or more required for each motor with associated civil mechanical, electrical and instrumentation which are working satisfactory


for at least one year as on date of submission of Bid. The bidder has to submit certificate in proof of supplying electric motors of capacity 3.00 M.W. or more.

5. Bidder should have manufactured, supplied erected, tested and sucessfuly commissioned large diameter water supply pipe line (Buried and / or surface) having internal diameter of 2.00 M or more for a length of 5.00 Kms in two rows or more with associated civil works which are working satisfactory for at least one year. The bidder has to submit a certificate in proof of above or more.

6. The bidder should have executed tunnel of diameter of not less that 3.50 mts for a minimum of length of 2.50 Kms

7. Bidder should have capacity for design office backup having experience on structural and hydraulic design for pumps, pump houses and pipe line and transient analysis, earth dam work, canal network, drops and CM/CD structures and Reservoirs and tunnels or should have M.O.U with such firm of experience.

8. The Bidder shall have ISO accreditation or shall have applied for ISO accreditation. However the Bidder shall submit ISO accreditation at the time of concluding Agt.

iii) Financial Requirements. : 1. The bidder shall have annual financial turn over from Civil Engineering works inclusive of Electro Mechanical Works) of not less than Rs.i.e.IBM value/No of years prescribed for completion in any financial year during last five years i.e., from 2003-04 to 2007-08 up dated by giving 10% simple weight age per year to bring them to 2008-09 price level.

2. However, the total turnover of joint venture group should not be less than Rs.i.e.IBM value/No of years prescribed for completion, in any one year during the last 5 financial years i.e. from 2003-04 to 2007-08, updated by giving 10% simple weightage per year to bring them to 2008-09 price level.

3. The bidder should have satisfactorily completed similar nature works (not less than 90% of the contract value) and the value of work done should not be less than Rs.i.e.(IBM value/No of years prescribed for completion)X25% as a prime contractor, in any one year during the


financial years 2003-2004 to 2007-08 updated by giving 10% simple weightage per year to bring them to 2008-2009 price level.Sub contractor’s /GP holder’s experience shall not be taken into account.

4. Liquid asset/credit facilities/Solvency certificate from any Indian Nationalised/ Scheduled Banks of value not less than Rs.i.e.IBM value X 0.25/No of years prescribed for completion

5. The bidder must have a net worth of Rs.i.e.IBM value X 0.25/No of years prescribed for completion

6. The bidder must have a net profit (after deducting tax, depreciation and interest) in any three years during the last five years.

7. The No. of partners in the (JV) shall not be more than 4 (Four).

8. In case if the application is from a joint venture, it should satisfy the following

Minimum criteria.

a) The Joint venture should meet the requirement as prescribed at para1.Each partner should meet not less than 20% of the annual turnover as prescribed at para1 individually.

b) The JV should meet similar work criteria as prescribed at para 5 and the other partners should meet atleast 20% net worth as prescribed at para 5 individually.

c) All partners of JV should meet ISO certificate as prescribed in para 2 of the general requirements.

d) All the JV partners should meet the criteria of net profit as prescribed at para 6 individually.

e) An authorized representation of JV who will be nominated by JV who will be authorized to deal with the employer on all project related matters during the course of execution of project.

25 Procedure for bid submission : The bidder shall submit his response through Bid submission to the tender on ‘e’ procurement plat form at www.eprocurement.gov.in by following the procedure given below. The bidder would be required to register on the ‘e’ procurement market place www.e procurement.gov.in or https://tender. eprocurement.gov.in and submit their bids online. Off line bids shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders published in ‘e’ procurement platform.The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid etc., in the online standard formats displayed in ‘e’ procurement web site. The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates


documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria / technical bids and other certificate / documents in the ‘e’ procurement web site. The bidder shall sign on the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness /authenticity. The bidder shall attach all the required documents for the specific tender after uploading the same during the bid submission as per the tender notice and bid document.1. Registration with ‘e’ procurement platform:For registration and online bid submission bidders may contact HELP DESK of M/s C1 India Pvt. Limited. www.’e’ procurement.gov.in.orhttps://tender.eprocurement.gov.in

2. Digital Certificate authentication:The bidder shall authernticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on eprocurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the eProcurement platform.For obtaining Digital Signature Certificate, you may please Contact:

Andhra Pradesh Technology Services LimitedBRKA Bhavan, B-BlockTankbund Road, Hyderabad – 500 022Phone +91-40-23220305Fax: +91-40-23228057


Any other Registration Authority of TCS-CA in India. The city-wise list of RAs is available by clicking the link Apply for a class-2 Certificate under Enroll section in the website https://www.tcs-ca.tcs.co.in/mca21/index.jsp

3. Hard copies:i) Vide ref.G.O.Ms.No.174, I & CAD Dept., Dated: 1-9-2008, submission of original hard copies of the uploaded scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD by participating bidders to the tender inviting authority before the opening of the price bid is dispensed forthwith.ii) All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD/BG in eProcurement system and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid responsive.iii) The department shall carry out the technical evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates/documents, DD/BG towards EMD in the eProcurement system and open the price bids of the responsive bidders.


iv) The department will notify the successful bidder for submission of original hardcopies of all the uploaded document DD/BG towards EMD prior to entering into agreement.v) The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents of the uploaded scan copies to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into agreement, either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt / non-receipt of original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the department shall ensure the genuinity of the DD/BG towards EMD and all other certificates/documents uploaded by the bidder in eProcurement system. In support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement.4. The GO.Ms.NO.174, I & CAD Dated: 1.9.2008 Deactivation of Bidders If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates / documents, DD/BG towards EMD within stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hardcopies submitted by the bidder, as the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on eProcurement platform for a period of 3 years. The eProcurment system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting bidder based on the trigger/recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the department shall invoke all processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the government. Other conditions as per tender document are applicable.

The bidder is requested to get a confirmed acknowledgement from the Tender Inviting Authority a proof of Hardcopies submission to avoid any discrepancy.

5. Payment of Transaction Fee:It is mandatory for all the participant bidders from 1st January 2006 to electronically pay a Non-refundable Transaction fee to M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd., the service provider through “Payment Gateway Service on E-procurement platforom” The Electronic payment Gateway accepts all Master


and Visa Credit Cards issued by any bank and Direct Debit facility/Net Banking of ICICI Bank, HDFC, Axis Bank to facilitate the transaction. This is in compliance as per G.O.Ms.13 Dated07.05.2006. Aservice tax of 12.36% + Bank Charges for Credit Card Transaction of 1.85% on the transaction amount payable to C1 India Pvt. Ltd shall be applicable.

6. Corpus Fund: As per G.O.Ms.No.4 User departments shall collect 0.04% of ECV (estimated contract value) with a cap of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) for all works with ECV upto Rs.50.00/- Crores and Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) for works with ECV above Rs.50.00/- Crores from successful bidders on eProcurment plat form before entering intoagrement / issue of purchase orders, towads eprocurement fund in favour of Managing Director, APTS. There shall not be any charge towards eProcurement incase of works, goods and services with ECV less than and upto Rs.10.00 Lakhs.

7. Tender Document:The bidder is requested to download the tender document and read all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender Document and seek clarification if any from the Tender Inviting Authority. Any offline bid submission clause in the tender document could be neglected.

The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Addendum / Corrigenda issued by the Tender Inviting Authority on time-to-time basis in the E-Procurment platform. The Department calling for tenders shall not be responsible for any claims/ problems arising out of this.

8. Bid submission Acknowledgement:The bidder shall complete all the process and steps required for Bid submission. The system will generate an acknowledgement with a uniqe bid submission number after completing all the prescribed steps and processes by the bidder. Users may also note that the bid for which an acknowledgement is not generated by the eprocurement system are treated as invalid or not saved in the system. Such invalid bids are not made available to the Tender Inviting Authority for processing the bids. The Government of AP and M/s C1 India Pvt., Ltd is not responsible for incomplete bid submission by users.

26 General Terms & Conditions 1. Tenders with an excess of more than 5% over the internal benchmark value / Estimated Contract


Value arrived by the Department shall be summarily rejected.

2. In respect of tenders beyond 25% less than internal benchmark/ Estimated Contract Value arrived by the Department, a Bank Guarantee (or) Demand Draft for the difference between the tendered amount and 75% of internal benchmark value/ Estimated Contract Value should be furnished at the time of Agreement as additional security deposit.

3. The e-procurement application is PKI enabled and supports the digital certificates issued by APTS, for signing the bids at the time of submission by contractor. The contractor has to procure digital certificates issued by APTS Ltd., Hyderabad as per the procedure. Digitally signed bids are to be submitted electronically through e-procurement, without which the tender will not be considered for opening the price bid.

4. The bidders intended to know the procedure of bid submission on e-procurement platform; suitable training will be given by M/s. C1 India Ltd., Khairatabad, Hyderabad.

5. Government reserves the right to alter any conditions.

6. In the process, if the works are stalled due to legal intervention or due to natural calamities, Government reserves the right not to pay any compensation.

7. Uploaded scanned documents authent- icated by the representative of Bidder to Whom Power of Attorney is given.

8. For similar works certificate to be issued by EE/SE and countersigned by SE/CE.

9. Annual Turn Over of the last five years by the certified CA/Annual report to be furnished with clear indication about the Annual Turn Over of the civil works.

10. Similarly for net profit and net worth.

11. Solvency from banks.

12. e-procurement Corpus fund: An e-procurement corpus fund of Rs.25,000/- administered by APTS has to be paid by the successful bidder in the shape of Demand Draft in favour of Managing Director, A.P. Technological Services at the time of


concluding the Agreement.

13. Note:

a) Any other condition regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in the tender documents may please be treated as not applicable.

b) The bidders should invariably up load all the scanned documents both technical bid and price bid copies inclusive of EMD and transaction fee. The price bid of only such bidders will be opened.

14. Failure to submit the above Documents before the prescribed day will entail rejection of the Bid and liable for non-participation of tender called for by the department during the next 12 months i.e. accordance with G.O. Ms. No. 245, dated 30.12.2005 and G.O. Ms. No. 155, dated 23.08.2006.

27 Scope Of Work : Western Branch canal to create an ayacut of 58,500 Acres Investigation, Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of necessary Lift Systems with all Electrical & Mechanical Components, Surge Protection Systems, Delivery Cisterns, Pressure Mains to carry the required discharge during crop period as per Modified Pen Men method and All Control Valves for lifting of 2.800 TMC of water in 3 Stages to create an ayacut of 25,600 Acres in Prakasam District and 3.860 TMC of water in single Stage through 2 Separate Pressure Mains (MS) to create an ayacut of 25,400 Acres in Kadapa District and 7,500 Acres in Sitarampuram Mandal of Nellore District including Formation of 3 Nos. of Reservoirs and entire Canal System, CM&CD Works and its Distributory System to carry discharge required during crop period as per guide lines of Chief Engineer, CDO, Hyderabad for an ayacut of 58,500 Acres and also formation of two independent reservoir namely Gundlabrahmeswaram & Rallavagu to create an IP of 5000 Acres including CM & CD works and distributory system in Rabi Season as contemplated in different blocks in different Mandals of Prakasam, Kandapa and Nellore Districts as per Detailed Project Report of Veligonda Project.

Components:1. Drawl of 6.660 TMC of water through

Approach channel with a minimum discharge of CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


29.50 Cumecs including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) from Eastern Main canal @ Ch.Km. 25.465 to feed an ayacut of 58,500 Acres.

Prakasam District 2. Lifting of 2.800 TMC of water in 3 Stages

with sufficient length of Pressure Mains to create an ayacut of 25,600 Acres in Prakasam District.

a. Stage-I: From approach channel to Turimella Reservoir to create an ayacut of 25,600 Acres..

b) Gravity canal including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) from Turimella reservoir to intake sump at lift -2 to create an ayacut of 6000 Acres.

c) Stage-II: From Tail End of Gravity canal taking off from Turimella Reservoir to Racherla Tank to create an ayacut of 19,600 Acres.

d) Gravity canal including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) from Racherla tank for a length of 3.00Km (tentative) to create an ayacut of 2,000 Acres.

e) Stage-III: From Tail End of Gravity canal taking off from Racherla Tank to the canal with an FSL of +265.00M to create ayacut of 17,600 Acres.

f) Gravity canal including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) starting after stage-III lift and ending at a suitable location near Giddalur town duly crossing the SCR railway track to create an ayacut of 17,600 Acres in Prakasam District.

Kadapa District Lifting of 3.860 TMC of water with Pressure

Mains (Mild steel) in single Stage to create an ayacut of 32,900 Acres in Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

a. Lift -4 – towards Kalasapadu Major: Lifting of 1.780 TMC of water in single stage to create an ayacut of 15,800 Acres in Kalasapadu Mandal.

b. Lift -4 – towards Porumamilla Major: Lifting of 2.080 TMC of water in single stage to create an ayacut of 17,100 Acres in Porumamilla Mandal (9,600Acres) and Sitarampuram Mandal (7,500 Acres)

c. Approach channel from Porumamilla Major for a sufficient length to the inlet of tunnel to


irrigate 7500 Acres in Sitarampuram Mandal in Nellore District.

d. Tunnel for a length of 9.00 Kms to carry the discharge of 3.50 Cumes from the tailend of approach channel.

e. Feeder canal with a discharge of 3.50 Cumecs from the Exit of Tunnel to Sitarampuram Reservoir on Pillaperu Vagu near Gangavaram Village, Sitarampurm Mandal.

3. Distributory system including CM & CD works to create an IP of 58,500 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

4. Supply erection and maintenance of 220 KV DC line (Double circuit line) to have 100% reliability of supply during pumping operation period and a line is to be laid from near by 220 KV Sub-Station and Construction of swithyard.

Reservoirs on Western Branch canal:

Investigation, Design and Execution with all necessary ancillary works such as surplus weir ,surplus course, Irrigation sluice and delivery cistern etc., as per approved designs and drawings of Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organization, Hyderabad

A. Formation of Turimella Reservoir near Turimella village

B. Formation/Improvements to Racherla Tank near Racherla Village

C. Formation of Sitaramsagar Reservoir on Pillaperu vagu near Gangavaram Village, Sitarampurm Mandal.

Independent Reservoirs:

Investigation, Design and Execution with all necessary ancillary works such as surplus weir ,surplus course, Irrigation sluice and delivery cistern etc., as per approved designs and drawings of Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organization, Hyderabad including Canal System, CM & CD works and Distributary System to carry the discharge required during crop period as per Modified Pen Men method.1) Formation of Gundla Brahmeswaram Reservoir

near Chinaganapalii Village of Racherla Mandal, to create an ayacut of 3500 Acres in Racherla Mandal of Prakasam District.

2) Formation of Rallavagu Reservoir near Papinenipalli Village of Arthaveedu Mandal to create an ayacut of 1500 Acres in Arthaveedu Mandal of Prakasam District.


3) Supplementation of water from Porumamilla Major to Racheruvu tank of Rajupalem of Kalasapadu Mandal to stabilize the existing ayacut of 1800 Acres.

Miscellaneous items:

1. Preparation of land plan schedules & Land Acquisition proposals on the basis of approved alignment and allied works including submergence of balancing Reservoir.2. Preparation of cost estimates for all the components after approval of designs and clubbing the items suitably for record measurement purpose.3. Formation of service roads in the project area along the canal banks and plantation along the canal banks.4. All necessary permissions/clearances/ approvals are to be processed and obtained by the firm only on its own costs. As a user agency this department will initiate the proposals in respect of this scheme.5. Providing internal electrification and lighting arrangements, beautification and plantation near pump house and intake well.6. Providing drinking water regulating arrangements (Off-Take Sluice) to enroute villages.

28. Special Conditions. The Scope of work shown above is only indicative and detailed scope, basic parameters and project profile have been described in the bid document in appropriate chapters. 1. The time for completion of the project is

48(Forty eight) months.2. Issue of bid document will not automatically

construed the eligibility of the bidder(s) for participation in the subsequent bidding process and will be determined during evaluation.

3. The Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.

4. The dates stipulated in the NIT are firm and under no circumstances they will be relaxed unless officially extended.

5. The bidders shall submit their tenders online only. Any sort of difficulties for the problems in the internet, web site in submission of tenders,


the department is not responsible.6. Other conditions are as per the bid document

which will be available on e- procurement market place from 10.11.2008 from 11.00 AM onwards.

7.Tenders with an excess of more than 5 % over the internal benchmark value arrived by the department shall be summarily rejected.

8.In respect of tenders beyond 25 % less than Internal Benchmark arrived by the Department, a Bank Guarantee (or) Demand Draft for the difference between the tendered amount and 75 % of internal benchmark value should be furnished at the time of agreement as additional security deposits.

9. The e-procurement application is PKI enabled and supports the digital certificates issued by APTS, for signing the bids at the time of submission by contractor. The contractor has to procure digital certificates issued by APTS Ltd., Hyderabad as per the procedure. Digitally signed bids are to be submitted electronically through e-procurement, without which the tender will not be considered for opening the Price Bid.

10. The bidders intend to know the procedure of bid submission on e-procurement platform; suitable training will be given by M/s C1 India Ltd., Khairatabad, and Hyderabad.

11. Government reserves the right to cancel/alter the bid conditions at any time.

12. In the process, if the works are stalled due to legal intervention or due to natural calamities no compensation will be paid

13. The bidder should submit a copy of valid VAT registration certificate issued by the VAT registration authority.

14.The successful bidder should however pay the EMD calculated at 2.5% of Bid amount at the time of signing the contract in the shape of demand draft or unconditional and irrecoverable Bank Guarantee on the standard format enclosed to the Bid schedule for a total period not less than the stipulated period of completion of the work in question, plus 24 months defect liability period from the completion certificate.

The EMD of Rs 7.50 Crores paid by the successful bidder at the time of the filing of bid through DD or BG will be discharged after submission of EMD calculated at 2.5% of Bid.

15.Tenders shall be valid for a period of 6 months. CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


Before expiry of validity, the authority who called for the Tenders, shall seek for further extension of validity from the contractors and iv case the validity is not extended, his Tender will not be considered and the EMD shall be returned.

16. The retention amount from the bills will be deducted at the rate of 7.5%.

17.The transaction fee of Rs.25,000/- + 12.36 % Service Tax, + Education Cess 1.85% (Rs. 28,700/-) has to be paid through electronic gate way payment system to M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd., by each participating bidder at the time of Bid submission it self.

18. All necessary permissions / clearance / approvals are to be processed and obtained by the firm only on its own cost as user agency. This Department will initiate the proposals in respect of above.

19. In case of discrepancy between the price quoted online and in supporting documents uploaded, then the price quoted in the template provided online only would be the considered for evaluation.

20. The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders, either after the finalization of the Tender or on expiry of validity of period of Tender, whichever is earlier.

21. The experience and Turn over certificate should be certified by the concerned Executive Engineer and Counter signed by the Superintending Engineer and copies may be uploaded duly got attested by the Gazetted officer.

22. Labour welfare cess at 1% to be recovered from the successful bidder from the running bills during execution.

23. For Mobilisation of funds for National Academy of Construction (N.A.C.) at Hyderabad, an amount @ the rate of 0.25% will be recovered from the running bills of the contractor on the gross amount.

24. To maintan the completed Lift Irrigation System for 58,500 Acres for 15 (Fifteen) Years


Amendment to Code for E.P.C. Works. (A.P. Detailed Standard Specifications)

A.P.Detailed Standard

SpecificationsProvision as per Code Amendment as per EPC

P.S. 8 Definitions: The ‘employer’ is the Superintending Engineer, i.e. the agreement concluding authority.‘Engineer-In-Charge’ is The Executive Engineer in charge of execution.

P.S. 11 Quantities approximate and contractor to verify the nature and amount of work:

The quantities mentioned in tender notices and given in agreement (Schedule.A) are worked out from the relevant drawings in PW Department office and may or may not be the actuals required for execution. The EE does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work to be done will correspond therewith but reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any class or portion of the work as he deems necessary. Provided there is no change in the over all scope of the work Tenderers must satisfy themselves by a personal examination of the site of the proposed work, by examination of the plans and specifications and by other means as they prefer as to the accuracy and sufficiency of the statement of quantities and all conditions affecting the work and shall not at any time after the submission of their tender, dispute or complain of such statement of qualities, not assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to

Note.1 under P.S.11:In respect of EPC works the conventional Schedule.A giving the quantities against each item of work is dispensed with. Only project information regarding project features, major components as available are given in project profile of bid documents. Scope of work and basic project parameters of the project shall be defined in the bid documents. The bidders shall review the data / information provided in bid documents and satisfy themselves. Any doubts shall be got cleared in pre bid meeting.The contractor shall quote the bid price in lumpsum after careful analysis of cost involved for the performance work considering all basic parameters, specifications and conditions of contract The bid offer shall be for the whole work and not for individual item / part of work. The bidder shall quote for the entire work on a single source responsibility basis. The cost of all items of work necessary to achieve the objective as setout in the basic parameters shall be included in the bid price. The total cost of


the nature or amount of the work to be done nor in consequence apply for extension of time for completion beyond the agreement date.

work shall be mentioned.

P.S. 12 Approximate not to mean deviation from drawings and specifications:

The declaration of the approximate nature of the statement of quantities in Schedule.A does not, however, in any way imply that the quantities will be increased for departure by the contractor from strict compliance with sanctioned drawings and specifications to suit his own given convenience or reduce his costs.

Note.1 under P.S. 12:In respect of EPC works the execution shall be strictly in accordance with bid conditions. Contractors shall not deviate from basic parameters of the project to reduce his costs. EPC being a turnkey system extra items / financial claims on the department contingent to the work other than price adjustments shall not be considered.

P.S. 13 To compare tenders:

The quantities in Schedule .A are for a uniform comparison of lumpsum tenders.

Note.1 under P.S.13:

In respect of EPC the E.C.V put to tender value shall be the basis for comparison of tenders. The agency shall furnish the detailed estimates prepared based on approved drawings as per provision of agreement.

P.S. 14 Drawings and Specifications: - Purpose:The contract drawings if any read together with the contract specifications are intended to show and explain the manner of executing the work and to indicate the type from time to time be given

Note.1 under P.S. 14:In respect of EPC works drawings given, listed and indexed in bind documents are indicative. The above drawings show the system as a whole .The contractor shall carry out investigation to prepare detailed layout, designs and drawings of all components of the work within the stipulated time period, to be approved by


consultant departmental authority. The contractor shall follow all relevant BIS codes / circulars issued by the department from time to time for various components of the works. In case of difference of opinion on technical matters between the contractor and the Engineer-in-charge , the decision of the appellate authority shall be final and binding on the contractor. The appellate authority is Superintending Engineer in respect of designs and drawings approved by Engineer-in-charge. The appellate authority is Chief Engineer/ Chief Engineer (Designs) in respect of designs and drawings approved by Superintending Engineer. The appellate authority is the Committee constituted by the Government in respect of designs and drawings approved by Chief Engineer/ Chief Engineer(Designs).

P.S. 54 Assignment or sub letting:-The contractor shall not, without the written consent of the EE, assign the contract nor sublet any portion of the same. Ordinarily no sub letting will be permitted, but in case such should be permitted by the EE, it shall in no way free the contractor from any of his responsibilities under clause of his preliminary specifications or

Note.1 under P.S. 54:In case of EPC works, if the prime contractor desires to sublet a part of the work, he should submit the same at the time of filing bids (itself) or during execution, giving the name of the proposed sub contractor, along with details of his qualification and experience. The bid accepting authority should


the “Articles of Agreement”. verify the experience of the sub contractor and if the sub contractor satisfies the qualification criteria in proportion to the value of work proposed to be sub let, including his past track record of completion and quality of work, he may permit the same. The aggregate value of works to be awarded on sub letting shall not exceed 50% of contract value. The extent of sub letting shall be added to the experience of the sub contractor and to that extent deducted from that of the main contractor.

P.S.59 Delays and extension of time: No claim for compensation on account of delays or hindrances to the work from any cause whatever shall lie, except as hereinafter defined. Reasonable extension of time will be allowed by the EE or by the officer competent to sanction the extension for unavoidable delays, such as may result from causes, which in the opinion of the EE, are undoubtedly beyond the control of the contractor. The EE shall assess the period of delay or hindrance caused by any written instructions issued by him at 25 percent in excess of the actual working period so lost.In the event of EE failing to issue necessary instructions and thereby causing delay and hindrance to the contractor, the latter shall have the right to

Note.1 under P.S. 59In respect of EPC works the Chief Engineer shall permit grant of extension of time up to six months and the State level Committee constituted by the Govt. beyond six months, subject to levying liquidated damages wherever necessary and the employer coveys the same to the agency.


claim an assessment of such delay by the SE of the Circle whose decision will be final and binding. The contractor shall lodge in writing with the EE a statement of claim for any delay or hindrance referred to above, within 14 days from its commencement, otherwise no extension of time will be allowed.Whenever authorised alterations or additions made during the progress of the work are of such a nature in the opinion of the EE as to justify an extension of time in consequence thereof, such extension will be granted in writing by the EE or other competent authority when ordering such alterations of additions.

P.S. 60 Delays in commencement or progress or neglect of work and forfeiture of earnest money, security deposit and with held amounts

a. Time shall be considered as of the essence of the contract. If, at any time the EE shall be of the opinion that contractor is delaying commencement of the work or violating any of the provisions of the contract or is neglecting or delaying the progress of the work as defined by the tabular statement “Rate of progress” in the “Article of agreement”, he shall so advice the contractor neglects to comply with such demand within

Note to P.S 60(a)In respect of EPC works. Termination of contact shall also be as per condition No.55 of General Conditions of EPC contract.

Note to P.S 60(b)

E.O.T in EPC contracts shall be granted.In respect of EPC works the Chief Engineer shall permit grant of extension of time up to six months and the State level Committee constituted by the Govt. beyond six months, subject to levying liquidated damages wherever necessary and the employer coveys the same to the agency.


seven days after receipt of such notice, it shall then or at any time thereafter, be lawful for the EE to determine the contract, which determination shall carry with it the forfeiture of the security deposit and the total of the amount with held under Clause 68 below, together with the value or such work as may have been executed and not paid for, or such proportion of such total sums, as shall be assessed by the EE.

[ However, any authority higher in rank than the EE may in his absolute discretion, waive or modify any penalty or forfeiture imposed by the EE under the provision of clause]b. If, however, the EE not

withstanding the failure of the contractor to comply with the demand referred to in sub-clause (a) of this clause or failure to maintain the “Rate of progress” specified in the “Articles of agreement” plus any extension of time that may have been allowed to the contractor as defined in Clause 59, shall permit the contractor to proceed with the whole or part and continue and complete the whole or such part of the work, such permission shall not be deemed to be a waiver in any respect by the EE of the right of

In respect of EPC contract, payments are made as per payment schedule given in Annexure.II. The payment schedule can be sub divided into sub components. Quantities are not indicated in the agreement or bill. In case of execution of unfinished work of agency the quantities have to be worked out by the department. The following is to be adopted:

I. The deletion shall be in conformity with the sub components already fixed.

i. If the new agency is willing to carry out


forfeiture under this clause:Provided however that any such forfeiture under this sub clause shall not exceed 5 percent of the total of the contract amount.Provided however that any authority higher in rank than the EE may in his absolute discretion waive or modify any penalty or forfeiture imposed by the EE under the provisions of his clause.

c. It shall be a further right of the EE, under this clause, at any time the “Rate of progress” in the agreement is not maintained, to give any part of the work to any other contractor at his discretion, in order to maintain the “Rate of progress” upon the completion of that part of the work that is withdrawn, the EE shall certify the amount of expenditure incurred by the department getting it completed by another contractor or contractors. Should the amount so certified be less than the amount which would have been die to the contractor on the completion of that part of the work by him, the difference shall not be paid to the contractor. [ should however the former exceed the latter, the difference shall be recovered from the contractor by the Government provided however that such a recovery shall not exceed 5%

work at the amount not exceeding the sub component percentage of original agency ie., where there is no extra liability to government the same can be approved by the employer, irrespective of monetary value.

ii. If the new agency is willing to carry out the work and the amount exceed the sub component percentage of original agency, if the difference is within 5% of agreement value the same may be entrusted by the Committee constituted for fixing I.B.M. The difference of 5% is to be made good from original agency.

iii. If the agency is willing to carry out the work and the amount exceed the sub component percentage by 5% of agreement value, all such cases require prior approval of Government.


of the total contract amount].

Note:- The contractor who makes a standing security deposit of Rs. 1,00,000 (Rs. One lakh) with the CE under whom he wishes to tender for works is eligible for concessional rates of earnest money deposit and retention from bills. However for the purpose of forfeiture under the above clause, security deposit will be reckoned at the normal rate, assuming that there is no standing security and not at the concessional rate.

P.S.62 Payment on lumpsum basis or by final measurement or unit prices:a) Payment for the work done

by the contractor will be made on the basis of the measurements recorded in the measurement books or level field books by an officer not below the rank of the Supervise and check measured by an officer not below the rank of an AE. The measurements will be recorded at the various stages of the work, while it is in progress, for the proper assessment of the quantities of work done and also after the work is completed or when the contract is determined. The contractor or his authorised agent shall be present at the recording of each set of measurement and check measurement and accept them, then and

Note.1 under P.S. 62

In respect of EPC works the measurements shall be recorded by EPC agency in M.Books and LF Books issued by the EE duly certified and numbered which shall be checked by the departmental officers as detailed in departmental codes.


there so as to avoid disputes at a later stage. The set of measurements and check measurements may also be taken by the department even in the absence of the contractor or his authorised agent, three days after the issue of a notice to the later in writing of such intention by the department.

b) In cases of over payment or wrong payment made, if any, to the contractor due to wrong interpretation of the provisions of the contract, the APSS or otherwise, such unauthorized payment will be deducted in the subsequent bills or final bill of the work, or failing that from the bills under any other contract with the government or at any time thereafter, from his security deposits available with the department.

c) It shall be accepted as a condition of the contract that a payment of the final bill to the contractor less the withheld amount and his acceptance thereof shall constitute a full and absolute release of government from all further claims by the contractor under the contract.


P.S. 63  

Payment for additions and deductions for omissions :

The contractor is bound to execute all supplemental items that are found essential, incidental and inevitable during the execution of the work, at the rates to be worked out as detailed below:

a) For all items of work in excess of the quantities shown in Schedule.A of the tender the rates payable for such items shall be either the tender rates or the standard schedule of rates for the items plus or minus the overall tender percentage accepted by the competent authority whichever is less.

b) For the items directly deductible from similar items in the agreement, the rates shall be derived by adding to or subtracting from the agreement rate of such similar item, the cost of difference in quantity of material or labour between the new items and the similar items in the agreement, worked out with reference to the Schedule of rates adopted in the sanctioned estimate plus or minus the over all tender percentage.

c) For new items which do not correspond to any

Note.1 under P.S. 63 In respect of EPC works the quantities are not shown as in conventional Schedule.A. As such payment for any extra work shall be regulated as under

1 Entrustment of the additional items contingent to the main work and within the scope of contract will be authorised by the employer and the contractor shall be bound to execute such additional items at no extra cost to the employer and the cost of such items shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted.

2 Entrustment of additional items of work contingent to main work and outside the scope of the contract will be authorised by the employer with the prior approval of the Government and the contractor shall be bound to execute such additional items and shall be compensated at the price decided by the Government.

3 Whenever additional items not contingent on the main work and


items in the agreement, the rates shall be the standard schedule rate plus or minus the overall tender percentage.

The term “Standard schedule of Rates”

used in the above sub clause (a), (b) & (c)

means the schedule of rates on which the sanctioned estimate was prepared

d) In the event of the EE and the contractor failing to agree on a rate for such additional work, the EE may at his opinion either :

outside the scope of original contract are entrusted to the contractor, entrustment of such items and the price to be paid shall be referred to the Government for final decision.



i. employ other parties to carry out the additional work in the same manner as provided for under Clause 48, or

ii. the contractor shall execute the work upon written orders from the EE and the cost of labour and materials plus 10 percent thereon shall be allowed therefore, provided that the vouchers for the labour and materials employed shall have been delivered to the EE or his representative within seven days after such work shall have been completed. If the EE considers that payment for such work on the basis of the vouchers presented is unduly high, he shall make payment in accordance with such valuation as he considers fair and reasonable and his decision to the matter shall be final,


if the amount involved in additional payment is Rs.1,000 or less, for each occasion on which such additional works shall have been authorised. If such amount exceeds Rs.1,000 the contractor shall have the right to submit the matter to arbitration under the provision of the arbitration Clause 73.

e) If, in the opinion of the EE, a rate for the additional work is not capable of being properly arrived at prior to execution of work, or if the work is not capable of being properly measured them the cost and payment thereof shall be dealt with as provided for in the preceding sub clause (d) (ii).

P.S.68 Payments and certificates : Payment will be made to the contractor under the certificate to be issued at reasonable frequent intervals by the EE or by the sub divisional officer. Within 14 days of the date of each certificate, an intermediate payment will be made by the EE or the sub divisional officer of a sum equal to 92% {(96 ½ %) in the case of contractors who have lodged

Note.1 under P.S. 68In respect of EPC works the amount recovered from the final bills will be retained under deposits and paid together with the EMD retained, after defect liability period as stipulated in the agreement

In case of Irrigation Department works the defect liability period is to be taken as 2 working


the standing security deposit of [Rs.1,00,000 (Rs.1.00 lakhs)] of the value of work, as so certified and the balance of 7 ½ %, (3 ½ % in the case of contractors who have the standing security deposit) will be with held and retained as a security for the due fulfillment of the contractor. Under the certificate to be issued by the EE or the sub divisional officer on the completion of the entire works the contractor will receive the final payment of all the moneys due or payable to him under or by virtue of the contractor except earnest money deposit retained as security and a sum equal to 2 ½ % of the total value of the work done, provided there is no recovery from or forfeiture by the contractor to be made under Clause 60. The amount with held from the final bill will be retained under “deposits” and paid to the contractor together with the earnest money deposit retained as security after a period of six months as all defects shall have been made good according to the true intent and meaning thereof. However in the case of works like conveyance of materials, supply of materials, slit clearance where the fixation of observation period is not necessary, the deposit amount could be refunded after the work is completed in accordance with the terms of

khariff seasons or 24 months whichever is higher.


the agreement.  No certificate of the EE or the

sub divisional officer shall be considered conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of any work or materials or correctness of measurements to which it relates, nor shall it relieve the contractor from his liability tot make good defects as provided by the contractor. The contractor, when applying for a certificate, shall prepare a sufficiently detailed bill, based on the original figures of quantities and rates in the contract (Schedule. A) to the satisfaction of the EE to enable the EE or the sub divisional officer to check the claim and issue the certificate. The certificate as to such of the claims mentioned in the application as are allowed by the EE or the sub divisional officer shall be issued within fourteen days of the application. No application for a certificate shall be made within fourteen of a previous application.

In calculating the amount of each item due to contractor in every bill submitting for payment under this contract, fraction of below five paise shall be omitted and five paise or over shall be reckoned as ten paise. In



calculating the total on each bill amounting to Rs.25/- or more under this contract, fractions of less than half rupee shall be disregarded and half a rupee and over shall be reckoned as one rupee.

{The above clause will not apply to contracts entered into for designing, manufacture, supply erection, testing etc., (mechanical contracts) where special conditions are incorporated providing for retention of 10% of the contract value for 12 months after the payment upto 90% on erection and testing}

P.S. 69 I nterest on money due to the contractor;

No omission by the EE or the sub divisional officer to ay the amount due upon certificates shall vitiate or make void the contract, nor shall be contractor be entitled to interest upon any guarantee fund or payments in arrear, nor upon any balance which may, on the final settlement of his accounts, be found to be due to him.

Whenever withheld amount reaches Rs.1,000 or a multiple thereof, the contractor may, at his option

Note .1 under P.S. 69In respect of EPC works the retention amount in excess of 2.5 % of value of work done shall be released against unconditional BG in multiples of Rs. 25 lakhs(in respect of contracts 0of Rs.100 crores and below) / Rs.50 lakhs(in respect of contracts of above Rs.100 Crores). The unconditional irrevocable BG shall be for the period till the final bill is paid. In the final bill 2.5 % of value of work done is to be retained and kept under deposits. The same shall be paid after defect liability period.


deposit with EE Rs.1,000 or a multiple thereof, in any of the forms of interest bearing securities recognized for the purpose by the APPW Accounts code and subject to the provisions therein contained in which case in the equivalent with held amounts shall be paid to him forth with. The contractor will be permitted to exercise the option in this clause, subject only to the condition that the rate of progress contained in the Articles of Agreement is properly maintained


Amendment to Code for EPC works under Financial Code Vol.1

Financial code Provision as per Code Amendment as per EPC

Article.51 Contracts:a. A Government servant who incurs expenditure on behalf of the Government may have to enter into a contract with a private firm or a contractor for the supply of stores or the execution of a work. The Government also sometimes employ a person on contract to serve as an officer under them for a definite period. When ever a contract is made by or on behalf of the government, the terms of the contract should be precise and definite and there should be no room for any ambiguity or for misconstruction of any of its provisions. Before finally entering into a contract on behalf of the Government, the Government servant concerned should take legal and financial advice except in those particular classes of cases in regard to which the departmental codes or the government. Orders issued from time to time contain clear and complete instructions.

Note under Article 51(a)

For entrustment of EPC contracts the Government may approve a panel of firms/agencies based on certain prescribed eligibility criteria. This empanelment shall be reviewed at a periodicity of not more than 2 years.In respect of EPC works, limited tender system inviting bids from the approved panel of firms/agencies under each category or open tender system shall be followed. The form of bid documents and contract format approved specially for EPC mode of works shall be used.

In respect of pre-qualified agencies, financial bid evaluation shall be done.

In respect of open category tenders, technical evaluation shall be done first following the criteria specified in the bid document and financial bid evaluation shall be done in respect of those who are qualified in


Contracts for the supply of stores or the execution of works should be made as far as possible only after openly inviting and receiving tenders from all who wish to tender. Standard forms of the rates mentioned in the contracts should be used in all cases for which they have been prescribed and the rates mentioned in the contracts should be subjected to adequate prior scrutiny. Whenever it is likely that a contractor will be entrusted with any government property in connection with his contract, a provision should be inserted in the contract safeguarding the government against loss or damage in respect of any government property that may be entrusted to him or his servants.

The Government servant who enters into a contract on behalf of the government and also his subordinates are responsible for strictly enforcing the terms of the contract and for seeing that no act is done that would tend to nullify or vitiate the contract.

b. Appendix – 4 contains a list of the authorities

technical bid evaluation.


empowered to enter into contracts on behalf of the Governor. All contracts in regard to which the government have not issued any definite rules or order as to conditions, forms, etc., and all contracts containing unusual conditions or involving any uncertain or indefinite liability should only be made after obtaining the special sanction of the government, who will obtain the necessary legal and financial advice in each case. Whenever it is proposed, for special and exceptional reasons, to agree to any material variation in the terms of an existing contract made on behalf of the Government. The matter should be referred to the Government for orders.


Article 163  

Methods of executing works:

Works are executed by one or other of the following four methods;

i) the departmental method

ii) piece work contract method

iii) the lump sum contract

method and iv) the schedule contract


Under method (i) , the department concerned itself engages the necessary daily labour and purchases or supplies the necessary materials. This method is adopted when no contractor is available or when it is considered to be the most economical method.

Under method (ii), the piece worker agrees to execute a specified work or part of a work as specified rates without reference to quantity or the time taken, and the department concerned arranges for the supervision, setting out and

In addition to the four methods of execution fifth method is introduced for execution of EPC works.(v) By an agreement in the form approved by Government for EPC works. In regard to method (v) the details are set forth clearly in the form of articles of agreement, tender notice and tender documents approved by Government.  


measuring of all the work done. As a rule, this method should not be adopted for works other than petty works (including improvements and repairs).

Under method (iii), the contractor agrees to execute a complete work in accordance with the specifications for a lump sum payment. This method should be adopted except when one of the other methods is considered more advantageous.


Under method (iv), the contractor agrees to execute one or more of the items included in a work at fixed rates, and the amount to be paid to him depends on the quantity and kind of work done or materials supplied. This method is in use mainly in the Forest and Agricultural Departments

When method (ii), (iii) or (iv) is adopted, special care should be taken


to see that the rates and amounts fixed are economical, giving due consideration to the amount and nature of the work tot be done.

Note:- No sales tax need be levied on occasional sales of materials by departments of Government to a contractor in pursuance of the terms in the notice calling for tenders and actually used on the works under the provisions contained in this Article. However, sales tax shall be levied on the regular sales to a contractor by the departments of the products produced or manufactured by them such a sales by the Forest Department, Agricultural Department etc.

Article 175 Measurement Book: Government servants should strictly

Note 1 under Article 175:



observe the following general instructions in regard to measurement books;-

1. All measurements should be taken down neatly in a measurement book issued for the purpose and nowhere else. No one may record any measurement in a measurement book except a Government servant who is empowered to make payment for the work done or a duly authorised executive subordinate in immediate charge of the work who has been supplied with a measurement book;

2. the lines under columns (1) to (4) on each page, beginning with the top line, should invariably be filled up at the work. No line should be left blank. Any lines that are not required on any page should be carefully scored through so that no additional entry can be made afterwards.

3. Each set of measurements should begin with entries showing:-

works, measurements shall be recorded by EPC agency in M.Books and L.F.Books issued by the concerned EE duly numbered and certified. The M.Books and L.F.Books have to be maintained by the EPC agency through authorized graduate engineers as per procedure prescribed in Code and finally to be handed over to the department (Engineer-in-charge).

2. In Earth Work Excavation and embankment AE/AEEs have to verify and record

a. 1/3rd of prelevels taken by EPC agency

b. 100% levels in case of cut off and foundations

c . 25% of intermediate work done levels d. 100% for final levels recorded by EPC

Agency. e.All measurements

recorded by the EPC agency in the

M- Books issued by the EE shall be checked to 100%


i. in the case of worka. full name of work as

given in the estimate,

b. situation of work,c. name of contractor,d. number and date of

his agreement, if any,e. date of

commencement of work (ie date on

which site was handed

over),f. date of actual

completion of work, and

g. date of measurement; or

ii). in the case of materials supplied.

a. name of supplier,b. number and date of his

agreement, if any, or of the order,

c. purpose of supply,d. date of written order tot

begin supplies,e. date of actual

completion of supplies, and

f. date of measurement. Each set of

measurements should end with the dated signature and designation of the Government servant who takes the

extent by AEs/AEEs

f. DEEs., EEs and SEs have to check the above levels and measurements as per standing codal provisions and orders.

3. Wherever Quality Control

agencies are in existence, such agency has to record its findings in M Books/LF Books besides furnishing certificates as prescribed separately.



measurements. A suitable abstract should then be prepared which should which should show, in the case of measurement for work done, the total quantity of each distinct item of work relating to each sanctioned sub head.

4. Since all payments of work or supplies are based on the quantities recorded in the measurement book, the government servant who takes the measurements must take all possible care to record the quantities clearly and accurately. He will also be held responsible for the correctness of the entries in the column “Contents or area” in respect of the measurement recorded by him. If the measurements are taken in connection with running contract account on which work has been previously measured, he will also be held responsible for recording a reference to the last set of measurements on a running account, or the first and final measurement, this fact should be suitably noted against the entries in the M. Book,


and in the later case the actual date of completion should be noted in the prescribed place. The signature of the contractor or his agent should be obtained in the M .Book after each set of measurements below the statement “I accept the measurements”. If the contractor or his agent is illiterate, his thumb mark should be attested by independent witness.

5. Entries should be recorded continuously in the measurement book. No page should be left blank or torn out. If a page is left blank inadvertently it should be cancelled by diagonal lines as soon as this is noticed and cancellation should be attested by the dated initials of the government servant concerned.

6. No erasure is permitted. If a mistake is made, the government servant who is responsible should correct it and attest the correction by his dated initials. When any measurements are cancelled, the


cancellation must be attested by a reference to his orders installed by the government servant who took the measurements. In either case the reason for the cancellation should always be recorded.

7. Entries should be made, if possible, in ink and otherwise in indelible pencil. Pencil entries should never be inked over. Every entry in the “Contents or area” column should be made in ink.

 8. Each measurement

book should contain an index and the government servant in charge or if should keep the index upto date.

9. At the time of payment, the government servant who authorises payment should draw a diagonal red ink line across every page containing the detailed measurements relating to the work or supplies paid for and should record reference to the



number and date of the voucher or sub voucher on the abstract of measurements.

10. The measurement book should be produced for inspection on request by the AG or a duly authorised member of his staff.

11. The Joint Director of Industries and Commerce in the case of the Industries Department, the District Collectors in the case of the Revenue Department and the Officer specified for this purpose in the concerned department manuals are competent to deal with losses of measurement books. All losses of measurement books should at once be reported to them so that the losses may be written off and necessary disciplinary action taken against those responsible for the loss.


Article 177  

Aid to Contractors:No advance should be paid to a contractor except with the special sanction of the Government or of a competent authority to whom they have delegated power to sanction such advances. Government servants should make every endeavor to maintain a system under which payment is made only for work actually done.

When, in exceptional circumstances, a Government servant considers it essential to give a contractor an advance, he should apply to the competent authority for sanction. When ever any such advance is sanctioned, all the Government servants concerned should take the necessary precautions to secure the Government against loss and to prevent the system from becoming general or continuing longer than is necessary.


Note under Article 177Method (v) to be inserted

1.In EPC contracts, Mobilisation advance not exceeding 5% of the contract value is payable at the prescribed stages of execution. Mobilisation advance on new machinery at the prescribed percentage of the value of new machinery not exceeding 5% of contract value is payable against production of original invoices in proof of purchase of the machinery by the contractor/ firm/ joint venture.

2.The invoices should be in the name of the contractor/firm/joint venture only and the new machinery should have been purchased only after the date of conclusion of the agreement for the work.

3. No mobilisation advance is payable on achinery purchased by an individual firm in respect of joint ventures though that individual firm is a partner in the joint venture.

4. The contractor /firm/ joint venture should submit an undertaking to the effect that they have not obtained any mobilisation advance from the government against the machinery for which they are presently claiming payment of mobilisation advance. This is to ensure that mobilisation advance is paid only once against one purchase. Any wrong declaration, when comes to light, entails recovery of the entire amount paid with penal interest in a lump from their immediate next work bill apart from instituting other prescribed penal actions.

5. Payment of mobilisation advance is also permissible on ordered machinery with approval of Government.

6. Recovery of mobilisation advance along with interest


shall be made as per provisions of the contract.

Article 185  

Administrative Approval and Technical Sanction:

(a) Except to the extent that the power to accord administrative approval has been delegated to subordinate authorities, as shown in Appendix 12 every original work (including a mixed works of the kind described in Article 147) which is allotted to the PWD required the administrative approval is required for a work which comprises only ordinary or special repairs.

(b) All proposals for the construction of compound walls, reconstruction of collapsed compound walls, improvements to existing ons as well as proposal for the provision of iron wire fencing require the approval of the government even if the expenditure thereon could be met from the “Minor Works” grant. But their approval is not necessary in the case of part reconstruction of a compound wall which may be done under “Repairs”.

The estimate shall be prepared based on available preliminary data, the scope of works and project parameters taking into consideration the points mentioned in Para 390 and duly furnishing approximate financial break up of component parts as envisaged in Para 101 of A.P.P.W “D” Code and submitted in case of works to be taken up under EPC for according Administrative approval.



(c) Detailed plans and estimates should be prepared and submitted to the government or other competent authority for technical sanction in respect of every work allotted to the PWD unless it is a petty work costing Rs.1,000 or less, or comprises only ordinary repair for which a lumpsum provision not exceeding Rs.1,000 is made annually. The extent of the powers delegated to subordinate authorities to accord technical sanction is shown in Appendix.12.


(d) The detailed plans and estimates for a work should be prepared before administrative approval is sought when the estimated cost of the work is less than Rs.5,000 but only after administrative approval has been accorded when the estimated cost prepared in the first instance when the estimated cost of a work is Rs.5,000 or more, and should be submitted to the authority competent to accord administrative approval along with a report on the necessity for the work. On receipt of administrative approval to works costing below, Rs.50,000 the PWD should prepare a detailed estimates and plans and after the professional authorities are satisfied that the proposals are structurally sound, the countersigned of the head of the department or of the local head of the department who applied for the execution of the work should be obtained to the plans and estimates in token of approval. Technical sanction should then be accorded.

In the case of the works costing


Rs.50,000 and above, the procedure indicated below should be observed. As soon as possible after administrative approval is obtained to any such building scheme, detailed plans and estimate should be prepared with lumpsum provision for electrical and sanitary fittings. When the detailed plans are ready in a rough shape, the consulting Architect to Government

should consult the head of the department who should in his turn, obtain the advice of and circulate plans to, experienced officer of his department. The head of department should also consider specially such points as layout and orientation of the building on the site with an eye on sanitation, water and electric supplies and the suitability and economy or arrangement of the building. The consulting Architect to government should ascertain the exact requirement from the HOD and incorporate them in the building plans which are then to be countersigned. Such approved plans countersigned by the HOD should not be altered subsequently without the sanction of the government. As soon as the plans have been countersigned, the EE should immediately proceed to obtain technical sanction communicating at the same time copies of the certified plans to the Electrical Engineer (General) and in cases in which the sanitary engineer has to be consulted, to the Sanitary Engineer also for further guidance in the preparation of


detailed plans and estimates for electrical and sanitary installations.

If, the preparation of detailed estimates it is found that the cost will exceed the estimate administratively approved by more than 10 percent, revised administrative approval must be obtained before technical sanction can be accorded.

Note:- In regard to any work (costing Rs.50,000 or more) of construction, reconstruction, extension or improvement of a medical building, the special rules contained in Appendix.13 should be followed.

