Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009

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  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009









    Create Data-Driven Appswith Silverlight 3

    Generate Code UsingT4 Templates

    Why Redmond Needs toReturn to Its Roots

    How are Microsoft, tool vendorsand development shops dealingwith the downturn? Our TechEdpreview offers a .NET forecast.
  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


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  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


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  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009



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  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


    DepressingDevelopmentsThe economic downturn doesnt offer

    many places to hide. Gartner predicts thatglobal IT spending this year will decline 3.8

    percent from 2008. How is this slowdown

    affecting the .NET developer community?

    We checked in with developers and ISVs to

    get a sense of how theyre adapting as

    TechEd North America 2009 approaches.

    The results, which are the basis of this

    months cover story, were enlightening.

    It turns out that different sectors are

    experiencing different levels of dislocation.

    One survey respondent in the building

    industry says all new development is on

    hold, we are working on maintenenance

    only. But few are taking it harder thanthe auto industry.

    A developer at a supplier of steering

    columns and shifters for auto and

    trucking manufacturers from Michigan

    says, Our departmental budgets are

    virtually non-existent.

    Similar tales of layoffs, cutbacks and

    bare maintenance-only budgets abound in

    the travel, finance, energy utility and other

    sectors. Heck, even collection agencies are

    hurting. Yes, we have a lot of incoming

    business. But while placements are up,

    collections numbers are down, and we

    cant spend money for new projects, says

    the information services director of a

    Houston-based collection agency.

    Not everyone is cutting back.

    Government, military, security and areas of

    health care remain active. Respondents

    working in the U.S. Army and Air Force say

    dev activity is strong, and one government

    developer writes, Were moving forward

    with all current initiatives as planned.

    Funding, while potentially reduced, will just

    extend the time toward project completion.

    How is your dev organization weather-

    ing the downturn? And how is the slow-

    down impacting your ability to adopt major

    new Microsoft technologies? E-mail me [email protected]. May 2009 VISUAL STUDIO MAGAZINE 3








    14 HeadwindsDespite a troubled economy and falling IT budgets, Microsoft and its partners arebusy rolling out new tools and platforms. We preview some of the goings on atMicrosoft TechEd North America 2009, and talk to developers and ISVs about howtheyre managing in a sluggish software market. BY MICHAEL DESMOND

    26 Silverlight 3 Enables Data-Driven App DevThe latest version of Silverlight boasts a new DataForm control and enhancedsupport for data-driven applications, enabling developers to deliver line-of-businessapplications to any user with a Silverlight-enabled Web browser. We walk throughthe new capabilities in the latest beta of Silverlight 3. BY PETER VOGEL


    6 Letters to the Editor

    8 DevDisastersGatekeepers of Bad Software BY ALEX PAPADIMOULIS (

    10 DevInsights DEVELOPER NEWS, REVIEWS, PRODUCT BRIEFSNews:TechEd Preview PAGE 10Product Review:Sybase PowerDesigner Data Modeling PAGE 11Product Briefs:Test Center Standard Edition and Connect ODBC 6.0 PAGE 12


    C# Corner PAGE 36

    Covariance and contravariance are precise terms that describe which conversions aresafe on parameters and return types. Learn about new constructs to be supportedin C# 4.0, and how to live with the current limitations until Visual Studio 2010 isadopted by your organization. BY BILL WAGNER

    Ask Kathleen PAGE 42Learn how to create and debug templates using Microsofts Text TransformationTemplating Toolkit (T4) language, which is included with Visual Studio 2008.BY KATHLEEN DOLLARD


    3 Frameworks BY MICHAEL DESMOND

    48 Redmond Review BY ANDREW BRUST

    47 Index of Advertisers

    { F R A M E W O R K S }


    May 2009 // Volume19 // No. 5


    Michael Desmond, Editor in Chief,

    Visual Studio Magazine

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


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    Silverlight application

  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


    Each month, Andrew Brust writes the Redmond Review column for the back

    page of Visual Studio Magazine. His first column since arriving from the pages ofRedmond Developer Newsfocused on the late change of heart Microsoft had

    regarding its SQL Data Services cloud-based data storage scheme. Longtime

    VSM contributor Roger Jennings responds to Brusts column in a blog posting.

    Andrew Brusts Whats Old Is New Again column for Visual Studio

    Magazines April 2009 issue recounts the history of Visual Basic 3.0s adoption

    of the Jet (Access) 1.1 relational database and the parallel with the SDS teams

    course reversal from the Entity-Attribute-Value data model to a full-featured

    relational database. Andrew concludes:

    So Redmond listened to its customers, and the bizarre obsession with

    copying Amazons SimpleDB Web service is over. Microsoft has given us a truly

    simple offering: the SQL Server technology that most Microsoft developers have

    been using for a decade and some have been using since even before my firstcolumn was published.

    I couldnt agree more.

