/ v* VOL. XI. DOVER, MOKKhS ( OUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1881. KO 52 THE IRON ERA PL-BtWaED EY.BT SATEHBAY El The Dover Printing Company, rOBLISHEBS JV»DP1IUBIETOHH. OIBoo on Morris Street near Blaokwell. TEUISIS OP 1 miiiscniPTioN Ouo Yoar, - «•"» SU ifoutliB, »•»» L'nroe moutbn, - - - - - - - SU ADVERTISING RATES. BFAOT. I 1 WE. | 2 «M. 8 WKIJ.I PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, HANCE &Co.'s STORE, PORT OIIAM, N. J. UIt alt tlie principal lin™ <ir Htcaniplill.a from NewVuik to Liv.-ni-.j! »t LOWRHT 1HTEH. AIHO DIMFTI ANP [ItELANIl. <i Liv.-ni HONOitFATHIUTAIN 1 Inch i* 7fi|« 1 HPADE. - 1 Inch. a " » " < " It 9 50 r -- S0|$ 1 71 'EIIOBNTIOB ADUED FOU EITBA8- LOO At, f TICE8 Ifi OENTB PEU LINE. t j OIEY V. STICK1.K, Oounsellor at Lav/ AND MASTKII IJV CIIANCUIO, IlOdlCAWAY. N..I. \r\\.4fON mil *fc. C.UIIOI' Of lillickwi'!] mill Nlih-I-I Nth. DOVKIt. N. .1. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST unvi.li, N. J. A KALI'S US >•/ ,,ll DESCRIl'TIOXf! OF OltliS AND f~1 EC). 0. CU.MMINH, M. I).. flKNF.UAL ru.uTLTIOVEn, AND RI'F.CIALIKT IN Till'. TRKATMK OF MALA.MAL lilSKASHS. OFFICE ATTHE STinil.lv IIOI'XK, DOVKIt, N. •!. JOHN DltUMJI Klt'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING S A. L O O N , SUSSEX STREET, (bomcBntta MANSION' HOUSE, (id Dop.il,) DOVEU, N. J. Tlio place IIRH I.emi oiitlrely n-dttoil In t LAlJtH'iCIULDIlKN'a UUTTINO A HPEOIA.LTY. ft im UAlU HEISHBOUE & SMITH, 1TT0BNETS * COUNSELLOBS AT LAW, Cor* BItickwcll anil Sussex DOVEE. N- J. I. H. NEIGHBOUR. A. C. IIUITn. McCAINSVILLE HOTEL! WM. VOBTfflAN, Prop'r. A well kBj.l linlil witlii.v.Tj iwi'iiiuixoiln lion for luuu IILU IIUIM-. 'i'lii, ln»l |],]«ui> aud BL'K«rn ut tliu bur. ami comfort mined at hi every di'iinrttiniit. Lively ..ttiichiil. BALED SAY kept ou Imml und Hold in lurgL' or t.n.ul] TIIE OI -1 > SST A N1). UNION HALl BUNG, JllttL-itUOllStnrt, |l,,VlT, Hot Air Furnaces, Ut tho InU'Ht .uiil imiHt inijn-..ii(l -tyl< K, I. nsHortnii'ii' 'il titm( p>, i-lniip t,,'r i-.i»U. OOOK, I'AHLUli. IJ HATING STOVES, RANGES, BEEMER & PALMER COAL, WOOD MASONS' MATERIALS. BLUE STONE, FERTILIZER lUllD AND PALL lilllt'K. LCINEI) 1'JJASTKR, KHONT HKK'Ii, FIJU; CLAY, FIUTi BitICK, O.SHNU OIL, L.WDILNS A XI) lilUTTANIA WAliK. TIN & JAPAN WARE '^liUl'l CANH, ,Vc, TIN nnonso. K.U'KS, XliOUdlltt, ALEXANDER WKJIITON. iifi-'JUIi. 1H70. UU-r DAIKY HUriEl«; V 1 ivtmles.il.- trjid.- (-u!y. I -inIII»;I.TH i.rc[iiu-uil In SU1TI.Y STniil'S «iili tin- IJKHT (iOOJ)S ;it the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Tliiu p:irl .il Wiinn Oniinly n.,M r.i HOI' IHil'TI'.ll MAK llliri. I iiuii'llr ail I, IMII.LAH HTEPSjCOl'iS'rj, HILIJf, LINTEI, AM) (M^TKKN Nl'CKH, WIIANN'S PHOSPIIATE, Hi.!,,• Dual, Ciuitio. Pamtlri'l LA XII I'f.AXTlCl:, ifc. WOOD sawed in si O O .A. XJ. STOVE, VAlli, CHESTNUT lU,ACKS\nTH'H VOALt" O- O TO ISS.YOHK'S t m r o ji'HKl'il YoJtii'S Knit rnniilN V X HAN'iiFS AND KI 'I'll I'-N E 1 i'KNMLN. HO TO TOM. VOKK'H I"<>It P.UU.OR AM IT DlNTMi IIOOJI AMI OFFICCHTUYUs, <rovr:s<)[--AM, KIMIN. CIlOiIKEltY. ULASrt-WAUE AND CHINA. Joseph York* The New Empire rot-AivtiitN & HnHC-burn ins rooking Stove* Fi. KM, Jr., I'IN, N. J. . S. WRIGHT, TUNER, REPAIRER, L W. THURBER, 3DPEUINTENDKNT OF TUHLIC SCHOOLS OF MOIUtiS COUNTY. Ofllco over GEO. ItlCIIAIUW.fc CO.'H STONE, DOVER, N. J. D Satnrri: \f OSES BLANCHARD, I X ATTOUNlSVAl iND MASTER IN CHANCERY, DOVEK, N. J. stove. Hiid tin ITr T. kEPOHT, 'Counsellor at Law, AND MASTER IN CHAKOEBX, OHira intlio Ntttiwiml Dulou Uniil' BinldinK 3I.JOKW .M. ST., DOVEU, N. J. WM. T. ALLEN. H- J- PALMER. ALLEN &PALMER, BUILDERS, Dover, T*T- 3". SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. VQVSTVS W, CUT1.KH, COTJNSEIXOH AT LAW, o f t lie law ii all tit Un rrsmne.l thn prsct Ooorti in this tiiatf ,at WASHINGTON HITIEF.T, RlonniKTuwif, N.J. S»ptombor 1st, 1881. <()•" A GREAT STOCK NEW TOYS AND DOLLS and ft thonHnn<l anil one frctly tiiingB (o •mniociiildrfn.aBfffilBBafiiioiwlH-lliHuif GRAPES and other Fall Fruits, NDTS, nml n cmnp!ntt> n«Horfm.Mit i>rflnoami COHFEGTIOMERY , S, TREWARTHA, SUSSEX ST., DOVER. FOR GROCERIES GO TO THR OLD REL1ALLE STAND. ALEX. J. MITCHELL, - J 5 - 8DO0EBSOB TO H.P. SANUERKON, orroarrE THE DEPOT, . hn«lw»TB on btna & fall md frenh itocko) attndtrd goodi at REASONABLE PKtCKB. Itdooia'tp*? toeipenmentwiibOonr, Ail ' your (trtwer for tho fnuous VIOLA BRAND, ' iniukBiioolhBr. II li.!»>jiKooa-o«iib» * nlifll^npon «Tory time, aiDderaoD on tbli ; one J)rMdlMro«i»a till flour lni« mw AtilCNT P(Ht TUB Mathushek Piano! ESTEY AKD STERLING OltGANS ! THE WOXDEIIFUL MECI1ASICAL Orguinettes! PIANO STOOLS, COVERS, AND I-;VKI!VTIIIN(; IN TUB ISIiOK MIIKIIIAI, I.\STItU- MKM'S AMD MKIlCIIANDISi;. One Dnll-ir a week will buy a new Organ. QUICK SA KS, SMALL PISOFITS. TilE POrULAIt SUSSEX St. GROCER, Htill couliiitioB l'.i kirp n full Hud frettli qufcn- Utj of (Jrocerics and Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS, oreign nml ilcmirNlic, tlm IICKI grndeo of Jnnno.l fii.ncln, an.l nil inifplitb of tlm lOiiFchold in liMinn. Cure will «l»'iiy« hr t-.kon to »prnrii BooJi nllhf b.Kt qunli'ly nuil cjiml |iu[iIB lo sell 'siiiiil Milli 111.. luiii'linsli'B pries. Raufwi ret, nrnr Hie cornor of Illackwpll, Dover. OctnlitT litli. lb"!l. fi place FIXi: POOL TABLE DOUBLE BOILING ALLEY , fin licst L\(iERS iit.ri i.ilx- Hl;(JAltM. All wlii llntl tln'iiiMi-lvca B II lr»ii'd. iiiln, t nr me «itli n rail will ably eiHcrtainrd anil QEO. MANN. Frank Gies, MASON and BUILDER. Do>7or, r-T. a*. CONTRACTS TiKEN AKD MATERIALS FURNISHED. Stooe and Brick Work, Plasteringand Jobbing promptly attended to! . OrfenleJI at "Win. H. Bfcker's itoro will rocalve cutfn u d prompt ftttentiotL . ' TH E DEBT 11AKIKO BTOVE IN THE WOKLI Ainu, n I.IUKL' Aaflorliueut or otlt-r-r Stylui ol Conking Sum'ii, liuiiKts. 1'urlor Ht«¥fB, Sill., FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. Also, a choice stockor Hardwnre, Cutlery, OlaBB, Wofwlrn, Coppnr. Plain andJapan i TIN'WAHE. DKAL1CR IN COAL. MunibiitfC mid J<>1< Work pniinptlynttemU'd to. UONNKLL'S I'ATENT STEAM COOKINO AI'PAKATUS. v nirbaiiU l> H Sculen ut Mnimfnc- tuicr'fl priceR; Okl Iron, CopiHT, BroBs, hind, HSRH am QrevuuackH takeuin eiclmriKe U>T KIKKIB. llKUEN AHONNKI.T,.. AIHO, manufnclurorn of BITNNELL'H SELF. TIGHTENING WIRE SPUING BED HOT- TOM. llockswiLT.Marclil. 1873. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRONCo. DOVER, N. J. STEAM ENGINES, TIIKlIt CELKOHATED AIR COMPRESSORS, IKON and UKASS CASTINGS, FOEOINGof all DE80EIPT1OW5. AUIHTOlt'S SALE. {orriKCirciiilOourt.-Jos-ppli ITnrrpn Kitclit-Il TB. Timniliy H, Kitclicll. In CURB. On at- tachment. EDMUND D.nAUEir, Att'y, Nut ice Is licrt'bv given tint tbonnbRurllior, .imlUor appointed m Ihii canau, byvirtue or an order of ttio Circuit Oonrt nf Hurri*comity ma de for thai purpose on tbo fuurtli dnj of Ouloher, A . D . 1881, will on MONDAY, tbe 121b d w of Dec-amber, A.D. 1S81, between tlio hotirs of twelve o'clock M. uud 5 o'clock P. M., that la to mi «t two o'clock ID tho nriermxm of uiil d«T. »t tbfi Court llmine iu Morrlstosn, ID lalil Ooontr, make BIIG amUanurftuoa to thnhitbogt biii- iler or all tlio right Midtitio ot Timothy B. Kilcln-11, the above named defendant, of, m ml to nil lliat certain lot, tract or parcel of mil, HJinnto, k i n s md being In tbotovraihib rM.irriB, in tlio County of Monti and Ulite I Niw Jornev: hclng tlie same land nnd pram- ..irx conveyed bv Alfred Ford and wilo to Ethan F. Itmliop andWilliam D. Bisli('f), bv (titil dated April 10, 1851. and recorded m the Morrix C.mnty Clurk'n Ofco, In book V 4 or ilcoil". pages 280, he, and therein deicribed is t-.ilows: Beginning at i point wlicre a iladk walnut tree forniirlyntnoil In theroail wading trora MurrUtoirp to Wiipp»ny ona •ourBC of Booth flro dcf[r?et and thirty raln- ilon taut, distant flfty-fnnr links from HIP nutlieftHt enrner ut the dwelling bou*) latnof Domns ford, deecftHod, tlicnoe rnantng (1) noai Ii effjhty-ninft duRrooa aud rarU-ire raln- hi-nco (2) «niitu lhirt*-M»en J deRreei tntl nriv-tiTi'minateieftntteu ctiainn; ttionoe (S) onili flfiy-uiiu iIcKreodaail Xnrty-nva tniautea rift ronrl«'«ti ch«io> and Bixt?-ntn<) ItnUt: hcr.co (1) north ttiirtf-ieren deKrcon and urtj-flTo tn'QUtei wcit fonrteea cniina and llty linkn; tliencelS) north fifty-one deRrre* -nit fortyfirominuteflejiitiilno chtfni to tDe pjacoor'bpgiuninit; containing, after delnet- lojj Qflr bnndrcdtlifl of an acre conveyed to I*wig JohDBOO, twenty acrei more OT'let*, Aitochtul nnd tnk»n by vktite ot tbe above itatrd ktuditnebt, or ineii |iirt thertcf n jlmlJ bu M-'ceuary lo tatlnfy tbo debti of Mid plaintiff, aoc) tbfl creditor! ut aaid ciefrnJ»nt whn mij havo applied nnderHia »ald attach - entitled "An »•:' 'or drigNRFot oreditori ngalnit abncnndlpR and ^MgfeMlwori. Dated Ootobor 4-th, 1B81. ^* ' 19 00 HIGHER WAGES TO MINERS! Miners Wanted at Midvale, PASSAIO COUMTT, K J. TAKE MOJSTOIAIR BAHtROAD. A Natural, Sparkling Mineral Water, Imported fromthe Rhine, Germany, BHarnntoi-il as a aurp cure fnr Dyepepda. Tm- lutdiax- ^(iiid n'MiMfl ulw,iya ruiluff s BII'KIO trial. Ainu, tlm liui'at HUNGARIAN WINES, for Hie IIR.'H of Ilio ^icl*. nowIIBC*I l<vI liePi i.kut, nml rcL-i.inin.-iHlcil by all U-'mhua nil nioluiiH UM bumgubsoliutly pure mid lu-ii!ihli ALWAV8 ON HANI) TUB FIXES!" FO KION AND t'OMl'.STIO WiNES.SUNOIES, ami nil kiuiU ol H(|iii<rH tor t.i>ta^^hol< n»-<lifinal US<-H. KviT.vlliii.'c BDIU In HHirfciviiU'ittli'.-il (IH ^f'tillrm:. L- D. SCHWAKZ, KUKSICX HTItKET, oiti ;,nU- t ] i . - N . J . CVtilii .11-i.nt, I)6V£n, N. J. W. 8. BABBITT. This ivook we BIIOW in our Inrgi carpet roojiiH n large number o BEUSSELS CAHPET8, but tapestries und body- Tlio put term ure Dxct'ptioimlly lumdiiomo, thii season and attnict ronsitloi- utteiition. Of couiflo it in UII IHH'IIIL'HH for UK to.incntioit Um fut- Hint our pru'i'H fur UU-HO floods ar )c]ow tliexisiiftl ])riccs. In INGRAIN. ivd have ninny jutttui-iis for tlio faJ radc, mid ivo mo nlrcady ctttiii) 'ind JittiiiR tliti eeleln-ated brand :o tho Qm>on'H taste. "BLANKETS-will be higher" J" lie iinivei'Biil'cry of wholesale men 10 wo have Iuiil in our nloek Am tvill sell them at the usual prices, f jou want a puir of B u K you had hotter purchase at once his is our lulviee and we bftck'i with cheap prieeH in the article. Our buyer purchased a. case or ;wo of FALL PRINT^Vthe pat- :orns are novel to say tlie leant. IVo Bond saraplofi all over the worlt [pon nny application. W. S. BABBITT, MonmsTowN, N. J ffifWpS! RICHEST STYLES, UltEATEST BEAUTY, BEST VAEIETY und iOWEST PEICES in tho Stnto. saac N. Doty & Co, iavo largely nclilert tn liiuir olrgant rtuH-iit of FALL anil WINTER JKESS FABRICS. Tlioy show new colors, millennia nml styles; LOW I'liislies, Volvets and Vislve- aons, new Silks and Satins, new brocades and Moiro Stripes, new 'mbro and Roman Stripes, new lakla in fashionable combinations, iliuddnh Cloth, Camels Hair Cloth, iatius, Armurea and CashmereH in tew Autumn colors. Our prices ir Blaek Cashmeres nro positively ielow competition. To become loronghly fnniilinr ivitli the new .nd fashionable colors, Rtyles and ibrics, examine our unequalled ssortment. You are nlways lvol- omo to inspect the stock whether >r not you wish to purchnso. Formerly Morris & Doty, SAAC Jf. DOTY & Co., 159 & 1C1 Market St., Newark. N. J. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE t IRONIA and 3UCCASUNNA; Jl nearly new; on easy terms id less than present oost to mild. FARMS—Sizes and irices made lo suit. MINERAL PROPERTY, ENGINES, BOILERS, id Hining Machinery. Also TEAMS MATCHED HORSES uitable for all kinds of work. D. L. BRYANT, Ironia, N. J. Eff BLACKSMITH SHOP! has. T.Clark & Son ITS opened ft new ihpp in Dorer inSetriu;'* bollding, 00BNEB BLACKWELL AND BEROHSN ST8., ind iuVite tha ' pttronifte of tbo public. s. Horse Shoeing mide » •peoitlty of the bmtneii, iriiS i trial rouowiuri offaoruiiirupMtftaJlr yallelted. ESTABLISHED 1847. will confer on us an esteemed favor if they will call and examine the exceptionally elegant stylos of fine SHOES manufactured by Hannan & Reddish, theleadingshoe makers of New York city. They consist of Cloth and Kid Top Button, English Balmorals and Imitation Laoe and Plain Congress, in all widths, and. are acknowledged the finest line of goods made in America. "We keep also in stock a complete line of C. II. Howard's celebrated Westcoit's calf fine boot in single and double sole and all widths. The above manufacturer is the best maker of fine boots in New Eng- land, his star and gossamer weight boot having just won the first medal in the Boston Industrial Fair. Unless you call and examine our immense stock of the above goods you will do yourselves an injustice. RODERER & HEAGAN, OPP. D., L & W. DEPOT, HOME OF THE CORNHHMEN. QUAIKT OP ENOLAND'8 BIVAL TO OLDBB1TTANY. THE DOVER LUMBER CO. llbra to Iraililurs lh« hewt npporLiinitiuH in Iliu uurcluiBO of LUMBER f overy gmdo nml dumtriptiuu iuuliiJiiif; LOW WtlCES und tbo gi-oat ulvuutngo of huviug Iiumber Worked to Order >y tnncbiiiory at tlio'plucij whoro it is JIUICIIIIHCII, Rvently losseniiig the cost of building 1)J tlui gieivt saving iu imuiuul labor. Onr fituuk uhvujB iuuluduH Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings und LXJfttBEIt of ovory (leHcription, aud espeeiul paine are taken to.give Hiitisfiujtiou in every pwticulur. Wll. H. LAMHEIIT, Hcc'y luid Trt'SH. I. w. SIAIIIKO, Ocn'l as, BSJ. ti®.. 3®, 3®, I®. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF NEW CROP TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES, AT TUBBT.'RKOP N.Y.& CHINA TEA COMPANY. BLACKWELL STIIEET, DOVER, N. J. FINEST FHIlMliHA 0OL0NO FINI-NT ()LI> OOV. JAVA, .. . . FINE MAHACAIJ1O COFFKE invite tli.' xpiri U tlie llli " U> lollo i»( ot p 22, 25, 28, ctH. , hotel 1i<'f|u:ru and ho COl'TEEH, lfl, IH, 20. 22 eta. per Hi. TKAs <j5, an. ;Hi,:ir, » •. SU0AI1B EOI.D AT COST. Wec p| our giifnln illrrot ham II.. imnorlrrn andliLiiMoiirLOW l'RICKH. One Iriii! innil ivt-ask. MARBLE YARD IW 33OV.13XI! {],<• CartiOr of H1,A( K U K I . L AND bltf^GN s u . . and is pri']>art'd lo lurtin CD nl all othur work in 'JIB line. f>mK:rv iclfmi'd wuli firiiiiic ami marblo I>HHIH. WitLi "i1itkut L tiiat C I can B&titifj Hie ptit.tit-. tents for Fairbanks' Scales aiidTer- wUllgor's Safes. VOOHHEES BROTHERS, M0RRIST0WN, 0ILDEH9', CAIlltlAOE MAKEIUT, BLACK BM1TI1S' COMTKA<:TOHS AND 1UN- INO SUPPLIES, rk-ultu lB, Fertilize. Implrmi-ntp. Bc rail,ta, Oils, OIS WALTER A. WOOD'S Celebrated OWBKS and REAPERS. X. TOOKHEEfl. JAMES B. TO»BOXU. Morrfntnwn. Doe. IBth. 1878. J. J. BACKOFF'S JILLIARD PARL3RS Sussex St. DOVER, N J. f o tlioroncbly fnrniBliod »nd efficiently imppcd wilh tbrco of GRIFFITH'S CELE- ItATED BILLIARD *nrl POOL TABLES, Ehrel'i, Piliner, MUtunben. Taledo* Cfncin- tf. St. I/IQ!B, Peter Dnelfier*! and Lioo ri. Tho beat WINES, Xiqoota tUebar. J. J. VBEELAND, CARPENTER AND. BUILDER, D0VEE, N. J. ( FFICE adjoining lh» Dover Lumber Ootn- panv'ii mill. Cfintraeti takrn, and plant, eiScsUooi and maierialanfaTcry kind fur- lihed for bnildJnui. Jobbing a SLATE ROOFINC. . w - f t •.- ••• •- > . - ; . - ' , ' , i Slate furnished front th<l tent qnirrlei IJT ba amtll qainUlyj* uu loaa, mtid Utd, if de- ind, by «xperieSo<!d worknln it lowrit«, ommend Cnrtcr'n Iron PIII a tueverj •woman wlioiH^Vealr,Kcnw:p,Dr.ilD;BtouroecJ; imrlitulftrlr ttioro irlio lir.vo Thin, Talo Lips, Cold Hands and Perl, end ivlio ora irltboul etrcoElh or AinWilon. Z'bcto PUIs qnlct tho Nervca, e!vo Strength lo llio Rody, Induce Ro- (rcshlnc Slprp-, Ftirlch nnd Improv» Ilia qoaHtr Of tlie llluml, aud Purify nn<l UrlcUlcii thei Com- nlexldn. Tliey tan PulpllnHoa of tho Heart, Hemnuncu. '^eii;Mlrt Rl Ncnrona H^dlch^ Luitcorrlirxn, Pnlnx la tin-- Jlurtt, nnil oilier forma of FirinnloW'eiil.tiCTR Jt.rTitiW tlint Iron la onaoMliocomiltni-iirnof iholilood.onil la tba T«H P»l(ir<)o]80T»:a< •Me for tnpn who m troubled with Norvooi WcuknePB, Nights went«. 4c In rnctsl bosen. KSOrrr.r-. ttaia by oil dmegjato-or aent by BlklL Aililn.-H8 CARTER MEDICINE CO., Mew York City. McKinnon Bros. UiHUFlOTU&Enfl OF Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. t h tvinc bocu roporteil tint IIIIR oM-cdtab- iy.il mmwoll-bnowti firm IIIB pono out of iiiiiB«. vts t»ko this moRim c»rinr»trnilnfi the )!ic t i n t tmcli ja not tlio caso. Wo urn *till tii«intir«, have norunneclinn withanyotbor rj wlmtcrcr, (indnliallcnntinne to make oar Miuown ROOIIB wlib greater care than ever. ourfiuodnnre Liml-maiifl tbroanhnut anil arc ILu only llrm In Rockawav miblnB *nuh idg entirely by baud. Water Tuyem Tor loi a ipeoiiltr. 39-ls Stationery, Confectionery, THE CHOICEST BPANDS or REOAIW, THE BEST GRADES OPTOBACCOS, WEEKLY AND DAILY PAPEB8, YANKEE NOTIONS ETa, oo TO' ••'•'.' D. 8. MORRISON, SUSSEX STREET. PAULC. BOTTIOHER, 751 BROAD St. NEWARK, N.J. PLANS >NDBPEOTFICATIONB prepared for itll Uniii o * bnlldlngi, and thecom tr not ton Lof tulUlnp tipKlawadvd, n tf.UIOTf! MBN WHO WEItE OOBH THEBB— OTHEitd WHOHAVE WHITTRN ABfiCTTHE LAND BESOND THE TAMA1 EIN'Q ARTBUB, AMD " T O E flDATEfl OF FBKZANOE." PBKZANOB, Comwall, Oct. \L— Tbere i s a Rood old Btory, none tbe woi-ssfor ing thesomcwbnt rare merit of being true, of a certain jovial Abbe wbo was Iu tlie bnbit of paving frequent visits to a dislinguisbnLl Froiicli STiirquie, tbe t friemlH* being of one mind on ever,\ puiiif BUVB tho boBt mot bod of i riBimrnguB, wbicli I ho Mnrquin liked witb ail and tlie Abbe without. Hence, i ivim usuul, wbeu tbe; dineil together, for each to buve a separate disb acuord ing to bis own liking. At length tbe poor Abl'e, comiug iu to dinner one nceiiing OB UBiial, dropped dead at bis tn ml'a feet from boart complaint. The Murquia mutle but otto bemud to tb bead of ihe hilchen si air, and roared to tlie cook : " Do it all will) oil t" Moral It is an ill-wind tbut blows nobod. aooA. Tbo proverb bus just been exom- tt'ossj' I plified in m.y own case almost as atrik j IIRIJ as hi tbnt of tbe laokless Abbe, t dfluy of my E;igt Iodiau •timer having given me lime far B frying viwit to one of the mast uio- as welt as most lmloricallj g rogioBB in all WesterD Enrn[.o. OiTDimll isindeeci a land of eocuont- iiii'iil, whetlior looked at historically, irtisticuHy. or pnetioully, Tbe momenl pui cross the Tiimnr ,von come at once nio u npw world—tiew at least in one ioufee, IIIOURI) older in another than nnv Hpnt of Euglaud, Apart aUoaelber.froai tlie trudiiiou wbiab makes the Oorniah const a favorite resort of certain keeu PbcDiiioiiin flpecnlators 2^S00 yaars QRO, bout upon " having it big thing la tin* n tbe mnrkets of TJTQ and Sidon, tbe Western Principality buB a stock ot leiw remote onliquitiea suffloient toset np an MI tiro continent. King Arthnr, if 1-e •ver existed anywhere but in tbe imag- ntiiuiD of Sir Thumas Military and Mr. VunvRon, must have planter! bia Bound Table si-roewbere amid these sloping K-eu bills nnd etern gray rooks, and imve fought his " last dim battle in the West" against tbe traitor Mordred upou Ibu now submerged plaUna | y then connected tbe Scilly lelea with tbe tnoinlaud, The same region guve birth toauotuerconlemporbry boro much admired by Arthur, with whom A-e are all even more familiar, viz.: Juck bo niaui Killer, whoso nationality was so prondly hlozoned upon tbe belt pre- ueiiled to bint by tbe Mayor aud Cor porntion of Peozjnce, in gratitude for bisreceovul of such a flagrant pnblic nuisance as the cannibal giant of St. Michael's Mount, " TUis in ihevniiant Cmniphman Who slew the Riaut Corraoniu." So late an the Norman Conquest, tbe hole country was split into little king- urns of n few miles apiece, ruled bv vutious brawny " abepberds of tbe peo- 1P," wbowereqnilenaienorant, brutul, ihiinlioii, undb oodthirnty na it WIIS tbe urrcct thing for all such ahopherds lo bo in those days. Tlioii was tho goldoti im* for miel) gcritlcinen an Alel LriKtie- leurd, Ironhook tbo Unwashed, Gr.ylla if Ariu'uzion, und half a ecoro otltor Micltul Bciiniickciifs, who amused them- selves witli robbing and murdering ea-h if bur's sii bjco's whenever a chance of' tered, ngreoing only iu strict disobeili- LUicoto tliuflit-citlierl " King of Euglnud" ind busitiesa-liko alucrity in torturing o death any unfortunate monk wbo bad be impudence to come and try to tench hem belter. Even iu the milder dirts lint followed Cornwall wus still as dis- tinct from the rest of England ns tbo French Province of Brittany, wbich it HO strongly resembled, WUH from tho rest of Franco. For centuries the coun- trymen of Abraham Cann and Polkiug- liorn reliiinod their own language, and tbero may still he living among the rocky hills that look westward over tho Atlantic a few white haired grandfathers fh'we memory goes back to the day then tbo last Cornish sermon was imtctiec] in the pariah church of jiiudewutfnaok. The pioturefique old ii'iithen observances and snperatitiouB which tlio tiDcieut Britons preserved even nfter tbeir nominal conversion to CiirtKliitnity lingered here longer than iu mi; other pnrt of the United King- dom except the Scottish Highlands. To his day tbe Ojiaers of Botailack and tbe urmere of Truro retain the bard, solid, granite-hewn cant of features obarauter- slic of their modiaavnl ancestors, and he short, squnre build BO aptly de- scribed by the Scot wbo defined a Oor- mshtnan to be "n man OB broad be was narrow." And many a gallant deed iu every part of the world has shown that tbe modern Cornish man is not a whit less brave than those who charged up bill against, the outnumbering Crom- ,-ellians at Bodmin Down, forced Lord Essex to surrender at Lostwitbiel, and msirched as.far as Exeter to snatch BMiop Trelawney from tbe dutches of s II., singing the fatnoas old war song whiob is mill a household word itb their desoendants : Ho, Onrnwall to the resoue1 Let every sword be drjiWD | King Jumes detnins in slarish chaina Treluwrjey ofTrelawne. And bavo the* fixed tbe where and when? And sliutl Trelawney die ? Here's twenty thousand Cornish men Will know tbe reason why I" Preconceived notions aro seldom just, and Cornwall is one of the countless places wbich arqas mnob like tbeDopn- lar idea of them as n wlieelbarrow is like ict of Parliument. Every one knowh bo received conception of it—a wild, ire, ragged region, boney-eombed hy iuDumerabla mineBbafta into the like- ness of n monster rabbit-warren, girt itb tremendous cliffs, wbiob, however far inland they might- be, always COD* rived to be "scourged by the pray of the unresting ocean," aad peopled with a raw of squat, grim, creatures, who spent their lives at fathomless 'distances nuder ground, only coming op once a year to ee vliat o'clock it was. Those wbo hold Ibis comfortnhle theory woatd be sorely surprised, even if tbey could not be convert d, hy a walk through the couu- try aroand Falmnntb on n fine Heptem- ber or October afteraooa. The trim little white town, nestled into its shel- tering hollow amid clumps of noblp I fees, with the sea on one aids nnd the long narrow inlet of its harbor on tbe other, is a charming Bpeolacle in itself. Bat even more Bplendid u tlie picture that meets you wlieu yosj reach tbo sum- mit of tbe buigbts above tbe town, uud tnke in at one glonec tlio whole sweep o that glorious bay, aronnd the blue HUI lit waters of whinii for mnuy a mile etreaches an ever-vuryin • panofuma ol grassy Qplaode ond frowuittg ctaga an shadowy bosketa of wooding, and smoot greeo hills mapped out bj dark hedge rows and broad yellow enndB and i pebb'ebeacbea glitteriDp witb eeet foam Bod tiny wbite hamlets, neatling uuder the lee of iiuge overhanging cliff und low brown reefs tasseled with glosNy (tea-weed. High ovor all upon its loiiel dill-top towers tbe dark-gray mass ol Pcodeunifl Uaette, erect and defiant a in tbo Uuya when etout old Sir John A nadel, with the eoowa of 87 years i his head, held it for six months against oil that tho Oromwelliaus aould )o,tiu(\ when at length etarvej iulo n surrender, exulted iu the thought tha ( bis aocoBtral banner wna "tlio lant (ha bad wuved for the King in broad Eng- land," Even then, however, (he picture Is not complete till you have marched out over,bill and dale, between !ii«b and tall hedges, bright il fl witb every wild flower from the falry- •ike boneyouokle to tbe deep Hob j of the " raRgej robbiu," to visit Peo- gerrick, tbe home of one of tbe boat nod a oat single-hearted women in BriUio. There, liaviug noiukred ibiotigb sbndy bollowa and. freib greso towns, (rim flower-hedB and rooky ferneries, around s neat and quiet a little country bouse as any poet oould wish to write in, you II sorely turn buck for one more look, through a bugvista of Btately trees, to tbe point where, far down a shadowy valley; glimmer* tbe broad sheen of the distant sea. bnolj a region fa well worth far more than'tbe.flying visit which Is all that moat .toDmis. can spare it. Any one who baa tirflo lo tramp along the rugged heights (bat skirt the sea from Hartland Point to Tintogol, have a talk withthe Bolatlaok miner* at tbe month of that terrible sbaft wiioae 'deptbs eaho witb Ibe roar of tbe hungry sea, watch a wrestling'bout between two local ohntn- pions at tbe fair of Truro orBedratb, and eat Oornisb mutton in the snug little hotel tliut neBtlea amoag the rooki pr Land's End, will ha?e made the best i use of a month's lioilday. But even forthoBQ whoare forced to confine themselves to tbe track of the South Devon and Cornwall Bailway, there is quite enough to see. There i« Ply- mouth, wbich sent ont tlie bravest sea- men of tho sixteenth century tobBnrd tbe " Invincible Armada," and guveits name to another Plymouth immortalized by a story even more heroic, a story of dauntless courage and qaiet, uncom- plaining endurance unmntched in tlie records of mankind. There is Truro, wbich gave birth tp Henry Martyn, bravest aotl moat eelf-denytup; of eigh- •ontb century mlnsinimrieg, nnd to tlie gal hint Lander brothers, who were tbe first nnd must successful *n of tho Ni«er. Tboro in Fal- motttbi-to.'the - multiplied boitutiea of i my bnsty description tins done but Beaot jnBlice. Tliore is Maradion, mcmurnble to all readers of Canon Knifislcy'B "Hcri'wiinl," as tlie place xbvro that ttiiergotio Kdiillmmu aasunnil tho disguise of a bmper to give Ibc Prinnesa qf Cinnwnll hor lover's riiif?, ittd tberenftprrfiscued her from lutrsi'lf- iloetod bridegmom, King Uunnibnl Orylls, by tlio Himplo mctlicid of nm- ig bio] tlirotigb ibe body nnd curry- iiiKtiff tlio body in triumph. Hy this tiuin tbe smooth gret'-n slopes and clus- tering trees nre all left bcliind, nntl ynn bt'Bin to wind nniuug wild wnodlu'juls id bare stony ridgds, duj^plcd with tlto il wbtio cliimnnys tluit mark Hie months of cuuuttcss niiiiivnbufla. At length, jiiBt a^ the sna dips into iltt; ocenn, you see tbe huge nbudowy m:ias of St. JJiobnei'H Mount looming against :be darkening sky line and slidi- along the smooth snndy btucli of ono of tlie prettiest tittle bnys in Englund to tlie spot where the lights of Funzance arc neon'glimmering faintly through the fast tiling shadows of night. Just at present Penznnce is doubllcss bestknowi: to tbe world as the abiding- place that ndventaroaa gentleman wbo was apprenticed to a pirate by the itidooioaa fancy of Messrs, Gilbert ond Sullivan. Bat it may claim other nnd more authentic, as well as more orodit- ible, cithcens than these. More than a centary ngo a sturdy little brown-faced lad was paddling bare-fnoted iu the ilt-water pooh) among a group of flsber hoys, wbo little dreamed that tbeir merry play-follow, Nod Pel low, was one day to blow the batteries of tbe Algerlne corsairs about their ears aB Admiral Lord Exmonih, Tea years later, when Fighting Ned Pellew" was making himself beard of as a dashing young naval officer in Rodney's fleet, there vos born in Penxanoe a delicate, bright- eyed, thoughtfut-loolting obild, wbo was me day to write bia name in the roll of science as Sir Humphry Davy, inventor of thesafety-1nrap, and to bequeath, in affectionate remembrance of his birth- place, £100 ($600) to Hie Penzanoe grammar school* ob condition that bis own birthday should be a yearly holiday for the boys. Nor mast we forget alanclj old MoIHe K^lyuaok, the queen of Penzanoe fish-women, wbo, at 84 years of age, tramped the whole 283 miles between Penzanoe and London to see tbe great exhibition of 1851 and receive a few kind words from '"Mrs. Qneen Victoria" herself. Adding to these associations tbe burning of the place by Spanish invaders in 1595 and the Rocking of it by Fairfax's Puritans in 1646, it will he seen that tbis quaint ild sea-port, " the last railway station in Eoglaad," bos had its fulfbhargof itining eventB, Of the .two "excursions from Pun- zanco"—in praise of which the guide- books exhaust all that poetical riahness of imagery for wbich they are so jastly famoBs—the tno*t obvioas is, of course, tbdttb "Land's Bail,* a huge grnoite cliff60 feet high, reached from the town by a steep up-hill walk of lot miles, along a coast BO fruitful iu carea, precis pices, "Druid stooeV 1 4c., as tb de- mand far more time tban ia usually given to it. On owar of rook over- banging the ioa stands tbe fomons fitean," (Booking Stone) bicli, although weighing upward of 05 tons, can be swayed by the toaoh ot hand. It was overthrown in 1834,(in order to controvert an old prophecy) by a materialistic Lieutenant of the British , w.h.9 was JnsUy pnnfahod by l»v- ing to put it tip again, at a coat which kept him a poor manfor tho rest of bis days. Wbat a religion is Christianity. There is no region of the earth whore it cannot be instituted ; the mao duos not live to whom it may not bo preached, and by whom it may not forthwith be eujoj^J. It is ai tuple in its nature, epiritnal iu its requirements, and divine in all its re- eouroee. Its truth |B such as to instruct at once tbe ill untriouB Newton and the 1 Duiryman's Duuphter," and itu tbemos ireflucb as b»th Hilton and tbe "Hbop> herd of Salisbury Plain " cau dwell on with delight. It suits every clime, color and condition. Tbe Government does ot ttxist under which it will uot BUTvivti. Peculiarities, geographical, local or na- tioual, caouot be found by wbich it would be sot ut naugbt Being a uni- versal remedy, Hoporatea in every tem- peraturo and latitude. Requiring no lid from the civil power, oBBumiug no position or racb among tbe authorities <t tbe world, it may yet he borne by the missionary witb hope of BUCCCSS to tbe rougb-clfld Huron amongst tbo tee-bouud lakes, to the reoiiniug, effeminate Asiatic, Itnid tbe fountains and odontic groves of bin oonptry, to tbe pigmy Laplander, along the consolidated surface of his scow, or to tbe inhabitants of tbe snnuy isiauda of the south era BOOB. The Bible is characterized by increaied vigor. Other religion*,, after they exist for a century or two, give signs of ionui- tion aud feebleness ; tbrf frailty of a^e is upou them, but the streugth of Obristi- inity grows with its years ; it is not sub- ject to the wasting influences of time— ige brings witb It no feebleness, centur- iea write no wrtakles oo its brow. After eighteen centuries the dow of youth is upon it. It is not-content to BIamber in iay territory. It aima to aoq.iire new lominion—even to complete tbe con- lucflt of the world. In distant parts of the earth it nowSashes forth the sigu of hope to the nations, and still its watch- word is: "Ampliwf Ampliusf"—fur- ther, still further. Onward—onward, while there is a spot of earth unexplored or a child of man unsaved. Tbe graves if many wbo songht to extend its bene- ficent influence are found on beatbeu soil, while those wbo are its enemies en- joy at borne H« temporal blessings with la ingratitude, aud eveu fill [heir purg- wiib revenue from tbeir bold and bad assaults upoa it. Umc-Kilti Club View or Practical NjmpnUir. " I eawin de papers de odder day," began Brother Gardner after carefully wiping tbe top of his bead, " a leetle tem 'bout speakin* kind Words to our ten oswQtrabhle de highway of ife. Dut'a enpy 'nuff to do, an' a mighty beap way of scinbbin* long, hut I doau' want nobody to practice it on me. If I use men right, dcy will use me right, an. we bin trade kind words. If you meet mnu in do gutter, tlonn' atan on de idewulk un 1 tell him tint yon am ready i bust wid Borrow, an' datymi solemnly ieli he wouldn't do so nnvmo, Stan, im on bis feet nil' (start him for home, in' lo! bis wife au 1 do poker run de kiml ird liiziicfH, orhttnt f ur a purlicetnnn* i have tbe drunkard l)oonted for sixty JR. If you moot ti poo* man wboB* 'ifo um lyin'dcud in do bouse, doan' ipo yer eyes un' rattle y<?r cliiu, an' tell im jnuM jipo do funeral purccsbum if m «uly linil n nuile. Wulk right down tteryer wt»«t pockut fur liulf yer week's viigoa to hclp])ay fnr decoffiu nn' odder 'Xl)cus?e9. It you uieut n fiiller-tuan who out of wood, uu'meat, an'fluur nu* n broken arm to cxtniso it, doan' mcker yer month un' t^ll liim dut do wil will purviile. De Lnwd doau'fur- ;b iiurvisbimji far (li.i market. Instead f dtoppiu' ii tear «[ sorrow ou Je donli- .:n, step nrouu' lo do wooil yunl au' do Deer's nn' hiy tliiwu do CSIKII to fneil uti' trm do family fur it fortnite." "Wbcn I meist a little gnl who has st tier doll-bal)y, or n Httlo boy who .9 Htiibbeii his toe, I tako 'cm tip in my a'ms an' wipo dqir lootlo aosea, au' it 'emduwn wid a handful of penuuts : r beQ I meet a widdcr wbo am out of rood, an old man who has been turned >ut doabs, or a workin'man who's borne itn underdo eharfder of deatb, I doau' lean on de fence an' look to Heaben fnr relief. If I'zo got a dollar I ban' it out. I lentl it or gib it or make 'em take it, in* if Heaben docs anyfing furder dat's ixtra. When you read dat it am easy to speak kind words, jt&t reflecfe dot it am also de cbeapost.way'iu de world to help a nitjbnr. Turnips am coted at forty inla a bushel; kind words have no nine in de market bet ns now attack i reg'lar order of bizneus."—Detroit Free Press. " Whence it it," sayB an. able writer, that the herdsmen, and fishermen and intmakers of Judea have given a Book the world which is so superior to all :he productions of human genius and .rnlug, soundivided andunique in its inject, and in ita design so unutterably 1 and elevated ? What presiding genius, what master mind was it that controlled andpropelled them at every tep ? If the 1 greatness of the cause may e ascertained from tbe greatness of the effect, is not this Book, as a mere intel- lectual effirt, inexplicable npon any tber supposition than it is of Divine irigin ? Does not tbe light that eman- es from those pages proceed from tbo great Fountain an(3 eternal aonree of knowledge ? Is it not the prodnciion of the Infinite Mind? Is it not impossible hat ii should have been tbe result of luraau invention ? Is it not utterly he* rand tbe grasp of man? Bnsitnotanele- ation of thought, a vigor, an extent, a greatness 6f conception hioh makes the proudest'effurts of bnman genius* melt iwaj like an untimely birtb, and wbicli beaiBontbe face of it the intelligence and signature of Heaven ?" WISK wonny. A man often atnba his toe on the hresliold of success. No one is ever fatigued after the ex- trciso of forbearance. handsome woman pleases the eye, bnt a good woman charms the heart. Discretion is the golden corn on which wisdom strings her riohest jewels. Tbe wise man looks for happiness he- ond the narrow ken of personal inter- it. Men often judge the person, but not tbe cause, which is not justice, but malice. As we mtut render an account of ererj idle word, so mophVe likewise of onr idl silence, -•'•'•