Article.190Methods of executing works:The piece work contract method (see Article 63) should ordinarily be used only for works (including improvements and repairs) costing not more than Rs.2,500 it may also be used for a work of improvements and / or repairs costing over Rs. 2,500, when that is considered desirable, but the reasons for doing so should be recorded. In the scheduled areas or any other tract where satisfactory contractors under the lump sum contract method are not available, the piece work contract method may be adopted even for original works costing over Rs.2,500

The following para to be addedIn respect of EPC works the method of execution shall be as per the provisions of agreement.


each.The necessary details in regard to the lump sum contract method are set forth, clearly in the preliminary specification of the Detailed Standard Specifications, the standardized forms of articles of agreement, tender notice and tender mentioned in those specifications, and the prescribed intermediate and final bill forms.

Article 192 Invitation to Tender:Before a work is given on contract, the government servant who is competent to enter in contract on behalf of the government should have the necessary “contract documents” prepared. He should invariably invite tenders when the amount involved in the contract is Rs.2,500 or more unless a competent authority has given special permission to dispense with tenders. When the amount involved is less than Rs 2,500 the authority competent to sanction the work has discretion to decide whether or not tender should be invited, as seems desirable in each case. A work must not be split up into parts or some of which cost less than Rs.2,500 with a view to giving contracts without calling for tenders should invariably be invited as publicity as possible eg., by advertisement in the AP Gazettee and the local

Note.4 under Article 192In respect of EPC works bid documents approved by Government shall be adopted for inviting tenders.


newspaper and by posting a notice in English and the Indian languages used in the neighbourhood in public places, and intending tenderers should be given free access to copies of the contract documents. The notice should always state.

(i) When and where the contract documents can be seen and the blank forms of tender obtained, and the charge for a set of plans or other tender documents;

(ii) When and where the tenders are to be submitted and are to be opened (if the contract is a large one, the latest date or the submission of tender should be atleast a month after the date when publicity is first given to the invitation to tender);

(ii) The amount of earnest money that should be sent with the tender and the amount and nature of the security deposit to be made by the successful tenderer (the amount of earnest money for either a piece work contract or a lumpsum contract, and the additional security required from the successful tenderer


for a lumpsum contract should each be 2 ½ percent of the sanctioned estimate figure when the contract is for the whole of a work of 2 ½ percent of the estimated amount of the contract when it is only for part of the work included in the estimate); and

(ii) Who or what authority has power to decide as to the acceptance of a tender.


Power should always be reserved to reject any, or all, or the tenders received without the assignment of any reason, and this should be expressly stated in every invitation to tender. No tender should be accepted from any person directly or indirectly connected with government service. The tenders should be opened in the presence of any of the tenderers or their authorised agents who are present at the notified time and place.

The government servant who opens the tenders should initial every correction in each tender which has been initialed by the tender, if there is any correction in a tender itself when it is opened. He should keep a personal note of the total



number of tenders opened by him and check it with the number shown in the comparative statement or tenders.

After the receipt of the comparative statement and before the selection of a tenderer, the officer concerned should examine all the tenders and satisfy himself that no corrections which were not in the tenders at the time he received them have been made in any of them.

Note.1:- The rule that tenders should be invited when the amount involved in a contract is not less than Rs.2,500 applies to

i. Contracts for the execution of work including supply of materials for such works by the contractors themselves, but not contracts involving only the supply of materials (other than road quarry materials) or tools and plant; and

ii. Contracts for the supply of road quarry materials.

Note.2:- Notice calling for tenders should invariably be published in prominent local


newspapers in respect of all works costing over Rs.1,00,000.

Note.3:- In the case of road work in the scheduled areas, the EE may, if he thinks it desirable to do so, refrain from calling for tenders even when the amount involved exceeds Rs. 2,500 but if he does not call for tenders for such a work, he should record his reasons.

Article 193 Acceptance of Tenders:As a rule, no tender for the execution of a work should be received unless the tenderer presents along with it a challan showing that he has paid into the treasury or the bank the earnest money notified as necessary in the tender notice. The Government servant who has to select tender for acceptance should take into consideration the financial status of each tenderer, his capability, the security which he offers and his record in regard to the execution or other works. When other conditions are equal, he should accept the lowest tender. If the accepts a tender other than the lowest, he should keep a confidential record of his reasons for doing so and should produce this record for perusal by the AG or a duly authorised member of his staff, if

Note.1 under Article 193

The procedure prescribed by Government for acceptance of tenders in respect of EPC shall be followed.


requested to do so. Departmental inspecting officers should also examine every case of acceptance of a tender other than the lowest, and report to the higher authorities any such case for which, in the opinion of the inspecting officer, there was no sufficient justification.

The acceptance or rejection of a tender is a matter within the discretion of the government servant to whom the duty is entrusted, and no tenderer should be told the reasons for rejecting his tender. When it is considered desirable to do so, a superior authority or the AG or a duly authorised member of his staff will call on the government servant who dealt with the tenders to justify the manner in which he exercised his discretion and may require him to state his reasons for rejecting any particular tender.

When tenders have been invited for a work in accordance with Article 192 and there is no response or all the tenders received are rejected as being unsatisfactory and it is considered that a call for further tenders would be fruitless or in undesirable, the government servant who is competent to accept a tender for the work may


select a contractor and allot the work to him after obtaining the sanction of his immediately superior authority.

Article 195 Agreement with contractors:

a. Rates in excess of those stated in an agreement must on no account be paid, since the payment of rates not due under the contract would nullify it.

b. When a piece work contractor refuses to execute any work at the rates stated in his piece work agreement, the government servant incharge of the work should terminate the agreement and have the work already done measured up and paid for at the rates included in the sanctioned agreement. He should also forfeit the contractor’s security according to the terms of the agreement, unless a competent authority orders that the forfeiture be waived. He should not enter into any contract for the execution f the remaining work at higher rates, unless he has publicity invited

The following shall be added below ‘f’

1. Entrustment of the additional items contingent to the main work and within the scope of contract will be authorised by the employer and the contractor shall be bound to execute such additional items at no extra cost to the employer and the cost of such items shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted.

2.Entrustment of additional items of work contingent to main work and outside the scope of the contract will be authorised by the employer with the prior approval of the Government and the contractor shall be bound to execute such additional items and shall be compensated at the price decided by the Government.

3. 3 Whenever additional items not contingent on the


tenders and obtained the most favourable rates, that are available.

Note:- In the case of works executed by the PWD if it is necessary, in any case, to give out the balance of work at higher rates to another contractor without calling for open tenders whether on account of urgency or any other reasons, the previous approval of the SE should be obtained where the

c. As a general rule, no rate stated in an accepted agreement should be revised whilst the agreement is in force. When the government servant incharge of a work considers it desirable for good and sufficient reasons, to revise a rate stated in a current agreement, he should apply for the sanction of the authority next above that which accepted the original agreement. If the revision is sanctioned, he should place on record with the agreement the reasons for the revision and its effect in the total amount of work to be done under each item concerned and under the agreement as a whole. Whenever a revised rate is sanctioned in connection with an agreement, it will

main work and outside the scope of original contract are entrusted to the contractor, entrustment of such items and the price to be paid shall be referred to the Government for final decision.


take effect only from the date of according sanction unless the sanctioning authority specifically orders that it should be given retrospective effect.

d. In every case falling under Clause (b) or (c) above, the government servant concerned must strictly comply with all the rules applicable to the revision of the estimate.

 e. Any correction made in an agreement should be attested with dated initials by both the government servant who accepted the original agreement and the contractor, in order to indicate acceptance of the altered rate and also with a view to preventing any tampering with agreements after approval.

f. A government servant incharge of a work should not order any extra item of work not covered by the original agreement to be done, unless a competent authority has sanctioned it. If it has been duly sanctioned, he should see that the rate is fixed in accordance with conditions printed in the form of piece work agreement or clause 63 of the preliminary specification of the Detailed Standard Specifications.

Note:- the



concessions shown to contractors in the PWD under clause (b) and (c) above will be extended also to contractors in the Revenue Department subject to the conditions specified to clauses (d) and (c) above in Article 127 below:

Article 196Alteration to design during construction:If any important structural alteration is found to be desirable whilst a work is being constructed, the proposal to make it should be submitted for fresh administrative approval by the authority which gave the original administrative approval, even when it is not likely to cause any increased outlay. Revised detailed plans and estimates should be submitted for technical sanction, if the alteration involved any substantial change in the cost of the work.


Article 197 Revised Estimates:A revised estimate should be submitted when the sanctioned estimate is likely to be exceeded by more than 5 percent for any cause whatever or when material developments or deviations have necessitated revised administrative approval. A report should be sent with it showing the progress made up to date and



explaining fully why the revision is necessary. The revised estimate need not contain details of the items which are not altered, but merely a note stating that they are not altered; a comparative statement should be furnished for the items that are altered. The sanctioned estimate should always be sent with the revised estimate. If, however, the likelihood of an excess of actual expenditure over the sanctioned estimate of more than 5 percent becomes known only at such an advanced stage in the construction of a work that it would be useless to submit a revised estimate, the facts should be explained in completion report.


Amendment to Code for E.P.C. Works “D” Code

“D” Code Provision as per Code Amendment as per EPC

Para No.20

The SE should generally prepare designs and save detailed plans and estimates prepared in his office for all original works improvements likely to cost more than Rs.1,00,000. In the case of estimate for improvements to existing structures amounting to over Rs. 1,00,000 where the SE could not undertake the preparation of estimates without being supplied by the EE with an amount of data which would make it more convenient if the latter himself prepared the plans and estimates in question, the EE should prepare them. The SE will be responsible for the engineering features of all designs prepared by him, his Personal Assistant will be responsible for the calculations and for the accuracy of the rates.

Note.1 under Para 20.Superintending Engineer should prepare project profile and basic project parameters with project cost under EPC Agency. The same shall be approved by i) Superintending

Engineer - upto Rs.50 Lakhs

ii) Chief Engineer - More than Rs.50 Lakhs

and equal to Rs.200 Lakhsiii)Committee

constituted by Government for works : costing more than Rs.200 lakhs.

Para No.99

Administrative Approval & Technical Sanction: For every work proposed to be carried out, except petty works and repairs the cost of which does not exceed Rs. 2,500/- a detailed estimate must be prepared by the PWD for the sanction of

Note .1 under Para 99

The estimate shall be prepared based on available preliminary data,


competent authority; this sanction is known as the technical sanction to the estimate. Except where definite provision is made in this Code to the contrary, such sanction can only be accorded by Government or, where powers has been delegated to them, by officers of that department. Sanction accorded to the construction of work by any other department of Government is merely an administrative approval of the work, which is in effect an order to the PWD to execute a certain specified work for the department as a stated cost.

the scope of works and project parameters taking into consideration the points mentioned in Para 390 and duly furnishing approximate financial break up of component parts as envisaged in Para 101 of A.P.P.W “D” Code and submitted in case of works to be taken up under EPC for according Administrative approval.

Para No.102

On receipt of administrative approval to works costing below Rs. 50,000 the PWD should prepare detailed estimates and plans and after the professional authorities are satisfied that the proposals are structurally sound, the counter signature of the Head of the Department or of the local Head of the Department who applied for the execution of the work should be obtained to the plans and estimates in token of approval for technical sanction should then be accorded.

1. In the case of work costing Rs.50,000/- and above, the procedure indicated below should be observed. As soon as possible after administrative approval is obtained tot any such

Note.1 under Para 102 On receipt of Administrative Approval for EPC works the department should verify the estimate prepared as envisaged in Note.1 under para 99 and if satisfied Technical sanction be accorded by the competent authority.

In case the department has any new facts which will materially affect the cost of the project they shall be taken into consideration for arriving at the estimate for according Technical sanction.

If that cost of estimate is found to exceed the


building scheme, detailed plans and estimates should be prepared with lumpsum provision for electrical and sanitary fittings. When the detailed plans are ready in a rough shape the Consulting Architect to Government should consul the HOD who should in his turn obtain the advice of and circulate the plans to, experienced officers of his department. The HOD should also consider specifically such points as layout and orientation of the buildings on the site with an eye on sanitation, water and electric supplies and the suitability and economy of arrangement of the building. The Consulting Architect to Government should ascertain the exact requirements from the HOD and incorporate them in building plans which are then to be countersigned. Such approved plans countersigned by the HOD should not be altered subsequently without the sanction of Government. As soon as the plans have been countersigned, the EE should immediately proceed to obtain technical sanction communicating at the

Administrative approval, Revised administrative approval must be obtained before according Technical sanction.


same time copies of the certified plans to the Electrical Engineer (General) and in cases in which the Sanitary Engineer has to be consulted, to the Sanitary Engineer also for further guidance in the preparation of detailed plans and estimates for electrical and sanitary installations.

1. If in the preparation of detailed technical estimates, it is found that the cost will exceed the amount administratively approved by more than the limits prescribed by the Government, from time to time for this purpose, viz., for sanctioning technical estimates in excess of administrative approval, revised administrative approval must be obtained before the technical sanction can be accorded.

2. Revised administrative approval should also be obtained if the expenditure incurred has exceeded or is likely to exceed the amount of original administrative approval and the technical sanction by more than the limits prescribed by the Government from time to time or when material developments of deviations occur.


Para No.112 Preparation of estimates:The papers to be submitted with the project for a work will consist of a report, a specification and a detailed statement of measurements, quantities and rates, with an abstract showing the total estimated cost in rupees only of each item. These documents form what is called the estimate in the sense of this Code. The form of the abstract will depend on the method proposed for the execution of the work. If it is intended to purchase or supply materials and to employ labour for construction separately (whether by contract or departmental agency), the abstract of the estimate should be so framed as to show separately for each distinct item of artificer’s work (1) the cost and quantity of “labor”, and (2) the cost of materials. But if this is not the case, e.g., when any item of work is to be executed by contract and it is proposed to contract for the completed items of work, the abstract of the estimate may show merely the quantity and cost of each item of work. In the case of a project consisting of several works, the report may be single document for all the

Note.1 In case of works taken up under EPC estimate shall be prepared as envisaged in Note.1 under para 102 of “D” Code.


work and likewise the specification, but details of measurements and abstracts may conveniently be prepared for each work, supplemented by a general abstract bringing the whole together. In the case of estimates for “Repairs or Maintenance”, only the specification and the detailed statement of measurements and quantities with the abstract will ordinarily be required. The report should state clearly the purpose of the work estimated for, and explain any peculiarities which require elucidation including where necessary, the reasons for adoption of the estimated project or design preference to others.


Para No. 117

In the estimates for works provision may be made at the following rates for petty supervision and contingencies:-

1. Estimates upto Rs.10,000/- 5%

2. Estimates from Rs.10,000/- 4% subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- to one lakh3. Estimates from Rs.1 lakhs

to 3% subject to a minimum of

Rs 4,000/-

Rs. 100 lakhs4. Estimates above 100 lakhs

½ % subject to a minimum of

Rs.3 lakhs

All incidental expenditure which can be foreseen such a compensation for or cost of land, sheds for workmen and stores, should be separately provided for in the estimates. The provision for contingencies should not be diverted to any new work or repair which is not provided for in the estimate and f which the cost exceeds Rs.2,500/- without the sanction of the SE vide also Para 428(c). The provision for petty supervision should in no case be diverted to meet expenditure on other

In respect of EPC works provision towards contingencies may be made as under subject to the x indicated there in

Estimates upto Rs.1.00 crore @ 0.25% maximum Rs. 20,000/-

Estimates above1.00 crore and upto Rs. 10.00 crore @0.20% maximum Rs. 1.00 Lakh

Estimates above Rs.10.00 Crores and upto Rs. 100.00 Crores @0.10% Maximum Rs.5.00 lakh.

Estimates above Rs.100.00 Crores @0.05% maximum Rs.10.00 lakhs.


items of work. A provision of 1 percent of the estimated cost may also be made towards handling charges in the estimates for purchase of machinery.

Para No. 120

Important structural designs should, as far as possible, be prepared in the Chief Engineer’s office together with the schedule of quantities, and the remaining designing work of importance should be concentrated in the SE’s office, the executive offices being left to deal only with designs for the alterations of existing building and less important new works. The responsibility for the technical features of a design lies with the office of origin. Local officers will be responsible, however, for settling locally, questions connected with the foundations and other similar matter. Subordinate officers should always bring to the notice of their higher authorities any unsuitability or technical defect in a design.

Note.1In case of EPC works the designs are to be submitted by the executing agency which shall be approved by the competent authority The EPC agency responsible for the technical features of designs. The competent authority approving the designs is accountable to the department.

Para No. 150

Methods of Execution of Works:The works executed by the department are carried out by one of the under mentioned three methods. Lumpsum form of contract is

In addition to the three methods of execution fourth method is introduced for execution of EPC works.(iv) By an agreement in


to be adopted for contracts exceeding Rs. 20,000/-. If not, prior approval of the next authority is necessary, but CE has got full powers.

i. Deparmentally, by the employment of daily labour.

ii. By piece work agreement in form Public Works Department V-51, and

iii. By an agreement in form Public Works Department V-53, based on a lumpsum tender system, as defined in the A.P. Detailed Standard Specifications.

Method (i) is adopted in cases where no contractors are available or where, for other reasons, it is found more economical. Under this method, the department manufactures or purchases its own materials. The purchase of materials or tools and plant and machinery is governed by the store rules in appendix 15 to the AP Financial and Accounts Code (Volume.II).

Method (ii) the piece worker merely agrees to execute a specified work at specified rates without reference to quantity or time. The conditions of the contract add the security to be taken from the piece workers for the due fulfillment of the contract are set forth in form

the form approved by Government for EPC.

In regard to method (iv) the details are set forth clearly in the form of articles of agreement, tender notice and bid documents approved by Government.


PWD V-51. The piece worker usually possesses little professional knowledge or capital and employs no supervising staff. The department arranges for the supervision, the setting out and the measuring of all work. The piece work system shall ordinarily be confined to works costing not more than Rs.25,000/-. Rupees one lakh for construction or repair works and Rupees Five lakhs for transport works. If, any case of improvements and repairs costing above Rs.2,500/- it is considered preferable to adopt the piece work system instead of method (ii) reasons therefore should be recorded in the relevant file. The schedule of rates in the piece work agreement should show the rates either for finished work or for labour and material, as the case may be even for items for which lumpsum have been provided in the sanctioned estimates.

In regard to Method (iii) the details are set forth clearly in

1. the preliminary specification of the AP Detailed Standard Specificatitons.

2. the standardized forms of articles of agreement, tender notice and tender mentioned in the APDSS (PWD Form No.s V-53(a) and 53(b)


respectively) and3. the intermediate ad

the final bill forms connected therewith {PWD Form Nos. VI-75(a) and 75(b)}

In the case of each work executed under method(ii) or method (iii) the authority accepting the contract will decide whether it is desirable to retain, in the hands of the department, the supply of imported stores or other materials.

In cases where it is decided that the department should supply certain materials to the contractor for use on the work, a description of every such materials and the rate and place at which it will be supplied should be specified in the notice calling for tenders and also in the schedule forming part of the agreement

In cases where the contractors are allowed to supply the required imported articles themselves, the description of such articles must be clearly defined by governing specifications. For cases where the “British Standard Specifications” standards are not applicable, other suitable methods should be adopted, such as, specifying the catalogue number product of a


reputable firm. When test certificates are demanded, full particulars shall be given in the tender notice and the agreement and it shall also be stated therein that the cost of furnishing such certificates shall be borne by the contractors.

Para No.151

Contract Documents and Enforcement: Before a work is given out on contract, the authority competent to accept the contract must prepare “contract document” to includei. a complete set of drawings showing the general dimensions of the proposed work and so far as necessary details of the various be clearly defined by specifications or drawings, as necessary

ii. a complete specification of the work to be done and of the materials to be used, unless reference can be made to specifications contained in the APDSS and its Addenda Volume ( in the case of the items of work for which there are already standard specifications, the numbers of the relevant specifications of the APDSS should be referred to in the schedule attached to the agreement)

iii. a schedule of the quantities of the various descriptions of

Note1 under Para 151:Contract documents approved by the Government for EPC works in terms of Para 153 of “D” Code shall be followed whenever tenders are invited for EPC works.


work. (This is necessary only in the case of contracts based on the lumpsum tender system as defined in the APDSS. In such a case, the total under the Schedule.A of the agreement must be equal to the lumpsum entered in the agreement), and

iv. a set of “conditions of contracts” to simplify as necessary the preliminary and other specifications of the APDSS forming part of contracts based on the lumpsum tender system; ( in the case of piece work contracts, the conditions considered necessary for any particular case in addition to those printed in Form PWD V-51 should be attached to the agreement).

Para No.154 Tenders:

Tenders, which should always be sealed, should be invariably be invited in the most open and public manner possible, whether by advertisement in the Government Gazette or local news papers, or by notice in English and the vernacular posted in public places, and tenders should have free access to the contract documents. The Officer opening the tenders should

The following shall be added under Para 154 before sub para (1):In respect of EPC works limited/ open tender system shall be followed.

The following shall be added under Para 154 (iii).In case of EPC works the bidder shall furnish EMD at 1% of the value put to tender at the


invariably date and initial on all the pages of the tender document.The notice should in all cases state:

i. when and where the contract documents can be seen and the blank forms of tender can be obtained and also the amount to be paid for set of plans or other tender documents.

ii. When and where tenders are to be received and opened, the date of receipt of tenders should be atleast 15 days for works costing Rs.1.00 lakh and less, and 21 days for works costing more than one lakh and upto Rs.5.00 lakhs and one month or more for work costing over 5 lakhs from the date of issue of the Chit tender notice.

Note:- Sale of tender schedule should be stopped three clear days before the date fixed for receipt of tenders. The officer issuing tender notice may reduce the time for any special reasons to be recorded.

iii. The amount of earnest money to accompany the tender shall be 1 ½% of the estimated amount of the contract, subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00

time of bid submission. EMD @ 2.5% of bid amount shall be paid at the time of concluding contract by successful bidder. EMD shall be in the form of DD / BG from any Nationalized /Scheduled bank.The following shall be added as 4 under Note.6 of Para 154.In case of EPC works

a) Entrustment of the additional items contingent to the main work and within the scope of contract will be authorized by the employer and the contractor shall be bound to execute such additional items at no extra cost to the employer and the cost of such items shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted.

b) Entrustment of additional items of work contingent to main work and outside the scope of the contract will be authorised by the employer with the prior approval of the Government and the contractor shall be bound to


lakh in the case of contractors, who have not deposited a lumpsum of standing security deposit of Rs.1.00 lakhs with the CE concerned and one percent only subject to a maximum of Rs.75,000/- in the case of contractors who have deposited a lumpsum of standing security deposit of Rs.1.00 lakhs with the CE concerned.

Note.1:- Tenders should invariably be called for when the amount involved in a particular contract is (Rs. 5,000/-) or more. If it is proposed, in any case whether for urgency or any other reasons to be recorded, to depart from the rule, works may be entrusted on nomination at rates not exceeding estimate rates by the EE, SE or CE upto the following limits indicated against each.

Executive Engineer -Rs. 10,000

Superintending Engineer- Rs.

25,000Chief Engineer Rs.

50,000When tenders are dispensed within the case of contracts exceeding Rs.20,000 a report should be made by the officer entrusting the work on nomination to the next

execute such additional items and shall be compensated at the price decided by the Government.

c) 3 Whenever additional items not contingent on the main work and outside the scope of original contract are entrusted to the contractor, entrustment of such items and the price to be paid shall be referred to the Government for final decision


higher authority indicating the reasons for dispending with the tenders. When the amount involved is less than (Rs. 5,000/-) the EE may call for tenders or not at his discretion.This rule does not admit of

a major work being split up into parts and each part being given out on contract without calling for tenders.Exception:- This rule shall

not apply to road works in the Agency tracts. In the case of such works, EEs are authorised to exercise their discretion as to whether tenders should be called for or not, even though the amount involved may exceed the limit of Rs.2,500/-. In cases where the EE decided not to call for tenders, the reasons for the decision should be recorded by him.

Note.2:- Notices calling for tenders should invariably be published in prominent local newspapers in respect of all works costing over 1,00,000/- .

Note.3:- The CEs may authorise dispensing with tenders in the case of contracts pertaining to major works provided that the total aggregate value of such contracts in respect of a particular major work does not exceed Rs.10,000/-

Note.4:- When once tenders have been called


for a work in accordance with Note(1) above and there is no response or all the tenders received are unsatisfactory and have to be rejected and it is considered that a call for further tenders will be fruitless or undesirable, the officer who is competent to accept the tender may allot the work to a contractor selected by him with the sanction of his immediate superior authority, at rates not exceeding estimate rates.

Note.5:- The rule in Note (1) above applies. a. to contracts for

execution of works including supply of materials for such works by the contractors themselves, but to contracts involving only supply of materials (other than road quarry materials) or tools and plant; and

 b. to contracts for the

supply of road quarry materials.

 In case of supply of materials (other than road quarry materials) and tools and plant, the stores rules in Appendix.15 of the AP Financial Code (Vol.II) apply – vide also


Article 187 of the AP Financial Code (Vol.I) Asphalt, tar and such bituminous products for road surfacing are governed by the stores rules. Note.6:- When once tenders have been called for work in accordance with Note (1) above, “supplemental” or “Additional” items may be entrusted to the original contractor dispensing with tenders as follows subject to the provisions of Para 176 (c) of A.P.P.W. “D” Code.

1. Such items of work that are found necessary after letting out a contract and cannot be taken up for execution independently without interfering with the original work let out and have necessity tot be executed along with the original contract shall be considered as “Supplemental items of work contingent of the original contract”. 

2. Supplemental items of work contingent on the main contract have to be necessarily carried out through the original contractor as “authorised extra” by entertaining into a supplemental agreement (s). The power for executing original


contracts according to delegation of powers in force regarding of who has executed the main contract in a given case, subject to however, to the condition that if the net effect of supplemental agreements to be entered into is to enhance the total value of work under the main and supplemental agreement to such an extent at sanction to revised estimate is required to a higher authority than sanction of the revised estimate from the higher authority shall be obtained before entering into supplemental agreement(s). 

3. Such items of works that are found necessary after letting out a work and be executed independently without affecting or interfering with the execution of the work let out, shall be considered as “Additional items to work not contingent on the original contracts”. Such additional items of work may be let out after call of tenders. However, if at tender call is considered undesirable and it is considered necessary to entrust the item, if at tender nomination to the original contractor involving the provision in


Note(1) above it may be done so, provided the total value of such additional items does not exceed upto which the officers can entrust works without calling for tenders as per the delegation of powers in force. If the value of the items exceeds the limit, approval of the next higher authority shall be obtained. They can be executed only after separate estimate or a revised estimate or a workslip containing the additional items is sanctioned / approved by the competent authority. Entrustment of such items shall be at rate not exceeding the estimate rate.


a. In the case of river conservancy works, reach wise major estimates can be split up into the various working estimates, for different items of work, such as supply of stones, conveyance of stone by Punts along the River Channels or Canals and other miscellaneous works of pitching or packing stone or Earth work etc., where all these items of work cannot be successfully and speedily executed by one single contracting agency in time.


  b. In the case of collection of stone which has to be made at short notice, the agencies for supply of stone and its conveyance can be fixed in advance by calling for open tenders for rate contract quotations annually for the period from July to end of June each year on the analogy of the rate contracts awarded by Director General of Supplies and Disposals, for supply of stone materials and Tools and plant articles. c. For the other miscellaneous items of works and those involving labour and earth work etc., reach wise tenders may be called for. These tenders are to be compared with the basic rates and decided. The basic rates are arrived at by taking the average of the accepted tenders of the past three years. During the above mentioned period no plea by the tenderer for any sort of modifications of the tender based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconception of mistake or for any reasons should be entertained.

Para No. 156

 In selecting the tender to be accepted, the financial status of the tenderers, their capability, the



security offered by them or the record of their execution of any works previously, should be taken into consideration. Other conditions being equal, the lowest tender should be accepted. In cases where a tender other than the lowest is accepted, a confidential record should be kept of the reason for doing so. Specific data with reference to the financial solvency, income tax paid, the ability of the contractor to execute the work, security offered by him, the names of atleast some works executed formally by the contractor, amount involved therein and the conduct and performance of the contractor during the execution of the tenderer whose tender has been accepted but also of the tenderers whose tender has been rejected. The relative merits of the various contractors concerned should be discussed and cogent reasons should be given while rejecting lower tenders, if they are to be rejected. This confidential record should be shown to the Inspecting Officer of the Audit department, if required. In addition, in case where it is proposed to accept a tender other than the lowest, the authority competent to accept the tender should, immediately after accepting it, make a report to indicating the reasons for accepting a higher tender to the next higher authority, who shall scrutinize the report carefully and call for more details if necessary. The SE or EE as the case may be, should bring to the notices of the higher authorities cases in which the rule about the acceptance of the lowest tender has been departed from without sufficient justification. The acceptance or rejection of tenders is, however, left entirely to the discretion of the officer to whom the duty entrusted and no tenderer can demand the cause of rejection of his offer.


Para No.174

Ordinarily no work executed by method (ii) or method (iii) described in para 150 should be started without a formal agreement or contract sanctioned by a competent authority. The procedure to be followed in emergent works is descrrbed in Para 178.

Method (iv) to be inserted after method (iii)

Para No. 197 Advance to contractors are

as a rule prohibited and every endeavour should be made to maintain a system under which no payments are made except work actually done. Exceptions are, however, permitted in the following cases: 

a. Cases in which, in the interest of work, it is absolutely necessary to make petty advances (see para 315 APPW Accounts Code). In such cases subordinates in charge of works, sub divisional officers and EEs are authorised to make advance upto a limit of Rs.50/- Rs. 100/- and Rs.250/-, respectively. They should, however, take the necessary precautions to secure the Government against loss.

 Note.1:- The limit referred to above apply to each work and not to each individual workman employed on a work. Note.2:- In the case of works in the Agency tracts, the limits upto which the three classes of officers referred to

1. In EPC contracts, Mobilisation advance not exceeding 5% of the contract value is payable at the prescribed stages of execution. Mobilisation advance on new machinery at the prescribed percentage of the value of new machinery not exceeding 5% of contract value is payable against production of original invoices in proof of purchase of the machinery by the contractor/firm/joint venture. 2. The invoices should be in the name of the contractor/firm/joint venture only and the new machinery should have been purchased only after the date of conclusion of the agreement for the work.


in the above rule can make advances to petty piece workers shall be Rs.100, Rs. 200 and Rs.50/- respectively. These limits shall apply to each individual piece worker. b. Electrical works executed on contract:- The Electrical Engineer may sanction an advance of eighty per cent on the value as certified by him, according to the terms of clause 20 of the general conditions of contract printed in PWD, form No.II – 20.

 C. In all other cases the State Government may, in exceptional circumstances, authorise such advance as may be deemed indispensable, but the state officers must take the necessary precautions for securing Government against loss and for preventing the system from belonging general or continuing longer than is absolutely essential. d. Advances to the contractors for acquisition of new machinery required for the work upto 75% of their cost limited to 10% of contract value for works valued upto Rs.10 lakhs each, and 6% of contract value for works costing more than Rs.10 lakhs each may be given, if asked for by the contractor. The money advanced under this clause

 3. No mobilisation advance is payable on machinery purchased by an individual firm in respect of joint ventures though that individual firm is a partner in the joint venture.

4. The contractor /firm/joint venture should submit an undertaking to the effect that they have not obtained any mobilisation advance from the government against the machinery for which they are presently claiming payment of mobilisation advance. This is to ensure that mobilisation advance is paid only once against one purchase. Any wrong declaration,


is subject to payment of interest by the contractor at the prevailing commercial bank rate. The machinery for which the advance is paid should be got hyopothecated to the Government and also got insured at the cost of the contractor. The advance, together with interest, may be recovered from the bills of contractor. Alternatively, the Government may procure the machinery required for works by the contractor and sell the same to the contractors on hire purchase terms, provided these conditions are stipulated in the tender documents at the time of calling of tenders.

when comes to light, entails recovery of the entire amount paid with penal interest in a lump from their immediate next work bill apart from instituting other prescribed penal actions.

5. Payment of mobilisation advance is also permissible on ordered machinery with approval of Government.

6. Recovery of mobilisation advance along with interest shall be made as per provisions of the contract.

Para No.292 Measurement Books: The measurement book, common Form No.298 is a most imp9rtant record since it is the basis of all accounts of quantities whether of work done by daily labour, piece work, schedule contract, deviations in a lumpsum contract, or of materials received. It is the original record of actual measurement of count. The descriptions must be lucid so as to admit of easy identification and check. A reliable record is the object to be aimed at as it may have to be produced as evidence in a Court of Law.

Note.4 under para 292 of “D” Code:

1. In case of EPC works, measurements shall be recorded by EPC agency in M.Books and L.F.Books issued by the concerned EE duly numbered and certified. The M.Books and L.F.Books have to be maintained by the EPC agency through


Rules regarding the maintenance of measurement books and the manner of making entries therein are found in the APPW Accounts Code Para 293 and 294. Note.1:- In the case of works, where considerable earth work has to be done, eg., excavation of a canal, the quantity of work done shall be determined with reference to the levels taken before and after excavation and the final payment to the contractor shall be based on the lesser of the two (ie.,) quantities based on pit measurements and levels taken. The levels taken in such cases are to be recorded in Level Field Books and calculations made after plotting the levels on action section sheets, and LF books, section sheets and calculation statements are to be treated as adjuncts to the measurement book. Detailed rules regarding the measurement to be taken in the case of earth work excavation are found in specification 20(A) (h) in Section.3 of APDSS. The following certificates shall be inserted at the time of passing bills: Certificated that levels recorded in the LF books, levels plotted in section sheets and the

authorized graduate engineers as per procedure prescribed in Code and finally to be handed over to the department (Engineer-in-charge).

2. In Earth Work Excavation and embankment AE/AEEs have to verify and record

a. 1/3rd of prelevels

taken by EPC agency

b. 100% levels in case of

cut off and foundations

c . 25% of intermediate work done levels d. 100% for final levels recorded by EPC Agency. e. All

measurements recorded by the EPC agency in the M-Books issued by the EE shall be checked to 100% extent by AEs/AEEs



areas/quantities worked out in the calculation sheets have been checked and found correct.Note.2:- Whenever measurement books, change hands, even if it is only from one office to another situated in the same building, the receipt of the books should be acknowledged in writing by some responsible person of a grade not inferior to that of a clerk. Note.3:- In the case of job works executed by piece workers in the PW Workshops at Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Dowlaiswaram where piece workers are given the works for the amounts of labour estimated for in the work order estimates and agreed to by the piece workers in the form of agreement printed in the work order form (PWD IV.6) there is no need to record in a measurement book any measurement of the works done or the lumpsum is entrusted to the piece worker subject to payment to him at a rate agreed to with reference to weight or area of our turn, it is necessary to record detailed measurements or job works in a measurement book to serve as a basis for making payment to the piece worker.

SEs have to check the above levels and measurements as per standing codal provisions and orders.

3. Wherever Quality Control agencies are in existence, such agency has to record its findings in M Books/LF Books besides furnishing certificates as prescribed separately.

The Engineer-in-charge has to approve the cut-off trench and other foundation in consultation with the authorized geologist.



Para No.416. IV Contracts :

Powers of CE, R&B - Para 415. V contracts: To accept tenders for execution of works, including those to be executed by the Electrical Engineer (General) by contract, upto technically sanctioned estimates plus such percentage excess as the CE is competent to sanction under excess over estimates. When once a work is administratively sanctioned by the Government and the estimate therefore is technically sanctioned by the competent authority and a contract is concluded for the execution of the work, no work should be stopped or slowed down (rare emergencies expected) or payments to contractors with held or delayed, even if there is need for a revised estimate to be sanctioned by the Government. Such payments should however, be subject to the existence of adequate budget provision within the relevant head of account. When the expenditure on a work is likely to exceed over the 10% over the contract value of the work (in the case of premium tenders), the CE should inform the Government of the approximate extra commitment involved and also follow up with a revised estimate as early as possible. If, however, only a


Note.1 under Article 193The procedure prescribed by Government for acceptance of tenders in respect of EPC shall be followed.


part of the work covered by the estimate has been entrusted on contract at premium rates, this 10% referred to above should be over the total value of the work, comprising the contract amount for the portion or portions already entrusted plus the total estimated value of the item not yet entrusted or utilized. The CE may provisionally sanction the revised estimates and submit them to Government for regular sanction before the final payment for work is made.


Amendment to Code for E.P.C. Works (Andhra Pradesh Public Works

Accounts Code)

A.P.Public Works

Accounts Code

Provision as per Code Amendment as per EPC

Para 293 Recording of Measurements (Measurement Books):

Payment for all works done otherwise than by daily labour and for all supplies, are made on the basis of the measurements recorded in measurement books, C.F.No.298 in accordance with the rules in para 292 of the “D” Code. The measurement books should therefore be considered as very important account records. All the books belonging to a division should be numbered serially and the pages of each book should be machine numbered and a register of them should be maintained in form PWD VI-20, in the Divisional Office showing the serial number of each book, the names of the sub divisions to which issued, the date of issue and the date of its return, so that its eventual return to the Divisional Office may be

Note 4 under Para 293In respect of EPC works, M.Books and L.F.Books have to be issued by the Executive Engineer to EPC agency duly certified and numbered for recording measurements and levels. The M.Books and L.F. Books shall be maintained by EPC Agency and bills are to be submitted to the Engineer in Charge by the EPC agency along with a true extract of the entire set for checking and making payment. The Engineer-in-charge has to keep the full set of true extract with him and return the originals to the agency for further use. The entire original record shall be finally handled over for record to the Engineer-in-charge by the EPC Agency.



The rules relating to the mode of payment in the case of earth work are set forth in Note.1 under Para 292 of “D” code.

Note.1:- a similar register should also be maintained in the sub divisional office showing the names of the sub divisional officer and Sectional Officer to whom measurement books are issued. Books no longer in use should be withdrawn promptly even though not completely written up.

 a. Such completed

measurement books which contain measurements of the work executed by contractors, having running accounts, should be sent to the divisional office for final record, after final bills have been paid to the contractors. Until then such books if not required for reference by sub divisional officers, or Section officers should be set to the Division office for “temporary records” to be taken back when payments have to be made.

But the completed books, which contain wholly measurements, works or supplies, for which payments are made on



hand receipt are “first and final” bills, or measurements of items of works carried out departmentally, for which payments are made on nominal muster rolls or both, should be sent to the divisional office for final record immediately after all bills, the measurements of which are recorded therein, have been paid.Note.2:- Boat notes which take the place of measurement books in respect of materials loaded into and unloaded from boats should be treated as measurement books. The procedure is not applicable to the River Conservancy Sub Division, Guntur division.Note.3:- In special cases of distance over 100 miles where the EE has authorised the drivers concerned to purchase petrol or diesel oil enroute –vice sub para 4 under Instruction.6 in para306, the record of measurements and payments may be made by the Supervisors or other authorised officer as early as possible after the actual purchase and payment by the drivers, such records being based on the cash bills for the petrol or oil and balance on hand at the time of such record.

Para 294 Detailed Measurements: Note.6 under para CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


a)ii) Where payment is

resorted to, with reference to the levels in the case of earth work, the levels taken should be recorded in LF books, calculation of quantity of earth work done should be made after plotting the levels on section sheets. In such cases, the LF books section sheets and calculation statements should be treated as adjuncts to the measurement book.

ii. In recording detailed measurements, the following general instructions should be carefully observed.

The top most lines under column.1 to 4 on each page of a measurement book should invariably be filled in the filed. Non of the lines should be left blank. Any lines not required should be carefully scored through in order to prevent additional entries being made later on. Detailed measurements should be recorded only by Executive, Assistant Executive or Asst.Engineers or by Executive subordinates in charge of works to whom measurement books have been

294 of “A” Code:1. In case of EPC

works, measurements shall be recorded by EPC agency in M.Books and L.F.Books issued by the concerned EE duly numbered and certified. The M.Books and L.F.Books have to be maintained by the EPC agency through authorized graduate engineers as per procedure prescribed in Code and finally to be handed over to the department (Engineer-in-charge).

2. In Earth Work Excavation and embankment AE/AEEs have to verify and record

a. 1/3rd of prelevels taken by EPC agency

b. 100% levels in case of cut off and foundations

c . 25% of intermediate work done levels d. 100% for final


supplied for the purpose. Note.1:- Engineer and

Engineer subordinate students undergoing their practical course may be allowed to record measurements provided they are systematically checked by one of the officers mentioned above.

Note.2:- Divisional storekeepers or stores clerks or the divisional head clerks in the absence of both may, in cases where there are no executive subordinates on the spot, and in special cases where the EE considers that the exigencies of the service require it, record their measurements of stores received in measurement books.

Note.3:-The Wharf Superintendents at Nidadavole and Tadepalligudem in the Gadavari Western Division and the Lock Superintendent at Duggirala in the Krishna Western Division are authorised to record their measurements of articles received in measurement books.

Note.4:- The Foremen in the PW Workshops, AP are permitted to record

levels recorded by

EPC Agency. e. All

measurements recorded by the EPC agency in the M-Books issued by the EE shall be checked to 100% extent by AEs/AEEs

f. DEEs., EEs and SEs have to check the above levels and measurements as per standing codal provisions and orders.


3. Wherever Quality Control agencies are in existence, such agency has to record its findings in M Books/LF Books besides furnishing certificates as prescribed separately


detailed measurements in M.books.

Note.5:- The port Conservators at Calingapatnam and Bheemunipatnam Ports are authorised to record measurements in measurement books.

The tools keeper in

the PW Workshops is authorised to record in measurement books the receipt of materials in cases where their value does not exceed the amount of his security deposit.


measurements of works in the Dowlaiswaram Workshops will ordinarily be recorded by the Foreman Superintendent when necessity arises owing to emergency or rush of work due to closure of works, etc., the EE, Godavari Heads Works Division, may permit the mechanical draughtsman and the floating plan draughtsman also to record measurements. The measurements recorded by these subordinates must be checked by the Jr. Superintendent. The Road Superintendent, Dowlaiswaram, is permitted to record in


measurement books the quantities of materials received by him from time to time from the PW Stores etc., for the running of the floating plant in his charge.

The Boat Superintendent and the Foremen, Vijayawada Workshops, are permitted to record measurements in measurement books subject to the condition that the measurements are checked by the Junior Superintendent of the Public Workshops, vijayawada.

The outdoor Foreman, PW Workshops, Dowlaiswaram is also permitted to record measurements in the M. Books under the supervision of the Jr. Supdt., PW workshops, Dowlaiswaram.

Note:- In special cases of distance over 100 miles where the EE has authorised the drivers concerned to purchase petrol or diesel oil on rout vide sub para 4 under instruction.6 in para 306 the record of measurements and payments may be made by the Supervisors or other authorised officer


as early as possible after the actual purchase and payment by the drivers, such records being based on the cash bills for the purchase and on a review of the log book of the vehicle for consumption of petrol or oil and balance on hand at the time of such record.

(b) All measurements should be neatly taken down in a measurement book, CF No.298, issued for the purpose, and nowhere else

(c) Each set of measurements should commence with entries stating:

(i) In case of bills for work done.

(a) full name of work as given in estimate.

(b) situation of work,(c) name of contractor(d) number and date of

his agreement(e) date of

commencement of work (ie., date on which the site was handed over).

(f) date of actual completion of work, and

(g) date of measurement

(ii) In case of bills for supply of materials


(a) name of supplier (b) number and date of

his agreement or order

(iii) purpose of supply in one of the following forms, applicable to the case

(i) “Stock” (for all supplies for stock purposes)

(ii) “Purchase “ for direct issue to (here enter

full name of work as given in


(iii)“Purchase” for (here enter full name of work as given in estimate)……………….. For issue to contractor ……………..on …………..(d)date of written order or

commencement of supplies.

(e)Date of actual completion of supplies, and

(f) Date of measurement ………… and …………….should end with the dated

signature and designation of the person making the measurement see also para 294. A suitable abstract should then be prepared which should correlate in the case of measurement for work done, the total quantities of each distinct item of work relating to


each sanctioned sub head.

(d) As all payments for work or supplies are passed on the quantities recorded in the measurement book, it is incumbent upon the person taking the measurement to record the quantities clearly and accurately. He will also be responsible for the correctness of the entries in the column “Contents or area” for the measurement recorded by him. If the measurements are taken in connection with a running contract account on which work has been previously measured, he is further responsible.

1that reference to the last set of measurements is recorded, and

2that if the entire job or contract has been completed, the date of completion is duly noted in the prescribed place vide clause (c) above. If the measurements taken are the first set of measurements on a running account, or the first and final measurements, this fact should be suitably noted against the entries in the measurement book and in the latter case the actual date of completion noted


in the prescribed place. The signature of the contractor or his agent should be obtained in measurement books after each set of measurements, with the addition: “I accept the measurement”. In the case of illiterate men their marks should be attested by an independent witness.

(e) Entries should be recorded continuously in the measurement book. No blank pages may be left and no page be torn out. Any pages left blank inadvertently must be cancelled by diagonal lines, the cancellation being attested. See also para 292 of the “D” Code.

(f)No entry may be erased. If a mistake is made, it should be corrected by the responsible officer and initialed and dated. When any measurements are cancelled, the cancellation must be supported by the dated initials of the officer ordering the cancellation or by a reference to his orders initialed by the officer who made the measurements. In either case, the reason for cancellation should be recorded.


(g) Entries should, if possible , be made in ink; when this is not possible, pencil entries should not be inked over. Entries in the “contents or area” column should be made in ink in the first instance.

(h) Each measurement book should be provided with an index which should be kept up to date.

(i) Where payment is resorted to with reference to the levels, in the case of earth work, the levels taken should be recorded in L.F.books. Calculation of quantity of earth work done should be made after plotting the levels on section sheets. In such cases, the LF books section sheets and calculation statements should be treated as adjuncts to the measurement book.

Para 297

Check Measurement of Works:

(1)(a) Sub Divisional Officers should necessarily check measure before payment and in proper time in the following cases:

1. all final bills on running accounts

2. all first and final bills over Rs.500 and

3. works including in all kinds of bills over

The following shall be added as: Note.3.

1. In Earth Work Excavation and embankment AE/AEEs have to verify and record

a. 1/3rd of prelevels taken by EPC agency b. 100% levels in case of cut off and


Rs.100/- (G.O.Ms.No.244 PWD dt.4.10.1980) which will no be susceptible of check measurement after a certain stage, for example works in channel river or tank beds, foundations which will be covered up etc.

(b)As regards other bills not pertaining to works of the kind mentioned in item (iii) in the above sub clause viz (i) intermediate bills on running accounts and (ii) first and final bills over Rs.100 and not over Rs.500, sub divisional officers should check measure a large proportion of them: If in such cases, it is not possible for the sub divisional officer to check measure before payment should be recorded by him in the “remarks” column of the measurement books concerned and check measurement should be done by him at the earliest opportunity after payment has been made.

The CEs and SEs of PWD may condone irregularities arising out of failure to conduct check measurement subject to the following

foundations c . 25% of intermediate work done levels d. 100% for final levels recorded by EPC Agency.

e.All measurements recorded by the EPC agency in the M-Books issued by the EE shall be checked to 100% extent by AEs/AEEs f. DEEs., EEs and SEs have to check the above levels and measurements as per standing codal provisions and orders.

2. Wherever Quality Control agencies are in

existence, such agency has to record its findings in M Books/LF Books besides furnishing certificates as prescribed separately.


conditions:a. that the cost of work

concerned is within the powers of the CEs or SEs concerned to write off

b. that the CEs or SEs concerned is satisfied that there has been no loss on account of lack of initial check measurement.

c. The following will be exceptions to the above rules.

i. In the case of Korambu works, where the quantities of perishable materials used, such as brush wood, nanal etc., cannot be checked measured after use, the section officer and the sub divisional officer should inspect and stay on the works for a as long a period as possible, having regard to the important of the works and certify to the satisfactory execution of the works. On such certificates payment may be made

ii. In the case of first and final bills for Rs.200/- and less pertaining to works of the kind mentioned in item (iii) in sub clause (a) above, if the sub divisional officer could not check measure


them in proper time, owing to pressure of work, etc., it is sufficient if the sub divisional officer enters in the measurement book the reason why check measurement could not be done in time and certifies that he is satisfied after inspection that the work has been done. On such certificates, payment may be made.

iii. Check measurement is not necessary in the case of articles received by one PW Division form another and in the case of materials obtained from firms, departmentally for use on works, when the cost of materials purchased at a time is Rs.500/- or less.

Provided however, that check measurement will be necessary when supplies are arranged by the PW stores division from the firms direct to the division concerned.

iv. The Asst.Engineer (Electrical Engineer, General Division, who is in charge of electrical works tin the mufassal, shall check measure all first and final bills over Rs.25/- upto Rs.1,000/-


wherever possible before payment. In the case of works of which it is not possible for the check measurement should be done by him at the earliest opportunity after payment, the reasons for not having done check measurement before payment being recorded by him in the “Remarks” column of the measurement books concerned.

In the case of supplies

of which, it is not possible for the AE to check measure before payment, he should satisfy himself to the extent possible at the earliest possible opportunity after payment that the supplies have been actually received and used on the works for which they were obtained and record to that effect in the concerned measurement book.

Note.1:- This rule does not apply to advance payments made under para 313 subject to detailed measurements. It applies to the bills in which the advance payments are adjusted after detailed measurements.


Note.2:- Measurements of all jungle or prickly pear to be cleared whether the jungle is solid or in patches should be recorded by the section officer in a measurement book before clearance. The sub divisional officer should also check measure the works before clearance except in the case of those costing less than Rs.50 in out of the way places where there are no other works requiring sub divisional officers attention. In such cases the EE of the Division concerned will decide whether the work should be check measured or not.

Clearance which cost more than Rs.300 should be inspected by the sub divisional officer after clearance and before payment.