    P.S. Andrew and I started writing for Visual Studio Magazines predecessor

    about 15 years ago when it had just been re-named from BASIC Pro to Visual

    Basic Programmers Journal.

    Roger Jennings

    Principal, OakLeaf Systems

    Oakland, Calif.

    On the New Redesign

    VSM redesigned its cover and pages with the April 2009 issue. A reader shares

    his thoughts.

    I want you to know that I 'm totally offended by Aprils front cover.Having both the female sexual computer model and the evolution icon is

    the last straw. Your magazine has bleak content anyway. I threw it in the trash.

    Evolution is nothing but a false faith in garbage science. I want to terminate my

    subscription immediately.

    Dennis Parks

    Beaverton, Ore.

    May 2009 Volume 19 No. 5

    Editorial Staff

    Vice President, Doug BarneyEditorial Director

    Editor in Chief Michael DesmondExecutive Editor Kathleen Richards

    News Editor Jeffrey Schwartz

    Managing Editor Wendy Gonchar

    Associate Managing Editor Katrina Carrasco

    Contributing Editors

    Andrew J. Brust, Kathleen Dollard, Ken Cox, John Cronan,

    Dan Fergus, John Gavilan, Roger Jennings,

    Don Kiely, Martin Kulov, Jeff Levinson, Bill McCarthy,

    John Charles Olamendy Turruellas,

    Keith Pleas, Bill Wagner

    Art Staff

    Creative Director Scott Shultz

    Graphic Designer Erin Horlacher

    Online/Digital MediaEditor, VisualStudio Becky Nagel

    Executive Editor, New Media Michael Domingo

    Online News Editor Kurt Mackie

    Associate Editor, Web Gladys Rama

    Web Producer Shane Lee

    Director, Web Development Rita Zurcher

    President Henry Allain

    Vice President, Publishing Matt N. Morollo

    Director of Marketing Michele Imgrund

    Online Marketing Director Tracy S. Cook

    President & Neal VitaleChief Executive Officer

    Senior Vice President Richard Vitale& Chief Financial Officer

    Executive Vice President Michael J. Valenti

    Vice President, Finance Christopher M. Coates& Administration

    Vice President, Digital Media, Abraham M. LangerAudience Development

    Vice President, Information Erik A. LindgrenTechnology &Web Operations

    Vice President, Digital Media, Doug MashkuriAdvertising

    Vice President, Carmel McDonaghAttendee Marketing

    Chairman of the Board Jeffrey S. Klein


    Editors can be reached via e-mail, fax, telephone or mail.A list of editors and contact information is available

    E-mail: E-mail isrouted to individuals desktops. Please use thefollowing form: [email protected] not include a middle name or middle initials.

    Telephone: The switchboard is open weekdays 8:30 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time. After 5:30 p.m. you will be directedto individual extensions.

    San Francisco Office 415-814-0950; Fax 415-814-0961

    Irvine Office 949-265-1520; Fax 949-265-1528

    Corporate Office 818-734-1520; Fax 818-734-1528

    Visual Studio Magazine

    The opinions expressed within the articles and other contentsherein do not necessarily express those of the publisher.

    Visual Studio Magazine wants to hear from you! Send us your thoughtsabout recent stories, technology updates or whatevers on your mind.E-mail us at [email protected] and be sure to includeyour first and last name, city and state. Please note that letters may beedited for form, fit and style. They express the views of the individualauthors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the VSM editors or1105 Media Inc.

    Whats Old IsNew Again[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009

  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


    The HR department at a financial services

    firm wanted to hire GlobalComp to build a

    Web portal.

    Getting approval was straight-

    forward: the purchaser set up a meet-

    ing between GlobalComp and an inte-

    gration services developer on the ITteam, and then waited a few days.

    After a brief spiel from the

    GlobalComp sales rep, Steve

    opened with a softball question:

    Is it secure?

    Of course its secure, the

    rep said. At GlobalComp we take

    security very seriously. In fact, our

    pages are delivered over Secure

    Socket Lay

    Wait a sec, Steve cut him off, as

    he played around with the Web portal. I

    think I just broke into your admin console.The GlobalComp rep stumbled through

    an apology. It was clear that the developers

    had never anticipated someone typing ' OR

    ''=' in the password field. Steve thought

    itd be a good idea to do a code review to see

    what else they had missed.

    A Code TourBefore Steve was permitted to even talk to a

    developer at GlobalComp, they had him sign a

    an NDA. As an added security measure, Steve

    could only review the code while the immacu-

    lately dressed Dave, GlobalComps lead devel-oper, watched him. Youd be surprised, Dave

    said in a serious tone, there are a lot of peo-

    ple who would steal our software ideas.

    Steves first port of call was login.asp.

    But it wasnt the security snafus or the

    FrontPage meta-tags that caught his eye.

    Not only were they using Access, but they

    had come up with a rather interesting way of

    caching huge amounts (400K+) of user-spe-

    cific info. They used the ASP Session object:

    I cant help but notice

    that this is in ASP, Steve said to

    Dave. Im curious: why not .NET?

