Is published every \V E D N E S "D A Y, at OBANGEBUBU, C. IL, SOUTH CAROLINA by HEVWARD & BEARD. HUnSCRjiPTION bates: $2 a year, in ftdviuice.$1 for nix piontliB. JOB PRINTING in all its depaitmeuts, neatly executed, Give un a call. W. J. DeTreville, ATTORNEY A T L A W. Office nt Court House Square, Örangcbürg, S. G. mch 13-lyr IZLAE & DIBBLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RUSSELL STREET, Orangeburg, S. C. Jas. F, Iklar. S. Dibble. mch 6-lyr BROWNING & BROWNING Attorneys At Law, Obanqebukg, C. IL, S. C, Malcolm I. Bnowxixo. A. P. Bnowxixo inch G-lyr "i-^RSNICR & DÄNTZLER, D 13 N T I S T 8 , Orangeburg, S. 0. Office over store of Win. Willcbk. v. Kebsnkk. P. A. Dant/.i.e», I). IVT& inch 12-3moa George S. Snirer, COMMISSI O N M E R CIIA N T and Wholesale Dealer in und Importer of Fi sic wises, liqüohs, ales and hfa rr aiiOCFiuiis, «t-., de. fvh 14~!hnos Kirk Robinson, DBAI.KK IN" R >oks, Music ami Stationery, and Fancy A rticlcs, .17' '/'///.; EXiilXE HOUSE, ORANGEBUllG, C. 11, S. 0. m h ü- 1*o Builders. I atn irTvjNtiMuli.yrjruLdiKASiill-lS. HI.I.VIlS, I lour*, Mantels, and every style of inside work, .it tin- shortest notice, ami of he*! material, m Baltitnot'o rates, adding freight, ( all in ami kuu catalogue. Hoik warranted. JOHN .1. H.-IMILT'iN, melillJ-lyr Orangchnrg, S. ('. KP El C1A Ii N OTIC Prime Rio Coffee cind Sugars, »t prices to please. FLOUR, S A IY1\ All marketl nt selling prices. MAPES' riiosriiATE anii BROWN'S COTTON PLANTERS Alwavs on hand. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Market Street. fell 21-lyr MERONEY'S HOTEL OBANOKBtTlUr, S. ('. I am pV-a-t il to inform my numerous friends throughout tlir State that J have purchased the''Trendwell Hotel," and am now nyuvena- ting and lixing il up in the must modern Ft vie. The tahie.s are well furnished from the Charleston markets. 1 guarantee full satis- foction. W. A. MEUONEY, rroprictor. apr 20 CENTRAL IIÖTEL, (PLAIN S Is R EE T , ) COLUMBIA, 8. C. Board.$2 Per Da; 1 D. B. CLAYTON, Proprietor. PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. R. Hamilton, 0. T. All'ort & Co., Sujierintcndent. I'roprictnnt, THE ART TONSORIAI lam pleased to inform tho citizens of Or¬ angchnrg and vicinity that I have opened a Barber Shop, over tho Store of Captain Hrigg- mntin, where I am ready to icrvo I hem in my profession, which consist* of Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, IInir-<lre«fling and Riich other work a.s belongs to the tontsnrud art. I sk trial. .JOHN KOBINSOX. may l-Ihno DIL T. BERWICK LEGARE, II E N TAL S U It G E O N . Graduate, Baltimore College Dental Surgery. Ofic, Market street, Orcr More of J. .!. Hamilton Jtb 11 T T. K.OII9T . 0 AND K BROTHER H O arc opening E H thoir second supply, A N and are offering P <fc Great Inducements in D 15 . D ress Goods 11 R of the newest styles. Y O Also Bargains in G T Hosiery, Gloves, O H * Ladies' Underwear, O E &c, &c, &c. T> R KOHN'S CHEAP STORE. S npr17-lyr_ BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE Arc almost dnUy ^receiving additions to thoir lnr^e Stock of GENEBAL MEECHANDIZE BROWN COTTONS ANÖ DOMESTICS, Now in store, purchased before the advance. y Just received a full Stock of BOOTS AND S II OES. ALSO, HARDWARE, NAILS, &c, together with AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, for farming purposes. GROCERIES in full Stock, consisting in part of BACON AND DRY SALT MEAT. FLOUR of the well-known brands. SUGAR AND COFFEE which defy competition in price and quality .A.gents ibr ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE, CWs Phosphate, Wando Fertilizer, Pacific (ritano. Manipulated Guano, Guanapo Guano, as well as LIME, LAND PLASTER, Ac, constantly on hand. JC^yWo aTc also htjtirts tvr wxll-km.wn FlItK AN INSV-RANCK. COMPANIES: C J ERM A NIA, of New York. Andes, of Cincinnati, O. Equitable Life. Assurance Company, of New York And hut, but not east, the celebrated SINGER'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, an exhibit is sufficient. We have and do sell the goods. BULL. SCOVIL.L, & PIKE. f«l-11 win I) i nun lam pleased to inform my numerous friends lliat I have returned to Orangchurg, ami have established my PICTURE GALLERY at Glen's old Ga/lcry; where 1 am prepared to execute work in the latest and most improved style. 