(2) In addition to check measurement by the sub divisional officers it is an important duty of EE / divisional Engineers that they should , during their inspections, frequently check measure works which are in progress and that they should maintain a register of


such check measurements. The number of check measurements by the EEs/Divisional Engineers incharge of construction, maintenance division should be atleast 36 and those by the EEs / Divisional Engineers incharge of special divisions should be atleast 24 in a financial year. Further, the EEs/Divisional Engineers should check measure atleast once all individual works costing Rs.50,000 and more.

The check measurements to be done by the EE / Divisional Engineer should be spread out throughout the year and there should be no rush of check measurements toward the end of the financial year. The frequency of check measurement should be correlated with the amounts bills to be paid in the respective months.

In addition to the above, SEs of Circles should also check measure works at random in a particular year or years as may be directed by the CE from time to time.

(3) The fact of check measurement by the sub divisional officer or the EE should invariably be noted in the


measurement book at the time of check measurement and the items check measured should be indicated by the initials of the checking officer, which should be placed on the left side of the column “particulars” in line with the item check measured.

(4) The object of check measurement is to detect errors in measurement and to prevent fraudulent entries. Check measurement should therefore be conducted with direction and method, those items being selected which appear obviously incorrect or which would be most easily susceptible of fraud or which would most seriously affect the total amount of the bill if inaccurate.

(5) The entry “measured in my presence” by a sub divisional officer cannot be accepted as check measurement. When measurements are taken jointly by officers or subordinates, the measurements should always be recorded and signed by the senior.



such as breach closing executed by the ryots of a place, estimates are usually prepared and sanctioned after taking measurements of the work done and after verifying the same with the claims of the ryots for each item of work. There is, therefore, no necessity to measure or check measure the work further.

(7) Superintending Engineers should make it a special point to see that these rules are duly observed.

Note:- In the Sanitary Engineering Branch where there are o sub divisional officers, check measurement required of sub divisional officers under the above para will be carried out by EE, Public Health, subject to the proviso that the money limit of Rs.25/- prescribed in (1) (a) (iii) and (1) (b) (ii) above shall be Rs.200 in the case of EEs, Public Health.

(8) The CEs will be empowered to waive check measurement and authorise payment of bills upto Rs.500 (Rupees five hundred only) in respect of cases, where check measurement as required under the rules


could not be done and become impossible afterwards subject to the conditions, that the sub divisional officer records the reasons for the non check measurement and certifies that the work has been done after inspection initial check measurement.

Para 306 Preparation, Examination and payment of bills: Before the bill of a contractor is prepared, the entries in the measurement book relating to the description and quantities of work or supplies should be scrutinized by the sub divisional officer and the calculations of “contents of area” should be checked arithmetically under his supervision. He need not work out personally all “contents or area” but his is responsible for the correctness of those entries. The rates allowed should be entered by the sub divisional officer in the abstract of measurements, vide para 294 ©. The bill should then be prepared, from the measurement entries, in one of the forms prescribed in para 298 to 305 applicable to the case. Full rates as per agreement, catalogue, indent or other order should be allowed only if the quality of work done or supplies

306 (7) - In respect of EPC works, EPC Agency shall prepare monthly work bills based on measurements of work done and submit to Engineer – incharge. In respect of EPC works, payments shall be regulated in accordance with Annexure.II- Schedule of Payments component wise.The components may be further divided into appropriate sub components and stages. The payment of each stage of sub component shall be expressed as percentage of total cost of approved bid which shall also be approved by the Superintending Engineer and shall form part of contract. Sum of all such stages of particular component shall be equal to the


made is up to stipulated specification. When the work or supplies fall short of that standard, and under the agreement, it is permissible to make a final payment if the contract is determined, or on an account payment if the contract is to run on only such a fraction of the full rate should be allowed as is considered reasonable, with due regard to the work remaining to be done and the general terms of the agreement. By a general or special order in writing, the sub divisional officer may permit an executive subordinate, who has already been authorised to record measurements {para 294 (a)}, to enter, in the abstract of measurements or directly in the bill itself, the rates at which he recommends the payment for work done to be made provided.

a. that the use of this permission is confined to those works in charge of the subordinate himself, the contract rates for which have already been approved by a competent authority;

a. that no increase in an authorised rate is suggested without the prior sanction in writing of the competent

percentage of that component shown in Annexure.II of Schedule of Payments.

The percentage fixed for sub component shall be correlated to the main component and volume of the work. The eligibility for payment shall be limited to completed portions of works, subject to other conditions envisaged in the agreement and executive instructions from time to time.

In EPC System, Schedule-A indicates only firm lumpsum amount of the contract.Bidder shall quote lump sum amount for the work as a whole.

Percentages of components shall be indicated by the department in Annexure-II to Schedule .A

The Chief Engineer is empowered to modify the percentage of components; stage wise based on the detailed investigation, detailed drawings, and detailed estimation done by the EPC agency keeping the total price bid unaltered.




a. That when the authorised rate has not been fully earned, a suitable reduction is made therein and the reasons thereof are recorded briefly for the consideration of the sub divisional officer ; and

d. That it is made widely known to contractors that all entries of rates made by subordinates in the abstracts of measurements and bills are subject to the approval of the proper disbursing officer.

2. The contract agreement or written order in the case of petty works should always specify the rates to be paid for the several classes of work or supply and should not refer to the estimated rates. The fact that a revised estimate has been sanctioned is no authority whatever for the payment of rates other than those provided in approved agreements.

4. Unforeseen items of work provided for by a lumpsum provision in an estimate, should be paid for only after

Engineer is empowered to modify the sub-components reach-wise/stage-wise keeping the percentages of component unaltered.


actual measurement. The agreement should have a clause to this effect.

The revision of rates after work is carried out is entirely in admissible.

5. As a general rule, payment for supplies is not permissible until stores have been received and surveyed, and provision for the observance of this rule should be made in all contracts for the supply of goods. In cases in which the operation of this rule might result in hardship, as for example, when costly stores are ordered from a distant firm and delay in payment is anticipated, an advance not exceeding 75 percent of the value of the consignment dispatched may be paid to the firm on receipt of the railway receipt or dispatch, provided the firm is one approved by the government ad it is distinctly made clear in the agreement or otherwise that the payment is only of the nature of an advance. The amount should be debited to “Miscellaneous


advance” and the Audit Officer will place it under objection pending receipt of a bill based on actual measurements, adjusting the amount advanced.

Note.1:- Advance payment may be made against the railway receipt at 90% of the cost of iron and steel materials supplied for Irrigation Projects from non subsidized imports and at 100% for the materials, supplied from subsidized imports.Note.2:- Advance payment may be made against the Railway Receipt at such percentage of the cost of material that is stipulated in the rate contract in respect of materials purchased under D.G.S., and D. Rate contract by the direct demanding officer.

Note.3:-In respect of stores indented from firms of repute, outside the D.G.S & D rate contract, advance payment not exceeding 90% of the value of the dispatch documents may be made to the firms on the strength of the dispatch documents which include test certificates and inspection


notes, if any, prescribed under the terms and conditions of the tender or purchase order. In case where dispatch documents are sent through a bank, advance payment not exceeding 90% of the value of the stores covered by the dispatch documents may be made to the bank and the dispatch documents got released, the bank charges being borne by the firm. In both the cases, the firm should furnish the following undertaking before the advance payment is made.

“We undertake, the event of any payment being made in advance of delivery to deliver the material in accordance with the terms of the contract and in the event of its not being so delivered for any cases whatsoever or the material delivered by us not conforming to the specifications mentioned in the tender / purchase order, we will at option of the government, refund the amount so paid in advance of delivery.

The government also direct that the advance payments should be made for complete assemblies or materials


only which have a specific unit rate in the purchase order”.

6. In special cases, however, where the EEs consider that the exigencies of service require it, store keepers may be required to prepare petty bill

connected with stores, such as bills for bandy hire, bills for collies for handling stores, stock, etc., bills for repairs to tents, office furniture and the like and in these cases the bills or the nominal muster rolls should invariably be checked by either the sub divisional officer o the EE before payment is made on them. In no case should disbursements of public money be entrusted to store keepers and store clerks except with the special sanction of government

The store keeper of the Krishna Central Division is permitted to make payments, from an imprest given to him by the EE, on nominal muster roll below Rs.25 passed by the sub divisional officer or the EE and on petty bills for conveyance of materials, etc., below the same amount and to pay railway freight charges below Rs.10/-.


The store keeper of the Godavari Head Works Division is permitted to purchase petty articles and make payments therefore without pre audit to the extent of Rs.15 (fifteen ) a month from an imprest given to him by the EE.

In special cases or distance over 10 miles where replenishment of petrol or diesel oil enroute cannot be avoided, the EE concerned may authorise the opening of a suitable temporary imprest with the drivers of the lorries or other vehicles as the case may be and p0ermit them enroute to purchase petrol or diesel oil to the extent required in each case.

Para 309 From the measurement books, all quantities should be clearly traceable into the documents on which payments are made. When the bill is prepared for work or supplies measured a remark to the effect “Bill submitted to the sub divisional officer / EE on …….” Should be endorsed on the abstract of measurements. The officer who signs the pay order should immediately on signing it cross out every page containing the detailed measurements of the work or supplies paid for by a

The following shall be added under Para 309:

The Sub Divisional Officer and Engineer-in-charge shall exercise check to see that the bill submitted by EPC agency is in accordance with agreement conditions and certified by the departmental Quality Control Authorities (or) 3rd Party Quality Control Agency (or) by both if both are deployed on the work.



diagonal red ink line. The officer who actually disburses the amount should enter the number and date of the voucher of payment with the remark “Paid on by voucher No. “ on the abstract of measurements.

Note:- The document on which payment is made should invariably show in the space provided for the purpose, the number and page of the measurement book in which the detailed measurements are recorded and the dates on which the measurement and check measurements were made.

should check the claim with reference to the measurements recorded to see that the percentage at which the bill is claimed is clearly traceable into the documents on which payments are to be made. Payments shall be adjusted for recovery of advance payments, liquidated damages in terms of agreement conditions, security deposit for due fulfillment of the contract. Recoveries shall be affected towards seignior age charges on the materials used and VAT and other statutory recoveries as per State and Central Government Rules and Acts.

Para 457 Cash deposit of subordinates and contractors may be converted, at the cost of the depositor, into one or more of the forms of interest bearing securities provided –

i. that the depositor has expressly desired this is writing; and

ii. that the acceptance of the new form of security is permissible under the rules as well as under the terms of

The following shall be added to the exemption (1) under Note:

In respect of EPC works the retention amount in excess of 2.5% of total value of work billed for shall be released against BG in multiples of amounts specified in the agreement, if the rate of progress is maintained.


the agreement or bond.

1. Cash which has actually been received or recovered may be converted even though the full amount of the deposit, which is being paid in instalments, has not yet been realized.

Note:- Percentage deductions from a contractor’s bill for the due fulfillment of a contract should not, except in the following cases, be invested in government securities.

Exception:- 1.Contracts entered into under the new lumpsum contract form, whenever the withheld amounts reach Rs.1,000 or multiples thereof, subject only to the condition that the date of progress


contained in the Articles of Agreement is properly maintained – vide Clause 69 (b) of the preliminary specification to the A.P.D.S.S.

2. Contract entered into under the old lumpsum contract form subject to the condition that the CE specifically authorised the concession of converting the withheld amounts into interest bearing securities, in cases in which the withheld amounts reach Rs.10,000 or multiples thereof.

Article 163  

Methods of executing works:

Works are executed by one or other of the following four methods;

iv) the departmental method

v) piece work contract method

vi) the lump sum contract

method and iv) the schedule

In addition to the four methods of execution fifth method is introduced for execution of EPC works.(v) By an agreement in the form approved by Government for EPC works. In regard to method (v) the details are set forth clearly in the form of articles of agreement, tender notice and tender


contract method.

Under method (i) , the department concerned itself engages the necessary daily labour and purchases or supplies the necessary materials. This method is adopted when no contractor is available or when it is considered to be the most economical method.

Under method (ii), the piece worker agrees to execute a specified work or part of a work as specified rates without reference to quantity or the time taken, and the department concerned arranges for the supervision, setting out and measuring of all the work done. As a rule, this method should not be adopted for works other than petty works (including improvements and repairs).

Under method (iii), the contractor agrees to execute a complete

documents approved by Government.  


work in accordance with the specifications for a lump sum payment. This method should be adopted except when one of the other methods is considered more advantageous.


Article 163 Methods of executing


Works are executed by one or other of the following four methods;vii) the departmental

methodviii)piece work contract

methodix) the lump sum

contract method and

iv) the schedule contract method.

Under method (i) , the department concerned itself engages the necessary daily labour and purchases or supplies the necessary materials. This method is adopted when no contractor is available or when it is considered to be the most economical method.

Under method (ii), the piece worker

In addition to the four methods of execution fifth method is introduced for execution of EPC works.(v) By an agreement in the form approved by Government for EPC works. In regard to method (v) the details are set forth clearly in the form of articles of agreement, tender notice and tender documents approved by Government.


agrees to execute a specified work or part of a work as specified rates without reference to quantity or the time taken, and the department concerned arranges for the supervision, setting out and measuring of all the work done. As a rule, this method should not be adopted for works other than petty works (including improvements and repairs).

Under method (iii), the contractor agrees to execute a complete work in accordance with the specifications for a lump sum payment. This method should be adopted except when one of the other methods is considered more advantageous.

The recommendations made in the workshop conducted by the Finance and Irrigation Department in Dr. MCR.HRD Institute of A.P. on 22.1.2007.


Memo. No.15850/Reforms/2007-2, Date:18 th July, 2007.

Sub:- Standardization of O&M for large Lift Irrigation Schemes- Minutes of the meeting held on 6.7.2007 at 10.30 AM at Jalasoudha Builidng, Hyderabad- Communicated – Regarding.

* * *A copy of the minutes of the meeting held on 6.7.2007 in the

Office of the Krishna Basin, Jalasoudha Building is communicated to all the Chief Engineers of I & CAD Department for necessary action.

2. The Engineer-in-Chief (AW) is requested to furnish a list of AEEs/DEEs with B.E. Electrical & Mechanical qualification duly indicated by 20.7.2007.

3. The Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organisation shall take the responsibility of (a) hiring of an experienced consultant in consultation with APGENCO to monitor all the activities of this Project (b) framing maintenance agreements (c) planning manpower and (d) identifying training needs.

4. All the Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers concerned are requested to send copies of Agreements of Lift Irrigation Packages to Sri Y.Lavakusha Reddy, Advisor to Government for a detailed study under this Project in the special forum on maintenance aspects and also to develop a standard maintenances center as part of this study.



Minutes of the meeting held on 6.7.2007 at 10.30 AM at Jalasoudha Buuilding, Hyderabad.

The following Officers were present:

1. Secretary to Government (RRM) I & CAD2. Advisor (Monitoring)3. Lead Consultant SPIU (I&CAD)4. Chief Engineer, CDO, Hyderabad5. Chief Engineer (Projects), Mahabubnagar6. Chief Engineer, NSRSP, Hyderabad7. Commissioner, Godavari Basin.8. Chief Engineer, SSP & FFCLMD Colony, Karimnagar.

The purpose of the meeting and issues involved were explained to the Members. The following were the points discussed.

i. For all the On-going Major Lift Irrigation Projects, terms and conditions for Operation and Maintenance of Pump Houses and Pipeline for two years are included in the Agreement.

ii. The Operation and Maintenance of the Pumps and Motors is to be done as per the manufacturer manuals. All the contractors supplying erecting difference types of pumps and motors have to be requested by the concerned Chief Engineers for obtaining and furnishing original copies of manufacturer manuals for the pumps and motors installed.(Action: All Chief Engineers)

iii. The Operation and Maintenance of Pumping Stations may be available for the publications of Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) or NHPC or CEA. The Chief Engineer, NSRSP promised to check-up and obtain copies of guidance and furnish.

iv. As per the agreements of ongoing Projects the Contractors are supposed to supply spares required for 2 to 5 years of maintenance inventory of spares required has to be ascertained from the Manufacturers Manuals and also in consultation with the APGENCO who are experienced in maintenance of Hydro Electric Station.(Action All Chief Engineers)

v. Maintenance of Electrical Substations at the Pumping Stations has to be entrusted to APTRANSCO by entering into agreement with them.


vi. To facilitate smooth take over from the Contractors after completion of the maintenance period by the Contractor the Staff of the Department have to be trained. Further, the APGENCO will have to be requested to depute the following staff.

a) Divisional Electrical Engineers (One each for 2 to 3 L.I. Schemes) 3 Nos.

b) Asst. Divisional Electrical Engineers 1 for each Project.

c) A.E.Es. – The AEEs recruited already and available in the Department are to be posted to the ongoing L.I. Schemes for

obtaining required training by APGENCO.

vii. Staff Quarters are to be constructed for maintenance staff at each Pumping Station with necessary amenities.

2. Action on the following issues is to be initiated immediately.

a) If the construction of Staff Quarters is not provided in the present Agreements, estimates are to be prepared for the same and after sanction construction is to be taken up.

b) One retired Chief Engineer / Superintending Engineer with experience in hydro power station and their maintenance has to be recruited as Consultants, through Advertisement and kept with CE, CDO for preparation of guidelines for O&M of each Lift Irrigation Scheme.

c) The available Electrical and Mechanical A.E.Es are to be sent for training in maintenance of pumps, turbines and motors of APGENCO.



Memo No.24340/Reforms-A1/2008-1, Dated.08.09.2008.

Sub:- EPC Contracts – Maintenance for two years by the EPC Contractors – Regarding.

* * *In the EPC contracts, the scope of work includes maintenance

for two or more years, by the EPC contractor as per the agreement. As per the clauses relating to maintenance in EPC agreements (Spl. Conditions of contract-Vol.I – Part-A – Appex. Sec.V) the EPC contractor has:

i) to provide all services necessary t maintain the project efficiently, maximize the availability of the project, optimize the useful life of the project.

ii) to provide requisite no. of qualified ( and if required licensed) personnel to perform the services such as operation and maintenance of the system.

iii) to carryout operation, maintenance and repair and preventive maintenance with the recommendations of the employer.

vi) to carry out any maintenance or repairs or rectification work in case of any problem or emergency that may arise while the system is in operation during the agreed maintenance period of two years.

v) to prepare annual operation plan and submit to employer for approval.

vi) to prepare Gate operation schedules of all regulation structures, after model study and get it approved by the employer.

vii) to prepare Reservoir working tablesand Gate operation schedules, in case of Reservoirs.

viii) In respect of LI Schemes, a detailed O&M agreement has to be concluded with the EPC contractor, duly specifying all tasks to be performed.

2. All the Engineers-in-Chief/Chief Engineers / Superintending Engineers are requested to ensure that these clauses are strictly complied with by the concerned EPC contractors, for the works under their jurisdiction. The Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation) may evolve suitable guidelines for deployment of personal for Operation and maintenance of the schemes during maintenance period.3. Any laxity in this regard will be viewed seriously.CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER






1.0 Name of work : PULA SUBBAIAH VELIGONDA PROJECTInvestigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

The dates stipulated in the Bid notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extended.

1.1 The Bid opening Authority will not consider any Bid received after expiry of date and time fixed (As specified in Bid document) for receipt of Bids.

1.2 The successful Bidder is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the bid document.

1.3 Bidders shall submit a declaration without any reservation whatsoever that the submitted financial bid is without any deviations and are strictly in conformity with the documents issued by the Employer.

1.4 The bidder shall submit a written power of attorney authorizing the signatory of the bid to commit for the bidder.

1.5 The Bidder shall furnish declarations that:

Bidder/ Partners of Joint Venture (JV) firm have not been blacklisted in any department in the A.P.

That Bidder/ Partners of Joint Venture (JV) firm have not been demoted to lower category in any department in A.P. FOR NOT FILING THE BIDS AFTER BUYING BID SCHEDULES IN A WHOLE YEAR AND THEIR Registration have not been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years.

That Bidder/ Partners of Joint Venture (JV) firm will agree to get disqualified themselves for any wrong declaration in respect of the above and to summarily reject their Bids.


2.0 Project Information:

Information regarding the project features, major components and their location etc., as available are provided in Volume.I Part -E Project profile of the Bid documents.

3.0 Acceptance Conditions of the Technical bid and Price Bid1. The bids are limited to reputed firms / Joint venture companies/ consortiums having

experience in execution of pumping stations/ /irrigation canals/reservoirs/ tunnels/ irrigation structures and bridges.

Contractor / Contracting firm registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh with valid Registration in terms of

G.O.Ms.No: 130,I&CAD Department dt.22-05-2007G.O.Ms.No.521, I & CAD (PW), dt.10-12-1984G.O.Ms.No.178, I & CAD (PW-COD) Dept., dt.27-9-1997G.O.Ms.No.22, TR&B (B.III) Dept., dt.6-2-98G.O.Ms.No.23, I & CAD (PW) Dept., dt.5-3-1999G.O.Ms.No.132, TR&B (R.1) Dept., dt.11-8-1998G.O.Ms.No.8, TR&B (R1) Dept., dt.8-1-2003G.O.Ms.No.94, I & CAD (PW-COD) Dept., dt.1-7-2003 are only eligible.

2) In case of joint venture a) at least one of the partners should have a valid registration with the

Govt of A.P. as above and the other partners should have applied for registration and shall upload the same as proof.

b) The total members in the joint venture should not be more than Four. c) The JV partners should be responsible for liability individually

proportionate to the extent of their share in the JV and jointly for 100% share.

d) Shall submit JV deed duly registered with condition that lead partner share shall not be less than 50% in Joint Venture.

e) The JV partner of one bidder/firm shall not enter into JV partnership with another bidder/firm for the bid.

f) The bidder/firm/company should have ISO certification or produce evidence of making application for ISO certification.

3) The bids are limited to those individual firms, Company and joint ventures that meet the eligibility criteria ( both Technical & Financial).

4) In case of joint venture the eligibility criteria will be considered on the basis of combined resources.

5] The bidder in his name should satisfy as per formula (2 AN-B ) which should be greater than IBM.

Where A= Max. value of civil Engineering works executed in any one year during preceding five financial years. i.e. the financial year in which Bids are invited taking in to account the completed as well as works in progress.


N= No. of years prescribed for completion of works for which tenders are invited.B= Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of completion of works for which tenders are invited

3.1 The Bidders are liable to be disqualified / debarred / suspended / black listed if

they have

Furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and annexures submitted in proof of the qualification requirements and/or

Not turned up for entering into contract, when called upon, and

Even while execution of the work, if found that the work was awarded to the Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience, the Contractor will be blacklisted and action will be taken as per Paras-55 and 56 of Conditions of Contract of Volume-I and Part-A.

3.2 a) If the contract price quoted by a Bidder is found to be either abnormally high or with in the reasonable limits but under collusion or due to unethical practices adopted at the time of Bidding process, such bids shall be rejected.

b) A Bidder submitting a Bid which the Bid accepting authority considers excessive and/ or indicative of insufficient knowledge of current prices or definite attempt of profiteering will render himself liable to be debarred permanently from Bidding or for such period as the Bid accepting authority may decide. The Bidder’s quoted price should be based on the controlled prices for the materials, if any, fixed by the Government or the reasonable prices permissible for the Bidder to charge a private purchaser under the provisions of clause-6 of the hoarding and profiteering prevention ordinance of 1943 as amended from time to time and on similar principle in regard to labour supervision on the construction.

3.3 Bidder who submits the bid having tie-up with reputed agencies / firms for the specialized work of conducting surveys and detailed investigation of canal system and design-engineering of the total canal system and design, fabrication and erection of gates shall comply with the following requirements.

(i) The bidder shall be the lead partner of the Joint venture. In case of successful Bid on award of work jointly authorized representative shall sign the contract.

(ii) The change of MOU/ Joint Venture partner shall not be accepted under normal conditions after submitting the Bid documents. However the change in joint venture/MOU partner may be considered in the event of insolvency, death, stoppage of business, abstaining from country for longer period and participation in terms of people’s representation Act of India etc, only with the prior approval of the employer. The employer reserves the right to reject such requests/proposals from any joint venture / MOU partner if it adversely affects the Joint venture/ MOU strength.


(iii)The Bidder shall be nominated, as being in charge and his authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legal authorities of all the MOU/Joint venture partners.

iv)The Bidder nominated as in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the MOU/Joint venture and the entire execution of the contract including payments shall be made in favor of joint venture only.

(v) All partners of MOU/Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and severally responsible for the execution of contract in accordance with contract terms and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the MOU/Joint Venture partnership deed.

vi) Bidders/Firms entering for the work in association with their MOU/ Joint venture partners shall obtain and submit along with Bid, an undertaking from the MOU/Joint Venture partnership jointly or separately if participating with MOU/Joint Venture partner to the effect that they have read the Bid documents and they undertake to effectively associate with the contractor in discharging the contracting obligations under the contract through out during surveys, detailed investigation, design engineering, execution true to specifications, commissioning, defect liability for a period of 24 months from the date of completion certificate.

vii) Detailed information as required in the prescribed format provided in Vol.I Part.C should be submitted for each member of Joint Venture / MOU. Full pertinent information that may effect the performance or the responsibilities of any Joint Venture / MOU members such as ongoing litigation, financial constraints / problems or any other distress must also be disclosed.

3.4 If the bidder desires to sublet a part of the work, he shall mention the names of the subcontractors, if any, against the particular items of work for which subcontracting is proposed by the bidder at the time of filling of Bids itself or during execution. In such case, the bidder shall furnish the pertinent qualification and experience of the subcontractor(s) including end users’ certificates, if the Bid accepting authority satisfies himself with qualification criteria in proportion to the value of work proposed for sublet, he may permit the same. Bidder shall furnish additional information that may be required by the employer. The assessment of eligibility of subcontractors would be done only for successful bidder. The value of subletting shall not exceed 50% of contract value. However even if subletting is accepted entire responsibility will be with the bidder him self. The extent of subletting shall be added to the experience of sub contract and to that extent deduct from that of the main contractor no correspondent with the sublet contractor will be entertained.

Scope of Work:

Western Branch canal to create an ayacut of 58,500 Acres


Investigation, Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of necessary Lift Systems with all Electrical & Mechanical Components, Surge Protection Systems, Delivery Cisterns, Pressure Mains to carry the required discharge during crop period as per Modified Pen Men method and All Control Valves for lifting of 2.800 TMC of water in 3 Stages to create an ayacut of 25,600 Acres in Prakasam District and 3.860 TMC of water in single Stage through 2 Separate Pressure Mains (MS) to create an ayacut of 25,400 Acres in Kadapa District and 7,500 Acres in Sitarampuram Mandal of Nellore District including Formation of 3 Nos. of Reservoirs and entire Canal System, CM&CD Works and its Distributory System to carry discharge required during crop period as per guide lines of Chief Engineer, CDO, Hyderabad for an ayacut of 58,500 Acres and also formation of two independent reservoir namely Gundlabrahmeswaram & Rallavagu to create an IP of 5000 Acres including CM & CD works and distributory system in Rabi Season as contemplated in different blocks in different Mandals of Prakasam, Kandapa and Nellore Districts as per Detailed Project Report of Veligonda Project.

Components:1. Drawl of 6.660 TMC of water through Approach channel with a

minimum discharge of 29.50 Cumecs including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) from Eastern Main canal @ Ch.Km. 25.465 to feed an ayacut of 58,500 Acres.

Prakasam District 2. Lifting of 2.800 TMC of water in 3 Stages with sufficient length

of Pressure Mains to create an ayacut of 25,600 Acres in Prakasam District.

a. Stage-I: From approach channel to Turimella Reservoir to create an ayacut of 25,600 Acres..

b) Gravity canal including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) from Turimella reservoir to intake sump at lift -2 to create an ayacut of 6000 Acres.

c) Stage-II: From Tail End of Gravity canal taking off from Turimella Reservoir to Racherla Tank to create an ayacut of 19,600 Acres.

d) Gravity canal including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) from Racherla tank for a length of 3.00Km (tentative) to create an ayacut of 2,000 Acres.

e) Stage-III: From Tail End of Gravity canal taking off from Racherla Tank to the canal with an FSL of +265.00M to create ayacut of 17,600 Acres.

f) Gravity canal including lining (C.C. M15 with pavers) starting after stage-III lift and ending at a suitable location near Giddalur town duly crossing the SCR railway track to create an ayacut of 17,600 Acres in Prakasam District.

Kadapa District Lifting of 3.860 TMC of water with Pressure Mains (Mild steel) in single Stage to

create an ayacut of 32,900 Acres in Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

b. Lift -4 – towards Kalasapadu Major: Lifting of 1.780 TMC of water in single stage to create an ayacut of 15,800 Acres in Kalasapadu Mandal.


c. Lift -4 – towards Porumamilla Major: Lifting of 2.080 TMC of water in single stage to create an ayacut of 17,100 Acres in Porumamilla Mandal (9,600Acres) and Sitarampuram Mandal (7,500 Acres)

d. Approach channel from Porumamilla Major for a sufficient length to the inlet of tunnel to irrigate 7500 Acres in Sitarampuram Mandal in Nellore District.

e. Tunnel for a length of 9.00 Kms to carry the discharge of 3.50 Cumes from the tailend of approach channel.

f. Feeder canal with a discharge of 3.50 Cumecs from the Exit of Tunnel to Sitarampuram Reservoir on Pillaperu Vagu near Gangavaram Village, Sitarampurm Mandal.

e. Distributory system including CM & CD works to create an IP of 58,500 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

f. Supply erection and maintenance of 220 KV DC line (Double circuit line) to have 100% reliability of supply during pumping operation period and a line is to be laid from near by 220 KV Sub-Station and Construction of swithyard.

Reservoirs on Western Branch canal:

Investigation, Design and Execution with all necessary ancillary works such as surplus weir ,surplus course, Irrigation sluice and delivery cistern etc., as per approved designs and drawings of Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organization, Hyderabad

1. Formation of Turimella Reservoir near Turimella village 2. Formation/Improvements to Racherla Tank near Racherla

Village 3. Formation of Sitaramsagar Reservoir on Pillaperu vagu near

Gangavaram Village, Sitarampurm Mandal. Independent Reservoirs:

Investigation, Design and Execution with all necessary ancillary works such as surplus weir ,surplus course, Irrigation sluice and delivery cistern etc., as per approved designs and drawings of Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organization, Hyderabad including Canal System, CM & CD works and Distributary System to carry the discharge required during crop period as per Modified Pen Men method.

1. Formation of Gundla Brahmeswaram Reservoir near Chinaganapalii Village of Racherla Mandal, to create an ayacut of 3500 Acres in Racherla Mandal of Prakasam District.

2. Formation of Rallavagu Reservoir near Papinenipalli Village of Arthaveedu Mandal to create an ayacut of 1500 Acres in Arthaveedu Mandal of Prakasam District.

3. Supplementation of water from Porumamilla Major to Racheruvu tank of Rajupalem of Kalasapadu Mandal to stabilize the existing ayacut of 1800 Acres.

Miscellaneous items:1. Preparation of land plan schedules & Land Acquisition proposals on

the basis of approved alignment and allied works including submergence of balancing Reservoir.


2. Preparation of cost estimates for all the components after approval of designs and clubbing the items suitably for record measurement purpose.

3. Formation of service roads in the project area along the canal banks and plantation along the canal banks.

4. All necessary permissions/clearances/ approvals are to be processed and obtained by the firm only on its own costs. As a user agency this department will initiate the proposals in respect of this scheme.

5. Providing internal electrification and lighting arrangements, beautification and plantation near pump house and intake well.

6. Providing drinking water regulating arrangements (Off-Take Sluice) to enroute villages.

5.0 Time for completion

The time for completion of the project including time required for creation of construction facilities and infrastructure works, necessary pre-construction survey, investigation, soil exploration, design and engineering etc., shall not exceed 48 months from the date of conclusion of contract. Stipulated period of completion is the main essence of the contract and shall be strictly adhered to.

5.10 The start date and date of possession of the site shall be the date of Agreement.

6.0 One Bid per Bidder: Bidder shall submit only one Bid for the work in response to invitation for bidding. Any bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid will be disqualified and will also cause the disqualification of the consortium/joint venture company in which is a member.


7.0 Cost of Bidding

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid technical and other documentation, site visits, surveys etc., and the Bid inviting authority will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.

8.0 Site Visit.

8.1 The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk is advised to visit and examine the Site of Work and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid for entering into a contract, for construction of the work. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.



9.0 Contents of Bid Document

9.1 Bidding Documents

The bidding documents shall comprise the following:


PART-A Bid Notice, Instructions to Bidders, Bid conditions, Qualifying and Eligibility Requirements, Technical Bid, General conditions of Contract and

Special Conditions of Contract Bill of Quantities

Formats of Securities.Drawings.

PART-B Formats B-1 to B-19

PART-C Formats of Technical Bid (Data Sheets 1-12)

PART-D Basic Parameters

PART-E Project Profile.


VOLUME-II Technical Specifications for Civil Works, E.M. & H.M.

10.0 Technical Specification

10.1 Addenda if any issued by the Bid inviting officer before the last date for submission of Bids shall form part of bid documents.

10.2 The bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined all the bid documents and also to have satisfied himself as to the nature and character of the work to be executed and where necessary of the site conditions and other relevant matters / details, any information thus had or otherwise obtained from Employer, Department, Engineer-in –Charge or inspector shall not in any way relieve the contractor from his responsibility for executing the work in terms of the specifications including all details and incidental work and supply of all accessories and apparatus which may not have been specifically mentioned in the specification or drawings, but otherwise necessary for ensuring completion of project within the quoted contract price only.

11.0 Clarification on Bid Documents


11.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on Bid documents may contact the Bid Inviting Officer at the address indicated. The Bid Inviting Officer will also respond to any request for clarification, received through post.

12.0 Amendment to Bid Documents

12.1 Before the last date for submission of Bids, the Bid Inviting Officer may modify any of the Contents of the Bid Notice, Bid documents by issuing amendment / Addendum.

12.2 Deleted

12.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time to take an addendum into account in preparing their bids, the Bid Inviting Officer may extend if necessary, the last date for submission of Bids.



13.0 Language of the Bid.

13.1 All documents relating to the Bid shall be in the English Language only.

13.2 Documents comprising of the Bid. The Bid comprise the following.a. Price bidb. Engineering Bid

13.3 Technical Bid

The Technical bid should contain EMD in the form of DD/BG in original as stipulated in the document.

Transaction Fees for an amount of Rs. 25,000/- + 12.36% service tax + 1.85% Education cess (i.e., Rs. 28,700/-) shall be paid through electronic gate way.

Formats as given in Volume-I Part-B of this document duly filled in.

Certificates regarding Annual Turnover of the firm duly authenticated by the Chartered Accountant. Experience in execution of works pertaining to spillways, reservoirs, hoist and hoist bridges of Irrigation Department duly certified by the Executive Engineer and countersigned by the Superintending Engineer.

Registration of firm/Joint Venture/Consortiums.

Work plan and methodology for executing this work.

Bio-Data of personnel to be deployed for this works.

Machinery and Equipment available/proposed to procure for executing this work etc.

The bidder shall sign on all the documents (such as EMD, transaction fee payable to C1 India etc, certificates required for qualification) owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity and upload them.

The bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD/BG to the tender inviting authority with in the stipulated time. Department will not take any responsibility for any delay or non receipt.

The bidder shall furnish the original hard copies of all the documents /certificates/statements up loaded by him before opening of technical bids.

The successful bidder is required to pay a e-procurement corpus fund Rs. 25,000/- in favour A.P.T.S Hyderabad before conclusion of agreement in the shape of demand draft drawn on any Indian Nationalized Bank payable at Hyderabad.


The bidders should furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness/deviation noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD, criminal action will also be initiated including suspension of business.

13.4 Financial Bid

13.4.1The bidder shall quote his price in the prescribed format given in Volume–I Part-F Financial Bid in Indian Rupees.

13.4.2 Bidders shall quote for the entire work on a firm lump sum price and on a single source responsibility basis. The total cost of the work shall be quoted in the prescribed format in Financial Bid.

13.4.3 The rates and prices quoted by the Bidder are not subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract for taxes, duties and any other levies.

13.4.4 Not withstanding anything that is stated the price once accepted by the Employer shall be final and shall not be subject to any claim on any ground what so ever.

13.4.5 The bid offer shall be for the part of whole the work and not for individual items by part of the work.

13.4.6 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the contractor as per State / Central Government rules, shall be included in the contract value quoted by the Bidder.

13.4.7 Bidders shall quote price in the proformas given in Volume-I, Part-F (Price Bid). The proportional cost of each of the components of work as compared to overall cost of the project shall be as provided in Annexure –II, ’Schedule of Payment’. The contractor whose price bid has been accepted shall be required to submit component wise cost details based on and limited to the provision shown in Annexure-II, ’Schedule of Payments’. The same shall be finalised with the successful bidder, before award of the contract for purpose of interim payments. While doing so contract price i.e., quoted lump sum price of the Bid shall be kept firm.

13.4.8 The contractor is expected to quote the bid price in lump sum after careful analysis of cost involved for the performance of work complete considering all specifications and conditions of contract. In case it is noticed that the price quoted by the Bidder is unusually high or unusually low, it will be sufficient cause for the rejection of the bid or unless the Employer is convinced about the reasonableness of bid price on scrutiny of the analysis for such price to be furnished by the Bidder.

13.4.9 Bidders shall quote for the entire package on a single source responsibility basis. The total cost of the work shall be quoted entirely in Indian Rupees.


13.4.10 The bidder shall submit along with his bid monthly cash-flow statement based on requirement of funds (Indian Rupees) to match the Physical targets of construction.

13.4.11 The bidder shall pay special attention as regards achieving of critical milestones on schedule, so as to ensure final commissioning on time. The Employer shall critically monitor both the Physical as well as Financial Targets, on monthly and quarterly basis. Shortfalls, if any, in the monthly targets shall be immediately rectified by supplementing the resources by the contractor leading to increase in the progress, at no extra cost to the Employer, so as to achieve the quarterly targets as per schedule.

13.5 Validity of Bids:

13.5.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period of not less than six months from the date of submission of Bids.

13.5.2 During the above mentioned period no plea by the Bidder for any sort of modification of the Bid based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstandings or misconceptions or mistake or for any reason will be entertained.

13.5.3 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Bid Inviting Officer may request the bidders to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. Such request to the Bidders shall be made in writing. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting his E.M.D. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his Bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his E.M.D. for a period of the extension.

13.6 Earnest Money Deposit & Transaction fee

13.6.1 The Bidder shall furnish, Earnest Money Deposit of Rupees seven crores fifty lakhs (7.50 crores) from any Nationalised Bank with valid for six months from the last date of submission of bid, at the time of bid submission.

The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) calculated @ 2.5% of bid amount shall be paid at the time of concluding Contract by the successful Bidder. This EMD can be in the form of:

a) A bank demand draft on any Government owned public sector bank or any scheduled commercial bank.

orb) A bank guarantee in the form given [under formats of securities], from

a Government owned public sector bank or any scheduled commercial bank.


13.6.2 Demand Drafts / Bank Guarantees furnished towards EMD along with Bid shall be valid for a period of six months from the date of submission of Bids.

13.6.3 The EMD must be paid in full without concession. The bids without stipulated EMD or with any shortfall in amount or period of validity will be summarily rejected.

13.6.4 Hard copies:i) Vide ref.G.O.Ms.No.174, I & CAD Dept., Dated: 1-9-2008, submission of original

hard copies of the uploaded scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD by participating bidders to the tender inviting authority before the opening of the price bid is dispensed forthwith.

ii) All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD/BG in eProcurement system and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid responsive.

iii) The department shall carry out the technical evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates/documents, DD/BG towards EMD in the eProcurement system and open the price bids of the responsive bidders.

iv) The department will notify the successful bidder for submission of original hardcopies of all the uploaded document DD/BG towards EMD prior to entering into agreement.

v) The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents of the uploaded scan copies to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into agreement, either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt / non-receipt of original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the department shall ensure the genuinity of the DD/BG towards EMD and all other certificates/documents uploaded by the bidder in eProcurement system. In support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement.

The GO.Ms.NO.174, I & CAD Dated: 1.9.2008 Deactivation of Bidders If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates / documents, DD/BG towards EMD within stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hardcopies submitted by the bidder, as the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on eProcurement platform for a period of 3 years. The eProcurment system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting bidder based on the trigger/recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the department shall invoke all processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the government. Other conditions as per tender document are applicable.

The bidder is requested to get a confirmed acknowledgement from the Tender Inviting Authority a proof of Hardcopies submission to avoid any discrepancy. 13.6.5 The EMD will be retained in the case of successful Bidder and will not carry any

interest and will be dealt with as provided in the Bid.CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


The Technical bid of only such bidders will be opened. Failure to submit the above Documents before the prescribed day will entail rejection of the Bid and liable for non-participation of tender called for by the department during the next 12 months i.e. accordance with G.O. Ms. No. 245, dated 30.12.2005 and G.O. Ms. No. 155, dated 23.08.2006.

13.6.6 The successful Bidder should however pay the EMD calculated @ 2.5% of bid amount at the time of signing the contract in the shape of demand draft or unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee on the standard format enclosed to the Bid schedule for a total period not less than the stipulated period of the completion of the work in question, plus the defect liability period of 24 months from the completion certificate

The E.M.D. of Rupees (7.50 crores) Seven crores and Fifty lakhs paid by the successful Bidder at the time of filing of Bid schedules through Demand Draft or Bank guarantee will be discharged

13.6.7 The retention amount from the bills will be deducted at the rate of 7.5% (Seven and half percent only) as usual.

13.6.8 The EMD will be refunded to the qualified but unsuccessful Bidder either after finalization of Bids or on the expiry of validity period of Bids ( i.e six months from the date of opening of Bids) whichever is earlier.

13.6.9 If the successful bidder fails to submit EMD as specified in the Clause 13.6 of ITB and fails / refuses to sign the Contract within specified time then the EMD shall be forfeited.

13.6.10 The earnest money deposited by the successful Bidder will not carry any interest or other charges and it will be dealt with as provided in the conditions stipulated in the Bid. The E.M.D. given in the form of Bank Guarantee on a Government owned public sector bank or any scheduled commercial bank.. shall be valid for the duration of contract period plus defect liability period of 24 months from the completion certificate and in case any valid extension of contract period is granted, the validity of BG shall also be extended for the corresponding period. The Bank Guarantee on Government owned public sector bank or any scheduled commercial bank furnished by the Bidder towards additional security amount shall be valid till the work is completed in all respects.

13.6.11 The E.M.D. shall be forfeited.

(a) If the Bidder withdraws the Bid during the validity period of Bid.

(b) In the case of a successful Bidder, if he fails to sign the Contract for whatever the reason.

(c) In case of successful Bidder, if he fails to submit EMD as specified in 13.1 and 13.6 of instructions to bidder.


13.6.12 In consideration of the Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer /Chief Engineer/ Commissionerate of Tenders / high power committee undertaking to investigate and to take into account each Bid and in consideration of the work thereby involved, all earnest monies deposited by the Bidder will be forfeited to the Government in the event of such Bidder either modifying or with-drawing his Bid at his instance within the said validity period of Six months.

13.6.13 Transaction fees : The transaction fee of Rs.25000/- + 12.36% service tax + 1.85% Education cess has to be paid by the participating bidders through the Electronic Payment Gateway in favour of M/s. C1 India Pvt. Ltd., by each participating bidder at the time of Bid submission. The amount is not reimbursable

13.6.14 Any bid not accompanied by both the EMD and Transaction fee will be rejected by the employer as “non responsive”

13.6.15 Interest or any other charges whatsoever, will not be payable by the employer on the above EMD.

13.6.16 The successful bidder has to pay e-procurement corpus fund of Rs.25,000/- through DD Drawn in favour of APTS, Hyderabad at the time of concluding agreement and handover the DD to the Superintending Engineer who enters the agreement with successful bidder.

13.6.17 Deleted.

13.6.18 Labour Welfare Cess @ 1.00% has to be paid by the Successful bidder to be recovered from the bills during the execution.

13.6.19 No alteration which is made by the Bidder in the contract form, the conditions of the contract, the drawings, specifications or statements / formats or quantities accompanying the same will be recognized; and, if any such alterations are made the Bid will be void.

14.0 Pre-Bid Meeting:

A Pre-Bid Meeting, open to all prospective bidders, will be convened at the at office of the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole on 25.11.2008 and 6.12.2008 @ 11.00 AM.

The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss and answer to queries on any matter that may be raised at that stage.

The bidders are requested to submit any query in writing, FAX or e-mail to reach the office of Employer before pre-bid meeting.


Any modification of the bid documents that may become necessary as a result of the Pre-Bid meeting, shall be made by the Employer, by issuing an addendum to Bid Documents.

15.0 Preparation of Bids:

a) The Bid must contain the name, and places of business of the person or persons making the bid and all documents certificates etc., must be signed by the duly authorized representative and sealed by the Bidder with his usual signature. The name of the person signing should also be typed or printed below the signature.

b) Bid(s) by a Joint Venture of companies / Firms must be furnished with full names of all companies firms and be signed by their authorized representatives.

c) Bid(s) by Corporation/Company must be signed with the legal name of the Corporation / Company and by the President/chairman, Managing Director or by the Secretary or other person or persons authorized to bid on behalf of such Corporation/Company in the matter.

d) The bidder should furnish a Declaration that the credentials submitted by the bidder are correct.

e) Satisfactory evidence of authority of the person(s) signing on behalf of the Bidder shall invariably be furnished with the bid.

f) The Bidder's name stated on the bid shall be the exact legal name of the firm.

g) The bid should cover the entire scope of service indicated in the bid document.

h) The bidder shall submit a declaration about banning or de-listing of the bidder by any government and/or semi-government organization.

i) Each bidder shall submit only one bid either by himself, or as a partner in a joint Venture.

j) Bids not conforming to the above requirements are liable to be rejected.

16.0 Construction Programme

16.1 The Bidder shall include in his Bid, a detailed construction programme of executing the Project, describing broadly the Technology and Construction Methodology of Major Components of the Project including survey, investigation, soil exploration, design & Engineering estimation, land acquisition proposals, commissioning of total project trial of total canal system. The programme shall be supplemented with Master Control Network.


16.2 The Employer reserves the right to request for changes in the Master control Network during pre-award discussions with the responsive bidder. Mutually agreed Master Control Network shall form part of the Contract.

17.0 Specific Issues:

A prospective bidder is expected to examine all instructions, terms & conditions, forms and specifications in the Bid Document and fully inform himself as to all the conditions and matters which may in any way affect the works, his bid or the cost thereof. Further, failure to furnish all information required by the Bid Document or submission of incomplete offers, conditional bids and bids containing deviations from the bid document shall be rejected as non-responsive.

It will be imperative for each Bidder to fully inform himself of all local conditions and factors which may have any effect on the execution of the Works covered under the specifications and documents. In their own interest, the bidders are particularly requested to familiarise themselves with the prevailing Income Tax Act, Companies Act, Customs Act, prevailing Labour Laws and other related Acts and Laws. Further, the bidders are requested to comply with the Insurance Act

including Workmen’s Compensation Act and third party insurance and other relevant provisions particularly with reference to the requirements of taking insurance for storage, Civil, Structural and Architectural Work, Erection, testing and commissioning, operation and Maintenance, till the project is handed over to Employer. Employer shall not entertain any request for clarification from the bidders regarding such local conditions. It must be understood and agreed that such factors have properly been investigated and considered by the bidders while submitting their bids. Failure to do so will not relieve the bidders from responsibility for estimating properly the cost of successfully performing the work and completion time required for the Work. Employer will assume no responsibility for any understanding, or representation concerning conditions made by any of its officers or agents prior to award of the Contract. Neither any change in the time schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustments arising thereof shall be permitted by Employer, which arises out of lack of such clear knowledge or its effect on the cost of execution of the contract on the part of the bidder. Employer shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the Bidders, regarding any statutory provisions.

Being a Turnkey Contract, the Bidder is to take full responsibility for the survey, Investigation, Design & Engineering and execution of entire canal system/Dam and appurtenant works including commissioning, Trial run of the Canal System/Dam gate system complete including maintenance of the project for a period of 5 years for Civil works and 15 years for Hydro Mechanical and Electro Mechanical works from the completion certificate.

The basic parameters of the project stated in Volume I (Part – D) are to be strictly adhered to by the bidders, unless otherwise specified, during detailed Survey, investigation engineering, design and execution of the project. The bidders are also required to review the Topographical, Hydrological, Geological & Meteorological data and other data/information provided in the Volume I (Part -


E)- Project Profile of the Bid document and satisfy themselves for their adequacy.

Bidder's Survey, Investigation, Designs, Technical Specifications and Technical Parameters shall conform to Bureau of Indian Standard Codes and/or International Standards & practices/C.W.C. Manuals / IRC Codes/ I & CAD Department specifications / Circulars issued by Department from time to time.

It is understood that all plant, equipment, and works connected with the normal efficient execution of the Project are covered in the scope, brought out in Bid Documents.

While working out their price bid, the bidders are required to take into account entire scope of the work defined in Bid documents, additional Infrastructure and Construction facilities and other related activities, for all the partners of the joint venture, whatsoever required.

Bidder shall also include in his price bid, cost of de-mobilization and shipping back the construction equipment and other equipment / materials etc. from the Project Site.


18.0 Special Attention

While preparing the Bid-Price the Bidders shall also take into account the following:

I. Infrastructure & Construction Facilities, Preliminary, Enabling & Ancillary works whatsoever required by them for successful completion of the Project in the specified time schedule.

II. Indian Income Tax and Surcharge on Income Tax on Salaries of Expatriates etc.

III. Corporate Income Tax.

IV. All Taxes, Duties and expenses such as Excise Duty, Sales Tax on Indian Supplies, Customs Duty and Custom Clearance on imported items, transportation and storage at site etc.