    Do you have a lot of ASP libraries that

    youre reusing?

    Its 2006, Dave snapped back, not

    2015. Everyone knows that .NET hasnt

    really taken off yet. Its slow, difficult to

    code and very buggy. Maybe in a few years

    well consider it, but until then, ASP is farquicker and more powerful.

    For optimization, Steve commented,

    wouldnt it have made sense to go with

    SQL Server? This portal is meant to be used

    by thousands of users across the country.

    Do you think Access is up to the job?

    Whats wrong with Access? Dave

    defensively questioned. When I was at

    Accenture, we used it all the time.

    Steve had seen enough. In light of the

    numerous performance, security and data-

    integrity issues, his review read, we do not

    approve GlobalComps Web portal softwarefor use in our production environments.

    It was the first time anyone in the

    department had ever given a non-approval

    for vendor software. They felt relieved to

    have successfully acted as the gatekeeper

    of bad software. VSM

    { S O F T W A R E D E V E L O P M E N T G O N E W R O N G }


    Gatekeepers of Bad Software

    Each issue Alex Papadimoulis, publisher of the popular Web site The Daily WTF (,recounts first-person tales of software development gone terribly wrong. Have youexperienced the darker side of development? We want to publish your story. E-mail your tale

    to Executive Editor Kathleen Richards at [email protected] and put DevDisastersas the subject line.

    Tell Us Your Tale[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


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  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009

    12/52VISUAL STUDIO MAGAZINE May 2009 VisualStudioMagazine.com0


    Microsofts TechEd North America 2009 confab this month is

    expected to center around Windows 7, Windows Server 2008

    R2, Exchange 14 and the numerous technologies that the com-

    pany has rolled out during the last 12 to 18 months.

    Registered attendees will receive the latest versions of

    Windows 7likely the first release candidate (RC)and Windows

    Server 2008 R2. As part of an included TechNet Plus annual sub-

    scription, conference goers will also receive licensed copies of the

    technologies when they first become available later this year.

    For developers, the annual conference will offer more than

    a sneak peek at Visual Studio 2010, which is close to beta 1;

    the last preview bits were offered in October at MicrosoftPDC2008 and expired in January. According to multiple sources,

    Microsoft is targeting TechEd for the beta 1 release.

    SQL Server Kilamanjaro, the upcoming business intelli-

    gence (BI) release that enables users to create reports using

    SharePoint and Excel, will be highlighted during the keynote for

    the database platforms and BI tracks, which are targeted at both

    developers and IT professionals.

    Usually TechEd is not hugely filled with beta technology

    sessions, so the fact that some of these things that are a little

    prerelease are kind of coming out shows that theyre either closer

    to market or more important, says Stephen Forte, chief strategy

    officer at Telerik Inc. Forte is leading several TechEd sessions,

    including a drill-down on SQL Server 2008 with Richard Campbell,co-host of .NET Rocks.


    Despite the anticipated releases, TechEd is facing the same hur-

    dles that conferences in every industry have encountered during

    the recession: attendance issues. The conference will take place

    at the Los Angeles Convention Center, the same venue as last

    years PDC. After a two week TechEd in Orlando, Fla., in June

    2008 that separated the developer and IT tracks, Microsoft is

    back to a combined, one-week model. Last years event, which

    marked chairman Bill Gates last official keynote, attracted

    around 5,000 developers and 10,000 IT professionals, accordingto Microsoft.

    The current climate has meant some unwelcome

    changes: In April, registrants were notified of the cancellation

    of on-site exams for Microsoft certifications, the traditional

    Thursday night attendee party and the popular Jam

    Sessions that occurred nightly at past TechEd events.

    The Server and Tools News Bytes blog on Microsoft

    TechNet recommended the press attend the show virtually

    this year, noting that there would be limited access to

    Microsoft executives and on-site facilities.

    The cutbacks are not a reflection on Microsoft or

    TechEds robust technical content. Generally, Im hearing

    conferences are just not being as well attended for obviousreasons this year, says Rob Sanfilippo, research vice president

    of developer platforms at Directions on Microsoft. Looking

    across at MIX, TechEd and PDC, I definitely would rank PDC as

    the first conference to attend from a developer standpoint for

    someone thats interested in planning technology that will be

    used two or three years out for their organization.

    PDC2009, which is expected to focus on the release of

    Microsofts cloud-computing platform, Windows Azure, is

    scheduled for Nov. 17-20 in Los Angeles.


    Despite the troublesome economy, Microsoft received a record

    number of more than 1,600 submissions for technical sessionsfrom inside and outside of the company, according to a post by

    Brian Marble, worldwide TechEd lead. That has been whittled

    down to 20 tracks, with about 440 breakout sessions and 200

    or so hands-on labs. The theme this year is Potential Lives

    Here, and the focusas in years pastis on technical education,

    community and product evaluation.