1 have just received instruments with which I can take as fiood ami perfect a picture ax can lie had anywhere in the State. A tria/isa/l I ask. Perfect satisfaction guaran¬ teed. Cart ttnd take, a look at mv (ia'lerv. S. M; PE ARSON*, Artist. mnv 1" tf "ÄbENYS WANTED" TO SELL DEAD ISSCKS AND LIVING RESULTS; or, A history of Sherman's march through South Carolina, by II. C. Mack, Murfrces- boro'. Tonn. 9 A volume of 700 pages, with maps and en¬ gravings. Agents wanted in every county in the State. Very lil>eral <-oni missions allowed. Those who desire to secure agencies will he furnished with combined Prospectus and Sub¬ scription Hook, Circulars, «Sc, on receipt of one dollar. Address P. P. PK A HD, General Agent for South Carolina. JewelryT Watches and Silverware JAMES ALLAN, No. 307 KING .STREET, Invites special attention to his new, large and elegant stock of \Vatches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, and Fancy Goods. All the newest designs in Jewelry, coin- prising : leonine, Opera Neck and Vest Chains, Seal Rings, Diamond Rings, always on hand and made to order, Sleeve Rut tons and Studs, Bracelets, Brooches and Ear¬ rings, Armlets and Necklaces, in Gold and Coral, Brooches for Hair or Minia¬ tures, Lockets, Chains and Masonic Pins, Glove Bands, at JAMES ALLAN'S, No. !'»<>7 King Street, A few doors above Wcntworth St. may S-U mos. JAMES A£.X*AN, OKA I.Kit IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STER¬ LING SILVER, Spectacles, Eve-Glasses and Fan< y Goods No. :'>''7 K ing street, ( 'im U ilifiif 'S ' . I 'Jll ! DRUG STORK ! i Tor the liberal patronage which I have thus far received from the citizena of Orangebnrg ami the confidence shown in mo by very num¬ erous friends, I take the opportunity of express¬ ing my sincere gratitude in the "Orongshurg Times." The encouragement of past patron¬ age :>"d kindness, induces a strong faith in future stieres«, and, while thanking my friends for past favors, 1 can assure them that nothing will be left undone to deserve their continuing patronage. My store is cssnnlially a Drug Store; where will he kept such Drugs and Medi¬ cines alone, as I will warrant genuine and Pure. I have arranged to supply my customers with Medicines! of the very bent quality afforded in the market. I avoid all cheap useless articles, and yet my prices shall bo as reasonable for valuable, good, fresh Medicines as anybody's. I invite the Physicians of the District to call and examine for themselves. They are judges to whose opinion f''submit. Send your orders and they will be tilled to your satisfaction. Just received a stock of pure, medicines consisting of Laudanum, Paregoric, Cuitor Oil Sweet Oil, Epsom Salts, Cream Tartar, Carb. Soda, iSe., Dye Stulls, Paints and Brushes, Con¬ centrated Lye, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Just call tit the .Southern Drug Store on Run* sell Street, and you will be surctoget what you want. A. C /)UKK& WARM WEATHER HAS COME, And so has one of the iincst, choicest and most complete Stocks of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ac, AltaiVKI) AT F II W Rri#gmaTm*s Store, IN RUSSELLS STREET, That can be found in Orangebnrg. An inspec¬ tion will satisfy all. No trouble to show Goods. In addition to the above I have on hand and for salo a number of the American Button-Hole Machines. Tills machine will do in the best possible manner every variety of family sewing that can be done on any machine, and in ad¬ dition embroiders on the edges, ovcrscams, and makes beautiful button and oycfct holes in all fabrics. This is unquestionably far beyond the rapacity of any other machine. Instruction given, anil satisfaction guaranteed to all pur¬ chasing n machine. F. II. W. BRIGGMANN. may lo-tf Male Academy, ORdNGKHl'RG,C. II. S. c. TK/t.MS I'KIS MONTH : Kngli.di $|.no Classical. 5.0Q J.IMEÖ S. HKV'.V.I [Hi, Teacher. DR. E. J. OLIVEROS, ORANGEBURG. S C DEALER IN VMS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, FANCY IIAIll AND TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES SiaCOTJLr>T]]3^-SIl^CES, GIMSS vlXD GARDEN SEEDS. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, AND DYE-STUFFS, Lettcr-Pnpcr, Pens, Ink, Envelops,Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps and Chimneys Physicians' Prescriptions vIccuratkly Compounded: mchl3 lyr The Citizens' Savings Bank OF SOUTH CAEOLINA ORANGEBURG BRANCH. Will pay 7 PER CENT. INTEREST on SPECIAL DEPOSITS and 0 PER CENT, on 8^1 Y INQS DEPOSITS, Compounded Semi-annually. Local U'in.aiico Committee; Hon. THOS. Wi GLOVER. Col. PAULS. FELDER. Capt. JOHN A. HAMILTON. JAS. H, POWLES, inch 19-1 y Assistant Cashier. THE UNIVERSAL LIFE INS ÜB AN CE CO M PANT, 69 X*ibertv Street, New ITork. Tho Original Stock L'ie Insurance Company of the United State? ö F F I C E R S : WIL1JAM WALKER, President. HENRY J. FITRRER, \Mce-President. JOHN II. BEWLEY, Secretary. tJEOEOE L. MONTAGUE, Actuary. D. W. LAMBERT, M I)., Medical Exani'r TuidiCompnny Offers the Following Important Advantages to thosa About JL Effecting lusuraucc on their Lives. 14. Insurance nt Stock Kates, being from w~\.o :jo fer ikmu -lx*m than th« Hates charged b_v Miinial Companies. 2d. Each Policy-holder is regarded as a .Stockholder to the extent of one Annual Premium on his Policy, and will share in the Profit« of the Company «o the sumo extent as a Stockholder owning an equal amount of the Capital Stock. 