4/9/13 1 Part 2. Faith Formation with Emerging Adults John Roberto, LifelongFaith Associates Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . grow in their relationship with God throughout their lives live as disciples of Jesus Christ at home, in the workplace, in the community and the world develop an understanding of the Bible and their faith tradition deepen their spiritual life and practices engage in service and mission relate the Christian faith to life today participate in the life and ministries of the faith community

Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their

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Page 1: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



Part  2.  Faith  Formation  with  Emerging  Adults  

 John  Roberto,  LifelongFaith  Associates  

Vision  of  Faith  Formation  Churches  want  faith  formation  that  helps  people.  .  .    Ø  grow  in  their  relationship  with  God  throughout  their  

lives  Ø  live  as  disciples  of  Jesus  Christ  at  home,  in  the  

workplace,  in  the  community  and  the  world  Ø  develop  an  understanding  of  the  Bible  and  their  faith  

tradition  Ø  deepen  their  spiritual  life  and  practices  Ø  engage  in  service  and  mission  Ø  relate  the  Christian  faith  to  life  today  Ø  participate  in  the  life  and  ministries  of  the  faith  


Page 2: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



What  Do  Young  Adults  Want  

¨  A  church  that  takes  our  experience  seriously  ¨ A  church  that  emphasizes  the  inclusive  ministry  of  Jesus  

¨ A  church  that  embraces  that  God  is  everywhere  

¨ A  church  that  engages  struggles  and  is  open  to  dialogue  

 (Annie  Selak)  

Discipleship  Pattern  

Approach  #1    Catholic  and  Protestant  since  Reformation  

Believe  –  Behave  –  Belong      


Approach  #2    (Re)Emerging  in  21st  Century  

Belong  –  Behave  –  Believe    

Page 3: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



What’s  Working  

1.  Creating  deeper  community  through  small  groups    2.  Making  a  difference  through  service  3.  Experiencing  worship  –  reflecting  their  culture  and  

revering  and  revealing  God  (visual,  musical,  artistic,  experiential)  

4.  Exploring  the  Bible  and  Christian  tradition  with  depth,  questioning,  and  applying  faith  to  life  

5.  Utilizing  the  technology  to  communicate  the  message  and  to  connect  people  

6.  Building  cross-­‐generational  relationships    7.  Forming  the  spiritual  life  –  spiritual  practices  &  


What’s  Working  

1.  Congregations  that  provide  a  “home”  for  emerging  adults;  where  older  adults  are  welcoming,  inviting  them  into  leadership  and  participation.  

2.  Congregations  that  appreciate  emerging  adults  –  their  ideas,  their  work,  their  prayers  –  and  their  limitations  ($).  

3.  Congregations  that  offer  short  term,  significant  projects  and  involvements.  

4.  Congregations  that  are  diverse,  inclusive  communities.    

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What’s  Working  

5.  Congregations  that  effectively  use  media  and  social  networking,  and  that  have  a  contemporary,  current  website.  

6.  Congregations  that  have  a  strong,  nurturing  pastor.  They  like  good  preaching  and  teaching.  They  like  pastors  who  have  a  vision  of  the  work  of  the  Gospel  in  that  congregation;  and  someone  who  has  a  good  sense  of  outreach.  

7.  Congregations  that  provide  worship  at  times  they  can  come;  and  opportunities  to  gather  and  socialize.  

8.  Congregations  that  go  “off  campus”  with  ministry  and  faith  formation.    

 (Changing  Spirituality  of  Emerging  Adults  Project)  

1.  Young  adults  want  to  feel  that  there  presence  is  valued.  

2.  Young  adults  want  a  sense  of  ownership  in  their  congregations.  

3.  Young  adults’  interests  in  religion  are  multifaceted.  4.  Young  adults  thrive  when  they  are  “met  where  they  

are.”  5.  Young  adults  welcome  opportunities  to  feel  

emotionally  affected.  6.  Young  adults  respond  to  a  theoretical  and  practice  

balance  between  the  particular  and  universal.      

(“Congregations  that  Get  It”  -­‐  Belzer,  et  al.)  