    Windows 7 is the clear headliner at TechEd. The

    Windows Azure Services Platform will also get some play with

    26 sessions, although the licensing and pricing structure

    information that could definitely spur serious interest among

    decision makersis expected to remain under wraps until later

    this year.

    TechEd will also be the first conference stateside to offerplenty of information for developers interested in Windows

    D E V E L O P E R N E W S / / / R E V I E W S / / / P R O D U C T S

    D E V E L O P E R N E W S



    TechEd PreviewIs the Visual Studio 2010 beta finally here?

  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009

    14/52VISUAL STUDIO MAGAZINE May 2009 VisualStudioMagazine.com2


    Test Center Standard Editionand Connect ODBC 6.0


    Two months after releasing an application performance manage-

    ment (APM) suite that ranges in price from $30,000 to $60,000,

    Linz, Austria-based dynaTrace Software is now offering a scaled-

    down version. dynaTrace Test Center Standard Edition has a

    good portion of the application testing features found in the

    core dynaTrace 3 suite, the company says. But it costs about

    20 percent of the suites price.

    That full-scale suite is designed to let developers trace

    transactions across geographically distributed systems with large,scalable virtualized server clusters for business-critical applica-

    tions that require 24x7 uptime (for more on that release, see

    Like the larger version, the Standard Edition comes with Visual

    Studio, Visual Studio Team System Test Edition and Eclipse plug-ins.

    It diagnoses and isolates typical Web application issues, notably

    database performance problems and chattiness. The software also

    documents issues for developers including SQL statements and bind

    values, and various other transaction characteristics. The software

    takes every transaction and displays the slowest running ones or

    those that are broken. When the developer clicks on a transaction,

    he can view the whole path with all the context. If a developer

    sees hundreds of extra calls to a database, he can click on it andautomatically open up the source code in Visual Studio.

    Although not as well known as some of its rivals, dynaTrace

    says it has made inroads in the U.S. market over the past year with

    customers such as Bank of America, Fidelity Investments, LinkedIn

    and Macys. It has 100 customers but has seen rapid growth in recent

    quarters, the company says. But dynaTrace, which is backed by Bain

    Capital and Bay Partners, is a much smaller player than market leader

    CA, whose Wily Technology is used by more than 1,000 customers.

    Test Center Standard Edition

    dynaTrace Software

    Price: $6,000 per developer license



    Looking to give a boost to applications that rely on Microsofts

    Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard, DataDirectTechnologies has updated its drivers.

    The new DataDirect Connect for ODBC version 6.0 increases

    the speed at which data is loaded into an application or into a

    database, says Rob Steward, the companys vice president of R&D.

    It allows for exporting of data from one database into another and

    performs bulk transfers without having to use Microsofts batch

    processing utility.

    Existing batch processes will run faster without requiring

    changes to application code, he adds. Version 6.0 adds application

    failover: The features will allow developers to better tune their

    applications, he explains.

    In addition to Microsofts SQL Server, DataDirects ODBC drivers

    provide connectivity to databases from Oracle Corp., IBM Corp. (DB2and Informix) and Sybase Inc., among others. With the new release,

    the company has added connectivity to PostgresSQL and Greenblum.

    DataDirect, a Bedford, Mass.-based subsidiary of Progress

    Software Corp., is among a handful of companies that provide

    ODBC drivers. Most leading database vendors offer their own

    ODBC drivers and there are a number of less-expensive, open

    source alternatives as well. DataDirect says its drivers are aimed

    at ISVs and large enterprises. DI

    Connect for ODBC 6.0

    DataDirect Technologies

    Price: $4,000 per single core



    standard Microsoft tools (SQL Server and

    Access), PowerDesigner also supports

    Oracle, DB2 and MySQL (again, among

    other database engines).Given its pricing and functionality,

    PowerDesigner is not for the faint

    heartedand its also not for those

    with limited goals. If all you need is a

    database design tool for your organiza-

    tions RDBMS, PowerDesigner is far more

    tool than you need. But if you want to

    create a repository for analyzing your

    organizations data usage, PowerDesigner

    will do the job. DI

    Peter Vogel ([email protected]) is a principal

    in PH&V Information Services, specializing in

    ASP.NET development with expertise in SOA,

    XML, database and User Interface design. Hes

    written several books on application develop-

    ment using Microsoft technologies and presents

    at conferences around the world.


    Sybase Inc.www.sybase.com800-792-2735

    Price: $2,995 to $7,495 per developerseat

    Quick Facts: One-stop shopping fordata modeling and analysis using avariety of notations.

    Pros: High functionality withsupport for all the tools that Microsoftdevelopers use.

    Cons: Expensive; PowerDesigner is abig tool to handle big problemsnot atool for developers just needing a data-base modeling tool.