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AUIHTOlt'S SALE.{orriKCirciiilOourt.-Jos-ppli ITnrrpn Kitclit-Il

TB. Timniliy H, Kitclicll. In CURB. On at-tachment.

EDMUND D.nAUEir , Att'y,Nut ice Is licrt'bv given tint tbo nnbRurllior,

.imlUor appointed m Ihii canau, by virtue oran order of ttio Circuit Oonrt nf Hurri*comityma de for thai purpose on tbo fuurtli dnj ofOuloher, A.D. 1881, will on

MONDAY, tbe 121b d w of Dec-amber,A.D. 1S81, between tlio hotirs of twelve o'clockM. uud 5 o'clock P. M., that la to mi «t twoo'clock ID tho nriermxm of uiil d«T. »t tbfiCourt llmine iu Morrlstosn, ID lalil Ooontr,make BIIG amUanurftuoa to thn hitbogt biii-iler or all tlio right Mid titio ot Timothy B.Kilcln-11, the above named defendant, of, m

ml to nil lliat certain lot, tract or parcel ofmil, HJinnto, kins md being In tbo tovraihibrM.irriB, in tlio County of Monti and UliteI Niw Jornev: hclng tlie same land nnd pram-

..irx conveyed bv Alfred Ford and wilo toEthan F. Itmliop and William D. Bisli('f), bv(titil dated April 10, 1851. and recorded m theMorrix C.mnty Clurk'n Ofco, In book V 4 orilcoil". pages 280, he, and therein deicribedis t-.ilows: Beginning at i point wlicre ailadk walnut tree forniirlyntnoil In the roailwading trora MurrUtoirp to Wiipp»ny on a•ourBC of Booth flro dcf[r?et and thirty raln-ilon taut, distant flfty-fnnr links from HIPnutlieftHt enrner ut the dwelling bou*) latn of

Domns ford, deecftHod, tlicnoe rnantng (1)noai Ii effjhty-ninft duRrooa aud rarU-ire raln-

hi-nco (2) «niitu lhirt*-M»enJdeRreei tntlnriv-tiTi'minateieftntteu ctiainn; ttionoe (S)onili flfiy-uiiu iIcKreodaail Xnrty-nva tniautearift ronrl«'«ti ch«io> and Bixt?-ntn<) ItnUt:hcr.co (1) north ttiirtf-ieren deKrcon andurtj-flTo tn'QUtei wcit fonrteea cniina andllty linkn; tliencelS) north fifty-one deRrre*

-nit fortyfirominuteflejiitiilno chtfni to tDepjacoor'bpgiuninit; containing, after delnet-lojj Qflr bnndrcdtlifl of an acre conveyed toI*wig JohDBOO, twenty acrei more OT'let*,Aitochtul nnd tnk»n by vktite ot tbe aboveitatrd ktuditnebt, or ineii |iirt thertcf n

jlmlJ bu M-'ceuary lo tatlnfy tbo debti of Midplaintiff, aoc) tbfl creditor! ut aaid ciefrnJ»ntwhn mij havo applied nnderHia »ald attach -

entitled "An »•:' 'or dr igNRFot oreditoringalnit abncnndlpR and ^MgfeMlwori.

Dated Ootobor 4-th, 1B81. ^ * ' 19 00


Miners Wanted at Midvale,


A Natural, Sparkling MineralWater, Imported from the

Rhine, Germany,BHarnntoi-il as a aurp cure fnr Dyepepda. Tm-lutdiax- ^(iiid n'MiMfl ulw,iya ruiluff s BII'KIOtrial. Ainu, tlm liui'at

HUNGARIAN WINES,for Hie IIR.'H of Ilio ^icl*. now IIBC*I l<v I lie Pii .kut , nml rcL-i.inin.-iHlcil by all U-'mhua nilnioluiiH UM bumgubsol iu t ly pure mid lu-ii!ihli


WiNES.SUNOIES,ami nil kiuiU ol H(|iii<rH tor t.i>ta^^hol<n»-<lifinal US<-H. KviT.vlliii.'c BDIU InHHirfciviiU'ittli'.-il (IH ^f'tillrm:.

L- D. SCHWAKZ,K U K S I C X H T I t K E T , o i t i ; , n U - t ] i . - N . J . C V t i l i i

.11-i.nt, I)6V£n, N. J.


This ivook we BIIOW in our Inrgi

carpet roojiiH n large number o

BEUSSELS CAHPET8, buttapestries und body- Tlio put term

ure Dxct'ptioimlly lumdiiomo, thii

season and attnict ronsitloi-

utteiition. Of couiflo it in UII

IHH'IIIL'HH for UK to.incntioit Um fut-

Hint our pru'i'H fur UU-HO floods ar

)c]ow tliexisiiftl ])riccs. In INGRAIN.

ivd have ninny jutttui-iis for tlio faJ

radc, mid ivo mo nlrcady ctttiii)

'ind JittiiiR tliti eeleln-ated brand

:o tho Qm>on'H taste.

"BLANKETS-will be higher" J"

lie iinivei'Biil'cry of wholesale men

10 wo have Iuiil in our nloek Am

tvill sell them at the usual prices,

f j ou want a puir of B u K

you had hotter purchase a t once

his is our lulviee and we bftck'i

with cheap prieeH in the article.

Our buyer purchased a. case or

;wo of F A L L P R I N T ^ V t h e pat-

:orns are novel to say tlie leant.

IVo Bond saraplofi all over the worlt

[pon nny application.


MonmsTowN, N. J



iOWEST PEICES in tho Stnto.

saac N. Doty & Co,iavo largely nclilert tn liiuir olrgant

rtuH-iit of FALL anil WINTER


new colors, millennia nml styles;

LOW I'liislies, Volvets and Vislve-

aons, new Silks and Satins, new

brocades and Moiro Stripes, new

'mbro and Roman Stripes, new

lakla in fashionable combinations,

iliuddnh Cloth, Camels Hair Cloth,

iatius, Armurea and CashmereH in

tew Autumn colors. Our prices

ir Blaek Cashmeres nro positively

ielow competition. To become

loronghly fnniilinr ivitli the new

.nd fashionable colors, Rtyles and

ibrics, examine our unequalled

ssortment. You are nlways lvol-

omo to inspect the stock whether

>r not you wish to purchnso.

Formerly Morris & Doty,

SAAC Jf. DOTY & Co.,

159 & 1C1 Market St.,

Newark. N. J.





Jl nearly new; on easy terms

id less than present oost to

mild. FARMS—Sizes and

irices made lo suit.



id Hining Machinery. Also


uitable for all kinds of work.


Ironia, N. J.

Eff BLACKSMITH SHOP!has. T.Clark & Son

ITS opened ft new ihpp in Dorer in Setriu;'*bollding, 00BNEB BLACKWELL AND

BEROHSN ST8., ind iuVite tha 'pttronifte of tbo public. s.

Horse Shoeingmide » •peoitlty of the bmtneii, iriiS i trial

rouowiuri offaoruiiirupMtftaJlr yallelted.


will confer on us an esteemed favorif they will call and examine theexceptionally elegant stylos of fineSHOES manufactured by Hannan& Reddish, theleadingshoe makersof New York city. They consist ofCloth and Kid Top Button, EnglishBalmorals and Imitation Laoe andPlain Congress, in all widths, and.are acknowledged the finest line ofgoods made in America.

"We keep also in stock a completeline of C. II. Howard's celebratedWestcoit's calf fine boot in singleand double sole and all widths. Theabove manufacturer is the bestmaker of fine boots in New Eng-land, his star and gossamer weightboot having just won the firstmedal in the Boston Industrial Fair.Unless you call and examine ourimmense stock of the above goodsyou will do yourselves an injustice.




T H E DOVER LUMBER CO.llbra to Iraililurs lh« hewt npporLiinitiuH in Iliu uurcluiBO of L U M B E Rf overy gmdo nml dumtriptiuu iuuliiJiiif; LOW W t l C E S und tbo gi-oat

ulvuutngo of huviug

Iiumber Worked to Order>y tnncbiiiory a t tlio'plucij whoro it is JIUICIIIIHCII, Rvently losseniiig the

cost of building 1)J tlui gieivt saving iu imuiuul labor. Onrfituuk uhvujB iuuluduH

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsund LXJfttBEIt of ovory (leHcription, aud espeeiul paine are taken

to.give Hiitisfiujtiou in every pwticulur.

Wll . H . LAMHEIIT, Hcc'y luid Trt'SH.

I. w . SIAIIIKO, Ocn'l











invite tli.' xpiriU tlie l l l i" U> lol lo i»( ot p

22, 25, 28, ctH., hotel 1i<'f|u:ru and ho

COl'TEEH, lfl, IH, 20. 22 eta. per Hi.TKAs <j5, an. ;Hi,:ir, » •.

SU0AI1B EOI.D AT COST. We c p | our giifnln illrrot ham II.. imnorlrrnand l iL i iMoi i rLOW l'RICKH. One Iriii! in nil ivt-ask.


{],<• CartiOr of H1,A( K U K I . L ANDbltf^GN s u . . and is pri']>art'd lo lurtin


nl a l l othur work in 'JIB line. f>mK:rviclfmi'd wuli firiiiiic ami marblo I>HHIH. WitLi

"i1itkutLtiiatCI can B&titifj Hie ptit.tit-.

tents for Fairbanks' Scales aiidTer-wUllgor's Safes.



I N O S U P P L I E S ,

rk-ultu lB, Fertilize.Implrmi-ntp. Bcra i l , t a , Oils, O I S


Morrfntnwn. Doe. IBth. 1878.


JILLIARD PARL3RSSussex St. DOVER, N J.fo tlioroncbly fnrniBliod »nd efficiently

imppcd wilh tbrco of GRIFFITH'S CELE-


Ehrel'i, Piliner, MUtunben. Taledo* Cfncin-tf. St. I/IQ!B, Peter Dnelfier*! and Lioo

ri . Tho beat WINES, XiqootatUebar.


D0VEE, N. J.(FFICE adjoining lh» Dover Lumber Ootn-

panv'ii mill. Cfintraeti takrn, and plant,eiScsUooi and maierialanfaTcry kind fur-

lihed for bnildJnui. Jobbing a

SLATE ROOFINC.. w - f t •.- ••• •- • > . - ; • . - ' , ' , i

Slate furnished front th<l tent qnirrlei IJTba amtll qainUlyj* u u loaa, mtid Utd, if de-ind, by «xperieSo<!d worknln i t lowr i t« ,

ommend Cnr t c r ' n I r o n PIII a tuever j•woman wlioiH^Vealr,Kcnw:p,Dr.ilD;BtouroecJ;imrlitulftrlr ttioro irlio lir.vo Thin, Talo Lips,Cold Hands and Per l , end ivlio ora irltbouletrcoElh or AinWilon. Z'bcto PUIs qnlct thoNervca, e!vo Strength l o llio Rody, Induce Ro-(rcshlnc Slprp-, Ftirlch nnd Improv» Ilia qoaHtrOf tlie llluml, aud Purify nn<l UrlcUlcii thei Com-nlexldn. Tliey tan PulpllnHoa of tho Heart,H e m n u n c u . '^eii;MlrtR l Ncnrona H ^ d l c h ^Luitcorrlirxn, Pnlnx la tin-- Jlurtt, nnil oilier formaof FirinnloW'eiil.tiCTR J t . rT i t iW tlint Iron laonaoMliocomiltni-iirnof iholilood.onil la tba

T « H P»l(ir<)o]80T»:a<•Me for tnpn who m troubled with NorvooiWcuknePB, Nights went«. 4 c In rnctsl bosen.K S O r r r . r - . ttaia by oil dmegjato-or aent byBlklL Aililn.-H8


McKinnon Bros.UiHUFlOTU&Enfl OF

Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

t h tvinc bocu roporteil t int IIIIR oM-cdtab-iy.il mm woll-bnowti firm IIIB pono out ofiiiiiB«. vts t»ko this moRim c»rinr»trnilnfi the)!ic t int tmcli ja not tlio caso. Wo urn *tilltii«intir«, have norunneclinn withanyotborrj wlmtcrcr, (ind nliallcnntinne to make oarMiuown ROOIIB wlib greater care than ever.ourfiuodnnre Liml-maiifl tbroanhnut anilarc ILu only llrm In Rockawav miblnB *nuhidg entirely by baud. Water Tuyem Torloi a ipeoiiltr. 39-ls





E T a , o o T O ' • • ' • ' . '





for itll Uniii o * bnlldlngi, and the com tr not ton

Lof t u l U l n p tipKlawadvd, n


isa Rood old Btory, none tbe woi-ssforing the somcwbnt rare merit of being

true, of a certain jovial Abbe wbo wasIu tlie bnbit of paving frequent visits toa dislinguisbnLl Froiicli STiirquie, tbe tfriemlH* being of one mind on ever,\puiiif BUVB tho boBt mot bod of iriBimrnguB, wbicli I ho Mnrquin liked witbail and tlie Abbe without. Hence, iivim usuul, wbeu tbe; dineil together,for each to buve a separate disb acuording to bis own liking. At length tbepoor Abl'e, comiug iu to dinner onenceiiing OB UBiial, dropped dead at bistn ml'a feet from boart complaint. TheMurquia mutle but otto bemud to tbbead of ihe hilchen si air, and roared totlie cook : " Do it all will) oil t" MoralIt is an ill-wind tbut blows nobod.aooA. Tbo proverb bus just been exom- tt'ossj' Iplified in m.y own case almost as atrikj IIRIJ as hi tbnt of tbe laokless Abbe, t

dfluy of my E;igt Iodiau•timer having given me lime far B

frying viwit to one of the mast uio-as welt as most lmloricallj

g rogioBB in all WesterDEnrn[.o.

OiTDimll isindeeci a land of eocuont-iiii'iil, whetlior looked at historically,irtisticuHy. or pnetioully, Tbe momenlpui cross the Tiimnr ,von come at oncenio u npw world—tiew at least in oneioufee, IIIOURI) older in another than nnvHpnt of Euglaud, Apart aUoaelber.froaitlie trudiiiou wbiab makes the Oorniahconst a favorite resort of certain keeuPbcDiiioiiin flpecnlators 2 S00 yaars QRO,bout upon " having it big thing la tin*n tbe mnrkets of TJTQ and Sidon, tbe

Western Principality buB a stock ot leiwremote onliquitiea suffloient to set np anMI tiro continent. King Arthnr, if 1-e•ver existed anywhere but in tbe imag-ntiiuiD of Sir Thumas Military and Mr.VunvRon, must have planter! bia Bound

Table si-roewbere amid these slopingK-eu bills nnd etern gray rooks, andimve fought his " last dim battle in theWest" against tbe traitor Mordred upouIbu now submerged plaUna | y

then connected tbe Scilly leleawith tbe tnoinlaud, The same regionguve birth toauotuerconlemporbry boromuch admired by Arthur, with whomA-e are all even more familiar, viz.: Juckbo niaui Killer, whoso nationality was

so prondly hlozoned upon tbe belt pre-ueiiled to bint by tbe Mayor aud Corporntion of Peozjnce, in gratitude forbisreceovul of such a flagrant pnblicnuisance as the cannibal giant of St.Michael's Mount,

" TUis in ihe vniiant CmniphmanWho slew the Riaut Corraoniu."