V. All local duites, royalties, octroi etc.

VI. VAT and Commercial Tax on works contract etc. in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

18.1 The following recoveries will be made towards taxes

1) VAT at 2.8% (4% of 70%) 2) Income tax at 2.24%

3) Seigniorage charges- where ever applicable

4) Labour welfare cess at 1%

5) Chief Minister relief fund and NAC at 0.25%

Note.1:Any increase of above recoveries as amended during agreement period will be reimbursed.

Note.2:Central sales tax and Excise duty @ the rate of 16.25% are placed beyond the scope of this bid. It will be reimbursed on the production of evidence of payment.



19.0 Submission of Bids

19.1 The Bidders who are desirous of participating shall submit their price bids etc., at the prescribed field /place provided in the e-market place. The bidders shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness / authenticity.

The EMD payable along with the bid shall be in accordance with clauses of ITB.

19.2 Any other condition regarding receipt of Bids in conventional method appearing in Bid document may be treated as Non-applicable.

20.0 The documents to be uploaded with respect to the Parts of the bidding process shall be as follows:


Bid Security in the form of Bank Guarantee / D.D

A letter of declaration as in the format provided in Vol.I

Transaction fee.

A declaration about banning/de-listing by any government/semi

government agencies.

Sales Tax clearance certificate (as applicable)

Declaration for the veracity or genuinity of the credentials submitted.

Information/Data, pertaining to bidders organization, financial

capability and technical capability as per Statements 1 to 6, Volume-I


Information/Data, pertaining to bidder’s proposal as Data sheet 1 to

Data sheet 12 of Volume-I Part- C of the Bid documents.


Quote tender contract price in the template prescribed on line.Letter of TenderSeparate Price against the different proposals/options as indicated under

Special Conditions of Contract.

Infrastructure and other facilities :Bidder shall collect all information on existing infrastructure like roads to construction area, power telecommunications etc., and satisfy himself prior to submission of his / their bid.



21.0 Last date / time for Submission of the Bids.

Bids must be submitted not later than 3.00 P.M. on 10-12-2008 on line. 21.2 The Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District may extend the dates for issue of bid documents and receipt of Bids by issuing an amendment in which case all rights and obligations of the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole and the Bidders will remain same as previously.

22.0 Late Bids.

Bids will not be received after the last date / time prescribed.

23.0 Modification to the Bid.

23.1 Bidders can modify their Bid price before the last date/time of filing Bids.

23.2 No Bid shall be modified after the last date /time of submission of Bids.

23.3 Withdrawal of bid is acceptable once the bid is submitted.

24.0 Deleted.



Eligibility Criteriai) General Requirements

:1. The bids are limited to reputed firms / Joint venture companies/ consortiums having experience in execution of pumping stations/ /irrigation canals/reservoirs/ tunnels/ irrigation structures and bridges.

Contractor / Contracting firm registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh with valid Registration in terms of

G.O.Ms.No: 130,I&CAD Department dt.22-05-2007G.O.Ms.No.521, I & CAD (PW), dt.10-12-1984G.O.Ms.No.178, I & CAD (PW-COD) Dept., dt.27-9-1997G.O.Ms.No.22, TR&B (B.III) Dept., dt.6-2-98G.O.Ms.No.23, I & CAD (PW) Dept., dt.5-3-1999G.O.Ms.No.132, TR&B (R.1) Dept., dt.11-8-1998G.O.Ms.No.8, TR&B (R1) Dept., dt.8-1-2003G.O.Ms.No.94, I & CAD (PW-COD) Dept., dt.1-7-2003 are only eligible.

2) In case of joint venture a) at least one of the partners should have a valid registration with the Govt of A.P.

as above and the other partners should have applied for registration and shall upload the same as proof.

b) The total members in the joint venture should not be more than Four. c) The JV partners should be responsible for liability individually proportionate to the

extent of their share in the JV and jointly for 100% share.d) Shall submit JV deed duly registered with condition that lead partner share shall

not be less than 50% in Joint Venture.e) The JV partner of one bidder/firm shall not enter into JV partnership with another

bidder/firm for the bid.f) The bidder/firm/company should have ISO certification or produce evidence of

making application for ISO certification.

3) The bids are limited to those individual firms, Company and joint ventures that meet the eligibility criteria ( both Technical & Financial).

4) In case of joint venture the eligibility criteria will be considered on the basis of combined resources.

5] The bidder in his name should satisfy as per formula (2 AN-B ) which should be greater than IBM.

Where A= Max. value of civil Engineering works executed in any one year during preceding five financial years. i.e. the financial year in which Bids are invited taking in to account the completed as well as works in progress.

N= No. of years prescribed for completion of works for which tenders are invited.B= Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of completion of works for which tenders are invited.

ii) Technical Requirement:

Bidder should have executed (One similar components of works as per item No.4 OF Tender notice.)CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


9. Bidder should have executed at least (1) Similar project.

Bidder should have executed a Earthen dam/ reservoir with a storage capacity of not less than 1.40 TMC. The bidder has to submit the performance certificate in proof of the above

10. Bidder should have manufactured, supplied, erected tested and commissioned large equivalent pumps with performance indicaters and specific to lift a total discharge of 15 Cumecs with individual pump discharge of 3.0 Cumecs or more which is working satisfactory for one year as on date of submission of bid. The bidder has to submit the performance certificate in proof of there of.

11. Bidder should have supplied, erected, tested and successfully commissioned electric motors for pumping application of 3.00 M.W. capacity or more required for each motor with associated civil mechanical, electrical and instrumentation which are working satisfactory for at least one year as on date of submission of Bid. The bidder has to submit certificate in proof of supplying electric motors of capacity 3.00 M.W. or more.

12. Bidder should have manufactured, supplied erected, tested and sucessfuly commissioned large diameter water supply pipe line (Buried and / or surface) having internal diameter of 2.00 M or more for a length of 5.00 Kms in two rows or more with associated civil works which are working satisfactory for at least one year. The bidder has to submit a certificate in proof of above or more.

13. The bidder should have executed tunnel of diameter of not less that 3.50 mts for a minimum of length of 2.50 Kms

14. Bidder should have capacity for design office backup having experience on structural and hydraulic design for pumps, pump houses and pipe line and transient analysis, earth dam work, canal network, drops and CM/CD structures and Reservoirs and tunnels or should have M.O.U with such firm of experience.

15. The Bidder shall have ISO accreditation or shall have applied for ISO accreditation. However the Bidder shall submit ISO accreditation at the time of concluding Agt.

iii) Financial Requirements.:

1. The bidder shall have annual financial turn over from Civil Engineering works inclusive of Electro Mechanical Works) of not less than Rs.i.e.IBM value/No of years prescribed for completion in any financial year during last five years i.e., from 2003-04 to 2007-08 up dated by giving 10% simple weight age per year to bring them to 2008-09 price level.

2. However, the total turnover of joint venture group should not be less than Rs.i.e.IBM value/No of years prescribed for completion, in any one year during the last 5 financial years i.e. from 2003-04 to 2007-08, updated by giving 10% simple weightage per year to bring them to 2008-09 price level.

3. The bidder should have satisfactorily completed similar nature works (not less than 90% of the contract value) and the value of work done should not be less than


Rs.i.e.(IBM value/No of years prescribed for completion)X25% as a prime contractor, in any one year during the financial years 2003-2004 to 2007-08 updated by giving 10% simple weightage per year to bring them to 2008-2009 price level.Sub contractor’s /GP holder’s experience shall not be taken into account.

4. Liquid asset/credit facilities/Solvency certificate from any Indian Nationalised/ Scheduled Banks of value not less than Rs.i.e.IBM value X 0.25/No of years prescribed for completion

5. The bidder must have a net worth of Rs.i.e.IBM value X 0.25/No of years prescribed for completion

6. The bidder must have a net profit (after deducting tax, depreciation and interest) in any three years during the last five years.

7. The No. of partners in the (JV) shall not be more than 4 (Four).8. In case if the application is from a joint venture, it should satisfy the following

Minimum criteria.

a) The Joint venture should meet the requirement as prescribed at para1.Each partner should meet not less than 20% of the annual turnover as prescribed at para1 individually.

b) The JV should meet similar work criteria as prescribed at para 5 and the other partners should meet atleast 20% net worth as prescribed at para 5 individually.

c) All partners of JV should meet ISO certificate as prescribed in para 2 of the general requirements.

d) All the JV partners should meet the criteria of net profit as prescribed at para 6 individually.

e) An authorized representation of JV who will be nominated by JV who will be authorized to deal with the employer on all project related matters during the course of execution of project

25.1 The technical bids will be opened online by the concerned Superintending Engineer at the time and date as specified in the tender documents. All the statements, documents, certificates, DD/BG etc., uploaded by the tenders will be verified and downloaded, for technical evaluation. The clarifications, particulars, if any, required from the bidders, will be obtained either online or in the conventional method by addressing the bidders. The technical bids will be evaluated against the specified parameters/criteria, and the technically qualified bidders will be identified. The result of technical bid evaluation will be displayed on the ‘e’ market place, which can be seen by all the bidders who participated in the tenders.

25.2 Similarly, at the specified date and time, the price bids of all the technically qualified bidders will be opened online by the concerned Superintending Engineer and the result will be displayed on the ‘e’ market place which can be seen by all the bidders who participated in the tenders. Till the technical bids are opened, the identity of the bidders who participated in the tenders are to be kept confidential. Similarly, till the price bids are opened, the bid-offers are to be kept confidential.


25.3 Before recommending/accepting the tender, the tender accepting authority, if found necessary, shall verify the correctness of certificates submitted to meet the eligibility criteria and specifically for experience. The authenticated agreements of previous works executed by the lowest bidder, shall be called for if found necessary.

26.0 Finalisation of Tenders:

26.1 The Superintending Engineer will evaluate and process the tenders and submit to the concerned Chief Engineer/ENC (Irrigation). In turn the bids will be sent to the committee constituted for the purpose. The committee will examine the bids and decides the successful bidder and communicates its decision to the Chief Engineer/ENC (Irrigation).

26.2 Negotiations are not permitted to be conducted at any level.

26.3 Bids shall be scrutinized in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Bid document. In case of any discrepancy or non-adherence of conditions the Bid accepting authority shall communicate the same, which will be binding both on the Bid opening authority and the Bidder. In case of any ambiguity, the decision taken by the Bid Accepting Authority on Bids shall be final.

27.0 Evaluation and Comparison of Price Bids

The Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh will evaluate and compare the price bids of all the qualified Bidders.

Negotiations at any level are strictly prohibited. However, good gesture rebate, if offered by the lowest Bidder prior to finalisation of Bids may be accepted by the Bid accepting authority.

Selection of Bidder among the lowest & equally quoted Bidders will be in the following orders:

a) The Bidder whose bid capacity is higher will be selected.

b) In case the bid capacity is also same the Bidder whose annual turnover is more will be preferred.

c) Even if the criteria incidentally become the same, the turnover on similar works and thereafter machinery available for the work and then the clean track record of the firm or all the partners of J.V. will be considered for selection.

28.0 Discrepancy in Contract Price quoted.

In case of any discrepancy between the overall Contract price quoted in words and figures, the price quoted in words shall prevail.


In case of any discrepancy between the overall price quoted in online and offline (Hard Copy), the price quoted in online shall prevail.

29.0 Process to be Confidential.

29.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Bids and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced by the Bid accepting authority. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Bid.

29.2 No Bidder shall contact the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole or any authority concerned with finalization of Bids on any matter relating to its Bid from the time of the Bid opening to the time the Contract is awarded. If the Bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Superintending Engineer, he should do so in writing.

29.3 Before recommending / accepting the Bid, the Bid recommending / accepting authority shall verify the correctness of certificates submitted to meet the eligibility criteria and specifically experience. The authenticated contracts of previous works executed by the lowest Bidder shall be called for.

29.4 Policy for Bids under Consideration:

Bids shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately, after they are opened and until such time official intimation of award / rejection of bid is communicated by the employer. While the bids are under consideration, Bidders and / or their representatives or other interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting by any means, the Employer and / or his employees/representatives/consultants on matters related to the bids under consideration. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, the Employer/Employer’s authorised representative may, at his discretion, ask any or all bidders for clarification of his /their bids, including breakups of unit rates, technical information, documents and materials after opening of the bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by Fax. The bidders shall submit all clarifications / additional documents in one original and Three copies. Employer may also request for with drawl of deviations within a specified time, if necessary. It may be noted that it is not obligatory on the part of Employer to hold any kind of discussions / negotiations with the bidders.

29.5 The Bids will be referred to Bid accepting authority along with bid evaluation for consideration. The Bid accepting authority shall scrutinize the Bids in accordance with conditions stipulated in the Bid document and in case of any discrepancy or non-adherence to the conditions, the same shall be communicated which will be binding both on the Bid concluding authority and contractor. In case of any ambiguity the decision taken by the Bid accepting authority on Bids shall be final.

No claim for compensation for submission of Bids.


The Bidders whose bid is not accepted shall not be entitled to claim any costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to or incurred by him through or in connection with his submission of bid, even though the employer may elect to modify / withdraw the invitation to bids.



30.0Award Criteria:

30.1The Committee/ Engineer-in-Chief(Irrigation) / Chief Engineer (Proejcts), Ongole will award or recommend to the Competent Bid accepting authority for award of the contract to the Bidder who is found qualified as per the Bid conditions and whose price bid is evaluated as the lowest.

The Bid accepting authority/ the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid or all Bids and to cancel the Bidding process, at any time prior to the award of Contract, and shall not bear any liability for such decision and shall not have any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the reasons.

31.0 Notification of Award and Signing of Contract.

31.2 The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award of the work by the, Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District prior to expiration of the Bid validity period by registered letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called “Letter of Acceptance”) will indicate the sum that the Government will pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution, completion, and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the “Contract Amount”).

31.2 When a Bid is accepted, the concerned Bidder shall attend the office of the Superintending Engineer concerned on the date fixed in the Letter of acceptance. Upon intimation being given by the Superintending Engineer of acceptance of his Bid, the Bidders shall make payment of the balance E.M.D., and additional security deposit wherever needed by way of Demand Draft or unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee obtained from any Government owned public sector bank or any scheduled commercial bank with required validity period and sign an contract in the form prescribed by the department for the due fulfillment of the contract. Failure to attend the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District office on the date fixed, in the written intimation, to enter into the required contract shall entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money deposited. The written contractor be entered into between the contractor and the Government shall be the foundation of the rights and obligations of both the parties and the contract shall not be deemed to be complete until the contract has first been signed by the contractor and then by the proper officer authorised to enter into contract on behalf of the Government.

31.3 e-procurement Corpus Fund to APTS :- An e-procurement corpus fund of Rs 25,000/-(Rupees twenty Five thousand only) administered by APTS has to be paid by the successful bidder in the shape of Demand draft in favour of A.P Technological services, Hyderabad at the time of concluding the agreement. The amount is not reimbursable.

31.4 The successful Bidder has to sign the contract within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of communication of acceptance of his Bid. On failure to do so his


Bid will be cancelled duly forfeiting the E.M.D., paid by him without issuing any further notice and action will be initiated for black listing the Bidder.

32.0 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

32.1 The Government requires that the bidders / suppliers / contractors under Government financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Government

a) Define for the purposes of the provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

i) “corrupt practices” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a Government official in procurement process or in contract execution: and

ii) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Government and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish in Bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Government of the benefits of free and open competition.

b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.

c) Will blacklist / or debar a firm/JV and partners in J.V. either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, if at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a Government Contract.

d) Further more, Bidders shall be aware of the provisions stated in the General Conditions of Contract.

33.0 The Bidder shall examine closely the A.P.S.S. and also the standard preliminary specifications contained therein and sign at Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District, office copy of the A.P.S.S. and its addenda volume in token of such study before submitting his Bid which shall be for finished work IN-SITU. He shall also carefully study the drawing and additional specifications and all the documents which form part of the contract be entered into by the successful Bidder. The A.P.S.S. and other documents connected with such as specifications plans and any other information can be had at any time between 11-00 A.M. to 5-00 P.M. on all working days in the office of the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District

33.1 The Bidders attention is directed to requirements of materials under the clause materials and "Work man ship" in the preliminary specifications. Material conforming


to the Indian standards specifications shall be used on the work and the Bids shall quote his bid accordingly.

33.2 The Bidder has to do his own testing of materials and satisfy himself that they confirm to the specifications of respective I.S.I. codes before Bidding.

33.3 The contractor shall himself procure the required construction materials of approved quality including the earth for formation of embankment and water from source of his choice all materials required for the work shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge in writing well before their use on the work.

33.4 The contractor shall himself procure that sheet piles, Cement, steel bitumen, sand, blasting materials, metal, soils etc., and such other materials required for the work well in advance. The contractor has to bear the cost of materials, conveyance and storage charges etc., The department will not take any responsibility for fluctuations in market in cost of materials, transportation and loss of materials.

34.0 Inspection of Site and Quarries by the Bidders

Every Bidder is expected, before quoting his bid, inspect the site of proposed work. He should also inspect the quarries and satisfy himself about the quality and availability of materials. The best class of materials to be obtained from quarries, or other source shall be used on the work. In every case the material must comply with the relevant standard specifications. Samples of materials as called for in the standard specifications or in the Bid notice or as required by the Executive Engineer, in any case shall be submitted for the Executive Engineer's, approval before the supply to site of work is begun. The contractor after examination of the source of materials shall state clearly in his Bid, where from he intends to obtain materials, subject to approval of the concerned Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer.

35.0 The Bidders particular attention is drawn to the sections and clauses in the standard specifications dealing with.

i ) Test, Inspection and rejection of defective materials and work.

ii ) Carriage.

iii ) Construction plant.

iv ) Water and lighting.

v ) Cleaning up during the progress and for delivery.

vi ) Accidents.

vii ) Delays.

viii ) Particulars of payments.

The contractor should closely pursue all the specifications clauses, which govern the bid he is Bidding.


36.0 The contractor is responsible for the quality of works executed. If any defects are noticed during the defect liability period of 24 months after completion of works, the contractor has to rectify at his own cost.

37.0 Maintaining the System for 2 (two)years for Civil works not connected to lift system and 15 (fifteen)years for Civil, Hydro-Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical works connected to lift system after issue of completion certificate by the Engineer-in-Charge.

38.0 The Bidder will quote lump sum price on the work as a whole. .

39.0 No alteration which is made by the Bidder in the contract form, the conditions of the contract, the drawings, specifications or Schedule 'A' accompanying the same will be recognised and if any such alterations are made, the Bid will be void.

40.0 A Bidder submitting a quotation which the Bid accepting authority considers excessive and or indication of insufficient knowledge of current Prices or definite attempt of profiteering will render himself liable to be debarred permanently from Bidding or for such period as the Bid accepting authority may decide. The Bidders bid should be based on the controlled prices for the materials if any fixed by the Government or the reasonable prices permissible for the Bidder to charge a private purchase under the provisions of clause-6 of the hoarding and profiteering prevention ordinance of 1943 as amended from time to time and on similar principle in regard to Labour supervision in the construction.

41.0 Read as per Clause 46 of D-Cost Control

42.0 The Bidder should demonstrate availability (owned or leased or to be procured against mobilisation advance) of the Key and critical equipment in the shape of list and declaration supported by ownership documents necessarily be enclosed to the Bid on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of worth of Rs.100/- stating. “I do hereby solemnly declare that I own procured on lease the following equipment”.

43.0 SUBLETTING OF CONTRACT No part of the contract shall be sublet without written permission of the Employer nor shall transfer be made by power of attorney, authorizing others to receive payment on the contractor’s behalf. If the prime contractor desires to sublet a part the work he should submit the same at the time of filing Bids itself or during execution giving the names of the proposed the sub-contractor along with the details of his qualification and experience. The Bid accepting authority should verify the experience of the sub-contractor and if the sub-contractor satisfies the qualification criteria with reference to the value of work proposed to be sublet, he may permit the same. However, the total value of works to be awarded on subletting shall not exceed 50% of contract value. The extent of subletting shall be added to the experience of the sub-contractor and to that extent deducted from that of the main contractor.


44.0 If further necessary information is required, the Chief Engineer / Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer will furnish such information but it must be clearly understood that Bids must be received in order and according to instructions.

45.0 The Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District or the sanctioning authority reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids without assigning any reasons there for.

46.0 The contractor shall keep identification cards issued by the registering authority at all times, while at the site of work and at offices and produce the identity cards as and when asked for.

47.0 Contractors Organizational Person The contractor shall employ the Organizational staff during execution of work, as

indicated in Schedule C data sheets 7 and 12.


1) The Key personnel should be on full time basis and available at site whenever required by Engineer in charge to take instructions.

2) The names of the Key personnel to be employed by the contractor should be furnished in the statement enclosed separately.

3) In case the contractor is already having more than one work on hand and if he is himself qualified Engineer and has undertaking more than one work at the same time, he should employ separate Key person on each work.

48.0 The contractor should furnish the address in the Bid to which communication relating to the contract may be sent and also authorize a person to be available at work spot during his absence. Any change in the incumbency of the authorized agent shall be communicated in writing by the contractor to the Executive Engineer and their acknowledgement obtained on his copy of the communication.

48.0.1 It is to be expressly and clearly understood that contractor shall make his own arrangements to equip himself with all machinery and special tools and plant required for the speedy and proper execution of the work and the department does not undertake any responsibility towards their supply.

48.0.2 The Bidder should select quarries of his own choice as well as sources of water and quote the bid including quarrying, conveyance and all other charges and other construction materials.

48.0.3 The work will have to be executed as per the IS specifications, standard specifications of APSS and special specification attached herewith or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge with reference to the working drawings.


48.0.4 Bid quoted shall be for finished work in situ and inclusive of all incidental and contingent charges. All taxes such as sales tax, seigniorage, royalties turnover tax etc., in respect of materials to be used on the work must be borne by the contractor. The contractor is advised to analyze the rates workable to him reckoning all the pertinent parameters and quote overall Bid amount.

48.0.5 Vernacular signature should be translated into English.

49.0 The contractor shall at his cost do all the drainage and pumping necessary for carrying out the work including shoring, strutting etc., The contractor shall provide at his own cost necessary river diversion works other than coffer dams and other protective works contingent on the work. It is the duty of the contractor not only to provide for such works but also maintain them during the course of work in serviceable and safe condition. The Department accepts no responsibility for any damage to the work itself consequent on the failure of the coffer dams, diversion works or protective works, whether it be due to rains, floods in the river or other causes. The bid quoted must be inclusive of all the above charges.

49.0.1 Re-handling of excavated soil due to injudicious selection of the place of dumping shall not be paid for.

49.0.2 The contractor should use the excavated useful soil and stone obtained from excavation for construction purpose.

49.0.3 The responsibility for arranging the land for borrow area rests with the contractor and no separate payment will be made for the procurement or otherwise and contractor quoted bid will be inclusive of the land cost.

50.1 The special attention of the Bidder is drawn to the conditions in the Bid notice wherein reference has been made to the Andhra Pradesh standard Specifications and the standard preliminary specifications contained therein. These preliminary specifications shall apply to the contract to be entered into between the contractor and Government of Andhra Pradesh and shall form an inseparable condition of the contract along with the additional conditions of contract, special specifications, drawings, contract, schedules etc. All these documents taken together shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another.




I / WE ------------------------------------------------------------ have gone through carefully all the

Bid conditions and solemnly declare that I / we will abide by any penal action such as

disqualification or black listing or determination of contract or any other action deemed

fit, taken by, the Department against us, if it is found that the statements, documents,

certificates produced by us are false / fabricated.


I / WE hereby declare that, I / WE have not been blacklisted / debarred / Suspended /

demoted in any department in Andhra Pradesh or in any State due to any reasons.

Signature of the Bidder



Critical Equipment proposed to be deployed

The Bidder should furnish the information required below, regarding the availability of the equipment, required for construction / quality control.

Sl. No.

Details of Equipment

Number required


Owned Leased To be procured

1 2 3 4 5 6

Signature of the BidderA declaration regarding the equipment owned shall be produced by the Bidder on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/-as below


“I ------------------------------------- do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that I /we own the following equipment for using on the subject work and also declare that I / We will abide by any action such as disqualification or determination of Contract or blacklisting or any action deemed fit, if the department detects at any stage that I/we do not possess the equipment listed below.

Sl. No

Details of each


Year of purchas


Regn. Number Capacity Any other


Is it in working condition

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



[To be submitted along with the Hard copies of work done certificates.]

Date: ……………To Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District

Sir,I / We do hereby Bid and if this Bid be accepted, under take to execute the

following work viz., ……………………………………………..……………………………… ……………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….. as provided for in the “conditions of the contract” for the sum of Rupees …………………………………………………………………………………

I/WE have also quoted the bid in Schedule ‘A’ Part-F Volume. I, annexed (in words and figures) for which I/We agree to execute the work at the quoted lump sum payment under the terms of the contract.

I/WE have quoted the price bid in Schedule ‘A’ Part-F Volume. I both in words & figures. In case of any discrepancy between the bid price quoted in words and figures, the bid price quoted in words only shall prevail.

I/WE agreed to keep the offer in this Bid valid for a period of six month(s) mentioned in the Bid notice and not to modify the whole or any part of it for any reason within above period. If the Bid is withdrawn by me/us for any reasons whatsoever, the earnest money paid by me/us will be forfeited to Government

I/WE hereby distinctly and expressly, declare and acknowledge that, before the submission of my/our Bid I/We have carefully followed the instructions in the Bid notice and have read the A.P.S.S. and the preliminary specifications therein and the A.P.S.S. addenda volume and that I/We have made such examination of the contract documents and the plans, specifications and of the location where the said work is to be done, and such investigation of the work required to be done, and in regard to the material required to be furnished as to enable me/us to thoroughly understand the intention of same and the requirements, covenants, contracts, stipulations and restrictions contained in the contract, and in the said plans and specifications and distinctly agree that I/We will not hereafter make any claim or demand upon the Government based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconception /or mistake on my/or our part of the said requirement, covenants, contracts, stipulations, restrictions and conditions.

I/WE enclosed to my/our application for Bid a crossed demand draft/B.G. (No…………………………………………………………………………..dated:


…………………..) for Rs………………………………………………..as earnest money not to bear interest.

I/WE shall not assign the contract or sublet any portion of the same. In case if it becomes necessary I/We shall submit the same at the time of filing Bids itself or during execution, giving the name of the sub contractor with details of his qualification and experience and agree to sublet with permission of Bid accepting authority only to such of the sub-contractors who satisfies the qualification criteria in proportion to the value of work proposed to be sublet.

I/We agree for the total value of works to be awarded on subletting not to exceed 50% of contract value. I/We also agree to add the extent of sub-letting to the experience of the Sub-Contractor and to deduct that extent from the experience of the Main Contractor.

IF MY/OUR Bid is not accepted the sum shall be returned to me/us on application when intimation is sent to me/us of rejection or at the expiration of three months from last date of receipt of this Bid, whichever is earlier. If my/our Bid is accepted the earnest money shall be retained by the Government as security for the due fulfillment of this contract. If upon written intimation to me/us by the Superintending / Executive Engineer’s Office, I/We fail to attend the said office on the date herein fixed or if upon intimation being given to me/us by the Superintending /Executive Engineer or acceptance of my/our Bid, and if I/We fail to make the additional security deposit or to enter into the required contract as defined in condition 31.2 of the instructions to Bidders, then I/We agree to the forfeiture of the earnest money. Any notice required to be served on me/us here under shall be sufficiently served on me/us if delivered to me/us hereunder shall be sufficiently served on me/us if delivered to me/us personally or forwarded to me/us by post to (registered or ordinary) or left at my/our address given herein. Such notice shall if sent by post be deemed to have been served on me/us at the time wherein due course of post it would be delivered at the address to which it is sent.

I/WE fully understand that the written contract to be entered into between me/us and Government shall be the foundation of the rights of the both the parties and the contract shall not be deemed to be complete until the contract has first been signed by me/us and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into contract on behalf of Government.

I AM/WE ARE professionally qualified an my/our qualifications are given below:

Name Qualified

I/WE will employ the following technical staff for supervising the work and will see that one of them is always at site during working hours, personally checking all items of works and paying extra attention to such works as required special attention (e.g.) Reinforced concrete work.


Name of members of technical staff proposed to be employed


I / WE declare that I/WE agree to recover the salaries of the technical staff actually engaged on the work by the department, from the work bills, if I/We fail to employ technical staff as per the Bid condition.


(1) I/WE hereby declare that I/We have perused in detail and examined closely the Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications, all clauses of the preliminary specifications with all amendments and have either examined all the standards specifications or will examine all the standard specifications for items for which I/We Bid, before I/We submit such Bid and agree to be bound and comply with all such specifications for this contract which I/We execute in the Irrigation & Command Area Development Department.

(2) I/WE certify that I/We have inspected the site of the work before quoting my price bid, I /We have satisfied about the quality, availability and transport facilities for stones sand and other materials.

(3) I/WE am/are prepared to furnish detailed data in support of all my quoted rates, if and when called upon to do so without any reservations.

(4) I/WE hereby declare that I am/we are accepting to reject my Bid in terms of condition, 30.2

(5) I/WE hereby declare that I/We will not claim any price escalation.(6) I/WE hereby declare that I am/We are accepting for the defect liability period as

24 months or two kharif crop seasons which ever is higher instead of 6 months under clause 28 of APSS.

(7) a) I/WE declare that I/WE will procure the required construction materials including earth and use for the work after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for borrowing or exploitation in any other way shall rest with me/us for the materials for construction, I/WE shall ensure smooth and un-interrupted supply of materials.

B) I/WE declare that the responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for disposal of spoil/soil not useful for construction purposes shall rest with me/us.

C) I/WE declare that I/WE shall not claim any compensation or any payment for the land so arranged for disposal of soil and the land for borrow area. My/our quoted bid price are inclusive of the land so arranged and I/We will hand over the land so arranged for disposal of soil to; the department after completion of work.


D) I/WE declare that I/WE will not claim any extra amount towards any material used for the work other than the quoted works for respective schedule ‘A’ items.

(8) I/WE declare that I/WE will execute the work as per the mile stone programme, and if I/WE fail to complete the work as per the mile stone programme I abide by the condition to recover liquidated damages as per the Bid conditions.

(9) I/WE declare that I/WE will abide for settlement of disputes as per the Bid conditions.


1) I/WE have not been black listed in any department in Andhra Pradesh due to any reasons.

2) I/WE have not been demoted to the next lower category for not filing the Bids after buying the Bid schedules in a whole year and my/our registration has not been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years.

3) I/WE agree to disqualify me/us for any wrong declaration in respect of the above and to summarily reject my/our Bid.

Address of the Bidder :

Phone No.: Fax No.:

Note: If the Bid is made by an individual, it shall be signed with his full name and his address shall be given. If it is made by a firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name by a member of the firm, who shall also sign his own name, and the name and address of each member of the firm shall be given, if the Bid is made by a corporation it shall be signed by a duly authorised officer who shall produce with his Bid satisfactory evidence of his authorization. Such Biding corporation may be required before the contract is executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence. Bids signed on behalf of G.P.A. holder will be rejected



Articles of contract made this ____________________ day of

___________________ between His Excellency the Governor of Andhra Pradesh

(herein after called Governor which expression shall. Where the context so admits

include his successors in office and assignees) of the one part and

__________________ of ______________________________________ (herein after

called the contractor which expression shall where the context so admits include his

heirs, executors, administrators and legal representative) of the other part.

Whereas the Government of Andhra Pradesh (herein after called the Government)

are desirous of taking up the work of


____________________________________and have caused an estimate / proposal

contained in schedule A drawings and specifications describing the work to be done to

be prepared.

And whereas the said Schedule A, drawings numbered serially 1 to

____________________ inclusive (Schedule B) and the special specifications

(Schedule C), additional conditions for materials (Schedule D) General Conditions

(Schedule E) detailed Bid notice, Bid articles of Contract have been signed by or on

behalf of the parties here to.

And whereas the contractor has agreed to retain with the Government of the

earnest money of Rupees

___________________________________________________________ (i) paid by

him vide D.D./ B.G. No. ______________________________ Date ____________

issued by

________________________________________________________________ and

enclosed to the application for supply of Bid Schedules (2) Rupee _________

__________________________________________paid by him vide D.D.No.

____________________________dated _______________________ issued by

____________________________ ________________________towards balance



(3) and Rupees __________ __________________________________paid by him

vide D.D.No. ________________ dated : ________________ issued by

________________ valid up to ________________ ___________________ have been

produced with towards additional security for the due fulfillment of the contract to the

satisfaction of Executive Engineer, ________________________________. The

Contractor having agreed to keep EMD at 2.5% valid till the completion of work plus

twenty four months observation period and additional security deposit till the completion

of work to the satisfaction of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District .

And whereas the contractor has agreed that during the course of the contract period an

amount at the rate of 7.5 % of the value of work done will be withheld from the bills as


And whereas the contractor has also signed the copy of the Andhra Pradesh standard specification and addenda volume there to be maintained in the office of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District in token of acknowledgment of being bound by all the conditions of the clauses of the Standard preliminary specification and all the standard specification's for items of works described by a standard specification number in schedule A.

And where as contractor has agreed to execute upon the subject to the conditions set forth in the preliminary specification of the Andhra Pradesh standard specifications and such other conditions as are contained in all specifications forming part of the contract (herein after referred to as "the said conditions) the work shown upon the drawing and described in the said specifications and set forth in schedule A as the 'Probable Quantities' and comply with the rate of progress noted at the end of this articles of contract for a sum of Rs. ___________(Rupees _______________________________________) or such other sum as may be arrived at under the clauses of the standard preliminary specifications relating to payment on lumpsum basis.

Note it is hereby agreed as follows :

1. In consideration of the payment of the said sum of Rs. ___________________) or such other sum as may be arrived at under the clause of the standard preliminary specification relating to payments on lumpsum basis , the contractor will, upon and subject to the said conditions,


execute and complete the works shown upon the said drawing and described in said specifications, and to the extent, of work shown in the Bill of Quantities. The said works and method of payment there for as are provided for in the said works and conditions.

2. The term Executive Engineer in the said conditions shall mean the public works officer in-charge of the work having jurisdiction for the time being over the work. Who shall be competent to exercise all the powers and privileges reserved herein, in favour of the Government with the previous sanction of or subject to the ratification by the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District herein after called Superintending Engineer in case where such sanction or ratification may be necessary.


Except as otherwise provided in the contract, any disputes and differences arising out of or relating to the contract shall be referred to adjudication as follows :

1) (i) Settlement of all claims up to Rs.50,000/- in value and below by way of Arbitration to be referred as follows :

a. Claims up to Rs.10,000/- in value Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle,


b. Claims above Rs.10,000/- and up to Chief Engineer, Rs.50,000/- in value Ongole

The arbitration proceedings will be conducted in accordance with provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1940 as amended from time to time. The arbitrator shall invariably give reasons in the award.

ii) Settlement of all claims above Rs.50,000/- in value :

All claims above Rs.50,000/- in value shall be decided by the civil court of competent jurisdiction by way of regular suit and not by arbitration.

2. A reference for adjudication under this clause shall be made by either party to the contract with in six months from the date of intimating the contractor of the preparation of final bill or his having accepted payment whichever is earlier.


3. The relevant clause of Andhra Pradesh Standard specification stand modified to the extent provided in this clause.

4. Time shall be considered as of the essence of the contract and the contractor hereby agrees to commence the work as soon as the contract is signed and

agrees to complete the work within 48 months from the date of such signing the contract and to show the progress as defined in the tabular statement "Rate of Progress", subject nevertheless to the provisions for extension of time contained in clause 59 of the standard preliminary specifications.

5. The said conditions shall be read and construed as forming part of this contract and the parties here to will respectfully abide by and submit themselves to the conditions and stipulations and perform the contract on their part, respectively.

6. Upon the terms and conditions of this contract being fulfilled and performed to the

satisfaction of the Executive Engineer, the security deposited by the Contractor as

herein before recited or such portion there of as he may be entitled to under the said

condition shall be returned to the contractor as provided

In witness thereof, the contractor M/s. / Sri. ______________________________

has here unto set his hand and Sri.

________________________________________________ Superintending

Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District acting on behalf of

and by the order and direction of his excellency, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh

has here into set his hand the day and year first above written.

Signed by contractor :


Phone No. : Fax No. :

In the presence of Witness i) Sri ___________________________

Signed by on behalf of Government Sri __________________________

In the presence of witness: ____________________________________




General ProvisionGeneral Provision


In the Conditions of Contract, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the context require otherwise.


“Contract” means the Contract Agreement, these Conditions, the Employer’s Requirements, the Tender, and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement.

“Contract Agreement” means the Contract Agreement referred to in Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda

“Employer’s Requirements” means the document entitled Employer’s requirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to such documents in accordance with the Contract. Such document specified the purpose, scope, and/or design or other technical criteria, for the Works.

“Tender”/ ”Bid” means the Contractor’s signed offer for the Works and all other documents which the Contractor submitted therewith (other than these Conditions and the Employer’s Requirements, if so submitted), as included in the Contract.

“Schedule of Payments” mean the documents so named (if any), as included in the Contract.


“Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

“Employer” means the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District as designated by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the purpose of the Contract.

“Contractor” means the person(s) named as Contractor in the Contract Agreement and the legal successors in the title to this person(s)

“Contractor’s Representative” means the person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3 (Contractor’s Representative) who acts on behalf of the Employer.

“Employer’s Personnel” means the Employer’s Representative, the assistant referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2 (Other Employer’s Personnel) and all other staff,


labour and other employees of the Employer and of the Employer’s Representative; and any other Personnel notified to the Contractor, by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative, as Employers Personnel.

“Contractor’s Personnel” means the Contractors Representative and all Personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site, who may include the staff, labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other Personnel assisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works.

“Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as subcontractor, for a part of the Works; and the legal successors in the title to each of these persons.

“Engineer-in-charge”/ “Engineer”/ “Executive Engineer” means the Executive Engineer(s), Investigation Division, Cumbum of Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District to whom the Employer’s Representative may have delegated certain duties.

“Bidder”/”Tenderer” mean the firm/companies /individual /joint ventures /consortium who have preferred their bid or tender. DATES, TESTS, PERIOD OF COMPLETION

“Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender.

“Commencement Date” means the date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 (Commencement of Works), unless otherwise defined in the Contract Agreement.

“Time for Completion” means the time for completing Part – A of the Contract for EPC Turnkey Project with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completing]), calculated from the Commencement Date.

“Tests on Completion” means the test which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as Variation, and which are carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works comprising Sections I, II, III, IV and V are certified to be completed by the Employer.

“Taking-Over Certificate” means a certificate issued under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over].

“Tests after completion” means the test (if any) which are specified in the Contract and which are carried out under Clause 12 [Tests after completion] after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer.

“Defects Liability Period” means the period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defect], as stated in the Appendix to Tender, calculated from the date on which the Works or Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over the Works and Section]. The defect liability period shall be two years from date calculated from the date on which the Works or Section is


completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over the Works and Section]

“Performance certificate” means the certificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate]

“day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days.


“Contract Price”/ “Contract amount”/ “Bid amount ” means the agreed amount stated in the Contract Agreement in accordance with the price quoted in the Letter of Tender. “Cost” means all expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

“Final Statement” means the statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for final payment].

“Local Currency” means the lawful currency of India i.e. Indian Rupees.

“Retention money” means the accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim Payments] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money].

“Statement” means a statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application for payment under Clause 14 (Contract Price and Payment).


“Contractor’s equipment” means all apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s equipment (if any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

“Goods” mean Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

“Material” means things of all kinds (other than plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply only materials (if any to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

“Permanent” Works means the permanent Works to be designed and executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

“Plant” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.


“Section” means five Sections I, II, III, IV and V of EPC part of the Contract and Section VI of Operation and Maintenance part of the contract.

“Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution and completion of the Permanent Works and the remedying of any defects.

“Works” mean the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.


“Contractor’s Documents” means the calculation, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a technical nature supplied by the Contractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor’s Documents].

“Country” means India.

“Employer’s Equipment” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works, as stated in the Employers Requirements; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over by the Employer.

“Force Majeure” is defined in Clause 18 (Force Majeure)

“Laws” means all national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority.

“Performance Security” / “Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)” means the security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 4.2 (Performance Security)

“Site” means the places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

“Variation” means any change to the Employers Requirements or the Works, which instructed or approved as variation under Clause 13 (Variations and Adjustments)

“DAB” means the person or three persons so named in the Contract or other persons (s) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2 (Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board) or Sub-Clause 20.3 (Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board)



1.2.1 Special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions, Technical

specifications, Schedule of Works, Project Profile along with Drawings and other documents forming part of this Contract wherever applicable or the context so requires.

1.2.2 Notwithstanding the sub-division of the Contract into several contract documents every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary to and complimentary of every other part and shall be read with and into the Contract so far as it may be practicable to do so.

1.2.3 In the Contract unless otherwise stated specifically, the singular shall include the plural ,male means female and vice versa wherever the Contract so requires. Words importing person shall include incorporated companies / registered association / body of individuals / firm of partnership as applicable in context thereof.

1.2.4 All headings and marginal notes to the Clauses / Articles of the General Condition or to the Specifications or to any other document forming part of the Contract are solely for the purpose of giving a concise indication of the general subject matter thereof and not a summary of the contents thereof, and they shall never be deemed to be part thereof or be used in the interpretation or construction thereof.

1.2.5 If during the course of execution of the Works any discrepancy or inconsistency, error or omission in any of the provisions of the Contract is discovered which has any effect on the execution of the Works, and need to be clarified, the same shall be referred to the Employer’s Representative who shall give his decision and the issue instructions directing the manner in which the Works are to be carried out. Any and all decisions and/or orders of the Employer’s Representative shall be deemed decision and/or orders of the Employer. The Contractor shall carry out the Works in accordance with such decisions and/or instructions of the Employer’s Representative.

1.2.6 Where it is mentioned in the Contract that the Contractor shall perform certain work or provide certain facilities, it is understood that the Contractor shall do so at his cost and the Contract Price shall be deemed to have included the cost of such performances and provisions so mentioned.

1.2.7 The materials, design and workmanship shall satisfy the applicable standards, specifications contained herein and codes referred to. Where the Contract stipulates requirements in addition to those contained in the standards, codes and specifications, those additional requirements shall also be satisfied.

Communications All communications during execution of the Contract shall be made at the following adress:

Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole Prakasam District, Phone Number: PH No: 08592- 234253


Communication through electronic transmission shall be made to the following e-mail ID besides the Employer’s Representative.

E-mail ID of Office of the Superintending Engineer, Se_cc_04.ap.nic.in

Communications between parties, which are referred to in the conditions are effective only when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered. (Into terms of Indian contract Act).

Law and Language

1.4.1 The language of the Contract shall be English.1.4.2 All further documents and also correspondence in respect of the Contract shall be

in English. 1.4.3 The Employer's Assistant and the Contractor's representative shall be fluent in

English. 1.4.4 Governing Law and Jurisdiction The Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and governed by the Laws of India. In respect of all matters or actions arising out of the Contract and which may arise at any time, the Courts at competent Jurisdiction shall have exclusive jurisdiction (claims, dispute and Arbitration).

1.5 Priority of Documents

The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purposes of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with following sequence:

The Contract Agreement;Letter of Award, notice to proceedContractor’s BidSpecial Conditions of ContractGeneral Conditions of ContractLetter of Tender/Price Bid(Bill of Quantities).any other documents forming part of the Contract.

Engineer-in-Charge’s Decisions:

Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Engineer-in-charge will decide the contractual matters between the Department and the Contractor in the role representing the Department.

2.02.0 Delegation:Delegation:

The Engineer-in-charge may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to other officers and may cancel any delegation by an official order issued.


3.03.0 Contract AgreementContract Agreement

The Contractor shall execute formal Contract agreement on appropriate value of stamp paper imposed by Law in connection with entry into Contract Agreement within 15 days from the date of Letter of Award.

The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of Contract Agreement

The Letter of Tender annexed with the agreement (which includes the break up of the Contract Price)

The Addenda Nos _________ issued before the last date for submission of bids.

The Special Conditions of ContractThe General Conditions of ContractBasic project parametersThe Project ProfileThe Contractor’s TenderThe Technical SpecificationsDrawingsany other documents forming part of the Contract.

Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this letter of tender together with written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Contract between the Employer and Contractor.

4.0 Communications:4.1 Communications between parties, which are referred to in the conditions, are

effective only when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in terms of Indian Contract Act)

5.0 Sub-contracting: If the prime contractor desires to sub-let a part of the work, he should submit the

same at the time of filing Bids itself or during execution, giving the name of the proposed Sub-contractor, along with details of his qualification and experience. The Bid Accepting Authority should verify the experience of the Sub-contractor and if the Sub-contractor satisfies the qualification criteria in proportion to the value of work proposed to be sub-let, including his past track record of completion and quality of work., he may permit the same. The total value of works to be awarded on sub-letting shall not exceed 50% of contract value. The extent of subletting shall be added to the experience of the sub-contractor and to that extent deducted from that of the main contractor.

6.0 Other Contractors:6.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, Public

authorities, utilities, and the Department. The Contractor shall also provide facilities and services for them as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

7.0 Personnel:


The Contractor shall employ the required Key Personnel named in the Schedule of Key Personnel to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule or other personnel approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The Engineer-in-charge will approve any proposed replacement of Key Personnel only if their qualifications, abilities, and relevant experience are substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel listed in the Schedule.

7.2 Failure to employ the required technical personnel including quality management staff by the contractor, the employer would engage any quality assurance staff for implementing quality management Plan. The amounts spent on such deployment will be recovered from the contractor over and above the provision made in part two of schedule-A from the contractors bills. However, this will not absolve the contractor from the responsibility of quality management on contract works.

7.3 The technical personnel including quality assurance personnel should be on full time and available at site whenever required by Engineer in Charge to take instructions.

7.4 The names of the technical personnel including quality assurance personnel to be employed by the contractor should be furnished in the statement enclosed separately.

7.5 In case the contractor is already having more than one work on hand and has undertaken more than one work at the same time, he should employ separate technical and quality assurance personnel on each work.

7.6 If the contractor fails to employ technical and quality assurance personnel the work will be suspended, department will engage technical and quality assurance personnel and recover the cost thereof from the contractor. This will not absolve the contractor from the responsibly of maintaining quality of work and implementing quality management plan.

7.7 If the Engineer-in-charge asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of Contractor’s staff or his work force stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the site forthwith and has no further connection with the work in the contract.

8.0 Contractor’s Risks:8.1 All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personnel injury and death,

which arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract are the responsibility of the Contractor.

9.0 Insurance:9.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Department and the

contractor, insurance cover from the Start Date to the end of the Defects Liability Period i.e., 24 months after completion certificate for the following events which are due to the Contractor’s risks.


a) Loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials;b) Loss of or damage to the Equipment;c) Loss of or damage of property in connection with the Contract; andd) Personal injury or death of persons employed for construction.

9.2 Policies and certificates of insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor at the time of concluding Contract. All such insurance shall provide for compensation to be payable to rectify the loss or damage incurred.

The contractor shall furnish insurance policy in force in accordance with proposal furnished in the Bid and approved by the Department for concluding the contract. The insurance policy shall be obtained for the total period at the time of concluding agreement which shall form part of agreement and the policy should be obtained by paying the premium at one time only.

The contractor shall furnish insurance policy in force in accordance with proposal furnished in the Bid and approved by the Department for concluding the contract. The insurance policy shall be obtained by paying the premiums at one time only for the total period of contract and defect liability period of TWO (2) years or 2 RABI Seasons which ever is later after completion of work and submitted to the employer at the time of concluding agreement which shall form part of agreement

9.3 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

10.0 Site Inspections:

10.1 The contractor should inspect the site and also proposed quarries of choice for

materials source of water and quote his bid price including quarrying,

conveyance and all other charges etc.

10.2 The responsibility for arranging the land for borrow area rests with the Contractor and no separate payment will be made for procurement or otherwise. The contractor’s quoted bid price will be inclusive of land cost.

11.0 Contractor to Construct the Works:The Contractor shall conduct Surveys, detailed investigation, Design Engineering, prepare estimates and L.P. Schedules construct and Commission the Work in accordance with the approved specifications and Drawings.

12.0 Diversion of streams / Vagus / Drains.


12.1 The contractor shall at all time carry out construction of cross drainage works in a manner creating least interference to the natural flow of water while consistent with the satisfactory execution of work. A temporary diversion shall be formed by the contractor at his cost where ever necessary. No extra payment shall be made for this work.

12.2 No separate payment for bailing out sub-soils, water drainage or locked up rain water for diversion, shoring, foundations, bailing of pumping water either from excavation of soils from foundations or such other incidental will be paid. The bid price to be quoted by the contractor is for the finished item of work in situ and including all the incidental charges. The borrow pits are also to be de-watered by the contractor himself at his expense, if that should be found necessary.

12.3 The work of diversion arrangements should be carefully planned and prepared by the contractor and forwarded to the Executive Engineer technically substantiating the proposals and approval of the Executive Engineer obtained for execution.

12.4 The contractor has to arrange for bailing out water, protection to the work in progress and the portion of works already completed and safety measures for men and materials and all necessary arrangements to complete the work.

12.5 All the arrangements so required should be carried out and maintained at the cost of the contractor and no separate or additional payments is admissible.

12.6 Coffer Dams

Necessary coffer dams and ring bunds have to be constructed at the cost of contractor and same are to be removed after the completion of the work. The contractor has to quote his bid price keeping the above in view.

13.0 Power Supply.13.1 The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining power from the

Electricity dept., at his own cost. The contractor will pay the bills of Electricity Department for the cost of power consumed by him.

13.2The contractor shall satisfy all the conditions and rules required as per Indian Electricity Act 1910 and under Rule-45(I) of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as amended from time to time and other pertinent rules.