    Developers can examine code to trace transaction bottlenecksthrough the dynaTrace Visual Studio plug-in.[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    When the going gets tough, the tough get going. At least,

    thats the hope of most conference organizers in the software

    development sector. With IT and dev budgets slashed andmost organizations hunkering down for a long downturn, its

    no surprise that attendance at many industry events

    is off sharply from two or three years ago. Still, Microsoft is

    hoping to draw a crowd to TechEd North America 2009 in Los

    Angeles this month.

    Despite tough times, developers, ISVs

    and Microsoft are keeping plenty busy.


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    It takes a team to produce better code on faster timelines. Visual

    StudioTeam System 2008 makes it easier to track work items, update

    everyone, analyze code, and get the job done, from UX to database.

    Download a trial at


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    Attendees certainly wont be staying away for lack of things

    to explore at the four-day conference, which combines IT and

    development tracks focused on Microsoft platforms, servicesand products.On the dev side, TechEd arrives as a host of strate-

    gic Microsoft development technologies emerge. From Azure

    cloud computing to Silverlight 3 Web development to the antici-

    pated beta of Visual Studio 2010,TechEd offers a chance to catch

    up on the latest Microsoft-driven dev technologies.

    No surprise, independent tool companies are busy as well,

    as they rush to fill gaps in Microsofts expanded dev platforms

    and tap powerful, new features in the latest versions of .NET

    Framework,Silverlight,Visual Studio and ASP.NET.

    Nowhere to Hide:Developers Test Strategies in a Terrible Market

    A market report by research firm Gartner Inc. provided grimcontext just six weeks ahead of the May TechEd confab.

    According to the March 31 report, worldwide spending on infor-

    mation technology was expected to fall 3.8 percent in 2009, to

    $3.2 trillion from $3.4 trillion. That decline, Gartner Research

    Vice President Richard Gordon notes, would be worse than the

    2.1 percent reduction the industry weathered in 2001 during the

    dot-com bubble burst.

    Ask Julian Bucknall how his company, .NET componentmaker Developer Express Inc. plans to get through the dour

    economy, and he is refreshingly candid.

    The economy being what it is, weve concentrated a lot on

    making our current customers happy, says Bucknall,the compa-

    nys chief technology officer, who notes the importance of

    Developer Express subscription model.The only way we could

    encourage people to stick with us is to concentrate an awful lot

    on stability,reliability, discoverabilitymaking things easier and

    more stable to use, and then adding more functionality when we

    feel its necessary.

    Like many rank-and-file dev shops, Bucknall says

    Developer Express has decided to pick its spots carefully, invest-

    ing in select areas and emphasizing maintenance and refinementover lavish new initiatives or product launches. Its an approach

    being repeated all over the development sector.

    2009 is seriously quite a tough year, but I suspect for most

    people it will be just carrying on doing what theyre doing, says

    Bola Rotibi, principal analyst at research firm Macehiter

    Ward-Dutton (MWD).Outside of the core areas of keeping the

    business going, I think [new initiatives] are going to be few and

    far between.

    Our survey of more than 350 .NET developers ahead of

    TechEd bears out the cautious, go-slow approach.Asked about the

    biggest challenge facing their organizations, the largest percentage

    of respondents singled out the economy (32 percent). The

    second most-cited response was the challenge of managing all thedeveloper technologies coming from Microsoft (23 percent).No

    other response drew more than 8 percent of the vote.

    Many dev shops report falling back into maintenance

    mode. Im in pharmaceuticals, writes one senior analyst.

    There are mergers, but with each merger come wholesale

    layoffs. My IT department is down to doing maintenance only,

    with a budget freeze in place.

    An application solutions architect with a major insurance

    carrier says his group is trying to do more with less. In the

    health-care insurance sector, were still actively trying to handle

    new projects from the business, but with smaller dev staff, or at

    least fewer subject-matter experts.

    While 32 percent of survey respondents report limiting workto maintenance, a surprising percentage (31 percent) say they

    continue to move forward with new platforms and technologies.

    My opinion is that we should be focusing on migrating our large

    number of VB 6.0 and legacy ASP applications to help ramp some

    of the newer or more junior staff up with the latest Microsoft dev

    technologies, the solutions architect says.

    A lot of developers are concerned about their ability to

    adopt and master all the new technologies Microsoft has been

    rolling out. Survey respondents indicate excitement about

    inbound tooling like Visual Studio, .NET Framework 4.0 and

    Windows 7, yet nearly seven in 10 respondents expressed

    fatigue with the pace of Microsoft technology rollouts over

    the past year. Nearly one-quarter of all respondents (24 percent)categorized the fatigue as significant.