What’s  Working  

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1.  Creating  deeper  community  2.  Making  a  difference  through  service  3.  Experiencing  worship  4.  Conversing  the  content  with  religious  depth  5.  Leveraging  technology  6.  Building  cross-­‐generational  relationships  7.  Moving  toward  authenticity  8.  Leading  by  transparency  9.  Leading  by  team    

“Characteristics  of  Churches  Reaching  Young  Adults”  (Lost  &  Found,  Stetzer,  Stanley,  &  Hayes)    


What’s  Working  

You  never  change  things  by  �ighting  the  existing  reality.    

To  change  something,  build  a  new  model  that  makes  the  existing  model  obsolete.  

Buckminster  Fuller  


Page 6: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



21st  Century  Faith  Formation  

1.  It  is  now  possible  to  provide  faith  formation  for  everyone,  anytime,  anywhere,  24  x  7  x  365.    

2.  It  is  now  possible  to  deliver  religious  content  and  experiences  to  people  wherever  they  are,  24  x  7  x  365.    

3.  It  is  now  possible  to  customize  and  personalize  faith  formation  around  the  life  tasks  and  issues,  interests,  religious  and  spiritual  needs,  and  busy  lives  of  people.    

21st  Century  Faith  Formation  

4.  It  is  now  possible  to  engage  people  in  a  wide  diversity  of  programs,  activities,  and  resources  that  incorporate  a  variety  of  ways  to  learn—on  your  own,  with  a  mentor,  at  home,  in  small  groups,  in  large  groups,  in  the  congregation,  and  in  the  community  and  world—delivered  in  physical  gathered  settings  and  virtual  online  settings.    

5.  It  is  now  possible  to  connect  people  to  each  other—in  physical  places  and  virtual  spaces.    

Page 7: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



Vibrant  Faith  &  Active  

Engagement  in  the  


Minimal  Engagement  with  Faith  and  

the  Community  

Spiritual  but  Not  Religious  

Not  Religiously  Affiliated  

Targeting  the  Diversity  

Creating  Networks  of  Personalized  &  Customized  Faith  

Formation  Activities  &  Resources  

focusing  on  addressing  people’s  spiritual  and  religious  diversity  by  

offering  a  wide  variety  of  religious  content  and  


Children  &  Families  

Adolescents  &  Families  

Young  Adults  

Mid-­‐Life  Adults  

Mature  Adults    

Older  Adults    

21st  Century  Faith  Formation  

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The  Long  Tail  of  Network  Offerings  




Virtual  &  Physical  

Lots  of  Variety  

Fashioned  around  People    


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Bringing  Sunday  Worship  Home   Whole  Family  


Intergenera-­‐  �onal  


Children’s  Programs  &  


Faith  Prac�ces:  

Bible,  Prayer,  Rituals.  Service  Milestones    

Parent  Faith  Forma�on  

Paren�ng  Educa�on  &  Support  Groups  

Mentors  for  Parents  

“Ge�ng  Started  in  Faith”  


Families  with  Children  Network  

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Youth  Network  

Youth  Group  

Confirma�on  Program    

Adolescent  Life  Issues  


Ac�vi�es  &  Resources  

Bible  Study  &  Religious  Learning  

Prayer  &    Spiritual  Forma�on  Service  

Projects  Mission  Trips  


Youth  Leadership  


Experiences  &    Connec�ons    

Parent  Faith  Forma�on  

Parent  Educa�on  &  Support  Groups  

Youth  Network    

Page 11: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



Weekly  Gathering  &  Worship    

Life  Issues,  Transi�ons,  &  Milestones  

Scripture  Enrichment  

Faith  Enrichment  

Spiritual  Enrichment  

Jus�ce,  Service,  Mission  

Third  Place  Care  

Discovering  Faith  (Alpha  Course)  