3d. Every Policy issued by the Company i< non-forfeitablc, and cuntaina a Clause stating iu exact Surrender Value. Before Ixsuwixo Yorn Like or Accepting the Agency or axy Cohpan t READ THE FOLLOWING- = A lengthened experiencehas demonstrated that the rates of Premium ordinarily charged Life IuHurouce Companies are front twenty-five to thirty per cent, in excess of what are necessary for a safe and legitimate conduct of the business, lit other words, carefully and prudently man¬ aged Companies charging "Mutual" rates have been able to return to their policy-holder's from 23 to 30 per cent, of the amount charged for premiums. When Life Insurance Com paries were first organized, the reliability of the data upon which the premiums were constructed had not undergone the test of experience. It wo*thought,there¬ fore, no more than common prudence to adopt a scale of premiums which would, in any event, meet all the presumed and unforseen contingencies of the business. As long :is the matter was involved in some doubt, it was better to fix the rate too high than to incur the risk of making it too low; because, in the former case, the error could be easily reme¬ died, at least in part, by returning to the policy-holders, at certain intervals, such portions of the premium charged as was found unnecessary for the purposes of the business and the complete security of the Company. Experience, however, having satisfactorily demonstrated that these rates arc excessive, what possible excuse can there be for maintaining til em '.' Availing themselves of this experience, the Directors and Managers of thu Unircrml Life /«- gurance Company at its organization, adopted a scab; of premiums in accordanu* therewith*, and which has proved to be fair and adequate, and all that was necessary to meet the requirements of the business. These premiums are about twenty-live per cent, lower than those charged by Mu¬ tual (Companies. It also appeared, inasmuch as the rates so established were as near as could possibly he deter¬ mined fair rate*, and not in excess of what Insurance has previously cost the policy-holders in Mutual Companies, that any profits arising from prudent management justly and properly be¬ longed to the stockholders of the Company, for the risk incurred by them in undertaking the business. Experience has shown that there arc sources of profit in the practice of the business which theory will not admit of being considered as elements in the calculation of the premiums. These result from n saving in the mortality of *.1hj members of a Company owing to the mcditral selec¬ tion of good lives, again in interest on the in vestments of tho Company over that assumed in the calculation of its premiums, the profits dctivable from the lapsing nnd surrender of Policies by the members, and from other minor sources. ' Profits from these sources, in a company possessed of a capital of $200,000, and doing a fair amount of business, would give to the stockholders dividends largely in excess of what were counted on by the Directors of the Universal u the time of its organization. They have, thare- forc, determined to divide among the policy-holders of the Company ;i large part of the profits accruing from the sources named, all of which have heretofore been divided among the stock¬ holders. The plan adapted tor such dividends is .v. follows: Every person who may hereafter issurt with the Universal will, for the purpose of division, be treated as a stockholder to the extent of one Annual Premium upon his Policy ; and will slime in the. profits of the Company to precisely tin same extent as a Stockholder owing on equal amount of the capital Muck. By this system of Insurance, original with the Universal, the policy-holder secures the follow¬ ing important advantages: FlHST. Insurance at the regular "Sto-k" rr.tcs, requiring a primary outlay of al>ont twenty to thirty per cent, less than that charged by Mutual Companies, and which is equivalent to a yearly ''dividend" paid in advance ofthat amount on mutual rates. This low cost of insurance is worthy of attention. Since its organization this company has received in premiums from its |M))icy-holders the sum of $1,517,000. To effect the same amount of insurance in a Mutual Com¬ pany would have cost them an initial outlay of $2,000,000. By allowing its policy-holders to re¬ tain" in their own possession this excess, of $483,000, the Universal bus virtually paid them a "dividend" of $483,000, and paid it, too, in advance, instead of at the end *#f one Or more years, is impossible to lind any example of a Mutual Company furnishing insurance at so low a cosl n turning to its policy-holders an equal amount upon similar receipts. Second. l*articipation mlhe legitimate profits of the Company, upon a plan which secures to tin policy-holders the same treatment which Directors and Stockholders auard to themselves. This svstom of participation, in connection with the low "slock" rates of premium, most necessarily secure to thejpolicydioldcra every advantage to be derived from prudent nnd careful management. The low rates of premium compel