    We polled 369 developers for theirthoughts on the .NET dev arena.Heres what they said:


    Difficult 39%

    Hopeful 29%

    Neutral 23%

    Terrible 4%

    Terrific 4%


    Working on existing projects and app

    maintenance only 32%

    Moving forward to adopt new platforms andtechnologies 31%

    Embracing Agile development methodologies 13%

    Adopting more open source platforms and

    development tools 9%

    Investigating cloud computing options 8%

    Outsourcing 7%


    Yes, some fatigue 45%

    No, little or no fatigue 26%

    Yes, significant fatigue 24%

    Dont know 5%


    No 60%

    Yes, but it will take time 23%

    Yes, but only limited development 14%

    Yes, aggressively 3%
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    The staff is concerned about the ability to learn and apply

    new technology in products that have a solid base of code,says the

    vice president of engineering for a telecommunications consulting

    firm. Our market problem is we need to maintain compliance

    with .NET 2.0,.NET 3.5, multiple versions of SQL Server and mul-

    tiple operating systems.

    A Web application developer for a large construction andengineering firm says his shop is busy, but risks falling behind in

    the adoption of new technologies.Our biggest challenge is not the

    economy, but rather maintaining our

    suite of Web applications (hundreds!) and

    at the same time keep up with the pace of

    technology, he says. We essentially fall

    further and further behind every year.

    Our most heavily used apps are classic

    ASP, we have many .NET 1.1 apps, and a

    sprinkling of .NET 2.0 apps. Our data-

    bases have been recently upgraded to SQL

    Server 2005, he says.

    One major .NET component makerisnt surprised at these struggles:

    Microsoft has been really aggressive

    with new products and releases over the

    past one to two years, and some of [our]

    customers are finding it difficult to keep

    pace with all the new technologies and

    are sometimes confused [about] whats

    best to use for their projects.

    Anthony Lombardo, lead evangel-

    ist for component maker Infragistics

    and a Microsoft MVP, says developers

    need to be smart to avoid getting over-

    whelmed. Just keeping track of all ofthe different code names can be a chore.

    The main thing for developers to do is

    focus on the technologies that are

    important to them.

    Slowdown StrategiesCorporate dev shops arent the only ones

    struggling to keep pace. Developer

    Express Bucknall says his company has

    made the decision to focus tightly on

    Silverlight for its next component launch,

    rather than aggressively update its suite

    of ASP.NET, Windows PresentationFoundation (WPF) and new SharePoint

    controls.Case in point, Developer Express

    is updating its Express App Framework

    (XAF) for Silverlight.

    What XAF does is very quickly allow

    you to write business applications just by

    defining a data model, says Bucknall,not-

    ing that Developer Express has added grid,

    navigation, reporting and menu controls

    to its Silverlight suite.XAF requires a cer-

    tain number of controls before you can

    generate an application. So now well be

    able to write a business app for Silverlightand WPF. Those are the kind of things

    were going to be concentrating on with regard to Silverlight. What

    you call the business control.

    A lot of firms are also looking at how they license and sell

    software. Microsoft at the MIX09 conference in March demoed

    the Web Platform Installer, which bundles together a complete

    stack of Microsoft-based Web server products and technologies

    and provides an easy-to-use installer interface.MWDs Rotibi calls the Microsoft utility a neat little solu-

    tion that portends things to come. She points to the All-Access


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    service provided by database tools vendor Embarcadero

    Technologies Inc. as an example of how vendors can provide

    rich integration to reduce application cost and complexity.

    Subscribers are able to quickly download, license, provision and

    deploy Embarcadero products from an online console. TheInstantOn feature enables access to Embarcadero tooling with-

    out installation.

    Its about reducing friction and getting the integration par-

    ticularly strong. Its about the different tools, Rotibi says.Being

    able to download and manage a whole series of things in an

    instant, thats the next stage.

    At SAP AG, the company recently overhauled the licensing

    around Crystal Reports, providing a simple, flat-rate license for

    companies wanting to distribute Crystal Reports functionality in

    software they intend to sell or distribute. The new approach

    replaces a complicated scheme, whereby ISVs had to obtain a

    separate license for each distributed instance of an application

    containing Crystal Reports.We found that there are tens of thousands of ISVs out there

    who were building their own reporting because they felt it was

    too expensive to work with a company like us, says James

    Thomas, vice president of product management in the Volume

    Business Unit at SAP. He cites rapid application cycles, an

    increasing mix of software and services, and pressure from open

    source competition for the switch.

    More and more companies are looking hard at licensing and

    compliance practices as a way to face down budget challenges and

    ease management overhead. Jon Gillespie-Brown, chief executive

    officer at licensing services firm Nalpeiron,says ISVs are scrambling

    to adopt subscription models as a way to ensure constant revenue

    and provide a lower barrier to entry for customers.I think that the end user is clearly pushing very hard for a

    more flexible way to buy, Gillespie-Brown says.

    He adds that customers are attracted to the pay-as-you-go

    nature of Nalpeirons hosted license management and tracking

    features. But what customers are looking for, says Gillespie-

    Brown, are more streamlined ways to track and secure licensed

    software, and to provide feature-complete trial software without

    having to support multiple code bases . I think the perpetual

    [license] model is close to dead, personally.