YA  Community  


Social  Media  Connec�ons  

Young  Adult  Network  

Scripture  Enrichment  

Faith  Enrichment  

Spiritual  Enrichment  

(Re)Discovering  Faith  

Sunday  Worship  

through  the  Week  

Mature  Adult  Life  Issues,  

Transi�ons,  &  Milestones  

Family  &  Grandparents  

Jus�ce,  Service,  Mission  

Intergenera�onal  Experiences  &    Connec�ons  

Peer  Connec�ons  

Blog    Social  Media  

Baby  Boomer  Adult  Network  

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New  Mobile  Technologies  

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New  Digital  Technologies  

New  Digital  Resources    

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The  collection  of  the  J.  Paul  Getty  Museum  on  display  includes  examples  of  pre-­‐20th-­‐century  European  paintings,  drawings,  illuminated  manuscripts,  sculpture,  and  decorative  arts;  and  19th-­‐  and  20th-­‐century  American  and  European  photographs.  

edX  Online  education  

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Vibrant  Faith  @  Home  

Busted  Halo  

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Personalizing  Faith  Formation  

Personalized  pathways  for  discipleship  &  faith  growth.  .  .  .      u  Guide  people  in  discerning  their  religious  

and  spiritual  needs  u  Equip  people  with  the  resources  and  tools  

to  learn  and  grow  at  their  own  pace  u  Provide  mentoring  and  support  for  the  


Assessing  Spiritual  Growth  

Working  with  a  Mentor/Guide  

Finding  Resources  on  the  Network  

Engaging  in  Formation  

Sharing  with  the  Community  

Reflecting  on  Growth  &  New  


Personalizing  Faith  Formation  

Page 18: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



Environments  for  Faith  Formation  

Face-­‐to-­‐Face  &  Virtual  

On  Your  Own  



Small  Group  

Large  Group  

Church  Community  

Community  &  World  

Page 19: Vision of Faith Formation - Lifelong Faith · Vision of Faith Formation Churches want faith formation that helps people. . . Ø grow in their relationship with God throughout their



 Online  –  Blended  –  Physical  

Fully  online  with  options  for  face-­‐to-­‐face  interaction  in  physical  settings.    

Mostly  or  fully  online  with  regular  interaction  in  physical  settings.  

Online  platform  that  delivers  most  of  the  program  with  support,    mentoring,    and  small  groups.  

Programs  in  physical  settings  guided  by  a  leader  with  online  components.  

Programs  in  physical  settings  with  online  resources  to  supplement  the  program.      

u  “Flipping  the  classroom”  so  that  children  and  teens  are  doing  project-­‐centered  learning  with  their  parents  or  peers—accessing  content  online  through  the  network  website  and  connecting  via  a  secure  social  network  such  as  Edmodo  AND  then  refocusing  “class  time”  on  practicing,  demonstrating,  and  performing.      

Imagine  the  Possibilities.  .  .  .    

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u  Providing  courses,  presentations,  demonstrations,  small  group  Bible  study,  and  topical  learning—all  with  online  content—that  can  be  conducted  via  Skype  or  Google+  with  reflections  on  a  blog,  Google+  Circle,  Twitter,  Facebook  group,  or  Edmodo.    

Imagine  the  Possibilities.  .  .  .    

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u  Providing  online  Bible  and  theology  courses    using  free  courses  from  iTunes  University  or  a  seminary/university.    

Imagine  the  Possibilities.  .  .  .    

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Imagine  the  Possibilities  

u  Developing  an  online  prayer  center  where  people  can  find  daily  prayer  experiences,  offer  prayer  intentions,  pray  for  others,  learn  about  spiritual  practices.  .  .  .      


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Imagine  the  Possibilities  

u  Developing  justice  and  service  resources  where  youth  (and  their  parents)  can  learn  about  social  issues,  explore  Biblical  and  church  teaching  on  justice,  and  find  ways  to  act  together  through  local  &  global  projects.    

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Sunday  Worship  


Share  It  Blog/Facebook  Ques�on  A�er  Worship  Sharing  

@Home  Conversa�on  Ac�vity  

 Study  It  

“Taking  Faith  Home”    Sermon  Video  +  Study  Guide  

Daily  Readings  Scripture  Commentaries                          

 Online  Bible  Study  

Live  It  Living  the  Message  Daily  Living  Chris�an  Prac�ces  Service/Mission  Idea  Ac�on  Project      


Pray  It  Weekly  Table  Prayer  Praying  with  the  Saints  AM  &  PM  Prayer  Lec�o  Divina  


Sunday  Worship  

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The Word to Go 2011 © 2011 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Orders 1-800-933-1800. Imprimatur granted by Reverent John F. Canary, STL DMIN on May 27, 2008. Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB.