economy, and, independent of participation, guarantee to the policy-holder his insurance at a rate which is not in excess of the cost in well managed mutual companiesr while, by the proposed plan of participation in what may bo considered the legiti¬ mate profits of the business, the cost will ho still further diminished. Thus by tho combined advantages arising from low stock rate and participation in Ihc profits it is confidently believed that tho UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY uficrs in surance. at its lowest practicable cost. ßf3>"Thoso of the existing Policy-holders who desire tn participate in the Profits under I he im v Plan can do so by making application to the Head Office, or to any of the Agents of the ( oil-. pan v. The company is in a sound financial condition. Iiatio of Assets to Liabilities 1 10 lo TOO BOT GOOD RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, who will deal direct with the N< w York Office, and to whom full General Agents' Commissions will be paid. M. W. GARY, M. C. I'd TI.KK, State Superintendents of Agende*-, Columbia.S. C, September IUI., I.S7I 0.1)1)IP flnTIIUTP- onunu luiiniim. / Wm. r>dattlii3sseni FINE CLOTHING & TAILORING* HOUSE, No. 291 King St. Corner Wentworth, Charleston, S. C. Offers an elegant supply of Spring CLOTHING, for men youths nnd boys,, of New Styles, nt inoderute prices. Furnishing Goods in great variety. Agent for the Clbs. Star Shirts. Tailoring Department supplied with it full line of acsimblo nutl seasonable Cloths, Cassimercs mid Vesting*, which will bo made up to order in fine style. apr 10-3 mos. DANIEL. Il.lmxÖX FURNITURE WARIC-ROOMS, Nob. 17* and 179 King »treet.eor.ier of Clifford' Charleston, S. C, A full and largo assortment continually oxf- hand and at tha lowest prices. Call and ux ami lie. 2<1 -rim E. R. STOKES, Columbia, S. C. Main St., Opposite the Phoenix Office* Keeps constantly on hand a full lino of Staple and Fancy Stationary, and a large ÜMortmcut of WrittngDesks, Ladies' Work Hortes, .Minims. Autographs, Port Folios, Gold Pun ami Pencil Cases, Portmonies, &e., «c. Blank BooJcsofnNkbids.sueh as Sheriffs, Clerk's, Judgv of Probatcy County Cotnmisionrrs, &c, on hand und made to order.ruled to any Pattern, of the best Paper and materials', with or without printed Headings; also paged or indexed, As required. Special attention given to the Binding of Music, Periodicals. Law Rooks, and all the other work in his line. o0-20 COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C, This first-chuw and entirely new establish*' mcnt, located in the business midst of South Carolina's Capital, afibrds the very host nccom- niodationsto the travelling public and pcrma nent guests. Large Airy Rooms, elegantly fur¬ nished, Gas, Pells, and Water throughout. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paths, hot and cold, Telegraph Office in the Kotunda; spacious Billiard-lloom, furnished with Phelan & Col- lender's, best Tabics; and with all the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. The "COLUMBIA" Is in all respects, one. of the first houses South. The proprietor having had an experience of nearly a quarter of a century in the munngemcut of the Charleston Hotel, is miflicient guarantee that the'-COLUMBIA" will be found on rep-- resented. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor* J. D. Runnp, ) » . . . t -ei r>. r Assistants. Jas. F. Gadsdf, j Kingslancl cfc Ileatli, I l)E.VI.KIl IX HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AND New Crockery, Plntcd Ware, Table Cut lery, &c. &c. (Under Columbia Hotel,! Columbia, S. C. J. A. Heath. It. King-land, apr 27-uiuo NEW GOODS. SPRING 1872. At the popular Dry Goods House of W. D. LOVE cfc CO. Wc are now showing all the new styles in Dress Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings,, ('assimers and ClotliR, Hosiery and Gloves,. Prints, Cambrics, Carpets, Matting, Window Shades, tic Our business is conducted on the one price system. Wc keep only standard makes of Goods,ami sell them at uniformly Low Prices. Orders from the country will be filled with the utmost care. BfiTllargains this week. apr 27-fimo FUllNITr RK. IFa gn ii 13 ro tl tors. Main Street, between Lady and Washington, Columbia, S. C. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-Kooin, and alt kinds of Furniture, from the best manufacturers in New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia. apr 27-Cmo TAP D 11)11 PUICDV mim ('. D. r.I.CMF, Artist, has opened a Gallery whore he is prepared to take Photographs, Daguerreotypes, Ferrotype*, Ac, Ina few minutes at the lotvcst possible rnl.-s. Walk up to tho Gallery over Sir. K. 11 I" Hriggmann's Store, if you want to obtain a present that is always appreciated by I.ovr*, Sweethearts and others, viz: Yourself' Satisfaction guaranteed. may 1 tf* WILLIAMS, BURNtF,& (i . . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Co ttfeel and Ettka'figa l¥«r»', a*. V 11-30