13.3 The power shall be used for bonafide Departmental work only.

14.0 Temporary Diversions (Works on Highways)14.1The contractor shall at all times carryout work on the highway in a manner creating

least interference to the flow of traffic while consistent with the satisfactory execution of the same. For all works involving improvements to the existing highway, the contractor shall in accordance with the directions of the Engineer-in-charge provide and maintain during the execution of the work a passage for traffic, either along a part of the existing carriage way under improvement or along a temporary diversion constructed close to the highway.


14.2 If in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, it is not possible to pass the traffic on part width of the carriage-way for any reason, a temporary diversion close to the highway shall be constructed as directed. It shall be paved with the materials such as hard murum, gravel and stone, metal to the specified thickness as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. In all cases, the alignment, gradients and surface type of the diversion including its junctions, shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge before the highway is closed to traffic.

14.3 The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, markings, flags lights and information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the highway under improvement. Before taking up any construction, an agreed phased programme for the diversion of traffic on the highway shall be drawn up in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge.

14.4 The barricades erected on either side of the carriage way portion of the carriage way closed to traffic, shall be of strong design to resist violation and painted with alternative black and white stripe. Red lanterns or warnings lights of similar type shall be mounted on the barricades at night and kept lit throughout from sunset to sunrise.

15.0 Ramps:Ramps required during execution may be formed wherever necessary and same are to be removed after completion of the work. No separate payment will be made for this purpose.

16.0 Monsoon Damages:Damages due to rain or flood either in cutting or in banks shall have to be made good by the contractor till the work is handed over to the Department. The responsibility of de-silting and making good the damages due to rain or flood rests with the contractor. No extra payment is payable for such operations and the contractor shall therefore, has to take all necessary precautions to protect the work done during the construction period.

17.0 The Work to be Completed by the Intended Completion Date:The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry out the Works in accordance with the programme submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, and complete the work by the Intended Completion Date.

18.0 Safety:The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.

19.0 Discoveries:Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on the Site is the property of the Government. The Contractor is to notify the Engineer-in-charge of such discoveries and carry out the Engineer-in-Charge’s instructions for dealing with them.


20.0 Possession of the Site.The Department shall give possession of the site to the Contractor. If possession of a part site is given, the Department will ensure that the part site so handed over is amenable to carryout the work at site by the Contractor.

21.0 Access to the Site:The Contractor shall provide the Engineer-in-Charge and any person authorised by the Engineer-in-Charge, access to the site and to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried out or is intended to be carried out.

22.0 Instructions:The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Engineer-in-charge and comply with all the applicable local laws where the Site is located.

23.0 Settlement of disputes:23.1 If any dispute of difference of any kind whatsoever arises between the department

and the Contractor in connection with, or arising out of the Contract, whether during the progress of the works or after their completion and whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the Contract, it shall in the first place, be referred to and settled by the Engineer-in-charge who shall, within a period of thirty days after being requested by the Contractor to do so, give written notice of his decision to the Contractor. Upon receipt of the written notice of the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge the Contractor shall promptly proceed without delay to comply with such notice of decision.

23.2 If the Engineer-in-Charge fails to give notice of his decision in writing within a period of thirty days after being requested or if the Contractor is dissatisfied with the notice of the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor may within thirty days after receiving the notice of decision appeal to the Department who shall offer an opportunity to the contractor to be heard and to offer evidence in support of his appeal, the Department shall give notice of his decision within a period of thirty days after the Contractor has given the said evidence in support of his appeal, subject to arbitration, as hereinafter provided. Such decision of the Department in respect of every matter so referred shall be final and binding upon the Contractor and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor, who shall proceed with the execution of the works with all due diligence whether he requires arbitration as hereinafter provided, or not. If the Department has given written notice of his decision to the Contractor and no claim to arbitration, has been communicated to him by the Contractor within a period of thirty days from receipt of such notice the said decision shall remain final and binding upon the Contractor. If the Department fail to give notice of his decision, as aforesaid

within a period of thirty days after being requested as aforesaid, or if the Contractor be dissatisfied with any such decision, then and in any such case the contractor within thirty days after the expiration of the first named period of thirty days as the case may be, require that the matter or matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as detailed below:-


Settlement of Claims:

Settlement of claims for Rs.50,000/- and below by Arbitration.

All disputes or difference arising of or relating to the Contract shall be referred to the adjudication as follows:

a) Claims upto a value of Rupees 10,000- Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam

District - Claims above Rs.10,000/- and up to Rupees 50,000/-.- Chief Engineer,(Projects), Ongole.-

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 or any statutory modification thereof.The arbitrator shall state his reasons in passing the award.

Claims above Rs.50,000/-.

All claims of above Rs.50,000/- are to be settled by a Civil Court of competent jurisdiction by way of Civil suit and not by arbitration.

A reference for adjudication under this clauses shall be made by the contractor within six months from the date of intimating the contractor of the preparation of final bill or his having accepted payment which ever is earlier.



24.0 Program:24.1 The total period of completion is 48 months from the date of entering with contract

to proceed including rainy season. Keeping in view, the schedule for handing over of site, the work should be programmed such as to achieve the mile-stones as in “Rate of progress statement” enclosed.

24.2 The attention of the Bidder is directed to the contract requirement at the time of beginning of the work, the rate of progress and the dates for the whole work and its several parts as per milestones. The following rate of progress and proportionate value of work done from time to time as will be indicated by the Executive Engineer’s Certificate for the value of work done and completion of mile-stones will be required. Date of commencement of their programme will be the date for concluding contract.

24.3 After signing the contract, the contractor shall forthwith begin the work, shall regularly and continuously proceed with them.

24.4 Rate of progress: Work programme of achieving the milestones (Statement).


MILE STONE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sl Mile stone Period in Description of work Quantity to be CompletedNo. No. Months. Physical Financial-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Separate statement (Annexure-I) enclosed.

24.5 The contractor shall commence the works on site within the period specified under condition 24.1 to 24.3 above after the receipt by him of a written order to this effect from the Superintending Engineer and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay, except as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the Superintending Engineer, or be wholly beyond the contractor’s control.

24.6 This being a turnkey contract on EPC basis, conducting of surveys, investigation, design-Engineering, preparation of land plan schedules are within the scope of the contract and the contractor shall meticulously plan so as to obtain the required site for carrying out the work.

24.7 Save in so far as the contract may prescribe, the extent of portions of the site of which the contractor is to be given possession from time to time and the order in which such portions shall be made available to him and, Subject to any requirement in the contract as to the order in which the works shall be executed, the Superintending Engineer will, with the Executive Engineer’s written order to commence the works, give to the contractor possession of so much of the site as


may be required to enable the contractor to commence and proceed with the execution of the works in accordance with the programme if any, and otherwise in accordance with such reasonable proposals of the contractor as he shall by written notice to the Superintending Engineer, make and will from time to time as the works proceed, give to the contractor possession of such further portions of the site as may be required to enable the contractor to proceed with the execution of the works with due dispatch in accordance with the said programme or proposals as the case maybe ; if the contractor suffers delay or incurs cost from failure on the part of the Superintending Engineer to give possession in accordance with the terms of this clause, the Superintending Engineer shall grant an extension of time for the completion of works and the contractor is not entitled for any compensation what so ever in this regard.

24.8 The contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary way leases required by him in connection with access to the site. The contractor shall also provide at his own cost any additional accommodation outside the site required by him for the purposes of the work.

24.9 Subject to any requirement in the contract as to completion of any section of the works before completion of the whole of the works shall be completed in accordance with provisions of clauses in the Schedule within the time stated in the contract calculated from the last day of the period named in the statement to the Bid as that within which the works are to be commenced or such extended time as may be allowed.

24.10 Delays and extension of time:

No claim for compensation on account of delays or hindrances to the work from any cause whatever shall lie, except as hereafter defined. Reasonable extension of time will be allowed by the Executive Engineer or by the office competent to sanction the extension, for unavoidable delays, such as may result from causes, which in the opinion of the Executive Engineer, are undoubtedly beyond the control of the contractor. The Executive Engineer shall assess the period of delay or hindrance caused by any written instructions issued by him, at twenty five per cent in excess or the actual working period so lost.

In the event of the Executive Engineer failing to issue necessary instructions and thereby causing delay and hindrance to the contractor, the latter shall have the right to claim an assessment of such delay by the Superintending Engineer of the Circle whose decision will be final and binding. The contractor shall lodge in writing with the Executive Engineer a statement of claim for any delay or hindrance referred to above, within fourteen days from its occurrence, otherwise no extension of time will be allowed.

Whenever authorized alterations or additions made during the progress of the work are of such a nature in the opinion of the Executive Engineer as to justify an extension of time in consequence thereof, such extension will be granted in writing by the Executive Engineer or other competent authority when ordering such alterations or additions.

25.0 Construction Programme:


25.1 The Contractor shall furnish within fifteen days of the order of the work a programme showing the sequence in which he proposed to carry out the work, monthly progress expected to be achieved, also indicating date of procurement of materials plant and machinery. The schedule should be such that it is practicable to achieve completion of the whole work within the time limit fixed and in keeping with the Mile stone programme specified and shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Further rate of the progress as in the program shall be kept up to date. In case it is subsequently found necessary to alter this program, the contractor shall submit sufficiently in advance the revised program incorporating necessary modifications and get the same approved by the Engineer-in-charge. No revised program shall be operative with out approval of Engineer-in-charge.

25.2 The Superintending Engineer shall have all times the right, without any way violating this contract, or forming grounds for any claim, to alter the order of progress of the works or any part thereof and the contractor shall after receiving such directions proceed in the order directed. The contractor shall also report the progress to the Superintending Engineer within 7 days of the Executive Engineer’s direction to alter the order of progress of works.

25.3 The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer-in-Charge whenever planning or progress of the works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any further drawings or order including a direction, instruction or approval is issued by the Engineer-in-Charge within a reasonable time. The notice shall include details of the drawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late. If by reason of any failure or inability of the Engineer-in-Charge to issue with in a time reasonable in all the circumstances any drawing or order requested by the contractor the Contractor suffers delay, then the Engineer-in-Charge shall take such delay into accord in determining any extension of time.

26.0 Speed of Work:

26.1 The Contractor shall at all times maintain the progress of work to conform to the latest operative progress schedule approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor should furnish progress report indicating the programme and progress once in a month. The Engineer-in-Charge may at any time in writing direct the contractor to slow down any part or whole of the work for any reason (which shall not be questioned) whatsoever, and the contractor shall comply with such orders of the Engineer-in-Charge. The compliance of such orders shall not entitle the contractor to any claim of compensation. Such orders of the Engineer-in-Charge for slowing down the work will however be duly taken into account while granting extension of time if asked by the contractor for which no extra payment will be entertained.

26.1.1 Delays in Commencement or progress or neglect of work and forfeiture of earnest money, Security deposit and withheld amounts:

If, at any time, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is delaying Commencement of the work or violating any of the provisions of the Contract or is neglecting or delaying the progress of the work


as defined by the tabular statement, “Rate of progress” in the Articles of Contract”, he shall so advise the Contractors in writing and at the same time demand compliance in accordance with instructions to Bidder and conditions of Contract. If the Contractor neglects to comply with such demand within seven days after receipt of such notice, it shall then or at any time there after, be lawful for the Engineer-in-Charge to take suitable action in accordance with Clause.60 of PS to APSS.

27.0 Suspension of works by the Contractor:If the Contractor suspends the works, or sublet the work without sanction of the Engineer-in-Charge, or in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge shall neglect or fail to proceed with due diligence in the performance of his part of the Contract as laid down in the Schedule rate of progress, or if he shall continue to default or repeat such default in the respects mentioned in clause.27 of the APSS. Engineer-in-Charge shall take action in accordance with Clause 55, 56 of General conditions of Part A of Vol. I.

28.0 Extension of the Intended Completion Date:28.1 The Engineer-in-Charge shall extend or recommend for extension, in accordance

with the Government orders in force, the Intended Completion Date if a Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion to be achieved by the Intended Completion Date.

28.20 The Engineer-in-Charge shall decide whether and by how much to extend the Intended Completion Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Engineer for a decision upon the effect of a Variation and submitting full supporting information. If the Contractor has failed to give early warning of a delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay, the delay by this failure shall not be considered in assessing the new Intended Completion Date.

29.0 Delays Ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge: The Engineer-in-Charge may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress

of any activity within the Work.

30.0 Early Warning:30.1 The contractor is to warn the Engineer-in-Charge at the earliest opportunity of

specific likely future events or circumstances that may adversely affect the Execution of Works.

30.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer-in-Charge in making and considering proposals for how the effect of such an event or circumstance can be avoided or reduced by anyone involved in the work and in carrying out any resulting instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

31.0 Management Meetings: The Engineer-in-Charge may require the Contractor to attend a management

meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the programme for remaining work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure.



32.0 Identifying Defects:The Engineer-in-Charge shall check the Contractor’s work and notify the Contractor of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not affect the Contractor’s responsibilities. The Engineer-in-Charge may instruct the Contractor to verify the Defect and to uncover and test any work that the Engineer considers may be a Defect.

33.0 Tests: If the Engineer-in-Charge instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified

in the Specification to check whether any work has a Defect and the Contractor shall pay for the test and any sampling.

34.0 Correction of Defects:34.1 The Engineer-in-Charge shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before

the end of the Defects Liability Period of 24 months, which begins on Completion.

34.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified defect within the length of time specified by the Engineer-in-Charge’s notice.

35.0 Uncorrected Defects:35.1 If the contractor has not corrected the defect within the time specified in the

Engineer-in-Charge’s notice, the Engineer-in-Charge will assess the cost of having the defect corrected and the contractor shall pay this amount or it will be recovered from dues to Contractor.

35.2 The Engineer-in-Charge shall introduce O.K. cards and prescribed the formats there of. O.K. cards shall relate to all major components of the work. The contractor / his authorised representative shall be required to initiate and fill in and present the O.K. card to the construction staff who would check the respective items and send to Engineer-in-charge or his representative for final check and clearance / O.K. Any defects pointed out by the supervision staff of department shall promptly be attended to by the contractors and the fact of doing so be duly recorded on the back of O.K. card.

35.3 The Engineer-in-Charge may also introduce check lists which shall be kept in Bound registers by the construction supervision staff. The contractor may be required to fill up these lists in the first instance and shall be subsequently checked by the Construction / Quality Control engineers.

36.0 Quality Control:Quality control monitoring reports, test results, reports of corrective action etc, shall be furnished to the employer at regular intervals.

Quality Audit will be got conducted by the Engineer-in-Charge departmentally or by other organization and the contractor shall extend the testing facilities to them also.


The contractor shall produce the Quality records maintained by him to the department for the quality audit.



37.0 Contract Price – Schedule of payment. Bill of quantities.37.1 The contract price shall be the total value of work for the EPC turnkey contract as

per contract including maintenance of total system for 2 (two) years for CIVIL works not connected with lift system and 15 (fifteen) years for Civil,Hydro-Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical works connected with lift system from the date of completion certificate.

The Bidder shall maintain the Civil works for five (5) Years (3 Years after defect

liability Period) and Electro Mechanical works for fifteen (15) Years (Thirteen Years after the Deleft Liability Period) with the cost quoted by him separately in the financial bid and no extra payment will be made for men, material and machinery what so ever during this period. He shall maintain this scheme with all standards and specifications of maintenance (conforming to relevant B.I.S Codes of practice) like efficiency of pumps and motors regular servicing to Hydro and Electro Mechanical items, carrying out repairs/replacements for trouble free operation, civil maintenance like Distempering to superstructure, painting to doors and windows, repair/replacements of AC Sheets/Ridge pieces of Godown, maintenance of road ways and passages, upkeep of pump house area , maintenance of lawns and fountains etc.,

The Bidder shall quote this item separately in financial bid and a separate agreement will conclude for the same.

37.3 Not withstanding any thing that is stated, the contract price once accepted by the employer shall be final and shall not be subject to any claims on any ground what so ever of the Contractor.

37.4 The contract price of the total work is divided among different component of works as per the percentages specified in Annexure-II ‘Schedule of payments’ and payments will be regulated accordingly.

37.5 The contractor shall give “Bill of Quantities” based on the detailed estimates prepared on the basis of approved design drawings and the items of the estimate shall be suitably clubbed or grouped for assessment of value of work done.

38.0 Changes in the Quantities:38.1 Being a lump sum contract on EPC – Turnkey basis, the contractor is bound to

complete the entire work under the contract on a firm lump sum price quoted and on a single source responsibility basis. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the contract price. Therefore the contractor is bound to execute all supplemental works that are found essential, incidental and inevitable during execution of main work at no extra cost to the employer.

38.2 The cost due to such supplemental items of work shall be borne by the contractor.

39.0 Extra Items:


39.1 Extra items of work shall not vitiate the contract. This being a lump sum contract on Turnkey (EPC) basis for a firm lump sum price quoted and on single source responsibility basis, the contractor shall be bound to execute any items of work contingent to main work for completion in full shape as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost to the employer. The cost due to such items shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted.

39.2 Deleted

39.3 Entrustment of additional items:

39.3.1 Wherever additional items not contingent on the main work and outside the scope of original contract are to be entrusted to the original contractor, entrustment of such items and the price to be paid shall be referred to a committee proposed by Government for final decision and it shall be binding on the contractor.

39.3.2 Entrustment of the additional items contingent on the main work will be authorized by the employer and the contractor shall be bound to execute such additional items at no extra cost to the employer and the cost of such items shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted.

40.0 Cash Flow Forecasts:When the program is updated, the contractor is to provide the Engineer-in-charge with an updated cash flow forecast.

41.0 Contract Price, Schedule of Payments, Payment Certificates:41.1 Contract Price The contract price shall be the total value of work for the EPC turnkey

contract as per contract including maintena- nce of total system for 5 (five) years for CIVIL works not connected with lift system and 15 (fifteen) years for Civil,Hydro-Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical works connected with lift system from the date of completion certificate

a) The employer will pay the contractor a firm contract price for completion of all works as specified under the scope of the work / employers requirement which shall include but not limited to conducting surveys, detailed investigation, Fixing alignment, Design and Engineering preparation of estimates, submission of L.P. Schedules, supply and installation of all plants and its accessories to successful commissioning of pumps at each pump house with adequate capacity and M.S Pipe Line construction of Structures, with all allied works preparation of ayacut registers and command plans, providing service road and planting shade tress along the canals etc., leading to successful commissioning & trail of total canal systems and maintenance for 2 years for Civil works and 15 years for Hydro Mechanical and Electro Mechanical works from the date of completion certificate on EPC turnkey contract basis.


(b) The contractor shall pay all duties and taxes in consequence of his obligations under the contract and the contract price shall not be adjusted for such costs.

(c) Contract price will be paid to the Contractor in Indians Rupees only.

41.2 Payment Schedule

41.2.1 The total work specified under EPC turn key contract is divided into several components of work to facilitate payments component wise. The cost of each of the above components is specified as percentage of the total Bid price under Annexure-II “Schedule of payments.”

The proportion of different components of works as compared to over all cost of project is as stipulated in Annexure-II “Schedule of payment.”

41.2.2 The contractors bid price as approved shall be divided among the components of work as per respective percentages of total bid price stipulated in Annexure-II “Schedule of payments” and the payment for each of the component works shall be limited to the respective amounts arrived on the basis of percentages specified.

41.2.3 The schedule of payment Annexure-II shall supercede all modes of payment / other payment schedules if stipulated anywhere else in the contract document.

41.2.4 The components shown in Schedule of payment Annexure-II can be further sub-divided into appropriate sub-components and stages by the bidder for the purpose of payment. The sub-component stages should have relation to the programme of construction taking due cognizance of interdependency of various activities. The payment sums of each stage of sub-component shall be expressed as percentage of total cost of approved bid. Sum of all such stages of particular component shall be equal to the percentage of that component shown in the Annexure-II Schedule of payment.

This detailed schedule of payment sub-components shall also be approved by the employer and shall form part of the contract.

41.2.5 Payment shall be released only as per work done and a respective component / sub-component of work has been completed and / or levels are achieved.

41.2.6 Any quantities, rates or amounts which may be setout in a schedule of payment are only to be used to assess the value of interim payments.

41.3 The Engineer-in-charge shall check the Contractor’s monthly statement within 7 days.

41.4 The value of work executed shall be determined by the Engineer-in-charge.


41.5 The Engineer-in-charge may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the proportion of any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later information.

41.6 The contractor will be permitted to submit their work bills once in a month and payment will be made after proper check of quantity and quality with in a reasonable time limit.

42.0 Payments The contractor shall execute the various components of work as per approved drawings and specifications. The contractor shall arrange to take and record all measurements of work done of various components of work in the Measurement Books/Level field books and plotted in the cross section sheets and quantities arrived as per actual execution as and when required.

Measurements will be recorded by the contractor for the finished work only for which all tests are conducted and work done in accordance with specifications and contract conditions by using the materials specified in the contract

The contractor shall prepare monthly work bills based on the measurements of work done already recorded as stated above and submit to Engineer-in-charge duly signed by them or his authorized signatory for arranging payment. Only completed portions of the works as stated below shall be eligible for payment.

The payments shall be made as per the break-up of payment schedule specified in the bid document.

a) i. Earth work Excavation:

The unit length for eligibility for arranging payment for earthwork excavation of canals (excluding CD & CM works) may be taken as 100 M for main canal (discharge more than 10000cusecs), 250 M for main canal (discharge between 1000cusecs and 10000cusecs), 1.0 Km. for branch canal and distributaries/major (discharge between 10 cusecs and 1000 cusecs),

ii) Payments for Deep Cuts:In case of deep cuts, the payment schedule is further sub divided into components berm wise with a bay length of 25mts.

For Canals in Deep Cut Reaches Berm wise payments as specified in the Government Memo.No.3277/Maj.Irri/2006-5 Dated 24-02-2007 shall be followed duly restricting the berm wise payments to a maximum length of 1 km in a reach.

b)Payments for Lining: The Unit length for eligibility for arranging payment for lining of canals

may be taken as 100m for a normal cutting, 25m for Deep Cuts.(Depth of Excavation is > 12m)

Govt. Memo.No.8837/Maj.Irrgn.I (2)/2008-2, Dt:31-03-2008 shall apply for payment of Lining as follows:


In respect of payment of canal lining the component of lining shall be divided in to lining of bed of canal, lining of sides of canal, filling up of joints, proper sectioning at the top fold of side lining etc., and the two sub-components shall be divided in proportion of actual quantities involved duly withholding 1 % of value of lining in the bay towards completion of filling up of joints, proper sectioning at the top fold of side lining etc. The withheld amount of 1% of value of lining shall be released only after completion of lining in the bay in all respects including filling up of joints, proper sctioning at the top fold of side lining etc.

The payment of sub-component of lining of canal bed without side lining shall be restricted for a maximum length of 1 km in the reach. For payment of sub component of lining of canal bed, 5 % of value of lining of canal bed shall be withheld till the side lining in that bay is completed. The withheld amount 5% lining of canal bed shall be released only after completion of the side lining in that bay.

b) CM & CD works: In respect of CM & CD works (structures), the intermediate payments will

be in three stages i.e., at (a) completion of foundations including earthwork, (b) completion of sub-structure, and (c) completion of super-structure including miscellaneous items. The mode of payments will be 30% after completion of foundations, 30% after completion of Sub-structure and balance 40% after completion of individual structure

Govt. Memo.No.31960/Reforms/2007-1, Dt:27-05-2008 shall apply for payment of CM & CD works as follows:

30% payment against 40% in the third stage of the Agreement may be released after completion of Deck-slab of the structure (CM & CD works) other than Aqueducts and Super Passages and remaining 10% may be released after completion of the structure in full shape.

Govt. Memo.No.37245/Reforms/2007-1, Dt:11-02-2008 shall apply for payment of Big Structures as follows:

In case of big structures where ever the length of the structure is 40m and above on Main canal,the Chief Engineer may revise the payment schedule subject to ensuring that the overall payment is limited to the agreement value.

c) In respect of Tunnels, Draft tube tunnels, inclined tunnels the unit length for eligibility for arranging payment may be taken as 100 M.

d) The payment for the distribution system will be made proportionately @ Rs.12,000/- per acre.

“However under inevitable circumstances a reduction in the contemplated ayacut other than existing under tanks not exceeding 10% of it can be permitted by the Employer after through verification to his satisfaction and


at his discretion. But in such case, the quoted contract price shall be subjected to adjustment with reduction at the rate of Rs.12,000/- per are to the extent of actual reduction of ayacut (not exceeding 10%) under the distributory system. However the Contractor can not seek approval of the Employer for reduction with in the ceiling limit of 10% as a right”.“In case the actual ayacut served by the distributory system other than existing ayacut1. falls short beyond permitted ceiling limit of 10%

of contemplated ayacut other than existing ayacut under tanks or2. falls short within permissible ceiling limit of 10%

of contemplated ayacut other than the existing under tank but disagreed by the Employer, then the Contractor shall extend the total canal system in such a way the contemplated ayacut other than that under tanks get irrigation facility fully”.

In respect of civil works for pumping station the sub components shall be in stages of every 1 M from the deepest foundation level consisting of a) Pump house. b) Cistern.

In respect of Delivery main works the sub components shall be a) Material

supply & Fabrication – 55%, b) Lining / coating, Testing of pipes – 15 %, c) Conveyance, Laying and Field jointing – 20 %, d) Refilling and Hydro testing –10 %.

A) Payments for Electro-Mechanical equipment and works shall be made as under:

For Supply, erection, testing and commissioning:

i. 70% of the quoted price for supply of goods ( for Price including all taxes and duties)) shall be paid on receipt of goods at site based on certificate prepared by engineer–in-charge and supplier’s representative, on the basis of various items received in accordance with the Contract Agreement.

ii. 20% of quoted price shall be paid on erection of equipment on pro-rate contract value of the work completed as per the agreed construction schedule and on certification by the Engineer-in-charge and the supplier’s representative.

iii. 5% of the quoted price shall be paid on successful testing and commissioning of each equipment as progressive payment against interim payment certificate prepared on the basis of various items supplied, erected, tested and commissioned in accordance with the Contract Agreement.

iv. Final 5% of the quoted price for supply of material shall be paid on at the time of final bill.

B) Deleted.


Payment for 132 KV Sub Station Equipment and Works. --- Deleted –

Payments for Hydro-Mechanical works :A) For Supply, erection, testing and commissioning:a)70% of cost of material and Fabrication including lining cost will be paid after completion

of these items.

b) 20% of cost of material and fabrication cost will be paid after completion of erection.

c) 5% of cost of material and fabrication cost will be paid after testing and commissioning in accordance with the contract agreement.

d) Balance 5% amount will be paid at the time of final billl.

B) Deleted.

42.1 Payment for O& M contractPayment for O&M works will be made in equal quarterly installments and will be paid with in one month from the date of submission of bills

However, in all cases payment shall be limited to the total price quoted by the Contractor against each item of works. Payment shall be effective to the extent of execution of each activity in respect of each individual structure. Contractor shall submit a bill to the Employer indicating cumulative value of the works executed against individual structure, payment already received against each of the structure till the date of next / preceding bill and the balance of the amount payable under these items for individual structure.

The cost of the components of the lift scheme (on % with respect to whole work) is mentioned in “schedule of payment” i.e Annexure II of Volume I Part-A.

42.2 Payments and Certificates42.2.1 Payments shall be adjusted for recovery of advance payments, liquidated

damages in terms of Bid conditions and security deposit for the due fulfillment of the contract. Recoveries will be affected towards seigniorage and cess charges on the materials used and sales tax and other statutory taxes as per the State and Central Government Rules. Payment will be made to the Contractor under the certificate to be issued at reasonably frequent intervals by the Engineer-in-Charge, and intermediate payment will be the sum equal to 92.50% of the value of work done as so certified and balance of 7.5% will be withheld and retained as security for the due fulfillment of the contractor under the certificate to be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge. On completion of the entire works the contractor will receive the final payment of all the moneys due or payable to him under or by


virtue of the contract except earnest money deposit retained as security and a sum equal to 2.50 percent of the total value of the work done. The amount withheld from the final bill will be retained under deposits and paid to the contractor together with the earnest money deposit retained as security after a period of 24 months as all defects if any shall have been made good according to the true intent and meaning there of.

42.2.2 In case of over payments or wrong payment if any made to the contractor due to wrong interpretation of the provisions of the contract, APSS or Contract conditions etc., such unauthorized payment will be deducted in the subsequent bills or final bill for the work or from the bills under any other contracts with the Government or at any time there after from the deposits available with the Government.

42.2.3 Any recovery or recoveries advised by the Government Department either state or central, due to non-fulfillment of any contract entered into with them by the contractor shall be recovered from any bill or deposits of the contractor.

42.2.4 No claim shall be entertained, if the same is not represented in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge within 15 days of its occurrence.

42.2.5 The contractor is not eligible for any compensation for inevitable delay in handing over the site or for any other reason. In such case, suitable extensions of time will be granted after considering the merits of the case.

42.3.1 The Employer shall within 28 days after receiving a Statement and supporting documents, give to the Contractor notice of any items in the Statement with which the Engineer in charge disagrees, with supporting particulars. Payments due shall not be withheld, except that;

(a) If any thing supplied or work done by the Contractor is not in accordance with the Contract, the cost of rectification or replacement may be withheld until rectification or replacement has been completed; and / or

(b) If the Contractor was or is failing to perform any work or obligation in accordance with the contract and had been as notified by the Engineer in charge, the value of this work, or obligation may be withheld until the work or obligation has been performed.

The Employer may, by any payment, make any correction or modification that should properly be made to any amount previously considered due.

Payment shall not be deemed to indicate Engineer in charge acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction.

42.3.2 All progressive payments made to the Contractor shall be reviewed on quarterly basis and reconciled with the break-up of the schedule. Over payments/under payments made, if any, shall be adjusted in the next interim/final payments.

42.4 Application for Intermediate Payment CertificateCONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


The Contractor shall submit a statement/bill in six copies to the Engineer-in-charge after the end of each month, in a form approved by the Engineer-in-charge, showing the amounts to which the Contractor considers himself to be entitled, together with supporting documents which shall include the detailed report on the progress during the month for each section of the Work. The statement shall include the following items, as applicable, which shall be expressed in Indian Rupees and also shall include the following items, as applicable, which shall be expressed in the sequence listed below:

(a) The estimated contract value of the Construction Documents produced and the Works executed up to the end of the month;

(b) Amount to be deducted for retention, shall be @7.5% from the each interim bills.

c)Any amount to be deducted against recovery of advance amount in accordance with rate specified in Contract.

d)Delay damages in respect of non-achievement of milestone as per Contract

e)Any other additions or deductions which may have become due in accordance with the Contract

f)Deduction of Income Tax , VAT, contract tax and other taxes and seigniorage and cess charges on materials used and other statutory obligations etc. as applicable.

g)The total amounts certified on all previous Interim Payment Certificates.

43.0 Interest on Money due to the Contractor: No omission by the Engineer-in-charge or the sub-divisional officer to pay the amount due upon certificates shall vitiate or make void the contract, nor shall the contractor be entitled to interest upon any guarantee fund or payments in arrear, nor upon any balance which may, on the final settlement of his accounts, found to be due to him.

44.0 Certificate of Completion of works:44.1 Certificate of Completion of works:

44.1.1 When the whole of the work has been completed and has satisfactory passed any final test that may be prescribed by the Contract, the Contractor may give a notice to that effect to the Engineer-in-Charge accompanied by an undertaking to carryout any rectification work during the period of maintenance, such notice and undertaking shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be request by the Contractor for the Engineer-in-Charge to issue a Certificate of completion in respect of the Works. The Engineer-in-Charge shall, within twenty one days of the date of delivery of such notice either issue to the Contractor, a certificate of completion stating the date on which, in his opinion, the works were completed in accordance with the Contract or give instructions in writing to the Contractor specifying all the Works which, in the Engineer-in-Charge'’ opinion, required to be done by the Contractor before the issue of such Certificate. The Engineer-


in-Charge shall also notify the Contractor of any defects in the Works affecting completion that may appear after such instructions and before completion of the Works specified there in. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive such Certificate of the Completion within twenty one days of completion to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge of the Works so specified and making good of any defects so notified.

44.1.2 Similarly, the Contractor may request and the Engineer-in-Charge shall issue a Certificate of Completion in respect of:

a) Any section of the Permanent works in respect of which a separate time for completion is provided in the Contract, and

b) Any substantial part of the Permanent Works which has been both completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and occupied or used by the Department.

44.1.3 If any part of the Original/Permanent Works shall have been completed and shall have satisfactorily passed any final test that may be prescribed by the Contract, the Engineer-in-Charge may issue such certificate, and the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete any outstanding work in that part of the Works during the period of Maintenance.

45.0 Taxes included in the bid: The Bid price quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of the

sales Tax and other taxes on all materials that the contractor will have to purchase for performance of this contract.

46.0 Price Adjustment46.1 The Price Adjustment will be made for cement, steel and fuel items only.

No escalation on labour and other materials will be paid. The Bidder has to quote the bid taking into account of any variation in rates and wages during the period of execution i.e., from the date of quoting the rates to the end of completion of work in all respects.

46.2 However, in respect of cement and steel price adjustment will be made for the actual quantity used in the work for increase or decrease of prices by more than 5% over current rates ( As approved by the Board of Chief Engineers) of Rs.4,300 /M.T. and Rs.43,800 /MT- & Rs.33,000/MT for Cement, M.S plates and Tar steel respectively. For the purpose of assessing the increase and decrease the rates, of cement and steel as approved by the Board of Chief Engineers communicated by the Engineer-in-Chief, Irrigation Wing, I&CAD Dept., from time to time will be adopted.

This Price Adjustment will be made for the Price variation beyond 5% on the basic rates furnished in the Bid document

46.3 In respect of fuels the rates prevailing in the nearest fuel station /stations to work spot on the last day of filing the bids will be adopted as base rates. Any hike beyond 5% over the base rates will be compensated in accordance with the following formula.




RI=Value of work done during the quarter.

VF=increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to change in rates for fuels and lubricants.

PF=% of fuel and lubricants component of the work.(The component of PF will be assessed and decided by a committee

constituted by the Government).

FO= Average official retail price of HSD at the existing consumer’s pumps of IOC/IBP/HP/Reliance nearest to the work spot on the last day of filing bids.

FI= Average official retail price of HSD at the existing consumer’s pumps of IOC/IBP/HP/Reliance nearest to the work spot on the 15th day of the middle calendar month of the quarter under consideration. Price adjustment not applicable for the part of the work carried out for which Liquidated Damages are levied.

47.0 Retention47.1 The department shall retain from each payment due to the contractor @ the rate of

7.5% of bill amount until completion of the whole of the Works. The retention amount so accumulated will be released up to 5% against the Bank Guarantee in Spells of Rs.50.00/100.00 lakhs (Rupees fifty five /hundred lakhs only).

47.2 On completion of the whole of the Works out of total amount retained ( i.e., 7.5%) 5% will be re-paid to the Contractor and balance ( i.e., 2.5% ) when the Defects Liability Period has passed and the Engineer-in-Charge has certified that all the Defects notified by the Engineer-in-Charge to the Contractor before the end of this period have been corrected.

48.0 Liquidated Damages 48.1 If for any reason, which does not entitle the contractor to an extension of time, the

rate of progress of works, or any section is at any time, in the opinion of the Superintending Engineer too slow to ensure completion by the prescribed time or extended time for completion Superintending Engineer shall so notify the contractor in writing and the contractor shall there upon take such steps as are necessary and the Superintending Engineer may approve to expedite progress so as to complete the works or such section by the prescribed time or extended time. The contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment for taking such steps. If as a result of any notice given by the Superintending Engineer under this clause the contractor shall seek the Superintending Engineers permission to do any work at night or on Sundays, if locally recognized as days or rest, or their locally recognized equivalent, such permission shall not be unreasonably refused.


48.2 If the contractor fails to complete whole of the works or any part thereof or section of the works within the stipulated periods of individual mile stones (including any bonafide extensions allowed by the competent authority without levying liquidated damages), the Superintending Engineer may without prejudice to any other method of recovery will deduct one twentieth of one percent of respective mile stone financial programme value per calendar day or part of the day for the period of delays subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract value as damages due from the contractor from any monies in his hands due or which may become due to the contractor. The payment or deductions of such damages shall not relieve the contractor from his obligation to complete the works, or from any other of his obligations and liabilities under the contract.

The maximum amount of liquidated damages for the whole of the works is ten percent of final contract price.

48.3 Liquidated Damages for Short Fall in Performance

Should the results of the formal performance test show that the equipments have failed to meet the guarantees the CONTRACTOR shall carry out the modification, at his own cost, if considered necessary to meet the guaranteed values. In such a case the performance and guarantee tests shall be repeated by the CONTRACTOR within one (1) month from the date the equipment is ready for re-test. If the specified guarantees are not established within 90 days of notification by the EMPLOYER, the EMPLOYER may at his discretion reject the equipment and recover the payments already made or accept the equipment after assessing the liquidated damages payable at the rates specified below for each equipments. Such liquidated damages shall be recoverable by invoking the Performance Bank Guarantee of the CONTRACTOR or by deduction from the contract price, or otherwise.

49.0 Mobilization Advance49.1 The contractors for works exceeding more than Rs.1.00 Crore of estimated

contract value are permitted to avail the facility of mobilization advance in two installments equivalent to 10% of the contract amount( 5% for labour mobilization and 5% for machinery and equipment).The mobilization advance of 5% towards Labour mobilization will be paid in two installments( 1% after concluding agreement and 4% at the time of commencement of work i.e after completion of investigation, survey and designs) vide Government Memo No. 26135/ reforms/06, Dt.16.9.2006

Payment of the loan will be done under separate certification by the Executive Engineer after (i) Execution of the form of contract by the parties there to (ii) Provisions by the contractor of the further security in accordance with relevant condition and (iii) provision by the contractor of a Bank Guarantee from scheduled Bank acceptable to the Executive Engineer for an amount equal to 10% of a contract amount as indicated in the letter of acceptance towards the installment of the advance mobilization loan, such bank guarantee to remain effective until the said advance loan has been completely repaid by the contractor out of the current earnings under the contract and certified accordingly by the Executive Engineer The ‘Advance mobilization loan’ will be paid in 30 days after fulfilling the above – i, ii, and iii items. Advance mobilization loan will


be paid only in case of contracts with estimated contract value exceeding Rs.100 lakhs.

49.2 A form of Bank Guarantee acceptable to Executive Engineer is indicated (under formats of Securities). The advance mobilisation loan shall be used by the contractor exclusively for mobilisation expenditures, including the acquisition of constructional plant, in connection with the works. Payment of the second installment of advance mobilisation loan equivalent to 5 percent of the contract amount will be due within a period of 9 months for local purchase of machinery and equipment and within one year in case the machinery and equipment has to be imported under separate certification by the Engineer-in-Charge after (I) the value of the machinery and equipment procured, and brought to site and/or ordered (satisfactory evidence to be produced) by the contractor assessed at 100% for new machinery and 50% for old machinery brought to site and in working condition is equivalent to 5 percent of the contract amount already paid

as first advance loan and (ii) furnishing by the contractor of a bank guarantee for an amount equal to 5 percent of the contract value.

49.3 Should the contractor misappropriate any portion of the advance loan, it shall become due to the Executive Engineer and payable immediately in one lump by the contractor and no further loan will be considered thereafter.

49.4 The above advance shall bear borrowing rate of interest as approved by the Government of A.P from time to time. The interest on the amounts paid as advance is chargeable from the date the amount is paid. However if completion is delayed by circumstances beyond control of the contractor for which an extension has been granted by the Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer the interest charges on such advances shall be waived for the period of extension.

49.5 The value of Bank Guarantee for the advance payment given to the contractor can be progressively reduced by the amount repaid by the contractor as certified by the Executive Engineer.

49.6 Recovery of advances

49.6.1 The advance loan together with interest at the borrowing rate of interest as approved by the Government of A.P from time to time shall be repaid within percentages deductions from the intermediate payments under the contract. Deduction shall commence in the next interim payment following that in which the total of all such payments to the contractor have reached 10 percent of the contract amount and shall be made at the rate of 20 percent of amount of all interim payments in which the loan was made together with interest payable up to that date, until such time as the loan together with interest at the rate specified in para above shall be completely repaid prior to the expiry of the contract period including authorized extensions for completion.

Govt. Memo.No.22500/Reforms/2008-1, Dt:20-08-2008 shall apply for Recovery of Advance as follows:


“The recovery towards repayment of Mobilization Advance and interest on that starts only from the next running bill after 10% of the Contract Value is touched. Any recovery on the interim bills towards Mobilization Advance should be limited to the 20% on each such interim payment bill till Mobilization advance with interest is completely recovered. The 20% recovery should be appropriated towards principal amount of Mobilization advance and interest out standing on the above amount on that date should be recovered additionally.”

As the loan together with interest at the rate specified in para above shall be completely repaid prior to the expiry of the contract period including authorized extensions for completion.

The department will approach the finance department and fix up the borrowing rate of interest from time to time.

50.0 SecuritiesThe Earnest Money Deposit and shall be provided to the Department not later than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance and shall be issued in an amount and form and by a bank acceptable to the Department. The Earnest Money shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of expiry of Defects Liability Period and the additional security shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the certificate of completion.

51.0 Cost of RepairsLoss or damage to the Works or materials to the Works between the Start Date and the end of the Defects Correction Periods shall be remedied by the Contractor at the Contractor’s cost if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor’s acts or omissions.




52.0 CompletionThe Contractor shall request the Engineer-in-Charge to issue a Certificate of completion of the Works and the Engineer-in-Charge will do so upon deciding that the work is completed.

53.0 Take OverThe Department shall take over the Site and the Works within fourteen days of the Engineer-in-Charge issuing a certificate of Completion.

54.0 Final AccountThe Contractor shall supply to the Engineer-in-Charge a detailed account of the total amount that the Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. The Engineer-in-Charge shall issue a Defects Liability Certificate and certify any final payment that is due to the Contractor within56 days of receiving the Contractor’s account if it is correct and complete. If it is not, the Engineer-in-Charge shall issue within 56 days a schedule that states the scope of the corrections or additions that are necessary. If the final Account is still unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted, the Engineer-in-Charge shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor and issue a payment certificate with in 56 days of receiving the Contractor’s revised account.

55.0 Termination:55.1 The Department may terminate the Contract if the contractor causes a

fundamental breach of the Contract.

55.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the following.

a) The Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the current program and the stoppage has not been authorised by the Engineer-in-Charge.

b) The Contractor is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a reconstruction or amalgamation.

c) The Engineer-in-Charge gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect is a fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the Engineer-in-Charge; and

d) The Contractor does not maintain a security which is required and


e) The Contractor has delayed the completion of works by the number of days for which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as defined.

f) If the contractor, in the judgment of the Department has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in the executing the contract.

For the purpose of this paragraph: “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution. “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment o the Government and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish Bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Government of the benefits of free and open competition.

55.3 Not withstanding the above the Department or Engineer-in-charge or Employer may terminate the contract for convenience.

55.4 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and secured leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.

56.0 Payment upon TerminationIf the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Contractor, the Engineer-in-Charge shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done less advance payments received upon the date of the issue of the certificate, less other recoveries due in terms of the Contract, less taxes due to be deducted at source as per applicable laws and less 20% per cent of the value of work not completed. Additional Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to the Department exceeds any payment due to the Contractor the difference shall be a debt payable to the Department. In case of default for payment within 28 days from the date of issue of notice to the above effect, the contractor shall be liable to pay interest at 12% per annum for the period of delay.

57.0 PropertyAll materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works are deemed to be the property of the Department if the Contract is terminated because of Contractor’s default.

58.0 Release from PerformanceIf the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely outside the control of either the Department or the Contractor the Engineer-in-Charge shall certify that the contract has been frustrated. The Contractor shall make the site safe and stop work as quickly as possible after receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all works carried out before receiving it and for any work carried out after wards to which commitment was made.



59.0 Water SupplyThe Contractor has to make his own arrangements for water required for the work and to the colonies and work sites, which are to be established by the Contractor.

60.0 Electrical PowerThe Contractors will have to make their own arrangements for drawing electric power from the nearest power line after obtaining permission from the Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board at his own cost. In case of failure of electricity, the Contractor has to make alternative arrangements for supply of electricity by Diesel Generator sets of suitable capacity at place of work. If the supply is arranged by the Department, necessary Tariff rates shall have to be paid based on the prevailing rates.

The contractor will pay the bills of Electricity Board for the cost of power consumed by him.

The contractor shall satisfy all the conditions and rules required as per Indian Electricity Act 1910 and under rule –45(I) of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as amended from time to time and other pertinent rules.

The power shall be used for bonafide Departmental works only.

Electric Power for Domestic Supply:

a) The contractor has to make his own arrangements for the supply of electric power for domestic purposes and the charges for this purpose have to be paid by him at the rates as fixed by the Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board from time to time.

b) The contractor will have to make his own arrangements to lay and maintain the necessary distribution lines and wiring for the camp at his own cost. The layout and the methods of laying the lines and wiring shall have the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. All camp area shall be properly electrified. All lines, streets, approaches for the camp etc., shall be sufficiently lighted for the safety of staff and labour of the contractor, at the cost of the Contractor and it will be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

61.0 Land61.1 Land for Contractor’s use:

The contractor will be permitted to use Government land for execution of work. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for acquiring and clearing the site, leveling, providing drainage and other facilities for labour staff colonies, site office, work-shop or stores and for related activities. The Contractor shall apply to the Department within a reasonable time after the award


of the contract and at least 30 days in advance of its use, the details of land required by him for the work at site and the land required for his camp and should any private land which has not been acquired, be required by the contractor for

his use. The same may be acquired by the contractor at his own cost by private negotiations and no claim shall be admissible to him on this account.

The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to refuse permission for use of any government land for which no claim or compensation shall be admissible to the contractor. The contractor shall, however, not be required to pay cost or any rent for the Government land given to him.

61.2 Surrender of Occupied Landa) The Government land as here in before mentioned shall be surrendered to

the Engineer-in-Charge within seven days, after issue of completion certificate. Also no land shall be held by the contractor longer than the Engineer-in-Charge shall deem necessary and the contractor shall on the receipt of due notice from the Engineer-in-Charge, vacate and surrender the land which the Engineer-in-Charge may certify as no longer required by the Contractor for the purpose of the work.

b) The contractor shall make good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge any damage to areas, which he has to return or to other property or land handed over to him for purpose of this work. Temporary structures may be erected by the contractor for storage sheds, offices, residences etc., for non-commercial use, with the permission of the Executive Engineer on the land handed over to him at his own cost. At the completion of the work these structures shall be dismantled site cleared and handed over to the Executive Engineer. The land required for providing amenities will be given free of cost from Government lands if available otherwise the contractor shall have to make his own arrangements.

61.3 Contractor not to dispose off Spoil etcThe contractor shall not dispose off or remove except for the purpose of fulfillment of this contract, sand, stone, clay ballast, earth, trees and shrubs or other materials obtained in the excavation made or lying on the site of the work, and all such materials and produce shall remain property of the Government. The Department may upon request from the contractor, or if so stipulated in the conditions of the contract allow the contractor to use any of the above materials for the works either free of cost or after payment as may be specifically mentioned or considered necessary during the execution of the work.

62.0 Approach Roads and Roads in Work AreaIn addition to existing public roads and roads Constructed by Government, if any, in work area all additional approach roads inside work area and camp required by the Contractor shall be constructed and maintained by him at his own cost. The layout design, construction and maintenance etc. of the roads shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall permit the use of these roads by the Government free of charge.


It is possible that work at, or in the vicinity of the work site will be performed by the Government or by other contractors engaged in work for the Government during the contract period. The contractor shall without charge permit the government and such other contractor and other workmen to use the access facilities including roads and other facilities, constructed and acquired by the contractor for use in the performance of the works.

The contractor’s heavy construction traffic or tracked equipment shall not traverse any public roads or bridges unless the contractor has made arrangement with the authority concerned. In case contractor’s heavy construction traffic or tracked equipment is not allowed to traverse any public roads or bridges and the contractor is required to make some alternative arrangements, no claim on this account shall be entertained.

The contractor is cautioned to take necessary precautions in transportation of construction materials to avoid accidents.

63.0 Payment for Camp ConstructionNo payment will be made to the contractor for construction, operation and maintenance of camp and other camp facilities and the entire cost of such work shall be deemed to have been included in the Bided rate for the various items of work in the schedule of quantities and bids.

64.0 Explosive and Fuel Storage TanksNo explosive shall be stored within ½ (half) KM of the limit of the camp sites. The storage of gasoline and other fuel oils or of Butane, Propane and other liquefied petroleum gases, shall confirm to the regulations of Andhra Pradesh State Government and Government of India. The tanks, above ground and having capacity in excess of 2000 liters, shall not be located within the camp area, nor within 200m, of any building.

65.0 LabourThe contractor shall, make his own arrangements for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport.

Labour importation and amenities to labour and contractor’s staff shall be to the contractor’s account. His quoted percentage shall include the expenditure towards importation of labour amenities to labour and staff;

The contractor shall, if required by the Engineer-in-Charge, deliver to the Engineer-in-Charge a written in detail, is such form and at such intervals as the Engineer-in-Charge may prescribe, showing the staff and the numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the contractor on the Site and such information respecting Contractor’s Equipment as the Engineer-in-Charge may require.

Transportation of Labour


The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the daily transportation of the labour and staff from labour camps colonies to the work spot and no labour or staff of the contractor shall stay at the work spot. No extra payment will be made to the contractor for the above transportation of the labour and his quoted percentage to the work shall include the transportation charges of labour from colonies to workspot and back.