So late an the Norman Conquest, tbehole country was split into little king-urns of n few miles apiece, ruled bv

vutious brawny " abepberds of tbe peo-1P," wbo wereqnilenaienorant, brutul,

ihiinlioii, und b oodthirnty na it WIIS tbeurrcct thing for all such ahopherds lo

bo in those days. Tlioii was tho goldotiim* for miel) gcritlcinen an Alel LriKtie-leurd, Ironhook tbo Unwashed, Gr.yllaif Ariu'uzion, und half a ecoro otltorMicltul Bciiniickciifs, who amused them-

selves witli robbing and murdering ea-hif bur's sii bjco's whenever a chance of'tered, ngreoing only iu strict disobeili-LUicoto tliuflit-citlierl " King of Euglnud"ind busitiesa-liko alucrity in torturingo death any unfortunate monk wbo badbe impudence to come and try to tenchhem belter. Even iu the milder dirtslint followed Cornwall wus still as dis-

tinct from the rest of England ns tboFrench Province of Brittany, wbich itHO strongly resembled, WUH from thorest of Franco. For centuries the coun-trymen of Abraham Cann and Polkiug-liorn reliiinod their own language, andtbero may still he living among therocky hills that look westward over thoAtlantic a few white haired grandfathersfh'we memory goes back to the daythen tbo last Cornish sermon wasimtctiec] in the pariah church ofjiiudewutfnaok. The pioturefique oldii'iithen observances and snperatitiouB

which tlio tiDcieut Britons preservedeven nfter tbeir nominal conversion toCiirtKliitnity lingered here longer thaniu mi; other pnrt of the United King-dom except the Scottish Highlands. Tohis day tbe Ojiaers of Botailack and tbeurmere of Truro retain the bard, solid,

granite-hewn cant of features obarauter-slic of their modiaavnl ancestors, andhe short, squnre build BO aptly de-

scribed by the Scot wbo defined a Oor-mshtnan to be "n man OB broad a« bewas narrow." And many a gallant deediu every part of the world has shownthat tbe modern Cornish man is not awhit less brave than those who chargedup bill against, the outnumbering Crom-,-ellians at Bodmin Down, forced Lord

Essex to surrender at Lostwitbiel, andmsirched as.far as Exeter to snatchBMiop Trelawney from tbe dutches of

s II., singing the fatnoas old warsong whiob is mill a household word

itb their desoendants :Ho, Onrnwall to the resoue 1Let every sword be drjiWD |

King Jumes detnins in slarish chainaTreluwrjey ofTrelawne.

And bavo the* fixed tbe where and when?And sliutl Trelawney die ?

Here's twenty thousand Cornish menWill know tbe reason why I"Preconceived notions aro seldom just,

and Cornwall is one of the countlessplaces wbich arqas mnob like tbe Dopn-lar idea of them as n wlieelbarrow is like

ict of Parliument. Every one knowhbo received conception of it—a wild,ire, ragged region, boney-eombed hy

iuDumerabla mineBbafta into the like-ness of n monster rabbit-warren, girt

itb tremendous cliffs, wbiob, howeverfar inland they might- be, always COD*rived to be "scourged by thepray of the unresting ocean," aad

peopled with a raw of squat, grim,creatures, who spent their

lives at fathomless 'distances nuderground, only coming op once a year toee vliat o'clock it was. Those wbo hold

Ibis comfortnhle theory woatd be sorelysurprised, even if tbey could not beconvert d, hy a walk through the couu-try aroand Falmnntb on n fine Heptem-ber or October afteraooa. The trimlittle white town, nestled into its shel-tering hollow amid clumps of noblpI fees, with the sea on one aids nnd thelong narrow inlet of its harbor on tbeother, is a charming Bpeolacle in itself.

Bat even more Bplendid u tlie picturethat meets you wlieu yosj reach tbo sum-mit of tbe buigbts above tbe town, uudtnke in at one glonec tlio whole sweep othat glorious bay, aronnd the blue HUIlit waters of whinii for mnuy a mileetreaches an ever-vuryin • panofuma olgrassy Qplaode ond frowuittg ctaga anshadowy bosketa of wooding, and smootgreeo hills mapped out bj dark hedgerows and broad yellow enndB and ipebb'ebeacbea glitteriDp witb eeetfoam Bod tiny wbite hamlets, neatlinguuder the lee of iiuge overhanging cliffund low brown reefs tasseled with glosNy(tea-weed. High ovor all upon its loiieldill-top towers tbe dark-gray mass olPcodeunifl Uaette, erect and defiant ain tbo Uuya when etout old Sir JohnA nadel, with the eoowa of 87 years

i his head, held it for six monthsagainst oil that tho Oromwelliaus aould)o,tiu(\ when at length etarvej iulo nsurrender, exulted iu the thought tha(

bis aocoBtral banner wna "tlio lant (habad wuved for the King in broad Eng-land," Even then, however, (he pictureIs not complete till you have marchedout over,bill and dale, between !ii«b

and tall hedges, brightil flwitb every wild flower from the falry-

•ike boneyouokle to tbe deep Hob jof the " raRgej robbiu," to visit Peo-gerrick, tbe home of one of tbe boat noda oat single-hearted women in BriUio.

There, liaviug noiukred ibiotigb sbndybollowa and. freib greso towns, (rimflower-hedB and rooky ferneries, around

s neat and quiet a little country bouseas any poet oould wish to write in, you

II sorely turn buck for one more look,through a bug vista of Btately trees, totbe point where, far down a shadowyvalley; glimmer* tbe broad sheen of thedistant sea.

bnolj a region fa well worth far morethan'tbe.flying visit which Is all thatmoat .toDmis. can spare it. Any onewho baa tirflo lo tramp along the ruggedheights (bat skirt the sea from HartlandPoint to Tintogol, have a talk with theBolatlaok miner* at tbe month of thatterrible sbaft wiioae 'deptbs eaho witbIbe roar of tbe hungry sea, watch awrestling'bout between two local ohntn-pions at tbe fair of Truro orBedratb,and eat Oornisb mutton in the snuglittle hotel tliut neBtlea amoag the rookipr Land's End, will ha?e made the best

i use of a month's lioilday. Buteven forthoBQ who are forced to confinethemselves to tbe track of the SouthDevon and Cornwall Bailway, there isquite enough to see. There i« Ply-mouth, wbich sent ont tlie bravest sea-men of tho sixteenth century to bBnrdtbe " Invincible Armada," and guveitsname to another Plymouth immortalizedby a story even more heroic, a story ofdauntless courage and qaiet, uncom-plaining endurance unmntched in tlierecords of mankind. There is Truro,wbich gave birth tp Henry Martyn,bravest aotl moat eelf-denytup; of eigh-

•ontb century mlnsinimrieg, nnd to tliegal hint Lander brothers, who were

tbe first nnd must successful*n of tho Ni«er. Tboro in Fal-

motttbi-to.'the - multiplied boitutiea ofi my bnsty description tins done

but Beaot jnBlice. Tliore is Maradion,mcmurnble to all readers of CanonKnifislcy'B "Hcri'wiinl," as tlie placexbvro that ttiiergotio Kdiillmmu aasunniltho disguise of a bmper to give IbcPrinnesa qf Cinnwnll hor lover's riiif?,ittd tberenftprrfiscued her from lutrsi'lf-iloetod bridegmom, King Uunnibnl

Orylls, by tlio Himplo mctlicid of nm-ig bio] tlirotigb ibe body nnd curry-

iiiKtiff tlio body in triumph. Hy thistiuin tbe smooth gret'-n slopes and clus-tering trees nre all left bcliind, nntl ynnbt'Bin to wind nniuug wild wnodlu'juls

id bare stony ridgds, duj^plcd with tltoil wbtio cliimnnys tluit mark Hie

months of cuuuttcss niiiiivnbufla. Atlength, jiiBt a the sna dips into iltt;ocenn, you see tbe huge nbudowy m:iasof St. JJiobnei'H Mount looming against:be darkening sky line and slidi- alongthe smooth snndy btucli of ono of tlieprettiest tittle bnys in Englund to tliespot where the lights of Funzance arcneon'glimmering faintly through the fasttiling shadows of night.Just at present Penznnce is doubllcss

bestknowi: to tbe world as the abiding-place o£ that ndventaroaa gentlemanwbo was apprenticed to a pirate by theitidooioaa fancy of Messrs, Gilbert ond

Sullivan. Bat it may claim other nndmore authentic, as well as more orodit-ible, cithcens than these. More than a

centary ngo a sturdy little brown-facedlad was paddling bare-fnoted iu theilt-water pooh) among a group of flsber

hoys, wbo little dreamed that tbeirmerry play-follow, Nod Pel low, was oneday to blow the batteries of tbe Algerlnecorsairs about their ears aB AdmiralLord Exmonih, Tea years later, when

Fighting Ned Pellew" was makinghimself beard of as a dashing youngnaval officer in Rodney's fleet, therevos born in Penxanoe a delicate, bright-eyed, thoughtfut-loolting obild, wbo wasme day to write bia name in the roll of

science as Sir Humphry Davy, inventorof the safety-1nrap, and to bequeath, inaffectionate remembrance of his birth-place, £100 ($600) to Hie Penzanoegrammar school* ob condition that bisown birthday should be a yearly holidayfor the boys. Nor mast we forgetalanclj old MoIHe K^lyuaok, the queenof Penzanoe fish-women, wbo, at 84years of age, tramped the whole 283miles between Penzanoe and London tosee tbe great exhibition of 1851 andreceive a few kind words from '"Mrs.Qneen Victoria" herself. Adding tothese associations tbe burning of theplace by Spanish invaders in 1595 andthe Rocking of it by Fairfax's Puritansin 1646, it will he seen that tbis quaintild sea-port, " the last railway stationin Eoglaad," bos had its fulfbhargofitining eventB,

Of the .two "excursions from Pun-zanco"— in praise of which the guide-books exhaust all that poetical riahnessof imagery for wbich they are so jastlyfamoBs—the tno*t obvioas is, of course,tbdttb "Land's Bail,* a huge grnoitecliff60 feet high, reached from the townby a steep up-hill walk of lot miles,along a coast BO fruitful iu carea, precispices, "Druid stooeV1 4c., as tb de-mand far more time tban ia usually givento it. On owar of rook over-banging the ioa stands tbe fomons

fitean," (Booking Stone)bicli, although weighing upward of 05

tons, can be swayed by the toaoh othand. It was overthrown in 1834,(inorder to controvert an old prophecy) bya materialistic Lieutenant of the British

, w.h.9 was JnsUy pnnfahod by l»v-

ing to put it tip again, at a coat whichkept him a poor man for tho rest of bisdays.

Wbat a religion is Christianity. Thereis no region of the earth whore it cannotbe instituted ; the mao duos not live towhom it may not bo preached, and bywhom it may not forthwith be eujoj^J.I t is ai tuple in its nature, epiritnal iu itsrequirements, and divine in all its re-eouroee. Its truth |B such as to instructat once tbe ill untriouB Newton and the

1 Duiryman's Duuphter," and itu tbemosireflucb as b»th Hilton and tbe "Hbop>

herd of Salisbury Plain " cau dwell onwith delight. It suits every clime, colorand condition. Tbe Government does

ot ttxist under which it will uot BUTvivti.Peculiarities, geographical, local or na-tioual, caouot be found by wbich itwould be sot ut naugbt Being a uni-versal remedy, Hoporatea in every tem-peraturo and latitude. Requiring nolid from the civil power, oBBumiug noposition or racb among tbe authorities<t tbe world, it may yet he borne by the

missionary witb hope of BUCCCSS to tberougb-clfld Huron amongst tbo tee-bouudlakes, to the reoiiniug, effeminate Asiatic,Itnid tbe fountains and odontic groves ofbin oonptry, to tbe pigmy Laplander,along the consolidated surface of hisscow, or to tbe inhabitants of tbe snnuyisiauda of the south era BOOB.

The Bible is characterized by increaiedvigor. Other religion*,, after they existfor a century or two, give signs of ionui-tion aud feebleness ; tbrf frailty of a^e isupou them, but the streugth of Obristi-inity grows with its years ; it is not sub-ject to the wasting influences of time—ige brings witb It no feebleness, centur-iea write no wrtakles oo its brow. Aftereighteen centuries the dow of youth isupon it. I t is not-content to BIamber iniay territory. It aima to aoq.iire newlominion—even to complete tbe con-lucflt of the world. In distant parts ofthe earth it now Sashes forth the sigu ofhope to the nations, and still its watch-word i s : "Ampliwf Ampliusf"—fur-ther, still further. Onward—onward,while there is a spot of earth unexplored •or a child of man unsaved. Tbe gravesif many wbo songht to extend its bene-ficent influence are found on beatbeusoil, while those wbo are its enemies en-joy at borne H« temporal blessings with

la ingratitude, aud eveu fill [heir purg-wiib revenue from tbeir bold and bad

assaults upoa it.

Umc-Kilti Club View or PracticalNjmpnUir.

" I eawin de papers de odder day,"began Brother Gardner after carefullywiping tbe top of his bead, " a leetletem 'bout speakin* kind Words to our

ten oswQtrabhle de highway ofife. Dut'a enpy 'nuff to do, an' a mightybeap way of scinbbin* long, hut I doau'want nobody to practice it on me. If Iuse men right, dcy will use me right, an.we bin trade kind words. If you meet

mnu in do gutter, tlonn' atan on deidewulk un1 tell him tint yon am readyi bust wid Borrow, an' datymi solemnlyieli he wouldn't do so nnvmo, Stan,im on bis feet nil' (start him for home,

in' lo! bis wife au1 do poker run de kimlird liiziicfH, orhttnt f ur a purlicetnnn*i have tbe drunkard l)oonted for sixtyJR. If you moot ti poo* man wboB*

'ifo um lyin'dcud in do bouse, doan'ipo yer eyes un' rattle y<?r cliiu, an' tellim jnuM jipo do funeral purccsbum ifm «uly linil n nuile. Wulk right downtteryer wt»«t pockut fur liulf yer week's

viigoa to hclp])ay fnr decoffiu nn' odder'Xl)cus?e9. It you uieut n fiiller-tuan who

out of wood, uu'meat, an'fluur nu*n broken arm to cxtniso it, doan'

mcker yer month un' t^ll liim dut dowil will purviile. De Lnwd doau'fur-;b iiurvisbimji far (li.i market. Instead

f dtoppiu' ii tear «[ sorrow ou Je donli-.:n, step nrouu' lo do wooil yunl au' doDeer's nn' hiy tliiwu do CSIKII to fneil uti'trm do family fur it fortnite.""Wbcn I meist a little gnl who hasst tier doll-bal)y, or n Httlo boy who.9 Htiibbeii his toe, I tako 'cm tip in

my a'ms an' wipo dqir lootlo aosea, au'it 'em duwn wid a handful of penuuts :rbeQ I meet a widdcr wbo am out of

rood, an old man who has been turned>ut doabs, or a workin'man who's borneitn underdo eharfder of deatb, I doau'lean on de fence an' look to Heaben fnrrelief. If I'zo got a dollar I ban' it out.I lentl it or gib it or make 'em take it,in* if Heaben docs anyfing furder dat'sixtra. When you read dat it am easy tospeak kind words, jt&t reflecfe dot it amalso de cbeapost.way'iu de world to help anitjbnr. Turnips am coted at forty

in la a bushel; kind words have nonine in de market bet ns now attacki reg'lar order of bizneus."—Detroit

Free Press.

" Whence it it," sayB an. able writer,that the herdsmen, and fishermen andintmakers of Judea have given a Book

the world which is so superior to all:he productions of human genius and

.rnlug, so undivided and unique in itsinject, and in ita design so unutterably

1 and elevated ? What presidinggenius, what master mind was it thatcontrolled and propelled them at everytep ? If the1 greatness of the cause maye ascertained from tbe greatness of the

effect, is not this Book, as a mere intel-lectual effirt, inexplicable npon anytber supposition than it is of Divineirigin ? Does not tbe light that eman-es from those pages proceed from tbo

great Fountain an (3 eternal aonree ofknowledge ? Is it not the prodnciion ofthe Infinite Mind? Is it not impossiblehat ii should have been tbe result ofluraau invention ? Is it not utterly he*rand tbe grasp of man? Bnsitnotanele-ation of thought, a vigor, an extent, a

greatness 6f conception hioh makes theproudest'effurts of bnman genius* meltiwaj like an untimely birtb, and wbiclibeaiBontbe face of it the intelligenceand signature of Heaven ?"

WISK wonny.

A man often atnba his toe on thehresliold of success.

No one is ever fatigued after the ex-trciso of forbearance.

handsome woman pleases the eye,bnt a good woman charms the heart.

Discretion is the golden corn on whichwisdom strings her riohest jewels.

Tbe wise man looks for happiness he-ond the narrow ken of personal inter-it.

Men often judge the person, but nottbe cause, which is not justice, butmalice.

As we mtut render an account of ererjidle word, so mophVe likewise of onridl silence, -•'•'•

THE IRON ERAThe Sorer Printing Company,


Sin unlay, Dec. 3d, 1881.

CongrcBB meets next Monday.

There in Dot n free tnide CoagraMmu. itsIowa. The delegation 1B Republican.

The diflcutsinn concerning protection ftndfree trade in beoiminR ez-aitiug and hot allover tbe country, and it prnmines for sometime to come to be of importance.

In 1BC7 there were only 2,227 tons olstep) rails manufactored in thin country.In 1680 tbe amount wan i-.14.4GO tons.T V tariff on steel rails In entitled to all thcredit.

A mail who in inspired by God to oommitn preat crime is a man who can keep thwhole court room in which ha is- br>Intried for murder in peals of hilarionIftuchter.

_ • » • • » - » • —

It is simply infamous that the wretcGuiteau Bfaould be permitted to blab hi:opinions of people not at all connected iritlhis case, in open court, and without rebutfrom the prenidinR judge.

Onr limited space this weak preventsfrom giving tbe totes we intended of ttugrrat tariff convention in New York. W.will give DEzt week some of tlof those who were present from tbia section.

The Bourbons iu Virginia die hard. Jt*.A. Ooolder, a readjuster, wan Appointpot.tntr.fiUr of Sh&ckelford, in that BtBfwhereupon tbe Bourbon property holdersttio plJice combined together aDd preventedbira from getting a building for the office.Tbe government very properly dtscontinaedthe post-office at Shackflford.

There were 4.C04.726 ponnds 0. K.H . . u u

exported from tbp United States io the threemonths ended June 3fltb, egainxt an expor-tation of 717,710 pound* tn tbe corresponding period la*-t year, Tbe exports of Ihesame during the fiscal year ended June 80thamrmnfed to 8,.ir>3.-Ml pounds, comparedwith 2,H8 773 in the preceding ducal year

Americana are a unique people. Themen of Wai-hington who three mnntba agowere heart broken because Garfield hadopen ahnt are now splitting their aides witblaughter at the dally 1okee of hisGuiteau is really BO awfully funny, youknow, that nftnr alt it Isn't BO strange thatbe should kill Bomebody, and a good natnr-ed community ought not to lay it up against

The BelvMere Apolln ia engaged in takingthe Rcalp of one Judge Morrow, of theWarren County Courts. This is the Judi-cial gantlcman who one year ago thii fall,Bt Stanhope, flaunted the* infamous Moreyforgery be lore the people Pad Ibrew tnttdon tho character of James A. Garfield.Tbeso men ore remembered and probablywill fuel this thorn in their side for sometime to come.

An examination, recently ordered, of thecounty books of Bergen county, nlnce 1875,bring* to light Borne remarkable ways inwhich tho public money was spent. TheFreeholders of Hergen county—the Boardconflicting of nine members—are supposedby law to meet once a month, and theyreceive an compeaia lion $2 per day "andexpenses." The latter seems to have beenh very elnatio account, for under it werecharged the dinners sod home feed of tinFreeholders, and also their drinks andcirw. The latter were pnrobflwd wholeBale, and tn four years the county of Bergenpurchased 172 Kalians of applejack and 4,500cigars tor itfl nine Freeholders. Theae iteraiwere found in the report* made pnblio nnd*r• he caption of "Tobacco for the poor" and1' Groceries," though In some instances theyweru t i i r j r t for what they really were.OBP member charged two days'service* forsigning a enntraot, another charged twleefor two weeks' work nnd three timeN for omweek's work and doable rotas far Stindny,when the law prohibits the transaction ofbusiness on.Sandaya

JOHN ROACH'S STRONG ARGUMENT.The argument made by John Boach at

the Tariff Convention on Wednesday nightWM so crammed with hard foota and figuresthat the free trade howlers in the Hernia1,World nod Times do not dare take It np anddirect it. They may endeavor in a flip-punt way to pass it aside, or abuse it, byscreaming "no Bubsidy," but they will nottake np bis argument* categorioally and »f nte them. There is only one reason theydon't do that, and it la because they can't.They will not tell their readers that thesame materials which enter into the confltmction of a locomotive enter into that offin iron ship, for then their renders wouldat.lt them why it la that American looomolives ate sold all overtnewt>rld>nd especiallyin Australia, a colony of Great Britain, andAmerican ehipbutidlng droops and wilts.That would open np questions that the freetrader* do not care to go into, because itwould knork over every fanciful argumentthey bate set np. Yet It'fi the fact Tbesame materials that go into a locomotive gointo a Bhip. But railways have been so en-couraged by the State that the fodnatry isable to branch out for itself. It is no long-er the "infant" the Herald mikes light of.Give the shipbuilders the same encourage-ment and rapport that the looomotiVebuilders have and the American flag wouldbe again dancing over the wares as it didbefore tbe war.

THE NEXT ASSEMBLY.By ft recount of tba votes (or Aarembly In

tbe Second Mercer county district, WilliamJ. Convery, I>em., ifl elected witb a majori-ty of nine, instead of William Ossenbnrg,Rep., wbo holds tbe certificate of the) Boardor CanYMser* that ha had n majority oftwenty-four. One hundred and ten Toteswere thrown awny on a temperance'ondale. Mr. Con very will therefore, take thescat, And tfaa next Awembly will standtwenty nine regular Democrats, twenty-nine Hepnblieani, one Independent Dem.,(Mr. O' Itoorke) and one Anti-Monopoly,Mr. Cator, of Hudson. Tbat the last nam-ed will generally sot with h!« former partyesaooiatflB, the Kepablioana, then is notmuch doubt, bnt his vote is probably notone that can be infallibly depended upon,and oertainly not one that Republicans O Hafford to Bscrifloe anything for. Mr,O'Boarke will probably vote regularly withtheDetnocraU. In any caw the Amemblyis no better than evenly divided politically,and a divMon of tho nffioes may be antici-pated. That there ti not a Republican nu>

•jority Ii unfortunate, and regret at the d«.feat of strong ABMmbly district* is renew-ed with additional sense of injury' TheSenate, howerer, la slrongly ttopublloan.and there is no reason to fear a repetitionof tbe «eneo whloh have uvula patt Demo.cmtla anocMtet unsavory in memory. Therewill be a relief from political banoombecompensating to a degree, and the regularboBlness ought to proceed without hiu-dronce. The same condition of nflairi ex.isted in 1877, and, excepting the Senatorialstruggle, that Anembly** WBdon was anna-ually pieaaanL

As to what omogemenU for the orgs>nl-zttioooftheHonaawiU be made, nothingdefinite eon be foretold1. AD agreementought lo bo reached without great difficult?.To one party the qMakerahlp wonld be ontvcwled, and the other wonld have &• ajerk-ships or most at them. The GomtnlUetiwill he mada up as nearly equally frontVrthpwrtiefl upoarib.«,and tha nwponsl-biltty of lefiUUtion will be divided, tteeems probable that John T. Dunn, Deta.t

of Colon, Who is on, hlsfourthUnn. will; fc.



n w i m n BEBX.

Tltn« was a large feathering of tbe clllteniif Dover in Holler's Opera Hou*enn Wetines-

dAT evening, in rcppomw to a call issued thitmornitip, to receive and act upon a propoii-ttnn nude bv the eompanv hi the town. Johnfl.Qibann, by reqnnt, called the meeting toorder and tnvde a Statement shflwinit the BTO-

res* nf tbe matter since the burning of thehnpR last spring, and wbnt the oimoanv nnwiprated of the citizens or the town. Under

their n*»w determination tbe enrnpany mono"t* erect lares wvici here, which won't) em-ploy frnm 500 to 700 men, and Tor tlie purpledesired tn *rcni*f aisteen acres of land he-

ft to STr. Thou. O*am. that the buiMtn?*h»*e room, light, reolilnt.on, 4nd pro-

tection frnm eaeh other in case nf Are. ForHim property and throe duelling honnec nnnnit, Mr. Or am asked %(i.m. On Tuondiv Mr.

telegraphed to Dnrir paying thatiwrat.ve to know at once wbit th<

people wonld da. Mr. Gibson wai sent thievening to comronnfeate with hiiii and

definite proposition from int company.informed him tbst tbe paroba

this property would leeure the location of theshops in Dover, that the brick for the shop*were already pnrchased and ready for ship-ment, and that h« had received ponltlm In-structions to begin at oure the erection or th«ihnpsat one place or another. Therefor**, IfDover wished to secure them it moxt it onceInform tbe ernnpan*1 what HwonUdo for thepurchape or the land needed.

After lining them facia the roestine was or*(ranlied by tbe •lection of John 8. Gibson asPresident and P. O. Heagan •• Recretarr.

Mr. D. A. Derry made mrtme practical re-markn, showins tbat the railroad enropmy hadnot nked an exorbitant thiDR of the town,that tbe bnildinfr of thena ihopi here wrrulilprove of great benefit to tht wholecommnnllv,and ftronglT orRtng tbe purchase of Ibe land.

A rlev, stlnn be started at one? for the purchase of tblsland.

Xt was fnrlher reooived thit thp Glulr ap-point a conitnhtee of five tn take Ihe snbacrip-

i, ind the following gpntiemnn worn df«ig-nated: I. B. Jolley. 8 B. B*nnett. T. W Sear-

K, Prank H. Llodder and 8. J. Pilmer.It waa decided beit tohofrin thn taklnc ofibucriptioni at once in tbe meeting. kn\b\

ioail applaDM It wn •irnoonc^ti Ibat Mayor'Richards wonld contribute one tbnnMnd dol-!are. After thin grand uw* off the eubarrip-!ions tecan lo drop m thick and faul, and the !ipplanae contmnod as tlie amnunts ware «n-{nonnced. Tbo foltnwing were tlio Bubicrip. '•tloDs offered at tbe meeting :flno. niehardi, 11,000 John Tenner,;, B. Jnlley, 3S0 «. H. Berry, 25

R g pn was offered by Prink H. Unfit-

tt nMnimotMlyadnptpd, I

WHIPFANY-Th* old residents of this plaoe are nasaiog

awajr very rapidly & yenr or two ago theywere very nnmerons and a long li*t oP thslrsges wia poblUbe^ in tbe Jerseyman. but onebj one tbev bore psssua awar nntli no* wehave nethfoR to boast of in that line. Twomore have been aildnd tn the list during tbepast week or ten clays. Mr. Jotevb O. Tountca,

years, and Mr. J»mo» Couffliltn aboutITS of age. Tlio firmer WM lexlon of the

Preiibr'nrian Church for mony years and wasieml<erof tbe H. E. Ckarch here for more

tban 60 yearn. Hia fnneral took place onTtiantiiwiving Day and ha waft buried at H«n-

The latter tUlionRh not a resident otthis vlliitR« wan well known, and attendedchurch here. Ha was buried last Honday inthe Calbniic Cemetery,

Lait Sunday erenine: the M.E. Chnrch iithin place wan re-open cd for Divtno Serric•rter having been cloned fnr nearlr fonimontbs for repair*. A Urge congregationpresent who liolnnfld attentively tu an ezeel-lent sermon by Rov. Dr. Crook, or Dn<inary, D>. Uptmm and) anotliPT Dr. from tbe*ime placa wpre present, Mina Cntlor pre-ildcd »t the orcan and asiiated «ii> (HA "inn;-Inc. orhfch was led by thn choir from the Prr*bvtcriin Gbarch wbo kindly volunteered thencervices.

Tho Hetliodl.it congregation have nowreason to fee] proud of their ptaee. of worth.p,*• it ii as neat and comfortable as It Is pass.,ble tn make it. A new roof his been wit on apart nf tbe edifice and the interior h i . beenthoroughly painted and repaired, tie* mattinghas been laid on the IIHICI, whlie in indaround the altar has bfen carpeted. A newrbsmlelier ha* heon humr in the centre of itnutch coal 140. The totiil coat of at) was iiIbe neighhnrhood nf 1300, all of which habeen provided for with tho exooptlun ot a fei

Tliii old chnreb wai hullt In 1B25.« and fori toni; time wat. ihe only Metlindiiit Cbarch Inthin section of MOntry. It wis dedicated tbe8nnd»y before Lafayette dined at tha oldMcFirUn Hotel near by, in 1826.