VMS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,Is publishedevery \V EDNES "D AY, at OBANGEBUBU,C.IL,SOUTHCAROLINA by HEVWARD&BEARD. HUnSCRjiPTION bates: $2 a year, in ftdviuice.$1 for nix piontliB. JOB

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Page 1: VMS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,Is publishedevery \V EDNES "D AY, at OBANGEBUBU,C.IL,SOUTHCAROLINA by HEVWARD&BEARD. HUnSCRjiPTION bates: $2 a year, in ftdviuice.$1 for nix piontliB. JOB

Is published every

\V E D N E S "D A Y,at



HUnSCRjiPTION bates:

$2 a year, in ftdviuice.$1 for nix piontliB.JOB PRINTING in all its depaitmeuts,

neatly executed, Give un a call.

W. J. DeTreville,ATTORNEY A T L A W.

Office nt Court House Square,Örangcbürg, S. G.

mch 13-lyr


RUSSELL STREET,Orangeburg, S. C.

Jas. F, Iklar. S. Dibble.mch 6-lyr

BROWNING & BROWNINGAttorneys At Law,Obanqebukg, C. IL, S. C,

Malcolm I. Bnowxixo. A. P. Bnowxixoinch G-lyr"i-^RSNICR & DÄNTZLER,D 13 N T I S T 8 ,

Orangeburg, S. 0.Office over store of Win. Willcbk.

v. Kebsnkk. P. A. Dant/.i.e», I). IVT&inch 12-3moa

George S. Snirer,COMMISSI O N M E R CIIA N T

andWholesale Dealer in und Importer of

Fi sic wises, liqüohs, ales andhfa rr aiiOCFiuiis, «t-., de.

fvh 14~!hnos

Kirk Robinson,DBAI.KK IN"

R >oks, Music ami Stationery, and FancyA rticlcs,

.17' '/'///.; EXiilXE HOUSE,ORANGEBUllG, C. 11, S. 0.

m h ü-

1*o Builders.I atn irTvjNtiMuli.yrjruLdiKASiill-lS. HI.I.VIlS,I lour*, Mantels, and every style of inside work,

.it tin- shortest notice, ami of he*! material, mBaltitnot'o rates, adding freight, ( all in amikuu catalogue. Hoik warranted.

JOHN .1. H.-IMILT'iN,melillJ-lyr Orangchnrg, S. ('.

KPElC1A Ii NOTICE»Prime Rio Coffee cindSugars, »t prices to please.


All marketl nt selling prices.MAPES' riiosriiATE



JOHN A. HAMILTON,Market Street.

fell 21-lyrMERONEY'S HOTEL

OBANOKBtTlUr, S. ('.I am pV-a-t il to inform my numerous friends

throughout tlir State that J have purchasedthe''Trendwell Hotel," and am now nyuvena-ting and lixing il up in the must modernFt vie. The tahie.s are well furnished from theCharleston markets. 1 guarantee full satis-foction.

W. A. MEUONEY, rroprictor.apr 20



Board.$2 Per Da;1 D. B. CLAYTON, Proprietor.PAVILION HOTEL,


R. Hamilton, 0. T. All'ort & Co.,Sujierintcndent. I'roprictnnt,


lam pleased to inform tho citizens of Or¬angchnrg and vicinity that I have opened a

Barber Shop, over tho Store of Captain Hrigg-mntin, where I am ready to icrvo Ihem in myprofession, which consist* of Hair Cutting,Shaving, Shampooing, IInir-<lre«fling and Riichother work a.s belongs to the tontsnrud art. Isk trial. .JOHN KOBINSOX.may l-Ihno


Graduate, Baltimore College DentalSurgery.

Ofic, Market street, Orcr More of J. .!. HamiltonJtb 11


K BROTHER HO arc opening E

H thoir second supply, AN and are offering P

<fc Great Inducements in D15 . D ress Goods 11

R of the newest styles. YO Also Bargains in G

T Hosiery, Gloves, OH * Ladies' Underwear, O

E &c, &c, &c. T>R KOHN'S CHEAP STORE. S


BULL, SCOVILL & PIKEArc almost dnUy^receiving additions to thoir lnr^e Stock of



Now in store, purchased before the advance.

y Just received a full Stock of


HARDWARE, NAILS, &c, together withAGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, for farming purposes.GROCERIES in full Stock, consisting in part ofBACON AND DRY SALT MEAT.FLOUR of the well-known brands.SUGAR AND COFFEE which defy competition in price and quality


CWs Phosphate,Wando Fertilizer,

Pacific (ritano.Manipulated Guano,

Guanapo Guano, as well as

LIME, LAND PLASTER, Ac, constantly on hand.JC^yWo aTc also htjtirts tvr wxll-km.wn FlItK AN INSV-RANCK.