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 20, 2011

Carrying on the Mission of the Shepherd-KingEzekiel 34:11–12, 15 –17Psalm 23:1– 2, 2 – 3, 5 – 6

1 Corinthians 15:20 – 26, 28Matthew 25:31– 46

SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONMost of us might not realize the responsibilities that came with the job of a shepherd, but this once-important position is key to understanding many Biblical passages and Jesus’ identity as Shepherd-King. In Jesus’ day, the shepherd had the awesome responsibility of protecting a highly valued animal. No fences or convenient ways existed to bring massive amounts of food to a large herd. Without the shepherd, the animals were easy prey to wild beasts and were often lost to the expanse of the land. Shepherds were not casual overseers but were constantly on guard over their flocks. The passages this week rely on an understanding of the shepherd’s duties. In Ezekiel we find a shepherd who has not done his job, thereby putting the flock in danger. A new shepherd — the Lord — comes to save the abandoned herd. In light of the New Testament and their faith, Christians understand this shepherd as the Lord Jesus. Parallel to Ezekiel’s scenario, Matthew tells about

a shepherd who comes to sort the good from the bad while rescuing the weakest members of the flock. Because the weak animals of the flock are overlooked to protect the

majority, Jesus surprises his audience by delegating responsibility for them and clearly defining their tasks for them. His words are the basis for what Catholics have traditionally

called the corporal works of mercy.

SHARING FAITH ✦ What traits do you associate with the title of “shepherd”? Where do these ideas about shepherds come from? What images from today’s world might be used to describe Jesus’ unique style of leadership? ✦ What skills and personal qualities did shepherds have in Jesus’ time? Why do you think Jesus chose to identify himself with a shepherd? ✦ What prevents you from seeing God in all people?

LIVING THE LITURGY ✦ Many find guiding principles for life in this passage from Matthew’s account of the Gospel. Look out for the citation of this Sunday’s Gospel on license plates and t-shirts. Think about why this particular passage might speak to people. ✦ Make a crown for the center of your table. Decorate it with symbols or words that tell about the qualities of Christ the King. Leave the crown in place until next Sunday, when Advent begins. ✦ Look at a hidden picture book or puzzle. After finding some of the missing objects, decide what makes the things you are looking for so hard to find. Discuss strategies for the rest of your search. Talk about how we miss seeing the presence of Christ the King in our families, neighborhood, and world.

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Life  Issues  

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Discovering  Faith  

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Introduction  Dinner:  Is  there  more  to  life  than  this?  Week  1:  Who  is  Jesus?  Week  2:  Why  did  Jesus  die?  Week  3:  How  can  we  have  faith?  Week  4:  Why  and  how  do  I  pray?  Week  5:  Why  and  how  should  I  read  the  Bible?  Week  6:  How  does  God  guide  us?  Week  7:  How  can  I  resist  evil?  Week  8:  Why  &  how  should  we  tell  others?  Week  9:  Does  God  heal  today?  Week  10:  What  about  the  Church?  Weekend:  Who  is  the  Holy  Spirit?  What  does  the  Holy  

Spirit  do?  How  can  I  be  filled  with  the  Holy  Spirit?  How  can  I  make  the  most  of  the  rest  of  my  life?  

Discovering  Faith  

A  Third  Place  gathering  space  in  the  community,  offers  hospitality,  builds  relationships,  hosts  spiritual  conversations,  provides  programs  and  activities,  and  nourishes  the  spiritual  life  of  people.    

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Building  Congregations  Around  Art  Galleries  and  Cafes  

Life  in  Deep  Ellum  is  a  cultural  center  built  for  the  artistic,  social,  economic,  and  spiritual  benefit  of  Deep  Ellum  and  urban  Dallas.  Through  its  four  pillars  of  Art,  Music,  Commerce,  and  Community,  it  strives  to  promote  life  and  growth  in  our  city  through  creative  initiatives  and  strategic  partnerships.  Life  in  Deep  Ellum  is  about  a  way  of  life,  cultivating  purpose,  and  guiding  people  into  relationship  with  God.