Abnr-t twentt-flfo yesri XRO, tn&tr tbe pns-tnrnteof the late B. Weed, some IfSOO or 1900

eipfoded In repairing ft. There-«p*ned there wan a debt of nearly f 800

due for thoi repairs. Bnt the paitnr htdh.Twerrleen of two eminent dlvtneaYork for that rvcinfon, the late J

II. Wikeler and Dr. Da Haas, then a yonns.floqurot preacher, atid during Ihe

afternoon and evening »he whole amnunt wainrnriiic'i fur a nd 150 rnm-e. for building a itnopwhich, hnwerer, was uever collected, nor wastlie Blonp ever built.

Thin?* are very brisk at all the mills herenow and everybody ii butr, 8. F, W.

I, B. Jollev,V. Lind*lepftSoD, JOH. J. Palmer, 100Itlerer ft Reagan, 10(1

H Dik 100

Wiiilonk A Lewis, 200I. W. Pfaring, 200)ov«r Printing Co. 100

C C 100)ov«r Printingra C. Conpdr,). R. Allen,

lavidYn' h *_...*KHIgoro, 50 *T

Wm.W.HIII.1, A. Derry,i. Wighton,

J. W Hamn-oiWm. Donnld'oW. 8. Cnllard,J. H. BlDtnpf,A J. Coo,

Jon ..Frank I.. _J. J. Vreelaud,E. Sieher.Wm King,A. R"flerer,Jr.,A. Ti»lnr,T. B. McGrath,H. P. Sand* mon,Chas. flummjg,Thos, W. ...Chsa.T, Clark,

_. M. KitiRaburfr,25 Jnlm Drnrnmpr,"~ Ilobert Rmlth,

Daniel Holler,J. H. Tlnrcholl,W.A.Wsert

10 W. H.Buker,10.J. Arudt,


This bronght tbe mm total to 13.325 or moreban half tho amount needed. Thtg exceedediipeotaUoni, and tho matter waa left with the

committee for fnrtherwork tbenextday. Tliethen a^Joarned with tbn reeling Hinthad been practically assnrrd bv th<

liberal action of thnso present t t the meetingAnother meeting waa held tn Vnller's Operaoim on Thursdaj rveuing, at which tlie

Committee reported that the sum uf $4,050 hadbcenraieed. The additional BnbionptionB onThursday which brought it to this iwere as follows:Kainuel Coin. 150

A. Bodorer, Jr., 10Jaa Cain. 10B.TnwarthB, 25B. B. Johnston, 10B. A. Vanderhoof, 5J. L. Van Liew, 10Walsh ft Dwyer, 8Wm. Simon, 10M. V. B. Searing, 900j . I). HchwarK, 10

H. H. Breeae, 10!Bov. of Industry, 100;OobenaOrsbowakr.lol

Slnoa the foregoing wat In type Mr. SamCnan has increased hia snbieHpUoa 150, andMr. L. O. Bierwllh has anbtcribed 1100.

A proposition has been made to the com-ptDV by the Committee wbo wailed npon Mr.Iteasoner ou Thursday evening, which In allprobability will be accepted to-day. By theterms of tbla proposition sufficient monei(•vith some Bnmi jet to be subscribed) hasbeen secured to ensue tbe building ot thoshops In Dover.

O. H. Hinctiman,J. A. Lvon,J. H.Pitirsnn,W. B. Ooodate,Qeo. HcCncken,Hpnrv Heiman,A. W. TiielLer,Henry Eagles,4. W. Hamrnis,J. R. Beainer,J. HairhotiRe,Dr. I.W. Coa-111,MtrtlQ & Buck,

Deatnt in Susiex County,George H. Nelden died suddenly, at New-

ton, oh Bnndav afternoon at S&O o'clock, Mr.Nelden was fnr many years United StatesMarshal for the BUte of New Jersey, and attho time of his death was Clerk or the Giant yof SUMPX, to whfch position be had bain

ice elected. He b&ii slso lorvej ns Sheriffof tho county from 1M0 to 1SG2, Ur.Keldontbrongb the late Honorable George Tail, ob-tained the appointment or General Kitpstrkkto West Point Military Academy in »56. Hewaa always a Democrat, bnt at the flnt out-break of tbe late civil war he took a itronpstand In fsvor of the maintenance of theitjibirity of (he Government. He was anipeo bunded, generous man, and throughout

hiabnainesa career he aaahtad many strag-gling ment even to the Impairment ot bis own

ssnurcofl.Dr. Jonathan Havens, a well-known pbvui-

clan or Newton, died at that place Bnnoavmorning frnm a dlaeaie which affected bisheart. He bad only been confined to bishouse a few days. He wss forty-One years orage. Dr. Havens graduated at the CollegeofPhvuicians and Banteons, New York, abant1861, and was appointed a surgeon at Ran-dall's Island Hospital during the war. Hepracticed at Sparta a short time, but relumedto hia home at Deckntown, from whence hemoved permanently to Newton in 1865. Hepad great talentasa physteiaa,wlrb which heunited fine library abilities. He married thedaughter or Ibe late John Nelden (niece ofOeortto JI. Nelden, who died the same day),who, with faro yoang children, survives him.

Ei-Benator laaae BnoneJJ, of MontaRoe,Bnasex Oonntr, died on flUnrdsr fa hisninety-second y « r . Vr. BanQoit reprcsentaalhis ctiatriel in the Assembly la tbe u n i o n s or1M4 and IBIS, and was a State Senator in18S3andl8fiS. Ttif iUnesa which carried himoff wss hia first, be never having be*n con*fiaed to his bed before. Hia mini wai vigor*ODB to ths last. Ha was originally % DouglassDemocrat, bat tinea Uncotn's flnt term hehas been a Bepiblleaa.

Morris County R. R. Builders |n Tnaa-liOL* Homrrint, T n . , Nov. 34tb, 1881.


Th* track laying ontflt at H. B, CotemanBros, has naclied this point, and only orte*nmiles of trsck remains to be laid, as they baveformed a Junction with the Soathern PaclfleRailroad, and will nave a continuous rail fromKs-sr Orleana to California, and will stop shortf El Paso abont 70 milei. Tbe outfit w*lt re-

turn to Fort Worth,Texts, there go on tbe ex-tension of tho If. K. * T. io Waco, Teias, andUy about 89 milts of truk west of that place

Tajlor, Teias, about 10 miles from Austin,Mtmeet witb tbe I. * Q. N, B* ft.; tb*n re*

tni a again to Port Worth, tad lay tfaa Ironn tbe new road eallad the Port Worth ft Den*

var, whleh mil take about two jears more oftrack laying.

The stock or tbe compsar looks fine—ev«n[tier than when first ttiey purchased ft. The

reatbar Is very line, grass good and cat 11*A, We bare btea delajed on account of I

terial. To* Paaoa rlrer and Tnyah water I*to very bad that tbe sogiwen conld not bring

np Ihe mountain*, as It rosmwt bsdly andbaraad aereral engines. TU oallt Ii |>r»-psred ta lay any amoant or iron, wbleh jouwill observe thsvanablt to do when I Utl

i they laid three milM in jail nln« boars1, andthat too without any eitra reserves. Tbsroonld lav from two and a baU to thrae and a

alf alias p*r day It they eoild get U)t na*torlaltodoltwUh. A.8 .B .

Encinitr*! Ball.Tbe annual hill of Hoboktn Dltiilaa, Vo.

171, Brotherhood of LocomollTn Engineer*,pit! beheld at Odd Fellows' Hall, Hobok«n,

ffedntsday evsolng, December 21iL InsyappoiDtmeDl tbe affair will be fint-cUii

iod tlie ma*io mill bs by Toil* famoui Ffntneat Band. Tbs prqpa da will ba used

For ehirttable purposes,sad fhe wnrthfooanofifainUeotsboall bringrltalll>flral patronage

m th»jr«aaral pabhe u well as .from "DprislBK tb» Brplberbooa. ^ « * . .

edaie wlto tbM4uj &» rtfty\ of saHoriUtlan

B0ONT0N.Tbe poniliridRo will »om be llnlstie'1.The carpenters are st work buUdiae the Oldnonton river brtdRO,Power toornti are being placed in tbe tipper

flinr of the new illk factory,It ia thought that the rotltnsr mH! will be tn

cnndillnn to start about theflrst of next month.The PreobyteHan pnople are making great

fffnrts to make their ObrlftttniN tree entrr-alnmrnt this year both profitable and enter*lalntofr.

A cow warn killed bv the nftarnnnn expresn.nutr Ball's crosatn?. ahnnt one ratio from thl •

lsro.fin Wpdncndsynrtut week.The oollrotfon taken tip for ibe Hinhliianftprprs at the Union service. h"M In the

rroKbvtcrian Ohnrch. on Thanksgiving Day,nnnlpd to nbnnt H7.We lienr of sovrrni now bnildlngs bpiag

erocted on Main slrcot, abnra the pnst-offioe.dnnlit tho work will be commenced very

early In tho uprinjr,A vonnfr m#n hstllnc from Unntviile, tnnkBnnnton ronng lafly to th« bull given hv th e

Nmtral Club, tn the U. Ft, Hotel, on Thanks-giving eve. Dnr'nsr the course of Ihe evening

no+her .vonnjr man dnnccd wilh her and forhicb hn Knt blH mnutii slapped. Aft«r the

chnn of tho ball, a ynnng mnn frnm this plioetook lif r bome and nn bis wavhsck was metby thn yonng man from Hnn'vllle wh.i drew

revolver and pointed it at him, bnt bewas permittt-d to live. The Bnndsv eveningfollowing tho Bnonton yonnij man, not In theleant dunntml by his experience or the formnrevening, took the you ng U-ly to church. Otils wny home with her hn waa folbv ed byIhls timo yonng man who stepped anon th<other Bide or the young lady nnd drew irevolver. A crowd of bti landers near by s«e-ing thfi stato of affairs seisud tlie yonnciand! tlien aiked the youiig lady which one shepreferred to Bccnmpi ny her. She decided in

r of the Bonn Ionian. Tho ynnng manfrom Mnnlvllte was hold! until they had wentqnlte a distance and then reteased. Bonnafter he wan seen in company with anotherynnng lady. This ynuno; nun bad better stayit home or perhaps be wilt get In tnnbto bvdisplaying his revolver so eonspienonsly. ~


[NOTE.—Our coryespondnnt nukes a com*piotesnd convincing reply lo another c o m s-nondent or that plsce rho has hren m»krng atill? and dirt; attack upon tbe Republloans n tthat town, which we do not publish for tbereason tbat the slagtfers coma from inc n anicnnteqnential source as to bo atterlvbe-

ncatb the nntlee which onr correspondentwenld give them .—ED.]

Reform the Fine**]flomobody has mode a ealeuiatloa showing

thit tbe money Invested la ranees ID thsUnited States amounts ID ihe a^gngste tomore tban tbe national debt. These f«on*i,moreover, tna.it be renewei on tb« averageonce in every Un years. Ttasy itra growingmore cipeofWe with the scarcilj of timberand the Increasing: damanl for lumber formore important purposes. Same substitutemn*t be found. Wire Is entensivelj used,bnt Ibere are lerioDj objections to it inits forma.

Why not adopt the Osage orange T Proper);treated, it mattns aa excellent hedge. Wheithe plants are allowed to grow up uulrimniedthey make beaattfal trees, anj a few of thenpermitted to •boot up at intervals in thhedge, v n very desirable botb for shade andornament. With good attendance a hedgemay be obtained In three or four rears thatwill tnrn tbe Urgent or Ihe im»lt*iit stock.Better still, it will turn men and boys. Thelawless trespasser will hare a hard routtravel when hs has either to bolt throughOstre hedge or ran a quarter of » mile tiBod a gate.

Nothing would go further to relieve theformer from this annoranee, which in tbeneighborhood of towns Is almost unendurabl*.than the general introduction or tbe hardyOssge beige. The sportsmen, who are anno*ally urging the Legislature to greater striigeney In tbe laws for the preservation ofgame, may also profitably consider liow muchthis cheap and simple etpedlent would con-tribute to their object. Toe hedge is tbe beitfriend or the bird, and the wont enemy of thtrespasser and the pot hunter.

Death by Violence.Charles N, Orey. formerly tt Pompton. wa

found dyiuR in New York, a few days sincewilh bis skull crusted in by a slung-sbot, ambis watob, ring and money gone." He WKtaken to Ihe Clismoers street hospital, whenbe soon died. Bo bad been employed for Lyeiror more pmtJn one of ths stores undertbe American Bible House, in New York,where be won the good opinion or all whoknew him. Hia employer said thrt Orey leftthe alore about ten o'clock at night, to go t~hit boarding boose la Jersey City. Be h.wundoubtedly been attacked an d robbed on ther.y.

" Ch»rll»" Orey, as everybody knew him.wi..a nephow or the late Chandler D. Norton, ofPompton. Team sgo, as chief manager of tbeattire at thai plane, lie was a favonle with alltbe people for many mi lei around, from tberounh miners and charcoal burners to ib*city bellea who nummered > l Pompton. Hitlife hts boeo ndly checkered afnee then, andold age and whitened locks came upon himprematurely, to that It wsa bird fur thosewlio looked upon Us wasted form to realisetbat this ws< Indeed tbe i»me bright hoy whobad been tbe life or every merry gathering(bout Pompton only 16 or20 ye«rs ago.

WEEKLY IRON HEPORTS.The Engineering and Mining Journal of last

Saturday says:The Iron market afford* bat little change

pon which to comment. There Ii a vertlarge amount of uuiinesn doing, bnt It Is ofthat character which st'raots but little at ten-lion. Prices are v«rv string, with nn i ncUsa-ion to weakneat, but rather inclined to

advanee on all «rttclcnt Many of our quota-»nt represent tbe mirket only for Haltedamities ; a Urtre order would probably ab-

sorb all cheap lota and cause an advance inpriori.

AUBICAM Pio.-We do not learn of any bus-In»s worthy or note, There are rumors of•ales of good brands at prices 11(2*3 abovenr qnotntloni, v^ilo wo letrn of ao order for,000 Urns of a le-dlng bra nd of No. 9 Foundry

it 194 being refnsed bv the furnace company,owing to ita inability to deliver tho trot).Deliveries are nude with great difficulty.Nearly all or the companies are behind wilhthelT orrinra, We. quote No, 1 Fonndry at*25.6ft@f27; No! 3 Fonndr.T. MS; and Fnrge,mfiOtuWl, Wo most itato, however, that its impossible to bnv any considerable quantityfironatthrieftrjoei. It looka • • thongh

rnnat makers, beiflft well told ahead and unabletake advantage of a bocm, are doing all

they can to delay one, with the hopes of beingable to participate In it.

Odd Fellows' Entertainment*Tbe Odd Fellows or RUnliope have been I a

the habit of celebrating- th»!r tnnivereery nnThansiffiving by an elaborate dinoer, whl eh,lowever eiaelient In It self, was a me ins «f

preventing tome of tbe ladies enjoying themselves. It was therefore decided tbat tbliyear they wonld depart from their ntnslcna-tom, and provide a fetat which the ladle tconld enjoy aa well aa thFmaelvct. Inttead of

lying tnrkeys, they employed a portion ofthpir funds tn engaging Mr. Alfred Bean-Clerk, wholu abilities as an anterttiner, werenot unknown to them.

On Thanksgiving night the beantimi hallbelorglng to the order WAS crowded *ith anaudience coueiMing of the Odd Fellows, tbcliwires, swaetbearts, cbildron, babies, mtnls-tera and doctors and their ladles. Prayer watoffered by the IIBV. Mr.M'ller of the M . E,Cborcb, and tbe chilrtnta callod up^n a:hoir led by Mr. Lnngor to sing an opeqlngpiece.' Mr Bean-Clerk's programme wss tnoBlvaried, consisting of snch pie»s as "TanHaven," "Mary Queen or Scots," "Cnrfe»maat not ring to-night," "Mrs. ataloney ontho Chinese Question," together with Scotchand Batch pieces, "Mm. RowleafB eveningpartv," an ammina sketch, in which Mr. Bean-Clerk imitates singers and speedi-make rs, setthoanclience in a roar. Orconno " Old Simonthe Cellarer" was not forgotten, and was re-ceived aa It always in. Mr. Lncger's cboi rgave selections which allowed the reciterbreathing ume- At tho close oranges an dcandy were distributed, mfl the general o plo-lon seamed to be that they had had a bstte rtime tban If they had had s upper.

Prof. Bean-Olerk reads in the PresbjterlaoCbnrob st 'VThfppanyon Friday eroding of thisweek. Reserved teats ire fixed a t 60 oents.Proceeds for the benefit of the church,

How Should Sunday School* be GovernedIf*,. EDITORt "We bold these troths self.

evident, tbat all men are created equal J tfaaltbej are endowed bjlh« Creator with oerlafnInatlooabh rights; that among those are tlfeliberty, and the pnriult of happiness | that, toteenre these rights, governments ara inatl<tnted among men, deriving their Just powersfrom Ibe consent of the government."

Bnt some peopta holj that money Is morepowerful in tbe formation of a governmentthan Ihe consent nf the governed.

Government* rormed in this way, nay allowIhe governed thn forms of liberty wilhoot tbeipbilince; for lnatanee Ihe pleaaure of votingwithout acting. 1 conilfler onr ehnroh aabeing ranbi this kind of government. Is tblsthe ben kind for Ihs prosperity of a onnrch JI say no t and have an ciample from God to

IJ me. When Qod sent bis ton to re-deem the world, bs took Bpoa himself tbaform of a poor man f and he preferred men toricfaei, when be ebosa bii dlaalples.

Suppose a parent should Invite bis childre> a feast, then allow a haughty usher to n

calve then, wonld they overlook tbe mannerof reception for the sake of the parent? O IIS bensln represented at the parent; Christthe feaat} II Up nembeis of Ihe chorea bettastty tubers will top hast bo well attended ?AJI mutt aoknovledjcB the flqndar Sebool It

the material for the fnture jehnrch; it tbaBooilay Bduwl is not allowed to satin ia tbtwork of tbe cborob MTI It bs eipeoted theyvill bs willing tosaiBioi)tbfl OhrialIandoli*tf

Pint iaapntaiooa are lasting,k l d b f lb i h t It

P p g, q rth»y ikosld be for lbs right | It ttiay a n notwe cannot etpret the fatare oharoh to be wb»tthe Mailer inlanda it.


Within the past twenty-fire years three ofthe C'onnly Clerks have died during their

terns of office. In Ins case of Messrs. Lad-tin. and Uartin their anna were appointed toAll the nqeiplnd term, and we preettms IbatOov. Lpdlow frill adopt a similar COBTH intha'prtsnt casi—Sujaw Btjrli^r

The New Cuhier.At a meet! ng of the directors of tbe Nations

Onion Bank, of thla place, onTuenday la«tQto, D. Meeker. Esq., of, New York City, watelected Ctfbler, to 011 th* vacancy created bythe resignation of Jay B. Treat, £*q. Mr.Meeker is a son of Jotiah Meeker, Esq., ofBnccasunna, attd began his banking etperl-«nea In the Pi»t National Bank, of Morria-tnwa, where he filled nnocessivoly the potillions of book-keeper and teller. From therebe went to New York, where for some yeanhe hsr filled responsible positions in prom<

it financial institutions of tbat oltr, and iiat present the Cashier or Collins, Bowden andenkins, bankers and brokers, of 35 Pine Bt.

Added to lila extensive experience in bankingmatters, ha enjoys the esteem at many to-

lafntarcei In Ibis «ctiopt«nd will donbtlesssoon grow into popularity with tbe bull neat

id social circles of the community. Hs willenter upon the dalle* at bit position at antrlv day. .

Milton and Vicinity-Onr now teacher, Hr. Henry Lawrence, in

very highly spnken nf. We kopp. the Trusteesbeahle to keep him the school year ont

at least. ,We nndenitand that onr late teacher. Visa

Eyser, bis Mapped Tin hoard of thi tnntrim nnlat car. If It Is true, we wilh her joy andsuccess ill the journey through.

Her. W. B.Lsroat, of the Hnrdtown M, E.Chnrch. Is holding rcfinl serfloM st theDodge Mine, we understand, with tome stts>

>ss.Mr. John Ftehtrr, or Lnutrwood, had hlR

wapon atandiog hy the old store house loadedwith charcoal on Frlilay nlt-ht of t**t week.and In the onnrse of the night tre coal tookIre and burneel the wsenn np com»lele»Tbe house, at Lower Lougwooil oeenpleil by

Mr, Wittlam Merrltt, is bclne neatW pilnte.1.Mr, Chai. Prolhitro, near B*rkrttlre Vifl«v,

iss made some Improvement* In fmnt or hisinnne. puffing np a new fence and tie oott*,Mr. Tho*. IMRht Is haflne a new cow honse

hniltnt bis Berkshire Valley hotel. The hotel[s alsohelnnrepntnri>d ani! otherwisereptirail,

Rtv. A. J. Preli h*« annnurjcui t» deliver alecture in tho Berkshire Taller Schivil bonnenext Sabbath eVBntag, "Ou the Method tutChurch." O.O.

Central fallraad Accommodation*.Tbo High Bridee Branch of Ihe Central RaiU

rrarl is provfag a Rreitsooommodstlon re peri'pie along the line of tbe mad, ss well as agreat advantage to Dover by reason of the(Treat nnmhera of Tisltors and trade that itbrings tn tnwn from down the valley. Bat we

'lleve tbat tbe interest* of all concernedwonld be greatly enhanced by a lltite ehanjreIn the time table ot the Branch. As It Is nowparties who desire to go- to Korristown or NewTnrk fn. tbe early morning, or retnro In' the;eve'talntf, by way of the' D.. L. k V . road, artcompelled now to drive lo Drakevllte and olherpoints, depriving the Central or a great dealof travel that ti wnnld get, were tbe connec-tions pnnlh1t>. If the train which COHIM downfrnm Chester in the firly mornSoR tn connectwith the Branch train at German Valley were

run to Mtddln Taller sn<l then to Dover,and In Ihe evening start from Dnver after thaarrival of tbe D., L. k W. mall train and rnnto Middle Tallev aod there connect with theevening Branch train, it would secure a largeamonnt of travel and accommodate greatly altbe people along tbe line between Dover andMiddle Valley.

The New D., L- A W. Time Table-The winter time table of the D., L. A W,

road was issutd on Monday, but eontafns veryfew ohsnget. Going east the Oawtgo Sxpreti,whlBb formerly left Dover at 7.S3T.M.,DOWleaves st 7 iSt v. In Vest bound; trains tbeOswego express arrives in Dover at 9:50, in-stead of B:62, a. at; the Binghamhra eipreiat 2:37, inslevl or, 1:90 P. M.; and the Doverexpress at 6:17. tflstssd of S:» r. X.

We had hoped, thrf In the making nf Ihiwinter time table »hef* vonld have been onechange which many peop'n la Dover wonldhave liked very Oracb to see and which mighthave b»en seoontplUfaed had they intsresledthemselves in t)}©.' matter. Tbls is iu thiDover Aocommodatlon, which arrives here al9.U. If thl* train were onlT « hoar liter iwnn Id give the people or Ihe tUMoot this aideof Isorristown an npporlnnlty for attendingentertainments in Horrlstewn during the wia-ter seaion, whloh, doabtlets. would havebeen availed of by very many peopis in Dover,Bookaway and slsewhsn.

Th» Cooper Wood Tract.Although a goodly force has been engaged

for two and a half yean in cutting off andworking un Ibe timber on this famoai tractof Wfl acres at Chester, they have onlr sac*•seeded IB 'taring It abont half eff, and Itwill reaalrs tsro IR4 » h*IF years jet to oom-plste the job. The Btaga.ltaa> of same of thetree* maybe imsclnedwhen It Is M | 4 tbttfrom tlxtMh tm log* 'b«7 (requsatly *arknp BW (eel or lumber, and that from Rometrees they hsve peeled as high as fl.»0 poundior hark. Hr. George Plertoa bas pir«biMdtheioierestsofbls partnsr* In the tract, andwit) cootlnas to eut o f and famish for mar-ket the U n i t ) i n ItmWr and wood or this

ImprovBmantt at Mt. Tabor.[everherore to the fall of tbe yetr htre

there heun suoh itnnronmen.(s anJer way ttMt. Tabor as at the present, and they indi-cate a great improvement In the ornamenta-tion and otilily of tbe grounds. The Assocla-

m are perfecting plan* for tbe.erecilon or ale cew botriliDg hoase s o l restaurant nexttbe Hi. Tabor House, and are making ex*

lentive Improvements in ihe way nf widening-,itralgbtenlng and clearing np avenues. Bev.. Craig, Er. Cdud, and Mr. Blchardaon, tbewnera of tbe ibree lunrtaome cotttg.es on thelrcle, have bought thb lot* io tbe rear or thei r

cottages, Trcm whiob they will remove thebuildings now on them, and make- that portionaf tholr block a pretty little park. Mr. Allison

ilao adding to and iin^roringhls-hnndeomecottage, anil the fouodaUona for a new cottageare being built. •

Tht Week of PrayerThe World's Evangelical Alliance has ap-

pointed the first week In January as tbe weekof prayer, and following, it the programm «

bleb Is tent forth to the chprebel of thsnrtrl: t

finndsy, January 1.—Bubje«t tor dliooqrH,Ranewed Consecrat Ion."Monday, January 9.—Thinkislvlng for ths

blesaings, temporal and apiritnal, nr the pattfar, and prayer tor their continuance.Tuesday, JannaryJI.—Humiliation ana

eiiltin on aoconni of Individual, socianational sins.

WHlnnsday, Jan. 4.—Prayer fnr the bless-or God nn KU Churrb and His Word.

Thursday, Jannary 5.- Praver lor Ihe youngand t'l agencies tor Ohriatitn training.

Friday, Jaunaryfi.—Prayer for the unlrertalprevalence of pete' and rlghteonsnens.

Ralnrday. January 7.—Prayer for Christianmissions, th* ontpoarloR of tho Holy Spiritand the oonvenion of tbe world.

Butty.That prioss of bailoBss men ind adnrtlMn

Mayor Daulil 1. Beillv, o( WaiblngtoB, K. / „pfeienU a aaaantb sdrerllseiacBt to theModarsor Ihe B l i Ibis wsak, wbUb should re-eelve their esrenil illantloB. Bis great, newfkstory exeesdi tbe enormous proportion! ofbis old one by at least oaa-tblnJ, and be hasmode (special preparations to inset his gnathoiiday demand. All who contemplate mak-ing a holulay gift of ttais kind, or who nesd apiano or ogaa at any tims, will and him noton1? the grealttl dealer la Ib* world, tml theaeak liberal aod lalliflwiorr.

Tht Prnm at St Mary's FairThe article* disposed of by enance at at

Mary's Fair wendnwn oo Saturday even tilast and fell to tbe following fortunate peraoi

*trt. Orimm's Table-Picture, Mrs. A. ftley i too of coal, Eddie Gain ; Bible, Joi-piBishop; sugar bowl, John Psrkurj silverwater ptlolter, Jos. J. Heinl; barrel orflonr.Frank DlmoAfaiisider; wax flowers, Mrs. BarahPanlolomejr i pair of one vases, Rev. JamenHanUy.

Mn. Fweeney's Table—Fi« poundi of teaMil, Annie LawUas; barrel or Sour, MiKaiser; camp chair, Bichard We 1th; <i!ishes, P, O. Heagan; pair of vases, Mu>-Xitie Sweeney.

P-ri.b Tsbte-Ohloa tea set, Thoi. HcCauna;silver knifes, Ed. Benningbani; lamp, MaryConnolly; satchel, Jotin Ouoningham ; pairofvaaes, James Hsloney ; gliugoUteti, Juh3. Sheefaao; Urge ohstr, Dennli Beatty; wrdoU, Clarence Klspalrlek^

The Retiring Cashier.At a meettngofthsDirec tors or tbe National

Union Bank' oo Tuesday lait Ihe followingresolutions were unanimously adopted :WRIBEAS. Jay 8. Treat, E*q., who ilr.ee tbi

orgaais«tiou of this bank but been itsCashier, baa presented bii resignation andasked for IU acceptance; therefore, ba itRaUOLVED, That the resignation of Jar ti,

Treat, Jiso., as Cashier of this bank be r'oepted, to lake effect on the first day of •?.oiry next.

BKOLVED. Tbst tbls Board recogniies tbe.Kupenor ability, effloloDey, courtoiy and hon-esty of Mr. Treat In ihe duties and labors bebas than performed, and g.eaily regret thesevering of his connection with this ImlHu-tion.

BUOLVOD, Tbat this Board cheerfully commend Hr. Treat an an officer and a gentlemanwitb tbolr best wishes for his prosperityluwhatever paiitloo be may lie called to 6U.

BiioLVifl, Tbat a copy of tbeso resolutionshe saiiably engi-oued and preaouted to Mr-Treat, and that they also be entered upon theminutes ol this Board.


AMixlODSundtyaobooi bas bsen orgaol»dIn Newton.

A large numljer of fb-ep hive toen killedby dogs In the vicinity of S'i>wsrt<ville.