Andes, of Cincinnati, O.Equitable Life. Assurance Company, ofNew York

And hut, but not east, the celebratedSINGER'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, an exhibit is sufficient.

We have and do sell the goods.BULL. SCOVIL.L, & PIKE.f«l-11

win I) i nun

lam pleased to inform my numerous friendslliat I have returned to Orangchurg, ami haveestablished my

PICTURE GALLERYat Glen's old Ga/lcry; where 1 am prepared toexecute work in the latest and most improvedstyle.

1 have just received instruments with whichI can take as fiood ami perfect a picture ax canlie had anywhere in the State.A tria/isa/l I ask. Perfect satisfaction guaran¬teed.Cart ttnd take, a look at mv (ia'lerv.

S. M; PE ARSON*, Artist.mnv 1" tf"ÄbENYS WANTED"


or, A history of Sherman's march throughSouth Carolina, by II. C. Mack, Murfrces-boro'. Tonn.

9A volume of 700 pages, with maps and en¬

gravings.Agents wanted in every county in the State.

Very lil>eral <-oni missions allowed.Those who desire to secure agencies will he

furnished with combined Prospectus and Sub¬scription Hook, Circulars, «Sc, on receipt of onedollar. Address P. P. PKA HD,

General Agent for South Carolina.

JewelryT Watches and SilverwareJAMES ALLAN,No. 307 KING .STREET,

Invites special attention to his new,large and elegant stock of\Vatches,


Silverware, andFancy Goods.

All the newest designs in Jewelry, coin-

prising :

leonine, Opera Neck and Vest Chains,Seal Rings, Diamond Rings, always onhand and made to order, Sleeve Rut tonsand Studs, Bracelets, Brooches and Ear¬rings, Armlets and Necklaces, in Goldand Coral, Brooches for Hair or Minia¬tures, Lockets, Chains and MasonicPins, Glove Bands, at

JAMES ALLAN'S,No. !'»<>7 King Street,

A few doors above Wcntworth St.may S-U mos.



Spectacles, Eve-Glasses and Fan< y GoodsNo. :'>''7 K ing street,( 'im U ilifiif 'S ' .I 'Jll

! DRUG STORK !i Tor the liberal patronage which I have thusfar received from the citizena of Orangebnrgami the confidence shown in mo by very num¬erous friends, I take the opportunity of express¬ing my sincere gratitude in the "OrongshurgTimes." The encouragement of past patron¬age :>"d kindness, induces a strong faith infuture stieres«, and, while thanking my friendsfor past favors, 1 can assure them that nothingwill be left undone to deserve their continuingpatronage. My store is cssnnlially a DrugStore; where will he kept such Drugs and Medi¬cines alone, as I will warrant genuine and Pure.I have arranged to supply my customers withMedicines! of the very bent quality afforded inthe market. I avoid all cheap useless articles,and yet my prices shall bo as reasonable forvaluable, good, fresh Medicines as anybody's.

I invite the Physicians of the District to calland examine for themselves. They are judgesto whose opinion f''submit. Send your ordersand they will be tilled to your satisfaction.

Just received a stock of pure, medicinesconsisting of Laudanum, Paregoric, Cuitor OilSweet Oil, Epsom Salts, Cream Tartar, Carb.Soda, iSe., Dye Stulls, Paints and Brushes, Con¬centrated Lye, Patent Medicines of all kinds.

Just call tit the .Southern Drug Store on Run*sell Street, and you will be surctoget what youwant. A. C /)UKK&WARM WEATHER HAS COME,And so has one of the iincst, choicest and

most complete Stocks of


F II W Rri#gmaTm*s Store,IN RUSSELLSSTREET,That can be found in Orangebnrg. An inspec¬tion will satisfy all. No trouble to show Goods.In addition to the above I have on hand and forsalo a number of the American Button-HoleMachines. Tills machine will do in the bestpossible manner every variety of family sewingthat can be done on any machine, and in ad¬dition embroiders on the edges, ovcrscams, andmakes beautiful button and oycfct holes in allfabrics. This is unquestionably far beyond therapacity of any other machine. Instructiongiven, anil satisfaction guaranteed to all pur¬chasing n machine.

F. II. W. BRIGGMANN.may lo-tf

Male Academy,ORdNGKHl'RG,C. II. S. c.TK/t.MS I'KIS MONTH :

Kngli.di $|.noClassical. 5.0Q

J.IMEÖ S. HKV'.V.I [Hi, Teacher.






Lettcr-Pnpcr, Pens, Ink, Envelops,Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps and ChimneysPhysicians' Prescriptions vIccuratkly Compounded:mchl3 lyr

The Citizens' Savings BankOF SOUTH CAEOLINA


INQS DEPOSITS, Compounded Semi-annually.Local U'in.aiico Committee;


JAS. H, POWLES,inch 19-1 yAssistant Cashier.THE UNIVERSAL LIFE

INS ÜB AN CE CO M PANT,69 X*ibertv Street, New ITork.

