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  • 1. abandonar el aula: to give up studying2. abandonar los estudios: to give up your studies3. abordar los problemas de aprendizaje: to tackle learning

    issues/difficulties4. acabar los estudios: to stop a course of study5. afrontar la vida sin ilusin: to view life without hope6. alfabeto/analfabeto: literate/illiterate7. aprobado: a pass grade awarded8. aprobar: to pass exams9. concienciar a los padres: to make parents more aware of the

    issue10. conocer en profundidad los problemas: to know the issues

    well11. culpar a los profesores: to blame teachers12. dar clases de refuerzo: to give support lessons13. dejar de estudiar: to give up on your studies14. disminuir/seguir bajando: to fall/keep on falling15. echar la culpa al gobierno: to blame the government16. el abandono escolar prematuro: school dropout17. el acceso a bienes culturales: access to cultural resources18. el acoso escolar: school bullying19. el alfabetismo/el analfabetismo: literacy/illiteracy20. el Bachillerato: post-16 diploma/qualification21. el curso: year group/course22. el curso escolar: the school year23. el dficit educacional: low educational achievement24. el xito escolar: success at school25. el fracaso escolar: failure at school26. el nivel de estudios de los padres: the level reached in

    education by parents27. el nivel de rendimiento escolar: level of educational

    achievement28. el refuerzo escolar: school support29. el refuerzo escolar en el domicilio: "in home" school support30. el sistema educativo: the school/education system31. estar aburrido con los estudios: to be bored with your

    studies32. estar harto de estudiar: to be fed up with studying33. estar matriculado: to be on a course of study34. facilitar el acceso a los recursos: to give easier access to

    resources35. flexibilizar el sistema educativo: to make the education

    system more flexible36. fracasar en los estudios: to fail at school37. frenar el fracaso escolar: to slow down the rate of school


    38. influir en el xito o el fracaso: to have an influence onsuccess or failure

    39. introducir programas de atencin al nio: to bring inindividual pupil programmes

    40. invertir en los centros educativos: to invest in schools41. ir a peor/empeorar: to get worse42. ir mejorando/mejorar: to get better43. la composicin econmica del alumnado: the income

    distribution of the pupil cohort44. la desigualdad educativa: inequalities in the education

    system45. la educacin primaria: primary education46. la educacin privada: private education47. la educacin pblica: State education48. la educacin secundaria: secondary education49. la educacin universitaria: tertiary education50. la escasez de recursos: lack of resources51. la escolaridad: schooling/education52. la ESO: Spanish Secondary Education up to 16 yrs53. la esolarizacin temprana: early schooling54. la evasin de las responsabilidades: avoidance of your own

    responsibilities55. la falta de respeto al docente: lack of respect towards

    teachers56. la generacin ni-ni: young people who are neither in work or

    on a course of study57. la LOGSE/la Ley de Ordenacin General del Sistema

    Educativo: Education Reform in Spain58. la tasa de abandono escolar prematuro: school dropout

    rate59. la tasa de fracaso escolar: school failure rate60. la tasa de graduacin en ESO: the level of those successfully

    completing secondary education61. la tasa de repeticin: the level of those having to repeat a year62. las asignaturas: school subjects63. las etapas de la enseanza: the levels/stages of education64. las materias: school subjects65. lograr buenos/malos resultados: to get good/bad results66. los "ni-ni": young people who are neither in work or on a

    course of study67. los socavones del sistema educativo: factors undermining

    education68. luchar contra el abandono escolar: to fight against school

    failure69. mantenerse al alza/seguir subiendo: to rise/to keep on

    rising70. minusvalorar los estudios: to undervalue education

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  • 71. no estar cualificado: to be unqualified72. ofrecer clases de apoyo escolar: to offer school learning support73. ofrecer planes especficos para estudiantes con dificultades: to offer tailored programmes to pupils with learning

    difficulties/problems74. poner nfasis en la educacin: to put emphasis on education75. ponerse a trabajar: to go out to work76. reducir el abandono escolar: to reduce the school dropout rate77. repetir un curso: to have to repeat a year78. resolver/solucionar los problemas: to solve the problems79. sacar buenas/malas notas: to get bad grades80. suspender: to fail exams81. suspendido: a fail grade awarded82. tener padres sin ttulo: to have parents who did not gain a secondary education qualification83. un programa de atencin individual: individualized learning scheme84. valorar la educacin: to put value on education

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