Tfan old blast furnace at Oxford Is bring re-paired and it It reported will start np abootJan. tit.

TliomBBL.TilUH,D<-m'"crat,liBMbocticlectBdM>"-or of PJritlrptbtirff, over D. OrJSUt, Be-pob'lctn, by IS mnjoriiy.

A bear wei«hlng 20fl pounds wtt capinredlas' wreb near Wnioul Tatlpy. W« TPU county,by Jit. Vankirlt ami Itodnian Tli man.

A yoang ran nf Barney Adams of Bras*Caste, baa lost an eye by the rap'oiioo ofslant cartridge cap, wbtob be picked np.

No'ioe it ifiven thatappiisstlon will he madeto ibe ouxt Legletalnre to Iiave Newton in-carpnrstod under i mnuioipAl form or go'irument.

The N. Y. 8. A W. P. II. It., D. L. 4 W., andtbo B«ngor and roriland, are to be joinedsomewhere near tlio mouth or the PaulinaKlll.-Pliillipiburg Democrat. The what I

Albert Pressou and Henry Shelter wereteriouBly iDJured I>J the explosion of somepowder which remained in a hole In theOxford mine, and which they were engaged

drilling oat.The Decerabor term of tbe BUSKS Connty

Courts will commence on Tuesday neit. I tIsexpeotedthat the ttfal of ibe Bend West'brook, who Is oliargod with murdering twoinfant*, will oomo on.

Upon Bring up tbe steam heater in tlie New-ton engine home nn Snnday, It was foundthat tbe flues or tbe steamer were lesklnpbad!v from met. A telegram was sent at oncefor new flues, and a workman to put them in.

Mr. and Mrs. Chug. Stickles, of Nnwton, eel-ebrafed tbeir golden wedding Nov. 12tli. Tiievwcro married by Bnv. Joseph L. Blmfer, andtbe whole period o( tbeir life baa been spent•a Nvwton. Only coo or thblr five children IBlying.

dVriok Iftrnn, Janitor of a nchool house,rstl dead in the street, from heart dieea*s.His age was 69. James Butler, a railroad fire-man, also a resident of Fhitlipfllmrg-, died inbis cbalr from tbo same disease, while hitrife bud gone for assistance. .While some boys were playing ir the rear of

be Morris and Essex denut, at PhllJipabnrg,says the Free Prawn, they unearthed a human

nd, which is claimed to bo that of a woman,,nd shows from appearance that It was out off.t the wrist, and also lias a cut acroBS thepalm. Tbe bsnd wae not decayed, but wiln-•red, and was turned over to Coronor Jolin-

Our free trade newspapers want un tobave free xhlps: in fttot, they want us to

averything free, except fi'fiedom frnmQ greed and grabbing. Our Demo-

ratio orators preach free trade, and ourpoor Ignorant n i n O KBK follow them witbtheir voios and votes like Bheep led to theslaughter. Sailon mltiled by the old BOW.

Free Trade and Ballon' Rights," join !•Ibe cry, not knowing what they do. So weo.—Xsnllo.il Gazette.

ana cencial and


Children's NightThe children of tha Dover Presbyterian Bab-

bath Pohool will give an entertainment invVhitlneh's Hall next Tuesday eveninjr^forwhich especial t reparations hive been made

iske it a mmt delightful affair to all whoattend. The programme will be a varied oneand will be filled with pleating surprises andentertalniDB- spedaltlei. Pram the characterof the entertainments given by thii aehool inIhs pant—and it it intended that tbU onesfaall exceed .them all-we. feel warranted In

tlie public to -gomext Tuesday event ngand tnjoy t treat. -Tha «nlf>t^k|nineiit' willopen at half-past ttvsn o'clock., Tb* price ofrassrvc. seatr is SS cents sad thegpueraladmission Is 9$ ceqts. Tickets may now beproenrpd at the itoran of Vonghl k Kill gore,8. B. Breeie and Wbltlook k Lewis.

A Preventive of Diphtheria.The prevalence of diphtheria at Ibe present

lime is canting great alarm. Dr. MocLeran, ofHorwalk, Ot., sends a letter lo the Tribune.Inwhich he says of a prcventatlve: During Ihslour years past I have used It and in fortywell narked Ckies of diphtheria, where 140penults were exnused to the contagion, not ailngle ease has keen reported to me. I u>eine drachm of Mon«el*i salt, or the inb-:m-pbate or iron, ID eight ounces of cold waltr,adding plenty of ingar, nitaplv lo overcomethe taae of thu Iron. Or this solution I givefrom two io eight teaspooufals each day, a«-cord.Dg^totheproinnltyofthedJfeaie. As it

ro efflcocloni in my hands, I amanxious t i bave It generally tssted."

De Vot's Dsoembar ForeeaitDecember will enter more Ilk* uprlng than

wluter. The prevstllng winds will be sontband wntbeait. The weather will be exceed-ingly changeable all tha month. The UK and3d will be clear, the 3d and l ib heavy nlnn,followed by strong northwest winds. Thenext murmog Heavy white frosts, followed bywarm rains. There will not he rour clear day'sInsnocesilon during tho month. There willbe a mow storm on the 33J, with a cold blustfor a few days, probably akatius on tha small

; but the Indication are that there willbe no skating on Central Park till after the

it of January, 1982.

Wagon i and Sleight.Ueasrs. 3. H. Beach k SOD, the Itocktwiy

earing* and wagon manufacturers, have re-cently built fir Mr. M. Hutgland, proprietor ofUnion Foaudry.'a^ery fine wagon tbat isintended to ctrrr about eight* ions. Means.Beaoh&SonarejasteoiBmlsHnga Bnestockof sklghs-bolh Svcll and Portland stytes—orelegant design and flnffta. They havaalaaonband buggies, pbatona, 4c., or their ownmanufacture. Partlesinwautofreliabl* workwiH do wslltoglvethsmacsIL

Aeeldsnt at Wattrloo.On Saturday night a coal train stopped at

Waterloo to.take water for the engine. Aflsgnan was ienl out, but either h» did sot goback far enough, or the track wai slipperywUhirut, and another train following ranInto the war, before tl could be stopped. Tbeengint eollldad wilh such force thai on eight-wheeled caboose, and Mo coal ears passedaWUrstyover It, stripping imoks itaektcab,

and a lang Qns at ears wsr* made IntiUndiing, wood. Vary fortunately BO livesware lost.—Bason Bsglstsr.

Good Words.k gentleman, formerly of this oauoty, now

holding a government position at Washington,S . 0., writes ae follows In renewing bis tab-•cription:

As a local paper I oomidar the Iaoif E u in.vklaattto to persons lnUrts>ed in lbs welfare

" is, ][ttanndnnbtsdlythenosably edited paper sysr published tn the eotraty.

wish i | the incceii wb'ph I believe

Easily Provtn.It Ii easily proven that malarial fevers, con-

stipation, lorpldity or ths liver and kidneys,g»nera! debility, nerrouiness ind oenrtigfasllaents jldld mdlly to tbls great tiUeasaconqneror, Bop Bitters. It repttn tbe rav.ages of diseaae by sonvertlng tba foori tttorich blood, suit ii g i f » WW lif» and rigor toth* aged and infirnt slffsjra,

'• Eit. of 100 FJowsnIs toe moat IHUQH tad rngraut or aU per-

w ; roc sail b7 J. A. Ooodale.

U M Orang* Clyunn*tot chapped hands and Up*.

If You or Your Childreni» troublon with entigbsorcoidaand one-hhlf

I tie of Expectorative 8vrnp does not enrc.•4-turn tbe bnlnnco to Jan. A, Oocdate'a BedFront Drug 8tom and tbe money will he ro-:umnd cbeorfully.

Four Weeka to Christmas.Less tban four weeks tit Obrfrttmas J many

are already halting around for articles tomake present*. You cannot fail to sen some-thing at tooght k KiUgore'* to satiaf/ yourwishes.

" Yield Not to MIlfortiHie."Olve Ely't Cream Balm a thorongh trial if

you would be cured of Catarrh, Hay Fever,Otlarrhal Doafucsn, or quickly relieved or

>lds in the head. Cream Balm effectuallyleanses the nastl pMB»jre»o' catarrhal Tiros,mting healthy secretioDa, allays lnflAmma-

ion and irritation, protects tbo membranalDoings of the head from additional eoldn,completely heals the sore* and restores the

use of taste and (tmell. Beneficial result sare realised by a few applications. A thor-ongh treatment as directed will enre- Catarrh,Hay Fever, Ac. The Balm Is etnv to use andagreeable. Sold by druggists at 60 oents. OP

sceipt of 60 cent* will mail a package. Sendor circular with foil information.

ELVB OBEAM BAt,M Co., Owego, N. Y.For sale by Tonght k Killgore.

Smart Mfeei and Belladonna cmnbined withIO other hgredienls UBod In the bent poron n

Masters, make Osrter"B S. W. k n. Bickaoh e'lasters tlie belt In the marVet. Prise 25 a tu.

Horns Con&tj*-->Surrogatela Office.NOVEMBEQ 16th, 1881.

In the matter or Jinies B. Tanking, Adrainin-trtitororWilliBmTonktnR.deceaaed. furiu-gate's order to limit oteuitars.On application of tbe above named idmlnln-

trator it is ordered hy tho Bnri-oRate that tliefluid administrator give pnhlin notice to theDn-(litori>nf the entntanfsflM'Ieceilpntto bringin their dabts. demands sad claim* against tht-ncuie,under natb.witbionine mnnthB from tblBilat}, by sotting np a copy ol this order, trlibmtwenty days lierealter, In five nf the most pub-lic places In the county of Morris for twomouths, and also within the said twenty daystf advertising the same 4n the'TsoH EBA,"ne ot tlie nonB]>ip(.-i-B or Ililti Slate, for the

.Kino space «r time (tlie nurragste judglnc aujfurther notice to be nnnecesHary); and if anycreditor shall nceloct bt exhibit his or herdebt, demand and claim within tbe said period>t nine months, pub'lo ontice being givwi asfureuald.snch creditor shall bo forever de-mrreil of hlB or her action thereforagalnBttheaid Administrator.

A.trne oopyrront thentlnntes.51-10if , OHABLEB A, GILLEH, Surrogate.

Korris Oounty Surrogate's Office.NUVEUDER IGth, lflBl.

In the mutter of Abli.v H. Sponcer ind John L.Hpeucor, AilmtnlotratiirHar William N. Spen-cbr, deceased. Bnrrocate'i order to limitcreditors.

r \ V application of tho above-named Admlu-UFistratorB It (Bordered hy theSurrosate tbalherjf.ldAdmlnlslralorsnivepublicuotice'o the

jredltum or tbe estate of BHld dacedent to bringin their debts, demands and daf ran apflintu thefame, undor oath, within nine inonthi frnm ilitia dute, by Dotting up a copy of tliii order,within twouty days haroafter, In live of themoBt pnblio pliec* In the Connty of Morri n fortwo mtiutliB, antl alno wttbln I fie said twentyJays by advertising the same In tbo Inon En*une nt tbo newspaper* of this Btn to. fnr tho mm einttocof (imo (thflrlurrogatejutlglim any fur-•ber notice to bo iioueceBNtn); anil ifanv credi-tor alioll ne&leot to exhibit liis or her debt, de-mand and olalm within the said period of ninemonths, public notice being given BB aforeflnid.inch creditor nlmll be forever debarred of hitnrber action .bnruforagaiuat tbe unit! Adntin-BtratorB. A true copy from the minutoa.

Ovr OHARLBB A. OILLEN. lurrogite.


176673 3faRnincent Oift Books; OorRcm*Jnvenlle Buoks; Superb Bibles and Pravorlooks almost given away. Grand tloliJiv

Catalogue free. Big terms to Sunilay-Bclioola.

LEGGAT BK0S.,II CHAMBERS BT., 3d door weal of Citv Hall

Faik, Now YorHi ^-4w

FLORIDA!At-BnttoamianlfCnaBt Canal and Ok^echo-

beeLsndCo. CO00O SHARES, IJO racb atrear witb a bfinnn of 40 ac.nm fur oncli 10 uliart-Pfrom cboiuB lands of tho " Dmston 1'nrntia.se."Officei: Tliird and Cbeetiint Sin., Ptiilada.

15 Broadway, N. Y. rooms IU, 113. Detailed'roHpeotua with «le»eriptive maps mailed froB.

Alderman Tnoker, Boston, savs you maystate that I have paid fop medicine And treat-ment in 20 yesra $3,000, without recnlvinp; por-manent heneflt. Entirelyenred of hU dlacaBesalt ihcum) byOaticura Remedies.

— • • • •

H. E. Tarpontcr, Esq.. Henderson, N. V..cured of Pnoriaiia nr Ijf proty, if twenty yearn'ttandinn, by tbo Cntienra Roaokout internal I vand Catlcnra and Gntioora 8oap externally.The moBt wonderful cane on reoord.

W. 8. OOLX.AAD,Carriage Trimmer and Purni-

tnre Upholsterer,1 MORRIS BTIIEET, DOVER, N. J.

Hair HattrtsKt marie to order and old mat-rasses made ovor. Window sraden made andbnnff.. Oidera fnr all kinds of uphnliterinRleatJy aod promptlveieeutod. Oarrisgo tritn-ilnK in all Its branches. Prices moderate.

CARRIAGESof every description made and sold at .


Blaokwell St , Dover.Tbe'bcst mftterlaln. iRtcit dogignB fn i

ilractloD and thfi nmt competent workmen,TM the .pecimhias or the establishment.

Geo. McCracken.Dover, K. J.. April 8th, 1B81.

l e t ters renimninB; unc la imedtn the Pent Offce at Dover. N . J .

Dovxa. N. .1.. Deo. 2,1, 1881.H#nrvB«nt, Jnbn An.lprson,[.J.Brady, Jan. DurneH,

Wm. Bailer. Fetor Buck,GaiUf Carlson, L. Oatiil,Osrl Oarlion, Bernard Olarie,

oslab Gnn.s.Sr.. Win. Hunter,Anflrew KinB, . Rldiini u -forriB A Oo^ Eilwara Uovlo,IbsJU Uprgan, Henry Nolnnn,

Marj E. BteTenion,ii - A. H. Wilson.To obtain nny of the above letters say "ad


FUN&RALS!TLJTl nMtm of Small PmOle .ppreclatea.1VJL Onalltj andworkmanibip of the be.t.

Ml Uuokahr liber»l patronue mlho naat.Order; bj telegraph meaienger or telephone

attended to.JOHN JONES, Undertaker.

Hi BortiwaT, N. J

MARR1KI).TANKTTEN-B»IAlJr-At lh« reillenci or

Ibr brltCa saientii, Nn.. 90th, hi Her HD.Opd.ke, Sf.llbl.', M. Vanlken, oflJIi:£jrd. Pa., l i t Hia O., dan(hler of JameaW. Brtani, of Bllllbrook.

I»BTON_MoPBEK_Atriii«BrooV, N o r . »t . BeT. W. 3. Nelmn, Jr.hn pTla.ton, oHanorar, aod Hary K. llePeak, of Troy.

DIED,"• " " • • " - »

ALLKN-AI Dortr, Honnnber ajd. Marr JamAllen, aged «y<ira aod 5 month..

PAISTEH-At Mlna Hill. Deeenber 1.1.

SAV! BAT! HAT!SO tona choice low mVaitmr hrrv fhr IKI

OalUnoraddreai JOBS DEORBB

DOG FOUND.subscriber, oi

WHITE* B1BD DOQ.wHbonngncftlnred spots and ears (ind lonnHUdur tatt. The mraiw can luvo the "mo bj

•ojlng expcnxei, npoq npniloatfnn tn 'JOSBPH F. BABTEY,


Administrator's Sale ofPersonal Property.

The nubxttriher, Adraitilwirttor of John D.Kins, dee'd, nill fell at public sale s t his litereiideucv, neir FOB f 0BA1I, on

W'EDNESBAT, Dec. 7th,1881, alHbe nerBonnl pronnrty of said deo'd.con iKimg in pnrt of 4 ZOV/B, 3 HBIFEBH. 1BltOWN MAi:r., 1 Leg, J2suet-p, 10 touH No.t Tidiotbv Hay, tut of loir racidim hwy, lot ofcom In ibe rl-ink, jut of osti lo tbe obetf,rafiunnaud hutntHB, mowing machine, aleiph.a (train enull**, 20 buru-vard tools, loge.boi

-^.itteiite at li.Uf-ptint twolre o'clock * xTerms easy aud DIBIIB known ou div uf rale hy

A.JDDHOHCOE.Dated Nor. SOIh, 1681. Adm.meln.tor.

Harris County Sarogate's Office,NOV£jmJEK3l)th,1881.

In tbe matter ol Harriet 8. Alwird, \amln-ifih atrii of Iisao H. Alwtrd, deceased. Har-rognle't ord«r to limit oredituri, .,

/ ^ N application of llieabovo-nntnei3 Admln-\J iBtralrii It fs ordured bv tlie Surroga'cIbat mid AtliniuiHtritris give public notice tuthe crudilurs of the cfitalo of iaiU deoedent tobring in their debts, demands and claims

tut thu same, nudur oath, withfu nineths from thin date, by netting up aeopvof

this ordor,wilhiu twouty i!aysh«rpaftiir,ln towof the most public |i!ae#» ia'tbe conulynf Mor-ris for two moiit.m, and aluowitlila the mildtwenty dayB by advertlfliag the lamo in the"Iron Era," une of the nuwspuporHof tliii State,far (be same space of time (tho Surrogate

lug any further notice to bo nnnecnBsary);jf aav creditor Bh&ll neglect to exhibit ub

or her debt, demand and claim vnthiu the saidperiod of niue months, public notice bemggiven as sforesald, such creditor ihall be for-oTOr dobsrred ot bis or bor actloa thoroforigaiast the finid AdminiBtratrix.

A true copy from tbe minntOB.53-9 1*0,60] ClIAfl. A.GILLEN, Hum)KfL.(

. . jontlnuotoart asSoIldtorsforTrade Murk*, copyrights. t>ic, lor tCanada, Cuba, Knirland, Frunce. (ihave bad c l i l r t y l l vo y e a r s ' r

Patents obtained iliroiiuliUH ar«ENTiriCAMEmcAN. This liirtrn ant rated H*e<;kly|ig)HT,$3.20 n>-oiir !of eclunce, in very liituruHlinp;, andi l a t i o n . Adifreiis MUNN A C

rub' f S A




WARRANTED A SURE CORE,which many prominent eilizcofi can testify

Ani joar DroRRist for it or address

1. C. MONROE & CO.

191 JO RA LEMON ST.,Brooklyn, N\ V.



"WABHISGTON, D. C.finil Hkctch or model for Prrlpmlnnrr Ex-

amlDatioD ft ml Opinion an to PatontH-'ulii v,for winch no cbnrKo in niiulo. If repoitcdputcutablo, no ch«rf>o for st>rric n nnlciB nuo-

ifal. Sdtiil f.ir pnmnliliit of itiBtroctionn.E8TAUL1BUED IN 1605. 61-4r,

Millinery and Fancy Gjods.Something now for tho Holidays in Hitlinsry

MRS. M. FARR,>f POIIT OBAM, haH rcplcniHbeil her ntoch ofnilliherjpirOiln ami <|o«iro to e-Ultlifi attention>fthopnblin In thu LOW I'ltlCE-S nt wliicbihe is nnw otT-rinR thorn. Alfm in cnntH-ctU.nvilti her *toro can bb fiinn'l a fino Block ot

OHOOEBIFH. Tho IBOS En\ wlU, as b.'fnrf,Unsold Uyher. Sins, H. PARlt,

5l-ly Port On u.H. J.



Tbe subscriber offeru for *ale his mill orortvin Chewier township, near the reside]ot Jas/O. Yawter, ooatatolng

35 ACRES OF LAND,nn which In a RtotiuGrint Mill in Bond runningorder with three rnn of atone. Tue mill ii iuexceUentconti.nl Plant], imj iho present nwnerhis gronnd 10.000 boihein of enntnm crslnpnr »nnnm, beiidri ihoat amnaali or Inn own.There ti »rio a n « mil) witb npriglit andOirauUr Sawn. A Dwelling Bonia oa th-ipremt«Hit no»rlj afw, of modem Btjle. withten roomii, very eoaTenicatly manned, sodRood well of witer on kitohen porch. Goodand o.inTanlent Urn and it-tblci, new withinfltft jeare, wagon home, ben borne, eto.

Apple,pear and olierry orob»rd i, all lelfot«dfrnH.jnitbettiaDinffto bear. There in aim agood mineral attraction nn tbo premise*. Firparticulars apply to tba inburi ber at IbeMorrli Ooonty Poor Honiie, or to J. A. Drake,Beil Eetata Agent, HorrUtown. N. J.





SlateWilhtttlCT faomu.a I >m enabled bi pot

on HJJATB.EOHFH ebiaprr thin erar mintorai« liqt.Hl<i',l)«r.l qnalltj at alaUandrm-plojlng «rKlola» rowhanlcu. loan mar-uitea nalrrkl and work In e . fr j p.Hlo«.lar. T,.r RheatblttR Fell alwata on hand.

Dated Oetbher U l h . 1HW).

\ All Freuch Cbromo Ctrdu, Irtottoeo,^J BandBoqnnts. Bird*, ttn., UIRIS on id

flts. J. B. HUdlED, Hawaii. V. Tl.

Notice of Settlement.Notice ia hereby niven thstlhe ocooonia.,,

the sohKriber, Ailmlnlpfstor or UamretCrater, tkflf.wd.wiU b» audited andstatSbythe Snrrogato, mnd renorled rorsclllmienl totho^rphsns' Court nhlie County cf MorrU."" Honda? tbe tv«inty.thi,il <ltv of Jannairv

ft _ T«fcfch.fc— MM — '

HOP BITTEES.(A maaleln, a« • »rla*i>'


nors, BDoiin, utiamuti,UAHDBUOH,

AxonanraUT axp na«rMaDtn.tQ»u-TiaaorAutoTHaalliTTiKa.


8I0O0IN COLD.Will lienatd lor a caseUier will note

Aikvoiir drutitlst far Hop TilUert anil tryUiem Xefor* >ou sleep. Take us older.

Ol-Clianabaotnteandlrrealitlhlecitrefar IDraokaaueia, uae of opium, tol~ '

wmmmm s s n > n ^ o U i u .All Ikant u U hj dniEililat,



And thoir oxcoUont reputation, in-jured by worthless imitations. ThoPublic are cautioned against buy-ing Piasters having similar Bound-ing names, See that tbo wordC-A-P-OXN-E is correctly spelled.

Benson's CapcinePorous Plasters

Are tho only improvement overmade iu Plasters.

One is worth moro than n dozenof any other kind.

Will positively euro where otherremedies will not ovon relievo.

Price 25 cents.Bewaro of cheap PJ"»Htors made

with lead poisons.SEABURYA JOHNSON,

MaiinraRiuMiig Clu-iniBld, New York.ft HUItE H E l l K I t Y AT I.AMT." I*rire'.':>rl|i.





I DOVER.xxxxxxxxx

[1 it]ilcii(lkl lltn

culatio, rub'Mew Vork. Hand book abmil 1*

FINE BUILDING LOISi-iBlit ill tin- UKAItT OK Till:TOWN, nill i in five mimit,.iwalk of Hank, Uinrclii's, |>os,

ai <• mad S( !,(>-,Is.


llml i-niircly li'vpl, ni lh fjccl.lint Bi.il alIOvr a hum lioli,,,,,.





I I K A O T i l K F O J ^ L C

Irum -J"in: Iitr..v J-;I,A ,,r Oclnln-r 22.1, ]«•;] :

A Crowing Community.

ni imics w'niU fri.m tin- l icnit of li.c town* it'iillit- k-vt'l an II flrinr, m i l l fine hrond tivi'iinon

Wm. Hiirrin, tin- jen-rli-r, II'H'I cneloni'd l t v,'tv- ' t r n n t i v e cutU(,'<,-on the r . . r m T , Hiirtiio uit.-tl

,• 11 towr-r lor u duels ; Mr . JOHI-IIII Gilo.-* int-i-tiiiKiifltK! iiniiblrclvelliiiK lioiiFt T1,.xt lom ; nn lln- nt-xl In! Mr. J . J . Viw-land IK

Jnwt Bilclitif* tbe HiiLKhfiiR toDPli i ' s to a rcRl-

li-l of iiciilni-Pri mid 'coiivcnii'iiCG mul Mri-B IIBH iilnnrft R finl; ni-n IIUIIHI- on theilsnn direct piilo. 15ut t h n - r lot;' rcmnln

Uimrciipicd-in Iliifl hlooU and th'-v have h«cn

I i n s and Mr. Vm.'l.in.l. On Ihi.lr.on B i r " r ' Mrl\Vm W. C.IIIUKI lm« nlrto .•nniniclcil fur tlio

^r^.vffi.&c^rrii.'ift;.— H'tpiK.'p lor IIIP (iwn occNpntifift. ' o n


MISS NOLANBLACKWELL STREET, OPPOBITI P Alt DEE &OLAUK'B, Uovur, N. J., in now rtwty to me<nthe dumBUi) offhe public iu tho full traile ol

GOODS.All tho now Pliapea in HATS and BONNETB,

trimmed un.l nDtrimmid. All iho iiuff &1IEU!C3tn ItiblioiiH, Plnihcs, Volvrm, Batinfi, Ftiatli-ere, and Flowore. 4IBO a largo aisorlmcot ot

Ladies' Cloah and Dolmans!


The nndcntiKnofl will soil ifiO ACJIEB nf bin•rni at Budil'tVLakH, N. J.; boiiso ifijEC, Bvnjmns, bttsemout ami cellar ; bam 22i4i «|th]liar HtablcB ; uarriago hoimn 24^0 ; two milkintnvn, Tiio buildiiiRH nrft tienrly new nud in

Bm«l rtipair. Good spring of water near tliehouse. Good flpplo orchard. Bifility acren orpionRh land in u«»l ntate orcnhivation. Ten

Tfaol'menduw • BproutH from twn tntwcuiviars prowtli. Fivo aorec good timber: 300

cords nf good wood btniKllng on swamp. Ouod

fontid on Hie prupertj.TERMB~ha)f oai.fi. balance in linnd ami

ini>rtgHKO. Furtlur in'orniation will bo Rivenbj calling on or addressing

Bndd'HLnke,'Morris Co' N . J .

sft llii-i

r«o nf H

williB m d Hio pralnf^.jf K*r^<».Mr. O w i v r i iiviiH t-tvvn Iiirgo hln^a or

(Inn vnlitablc |iro]icrty, cimtjuniiin betweenHi'vnity.iivp Hinl on.t linndml ftlctlilo binThe old inwiRhfly IIPRH b i n die.l »« a y nnirtlmt Um witter lias Leon rpmnvn-l from tht-mnn.I in their plnce In e. fine soil, with, a hnrdbottom a fow fo.'t benoiilh. At the pn>no!itratu tlm( build inc In develop intr in tha t nrinr-tcr it nil) not he lou* ere ire «Lall LSre"compact and finely laid not nee I Ion of ihetown tliora, while the &av cliaraptprof tliebuildincs now going np Indicate thit it will boonn of the pleSHantoet portions of Iho city forrcHi'lenci'H.BB it ie oBOoflhc most convenient,

Tlin toon innowiilifintoat nf debl, (HHIHIITOin no county infifbtcdnPMR, msKinp Dover onoof tlie very l>eut plactH for locstion and invest-men*.PRICES LOW AND TERMS FAVOBABLE.



OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

hail taken Hie Hl-rt]) nil Rr.sspx BlrcH, latelynramiin.1 by J , n . HivrlliB. cm UPRI locir or tlialinililinK- JuliliinK and rc[iuir]tif,' prunipllya t t M i r M in. Alr i iKKsprr l i ' l i ra In tho bunt

ill I h l i hU l ti


becttlrs hli vsit ilin-k of

Watches, Clocks,AND


of all kinds has the finest and

most varied assortment of

SILVEK-WAEEever seen In this "vicinity,

to which lie invites tlio

especial attention of tlie

buying public.





annonnoes a grand exposition of HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, worth?of inspection, including tho largest assortment of WATCHEROIoukB and Jewelry, at prices calculated to satisfy the wnuts of all.If you should hasten to improve this ohunca before our ohoioeslrooj-elties are gone. If you are unable to make a suitable seleoBon.. Ityou have not Buooeeded in finding exnotly what yon want imo; awanaons to ajcore a really doMrablo nift, do not fail to (jive me a oal"?;'I will show you BABGAINS whioL I miaranteo will fill joni noulwith happinosa and make jou smilo




It isA " oool day "When Dover "ReUJett,"On ear sboBB or u "

e of a licit of buRiaesi enterpriio.

A potato penler h»i been patented by Harr;Lam, of Chatham.

An apple tresi t Snooaiaima, was ia Woolon November 12th,

Tlio new iron bridgo on Blackwell gtrootbeing pat together.

Tbo Madison Hook mil ladder Track pro-ject i» being revived.

A Dfw Batata Calhollc Gbnrob tatallied or at Hew Fonndiand.

Freeholder Hopklus, of Buoaton, ii aboabuildinff * now bnok barneii stars.

Tlio mimey r&isei for tbe twtaliilnbmoui olBt. Mary's school amounted to »1.18D.