Tho Original Stock L'ie Insurance Company of the United State?

ö F F I C E R S :

WIL1JAM WALKER, President.HENRY J. FITRRER, \Mce-President. JOHN II. BEWLEY, Secretary.tJEOEOE L. MONTAGUE, Actuary. D. W. LAMBERT, M I)., Medical Exani'rTuidiCompnny Offers the Following Important Advantages to thosa AboutJL Effecting lusuraucc on their Lives.

14. Insurance nt Stock Kates, being from w~\.o :jo fer ikmu -lx*m than th« Hates charged b_vMiinial Companies.2d. Each Policy-holder is regarded as a .Stockholder to the extent of one Annual Premiumon his Policy, and will share in the Profit« of the Company «o the sumo extent as a Stockholderowning an equal amount of the Capital Stock.3d. Every Policy issued by the Company i< non-forfeitablc, and cuntaina a Clause stating iuexact Surrender Value.

Before Ixsuwixo Yorn Like or Accepting the Agency or axy Cohpan t


A lengthened experiencehas demonstrated that the rates of Premium ordinarily charged h»Life IuHurouce Companies are front twenty-five to thirty per cent, in excess of what are necessaryfor a safe and legitimate conduct of the business, lit other words, carefully and prudently man¬aged Companies charging "Mutual" rates have been able to return to their policy-holder's from23 to 30 per cent, of the amount charged for premiums.When Life Insurance Comparies were first organized, the reliability of the data upon whichthe premiums were constructed had not undergone the test of experience. It wo*thought,there¬fore, no more than common prudence to adopt a scale of premiums which would, in any event,meet all the presumed and unforseen contingencies of the business.As long :is the matter was involved in some doubt, it was better to fix the rate too high than toincur the risk of making it too low; because, in the former case, the error could be easily reme¬died, at least in part, by returning to the policy-holders, at certain intervals, such portions of thepremium charged as was found unnecessary for the purposes of the business and the completesecurity of the Company.Experience, however, having satisfactorily demonstrated that these rates arc excessive, whatpossible excuse can there be for maintaining tilem '.'Availing themselves of this experience, the Directors and Managers of thu Unircrml Life /«-gurance Company at its organization, adopted a scab; of premiums in accordanu* therewith*, andwhich has proved to be fair and adequate, and all that was necessary to meet the requirements ofthe business. These premiums are about twenty-live per cent, lower than those charged by Mu¬tual (Companies.It also appeared, inasmuch as the rates so established were as near as could possibly he deter¬mined fair rate*, and not in excess of what Insurance has previously cost the policy-holders inMutual Companies, that any profits arising from prudent management justly and properly be¬longed to the stockholders of the Company, for the risk incurred by them in undertaking thebusiness.Experience has shown that there arc sources of profit in the practice of the business whichtheory will not admit of being considered as elements in the calculation of the premiums. Theseresult from n saving in the mortality of *.1hj members of a Company owing to the mcditral selec¬tion of good lives, again in interest on the investments of tho Company over that assumed inthe calculation of its premiums, the profits dctivable from the lapsing nnd surrender of Policiesby the members, and from other minor sources.'

Profits from these sources, in a company possessed of a capital of $200,000, and doing a fairamount of business, would give to the stockholders dividends largely in excess of what werecounted on by the Directors of the Universal u the time of its organization. They have, thare-forc, determined to divide among the policy-holders of the Company ;i large part of the profitsaccruing from the sources named, all of which have heretofore been divided among the stock¬holders.The plan adapted tor such dividends is .v. follows: Every person who may hereafter issurtwith the Universal will, for the purpose of division, be treated as a stockholder to the extent ofone Annual Premium upon his Policy ; and will slime in the. profits of the Company to precisely tinsame extent as a Stockholder owing on equal amount of the capital Muck.By this system of Insurance, original with the Universal, the policy-holder secures the follow¬ing important advantages:FlHST. Insurance at the regular "Sto-k" rr.tcs, requiring a primary outlay of al>ont twentyto thirty per cent, less than that charged by Mutual Companies, and which is equivalent to ayearly ''dividend" paid in advance ofthat amount on mutual rates. This low cost of insuranceis worthy of attention. Since its organization this company has received in premiums from its|M))icy-holders the sum of $1,517,000. To effect the same amount of insurance in a Mutual Com¬pany would have cost them an initial outlay of $2,000,000. By allowing its policy-holders to re¬tain" in their own possession this excess, of $483,000, the Universal bus virtually paid them a"dividend" of $483,000, and paid it, too, in advance, instead of at the end *#f one Or more years,is impossible to lind any example of a Mutual Company furnishing insurance at so low a cosln turning to its policy-holders an equal amount upon similar receipts.Second. l*articipation mlhe legitimate profits of the Company, upon a plan which secures to tinpolicy-holders the same treatment which Directors and Stockholders auard to themselves. This svstomof participation, in connection with the low "slock" rates of premium, most necessarily secure tothejpolicydioldcra every advantage to be derived from prudent nnd careful management.The low rates of premium compel economy, and, independent ofparticipation, guarantee to thepolicy-holder his insurance at a rate which is not in excess of the cost in well managed mutualcompaniesr while, by the proposed plan of participation in what may bo considered the legiti¬mate profits of the business, the cost will ho still further diminished.Thus by tho combined advantages arising from low stock rate and participation in Ihc profitsit is confidently believed that tho UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY uficrs insurance. at its lowest practicable cost.ßf3>"Thoso of the existing Policy-holders who desire tn participate in the Profits under Ihe im vPlan can do so by making application to the Head Office, or to any of the Agents of the ( oil-.panv.The company is in a sound financial condition.