    Touring TechEdFor all the sturm und drang of the current recession, its clear

    from talking to ISVs and dev tool companies that .NET toolsdevelopment remains an active endeavor. A lot of that has to do

    with Microsoft, of course. Companies like Developer Express,

    Infragistics and ComponentOne LLC are constantly rushing

    around behind major Microsoft platform releases, filling holes,

    bridging gaps and extending the reach of technologies like WPF,

    Silverlight,ASP.NET and SharePoint.

    We invited dev tool providers to give us a heads up on their

    plans for the May TechEd event. Heres what we learned:

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for Web Clients: Silverlight

    Leading component maker Infragistics is rolling out a new spin

    on its NetAdvantage line of components,this one aimed at devel-

    opers working with Silverlight 3, which is currently in beta. TheNetAdvantage for Web Clients Silverlight toolset offers advanced

    controls designed to help developers craft line-of-business appli-

    cations using Microsofts RIA platform. Included in the package

    are data grid, Web tree, dialog window and other controls.

    Altova MissionKit 2009

    Few companies know XML the way Altova does.As if to make the

    point, Altova in February began bundling its broad suite of XML

    and data manipulation tools under the MissionKit banner,creating

    a one-stop shop for .NET developers. At Tech-Ed,Altova plans to

    demo MissionKit Tool Suite version 2009, which now supports

    Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) data in XMLSpy,

    MapForce,and StyleVision.Version 2009 also lets developers work

    with Health Level 7 messages in the MapForce module.

    Resco MobileForms Toolkit 2009

    Resco MobileForms Toolkit 2009 bundles developer componentsand tools for applications developed for Microsoft .NET Compact

    Framework 3.5.The latest version adds tooling for touch interfaces,

    polished UI support and a trio of new app components including

    tab, tooltip and toolbar controls. MobileForms Toolkit 2009 sup-

    ports Visual Studio 2008,2005 and 2003.

    The Imaging Source TX TextControl 15.0

    The TX Text Control family of word processing components for

    Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 has been updated to add support for

    Adobe .PDF file format export, enabling Microsoft Word and com-

    patible documents to be viewed and filled out in any browser.

    According to The Imaging Source, completed forms can beprocessed server-side and then printed or saved as PDF documents.

    Improved support for columns and structured numbered lists has

    been added. The Imaging Source is also distributing TX Text

    Control RapidSpell .NET, a spell check add-on for TX Text Control

    currently supporting English and German dictionaries, with addi-

    tional languages and specialist dictionaries expected.

    PureCM 2009-1

    Source control management (SCM) toolmaker has

    a new version of its eponymous product, PureCM 2009-1, that

    aims to enable parallel development for cash-strapped organiza-

    tions. With a newly streamlined interface and supporting agilemethodologies, PureCM is available for Windows, Linux and

    Mac OS environments and integrates with the Visual Studio and

    Eclipse IDEs. The new version adds real-time tracking and guid-

    ance for managing merged changes. PureCM says its tooling can

    scale up to thousands of end users and manage terabytes of

    dataenough to handle enterprise-scale development.

    REALBasic 2009 Release 1 and REAL Studio

    Sure, Silverlight 3 promises to let you take your mad Visual

    Basic.NET skills cross platform. But open source toolmaker

    REAL Software offers another optiona cross-platform tool and

    version of the Basic programming language (called,you guessedit, REALbasic) that lets developers work onand create applica-
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    tions forWindows, Linux and Mac OS. REALbasic 2009

    Release 1 adds ease-of-use tweaks like a Quickstart window to

    help attract new users, as well as a host of improvements

    designed to improve reliability.

    A more robust version of the tooling released in April, calledREAL Studio, targets full-time developers and adds features like a

    Profiler for optimizing performance and scripted build automation.

    Nevron .NET Vision Q3 2008

    .NET component maker Nevron

    Software boasts a large collection of

    chart, diagram and UI controls for

    Windows Forms and ASP.NET (includ-

    ing AJAX) application development.All

    three component families are currently

    available as part of the companys all-in-

    one Nevron .NET Vision Q3 2008 com-ponent suite, which may see a major

    upgrade by the time this issue reaches

    your hands. The new package, reportedly

    due out at the end of April, is set to intro-

    duce new charts, gauge, diagram and

    mapping features. .NET Vision comes in

    two editions,Pro and Enterprise.

    Telerik WebUI Studio

    Telerik specializes in making UI controls

    for a wide range of Microsoft and .NET

    platforms, including ASP.NET AJAX,Silverlight, WinForms and WPF. The

    company recently announced that its

    RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX product

    fully supports the open source Mono

    runtime environment for enabling .NET

    applications on Linux and Mac OS plat-

    forms. Now Telerik adds WebUI Test

    Studio to its RadControls for ASP.NET

    AJAX. The automated testing module

    uses the ArtofTest Automation Design

    Canvas and WebAii Automation

    Framework (reviewed in the April issue

    ofVisual Studio Magazine) to let devel-opers create and run tests across Internet

    Explorer and Firefox browser platforms.