Mr. Heoiy Lawrenw, from Hour Bparta,tbo new u-*cLt?r or the Uiltoa School.

BiflhopWlgRer was given a complimoDivdinner in New York on Thnradav evening.

Mr. uUrk, of Stanhope, ba* commenced tbierection ur three ImnsflB ta Hflahettstovrn.

A Morriatown gentleman ttiatrilratecl 89 twkejs among Ibe poor on TbaakpgMng: day.ptWark J. Axford, or Oxford, baa RODS (.Boon ton tn inperlntepiJ the rolling mill there

Tbe weary mole la esgerty awaiting the welcome "cool day" that shalloluioap thecatsl

Mrs. Cbns. F. Ostre nnrt children, of Dihave arrived in. town and will spend tbe winte

Hon. gunnel T. Hmltli awl wife, of Wateiloo, startfld on a trip to Florid* a few dayi

Christina* only three wockt away.Tbe IDOtb Legislature will meet January


Our aged tomiaixiHQ, Mr, Jon. Boderer, Uvery ilU

The Slate Department of theQ. A.R. ,h i r«eouoluded to arrange * "Ladies Auxiliary

\O«rp».»\ At tbe union Thanksgiving service io Bnnn-\a tl6.il was cootribuluu tar the UlcbifinnyTurern.

lewatd SkellenRcr, of tlio Poor Home, hadjenod roto* Btolfiu from bit wa^no while

log ohnrch at Boontou laBt S*bbaih.famous Gbaplaiu UcOsbevlll preach in

bifitta M, E. Churfcb on Ba,l>bathmd hold a servico of aongfn tbe ev

Tlio nr box of the Whfppiitiy 0»>boliof dChurch WBB robbed of its contents n few dayi

since.Tlso coal companies last week decided ti

tnntano chango In tbo prices nf coal for Icember.

Mipicked fro

s. TIIOH. Btokea. or Morrlstown, bad HADhot pocket while in Hnw York

Next Sabbath Is proposed as a fliy orfor Cliris-tlons to pray for the conrersion olBob In Re noil.

Mr. 8. IT. Cook, or Hannver, has gone tnFlorula, where bo proposes to engage irorange cuHnro.

A fnir nnd feMIral wan held by tfao PinfBronit II. IS. Chtireti on Thanknjrking ntgbt.Tho profltn were $106.

Fred C. BiiUlwlt) has reatfrned tho Far»Ip-prniv Bfhoni ttid ban been Ruooecded bf MIKSLidn H»hl,itt,flf Mendhnm.

The Sinters of fit. Mary'n aobnnl bavoIced n RlrlV obolr for tho Mrrfees of HIPeh nrch, and they are now rendering fine musli

One of tbe most prominent and intelbgftHtisrlii*lpnntn in tlin tarifl ennrenttnn vmUiJOB. Whnrlon, tbe new proprietor of the Boon-ton worki

Tbe new store of Mr, D. Slrytior, at Ironln,will l>o opened forhnniOP88 to-clsy— Satanley—with a new stock of gotuU. All are Invited tocall nnd examine.

Tim annual fitinitlon vitil for the p&atorsiwho prpiieh st Ironia will bo held nt tbe resldenon of W. E. Dtxou. Lower Ironia, TVednoi-day evoning next' ;

IT Two new mitten hsrn been opened at Obegferon the farm* of H. H.DcCump and Mrs. D. B.D*>O«mp, hoth or which are sold to give prom-ise or excellent restilta.

Thnmnh Na"tt the caricaturist, Is report? 1by \hc Denver Intet-'Ocan loiinvo lont fortvthnnnnnd dollar* tn tbe Plata Vorao Mine andMill at Hil*er Cliff, Colorado.

The Kent Clnb, cotnpopprt ofyonng lnwvenand law olndents at MorriBlown, has been reoi-B-JDlied (r>r the •rsHnntind boidditi meetinpd everj Toofldny evmlnft,

Bmilnwiln Frnnlc M»ntBfrno. or the IT. RBtenmer Itiehmond, Imx benn visitiiti; friend din thin crmnir after » three yesr«'cruise inChinene and Japanese- waters.

Tho conRreRRtinn and Meniln aT Rev, D. W.Fox, of Flu tillers, will glvo him K dnnBtionTJsit at the. pareotwirfl on the afternoon andevening Gf Tliurndaj, D"o. 8tli,

A new OuuUlo pnddllnf; furnncft is boincerectrti Bt tbo rollinpr mtlln.' TIil?""wlir Iffrcrmt-r Ilie daily pmldring cnpuctty o-t the ntillnfour tnnv, nioMng it ftiilceo Innn.

The donation visit Riven Itev. ttr/Cnnbitnby tlio )>eo|>1o nf tha Union School HOUBPnolcliborhooel brnnirtit him $5! 50 in cash and110 worth of mnlrrlat for tho Urder.

Easlem paiiprn aro prodictioff that pntatnenwill (jo belnw fifty centa per LDKbol in theSprinp;. Iti^h prices havo loxsoncd tho con-pnmptinn, and tbo combination must break,

The clothing cf Mary Ja.ne Ton era, <it Mor-riRtJsrn, ago eleven rears, cauptat Ore on Bat-nrday while burning leaves, and ilio was sobadly burned tbat death ensued on Bunda.rnight.

Dr. Wliftnoy rpcenlly pnroliinea 300 hnsuefKoT potatoes to be need i t the HackcttntownOolleRiatc InBlltat^, Abont lmlf a ton of codflsb will nrm make tha stadents solid fur thewin If r.

Mr. Talnage oavit tbat hell is trewn with to-b»rco leaven. If Mr. Talmace dossn't qnttgiving no mnch inlortnmmn on tliin unbjfctppople will begin to wonder where be getB hispoinin,

Georgo W. Allison, of Milton, had four sheepkilled one night week before hat, and on Tae«-IIA.V night of but week three msreitere hilled.TwodoRs refliding two or three mile* offdMilie wnrlt.

Meirsra. Cooper A Hewitt who recently solda tract or coal land at New Phiiidulpbin.lnPctmylkill county, to tbo Al'innee Coal Com-panv, o re said to have made $1M,(HK» t.nt or thetrftBaaetion.

8oiiio ot tlie small fry newc-papot* BO anifotiito soe tho E»* sncdl for libel will never beplaced in & similar predicament, for the reasont int to create a libel a nowBpuper raait barea circulation.

I t If cull muled that the new renMenofts nowgoing np In Morristown will cost 1173.000. ItIK HIBO estimated that the new oar shoos nortBilk mill in Dover Kill oost about «1S5,000.Wo arc content.

BeRalsr paiBcnger trains are n-*w innningnn the D., I* * TV, extension between Binc-hairpion nnd Waverly, Tbe tblrlj-nfoo'tnllecor toad «ith doable track have been bailtalnce Febrnary.

Arthur Devlin,a"crank" who osed. to cir-oolaU' in I bit iection,h*« a'irteil a eratadv•Rainst ibt Catbolie religion in Ohio, wbe.ru hewaa reccntlj arreited and fined (26 for dis-turbing the peace.

Ocndnclori 8eal,Dev<» and Gardner or tbeD H L* k, W, road have gone to New Orleans toattend tha annual meeting or theOonilnotorVInsurance Aasooiatioa. They oxpeot to be tb-sent levonl weeks.

For tbn ten moo tbi «nding Oat. SI tbe D,,L , 4 W . R. II. carHed 8,539,693 I«DI ot cualaRmiuit 3,977,051 tone Uit year. For theaainetime Ibe Ceotrml carried 3.317,801 tons, against3,B3">14fitoDSfnl&ao.

The bachelor editor of tbe Snsaez BegfitfrIB responsible for this: " I t frtqaentlj hap-pcni tbat the fflrl that l u i the moat bans to'her hsir hi* the blggent holes in tbo heels ofher •tochlngs." How does be know f

A Horrla Oooniv Teicberi' Inatltnto will beheld in tbe. pnblio school bnitdioff a.t Dover,Dec. 13th, 18th and Uth. fitmto Snpunnten-dent Ape«r, Prof. De Or»af and others promt'nentin iho work of education will be present,

Tbipnthahed noUeeof the Morriitownln-•tilntlon for Saving! baa discovered severaldenoilton who hid no knowledge of tnoueydne from tbat quarter. One poor man fonadhimself the poaseuor or $60, which had aa-caped bii memory entirely.

Mr. A. W. Eeliejr, of Cheater, haa ai n (be Bbapeof a. colt, whose body resemblesib at of a caneL A large hump appeara on tbeback, the bind Ieff»»«lonpt*n3 wuenrnnmogtheanlmalikipalikesmbbit. There ia moneyla the eoiioslty for ntne ahowman. ' i>

The Jarsevman, in speaking or Oscar Had.llej'ammored stotlon against the ERA for libel,u n t i e ti not likely to come to time, tbat he iaa iremendons lellow to talk, and thai bis char-acter i i o t * sort that will never be improved«r mended bv brincica It Into Court.

Srotbar Bnouell, of tlie Newton Herald, !•- informed la tbe most affibte tnnnner poaiiblo

tbat WQ are not "*-n onr e»r," bnt'simply•tated the eiact trntb wbnn we *aid tbatMtlaiDUemrnpeetingoar prosecntlon (?) foilibbl, now going tbe roond«, was copied fromtbftBorald. Bat really, Tbotnaa, for yonr ownDcaea of mind wi wonld not bnild np anj fDDdl

-"—«tiona in that direotlon. Onr wi'are »U Uvin| mad renurkably baalthy.

0 little v»ses were KIVOD int at tbe, E. Ohnrcb, Sutnlnf. The.; ire

• monies far tbe intcrflBt



B« to deliver his lno-, tlm Firat tt. E. Oburab of

daring the present

nut of (late and coffee*till ten will be the style

street coitamea will

built totfae Comblna-Hontvllle, and a newwill greatly Increase

dodicatort by Rev.t , at Butfaerfnrd,

as and baauty.300 people,

ay morntafr

CblIdre»-» Nigh),At Wbitlock'a Hall,On Tneaday fiTi&tng next,Tbe sate orportonat property of the estate

ot tbe lete Jacob Vanatta netted aloioat «4,O00.Orange Bred off her flrc»orki on Tbanka-

fCtvIng eTenin«. Where la fJoTur?-B»nuer.Dp here.

Mr. P. O. fielding, whn VIB recently burnednut at BaHkiiinJidBc, will open a boot and shotstore In fianud Brook. «v

Tbe foundation walla of tbo now addi t ions tu' b o P u r v i e w Houae , Cha tham, aro beingpushed forward rabidly.

Tbe 8tinley Ooogregatianarcbapel has a nc. _ - - u

PORT MORRIS.Olive LndRO No. 41 L O. U. F. of South

Stmbupo, wltb Iho WLV-HHiid ohlldreauf ibomftttibcM ami a-tfve inviteJ irlemU, epuut svtry wiji.yublo cveniitg oa Tbmiktgiviug, inUiclr tiall.

Tlio exprmnoM Imgnn with prnver bv Itov.Otorso Mifler or tbo il. E- Clinrrfi. Afterwhiob Mr. Alfred Buan-Clerk, vho Ia uot anknown ID yor.r rcn-lors, mud a til j-i-cHtd BPT- ,

i EriiDural,"at which Rev,"Bit ok



OhrWnat aou faeud- tho warbo SIVA »|*pru>c

e t inuiDpUi

in. "J'uu>lt;i)al pe.r-_ ... m-^^rr- -.- ut tiiat mures U'H'i-cJbenne titnuPiDplJ"". Axk >uun,elvi'n ifc»u afford for Ibe sshu of SHving 50 cm. totlierutkand-do notliitttt for U. We kituwi experience iuat .Hliilob'a ciirti mil cure

.vciur cough. ' It occt-r fail«. Tins eiplaluw-• *-"- lilliun tattle* wore sold tti.-

__ utvn croup and nhoupsup•ev.*--.Sfotltr'n* dunul bu-witlnjm n.ckfejilc or cli-«t, HUP HillLOU'hmr. Bulil by Vimgitt & Killgoro.

CLOAKS!trliy more iti^a a milliou li^ttle<i vetUi'Nt ye»r. It relibttts cruup andNst ,ve«

•ilffli (iI

itooney, who luoturud In your city lust week,fllid i d

ibis wmtor.be worn.

AD additionlion Rnblierbniler eronted,Uielrfncililios.

» r 3. B. Blehifor h\a line nsUr. J. J . VrecM'sn extension IDI

A new M. E. Oha. a. Ooiiwhich is amamilIt cost M.700, and will

Quarterly mestingHt itnhope, Waterloo anfltaahope. Elder Coltlater tlie Raarament of

Ur. LutherCounty AIUJH Hnaofl, offoiful farm bot^een (properly include* BROOI

Iliinotloefl that tbe Wnlolders are b«Tlng (heir J.i

cnntllllon. II it is true•BU aomo of them tmgbt Laveit.

Oeo. Vienna, Ei-q., hns ptirclinj' Jan. R,Paraona, of HiUbroak, a bn:idilimber, oompmlng 110 aoroB,Pt (O of

hfoh is urigmal growth and tlifnee very

kf veil In Q weighs 8«0 pounds, aiM85.

The annual donation visit to Iter. Dr. Bl<dard, orgocoaBonnn, will lie bold im ThnrBiand Friday next, Dec. 8th aud Slh, Insftarnoon and evening of eacb day.

The Obildren'R AI4 Society or Now York gloat (he hot thai e Uorriatown lady bas mi188 poor children to Western hom s ihepaiyear, and tbreaUos to repeat tbe actionmmingytar.

I t Is probable tbat ere Ir.na fully one thansand peopttt will be emplojuil in the now

and ai'k factor;—a nvw tunas of penptobefeij.clotbod and provided for.urospect for a town already busy and proape;

siABnemblvtnan-e!oot Wm. A. Bohomp,nmraetcounty,WHS serenaded byBamo<

of tbu voters of BeniflrdsviJl^Peapaolt aitbo bill portion of tbe a

Tbeerentu of this year "howIDBB eneiR.v and Hbemlity DOT

tnwn In Northern ttev 3einlneas proepoot faralioye tbij

leijrlibnrs.Bev. B . B. Oollini, tbe new

Lnthnrnn Church In perm-in V>lmnonnry in Afrion,

rlrenV mlxsinnary meeting nn Sinnmrtiinjrrill rfla te some oT bis nsperifinodht l



any of !•*

of thewas for


Friday a wetTiro bands accompanied (lie party,

most all of whom were horseback and curriilorubea.

Bon. Horatio Seymour visited Ibe Waahtn,ton Heartqpartors last week, and commentibo rplrit and palriolism of a peopletnardr-d tud preserved Iho Itevolutlooi

How WDnld It do to ISorallp there as arelioor tho departed D<

o Court fata decided tbat" thia •coDBlimtionBl right t<i itJJroro liotnltirtH fair tltO f

!tm,ln oaacawhuro nujcirvwaitilomonl|cl below," and if a parly goon U> trji

slice wJltmnt domnnding»]ary tlilives any ri»bt to a jury Iriat

i which Jiko Davenport dHveii ToForcrfft COHB gnl away fnim turn nn Monria1

'wus (brown ont no ttie B»»ex ttWovId«c, and the team rin acrnss tUe railtraloli, jnBt grnciaff a passing tralu. Tlie:ire stripped at tbP stables. Jake waafuuictiuiicioui on tUe bridgn from s.bi>nt 75 piii

c^nt. drunk and 28 per cant Uart, HU armtria broken.

f«l.lranob for t

D owl, { loQRl tn Chcttc\,257 tons and 3 cwt. J total, 84,5

An nrttclfl In iba FBA of last Ion tbior-kavav rollfnp; mills nn<ntealtoldrefl|ed

he imprrwinn tliat Mr. Joel TOfSnperlut-mloninr |hnre mtlfr.Wti.rpmatniftti SaperlntnDrtent attjC. Dick-

?y fa meiatmt.

ERR tern papers are predletinff frt»too"III «o below fifty <*nt» n«r bf "

Farmer* find npir crnnn rnr a r!n« )md bettor tid s"ll at once. Somebody innoli ani l int badly.Don't pnl new tiqnorn of nnvirrels nr vpfxcla of any Rind, m

rqoalnted with Mm chn racrrr ofmtentn. S'*v«p CS8>-H flrieadpolenrred In Connoetlont from uirrofs for the Bloragn bf cider.Ei'Henatnr Silvprlhom, H IH

lea red f 1,000 iipfcnlaHnR in a;I'lllnjitaturtsnf


In thi•Mint

o hi til-to get

Christmas*[KttmtflfB alreadj* btcUlng Ihojuvenlleijr nierobanta and desler* are wondering

bat they will liny to pto»»« tlielr en+to<n«riof all oge», BPII-S ami conilitlons. Tlio oom-lag tiollJay seaiun will perhaps be HIH mini

sling the ITUrid ever vilnesied and thenwill be a great deal of mono.? spent in Rtftiand making hearts tiippv, Wo will day tinsearly la tbe seaBon, Hint oar readers nun in'tend making chrlBlinas preiients vrltl b<ennbled to obtetn the moil deslrablt at lowt-nmtea, by watching nnr adTtrllslnfr coluraun,

38 our buulaeai men who have anythingnioo and ebeap to soil will bo BIUO t<i advor-uso (hum lo let tbo people Lnuw vlicro lhi>yean get wliat they want for a little meWbuo a nun don't advertise vuu nay bebe ban no u,irgn<tis to offur bnyent.

Insured and Insurers.A case of inlerost to In cured and InsarerB wai

decided by the New JerBcySupreme Court laniWeek. Tbeaullwas to recover ofthf Hoboben Pi re Intursnoe Company the amount oihopoliuy npon a dwelling that had buen de-alroyedb* nie. One of tbo c ndilio of tbi

nl tbo Baldwin .i• uppcnlslfngln I:

RberifT MoDitvIt isim Morrfsl-.wn. snd tho Banner t>n lopav him nhini inma oompilnji7i> laid It avrar cnrprnilT tn;nin<et)D

tir Banner trill botnre to'llfncome berore the peon'e again•rRBhrtervnrNPwInna.tlts '

IMHbntoil itsntmrches for tbnpoiTlie elniroiicn of Hadfott*nnBcia Hnd Danville form

'lie r.omrnit«eot oonBinting or tlio Beiirrer mil Frondflt, will visit(nrn, *•

The .TprRoymtin »av«: "Tbotnninthe Mnrrlf Arqnerlaet Ooranony ro

lore wnterthnn it did s month flffhn wcllfl whbh wfredry thonslill i

nt condition, and tliemillortk for tliefar HB regard* drinking water, »

not en"onraginK>" ' 'At a CommlHsinaors' Bale, A. imtennthors,(V>nnnlBii«ner",nponproppny'. Kfng, deceased, they rold on ~~lirtl, or meadow tract, to Albert Sir.i

Nov. 29 Hi they sold to Honrj Valkntiiirat and i


policy w&s tbat tlifl policy should booome void"ittliedwolllDg booso »boold become vu.oa.ntor noocenpied and su remain." The Courlhold ibat a temporary cessation to occupy tldwelling bonaa which Old not oooiiuue untilIt waa destroyed by &re, did not void tho COtract ; and farther, that the abpeoco of thutenant, who waa then oronrtyiug the buildingan a dwelling houae on the night ol the fire d'd

the building vacant or unoccupiedwithin ike utnia of tbe oontiaot.

Statement of Iron OrePassing the Hnokpttntown soateii, via. M, A E,It. 11. to l'otnnyl*ania, Tor three ivooka eudiugTlmti»«U,v ei(tuing,-D«j. l»t,,1881..; .... ,

flTATIOHM rHUM, - . • • trtVH, OWl

Mnumain VJBW . 2.OH3O9forlOram , 6,76911aiieater IU R. (Utrton s, Oorwln'n,

utiaiianua, Vauatta and UbeM-r.hitiatinr, HUtions.) 1,02108

Btaniiopo , . . 7313Drabesville. 871 ioWaisrloo 1,07; 02Bimuton , . . . . . . . . ' 0901

• Tote.1

SUNDAY SERVICES.L .vfl fen-t will be held ]n the Pirat M.

E Church nwitS'indiy raur >ing at 0:15.Saorament of the Lurd'H 8ipp>r aud re-

of pi Ion of nifmbera at the l(l;8i) nervlce.UUildreu'n meeting nt 4 o'ulnok, nt thu

oltwe nf tbe H ibbntb School and baittinm.Yonnit people's prsver meeting ut 6<3'1.Tom. Ket-nan, Edward King and o her

<ltr*ct«. Ati the property inhriKtian wcrkers from N-wark hive be*urilfd .iqd will prob blv bo |ireaflnt at all] above services. All are Invited,•owimtion mrvloe ID ibe Millhrook M.ObnTub—alunr-cepUoa of members on

at 2:8(1 P . i l .brook, no Yfrdnendav ev< nlnp, to witnessimnnipsattcndanl npnn the nnfthler, Mkss Ella Brlaut, aud Mr. Wm.mi a l«w.vdr uf PunnsylvanJs. Tbe airep'etawlth ploaimre.

Thfro are la New Jerce? abont onn bandand slitv Uinonand milch enws, roproHrnl

) five million *fx bnodred and flflboanand diillars. Not far from arvna milnllara are Invented in Ilie dairv bitnlne1

dRll.v prodnoitonol cniikix about two[red and forty thousand gallons.Nnw that BhcrEff Howell bai been duly inlHlti-d and hs» fRJiited bin Uunla Count;

ids, we begin to think 11 IB abont timeto setibont tbatCoart Bnnso in Ha

ttstown, tbe connly seat of Masconetcinty.—HsckPitsto'wn HemH. For further]

larticniaiH inquire ol tbe Banner.A uonolbla ana proper mate is tbe effort ofIB or our great railroad ooruoratioDB toan e the word "depot" to station. It Ismoving to hear people *ay "da-po,1* "dopn"deep oli," "ilopiio,*1 "dopowe," '• d'pow,"

thej mean a rsilroad ntntion, and theliter word sboultl bt) geueralli ased.Tbe New Jornoy Legislature" convene* oninary lOib, 1882. Pel BOOB dceiring to se-

inre the enactme it of private laws are re*quired to give public nnllcb of their intentionuur.wceka previous to tbat d&ie. The laical

for the Eiu in wbich enoti notices iniywill bo on tba 10th day of December.

Vfthin the Ifttt few weekn the ladles ofSilk Onl'nra AsxooinHon nt Fhlladelk'hii<> reeled nuffioltnt raw (-Ilk from cocoonn

during tbe mimmer to weave into awhich U to be presented to Mr-. Our-The qunlity of the silk ia raid, to beo that of the be-t Itnlim, It will beto'nrvd at Palfnum, 1» thin State,fioihin-.l this garment will have th«

jti-n of b in'R the firat entirely Bilktnnde iu Amorica.

Holler is making arrangements tn"The Elhfl;" of Newark, appear here

3 nfternoon and evening of Ohrfutuiau -

Tbe " Board Place," at Faraippa-ny, baa b eenleaned fur Win Children^ Haute, The bonne it

lite large and plcmnlly slt-atci!, and tbeonnds comprise about ten acres. The, Honjoltwated In the centre ol the rillajre, near the. E. Oburob, y t far enongb from the pnbliaroot to bu saBlsIentfy aeoluJad.—Olimniola.

Tho Jersoyman makea tbe following sensiblegpofUon reapecttng a rale which basbeoaiserved by tbe Bui. for years: The freqa«at

asft orilaUe* in writtpn or prlntod nut'aris atgo of .weAbrjena. Eltber tbe antbor ii or

small calibre or be tbiiila his readers axe.

tbe appearance of thety's ti«,mp tfarough &i

inners after anin. brash nnd

pe, game munt ba scarce as hardly anyism reiarD with any of that maobit after commodity.

Merchants' National Bsok, of Newton,clareda dividend of four per cent., ad-nioo amonnt to Its snrpias [and toil,

dav'ii examination into its affair*,say It Is sonnd in every respect.

Sontt, a distant relative or GeneralScott, died at Port Onldoo on Friday

laat week, at tbe a'lranoed age of•bt yean.

i dand RollingsS'ock to be Given,Away on New Year1* Day-

y oaan pnroh>uw to the amount ofr at BreeBe'u Holiday Store, tbe

r will be given a Uokat which will\e bearer to a cbance on the above

atite wblob h run by atpam la:hibltion In Breesw'a show window

lUngmnch attention.

People of gnutt oonihinnirraot Unguags with bat tbe nsB^ofatallos.

The Ckrbnlcle published two weeks agn anIntereitlng acconnt nt a Union* card table be-longing to tbo estate of the late JacobTapnatta, which had a history in Wa*hius-

i, It having been nsed by all tho fnanasno t balf.a ceataryago. Tbe Ea i copied

the aame. Tbe troth of history demands,however, that we ihoald correut one slighterror. Tlie table was never in Wanblngtunand u6T*r abed bv *ba notablei mentloaod.

At a mratingorthe Directors or the MewJersey Central Bailrotd Oompanvon ToesdayReceiver Lathrop gtvn notice that'tbe aflairsjf the company wero tn' inch a Hate that heHad no dunbt Le could retire Irotn blspmeotoffice b j tho tnlddle of n i i t Jinnary, snd Laaiked the appointment- ol • onmmlUtoperate with htm In making the neceauryprepaMtloofl, which tneladu Iho olOBlng ap ofniBaeeaant*and-tfae cletring*w»jr of thn float-inR indebtedn«a«,

A new coon rfelt silver dollar is in ciroali-ilout which Is pronounced bv tba Sab-Treai*nrer to be the i>e|t silver ooln crer snen. It

bemtilnlly mad«,*ndb'aa a alight appear-ance of iron, wbloli la of .an io % genuinejtandarddoll* . It b silver plated, and amddues not hurt tt onlasi ihJaarfawUiorttonDd

Tbe weight la ttis marvelonii point In theUBWptlun. The connterfeit . a i It lUndi, ,wonld pa> • In ttw «a llf, aad In weight wool! I ka tin,notbad«t«|edoui»j..bBt atin»9Lan '" " ' ' "

lAfter Using Half a Bottle.ofIlllminent for Neuralgia. Rh<mm»ti&ra

[Fact,yon reeoiro no benefit retainio Jaa. A. Ooodsle's Red Front

ind the price paid will be refunded.

^ppropn ate Holiday Ciftwill bo appreciated by everybody

I ont Blanbnltle tilled with Eit.'ratminoractnredbjonrDrnggiat,

lalo. :

and See Them-itof ra.ney»«d toilet aitlcli

Urgertbia Christmas

25 centlor 38

Tbeowlion, t o ipun-1- u ,N. T 4

in down and stored for theCoIUrd, tbe oarriftKo trim-

dtnre upholsterer, MorrisE u office*

^advertised In thii paper artDrag 8toTB At tbete priaesi

30 oenlaj: fiO oeut articlesidea for 7G centa

all important cone to tt. la whore ta bnjr

sp'oes. Why, at thestore, of

Riding m [IM, whips, haVnai, collars, all 4, leathei

o h W ID fact all goods» ^ 4 a n u H atorp,*t A. Tty

Tiie nauinga wowjlh muflc bv a quarteti«co»HlHtiuic or UIHIToeter.MiHs Tilly Shurp Q.H. nnd Will Lin-ger. Ulan VidaBeet ttreaidod ut tbo organ.I t is needlvaa to nay Hi at Mr. Beau-Ol orb'srendition of the Bfloctiout wai ID lbs bootaiylcnf ihearl . Tlie aiding was csotllentand everybody preaent 8«omed to enjoy tboentertainment prepared by tho committeeheartily, aftw ttiin part of tbo programioo,camJiua atid&mogcs wofedlutribntod to tholirtli- folks, and everyLioilf want borne wellpleaaod.

I pot Io 3d Itev.J. W. Porter and Mr*. Porter

Dyspepsia shd Liver Complaint.Is It n»t wortb the nmaJl price or 75 con 18 to

free yoiirsulf of t>V(iry B.rmptnm of tbaBO dm-trossjngcdmDiatDiairyoti Uiiuk Hoeal) a> on:

t Hl.ili.li'a VilalJKciled RUnrauteeou it, UB>I T O U no frriiid It wil>

V'lugbt A Ki%ori>.

Mtoro ami git a bottlobvory Imltlfthai a prim*•tucordtngtv and ff It d

iat yon nothing, ~ ""

in tlio hull* and thoret

D nothing saidPhdons ttiat conld Imvo oflt-mlcd Putlier Otnm

bud ba lifea tburo. Tfio best foitara oftho whole of it was the twi the littlo peopleRoUuiont .

It is amasb better wiyofwnenllngThsnke-Kiving evuninff than got ting full of beor andhaving a free flftbt as some of tha boys had>rer at Stanliopo on tbat samo ovoolng. If

Stanhopo had throe mom an'ocinttaud a lock'up It would bo tlie BrBt step tuw irdfi olrilisa-lon. If I allowed my children to run aroaodlights I *mild try to find aut where Uiey

aiwnt tlmlr evenlags..Port MorriB Is tha uoborost plaoo on the COD-

Inent wboro BO many railroad men aro con-grofiMod, Yonoau't got drunk hard if voarant to. Tbu caiwl lsf.il' of wator, (no, batho only effect It BO-imi ta Imvu on the peoples t« give them tlieslMkes.

