e whole of space and every thin n it , including the planets an stars . Universe

voc 1

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Page 1: voc 1

The whole of space and every thing in it , including the planets and stars .


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SatelliteAn object that moves round a

bigger object in space

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spaceThe area beyond the earth round

the planets and stars

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knowledgeWhat you know and understand about sth

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Explore Travel round a place in order to

learn about it

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Scientist a person who studies the

physical world

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analysisA careful study of sth in order to explain.

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Move smoothly

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floatOn the surface of the water.

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Break open suddenly and violently

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oceanA very big sea e.g the atlantic


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tideThe regular change in the sea level

caused by the moon and sun

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drownDie in water because you cant


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Rain lightly with very small drops

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chillyA little too cold to be


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mildWarmer than usual for the

time of year

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diseaseIllness in people , animals ,or plants.

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PourRain heavily.

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Human Connected with people.

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gale Strong wind.

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BreezeA light wind.

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Bitterly cold Extremely cold.

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spread A ffect more and more people or things .

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rise Increase , go higher .

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violent very strong and usually causing damage .

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sudden Happening very quickly .

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damage Harm or injury caused when sth is broken.

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lava Hot liquid rock.

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supply An amount of sth that you need.

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Rescue sb Take sb from a dangerous place to safety .

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droughtA long period with no rain.

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maintainMake sth continue at a certain level.

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fearA feeling that sth bad might happen.

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earthquakeA sudden violent movement of the ground

causing damage.

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Tidal waveA very large ocean wave that is caused by

storm or earthquake , and which things when it reaches land.

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starveSuffer or die because you don’t have enough

food .

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CropsPlants that are grown for food .

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collapseIf a building collapse , if falls to the

ground .

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groundThe top part of the earth’s surface

that people walk on.