1 By Pakistan Planning Commission Vision 2030

Vision 2030

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Page 1: Vision 2030



Pakistan Planning Commission

Vision 2030

Page 2: Vision 2030


• What the Vision Is?

• Statement of the Vision 2030

• Introduction to Vision 2030. Why Year 2030?

• Focus points of Vision 2030

• The Consensus Points of Vision 2030

• The Challenges to Vision 2030

• Conclusion2

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Vision 2030

• How Pakistan should look like in the year 2030?

• What type of Pakistan Economic Survey 2030?


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What the Vision Is?

• A Vision is like a dream but one which is experienced with both eyes opened and one’s feet on the ground.

• A nation must know where it want to go? What will be its vision.

• Two Year Consultation on Vision 2030. It was finalized on 31st May 2007.

• The 1st long term plan in the history of Pakistan

• It presents a strategic framework for overcoming obstacles and challenges standing in the way of preferred future chosen by the people of Pakistan.


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Statement of Vision 2030

“Developed , Industrialized, Just and Prosperous Pakistan through Rapid and Sustainable

Development in a Resource Constrained Economy by Deploying Knowledge Inputs.”


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Why Vision 2030?Why Vision 2030?

• One Generation Vision

• A child entering in education today will be productive member of society

• Water Scarcity

• Oil production problem

• Ageing Problem in Pakistan

• So Pakistan should have to place itself in the global framework to tackle all these issues


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Focus Points of Vision Statement

• Developed and Industrialized

• Sustainability

• Resource Constraint

• Knowledge Input


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Vision 2030

1. Six broad thematic groups in Vision 2030

2. Vision Process focused on following four levels mainly:

• The nature of the State

• The nature of the Economy

• The nature of the Society

• The Global Imperatives

• Energy Issues

• Education Issues

• Health Issues


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Main Consensus Points of Vision 2030

• Growth plus Improvement in quality of life(7-8%)

• Per Capita Income to reach $1200, 20th largest economy in the world (USD, 1000 billion size).

• Tolerant and Productive Society

• Rule of law in all walks of life

• Freedom of Enterprise and innovation

• Employment as the central theme of all social and economic policies

• Elimination of absolute poverty and social protection for weak people

• To generate and absorb knowledge and technology for the well being of all.


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• To take advantage of globalization

• To Re-design the structure of state and instruments of government

• To maximize the benefits of demographic changes while avoiding the pitfalls

• To prepare for climate change and its unfavorable implications

• To minimize wastage of natural resources: Inter-generational equality

• To Achieve significant break through in Education, Health , Employment and Energy


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• Population

• Employment

• Resources

• Food and Agriculture

• Energy

• Rural and Urban Dimensions

• Sustainability

• The Race for Talent


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Concluding Remarks

• In 2030, Pakistan will be a better educated, better fed and better served by the state in which their participation will be greater than in the past because of much improved instruments of state and government.

• In 2030, Pakistan’s people have better quality of life. They should have better health, education, protection and security etc

• Till 2030, Pakistan should change itself according to changing Global environment

• Mainly all stake holders agree that whatever the past was, Pakistan should have to change now. It must change to mange the reality of global competition.


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In 2030………..• In 2030, Pakistan will be the world’s fifth most populous country with an estimated

• 230 to 260 million people. It will emerge as a major economic power, and will be ranked among the top twenty countries on the basis of a 7-8 percent sustained growth. Its GDP is expected to be $1000 billion, with per capita incomes of around USD 13,000 in current PPP terms.


• Pakistanis will enjoy a high quality of life in both rural and urban areas. Absolute poverty will be largely eliminated, and social protection will be available to every citizen.


• Its people in the under -25 age group will have an average of 10 years of education, while tertiary enrolments will grow to 20 percent of the 17-23 years age cohort.


• Pakistan will be transformed into a knowledge-based economy, harnessing technology to its advantage. The innovation, productivity, and enterprise of its people, in the context of appropriate economic and social environment, will make Pakistan a major regional hub for industry, education, services and the arts.


• Pakistan will have taken its first steps in space, having earlier launched its own communication and resource mapping satellites, and manned space modules.


• Pakistan will be an active player in regional and international cooperation, with a competitive enabling environment for innovation and investment.


• Pakistan will be a just and prosperous society, at peace with itself and the rest of the world.


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