The contractor will at all times duly observe the provisions of employment of children Act XXVI of 1938 and any enactment or modification of the same and will not employ or permit any person to do any work for the purpose under the provisions of this contract in contravention of said Act. The contractor here by agrees to indemnify the department from and against all claims, penalties which may be suffered by the department or any person employed by the department by any default on the part of the contractor in the observance and performance of

the provisions of the employment of children Act. XXVI of 1938 or any enactment or modification of the same.

As per Govt. memo No.721/Gr.(1)/81-35, dt:17.11.87. The contractor shall obtain the insurance at his own cost to cover the risk on the works to labour engaged by him during period of execution against fire and other usual risks and produce the same to the Executive Engineer concerned before commencement of work.

66.00 Safety Measuresa) The contractor shall take necessary precautions for safety of the workers

and preserving their health while working in such jobs, which require special protection and precautions. The following are some of the measures listed but they are not exhaustive and contractor shall add to and augment these precautions on his own initiative where necessary and shall comply with directions issued by the Executive Engineer or on his behalf from time to time and at all times.

b) Providing protective foot wear to workers situations like mixing and placing of mortar or concrete sand in quarries and places where the work is done under much wet conditions.

c) Providing protective head wear to workers at places like under ground excavations to protect them against rock falls.

d) Providing masks to workers at granulates or at other locations where too much fine dust is floating about and sprinkling water at frequent intervals by water hoses on all stone crushing area and storage bins abate to dust.

e) Getting the workers in such jobs periodically examined for chest trouble due to too much breathing in to fine dust.

f) Taking such normal precautions like fencing and lightening in excavation of trenches, not allowing rolls and metal parts of useless timber spread around, making danger areas for blasting providing whistles etc.


g) Supply work men with proper belts, ropes etc., when working in precarious slopes etc.

h) Avoiding named electrical wire etc., as they would electrocute the works.

i) Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned on the machinery before they are allowed to handle them independently and taking all necessary precautions in around the areas where machines hoists and similar units are working.

67.0 Fair Wage ClauseThe contractor shall pay not less than fair wages to labourers engaged by him on the work.

“Fair” wages means wages whether for time of piecework notified by the Government from time in the area in which the work is situated.

The contractor shall not with-standing the revisions of any contract to the contrary cause to be paid to the labour, in directly engaged on the work including any labour engaged by the sub-contractor in connection with the said work, as if the labourers had been directly employed by him.

In respect of labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the purpose of the contractors part of the contract the contractor shall comply with the rules and regulations on the maintenance of suitable records prescribed for this purpose from time to time by the Government. He shall maintain his accounts and vouchers on the payment of wages to the laborers to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.

The Executive Engineer shall have the right to call for such record as required to satisfy himself on the payment of fair wages to the labourers and shall have the right to deduct from the contract amount a suitable amount for making good the loss suffered by the worker or workers by reason of the “fair wages” clause to the workers.

The contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made and for the observance of the regulations framed by the Govt. from time to time without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub-contractors.

As per contract labour (Regulation and abolition) Act. 1970 the contractor has to produce the license obtained from the licensing officers of the labour department along with the Bid or at the time of contract.

Any violation of the conditions above shall be deemed to be a breach of his contract.

Equal wages are to be paid for both men and women if the nature of work is same and similar.


The contractor shall arrange for the recruitment of skilled and unskilled labour local and imported to the extent necessary to complete the work within the agreed period as directed by the Executive Engineer in writing.

68.0 Indemnity BondName of work: : Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

I __________________________________contractor S/o.________________ aged

____________________________ Resident of ______________________ do hereby

bind myself to pay all the claims may come (a) under Workmen’s Compensation Act.

1933 with any statutory modification there of and rules there under or otherwise for or in

respect of any damage or compensation payable in connection with any accident or injury

sustained (b) under Minimum wages Act 1948 (c) under payment of wages Act.1936 (d)

under the Contractor labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act. 1970 by workmen engaged

for the performance of the business relating to the above contract ie., Failing such

payment of claims of workmen engaged in the above work, I abide in accepting for the

recovery of such claims, effected from any of my assets with the departments.

69.0 Compliance With Labour RegulationsDuring continuance of the contract, the contractor and his sub contractors shall abide at all times by all existing labour enactments and rules made there under, regulations, notifications and bye laws of the State or Central Government or local authority and any other labour law (including rules), regulations, bye laws that may be passed or notifications that may be issued under any labour law in future either by the State or the Central Government or the local authority and also applicable labour regulations, health and sanitary arrangements for workmen, insurance and other benefits. Salient features of some of the major labour laws that are applicable to construction industry are given below. The contractor shall keep the Department indemnified in case any action is taken against Department by the competent authority on account of contravention of any of the provisions of any Act or rules made there under, regulations or notifications including amendments. If the Department is caused to pay or reimburse, such amounts as may be necessary to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provision stipulated in the notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if any, on the part of the contractor, the Engineer-in-charge /Department shall have the right to deduct any money due to the contractor including his amount of performance security. The


Department/Engineer-in-Charge shall also have right to recover from the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage suffered by the Department.

The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-contractor in no case shall be treated as the Department of the Department at any point of time.

70.0 Salient features of some major labour laws applicable to establishment engaged in buildings and other construction work

(a) Workmen compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case if injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment.

(b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if any employee has completed 5 years service or more, or on death, the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments, employing 10 or more employees.

71.0 Liabilities of the Contractor

71.1 Accident Relief and workmen compensation:

The contractor should make all necessary arrangements for the safety of workmen on the occurrence of the accident, which results in the injury or death of any of the workmen employed by the contractor, the contractor shall within 24 hours of the happenings of the accident and such accidents should intimate in writing to the concerned Asst. Engineer / Asst. Executive Engineer of the Department the act of such accident. The contractor shall indemnify Government against all loss or damage sustained by the Government resulting directly or indirectly from his failure to give intimation in the manner aforesaid including the penalties or fines if any payable by Govt. as a consequence of Govt. failure to give notice under workmen’s compensation Act or otherwise conform to the provisions of the said Act. in regard to such accident.

71.2 In the event of an accident in respect of which compensation may become payable under the workmen’s compensation Act VIII 23 whether by the contractor, by the Government it shall be lawful for the Executive Engineer to retain such sum of money which may in the opinion of the Executive Engineer be sufficient to meet such liability. The opinion of the Executive Engineer shall be final in regard to all matters arising under this clause.

71.3 The contractor shall at all times indemnify the Govt. of A.P. against all claims which may be made under the workmen’s compensation act or any statutory modification thereafter or rules there under or otherwise consequent of any damage or compensation payable in consequent of any accident or injuries sustained or death of any workmen engaged in the performance of the business relating to the contractor.

72.0 Contractor’s Staff, Representatives and Labour


The contractor shall, at all times, maintain on the works, staff of qualified Engineers, and Supervisors of sufficient experience of similar other jobs to assure that the quality of work turned out shall be as intended in the specifications. The contractor shall also maintain at the works, a Work Manager or sufficient status, experience and office and duly authorize him to deal with all aspects of the day-today work. All communications to any commitments by the Work Manager shall be considered as binding on the Contractor.

The Contractor shall at all times submit details of skilled and unskilled labour and equipment employed to the Engineer-in-Charge in prescribed proforma as he may require to assess and ensure the proper progress of work.

If the contractor does not employ the technical person agreed to on the work a fine of Rs.25,000/- will be imposed. If he does not employ for 30 days, thereafter it becomes a fundamental breach of contract.

The Contractor shall at all times, maintain on the work a staff of qualified Engineers and Supervisors of sufficient experience of similar other jobs to ensure that the quality of work turned out shall be as intended in these specifications and they shall be present at the work spot during working hours and at the time of inspection by the Department Officers. All orders and direction given to such supervisory or other staff of the contractor to be present on any specified inspection and the contractor shall comply with such requisitions.

The contractor shall supply to the Executive Engineer details of name, qualifications and experience in regard to all supervisory staff employed by the contractor and notify the changes when made and satisfy the Executive Engineer regarding the quality and adequacy of staff thus employed.

The Executive Engineer will have the unquestionable right to ask for change in the contractor’s supervisory staff and to other removal from the work and connection herewith of any of such staff. The contractor shall comply with such order and effect replacement to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.

The Contractor shall not without written authorization permit entry on site of work of any person authorized agents, engaged in connection with work.

All vehicles used by the contractor shall be clearly marked with contractor’s name.

73.0 Accommodation and food

The contractor should arrange accommodation he needs, at his own cost. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for supply of food grains, fuel and other provision to his staff and labourers including controlled commodities.

74.0 Relationship


Contractor shall have to furnish information along with Bid, about the relationship he is having with any officer of the Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh of the rank Assistant Engineer and above engaged in the work and any officer of the rank of Assistant Secretary and above of the Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh.

75.0 Protection of adjoining premises

The contractor shall protect adjoining sites against structural, decorative and other damages that could be caused by the execution of these works and make good at his cost any such damages.

76.0 Work during night or on Sundays and holidays

The works can be allowed to be carried out during night, Sundays or authorised holidays in order to enable him to meet the schedule targets and the work shall require almost round the clock working keeping in view:

(i) The provisions of relevant labour laws being adhered to:

(ii) Adequate lighting, supervision and safety measures are established to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and

(iii) The construction programme given by the Contractor and agreed upon by the Engineer-in-Charge envisages such night working or working during Sundays or authorised holidays.

77.0 Layout of materials stacks

The contractor shall deposit materials for the purpose of the work on such parts only of the ground as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before starting work. A detailed survey, clearly indicating position and areas where materials shall be stacked and sheds built is to be conducted by the contractor at his own cost and only after obtaining necessary approval of the plan for use of sites by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor can use the sites accordingly.

78.0 Use of blasting materials

Procurement of blasting materials and its storage is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall engage licensed blaster for blasting operation. The contractor is to act in accordance with Indian Explosive Act and other rules prevailing, during the execution of work. It is the responsibility of the contractor to see, that works by other agencies in the vicinity are not hampered, in such cases if any claim is made by other agencies that should be borne by the contractor. Carriage of blasting materials, from the magazine to the work site, is the responsibility of the contractor.

79.0 Plant and Equipment


79.1 The contractor shall have sufficient plant, equipment and labour and shall work such hours and shifts as may be necessary to maintain the progress on the work as per the approval progress schedule. The working and shifts hours shall comply with the Govt. Regulations in force.

79.2 It is to expressly and clearly understood that contractor shall make his own arrangements to equip himself with all machinery and special tools and plant for the speedy and proper execution of the work and the department does not undertake responsibility towards their supply.

79.3 The department shall supply such of the machinery that may be available on hire basis but their supply cannot be demanded as matter of right and no delay in progress can be attributed to such non-supply of the plant by the department and the department cannot be made liable for any damage to the contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of the departmental machinery supplied to him (which will be delivered to contractor at the machinery yard at site of work) and he has to make good all damages and losses if any other than fire, wear and tear to bring it to the conditions that existed at the time of issue to the contractor before handing over the same to the department. The hire charges for the machinery handed over to the contractor will be recovered at the rate prevalent at the time of supply. The contractor will have to execute supplemental contract with Executive Engineer at the time of supply of the machinery.

79.4 The acceptance of departmental machinery on hire is optional to the contractor.

80.0 Steel Forms

Steel forms should be used for all items involving use of centering and shuttering. They shall be such that the concrete surface obtained after removal of centering and shuttering shall be single plane without any dents and undulations.

81.0 Inconvenience to public

The contractor shall not deposit materials at any site, which will cause inconvenience to public. The Engineer-in-Charge may direct the contractor to remove such materials or may undertake the job at the cost of the contractor.

82.0 Conflict of Interest

Any bribe, commission, gift or advantage given, promised or offered by on behalf of contractor or his partner, agent or servant or any one on his behalf to any officer, servant, representatives, agents of Engineer-in-Charge, or any persons on their behalf, in relation to the obtaining or to execution of this, or any other contract with Engineer-in-Charge shall in addition to any criminal liability, which it may occur, subject to the cancellation of this or all other contracts and also to payment of any loss or damage resulting from any such cancellation. Engineer-in-Charge shall then be entitled to deduct the amount, so payable from any money, otherwise due to the contractor under this or any other contract.

83.0 Contract Documents and Materials to be Treated as Confidential


All documents, correspondences, decisions and orders, concerning the contract shall be considered as confidential and/or restricted in nature by the contractor and he shall not divulge or allow access to them by any unauthorised person.

84.0 General obligations of Contractor

84.1 The contractor shall, subject to the provision of the contract and with due care and diligence, execute and maintain the works in accordance with specifications and drawings.

84.2 The contractor shall promptly inform the Department and the Engineer-in-Charge of any error, omission, fault and to rectify the defect in the design or specifications for the works which are discovered when reviewing the contract documents or in the process of execution of the works.

85.0 Security Measures

a) Security requirements for the work shall be in accordance with the Government’s general requirements including provisions of this clause and the Contractor shall conform to such requirements and shall be held responsible for the actions of all his staff, employees and the staff and employees of his sub-contractors.

b) All contractors’ employees, representatives and sub-contractor’s employees shall wear identifications badges provided by the contractor. Badges shall identify the contractor, showing and employee’s number and shall be worn at all times while at the site. Individual labour will not be required to wear identification badges.

c) All vehicles used by the contractor shall be clearly marked with contractor’s name.

d) The contractor shall be responsible for the security of the works for the duration of the contract and shall provide and maintain continuously adequate security personnel to fulfill these obligations. The requirements of security measures shall include, but not limited to maintenance of order on the site, provision of all lighting, fencing, guard flagmen and all other measures necessary for the protection of the works within the colonies, camps and elsewhere on the site, all materials delivered to the site, all persons employed in connection with the works continuously throughout working and non working period including nights, Sundays and holidays for duration of the contract.

e) Other contractors working on the site concurrently with the contractor will provide security for their own plant and materials. However, their security provisions shall in no way relieve the contractor of his responsibilities in this respect

f) Separate payment will not be made for provision of security services and the cost of this work shall be deemed to have been included in the bid.


86.0 Fire Fighting Measures

a) The contractor shall provide and maintain adequate fire fighting equipment and take adequate fire precaution measures for the safety of all personnel and temporary and permanent works and shall take action to prevent damage to destruction by fire of trees shrubs and grasses.

b) Separate payment will not be made for the provision of fire prevention measures.

87.0 Sanitation

The contractor shall implement the sanitary and watch and ward rules and regulations for all forces employed under this contract and if the Contractor fails to enforce these rules, the Engineer-in-Charge may enforce them at the expenses of the Contractor.

88.0 Training of personnel:

The contractor, shall, if and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge provide free of any charge adequate facilities, for vocational training of Government Officers, students, Engineers, supervisors, foremen, skilled workmen etc. not exceeding six in number at any one time on the contractor’s work. Their salaries, allowances etc. will be borne by the Government and the training schemes will be drawn up by the Engineer-in-Charge in consultation with the contractor.

89.0 Ecological Balance:

The contractor shall maintain ecological balance by preventing de-forestation, water pollution and defacing of natural landscape. The contractor shall so conduct his construction operation as to prevent any unnecessary destruction, scarring, or defacing of the natural surrounding in the vicinity of the work. In respect of the ecological balance, Contractor shall observe the following instructions.

Where unnecessary destruction, scarring, damage or defacing may occur, as result of the operation, the same shall be repaired replanted or otherwise corrected at the contractor’s expense. The contractor shall adopt precautions when using explosives, which will prevent scattering of rocks or other debris outside the work area. All work area including borrow areas shall be smoothened and graded in a manner to conform to the natural appearances of the landscape as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

All trees and shrubbery which are not specifically required to be cleared or removed for construction purposes shall be preserved and shall be protected from any damage that may be caused by the contractor’s construction operation and equipment. The removal of trees and shrubs will be permitted only after prior approval by the Engineer-in-Charge. Special care shall be exercised where trees or shrubs are exposed to injuries by construction


equipment, blasting, excavating, dumping, chemical damage or other operation and the contractor shall adequately protect such trees by use of protective barriers or other methods approval by the Engineer-in-Charge. Trees shall not be used for anchorages. The contractor shall be responsible for injuries to trees and shrubs caused by his operations. The term “injury” shall include, without limitation bruising, scarring, tearing and breaking of roots, trunks or branches. All injured trees and shrubs be restored as nearly as practicable without delay to their original condition at the contractor’s expense.

The contractor’s construction activities shall be performed by methods that will present entrance or accidental spillage of solid matter contaminants, debris and other objectionable pollutants and wastage into river. Such pollutant and waste include earth and earth products, garbage, cement concrete, sewage effluent, industrial wastes, radio-active substances, mercury, oil and other petroleum products, aggregate processing, mineral salts and thermal pollution. Pollutants and wastes shall be disposed off in a manner and at sites approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

In conduct of construction activities and operation of equipments the contractor shall utilize such practicable methods and devices as are reasonably available to control, prevent and otherwise minimize the air pollution. The excessive omission of dust in to the atmosphere will not be permitted during the manufacture, handling and storage of concrete aggregates and the contractor shall use such methods and equipment as a necessary for collection and disposal or prevention of dust during these operations. The contractor’s methods of storing and handling cement shall also include means of eliminating atmospheric discharges of dust, equipment and vehicles that give objectionable omission of exhaust gases shall not be operated. Burning of materials resulting from clearing of trees, bushes, combustible construction materials and rubbish may be permitted only when atmospheric conditions for burning are considered favourable.

Separate payment will not be made for complying with the provisions of this clause and all cost shall be deemed to have been included in the unit rates and prices included in the contract if any provision is not complied with within a reasonable time even after issue of a notice in this respect, the necessary operations would be carried out by the Engineer-in-Charge at the cost of the Contractor, Orders of the Engineer-in-Charge in this respect would be final and binding on the contractor.

90.0 Preservation of existing vegetation

The contractor will preserve and protect all existing vegetation such as trees, on or adjacent to the site which do not unreasonably interfere with the construction as may be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor will be held responsible for all unauthorized cutting or damage of trees, including damage due to careless operation of equipment, stockpiling of materials or trekking of grass areas by equipment. Care shall be taken by the Contractor in felling tress authorized for removal to avoid any


unnecessary damages to vegetation and tress that are to remain in place and to structures under construction or in existence and to workmen.

All the produce from such cutting of trees by the contractor shall remain the property of Government and shall be properly stacked at site, approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. No payment what soever, shall be made for such cutting and its stacking by the Contractor. If any produce from such cutting is not handed over to the Government by the contractor, he shall be charged for the same at the rates to be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. The recovery of this amount shall be made in full from the intermediate bill that follows.

The contractor shall also make arrangements of fuel deposits for supply of required fuel for the labourer to be employed for cooking purpose at his own cost in order to prevent destruction of vegetation growth in the surrounding area of the work site.

91.0 Possession prior to completion

The Engineer-in-charge shall have the right to take possession of or use any completed part of work or works or any part there of under construction either temporarily or permanently. Such possession or use shall not be deemed as an acceptance of any work either completed or not completed in accordance with the contract with in the interest of Clause 28 of APSS except where expressly otherwise specified by the Engineer-in-charge.

92.0 Deleted

93.0 Access to the contractor’s books

Whenever it is considered necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge to ascertain the actual cost of execution of any particular extra item of work or supply of the plant or material on which advance is to be made or of extra items or claims, he shall direct the contractor to produce the relevant documents such as payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials and any or all data relevant to the item or necessary to determine its cost etc. and the contractor shall when so required furnish all information pertaining to the aforesaid items in the mode and manner that may be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge.

94.0 Drawing to be kept at Site

One copy of the drawings furnished shall be kept by the contractor on the site and the same shall at all reasonable time be available for inspection and use by the Engineer-in-Charge and the Engineer-in-Charge’s representative and by any other persons authorized by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing.

95.0 B.I.S. [I.S.I.] Books and APSS to be kept at Site

A complete set of Indian Standard specification referred to in “Technical Specifications” and A.P.S.S. shall be kept at site for reference.


96.0 Site Order Book

An order book shall be kept at the site of the work. As far as possible, all orders regarding the work are to be entered in this book. All entries shall be signed and dated by the Department Officer in direct charge of the work and by the contractor or by his representative. In important cases, the Executive Engineer or the Superintending Engineer will countersign the entries, which have been made. The order book shall not be removed from the work, except with the written permission of the Executive Engineer.

97.0 Variations by way of Modification, Omissions or Additions

For all modifications, omissions from or additions to the drawings and specifications, the Executive Engineer will issue revised plans, or written instructions, or both and no modification, omission or addition shall be made unless so authorized and directed by the Executive Engineer in writing.

The Executive Engineer shall have the privilege of ordering modifications, omission or additions at any time before the completion of the work and such orders shall not operate to annual those portions of the specifications with which said changes do not conflict.

Engineer-in-Charge’s Decision:

It shall be accepted as in separable part of the contract that in matters regarding materials, workmanship, removal of improper work, interpretation of the contract drawings and contract specification, mode of the procedure and the carrying out o the work, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge, which shall be given in writing shall be binding on the contractor.

98.0 Care and Diversion of River/ Stream:

The contractor shall submit details regarding the diversion and care of river or stream during construction of the work along with a separate print-out of the time table showing earliest and latest start and finish dates of various activities. He should submit a detailed layout plan with drawings for the diversion and care of river during construction of work. The above arrangements shall be at contractor’s cost.

99.0 Clearing of the site and Re-handing over

99.1 Government land as may be considered necessary by the Executive Engineer for the execution of the work will be given to the contractor and shall be handed over to the department in good condition and to the complete satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.


99.2 All areas of operations including those for his staff and labour colonies handed over to the contractor shall be cleared and handed back to the executive Engineer. The contractor shall make good to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer all damages or alterations made to the area while handing over back of other property or land handed over to him for purpose of the works. Temporary structures may be erected by the contractor, such as storage sheds, office, residence etc., for non-commercial use in the land handed over to him at his expense and within the permission of the Executive Engineer. At the completion of work, the structures should be dismantled at the site cleared and handed over to the department.



Medical rules for the provision of health and sanitary arrangements for worker employed by the departments and contractors.

The camp and hutting accommodation water supply and sanitary arrangement for the workers and labour employed on the works shall be made by the contractor at his own cost and shall strictly confirm to the requirements and to the

satisfaction of the Medical and Sanitary authorities of the project and in accordance with the medical RULES LISTED BELOW:

I. The contractor's special attention is invited to clauses 37, 38, 39, 50 and 51 of preliminary specifications to the APSS and he is requested to provide at his own expense the following amenities to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.

II. First Aid: At the work site there shall be maintained in a readily accessible place first aid appliances and medicines including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing and sterilized cotton wool. The appliances shall be kept in good order. They shall be placed under the charge of responsible person who shall be readily available during working hours.

Drinking Water: Water of good quality fit for drinking purpose shall be provided for the working people on a scale of not less than 3 gallons per day.

Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work place shall be provided with storage tank where such drinking water shall be stored.

Every water supply storage shall be at a distance of not less than 15 m from any latrine drain or other source of pollution. Where water has to be drawn from an existing well which is within such proximity of latrine, drain or other source of pollution, the well shall be properly chlorinated before water is drawn from it for drinking. All such wells shall be entirely enclosed in and be provided with a trap door, which shall be just and waterproof.

A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well and the trap door shall be kept closed and opened only for cleaning for inspection which shall be done atleast once in a month.

Washing and bathing places: Adequate washing and bathing place shall be provided separately for men and women such places shall be kept in clean and drained conditions, bathing and washing should not be allowed in or near any drinking water well.

Latrines and Urinals: These shall be provided within the premises of every work place, latrines and urinal in an accessible place and the accommodation separately for each of them shall be on the following scale or as directed by the Executive Engineer in any particular case.


Seats1. Where the number of persons employed does

not exceed 50 2

2. Where the numbers of persons employed does not exceed 50 but not 100 3

3. For every additional 100 3

If women are employed, separate latrines and urinals, screened from those for men shall be provided on the same scale. Except in work places provided with water flushed latrines connected with a water borne sewage system, all latrines shall be cleaned at least four times daily. The excreta from the latrines shall be disposed off at the contractor's expenses in out of way pits approved by the local public health authority. The contractor shall also

employ adequate number of scavengers and conserve staff to keep the latrines and urinal in a clean condition which shall be cleaned at least four times daily.

Rest Shelters: At the work site there shall be provided free of cost. Two suitable sheds one for meals and the other for use of labour shall be provided.

Creches : At every work place at which 50 or more women workers are ordinarily employed there shall be provided two huts of suitable size for the use of children under the age of 6 years belonging to such women one hut shall be used for important games and play and other as their bed rooms. The hut shall not be constructed on lower standards than the following.

Thatched roof.

Mud floors and walls.

Planks spread over the mud floor and covered with matting. The use of the huts shall be restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of the Children.

Canteens: A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of workers, if it is considered essential.

Sheds for workmen: The contractor shall provide at his own expense sheds for housing the workmen. The shed shall be on a standard not less than cheap shelter type to live in which the work people in the locality are accustomed to a floor area of about 2m x 1.5m per two persons shall be provided. The sheds are to be in rows with 12.5m clear space between sheds and 19m clear space between rows if conditions permit. The work people's camp shall be laid in units of 400 persons each unit to have a clear space of 12m all round.

Land should be acquired temporarily for storing contractor's materials or for his staff. The contractor should make his own arrangements for temporary acquisition of land required for storing his materials and for housing of this staff at his expenses.


101.0 Labour Camp and Contractor's Staff Colony

The Executive Engineer will handover the site for the contractor and his labour. All areas of operation including those for his staff and labour colonies handover to the contractor shall be cleared and handed back as soon as his contract for the work is over. The contractor at the time of handing over back shall make good to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer any damage or alterations made to the areas or other property or land handed over to him for the purpose of the project work. Temporary structures may be erected by the contractor for storage sheds, offices, residences etc., For non commercial use, with the permission of the Executive Engineer on the land handed over to him at his own cost. At the completion of the work these structures shall be dismantled site cleared and handed over to the Executive Engineer. The land required for providing amenities will be given free of cost from Government lands if available otherwise the contractor shall have to make his own arrangements.

Labour importation and amenities to labour and contractor's staff shall be to the contractor's account. His quoted bid shall include the expenditure towards importation of labour amenities to labour and staff;

102.0 Use of Site

The contractor may be permitted to avail the site as per departmental rules on lease for use by him in carrying out the contractor work and when Executive Engineer may consider such use to be necessary for the bonafide purpose of executing works. The contractor shall commence any operation on such lands with the prior approval of the Executive Engineer.

103.0 Income Tax

a) During the currency of the contract deduction of income tax and surcharge/education cess as levied by Government of India from time to time shall be made from the gross value of each bill of the contract, the contract value of which is in excess of Rs.10,000/-. For deduction of tax at rates lower than the above procedure stipulated under section 194-C(4) of Income Tax Act, 1961 shall be followed.

b) Income Tax clearance certificate should be furnished before the payment of final bill.

c) The contractor’s staff, personnel and labour will be liable to pay personnel income taxes in respect of their salaries and wages as are chargeable under the laws and regulations for the time being in force, and the contractor shall perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof as may be imposed on him by such laws and regulations.



Seigniorage fee shall be recovered from the bills of the contractor on the work done and measured with reference to the quantities used in the works as per the theoretical requirements, at the rates prescribed by Government of Andhra Pradesh as per A.P Minor Mineral Concession Rules subject to amendments issued from time to time by the Government.


The contractor is liable to pay seigniorage fee to the Mines and Geology Department at the following rates for the material used on the work

Sl. No.

Name of the Minor Mineral

Unit Rate of Segniorage Fee(IN RUPPES)

1 2 3 41. BUILDING stone M3/MT Rs.45/30 (rupees forty Five/thirty)2. Rough Stone/Boulders M3/MT Rs.45/30 (rupees forty Five/thirty)3. Road Metal & b… M3/MT Rs.45/30 (rupees forty five/thirty)3(a) Dimensional Stone used

for kerbs & CubesMT Rs. 80 (Rupees eighty)

4. Limokankar/ Limestone MT The rate of Royalty as applicable to limestone (other than L.D. Grade) in respect of Major Mineral as per the 2nd sehedule of the mines and minerals (D&R) Act, 1957

5. Limeshel MT Rs, (80 (Rupees Eighty6. Marble M3/Mt Rs. 150/60 (Rupees One hundred and fifty/sixty)7. Mosaic chip MT Rs. 40 (Ruees forty)8. Muram/Gravel &

Ordinary earthM3/MT Rs.20/12 (Rupees Twenty/Twelve)

9. Ordinary sand/sand manufactured from boulders useful for civil construction

M3 Rs. 36 (Rupees Thirty six)

10. Shingle M3 Rs. 15 (rupees Fifteen)11. Chalcedony Pebbles MT Rs. 30(Rupees tirty)12. Fullers Earth/Beritonite MT Rs. 100 (Rupees Hundred) white Rs. 40 (Rupees

forty) – off white13. Shale/Slate MT Rs. 100 (Rupees Hundred)14. Rehmall M3 Rs. 15 (Rupees fifteen)15. Limestone slabsA(i) Colour -- Rs. 6 (Rupees six) per Sq. Mt. Of Rs.80 (Rupees

eighty) per MT. Whichever is higher.A(ii) White -- Rs. 4 (Rupees four) per Sq. Mt. Or Rs. 50

(Rupees fifty) per MT. Whichever is higher.B Black -- Rs. 3 (Rupees three) per Sq.Mt. or Rs. 40

(Rupees forty) per MT whichever is higher16. Ordinary clay, silt and

brick earth used in the manufacture of Bricks including Mangolore tiles

-- Rs. 3500 (Rupees Three thousand and five hundred) per kiln per annum For Bricks & Tiles

Ref. G.O.Ms.No.331, Date: 21.06.2000 and G.O.Ms.No.217, date 29.9.2004


17 Granite useful for cutting & Polishing

More than 270cm x 150 cm size

Below 27cm x 150 cm size Below 75 cm size

(a) Black granite galaxy variety

Rs. 3000 (Rupees three thousand)

Rs. 2250 (Rupees Two thousand two hundred and fifty)

Rs. 1000 (Rupees One thousand)

(b) Black Granite other than Galaxy variety

Rs. 2250 (Rupees Two thousand two hundred and fifty)

Rs. 1750 (Rupees One thousand seven hundred and fifty)

Rs. 750 (Rupees Seven hundred and fifty)

(c) Colour granite srikakulam Blue, Indian Aurors of Nizamabad Dist. … of Black pearl of prakasham & Guntur dists.

Rs. 2250 (Rupees Two thousand two hundred and fifty)

Rs. 1750 (Rupees one thousand seven hundred and fifty)

Rs. 750 (Rupees Seven hundred and fifty)

(d) Colour granite of other varieties

Rs. 1750 (Rupees One thousand seven hundred and fifty)

Rs. 1500 (Rupees One thousand and five hundred)

Rs. 750 (Rupees seven hundred and fifty)

Note: In respect of Black Galaxy Granite, incentive of Rs. 250.00 (Rupees two hundred and fifty) per cubic meter is allowed for the block above 75 cms. Provided they are processed in the granite industry within state/country.



Sl. No. Name of the Minor Mineral Rate of Dead Rent per hectare per

annum1. Black Granite Rs. 50,000 (Rupees fifty thousand)2. Colur Granite Rs. 40,000 (rupees forty thousand)3. Limostone other than classified as Major

minerals used for lime burning for building construction purposes…..Building stone including stone used dor road metal, ballast concrete and … purposes, shale, slate and phyill… masalc chips, fuller’s earth/bentonite & Dimensional stones used for cubes & kerbs

Rs. 25,000 (Rupees twenty five thousand)

4. Gravel, morrum shingle limestons slabs used for flooring purposes limekakar challcodeny pebbles used in the building purposes limeshell for burning used for building purposes and rehmall.

Rs. 15,000 (Rupees fifteen thousand)

Note:-The above rates are liable to be revised and amended from time to time by

the State Government by notification in the AP Gazette.

In case of revision the revised rates as fixed by the mineral and geology have to be adopted.

The difference in seigniorage charges mentioned in the above statement and the revised rates communicated from time to time by Mines and Geology department will be reimbursed to the contractor.

105.0 Value Added Tax ( VAT)

105.1 Value added Tax during the currency of the contract deduction towards Andhra Pradesh VAT Act 2005 (Act No: 5 of 2005) be deducted at sources while making payments to the contractor. As per memo No.602/F-8/(1)/2006.dt.14-03-2007. The VAT provision of 70% of 4% i.e. 2.80% on total value of work will be deducted from the bills.

105.2 The tax structure under clause 105 is liable for revision as per the orders of the Government issued from time to time and in such case; the VAT will be deducted at source at the revised rates only while making payment to the contractor.

105.3 Excess recovery due to revision in VAT rates as per orders of Government from time to time will be reimbursed.

106.0 Labour Welfare Cess


Labour welfare cess @ 1.00 % has to be paid by the successful bidder to be recovered from the bills during execution.

107.0 Supply of Construction Materials

i) The contractor has to make his own arrangements for procurements, supply and use of construction materials.

ii) All materials so procured should confirm to the relevant specifications indicated in the bidding documents.

iii) The contractor shall follow all regulations of the Department/ Government of India in respect of import licenses etc., of the procurement of the materials is through imports and he shall be responsible for the payment of applicable duties and taxes, port clearances, inland transportation etc.

iv) The contractor shall make his own arrangements for adequate storage of the materials.

[Any other special conditions applicable to the work put to Bid.]

108.0 Setting Out

The contractor shall verify at site the location lines / profile, levels and reference points as specified in the contract. The contractor on the basis of actual field survey shall carry out setting out of the entire project component and its relative position. The contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the works and shall rectify any error in the position, levels and dimensions of alignment of the work.

109.0 Site Data

The data and information given in the Project Parameters (Vol I Part \D) of the Bid Document are based on the Investigations conducted so far. Variations / alternations in the said data / information in respect of Geology, topography sub soils hydrological conditions etc., which have bearing on the Investigation Design and Construction, cannot be ruled out. The Contractor shall, therefore, satisfy himself about the adequacy and accuracy of the said data / information and interpretation thereof and if necessary, by any further Investigations to be conducted by the Contractor. Thus, Employer shall not be responsible for the accuracy / adequacy of the said data / information and interpretation thereof by the Contractor.

110.0 Sufficiency of the Contract Price

The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price.

Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract price covers all the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract (including those under provisional


sums, if any) and all things necessary for the proper surveys, Investigation, design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects during construction and maintenance period.

111.0 Unforeseeable Difficulties

Except as otherwise stated in the Contract:

a) The Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect the Works:

b) By signing the Contract, the Contractor accepts total responsibility for having foreseen all difficulties and costs of successfully completing the Works; and

c) The Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or costs.

112.0 Rights of Way and Facilities

The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special and/or temporary rights-of-way, which he may require, including those for access to the Site. The Contractor shall also obtain, at his risk and cost, any additional facilities outside the site, which he may require for the purposes of the Works.

113.0 Avoidance of Interference

The Contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public, or The access to and use and occupation of all roads and footpaths, irrespective of whether they are public or in the possession of the Employer or of others.

The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from any such unnecessary or improper interference.

114.0 Access Route

The Contractor shall be deemed to have been satisfied as to the suitability and availability of access routes to the Site. The Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to prevent any road or bridge from being damaged by the Contractor’s traffic or by the Contractor’s Personnel. These efforts shall include the proper use of appropriate vehicles and routes.

Except as otherwise stated in these Conditions:

a)The Contractor shall (as between the Parties) be responsible for any maintenance which may be required for his use of access routes; the


Contractor shall provide all necessary signs or directions along access routes, and shall obtain any permission which may be required from the relevant authorities for his use of routes, signs and directions; the Employer shall not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any access route, the Employer does not guarantee the suitability or availability of particular access routes, and Costs due to non-suitability or non-availability, for the use required by the Contractor, of access routes shall be borne by the Contractor.

115.0 Transport of Goods

a)The Contractor shall give the Employer not less than 21 days’ notice of the date on which any Plant or a major item of other Goods will be delivered to the Site;

b)The Contractor shall be responsible for packing, loading, transporting, receiving. unloading, storing and protection all Goods and other things required for the Works; and

c)The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from the transport of Goods, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arising from their transport.

116.0 Contractor’s Equipment

The Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractors’ Equipment. When brought on to the Site, Contractor’s Equipment shall be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works.

1)All Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and materials provided by the Contractor shall, when brought on to the site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works and the Contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof, except for the purpose of moving it from one part of the site to another, without the consent, in writing, of the Engineer, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

2)Upon completion of the works the Contractor shall remove from the site all the said Constructional Plant and Temporary Works remaining thereon and any unused materials provided by the Contractor.

3)The Employer shall not at any time be liable for the loss of or damage to any of the said Constructional Plant, Temporary Works or materials.

117.0 Progress Reports

Monthly progress reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer in six copies. The first report shall cover the period up to the end of the first calendar month following the Commencement Date. Reports shall be


submitted monthly thereafter, each within 5 days after the last day of the period to which it relates.

Reporting shall continue until the Contractor has completed all work, which is known to be outstanding at the completion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.

Each report shall include:

(a) Charts and detailed descriptions of progress, including each stage of surveys, Investigation, design, Contractor's Documents, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, commissioning and trial operation;

(b) Digital photographs showing the status of progress on the Site;

(c) For the manufacture of each main item of Plant and Materials, the name of the manufacturer, manufacture location, percentage progress, and the actual or expected dates of:

Commencement of manufacture,

Contractor’s inspections,Tests, and Shipment and arrival at the Site;

(d) The details of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment];

(e) Copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of Material;

(e) List of Variations, notices given

(g) Safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to environmental aspects and public relations; and

(h) Comparisons of actual and planned progress, with details of any events or circumstances which may jeopardize the completion in accordance with the Contract, and the measures being (or to be) adopted to overcome delays.

118.0 Design

118.1 General Design Obligations

The Contractor shall be deemed to have scrutinized, prior to the Base Date, the Employer's Requirements (including design criteria and calculations, if any). The Contractor shall be responsible for the Investigation and Design of the Works and for the accuracy of such Employer's Requirements (including design criteria and calculations), except as stated below.

The Employer shall not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or omission of any kind in the Employer's Requirements as originally included in the Contract


and shall not be deemed to have given any representation of accuracy or completeness of any data or information. Any data or information received by the Contractor, from the Employer or otherwise shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for the Investigation, design and execution of the Works.

118.2 Contractor's Documents

The Contractor's Documents shall comprise the technical documents specified in the Employer's Requirements, documents required to satisfy all regulatory approvals, and the documents.

The Contractor shall prepare all Contractor's Documents, and shall also prepare any other documents necessary to instruct the Contractor’s Personnel.

If the Employer's Requirements describe the Contractor's Documents which are to be submitted to the Employer for review, they shall be submitted accordingly, together with a notice as described below. In the following provisions of this Sub-Clause, (i) "review period" means the period required by the Employer for review, and (ii) "Contractor’s Documents" exclude any documents which are not specified as being required to be submitted for review.

The Employers may give notice to the Contractor that a Contractor's Document fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the Contract. If a Contractor's Document so fails to comply, it shall be rectified, resubmitted and reviewed in accordance with this Sub-Clause, at the Contractor's cost.

For each part of the Works, and except to the extent that the Parties otherwise agree:

a)Execution of such part of the Works shall not commence prior to the expiry of the review periods for all the Contractor’s Documents which are relevant to its design and execution;

b)Execution of such part of the Works shall be in accordance with these Contractor's Documents, as submitted for review; and if the Contractor wishes to modify any design or document which has previously been submitted for review, the Contractor shall immediately give notice to the Employer. Thereafter, the Contractor shall submit revised documents to the Employer in accordance with the above procedure.

c)If the Employer's Representative instruct that further Construction Documents are necessary for carrying the works, the Contractor shall upon receiving the Employer's Representative Instructions prepare such construction documents and shall not be considered as variation

Any such contract (under the preceding paragraph) or any review (under this Sub-Clause or otherwise) shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility.

118.3 As-Built Documents


The Contractor shall prepare, and keep up-to-date, a complete set of 'as-built' records of the execution of the Works, showing the exact as-built locations, sizes and details of the work as executed. These records shall be kept on the Site and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this Sub-Clause. Two copies shall be supplied to the Employer prior to the commencement of the Q.C checks / Verification Tests on Completion.

In addition, the Contractor shall supply to the Employer as-built drawings of the Works, showing all Works as executed, and submit them to the Employer for review under Sub-Clause [Contractor's Documents]. The Contractor shall obtain the consent of the Employer as to their size, the referencing system, and other relevant details.

Prior to the issue of any Taking-Over Certificate, the Contractor shall supply to the Employer the specified numbers and types of copies of the relevant as-built drawings, in accordance with the Employer's Requirements. The Work shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of taking-over [Taking Over of the Works and Sections] until the Employer has received these documents.

118.4 Design Error

If errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, inadequacies or other defects are found in the Contractor's Documents, the same and the Works shall be corrected at the Contractor's cost, notwithstanding any consent or approval under this Clause.

119.0 Programme

119.1 The Contractor shall submit a time programme to the employer within 15 (fifteen) days after the conclusion of contract / commencement date whichever is earlier

119.2 and the programme shall be based on the basic time period for completion and milestone as indicated in the Contract Document. Contractor’s programme shall be considered effective upon acceptance by the Employer's Representative.

The Contractor shall also submit a revised programme whenever the previous programme is consistent with actual progress or with the Contractor's obligations unless other wise stated in the contract each programme shall include: a) The order in which the Contractor intends to carry out the Works, including

the anticipated timing of each major stage of the Works.

b) The periods for reviews under Clause …… [Contractor's Documents],

c) The sequence and timing of inspections and tests specified in the Contract, and

d) A supporting report which includes:

i)A general description of the methods which the Contractor intends to adopt for the execution of each major stage of the Works, and


ii)The approximate number of each class of Contractor's Personnel and of each type of Contractor's Equipment for each major stage.

The Contractor shall promptly give notice to the Employer of specific probable future events or circumstances, which may adversely affect or delay the execution of the Works. In this event, or if the Employer gives notice to the Contractor that if a programme fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the Contract or to be consistent with actual progress and the Contractor's stated intentions, the Contractor shall submit a revised programme to the Employer in accordance with this Sub-Clause.

119.2 Rate of Progress

If, at any time:

a)Actual progress is too slow to complete within the Time for Completion, and/or

b)Progress has fallen (or will fall) behind the current programme under Sub-Clause 24.4 [Programme],

Then the Employer may instruct the Contractor to submit, under Sub Clause 24.10 [Programme], a revised programme and supporting report describing the revised methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt in order to expedite progress and complete within the Time for Completion.

Unless the Employer notifies otherwise, the Contractor shall adopt these revised methods, which may require increases in the working hours and/or in the numbers of Contractor's Personnel and/or Goods, at the risk and cost of the Contractor.

From the commencement of the works to the completion of the same, they are to be under the contractor (s) charge. The Contractor(s) is / are to be held responsible for arid to make good all injuries, damages and repair occasioned or rendered necessary to the same by fire or other causes and they are to hold the employer harmless from any claims for injuries to

persons or for structural employer harmless from any claims for injuries to persons or for structural damage to property happening from any neglect, default, want of proper care or misconduct on the part of the contractors(s) or of any one in his/their employees during the If at any time before or after the commencement of the work the employer shall for any reason whatsoever.

c) Cause alterations, omissions or variation in the drawings and specification involving any curtailment of the works as originally contemplated or

d) Not required the whole of work as specified in the Bid to be carried out, the contractor(s) shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he/they might have derived from the execution of the work in full as specified in the Bid but which he/they did not derive in consequence of the curtailment of the works by


reason of alterations, omissions or variations or in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out.



1.0 General

The data and information given in the Project Profile (Vol. I Part E) of the Bid Document are based on the preliminary investigations, planning and preliminary designs carried out so far. The data considered for the project planning have been included in the bid documents. The Contractor shall, therefore, satisfy himself about the adequacy and accuracy of the said data / information and interpretation thereof and collect fresh data / additional data / information and carry out / conduct further investigations and studies. The Employer shall not be responsible for the accuracy / adequacy of the data / information and interpretation thereof by the Contractor.

2.0 Sufficiency of Bid

The Contractor shall be deemed to have visited and carefully examined the Project Site and its surrounding to have satisfied himself to the nature and conditions of the means of transport and communications, whether by land, water or air, as available at present and as to possible interruptions thereto including the access and regress conditions for the Site. The Contractor is also deemed to have made enquiries, examined and satisfied himself as to the sites source for obtaining sand, stones, bricks and other materials, the sites for disposal of surplus materials and accommodation for depots, colonies, workshops and other infrastructure facilities as may be necessary for executing and completing the Works, as also the sub-soil water and variations thereof, storms, prevailing winds, climatic conditions and all other similar matters affecting the works including law & order.

Any neglect or omission or failure on the part of the Contractor in obtaining necessary and reliable information upon the foregoing or any other matter affecting the Contract shall not relieve him from any risks or liabilities or the entire responsibility for the completion of the Works in accordance with the Contract.

No verbal contract or inference from conversation with any officer or employee of the Employer either before or after the signing of the Contract shall in any way affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. The Contractor shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site and to have satisfied himself, before submitting his Bid, as to the form and nature thereof including the sub-surface conditions and other local conditions, the hydrological, geological and climatic conditions, the extent and nature of work and materials necessary for the completion of the Works, the means of access to the Site and the land for accommodation etc. he may require and, in general, shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information, as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect his Bid.


3.0 Major Project Components and Basic Project Parameters

Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

3.1 Major components

Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

3.2 Basic Project Parameters

For Basic project parameters refer pertaining to the project refer Vol –1, Part- D

4.0 Scope of Work

4.1 General

The major components of works to be executed by the contractor under this contract shall be as described section - wise as follows. Execution of all these works shall include all construction plant / equipment and materials indigenous or imported, survey, investigation, survey equipment, studies and all services and facilities required for completion of the work.

Any requirements of work whether requested by the Employer or otherwise and whether specifically described in the Contract or not but are necessary or required for the proper completion and functioning of the Works in accordance with the Contract including remedying of any gaps and deficiencies in the Works shall not be deemed to be considered as any change in the Scope of Work and shall not entitle the contractor for any extra payment.

4.2 Section (i) – Surveys and Detailed Investigation

The scope of work under this section covers review of available survey and investigation data and identification of additional or fresh surveys and


investigation requirement considered necessary for location of sumps, intake structures, sub stations, pump houses, formation/ improvements of new/ existing tanks, fixing alignment of Pipe line, main canal, distributaries minors and sub minors, finalizing location of structures on Pipe line and the canal system, grid surveys for structures, surveys for catchments areas of Vagus / Nallas / Rivers, their longitudes sections and cross sectional, command area surveys preparation of command plans and ayacut registers survey number wise, village wise, Mandal wise, land plan schedules and land acquisition proposals etc; for execution and commissioning of the scheme. The contractor shall carryout surveys and detailed investigation required for the whole scheme as per the I.S. Codes, CWC manuals, Standards, Guidelines, Circulars of the Department issued from time to time. This shall not entitle the contractor to additional cost

whatsoever other than the contract price. The total scope of services shall be as per Appendix SI. .

4.3 Section (II) – Design and Engineering

During detailed Engineering the Contractor shall submit design of the sumps, intake structures, sub stations, pump houses, standards of new/ existing tanks, Pipe line, main canal, distributaries minors and sub minors, structures on Pipe line and the canal system, and connected Hydro-Mechanical, Electro- Mechanical works of the Scheme keeping in view the safety, cost and time effectiveness provided always that the design of the Scheme shall be always in conformity with the basic parameters and in accordance with the Nationally/Internationally accepted practice and for the optimal performance of the works as warranted under the Contract. This shall not entitle the Contractor to additional cost, whatsoever, other than the contract price. The total scope of services under this section shall be as per Appendix-PI The number of copies of the Reports and other Documents to be submitted to the Employer by the contractor is also specified in Vol.- I, Part.C

Data and information related to the scheme as available with the Employer have been furnished in the bid documents. All additional/Fresh survey, investigation and testing data and any other data relevant to design shall be collected by the Contractor without any financial burden to the Employer.

4.4 Section (iii) – Civil Works

The scope of work under this section covers provision of all labour, plant and materials for and execution of all civil works, complete in all respect, as described in the Appendix -CW read and conditions of contract and Technical Specifications of Bid Documents including incidentals and all necessary works not shown or specified but reasonably implied or necessary for the proper completion and functioning of the Works in accordance with the contract including any amendments thereof.

4.5 Section (IV) – Gates Including Hoisting Arrangement and EM PartsThe scope of work under this section covers provision of all labour, plant and materials for supply and execution of all hydro-mechanical works i.e., Gates,


including EM Parts and hoisting arrangements complete in all respect, as described in the Appendix-HW read in conjunction with the Project Profile (Vol –I, Part E) and Technical Specifications of Bid Documents including incidentals and all necessary works not shown or specified but reasonably implied or necessary for the proper completion and functioning of the Works in accordance with the contract including any amendments thereof.

4.6 Section (V) – Maintenance

The scope of work under this section shall be as per the terms and conditions provided in Appendix – OM.

5.0 Tests and Quality Control

5.1 The Contractor shall be required to carry out all tests in accordance with relevant Clauses of the General Conditions of contracts and the Technical Specifications. Employer’s authorized representative shall have at all reasonable times access

to the site and shall have the power at all reasonable times to inspect and

examine the materials and workmanship of the works during execution.

5.2 Employer’s authorized representative and/or an outside inspection agency acting on behalf of the Employer shall have at all reasonable times access to the site and shall have the power at all reasonable times to inspect and examine all works the materials and workmanship of the project works during execution. The contract shall provide necessary labours tools, scaffolding or any other assistance as desired by the employ in his representation without any extra payment.

5.2.1 Where the field quality assurance plan provided for witnessing tests/inspection on behalf of the Employer, the Contractor shall give the Employer adequate written notice of any inspections/tests.