    Support for Safari and Google Chrome

    browsers is expected soon, and Telerik

    says Silverlight support will be added in

    the next release. WebUI Test Studio inte-

    grates with Visual Studio Professional

    and Visual Studio Team System.

    Nalpeiron Licensing Service

    Tough times demand tough choices

    when it comes to paying for software andservices. Licensing solutions firm

    Nalpeiron aims to help ISVs streamline operations and better

    communicate with potential customers,with its updated,hosted

    suite of licensing services. New to Nalpeirons offering is the

    TrialMaximizer feature for presenting e-mail campaigns and

    HTML advertisements to users using a firms product under atrial license. The OverdraftTracker module promises to give ISVs

    a glimpse into hidden customer demand. ISVs can flexibly con-
  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


  • 8/10/2019 Visual Studio Magazine - 05- 2009


    For maximum efficiency, follow ourthree profiling tips outlined below.1. Profile your .NET code

    A code profiler is an essential

    tool to have in your development

    toolkit. Although manual logging

    can sometimes help, it is often

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    bottlenecks without a code profiler.

    A profiling tool takes the guesswork

    out of performance analysis and

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    2. Quickly locate your

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    Run ANTS Profiler Pro to obtain

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    help you identify inefficient resource

    usage. ANTS Profiler gives you hit

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    No time wasting. No guessing.

    Use real data instead!

    3. Optimize efficiently

    Now that you know exactly where

    to focus your performance-boosting

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    only where it needs to be improved,

    and don't try to make unnecessary

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    How to boost the performance of your

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    Download your 14-day, fully functionalfree trial from

    ANTS Profiler shows you line-level timings, so you can drill down to the specific lines of code responsiblefor performance inefficiencies.

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    "We were able to improve

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    Dan Ports Lead Developer, Intrigma Inc

    "ANTS Profiler took us

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    Terry Phillips Sr. Developer,

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    As announced in March at the MIX09 conference in Las

    Vegas, Silverlight 3 adds a host of data-oriented features that go a

    long way toward providing critical support for LOB develop-

    ment. Ill show you how to build a Silverlight 3 client that access-

    es a Web service to retrieve and update data. My initial version

    will be a form that displays a single entity. But by leveraging the

    new data binding and validation features in Silverlight 3, Ill

    illustrate how I can migrate my solution to a full-featuredmaster-detail page in just a few minutes.

    If you want to try out the new features in Silverlight 3 your-

    self, you can download the beta from

    There are two caveats that apply. First: Dont install the beta on a

    computer where you want to continue creating Silverlight 2

    applicationsinstalling the beta converts Visual Studio to a

    Silverlight 3 development tool. Second: This is still a beta release

    and no go-livelicense is available. Any applications you develop

    at this point arent supported by Microsoft.

    A Sample ApplicationOK, enough warnings. For this article, I created a

    simple Silverlight application that interacts witha Web service on my server. The application

    pulls down a collection of objects representing

    Customers entities in the Northwind Database

    and displays them in a DataForm .

    To create this application yourself, after

    installing the Silverlight 3 beta package,select File |

    New Project in Visual Studio and choose Silverlight

    under the language of your choice (I chose Visual

    Basic). From the available Templates, select

    Silverlight Application,enter a name for the project

    (I used DataDrivenSL) and click the OK button. In

    the New Silverlight Application dialog that appears,

    change the project type to ASP.NET Web Site beforeclicking OK.I got the solution you see in Figure 1:an

    ASP.NET Web Site and a Silverlight app.

    In the Web site, I added a service with two

    methods: one that returns Customer objects

    (GetCustomers) and one that, when passed a sin-

    gle Customer object, updates the database with

    the values on the object (UpdateCustomer). I

    made the .ASPX page my start page. In the

    Silverlight app, I knocked together a simple user

    interface in the MainPage.xaml file, using a Button

    and the new DataForm control inside a StackPanel:

    In the code file for MainPage.XAML, to retrieve the Customer

    entity objects from my Web service, I created an EndPoint object

    for my services URL,a variable to hold a reference to my service

    and a BasicHttpBinding object. In the Click event for the Button,

    I used those objects to retrieve a collection of Customer entities

    by calling the GetCustomers method on my service:

    Private WithEventsnwd As_

    While Silverlight 1 and 2 concentrated on helping developers deliver rich Internetapplications (RIAs), coders building line-of-business (LOB) applications had little tocheer about. The limited support for data binding and data validation complicatedbasic data management tasks in LOB applications. Thats about to change.


    FIGURE 1. The Web site in a Silverlight solution has an HTML page and an.ASPX page, both of which host the Silverlight application thats part of the

    same solution.
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    Dim bind As New System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding

    Dim ep As New System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress( _

    URL for Web Service)

    Private Sub ButtonGet_Click( _

    ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)nwd = New NorthwindData.NorthwindDataSoapClient( _

    bind, ep)


    End Sub

    Binding to Local Objects