An alit gentlemen namnri La Ruo, fromiHobetUtown. nndcrtook tu croan tbe track.boattofSowntonoooJtr.iiuNo 32, on Stun-av niiiUt. Tho pilot caoffht him anil 8aag

liim up en tbo pint form wilhout doing- himInjury, Ho was w^liiing a r on ml

Tuesdaymtlioiiffhnojhlunbad hnnpi-ncd.The rnff w.in so thick Wwluemlay mnrnin?tat une ur lb» D. L, Si W. fnigiuecra lost p irt

»r bis traiu Hnd njver itVHn«il it until ha gotJ WDHhiiiRtnDb.il. ItwaNllke a June dayben tbe Tog lifted, and tbo nun came oat.I urn Indobied to the kindn «Hor Mr. Lonini-niiEy furcoplL-H uf iho Idtbo Sprlugs Ad*

mnco and tba Denver New* of Nov 17.Mr. B?suzy'u father wUo In prodEdent ef one

iftliomanv mining companlua out thore iemt now nnd pn-wonted Luuh witb a msjynifl-int gold walcb; HJPRDILI of which Ilia easemudo WHS dii» out ofliiii tilhcr's mine.Don't yon wl»h vour laLber iraa president ofRoUmiwr • - - - - - - .Tbo flr^t tofi IIOUBO wai built at Drnvar 3ft

farsngo; outho 17th of November, 1868.[nyor k Wwnuni, tlio builders. Thoy had

Tlie town wan nanioil afturrlirt man tlion Srorotnry of

iho territory of K-IUMP or whieb Den car wasn a part. Dick Whitnutt ras tho name ofmnn who clirintoDod it.t munt bo a nlco country to lire in oatre. I gnther from theau pnnnrH tliat a

ruin t-ati blon-n off tlio traoli on tbo Frl-nnd that daring a

IOW utora at Pike's Pont, recently, theInd blew i t the rate ofSQ ratios an bom,'h'-y hive got politics as bar! ont Ibore snbnvo In the ouwt. TUo "Inoal" nf tbe ad--icc nayn Bomo gutoot stoln bU (8.00 soldi. \nd In adv. wnntfla. girl to do genera1

incworV WBRPB $5 a week." Bullmad lubor-•ftara wnnted on tlio D. S. P. A P. It. H.

Bowdl, th•fund setbiUHlicsthe

oJEcBlJFh pcdefliisf g ! i» l i hi


JFh pcdefliist), pos'eaacsnlfniiiir, white tenth. H<Untly witkSwiftBEponi

* •pouiiyitliwta.. cl t ' O

y and positive cure foiaarrb, (ilplitliwta.. canker nioutb and bom'

Kobe, iu Sbiluti'H* OuVrrb-ltemedt-. A naeulinjuctor frt-e with each buttle. Une It If yuodeuire beaith and aweet titenth. Price 60 ots

For sale b-yVorig hi A Killgore.

_lpar hparIatit);valDet.«aey b»athfnf>. iwoeibrnath,, perfpet tavaoV, taste aud bimring. nfcoifgli, no tifotfh*}: These are «ouditi»UF"irnugbt about ju Catarrh hy t[>o aw nfBan-unl'M H irtlcivtCLire." Onu'bottla IJaJiqM Guru,no liux Catarrbal Solvent and ouo JinpcovedDbaler. li) one Daokagp, for 'tl.

QiticmaBlood Poisonings, Scrofulous

Ulcers and Itching Humors,Abscesses and Glandular


LEAD POI80NIN&.Mr.,Alli«riK;u(iflHiriT, K^tMif^N. H..lronli-

le<l with; bail, hiiqiuc ou imnda anil neck.zBiinctl by lt>ad piti^anlng. (Ho's a pnfnierjM times it would break out, uraulf opco. andhe Hkiu M'-pamte from ttie flynl> IQ iarsc

])ie«;dfmiftoriiiff K^Jtt eontmosl tlufaing mi<ixinigiLiK' Puichoftvl your rmnedum; nsui1Ontloma Itmntlvent la terns I Iy, ancTOiiUciiMmd Citticiii-n Snap cxterhal Iy, nnd tti If an IbunIbi'uo moiitbn eff"cttid a comiileiB emu; «nlias nut iteca tr ulnod-binco. ,C-irr,oi)'iriU)ti3 livllCTLiAiip ii Fai-rxn. l)rt\%f;iqti Kfl^iii', N. H-

GREATEST ON EAKTH.J. W. ADivti, N.'wark, Ohio, a-iyS : " Ouil-

cnta Remtdic* are tUtf grMtmtt medicines onesrth. Hail tbo woratoaaeshU rbonm in tl; i>county. My mutber had it twenty, yoars, ami

I In tact died from It. jLlieiioVe Ouifcura wouldhave Haveil her life. "My anus, broaet andhend. w r e covered fur; three ytrnra, wbicbnothlan rcliorei or -cured until I imd tinCutiour* Ituaoivent Internally, and CuttcuraBud OutltturatiDBp externally.

ragCB (2.50 to *2.75 n day. Bjard 15 a week.<1 f rne trannportalinn from any pnlat nn tini. Verily HIP West la a grunt country anilgirls wear $850 soul akin aacqtici.—that inuppf>r U>u girls. Tlie pipers don't say

•tlior tlioy trnar nnythlug else.They bad a part ; at South SlanhopOR, feV

aRf>. Tbe liniitect) got her mnulh1, thn l in t got hia shirt torn totnttori.

id one of tlio younit mon gnontB had blab ranw ulnter torn done tlie front. Bomobodyid i tnasmadointo a rsglan.Rend on ynnr nilfteionariofl.finntlcmtin. Keen

niitiilnndry tnanej for home mission*a few yuars yet.

The ofnno lately ocanptod by lawyer Ron i inibopo, has boon converted Jnto a Weberi, ran bv a Ron tie man named] Ravs from

[ewton. Sick Anplcglt runs nbotoher wag-on.and it In wbmpored that .Mr. RnVla In

\pg to start his batch or shop In tho Dr ib«ilidlnsr at ^onth Htanbope again, pretty

n. I t Tera%'ns to be qeen whnth«rthero> bo any redaction in the price of bnlcherit.

[t is caid lb»re w*s a gen ttenun in Btanhopoir»rt tlran ago looking for a location fnr nor mill, Ann!her wan inquiring abnttt tliew a live newspaper ffnntd bare in thaiiHty. Thoy m'fflit nislfe n BticccaBof the#T mill, hut tbo ncwiipnpflr—well, hecan'lritlbntri™. K I wasn't ft bliwlt Bnpnlill-Ib r i l evc l wonld bav tbe HacitettBtnivn

;nlte ami tahf* tboo)ianop»of mnklnj; It parpulling a iftllu lire into IH cnlumnn. Iiember |tg flrst I'ltne, There IIHH ueen *t chnncolii nnwipitnerft *\ma then, but theeMte nenna in h u o ROIO in in tlio samowar—and Rflt nlnttg anmolKKr.

R.flh4>HnnUiabeijz!o la dead. Many nrir rendi'rn nevot* heard or Fitm, pnr Imps,ho win one or the bpsl writers nf lil« dav.wag literary editor of the K. Y. Times Tor

hito and nerved tha Thila'blphla Pretm inHflmnf-npioit? while JnhiW. Fornn? was

FHjimr find nivoor. Tlowi^on Iho etn'ft orTrJftH Worldfflmntie died.

tt wns ropnrtert once (hi t AU'erf Piko, ofanoas, TTSB doadVnnd Pihe came to hchvrapnrt nnd wrata a poem about it, tlio

rUHtn whlob win:

(irjR KPBEB AT J1HMHY OOtLK'il, rtc.fin" Arkhnaaii Rtntloman, not luig apo,

•IN Mill. •kcdilp nne plpneunt morning to find thai

he wn« d e a d "ind when hu ffas intrn1n<ial to ntrt Plnfn

in tORivohlm taftV.atid tellhlmwhatfplendid lot of follows he knew when onth.ind ir Pinto w u l lanlvlcl. him luck <n•liingtnn tor .one morp nprpe nt-Jnbnnv

>rl-'« he'd.bring them all back.tfith him.'ions the others tbe rbvmo aitdl',' llbilne the itnpresBarlo, BCT. Tucker who

nbaU winim Periolpn, AMpftnia If he rtioones tn en in.deal, rpiorved and silent, ingenious, bash-

fnl Hi",S. Mtcttcnzlflshall descend ronrdrinliahldt

to try.1*Ml, Haokentie hM fionct Imt ir pjkn ha*reponrwl or tbat scurvy trie It ho played

ing the war, I hnpe Msckcny.ln mil fin.iter cornnany and a cooler olimate lhancrtnnojli! tnhnvo,ow Ibst tbe railroad company tian pnt Innotion or rctmiMirjR tlicir shops BtDcvrebanoeB nre they wnn't stand ranch fonl-abnnt gettfnjr wbnt land tliey want for the

trRtment of their bnlldinst find facilities(rettfnff to them. They have 300 acres nliviHn yon knnw, and when a railrond com-iy RPti* tin baeh np it dnn't care mnch forBXponw. It will he mnch better for yon

Ike to hnvo the "hops bnilt *t the nld Iocs-. Tho only dlftVrenno It will make Io tlieipanynlllbe Ihcespenne or taking up tho

'» wliprethovsr* now and Uylng ihrtn atmviltenrwimo other place. " A nod In a*.

i a wink to a blind borne." D. J .

PBOBIASIB. 'H. B. Oar pen rer, E»q^, Ilenderaon, N. Y

ogrnl nf Peorinslsor1 I*Bppbii.v, of twenty year*'sitnilinKi by tlie Outienra Rcanlveut lntoruall>and OmlQQift and Oaticura. Soap eiiernaliy.1'bu inoHl winderful caxo ou ncord Curt-uortifiaii to berore a juiiiico of the poano andlirnmitient citizens All afflicted witli itoiiinj^And ml.* diaeaKes diputd lend to ns for tbjt-U'stimonlAl in full. ,, (

SALTBHEUM.Tliuso who iiav" cKpcitcnoed tbo tormoutx

if Halt Bbenin mo appresie-to tba hRony I onJirri'd lor yours, unul cnrwl by the CnllunmitOBolvont Internslly and, Qfllicur* and Outi-




LI NDS LEY'S.>GP Just received and ready for inspection,

which vrill be offered at prices to suit allwanting to buy. Call and look at them.




PIERSON'S!Never before has our stock been ao

complete and prices so low as at pres-ent. Mens1 Heavy Winter Suits $5,$6, $7, $8. Boys' Suits $3, $3.50,and $4. Children's Suits $2, $2.50,and $3 . Mens' Hats 50 cts. to $1;Boys' Hats 35 cts. to 50 cts.; the besthats that can be found anywhere forthe price. Also a tremendous stock ofMens' and Boys' UNDERWEAR willbe sold at very low prices.


Sept. 14th, 1881. DOVER, M". J

ira Soap externally.Mai. WM* PHLLINflTpN, I i, WU.

OUTIOUBAd Cuiionra Soon

l i Uoxtomallv Rnd Cntlour

iittutornniU will ppujtiveljcnre o w nfpioios of Humor, from sOommou Pinr.plfj tSarofula. Price ol Cifticura, Htrull boieBfili

I U l

pratinr _ _ . . . .iglo nighl. Best ntui cbcupiMt vi:

<lcihVrlntb<twurtf. No failure nx 30 vtivi-rv liox warranted. Sold bv all gnu-criilrapgisth. Auk Tor Paritnnfi.'. Miili-d ICIJI. by WEF.K-4 A POTTER, Ur*tnn, MOBB. •

A. pood Baptist clcrftyman of BerRpn, U. T.i|roti(T temprrancfl msa.Bnfrnrcd *llli kid-'>.r triinble, nfn<-a>"'a, and dizxinpaa almostblindnefn, over tiro years.allcr lie -watt told

Bop Bittern wonld cure him,.becanso lieIB afraid ol and prejudiced aguinit "Bittera."ice his cure be lays IIOOH aued ttta fonti at In Hot* BrrrEiu* t- •• . : '

r , from sol Cifticura, Htrull boieB.filic.;

larpra boxes, $1. L'udoura IU-solreiit, fl purbuttlH, Cuticura Soap, 264.F Onticura aliasing Bonn. ISc. ,Hold by aJl.dritEtnalB. Do put

WEEK9 & VOTC^i Bnaton, Masfl.

Sanford's Radical Cure,, Complete Treatment

FOR $l.WBmford'i Iladtcil Cure, fcatirrbri Br»1««nt ami

Improved Iutialor,' wnpped Inline package, wlttfull direotinus, and HOIII bjail dniyuiitii fur oiiCdnltar. A^tkrorSaurord'a ludical (Jtirc.F m % •Implecold or itifluwza to tbe rotting,

•fotlSlilDtf «Qd dfatta of tlie ittuf«• of Binell, last,aud lie«ri»g. tbli «tc»t r^tundy la iiipromePollouQUi mucous a«icunintalloD,a ira removedthe entire ineubriiuc vleii'ned, d lulu fact urt,toothed ana liealed, bead aud voicv *

Internally, iloesthla great vonnninl tiedwort, InsUntlj-toUo^ing nnd permau«ntly curIng the io oil aggravated and ILIRITOUP furniiofCaUrrk. tioueral meaU-. ^_

WKEES k roVTKII, CoBton.

HATS. MICE.oacb WtiiIT Hi

nntl Ilia

nd die(1 MUM II.

:1 Im

E. SUSBERifti" rtdaced tbe price ror'Vatu painting lo

$1.90 PER DAYom Iliia date, nbd will UUf contract*at vcr<ff Hfinret to correcpond with that ra te .


PAPER HANGINGnpon the lowest t^rrni." dnntractii taken'for

Frescoing Interiors

WM. H, BAKER'SW I T H NEW LINKS O l ' l ,A I ) l l : s

DRESS GOODS,in which mivy be fount! novelties and new fabrics for full wear, anil ih

newest and best thiugH in all kinds of

^ DRV GOODS.In tho GRO0EBY DEPARTMENT wo aro carrying the uannl largestocks of beet goods for the table, and are doing a large trade ia tlie

Celebrated Granulated Flourwhich is giving general satisfaction. Also complete assortments oi



Whitlock i Lewis

S. H. BERRY'SHardware Store



SKATES: SLEDS,Sloigli. 33oll«, Tool CUoMtis,


DKEN'S TABLE SETS, and many other goodsunequalled for HOLIDAY PRESENTS.




o r rIII-UK ivKW sT<>:tK


D O V E R . TV. .T.


DRESS GOODS,^including Silks, SatiiiK, Cashmeres and other fahrice.



olork is in attendance to mamige tho departuiDiit for ladies' goodB,


STAPLE AND F1ICY GROCERIES,which will include all necessary articles, too many to mention, neededia tha economy of the household. Our stocks beiiiR entirely new inevery department, nnd all pnrclmsed for ensh, we helievo we can offerinducements to CUBII purcliiisers, nnd purposo conrluctdng our businesion that principle. A visit aud a careful inspection of ourrespectfully -requested.

• goods i4C-ly

I liavo Ilie liest and lnn;ff( Htock "f Sl-'idhi vT any dtviluSWELLS itud E'OHTLANPH. Tlicy nr.' >if guwl iiKit-'rinl, Itiml ttruHBflB c*,rnot. Thu uritntnenlation i« vory i;Libnram

l ; arts \i iy «rlintio tn IICH^II ; ur(» rrinmnii'ti'il in HIKMI nh IiRht i.ecB, cle»aDei!Witln1iirabiliiy and cinnl'irl; nnd i entfigure!

d lh mnrU't. PULLY \VAIUUNri:i) I., b » u renn-iuntad. Do not ^k«»nybT Hnf; my stuck. I have on band GAIUUAQB AtU> QttOOEBY

a n l mnrUt. PULLY \VA•hiim-f!* ia liiiying btTorf seHnf; my stuciVAOUNH. AIRO Carria^u, WftKon nnd Hli-

iu thla par! of tha county, bothinim"'! in ta, W Bilk, orimson p l m tanil attractive ; striped with goldinntuior as tu combine strausth

will ntll tlmm At tlio lowent-figure!nn-iuntad. Do n t ^kG A I U B AtU



FINE CUSTOM TAILOEING!I would respectfully icvite (be atten-

tion of rav frieodH atid tbe peneral cubict<» my PALL AND WINTER STOCKOP CLOTHS, OASSIMERBS ANDVEH1IN08. all at the very latest ulyleennd being carefully selected by mjfielfuitb nviow tu combining excellonoa with(ennoray. Tbe cutting anrt nmbenp willIJO nil tliat eonld he desired of my pricesus low nsmnnistniit vitb firat clnes work.My rxpeiience io Ilifi tniloriuR trade willbe my CXCDBO lor aa.vingllior tbose plno-itig tbeir orders ta my b&u6a can restBMired tbat Dotbing will be left nndonei) give (be ullfst sutiBfaction. Before•nlcring yo rsuit call and sec tbe u!ceuit you CWD pet for from

$13 to $2511 tlie old stand.




Well pnpfir at Uio Brick DrnR Blan.

Bead B. H. Berry'i nowadrertiiament.

Holiday gifts Bt H*trhnaM, the Jeweler.

A new lot of Ek ites and Sleds at Dertj'j.

Teeth extracted for 25 &enl8 at tha Brick

inigSUne. . . . .

Piiintd, nllR, gintuandpotty cheap* at tl.o[rick Drag Store. . . .

If jon want lo tnakfl a Obrintnuu prtut-

\t go to Haitbonse, the jeweler, and benlted. '

The Compound Tiir Congh Syrnp prepir-at tba Brick Drag Store Is tha mort n -

tblefor all langRffeetioas,

Get yenr preaorlptians pnt np at theBrtok Drug Store to acaursBtKraraoy and ex-lerienoe. Store establlflhed in 1851.

"yon aboald never low an opportnnlty toie BomBtbing beaqtiful, therefore do not

rail to sea the holiday novelties at Halr-honBo's, the jeweler.

Tte large trade being done by Lnnger ko*ery, of Sooth Stanhopn, la ombl igiemio oO«r the very Lest indaoenmiUi toistomwri in eT

RHBST. DE.SJGNH. BetenUrcent* tn H> eeiJtr pei rail j'golonti>. to »8r-1 vanuot be aoUert l l

pcT* tfm 0mp«'r< rrotn 40 nti>.icldfn tiiCBcartlolB


Ceiling Decorations,


Geld Mouldmqs, Hooks. 4c.Sine for pnpering i«J ktlwinlDlni; w.Ilf,.n fctUomlnR mixrfl .10 nrdftr In .-Tcrj color.df la put oa \ij qa.rt or Billon.

E SIEBEB.Cor. Blielwell u i tun lit,

pra uu., 1881. Dover, N. J.

M j eiifiro Fall niid Winter stock of

CLOTHINGfor MENB', ToUTns1, BOYS' and CuiLDnEu'B "WEAnis now completed and

-• .- : - • . ranges ne follows:

Miens' Business Suits from $5 to $15,•" Youths' Cassimere Suits from $4 to $15,

: • "•••''••••. Dress Sui t s from $10 to $ 2 0 .


OVERCOATS•*V OP KVERY DESonimoN pnojt J3 TO $18,

An nne'qnAlloa lino bf Foreign awl Domestic) PIECE GOODS forgarmentamado. to order, is exhibited in my establishment. I willguarantee that all ardors will bo nttond.ed to with clespntoh, nnd willbe mad.e aqd trimniod in tho best style nt n vury roaBonable price.; GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,

• nnd NECK-WEAR in abundance.

HATS! HATS! HATS!of the very latest leading Btylos from B0 cts. to $3. All this von coi

find at


BS~ N. B.—I desire to call yonr attention that I will save no painsin showing goods-whether yon purchase or not, . G. P .


HOW BEAUX. Mom' Bmiocss Soils, ia oil tlio nem»t ulyies, from $10 to f l* .Dress Sails, in Cloths, Diagonnta, Casket Piques, Ac, h-nm 915 toS3&.


T H E JRON FRONT!• Our FALL ami WINTER stock uotoplcta in cvorr UHPAHTJIKKT,

MGREGOR&CO.attention <ir nil intending buyerH to ilarir very eitensive »Bfortment o


CLOTHINGinvite the attetitio

• »Bfortment of MEN'S


-PALETOTS,F i t O M t O T O 8 2 5 . A cb.ioe T.irlelj of PANTS froaj «l.£0 lo »7.

Our BOYS' and CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT la filled withgnode exclusively OUR OWN MAKE, and In price, qualify andwoikmanBlilp, northf of clou Inspection.

In our CU8T0M DEPARTMENT we offer a seleot'line ofNOVELTIES and STAPLE O00DS, both Foreign and

Domestic, at reasonable rates.

IftcGREGOR So Co.,850 and 852 BROAD St., NEWARK, N. J.

5 Ooori lielow NewarU t New York R, B. Depot.


PirtBliTOl QowtcoDimtulDD I 25 LATEST

„„„...„„.„,..... JJ, <lhn._ y J 0 ! ( r aSOUTHtneDi, Tllnn. eat«]

loo*t« lMfort Mdnit


How Tliey Halt A Claim.

" I wiab you woald explain to me allabout this Baiting of claims tbat I beerBO much about," said a weak-eyed ten-dorfoot to a g m z y old miner, whopunning about six ounces of pulverizedquartz. " I don't Bee what tbeyto salt a claim for, aud I don't under-stand bow they ctu i t "

"Wel l , you see, a bot season liketbisthey Imvo to wilt a claim lots of tilto keep it. A frcsli claim is good enoughfur a hash ieuder-fout; but old-timerswon't look at nuytlitiig' but a pickledclaim. Yon know what quartz is proba<bly ?"

'* No."" Well, every claim tins quartz. Some

moru and some Jess. You find out lion'many quarts there are, und then put iuBO mnuy ponuds of salt to tJie quart.Wildcat eluiias require more salt, be-cause tlio wiid-Ciit spoils quicker tbaonnjtbing else. Sometimes you catchBurner, too, aud you buve to put liimbrine pretty plenty, or you will lusa him.That 's one reusou wby tUey suit a olaim.Tlitio ogniu, jou often grub a take a man

" But wTint ia a grub-stake ! ""Wel l , a erubatuke, is ** atake tbat

tbe boyB hniig Ihoir grub un so tbey cancarry it, Lutsuf mining men bam beenknocked culit by a blow from a grub-et«ke. Wlint I wanted lo say, though,viaa thi»: Yon will probably at finstatriko free milling poverty, with iodioationa of soraetbiiig else. Tbon yon willno donbt, sink till you strike bed-rook,or alruu ilsauregoplier-bolo, with tracesof disappoint meiit. Tliat's tbe time toput iu vour suit. You cna aboot i. intothe uliitft Mill, a double-barrelled shot-gun, or wet it or apply it witb a white-wash hmsh. If people turn up theirnnsws nt your elidtn tuen say it is a Bnide,nniT tbai tbwe is something rotten inDen murk, YOU can tell them tbat tbey(ire clear off, and that yon know it is allriglit."

The Inst aeon of the tenderfoot, he wasbuying a double-barreled shot guu uortten pnunils of rnck suit.

There'B tio donbt but a mining enmpis tb« plucolonend a yonug man whowmiis ti> acquire knowlotlpe und fill bisHjfalt'm full of inlWmiui'in that will beuaeiu) to him as luug us bo lives.

A New Brand.

A toll, lame npgro has been ia theliubit for a year pest of oalliDgata Micli-igun avenue grocery aud begging fur atew potfltoeB, B bit of cod flab, or any.thiug else likely to bo given bim. Tbeother duy tha grocer took a flour aaokand made up a mixture of sand,when the negro came around be woalmost pulverized to hear the groce:say :

'•Now, Sam, ifyoa won't come hewagain for tbree months you can shoul-der that anck and take it home."

"Am you in atruest. boss?"" Y e s , I mean whut I say.""Wull, I reckon I 'd bellor cotch on

dat cbance, an* m.iy tie Lnwil blesoyoifura bun'red y'nra to come."

He shouldered tho suck aud wa.keioff, and was not seen again (or tbreidays. Then be entered the store wit!the remark :

"Say, bosB, I didn't mean to comeback, only I want to ax a queshun."

" Go ahead."" It's sbout dat floor yon gia me. D<

ole woman an* me doan1 take de samiview of it, I hold dat it am n new wayof grindin' up wheat, an' Bhe says it ama new process fnr usin' up gravelKin you frow any light on de sabjiek ?"

"It is a new brand of my own," re-plied the grocer. "Tbe wheatraised ou sandy soil. Oan you recom-mend it ?"

" —not 'sactly, Bah ; bnt if you coalchange wid me far a peck of beinaraised on a side, an* put de ole trees an1

stomps nn' stones in one bag an' debeans in onotior, U would save a heap ofargyment in de family."—Detroit FreePress.


this pop liar news p»pi*r ilaic. I t cmiaiua all the

dintc newe of the Dally Hera'd aud in atiged in htvody depart monta. Tbe

FOBEION NEWSbraces special dispatches from all quarters

otlhv globe. Under tlio head ofAMERICAN NEWS

are given the Telegiapliic Dfapalcljea of thuweek fr«inallp*rl*of thtiDuiou. Taiato&tuin

* THE WEEKLY HEHALD(he nioat valuable) chronicle In the world, an i tis tlwi-kt'apfmt. Ever/ wcuk it gi?oo a faith-ful report of

POLITICAL NEWSotn brae ing complete and cuitinrelifusicodes-patches froiu WnKlmwtoii, includinir full

jurti. of flie sjjeeciicM of miuiuotit politician?the q.it'x'Uiui ul tlm Iwur.

THE PABU DEPARTMENTllicW^elilv Herald givo« tho I-Ur.it as milthe intuit practical murgcuions arid diacuv-

-.j»B relmlng lo the ddtiea of the fai-mur,hiuta for raining Cattle, l W t r r . Grains, VMJ-pt Lies. Trees, i c . witli nngjte*tious lor ke«5-li g iniHiiings and brniiDK utvumUfa repair.Tina IH »n|ipletiieiitoil bt a w.-H-odi.ed duparl-aiuut, widely enpicd. imdttr thti bead of

THE HOME,Ktvlng rooipoa for practtcnl dmlicd, hints formiking clmiiinB mnl Tor kcepiutr up with tin;IK'CH raMlitfitm at Hit- lowuei price Evervlinu ofeookiug or ecu it o my augiiL-atGil in tufii[lepftrtnuint in tiraotloiJIy lestud by oiiiurtibefore publicatiop. Lottora from our Parisina London ourreapondeiitn on the very It testiNnhlona. Tlio aurao Dopatlmmt of tlmWeekly Humid will nave the linusdwiTo morehan ODB liundri'd ttmoa tha ^ricu of ilia [idn^r,

8KILLBD LAJ3OUtre lookod aftt-r. ant] ecurvthiaR rolatluff loDachanioii and labur Baring1 i( carurullv re-

corded. Thoro in a pagu devoted to all tliulitest phonos of th« bualaetB nmrkutH, umpn,merchiDdiee, &o. A valuubk* f.ature is ionnliu the specially reported prices and conditionif tho

PBODUCE MARKET.Spnrlnig DCWB at hr.meand abnmj, toR«tlior

wltu a atory ovurj week, it sortDuii by BOHIOemitiout dirlue. liturar;, music*f, dru-tuatio,pcrnuuRl and aca ocitea. Tln'ro is DO paiior m

•Id whicb conUins m muo'i news mut-ry woekaH theWcokJy Horwld, wUiib in

'ftnt, postage free, for Ouo Dollar. You cnuubKrlbe at any tima.

Tb& N«w YORK HEEALD, in a WDekiy form,ONE DOLLAR A VEAU, Addrt»s

NEW YORK 1IEUALD,Bronilwar and Ann St.. Now York.





lors nf tL« last willnip^1, Jocea^e*!, In Icwill at-ll at 1'uliUu

The unliftortlitirH, EII'BIInd ti-Rtami^ut of feier K

rtl tin- Cuiintv of MonidBndue, on tbo premittcB,

THURSDAY, Jim. 5tli,1R82, betw. en llio hours of 12 and a I'clnck lutliourtcnionn, tlio ok'KHnt propuny kiniwii anthd KEMPLE FARM, IVIDH in tbu beauhfutvalley of ilie JInpoonnfooDR ul tlio LIHNGSCIIOOIO.V'B MonutBin. Kltpate ou tbo mad fro.-HiicVottBtown to BiKhTa Lako, coutatningabout

175 ACRES,30 acres of wbfob ara tillable, and In a Roodstate of onltiration; tbe bataaoe la " timuurUnd, about 75 acres or wliljb ia Ii-avv nml

NEW O A L Y A P rO tbo property adjoining tUnlrtnllCDg mill,

and ire prepared to Buj>ply


Lowest Market Ratescitlirr at


NE/UICAN4L IllimilE. IS.);

THE BEST PUCEof its kind for eDjoymcut.lu ttiis Beotion


UOVKlt, N. J.Jmt romved mil plaoeil in pailllan THI1KE



Pool Tablesfrom t i e celebrated manufactory of J . M.