5.2.2 Where the Employer attends the tests as provided in clause 5.2.1 above, and has any objection to any works or workmanship which in his opinion is not in accordance with the Contract he shall advise the Contractor of his objection during tests/inspections. The Contractor shall give due consideration to such objections and shall make modifications that may be necessary to meet the said objective.

5.3 The inspection/tests by Employer/ Employer’s Representative/Agency and/or his countersigning inspection/test certificate(s) thereon shall in no way limit the liabilities and responsibilities, of the Contractor as stipulated in the Contract.

5.4 The Contractor shall maintain and record all measurements and test results and submit the same to the Employer after completion of such inspection/tests.

5.5 The quality control checks are to be conducted by Department Quality Control and third party Quality Control / Quality Assurance as per


Government Memo No.34736/Reforms/2007, Dt.27.6.2008 and from guidelines issued from time to time or existing guidelines.

6.0 Measurements and Payments

6.1 All items having a financial value shall be measured in the manner as prescribed in specification by the contractor and verified by the employer so that a complete record is maintained of all work performed under the Contract. The measurement of lumpsum items will be based on the work completed as a percentage of the total work.

6.2 Measurement shall be signed and dated by both parties on the Site. If there is any dispute in any of the measurements a note to the effect shall be made in the measurement record against the disputed items and such note shall be signed and dated by both parties engaged in taking the measurements and the Parties shall discuss and resolve the same in accordance with relevant clauses of the contract.

7.0 Contractor’s Work Programme

7.1 Within 15 (fifteen) days from the Date of Commencement, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer a work programme showing the sequence in which he proposes to carry out various components for completing the Works as per the Master Control Network within the TIME FOR COMPLETION. The Master Control Network shall indicate the sequence of various activities and highlight the critical activities including delivery of equipment. Such work programme shall be subject to review and revision by the Employer in consultation with the Contractor from time to time in order to achieve completion of the Works within the TIME

FOR COMPLETION. The contractor shall also make it in MS project or any such model and keep it in internet.

7.2 The contractor shall also submit to the Employer the information on detailed methodology of carrying out investigation surveys, design engineering detailed construction methodology along with schedule for deployment of plant & machineries, which shall successively be adjusted in order to meet the actual requirement to complete the works within the TIME FOR COMPLETION along with the work programme.

7.3 Excavation of Main Canal, and allied works shall be taken up at least five separate locations / section simultaneously; so that mile stone as indicated in the Bid is accomplished.

8.0 Programme – Scheduling / Re-Scheduling

8.1 The Works shall be executed and performed in accordance with the Master Control Network (Work Programme) which shall clearly indicate the interlinking / interdependencies of all the works of the Contract including relative activities of Civil Works. The Programme shall be reviewed jointly by the Employer and the


Contractor, at least once in a month where in the hold ups/delays, if any, in the progress of Works, with reference to the agreed Schedule shall be given Special Attention. Necessary modifications (updating / Revisions) of the Programme, within the overall Time for Completion, shall be carried out by mutual contract between the Employer and the Contractor.

8.2 Supply at Site of the Hydro-Mechanical Plant & Machinery, embedded parts and Spares etc., shall be made available 2 months in advance of the scheduled dates of Installation / erection matching with the progress and availability of Civil Works to take care of any eventualities of hold ups/delays during transit.

8.3 If for any reason, any parts of the Works of the Project are delayed, then the total programme may be re-scheduled by mutual contract between the Employer and the Contractor, if necessary, keeping the overall completion schedule of the project unaltered. No extra cost whatsoever, on account of such re-scheduling shall be payable to the contractor.

9.0 Monthly Progress Report

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge six copies of a Monthly progress Report by the 5th day of the following month, in such form and detail as the Engineer-in-Charge shall reasonably prescribe, for the proper monthly follow up. The contractor shall also keep the monthly progress report in the Internet and update promptly as specified above.

10.0 Additional Special Conditions of Contract

10.1 General: The special conditions are supplementary instructions to the Bidders and would form part of the contract.

10.2 Drawings and Designs:

Drawings given, listed and indexed in volume IV are indicative, but will form part of the contract. The above drawings show the command area of the system also.

The contractor shall carry out alignment studies including cost economics by examining all possible alternative to prepare detailed layout, designs and drawings of all components of the work stated in scope of work and schedule ‘A’ (see 2)

The contractor shall use guidelines in the relevant ISI codes/circulars issued by the department from time to time for various components of the works.

All the studies, layout drawings and modifications if required to be prepared for taking up execution of the work, shall be prepared by the contractor and shall be got approved from the competent authority. For the purpose of approval the contractor shall submit 5 copies to the Engineer-in-Charge.


The contractor will have to submit detailed drawings of each component with appropriate scales, measurements, RL’s full dimensions, locations of components such as godown, dumping area, internal roads, etc.,

The contractor will have to supply of one + ten copies of approved drawings, one copy duly signed by the Contractor / and other ten copies duly attested and 1 soft copy and C.D.

The contractor is expected to organize his work to the best of his knowledge so that final draft of various types of designs and layouts will be submitted to competent authority within stipulated time period.

All the studies layouts, drawings, design notes, which have been submitted to the department, shall become the absolute property of department under the copy right act and the contractor shall not use the same in whole or part thereof elsewhere for any purpose without explicit written permission from the department.

In all difference of opinion on technical matters between the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge, the decision given by the Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organisation, Hyderabad and Superintending Engineer, SRSP-FFC Circle-1 ,Jagitial,Karimnagar Dist. shall be final and binding on the contractor.

10.3 Construction Programme: The contractor will submit “Construction Programme” showing quantity wise sequence of operations within one week after approval of estimates and should get the programme approved from the competent authorities. Along with the above he will also submit programme of bringing requisite tools and plant, machinery to be engaged by him to the site of work.

Contractor shall also prepare their own month wise (detailed week wise), item wise physical construction programme, prepared with computer aided project management software to generate bar chart based on network technique as per approved quantities of different items without modifying date of work order (start date ) and stipulated date of completion ( end date) within one week after approval of estimate and get it approved from Engineer-in-Charge the programme shall be as per work completion schedule The contractor shall submit weekly progress report to Engineer-in-Charge in approved format of report regularly.

10.4 Action when the progress of any crucial item of work is unsatisfactory:- If the progress of a crucial item of work, which is important for timely completion of

work is unsatisfactory, the Engineer-in-Charge, shall not withstanding, that the general progress of work is satisfactory, in accordance with relevant clause be entitled to take action under clause after giving the contractor 7 days notice in writing and the contractor will have no claim for compensation for any loss sustained by owing to such action.

10.5 Inspection and Tests: Except as otherwise provided in here of all materials and workmanship. If not otherwise designated by the specifications shall be subject to


inspection, examination and test by the Engineer-in-Charge at any and all times during manufacture and/or construction and at any / all places where such manufacture or construction are carried on. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to reject defective material and workmanship or require its corrections. Rejected workmanship shall be satisfactorily replaced with proper material without charge thereof and the contractor shall properly segregate and remove the rejected material from the premises, if the contractor fails to proceed at once with the replacement of the rejected material and / or the construction of defective workmanship, the Engineer-in-Charge may replace such material and / or correct such workmanship and charge the cost thereof to the contractor.

The Contractor shall be liable for replacement of defective work up to the time in accordance with the conditions of contract of all work to be done under the contract.

The contractor shall furnish promptly without additional charge all facilities, labour and material necessary for the safe and convenient inspection and tests that may be required by the Engineer-in-Charge. All inspections and tests by the department shall be performed in such a manner as not to unnecessarily delay the work. Special fuil size and performance test shall be charged with any additional cost of inspection when the contractor does not make materials and workmanship ready at the time of inspection.

10.6 Damage to Works: The works whether fully completed or incomplete, all the works materials, machinery, plants, tools, temporary buildings and other things connected there with shall remain at the risk and in the sole charge of the contractor until the completed work has been delivered to the Engineer-in-Charge. Until such delivery of the completed work the contractor shall at his own cost take all precautions reasonably to keep all the aforesaid works, materials, machinery, plants, temporary buildings and other things connected there with free from any loss or damage and in the event of the same or any part thereof being lost or damaged, he shall forth with reinstate and make good such loss or damage at his own cost.

10.7 Examination and tests on Completion: On the completion of the work the Engineer-in-Charge shall make such examination and tests of the work as may then seen to him possible, necessary or desirable, and the contractor shall furnish free of cost any materials and labour which may be necessary therefore, and shall facilitate in every way all operations required by the Engineer-in-Charge, in making examination and tests.

11.0 Haul Roads

The Contractor will have to make the work sites accessible to the departmental officers for inspection by way of constructing / maintaining all weather roads/approaches.

Layout of construction of road

The Contractor shall have to submit detailed plan to the Engineer-in-Charge showing the layout of the work site, roads and approach roads proposed by him,


before he starts the actual work. Such a road layout road plan will be scrutinized by the Engineer-in-Charge and any modifications suggested by him will be binding on the contractor. If it is decided by the Engineer-in-Charge to have some of the roads proposed by the Contractor as common road for common use of department and other contractors or convenient and for compact and planned layout of work site, the Contractor will be bound to construct them and allow them to be used simultaneously be other Contractors and departments. In case of disputes, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and the binding on the Contractor.

12.0 Regulations and Bye-Laws

The contractor shall conform to the regulation, bye-laws, any other statutory rules made by any local Authorities or by the Government and shall protect and indemnify Government against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such laws, ordinance,, regulations, orders, decrees, etc.,

13.0 Passing of Foundation etc.,

After the completion of the work of excavation, the same will be checked and passed by the competent authority. No masonry or concrete or back filling shall be laid unless the foundations are so passed. No concreting shall commence, unless the centering and the reinforcement is checked and passed by the Engineer-in-charge.

14.0 Signing Field Books, Longitudinal Sections, Cross- Sections and Measurement Books

Before starting the work, and at the end before the work is covered, levels for plotting the longitudinal sections (along the axis as decided by Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative) and cross section of the portion of the work shall be taken by authorised Engineer of the contractor in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative and the same shall have to be got attested from the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative in token of acceptance.

If the contractor fails to take measurements and sign them, then the measurements recorded by the Engineer-in-charge, or his authorized representative in the authorised books shall be final and binding on the contractor. For this purpose, suitable date or dates shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge and intimated to the contractor at least three days in advance. If the contractor, or his duly – authorised agent fails to attend on the appointed date or dates, the levels and measurements shall be taken in his absence and such levels and measurements and longitudinal sections and cross sections based there on shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The levels will be taken on such alignments and cross sections as will be useful for reference permanently and described under specification for “Excavation”. The point of the locations for the levels will depend upon the roughness of the area and will also be at least in conformity with the requirement of specifications for “Excavation” as for as possible.


The similar procedure for record measurements shall hold good for all other items and activities involved in execution of the work. All the levels/measurements shall be recorded by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representatives in the authorised level / measurement books.

15.0 Test Results

The contractor shall produce results of quality control tests carried out on the works by his staff and the quality audit conducted by the department on these works. If the test result do not fulfill the stipulated criteria laid down in specifications the payment will be limited as per the provisions in the specification(s) and if number of results fail beyond the limit of acceptance, then the contractor shall not be paid unless he rectified all such imperfect work(s). The decision of the Superintending Engineer, SRSP-FFC Circle-1,jagtial in respect of the matters pertaining to the quality control shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

16.0 Cleaning Up

a) The Contractor shall at all time keep the construction areas and his colony and storage free from accumulation of waste or rejected materials.

b) Prior to the completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove all rubbish from and around the promises and all tools, scaffolding equipment and material which are not part of permanent structures execute otherwise asked for or as provided under any other Clauses of this contract, the premises will be left in a manner fully satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge.

17.0 Communications and Notices by Contractors

All communication and or notices pertaining to works and concerning matters, such as passing and approving of foundation, reinforcement, and form work, measurements, mark outs, etc shall not be addressed by the Contractor to an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer. All such notices communications, etc shall be addressed in good time so as not to hold up the work.

18.0 Claim – Supply of Designs & Drawings

The contractor shall not claim any compensation from department regarding the delays caused in the processing of designs/drawings of various levels.

19.0 Execution of Works

Works to be executed in accordance with Specifications, Drawings, Orders etc., The Contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workmen like manner and both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance with specifications. The Contractor shall also confirm exactly, fully and faithfully to the designs, drawings


and instructions in writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and lodged in his office, and to which the contractor shall be entitled to have access at such office or on the site of the work for the purpose of inspection during office hours, and the contractor shall if he so requires, be entitled at his

own expense to make or cause to be made copies of specifications and of all such designs, drawings and instructions as aforesaid.

20.0 Alterations in Specifications and Designs

The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to make any alterations in, or omissions from, addition to, or substitutions for the original specifications and approved drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instruction which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and such alterations omissions, additions or substitutions shall not invalidate the contract and any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work, shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions, in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work and at the same Bided cost.

Being a Lump sum contract on EPC - “Turn-Key” extra items / financial claims on the department shall not be considered.

21.0 Time Limit for Unforeseen Disputes

Any dispute should be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing within one month of the occurrence of such disputes.

22.0 Action and Compensation Payable In Case of Bad Work

If at any time before security deposit is refunded to the contractor it shall appear to the Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate in-charge of the work that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship or with materials of inferior quality or, that any materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance with contract, if shall be lawful for the Engineer-in-Charge to intimate this fact in writing to the contractor, and then not withstanding the fact that the work, materials or articles complained of may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, the contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify or remove and reconstruct the works specified in whole or in part as the case may require, or if so required shall remove the materials or articles so specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own proper charge and cost and in the event of his failing to do so with in a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge in the written intimation aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent on the amount of the estimate for every day not exceeding ten days during which the failure so continues and in the case of any such failure, the Engineer-in-Charge may rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove


and replace the materials or articles complained of as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the contractor. Should the Engineer-in-Charge consider that any such inferior work or materials as described above may be accepted or made use of, it shall be within his discretion to accept the same after imposing penalty as decided by him.

23.0 Works to be opened for Inspection

All works, under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall at all times be open to the inspection and supervision of the

Engineer-in-Charge and his subordinates and the contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate to visit the work shall have been given to the contractor either he himself be present to receive orders and instructions, or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing, present for that purpose. Orders given to the contractor’s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the contractor himself.

24.0 Notice to be given before work is covered up

The contractor shall give not less than five days notice in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate in-charge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement any work in order that the same may be verified/checked and correct dimensions thereof be taken before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach of verification/checking of any work without the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge of subordinate in-charge of the work, and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of verification/checking without such notice having been given or consent obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the contractor’s expense or in default thereof, no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or materials with which the same was executed.

25.0 Supply Plant, Ladders, Scaffolding Etc.

The contractor shall supply at his own cost materials ( except such special materials if any, as may in accordance with the contract be supplied from the Engineer-in-Charge’s stores), plant, tools appliances, implements, tackle, scaffolding and temporary works requisite for the proper execution of the work, whether original, altered or substituted and whether included in the specifications or other documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions or not, or which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of the Engineer-in-Charge as to any matter as to which under these conditions he is entitled to be satisfied, or which he is entitled to require together with carriage therefore to and from the work. The contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite number of persons with the means and materials necessary for the purpose of setting out works and counting, weighing & assisting in the checking measurement or examinations at any time and from time to time of the work or materials. Failing his so doing, the same may be provided by the Engineer-in-Charge at the expense of the contractor and the expenses may be deducted from any money due to the


contractor under the contract, or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof, or of a sufficient portion thereof Contractor is liable for damages arising from non provisions of lights, fencing etc., The contractor shall also provide at his own cost, except when the contract specifically provided other wise and except, for payment due under clause 4.28 all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from accidents, and shall be bound to bear the expenses or defense of every suit, action or other proceedings of law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings, to any such persons or which may with the consent of the contractor be paid to compromise any claim by any such person.

26.0 Audit and Technical Examinations

Government shall have the right to cause any audit and technical examination of the works and the final bills of the Contractor including all supporting vouchers, abstracts etc to be made after payment of the final bill and if as a result of such audit and technical examinations any sum is found to have been overpaid in respect of any work done by the contractor under the contract or any work claimed by him to have been done by him under the contract and found not to have been executed, the contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of overpayment and it shall be lawful for Government to recover the same from him in the manner prescribed in relevant clause and if it is found that the contractor was paid less than what was due to him under the contract in respect of any work executed by him under it, the amount of such under payment shall be duly paid by Government to the contractor.

Provided that Govt. shall not be entitled to recover any sum overpaid, nor the contractor shall be entitled to payment of any sum paid short where such payment has been agreed upon between the Superintending Engineer or Executive Engineer on the one hand and the contractor on the other hand, under any term of the contract permitting payment for work after assessment by the Superintending Engineer or the Executive Engineer.

27.0 Permission for Crossing NH / SH Roads/Railway Lines

The works of the canal systems is likely to have several crossings for National Highway, State Highway, Other Roads, Railway lines, HPCL Oil pipelines, GAIL gas pipelines water pipelines etc., and as such necessary letter to grant the permission for crossing those premises shall be issued to the respective authorities by the Engineer-in- Charge. However the contractors will have to keep the follow-up and obtain timely clearance from the concerned authorities Costs of those crossing are included in the Bid except the crossings pertaining to railway lines.

28.0 Land Acquisition


Position of land acquisition – After the alignments are finalised, the process of land acquisition shall be started by the Executive Engineer with the help of Contractor. As such necessary proposals will be submitted to the respective authority by the Executive Engineer and to be pursued with L.A. authorities for early taking possession of land.

29.0 Use of Site

a) All land required shall be arranged by the Contractor from private land owner/revenue department at his own cost and no claim on this account shall be entertained. In case of forest land Engineer-in-charge will process the proposal and all further follow up for clearance is to be done by the contractor.

b) All areas of operation including those of his staff and labour colonies in case handed over to the contractor shall be cleared and handed over back in good condition to the Engineer-in-Charge except the areas under works constructed from the Engineer-in-Charge The Contractor shall make good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge any damage or alterations made to areas which he has to hand over back or to other property or land handed over to him for the purpose of this work.

c) The lands shall as herein before mentioned be handed over back to the Engineer-in-charge immediately after completion of the work under this contract or the termination of the contract whichever is earlier. Also no land shall be held by the Contractor longer than the Engineer-in- Charge shall deem necessary and the Contractor shall on due notice by the Engineer-in-Charge vacate and returned the land which the Engineer- in-Charge may certify as no longer required by the Contractor for the purpose of the works. In case the lands are not handed over back to the department within the time limit; specified above penal rent as may be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge will be recovered from the contractor.

d) The vegetation and forest is noticeable in project area. The Contractor should take utmost care for the preservation of this vegetation and forest. Any damage in this vegetation and forest will have to be compensated by the Contractor and decision of Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on Contractor.





The Contractor's Scope of Services shall include the following activities:

1.0 Review and Assessment of Data Requirement.

1.1 Review of available survey and investigation data and identification of additional /fresh survey and investigation requirement considered necessary for location of sumps, intake structures, sub stations, pump houses, formation / improvements of new/ existing tanks, fixing alignment of Pipe line, main canal, distributaries minors and sub minors, finalizing location of structures on Pipe line and the canal system preparation of estimates for record, preparation of land plan schedules and L.A. Proposals including property cases and execution, investigation, commissioning and maintenance of the scheme.

1.2 Review of technical and design parameters for location of sumps, intake structures, sub stations, pump houses, formation / improvements of new/ existing tanks, fixing alignment of Pipe line, main canal, distributaries minors and sub minors, including structures.

1.3 Preparation and submission of Reports on the above for the information to the Employer.

1.4 Preparation of work programmes for carrying out additional/fresh investigations and studies for the information of the Employer.

1.5 The contractor shall submit a review report after carrying out the above activities for acceptance of the Employer.

2.0 Additional / fresh Investigations and Observations and Studies

2.1 Carrying out additional /fresh surveys, geotechnical investigations and laboratory tests, analysis and studies including collection of other relevant data as necessary.

2.2 Evaluation of results of additional investigations and laboratory tests, analysis and studies including collection of other relevant data as necessary.

2.3 Finalisation of conceptual plan based on preliminary investigation / planning of the employer. The detailed investigation and geo technical investigations are to be carried out for the Dam and appurtenant works , total canal system of the Project. The conceptual plan shall be on whole, to the part principle.

2.4 Preparation and submission of reports on Clause 2.1 & 2.2 above for references, acceptance and record of employer.


3.0 Detailed Investigation

3.1 Preparation of a memorandum on conducting surveys and investigation indicating investigation criteria, methodology to be followed, equipment proposed to be used and method of analysis on all components of the scheme ( Main Canal / distributory Systems / Field Channel, structures on the above total canal system)

3.2 Preparation of command survey plans of whole command area on combined village map with contours at 1 m intervals making ridges and villages showing clearly command area.

3.3 Survey for fixing alignment taking trial pits and borrow area survey and obtaining approval of competent authority and fixing permanent benchmarks.

3.4 Marking approved alignments on command area and chalk boundaries position of O.Ts and structures on command plan, L.S. and Site plan showing alignment of canals.

3.5 Preparing Ayacut registers village wise and outlet wise, Preparing chalk statement, distributory wise. Outlet register.

3.6 Catchment area survey, grid survey, leveling along nalla /river to determine bed slope and cross section of nalla /river for C.D. works.

3.7 Grid survey for other structures, C.M. works such as Road crossing, cross regulators, Escapes falls, distributory & Minor head sluices, metering flumes etc., trial pits, core drilling for foundation investigation of structures.

3.8 Preparing land plan schedules and land acquisition proposals (Private Land, Government Land, Forest Land if any etc.) Property cases if any and such as wells, trees, houses etc., Preparing temporary land acquisitions proposals for borrow area.

3.9 Survey of Micro irrigation Net work with field channels serving up to 1 Ha. Holding including their structures.

3.10 All the drawings like command area Plan longitudinal sections and cross section of all the canals, roads, drains/ Nallas /Rivers site surveys of all the CM & CD works, Head Sluices OT-Sluices etc, L.P. Schedules & L.A. proposals shall be submitted to employer for his approval.

4.0 Liaison with the Employer

Investigation liaison with Superintending Engineer from the start of investigation to actual Commissioning of the project in full.

5.0 Preparation of monthly progress reports on the progress of the investigation work.

6.0 No separate payment shall be made for conducting any of the surveys, detailed investigation and geotechnical exploration etc., indicated above and needed for


the completion of the project and shall deemed to be included in the quoted price.




The Contractor's Scope of Services shall include the following activities:

1.0 Review and Assessment of Data Requirement

1.1 Review of available survey and investigation data and identification of additional survey and investigation requirement considered necessary for design, execution, commissioning and operation of the project.

1.2 Review of technical and design parameters for Dam and appurtenant works, Canals / distributory system, its structure and Hydro-mechanical Works.

1.3 Preparation and submission of Reports on the above for the information to the Employer.

1.4 Preparation of work programmes for carrying out additional investigations and studies for the information of the Employer.

1.5 The contractor shall submit a review report after carrying out the above activities for acceptance of the Employer.

2.0 Additional Investigations and Observations and Studies

2.1 Carrying out additional surveys, geotechnical investigations and laboratory tests, analysis and studies including collection of other relevant data as necessary.

2.2 Evaluation of results of additional investigations, carrying out studies and analysis for the design of the Project components.

2.3 Finalization of conceptual plan based upon the preliminary design / planning of the Employer, the works to be executed for Canal System of the scheme. The conceptual plan shall be on whole to the part principle.

2.4 Preparation and submission of Reports on point 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 above for reference, acceptance and record of the Employer.

3.0 Detailed Design

3.1 Preparation of design memorandum indicating design criteria, design parameters, design assumptions, method of analysis on all components of the project (Civil, Canal System and Structure, Pie line, Intakes and pump houses, formation / improvements for new / existing tanks, Hydro-mechanical and Electro –Mechanical works). These design briefs shall be submitted to the Employer for approval before carrying out detailed design and construction drawings.


3.2 Detailed design for location of sumps, intake structures, sub stations, pump houses, formation / improvements of new/ existing tanks, Pipe line, main canal, distributaries minors and sub minors including drawings required for the execution of the calculations performed and the construction drawings issued shall be submitted to Employer for his approval.

3.3 Detailed design of gates, hoisting arrangement and EM Parts including drawings required for the execution of the Works and all calculations performed and the construction drawings issued shall be submitted to Employer for his approval.

3.4 Details of control arrangement including drawings required for the execution of the Work shall be submitted to Employer for his approval.

3.5 Additional designs and modifications, as needed, during construction.

3.6 The contractor shall adopt modern methodology/State of art Techniques in design of structures and canal lining

4.0 Preparation of Commissioning and O & M Manuals

5.0 Project Completion Report

Preparation of as-built drawings for sumps, intake structures, sub stations, pump houses, new/ existing tanks, Pipe line, main canal, distributaries minors and sub minors including CD & CM works, Gates & EM Parts of structures and a Detailed Project Completion Report.

6.0 Design liaison with the Employer

6.1 Design liaison with the Chief Engineer, CDO, Hyderabad / Chief Engineer, (Projects), Ongole /Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole from the start of the investigations and until commissioning of the scheme in full.

6.2 Preparation of Monthly Reports on the progress of the project work as a whole for information of the Employer, in respect of:

Investigation & Surveys.Design and engineering.Pipe line and allied works, Hydro-Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical worksCivil Construction.Gates & EM PartsControl arrangement. Technical status (Present status and future programme)Project status (Time Schedule, achievement of mile-stone, slippage in time

schedule with specific reference to activities and acceleration measures proposed)

Financial status (Present status and future projection)Deployment of Manpower, Labour, Expatriates staff and Construction Equipment


Further more the Report shall include necessary photographs and sketches showing the previous month's progress.

7.0 Supply of Drawings, Reports etc.




1 Drawings for information

5 (five) sets 1 (One)

2 Drawings for approval 5 (five) sets 1 (One) One hard copy shall be returned to the Contractor with approval or comments.

3 Approved drawings 1+ 10 sets 1 (One) copy in CD

4 As-built document Shall be submitted in accordance with Clause 118.0 of General Conditions of Contract.

5 Review Report/ Design Briefs/Design Memo/ Design Reports (Draft)

2 (Two) sets One hard copy shall be returned to the Contractor with approval or comments.

6 Review Report/ Design Briefs/Design Memo/ Design Reports (Final)

1 + 10 sets 1 (One) copy in CD

7 Commissioning and O&M Manuals (Draft)

2 (Two) sets 1 (one) copy in CD

One hard copy shall be returned to the Contractor with approval or comments.

8 Commissioning and O&M Manuals (Approved)

10 (Ten) sets 1 (One) copy in CD

9 Progress Reports 6 (Six) sets10 Final design

computations6 (six) sets 1(One) copy

in CD11 Detailed Project

Completion Report10 (Ten) sets 1(One) copy

in CD

7.1 The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer's office the following number of copies of drawings, reports and other technical documents:


7.2 All Software used shall also be loaded in Employer's computers for design verification and Employer’s subsequent use at no additional cost.

8.0 No separate payment shall be made for any of the design and engineering works indicated above and needed for the completion of the project and shall deemed to be included in the quoted price.




Civil Works

Civil works to be executed shall be as proposed by the bidder for the following major components (but not limited to) at the bid stage and subsequently at the detailed design stage as approved by the Employer:


Distributaries to cater the needs of specified ayacut (Main canal/ Tunnels/ Distributaries/ Minors and Sub-Minors)

CD & CM works on Main canal /Tunnels/ Distributaries/ Minors and Sub-Minors/

Field Channels (Micro Net work to Serve up to 1 Ha. Holding) including structures.

Inspection path on the canals.

Plantation along the canals.

Monitoring of programme and progress (computer aided)

Operation & Maintenance of system


Appendix - HW



The scope of work in this section includes, but not limited to the following.

1. Detailing, supply and manufacture, inspection, shop assembly, testing, painting etc.

2. Delivery, transit insurance, collection of equipment and custom clearance (if any), inland transportation to site.

3. Site storage, including insurance, transportation and handling. Site erection, painting, testing and commissioning including provision of labour, plant material etc. for the above.

4. Handing over to Employer. Supply and installation of all incidentals not specified but are necessary for proper completion and satisfactory functioning of the system.

5. The Contractor shall supply the following equipment, which will meet in all respects, the requirements of Employer in regard to performance, durability and satisfactory operation. All the equipment supplied shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards. Wherever, Indian Standards are non-existent or silent, relevant International Standards (as agreed between the Employer and the Contractor) shall be followed. The sizes and numbers of units are based upon Employer’s preliminary design and may vary to suit site conditions and design requirements.

iI)Gates with hoisting arrangement.

ii)Installation of Embedded Metal Parts.

iii)Pumps, motors and all other allied works

iv)Delivery Main






From Commercial Operation Date of the project, the Contractor shall take over the pump houses and the pipeline for operation and maintenance for a period of two years. The Contractor shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all components of the project including associated hydro-mechanical equipment and civil works in accordance with prudent utility practice.

2.0 Scope of Services

The scope of services would include the following.

1. To maintain all permanent civil. mechanical and hydro-mechanical works and operation and maintenance of all gates as and when required.

2. To provide all services necessary to operate and maintain the project efficiently, maximize the availability of the project, optimize the useful life of the project etc.

3. To operate the project in accordance with the operation and maintenance manuals of the equipment manufacturers.

4. To operate the project in accordance with the requirements of RSP Authority.

5. To provide requisite numbers of qualified (and if required licensed) personnel to perform the services.

6. To maintain operating logs, records indicating water pumping rate, project availability and operating data.

7. To carryout maintenance of the equipment and carry out repair and preventive maintenance in accordance with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers.

8. To maintain all the historical record of O&M which are useful to carry out the technical audit for health of the equipment.

9. To provide technical and other assistance to the Employer, in solving operational and maintenance problems.

10. To provide all spare parts, tools, equipment, consumables etc. required to operate and maintain the project in accordance with prudent utility practice and keeping in view warranty period.

11. Maintain all roads, yards, walkways, the colony, house keeping and security of the project.


12. To maintain and keep in readiness fire protection system and safety equipment for the project.

13. To recommend improvements / modifications in the project and implement the same with the Employer's approval.

14. Represent the Employer in meetings/discussions with RSP and other authorities.

15. Engage sub-Contractors and vendors as may be necessary for the performance of services with the permission of the Employer.

16. Suggest improvements in the operation and maintenance schedule for better performance.

17. To prepare Annual Operation Plan and submit to the Employer for approval.

3.0 Government Rules

The Contractor shall perform the work in accordance with Indian and other applicable laws (including environmental protection, sanitary, employment, industrial safety and labour laws) regulations, codes, permits, licenses, court orders and standards binding and enforceable on the Employer. The Contractor shall pay income or other taxes resulting from the performance and payment made to him in this connection.

4.0 Operating Personnel

The Contractor shall deploy experienced personnel for operation and maintenance of the project. The deployment schedule indicating the name of the persons, responsibility assigned to each of them and their bio-data shall be provided in the tender.

5.0 Declaration of Daily Water Availability

The Contractor shall declare daily at agreed times, the availability of water.

6.0 Periodical Operation ReportsThe Contractor shall prepare fortnightly operation report and submit to the Employer within three days of the end of previous fortnight. The report shall include, the quantum of water released, energy consumed, repairs/ maintenance carried out, spare parts / equipment/ consumables utilized, labour status report, equipment operational status, status of fire fighting equipment, performance of the project compared to the annual operation plan etc.

7.0 Right To Perform upon Contractor's Default

It anytime, the Contractor fails to perform and such failure is likely to cause injury to any person or damage to the project, the Employer may, but shall have no


obligation to, perform any such obligation. The cost to the Employer of affecting such performance would be deducted from the payment due to the Contractor.

8.0 Payment for the ServicesThe O&M expenses payable to the Contractor by the Employer shall be in the agreed currency (INR and/or US$) for every month based on the invoices raised by the Contractor for the preceding month in accordance with the relevant

clauses of the General Conditions of Contract. Total payment shall be limited to the price quoted for Operation and Maintenance.The manpower deployment schedule would be provided to the Employer and it would be adhered to strictly. Further the facilities eg. Accommodation, transport, electricity, water etc. to be provided to the deployed manpower by the contractor/Employer would be clearly specified.

The man-month charges of the deployed manpower, as scheduled and adhere to would be charged to the monthly invoice along with the consumables/minor repairs incurred for the month on actual basis.In case of major expenses for replacements / spares, the contractor would inform the requirement to the Employer. The Employer would purchase / provide for the items not covered under defect liability.

9.0 Price AdjustmentThe rates and prices quoted by the Bidder are not subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract for taxes, duties and any other levies including variation in rate of exchange for foreign currency and on account of any other reason what so ever.

10.0 InsuranceThe Contractor shall obtain and maintain in force throughout during Five (5) years of operation and maintenance, Industrial All Risk Insurance for the Project providing full coverage on replacement value basis. Covered peril shall include fire, flood and allied perils. Insurance for workers against injury and death as per Workman Compensation Act shall also be obtained by the Contractor.

11.0 Training Of Employer's PersonnelThe Contractor shall arrange for training of Employer's personnel in operation and maintenance of the project. The Contractor shall provide a detailed training plan for all operation and maintenance procedures along with the bid documents which shall, after approval by the Employer, form the basis of training programme.

12.0 Force Majeure

Events or circumstances leading to force majeure and its effects on service etc. shall be applicable as given General Conditions of Contract.

13.0 Acceptance Tests on Completion of Two (2) Years O&M Period


Upon completion of two (2) successful years of kharif O&M period, the acceptance tests shall be carried out before the project is taken over by the Employer. These acceptance tests shall be identical to the test after completion conducted under the EPC portion of the contract, except that the minimum condition shall be agreed performance value from the EPC test reduced by the percentage value of contractual acceptance degradation.

The Contractor shall also make available the proof that maintenance / overhaul of equipment was carried out during two (2) successful years of kharif years’ period in accordance with the maintenance schedule of the supplier of the equipment.

14.0 Settlement of Disputes The settlement of disputes if any shall be handled in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract.




1.0 The contractor shall review all the information / data available with the Department and assess the additional surveys, investigation etc. that are to be carried out to fulfill the obligations under the contract.

2.0 The contractors shall take this into consideration while quoting for the bid. No claims whatsoever on this issue will be entertained during execution.

2.1 The Contractor shall quote the bid price keeping the above aspects into consideration and no claims whatsoever on this issue will be entertained.

3.0 The Contractor would be permitted to use the excavated useful soil and stone for construction purpose at free of initial cost. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for operation such as breaking and crushing the stone to the specified size. The stone used for the entire work in the scope of this contract would be allowed to utilize for the package work at free of initial cost, the contractor should quote his bid price keeping in view of the above aspect.

4.0 Wherever the Main canal and distributory system and all ancillary works require shifting of H.T./L.T. power lines, towers, Electrical poles etc., either permanently or temporarily the contractor shall arrange for such shifting of power lines towers, electrical poles etc., through concerned authorities of A.P. Electricity Board at his cost. The Engineer-in-Charge will process the proposals submitted by the contractor to the authorities concerned of A.P. Electricity Board. The price bid quoted by the Contractor is deemed to be inclusive of such cost and no claims for separate payment will be entertained.

5.0 Wherever the canal system is crossing Railway line, the contractor has to prepare, necessary proposals for seeking permissions of Railway authorities. The Engineer-in-Charge will process such proposals to the Railway authorities concerned for taking up the work by them as a deposit work duly paying the amount demanded by the railway authorities by the Dept.

6.0 In order to check the accuracy of the investigation work the equipment, labour required transport and other materials etc., at site of work have to be supplied to the Department without extra cost.

7.0 The ayacut registers should be submitted along with hydraulic particulars. The ayacut registers should be pipe wise with ayacutdars name and 3 Sets of bounded booklet.

8.0 No extra payment will be made to the bidder if there is any change in type of structure, specifications, variation in quantities as per actual site conditions.


9.0 H.P. Boards should be displayed of size 2.00m x 1.50 on main canal, 1.50m x 1.00m on branch canal, 1.00 x 0.60m on Majors, minors, sub-minors at change of reaches, off-take structures, road crossing or where ever necessary or by engraving on the structure with enamel painting. H.P boards / direction boards should also be displayed to facilitate for inspection both at investigation and execution stages.

10.0 During soil exploration by drilling boreholes for foundations, the contractor shall take required no. of U.D. Samples and normal samples and obtain soil classification soil properties and bearing capacity by getting them in the soil testing laboratories of Government Labs/Engineering Colleges or other reputed firms. The contractor shall provide certain U.D. Samples and normal samples to the department/ Engineer-in-Charge also so as to get them tested parallelly at APER Lab if required. The cost of such testing shall be borne by the contractor only.

11.0 The contract shall furnish draft reports on design Engineering, drawings, in five copies for obtaining the approval of the competent authority. After approval the contractor shall furnish 11 copies of booklets and 1 soft copy in C.D. for record of the department at his cost and no separate payment will be made towards this.

12.0 The contractor shall furnish ten (10) copies of Land plan schedules and Land acquisition proposals for obtaining approval of competent authorities.

13.0 The contractor shall fix enamel coated metallic measuring gauges both on U/s and D/s side of all the structures and at suitable locations as suggested by the Engineer-in-Charge.

14.0 In respect of Main canal, near the cistern and all cross regulators, big structures like aqueducts, siphons on both U/s side and D/s shall be provided with gauges fixed by the contractor and the cost there of is deemed to be included in the quoted contract price.

15.0 The co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of all structures cross regulators, Escapes, Head Sluices, Off-take Sluices etc., shall be calibrated and furnished to the department. Further Gate operation schedules for each of the above structure are to be prepared and got approved by the Employer/competent authority by the contractor and cost towards these items is deemed to be included in the contract price quoted.

16.0 Wherever the canal system is passing through or by the side of Villages, Towns and other habitations ( in respect of canals with bed width of more than 3m only) and suitable steps for domestic uses of the people one for each village at the nearest structure shall be provided by the contractor duly getting the design drawing / proposals approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The width of steps should be a minimum of 3.00 m incase of main canal and 2.00m in distributory system. Out side ramps at an average distance of 2.00 km should be provided in deep cut reaches by the contractor duly getting the design drawing / proposals approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and cost of these items are deemed to be included in the contract price quoted.


17.0 The contract shall provide Hectometer and Kilometer stones of standard design on the main canals and distributories of capacity more than 50 cusecs and cost there of is deemed to be included in the quoted contract price.

18.0 A gravel service road of 5m width and 225 mm thick loose compacted to 150mm thick in one layer compacted with 8 to 10 T power roller shall be provided on the inspection path for pressure main ,Main canal and distributaries .Cost of such service road is deemed to be included in the contract price.

19.0 Catch drains are to be provided wherever necessary to facilitate drainage all along the canals with in the scope of the contract at no extra cost.

20.0 All the crossings of canal system of National High ways, State Highways, R&B Roads, Panchayat Raj Roads, Village roads and all other roads/ Cart tracks shall be provided with suitable bridges as per standards of the respective departments and as per the permissions granted by them. The approaches to these bridges shall be provided as per the standard of their respective departments. The cost of these bridges shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted and no claims whatsoever on this will be entertained.

21.0 If any additional bridges are to be constructed at the request of the employer on any cart tracks / kuntas not finding place in village maps or new bridges sought to cross the canal even though there is no existing road, the contractor is bound to design and execute the above bridges as additional items and cost there of will be paid separately by the engineer –in-charge as per the conditions of contract pertaining to additional items not contingent of main work.

22.0 If the proposed canal system is crossing any existing irrigation canals or channels, supply channels or Sources / Streams to Minor Irrigation tanks, suitable structures are to be provided within the quoted contract price by the contractor.

23.0 If the canal system is crossing HPCL oil pipe lines, GAIL pipe lines, or any other pipe lines, the contractor shall provided suitable crossing in consultation with the authorities concerned after obtaining the approval either by himself or getting them executed by the concerned authorities as a deposit work duly depositing the requisite amount to them. The Engineer-in-Charge will help in processing the proposals to the authorities concerned to obtain their permission. The cost of such crossings shall be deemed to be included in the contract price.

24.0 Diversion of streams that are crossing the proposed canal system into near by stream(s) is not permitted in general. However in exceptional cases, the Engineer-in- Charge may consider such proposals depending upon their feasibility, if the distance between them is not much ( i.e., less than 200 m ) and also if such diversion will not effect the riparian rights of existing or contemplated sources on D/s side.

25.0 The off takes shall not be placed either in heavy embankments or in deep cuts. Surplus escape regulators shall not be provided in deep cut reaches.


26.0 A launching apron of sufficient thickness and the side revetment with the toe wall for a required length shall be provided instead of normal bed pitching & revetment at Downstream of Off takes.

27.0 Falls or drops on distribution should be located where the F.S.L. strikes the general ground level.

28.0 R.R. Masonry / CR masonry Structures shall not be permitted.

29.0 In case of super passages, aqueducts, siphons, the bidder shall provide bridges/Inspection path on one side and foot path on the other side as per standard specifications, I.S. Codes etc.,

30.0 For all the sluices, Regulators, escapes etc., Structural steel structures with suitable hoisting arrangement and required E.M.Parts shall be provided as per approved designs of the competent authority. The hoisting arrangement must be such that the steel gates can be operated by single person. Further all the gates

shall be provided with fool-proof locking arrangement to avoid meddling of gates by miscreants.

31.0 The contractor has to make his own arrangement for dewatering of foundation etc., wherever necessary with in the quoted contract price.

32.0 The concrete mixes to be adopted for all the structures shall be design mixes only and these design mixes shall be conducted in APREL and got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before adoption.

33.0 The contractor shall plant shade giving trees at specified @ 10 M intervals wherever possible in the project area as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall arrange cattle guard to all these plants, provide necessary manner, water them daily and sustain them for three years. If any trees are damaged or lost, he shall replace with new plants and shall maintaining these plants. The contract price quoted by the contractor shall include all these items.

34.0 In case of cross drainage works the contractor shall excavate necessary approach/ Tail channels to these structures to have smooth drainage through the structure. The cost of excavation of such channels shall be borne by the Contractor within quoted contract price. The cost of Land Acquisition for such channels will be borne by the Department.

35.0 Operation Schedule for the Off-takes upto Majors and Regulators with model studies have to be furnished for operation of the sluice and regulator gate.

36.0 R.C.C pipes structures shall not be allowed on Main Canals, branch Canals and Majors having discharge of more than 50 C/S (1.41 Cumecs).

37.0 The bidders should adopt the latest/modern methodologies and State of Art Techniques in the investigation, design of canals, structures lining, etc. and also


construction, measuring devices, operation and maintenance, monitoring mechanism using computers.




1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the instructions to Bidders, General and Special conditions of Contract Technical Specifications and Drawings.

2. The quantities to be given in the Bill of Quantities are to be estimated by the contractor and are given to provide basis for general assessment of value of work done. The quantities are subject to alterations, omissions, deductions or additions as provided for in the conditions of this contract and do not necessarily show the actual quantities of work to be done. The basis of payment will be the percentage payment at various stages of work which would be assessed on quantities measured by the Contractor and verified by the Engineer at such rates and prices as the Engineer-in-Charge may fix.

3. The quoted bid price, except in so-far as it is otherwise provided under the Contract include cost of all constructional material, labour, machinery, transportation, erection, maintenance, profit, taxes and duties together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.

4. The plans enclosed with the tender are liable to be altered during execution of work as per necessity of site conditions. The bid price quoted by the bidder shall hold good for execution of work even with altered plans.

5. The method of measurements of completed work for payment shall be in accordance with the relevant B.I.S. Codes & A. P. S. Specifications.

6. All items of work are to be executed as per the drawings / specifications prepared by the contractor as per the conditions of the contract and approved by the competent authority.

7. The Bidder should inspect and select the quarries of his choice before he quotes the tender satisfy himself about the availability of required quantum of materials.

8. The actual mix proportion by weight to be adopted during execution will be got designed in the laboratories to suit the grade of concrete and mortar to be used. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to manufacture concrete and mortar of required strength.

9. The quantum of measurement for all items of earthwork involving conveyance manually or by machinery shall be as assessed by level measurement. The measurements for the embankment will be for the consolidated banks only.

10. Wherever bailing out of water is involved either for excavation or for foundations or for constructions, the Bid price quoted shall take into account the dewatering charges necessary. No separate payment will be made for dewatering.


11. Wherever embankment work is involved, useful soils from the cutting reaches and diversion drains shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge if used for forming nearby embankments.

12. The quoted Bid price shall also include the work of any kind necessary for the due and satisfactory construction, completion and maintenance of the works

13. according to the drawings and these specifications and further drawings and orders that may be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time. The quoted bid price shall include compliance by the Contractor with all the general conditions of contract, whether specifically mentioned or not in the various clauses of these specifications, all materials, machinery, plant, equipment, tools, fuel, water, strutting, timbering, transport, offices, stores, workshop staff, labour and the provision of proper and sufficient protective works, diversions, temporary fencing and lighting. It shall also include safety of workers, first aid equipments suitable accommodation for the staff and workmen, with adequate sanitary arrangements, the effecting and maintenance of all insurances, the payment of all wages, salaries, fees, royalties / Taxes, duties or other charges arising out of the execution of works and the regular clearance of rubbish, reinstatement and clearing-up of the site as may be required on completion of works safety of the public and protection of the works and adjoining land. The work of Building in quality control / assurance shall be deemed to be covered in the quoted Bid price.

14. The Contractor shall ensure that, the quoted Bid price shall cover all stages of work such as setting out, selection of materials, selection of construction methods, selection of equipment and plant, deployment of personnel and supervisory staff, quality control testing etc. The work quality assurance shall be deemed to be covered in the Bid price.

14 a) The special attention of the bidder is drawn to the conditions in the tender notice, instruction to Bidders wherein reference has been made to the Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications [APSS] and the Standard preliminary specifications containing therein. These preliminary specifications shall apply to the contract to be entered into between the contractor and the Government of Andhra Pradesh and shall form an in-separable condition of the contract along with the estimate. All these documents taken together shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be complimentary to another.

b) The bidder shall examine, closely the A.P.S.S. / MOST and also the standard preliminary specifications contained therein and sign the Superintending Engineer’s office copy of the APSS / MOST and its addenda volume in token of such study before submitting his overall tender percentage which shall be for finished work in-situ. He shall also carefully study the drawings and additional specifications and all the documents, which form part of the contract to be entered into by the successful bidder. The APSS / MOST and other documents connected with contract such as estimate plans, specifications, can be seen on all working days in the office of the Superintending Engineer.


15.0 The Bidders attention is directed to requirements for materials under the clause ‘materials and workmanship’ in the preliminary specifications of APSS. Materials conforming to the Bureau of Indian Standards specifications, APSS etc., shall be used on the work.

16.0 The Bidder has to do his own testing of materials and satisfy himself that they conform to the specifications of respective I.S.I. Codes before tendering.

17.0 The contractor shall himself procure the required construction materials of approved quality including the earth for formation of embankment and water from quarries / sources of his choice. All such quarries / sources of materials required

for the work shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge duly furnishing the test reports in writing well before their use of the work.

18.0 The contractor shall himself procure the steel, cement, Bitumen, Blasting materials, sand, metal, soils, etc., and such other materials required for the work well in advance. The contractor has to bear the cost of materials for conveyance. The department will not take any responsibility for fluctuations in market in cost of the materials, transportation and for loss of materials etc.

19.0 Inspection of site and quarries by the bidder: Every bidder is expected before quoting his Bid price to inspect the site of proposed work. He should also inspect the quarries and satisfy himself about the quality, and availability of materials. The best class of materials to be obtained from quarries, or other sources shall be used on the work. In every case the materials must comply with the relevant standard specifications. Samples of materials as called for in the standard specifications or in this tender notice, Instructions to Bidder or as required by the Executive Engineer, in any case, shall be submitted for the Executive Engineer’s approval before the supply to site of work is begun.

20.0 The Bidder’s particular attention is drawn to the sections and clauses in the A.P. standard specification dealing with

Test, inspection and rejection of defective materials and work.CarriageConstruction plantWater and lightingCleaning up during the progress and for delivery.AccidentsDelaysParticulars of payments.

The contractor should closely peruse all the specification clauses, which govern the overall tender percentage he is tendering.

21.0 The defect liability period of contract is twenty four months.

22.0 The quoted Bid price rates for items shown in the Schedule “A” include all construction materials. No escalation in rates will be paid unless specified in the


tender document. The bidder has to quote Bid price considering all the aspects of the tender to complete the finished item of work as per the APSS / MOST / B.I.S. specifications, the special specifications appended, Drawings etc.

23.0 If there is any contradiction between APSS / MOST and B.I.S. specifications, listed and detailed technical specifications, the latter shall prevail.

24.0 In case of a job for which specifications are not available with the Schedule or in APSS / MOST or B.I.S. code and are required to be prescribed, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the written instructions of the Engineer-in-charge.

25.0 The Contractor would be permitted to use the excavated useful soil and stone for construction purpose at free of initial cost. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for operation such as breaking and crushing the stone to the specified size. The stone used for the entire work in the scope of this contract would be

allowed to utilize for the package work at free of initial cost, the contractor should quote his bid price keeping in view of the above aspect.

26.0 Additions and alternations by the Bidder in the Schedule- A will disqualify the tender.

27.0 In the case of discrepancies between the written description of the item in the Schedule “A” and the detailed description in the specification of the same item, the latter shall be adopted.

28.0 For all items of work, intermediate payment will be made provisionally as per relevant clause. Full-accepted contract rates will be paid only after all the items of works are completed.

29.0 The contractor is bound to execute all supplemental works that are found essential incidental and inevitable during execution of main work without any extra payment.

30.0 Entrustment of Additional Items.

Where ever additional items not contingent on the main work and outside the scope of original contract are to be entrusted to the original contractor dispensing with tenders, the Entrustment of all such items shall be on mutually agreed rates between the contractor and the committee to be constituted by the Government.



