Week 3 Acts 9, 11, and 12 tell us about Paul’s early life after his conversion. Read those chapters, looking for mentions of Paul (the narrative will jump back and forth from Paul to Peter). The following questions are based on those 3 chapters. Understanding the Texts 1. What was the first thing that Paul did after his conversion and baptism? 2. What was Paul’s message that he was proving? (See Acts 9:20, 22) 3. How does the author describe Paul’s preaching? 4. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. As you look at Paul’s life after conversion, how do you see this to be true in him? 5. There seem to be two main responses to Paul’s preaching of the gospel in these chapters. What are they? 6. What ministerial roles do you see Paul fulfilling in these chapters? What seems to be his main focus? 7. What role did Barnabas play in Paul’s life after his conversion? Application 1. Think back to your life as an early believer. What fruit did you have? How have you grown since then? 2. How are you serving the church? What are your main roles in ministry? 3. What message(s) are you proclaiming (if any)? How does Paul’s life as a new believer challenge or encourage your walk with Christ and your witness to the world? 4. Look at Acts 9:31. How is this an example to you as a believer? What about as a church member? Digging Deeper 1. What did you learn from the lecture last week? 2. What are the main points/themes in these chapters? 3. There isn’t a reference that tells us exactly how long of a time gap passed between Paul’s conversion and the

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Week 3Acts 9, 11, and 12 tell us about Paul’s early life after his conversion. Read those chapters, looking for mentions of Paul (the narrative will jump back and forth from Paul to Peter). The following questions are based on those 3 chapters.

Understanding the Texts1. What was the first thing that Paul did after his conversion and baptism? 2. What was Paul’s message that he was proving? (See Acts 9:20, 22)3. How does the author describe Paul’s preaching? 4. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. As you look at Paul’s life after conversion, how do you see this to

be true in him?5. There seem to be two main responses to Paul’s preaching of the gospel in these chapters.

What are they? 6. What ministerial roles do you see Paul fulfilling in these chapters? What seems to be his

main focus? 7. What role did Barnabas play in Paul’s life after his conversion?

Application1. Think back to your life as an early believer. What fruit

did you have? How have you grown since then?2. How are you serving the church? What are your main

roles in ministry? 3. What message(s) are you proclaiming (if any)? How

does Paul’s life as a new believer challenge or encourage your walk with Christ and your witness to the world?

4. Look at Acts 9:31. How is this an example to you as a believer? What about as a church member?

Digging Deeper1. What did you learn from the lecture last week?2. What are the main points/themes in these chapters? 3. There isn’t a reference that tells us exactly how long of

a time gap passed between Paul’s conversion and the start of his ministry. However, Galatians 1:16-17 does give us some insight. Paul was not the first one to be temporarily set aside in order for the Lord to prepare him for the work He called him to. What other heroes of the faith can you think of that had to wait on the Lord before beginning their ministry? How does this apply to you and your life today?

4. These chapters tell us the places that Paul traveled during his early converted life. On the map, draw a line that represents Paul’s travels as narrated by these chapters. If it helps, mark the appropriate Scripture reference by the city. You also can look at Galatians chapter 1 for more clarity.

5. What qualities would you use to describe the early church and its members? How do you see them working together for the Lord and serving each other? (cite Scripture references).