Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

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Page 1: Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

Visual Rhetoric Presentation

Casa Do Menor’s “Hands”

Hannah Weedman1st Period

Page 2: Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period


Page 3: Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

Background Information• This campaign was designed in

2009 by famed advertisement agency McCann Erickson, in Spain for an organization called Casa Do Menor.

• Casa Do Menor is an organization that works in Brazil and Africa to guarantee minors’ rights and also fights against minor sexual abuse.

• The purpose was to expose the public to the reality of child abuse that occurs everyday.

• This ad shows a child being tormented by ‘hands’ and the pain of abuse in her eyes.

Page 4: Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

Who is the intended audience ?

•The audience would be the general public that views the advertisement.•Various audience would also include programs that were against child abuse, children who have been abused, and parents who are against child abuse.

Page 5: Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

What is the viewer first drawn to?• The lighting emphasizes the

child, which draws the viewers attention to the child.

• The “dress” of hands on the child is also a very textures and attention getting part. The reason they grab the viewer's attention is because they look abnormal and slightly disturbing, creating wonder in the eyes of the audience.

• The child’s expression also draws our attention and leaves a lasting impression of the pain that abused children endure.

Page 6: Visual Rhetoric Presentation Casa Do Menor’s “Hands” Hannah Weedman 1 st Period

What is the point of view?

• The point of view is from the perspective of the photographer.

• The photographer can be the child’s abuser, assuming that he is the one behind the camera, because the child seems to be in a frightened trance.

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How does the lighting add emphasis to the picture?• The lighting is artificial,

which is shined on the child, making her what grabs your attention first.

• The surrounding of the room is darkened, which represents the hidden secrets of the child’s abuse.

• The light in the corner is a symbol of hope for the abused child, which is juxtaposed with the darkness of the rest of the room.

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What do the toys (Barbie doll, teddy bear, clown) symbolize?

• Barbie: Majority of little girls play with Barbies, symbolizing a normal life that every child should deserve. It can also represent the innocence of children’s younger years.

• Teddy bear: The teddy bear is carelessly hidden under the couch which symbolizes the careless torture and hidden truth that child abusers posses.

• Clown: The clown in the foreground seems to have an evil smile on its face. The “evilness” of child abusers is symbolized by the toy clown that is staring at the viewer.

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Ethos: What is the ethical appeal?

• Casa Do Menor is a well known organization in Brazil and Africa that provides safety and support for minor victims of abuse.

• This organization is credible, making their campaign more effective.

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Logos: What is the logical appeal?• It is logical that an individual

would think that child abuse is a horrible action to commit.

• It is also factual that abuse leaves lasting impressions and scares on an individuals life, which no one with morals would consider okay.

• In reality, loose hands would not be climbing all over the child, but they serve a symbolic purpose rather than a literal purpose.

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Pathos: What is the emotional appeal?• This picture makes emotions

pour out for the little girl. Her painful and traumatized expression makes the viewer want to reach out and comfort her.

• Since child abuse isn’t something that a lot of people come in contact with, it crates a sense of wonder and explanation for the cause of the child’s pain.

• The hands are disturbing, which causes an uncomfortable feeling for the viewer.

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Works Cited• Lipphot, Akim. Hands. 2009. Adsoftheworld.com,

Photograph. Web. 31 Oct. 2011.• Mariza. “Casa Do Menor’s Anti-Child Abuse

Campaign.”Trends Updates, 30 Jan. 2010. Web. 31 Oct. 2011.