NAME OF WORK: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.Sl.No. Mile

stoneDescription %

Progress of work


1 2 3 4 5

11st Detailed Investigation, Soil Exploration, design approvals

preparation of land plan schedules etc for all components of work.

0.2601 0.2601

22nd Detailed Investigation, Soil Exploration, design approvals

preparation of land plan schedules etc for all components of work.

0.6454 0.9055

3 3rd Execution of Approach Channel, Reservoirs. 0.7745 1.6800

4 4th Execution of Approach Channel, Reservoirs, including Surge tanks, Pump houses etc., 1.2909 2.9709

5 5th Execution of Reservoirs, including surge tanks, pump houses 2.3236 5.2945

66th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system. 3.8727 9.1672

7 7th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works distributory systemand surgetanks, pump houses etc. 6.4545 15.6217

88th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system including pressure mains. 10.3272 25.9489

99th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system pressure main and hydro mechanical and electrical works etc.,

10.3272 36.2761

1010th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system pressure main and hydro mechanical and electrical works etc.

12.9090 49.1851

1111th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system pressure main and hydro mechanical and electrical works etc.

12.9090 62.0941

1212th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system pressure main and hydro mechanical and electrical works etc.

7.7454 69.8395


13 13th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works distributory system including tunnel execution. 7.7454 77.5849

1414th Execution of Reservoirs including CM & CD works

distributory system including Tunnel execution. 7.7454 85.3303

1515th Execution of CM & CD works and distribytory system and

Tunnel execution. 7.7454 93.0757

16 16th Execution of CM & CD works, distribytory system. 3.5353 96.6110

17Operation & Maintenance period of 2 years for civil works and 15 years for hydro mechanical and hydro electrical, pressure main works.

3.3890 100.00%

Total (%) : 100.000%Note: The Mile stone Programme will be revised after furnishing the detailed

Estimate and Mile stone programme by the Agency..



S C H E D U L E O F P A Y M E N T – I

NAME OF WORK: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla & Seetharam Sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Rallavagu & Gundlabrahmeswaram to create an IP of 5000 Acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore Districts.

S.No. D e s c r i p t I o n o f I t e m % of bid Amount

1 2 3


Detailed investigation, foundation exploration, Designs, approvals, L.P. Schedules, R&R Proposals, Forest Proposals, FRL Surveys, reservoirs capacity curve tables, Geological reports, clearances, etc., complete.



Excavation of Western Branch Canal from Km.0.000 to Km.22.875 including construction of CM & CD works, distributory system, execution of enroute reservoirs, pressure mains, pump houses, hydro electrical and hydro mechanical works, to create an IP as per Basic Parameters..


3Formation of two independent reservoirs including distributory system to create an IP of 5,000 Acres. 2.7447%


Formation of Seetham Sagar reservoir including distributory system, enroute tunnel execution, to create and IP of 7,500 of Acres. 13.0316%

5 O & M period of two years for civil works and 15 years for hydro mechanical and hydro electrical pressure main works. 3.3889%

  T O T A L 100.00%

Note:- This payment schedule is tentative and is liable for modifications on scrutiny of the detailed Estimates submitted by the agency. The Components and Sub-Components wise breakup of schedules can be finalised at the same time.




In accordance with the provisions and conditions of Bid Notice for the work of “___________________________________________________________”, Sri.______________________________(name & Address of the Contractor) shall deposit with the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole a bank guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful Performance under the said contract an amount of (Amount of Guarantee) (in words)___________________________________________________________

We, the ________________________________________________(Bank or Financial Institution) as requested by the contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligatory and as surety merely, the payment to the Superintending Engineer. Construction Circle, Ongole on his demand without what so ever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Executive Engineer, ………. Division, for recovery of the whole or part of the E.M.D from the contractor under the contract.

We further agree to change add to or other modifications of the forms of the contract or of works to be performed there under or of any of the contract document which may be made between the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole and the contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee and we here by waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:-

If after Bid opening the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid during the period of bid validity specified in the Form of Bid.

If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the Department during the period of validity.

(a) Fails or refuses to execute the Form of Contract in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, if required; or

(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the balance EMD and additional performance Security in accordance with the instructions of Bidders.

We undertake to pay to the Department up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written demand, without the Department having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand the Department will note the amount claimed by him is due to him owning to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.


This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date** …………………… after the dead line for submission of Tenders as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to Tenders or as it may be extended by the Department, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any

demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

Yours truly,

Signature & Seal (Name of the Bank)

WITNESS……………….. SEAL………………………………………………..

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Signature, Name and Address)

* The Bidder should insert the amount of the EMD in words and figures denominated in Indian Rupee. This figure should be the same as shown in the NIT.

** 6 months from the deadline date for submission of Tender [As specified in NIT].



Superintending Engineer, Circle ……………….. (name and address of Department) _______________________________________________

WHEREAS _______________________________ (name and address of Contractor ) (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. ________ dated: ____________ to execute _________________________ [name of Contract and brief description of works] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”);

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a Schedule bank for the sum specified therein as Additional further security bank guarantee for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of Rs._____________________ [amount of guarantee] _________________________________ [in words], such sum being payable and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of ________________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee shall be valid upto and until 28 days from the date completion.

Signature & seal of the Guarantor_____________________

Name of Bank_____________________________________

Address__________________________________________CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER




BANK GUARANTEE FOR MOBILISATION ADVANCEToSuperintending Engineer, ____________________Circle,________________________________________________________________(Name & Address of Contract Authority)Sub :-____________________________________________(Name of the work)Gentlemen:In accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract, Mobilization advance for the above-mentioned Contract, _________ _________________ [name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) shall deposit with ______________________ [name of Department] a bank guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the said Contract for an amount of Rs.___________[amount of guarantee]1 _____________________ ____ ______ ____ ______________(in words).

We, the _______________________[bank], as instructed by the Contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as Surety merely, the payment to ___________________ [name of Department] on his first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Contractor, for the amount not exceeding __________________________ (amount of guarantee)3 __________________________ ____ __ __ ________(in words).

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of works to be performed there under or of any of the Contractor documents which may be made between ____________________ [name of Department] and the Contractor, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment under the Contract until_________________________ [name of Department] receives full repayment of the same amount from the Contractor.

1An amount shall be inserted by the bank representing the amount of the Advance Payment, and denominated in Indian Rupees.CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


Yours truly,Signature and seal:_____________________Name of Bank/Financial Institution:_____________________Address:_____________________Date:_____________________



I, ______________________________________ Thahasildar of

_________________________________________ do hereby certify, on being satisfied

by the Examination of Revenue and other records and local enquiries that

______________ ________________________________ [here the name and address

of the contractor should be mentioned] is solvent to the extent of








I, ______________________________________________ Managing Director /

Manager / General Manager / Agent of

_________________________________________ Bank Limited do hereby certify that

a __________________________________________ _______________________

[here the Names and addresses of the contractor] to be solvent to the extent of

Rs.__________________ [Rupees __________________________

________________________________] as disclosed by the information and record

which are available with the aforesaid bank.

For the ___________________________ Bank



Signature of Bank Manager

[Authorised to Sign]



A) Drawingsi) The drawings furnished by the contractor, even if approved by the employer may

be altered subsequently during execution of work as per necessity of site conditions. The premium quoted by the contractor for various items shall hold good for execution of work even with altered plans.

ii) Required No. of sets of drawings, on the basis of which actual execution of the work is to proceed shall be furnished by the contractor to the Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer progressively according to the work program submitted by the contractor and accepted by the Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer. Drawings for any particular activity shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-charge at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled date of the start of the activity. No extra claims by the contractor toward any change to the drawings issued earlier shall be admissible.

iii) Signed drawings above shall not be deemed to be an order for work unless they entered in the contract or schedule of drawings under proper authentication of the contractor and Executive Engineer or unless they have been sent of the contractor by the Executive Engineer with a covering letter confirming that the drawing in and authority for work in contract.

B)Discrepanciesi) In case of discrepancies between documents the following order of procedure shall


a) Between the written description of written dimensions in the drawings and the corresponding one in the specifications, the latter shall apply.

b) Figured dimensions shall supersede scaled dimensions. The drawings on a larger scale shall take precedence over those on a smaller scale.

c) Drawings issued as construction drawings from time to time shall supersede tender drawings and also the correspondence drawings previously issued.

Note: The contractor should not execute any component of work without obtaining the approval for working drawings. Any work done without drawings shall be at the contractors’ responsibility only. Acceptance for such work will be at the discretion of the Employer.

C) Secrecy ClauseThe drawings and specifications made available to the bidder shall exclusively be used on the work and they are retained from passing on each plan to any unauthorized hand either in parts or in full under the provisions of Section-3 and 5 of the official secrets Act 1923. Any violation in this regard will entail suitable action under appropriate clause or official secret Act 1923.


























The information shall be filled in by the bidder in the check slip and formats enclosed to the technical bid / bid schedules which will be used for the purposes of verification of adequacy of information as well as evaluating the bidder’s compliance to the qualification criteria as provided in the bid schedule. All the formats and check – slip shall be upload by the bidder in to the website and the attested copies of the uploaded statements, certificates, documents, are to be submitted by the bidder on or before 22-12-2008 up to 5.00 P.M at office of the Superintending Engineer, Flood Flow Canal Circle-I,Jagtial, Karimnagar Dist .



a)Whether the bidder is submitting the bid as an individual, Individual /Joint Venture Company or as a Joint Venture (JV)?

b)Incase of Joint Venture

i) Has the bidder identified the lead firm? Yes/Noii) Has the bidder identified the role of the firms that comprise the Joint

Venture? Yes/No

iii) Does your Joint Venture comprise a Public Sector Company? Yes/Noiv) Are there any existing litigation/arbitration case against any

member of the Joint Venture?Yes/No

c)Incase of individual Company

i) Are there any existing litigation/arbitration case against the Company?


d)Is the bidder willing to implement the Project on EPC contract basis? Yes/No




A) Capability of Bidder in case the proposal is submitted individually.

a)Name and Address of the Bidder :Contact PersonTelephone No.Fax No.E-mail Address

b)Type of Organization

c)Corporate deed reference & date of incorporation

d)Shareholding Pattern

e)Field of Work & licensed capacities

f)Existing Man Power along with brief Resume of KeyPersonnelTechnical (Key Personnel)Financial (Key Personnel)Operational & Maintenance (Key Personnel)Others (Key Personnel)

g)Name and Address of Sister Engineering Organization with similar nature of jobs

h)Details of accreditation of quality standards (if available, please specify)

i)General Organizational Chart of Company

j)If the Company has failed to complete any contract or sub-contract, please indicate which one(s), when and why and give detailed explanation on all aspects related with non completion (fines, work problems, compensation etc.)


B) Capability of Bidder in case the application is submitted by a Joint Venture.

1. Name of Joint VentureHead Office addressTelephone No.Fax No.E-mail Address

2. Regional/Local Office addressTelephone No.Fax No.E-mail Address

3. Name of Company leading the Joint Venture

4. Agreement of intent to form a Joint Venture/ (to be attached)Date of agreementPlace

5. Proposed distribution of responsibilities and financial participation of partners:-

Name of CompanyPercentage of

Financial Participation

Percentage / Field of Technical


6. Details of individual members*:


a)Name and Address of the Bidder :Contact PersonTelephone No.Fax No.E-mail Address


b)Type of Organization

c)Corporate deed reference & date of incorporation

d)Shareholding Pattern

e))Field of Work & licensed capacities

f)Existing Man Power along with brief Resume of Key Personnel

Technical (Key Personnel)Financial (Key Personnel)Operational & Maintenance (Key Personnel)Others (Key Personnel)

g)Name and Address of Sister Engineering Organization with similar nature of jobs

h)Details of accreditation of quality standards (if available, please specify)

i)General Organizational Chart of Company

j). If the Company has failed to complete any contract or sub-contract, please indicate which one(s), when and why and give detailed explanation on all aspects related with non completion (fines, work problems, compensation etc.)

*(Similar details should be furnished for all the members of the joint venture. Rating of

each of the members would be used to work out a composite average of Bidder and

Composite average would be used for evaluation purpose).

Signature of the Bidder




1. Proposed detailed investigation, soil exploration, design and engineering organization

2. Proposed site organization

A. Preliminary site organization chart

B. Narrative description of site organization chart

C. Description of relationship between head office and site management*


* Indicate clearly the responsibility and authority which will be delegated to site management.

(Additional sheet (s) may be attached).

Signature of the Bidder



Sector Name (s) AgeYears

of exp.Education



Relevant * experience (Years &

Project Name)






Site Supervision


SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL -Site Staff proposed to be deployed in the project

* A resume for each site staff must be attached as supporting document.

For specific positions essential to contract implementation, the bidder should provide

the proposed deployment of key personnel (for Design and Engineering, Civil

construction, Hydro-mechanical works). Bio-Data of each of the personnel proposed

to be deployed for various activities shall be included in separate sheets for each


Signature of the Bidder



EQUIPMENT DATA – List of Construction equipment, vehicles, survey

instruments, testing equipment etc. available for deployment in the project


(activity wise)

(type, model,


Capacity /

performance /


No. of


Year of

manufacture Period of


Source of major

items @




B Vehicles

C. Survey


D. Testing


The bidder should list out all major equipment, which he proposes to use for construction

works. This should include their numbers, capacities and whether equipment proposed

are to be purchased new or existing equipment is to be used. In respect of existing

equipment, year of manufacture and current ownership is to be stated. Numbers of

above equipment to be deployed during various periods of construction as necessary

considering the construction programme shall also be included.

@ Indicate separately availability; e.g.; owned, leased or to be purchased new.



Financial Capability of bidder in case the proposal is submitted individually. YEAR


a. YEAR (Please mention last five years whose Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts have been finalised duly audited)

b)Total Assetsb1) Fixed Assetsb2) Current Assets

c)Total Liability (Long term Liability + Current Liability)Current LiabilityTotal Loan Liability

d)Working Capitale)Networth (Contributed Capital + Retained Earnings /

Reserves & Surplus)f)Annual Turnoverg)Debt-Equity Ratioh)Profit

h1) Profit before Interest and Taxes (PBIT)h2) Net Profit i.e. Profit after taxes (PAT)

i)Interest payablej)Interest Coverage Ratio (PBIT divided by Interest)k)Liability as %age of Total Assetl)Net Profit : Turnoverm)Net Profit : Capital Employed (Net Worth +

Interest Bearing Loan)n)Net Profit : Total Asseto)Turnover : Total Assetp)Gross Value of Projects in hand/under executionq)Maximum value of one Project/ work executedr)Fund Flow Statuss). Past Experience exhibiting bidder ability to

secure & maintain Financial Guarantees viz. Bank Guarantees, Insurance Guarantees, LC / Lenders Bond etc.

1.0 Whether balance sheets, Profit & Loss account and Fund flow statement for the last 3 years enclosed

Y) Financial credit rating by CRISIL or any other Financial Credit Rating Institution of reputey1) Name and address of Financial Credit Rating Institutiony2) Financial Institution Ratingy3) Interpretation of rating


Note: Audited Annual Reports of the company for the last five years shall be submitted.

Signature of the Bidder

B. Financial Capability of bidder in case the proposal is submitted by a Joint Venture.*



3) YEAR (Please mention last five years whose Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts have been finalized duly audited)

4)Total Assetsb1) Fixed Assetsb2) Current Assets

5)Total Liability (Long term Liability + Current Liability)Current LiabilityTotal Loan Liability

6)Working Capital7)Networth (Contributed Capital + Retained Earnings /

Reserves & Surplus)8)Annual Turnover9)Debt-Equity Ratio10)Profit

h1) Profit before Interest and Taxes (PBIT)h2) Net Profit i.e. Profit after taxes (PAT)

11)Interest payable12)Interest Coverage Ratio (PBIT divided by Interest)13)Liability as %age of Total Asset14)Net Profit : Turnover15)Net Profit : Capital Employed (Net Worth +

Interest Bearing Loan)16)Net Profit : Total Asset17)Turnover : Total Asset18)Gross Value of Projects in hand/under execution19)Maximum value of one Project/ work executed20)Fund Flow Status21)Past Experience exhibiting bidder ability to secure &

maintain Financial Guarantees viz. Bank Guarantees, Insurance Guarantees, LC / Lenders Bond etc.

22) Whether balance sheets, Profit & Loss account and Fund flow statement for the last 3 years enclosed

23) Financial credit rating by CRISIL or any other Financial Credit Rating Institution of reputey1) Name and address of Financial Credit Rating Institutiony2) Financial Institution Rating


y3) Interpretation of rating____________________________________________________________

*(The listed details should be furnished separately for all members of Joint venture for three years)

Note : Audited Annual Reports of the company/members of Joint Venture for the last five years shall be submitted.

Signature of the Bidder.


Name of bankAmount of credit





*(Supporting documents/Certificate to be attached)

Signature of the Bidder.




a. Whether the Bidder has got the Technical Organization

for setting up major water Irrigation Projects ? Yes / No

b. Will the key Technical Personnel available with the Bidder

be deployed on the Project ? Yes / No

c Will the Bidder engage services of some reputable

engineering firm to acquire required technical capability? Yes/ No

d. Has the Bidder enclosed a letters of understanding /

agreement with Consultant Organizations to take up the

design assignment and other assignments by the Bidder? Yes/ No

Signature of the Bidder.



Bidder should indicate identify maximum 1 (one) numbers each of completed and on-going projects and furnish details indicated. In case the bid is submitted by a joint venture, projects of any / all members may be considered.




1 Brief details of the project

2 If the applicant has done the following activities in Water Resources Development Projects, Irrigation Projects, Hydro-Electric Projects meeting qualification and eligibility requirement

A Investigation and soil exploration

Design and Engineering of *i) Con i) construction of Hydro-power station/ Tunnel/Canals

ii) Construction of Pump house.

iii) Fabrication and erection of gates.

iv) Fabrication and erection of Gantry crane.

V) Formation of Approach road and inspection path

vi) Excavation of canals.

vii) Construction of Structures

viii) Instrumentation.

B Procurement of steel, cement and construction equipment.

C Civil Construction of **

Head works.


D Overall Project Coordination / Project Management (furnish details)

* For each of these items bidders should mention relevant technical details like type, quantity etc.

** for each of these structures bidder should mention relevant technical details like total quantity of steel, volume of concreting/fill material involved, size, weight and type of gates, maximum and average rate of monthly progress, total time period for construction (scheduled and actual), total construction cost (in INR).

Signature of the Bidder



(PROJECTS UNDER EXECUTION`)PROJECT DATA SHEET (Separate sheets shall be given for each of the projects)


LOCATION (City and Country) :




Particulars Name of the Company


1 WHICH FIRMS PLAYED THESE ROLES ON THE PROJECT INLUDING APPLICANT’S OWN:Lead DeveloperContractor ( Mention Component)O & M ContractorEquipment SupplierConsultant

2 FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE:Bid Security providedPerformance Security ProvidedValue of work executed till dateBalance value of work to be completed Anticipated monthly financial target for next 2

(two) years3 PERFORMANCE

a) Date of Commencement of workb) Original scheduled date of commissioning

of the projectsc) Expected date of commissioning of the

projects as of nowd) Scheduled Construction Period (months)

Already completed (actual)Reasons of delay ( if any)



Please enclose copy of Letter of Award / Letter of Intent and indicate their reference hereinCONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER



(COMPLETED PROJECTS`)PROJECT DATA SHEET (Separate sheets shall be given for each of the projects)

PROJECT NAME : LOCATION (City and Country) : TYPE : TOTAL COMPLETED COST(Rs. Provided in INR) : Sl. No

Characteristic Description Equity Provided(INR)

1 WHICH FIRMS PLAYED THESE ROLES ON THE PROJECT INLUDING APPLICANT’S OWN:a Lead Developerb Equity Participantc. Debt participantd. EPC Contractore. Contractor ( Mention Component)f. O & M Contractorg. Equipment Supplierh. Consultant

2 FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE:a. Total Equityb. Applicant’s Equityc. Total Debtd. Applicant’s Equitye. Bid Security providedPerformance Security ProvidedConstruction Security ProvidedTime taken for financial closure (Months)

3 PERFORMANCEa. Date of Commencement of workb. Commercial Operation Date (COD)c,.Construction Period (months)

I Original as per Contractii Completed (actual)iii Reasons of delay ( if any)

Operating History (Years) Reasons for delay (if any)




NUMBERS OF OWNER( for reference)Please enclose copy of Letter of Award/Letter of Intent, completion certificate and certificate of satisfactory performance and indicate their reference herein

Signature of the Bidder.




Name of Bidder or partner of a joint venture

Bidders, including each of the partners of a joint venture, should provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed in the last five years and currently under execution. A separate sheet should be used for each partner of a Joint Venture.



Name of client, cause of litigation,And matter in dispute

Disputed amount(current value, Rupees

Signature of the Bidder.



Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed in any one year during the last five financial years by the Bidder. (2003 – 2004 to 2007-2008)

Sl. No. Financial Year Value in Rs. Up date to the Price level 2008-09@ 10% per the year.

1) 2003-2004

2) 2004-2005

3) 2005-2006

4) 2006-2007

5) 2007-2008

Attach certificate from the Executive Engineer counter signed by Superintending Engineer or from Charted Accountant Along with Annual Balance Sheet.

Signature of the Bidder


FORMAT – B. 14Details of satisfactory completion of similar works in the Name of the Bidder as Prime Contractor in any one year during the last five (5) financial Years. The similar works should have been completed by 3/2007.






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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 2003-2004

2. 2004-2005

3. 2005-2006

4. 2006-2007

5. 2007-2008


Attach certificates issued by the E.E. concerned duly countersigned by the S.E., for the above works.

The financial year wise breakup both physical and Financial to be furnished along with the date of completion of the work. (2003- 2004 to 2007-2008)



Quantities executed by the Bidder in the last 5 financial years. ( 2003- 2004 to 2007-2008 )


Year ofwork


Agrt. No.and Date.


Quantities executed




Excavation& Embank-





1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2003-2004

2. 2004-2005

3. 2005-2006

4. 2006-2007

5. 2007-2008

Attach Certificates in Support of the above quantities issued by the E.E. concerned and Countersigned by the Superintending Engineer or Equivalent officers of the State/ Central Govt. Depts. Undertakings.

Signature of the Bidder



Information on Bid Capacity Works for which Tender have been submitted and works which are yet to be completed as on the date of submission of this Tender (To be furnished financial year wise )

A) Existing Commitments and Ongoing Works


Description ofwork

Name &Address ofAgrt. concludingAuthority 

Agrt.N0 & Date.

Value ofContract

Stipulated period of completion Extension of time granted.

Value of Workscompleted

Value ofworksremaining to be completed

Anticipateddate ofcomple-tion.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attach certificates from the Executive Engineer and countersigned by S.E. concerned.

Signature of the Bidder

B) Works for which lenders already submitted


Description ofwork

Name &Address of

Agrt. concludingauthority.

Estimated value

of works.


period of


Date onwhichtender


Date whenDecision is expected


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I, Sri / M/s.______________________________ do hereby solemnly declare that the information furnished is correct and also declare that I/We will abide by any action such as desqualification or blacklisting of determination of Contract or any action deemed fit, if the department detects at any stage that the information furnished is wrong.

Signature of the Bidder



Works executed under EPC Contract System in the last 5 financial years (2002-2003 to 2006-2007)

Sl. No. Name of work

Total value of


Work done so far Balance

Date / Likely date of


Signature of the Bidder:









(DATA SHEETS 1 to 14)


Complete Technical Bid for the implementation of the project, keeping in view the requirements as defined in Special Conditions of Contract, shall be submitted by the bidder with his bid in the form of following submittals. Bidder submitting any alternative proposal shall submit separate set of Data sheets No. 2 to 14.

1. Bidder’s appreciation of the project Data Sheet 1

2. Bidder’s proposed organisational setup for the project for Overall Project Management Survey and detailed Investigation, soil

exploration (Pressure main with allied works, Main canal, Distributaries minors and sub- minors and structures)

Design and engineering services (Civil, works, - Commissioning

Data Sheet 2

3. Bidder’s Proposal for the project components along with drawings

Data Sheet 3

4. Management of design and engineering services Data Sheet 4

5. Construction methodology of different components proposed Data Sheet 5

6. Hydro-Mechanical Equipment Proposed Data Sheet 6

7. Surge Protection Device and Hydraulic Equipment Proposed along with Details

Data Sheet 7

8. Electrical and Mechanical Equipment and Control System Proposed

Data Sheet 8


9. Proposed deployment of Key personnel Data Sheet 9

10. Proposed deployment of construction equipment Data Sheet 10

11. Proposed subcontractors Data Sheet 11

12. Proposed sourcing of key materials Data Sheet 12

13. Proposed construction schedule of the project Data Sheet 1314. Quality Control and Quality Assurance system proposed for the

project Data Sheet 14

Bidder’s Appreciation of the Project Data Sheet – 1

This should also consist of a report on the Bidder’s appreciation of the project, which

should include a section on the site inspection carried out prior to bidding, and

demonstrate awareness and understanding of all the principle technical and logistic

aspects related to project construction.


Bidder’s Proposed Organizational Setup For The Project Data Sheet – 2

The bidder should provide the following information.

A. Preliminary organization chart for

Overall Project Management Survey and detailed Investigation, soil exploration (Pressure main with allied

works, Main canal, Distributaries minors and sub- minors and structures) Design and engineering services (Civil, - works) Execution of Civil works, Quality Assurance System Testing and Commissioning

B. Narrative description of organization chart

C. Description of relationship between Head Office and Site Management


Project Components Proposed along with Drawings Data Sheet – 3

The bidder shall submit, descriptions of proposed project components, adhering to the basic

parameters indicated in the bid document along with relevant drawings. The information

should be submitted in sufficient details to allow an assessment of the general adequacy of

the Bidder’s proposal. Sketches, drawings and diagrams along with salient design details,

where necessary should be included.


Management of Design and Engineering Services Data Sheet – 4

The bidder shall submit descriptions of proposed management of Design and engineering

services and sequences to be used for the same. Key Design and Engineering activities,

Key experts for the same and their deployment schedule should be identified and

described. This information shall be given separately for civil, hydro-mechanical, electro-

mechanical works, and SCADA control system.


Construction Methodology of Different Components Proposed

Data Sheet – 5

The bidder shall submit in brief descriptions of proposed methods, sequences, facilities

and layouts to be used for execution of Civil system. This should cover the following:

- Working facilities- Infrastructure works - Civil Works

The information submitted should be such as to allow an assessment of the general

adequacy of the Bidder’s proposal. The information shall include number and

classification of manpower, equipment and materials proposed to be deployed for each

of the main activities.


Hydro-Mechanical Equipment Proposed Data Sheet – 6

The bidder should submit the details of Hydro-Mechanical Equipment Proposed


Surge Protection Device and Hydraulic Equipment Proposed along with Details

Data Sheet – 7

The bidder should submit the Surge Protection Device and Hydraulic Equipment Proposed along with Details


Electrical and Mechanical Equipment and Control System Proposed

Data Sheet – 8

The bidder should submit the Electrical and Mechanical Equipment and Control System Proposed along with Details


Proposed deployment of Key Personnel Data Sheet – 9

For specific positions essential to contract implementation, the bidder should provide the

proposed deployment of key personnel (for Design and Engineering, Civil construction,

works). Bio-Data of each of the personnel proposed to be deployed for various activities

shall be included in separate sheets for each candidate.


Proposed Deployment of Construction Equipment Data Sheet – 10

The bidder should list out all major equipment, which he proposes to use for construction works.

This should include their numbers, capacities and whether equipment proposed are to be

purchased new or existing equipment is to be used. In respect of existing equipment, year of

manufacture and current ownership is to be stated. Numbers of above equipment to be deployed

during various periods of construction as necessary considering the construction programme shall

also be included.

The following format shall be used for this purpose:

Activity Description of


(type, model,


Capacity /



No. of each


Year of


Period of


Source *

* Indicate availability e.g. owned, leased or to be purchased new.


Proposed Subcontractors Data Sheet – 11

The bidder shall list out the proposed subcontractors. The information shall be submitted

in the following format. The subcontractors(s) proposed to be associated for respective

category of work, must have experience of planning and construction of similar type of

work at least in one project costing not less than 50% of the proposed value of work

proposed to be sublet.

Section of works Name(s) & address(es) of


Description & Location of

similar works Previously


* Relevant experience certificates from competent authority should be enclosed.


Proposed Sourcing of Key Materials Data Sheet – 12

The bidder shall submit, in outline, descriptions of proposed sourcing of key materials

covering at least following:

Cement Reinforcing steel

Structural steel Explosives

Aggregates Admixtures


Proposed Construction Schedule of the Project Data Sheet – 13

The bidder shall submit a construction program in bar chart form – together with

corresponding critical path network, which starts at the date of commencement and shows in

details all the key activities.


An Outline of Quality Control and Quality Assurance System Proposed for the Project

Data Sheet – 14

The bidder shall submit, in outline, description of proposed quality control and quality

assurance system for the implementation of the project. This shall also include the proposed

testing laboratories with the testing equipment, key personnel for field quality control and

inspection and laboratory work.




NW: Investigation, design and excavation of Western Branch canal taking

off at Km.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including construction of tunnel,

CM&CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and

pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of

reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla, & Seetharam sagar and also formation of

independent reservoirs of Ralla vagu & GundlaBrahmeswaram to create an

IP of 5000 acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore districts.



1. Approach channel including lining for a length of 100 mts (tentative) taking off at Km 25.465 of Eastern Main Canal to carry the discharge of

29.50 Cumecs to feed the Ayacut of 58,500 Acres.


2. Lift System to Prakasam District to command an Ayacut of 25,600 Acres.

a) Lift 1: From tail end of Approach Channel to Turimella Reservoir. Location of Pump House: @ tail end of Approach channel

Water to be lifted: 2.80 TMC. Ayacut: 25,600 Ac. Total Number of Pumps: 3 Nos. Capacity of Each Pump: 1800 HP (1.34 MW). Type of Pump: Vertical Turbine Pump. Combined Efficiency of the Motors and Pumps : 89%. Static Head: 34.00M. Discharge to be delivered through Pressure Mains: 10.20 Cumecs.


Location of Pressure main connecting the pump house: From Lift-1 to Turimella

Reservoir b) Lift 2: From tail end of canal taking off from Turimella Reservoir to Racherla Tank. Location of Pump House: @ tail end of canal taking off

from Turimella Reservoir. Water to be lifted: 2.07 TMC Ayacut: 19,600 Ac Total Number of Pumps: 3 Nos. Capacity of Each Pump: 1100 HP (0.82 MW). Type of Pump: Vertical Turbine Pump. Combined Efficiency of the Motors and Pumps : 89%. Static Head: 21.80M. Discharge to be delivered through Pressure Mains: 7.54 Cumecs. Location of Pressure main connecting the pump house: From Lift2 to

Racherla tank Dia of Pressure Main: 2.20 M (Mild steel) Length of Pressure Main: 2800 M

c) Lift 3: From tail end of canal taking off from Racherla tank to canal with Full Supply Level of +265.00M.

Location of Pump House: @ tail end of canal taking off from Racherla tank.

Water to be lifted: 1.910 TMC. Ayacut: 17,600 Ac. Total Number of Pumps: 3 Nos. Capacity of Each Pump: 1200 HP (0.90 MW). Type of Pump: Vertical Turbine Pump. Combined Efficiency of the Motors and Pumps : 89%. Static Head: 31.00 M. Location of Delivery Cistern: @ Km.14.80(Tentative). Discharge to be delivered through Pressure Mains: 6.96 Cumecs Location of Pressure main connecting the pump house: From Lift3 to

delivery cistern @ Km.14.80 (tentative) Dia of Pressure Main: 2.10 M (Mild steel) Length of Pressure Main: 600 M


3. Lift System to Kadapa and Nellore Districts to command an Ayacut of 32,900 Acres.

Lift 4: From tail end of Approach Channel to a suitable location near Giddalur after crossing SCR with ground level of +265.00 M

Part-1: a) Towards Kalasapadu Major in Kadapa district. Location of Pump House: @ tail end of Approach channel Water to be lifted: 1.780 TMC. Ayacut: 15,800 Ac. Total Number of Pumps: 3 Nos. Capacity of Each Pump: 5500 HP (4.10 MW). Type of Pump: Vertical Turbine Pump. Combined Efficiency of the Motors and Pumps : 89%. Static Head: 60.00 M. Location of Delivery Cistern: @ Km.21.60(Tentative). Discharge to be delivered through Pressure Mains: 10.82 Cumecs. Location of Pressure main connecting the pump house: From Lift4 to

delivery cistern @ Km21.60 (Tentative) Dia of Pressure Main: 2.60 M (Mild steel) Length of Pressure Main: 21600 M b) Kalasapadu Major (Distributory net work): 15,800 Ac

Part-2: a) For Porumamilla Major in Kadapa district and Seetharam sagar Reservoir in Nellore district. Location of Pump House: @ tail end of Approach channel Water to be lifted: 2.08 TMC. Ayacut: 17100 Ac. Total Number of Pumps: 3 Nos. Capacity of Each Pump: 5500 HP (4.10 MW). Type of Pump: Vertical Turbine Pump. Combined Efficiency of the Motors and Pumps : 89%. Static Head: 60.00 M. Location of Delivery Cistern: @Km21.60(Tentative) Discharge to be delivered through Pressure Mains: 10.80 Cumecs Location of Pressure main connecting the pump house: From Lift4 to

delivery cistern @ Km21.60 (Tentative)


Dia of Pressure Main: 2.60 M (Mild steel) Length of Pressure Main: 21600 M. b) Porumamilla Major (Distributory net work): 9,600 Ac


1. Turimella Reservoir: a. Water storage capacity at FRL: 2.453 TMC. b. Maximum flood discharge: 6500 Cusecs. c. No. of Head Sluices: 1 No. d. Discharge capacity of Head Sluice: 13.00 Cumecs.

2. Gravity Canal including lining from Turimella Reservoir. Location: Taking off from Turimella Reservoir. Discharging Capacity: 13.00 Cumecs. Ayacut: 6000 Acres.

3. Racherla Tank: a. Water storage capacity at FTL: 0.05 TMC. b. Maximum flood discharge: - c. No. of Head Sluice: 1 No. d. Discharge capacity of Head Sluices: 10.00 Cumecs.

4. Gravity Canal including lining from Racherla Tank.Location: Taking off from Racherla Tank.Discharging Capacity: 10.00 Cumecs.Ayacut: 2000 Acres.

5. Gravity Canal including lining after Lift - 3. Location: Taking off after Lift – 3. Discharging Capacity: 8.98 Cumecs. Ayacut: 17,600 Acres.

6. Seetaramasagar Reservoir: a. Water storage capacity at FRL: 1.00 TMC. b. Maximum flood discharge: - c. No. of Head Sluices: 2 Nos. d. Discharge capacity of Head Sluices: 3.50 Cumecs. e. Ayacut: 7500 Acres.


a. Approach Channel from Porumamilla Major to inlet of Tunnel to feed Seetharamsagar Reservoir.

Location: From Porumamilla Major.Discharging Capacity: 3.50 Cumecs.

b. Tunnel (with VRCC lining) from tail end of Approach Channel for Seetharamsagar Reservoir. Location: Inlet at tail end of Approach channel.Discharging Capacity: 3.50 Cumecs.Length: 9.00 KM. (Tentative)

c. Feeder Channel from exit of Tunnel to feed Seetharamsagar Reservoir.

Location: Exit of Tunnel.Discharging Capacity: 3.50 Cumecs.

Independent Reservoirs

1. Gundla Brahmeswaram ReservoirA. Head works:

a. Water storage capacity at FRL: 0.415 TMC. b. Maximum flood discharge: 19,000 Cusecs. c. No. of Head Sluices: 2 Nos. d. Discharge capacity of Head Sluices: 2.00 Cumecs.

e. Ayacut: 3500 Ac

2. Rallavagu Reservoir A. Head works:

a. Water storage capacity at FRL: 0.138 TMC. b. Maximum flood discharge: 9,960 Cusecs. c. No. of Head Sluices: 1 No. d. Discharge capacity of Head Sluice: 1.00 Cumecs.

e. Ayacut: 1500 Ac

3. Supplementation of water from Porumamilla Major to Racheruvu tank of

Rajupalem of Kalasapadu Mandal to stabilize the existing ayacut of 1800






Objective :

The Veligonda Projects envisages drawl of 43.50 TMC of water from foreshore of

Srisailam Reservoir through a tunnel and Link Canal and store the same the Nallamala Sagar

being formed by closing the three existing natural gaps namely Sunkesula, Gottipadia and

Kakarla with FRL at +244.00M in Nallamala Hill Ranges to provide irrigation facilities to 4.38

lakh acres (ID crops) and drinking water facility to about 15 lakh people in the districts of

Prakasam, Nellore and Kadapa spreading over 29 mandals.

The stage-I works of Veligonda Project envisages drawl of about 10.70TMC of water

from Kollamvagu, the foreshore of Srisailam Reservoir located at 4.50Km upstream of the

Srisailam Dam through an approach channel, a tunnel of 7Mt dia and of length 18.800Km and

Feeder Canal of length of 23.36Km to feed Nallamala Sager Reservoir with FRL +229.00M by

closing of three gaps, Sunkesula, Gottipadia and Kakarla and excavation of three canals namely

Teegaleru, Gottipadia and part of Eastern Canal to provide irrigation facilities to 1,19,000 Acres

Rabi I.D. irrigation in ten mandals of Prakasam District simultaneously providing drinking water

to a population of four lakhs through the following canal system.

The Hydraulic Particulars of the various components of the project for Stage-I are as


(I) Approach Channel :

Length : 0.100Km

FSL At Start: +266.70

At End : +266.69

Bed Level At Start: +257.70

At End : +257.69

(II) Tunnel -I:

Length : 18.80 Km

Diameter : 7.00 M

Capacity : 0.246 TMC/day

Sill Level : +257.19 M



At End : +250.812


(III) Feeder Canal :

FSL : +246.115

Bed Level : +242.115

Bed Width : 6.00 M

FSD : 4.00 M

Length of Canal: 22.00 M

Bed Fall : 1 in 4000

Value of ‘n’ : 0.025

Slopes : 1:1

(IV) Teegaleru Canal :

Bed Width : 6.00 M

FSD : 3.00 M

Length of Canal: 49.15 Km

Bed Fall : 1 in 12,000

Value of ‘n’ : 0.025

Slopes : 1:1

Nallamala Reservoir :

Ultimate Stage Stage-I

(V) Sunkesula Gap FRL + 244.00M +229.00M

TBL +248.00M +230.00M

(VI) Gottipadia Gap FRL + 244.00M +229.00M

TBL +248.00M +230.00M

(VII) Kakarla Gap FRL + 244.00M +219.00M

TBL +248.00M +220.00M

(VIII) Gottipadia Canal : H.Ps from 0.0 to7.5 7.5 to 12.875Km

Discharge R/D : 4.25/4.698 2.00/2.187

Bed Width : 4.00 M 3.00 M

FSD : 1.60 M 1.20 M

Surface Fall : 1 in 12,000 1 in 12,000

Side Slopes : 1:1 1:1

Value of ‘n’ : 0.018 0.018

Velocity : 0.524M/Sec 0.433M/Sec

Canal Bed Level Start : 210.00 155.245CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER


FSL Start : 211.60 156.545

TBL Start : 212.05 156.845


(IX) Link Canal :

Discharge Required : 12.637 M3/Sec

Bed Width : 4.00 M

FSD : 2.70 M

Surface Fall : 1 in 6,000

Side Slopes : 1:1

Value of ‘n’ : 0.018

(X) Eastern Canal :

Discharge at Head : 12.637 Cumecs

Section at Head : 4M x 2.7M

Ayacut at Head : 47,500 Acs.

(XI) Other components under stage-II are as follows:

a. Tunnel – II :- Length : 18.80 Km

Diameter : 9.20M

b. Feeder Canal & Link Canal for ultimate discharge.

c. Execution of Eastern Main Canal up to 44.624 Km for ultimate.

d. Execution of Eastern Main Canal up to beyond 44.625 Km. up to tail end of

Udayagiri Branch Canal.

e. Execution of Western Branch canal including enroute and new reservoir.

f. Formation of Peddireddypalli Reservoir.

g. Formation of Seetharam Sagar.

h. Rain fall:- Maximum: 884.70 MM

Minimum: 389.80 MM

i. Proposed Cropping Pattern :

Ground Nut 50%: 59,500 Ac.

Sunflower 20% : 23,800 Ac.

Pulses 30% : 35,700 Ac.


j. Systems Requirement :

Required number of Rain Gauge Stations in the Command Area

Operation Module

Flood operation Module

Ayacut Register, S.No. wise, block wise

Power system with standby generators

Measuring devices

Computer Systems

Communication System

Lighting arrangements

Flood fore cast system






1.0 The bidder should quote the total contract price in the template provided online.

The Bidders should also fill up the same total contract price and submit a Letter

of Tender as per the format placed at Annexure FP1. The Lump sum price in the

Letter of Tender shall be the Contract Price. In case of any discrepancy between

the price quoted on line and in the prescribed formats of Volume-I Price Bid

including letter of Tender, then the price quoted in the template provided on line

only will be the contract price and will be considered for evaluation.

2.0 The bidders are to note that payments of the contract amount will be paid as per

the payment schedule appended in this section as Annexure-2.

3.0 The Bidders shall quote the prices both in figure and words.

4.0 The prices quoted in all the formats shall be in Indian Rupees only.

5.0 The service charges payable to M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd., is as indicated below:

Transaction fee of Rs.28,700 /- includes all taxes the transaction fee is payable by each

bidder through online in favour of C1 India Private Limited, Hyderabad at the time of bid





TO_____________________________________________________________Dear Sir,Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, examined the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Special Conditions of contract, Basic Parameters of the proposed Scheme and Addendum Nos.________ for the above-mentioned works. We have examined, understood and checked these documents and have ascertained that there are no ambiguity in the Employer’s Requirements .We accordingly offer detailed investigation, soil exploration, design, execution and complete the works and remedy any defects therein, operation and maintenance for 2(two) years for civil works and 15 years for Hydro-Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical works after successful commissioning of the project in conformity with such documents and our enclosed Tender (including this letter) for the lump-sum price as given here under.

We agree to complete the work of___________________________________ ___________________ as per Employers requirements at a lump-sum price of Rs. ________________________________ ( in words and in figures) We agree to abide by this Tender until_________________ and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before that date. If this offer is accepted, we will provide the specified Performance Security, Commence the Works within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance, and complete the works in accordance with the above named documents within the time stipulated for completion. We guarantee that the Works will then conform with the performance security included in this Tender.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive.

Signature ________________ in the capacity of _________________________

Duly authorized to sign tenders for and on behalf of _______________________

Address:_________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

** In case of any discrepancy between the price quoted online and in supporting documents uploaded, then the Price quoted in the template provided online only would be considered for evaluation.




Name of Work : Investigation, design and excavation of Western Branch canal taking off at Km.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including construction of tunnel, CM&CD works, distributory system, pump houses, delivery cisterns and pressure mains to create an IP of 58,500 Acres by lift including formation of reservoirs of Turimella, Racherla, & Seetharam sagar and also formation of independent reservoirs of Ralla vagu & GundlaBrahmeswaram to create an I.P of 5000 acres in Prakasam, Kadapa and Nellore districts.

tem No.

Description of Item Specifications

Amount in Figures

Amount in Words

1 Investigation.Conducting survey and detailed investigation, preparation of hydraulic particulars, design, drawings and estimates for Western branch canal Lift Irrigation Scheme for project components of Lift systems with all electrical and mechanical components, surge protection systems and all control valves for lifting not less than 2.80 TMC of water in stipulated period in 3 stages from approach channel taking off at km 25.465 of Eastern main canal to create an IP of 25600 acres in Prakasam District and 3.86 TMC of water from approach channel taking off at km 25.465 of Eastern main canal to create an IP of 32900 acres in Kadapa and Nellore Districts including formation of Tuirimella, Racherla and Sitarama Sagar Reservoirs and also formation of independent reservoirs Gundlabramheshwaram and Rallvagu to create an IP of 5000 acres including construction of CM&CD works and distributory system to carry the discharge required during crop period as per modified penman method as contemplated in detailed project report with components given below and getting approvals from the competent authorities as per design criteria of Irrigation department, relevant I.S. Codes, CWC manuals and circulars issued by the department from time to time including all operations for completion of work with following operations.

Detailed investigation and sub soil exploration Investigation, design and drawings for lift systems and connected pipe lines and Electro

Mechanical and Hydraulic components. Fixing of I.P stones and bench mark stones and transferring the values. Preparation of Hydraulic particulars and obtaining approval from competent authority. Fixing FRL contour in all reservoirs and fixing boundary stones @ 100m intervals. Conducting FRL survey and preparation of area capacity tables for all the reservoirs. Preparation of land plan schedules including preparation of houses etc coming under approved

alignment of lift component, pipelines, feeder channel reservoir bunds, foreshore of reservoirs, surplus courses distributaries for submission to land acquisition officer by department.

Identification of quarries and borrow areas for construction materials and obtaining approval from competent authority.

Preparation of detailed estimates and obtaining approval from competent authority. As p

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Submission of program, action plan for entire package, submission of weekly reports, monthly reports and maintenance of require records including online progress reports.

Preparation of reports in hard copies and soft copies for submission to department for obtaining approval to competent authority.


Supplying, testing, erection and commissioning of necessary lift systems with all Electrical & Mechanical components, surge protection systems, delivery cisterns, pressure mains(Mild steel),all control valves to carry required discharge during crop period as per Modified Penman method for lifting 2.80 TMC of water in 3 stages to create an I.P of 25,600 Acres in Prakasam district and 3.86 TMC of water in single stage through two separate Pressure mains (Mild steel) to create an I.P of 25,400 Acres in Kadapa district and 7,500 Acres in seethrampuram mandal of Nellore district including formation of Turimella, Racherla and Seetharama sagar reservoirs and also formation of two independent reservoirs namely Gundla Brahmeswaram and Ralla vagu to create an I.P of 5000 Acres in Prakasam district including construction of CM&CD works and distributory system to carry discharge required during crop period as per modified Penman method as contemplated in detailed project report of Veligonda project.

I. Drawl of water from approach channel to intake sump. Pump house at intake

II. Lift systems. Prakasam district:

Approach channel including C.C lining (M15) (with Paver) taking off from Eastern Main canal @Km.25.465.

Lifting of water in three stages to create an IP of 25600 acres in Prakasam district. Stage-I: From approach channel including C.C lining (M15) (with Paver) to Turimella

Reservoir. Formation of Turimella Reservoir. Gravity canal including C.C lining (M15) (with Paver) from Turimella Reservoir to the

intake sump at lift-II. Stage-II: From tail end of gravity canal to Racherla tank. Pressure main (Mild steel) from Lift-II to Racherla Tank. Formation /Improvements to Racherla Tank. Gravity canal including C.C lining (M15) (with Paver) from Racherla tank to intake sump at

lift-III. As p

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Kadapa district and Nellore district:: Lifting of water in single stage through two separate pressure mains to create an IP of

15,800 Acres in Kalasapadu mandal and 17,100 Acres in Porumamailla and sitarampuram Mandals of Kadapa and Nellore districts.

Two Pressure mains (Mild steel) from lift-IV of length Km.21.60 (Tentative). Two majors namely Porumamilla and Kalsapadu from the tail end of Pressure mains. Approach channel from Porumamilla major to inlet of Tunnel to feed Seetharamsagar

reservoir. Tunnel including Lining (VRCC GRADE) from tail end of Approach channel for

Seetharamsagar Reservoir. Feeder channel from the exit of Tunnel to feed Seetharam sagar reservoir. Formation of Seetharam sagar reservoir. Construction of required number of Head sluices for reservoir including shutter

arrangements, motors, electrification arrangements & protection sheds for motors etc.. Construction of distributory net work system including CM&CD works to serve an Ayacut

of 32,900 Acres in Kadapa district. Electrical transmission lines from 132/11 KV substations to pumping stations etc.

III. Formation of Independent Reservoirs: Formation of two independent Reservoirs namely Gundla Brahmeswaram and Rallavagu. Construction of required number of Head sluices for reservoirs including shutter

arrangements, motors, electrification arrangements & protection sheds for motors etc Construction of distributory net work system including CM&CD works to serve an Ayacut

of 5000 Acres in Prakasam district.IV. Supplementation of water from Porumamilla Major to Racheruvu tank of Rajupalem of Kalasapadu Mandal to stabilize the existing ayacut of 1800 Acres. V. Formation of embankments wherever necessary with 98 % proctors density including construction of head sluice, off take sluices, CM&CD works. Plantation of non fruit bearing wide sheltered selected variety of draught resistant plants

including cattle guards all along the main canal branch canals, Majors, Minor distributaries on either side at 10M interval.

As p

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Note:1. The bidder shall quote a lump sum amount for the captioned work irrespective of percentage of components of work.2. In case of any discrepancy between the over all contract prices quoted in words and figures, the price quoted in words shall prevail.3. The Ayacut shown in the index plan is for guidance only and the actual alignments (pipe line, earthen bunds and canals etc.) S.No wise, village wise Ayacut details

should be prepared and the approval for Ayacut details from competent authority is to be obtained.4. The Ayacut of the scheme is tentatively arrived at 63500 acres. If there is any decrease or increase in the extent as per above approved extent cost deduction or extra

cost will be made as the case may be as percentage of the corresponding component for the difference in Ayacut as per IBM estimate + or – tender premium. 5. In case of decrease/increase in length of pipe line against the length provided in internal bench mark, cost deduction/extra cost will be made as the case may be as

percentage of the corresponding component for the difference in length of pipe line + or – tender premium.