Iiatio of Assets to Liabilities 1 10 lo TOOBOTGOOD RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, who will deal direct with the N< w YorkOffice, and to whom full General Agents' Commissions will be paid.M. W. GARY,M. C. I'd TI.KK,State Superintendents of Agende*-,Columbia.S. C, September IUI., I.S7I

0.1)1)IP flnTIIUTP-onunu luiiniim./ Wm. r>dattlii3sseniFINE CLOTHING & TAILORING*

HOUSE,No. 291 King St. Corner Wentworth,

Charleston, S. C.Offers an elegant supply of SpringCLOTHING, for men youths nnd boys,,of New Styles, nt inoderute prices.Furnishing Goods in great variety.Agent for the Clbs. Star Shirts.Tailoring Department supplied with itfull line of acsimblo nutl seasonableCloths, Cassimercs mid Vesting*, whichwill bo made up to order in fine style.apr 10-3mos.


Nob. 17* and 179 King »treet.eor.ier of Clifford'Charleston, S. C,

A full and largo assortment continually oxf-hand and at tha lowest prices. Call and uxamilie. 2<1 -rim

E. R. STOKES,Columbia, S. C.

Main St., Opposite the Phoenix Office*Keeps constantly on hand a full lino of Stapleand Fancy Stationary, and a large ÜMortmcutof WrittngDesks, Ladies' Work Hortes, .Minims.Autographs, Port Folios, Gold Pun ami PencilCases, Portmonies, &e., «c.Blank BooJcsofnNkbids.sueh

as Sheriffs, Clerk's, Judgv of ProbatcyCounty Cotnmisionrrs, &c, on hand undmade to order.ruled to any Pattern, ofthe best Paper and materials', with orwithout printed Headings; also pagedor indexed, As required.Special attention given to the Bindingof Music, Periodicals. Law Rooks, andall the other work in his line. o0-20


This first-chuw and entirely new establish*'mcnt, located in the business midst of SouthCarolina's Capital, afibrds the very host nccom-niodationsto the travelling public and pcrmanent guests. Large Airy Rooms, elegantly fur¬nished, Gas, Pells, and Water throughout.Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paths, hot and cold,Telegraph Office in the Kotunda; spaciousBilliard-lloom, furnished with Phelan & Col-lender's, best Tabics; and with all the modernimprovements of a first-class hotel. The

"COLUMBIA"Is in all respects, one. of the first houses South.The proprietor having had an experience of

nearly a quarter of a century in the munngemcutof the Charleston Hotel, is miflicient guaranteethat the'-COLUMBIA" will be found on rep--resented.WM. GORMAN,

Proprietor*J. D. Runnp, ) » . . .t -ei r>. r Assistants.Jas. F. Gadsdf, j

Kingslancl cfc Ileatli,I l)E.VI.KIl IX


New Crockery, Plntcd Ware, Table Cutlery, &c. &c.

(Under Columbia Hotel,!Columbia, S. C.

J. A. Heath. It. King-land,apr 27-uiuo


SPRING 1872.At the popular Dry Goods House of

W. D. LOVE cfc CO.Wc are now showing all the new styles inDress Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings,,('assimers and ClotliR, Hosiery and Gloves,.Prints, Cambrics, Carpets, Matting, WindowShades, ticOur business is conducted on the one pricesystem. Wc keep only standard makes ofGoods,ami sell them at uniformly Low Prices.Orders from the country will be filled withthe utmost care.BfiTllargains this week. apr 27-fimo

FUllNITr RK.IFagn ii 13rotl tors.

Main Street, between Lady and Washington,Columbia, S. C.

Parlor, Chamber, Dining-Kooin, and altkinds of Furniture, from the best manufacturersin New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia.apr 27-Cmo

TAP D 11)11 PUICDVmim('. D. r.I.CMF, Artist, has opened a Gallerywhore he is prepared to take

Photographs,Daguerreotypes,Ferrotype*, Ac,Ina few minutes at the lotvcst possible rnl.-s.

Walk up to tho Gallery over Sir. K. 11 I"Hriggmann's Store, if you want to obtain apresent that is always appreciated by I.ovr*,Sweethearts and others, viz: Yourself'

Satisfaction guaranteed. may 1 tf*


. COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Co ttfeel and Ettka'figa l¥«r»', a*. V11-30