OEOHESTEIONas also Jtiet beuD suppliod with no*ml will JellRht die atvtrutM of tin- bou „..liar: <JV«>-, turtitsliljig iniiH.c equal to a bransamiofSOpiecoa.


LAGER BEER•iiTfiVd on dttught and tbe best or

WINES. LIQUORS and CIGARSalways provided for tlie patronB nf


B —BBATTy'H rUNOFOHrns-MAGNIF• Jcciif hnltilay pref


Notice of SettlementNulicuit.lierpLynivi.il tliit tlie iiccoiintH oi

tlio culMnriljcrs, Kjcwnlorn or WJIImin H.Wftcr. ihct'iii-Kl. nill lie Hinlltcd and Malni l>vU S l d t d f i t i t t


beautifull iO

Why He Ate Kenns Tor Dinner.

They tell a good Btory oboat oae Wymane, a diminutive drummer well-knownon tbo Oomstock. We Btopped one nightat Demi ng, New Mexico, a favorite resortof tlie cow-bovB.

" Madame," said Abe to the lao'lln" give me gone dinner and be quickabont it, I liavo not dined since yes-terday,"

Tlie lady bionglit bim aoine nice beaoBoap.

"Mndnme, take away that soup. Inever eat tbose tbinga,"

Tbo lady brought him a large plate olpork nod beans.

"Madame, tube tbat away. I neveieat those things."

In vain the tody explained thatporand beans was the best the house af-forded. He wan obdurate, and wantedroost beef. rare. A mild mannered, binteyed oow boy at the table then chippedin, "Beggin* pardon, stranger, bat yonmust excuse tbo lady. "We—,

.'fWho ere you, sir?" retorted thdrummer; " I know my business."

"Ton don't tell me," tund the festivecow-boy, drawing hi* navy. " Now youeat those beans, I'm go.n' to sit heretin' sea yon feed. Light into 'em quickor I'll open ,OD yon sure, and put 'emin. This is bizness with me. an' I'mehoulin* in yonr e«r.*'-

The unfortunate drummer saw bloodin tlie air, and was forced to choke fonrplat ea of tho an welcome food downbefore tho cow-boy was satisfied witbbis apology l o the landlady.

•t Orara, andiodesfftnaUJd an Lot Knu>erMun A map of lands of New Jetrnty Ironlinlnp CnmpMiy, and begins at tha norihwoit

" aaid •treeti, wblab Ig diatant twentyand BII incheB on a conroe north,

.breo And a qnartordcgreei «tut from an ironplanted it) «ld alreetB whore they cross

— other, aod whlph paid Iron post is In-tended to mirk tbo nnroor t n o i r as tho unr-iior nf tbB " Dnrrol Parm" at tbo forVg of the

iad—ono loading to Baker's iq.llt. now uldiippenlinpon •treet.a-nri ODD leaillng to Wnjf

Dgtnn S0TR6, nuvraaid Pint • trout, and beingtho boRinnlog corner of aairl whole tractcferred to ID the debd to said Obnroh, and Is

also aewrlfcod aatbe begtonlDR oornor to Iher«t lot that one Jacob Hard conveyed to said!onr*a PoppcnliaRen by deod of April 8th,

1BCT, and recorded In Bnok &7,p'((e 154,&o.and tuna thence along tbe went aide of »ati_Fiiat ttraet, aa tbe noedlo travoraotl ID 1373(1) north twpnU'Beven and a -hair degree*eait flfty-fonr foot to corner to lot No, 1 toililo Daniel Llovd: tbenoe alone the samu at• -• * - - - )B t to uld street; (3) north iltty-two

ir desroes w«at OBC ' — ' - ' "" -. ,_i) loutli tventpHevoi —treat ten Feet and BU mabM tu a oorne r

OneToocli or Nfltnrp.In ft prison at New Bedford, Mass.

, there now is a man whom we call Jimnnd who ia a prisoner on a life sentence.Up to last spring be van regarded 1desperate, dnngeious mnn, ready forrebellion at any boar. He planned 1general outbreak, bat was " given away1

by oae of tbe conspirators. He plotteda general mutiny or rebellion, but wasagain betrayed. He then kept his ow:counsel, nod, while never refusing toobey orders, bo obeyed like a man wboonly needed baching to mate bim refuseto. One day in Jane a party of stratrgera came to the prison. One va* anold gentleman, the others ladies, andtwo of tbe ladies bad children. Thegnide took one of tbe children on hisarm, and tbe other walked until theparty ontne lo climbing tba stairs. Jimwas working near by, salky S D 3 morose

• as ever, when the guide said to bim :'* Jim, won't yon help this little girl uptbo fitain ?" The convict hesitated, ascowl on his face, and the little girl hftldher arms oat to him aud said : " If yonw i l H goess I'll kiss yon." Bis scowlvanished in an instant, and he lifted tbechild up as tenderly as its father wouldIjovedone. Half way np the stairs aba•dosed him.. At tbe bead of tbe stairsaba said : •' UowyonVa got to kiss me.too,'* He blntjhed like a woman, lookedinto her innocent face, and then kissedheracheek, and before he reached tbsfoot of tbs slatr* again tho man hudtears in bis eyes. Ever etnee tbat time

j ] 4 ha* beeji^a changed man, ant^tao(WepresW tronbla—Hartford 7V|w.

JiBitHUt bnd Hemlnok. A betroam of water pause* ihroaeb and alo ngsiOe

Ibo farm, watcrtnv most ol the flelda andi h h tC b d d ivMlil


Ibo farm, watcrtnv most ol trantiing through tCc barn yurd andfewutopB of the linuso, whilo tlm MURCUL - .oong rfvpr bonnda It on the north. Either•treara affords Rood milt iltea or water powersnttaWo fur raanaftcturing nurpuses. AnibnadaDce of eiaollant fruit. Eitunmve Indi-cation* of iron ore. The improvements arc tlarj?odwelHuff honac, conlainmg 12roomn, alarge y&rd In fmiit of tlio houne, with atnploana beiu I ifn] tihado trcea, n lar^e iarn. euvjthedf) waffnn bnUKS Ac TIIIB r»rra is well

h^altLy Uicatiunscho'ils.chnrohenm l t d i t

u I ifn] tihad trcjthed), waffnn bnUKS, Ac.known for its (juaotitnt andwltb itiooQveniont acpL>sa to h s . c h n rand Blores, being wIllj'O tea mlnntogdrivn tnthu depot at HaohotlHtuwn, affords uousna!advuulages to tho parcliatter. Thin is uao oltlie most fauaouriil as wall aa ono or the mostdeslnblw pr»ncrtiAB rornoouutry rosldtaneo inNorthern KuwJorfley, eutlrolv free from ma-laria. The above property will l>u BOW niltoRethcr or fn Iota to suit piirtihaMern. Forfnrthor partioulars call on Wm. Holt, atTrrttton, or I* M. Tec), ou Ihe premium.CoDOJtlonB made known on day of Halo.


EiecotorB.HackettBtown, Nov. 21st, 1881.

SHERIFF'S SALE!InCh&nceryofHew Jersey—Fi. fa. ror selo of

mortgaged premiios, wherein Wlllim "Lathrop Is omoplalnant, anJ tlie Mo£pl80<mal Oil arch at Port Orara ii Hafeniiant, Returnablo toOctobor TtrraA.o. 1881

a.i i i i of IIIP Comitf Olli iluj- nt Drct-ml


iComity «t MoiriH

D l / t


REAL ESTATE!Tlio milieerilior, ectutR RxccuKir of tlie Innt

will and trHtaiiu-utof Hurriti Trimmer, lutu ofthe County of Warroii, dee'd* will sell at pub-

'"SATURDAY, December 10th,1681, at tbe American Homo, nackottetowo,K.J., between tlio bniirn of twelve and flvoo'clock, t. M., the desirable

DAIRY FARM,Bitnated one mile frum tlie Waterloo lull roadStation and five rollcBfroin Hackcttiiiown, N.J.JoiniaR lands nrN<rman Casuld;, Btt-pliouBetson, E. Sk>p]ienB and otben, Bald farmcontaining 800 A ORES, more or ICRB, Abonttwo (liimired icrrn unilor cultftatlor, the re-malndurffoodTIMBElt arid PABfUItE land.Will si'll In part or all tofrotlinr. Improre-menta conuietof a gond dwi'llinR house, ofpht

lioast-'anil coro crib; wntor blonplit to tlieln>uao. Tlit? In) d i« in a Rood stnic ofealtiva-liun, and wuro for grain crops, Ptrauns dE»lr-f D(t to look al thin iroportv may call uponClmi-loB Walera a* tlie farm or tipon AsaTrimmer, at HacketUt'iwn, Ooiiclltions tnadt.'knutrn BUO attotidandiiRii'ci) on day ofialo.

ASA TRIMMER, .Acting Executor,Dated Hept, 23d, 1B81.

n]iniji) grain

rutK nisowtirui dase«l*'t,)rt>e'tia'iwma lolih PR iron frnnii-v, nlonl.boxeii, 1222.75 to 1207.50; natuK'iie pnerIHOO to * 1,0(10; HBtlRlBtitloti FTiinrnntimil c

riplit* (liHiiorurt'M, (125 In f '5S; oatalWnpritTH fGnO In 1800; cUntlard ])|jri<>nrim .tl>u nniviihc, nn (hoiinamlH tottirv ; write r»» timn]mi>lli flat or icHttmr.niids- Duutiy1

oaljlni't (irtrmin, o^iliciiral, uburuli, elm enlinrlnr, 1.14) upward j VIHHOI-K WI-IL-OIIIC ; in

IIIKIHJ {liolJilay «(1ii[oN) (rfi"! A(M:'('^"l(ir can DANIEL P MEATTT,



HOLIDAYS!!TIANO8 nminitGANSnt ri i i-w

prices lor en nil. InN'miiU'iitig n-t-i-rilul 'irgniiR. 145. $50, ten up, W\Oft. llofr-wnnil PiiiiiiiA, i.tnr>l nmlI1H0. Wo minted 0 vennt. IirnuliIni-iic ninflr'il. Agents wiiulfd.WATEItSA Co.. MKiiulmtarora al826 Broadway, New York,



the g fOrtier direct from j? verttsoment, as

i i l ill ^ l a t o f r o ier direct from j? ^ r t t s o m e n t , as I

positively will no t^ l a t o f r on i price, S6O.^h orders take J ferenceon order book

P1AH 0? BEEDBOiED. A caveat for Patent la filedOttliel'atMLtomup. to protect tills valuable

liivpntlon No olher ninnufaoturer canbuild an organ irtUUhttiEeedliDard at any price.

lest it. Agunts Ienough to aliened

TO THOSEBrace tho d'estruotion of my factojy byflnt. I have rebuiltT\V fouraoresvltlil

, . . . . Dp

," NEW Style, NO. 12000.

No Deviation whatever from above Frier, Kothtctjon to any out-, one priceto everybody, viz: &GO NET CASH. No othv.r nufacturcr can equal this offiw.


DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washgton, New Jersey.

KEMEMBEIt!C3T JStifirc SattfifacthVuar<mtrvtl in rvei-j/hatu 11 ci: OJ'-JHoney protnpfff t'cfiimltitt tifttir " flMozart" hits beenhi ton tit a nt use a year

Byvlrtoo of the aboveff h d J hl

& Bui7D, Sol'ra.stateO writ of He

t lByvlrtoo of the above state rit of

faefaBfo my hands, J shall ospOBO tar HaloFnblie V«ndtie, at tho Court Honao, in Morris-town, N. J . , on

MONDAY, tho 10th rt»r at Deoember noit,A. D, 18H1, betwBon tha liourn nf IU M. nnd 5o'clock F, M., that (a to n»y 2 ' l k i l

ft f ld l ll th

urn IU M. nnd»y at 2 o'clock in tli

that tractland andpremiues, witmt<\ Jjupg athe Tillacc of Port Oram, in the tR d l h i th C t f M

oclock F, M., that (a to n»y at 2 o kafternoon of Bald clay, all that tractor parcelof land andpremiues, witmt<\ Jjupg am) beingn the Tillacc of Port Oram in the t o w l un th Tillacc of Port Oram, in the towofllupif Randolph, in the County of Morns anil

State of Nntr Jersoy, bonndot) and describedi follows:BBIDB the sane land that v a i convay^d to

j« Bald Method 1st Obnroti by deed from Bob •r t F . Oram, John Banco atiJ John G.Lntlmip


REAL ESTATE!Tbo snbBCTlber, notina Errrntnr nf tbo hi t

will and tfiBtamentor llnrris Trimmer, latuolhe County of Warron, ilcc'tl, will soil at ptib-ic B«ie, nn

SATURDAY, December 3d,1881..t Iba CHESTl!n IlfJTITj, brlocm Ilii

boarsor twelve aud llvti o'cloah p. ».,

4 Houses and Lotsnn Maple nnd Fcrrv strt'ets, in tlio town ofChester, Morris County, N.J. Pureonmlcflir-\ns tn Jonh at tho property may call uponAbrnm Vuu Doron, ntClmsfor.

CniKiitlotis made kuoirn and attendancogiven un dft.v cl SBIP by

ASA TRI3J3IER, Acting Excculor.Dfltrd Sent. 23d 1881.


Sewing* Machine.Throe-quarters of nil tlip scniny linieliiiies

sold tliruii^Iioiit I lie tvurid are Singers. Thisworld renowned iiiiicliinc is sold 011 inontlilypayments of $3.00. We ulinrge no iiuicyprice for fancy woort covers. A solid wal-nut cover with each miicJiine. Every gen-uine Singer Iins ti gilt tnidc inark in thestiind lej; of each iiiacliinc. All others aremere imitations. WE HAVE REMOVEDto New Store on HLACKWKLL St., JiEXTTO Wtf. If. HAKEB'S STOUE. Needles,oils nnd everything pci'taiiiing to the trade.Kepiiirlng a specialty. Uiiy direct throughthe loinpiiny's oilice JIIKI have a i('si»nisil)lewarrantee. We turnisli any machine inthe marlict at lowest ligurcs.

P. II, UUKKKLL, Sole Agent,AT TI IK N E W S T A N D ,

Hover, tf. J., Feb. Ktb. 18H1. HIJACKVVKI.L ST.



Always carry a complete

1 ted Mirch 93, 1672, ami he* 1 tho north- CARRIAGES!THE OLD ESTABLISHES C U m U


are now eatublinhed in their

HEW MANUFACTORY,and with new ippllanacs andItici aie propnrra la tlrtbat line. CAB III Ji " 'over; description mroanror, inolmling





nrlifB Merino nnd Cashmere DreKHCH, Sluiwln Olnnks a ajicrjialiy; and nil kinds offHbrionnre neatly ulunne.1, dye* mni fluidicd. Cumiou'H gnrnipniii, nmilH, nm.ts nn<lvesta clooued or d.yud iind nently flniwliocl witlionting. By ctcunitig uiul (lyouig iinlmland wore clothiuft tbey might be mmie Hcrvice.iV » 1°"R tinu1.

C A R P E T W E A V I N G !~H,mn R the »tLo»niH for Lint nuil KHR Carpet,ond everything UKod up for firnt-tlasH work, I til cnii deliver whut the Indies wnut.after tbey have taken the trouble to cut mid HSW: rugs nicely, a good rug carpet. Ikeep tbe very beat warp for my customers and alirs uro uti n<le>d to witli curt'. Onr-pet rags dycdl any color A reaftonnhln iirine *)*' enrpet ri»t.'w. Curjiot on biuul lorfiRle. Plnco of biiHinesB in tho OLD I'ltEHBYlVN C1IU11CII, COIt. ItLACKWELLAND rROSPEOT 8T8., POVElt, N. 3.

DoTrJr,N.J.,8S,]t, aoth, 1881. C- S-

afjona.anil for


thonoe (8) loutn twentj-.s

00 tha north sidoof aaid Poppenl>aBanj)treet ;thence ilontt the name (4> nortii llilrlyrijinadegreci east one linndred and nine feet tq tbsplioe of beglnmnR. containing thirtyrtwobim-Sred and sere: *• — '

Tbf H raorleral roai

WtliLlAlI H. McDAVIT, SheriffDatedOct, 13th, 1881. «Q 00

eglnmnR. containing thirtyrtwoaerentr-flve eqaaro feet,ortgage ia made aubject to theratloD in Middced raentloood .



SAPONAXTho only 1o«fhwMh»wilori*d bvdintiiU.

elMDMaiKl )irMrtT« the t««th and perfDme iWOnly SS ott, 11 !mt(le, al all dm* atnri-i. E ^ A oopjof tbpewaz Miulo tnm at »ny drugn'i'^ AA/urttT

IRA C. COOPERMASON AND BUILDERICoatriota taken and materials furnished for


tindi of work, whether of BBICK 01BTONE.

>fflo# under T H I IRON Bma bnilding, Morrii

•kwt,Onnr, N.J . U-it



MRS. KEARNSdealt la the b u t Omociftizt AHH PKOTHIOIII ,




Vohlcl6a°of dlfrorent kirnU kept . .sale, A call will latiaty tliat ODI

jlilpls of tlio boat, our depigna tUosteal and our prices reasonable. Repairingpn in ting a ad trimming done la the bent n


Eitru Engine Oil,TnlU.n Eiijrino Oil,No. ] Engine,Durh GnKine Oil,Bporm Mualiiaery Oil,No. 1 MuohiDer; Oil,Dark Imbricating OIIB,Bailroad Lubricator,Shafting Lubricator,Weal Vir8itiia Oil,Bleatn Roflimd Cvlinder Oil,• 'Grown" Wooa Oil, .Stainless Bpioille Oil,No. 1 Spindle Oil,Elick Proved Oil,VI. B. Sperm Oil,•W. B. Wlifile Oil,Prime Noawfonl Oil,Ho. 1 NoaUfont Oil.W. Strained Prime Lard Oil,No. 1 Lard Oil,W. Fare Salad Oil,


W. Wliito Cotton Seed Qil,W. Yellow Cottou Seed Oil,Dark Cur Oil,Speim Fanking Oil,Ei tru Pupking Oil,Painters' Oil," Crown"Ijight Gamponnd,41 Fassaio" Dark 0ompoun4,Boiling Hill Greuse,AileOresse, j

. dnenn Slgnnl Oil,H. L. Beaaiigtat Oil, 150a,

: B . ReudliglitOII, IGOo,R. Headlignt Oil, lSOo,Qasoline, 90o, . '

\\ Gasoline, 88n, :Qnsollne, 80o,

1:; DeodoriKed Nftpthu, all Gravities.-



Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,


SHEKIFF'S SALE!HurrlB Oirouit Court—Martha Chryntai vi .

QeoTgo Oarj i tnl . Pi , fa, d a b o n . o t t<ir. Indebt. Botormt|lnOotol)flrTfrm.l87B.

NmaHBooB A S H I T H , Att J ' * .Morris Clronll Court—Martha Chrvetnl TO.

George Cliryg'af, Allia fl. Ta. do bon, e t tor.In dobt. Ratnrtuhle to l lav Tet-m, A. D .1BB0. NBIOHBODB & SMITH, Attv'o.

Morria Circuit Conrt— Hurry Hicks vw.QnorseCbryelal. PI. fa. d« Imn. et tcr. In caao.Rotnrnable la October Term, A. r>. 1881.

MKIOBDHDR ft S M I T H , Al tv'a.

BY virtue of tbo above eta tod writifai " - - -

Confectionery, Nuts, Ac.Oire me » eall and I wJH try aijiS pleats,

ii; .a. KEiflNS, Hioe mil.

yhamls, Isball eipoHeformilmo vuuuac, at tbo Court Hoiibc. in Mor-

MONDAX, tlio 19th day or DECEltBER next.A. D. 1881, between tbo lirrnr* of 12 SI. anil 5o'clunit P. M., tliut In to BBV at 3 o'clock in the*nfKriHura ol mid doy. all tbat crraiti tract orpon-cl of lrnid and premlem, horolimrtor par-ticularly dcttcrilied, nilnhtc. Ivins anil beingin tho toniislilp or Itamlolpli, In tiTc ComuvorHorrid and Btnlo of New Jeiwy, bonodca andcIpoerlbedaB folfowi, to-wit:

Belnfi tlie ttanio lot of land and prcmlerBtliat wero alroltcd to the said Manila Chryslnlaa widow or Patrick Pbryital, dcocaB«1, in nndby tbe will of iald Patrick, under a deorooonthr report of Oommlanioner* in tho Ooijrt ofObanDcryofNnw Jeraoy, filed in Raid ooirtAngnstS, 1S06, to divitlo the lands of aaldPatrick andor uttii will, acil itt therein do-icnbotl aa follow*, to-nit:

" ' 1 heap of atones in (ho elev-iomeste»d farm, ilirec alialnii

from tho l»et corner j tlicaco (1> math tliirtyfivedeffreei eait tvrul?o clialns and 8fty-ninaUnli* to a 1 lake and Btonoa by tbp Rido of aitono fence, throe fcot math at a blrcli trtto ;(2) north fift.v-lhrco tleRroes and Qftnen min-ate» east nix chnioi and twenty links to aitake and atones south of tbe barn; (3) sontlilhirly>§etFCp ilogreei nast fnnr chains to ajUkelB the hraol OanBeld lino; W^anp•aid Hoe north artytlhree dogreoH and artmtnatea east nine pliilm ana icventr- _UnkR to old comer in »ld lino: (S) imilhthirtj-foar degrees and fortf-etalit minutesmat Ivo obaini .and piitv-sli tinhR tn P. O.Jo*Rl«nd'i: Ilienae (G) alotift the said Minorlli fifty-tour degree* and live tnlnnioi

to William Hinton'a oornorj thenoe (7)thirty deffreea want alxteon otialna anil acTonlydve llnkn to J . B. HrWRlind oornur; (R) souilflftj-ntne doprcos and Fix minutes went all:bmlm and nlnety-flTo links lo a Htonouean;

fifty links tn n

"\ tMnl

Tmpntiiifi, Oil M s , MacMnery Oils!"We ttike pleasure in introducing to the trade oar various grades oL

machinery and other heavy oils. The Be goods are manufactured byua at our works, consequently wo givo them the benefit of our personn*supervision, anil guarantee them to give perfect satisfaction, both i;quality and price, or no sale. X&* AH our oils GUARANTEED STRICTLYPDRE. " Brilliant" Safety Oil a specialty, put up in Patent PaucotOans, espreasly for family use. State Agents for HOME LIGHT OIL.

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,


^rtnaooardf, § fllrl*irreapondenti Sta. Mlfer. .~"~~K»J N, Y. fUM agotuj.

. illhiciory treo 1 tbenoa (10)elgbtdeitroosanil Of toon miniilo*obaing and efg()tten ilnki to tha uazinning,aontalniiiBtliiirty-tbiae aorea and ttiim-flvuhandredtbi ofaa aoret bolng.l^e name landai.e<cnbed i i * doed frooi Martlia Cbrvolal toGeorge ChryUt, dated ADRDAI 17, 1(WW, r&.enrdod In tho Morrla Ooaaty Clerk's office, IDBook W 6 of sJecls. p*Bo *J7fl, Ao.

Eiflppting nut of the ib»ve donerihed trnot10 nrnoh thereof tn w«t oonrered be said Q M ,Cbryital and irifo tn Joseph Rodorer bv Jret]dttUd AoRBBt IB, I860, recorded in tire UnrrUOoanty Boaard of Dwda, In Book W G, piges383, Ac., containing 82-100 *cia% mnre cr lent.Also a certain other tract ooovoyotl by tbe «aldleorgs Oliryftnl and wil* to Owircn Richard•jydcid dated Feljrnaiy t7ih, 1870, reoardeilla (bo Morris Oonqtv Rccnrd of Deed*, inBook P f. pttffBSflf, 4o-, coatsUnlns 14-07 acreimore or le*i, 41ao&lot eonvo»oii by "OUrrital ana wife tn Bsn/tuif n Wjint.



20 per cent, saved.Prices never lowerthan at presentTHE STAR PAlt-LOR and CORNISHCOMPANY ORGANSstand at the headto-day, and tliemanufacturers meanto have the peoplek noiv it. Sold oneasy terms or a lib-eral discount torcash. Every organwairriintcd for sixyours. For an 11-lustrnted catalogueSivisig hill descrip-tion, free, address


Cognty Collector's Notice 1I will lm si tho o5)c« of IbB Snrro j . l c . Mor

•Illown, for tbB IrKQilctlon of Ponmy UDB1-TtrarstU; or e.ch week, &nil i t tba

described tract.

. 4lao a lot eonvowc by Oeomo n B 1 , u o i U U I » , , . , „ . *m*u - « . , » „ « . .wife to Bsnlauin Wjint. AHofofn.n at Qnorae lUcharili. EM, Dor»r,



Miners Wanted at Mldyale,


Celebrated Rand Drill,the best in thecountry.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to and from Europe.

DOVER STEAJCant Weal EstaWisIneiit!

C, S. JISJSESM,Dyer nnd Cnqtct Wei

he will meet nil (heir wret, would nmnutsiii dyeiuR n

to tlizetiB ol tills pintirpet ing.

Fall ana Winter Season!IlBADaUAKTBIlH V Oil

Millinery Goods!





Novelties in Trimmings.CiT Wo tfikoplodHiiro in nnnonticiiiH lo tlm

publiu that our RiiLlinor.v DfimrtniKDt inunder tlio rtjnnapi'tut'tit fif comiiettjiit mil-liners experianoud in city tr«i3o.

MiiB Miunio Dolnn, tho well-known mil-liner, of time nut! ability, umy lie found attbo old Btiiml, at






FBED. B. IBBITT'SClofhiig Hall,




opReliable Oers, fine materials,

lo-west pric<and the best satis- P5

Freeman Wo<



Le^Hyai'^'Ti^E'il afjont or tlu1 folleti

clsHB Cdliilianloa—the lieatln Hint


0LO1JE, Capital 820,0


Cnpifail 810,01




l ' E O P L E ' S . Nowork.


ol PiiiIa<I«lphia, Assets $G0O,The London Assurance

IjOndon, capital $r>,M>O,OOO.Hprlngnelfl Fire inFmrtinoe Oo., M

«o«8, cupital $1,1500,000.

WestoheRtor Fire Inminince Cotn[Now York, capital *60l>,000.QEBMAM AUEIIIO&H

Fire Association of PIA B B E T S , . - - - - •

Freeman WoodJuRtic* of tho Peaeu aor5 Police Mi

The Sun]

I© H

LADIES' CL0AB5in groit vnrietj. Bout K

ul DOLUAHSB andlnwoBt price



M A R T I N & B U C K ,

Sip u l OraiBBilil PaintarB,

W8. Cnntncti »k.n»n(lm»lcri.!.Ruoras decorated ia freseoe «lyle«. HftTlnjr •Ibfronuh knowUicTije of Imnseind i lSiJ i l? |*lni(,«e leelcompeienl to mod llit aom.cidior all. Psint ahnp aver MIHS Whit ' illi

A speolsltj m&ds oritenoil aaltlnp.I . UABTIN t9-lr A. BDOII.







BOTTLE-AGERS A SPECIALTY.^®88f I dcul only ii'


1'ost nrticlna andmy prices will beO

y my prices will bfound ospooially f a v o i t o dealers and families. Orders by mnil otolegrapU promptly aie& '«•





YORK, 188|1802 will make i


.ml .liMillln-lli;;1Til. :nvn fir maiikniii nnt.


. * , , ; .

l i t ; but il« Kuui«l "nnnlli iahtiu itpotir»liot (liHComfnrtontlHIICIIB vf tlie ixTHiHtontly wicked.

Itincl. ' l l .lLHCimlei! Hiaiiy of tliu



oiuitrv in tho tlpzcticidclcil alter Lho Hun.iuil ii!rcudv eiiatii)- Imit l b HV f f tl

Tl.o Hullirntlil<}!lii:

Uy a lib

llokiiaIn I

Hint » 1mIliinli nliniit man

liavo decided opi"to (!ipress tlit-m i

ndoraloml. Wo «t Ti

,, ...ily nccret of tlm Snn'ai»ililical*_Tbo Weekly Sun Rnll.era into ro"lIO hem mailer i.rtlio sfvc

riillmirkt-t'repiirtH, ft"^"* 'llbor.il Iif lilfiarv, Beientiflc. and ilonitsll'jtnee eDinplcle the Weekly Sun, anil 3lie lit-Bt jn'wHiiaper For the fnrmor'e I"lint waa ever prinlt'il.WTio dofa nut knnw ml mail a

ml for the bun.

Tlie BmiilnV ulliwn a, tbo »nn '"•;iiifle.l . , ™"tJlV at n .20 a jeir.P™'"

The, nriooor Ilio Weekly 8»J'pH5'J

rnbl i sbcr orTHE 8tJV. NcwJ^


Hand and Power FodderCna.„.«„,Cbopprn


Tnylo'r's Patent HorBO8UrTll'S.l>ATKNT WATS5B. DIUJ

Xynna Fan Mlila*. Ciller snij. Vto

Bonble ami Single Brneoti and Mnl

IDH G u n , a Urge aaaortmnDt •Puwder, Bbikt. Cipi, FOBS, n


Wire and Wond Flo»sr r o t Slandi,»Eukola. Netting, »»•

Arnllllnoorneana Iron A


H" Colombia a



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